Wednesday, April 08, 2020

More lies.

Image result for trump press cornoavirus press conference image

“The code of the con is to know just enough about everything so you can lie about anything." ~E. Tancarville~ 

I know I shouldn't be watching Donald trump's nightly liefest and propaganda filled news conferences to the nation, but it's like a car wreck on the highway, I find myself unable to turn away. Honestly, they don't need to bring SNL back, because the comic relief this guy gives us night after night is better than anything that they could ever write on one of those shows.

It's sad, too, because the purpose of these press conferences is to give the nation a daily update of what is going on with the deadly coronavirus. But sadly, night after night respected doctors and health professionals have to stand aside and listen to this egomaniacal buffoon tell one glaring lie after another. 

These press conferences have come to take the place of his rallies, because he no longer can meet with large groups of his cult followers to soak up the glow of adoration they pour on him.  And so, at least for now, these press conferences will have to do.

The poor journalists whose job it is to ask questions, are finding out they they are the villains in his sick game. If they dare to ask a legitimate question, he lashes out and calls them fake news. If they attempt to fact-check him, he openly and brazenly lies, because he realizes that he will not be fact-checked in real time. In that room, it's just their word against his, and unfortunately for them, the bully pulpit always wins.

Last night was no exception. trump told lie after lie about his response to the virus, and added yet another scapegoat for his missteps: The World Health Organization. He even threatened to pull funding from the organization. Imagine that, pulling funding from an organization that is responsible for monitoring the state of the world's health when there is a global pandemic raging. 

He kept touting a drug that has not been proven to cure the coronavirus, and like a true conman, he had an example of a woman who had miraculously been cured after taking his magic drug. The lady in question was African American, and he made sure to let us know that. ("She spoke so well. It was unbelievable!" You know, cause black folks are not expected to speak well. Shades of Joe Biden and his Obama articulate gaffe.) The drug in question is now in short supply for people who really need it, and this is a direct result of trump's actions. But hey, in the con game, only the present matters. 

We did learn one thing from this press conference and the medical experts last night, and that is that blacks are being more effected by this virus than all other segments of the population. They said that they are still trying to figure out why, but there is no need for that. I will tell them why: It's because blacks are the ones cleaning in environmental services and working on the front lines in hospitals, as well as other essential service industries. It's because black folks can't afford to take off from work and "social distance". They have to decide if they want to take a chance and die from hunger or the virus.  It's because blacks continue to lag behind the rest of the population when it comes to having proper healthcare and access to proper nutritional foods. It's because regardless of what you might hear, when it comes to healthcare- like so many other aspects of American life- there is no true equality in this country.

trump, of course, had a lie for that as well. "We are going to take care of the African Americans".  

Those words should terrify every African American in this country.

Image from


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    “I will tell them why: It's because blacks are the ones cleaning in environmental services and working on the front lines in hospitals, as well as other essential service industries. It's because black folks can't afford to take off from work and ‘social distance’. They have to decide if they want to take a chance and die from hunger or the virus. It's because blacks continue to lag behind the rest of the population when it comes to having proper healthcare and access to proper nutritional foods. It's because regardless of what you might hear, when it comes to healthcare- like so many other aspects of American life- there is no true equality in this country.”

    It’s also because, right off the top, black people disproportionately live in the big city.

    Major urban areas are some of the hardest hit places in the country when it comes to the epidemic. This is not a surprise to anyone. Urban areas get more international visitors (especially NYC, which has gotten hammered) who could have brought in the virus from China, other parts of Asia, or Europe, and urban areas are densely populated, which is ideal for rapid spread of an infectious disease. And lower-income people, which includes a lot of blacks, live in especially crowded conditions.

    As with every other infectious epidemic in the history of mankind, rich people have fled to their summer homes outside the cities to wait it out.

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Negroes in the ghetto areas also do not follow the rules of social distancing and live the thug lifestyle. Hence, they are paying the price, or do you libtards really believe the Covid-19 virus is racist??

  3. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:51 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Negroes in the ghetto areas also do not follow the rules of social distancing and live the thug lifestyle. Hence, they are paying the price

    And you know this because? Some evidence, please.

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    This is what passes for "social distancing" in Detroit:

    In Chicago, even the mayor is ignoring the guidelines:

    Blacks are about 1/3 of the Chicago population, but are 70% of the China virus fatalities:

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  5. Wingnuts gonna wingnut11:39 AM

    Here is a perfect example of Trump’s new press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany,
    lying her ass off.
    She’s not even bothering to try to make it a believable lie; she’s just counting on the fact that Republican voters are too dumb and Obama-hating to know the difference.

    It is not hard to figure out why Trump hired her. The Fox Newsification of the federal government continues.

  6. Wingnuts gonna wingnut, part deux11:48 AM

    Georgia Republican congressional candidate Paul Broun says he will give out a free AR-15 to one lucky person who signs up to his campaign mailing list, so they can use it to defend themselves from “looting hordes from Atlanta” or to fight the government.


  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Bernie has dropped out of the presidential primary race. Biden is now the de facto Dem nominee.

  8. Just wait until the white rural geniuses start getting it in droves. You know like blood of Jesus lady.

    Anyhoo, thousands of people are dying everyday and dear leader expresses no remorse or sympathy for the families that are losing mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. Instead this snake oil salesman and his traveling medicine show cry about being treated unfairly by the press and blame others for their faults. Just sad what this country has become. Biden can't get into office and fumigate soon enough.

  9. Last updated: April 08, 2020, 17:33 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  10. Negroes in the ghetto areas also do not follow the rules of social distancing and live the thug lifestyle. Hence, they are paying the price

    And you know this because? Some evidence, please.

    10:51 AM

    Fake Noize told him to say that. They tell him everything he says.

  11. "Fake Noize told him to say that. They tell him everything he says."

    Yup. Never set foot in a blah neighborhood but is a downright expert.

  12. Wisconsin wingnuts voided the election and accused Dems of massive voter fraud claiming none of the masked up voter's masked faces exactly matched their photo ids. drumpf is positively giddy and says he knew all along Dems were cheating.


    dr drumpf's patent stain remover has many nasty side effects including coronary heart attacks.

    Like I said, heart attacks don't cause corona virus.


    Broken respirators in National Stockpile because drumpf allowed maintenance contracts to lapse in 2018.

    1. Thank you, Mike: I posted Atlantic essay on the previous day's blog and believe timeline and facts render this piece a must read for the ages when looking back on this history, vowing never to repeat it.

  15. Moar lies from activist wingnut spotus....

    good reading.

  16. Anonymous3:21 PM

    And you know this because? Some evidence, please.

    10:51 AM

    All over the county reporting higher than average, much higher ,cases in the negroid areas because they do not follow the rules and regulations,they do as they please.FACT

  17. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bernie has dropped out of the presidential primary race. Biden is now the de facto Dem nominee.

    12:41 PM

    A deal was made!!

  18. Anonymous3:24 PM

    African Americans comprise more than 70% of COVID-19 deaths in Chicago, officials say

  19. Anonymous3:26 PM

    In Chicago, black residents make up more than half of coronavirus cases

  20. Anonymous3:29 PM

    In Chicago, 70% of COVID-19 Deaths Are Black

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:33 PM

    Here's another gem from Political Wire:

    ‘Because I’m Allowed To’

    April 8, 2020 at 12:44 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 130 Comments

    When asked how he reconciled his position that voting by mail is “horrible” and “corrupt” with the fact that he voted by mail in Florida, President Trump replied: “Because I’m allowed to.”
    This says it all - "It's OK for me but not for thee." That's Donald Trump because you know, he's special. Everything is "all about me" when your name is Donald Trump.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bernie has dropped out of the presidential primary race. Biden is now the de facto Dem nominee.

    12:41 PM

    A deal was made!!

    3:22 PM
    Making deals is what politicians do. How else could a large, diverse country be governed as a republic?

  23. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Pilot XXL says...

    "Just wait until the white rural geniuses start getting it in droves. You know like blood of Jesus lady."

    Nah, I think I'll pass. I'm not interested in wishing death on people. I'm different from you and the rest of the misanthropes on this blog. Good luck and pray to your gods of abortion on demand.

  24. Anonymous 4:19:

    The poet Piet Hein wrote:

    I see, and I hear, and I speak no evil
    I carry no malice within my breast
    Yet quite without wishing a man to the Devil
    One may be permitted to hope for the best.

  25. Anonymous4:41 PM

    “Nah, I think I'll pass. I'm not interested in wishing death on people.”

    If you voted for Trump, then you are interested in not only wishing death on people but making it happen.

    Death by the air and water pollution he has allowed.

    Death by the food stamps he has (tried to ) deny.

    Death by the asylum he has refused.

    Death by the police brutality he has promoted.

    And, overwhelmingly, death by his colossal failure to contain COVID-19.

    That is what happens when you cast a “spite vote” against the people you consider enemies.

  26. Here is some advice to the journalists who keep getting buggered by Fergus on the air by a professor with some ideas about how to fight back in real time:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Butt ugly, fuck face Linda Tripp. the conniving bitch that illegally wiretapped Monica Lewinski and then gave tapes to Kenny Boy Starr, is near death at 70, according to her daughter.

    Karma is a bitch.

  28. drumpf body count...

    Last updated: April 08, 2020, 20:46 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  29. That was kwik. Linda "pig" Tripp fell off the earth today. Bon voyage.

  30. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Death by the asylum he has refused.

    Deaths by the asylum Obama permitted:  3 Pilot store employees murdered by African with mudslime name, immigration status concealed by the lying lamestream media.

  31. "immigration status concealed by the lying lamestream media."

    So what is his immigration status?

  32. Picture this, the summer/fall 2016 rallies in which Candidate Trump bellows to "The African-Americans" what do you have to lose by picking Trump? Fast forward nearly 3.5 years, and the friggin' answer turns out being a death sentence to a disproportionate number of black communities with limited access to health care or even quality of life essentials. Our rural communities also are encountering similar outcomes to the point it totally sucks several red states governors declined Medicaid or to expand services. How this madness unfolded is beyond infuriating. So looking forward to light at the end of the tunnel on the form of a sensible, experienced and compassionate administration.

  33. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Its getting warm out there:

    The self cleaning oven is about to come on again.

  34. drumpf body count keeps rising like a bad moon....

    Last updated: April 08, 2020, 23:40 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  35. In reply to Anonymous3:21 PM
    And you know this because? Some evidence, please.

    10:51 AM

    All over the county reporting higher than average, much higher ,cases in the negroid areas because they do not follow the rules and regulations,they do as they please.FACT

    The so-called fact is merely the ramblings of a tone-deaf, cherry-picking supremacist wanna-be. So how about the predominantly white sunbathers frolicking on the Florida beaches as though the US were not in the midst of a national health emergency? Or the 70 Texas Univ students carousing off to Mexico only for 24 of them to test positive for COVID-19?

    Granted folks from all walks of life are not adhering to safety guidelines and regulations. Your tone-deafness quite frankly borders on obtuse because the conversation are black people and other people of color deemed essential workers who end up being exposed to coronavirus.

  36. This is perfect and shows how shallow drumpf is....

    Study doesn't meet their standards and it was a complete failure. drumpf could care less because all he heard was it might work.

  37. From the above link..... Publisher of hydroxychloroquine study touted by Trump says the research didn’t meet its standards

    There’s moar…. But now the medical society that published that French research has issued a statement saying the study “does not meet the Society’s expected standard.”
    Dr. Kevin Tracey, president and CEO of the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research in New York City, gave an even more pointed assessment of the French research.

    “The study was a complete failure,” he said.


    Major hydrochloroquine study dstopped due to maJor heart attack risk.

    You know one of them there side effects drumpf doesn't bother with when he pushes miracle cure.

  39. The GOP is a religious death cult:

    GOP Lawmakers Overturn Kansas Governor on Gatherings

    April 8, 2020 at 4:58 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 170 Comments

    “A Republican-controlled panel of Kansas legislative leaders on Wednesday voted to overturn the executive order issued by Gov. Laura Kelly (D) to limit attendance at church gatherings and funerals,” the Topeka Capital-Journal reports.

    “The Legislative Coordinating Council voted 5-2 along party lines to rescind the order as Republican leaders argued the order violated federal and state constitutional protections for freedom of religion.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. Anonymous8:19 PM

    “Major hydrochloroquine study dstopped due to maJor heart attack risk.”

    “What do you have to lose [by taking the drug]?” asks Trump.

    Answer: Your life.

  41. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Another reason why black people are dying at higher rates from COVID-19:

    Black people tend to live in places with poorer air quality and, consequently, have more asthma and other pre-existing lung problems. Which leaves you shit out of luck if you’re then exposed to a virus that attacks respiratory function.

    Air Pollution Disproportionately Affects Black Folks. A New Study Finds It Also Makes Coronavirus Much More Deadly

  42. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Field, every reason that cited for Black people "being more effected by this virus than all other segments of the population," is why you should support ADOS in their fight for reparations.

  43. "is why you should support ADOS in their fight for reparations."


    1. Nah, that's why you don't vote Republican because they like to roll back environmental regulations that keep us safe.

  44. "Black people tend to live in places with poorer air quality and, consequently, have more asthma and other pre-existing lung problems."

    Which I guess that answers the question trump posed, "what the hell do you have to lose?"

    I guess our lives. #dontvoterepublican

  45. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Rate of deaths, illness among black residents alarms cities

  46. Great, racist killer robots in the future.😖

  47. Uh, Ferg? Your former secretary of defense, you know, the real one?

    Bonus Quote of the Day

    April 8, 2020 at 3:29 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 56 Comments

    “If you haven’t read hundreds of books, you are functionally illiterate, and you will be incompetent, because your personal experiences alone aren’t broad enough to sustain you. Any commander who claims he is ‘too busy to read’ is going to fill body bags with his troops as he learns the hard way.”

    — Retired Gen. James Mattis, quoted in a Foreign Affairs review of his book, Call Sign Chaos, by Max Boot.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  48. So I was watching Jimmy Kimmel Live last night. He was on about how Trump is touting hydroxychloroquine therapy. He mentions that Trump has gone to a great deal of trouble to learn how to pronounce this word. HE then showed a montage of a dozen successive attempts to pronounce the drug name by Trump. Like you say. Right now, Trump is writing the jokes. Turns out that Trump has financial interests in a company that manufactures medical hydroxychlorquine. (How's that? I spelled it twice!) That's right. Your snake oil pitch man really is selling the drug. Serious conflict of interest here. Simply does not matter who dies or who spends their entire savings on the drug. Trump likes to receive money as much as he gets off on power.


  49. She was a birther but she's blonde so..............

  50. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Joke of the Day:

    Question: How do you know when the POTUS is lying?

    Answer: When his mouth is moving and words are coming out of it. (ha ha ha ha ha )

  51. Anonymous2:58 AM

    ("She spoke so well. It was unbelievable!" You know, cause black folks are not expected to speak well. Shades of Joe Biden and his Obama articulate gaffe.)"

    Sadly, even though they've been in America for 400 years most blacks still don't speak well.

    Is you going?
    Where my mom?
    Who dat?
    That's mines.
    Yes you is.
    "Axed" instead of asked.
    We walk to school yesterday ... (no knowledge of past tense verbs).

    I like(did) that....(no knowledge of how to pronounce past tenser verb endings).

  52. Bhavik Lathia
    Apr 7
    In 2016, about 190,000 votes were cast in Milwaukee County.

    Today, just shy of 19,000 votes.

    That’s a 90% reduction in the Blackest city in Wisconsin.

    This was not a legitimate election and should be thrown out.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. Sadly, even though they've been in America for 400 years most southern whites still don't speak well.

    1. And even sadder the racist trolls here can't differentiate between YOUR and YOU'RE. And now they want to give grammar lessons.😂

  54. "This was not a legitimate election and should be thrown out."

    Just a test run for November.

  55. Last updated: April 09, 2020, 12:23 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Flying Junior, We need to make a correction about drumpf and owning part of drumpf's patent cure all stain remover. drumpf's holdings are miniscule and in three family trusts over which he has no control, according to fact checkers.

  56. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joke of the Day:

    Question: How do you know when the POTUS is lying?

    Answer: When his mouth is moving and words are coming out of it. (ha ha ha ha ha )

    2:21 AM

    Obama reference.

  57. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The virus is going to claim many in the un-washed asses community due to behavioral choices......

  58. Fristing on the weekly drumpfuck rotten cake.... 6.6 moar unemployed this week. Neasrly 17 million in just three weeks time. drumpfuck has surely turned Obama's economy around.


    Hotels and businesses are asked to step up and offer empty rooms for c-virus volunteers. Most, except drumpf's, have complied. No money in free rooms to volunteers, you see.


    Fatwell jr appointed himself lord high

  61. Anonymous9:55 AM

    California negro woman accused of licking, ruining $1,800 in groceries

  62. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Where's Joe Biden? I do remember seeing him babbling from his basement recently, but that was a days ago. He needs to get out there and defend China and trash the USA. It's what democrats do.

    The Trumpslide cometh!

  63. Coronavirus in New York came mainly from Europe, studies show. from NYT

    Lets bomb China anyway.

  64. Anonymous10:28 AM

    "Coronavirus in New York came mainly from Europe, studies show. from NYT

    Lets bomb China anyway."

    Won't make a bit of difference to the croMAGAs. The virus originated in China, and they badly want to blame the United States' problems on China, so they'll keep right on hating the Chinese.

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:05 AM

    Anonymous said.....

    Sadly, even though they've been in America for 400 years most blacks still don't speak well.

    Sadly, even though they've been in America for 400 years most whites still don't speak well. For example, the current president is unable to speak clear English, often slurring his words, often speaks in word salad using inappropriate words, and can't seem to ever say anything that is true.

    Hey Anon, you walked right into this one. LOL

  66. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Sadly, Negroes are in America period.

  67. Where the hell are the stimulus checks???

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sadly, Negroes are in America period.

    12:21 PM
    Sadly, white supremacists are in America period.

  69. Anonymous1:33 PM

    “Where the hell are the stimulus checks???”

    Supposedly next week or the week following, if the government has your direct deposit info. If they have to mail you a physical check, it will take longer.

    And yes, in case you were wondering, the Republicans’ economic response to the crisis is as weak and inadequate as the public health response.

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:36 PM

    Lilacpr said...

    Where the hell are the stimulus checks???

    12:50 PM
    Unfortunately, the stimulus checked are mired in the mess Trump has made of our federal government. Failing to fill important government positions with competent people has created this disaster.

  71. It's on now!! The occupant of the White House done made the Desert Flower mad.

    Sorry for teasing, Lila. On another note, great saying "hello" and knowing you are well.

    I concur with Anon's 1:33pm comment that the stimulus checks for those with direct deposit are forthcoming the week of April 13.

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Where's Joe Biden? I do remember seeing him babbling from his basement recently, but that was a days ago. He needs to get out there and defend China and trash the USA. It's what democrats do.
    Joe's fine and he's leading Trump in the latest polls.

  73. "Sadly, Negroes are in America period."

    And we're not leaving! Ha! So howdy neighbor!

  74. drumpf body count deecided to skip the 15000 range and hyope no one notices....

    Last updated: April 09, 2020, 18:42 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    News from this morning is SS recipients who pay taxes will get their checks as soon as today and likely the week of the 13th. Those of who who get so little we don't pay income taxes get direst deposits the week of the 20th.

    I am sure this is all fluid, subject to the two year old's hissy fits.

  75. Anonymous said...

    “Where the hell are the stimulus checks???”

    Supposedly next week or the week following, if the government has your direct deposit info. If they have to mail you a physical check, it will take longer.

    1:33 PM

    Thanks! I hope so! I'm waiting!

  76. Faith_and_Fairness said...

    It's on now!! The occupant of the White House done made the Desert Flower mad.

    Sorry for teasing, Lila. On another note, great saying "hello" and knowing you are well.

    I concur with Anon's 1:33pm comment that the stimulus checks for those with direct deposit are forthcoming the week of April 13.

    1:37 PM

    Yup and yup! He will hear it if it's a lie, and how!!!

    Thank you Faith! I'm praying for us all to stay well! I've
    heard a few doctors say that it seems to be on the descent finally. I believe it.

  77. Hey Desert! Hey Faith!👋🏾

  78. From an email I got from Affordable Housing Online:

    Economic Impact Payments are expected to begin by April 17, 2020 and paper checks will start to be mailed out on April 24, 2020, according to multiple sources.

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on April 2 that qualified taxpayers who have their direct deposit information on file will get their payment "within two weeks." An article by NBC News also said that it obtained a memo stating the start of payments was “likely” to be the week of April 13. These both suggest the same timeframe.

    If you have not given the IRS your direct deposit information, The Washington Post reported on April 2 that paper checks won't be mailed until April 24. It could take almost five months to issue all paper checks.

    Taxpayers with the lowest income will receive checks first. These are the dates the IRS plans to mail checks for those who earn under the amount of each income tier:

    April 24: $10,000
    May 1: $20,000
    May 8: $30,000
    May 15: $40,000
    May 22: $50,000
    May 29: $60,000
    June 5: $70,000
    June 12: $80,000
    June 19: $90,000
    June 26: $100,000
    July 10: $120,000
    July 17: $130,000
    July 24: $140,000
    July 31: $150,000
    August 7: $160,000
    August 14: $170,000
    August 21: $180,000
    August 28: $190,000
    September 4: $198,000

    If you’re not set to receive your payment when it starts being sent out to taxpayers, don’t worry. The IRS assures on its website that payments will be available throughout the rest of 2020.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  79. Thanks Mike. I don't wish to spread falsehoods.

  80. Another 6.6 million claims for unemployment insurance this week, bringing the recent total to almost 17 million.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  81. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Isn't it funny that when you build a machine to recognize patterns and turn it loose on datasets including humans of different races, it recognizes the same patterns that humans have noticed among themselves for centuries?

    I mean, come on.  Isn't the whole point of diversity that we're all the same and all HAVE to be the same, especially in how we think, feel and talk about diversity?  Oh, and hate white people.  We ALL have to hate white people too.

  82. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "Turns out that Trump has financial interests in a company that manufactures medical hydroxychlorquine."

    Faucci is a swamp creature with financial interests in Bill Gates' vaccine company.  It's a lot easier to make bank with a one-of-a-kind drug selling for $100 a dose than with a generic that wholesales for pennies.

  83. "Isn't it funny that when you build a machine to recognize patterns and turn it loose on datasets including humans of different races, it recognizes the same patterns that humans have noticed among themselves for centuries?"

    Exactly the point of the article, machines do what we program them to do. Did you read it?

  84. "Faucci is a swamp creature with financial interests in Bill Gates' vaccine company."

    But yet he's still on the covid virus team. You would think that if that was true trump would fire him so he could continue to drain the swamp. Oh that's right, trump only hires swamp creatures. Ha!

  85. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Coronavirus in New York came mainly from Europe, studies show.

    The virus came to Italy because of the huge number of Chinese working in Lombardy and flying back and forth to Wuhan.  This is on China and the globalists.

  86. Anonymous6:40 PM

    machines do what we program them to do.

    How do you program a machine to be racist, when it's only acting on the data YOU gave it?

    It's almost like race is a biological reality or something.  Nah, can't be!  That offends $CURRENT_YEAR sensibilities.

  87. "How do you program a machine to be racist"

    Did you read the article? Question too tough? Do I need to dumb it down?(rhetorical question)

  88. Last updated: April 09, 2020, 23:23 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  89. Anonymous7:39 PM

    That article on "machine racism" is funny.  It cites examples of soap dispensers and self-driving cars that weren't tested with black people—and then goes off on the "racist" results of machine-learning systems which ARE tested with black people.  Trained on them, to be precise.  Then people are shocked, SHOCKED that it... learns that race leads to different outcomes!

    You could probably make the machine "non-racist" by programming it with some explicitly racial biases in its rating scales to give "equal outcomes".  Equality is the new god we all have to worship.  Any inequality is "racist".

    There are two ways to be "racist".  The first is to have no experience with blacks and shun them as strange and threatening.  The second is to have experience.  African saying:  "What's the difference between a tourist and a racist?  About two weeks."

  90. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Always have to be seen and be heard:

  91. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Looting in South Africa

  92. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:42 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "I mean, come on. Isn't the whole point of diversity that we're all the same....."
    6:21 PM
    No, the whole point of diversity is not that we're all the same. The point of diversity is that people from all "groups" have something to contribute to human community and that each person is an individual. Some people are violent, and some people are dishonest, but many people in every group are good, law-abiding citizens. This can be determined only by their individual behavior not by their group membership.

    Is this concept too difficult for you to grasp?

  93. No-one could have seen this coming... oh, wait:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  94. Fake News Update8:58 PM

    Farting Janitor said...
    "Turns out that Trump has financial interests in a company that manufactures medical hydroxychlorquine."

    That company would be Sanofi.

    According to Trump’s financial disclosure, he owns between $1,000 - $15,000 of the Dodge & Cox mutual fund.

    Dox & Cox’s mutual fund has 2.9% of its money in Sanofi.

    Trump owns 2.9% of something between $1,000 - $15,000.

    Trump owns $29 to $435 of stock in Sanofi.

  95. "There are two ways to be "racist". The first is to have no experience with blacks and shun them as strange and threatening. The second is to have experience."

    Or third, just be a racist. Thanks for your input anon. Carry on with your racist anonymousness.

  96. "Is this concept too difficult for you to grasp?"

    Of course it is. We're talking about a person too dishonest or not bright enough to create a screen name. When you see anon 9 times out of ten it's a young not so bright person who gets their jollies posting goofy racist BS.


  98. Fergus keeps seeing the numbers go up whenever testing is done, so hey! let's cut the funding for testing tomorrow.

    "Uh, Mr. President, you'll lose the election if you do that."

    "Fuck. Really? Do I have to?"

    "Yes, Mr. President. Cut the funding, lose the election."

    "Shit. Let 'em do it, then, I guess."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  99. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial10:59 PM

    The orange tan orangutan is going to claim victory when the total deaths attributed to this pandemic totals less than 250,000. His base is easily the most confused group of social misfits since the Jefferson Davis confederates.

    The one thing we can all agree on is that he has single handedly disproved the IQ argument.

  100. So today there are fewer total ICU patients statewide in California than there were yesterday.
    Whether that signifies a trend or not we can't say just yet, but it does comport with the timing of our early shelter in place orders, so maybe?

    Meanwhile, the case numbers in the more rural areas of the country (and even in California) are doubling every four days.

    This can be worse than it has to be, or not, it's up to us.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  101. "Meanwhile, the case numbers in the more rural areas of the country (and even in California) are doubling every four days."

    Not to trivialize life and health but how do you see that affecting trump politically?

  102. I really don't know. I would hope that when friends and family sicken and die and the economy crashes harder than the thirties, some of his supporters would reexamine their positions, but they've been proving me wrong on exactly those issues over and over for a long time.

    As long as he can come up with a lie that fits their prejudices, they still have a powerful incentive to avoid looking like the marks and suckers he has played them for, and that goes back farther than his presidency to the bait-and-switch the Republicans have been selling their base since Nixon.

    So perhaps it will depend on what kind of night we have on the third of November more than anything else, and whether we get to hold a fair election that day or not.

    Seems like we have a lot of work to do between now and then.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  103. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Bazooka Joe Dementia and the Dimwit Land Whale out of Georgia will save all you Negros, Mudsharks, and assorted Commie misfits. Everything be raciss yo, even dat Vy Ross be messin wit da ancestors of da Pyramid Builders yo. Too bad you idiots aren't mitigated and socially distanced back to Africa.

  104. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Some people are violent, and some people are dishonest

    So why do we need "disparate impact" law to include people who have less (even less than nothing) to contribute, and prevent the dishonest and violent from being punished for their deeds if they're "minorities"?

  105. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Democratic Rule=Epic Fail

    1. "Democratic Rule=Epic Fail"

      Um,the last I checked Repubs were in charge of the senate and WH. No evonomy crashing and killer viruses shutting down the entire country during Democratic administrations.

  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:38 PM

    PilotX said...

    "Um,the last I checked Repubs were in charge of the senate and WH. No evonomy crashing and killer viruses shutting down the entire country during Democratic administrations."

    1:31 PM
    It's quite obvious that Republicans can't govern. Either they are to stupid or they have sold their souls to the dark side. They care only for themselves and not for the American people.

  107. "It's quite obvious that Republicans can't govern."

    And the sad part about it is they do it purposely to prove government can't work. It's the dumbest things in the world, government doesn't work so elect me to prove it. Then again I paraphrase but as Nixon said stupid people need representation too.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. 155 years ago yesterday the confederacy surrendered at Appomattox. The only confederate flag that ever mattered was a white rag on a stick.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  110. Anonymous9:34 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  111. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    9:34 AM
    BIDEN 2020!!

    Time to get rid of Trump, the cancer on the body politic.
