Friday, April 10, 2020

These are challenging times, and there is no leader to be found.

This is day... I'm not sure, I lost count....let's say day 14 of my "shelter in place". Social distancing is clearly working here in America, because according to some of the experts thousands more people would die if we weren't taking these mandates seriously.

I say good for you America. I knew we could do it. We will learn to adjust to whatever circumstances we are forced to live in. It's not easy, but, at least for now, we are coping. 

Now of course,  as is always the case in these divided states of America, it's not all good. We knew that their would be some challenges.

"Kip Diggs glanced at his reflection in the rearview mirror before heading into the grocery store: a baby-blue bandanna — matching his University of North Carolina baseball cap — masked his nose, mouth and salt-and-pepper beard.

The 53-year-old Nashville marketing consultant had chosen his face covering carefully for his trip to Kroger on Sunday, his first outing since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidelines advising Americans to cover their faces to slow the spread of covid-19.

“As an African American man, I have to be cognizant of the things I do and where I go, so appearances matter,” Diggs said. “I have pink, lime green, Carolina blue so I don’t look menacing. I want to take a lot of that stigma and risk out as best I can.”

A recent report of a police officer following young black men who wore masks while shopping has amplified fears among people of color of being profiled as criminals or gang members. Civil rights leaders, politicians and community activists worry that concerns of racial bias will discourage black people from wearing masks to protect themselves and others, further increasing their exposure to a virus that is disproportionately infecting and killing African Americans

“This is a powder keg waiting to take shape. And that is the last thing we need dealing with this pandemic,” said Hardie Davis Jr., mayor of Augusta, Ga., and president of the African American Mayors Association, citing high rates of infection among black residents in cities including Chicago nd Detroit, as well as parts of rural Georgia such as Albany. His association plans to release recommendations this week on how best to communicate CDC guidelines to the black community.

In Wood River, Ill., two black men wearing surgical masks recorded themselves being followed by a police officer as they left a Walmart last month.

“He just followed us from outside, told us that we cannot wear masks,” one of the men said in the video, posted on YouTube on March 18, which shows the officer walking behind the pair with a hand resting on his gun. “The coronavirus is real. This police officer just put us out for wearing masks and trying to be safe.”

The Washington Post could not reach the men for comment, but they described the encounter to the local newspaper as “terrifying” and said they felt the officer was stalking them as if they were “prey.”
Wood River Police Chief Brad Wells told The Post the incident is being investigated internally, with the assistance of the local NAACP branch, after the video drew more than 175,000 views.

Wells said the officer approached the men outside the Walmart on March 15 because he “believed the two individuals to be acting suspiciously.” The officer asked for their identification and erroneously told them that city ordinance prohibited the wearing of masks, Wells said.

“This statement was incorrect and should not have been made,” Wells said in a written statement. “The city does not have such an ordinance prohibiting the wearing of a mask. In fact, I support the wearing of a nonsurgical mask or face covering when in public during the COVID-19 pandemic period.”[Source] 

Image result for corona virus mask black men image

It's a damn shame! Black men shouldn't have to be making these types of decisions. Whether to risk our lives to go out and get food, or to stay at home and starve to death. Clearly we need the masks to cut down on the chances of contracting the virus, but then, if we wear the masks......well, you just read the article. 

And then there is the challenge of having this current president. This man, who is supposed to be leading this nation through a time of crisis, is actually more concerned with the ratings of his nightly briefings, than he is with the almost 17,000 dead Americans (at the time of this post) as a result of this horrible virus. That's three times as many American lives lost to this virus in a matter of weeks than the entire war in Iraq. Let that sink in for a minute. 

So as they dig mass graves in his hometown (see the first pic above), the president of the United States brags about his television ratings, being number one on facebook, and makes jokes about sex with models on live television when he should be comforting the nation. 

"The Wall Street Journal always “forgets” to mention that the ratings for the White House Press Briefings are “through the roof” (Monday Night Football, Bachelor Finale, according to @nytimes) & is only way for me to escape the Fake News & get my views across. WSJ is Fake News!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 9, 2020"

That is not leadership, it's lunacy.  

*Images from & the


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Chicago #1

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    There are leaders to be found. They are individual state governors, mostly Democrats and some Republicans, who don’t have their heads completely up their asses.

    But there isn’t much leadership at the federal level because of the useless lump who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Worse than useless, actually — he’s obstructed public health experts like Anthony Fauci from doing their jobs. Since so many of the resources to fight pandemics are located at the federal level, this has been very costly for our handling of this crisis. It has meant lots of American lives unnecessarily lost.

    To see how true this is, check out countries with effective virus responses like South Korea or New Zealand. Much, much lower death tolls were possible with aggressive government action. Our shambolic, disorganized response didn’t have to happen. But red state America insisted on having a hateful clown with no governmental experience running the country, so ...

  4. WSJ and Brit Hume blasted the orange shithook in the kremlin annex for focusing his dail6y briefings playing the victim. drumpf is calling WSJ Fake News, now.

    drumpf is not, has not, will not and can not be a leader. He is too fucking stoopid to know what a leader needs to be.

  5. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:23 PM

    From today's Political Wire

    "The latest scorcher of an attack ad by the Republican Lincoln Project concedes Donald Trump had other priorities before launching his lackluster battle against COVID-19. But he wasn’t distracted by impeachment, as he claims. Instead, he was too busy golfing and packing people into campaign rallies,” the HuffPost reports".

    We can't look to Donald Trump for leadership. He is too self-involved to be a leader. True, he has a following who have somehow become mesmerized by his carnival barker style, but he is unable to make rational decisions. This is because he looks at everything through the lens of "It's all about me".

  6. Anonymous1:37 PM

    As far as Wood River - Same Old Same Old. I think it's time to boycott walmart. Man shot with a BB gun he was trying to purchase. They just need to stand for THEIR customers in THEIR stores.

  7. drumpf body count really hiked up today.

    Last updated: April 10, 2020, 18:12 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    New York has moar cases of Covid than any country.

  8. A friend of mine who is a level headed smart guy is all in with trump. He even disputed the fact that the deficit grew under trump and other provable facts. This cult is amazing and I agree with the trump 2020 anon, this guy will probably win another term. I learned in college when my white male classmates would congregate to watch Rush Limbaugh that for some reason white conservatives like to be yelled at by angry fat white dudes. Really strange that they prefer an angry orange man with a 4th grade vocabulary over a smart well spoken technocrat. This has always been a dumb country.

  9. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Everyone is so scared of the "BIG BLACK MENACING BOOGEY MEN"
    Unless you want to take one to bed.

    Then you realize ..."THEY'RE THE BEST YOU EVER HAD!"

    Get over yourselves everybody...Give a Back man a break!

  10. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Preaching Racial "divisiveness" Trumps good judgment every time.


  11. Anonymous3:42 PM

    The H1N1 caused deaths of around 12,469 in the United States. According to the CDC, between 151,700 and 575,400 people succumbed to death during the first year of the virus circulation across the entire world. Patients aged 65 years and below made up more than 80% of all H1N1 virus-related deaths. Even with a population of 38% of the entire world's population, 51% of the deaths were reported from Africa and Southeast Asia.

  12. Even Fergus' remoras are now openly praying that he'll STFU at his daily televised virtual lie-fest campaign rallies.
    Miss Lindsey seems to think he might actually be damaging his reelection prospects.
    I think Miss Lindsey is just jealous that Fergus can get away with such mindlessly incompetent politicking.
    On the other hand, Fergus is definitely leading, just not to anywhere anyone would ever really want to have to be for very long.
    But if you're a Pig-Person, the whole world already looks like a sty, and the fact that sane vertebrates prefer non-sty accommodations is entirely irrelevant.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:44 PM

    From today's Political Wire

    Plan Emerges, But Not from the White House
    April 10, 2020 at 3:15 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 388 Comments

    “A national plan to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the United States and return Americans to jobs and classrooms is emerging — but not from the White House,” the Washington Post reports.

    “Instead, a collection of governors, former government officials, disease specialists and nonprofits are pursuing a strategy that relies on the three pillars of disease control: ramp up testing to identify people who are infected. Find everyone they interact with by deploying contact tracing on a scale America has never attempted before. And focus restrictions more narrowly on the infected and their contacts so the rest of society doesn’t have to stay in permanent lockdown.”

    “But there is no evidence yet the White House will pursue such a strategy.”

    I'm quite sure Trump will reject this plan because his gut tells him to. It's much too intelligent and practical for him to comprehend.

  14. Anonymous6:01 PM

    "I'm quite sure Trump will reject this plan because his gut tells him to. It's much too intelligent and practical for him to comprehend."

    Trump will simply be left out of the plan and ignored, because he's a waste of space. He's made it clear that he'd rather spend time blaming everybody else in the universe at his terrible lie-filled press conferences and on Twitter than to use the power of the federal government to save lives.

    It sucks that state and local politicians have to resort to this, and it makes everything harder than if someone was really leading at the national level, but that's where we are now.

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:02 PM

    The leader of the free world rambled about his “brilliant enemy” during a coronavirus briefing that lasted two hours and sixteen minutes.

    Allies of the White House had been quoted in the press urging President Donald Trump to keep his remarks short, but that advice has apparently been ignored.

    I didn't see this. As usual, as soon as Trump came on I turned off the TV. Why listen to him ramble at the fourth grade level while telling one lie after another?

  16. You know, from Jesus' point of view, good Friday probably sucked.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Last updated: April 10, 2020, 22:29 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    dumpf body count surpassed Clinton body count (39 imaginary deaths) on the second day or thereabouts.


  18. The pandemic is exposing the problems inherent in having a for-profit news industry. Even as millions of people desperate for information relevant to the saving of their and their families' lives flock to all manner of news outlets, those same news outlets are laying off staff because advertising revenue has all but dried up.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Fired aircrsft carrier captain may get his job back.

  20. From Aimee Mann's Twitter feed:

    · Apr 8
    uncertainty doesn't sell. nuance doesn't sell. long, complex lectures don't sell. a video clip of someone saying "it's complicated" will never perform the way one would of someone using confident, flippant, polarizing rhetoric, and that's a huge problem

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Got a real leader here.....

    Obama's family averaged 133 trips per year. drumpf's criminal enterprise is over 1600 trips per year,.

  22. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "There are leaders to be found. They are individual state governors, mostly Democrats"

    Like Governor Whitmer of Michigan, who banned hydroxychloriquine for treating coronavirus and now has banned people from growing their own food.

  23. Anonymous9:36 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I agree with the trump 2020 anon, this guy will probably win another term."

    Because almost everything the cult you belong to believes is made up of fake news facts and false quotes, and apparently there are still enough people in this country who base what they think on reality.

  24. Anonymous11:01 PM

    "Like Governor Whitmer of Michigan, who banned hydroxychloriquine for treating coronavirus and now has banned people from growing their own food."

    Once again, you lie. She hasn't BANNED anyone from growing their own food.

    But if you happened to lack supplies for this purpose and wanted to buy some right now, in person at a garden center, it's true that you couldn't, because those are non-essential businesses and are therefore closed. (However, if this is super important to you, presumably you could order the supplies online somewhere and have them delivered to your home.)

    Most people in garden centers are not growing their own food. They're buying plants to beautify their homes -- hardly an urgent matter worth risking your life and other people's over. And, in any case, if you do need food and can't get supplies ... I hear it is still grown by these people called "farmers" and available at these places called "grocery stores." So you can suck it up and do that for a couple months.

    Why is it that wingnuts seem unable to fucking understand that ALL public activities that are not absolutely essential need to stop so that large numbers of people don't get infected and die? This is not complicated. What a bunch of unbelievably entitled, infantile whiners!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. A 30 second video showing that social distancing works:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Peter Huestis
    Apr 9
    Ha ha, Chanel Rion is the new Jeff Gannon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. The good thing about being in a reliably blue state is that I can spend time, effort and money helping other states. Montana Governor Steve Bullock is in a dead heat in that state's senate race and in Kentucky Moscow Mitch's opponent is only a few point behind. Let's flip the senate!

  29. "Because almost everything the cult you belong to believes is made up of fake news facts and false quotes, and apparently there are still enough people in this country who base what they think on reality."

    Really? Most trump supporters I communicate with are virtually unaware of basic facts such as when the economy began its upward trajectory or that the federal deficit increased dramatically under trump. I like objective truth and data and most trump supporters don't because they are inoculated by conservative media alone which leaves them with significant gaps in their knowledge. But ok.

  30. You know, from Jesus' point of view, good Friday probably sucked.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    Yes, of course. No one wants to be tacked up to a tree. But you gotta hand it to the guy. He had a singularity of purpose. He kept on teaching right up until the very end. His encounter with the Roman soldiers in the Garden was a teaching moment to Peter about the way of the sword. His conversation with Pilate is loaded with good teaching. And the man kept right on fulfilling prophecy such as his promise that none of his disciples would be harmed when he told the Roman soldiers that he was the man they were seeking and to let the others go. He did some very important things just in the last few moments of his life.

  31. Anonymous4:58 AM

    The WuFlu suffers from "systematic racism". Who knew?

  32. Anonymous5:40 AM

    So I just went to Joe Biden's twitter feed to see what "leadership" looks like. He has an ad showing him holding hands with various people. Then further down it shows him lecturing a child on how to combat the WuFlu. These messages are confusing just like crazy Joe.
    You folks need a new Joe. He is going to get crushed. I know, I know...but the polls! I remember the "polls" from 2016. You folks will have to commit voter fraud like you've never committed voter fraud in the past to win in November.
    Good luck, I know you folks have it in you to steal an election.

  33. anymoose above, we know all about the wasicu wastey/Putin chicanery that accompanied the 2016 election. And yes, wasicu wasteys are trying to make it happen again and now have an activist, ideological SPOTUS to help them steal another election.l

  34. and now has banned people from growing their own food.

    9:32 PM

    blatant lie. People can and do start plants at home for gardens. I transplant volunteer tomatoes from my garden. Seeds could have been mail ordered months ago.

  35. Also, too and still yet.... Michiganders and Michigoosers have to stay at home until April 30th. Greenhouses will sell plants until nearly Summer as long as people keep buying them. They can plant a later garden when the chances of getting virus are diminished.

    I couldn't till garden and plant spuds until the first week of June last year. Nearly 2 months behind schedule and still had the biggest and best spuds I have ever grown. Same with peppers and tomatoes.

  36. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Welp, the 2020 Trump campaign bullshit is officially starting. (Not including his earlier attempts to extort Ukraine into smearing Biden, of course, for which Trump was impeached.)

    Just check out this pile of toxic, xenophobic, China-scapegoating garbage that Trump apparently believes will get him re-elected.

    This is exactly what I’d expect from him, and yet it still makes me ill watching it.

  37. drumpf body count jumped another thousand plus.

    Last updated: April 11, 2020, 15:56 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  38. We have a leader, actually two..... thanks to drumpf's piss poor leadership America is Numero Uno in Covid deaths in the world. What an honor and on Easter Eve as well. Must be a sign from above.


    Richest wingnut congress POS has been charged with insider corona virus trading by a wingnut AG in Montana, where men are men and sheep are extremely nervous.

  40. We've always been at war with whatever12:43 PM

    "toxic, xenophobic, China-scapegoating garbage"

    Democrats and Republicans encouraged companies to move production of key industries to China for over 25 years, costing millions of jobs and making us dependent on a racist, totalitarian regime.

    Trump tries to lessen dependence on China and renegotiate terrible trade deals, and of course you side with China, because Trump

    China experiences an epidemic and lies about how the virus is transmitted, causing a global pandemic, but if you even say the virus came from China, you're a racist, because Trump.

    Biden's son makes millions from sleazy deals in Ukraine, and Biden protects him by withholding aid, but when Trump asks about it you accuse him of Biden's crime, because Trump

    Biden's son makes millions from sleazy deals in China, where Biden is the point man for US policy, but it's toxic to talk about it, because Trump.

    Your entire worldview rests on a heap of bullshit piled onto your hatred of whatever Emmanuel Goldberg they tell you to hate. You're an absolute phony.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:08 PM

    China experiences an epidemic and lies about how the virus is transmitted, causing a global pandemic, but if you even say the virus came from China, you're a racist, because Trump.

    12:43 PM
    Deflect as you must in order to support Trump, but the glaring fact remains that beginning in November 2019, he was briefed repeatedly about the possible pandemic that could be coming. Trump did nothing. He was too busy attacking his personal enemies and playing golf to take any action what so ever to protect the American people.

    How many American deaths can we attribute to Trump as a result of his careless disregard for human life and his failure to do his job? 5000? 10,000? 20,000? Who knows what the final death toll will be?

  42. drumpf has screwed up every treaty he has attempted make better. Especially the one with Iran and nearly every other country in the world.

    drumpf got nothing out of Li'l Kim. Kim got everything he wanted.

    Mexico and Canada got better Nafta deals than the US. And China is making drumpf look like the most clewless negotiatpr ever.

  43. Cautionary note on Gianforte story, I have yet to be able to confirm the story. Even Billings, Montana news said nothing about it. Just a heads up.

  44. Anonymous2:09 PM

    "beginning in November 2019, he was briefed repeatedly about the possible pandemic that could be coming."

    That's not true. China didn't even know about it until December.

    Stop spreading lies.

  45. Anonymous2:11 PM

    "How many American deaths can we attribute to Trump as a result of his careless disregard for human life and his failure to do his job?"

    Reality: Zero.

    Fantasy: 6 million.

  46. drumpfuck body count looks to set another record today.....

    Last updated: April 11, 2020, 18:31 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    each and every one directly attributable to do nothing hoaxster drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  47. from Business Insider....

    US officials conducted training exercises last year simulating the exact scenario that's currently playing out, but their warnings went unheeded.
    (drumpfuck was warned last year)

    But the president was warned — urgently and repeatedly — of this scenario, and his claim that it "came out of nowhere" and could not have been predicted is patently false.
    US officials conducted training exercises last year simulating the exact scenario that's currently playing out, but their warnings went unheeded. Intelligence officials were also warning Trump about a pandemic as early as January, but they "couldn't get him to do anything about it."
    The Trump administration declined to use an Obama-era playbook instructing federal officials on how to prepare for a pandemic. And the president has spent the last two years slashing the government agencies responsible for handling such an outbreak.

  48. The Record2:48 PM

    The Chinese did not disclose, nor did the WHO who the Chinese are closely allied with disclose, the true nature of the "Whuhan virus". They arrested eight whistleblowers at the end of December for trying to let the world know.

    On January 14th, the WHO stated that the virus was not transmittable human to human.. at this same time, Trump was being impeached in an impeachment trial that the Democrats in the House and Senate BOTH knew would not result in the removal of Trump from office and yet, they continued to waste his time.

    January 22, Senator Cotton urged travel between China and the US be stopped. Trump shut down travel between the US and China and was blasted by the Democrats and their media for overreacting.

    CNN talking heads claimed Trump’s Chinese travel ban is oppositional to science. The founding dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine and frequent MSNBC guest, Peter Hotez, said: “Historically travel bans tend not to work very well, they tend to be counter productive.”

    On January 26th, Oxiris Barbot, New York City's health commissioner, said that riding public transit and going out into public — including attending the Chinese Lunar New Year parade in Chinatown, were not just responsible behaviors, but would additionally help defeat anti-Asian prejudices. “We are encouraging New Yorkers to go about their everyday lives and suggest practicing everyday precautions that we do through the flu season.”

    On January 29th, President Trump created a new task force to lead the government's response to the fast-spreading coronavirus.

    On February 2nd, Barbot continued to urge lack of caution: “The risk to New Yorkers for Coronavirus is low, and our preparedness as a city is very high. There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take the bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant, and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday." "I’m going to be there,” she added for extra reassurance.

    NY State Sen. John Liu on Feb. 2nd: “There's no need to panic and to avoid activities that we always do as New Yorkers. We are hardy people. As an Asian-American, I’ve been disturbed if not outright appalled by some of the comments or gestures that I have seen."

    On February 3rd, World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that widespread travel bans and restrictions weren’t needed to stop the outbreak and could "have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit."

    On February 7th, Barbot offered New Yorker’s the same bad advice, telling NY1: “The important thing for New Yorkers to know is that in the city currently their risk is low and our city preparedness is high. And so we know that this virus can be transmitted from one individual to another, but that it’s typically people who live together. That there’s no risk at this point in time — we’re always learning more — about having it be transmitted in casual contact, right?”

    Oxiris Barbot on March 2nd: "We know that there’s currently no indication that it’s easy to transmit by casual contact ... We want New Yorkers to go about their daily lives, ride the subway, take the bus, go see your neighbors."

    NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio on March 10th: “We want to encourage” NYers going out. "If you’re under 50 and you’re healthy, which is most NYers, there’s very little threat here. This disease, even if you were to get it, basically acts like a common cold or flu. And transmission is not that easy"

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "beginning in November 2019, he was briefed repeatedly about the possible pandemic that could be coming."

    That's not true. China didn't even know about it until December.

    Stop spreading lies.

    2:09 PM
    Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources"Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," a source says.
    ByJosh MargolinandJames Gordon MeekApril 8, 2020, 6:55 PM

    From that warning in November, the sources described repeated briefings through December for policy-makers and decision-makers across the federal government as well as the National Security Council at the White House. All of that culminated with a detailed explanation of the problem that appeared in the President’s Daily Brief of intelligence matters in early January, the sources said. For something to have appeared in the PDB, it would have had to go through weeks of vetting and analysis, according to people who have worked on presidential briefings in both Republican and Democratic administrations.

    I don't spread lies, but you do; I don't hide behind "Anonymous" but you do.

    Trump was told, but he didn't give a shit.

  50. Anonymous3:46 PM

    "Just check out this pile of toxic, xenophobic, China-scapegoating garbage that Trump apparently believes will get him re-elected."

    You mean, anon?  It tells the truth about the Biden crime family and how Creepy Uncle Joe and Hunter made bank by selling America out.

    "This is exactly what I’d expect from him, and yet it still makes me ill watching it."

    In other words, you hate the truth.  You ALL hate the truth.

  51. Flying Junior: Yes you're absolutely right. As a musician, I see Jesus a lot like I see the Grateful Dead, I have no problem with the band, even if a lot of their music isn't my cup of tea, but many of their fans are annoying as hell, and use their fandom as the excuse for some seriously destructive behavior.

    Garcia, though? You can't be a guitar player and deny his genius.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "Viral racism" apparently means blacks stealing corona virus samples and possibly infecting themselves.

    Is there ANYTHING so stupid that blacks aren't doing it, but others are?

  53. "Is there ANYTHING so stupid that blacks aren't doing it, but others are?"

    Are there any comments too stupid for an anonymous to post? I guess not.

  54. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I new study by the City of Chicago shows most of the Covid-19 cases are in the South and West side areas of the city. Gee why would that be???????

    Why isnt the virus spreading at the same rate in other parts of the city?????

  55. Anonymous4:23 PM

    each and every one directly attributable to do nothing hoaxster drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

    2:35 PM

    Actually to 8 years of Obama and the Democrats tampering and obstruction.

  56. Last updated: April 11, 2020, 20:50 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  57. Anonymous4:55 PM

    "I don't spread lies, but you do; I don't hide behind "Anonymous" but you do."

    You are spreading lies. The story that US intel knew anything about the virus in November and briefed the President has been debunked.

    How could they have warned Trump in November, when the virus wasn't even detected until December?

    In mid-January, the WHO was still saying there was no human-to-human transmission.

    Stop defending lies.

  58. anymoose @ 34:36 PM ejaculates total debunked drumpf bullshit again.

    All of drum0pf's accusations are totally made up, just as were the Ukraine accusations. And anymoose is a fuckhead for believing anything drumpf has ever said.

  59. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Here in Michigan our governor Whitmer says buying vegetable seeds will spread the virus but buying state Lotto tickets and marijuana won’t.

  60. How could they have warned Trump in November, when the virus wasn't even detected until December?

    China admitted the first covid case occurred in November.

  61. And the beat goes on.

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:55 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "I don't spread lies, but you do; I don't hide behind "Anonymous" but you do."

    You are spreading lies. The story that US intel knew anything about the virus in November and briefed the President has been debunked.

    How could they have warned Trump in November, when the virus wasn't even detected until December?
    Debunked by whom? Put up your source or shut up.

  63. final drumpf body count for today....

    Last updated: April 11, 2020, 23:51 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:
    \my my my

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:04 PM

    To Anonymous at 4:55 PM"
    As far back as late November, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting.

    Concerns about what is now known to be the novel coronavirus pandemic were detailed in a November intelligence report by the military's National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), according to two officials familiar with the document’s contents.

    The report was the result of analysis of wire and computer intercepts, coupled with satellite images. It raised alarms because an out-of-control disease would pose a serious threat to U.S. forces in Asia -- forces that depend on the NCMI’s work. And it paints a picture of an American government that could have ramped up mitigation and containment efforts far earlier to prepare for a crisis poised to come home.

    "Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," one of the sources said of the NCMI’s report. "It was then briefed multiple times to" the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the White House. Wednesday night, the Pentagon issued a statement denying the "product/assessment" existed.

    MORE: CDC director downplays coronavirus models, says death toll will be 'much lower' than projected
    From that warning in November, the sources described repeated briefings through December for policy-makers and decision-makers across the federal government as well as the National Security Council at the White House. All of that culminated with a detailed explanation of the problem that appeared in the President’s Daily Brief of intelligence matters in early January, the sources said. For something to have appeared in the PDB, it would have had to go through weeks of vetting and analysis, according to people who have worked on presidential briefings in both Republican and Democratic administrations.

    "The timeline of the intel side of this may be further back than we’re discussing," the source said of preliminary reports from Wuhan. "But this was definitely being briefed beginning at the end of November as something the military needed to take a posture on."

  65. Anonymous8:35 PM

    "the Pentagon issued a statement denying the "product/assessment" existed"


    Just stop it.

  66. Kinda like Bush was warned about foreign students training to be pilots. Bin Laden determined to strike. "Ok, you covered your ass".
    We aren't safe when Republicans are in power.

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "the Pentagon issued a statement denying the "product/assessment" existed"


    Just stop it.

    8:35 PM
    Source veriying this claim?

  68. Anonymous9:19 PM

    The source you posted, get with it already.

  69. Anonymous9:19 PM

    9-11 was on Clinton.

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:21 PM

    From today's

    The Washington Post reported on Saturday that during a Situation Room meeting on the pandemic in March, Trump asked White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci, “Why don’t we let this wash over the country?”

    Two unnamed sources told the Post that Fauci was stunned by the question.

    “Mr. President, many people would die,” the doctor reportedly told Trump.

    Other unnamed officials said that Trump has “repeatedly” (in the Post’s words) asked the same question in the Oval Office.

  71. Anonymous10:19 PM

    BREAKING: President asks experts questions, follows their advice.

    Granny Applesauce is stunned.


  73. "9-11 was on Clinton"

    Really? He was president on 11Sept01? My encyclopedia says otherwise.

  74. "BREAKING: President asks experts questions, follows their advice."


  75. Anonymous11:24 PM

    "He was president on 11Sept01?"

    He was President for the eight years before the eight months Bush was president before 9-11.

    The plot had been developing for several years, and Clinton whiffed on a chance to take out Bin Laden.

    Why do you think they sent Sandy Berger in to steal and destroy documents from the National Archives before the 9-11 commission could see them?

  76. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Michigan really needs a new Governor.

  77. " the eight months Bush was president before 9-11."

    Oh that's right, a president isn't responsible for the defense of the country until after the 8 month mark. Duh, I forgot that part of the constitution.🤔

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:36 AM

    Anonymous said...

    9-11 was on Clinton.

    9:19 PM
    Oh sure, and Clinton was also responsible for the Pearl Harbor attack, the Second World War and SARS virus epidemic! LOL

  79. "BREAKING: President asks experts questions, follows their advice."

    Because the My Pillow guy and his son-in-law the failed real estate agent is exactly who I would want to get information about a killer virus.

  80. America needs a new President.

  81. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:46 AM

    Anonymous said....
    He was President for the eight years before the eight months Bush was president before 9-11.

    The plot had been developing for several years, and Clinton whiffed on a chance to take out Bin Laden.

    Why do you think they sent Sandy Berger in to steal and destroy documents from the National Archives before the 9-11 commission could see them?

    11:24 PM
    So Clinton is responsible for 9/11 because he didn't kill Bin Laden? But Trump is not responsible for his total failure to protect us from COV19 even though he has been in office for three years? And Trump takes credit for the economy that Obama built. You righties are totally crazy.

  82. Our new Surgeon Gen Adams has a very important message for black folks: he underscored how important it is for these communities to follow the administration's social distancing guidelines and to refrain from drug, tobacco and alcohol abuse.

    So, best to follow his advice. But I wonder why he singled out black people. Most black people who have died from this virus have not been big time drug users are drunkards.

  83. "You righties are totally crazy."


  84. Bill Clinton addressed this issue on Fox News to Chris Wallace:

    There's a better video out there with the end of the interview on it, but I couldn't find it right away and didn't feel like watching it over and over to see which one it was.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  85. Here's more of it, but the end is still missing:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Facts mean nothing to rightwingers.

  87. Anonymous3:49 AM

    “So, best to follow his advice. But I wonder why he singled out black people. Most black people who have died from this virus have not been big time drug users are drunkards.”

    He’s singled out black people because he was asked a question about what could be done to help the black community survive COVID-19. And if he responded truthfully, he would have to answer: “Not a damn thing. It’s too late and there is nothing that can be done now. All of the actions that might have helped, needed to be done months or years ago.”

    That’s an unpalatable answer, so instead, he put it back on the black community, telling them to lay off the cigarettes and booze. Racists probably high-fived when they heard this. Black people did not.

    Back during the last major global pandemic, the so-called Spanish flu of 1918, the government told people to gargle with salt water to stave off illness. It was a worthless treatment, but the government had nothing else to offer them.

    Telling black people today to knock off the smoking and drinking is the equivalent of telling them to gargle with salt water. With the addition of some insulting respectability politics thrown into the mix.

  88. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The shit skins keeping crying that they are not receiving medical aid and other freebies, but the truth of the matter is they refuse to obey the rules again and are paying the price.

    By not practicing social distancing and good hygiene the negroid population in ghetto areas are basically a self cleaning oven at this point.

    They cry racism over their own nigger lifestyle.

  89. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Facts mean nothing to rightwingers.

    2:48 AM

    You mean the left (socialists/communists).

  90. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Black Alabama Detective Charged With Murder in ‘Love Triangle’ Killing

  91. Anonymous9:40 AM

    BlackMan killed by off-duty Cleveland police officer identified

  92. If wingnuts hadn't spent five years investigating every inch of everyone of WJC's pants zippers, Bill might have had time to do something serious about Bush business partners- the bin Ladin family. That's right. Bush and bin Ladin and Saudi Royals crime syndicate.

  93. Moar right wing inflicted clusterfuckery in Wisconsin's election.....

    Thousands of ballots were never sent by the P.O. and thousands were still in precincts, not having been taken to the P.O.


    Just like th bogus potus, the bogus AG tosses out accusations without any proof to back them up. He is in that office only to protect drumpf's stinking orange ass and smear anyone who accses drumpf of criminal activities.

  95. Anonymous10:51 AM

    So based on Dr. Fauci and the Democrats, I will need an ID card to go shopping but not to vote?

  96. drumpf already says you need an id to shop. dems have never said you d9on't need ids to vote. What we oppose is surgically targeted ids not readily available or affordable for elderly and minorities. Stop lying abo0ut Dems don't want voter ids.

  97. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Dems don't want voter IDs is a fact.

    And the issue you point out in Wisconsin is why mail-in ballots are a bad idea.

  98. Derms don't want voter id is a blatant fucking lie. If wingnuts had allowed an extension of a week, or a cancellation of the vote, like civic minded human beings would have done, there would have been no call to complain.

  99. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Dems don't want voter IDs is a fact.

    And the issue you point out in Wisconsin is why mail-in ballots are a bad idea.

    11:40 AM
    Nonsense. In a well run state, such as California, the mail-in ballots have a number on them that matches your number on the state voter rolls. Ballots turned in are matched to each voter's number. Why are you wing nuts so uninformed about how good state government elections are run?
    Maybe because you are so uninformed about everything except the latest wild conspiracy theory? Maybe because you are fundamentally dishonest and you think everyone else is too?

  100. USA is still numero uno in body count and Covid 19 cases.....

    Last updated: April 12, 2020, 16:07 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf finally found something he is number one at, letting people die needlessly.

  101. Wisconsin wingnuts tried to disallow college students from using their college ids to vote and then they moved the primary from early fall, when students were back in school, to August when students were still scattered all over the country.

    Wingnuts cannot win without cheating which includes false claims of massive Dem voter fraud every fucking election.

  102. Anonymous12:31 PM

    College students in Wisconsin are infamous for voting multiple times.

    California is #1 in voter fraud. They let illegal aliens vote.

  103. College students in Wisconsin are infamous for voting multiple times. Lie. Let's see the proof.

    California is #1 in voter fraud. They let illegal aliens vote. Lie. They are allowed to vote in some school board races only.


    Phucking lie and only San Fran is allowing undocumenteds to vote in some school board elections.

    Can't win without cheating.

  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    College students in Wisconsin are infamous for voting multiple times.

    California is #1 in voter fraud. They let illegal aliens vote.

    12:31 PM
    Pure bull shit. If you had any evidence to support your lies, you would have posted it. How much of your do you spend just making things up like you dear leader, Trump does?

  107. Guy caught between a hard spot and a temper tantrum throwing spoiled 2 year old brat....

    Moar lives would have been saved if drumpf wasn't the stoopidest mother fucker ever to stain the kremlin annex in History.

  108. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Trump’s coronavirus bailout package in a nutshell:
    Rich people win, regular people get screwed as usual.

  109. Anonymous2:40 PM

  110. California doesn't actually let undocumented people vote. I did the DMV registration thing when I renewed my ID in 2015, and they just hand you a voter registration form with your paperwork to fill out, just like they would at the post office. One of the questions on the form was "are you a US citizen" right beneath "were you born in California."

    I had to re-register at my new address after I moved, and that can be done online, but only if you have state issued ID with a signature on it that they can have you authorize them to use on the change of address form.

    That signature they have on file is the same one they match the signature on your ballot envelope with before they will count your mail in ballot. Between that signature and your voter registration number, the process is secure against fraud, as a potential fraudster would have to fake both of them, they would have to match each other, and even if they did, they wouldn't count it if you had already voted.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  111. "College students in Wisconsin are infamous for voting multiple times."

    Really? You post as anonymous so we can dismiss this as a lie.

  112. Updated drumpf body count...

    Last updated: April 12, 2020, 21:22 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Mucho higher toll than Clinton's made up body count.

  113. Well we're finally all United aren't we? By a virus of all things! What a common denominator huh?

  114. Anonymous6:35 PM

    “Well we're finally all United aren't we? By a virus of all things! What a common denominator huh?”

    Sadly, we’re not, even now. Not at all.

    Some of us realize that Trump has failed spectacularly to contain this virus and provide economic aid and are demanding that much more be done on both the public health and economic fronts.

    While some of us are pretending Trump is doing a bang-up job, and whoever could object to tens of thousands of dead Americans? And besides, it’s all the fault of the Chinese anyway. Stop being so mean to poor Mr. Trump!

    And then there are even some doofuses who are STILL convinced the virus really isn’t all that dangerous — it’s just like the flu! — and hey, why don’t we stop all this expensive lockdown business and just go back to normal, immediately? It’s all a Democrat hoax!

    I don’t see much unity at all, beyond the common realization that living under “house arrest” sucks.

  115. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:40 PM

    From today's Daily Beast:

    "The latest lies from suspected Russian government trolls involve the creation of the coronavirus, according to an investigation by The Daily Beast. It’s just the latest in a long string of attempts to destabilize Russia’s traditional foes."

  116. "And besides, it’s all the fault of the Chinese anyway."

    Don't forget the W.H.O.

  117. And now ya gotta love the Bernie kids who are threatening to throw the election to trump. They are so "woke" that Biden isn't progressive enough for them and are using the old lesser of two evils trope. I guess if you're too dumb to understand the didference between Biden and trump then you were probably going to vote for trump anyway.😖

  118. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:59 PM

    Anonymous said....

    I don’t see much unity at all, beyond the common realization that living under “house arrest” sucks.

    6:35 PM
    I agree with you. House arrest sucks, but in my opinion it's better than dying or killing someone else by giving them the disease. Many of the complainers will change their minds when someone they love dies from COV19.

    As of today, more than twenty-thousand Americans have died from this virus. In the words of Bob Dylan "How many deaths will it take 'till he knows that too many people have died?"

  119. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:08 PM

    PilotX said....

    And now ya gotta love the Bernie kids who are threatening to throw the election to trump.
    I think this idea is being over hyped. Nearly all of the 18-30 year olds that I know are voting for Biden. They know that trump is poison. But I live in a blue state, so maybe I'm wrong.

  120. Today's final body count...

    Last updated: April 13, 2020, 00:09 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Nice work, drumpf.

  121. Anonymous8:21 PM

    “I think this idea is being over hyped.”

    It was a factor in the 2016 election.

    According to one analysis, 20% of Sanders’ primary voters refused to cast a vote for Clinton in the general election. Meaningful numbers even flipped to vote for Trump. (So, apparently, they’re in favor of radical economic redistribution, but if they can’t get that, they’ll take some racism against Mexicans and Muslims instead. Or else maybe they’re dumb enough to believe Trump’s lies about how he would be able to bring manufacturing jobs back from China.)

  122. Dayum Americans are so fuqin entitled!

  123. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Today's final body count...

    Last updated: April 13, 2020, 00:09 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Nice work, drumpf.

    8:17 PM

    You mean China and Obama

  124. Anonymous8:50 PM

    "living under “house arrest” sucks."

    It's improved my diet.  It got me to broil a steak from the freezer and stir-fry a squash medley for dinner.  I'm eating pretty darn well these days.

  125. Stephanie Kelton
    In a sane world, the government would deliver a small
    to every person in America. Each month: face masks, gloves, a pre-paid debit card, testing kits, information about how to vote by mail. All delivered by USPS.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  126. "And now ya gotta love the Bernie kids who are threatening to throw the election to trump."

    OK, two things: First, that was a Russian op in 2016 and it's a Russian op right now. Maybe there are some who are susceptible to it still, but I have to figure that number is way smaller in the middle of the Trumpocalypse than it was in 2016 when things were going along fairly smoothly and the consequences didn't seem so dire.
    And second, as the Rude Pundit said a couple of days ago, if you are thinking of voting for Fergus because Bernie lost, you never cared about any of the causes and issues Bernie based his whole "revolution" on and you're just a petulant fuck who probably deserves what your irresponsible action helps bring about, regardless of the fact that the rest of us don't.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  127. MSCIA9:50 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "The latest lies from suspected Russian government trolls involve the creation of the coronavirus, according to an investigation by The Daily Beast."

    And there you have it, the fearless press has gotten around to discrediting any questioning of the official media narrative of where the virus initiated from to...TADA!...The Russians.

    It's not just racist. It's not just xenophobic. It's propaganda from the all-powerful evil enemy.

    Our media, no matter how coordinated their messages might seem, is committed only to the higher truth and would never have an agenda.

    It never ceases to amaze how committed some people are to swallowing and defending lies they are fed, no matter how absurd.

    Imagine believing it's the fucking Russians controlling what Americans think.

    The Truth is Learned, Never Told.

  128. Some folks who knew what they were doing knew that this was gonna be a problem and tried to get the Fergus administration to do something about it before it blew up. The Ferglets wouldn't listen and here we are:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  129. "Imagine believing it's the fucking Russians controlling what Americans think."

    Judging by comments like yours it would seem the more difficult op would be to get them to think in the first place.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  130. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Just keep consuming your confirmation bias media, Dougie. You're not going to matter anyway.

  131. Well, for one thing, I've never owned a television... And matter to whom, exactly?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  132. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Hey Doug, you don't need to own a TV to contract the confirmation bias virus. Here's a clue, when you post links to far left websites you are confirming your bias. Don't be so obtuse.

  133. It never ceases to amaze how committed some people are to swallowing and defending lies they are fed, no matter how absurd.

    Ejaculateth the Fake Noize zombie. Fake Noize tells him what to say, when to say it, how often to say it.

  134. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:18 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Imagine believing it's the fucking Russians controlling what Americans think.

    The Truth is Learned, Never Told.

    9:50 PM
    Imagine FOX news and people such as you controlling what Americans think. Imagine a president so unconcerned with reelection that he fails to do his job and thousands of people die.

    If truth can't be told, the the bible and every other book that exists are worth nothing.

  135. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:32 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    “I think this idea is being over hyped.”

    It was a factor in the 2016 election.

    According to one analysis, 20% of Sanders’ primary voters refused to cast a vote for Clinton in the general election. Meaningful numbers even flipped to vote for Trump. (So, apparently, they’re in favor of radical economic redistribution, but if they can’t get that, they’ll take some racism against Mexicans and Muslims instead. Or else maybe they’re dumb enough to believe Trump’s lies about how he would be able to bring manufacturing jobs back from China.)

    8:21 PM
    Source for the analysis you posted?

  136. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:42 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Hey Doug, you don't need to own a TV to contract the confirmation bias virus. Here's a clue, when you post links to far left websites you are confirming your bias. Don't be so obtuse.

    4:32 AM
    If you are so smart and well informed, why don't you pick a screen name? Then come out and fight like an adult instead of hiding behind "Anonymous"?????????? Please give us your excuse. Maybe then we could believe you're not just a troll.

    BTW, what websites do you consider left-wing?


  138. "BTW, what websites do you consider left-wing?"

    Anything other than a right wing trash site.

  139. "I think this idea is being over hyped. Nearly all of the 18-30 year olds that I know are voting for Biden."

    There are a lot posts on Facebook really trashing Biden and almost all of them are from Bernie supporters. I hope you're right because this election is the most consequential while some of these kids are playing the lesser of two evils game.

  140. Let's start tearing em down. Looking at you Norfolk! I'll be bringing my sledgehammer😃

  141. I guess that whole states right thing is only important to righties when a Dem is in office. The trump death cult will blindly follow this fool so he can try to boost his reelection chances.

  142. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "Let's start tearing em down. Looking at you Norfolk! I'll be bringing my sledgehammer"

    Looking forward to the day the mob comes for the MLK statues.

    The eternal revolution of the Left requires all history to be erased.

  143. "Looking forward to the day the mob comes for the MLK statues."

    Of course you are, no shock there grand dragon.😆

  144. "The eternal revolution of the Left requires all history to be erased."

    Oh god!!!!! I never thought of that! All history will be gone if we remove statues!!!!! Holy god, we might start disappearing like in Back to the Future!!!! My god the horror!!!!!



  147. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:07 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Looking forward to the day the mob comes for the MLK statues.

    The eternal revolution of the Left requires all history to be erased.

    11:53 AM
    Let's compare numbers here. I think there are at least hundreds more confederate statues than there are statues of MLK. Which side of this dispute is going to be spending the most money for replacement statues? LOL!

  148. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:16 PM

    PilotX said....

    "The eternal revolution of the Left requires all history to be erased."

    Oh god!!!!! I never thought of that! All history will be gone if we remove statues!!!!! Holy god, we might start disappearing like in Back to the Future!!!! My god the horror!!!!!

    12:00 PM
    Hey Pilot, I read somewhere that most of the confederate statues were not erected until after 1900, so not much history will be lost if they are taken down. We have many historical books, films, and digital data that chronicle the 20th Century. We don't need statues honoring the confederacy remind us of anything.

  149. "I read somewhere that most of the confederate statues were not erected until after 1900"

    Correct, and they were erected after gains by Blah people such as after the Brown v. Board of Education. They were monuments to discrimination and hate.

    "not much history will be lost if they are taken down. We have many historical books, films, and digital data that chronicle the 20th Century"

    None at all, they are just a testament to a horrible legacy of racism. Notice anon equates confederate statues to MLK statues as if there's a tit for tat or something. Thing is people from all walks of life celebrate Dr. King and his accomplishments but half the country thinks confederate monuments should be removed. That contest wouldn't even be close.

  150. Anonymous3:03 PM

    people from all walks of life celebrate Dr. King and his accomplishments

    A lot more people celebrate Mohandas Gandhi and HIS accomplishments.  Gandhi's views on Africans are barely distinguishable from those of Robert E. Lee.

  151. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:14 PM

    Anonymous said...

    people from all walks of life celebrate Dr. King and his accomplishments

    A lot more people celebrate Mohandas Gandhi and HIS accomplishments. Gandhi's views on Africans are barely distinguishable from those of Robert E. Lee.

    3:03 PM
    So, you point is? Let me try to guess:

    Gandhi was a racist, but he is more popular around the world than Mlk? So that doesn't relate to what PilotX and I have been discussing. We have been discussing racism by Americans against other Americans. Gandhi is not a factor. To introduce his name is just an attempt at deflection.

  152. "A lot more people celebrate Mohandas Gandhi and HIS accomplishments."

    In America? To jump on the wagon with Gambler what does that have to do with the removal of statues? Do you know of anyone who gets their historical information from statues?



  154. "The eternal revolution of the Left requires all history to be erased."

    Nope. In fact, Driftglass quite rightly refers to memory as the liberal superpower.
    All you have to do to back a Pig Person off from a bullshit argument is to start bringing up the actual past.
    They get real cranky and start sputtering about both sides as soon as you begin listing the goddamn atrocities their political heroes have perpetrated, only they can never list a single true thing that liberals have done to supposedly make both sides equally bad.
    Then it either devolves into personal insults or attempts at changing the subject, depending on whether the Pig Person believes they need to speak with you in the future or not.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  155. "BTW, what websites do you consider left-wing?"

    Anything besides OANN, the new Fergus approved state media outlet.
    Can't trust Fox any more, they sometimes fuck up and let a fact slip into the propaganda.
    I would say Breitbart also, but most of these brain wizards don't read real good.

    Chanel Rion is the new Jeff Gannon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine
