Monday, May 25, 2020

Caption Monday.

Donald Trump played his first game of golf since the US implemented a lockdown due to coronavirus: EPA

While the nation mourns almost 100,000 dead, the president golfed on Memorial Day weekend.

I need your caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    “The nation is fine with you golfing. But why do you insist on coming back from golfing? For all our sakes, remain on the golf course. Forever.”

  2. drumpf threatened Michigan twice unless they did a quid pro quo with him for disaster aid. That us another impeachable offense, along with knowingly accusing Joe Scarborough ( whom I cannot stand) of murdering an intern in his congressional office.

    Then we still have the entire wingnuts corruption clique that ignores every one of drumpf's criminal acts and has brought great shame to American shores.

    All wingnuts need to be kicked into prison for life.

  3. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:49 PM


    Maybe I should be back at the office preparing for my next impeachment hearings.

  4. Let's just ignore that pile of bullshit to my right that I just created. Republicans are good at it.

  5. drumpf divot from green. Only the best divots will do for drumpf.

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    A shot of svelte fitness model Donald Trump, who earlier today mocked Stacy Abrams for being fat.


  8. Important election prep: time to up his game on cheating as he is getting his morbidly obese ass kicked in the polls. So where are the hookers? He needs all of the cheating practice he can get.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  10. Closing in, champagne corks will pop in kremlin annex when milestone is hit today.


    273 to go. About what drumpf actually weighs before pigging out on kfc.

  11. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial4:56 PM

    Fattyshack: Goys in the hood

    Gopher (Foreground) goes underground to dig up proof that trump is responsible for an insider trading plot.


    wasicu imitating drumpf gets on live tv. Grabs a black woman news reporter and yells fuck her in the pussy on live tv. drumpf will be so prowd.


    Black guy asks wasicu bitch to put dog on leash and she threatens to call cops and accuse him of assault.

    Being falsely accused of assault while black. New category?

  14. Just so Hispanics don't feel they aren't racially targetted enough by stoopid fucking wasicu women, we have this beauty....

  15. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "wasicu imitating drumpf gets on live tv. Grabs a black woman news reporter and yells fuck her in the pussy on live tv. drumpf will be so prowd."

    I was watching the news live when this happened.

    Honestly, I didn't expect the dumbass to get busted, but apparently, someone in his community ratted him out.

  16. So, I guaranteed 100k body count by tonight and wingnuts conspired to make a liar out of me....

    Last updated: May 25, 2020, 23:41 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    196 short, fuckers. Then you can pop the champagne and celebrate with dumbfuck drumpfuck.

  17. "196 short, fuckers."

    Democrat governors doing everything they can to help you mike:

  18. Wesley R9:35 PM

    Throw a harpoon at that whale.

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:37 PM

    Liberalism Kills......

    "196 short, fuckers."

    Democrat governors doing everything they can to help you mike:

    8:37 PM
    Hold on a minute there, Killer. The pandemic started in the more liberal east and west coast states because of more immediate exposure from abroad. It is now the inland states' turn. Alabama is over- whelmed and Missouri, Georgia, and Mississippi are in trouble and Tennessee is on the edge.

    It has nothing to do with liberalism. The Republican president is responsible for much of the sickness and death. He failed to do one thing to prevent us from dying from the virus.

  20. Anonymous10:40 PM

    "Hold on a minute there, Killer. The pandemic started in the more liberal east and west coast states because of more immediate exposure from abroad."

    More international visitors AND higher population density.

    New York City and Bozeman, Montana, are not remotely equally at risk from COVID-19. Not saying Andrew Cuomo did everything right in protecting his state, because he didn't. But he had a much, much harder job than the governor of Montana.

    These are apples-to-oranges comparisons.

    And they're also a dishonest blame-shifting exercise to benefit Trump, who was responsible for protecting ALL FIFTY STATES and failed miserably.

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:50 PM

    To Anonymous at 10:40 PM

    Thanks, Anon. You added a very good point. Population density is also a critical factor.

  22. So I guess that "American Carnage" didn't stop on January 20, 2017.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Blah blah blah Trumps Fault!"

    Facts are facts. Incompetent Democrat governors told people to hug coughing Asians to prove they're not racist, go to parades, put sick seniors back in nursing homes, and actually sent COVID positive people to quarantine in nursing homes, including a 20 year black guy who used old people as punching bags.

    Democrat politicians and their media criticized Trump for overreacting early on and called his travel bans racist. Now their constituents are paying the ultimate price for putting them in charge.

    The lesson is clear.

  24. Anonymous12:32 AM

    All of the former COVID "hotspots" in the nation sent sick people into nursing homes en masse. No exceptions. COVID excess deaths are a result of a single policy repeated by Democrat state governments and their public health apparatus. A self-induced crisis, due to extreme incompetence and negligence.

  25. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Six states Comprise 62 percent of Covid Deaths: NY, NJ,MA, PA, CT and MI and all have worst LOCKDOWNS and WORST TREATMENT OF NURSING HOME PATIENTS!! Surprise!!!

  26. Actually, the tri-state area which was responsible for the insanely bad infection and mortality numbers originally has successfully bent the curve downward, and when you subtract their current statistics from those of the US as a whole, the pandemic is still raging out of control. The infection will be slower among the lower population densities, but it is still happening.
    Since the incubation time runs from two days to two weeks, look for a massive and grisly result of this weekend's unrestrained behavior in the first two weeks of June, after which it will be much more difficult for the covidiot crowd to deny the severity of the pandemic.
    But deny it they will, an act of mass murder that is beginning to compete with the Bush administration's Iraq adventure.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Anonymous7:47 AM

    How many Memorial Day weekends did Obongo the Halfrican Jesus golf in 8 years as Prez? answer...7 If it weren't for double standards, Negroes would have no standards at all. How many Negroes committed murder this weekend around the country? How much Negro mob violence took place over the weekend? How many Negroes killed a Negro this weekend? 80 IQ just won't do.

  28. The only thing shit fer brains soopid fucking wingnuts need to remember is that for two months after he was told Covid-19 was a serious threat, the dumbfucker in the kremlin annex was still calling it a hoax that would just disappear.

    And he did not shut down all air travel to and from China. Another right wing attempt to cover drumpf's incompetent ass.

    As for the cheater in chief at golf, drumpfuck is the only pos potus who promised he'd be too busy to play golf as pos potus.


    Here we go again. Pig kills black man who pleads he can't breathe while cop keeps his knee on black guy's neck.

  30. Anonymous9:07 AM

    "was still calling it a hoax that would just disappear."

    You are a liar.

    He never said COVID was a hoax.

    He rightly said that the Democrat's response was a hoax. They are incapable of addressing any issue directly, everything is done for political gain first.

  31. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Chicago sees deadliest Memorial Day weekend in years: 10 fatally shot, 38 wounded, 4 stabbed, 1 tossed off a balcony, (and those are just the felonies that have been reported) while many of the police were making sure the churches were still locked and that people were wearing their mask.

    Chicago sees deadliest Memorial Day weekend in years: 10 fatally shot, 31 wounded
    Ten people are dead and 31 others are wounded so far in weekend shootings in Chicago — the deadliest Memorial Day weekend since 2015, when 12 people were killed.

    CHICAGO - Ten people are dead and 31 others are wounded so far in weekend shootings in Chicago — the deadliest Memorial Day weekend since 2015, when 12 people were killed.

    Despite the state’s stay-at-home order, the weekend’s death toll has already surpassed last year’s holiday weekend, when seven people were killed and 34 were injured during the period from 5 p.m. Friday through 5 a.m. Tuesday.

    In 2018, seven people died and 30 others were wounded. In 2017, six people were killed and 44 others

  32. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Obama called Trump and asked if he could play, Trump said no....."no communists allowed".

  33. James9:45 AM

    Propaganda is ubiquitous because we’ve been taught to view it as the final purpose of art.

  34. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Chicago’s deadliest Memorial Day weekend since 2015: 10 shot dead, 38 wounded

  35. anyfuckingmoose is a liar. When an ill informed inb red pos says a pandemic is a ho9ax you can't blame ems for that. Dems response was the correct one.

    I watched the video of wasdicu pig murdering black guy with is hands handcuffed behind him and the pig kneeling on the black gut's neck. The pig kept telling the black guy to get in the car while his neck was pinned down by a pile of shit's knee. After 5 minutes or more o silence snd no movement from deceased the pig still refused to remove his knee and check the corpse for a pulse. It wasn't u til an ambulance finally arrived and an what looked like an EMT checked the non pulse did the pig finally let his cadaver go.

    A guy begging to be allowed to breathe does not need a sermon from racist pig.

  36. t’s going to disappear.”

    News conference, Feb. 27

    Photo illustration of Trump with speech bubble saying, 'It’s going to disappear.'

    Dismissing the threat
    In the early days of the virus’s spread in the United States, Trump repeatedly emphasized that everything was “under control” and that the virus would just “disappear” in warmer months. Meanwhile, the coronavirus was steadily spreading in Singapore, where average temperatures are similar to summer in the United States.


    Times fake noize hosts called coronavirus a hoax. If Fake noize said it, you can bet drumpf repeated it.

  38. Wokeness is a cult of power that maintains its authority by pretending it’s perpetually marching against authority.


    another drumpfucking moron.

  40. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Hydroxychloroquine is used to prevent or treat malaria caused by mosquito bites.

    To prevent malaria, take this medication by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually once a week on the same day each week. Mark a calendar to help you remember. This drug is usually started 1 to 2 weeks before entering the malarious area. Continue to take it weekly while in the area and for 4 to 8 weeks after leaving the area, or as directed by your doctor. To treat malaria, follow your doctor's instructions.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:53 AM

    Liberalism Kills said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Blah blah blah Trumps Fault!"
    Facts are facts. Incompetent Democrat governors told people to hug coughing Asians to prove they're not racist, go to parades, put sick seniors back in nursing homes, and actually sent COVID positive people to quarantine in nursing homes, including a 20 year black guy who used old people as punching bags.
    Democrat politicians and their media criticized Trump for overreacting early on and called his travel bans racist. Now their constituents are paying the ultimate price for putting them in charge.
    The lesson is clear.
    The lesson is, you are living in an alternate reality. None of the stuff you described is true or bears any resemble to events here in the real world. If you are going to share your opinions, and you expect to be believed, you need to post sources for your claims.

    The truth is that New York and other coastal states paid the biggest price because they were hit first. Had Trump done his job of protecting Americans, he would have prepared for the pandemic. He was warned repeatedly by our intelligence community that there was an outbreak in China.

    Instead of mobilizing a response, Trump told the country that the virus was a hoax perpetuated by the Democrats.

    So go peddle your bull shit somewhere else. I hear stormfront may be your speed.

  42. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Chloroquine was discovered in 1934 by Hans Andersag.[5][6] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.[7] It is available as a generic medication.[1] The wholesale cost in the developing world is about US$0.04.[8] In the United States, it costs about US$5.30 per dose.[1]

  43. Liberalism Kills10:57 AM

    "I hear stormfront may be your speed."

    Reader's Digest is your speed.

    Please stop re-posting lies.

  44. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Hydroxychloroquine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955.[2] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.[8] In 2017, it was the 128th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than five million prescriptions.[9][10] The speculative use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID‑19 threatens its availability for people with established indications.[4]

  45. Well. now, isn't that special....

    Moar people who take Hydroxy die.

  46. Get er done....


    Oh, uh,uh,uh, so close I can hear wingnuts moan with passion.

  47. Trump Derangement Syndrome11:33 AM

    "Moar people who take Hydroxy die."

    Millions of people globally take this drug every day. It has been approved by the FDA since 1955. You people are insane.

  48. Anonymous11:38 AM


  49. Wasicu wastey woman who falsely accused black dog lover of threatening her in NYC Central Park on administrative leave from cushy job for lying and false police report on 911.

  50. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Progressives are Godless:

    Two Chicago churches continued to hold services Sunday after city officials fined each of them last week for violating Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s current stay-at-home order by hosting more than 10 people and
    later ordered the houses of worship to stop holding gatherings or face more severe penalties.

    Dr. Allison Arwady, the commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health, sent letters Saturday to Metro Praise International Church in Belmont Cragin, Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church in Albany Park and Philadelphia Romanian Church in Ravenswood warning that future violations could result in a church being “declared a public health nuisance” and potentially closed.

    While all three churches were fined $500 last week for holding services and are now subject to additional penalties, Metro Praise and Elim Romanian remained defiant and welcomed worshippers Sunday. A statement on Philadelphia Romanian’s Facebook page said in-person services had been suspended until May 31, though a choir, band and multiple speakers appeared in an online mass.

    Cristian Ionescu, pastor of Elim Romanian, said he worries that the “summary abatement” threatened in Arwady’s letter could lead to his church being demolished “without due process.”

  51. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Barack Obama was the most corrupt President in US history.

  52. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:47 AM

    Liberalism Kills said...

    "Reader's Digest is your speed."

    Please stop re-posting lies.

    10:57 AM
    Is that supposed to be an insult? LOL! Nothing I said was a lie and I did not cite anything from Readers Digest. The websites I cited are listed below.

    I know you have some strange aversion to the facts, but they exist anyway.

  53. Kamala Harris11:49 AM

    "Wasicu wastey woman who falsely accused black dog lover of threatening her"

    Believe all women!

  54. Granny loves propaganda11:51 AM

    Vox is the outlet for the people who created JournoList.

  55. Anonymous11:53 AM

    “Millions of people globally take this drug every day. It has been approved by the FDA since 1955. You people are insane.”

    Hydroxychloroquine carries cardiac risks. The people who take it for lupus and other conditions are screened for cardiac conditions to reduce the chances that they will die. But some risk is unavoidable. It is, frankly, a nasty drug, and nobody should want to take it if they can help it.

    And the only reason that the risk of taking the drug is justified in those cases is because those people already have a serious health condition that can’t be treated well by means other than hydroxychloroquine. That would never apply to the circumstances of taking hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 preventative. No responsible doctor would recommend taking a drug whose side effects could kill you, as Trump has claimed to (probably another lie), in order to treat an infection you don’t even have yet!

    Futhermore, even if you do have COVID and are experiencing dangerous complications, mounting evidence suggests it does not work against the virus. The belief that it did work in the first place were based on a low-quality study in France whose results have not been duplicated by later, better quality studies.

    Everything about Trump’s premature touting of this drug was insanely irresponsible.

  56. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Shorter answer:

    Just because a drug increases your chances of surviving lupus, that doesn’t mean it won’t decrease your chances of surviving COVID-19.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:09 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Barack Obama was the most corrupt President in US history.

    11:47 AM

    No that title goes to Trump, hand down!

  58. Trump Derangement Syndrome12:43 PM

    "Everything about Trump’s premature touting of this drug was insanely irresponsible."

    Everything about attacking Trump’s mentioning the possible benefits of this drug is hysterically insane.

    No one can get hydroxychloriquine without a prescription. One would assume a doctor would know that if there was some sort of underlying condition that precluded a patient from taking it, they would not prescribe it. That's what they do.

    It's a completely safe drug that might save lives. But Trump said something about it, so let's pretend it's poison.

    Fuck you.

  59. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Granny Zero said...
    "No that title goes to Trump, hand down!"

    Trump never weaponized the IRS against political opponents.
    Trump never sold 20% of US uranium reserves to Russia for $160 million payment to a corrupt foundation.
    Trump never started an illegal war in Libya that plunged the country into anarchy.
    Trump never started an illegal war in Syria that killed and displaced millions of people.
    Trump never used drones to assassinate American citizens.
    Trump never threatened to withhold aid from an ally until they fired a prosecutor looking into his corruption.
    Trump never let his family members take millions of dollars directly from the Chinese government.
    Trump never spied on the opposition campaign using US and foreign intelligence agencies.
    Trump never planned a coup to overturn the results of a Presidential election.

  60. Anonymous12:55 PM

    “No one can get hydroxychloriquine without a prescription. One would assume a doctor would know that if there was some sort of underlying condition that precluded a patient from taking it, they would not prescribe it.”

    One would assume wrong.

    While the vast majority of doctors are responsible, unfortunately, there have been an irresponsible minority of GPs who have written unjustified hydroxychloroquine COVID-related prescriptions for themselves, family members, and various and sundry Trump-worshipping patients. (There are also bad doctors who have turned into drug dealers, cashing in on the large number of opioid addicts by selling them recreational Oxycontin. Just saying.)

    Accordingly, state governors have had to slap on additional restrictions on new hydroxychloroquine prescriptions. It’s no longer enough to just be a doctor; you have to submit documentation that proves you’re NOT writing them for COVID-19 (except under a very narrow set of trial conditions actually approved by the FDA).

  61. Dr. Affirmative Action Jackson1:04 PM

    "While the vast majority of doctors are responsible, unfortunately, there have been an irresponsible minority of GPs"

    Which is why you should never go to a black doctor unless you personally know they were actually qualified to get into med school.

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:05 PM

    Mike from Iowa said......

    "Wasicu wastey woman who falsely accused black dog lover of threatening her in NYC Central Park on administrative leave from cushy job for lying and false police report on 911."

    11:43 AM
    MSNBC just showed the video. The man in the park was totally nonthreatening. The woman was waving the dog leach at him and screaming. She released a statement admitting she over reacted. I think that's the understatement of the year; she totally freaked out.

    After the video was over Andrea Mitchell with a disgusted look on her face said,"I guess that's another incident of bird-watching while black."

  63. Enemy of the People1:05 PM

    Democrats are very worried the lockdowns will end and the economy will rebound.

    Makes you think.

  64. Fahid Ben Khalfallah1:08 PM

    "She released a statement admitting she over reacted. I think that's the understatement of the year; she totally freaked out."

    This is why women should not be allowed to vote or hold positions of authority.

  65. Updated report on COVID-19 nursing home fatalities with the latest data as of Friday:

    Nursing homes and assisted living facilities now represent 42% of all deaths from the coronavirus, up from 40% earlier this month—and 52% outside of NY state.

    By downplaying the reality of which groups are statistically most at risk from COVID-19, the media causes damage both by dramatically overstating true risk to general society and avoiding serious attention to nursing homes that house <2% of US population, where the focus is desperately needed.

  66. You did it drumpfuck the worst pos of all time ever...

    Last updated: May 26, 2020, 17:05 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    2 months ahead of predicted schedule.

  67. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Time for mike to pop a couple of viagaras and head out to the pig pen.

  68. Anonymous1:29 PM

    “Democrats are very worried the lockdowns will end and the economy will rebound.”

    Democrats are very worried the lockdowns will end and the virus will rebound.

    Fixed it for you.

  69. Anonymous1:33 PM

    “This is why women should not be allowed to vote or hold positions of authority.”

    Yeah, sure, that’s what we should take away from this. Not that she’s a racist and just generally a giant bitch.

    What is the matter with you?

  70. Anonymous1:48 PM

    “Which is why you should never go to a black doctor unless you personally know they were actually qualified to get into med school.”

    It ain’t black doctors who are dealing Oxy to “pillbillies.” And it ain’t black doctors who are dealing hydroxychloroquine to clueless MAGA morons.

    Neither of those groups of people are likely to be seeing a black doctor. (And actually, they’re both pretty much the same group.)

  71. Anonymous said...
    Time for mike to pop a couple of viagaras and head out to the pig pen.

    Liar. Viagra would do nothing to fix the severe nerve damage in my lower back that affects what viagra supposedly facilitates and there is no pig pen here and no pigs.

    What a fucking loser you are. 2 moar lies.

  72. "Which is why you should never go to a black doctor unless you personally know they were actually qualified to get into med school."

    Um, so it's ok to go to a white doctor who was not qualified to get into medical school? Interesting, stupid but interesting.

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:33 PM

    AEnemy of the People said...

    Democrats are very worried the lockdowns will end and the economy will rebound.

    Makes you think.

    1:05 PM
    Where did you get this brilliant idea? Oh. I know, you pulled it our of your azz. LOL! ROTF LMAO!

  74. The Price of Privilege2:35 PM

    "Um, so it's ok to go to a white doctor who was not qualified to get into medical school?"

    No, but the odds are much greater that he/she was qualified.

    Just judging by MCAT scores, you know a white or Asian-American doctor had to meet a much higher bar for medical school admission.

    A black doctor COULD be just as qualified, but it's a crap shoot because of Affirmative Action.

  75. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "Viagra would do nothing to fix the severe nerve damage in my lower back that affects what viagra supposedly facilitates"

    That explains why you are so full of hate.

  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:37 PM

    Fahid Ben Khalfallah said...

    "She released a statement admitting she over reacted. I think that's the understatement of the year; she totally freaked out."

    This is why women should not be allowed to vote or hold positions of authority.

    1:08 PM
    OMG - words of wisdom NOT! Jumping to a conclusion AKA hasty generalization. You shouldn't be allowed to vote because you can't think logically. LOL!

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:39 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Time for mike to pop a couple of viagaras and head out to the pig pen.

    1:20 PM
    Time for you to go post on stormfront where you belong. I'm sure you will be appreciated there.

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:53 PM

    The Price of Privilege said...

    "Um, so it's ok to go to a white doctor who was not qualified to get into medical school?"

    No, but the odds are much greater that he/she was qualified.

    Just judging by MCAT scores, you know a white or Asian-American doctor had to meet a much higher bar for medical school admission.

    A black doctor COULD be just as qualified, but it's a crap shoot because of Affirmative Action.

    2:35 PM
    I would like to know how you, personally define qualified. It appears from your post that you are relying on test scores and skin color. In addition, do you know the statistic on how strongly entry test scores are positively related to career performance in the medical field?

    You speak constantly about some people being not qualified, so please give us your definition of qualified.

  79. "It ain’t black doctors who are dealing Oxy to “pillbillies.”"

    Actually, it is to a large extent black doctors:

    Dr. Samson Orusa:

    Dr. Tyron Reece:

    Drs Carl Anderson, Dante Cubangbang, Nkanga Nkanga, Anthony Pietropinto and Nadem Sayegh

    Dr. Noel Blackman

    Along with a fair number of Muslim and Indian doctors:

    Dr. Ijaz Mahmood:

    Dr. Sai Gutti

  80. "Actually, it is to a large extent black doctors"

    Really? You have data to back that up? I'll bet it's not. You found a couple. This is a silly subject to begin with but continue if you must.

  81. "do you know the statistic on how strongly entry test scores are positively related to career performance in the medical field?"

    And don't doctors have to pass all types of tests and board certifications all along the journey to becoming a doctor? Aren't there objective levels of competence all doctors must show? Pretty sure there are standards they all must meet. My guess is our troll isn't a doctor and has no clue what they're talking about. So I'd have to throw in a bit of jealousy because there are many successful Blah doctors while they bag groceries at the Piggly Wiggly.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:07 PM

    TO The Price of Privilege,
    The AAMC also studied undergraduate grade-point average (GPA) as a predictor of medical school success. In partnering with 18 medical schools that measured performance of about 1,000 total students, the study, “Using MCAT Data in 2019 Medical Student Selection,” determined that GPA was a slightly less impactful predictor of medical student success than MCAT scores. A more effective indicator of how well a first-year student would fare was to look at both MCAT scores and undergraduate grades.

    A study published in Military Medicine indicated that by the time medical students became residents, their MCAT score was far less of a predictor of success than it was early in medical school. Researchers behind the April 2015 study, “Does the MCAT Predict Medical School and PGY-1 Performance?” found that the “MCAT was not able to predict assessments relying on direct clinical observation, nor was it able to predict” program director assessment of performance during residency’s first year.

    So you see all of you phony, baloney racism stuff may not hold water when the facts are produced.

  83. Anonymous3:10 PM

    “Actually, it is to a large extent black doctors:”

    Anecdotal evidence.

    I can go dig up a handful of black attendees of country music concerts and NASCAR races. That wouldn’t prove that’s who makes up most of the spectators at those events.


    Looks pretty difficult with screening and certifications all along the way. I'll bet not too many unqualified students get through. I mean if I were someone who checked students' performance I wouldn't risk my reputation passing along someone that wasn't up to the task. As a flight instructor I know a lil something about that.

  85. James 9:45 said...
    Propaganda is ubiquitous because we’ve been taught to view it as the final purpose of art.

    The difference between art and propaganda is that art is a lie that tells a deeper truth, but propaganda is a lie that tells a deeper lie.

  86. "So you see all of you phony, baloney racism stuff may not hold water when the facts are produced."

    Unless you're a not-too-bright racist internet troll that spends all day everyday obsessed with anti-Blah hatred. You have to convince yourself you're better than me because if not your entire belief system you've been taught or adopted will collapse and where will that leave you? These guys have a lot of their self-identity invested in their beliefs.

  87. More unqualified cops fired. Affirmative action hires.


  89. FBI is taking the lead in investigating wasicu cops murdering black man with medical condition. We'll see what happens.

  90. Liberalism Kills said...
    "I hear stormfront may be your speed."

    Reader's Digest is your speed.

    Please stop re-posting lies.

    From your comments, you & Stormfront are a match made in heaven, So, maybe using race as a way to, shall we say, stretch the truth into unimaginable shapes. Or, you could distance yourself from your fellow racists who ply their trade here (I hope they get paid and aren't just wasting their time by commenting here) and appear somewhat intelligent by ----- no longer visiting this website... what a concept, huh, Stormie, I mean, "Liberalism Kills"?

  91. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Chicago Democrats threaten to temporarily close churches that defy gathering restrictions

  92. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Chicago Reopening: Lightfoot(communist) warns churches, worshipers who plan to defy stay-at-home order through Sunday:


  93. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Report: Chicago Mayor sent Police to Tow legally parked Cars, Block Church Parking Lot:

  94. What a trio of losers. anymoose, Starnes and liberty counsel, the same outfit that got Kentucky fried dumb bitch to not give marriage licenses to gays and lost.

  95. drumpf body count...


    Nearly as many dead as lies drumpf has told since Putin installed him as czarina.


    Too true and I hope wingnuts get their balls ripped off in the election. For not removing this pos from office and allowing him to make a mockery of our nation.

  97. In most countries not run by Whites, people live in squalor and oppression

    People clamor to come to White countries only to be taught by subversives to be malcontents once they get in.

    The successful immigrant of the past had to prove himself and earn respect.

    The immigrant of today chiefly whines.

  98. So the research into the antibodies from that llama in Belgium is looking promising. They're a chemically simpler kind of antibody that could perhaps be easily produced with modern biotechnology methods, but so far don't appear to confer long lasting immunity.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  99. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial9:21 PM

    @ 8:56 PM

    Other than maybe China, please name a country not run by whites.

  100. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "So the research into the antibodies from that llama in Belgium is looking promising. They're a chemically simpler kind of antibody that could perhaps be easily produced with modern biotechnology methods, but so far don't appear to confer long lasting immunity."

    I predict we are only days away from a Trump press conference in which he recommends fucking llamas to prevent COVID-19 and announces that he has already tried it.


  101. Tran
    7:56 PM (1 hour ago)
    to me

    Tran has left a new comment on the post "Caption Monday.":

    In most countries not run by Whites, people live in squalor and oppression

    People clamor to come to White countries only to be taught by subversives to be malcontents once they get in.

    The successful immigrant of the past had to prove himself and earn respect.

    The immigrant of today chiefly whines.

    Tran, if you really are a "Tran" I know what country you come from and you can only be describing yourself. But. I get the feeling like all of you who festering boils who slither your way to websites filled with people you hate, you're just another Tran-sracist too scared to give your real name and attach it to your racist comments.


    Finally, but only after years of lies and only SOME tweets.

  103. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Chicago Jan 1st- May 25th 2020
    Shot & Killed: 189
    Shot & Wounded: 860
    Total Shot: 1049
    Total Homicides: 209

  104. "Chicago Democrats threaten to temporarily close churches that defy gathering restrictions"

    Good, rules are rules.

  105. "In most countries not run by Whites, people live in squalor and oppression"

    Sure, there are countries run by whites people live in squalor and oppression. In the US there is squalor and oppression. We should all strive to make everyone's short time on this planet as good as possible.


    Oh well, maybe there is some karma afterall. Years ago brotha would have been lynched from the nearest tree.

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:16 AM

    Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial said...

    Other than maybe China, please name a country not run by whites.

    9:21 PM

    Isn't Japan run by Asians? What about South Korea and Vietnam?
    South Africa run by Blacks?

  108. Man, not hearing much about Obamagate lately. Either it was a nothing burger or, yeah that's about it.

  109. Anonymous1:24 AM

    "Man, not hearing much about Obamagate lately. Either it was a nothing burger or, yeah that's about it."

    Trump came up with the name of the scandal, but he was just too damn lazy to invent any details of an actual scandal to go along with the name, so it kind of fizzled out. Trump basically just yelled, "JOE BIDEN DID A BAD THING! EVERYBODY GET MAD!!" And then he sulked when the press didn't bite.

  110. "Trump came up with the name of the scandal, but he was just too damn lazy to invent any details of an actual scandal to go along with the name, so it kind of fizzled out. Trump basically just yelled, "JOE BIDEN DID A BAD THING! EVERYBODY GET MAD!!" And then he sulked when the press didn't bite."

    Yeah, if you're gonna call something the biggest crime in political history at least have something big. As a showman trump should know you can't just hype something and then have it bomb. I expected more from such a savvy media guy.

  111. Anonymous10:11 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Man, not hearing much about Obamagate lately."

    You must not be watching Fox News, especially that moron Hannity.

    The rest of the media is partisan Democrat, therefore have no interest in any such story.

    Something unprecedented did happen during the 2016 election. The FBI and CIA had never surveilled a presidential campaign before. The outgoing administration had never instructed holdovers to withhold information from the incoming administration and coordinated with the press to try to damage and even remove the new President.

    These facts have been reported piecemeal in major media outlets. The only question is whether these extreme actions were justified. Whether or not this matter is fully investigated and indictments potentially brought remains to be seen. Such an action would rock the American political establishment to its very foundation.

  112. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Modern day Protestant Field Negros

    The wrath cometh in due season as the children cries out the sins of our father who lie, cheat, steal, covet,hate God's Will (Trump) commit adultery, and bear false witness, have other gods (money ) before thy,

  113. Anonymous10:38 AM

    "...Your kingdom come, YOUR WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven..."

  114. "Something unprecedented did happen during the 2016 election"

    Obamagate is the flip side of the false accusations of the Russiagate collusion narrative.

  115. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:04 PM

    Anonymous said......

    Something unprecedented did happen during the 2016 election. The FBI and CIA had never surveilled a presidential campaign before. The outgoing administration had never instructed holdovers to withhold information from the incoming administration and coordinated with the press to try to damage and even remove the new President.

    These facts have been reported piecemeal in major media outlets. The only question is whether these extreme actions were justified. Whether or not this matter is fully investigated and indictments potentially brought remains to be seen. Such an action would rock the American political establishment to its very foundation.

    10:11 AM
    You say "The FBI and CIA had never surveilled a presidential campaign before." and this is true. Why was the Trump Campaign surveilled? Because they were the first campaign in the country's history to blatantly consort with an enemy of the United States.
    Our intelligence agency became concerned about our national security. Thus surveillance was performed.

    It's so tiresome that you and other Trump lovers keep harping on this topic. Most of us are glad that our intelligence community keeps tabs on Trump. He's an of control bull in a china shop.

  116. "The rest of the media is partisan Democrat, therefore have no interest in any such story."

    Or here's an alternate to the idea major news outlets would ignore the biggest story in their lifetime, THERE IS NO STORY! This is like the kid who's convinced their dad is a super secret spy. His job at the bank is just a cover and he says he's not because he can't tell so by him not telling me is proof. We're a country full of children with magical thinking so we elected a child with magical thinking.

  117. drumpf body count keeps right on climbing...


  118. Never trust a source that starts the bullshit with Mueller never found any conspiracy or collusion in Russia investigation.

    Starts with a false premise and gets wingnutedly worser.

  119. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Why was the Trump Campaign surveilled? Because they were the first campaign in the country's history to blatantly consort with an enemy of the United States"

    But this was proven to be untrue by the Mueller investigation, a nearly three-year effort of unprecedented scope and power by a highly partisan commission. We now know the entire rationale for initiating this spying was based on something they knew to be false. They created this narrative as a pretext for sabotaging the Trump campaign. Then after it failed and they lost anyway, they continued the operation to undermine the new administration.

    "Most of us are glad that our intelligence community keeps tabs on Trump."

    I'm not sure who you mean by "us", but cheering the Deep State's coup attempt which goes against all Constitutional safeguards should preclude you from ever again professing a commitment to democracy and the rule of law.

  120. Anonymous1:48 PM

    "We're a country full of children with magical thinking"

    If you believe the major news outlets don't place their agenda over telling the truth you are child engaging in magical thinking.

  121. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:57 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    But this was proven to be untrue by the Mueller investigation, a nearly three-year effort of unprecedented scope and power by a highly partisan commission. We now know the entire rationale for initiating this spying was based on something they knew to be false. They created this narrative as a pretext for sabotaging the Trump campaign. Then after it failed and they lost anyway, they continued the operation to undermine the new administration.
    What you say here is not true. Read the damn report! Mueller did not exonerate Trump and his campaign. This lie was introduced by Bill Barr, Trump's boot-licking AG.

    And by us, I mean the American people. Our intelligence community is looking out for all of us, even you who oppose them.

  122. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "Our intelligence community is looking out for all of us, even you who oppose them."

    You are a communist totalitarian.

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:54 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Our intelligence community is looking out for all of us, even you who oppose them."

    You are a communist totalitarian.

    2:29 PM
    Is that all ya got, Anon? Don't you know that ad hominem attacks are the refuge of the uninformed and prove nothing? Just calling names shows how devoid of facts you are. Read the damn report!

  124. tarts with a false premise and gets wingnutedly worser.... conducted by special prosecutor Robert Mueller from May 2017 to March 2019. Less than two years.

    Barr has shown no evidence of what he claimed Mueller got wrong. He hasn't because it doesn't exist. He is in the AG seat to protect drumpf's stinking ass and for no other reason. No AG has ever been this obviously partisan and corrupt and all the shit he spews will be debunked as fucking lies because that is whAt Barr does.

    Wingnuts are the whiniest b unch of bitches the world has ever seen. Every fucking time they claim they have bombshell goods they spew duds and move on to the next drumpf criminal act and accuse Dems of misconduct or some such shit. Just fuck all you fucking morons rights in the left side of your asses.

  125. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "Or here's an alternate to the idea major news outlets would ignore the biggest story in their lifetime, THERE IS NO STORY! This is like the kid who's convinced their dad is a super secret spy. His job at the bank is just a cover and he says he's not because he can't tell so by him not telling me is proof. We're a country full of children with magical thinking so we elected a child with magical thinking."

    There's a whole media industry and a whole political party run by assholes and devoted to encouraging magical thinking.

    Nowhere is this more obvious than the phenomenon of the wingnut covidiots who are now certain that COVID-19 is really just the flu, and that liberal meanies are forcing them to wear masks and denying them haircuts and pool parties solely out of spite.

    America is bored with COVID-19, so we have declared the epidemic over.

  126. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Well, that didn't take long. Trump is now having another temper tantrum, this time because his lying has gotten so out of hand that Twitter has finally been forced to treat him like the rest of us, and his tweets are now subject to moderation (i.e., Twitter is attaching disclaimers that imply -- correctly! -- that what he's tweeted is pernicious bullshit).

  127. The anointed3:11 PM

    Censorship is a core progressive value.

    Intelligence agency control of elections is a Good Thing.

    Stoking racial hatred is the best way to fight racism.

    A disarmed citizen is a safe citizen.

    2 + 2 = 5.

  128. Anonymous3:25 PM

    There is something really wrong with this guy:

  129. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    There is something really wrong with this guy:

    3:25 PM
    Yeah, Joe's a little over board with the touchie-feelie stuff, so what? Compared to Trump, Joe's a saint. Trump has nearly 25 complaints of sexual assault, against him, and one of them is the rape of a thirteen-year-old girl.

    Trump's sexual assault allegations: The full list of women who have accused the President

  130. "If you believe the major news outlets don't place their agenda over telling the truth you are child engaging in magical thinking."

    And that agenda is making money and being the first to break a big story makes money. Also that has nothing to do with the fact that there is nothing on Obama. If you don't think trump is just throwing shit against the wall to distract from his mishandling of the killer virus you're exhibit A.

  131. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:57 PM

    The anointed said...

    Censorship is a core progressive value.

    Intelligence agency control of elections is a Good Thing.

    Stoking racial hatred is the best way to fight racism.

    A disarmed citizen is a safe citizen.

    2 + 2 = 5.

    3:11 PM
    I am wondering why you posted this. It says nothing of intellectual value, provides no new information, and is totally illogical

  132. "Compared to Trump, Joe's a saint."

    Yeah, if you listen to trump and not wonder if he's either on drugs or insane I don't know what to say.

    Also he's threatening a private business for doing what they choose to do with their product. If that's not some dictator type stuff.......and he thinks he can force the states to open churches. Honestly, has he ever read the constitution or the bible?

  133. Weren't Nixon's plumbers CIA and weren't they caught burglarizing Dem HQ in the Watergate Hotel? George Gorgon Baffle (Loose)Liddy a former spook? And unrepentant felon especially after Jimmy Carter let him out of prison?


    It all has to do with voter suppression of likely Dem voters and is readily explained so even wingnuts can follow along.


  136. Anonymous4:23 PM

    "Weren't Nixon's plumbers CIA"


    The White House Plumbers, sometimes simply called the Plumbers, the "Room 16 Project," or more officially, the White House "Special Investigations Unit" was a covert White House Special Investigations Unit, established within a week after the publication of the "Pentagon Papers" in June 1971, during the presidency of Richard Nixon. Its task was to stop and/or respond to the leaking of classified information, such as the Pentagon Papers, to the news media. The work of the unit "tapered-off" after the bungled "Ellsberg break-in" but some of its former operatives branched into illegal activities while still employed at the White House together with managers of the Committee to Re-elect the President, including the Watergate break-in and the ensuing Watergate scandal.[1] The group has been described as Nixon's "fixers".[2]

  137. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "Also he's threatening a private business for doing what they choose to do with their product."

    Why should Twitter continue to get special treatment from the government as a mere distributor of other people’s content if they are going to editorialize and comment like a publisher?

    They should have the same rules applied to them as to any other publisher.

  138. The problem with the news media is the same problem as with healthcare: it doesn't function properly as a for profit business.
    Many mistake the purpose of broadcast news as the edification of its audience, when its real purpose is to provide attention getting content to train attentions on the ads for dick pills and reverse mortgages.
    The original deal was flawed but functional: broadcast companies get to conduct their profit making business on the public's airwaves, and in return they conformed to community set guidelines for their content and provided public services on the air such as news, weather and emergency alert programming, which were financial drains for the companies, but set as the cost of doing that particular business.
    Then Richard Nixon was exposed as a criminal by the media and Roger Ailes had a big idea about saving corrupt Republican officials with corrupt friendly broadcast media, Ronald Reagan took the fairness doctrine out behind the barn and shot it in its head, and Fox News was born, along with Rush Limbaugh and the rest of hate radio, and the formerly public owned airwaves became a toxic stew of lies and propaganda in support of right wing policies that were and remain too unpopular to win elections on their supposed merits.
    Along the way, news departments were saddled with the making of their own operating budgets and the free market took over as it will: anything unprofitable like the hiring, training, and work support of actual reporters became operating losses that could only be supported by advertising dollars, thus corrupting the entire system even further than the already toxic right wing propaganda broadcasting.
    This all makes getting factual information more complicated than it needs to be, and warps the political process which depends upon an informed electorate to function properly.
    So it turns out that there are things that are not facilitated by the reliance upon commerce, and in fact are rendered worse that useless by it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  139. Anonymous4:43 PM

    “Why should Twitter continue to get special treatment from the government as a mere distributor of other people’s content if they are going to editorialize and comment like a publisher?”

    They aren’t a publisher. Twitter aren’t sourcing any of the content. The users of the platform are.

    But they are a community, with community standards that you have to abide by if you want to post on their platform. Lying and defaming and hate speech violate those standards.

    Honestly, flagrant violators like Trump should have been banned long ago. Tacking on disclaimers about dishonesty is way too lenient in his case. There is no First Amendment right to have telecommunications networks help you spew bullshit far and wide.

  140. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:55 PM

    PilotX said....

    Also he's threatening a private business for doing what they choose to do with their product. If that's not some dictator type stuff.......and he thinks he can force the states to open churches. Honestly, has he ever read the constitution or the bible?

    3:58 PM
    No, Trump doesn't read. To him the Constitution is just some old, boring paper that doesn't apply him. LOL! As for the bible, my guess is a 'no' there too.

  141. Anonymous5:05 PM

    They aren’t a publisher. Twitter aren’t sourcing any of the content. The users of the platform are."

    Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are not platforms. They are modern publishing mechanisms. They want to be seen as platforms for the sole purpose of avoiding legal constraint, which costs money to work around and requires more responsibility than these companies want to be burdened with.

    They are publishers. It is time we stopped giving them a free ride as bogus "platforms" as if they have no control and cannot be held responsible for what their users post. Every so often, Facebook or Twitter banishes someone or removes some pages or tweets, and we see them doing their job of editing the work to be published so it meets community and legal standards. Just like a newspaper, magazine, or any publisher is supposed to do.

    A publication is legally liable if it prints libels or other forms of unprotected speech (a small category in America). A platform is not; only the individual posting to the platform is.

    In the 1990s, Congress passed the Communications Decency Act, in part to allow Internet services such as Promenade and Prodigy (RIP) to block pornography. The idea was that open Internet platforms where smut prevailed seemed to enjoy more protection in law than those entrepreneurial outfits that wanted to create family-friendly zones. The latter, because they edited and moderated content that users posted for obscenity, were at that time treated in the law as publishers and then were suddenly liable for whatever libels and slanders users posted on them. It was a more conservative America, and Congress thought the result of this was perverse.

    Most of the parts of that law that tried to directly combat the spread of pornography were struck down by the courts. But section 230 of the law, which allows proprietors of websites and forums to set standards — to edit and moderate their content without becoming a publisher of them — is now the legal remit under which social-media giants shadow-ban, block, and censor conservative speech.

    Section 230 also notes the logic behind this exemption, listing among its findings that, “The Internet and other interactive computer services offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse, unique opportunities for cultural development, and myriad avenues for intellectual activity.”

    Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are treated as distinct from publishers in large part because they refrain from discriminating based on ideology. The liability exemption exists so they may continue to function as high-tech public squares. Without Section 230, these platforms could be sued over every offensive tweet or status update, potentially forcing them to restructure their business models from the ground up.

    The fact is that terms of service are arbitrarily applied so that leftists can spread their hate unchecked.

    Twitter could respond in one of two ways. It could take meaningful steps to enforce an ideologically neutral and equally applied code of conduct, and thus regain its Section 230 protections. Or it could embrace its role as publisher and become like so many other online journals and newspapers, thus opening up the market for a new and genuinely neutral company to fill its niche.

    Either way, we would be rid of the absurd fiction that a website that regularly bans conservatives without cause, turns a blind eye to hatemongers with the “correct” opinions, and writes leftist ideology into its terms of service is anything other than a publisher. Perhaps most importantly of all, making an example of Twitter would send a warning to other, larger tech companies that they can and will be held accountable for their actions.

  142. mike from iowa:
    What is the source of your Covid-19 statistics? I've been going to the Johns Hopkins site:
    but their numbers are often less than yours; for instance right now they report 99983 American deaths.

  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:13 PM

    The problem with the news media is the same problem as with healthcare: it doesn't function properly as a for profit business.
    Great post, Doug.

    When Regan killed the Fairness Doctrine, he killed broadcast news. He also opened the door to Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and all the other right-wing nut jocks on radio. It was all part of a plan to lie to American voters, because Republicans can't win elections otherwise. Their policies just aren't that popular with the American voters. So they spread lies which are euphemistically referred to as propaganda or spin.

  144. "Perhaps most importantly of all, making an example of Twitter would send a warning to other, larger tech companies that they can and will be held accountable for their actions."

    Kneel before Zod! LOL!


  146. Pure wasicu cop racist bullshit gets a black man heated in a hurry. Could have ended badly for another innocent black guy.

  147. Paradoctor, glad you asked.

  148. Anonymous5:48 PM

    "He also opened the door to Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and all the other right-wing nut jocks on radio."

    Yes, we should have kept it just 100% left wing news.

  149. Anonymous5:55 PM

    "Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are treated as distinct from publishers in large part because they refrain from discriminating based on ideology. The liability exemption exists so they may continue to function as high-tech public squares. Without Section 230, these platforms could be sued over every offensive tweet or status update, potentially forcing them to restructure their business models from the ground up."

    No, these companies are seen as distinct from publishers because the sheer volume of information that is posted on their platforms by, well, basically the entire planet makes it impossible for them to guarantee it is all free from libel or threats or child porn or any number of other objectionable materials. Because it is impossible to guarantee, it is not right to hold them legally responsible. But that does not mean they should not try to remove as much garbage as they conceivably can, even if they will never get rid of every last bit of hit.

    As far as being ideologically impartial ... no. That simply has nothing to do with being free from legal liability. They are privately held corporations, not state broadcasters or state utilities. They receive no funding from the taxpayer. And conservatives, not liberals, destroyed the Fairness Doctrine, so even if they were considered a publishers, there'd be no obligation to be ideologically impartial. Fox News sure as hell isn't.

    In fact, if they felt like it, could rebrand as Not a damn thing Trump could do about it.

  150. Anonymous5:58 PM

    "The problem with the news media is the same problem as with healthcare: it doesn't function properly as a for profit business."

    They don't need to make a profit. Most function as mouthpieces for their billionaire owners (e.g. Washington Post - Jeff Bezos, New York Times - Carlos Slim). The majority of leftwing emags have never made money. Sites like Salon and Slate are funded by rich donors. Network and cable news divisions can be money losers because they are divisions of major media conglomerates like Comcast or Disney. These outlets push for policies like open borders, out sourcing, and mindless consumerism that benefit their benefactors. Bezos can lose millions on the Post because he makes billions from Amazon.

  151. Anonymous6:06 PM

    The perversely named Fairness Doctrine threatened licensed broadcasters with fines if they didn't "afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views," as the government defined it. The Reagan administration wisely abandoned it in the late 1980s as obsolete and harmful to free speech.

  152. Yes, we should have kept it just 100% left wing news.

    Cry me a river, douche. Some serious reality and left wing truth would work wonders on your inbred brain. Why aren't there any conservative arts schools for you stoopid fuckers to attend? Because conservatism is a failed joke.

  153. Ronnie Raisin Raygun was the third right wing nut job potus who should have been impeached for war crimes and treason. Third out of six straight that still need to be impeached, even when they need to be dug up and impeached.

  154. drumpf body count is climbing....

    Last updated: May 27, 2020, 22:23 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Where it stops, drumpf won't give a shit. He will just lie about how it is all Obama's fault.

  155. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I am wondering why you posted this.

    Because you're a NPC, totally lacking in self-awareness.  Otherwise you wouldn't be wondering.

    They aren’t a publisher. Twitter aren’t sourcing any of the content.

    And again.  Twitter is writing and posting editorial comments on OTHER PEOPLE'S CONTENT.  That's publishing.

    But they are a community, with community standards that you have to abide by if you want to post on their platform.

    "Community" standards = editorial policy.  A platform is content neutral; Twitter is anything but.  It purges many voices and censors a great many of those who remain.

    Lying and defaming and hate speech violate those standards.

    Asking about the incident where the 20-yr-old black RECORDED HIMSELF beating up the 75-yr-old man in a nursing home is which of those things?

    POTUS has long had a reserved account on Gab, just waiting for him.  Purging POTUS would probably be the end of Twitter, as users stampeded away.

  156. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Cry me a river, douche. Some serious reality and left wing truth would work wonders on your inbred brain.

    Here is the essence of leftist delusion:  the notion that "serious reality and left wing truth" can even exist.  It's a flat contradiction, like "freedom is slavery" and "ignorance is strength".

  157. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "He also opened the door to Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and all the other right-wing nut jocks on radio."

    Yes, we should have kept it just 100% left wing news

    5:48 PM
    What left-wing news? LOL! C-Span, Washington Post, CBS News?

  158. Anonymous7:40 PM

    ' And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD.'

    -Ezekiel 25:17

  159. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:44 PM

    Some new polls out on - Page 2

    South Carolina Senate
    Harrison and Graham tied at 42%

    Arizona Presidential Race
    Biden 47& Trump 45%

    Nationwide Presidential Race
    Biden 54% Trump 43%

  160. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:50 PM

    Anonymous said......

    The Reagan administration wisely abandoned it in the late 1980s as obsolete and harmful to free speech.

    6:06 PM
    Wisely? and set it up for "for profit news", thus setting us up for the clusterfuck we have now.

  161. Here is the essence of leftist delusion: the notion that "serious reality and left wing truth" can even exist. It's a flat contradiction, like "freedom is slavery" and "ignorance is strength".

    But as a stoopid fucking wingnut you don't know that for a fact. You are repeating what fake noize tells you to repeat. That is all you got.

  162. So it turns out that there is some fraud in voting by mail. By Republicans, as always:

    Postal Carrier Altered Absentee Ballot Applications

    May 27, 2020 at 4:03 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 245 Comments

    A West Virginia postal carrier has been charged with attempted election fraud after he admitted to altering the party affiliations of five mail-in requests for absentee ballots from Democrat to Republican.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  163. After Twitter began labeling some of his tweets with fact checks, President Trump claimed the move would “totally silence conservatives voices.”

    Read that: No fair remembering stuff.

    -Doug i Sugar Pine

  164. Anonymous9:39 PM

    "POTUS has long had a reserved account on Gab, just waiting for him. Purging POTUS would probably be the end of Twitter, as users stampeded away."

    Hmmm, sounds good. Let's find out. Having Trump tweet only to the skinheads works for me!

  165. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Things are finally getting back to normal. The negroes are out rioting again. Feels like summer.

  166. "Things are finally getting back to normal. The negroes are out rioting again. Feels like summer"

    White guys in Michigan can't have all the fun.

  167. Past 100,000 Mike. And not a peep from potus.

  168. Nothing does more to advance the cause of justice than looting big screen TVs from Target.


  170. T.J. Hooker10:33 PM

    Nothing does more to engender faith in law enforcement than smothering a person to death on tv.

  171. "Purging POTUS would probably be the end of Twitter, as users stampeded away."

    Yeah, what else would his fat ass have to do all day? I mean he can only golf so much.

  172. "Nothing does more to engender faith in law enforcement than smothering a person to death on tv."

    No, it's terrible, But it's not racist:

    Black Americans are not over-represented as people killed by police, relative to the rate at which they kill police, or commit violent crimes.

  173. Deng Xiaoping once quoted the old proverb: “It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, if it catches mice it is a good cat.” He was endorsing what worked, capitalism in that case.

    By 2020 standards, that is a profoundly un-American statement. The only thing that matters is whether the cat is black or white.

  174. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:53 PM

    King Wang Poon said...

    He was endorsing what worked, capitalism in that case.

    By 2020 standards, that is a profoundly un-American statement. The only thing that matters is whether the cat is black or white.
    As you can see by the mess we are in now, unfettered capitalism doesn't always work so well.

  175. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:56 PM

    Mumia Abu-Jamal said...

    "Nothing does more to engender faith in law enforcement than smothering a person to death on tv."

    No, it's terrible, But it's not racist:
    So it wasn't racial; the cop just killed the guy for fun?

  176. All the news we see fit to print10:58 PM

    From the New York Times news section, an example of massively important National News:

    Black Deliveryman Says He Was Blocked and Interrogated by White Driver

    Travis Miller Sr. said he was trying to leave a gated neighborhood in Oklahoma after a delivery when a vehicle blocked his path.

    By Mariel Padilla, May 17, 2020

    In contrast, the New York Times has never once published the names of the two white octogenarians visiting their son’s grave who were gunned down by a black man on May 8, the day after the first (of now 3) arrests in the Ahmaud Arbery story promoted so extravagantly by the NYT. Two and a half weeks later, the police have yet to venture to suggest a motive,

    Some news is not fit to print.


  178. All the news we see fit to print11:05 PM

    Two New York Times articles about nursing homes. Guess which words are missing form one?

    From the New York Times news section:

    The Striking Racial Divide in How Covid-19 Has Hit Nursing Homes
    Homes with a significant number of black and Latino residents have been twice as likely to be hit by the coronavirus as those where the population is overwhelmingly white.

    May 21, 2020

    Word counts:

    White = 11

    Black = 32

    Latino = 26

    But also from the NYT news section:

    Detroit Police Arrest Man in Connection With Nursing Home Assault
    Both the 20-year-old man who was arrested and the 75-year-old victim were patients of the facility, the police said.

    By Derrick Bryson Taylor
    May 22, 2020, 12:59 p.m. ET

    The Detroit police on Thursday arrested a 20-year-old man in connection with a viral video that showed an assault on a patient at a nursing home, the authorities said.

    The 90-second video, which circulated widely on social media this week, shows a young man punching a much older man dozens of times, leaving him battered and bleeding.

    The police did not identify either person in the case, but said on Friday that both the younger man and the victim, 75, were patients at a facility on Detroit’s west side.

    Local news outlets identified the facility as the Westwood Nursing Center. Saif Kasmikha, the managing attorney for Midwest Legal Partners, the firm representing the home, said in a statement on Friday that the man who was arrested was not a long-term resident of the facility.

    Words not seen in second article:

    White = zero

    Black and/or African American = zero.

  179. "In contrast, the New York Times has never once published the names of the two white octogenarians visiting their son’s grave who were gunned down by a black man on May 8, the day after the first (of now 3) arrests in the Ahmaud Arbery story promoted so extravagantly by the NYT. Two and a half weeks later, the police have yet to venture to suggest a motive,"

    I haven't seen anything about it on Fox either. But they have spent several hours making fun of Biden. That's not fair. I'm gonna stomp around and act indignant now.

  180. Joey Fingers11:33 PM

    "I'm gonna stomp around and act indignant now."

    That's what the Democrat media wants you to do, after all, it is an election year. But you are going to have to step it up a notch and smash some cop car windows and loot some liquor stores, or you ain't black.


    Interesting how murder suspects that are armed and dangerous can be apprehended without harm but some folks get murdered in the street for a counterfeit 20.

  182. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Officer Risk Factors Associated with Police Shootings: A Matched Case–Control Study

    The study uses data from the New York City Police Department on 291 officers involved in 106 officer-involved shootings adjudicated between 2004 and 2006. Black officers were 3.3 times more likely to shoot than other officers. Officers rapidly accumulating negative marks in their files were 3.1 times more likely to shoot than other officers. Officers who started their police career later in life were less likely to shoot. The results indicate that officer features related to discharging a firearm are identifiable.

  183. "That's what the Democrat media wants you to do, after all, it is an election year. But you are going to have to step it up a notch and smash some cop car windows and loot some liquor stores, or you ain't black."

    Or throw a temper tantrum like a toddler because it's suggested I wear a mask. You know, liberty or something. Now I'll go buy a tri-corner hat and carry a musket like Hannity wants me to do.

  184. Reality vs Perception11:46 PM

    The conventional thinking about police-involved shootings, and some scientific research, has been that black suspects are more likely to be shot than white suspects because of an implicit racial bias among police officers. But now a new study has found exactly the opposite: even with white officers who do have racial biases, officers are three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects.

  185. Joey Fingers11:48 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Or throw a temper tantrum like a toddler because it's suggested I wear a mask"

    Come on X, the Man owes you a new big screen TV, because George Floyd.

  186. No 60" Samsung, No Peace!11:55 PM

    Remember when all those lockdown protesters attacked police officers, smashed up liquor stores, and looted Target? Same thing brother.

  187. "Come on X, the Man owes you a new big screen TV, because George Floyd."

    Time to freak out because Dr. Faucci said to wear a mask? Gotta head to the state capitol with my buddies and assault rifles because freedom! Let's roll Fingers. Grab your crayons and posterboard and screech about being a slave.

  188. Fox still talking about twitter and not a mention of the octogenarians shot at the cemetery. I guess they don't care. Not fair! You'd think at least they would carry this story.

  189. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Fox is 90% liberal.

  190. Anonymous12:25 AM

    "officers are three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects"

    The Woke Narrative also disproven by a 2016 Harvard study:

    Black men are actually *LESS* likely to be a victim of a police shooting.

    "Officers were more likely to fire their weapons without having first been attacked when the suspects were white"

  191. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:46 AM

  192. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:50 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Fox is 90% liberal.

    12:22 AM
    Sure it is, Honey. LMAO Run along a play now, this blog is for grown ups.

  193. "Black men are actually *LESS* likely to be a victim of a police shooting."

    Per capitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  194. "Fox is 90% liberal."

    Pretty much. Anything less than Pravda is unacceptable for the MAGA crowd. Even Ann Coulter is upset trump didn't set all people darker than David Hasselhoff on fire.


  195. Anonymous Unsubscribe
    May 27, 2020, 11:25 PM (1 hour ago)
    to me

    Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Caption Monday.":

    "officers are three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects"

    The Woke Narrative also disproven by a 2016 Harvard study:

    Black men are actually *LESS* likely to be a victim of a police shooting.

    "Officers were more likely to fire their weapons without having first been attacked when the suspects were white"

    Yeah sure.

    And here's the quote that lets you know Roland Fryer is a liar:

    "“Who the hell wants to have a police officer put their hand on them or yell and scream at them? It’s an awful experience,” he said. “Every black man I know has had this experience. Every one of them. It is hard to believe that the world is your oyster if the police can rough you up without punishment. And when I talked to minority youth, almost every single one of them mentions lower-level uses of force as the reason why they believe the world is corrupt.”

    No "minority youth" would EVER mention "lower level uses of force" as the reason they believe the world is corrupt. I worked in too many low and low-middle class "minority" neighborhoods, both of copper-colored people and hispanics. Every young person and most male adults' fear of police is, first being stopped for no reason, then in that incident being shot and killed for no reason... PERIOD.

    The fear is being targeted and shot down.

  196. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial6:44 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Isn't Japan run by Asians? What about South Korea and Vietnam?
    South Africa run by Blacks?

    12:16 AM

    Yes, I'd say you're right. But, I would also like to say they don't run them alone.


    5 plus minute video showing arrest of George Floyd where upon he did not resist arrest, was easily handcuffed and sat down against building. No capital crimes committed by Floyd in this video, either.

    Remember, Floyd had a pig kneeling on his neck and another pig laying on his legs when the head pig kept telling him to get up and get in the car, Pigs are wingnuts. How to tell? They demand someone do somethin g superhuman while dragging pigs along for the ride. Case in point, Obama's presidency with a hostile wingnut congress.


    wasicu frat brat murderer captured without being killed by cops. Black guy with alleged funny money suffocated by pigs.

  199. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:36 AM

    From today

    An anti-quarantine protester seen hoisting an effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) at the state Capitol in Frankfort last weekend has been dismissed from his job.

    Somtimes actions have consequences.
