Thursday, May 28, 2020

"Stop killing black people."

Black rage is now manifesting itself in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and there has been protest all over the country due to the latest televised state killing of another black man on one of the nation's streets.

Black folks are sick and tired of being sick and tired.  Like Eric Garner, this man also pleaded for his life, as he told the officer -who literally had his foot on his neck- that he could not breathe. It made no difference to the officers present that bystanders were also pleading with them to stop, all their pleas fell on deaf ears.

Now, as buildings burn and stores get looted, we are watching a sad and tragic recurring theme play itself out in what is already a trying time to be living through. Personally, I would prefer if these protesters did not destroy the neighborhoods where they have to live, but I don't know if I can blame them at this point, given the level of frustration and pent-up rage that they have been living with. 

In a way, this is indicative of what it means to be living through a trump presidency. Mr trump has emboldened every racist in America to act on their hatred.  And, as a result, we have vigilantes chasing down and killing an unarmed black man, and a woman using the power of her whiteness to threaten a black man with Emmett Till style justice if  she can't have her way. 

When Mr. trump asked black Americans what we had to lose by voting for him, the answer was easy: Our lives.

*Image from



  1. George Floyd's death is both heartbreaking and infuriating.

    It's indicative a problem with the way police do their job and how we pick police officers.

    But it's not indicative of a systemic bias against black men.

    Black Americans are not over-represented as people killed by police, relative to the rate at which they kill police, or commit violent crimes.

  2. The conventional thinking about police-involved shootings, and some scientific research, has been that black suspects are more likely to be shot than white suspects because of an implicit racial bias among police officers. But now a new study has found exactly the opposite: even with white officers who do have racial biases, officers are three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects.

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Reminder that the actual number of unarmed blacks killed by police each year, justified or murder, is under forty


    Less than one, per state, per year

    There are roughly 40,000,000 black people in this nation. 1 in 1,000,000 chance becomes a nonstop national conversation

  4. African Americans are more likely to be killed by a white bathtub than a white cop:


    wealthy whitey calls security on black businessmen in his building only to find out, just as they told him, they were tenants and had every right to be there. Then says he is not a racist.

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Niggers doing what they do best, creat more violent crime. Just piss and shit where you sleep and burn it down.

  7. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Negroes are large and dangerous the most often VIOLENTLY resist arrest. There is a thing called DISPARITY of FORCE, you do not have to be armed with a weapon for an officer to use deadly force against you.


    Exasperated black delivery truck driver confronted by home owner's assoc pissant demanding to know how he got into gated community. Black gentleman showed much more patience than I have with fucking wasicu racist moron.

  9. Ever wonder why every election year the media runs these campaigns to rile up black people?

  10. Anonymous10:31 AM

    So what did Autozone do to deserve to be burned to the ground???

  11. "Ever wonder why every election year the media runs these campaigns to rile up black people?"

    False narratives are the bread and butter of the criminal press.

    Black men are actually *LESS* likely to be a victim of a police shooting.

    "Officers were more likely to fire their weapons without having first been attacked when the suspects were white"

  12. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:43 AM

    TalcumX said...

    Ever wonder why every election year the media runs these campaigns to rile up black people?

    10:31 AM
    Nope, this happens every year, not just in election years.

  13. Anonymous10:49 AM

    "Socialism had come from below, reaction from above" ~ "Hitler's Social Revolution"

  14. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Texas protest against contact tracing:

  15. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Black people should learn to stop killing each other at exponential rates.

  16. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Black people kill far more black people than the police ever will.

  17. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Chicago Week in Progress (5/24 – 5/30) 2020
    Shot & Killed: 10
    Shot & Wounded: 54
    Total Shot: 64
    Total Homicides: 10

  18. People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2017-2020
    Published by Statista Research Department, Mar 31, 2020
    Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 228 civilians having been shot, 31 of whom were Black, as of March 30, 2020. In 2018, there were 996 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 this figure increased to 1,004.
    Police brutality in the U.S.

    Another 2.1 million unemployed this past week.

  19. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Blacks are far more a hazard to each other than the police will ever be.......

  20. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Why did the black rioters have to storm and loot Target, Cub Foods, Dollar Tree and Autozone???

    How is is VIOLENT and lawless criminal behavior allowed????

  21. Equality11:17 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 228 civilians having been shot, 31 of whom were Black"

    31 out of 228 is 13.5%

    US population is 13.5% black.

    This would indicate there is not a racial component to police shootings.

  22. Anonymous11:18 AM

    There are at least 1,797,910 more guns in civilian hands today than there were in March, as gun sales continue to surge across the US.

  23. "How is is VIOLENT and lawless criminal behavior allowed????"

    If the predominately white crowds who were protesting the lockdowns last week were looting stores, burning down businesses, and attacking police, they would have been shot.

    The government allows groups like BLM and Antifa to commit public violence because they are they are the terror division of the Leftist power structure.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:26 AM

    Statistics said...Reality vs Perception said...Reality said... Puppet Masters sad....
    I don't know if you are all the same person or not. There's no way to determine that. Nevertheless, you (plural or singular) should consider the fact that data on this topic is sketchy at best and must be approached as a per capita question, not a raw numbers one. The article I have cited below discusses the topic of police shootings and shows how complex the topic is.

    What the data say about police shootings
    How do racial biases play into deadly encounters with the police? Researchers wrestle with incomplete data to reach answers.

  25. "False narratives are the bread and butter of the criminal press."

    Everyone needs to remember that 95% of the looters have no idea who George Floyd was, or care. If you separate the media driven link, these riots would be easy to quash.

  26. Equality ejaculates standard right wing talking points, adjusting the percentage of blacks in America to neatly wrap around their crime stats.

    How is is VIOLENT and lawless criminal behavior instigated by whitey????

    Fixed it for you.

    It is the violent, divisive garbage spewed by drumpf that incinerates white scumacyst racist attacks on POC.

  27. Anonymous11:37 AM

    America is just an awful country. The man was handcuffed, and the pig applies his weight-bearing knee to the man's neck.

  28. Everyone needs to remember that 95% of the looters have no idea who George Floyd was, or care. If you separate the media driven link, these riots would be easy to quash.

    Let's see your proof on both counts or either one, for that matter.

  29. 40 million jobless claims, over 100,000 dead and 1.6 million cases of covid-19. S. Korea got it's first case the exact same day as the US but under 1,000 deaths. I believe under 500. What's the difference? Leadership! We have a spoiled child as leader who would rather pick fights with twitter than address a global pandemic. Some poster had the perfect name for this, clownworld. It would be funny if so many lives weren't destroyed.

  30. "Let's see your proof on both counts or either one, for that matter."

    Proof? They don't need no stinking proof.

  31. Reality based on Statistics vs Perception based on Media Narratives11:50 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "The article I have cited below discusses the topic of police shootings and shows how complex the topic is."

    You are correct. It is a complex topic.

    Police ARE more aggressive with black suspects. Is this bias because of racism or personal experience?

    Blacks commit more crimes per capita than any other demographic. Blacks commit more murders and armed robberies on an absolute basis. Blacks get more attention from police and get hassled more. Blacks are more likely to resist being hassled or arrested. Blacks kill police at a much higher rate than anyone else. Police learn to be more wary when interacting with blacks. They act more aggressively towards blacks. Innocent black people get treated like criminals. Blacks resist even more. Bad things happen. It's a positive feedback loop.

    Then add in the fact that there is a huge political advantage to be gained by exaggerating the situation and framing it in way that allows one group of whites to gain political power over another group of whites.

  32. On the goofy side of the spectrum we have an alleged potus continually slandering a personal enemy of his by accusing him, over and over, of murdering a congressional intern who died in his office all alone.

    The autopsy and the official record showed the young lady had a heart problem and it caused her to fall and hit her head on a desk.

    But, as we have seen time and time again, wingnuts will do nothing to reign in the criminal enterprise known as drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

    In Texas a judge ruled abortion protesters cannot be called criminals. Sounds like a violation of free speech rights since the judge represents the government.

  33. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Those looting joggers should be arrested for not social distancing.

  34. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Well, summertime approaches and it is the looting season. Let's all hope that during the next riot the whole city will be burned to the ground by joggers. I do have faith in my American joggers.

  35. No Wide Screen, No Peace!12:07 PM

    "Proof? They don't need no stinking proof"

    Stealing a 60 inch TV from Target isn't a protest.

    I'm sure as he loots the new Panasonic TX-55GZ950B OLED HDR 4K Ultra HD Smart TV, Tyrone is feeling morally fortified and vehemently righteous in knowing that he is "expropriating wealth" from a $58 billion company and shieeet.

    The explanation as to how burning down an affordable housing complex is a righteous backlash against systematic racism is gonna be a good one.

  36. High minded justice protesters assault old white lady in wheelchair:

    "Shoot the white folks"

  37. Ok rioting is bad. But at least none of them called the cops on a person of color in Central Park.

    Let's keep perspective of what's really a problem here

  38. Anonymoid trolls libel murdered man in 5... 4... 3... 2...

  39. For past month, media attacked peaceful anti-lockdown protesters nationwide for "endangering" public. Silicon Valley de-platformed them. Many jailed.

    Now, Minnesota rioters are burning buildings, robbing stores and hurling incendiary devices at firemen and cops. How many arrests???

  40. Kneeling on a man's neck for five minutes while bystanders plea for the man's life is absolutely, positively, premediated homicide. Murder One.

  41. Some of the posters here note that the police murder Caucasian-Americans and African-Americans at rates proportional to population proportion, yet Causasian-Americans protest less about police homicide.

    This, to me, proves that African-Americans are better Americans than Caucasian-Americans. They are more resistant to tyranny, and more willing to fight for freedom.

  42. "They are more resistant to tyranny, and more willing to fight for freedom."

    Unless they are asked to wear a mask to protect grandma.

  43. Since we're talking about reality and statistics vs. media based perceptions keep that same energy when we talk about crime. Since the majority of crimes committed against whites is by fellow whites we can STFU here about Blah on white crime right? 80% of murders of whites is by whites sooooooooo.

  44. Anonymous12:52 PM


    So, we should let the negroes rob and kill each other? Black on Black crime is private matter?

    Doesn't society owe black citizens safe communities too?

  45. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Paradoctor said...
    "Kneeling on a man's neck for five minutes while bystanders plea for the man's life is absolutely, positively, premediated homicide. Murder One."

    Yes it is. And that fucking cop should pay for the murder he committed.

    And the white citizens of Minneapolis shouldn't be robbed, looted, assaulted, and have their property destroyed over it.

  46. "Doesn't society owe black citizens safe communities too?"

    Sure but don't come here bitching about Blah on white crime is all. No need to read anything further into that.

  47. "And no citizens of Minneapolis shouldn't be robbed, looted, assaulted, and have their property destroyed over it."

    There, fixed it for you. I'm sure that's what you meant right?

  48. And this is a problem that needs to be addressed.

  49. And this.

  50. Major city has riots, 100,000 Americans dead of a virus while president Eric Cartman is picking fights with social media CEO's. Fucking clown. At least Dorsey isn't intimidated.

  51. Field, maybe you can weigh in but looks like the 2nd Circuit Court says social media platforms can't violate the 1st Amendment. Conservative groups have been trying to push their agenda for a while.

  52. Anonymous1:47 PM

    “Field, maybe you can weigh in but looks like the 2nd Circuit Court says social media platforms can't violate the 1st Amendment.”

    It is self-evident that the First Amendment does not apply to private entities, only to government censorship. This is why the NFL was within their rights to tell Colin Kaepernick to STFU on the field and end his career because he wouldn’t. He had no free speech rights within the workplace they provide. Equally, nobody has legally enforceable free speech rights on Twitter. Either you follow Twitter’s rules or kiss your Twitter account goodbye.

    As for Trump blustering about executive orders to punish Twitter for censoring him — in this case he is the one who would be breaking the First Amendment, not enforcing it.

    Trump doesn’t care if Americans die.

    Trump only cares if he’s allowed to lie.

  53. Freedom is a 60" Panasonic 4K TV1:51 PM

    Paradoctor said...
    "This, to me, proves that African-Americans are better Americans than Caucasian-Americans. They are more resistant to tyranny, and more willing to fight for freedom."

    Well, they sure are better at destroying communities than building them.

  54. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "It is self-evident that the First Amendment does not apply to private entities, only to government censorship."

    If social media platforms can censor and editorialize content, they are publishers and should have their special carve-out exemption taken away.

  55. PilotX said...
    "And no citizens of Minneapolis shouldn't be robbed, looted, assaulted, and have their property destroyed over it."

    There, fixed it for you. I'm sure that's what you meant right?

    That's not what the rioters meant:

  56. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Black rage means looting, stealing, arson, and assault. Got it.

  57. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Blame white privilege.
    Blame systemic inequality.
    Blame redlining.
    Blame implicit bias.
    Blame Karen/Becky.

    Don't you dare blame the black rioters.

  58. "That's not what the rioters meant"

    What did YOU mean?

  59. Anonymous2:22 PM

    para witch doctor says...

    "This, to me, proves that African-Americans are better Americans than Caucasian-Americans. They are more resistant to tyranny, and more willing to fight for freedom."

    Looting and arson are resisting tyranny? Strange.

  60. PilotX said...
    "Unless they are asked to wear a mask to protect grandma."

    At least the the rioters care about grandma:

    So there's that.

  61. "Black rage means looting, stealing, arson, and assault. Got it."

    Nope, the majority are peaceful protesters with a few bad apples. Hmmmmmm, now where have I heard the bad apple thing before?

    "Don't you dare blame the black rioters."

    Sure, blame the ones breaking the law but the overarching problem and message shouldn't be lost. If we can blame all protesters for the actions of a few then we can blame all cops for the actions of a few. See how that works?

  62. "At least the the rioters care about grandma"

    And that's a good thing.

  63. "If social media platforms can censor and editorialize content, they are publishers and should have their special carve-out exemption taken away."

    They always could. Can't post porn or harmful images and you sign an agreement agreeing to such. You can't get mad at a private business when they enforce their terms of agreement or really do whatever they damn well please because they are privately owned. Conservatives will always complain when they get called out for their bullying and blatant lies but thankfully the law is always against them which is why trump has to change the rules because conservatives can never compete on a level playing ground.

  64. Anonymous2:30 PM

    The only arrest from the Minneapolis riots was the guy who defended his store from looters.

    Anarcho-tyranny everyone

  65. trump has been trying to change laws to benefit himself and his lies for a while.

  66. Anonymous2:32 PM

    "If social media platforms can censor and editorialize content, they are publishers and should have their special carve-out exemption taken away."

    If social media were legally treated as publishers, then social media would cease to exist. It would collapse under a tsunami of lawsuits for failing to regulate things it has no actual ability to completely regulate. I'm fairly certain a majority of Americans would be unhappy with that outcome.

    Yet another brilliant idea from the science-impaired party that brought you "the Internet is a series of tubes." (They also brought you climate change denial, evolution denial, and COVID-19 denial, among their "greatest ignorant hits.")

  67. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Will the joggers burn the whole city down? Usually the joggers burn down their own neighborhoods. Later they claim they live in a food desert without realizing they created the food desert. There's still plenty of time for the joggers to make a lasting impact on Minneapolis. Let's hope they can get it done. Bureau of Land Management. LOL


    More lack of transparency. Just destroying conventions to suit dear leader. Well, why not?

  69. "Will the joggers burn the whole city down?"

    Real cute. You learn the new term for Blah people on some racist website and now want to try it out? Good job Jr. I'm sure your parents are proud.

  70. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Blogger Paradoctor said...
    Kneeling on a man's neck for five minutes while bystanders plea for the man's life is absolutely, positively, premediated homicide. Murder One.

    12:22 PM

    Nope, trying to hold down a combative large Mandingo type is policing reality. Notice it wasn't some 115 pound female affirmative action hire keeping wild hog in check. We need REAL MEN out there keeping the barbarians in check........

  71. Anonymous2:55 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  72. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Store owners across America need to prepare for future negro rioting......

  73. Anonymous 2:22 and others:

    I entirely agree that looting one's own neighborhood is a lousy tactic. It does work to attract public attention, but the wrong sort.

    Marching on City Hall is, in theory, better; but depending on the city, that can incite a violent police reaction, especially if it is the police themselves being protested. There are of course the usual racist distinctions; for instance, armed cosplaying is allowed only for those of lighter skin tint.

    Civil disobedience requires organization and discipline; rioting is spontaneous. I see in this a source of political energy. Whoever taps that political energy will face a choice: instead of allowing the looting of their own poor neighborhood, they must either march on City Hall, or loot a rich neighborhood. I recommend option 1.

    There is also the worst option: doing nothing, like a good slave. Oddly enough, it is those of lighter skin tint who go that servile route when the police murder the lighter-tinted. That's why I call African-Americans better Americans, at least in resisting tyranny.

  74. Anonymous 2:53. The man was handcuffed. The charge was "Forgery In Progress". _Forgery?_ The odds were one unarmed man vs four blue barbarians.

    You say you want real men keeping barbarians in check. Instead it is the other way around.


  75. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:34 PM

    From today's Dily Beast

    Minneapolis Man: Cop Who Kneeled on George Floyd ‘Tried to Kill Me’ in 2008 AVOIDABLE?

    In 2008, Derek Chauvin barged into Ira Toles’ home while responding to a domestic-violence call and shot him at close range, leaving him with a permanent hole in his stomach.

  76. Floyd had a pig kneeling on his neck for more than five minutes and another lying across his legs while the first pig is yelling at Floyd to get in the squad car.

    The pigs even knew he was having a medical problem and yet they still kept him pinned down until he was dead. The pig on the neck and the asian looking pig trying to intimidate passersby have been involved in excessive force cases before and not disciplined.

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:47 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The only arrest from the Minneapolis riots was the guy who defended his store from looters.

    Anarcho-tyranny everyone

    2:30 PM
    Oh yeah, you have a source for this claim?

  78. Certain lawyers will argue that when a man dressed in blue clothes slowly throttles the life out of another man, then the killing was not legally murder-one, but collateral damage or something. The lawyer's reasoning will be that the blue-suited man was only following the orders of the chief of the blue-suited men, so though the killing was his, the premeditation was elsewhere; therefore no-one in particular is guilty.

    Such a lawyer might even win his case in court, but that would prove only that the Law is an ass.

  79. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:53 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Blogger Paradoctor said...
    Kneeling on a man's neck for five minutes while bystanders plea for the man's life is absolutely, positively, premediated homicide. Murder One.

    12:22 PM

    Nope, trying to hold down a combative large Mandingo type is policing reality. Notice it wasn't some 115 pound female affirmative action hire keeping wild hog in check. We need REAL MEN out there keeping the barbarians in check........

    2:53 PM
    Well, the man wasn't being combative, and kneeling on a suspect's neck until he dies is not proper police procedure in any city or county in America. So why don't you take a hike to a racist website and peddle your nonsense there?

  80. You know what has killed more brown people than other brown people?
    The fucking plague that Fergus fucked up the response so badly as to make this country, with 4% of the world's population, the largest outbreak on the planet with over 1,000,000 dead, predominantly brown people.

    This is an act of mass murder bordering on genocide. All the gang bangers in the country are pikers in comparison.

    As for the despicable fucking pig that murdered an unarmed, handcuffed, black man on fucking video like it was no big deal, may he be charged and convicted of the murder he is on video committing as you or I would be, but we all know the chances of that happening are slim to none, and that is what the rioting is all about: the authorities are in their neighborhoods murdering them with impunity and the justice system is A-OK with that, and that will tend to make you act out if anything ever will.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  81. Anonymous4:23 PM

    “The lawyer's reasoning will be that the blue-suited man was only following the orders of the chief of the blue-suited men, so though the killing was his, the premeditation was elsewhere; therefore no-one in particular is guilty.”

    Maybe premeditation or even intent to kill couldn’t be proven in this case. But the officers could still get convicted of involuntary manslaughter or whatever is the local equivalent.

    “Following orders” won’t fly as an excuse. Enforcing anti-counterfeiting law isn’t an actual war, so there’s no point even trying a Nuremberg defense.

    They’ll just argue self-defense — the victim was a scary black man, and so he was inherently dangerous and maximum force was justified — and hope for the racism of jury members to do the rest.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:40 PM

    It seems that two cops involved in killing of George Floyd have complaints for brutality in their files.

  83. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I am a bit surprised to find that Mark Zuckerberg is more cowardly than the Jack Dorsey at Twitter, when it comes to resisting Trump’s belief that there is a fundamental right to lie on social media.

    Consequently, Zuck is now receiving the treatment he so richly deserves. Free speech, bro, amirite?!

  84. Anonymous 4:23:
    Thank you for your optimism. I hope it is warranted. But I am not sure that even a sentence of involuntary manslaughter go down. I wish I could be sure.

    As for the Nuremberg defense, the lawyer probably won't say it in court, but others will say it online, and the police will say it to each other, for those are indeed their orders and their training.

    And as for self-defense... once some Indian nationalists showed Gandhi a cave full of weapons. He said, "You must be very frightened."

  85. Anonymous5:02 PM

    "Personally, I would prefer if these protesters did not destroy the neighborhoods where they have to live, but I don't know if I can blame them at this point, given the level of frustration and pent-up rage that they have been living with."

    Can you blame Whitey for the frustration and pent-up rage that he's been living with, as his grandparents are beaten bloody for a thug's entertainment in Detoilet and wantonly murdered at a cemetary in Delaware?  How about the overwhelmingly black-on-white nature of inter-racial violent crime, despite their best efforts to avoid blacks?

    Or does this only go one way?  Do blacks have rights without responsibilities—in other words, privilege?

  86. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Since the majority of crimes committed against whites is by fellow whites we can STFU here about Blah on white crime right? 80% of murders of whites is by whites sooooooooo.

    No.  Not even if the names Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till never come from you again.  Black Crime Matters.

    Back to Africa with you, so that you never have to worry about being shot by a white cop ever again and black-white crime falls to zero, both ways.

    Doesn't society owe black citizens safe communities too?

    "Society", meaning Whitey?  No.  "Society" owes black people only the fruits of their own labors and the climate of their own culture; if they cannot produce peace and prosperity they are not owed it by anyone else.  If they don't like that deal, "society" owes blacks a one-way ticket to Africa.

  87. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:20 PM

    How about the overwhelmingly black-on-white nature of inter-racial violent crime, despite their best efforts to avoid blacks?
    It doesn't exist. Do some research. Google interracial crime. There's lots of information on this topic.

  88. Anonymous5:41 PM

    If Mr. Floyd didn't resist arrest refuse to go into the back of the squad car he would still be alive you have no right to resist arrest! George was a large man 6ft6in was a convicted Felon did time in jail for armed robbery in Texas. Where is the video of him resisting arrest wait until drugs are in his system counterfeit money is a serious felony crime. I hope the Officers are reinstated and acquitted if charged with any crimes!

  89. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial5:41 PM

    "Doesn't society owe black citizens safe communities too?"

    12:52 PM

    If life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness includes all of America's citizens and not just some, the answer is yes!

    This country has spent trillions of dollars creating the conditions where many of its citizens feel that their only recourse is to riot in the streets. I mean does it make sense to spend more money on incarceration than education?

    I find it interesting how the 100 year anniversary of The Red Summer of 1919 passed with little mention. Here we have a time marked by widespread looting, arson and murder of Black people by packs of racist animals who felt threatened by the successful autonomous communities created in their midst by Blacks. I didn't hear a word from the white house about this disgraceful anniversary. I guess when they riot it's okay.

    I am reminded of the blue eyes/ brown eyes experiment by Jane Elliot where after only a few hours of being discriminated against one of the little subjects punched his classmate in the gut because he didn't like the way being discriminated against made him feel. If he couldn't last 4 hours without being violent, I wonder how he would feel after 400 years of being treated as an other?

    I don't condone the riots, but I understand.

  90. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Well, the man wasn't being combative, and kneeling on a suspect's neck until he dies is not proper police procedure in any city or county in America. So why don't you take a hike to a racist website and peddle your nonsense there?

    3:53 PM

    Americans are growing tired of liberal bullshit and being preyed upon by niggers. Even black folks dont want niggers around, nobody does.

  91. Anonymous5:44 PM

    “Or does this only go one way? Do blacks have rights without responsibilities—in other words, privilege?”

    The gunman who shot the elderly white couple is himself dead. And if he weren’t, he’d be on his way to prison. That’s a virtual certainty.

    The cops in Minnesota who crushed that black dude’s neck in are still alive. And it’s very possible they won’t even go to prison.

    So it looks to me like, all too often, it does only go one way. Cops have rights without responsibilities—in other words, privilege.

  92. drumpf's insane body count gets another notch higher...


  93. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Funny how BLM disappeared off the face of the earth, only to re-emerge in time for the 2020 elections. It's almost as if...

  94. "Funny how BLM disappeared off the face of the earth, only to re-emerge in time for the 2020 elections. It's almost as if..."

    So why were the leaders still active and doing interviews? I mean just because YOU don't know what they were doing doesn't mean they weren't doing anything. Maybe if you signed up for a newsletter or went to a meeting you'd know.


    Now we can guess where the violence stems from.


  97. "Now we can guess where the violence stems from."

    Yup and then their acolytes here go on and on about violence.

  98. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Talked to a black friend who lives in a Minneapolis suburb. He thinks the people starting these riots are outside provocateurs. The people who live in these neighborhoods don't want them burned down. The groups fomenting this violence are pushing the lie that blacks are being hunted down by evil white supremacists that run America.

    They're being gas-lit and riled up by Jewish supremacists who want to weaponize them to push their own agenda. Once again, creating black suffering is the goal, not alleviating it.

  99. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Funny how BLM disappeared off the face of the earth, only to re-emerge in time for the 2020 elections. It's almost as if...

    6:16 PM

    Where is ACORN???

  100. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The only arrest from the Minneapolis riots was the guy who defended his store from looters.

    Anarcho-tyranny everyone

    2:30 PM


  101. The first amendment protects Twitter from the government, not Fergus from Twitter.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  102. From Taegan Goddard:

    “We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores.”

    — Joe Biden, on Twitter, October 25, 2019.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  103. Anonymous8:13 PM

    The first amendment protects Twitter from the government, not Fergus from Twitter.

    Twitter claims not even to BE speaking, just a platform.  That's a lie; Twitter IS a publisher which promotes some sources and viewpoints and prohibits others, and is now editorializing on the content created by third parties.  Publishers are liable for publishing falsehoods about people.

  104. Acorn was driven out of business by unscrupulous right wing nut job liars with an agenda to edit tapes to make crows angry at legitimate services.

    Wingnuts hated Acorn because of all the lies they were told and when presented with facts, ignored them just as they do today. Acirn committed no criminal acts. O'Keefe did.

  105. Wesley R8:29 PM

    If the prosecutors office would have marched those officers in front of the cameras in handcuffs, there would not have been wide spread rioting, and looting last night.

  106. Fact checking is not editorializing, it is determining whether a statement is true or not.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  107. trump gets fact checked by twitter and within 24 hours he has an executive order but 100,000 dead Americans later he still can't muster a response to a killer virus. Is it just me or are somebody's priorities kinda messed up?

  108. trump's priorities have been messed up since day one. He's a loser Twitter troll. His followers are losers. Apparently there are a lot losers in the USA (more than I thought).

    Obama told everyone to vote. You didn't. You lose. Hillary Clinton would have been a much better president. You fucked-up, people.

  109. Anonymous10:27 PM

    "Twitter claims not even to BE speaking, just a platform. That's a lie; Twitter IS a publisher which promotes some sources and viewpoints and prohibits others, and is now editorializing on the content created by third parties. Publishers are liable for publishing falsehoods about people."

    And here we go with the wingnut conspiracy theories about "shadow bans" and similar junk.

    No. Social media is not promoting certain people's accounts and burying or hiding others. They have the same rules that everyone is SUPPOSED to be following. Winguts just start screaming when those rules are enforced against them, because defaming is not allowed, and the entire wingnut movement is based on lies. Getting people to vote for their guys requires sliming the other side. If they can't defame, they are done, game over.

  110. Anonymous10:38 PM

    "Fact checking is not editorializing"

    ALL "fact-checking" is editorializing.  It is judging merit after the fact.

    "Social media is not promoting certain people's accounts and burying or hiding others."

    Tell that to the people and groups whose Twatter accounts and all posts have been deleted.

    Not that you can and even think to be consistent.  Faw. Kew. Yew. Bah. Stid.


    White guy breaking windows at Autozone. Some people are trying to start some shit and blame others.

  112. Anonymous11:25 PM

    "Some people are trying to start some shit and blame others."

    Black people are pawns in a bigger game.

    Gotta keep them angry and afraid. Gotta keep white people nervous and guilt ridden.

    If blacks and whites ever figured out who was pulling their chains, there'd be hell to pay.

  113. Anonymous11:31 PM

    "Tell that to the people and groups whose Twatter accounts and all posts have been deleted."

    People who violated Twitter's rules and got banned? Yeah, like I said, that's how Twitter's rules work.

  114. Anonymous11:36 PM

    We just have another case of a goodified nigger here.
    Move along nothing to see.

  115. Anonymous11:48 PM

    The Trump campaign tried to use legal maneuvers to take down this cartoon from an online retailer.

    So let's get this straight. Trump and his people think it is unlawful and unfair for people to mock him and his deeply stupid followers, but consider it an outrage if he is not allowed to falsely accuse other people of murder on Twitter?

    This is real banana republic dictator stuff.

  116. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "People who violated Twitter's rules and got banned? Yeah, like I said, that's how Twitter's rules work."

    Not any more.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. "ALL "fact-checking" is editorializing."

    Look, I know you want to make the lies you're addicted to sacrosanct and above question, but you don't get to fucking do that.

    Lies are fucking lies, and if they can't be fact checked, the liars get to make policy out of them and shit like Fergus happens.

    How about this for "above fact checking status":
    The goat you were fucking last night belonged to the local Baptist church and now they want a new goat, so why do you keep on molesting barnyard animals?

    Now if we had that on video, that would be a whole different matter, but as something to be fact checked, it doesn't mean much without evidence.

    Objective reality exists, and as badly as you wish you could change it after the fact, you fucking can't.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. StillaPanther212:18 AM

    The city of Minneapolis, Minnesota has allowed the Third Pricinct to be destroyed to allow the focus to be shifted. Now the news will be for the poor police and the Black man killed will be tainted. Ala Mike Brown..,, I hope the news clips will be fair in portraying the race of all people looting. There will be a lot of poor white people with 50 inch TVs. tonite. The liquor store was torched I am watching on tv what we in the 60s were told that the revolution would not be televised. Is this nothing to see?

  120. Anonymous12:32 AM

    The 80 IQ club strikes again, with help from stupid whites. How long before cries of Food Deserts, Covid 19 deaths, No jobs, no pharmacies, we need free housing, our hoods are all fucked up. No wonder Africa don't want you Idiots back. LMFAO

  121. Rome yawns12:33 AM

    There’s something deeply pathetic about an act of rebellion which amounts to looting and stealing products from GloboHomoCorp. You can see why the elites like non-whites. They pose no existential threat.

    A genuine revolt would be to scoff at the products and what they mean.

    Instead their rebellion is just unfettered consumerism and infantile disorganization.

    A real people would seek to separate themselves from those they believed oppressed them and build their own polity.

    Instead they demand even more dependence.

  122. I don't think Mexico is going to pay for a wall.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  123. "Hillary Clinton would have been a much better president."

    A drunk possum would be a better president.

  124. "No wonder Africa don't want you Idiots back. LMFAO"

    LOL. Your English teacher doesn't want you back either.

  125. "officers are three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects."

    Conservatives will point out that the number of white men killed by cops is vastly disproportionate to the number of violent crimes committed by white men. They argue that this proves the system is fair

    We've been so brainwashed for so Goddamn long.

  126. If the police don't want to deal with rioting and unrest, maybe they could stop murdering unarmed black men? Just a thought.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  127. Anonymous1:27 AM

    “Black people built America”, but they never built Africa

    “Black people are innocent victims of white racism”, as they loot and burn down cities

    “Content of character, not color of skin” when it was always about their character

    Every popular narrative is bullshit


  129. “Black people built America”, but they never built Africa

    Ever been there?

  130. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Have blacks ever built anything on their own?

    Is there a two-story building on earth designed, funded, and constructed by black people?

    How about those TVs and Jordans they are looting? Have blacks ever created something worth stealing?

  131. Tanya1:37 AM

    On July 15, 2017, Justine Ruszczyk, a 40-year-old White Australian-American woman, was fatally shot by Mohamed Noor, a Black Somali-American Minneapolis Police Department officer, after she had called 9-1-1 to report the possible assault of a woman in an alley behind her house. Noor was ultimately arrested and charged with second-degree manslaughter and third-degree murder following an eight-month investigation by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the Hennepin County Attorney's Office. In April 2019, Noor was convicted of third-degree murder and manslaughter, but acquitted of intentional second-degree murder.

    Why didn't White Minnesotans loot target and burn down a police station?

    Would the police stand down if it was White people burning their station and went in and stole from the police station? Would the Jewish Democrat Mayor and Rep Ilhan Omar ask the police to stand down and let White rioters destroy a police station? Rhetorical question by the way.

  132. From Twitter:

    Tiffany C. Li
    · May 27
    If I’m reading this correctly, the EO claims tech platforms are doing something they’re not, in violation of an incorrect interpretation of law, and tasks agencies it can’t task to look into the things that aren’t being done that wouldn’t be wrong. Anything I missed, @Klonick?…

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  133. Eat that, Goy.1:49 AM

    Never mind about the riots or 40 million Americans out of work.

    Congress just decided to pass a new Holocaust Education bill with an overwhelming majority: 430 to 5.

    Because that's what was really missing from children's education in America.

  134. "Why didn't White Minnesotans loot target and burn down a police station?"

    Maybe because they got a conviction at all and that was the only high profile black officer killing of a white citizen there lately, whereas this was the third white officer murder of a black man there recently and no officer convictions have been obtained for any of them, that I am aware of.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  135. Read that: they didn't have to because they are white.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  136. "Why didn't White Minnesotans loot target and burn down a police station?"

    The person who shot her was arrested and sentenced. Let's see what happens to the officer that killed this young man.

  137. "Have blacks ever built anything on their own?"

    You should do some research to find the answer. Maybe use the time you currently use to troll to learn something, it will do you some good.

  138. You can start here.

  139. Here's the full list of Republicans convicted of a crime. Hope you have some time to read because the list is looooooooooooooooooooooooong.

  140. Anonymous5:58 AM

    George Floyd was a criminal thug who spent time in prison for armed home invasion.

    Fuck him. And fuck all of you.

  141. ALL "fact-checking" is editorializing. It is judging merit after the fact.

    In drumpf's case there was no fact so that just shot a hole in yer theory, oh goofy phucker.

    As for there being no whites looting, you didn't see the vids or you only watched edited O Keefe vods.


    CNN crew told police they would move where ever the pigs wanted thekm so they gotn illegally arrested and hauled away. Guv had them released within the hour and CNN has a suit for violation of 1st amendment rights.

  143. Anonymous9:37 AM

    7 negroes shot by other negroes at Louisville protest over fatal police shooting

  144. Anonymous9:38 AM

    George Floyd was a criminal thug who spent time in prison for armed home invasion.

    One less shitskin to terrorize the public and use resources......

  145. Anonymous9:43 AM

    16-Year-Old negro Charged With Capital Murder In Shooting Death Of Dallas PR Executive Leslie Baker:

  146. Anonymous9:47 AM

    George Floyd black protesters attack woman in wheelchair who allegedly had knife:

  147. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Warned Field Negro Pastors about God’s wrath ( Minnesota). Field Negros ‘Church/Community’ leaders spew such hate for the “US” Leader it has now spilled over into streets across America. What happen to Christian Leaders who are supposed to be the “peacemakers” as oppose to condoning such savage field negro behavior.


    You are next in line, God will deal with Fake Field Negro Church leaders whose primary goal is money over everything. We SHALL see who will not only embrace this famine season but “..know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am structed both to be full and be hungry."

  148. New video shot from across then street shows three pigs holding George Floyd down while he is suffocating. 18 seconds long. Hang the pigs!

    When Floyd was originally arrested he did not resist anyone or anything. But, to pigs, if you don't jump when they say jump that is resisting. Actually anything they say is resisting is resisting.

  149. Commandeered Queenie hasn't graced us with his racist presence lately. Didn't he say he had serious medical problems?

  150. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:29 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Gambler2 said....

    Well, the man wasn't being combative, and kneeling on a suspect's neck until he dies is not proper police procedure in any city or county in America. So why don't you take a hike to a racist website and peddle your nonsense there?

    3:53 PM

    Americans are growing tired of liberal bullshit and being preyed upon by niggers. Even black folks dont want niggers around, nobody does.

    5:43 PM
    Hey Anon., why don't you pick a screen name and come out and discuss like a man instead of hiding? What, no guts??

    The only thing Americans are growing tired of is people like you who lie, cheat, threaten violence, and support the biggest bastard, con artist, president in the history of our country.

  151. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:32 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Funny how BLM disappeared off the face of the earth, only to re-emerge in time for the 2020 elections. It's almost as if...

    6:16 PM
    No it's not funny nor mysterious. BLM did not disappear. It's been here all the time. Don't you have anything better to do than to post stupid questions???

  152. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:48 AM

    Anonymous said...

    How about the overwhelmingly black-on-white nature of inter-racial

    Fifth hit for "inter-racial crime" on Duck Duck Go is Expanded Homicide Data Table 3.

  153. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The only thing Americans are growing tired of is people like you who lie, cheat, threaten violence, and support the biggest bastard, con artist, president in the history of our country.

    10:29 AM


  154. Anonymous10:58 AM


  155. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Why do negroes think its ok to loot and burn down other peoples livelihood. Negroes just created more unemployment in that area. Brilliant.

  156. Hooray for the USSA!11:08 AM

    "As for there being no whites looting, you didn't see the vids"

    The multi-racial nature of the thieves and arsonists was heart-warming.

    If people can come together for the cause of election year terror, just think what we can do when other people put our minds to it.

  157. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:09 AM

    Anonymous said...

    George Floyd was a criminal thug who spent time in prison for armed home invasion.

    One less shitskin to terrorize the public and use resources......

    9:38 AM
    What took you so long to come out and call George a thug? I was expecting it sooner. Your type usually comes out within 24 hours, calling the victim a thug and indicating he/she deserved to die.

  158. I seriously doubt rioters were rioting over someone's livelihood. What you right wing dumbfucks conveniently overlook is the treatment of minorities by pigs, which is what started Kaepernick to kneel during the N A. It isn't like this is new. It has been going on for decades.

  159. Anonymous11:24 AM

    What you communist dissemblers conveniently overlook is the much higher criminality of some minorities.

    Chinese Americans are a minority. They don't have an excessive level of interaction with the police. Same for Indians, Koreans, and Japanese.

    Maybe it's not racism.

  160. Priorities said...
    PilotX said...
    "Unless they are asked to wear a mask to protect grandma."

    At least the the rioters care about grandma:

    So there's that.

    Burning down a city but wearing a mask because you're more worried about catching a virus than being shot is peak Weimerica.

  161. Worth remembering that if America actually was a white supremacist state all these 'thugs' running their mouths would already be dead.

  162. somebody11:40 AM

    If white people rioted and burned down an entire city there'd be mass executions, when blacks do it the media controlled by the jews won't even say it's a riot

  163. Anonymous11:43 AM

    You'd have to be dense to think the riots challenge any power structure. The rioters' agenda is the same as that of the power structure. Antifa are the shock troops of the establishment.
    No corporation or liberal elite will feel any pain from these disturbances.

  164. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Field Negros following their (church ) leaders who teaches field negros how to think, speak, act and vote. Uncle Joe insisted, paraphrasing, if you have to decide who to vote for president, you are not -black. Field Negro are led by emption rather intellect as displayed in Minnesota-- intellects understand the pen is mightier than the sword.

    "Black people stop killing black people"

  165. PilotX said...
    "Why didn't White Minnesotans loot target and burn down a police station?"

    The person who shot her was arrested and sentenced. Let's see what happens to the officer that killed this young man.

    It took an 8 month investigation before Noor was charged in Ruszczyk's death.

    The entire country condemned the murder of George Floyd. Virtually no one is defending the actions of this officer. If you’re listening to someone who acts like that’s not the case, it’s because they have an agenda.

  166. Sheriff of Sugar Pine12:00 PM

    YouTube, Facebook and Twitter should be treated as common utilities and be prevented from censoring people based on political or religious opinions. The phone company is not allowed to shut off your service if they don't like what you say. Big Tech should be treated the same.

  167. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial12:44 PM

    Stupid shit that Pale Males say that ain't true for $100 alex!

    The answer is...

    "If white people rioted and burned down an entire city there'd be mass executions...!"

    What is the Red Summer of 1919?

    Correct! Pick again!

    Stupid shot for 2!

    Why didn't White Minnesotans loot target and burn down a police station?"

    What is your ancestors did it so you don't have to.

    Correct! Pick again

    Stupid shit for 3!

    "Have blacks ever built anything on their own?"

    What is "Yes, the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma?"

    Sorry! No, it was burned down during the Tulsa Riots and doesn't count.


    Then again maybe you're right, there were mass executions...hundreds of blacks were murdered.

  168. Conversations about racial violence only flow one way, with every individual white on black (white police officer on black) incident justification for blaming all whites in America for the act. Reality is 90% of violent interracial crime is black on white

  169. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Way to go Pyramid Builders, really showing the World that Wakanda is within your reach. Stupid is as Negro does.

  170. Anonymous1:30 PM

    If you don't think the riots are "part of the plan"-- you are an idiot. Nothing like this is ever real. It's always a psyop. "Protest" is the greatest marketing campaign for the Deep State. All that will come out of this is greater demand for Lockdown Surveillance State.


  172. "justification for blaming all whites in America for the act"

    Kind of projection there kid. Who blamed all white people for the killing of unarmed Blah people? All the articles and protests I've seen puts the blame squarely on the individuals that committed the act. Now conversely I've seen all Blah people blamed for the actions of single individuals. Self-awareness isn't your strong suit is it son? LOL

  173. "All that will come out of this is greater demand for Lockdown Surveillance State."

    trump is following the Nixon playbook so that isn't a far fetched notion.

  174. Officer Chauvin arrested for his role in the murder of an unarmed and subdued man.

  175. trump's about to speak, let's see if he can act like an adult for the first time. Aw, who the hell am I kidding, he's just gonna make things worse.

  176. 3rd degree murder? There's such a thing? I'm thinking he's gonna cop a temporary insanity plea...cause what else is he going to say...

    In a way it does look as though he went insane, his eyes were very weird, you can see in the photo. If one of the other officers had touched or pulled him, told him 'enough,let go' he might have done so, but they're obviously afraid of him.

    And the Asiatic cop is going to defend himself by saying his back was turned to Chauvin and he was unaware of the severity of the situation. The other two kind of tried to stay out of the picture towards the end so they might use the same defense...

    Needless tragedy, to say the least...:(

  177. "Needless tragedy, to say the least...:("


  178. "It took an 8 month investigation before Noor was charged in Ruszczyk's death."

    Was there any doubt of the outcome?

  179. I think third degree murder was the conviction they got in the Damond shooting, so perhaps that's their go-to killer cop charge.
    It's still better than the involuntary manslaughter that Mehserle got for murdering Oscar Grant.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  180. Anonymous3:19 PM

    For God's sake why on earth or in the universe would you want to fuck them?
    You don't want your children having lowered intelligence!

  181. "All the articles and protests I've seen puts the blame squarely on the individuals that committed the act."

    Derek Chauvin owns Target? AutoZone? Was that his favorite library?

  182. drumpf body count reaches another new milestone...


    Everyone of these needless deaths enhances the glory of drumpfuck the dumbfuch criminal.

  183. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial3:34 PM

    An Inconvenient Truth said

    "Conversations about racial violence only flow one way, with every individual white on black (white police officer on black) incident justification for blaming all whites in America for the act. Reality is 90% of violent interracial crime is black on white"

    I appreciate your post as it appears you want to create a constructive dialogue. I can only speak for myself, so...

    In my opinion, America has not tried to address racial violence and find out why what you postulate may be true. So, what are the causes of these crimes? Why is this country so racially divided? Most crimes involve money, sex, drugs and property. How does this factor into the alleged discrepancies you point out?

    It's no secret that majority communities oppress minority communities all over the world. The Chinese do it. Africans do it. Indians do it. Arabs do it. Everybody does it. But isn't America supposed to be different?

    Could it be that racism is a contributing factor? I know it is here, in these these divided states. Could it be years of negatively stereotyping a whole segment of a community can cause distrust and anger, misunderstandings and violence? The supposed War on Drugs decimated the black community. Mass incarceration destroyed families. Yet we refuse to see how the disparity in sentencing between powder cocaine and crack seemed to favor the majority over the minority. The psychological violence which We sweep under the rug. We jailed the crack addicts and recommended treatment for those addicted to Meth and abused OTC medicines.

    What about redlining, racial covenants, voter suppression, separate and unequal facilities?

    Why can't we admit that we've all contributed to the maladies that have created this environment that breeds antisocial miscreants.

    I was conditioned to believe in the pledge of allegiance. I've had friends and relatives put their lives on the line in support of this country during their military service and as officers of the law, only to find out that maybe life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is for some and not for all.

    They said the Indians were savages and treated them savagely. They said the Japanese were ruthless and they treated them ruthlessly. They say Blacks are violent and they treat us violently.

    If you want to talk then let's talk. I'd be happy to hear what you have to say.

    *Please excuse any typos and errors in grammar.

  184. Fergus: "When the looting starts, the shooting starts."

    When, exactly, did execution become the punishment for disorderly conduct, and in which jurisdiction?

    And what about the due process you were so lugubriously whining about when you mistakenly thought you weren't getting enough of it?

    You're the motherfucking president, not the mob-boss you wish you were, and that's just one more of those facts you don't want to be checked on because it makes you look like the felonious idiot that you really are.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  185. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Democrats 1968

  186. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Where are all the Korean store owners???

  187. Anonymous5:28 PM

    The biggest threat to a black person is another black person.......

  188. Anonymous6:01 PM

    "I think third degree murder was the conviction they got in the Damond shooting, so perhaps that's their go-to killer cop charge.
    It's still better than the involuntary manslaughter that Mehserle got for murdering Oscar Grant."

    It was easier to understand how the cop in the Justine Damond killing got third-degree murder. He shot blindly through a car window at a person he couldn't see. If that's not intent to kill, it's damn close.

    Can they make that stick with Derek Chauvin? He'll argue that he didn't intent to kill the victim and didn't have any reason to believe that could happen, either.

    So, you'll hear:
    *The victim was resisting, so I had to keep restraining him. I was led to believe a knee to the neck was a perfectly acceptable restraint technique.
    *The victim was still talking, so that meant he could still breathe.
    *The victim was in ill health, and that's really why he died. It's not my fault the victim lived on Ding-Dongs and KFC before he met me.
    *The victim was high out of his mind on drugs. It's the drugs that killed him, not me.

    And so on.

  189. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Black Hostile crowd confronts police, sparking memories of similar incident that was caught on video:


    Chauvin-ist pig knelt on victim's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, including nearly three minutes after the decedent had stopped breathing.

    Pigs are taught that pressure on side of neck such as that which killed this man is "inherently dangerous".

  191. The carotid arteries which carry oxygen to the brain, run up the side of the neck. Press on them and a person will be knocked out and eventually killed. But never fear, the autopsy report was just released and it was high blood pressure, and the "probability" of drugs in his system (adding insult to injury) that killed him, the cops knee pressure had NOTHING to do with it at all just so ya know!

  192. Anonymous7:44 PM

    The person who shot her was arrested and sentenced. Let's see what happens to the officer that killed this young man.

    It took MONTHS before Noor was even fired, and much longer before he was charged.

    Apparently the way to get timely justice is to burn government buildings.

  193. You all know, don't you? This Chauvin-ist pig will soon be the toast of Fake noize and drumpf's newest best buddy until drumpf tires of him and throws him under the bus.

  194. Merle Haggard7:50 PM

    "What took you so long to come out and call George a thug?"

    The lying lamestream media won't report on a perp's criminal record, and even suppresses race and immigration status; it is all about The Narrative (minorities good, whites bad).  It takes time for the patriot media to get those critical facts and disseminate them.

  195. Official report does not clear cops in Floyd's death.

    - It says Floyd had underlying health issues: "The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease."
    -- It says three factors contributed to this death: "The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death."

    Link in my 7:20 comment gives the report and the charges against Chauvin-ist and the reasons why.

  196. Anonymous7:58 PM

    what are the causes of these crimes? Why is this country so racially divided?

    The causes are in large part black propensity to violence, black lack of future time preference/impulsivity and a black culture which blames all its ills on white people in general, who are deemed "racist", "oppressors" and "holding them down".

    The supposed War on Drugs decimated the black community. Mass incarceration destroyed families. Yet we refuse to see how the disparity in sentencing between powder cocaine and crack seemed to favor the majority over the minority.

    Blacks DEMANDED harsher measures because of the damage crack was doing "in da community".  They only got what they asked for.  It's a case of "be careful what you wish for, you might get it."

    Could it be years of negatively stereotyping a whole segment of a community can cause distrust and anger, misunderstandings and violence?

    Stereotypes are statistical truths.  Blacks deserve all the anger aimed at them, for encouraging their criminal relatives.

    What about redlining, racial covenants, voter suppression, separate and unequal facilities?

    Redlining, restrictive covenants and other "racist" measures were all aimed at keeping black criminals and their crime out of white areas and keeping them from being destroyed.  And they worked!  Since they were abolished, cities like St. Louis and Detroit have been literally bulldozed, or in the case of St. Louis, raided by criminals for bricks.

  197. Passing a couterfeit $20 is not a capital offense, especially not by slow strangulation while the victim pleads with is killers who were allegedly there to serve and protect.

    This victim's past activities is irrelevant to the crime he was charged with and executed for, but never given due process of a trial by an impartial jury of his peers.

  198. Stupid old woman is stupid8:03 PM

    "Lies, lies, and damn lies."

    From Table 43:

    Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter arrests:
    9,468 Total
    4,188 White
    5,025 Black

    There MORE BLACKS ARRESTED FOR MURDER IN ABSOLUTE NUMBERS despite them being 1/5 as much of the US population.


  199. Blacks DEMANDED harsher measures because of the damage crack was doing "in da community". They only got what they asked for. It's a case of "be careful what you wish for, you might get it."

    What a load of horse pucky. Blacks didn't ask for the racial disparity in sentences for whitey coke addict versus Black crack addict, but they got them.

    Your entire ejaculation is racist bullshit.
