Saturday, May 16, 2020

Caption Saturday.

Image result for trump image without mask

I need a caption for this picture. 

*Image from


  1. Just give up man, he's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too stupid to understand how to wear a mask. We're talking about the guy who looked directly into the sun and drinks bleach.

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:58 PM

    I guess he thinks he's immune to COV19.

  3. I can't smear my makeup in front of a camera so I guess maybe I'll just die.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous7:45 PM

    “Masks are for pussies. Vast amounts of tanning cream and a combover make me look cool, though.”

  5. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Masks ARE for pussies.

  6. Typical Incel9:26 PM

    "Masks ARE for pussies."

    I know you're stupid and have never seen a pussy but masks are for faces.

  7. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial9:31 PM

    Where's Smelania???

  8. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I'm really sick of joggers.

  9. Anonymous12:22 AM

  10. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Explain to me why the media takes their masks off when they think the cameras are off?

  11. I like to be able to smell my farts. So what?

  12. Fuck old Shep if drumpf ain't a busy little killing machine.....

    Last updated: May 17, 2020, 11:38 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    The magic 100k can't be too far behind.

  13. Eric "the dumbest" drumpf predicts after Nov 3 election covid will magically disappaer because it is a conspiracy by Dems to defeat drumpf at the polls.

  14. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Chicago May 2020 to Date 05/17/2020
    Shot & Killed: 29
    Shot & Wounded: 144
    Total Shot: 173
    Total Homicides: 30

  15. White privilege, eloquently explained so even the dumbest of wingnuts can "get it".

  16. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Imagine thinking Stacey Abrams is qualified to do anything but work at a post office.

  17. Imagine thinking Ivanka and Jared are qualified to do anything more than take out the garbage.

  18. Imagine thinking trump is qualified to do anything more than bankrupt a casino. 😂

  19. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Barack Obama was the most corrupt President in US history.

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:09 PM

    From political wire today....

    If FDR Acted Like Trump During World War II

    May 17, 2020 at 9:03 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 28 Comments

    Max Boot: “Picture the scene a few months after Pearl Harbor. The first U.S. troops have arrived in England, and the Doolittle raiders have bombed Tokyo. But even though the war has just begun, the Trumpified FDR is already losing interest. One day he says the war is already won; the next day that we will just have to accept the occupation of France because that’s the way life is. He speculates that mobilization might be unnecessary if we can develop a ‘death ray’ straight out of a Buck Rogers comic strip. He complains that rationing and curfews are very unpopular and will have to end soon. He tells the governors that if they want to keep on fighting, they will have to take charge of manufacturing ships, tanks and aircraft. Trumpy FDR prefers to hold mass rallies to berate his predecessor, Herbert Hoover. He even suggests that Hoover belongs in jail along with the leading Republican congressmen — ‘Martin, Barton and Fish.'”

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Barack Obama was the most corrupt President in US history.

    12:04 PM
    That's impossible; Trump holds that title. But tell us why you think Trump should cede that title to Obama.

  22. trump is the most incompetent president in history.

  23. Anonymous12:17 PM

    "If FDR Acted Like Trump During World War II"

    He'd have put Chinese Americans in internment camps.

  24. "He'd have put Chinese Americans in internment camps."

    Hell, his dumb ass would have put Native Americans in internment camps. LOL

  25. Anonymous12:25 PM

    "But tell us why you think Trump should cede that title to Obama."

    Trump didn't weaponize the IRS to go after opposition political organizations.

    Trump didn't start an illegal war in Libya.

    Trump didn't run arms from Libya to start another illegal war in Syria.

    Trump didn't lie about why our Ambassador was killed to hide what he was up to in Libya and Syria.

    Trump didn't use manufactured evidence to justify using the IC to spy on the opposition camapaign.

    Trump didn't organize a plot to bring down his successor in order to hide what he had done during the campaign.

  26. That's impossible; Trump holds that title. But tell us why you think Trump should cede that title to Obama.

    Fake noize told him to say that. No proof, just made up shit.

    PilotX, drumpf has pretty much bankrupted the USA financially, morally and ethically. He gets a threeferin i only 3+ years of being unelected.

  27. Anymoose @ 12:25 PM drumpf does all that before the rooster crows and then really gets destructive.

  28. "Trump didn't weaponize the IRS to go after opposition political organizations.

    Trump didn't start an illegal war in Libya.

    Trump didn't run arms from Libya to start another illegal war in Syria.

    Trump didn't lie about why our Ambassador was killed to hide what he was up to in Libya and Syria.

    Trump didn't use manufactured evidence to justify using the IC to spy on the opposition camapaign.

    Trump didn't organize a plot to bring down his successor in order to hide what he had done during the campaign."

    Neither did Obama. But Reagan did illegally trade arms with Iran to fund an illegal was in Central America.

  29. Now Fergus' FDA has made a testing program in Seattle shut down, apparently because it was finding new cases.
    These fuckers have to go.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Police departments encouraging lynch mobs?

  31. "These fuckers have to go."

    Too late, they've bankrupted, divided and fucked up the country. Now we just have to rebuild as usual after a Republican administration.

  32. Anonymous3:08 PM

    “Police departments encouraging lynch mobs?”

    This is extremely shady.

    To begin with, why was the owner of the home under construction so phobic about people burglarizing the site? There are apparently no records of anyone having ever stolen anything there, and if anything were stolen, I would think it would be covered under the insurance of the contractors or something? Anyway, for some reason, the owner had a motion-sensor camera and was in the habit of calling the cops anytime anyone got near his property. This is already not exactly normal.

    And then, the cops get tired of fielding these annoying nuisance calls ... so they try to offload them onto their racist EX-cop buddy, Greg McMichael, who lives in the neighborhood?

    Heads better roll over this.

  33. Anonymous3:13 PM

    "Neither did Obama."

    Obama certainly did all of that. Your refusal to believe what you don't want to believe betrays your fundamental intellectual dishonesty. And your racism.

  34. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "Now Fergus' FDA has made a testing program in Seattle shut down, apparently because it was finding new cases."

    Yes I'm sure that's it, Doug.

  35. Now the idiot spawn of Fergus is claiming that the virus is a Democrat invention to take away his syphilitic father's best campaign tactic, and will magically disappear the day after the election.
    Whether he believes the 85K+ corpses will then reanimate and go on as they were before he didn't say, as apparently he doesn't think real good.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:37 PM

    Anonymous at 12:25 PM

    Obama didn't do any of the things you stated in your post and you know it. Otherwise you would have posted reliable sources to support your claims. They are nothing but wingnut lies.

  37. Anonymous3:49 PM

    “Whether he believes the 85K+ corpses will then reanimate and go on as they were before he didn't say, as apparently he doesn't think real good.”

    That’s the GOP, in the year of our lord 2020. Facts don’t exist. “Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?” The rest of the world doesn’t exist, either; never mind the lockdowns going on everywhere on earth — COVID-19 is still all just a Democrat hoax meant to get Trump!

    Reality is whatever they say it is.

    This strategy has always been based on Republican voters being dumb as hell, but Trump and company are really pushing it to the absolute limits this time.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:58 PM

    Dinthebeast said...

    Now the idiot spawn of Fergus is claiming that the virus is a Democrat invention to take away his syphilitic father's best campaign tactic, and will magically disappear the day after the election.
    Whether he believes the 85K+ corpses will then reanimate and go on as they were before he didn't say, as apparently he doesn't think real good.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine
    We need to ask Eric why he still believes in fairy tales.

    3:23 PM


  39. Anonymous4:18 PM

    "Otherwise you would have posted reliable sources to support your claims"

    You would have to be living in a cave not to know that what the Obama administration perpetrated during the 2016 election were the biggest political crimes in US history. You are willfully ignorant.

  40. Anonymous4:19 PM

    "Facts don’t exist."

    Says the deluded ignoramus who believed the Russia collusion hoax.

  41. Russian collusion was rel and as Mueller's report clearly laid out, he didn't believe it rose to the level of conspiracy and anyway, it was not his province to determine if any crimes were charge worthy. Stop the fucking incessant lying about no collusion. There were also about 10 instances of actionable obstruction laid out n ice and neat for Barr to totally ignore.

    Find out elder Arbery killer McMichael has not had legal police powers since 2006 so he had no business trying to detain an innocent black jogger who his son murdered with his help.

  42. drumpf body count now a hefty...


    Will exceed 100k inside a week at this rate. Walk with pride stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  43. Anonymous4:38 PM

    "he had no business trying to detain an innocent black jogger"

    Good thing he wasn't trying to detain an innocent black jogger, just a burglar.

  44. Anonymous4:49 PM

    "Walk with pride stoopid fucking wingnuts."

    75% of COVID-19 deaths have been in blue states with Democratic governors.

  45. "the strength of binding of COVID-19 to human ACE2 far exceeds the predicted strength of its binding to the ACE2 of any of the other species. This points to the virus having been selected for its high binding to human ACE2. In the absence of evidence of historic human infections with this virus, which could result in such selection, this either is a remarkable coincidence or a sign of human intervention.
    It is therefore entirely plausible that the virus was created in the biosecurity facility in Wuhan by selection on cells expressing human ACE2, a laboratory that was known to be cultivating exotic bat coronaviruses at the time."

  46. Wonkette's columnist cuts through all the bullshit about Flynn's perjury and the dumbfuckery of Barr and does it with humor.

  47. Anonymous5:21 PM

    “Find out elder Arbery killer McMichael has not had legal police powers since 2006 so he had no business trying to detain an innocent black jogger who his son murdered with his help.”

    It’s not really relevant how long McMichael had no longer been a cop. It could be 14 years ago or 4 months ago. The point is that he was not a cop at the time of his attempted arrest of Arbery, so he could only do it under the very narrow criteria that allow for a “citizen’s arrest.”

    Those criteria were not met. “Citizen’s arrest” requires one to have witnessed a felony. McMichael and his son had no proof that Arbery was committing a robbery (a felony) nor that he planned to, and even if Arbery had been legally considered to be trespassing at the construction site (doubtful), trespassing is a misdemeanor.

    So McMichael and his son themselves committed a felony by illegally trying to arrest him, which then resulted in Arbery’s death, which means they committed felony murder.

  48. 75% of COVID-19 deaths have been in blue states with Democratic governors

    Let's see the proof.

  49. McMichael was also working as an investigator for the DA without requisite police powers. He fai,led numerous times to keep his training up to state standards(or somethinglike that) and when it was discovered, the DA, I believe, issued him a waiver to keep working. She is also the one who stated at the beginning she didn't see any reason to charge McMichaels with killing Arbery.

    At some point McMichaels had to turn in credentials and state furnished handgun he was authorized to carry.


    My piece up above needs a few corrections which are in this piece. My humblest apologies for my memory that isn't as sharp as it was or needs to be.

  51. "Obama certainly did all of that. Your refusal to believe what you don't want to believe betrays your fundamental intellectual dishonesty. And your racism."

    Sure kid. Because to Fox news imbeciles like you only Blah people can be racists.😂😂 And he was a secret Kenyan Muslim socialist. 😆

  52. Anonymous5:49 PM

    “75% of COVID-19 deaths have been in blue states with Democratic governors”

    Probably true (almost half the deaths have been in NY and NJ) but 100% irrelevant.

    Airborne infectious diseases always impact high-population-density areas the worst, and states with big cities are usually controlled by Dems.

    In other words, those states have been affected worse mostly because the virus by its nature TARGETED them, not because their governors fucked up.

    Blaming state governors also ignores the fact that most of the critical resources to fight a pandemic reside at the federal level and Trump chose not to apply any of them. It’s just another Trump deflection from his failures.

  53. Anonymous5:50 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    75% of COVID-19 deaths have been in blue states with Democratic governors

    Let's see the proof.

    Add em up, buttercup.

  54. "You would have to be living in a cave not to know that what the Obama administration perpetrated during the 2016 election were the biggest political crimes in US history. You are willfully ignorant."

    So the basic trump playbook of making claims intentionally vague so you don't have to provide proof that is easily disproven. I mean it works with idiots and people under 5 but then again that is the trump base.

    1. And we all know "the biggest political crimes in U.S. history" will go unpunished by trump who has the DOJ to hold people accountable. 😂 Oh I guess he'll get swept up in the Qanon arrests? Aren't we a little too old to believe in fairy tales?

  55. None of the red states have barely touched testing. Texas tested 40 some thousand and they have 29 million residents.

  56. So Texas, which is proceeding with its reopening plans, just recorded its largest single daily increase in covid cases with 1,801 new cases reported.
    The bulk of those cases came from testing meat packing plants near Amarillo.
    So if they were testing all of the meat packing facilities and nursing homes, the totals would likely be many times the reported number.
    But numbers just make politicians look bad and Texans are too tough to care about no pussy ass virus.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  58. A covidiot has tested positive for the virus after attending a mother's day religious service with 180 attendees in violation of distancing rules in Butte County.
    Butte County is one of 22 counties in California that had met the criteria for expedited reopening, but now those 180 religious covidiots will have to be contact traced to find out how extensively they have spread the virus there before a decision can be made about reopening.
    Ignoring the distancing guidelines doesn't speed up reopening, it slows it down.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. From an article in the New Yorker....

    The citizen was Flynn. On Wednesday, those senators released the names of the officials and accused the former Vice-President of participating in a plot to entrap Flynn. Former national-security officials said that it is routine to request, or “unmask,” the names of Americans whose conversations with foreign officials contain intelligence, and noted that the practice has increased by seventy-five per cent under Trump. Ben Rhodes, a former top Obama adviser, tweeted, “The unconfirmed, acting DNI using his position to criminalize routine intelligence work to help re-elect the president and obscure Russian intervention in our democracy would normally be the scandal here.” Grenell replied in a tweet, “Transparency is not political. But I will give you that it isn’t popular in Washington DC.”

  60. Anonymous6:31 PM

    "So Texas, which is proceeding with its reopening plans, just recorded its largest single daily increase in covid cases with 1,801 new cases reported.
    The bulk of those cases came from testing meat packing plants near Amarillo.
    So if they were testing all of the meat packing facilities and nursing homes, the totals would likely be many times the reported number.
    But numbers just make politicians look bad and Texans are too tough to care about no pussy ass virus."

    Maybe they are figuring, "Oh, it'll only infect the Mexicans."

    If so, they have figured wrong.

    The virus infects big cities and the most vulnerable FIRST. But if nothing is done to contain it, it will eventually spread to the countryside, and the Trump-voting Bubbas will then be at risk. And when that happens, there won't be many resources to save them, because as a rule, hospitals suck in rural and small-town America.

    And no, for the millionth time, COVID-19 is not the flu. Lots of people will NOT be fine if they catch it. This is not a matter of "liberal snowflakes" whining over nothing, whatever Trump and the wingnut media bloviators may claim.

  61. Anonymous6:58 PM

    It was nice of FN to crop out the person handing President Trump his mask. Classic Fake News commie move.

  62. "It was nice of FN to crop out the person handing President Trump his mask. Classic Fake News commie move."

    Did he wear it?

  63. Elitist wingnut supreme court justice in Wisconsin gives her take on just who gets covid at meat packing plants. Bucking for a cabinet spot in drumpf's racist, elitist administration.

  64. So why is it that Fergus is hiding behind that deep state OLC memo that says he can't be prosecuted while in office? If ever anything qualified as deep state, that has to be it. Not in the constitution, not in USC, just a political appointee's legal opinion within the DOJ from decades ago.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  65. Ignorant RacistX said...
    "So the basic trump playbook of making claims intentionally vague so you don't have to provide proof that is easily disproven. I mean it works with idiots and people under 5 but then again that is the trump base"

    Nothing vague here:

    Grow the fuck up.

  66. final body count today...


  67. From Taegan Goddard:

    America Has Failed Itself and the World

    May 17, 2020 at 1:02 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 296 Comments

    Financial Times: “American leadership in any disaster, whether a tsunami or an Ebola outbreak, has been a truism for decades. The US is renowned for helping others in an emergency.”

    “In hindsight, Trump’s claim to global leadership leaps out. History will mark Covid-19 as the first time that ceased to be true. US airlifts have been missing in action. America cannot even supply itself.”

    “South Korea, which has a population density nearly 15 times greater and is next door to China, has lost a total of 259 lives to the disease. There have been days when America has lost 10 times that number. The US death toll is now approaching 90,000.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. All them there specifics from Mcahooligan or whatever her name is are debunked, bull shit, imaginary crimes that a normal judge and court wouldn't waste time on.

    More fucking bullshit paved over with a new time stamp. Flynn committed criminal acts and pled gui,lty under penalty of perjury twice. He was caught legally on tape cavorting with Russian agent and he lied about it to the FBI and the vice pos potus. He deserves the electeric chair, not an iota of sympathy. Fucking morons.


    I guess grownups use twitter as official links. Ha! Sooooooooooooooo, lemme get this right grown up, Barack committed high crimes yet the DOJ headed by a trump appointee does nothing? Kinda weird that the president, who was impeached, lobs accusations of crimes but yet does nothing about it. The Republican led senate does no investigations. Doubly weird. "Lock him up" Ha! I guess they'll get to it as soon as Mexico pays for the wall.

  70. Anonymous8:33 PM

    To begin with, why was the owner of the home under construction so phobic about people burglarizing the site?

    Because things had been stolen from the site.

    There are apparently no records of anyone having ever stolen anything there

    "Home owner claims to have installed cameras because things kept going missing including copper piping. These cameras caught Arbery numerous times inside his house. Many times at night. You know, when he was jogging."

    if anything were stolen, I would think it would be covered under the insurance of the contractors or something?

    Ever heard of deductibles?  Ever heard of high premiums for unoccupied buildings?

    This is extremely shady.

    You're extremely stupid AND bigoted against white people.


    Hey Doug, have you heard this? Elvin Bishop's song about trump.

  72. JEEZ what does this guy eat?

  73. "You're extremely stupid AND bigoted against white people."

    So this is the new line of attack, if you're against killing people for no reason you hate white people. That's logical, but then again how smart and logical have our anonymous trolls ever been?

  74. I know it's not twitter, which seems to be the new go-to for trolls, but the property owner tells local press nothing was stolen from his property. But believing the owner is anti-white hatred so be careful.

  75. More anti-white hate speech from the above article.

    "BRUNSWICK, Ga. (AP) — The owner of a house under construction that played a role in the fatal shooting of a black man chased down by two white men in Georgia says nothing was stolen from the house."

  76. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Low IQ X said...
    "I know it's not twitter"

    You know nothing. Twitter is a website. The link is to a video of Trump's press secretary describing what Obamagate is.

    The Obama administration:

    Used the intelligence agencies of the US to spy on the opposition presidential campaign. Then lied about it.

    They tried to justify this spying by using Russian disinformation paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Then lied about it.

    They changed the rules about the unmasking of US citizens during the last days of the administration. Then lied about it.

    Senior administration officials unmasked General Flynn's name and then illegally leaked it to the press. Then lied about it.

    They prosecuted Flynn when they knew he had not committed a crime and forced him to admit he lied when they thought he hadn't by threatening his son. Then lied about it.

    They "lost" the 302 form associated with the FISA warrant application. Then lied about it.

    Created a false narrative that Russians hacked the DNC emails when their own forensic investigation found no evidence of anyone hacking the DNC server. Then lied about it.

    Spread false information of Russian collusion in order to overturn the 2016 election. Then lied about it.

    Used holdovers in the administration to leak false stories including the "whistleblower" who falsely claimed to have knowledge of collusion with Ukraine. Then lied about it.

    Held closed-door impeachment hearings where not a single witness said they had any information on collusion. Then lied about it.

    Held a farce of an impeachment trial where not a single witness said they had any information on collusion or illegal acts by the Trump administration. Then lied about it.

    This is all a matter of public record. Whether or not Bill Barr brings charges for these crimes awaits to be seen.

  77. Anonymous9:48 PM

    if you're against killing people for no reason you hate white people.

    Ahmaud Arbery was killed because he attacked and grabbed the shotgun of one of the citizens attempting to make a citizens arrest for criminal trespass.  That is EXCELLENT reason.

  78. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Black in a hoodie stabs a 76-yr-old white guy in the back as he pumps gas.

    Only blacks do this.  Nobody but blacks should have to tolerate the presence of blacks.

  79. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "Home owner claims to have installed cameras because things kept going missing including copper piping. These cameras caught Arbery numerous times inside his house. Many times at night. You know, when he was jogging."

    This is a lie. There were never any items taken from the construction site. And while people were caught on the security camera on multiple occasions, there's no reason to believe that any of them were Arbery, except on the day of his death.

    You might want to consider other sources besides lying dirtbags on Twitter. Such as an actual legit news outlet:

    Suspect in Ahmaud Arbery shooting volunteered to help homeowner handle trespassers

    From the article:

    "Beginning in October 2019, the attorney for the English family states there were four or five times when someone entered the house at night. She says English informed law enforcement via a non-emergency number and called 911 on one other occasion, but not on Feb. 23.

    English has never said Arbery was in the person in any of those nighttime videos, and he cannot identify the person now, according to the statement."

    "'if anything were stolen, I would think it would be covered under the insurance of the contractors or something?'

    Ever heard of deductibles? Ever heard of high premiums for unoccupied buildings?"

    Deductibles and premiums that would generally be paid by the construction contractor, not the building owner, so it's hard to see why the owner would give a shit.

  80. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Arbery was a thief.

    Doesn't mean he deserved to get shot, but he was not an innocent jogger.

  81. "Twitter is a website. The link is to a video of Trump's press secretary describing what Obamagate is."

    I know, just f'ing with you. But all she did was list the popular right wing lies that have been festering for years. Ooooooooooooh he was "UNMASKED!!!!!!!" sounds scary but that is a common occurrence that the trump administration has done at length. And we're back to the Steele memo which actually was created by Republican oppo research.
    None of this is new and you really think any of this rises to the "worst political crime in history"? Seriously? I mean it is rather impressive that the current spokesperson can string together rightwing talking points but that doesn't make it true. I am impressed she called it the Democratic party this time. Nice try but as she was asked "what is the crime" just because she was snarky it didn't mean she was truthful or accurate. Here's the bottom line, Barack committed no crimes and Flynn pleaded guilty. Dimwitted trump supports will buy all of this because what else do they have to hold on to?

  82. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Civil Rights America, 2020:

    >white woman's mom and cousin murdered by black teen
    >she fights against his death penalty
    >befriends, writes, visits him in prison
    >fights for his parole
    >released; she gives him a job
    >he steals from her
    >she fires him; he then murders her
    >fleeing scene he crashes car then tries to swim across lake, drowns

  83. Anonymous10:12 PM

    White man burns the body of an infant that the methhead mother killed.

    Only whites do this.

    Nobody but whites should have to tolerate the presence of whites.

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:18 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Arbery was a thief.

    Doesn't mean he deserved to get shot, but he was not an innocent jogger.

    10:06 PM
    What is the source of your opinnion, or did you just make that up?

  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:25 PM

    This is all a matter of public record. Whether or not Bill Barr brings charges for these crimes awaits to be seen.

    9:39 PM
    All lies. I hope Barr does bring charges, but he won't. All of the things you listed have been debunked long ago. Trump has gone back to these lies because he is desperate. Joe Biden is ahead of him in most swing states and tied or nearly tied in Texas and Georgia. Who would have thought Texas and Georgia might vote blue in November?

  86. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Misinformation X said...
    "sounds scary but that is a common occurrence that the trump administration has done at length. And we're back to the Steele memo which actually was created by Republican oppo research."

    "Unmasking" is supposed to be done only by intelligence personnel who need the information to facilitate their investigation. It is not common, in fact very rare (as in never) for administration staff to request an unmasking. It is a serious crime to leak the unmasked person's name to the press.

    The Steele memo was initially funded by Never Trumpers, but was dropped by them before being picked up by the Hillary campaign, who provided the vast majority of the funding.

    The use of the FBI and CIA to spy on an opposition candidate is unprecedented in American history. In Watergate, a couple of Nixon staffers hired some amateur burglars to steal documents from a campaign office. Obama had the FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence agencies to intercept communications at numerous locations for months. They even inserted moles to spy on campaign aides. They did this with no justification other than the fake dossier Hillary paid for that they knew was bogus.

    This is undoubtedly the biggest political crime in US history. And the buck stops with Barack Obama.

  87. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "All of the things you listed have been debunked long ago."

    You either don't know the meaning of the word "debunked" or you are lying again.

  88. "Unmasking" is supposed to be done only by intelligence personnel who need the information to facilitate their investigation."

    Which was the case here. Flynn was communicating with Russians while the administration had an effort in place to sanction them for their participation in election interference.

    "The Steele memo was initially funded by Never Trumpers, but was dropped by them before being picked up by the Hillary campaign, who provided the vast majority of the funding."

    Um, ok but my point still stands.

    "The use of the FBI and CIA to spy on an opposition candidate is unprecedented in American history."

    The CIA and FBI regularly monitor communications with the Russians and if a political candidate is communicating with Russians there's a good chance their communications will be picked up.

    We are rehashing stuff that is 3+ years old. It was a nothing burger then it is a nothing burger now. If this was so important and illegal why have there been 1. zero indictments and 2. zero senate hearings on the matter? Lindsey Grahm refuses to initiate hearings, why is that? Could it be this is nothing? This is an election year and trump has to throw as much crap against the wall as possible to try to muddy Biden because the Hunter Boden stuff went nowhere and neither will this. I mean except for anonymous trolls but you guys don't count.

  89. "You either don't know the meaning of the word "debunked" or you are lying again."

    OK, so link to a credible news source that backs up any of this being a crime. I mean not trump's propaganda minister on twitter but a real news source. If this is the biggest crime in US political history there has to be some reporting on it right?

  90. PX: Thank you, I hadn't heard that. I saw Elvin Bishop three times when I was a kid. He was one of the only major acts who would bother to come play the East Gym at Humboldt State. He even came around after he had his big radio hit. I think maybe he and his band liked the pot we grew...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  91. The “unmasking” of Flynn was triggered by a request to the acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell from two GOP senators, Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

  92. I think maybe he and his band liked the pot we grew...


  93. "Law enforcement investigated Flynn in 2017 out of worries he may have been blackmailed by Russia for his relationship with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn then misstated his connection to the ambassador to investigators, Vice President Mike Pence, and the media."

    Thus Flynn lied and got fired by the trump administration.

    "In an interview on Jan. 24, 2017, Mr. Flynn told F.B.I. agents that he had not advised Russia not to escalate a conflict over the Obama administration’s sanctions over its election interference. Nor, he said, had he asked Russia to try to hold up a United Nations resolution condemning Israel for settlements. Transcripts of his phone calls, picked up during routine American surveillance of Mr. Kislyak, showed that he had."

    So he lied and got caught and pleaded guilty. Case closed. He signed the agreement that stated such. Or is Flynn lying now?


  95. Anonymous11:57 PM

    “What is the source of your opinnion, or did you just make that up?”

    Made up, of course.

    There’s no evidence Arbery stole anything.

  96. "There’s no evidence Arbery stole anything."

    But when we kill a Blah person it's always justified. Chicago!


  97. anymoose @ 10:27 PM your whole comment is full of shit.'s-claim-of-FBI-mole-come-from?

    There was no mole, liar!

  98. Anonymous said...
    Arbery was a thief.

    There is no record of Arbery being charged withn theft or burglary. Someone is likely to get sued by Arbery's family for spreading malicious lies.

  99. You can read the missing Flynn "302" here....

    Of a certainty, you can't expect incompetent drumpf officials to locate their butts with either hand.

  100. Wah! That ain't the 302 we wanted. It doesn't contain Obama's Kenyan birth certificate and a box of popcorn. Wah!

  101. Anonymous9:54 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  102. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Fact remains negroes, Arbery IS dead for TNB. Want to keep playing TNB? Well you can still wind up very dead for your criminal behavior.

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  103. drumpf body count for your viewing pleasure.....

    Last updated: May 18, 2020, 14:33 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Fact remains negroes, Arbery IS dead for jogging while black. There were a number of other people in that house caught on tape including a wasicu man and woman with a dog after dark. Why weren't they hunted down and summarily executed you racist prick?

  104. This is an example of only the best people drumpfuck the fucking moron dumbfuck can hire....

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  105. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Why did Obama give the Wuhan lab $334 million dollars?

  106. Anonymous10:50 AM

    "There were a number of other people in that house caught on tape including a wasicu man and woman with a dog after dark."

    please show evidence of this, so far only junebug was caught trespassing at the construction site.

  107. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Where does Arbery live?, anywhere within jogging distance of the neighborhood he was last in??

  108. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Why can you go to Walmart but not Kohl’s?

    Why the Dollar store and not a mom-and-pop shop?

    Why can’t you have an elective surgery, but you can have an abortion which is elective?

    Why should you stay inside but yet heat and sunlight kill the virus?

    Why can’t kids (who are not at risk) play on an outdoor playground, where sun kills this virus?

  109. This man and woman entered as well as several children and at least one other man. No burglaries were reported for the past 7 weeks and Arbery was not wearing work boots or carrying a hammer and he sure as hell stole nothing.

  110. Anonymous11:37 AM

    "OK, so link to a credible news source that backs up any of this being a crime. I mean not trump's propaganda minister on twitter but a real news source. If this is the biggest crime in US political history there has to be some reporting on it right?"

    All of these facts have been reported in multiple "main stream" news organizations, including the New York Times and the Washington Post.

    The requests by senior Obama officials for the unmasking of Flynn came on January 12, 2017, the same day Flynn's name was leaked to the press. These officials were not involved in the investigation.

    The original 302 is missing. That one concluded no wrong doing and th;e investigation was closed in December of 2016. The one we have is the one altered by Peter Strzok to re-open the investigation in the waning days of the Obama administration.

    Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) five days ago

    “Well, in a FISA court surveillance operation, the U.S. government can only surveil foreign people associated with terrorists,” Johnson began. “When they’re monitoring their phone calls, they will sometimes inadvertently pick up the conversation with somebody talking to an American citizen.”

    “When those transcripts are released, the identity of the American citizen is masked,” Johnson said. “And so there’s a very limited number of people in the administration that can request that those American citizens’ names be unmasked, because, again, those shouldn’t – American citizens should not be captured in these foreign surveillance investigations.”

    “And it is, from my standpoint, pretty curious that the Vice President of the United States would be requesting unmasking in this case of General Flynn eight days before he left office,” Johnson continued. “This is outrageous, what the Obama administration and members of it high up in the administration were doing toward – during the election toward the tail end of their administration, and the ones that were held over, what they did in the early days of the Trump administration as well.”

    The CIA and FBI were not investigating the Russians and then just happened to come across communications with the Trump campaign. Flynn's communications with the Russian ambassador came after the election and were neither illegal or unusual. The FBI admits to spying on the Trump campaign starting at least by July of 2016. The CIA is legally prohibited from spying on American citizens, so Brennan outsourced it to foreign intelligence agencies starting in late 2015/early 2016 under the guise of "intelligence-sharing".

    The Guardian reported that British Intelligence sources shared its signals intelligence on people connected to Trump campaign with the United States. However, The Guardian also reports that Germany, Poland, and Estonia also shared communications related to members of the Trump campaign with the United States. Great Britain, which is part of what is called the “Five-Eyes” alliance includes the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand and the countries often shared signals intelligence, raw communications between targets they were investigating.

  111. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 AM

    Anonymous 10:27 PM said......

    Obama had the FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence agencies to intercept communications at numerous locations for months.
    It's obvious that you know nothing about how America's national security community operates. Incoming foreign calls are frequently monitored especially when they involve Russian agents speaking to members of or anyone associated with the US government, such as the Trump organization 1n 2016. This was routine spy vs. spy stuff, not some plot to destroy Trump. Nothing to see here: move along.

    There is no crime here, folks, just Trump's followers continuing to slander Obama.

  112. Democrats are hazardous to your health and wallet:

  113. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Granny KGB said...
    "This was routine spy vs. spy stuff, not some plot to destroy Trump."

    There was nothing routine about this. Using intelligence agencies to spy on the opposition party presidential campaign has never before been done in US history.

    They weren't monitoring "incoming foreign calls", they were monitoring all campaign communications.

  114. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    This man and woman entered as well as several children and at least one other man. No burglaries were reported for the past 7 weeks and Arbery was not wearing work boots or carrying a hammer and he sure as hell stole nothing.

    11:18 AM

    CNN??? The Communist News Nation. All made up propaganda.

    Just like how they suppressed how Trayvon tried to smash Zimms head in with a large piece of concrete and that was suppressed in the MSN and even the trial judge forbade it being aired (obstruction).

    Wait til the tox screen comes back on Arbery.

  115. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:10 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Granny KGB said...
    "This was routine spy vs. spy stuff, not some plot to destroy Trump."

    There was nothing routine about this. Using intelligence agencies to spy on the opposition party presidential campaign has never before been done in US history.

    They weren't monitoring "incoming foreign calls", they were monitoring all campaign communications.

    12:01 PM
    Maybe you don't understand English. They were monitoring (and still do) all calls from foreign sources to everyone associated with the US government and candidates for political office. Don't you know even the slightest thing about American Intelligence Operations?
    Evidently you don't. Why don't you do some research on how US Intelligence works? Then you would not be so vulnerable to lies and propaganda.

    BTW, Barr came out this morning announcing there would be no criminal charges filed against Obama or Biden! LOL double LOL!

  116. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "Nobody but whites should have to tolerate the presence of whites."

    Agreed!  So when are you heading back to Africa?  I'll help you pack.

  117. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:14 PM

    They weren't monitoring "incoming foreign calls", they were monitoring all campaign communications.

    Your source for this claim, please.

  118. Just like how they suppressed how Trayvon tried to smash Zimms head in with a large piece of concrete and that was suppressed in the MSN and even the trial judge forbade it being aired (obstruction).

    Zipperfuckerman never once told police Martin tried to bash his head with a chunk of concrete. Every police report has the Zipper claiming Martin beat his head on the sidewalk.


    Barr dismisses drumpf's blatant fucking lie that Russia investigation was an Obama plot.

    This doesn't mean it will stop wingnuts from trying to drive Biden's poll numbers down, just like the criminal wingnut bastards did with Benghazi lie fests 5 different times, in their efforts to destroy HRC's presidency which was stolen by drumpf, Putin and wingnuts criminals.

  120. Bloody Limeys are way smarter than stoopid fucking Yank wingnuts.....

    Well great, now I’m jealous of Britain.

    Courtesy of CNN:

    Rupert Murdoch and his sons are pulling Fox News off the air in Britain.

    The network’s parent company, 21st Century Fox, has announced that the controversial news channel will no longer be broadcast in the U.K. after failing to attract an audience. The network has also become a lightning rod for critics seeking to spoil the Murdochs’ planned $15 billion takeover of Sky, the top pay TV provider in the U.K.

    “Fox News is focused on the U.S. market and designed for a U.S. audience and, accordingly, it averages only a few thousand viewers across the day in the U.K.,” 21st Century Fox said in a statement.

    “We have concluded that it is not in our commercial interest to continue providing Fox News in the U.K.,” it added.

    21st Century Fox (FOX) said the network’s final broadcast in the U.K. would be Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. local time.

  121. race isn't real
    everyone is the same
    that's why we need diversity

  122. MSCIA2:21 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Bloody Limeys are way smarter than stoopid fucking Yank wingnuts....."

    We need more censorship here!

  123. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Here we have a prime example of TNB, and the "racist" corona virus statistics.

    Sheriff: "Satan has taken over Bogalusa and it’s time to take it back;’ authorities update mass shooting at weekend memorial service

    BOGALUSA, La. (WVUE) -The Bogalusa Police Department said Monday that nearly 500 people gathered at a Saturday evening memorial service where shots rang out injuring 13 people.

    The organizers of the event did not have a permit.

    This mass failure to practice "social distancing" is why COVID-19 is tearing through "the black community".  "Racism" has nothing to do with it.

    At a news conference to update the investigation, the Bogalusa Police Chief and Washington Parish Sheriff Randy Seal addressed the media and urged anyone with information or anyone that may have seen anything to please come forward.

    Begging for people to give information.

    Shots rang out around 9 p.m. Saturday in the area of Martin Luther King Drive near East 4th Street.

    The content of black character on display.

    As of Monday, no arrests have been.

    Nobody named any suspooks.  Er, suspects.

    The Bogalusa Police Department requests that anyone with information please call 985-732-3611 or 985-732-6240 if they have any information that can help in the investigation.

    But despite 500 or so witnesses, nobody's going to call because Snitches Get Stitches.  The failure to even have a BOLO for perps is proof that PrincessX is deluded or lying.


  125. Anonymous2:57 PM

    “Bloody Limeys are way smarter than stoopid fucking Yank wingnuts.....

    Well great, now I’m jealous of Britain.”

    I wouldn’t be. Their print journalism landscape is much more polluted with toxic wingnut propaganda than ours. Our newspapers and magazines are still mostly relatively sane.

    The British have clearly learned lessons from this bad experience and are trying to prevent broadcast news from similarly being contaminated with lies. Which is all well and good, but it’s sort of like closing the barn door after the horses have bolted. Unless they can do something to purge the liars from the print media, the bastards have already won.

  126. One small example of wasicu wastey's idea of social distancing in Wingnutisconsin.....

  127. Anonymous3:48 PM

    “One small example of wasicu wastey's idea of social distancing in Wingnutisconsin.....”

    Wingnut wave, here we come.

    Blue state governors are working hard to eradicate the virus, while the wingnuts are determined to get sick and die to own the libs.

    What a fucking country.

  128. Anonymous3:54 PM

    liar from iowa said...
    "Barr dismisses drumpf's blatant fucking lie that Russia investigation was an Obama plot."

    No, unlike demorats, he is saying that investigating a candidate during an election year is a dicey proposition.

    “We live in a very divided country right now, and I think that it is critical that we have an election where the American people are allowed to make a decision, a choice, between President Trump and Vice President Biden based on a robust debate of policy issues," Barr said. “And we cannot allow the process to be hijacked by efforts to drum up criminal investigations of either candidate.”

    Barr repeated his belief that the investigation into whether the Trump campaign conspired with Russia was a miscarriage of justice. He has appointed John Durham, the U.S. Attorney from Connecticut, to investigate whether crimes were committed as intelligence and law enforcement officials examined Russian election interference.

    Barr said Monday that he did not anticipate Durham’s investigation to ensnare Biden or Obama. He pointedly noted that he must approve any criminal investigation of a presidential candidate and that the Supreme Court held just this month that not all abuses of power are criminal in nature.

    “Whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr said. "Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others."

    He added: This cannot be and will not be a tit-for-tat exercise. We are not going to lower the standards just to achieve a result."

  129. 91,603 dat's da number of drumpf death bod-deez.

  130. anylyingmoose just swilled 100 gallons of inbred Barr jism to wash down the awful taste of defeat, again.

    Barr already knows there is no there there because he has been receiving briefings on Durham's probe from the beginning and passing them on to fake noize. Then, anylyingmoose attempts to cover Barr's ass with some noble sounding gobbledegook that Barr has never heard of.

    This whole wingnut response has been doomed to failure because there was nothing criminal done by Mueller or any body else involved in exposing drumpf's criminal enterprise, except wingn

  131. (h/t: Dale)

    "How sad it must be - believing that scholars, scientists, historians, economists, and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you; while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your only beacon of Truth and Honesty."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  132. Sherriff of Sugar Pine5:01 PM

    Scholars have agendas.

    Scientists produce for grants.

    Economists deceive themselves.

    Journalism is professional lying. History is long-term journalism.

    Trump is the most honest politician in a generation. That's not saying much, but he is much more truthful than his predecessors.

  133. Anonymous5:16 PM

    PilotX said...
    "We are rehashing stuff that is 3+ years old. It was a nothing burger then it is a nothing burger now."

    They're thinking about doing it again! House Democrats say Trump-Russia obstruction investigation is 'ongoing.' Seek material that could result in 'new articles of impeachment.'

    Trump was accused of stealing a horse. Investigation proved him innocent. Trump was then accused of trying too hard not to get hung for the theft he didn't do.

    Mueller's investigation proved: (1) there wasn't a horse theft; and (2) there was never even a horse to begin with.

  134. drumpf stole that horse and was properly detained and charged. All white jury dismissed charges because drumpf was white, horse was colored.


    Could he have been targeted by weaponized DOJ because he signed onto a subpoena for drump'f lying offspring Junior?

  136. "Mueller's investigation proved: (1) there wasn't a horse theft; and (2) there was never even a horse to begin with."

    You obviously didn't read the Mueller report because those were not the conclusions. Try again.

  137. Key findings of the Mueller report.

    "The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.

    Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.

    A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice."


  139. More from the Mueller report.

    The Mueller Report states that if the Special Counsel’s Office felt they could clear the president of wrongdoing, they would have said so. Instead, the Report explicitly states that it “does not exonerate” the President[10] and explains that the Office of Special Counsel “accepted” the Department of Justice policy that a sitting President cannot be indicted.[11]

    The Mueller report details multiple episodes in which there is evidence that the President obstructed justice. The pattern of conduct and the manner in which the President sought to impede investigations—including through one-on-one meetings with senior officials—is damning to the President.

  140. "Mueller and his team filed charges against 37 defendants, secured seven guilty pleas and one conviction at trial. Six former associates and advisors of President Trump were among those charged. The case of Trump’s former deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates was transferred Saturday from the special counsel’s office to federal prosecutors in Washington."


    Uh oh.

  142. Anonymous6:52 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Key findings of the Mueller report."

    Uh, no.

    Those aren't findings from the report, those are examples of spin from democrat journalists.

    And no one cares what over 1,000 democrat former federal prosecutors says.

    Mueller spent 2.5 years and failed to concoct any charges against the President. This despite his whole team being comprised of Trump hating democrats. You lose.

  143. Mueller was a lifelong Repub.

  144. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Mueller was a drooling idiot who didn't even know what was in his report.

    He was just a figurehead there to provide a veneer of respectability on a partisan witch hunt led by Andrew Weissman.

  145. Another innocent jogger forced to defend himself from white supremacist oppression when a KKK grandma obstructed his jogging knife. I hear she also got blood on his tuxedo. Very disrespectful.

    I can't believe white supremacy is still a problem in 2020.

  146. drumpf dead body count the pyres continue to mount

    Last updated: May 18, 2020, 23:52 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    93k should be a reasonable target for tomorrow.

  147. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial7:58 PM

    America has spent over 400 years and trillions of dollars to create urban war zones. Don't believe me!

    Chicago May 2020 to Date 05/17/2020
    Shot & Killed: 29
    Shot & Wounded: 144
    Total Shot: 173
    Total Homicides: 30
    Clearance rate: 12%

  148. The monster who stabbed, murdered, robbed an innocent 80 yr old grandmother over the weekend, has been arrested 67 times! And was out on 2 felony PR bonds! The colossal failure of bail and CJ reform in Houston is on full display here. Innocent people are dying. This has to STOP!!

    Anonymous LeBrown said...Place the blame where it belongs, on the system, and then white scumacysts.

  149. "Another innocent jogger forced to defend himself from white supremacist oppression when a KKK grandma obstructed his jogging knife. I hear she also got blood on his tuxedo. Very disrespectful."

    Wow, so now we can stop caring about justice in Brunswick, GA because another crime happened somewhere else. I personally can't understand the logic but I'm sure there's a point in this post if we look hard enough.

  150. "Those aren't findings from the report, those are examples of spin from democrat journalists."

    You do know that those were direct quotes from the report themselves and I linked to the American Bar Association and not a media outlet. You do know that right?

  151. "America has spent over 400 years and trillions of dollars to create urban war zones. Don't believe me!"

    Agreed. Pity America didn't spend 400 years creating an equitable and fair nation that benefits all of its citizens. Then there probably wouldn't be urban war zones.

  152. "During the presidential transition, incoming National SecurityAdvisor Michael Flynn had two phone calls with the Russian Ambassador to the United States about the Russian response to U.S. sanctions imposed because of Russia’s election interference. After the press reported on Flynn’s contacts with the Russian Ambassador, Flynn lied to incoming Administration officials by saying he had not discussed sanctions on the calls. The officials publicly repeated those lies in press interviews. The FBI, which previously was investigating Flynn for other matters, interviewed him about the calls in the first week after the inauguration, and Flynn told similar lies to the FBI. On January 26, 2017, Department of Justice (DOJ) officials notified the White House that Flynn and the Russian Ambassador had discussed sanctions and that Flynn had been interviewed by the FBI. The next night, the President had a private dinner with FBI Director James Comey in which he asked for Comey’s loyalty. On February 13, 2017, the President asked Flynn to resign. The following day, the President had a one-on-one conversation with Comey in which he said, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.”

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.


    The full Mueller report with some redactions.

  155. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:16 PM

    Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial said...

    America has spent over 400 years and trillions of dollars to create urban war zones. Don't believe me!

    7:58 PM
    This is how you created them.

    Black Codes

    The roots of Jim Crow laws began as early as 1865, immediately following the ratification of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States.

    Black codes were strict local and state laws that detailed when, where and how formerly enslaved people could work, and for how much compensation. The codes appeared throughout the South as a legal way to put black citizens into indentured servitude, to take voting rights away, to control where they lived and how they traveled and to seize children for labor purposes.

    The legal system was stacked against black citizens, with former Confederate soldiers working as police and judges, making it difficult for African Americans to win court cases and ensuring they were subject to black codes.

    These codes worked in conjunction with labor camps for the incarcerated, where prisoners were treated as enslaved people. Black offenders typically received longer sentences than their white equals, and because of the grueling work, often did not live out their entire sentence.

    I think it's time that white people take some responsibility about the way Blacks have been treated in this country for four-hundred years.

  156. Sorry, Ivanka, but that "red pill" was just an adderall. Would that it had been some mescaline, which might have had a chance at doing the thing the "red pill" is supposed to do, but that you are fully clueless about.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  157. Donald J Trump (the "J" is for "jackass)9:31 PM

    Hey, guys, just letting you know I won't wear a mask, because those are for pussies and COVID-19 is a Democrat hoax.

    I will, however, take hydroxychloroquine, because I am very scared of COVID-19, even though it is a Democrat hoax, and even though that drug won't protect me from COVID-19 anyway and might cause me to drop dead from a cardiac event.

    Remember, I am a very stable genius.

  158. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:39 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Mueller spent 2.5 years and failed to concoct any charges against the President. This despite his whole team being comprised of Trump hating democrats. You lose.

    6:52 PM
    I think you kinda missed the boat, Kid. Mueller was never assigned the task of bringing charges against Trump.
    That is not allowed under Department of Justice regulations. Rather Mueller's mandate was to investigate Russia's efforts to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. And that's what Mueller did. In so doing, he discovered some actionable crimes and those are the cases that PilotX told you about in his earlier post.

    FYI, in case you don't believe me, the letter to Mueller from Rod Rosenstein specifying this mandate can be read at the website listed below.

  159. So I wonder whether hydroxychloroquine interacts with adderall to make you even stupider than you already were?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  160. Founders Sing strike again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  161. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Jim Crow laws were enacted for a reason.

    Just look what happened after they were repealed.

  162. "Just look what happened after they were repealed."

    White males had to rely on their abilities and not unfair laws?

  163. Anonymous11:47 PM

    "Jim Crow laws were enacted for a reason.

    Just look what happened after they were repealed."

    Eddie Murphy made Norbit?

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.


  166. I saw the marble racing bit on Last Week Tonight, and it made me remember that when I was a little kid, I was such a racing fanatic that I made marble tracks out of clay and hot wheels track in my bedroom.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  167. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial4:41 AM

    Caption Saturday

    1a. won Cheetos eating contest with hands behind his back.
    1b. Ate three bags of fiery hot Cheetos forgot to wash his hands and then wiped his face.
    1c. Tell the kids, If you keep eating those Cheetos you're going to turn into one...then show them this picture.
    2. Is trump gaining weight or did he finally learn how to tie his tie?
    3. What you do when grandpa puts on too much of his favorite cologne.
    4. Someone let him put on his own make-up again!
    5.The guy in the uniform's thinking, " What a shmuck! I hope nobody recognizes me!

  168. Start Tuesday the drumpf body way....


    8015 moar deaTHS to reach the promised land.

  169. Georgia intentionally mnipulated covid data to make it look like the cases were in steady decline when they weren't.


    Pigs hassling Arbery in park and second pig tries to fry Arbery with a malfunctioning taser that clicks and clicks and clicks. Classic racist cop actions. Hassle a black guy because of alleged drug activity in area.

  171. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Pelosi says that Trump really shouldn’t be taking hydroxychloroquine because he is “morbidly obese.”


    Top trolling, Nancy.

  172. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "Georgia intentionally mnipulated covid data to make it look like the cases were in steady decline when they weren't."

    Well, that would be consistent with Kemp's history, since, earlier, he manipulated data to make it look like he got elected governor when he didn't.

  173. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:23 AM

    PilotX said....

    "You do know that those were direct quotes from the report themselves and I linked to the American Bar Association and not a media outlet. You do know that right?"

    8:14 PM
    Nah, he/she doesn't know anything but spoon-fed propaganda and lies from Trump or his mouthpiece FOX News. Otherwise, he/she is a a
    Russian troll.

  174. Anonymous11:00 AM

    New York COVID-19 Antibody Tests Show SHOCKING Results

  175. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Pelosi says that Trump really shouldn’t be taking hydroxychloroquine because he is “morbidly obese.”


    Top trolling, Nancy.

    9:46 AM

    Why does she wear a neck scarf, did she have a surgical procedure recently??

  176. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Trump currently checking that rules of the presidential debates allow him to quaff from a huge jug of hydroxychloroquine whenever Biden is speaking.

  177. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the most "fascist" president this country ever had.

  178. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Claim: Obama hid 'gay life' to become president:
    Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret:

  179. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the most "fascist" president this country ever had.

    11:32 AM

    You mean Obama (Barry Soetoro)

  180. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Australia lab may have found Covid-19 cure
    Queensland University to launch human trials of two-drug treatment that has apparently cured virus-infected patients

  181. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:06 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the most "fascist" president this country ever had.

    11:32 AM
    Have you been unconscious all of your life??? FDR is generally considered to be a socialists/communist by conservatives wingnuts, and fascists.

    Please explain the reason for your opinion of FDR.

  182. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Report: This French researcher says there was a successful COVID-19 drug trial

  183. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:10 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Claim: Obama hid 'gay life' to become president:
    Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret:

    11:55 AM
    No one cares. Give it up, troll. Obama is admired and loved by millions of people in America and around the world and always will be. None of your petty lies and bull shit can change this. Get over it.

  184. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:12 PM

    Why does she wear a neck scarf, did she have a surgical procedure recently??

    11:02 AM
    Who cares? Maybe she was cold.

  185. WND Analysis / Bias

    Based on reviews by all of our researchers, WND is a Questionable online news source that has a far right bias and dabbles in right wing conspiracies such as President Obama’s birth certificate. They also use misleading clickbait headlines that do not always match the content of the article (See M. Allen’s review below). WND also has a very poor track record with fact checker

    Can't believe a lie they tell you.

  186. "None of your petty lies and bull shit can change this."

    Wait, you don't believe a story from World Net Daily? I mean it is called World Nut Daily but still. LOL I bet they'll start posting stories about Big Foot and Bat Boy next.

  187. Anonymous12:51 PM

    "Please explain the reason for your opinion of FDR."

    *Nationalized a significant portion of the economy
    *Seized all gold held by private citizens
    *Seized the power to set the budget from Congress
    *Attempted to stack the Supreme Court
    *Use interstate commerce powers to bar farmers the use of their land
    *Put American citizens in concentration camps

  188. "WND also has a very poor track record with fact checker"

    Ah ye of little faith.

  189. Deaths:

    Only 7522 moar bodies to go to Nirvana for drumpf and followers.


    Mother and son of the black persuasion were falsely charged with stealing a legally purchased tv, thrown to the ground, beaten and then handcuffed and Then arrested for a crime that did not happen. Of course the sounder iof pigs be white.

    First you get whitey pig rush in and try to tase Arbery while his hands are in the air and then this. drumpfuck has done nothing to calm race relations except to stir them up and blame Obama.


    Wingnuts steal a supreme court seat for the next 2 years using typical wingnut chicanery and declaring it legal.

  192. Can this racist dirtbag's racism be any moar clearer?

  193. kike from iowa2:11 PM

    The only reason anyone wouldn't like Obama is because he's black.

  194. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:25 PM

    The only reason anyone wouldn't like Obama is because he's black.

    2:11 PM
    True. Add that Obama is extremely intelligent, well educated, and competent. This drives white supremacists wild because according to there opinion, no black person can be all these things. Nevertheless, here Obama is, and just by being he blows a giant hole in their fundamental belief system of total white supremacy.

  195. Who says drumpf isn’t paying attention?

    One might think drumpf was paying the guard out of his own pocket.

  196. Anonymous2:43 PM

    “Report: This French researcher says there was a successful COVID-19 drug trial”

    Yeah, and numerous other researchers around the world have trashed this French researcher’s methodology. It appears chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine do not work against COVID-19.

    But Trump is invested in it working now, having promoted it before, and he’s also kind of a dummy, so he won’t ever admit he was wrong.
