Friday, May 15, 2020

First responder's lives matter.

Image result for Breonna Taylor
Thanks to COVD45 and the incompetent administration whose job it is to protect the American people, we have now lost almost 86,000 Americans (as of 8:08 AM on 05/05/20). That's kind of a big deal. But we still have a president who is downplaying the seriousness of this virus, and who is doing more to protect his friends on Wall Street and making sure that the DOW does well, than prioritizing the lives of the American people.

Anyway, speaking of lives, I am posting about a black one that was lost because she was murdered by police officers. This case is  particularly tragic because the woman was a first responder.  

 "A woman was shot and killed in her Louisville, Kentucky, home by police executing a "botched" search warrant who forced their way in, surprising the woman and her boyfriend who thought the officers were burglars, her family says in a lawsuit.

The lawsuit — filed by the family of the woman, Breonna Taylor, an EMT worker — says she and her boyfriend thought they were being burglarized and he fired at the officers in self-defense. The lawsuit accuses the three officers of "blindly firing" more than 20 shots into the apartment.

After the March 13 incident, the Louisville Metro Police Department said the officers had knocked on the door several times and “announced their presence as police who were there with a search warrant.” After forcing their way in, they “were immediately met by gunfire,” Lt. Ted Eidem said at a news conference.

Taylor, 26, was shot eight times by police. Kenneth Walker, 27, was arrested and charged with assault and attempted murder on a police officer. An attorney for Walker could not immediately be reached.
Crump called Taylor's death a "senseless killing."

"We stand with the family of this young woman in demanding answers from the Louisville Police Department," he said in a statement Monday on Twitter.
The attorney called out the police department for not providing "any answers regarding the facts and circumstances of how this tragedy occurred."

"Breonna Taylor was sleeping while black in the sanctity of our own home," Crump said at a Wednesday press conference, adding, "we cannot continue to allow them to unnecessarily and justifiably kill our black women and escape any accountability."

"The defendants then proceeded to spray gunfire into the residence with a total disregard for the value of human life," the lawsuit alleges. "Shots were blindly fired by the officers all throughout Breonna's home."

The suit states that Walker had a license to carry and kept firearms in the home, and that Taylor was unarmed.

Taylor and Walker had no criminal history or drug convictions. No drugs were found in the apartment.

Her address was listed on the search warrant based on police's belief that a drug suspect had used her home to receive mail, keep drugs or stash money. The warrant also states that a car registered to Taylor was seen parked on several occasions in front of a "drug house" known to the suspect.
Taylor's mother, Tamika Palmer, filed the lawsuit in April in Jefferson Circuit Court alleging wrongful death, excessive force and gross negligence.

Crump said during an interview on MSNBC that Taylor was "completely innocent" and went on to say that "black women's lives matter too." The attorney also called for the charges against Walker to be immediately dropped.

A police spokesperson had no comment this week because the investigation was still ongoing.
The officers, identified as Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison and Myles Cosgrove, were reassigned pending the outcome of the investigation.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer said on Twitter Tuesday, "As always, my priority is that the truth comes out, and for justice to follow the path of truth."[Source] 

Wow! How do you botch a "no knock" warrant in such a manner? The address was at least ten miles off and the person they were looking for was already in custody. 

And now all the 2nd Amendment and NRA enthusiasts will come out in support of Mr. Walker and his right to protect himself within his own home with a legally owned and licensed forearm. 

That was a joke. They will not come out and support Mr. Walker. One of the dirty little secrets about the NRA is that they do not support the rights of people of color to legally own firearms like they do certain other folks. It's been crickets from them so far. 

Let's hope that justice will be served for this woman and her family. She was on the front lines of the fight against COVD45. She deserved more. 


  1. Hosing down an unarmed black does not surprise me in the least, it happens often enough and lord knows three cops could actually be in fear for their lives from an unarmed black women.

    A cop explained this irrational fear to a black woman who was mauled by a white cop in an earlier recorded video. I will post it when I find it.

  2. drumpf body count....

    Last updated: May 15, 2020, 14:49 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Closing in on magic number quickly. Wait patiently for more lies from kremlin annex czarina drumpf.

  3. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Police make mistakes. Terrible mistakes. This is not a racial issue.

    If you would take time to delve into the statistics, you would know this. Whites are more likely to be shot by police than blacks.

    The militarization of police forces in this country is a real problem. All lives matter.

  4. Seems pretty obvious cops are more prone to shoot innocent blacks than whites.
    Wasicu cops are way less prone to stop whitey doing everyday stuff on the sidewalks and those rare confrontations seldom end up with numerous squad cars and heavily armed backups. You almost never hear of white kids being held at gunpoint while the cops investigate mom or dad.

    That danged old white privilege rearing its ugly head.

  5. Temps rise, drumpf body count follows similar course....


  6. The past two months have been a perfect opportunity for Trump to show his true fascist colors.

    National emergency: check.
    Enemy nation: check.

    But he hasn't done it -- in fact, he's done just the opposite in defending civil liberties.

    Don't expect the loons to revise their "TRUMP = FASCIST" theories though. It's a religion

  7. "Whites are more likely to be shot by police than blacks."

    No dissertation about per capita?

  8. "Don't expect the loons to revise their "TRUMP = FASCIST" theories though. It's a religion"

    Well, trump=incompetent imbecile is more like it.

  9. Anonymous2:35 PM

    "You almost never hear of white kids being held at gunpoint while the cops investigate mom or dad."

    What you hear of and what happens are two different things.

    “Many people ask whether black or white citizens are more likely to be shot and why. We found that violent crime rates are the driving force behind fatal shootings,” Cesario said. “Our data show that the rate of crime by each racial group correlates with the likelihood of citizens from that racial group being shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of white people committing crimes, white people are more likely to be shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of black people committing crimes, black people are more likely to be shot. It is the best predictor we have of fatal police shootings.

    We found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot," Cesario said. "If anything, black citizens are more likely to have been shot by black officers, but this is because black officers are drawn from the same population that they police. So, the more black citizens there are in a community, the more black police officers there are.

    The data show that it’s not racial bias on behalf of white officers relative to black officers when it comes to fatal shootings, and that’s good news. The bad news, Cesario said, is that internal policy changes, such as diversifying police forces, may not reduce shootings of minority citizens.

    The vast majority – between 90% and 95% – of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot. Ninety percent also were armed with a weapon when they were shot. The horrific cases of accidental shootings, like mistaking a cell phone for a gun, are rare, Cesario said.

    We hear about the really horrendous and tragic cases of police shootings for a reason: they’re awful cases, they have major implications for police-community relations and so they should get attention,” Cesario said. “But, this ends up skewing perceptions about police shootings and leads people to believe that all fatal shootings are similar to the ones we hear about. That’s just not the case.”

  10. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:37 PM

    From the front page of The Hill this morning....

    Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon said the campaign views Arizona, Texas and Georgia as battleground states they intend to contest and win. The campaign says Arizona is at the top of their list of red states that could turn blue for the first time in decades this November.

  11. "Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon said the campaign views Arizona, Texas and Georgia as battleground states they intend to contest and win."

    That's great but at the same time I'm gonna need the Dems to take the senate races seriously. Look at the jokes of candidates they have running in the red states. Just pathetic.

  12. Anonymous trolls accuse killer-cop's victim in three... two... one...

  13. Anonymous2:52 PM

    The entire Democratic Party platform is rooted in irrational fear.

    And being weird.

  14. The entire Republican Party platform is rooted in racism and hypocritical religion.

    And being racist.

  15. Do you ever notice that your whole ideology revolves around hating white people?

  16. Anonymous3:14 PM

    "After the March 13 incident, the Louisville Metro Police Department said the officers had knocked on the door several times and 'announced their presence as police who were there with a search warrant.' After forcing their way in, they 'were immediately met by gunfire,' Lt. Ted Eidem said at a news conference."

    Police bodycam footage?

    I would have to imagine that whether the officers are criminally charged, as well as the outcome of the civil case against them, will be heavily influenced by whether they did actually announce themselves as police officers before entering.

    Although even if they did, something clearly went very wrong with the investigation that led them to execute this warrant at the wrong house in the first place.

  17. Anonymous3:22 PM

    "Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon said the campaign views Arizona, Texas and Georgia as battleground states they intend to contest and win. The campaign says Arizona is at the top of their list of red states that could turn blue for the first time in decades this November."

    These are states where the governors are idiotically following Trump's advice to "open up the economy" despite failing to control their COVID-19 outbreaks. If, as a consequence, there is an explosion of deaths there, maybe these states' residents will hold Trump accountable for the second "wingnut wave" of the virus that may be coming?

    We can only hope. Although I would never bet any meaningful money on the denizens of Redneckistan catching a clue, because most of them are frankly pretty badly brainwashed and revel in being stupid and hurting themselves.

  18. The conversation started out by my saying innocent blacks are more likely than whites to be shot by cops. My comment had nothing to do with violent crime other than cops shooting innocent black people more than whites. Nice deflection.

  19. Anonymous3:31 PM

    "If, as a consequence, there is an explosion of deaths there, maybe these states' residents will hold Trump accountable for the second "wingnut wave" of the virus that may be coming?"

    If there is not, will residents hold the Democrats responsible for keeping them out of work longer than necessary?

    Political gamesmanship carries risks.

    The Democrats inability to see anything except through the lenses of hate they have created will be their downfall.

  20. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "Nice deflection."

    Providing facts that dispel an incorrect assertion is not deflection.

  21. Anonymous4:42 PM

    “Political gamesmanship carries risks.”

    “Political gamesmanship,” aka “the consensus of the medical community and virtually every other national government around the world.”

    But sure, we should instead trust the “expertise” of eminent epidemiological authority Dr. Pumpkinhead, MD, reality star and advocate of people drinking disinfectant.

    It is extremely obviously who is really engaged in “political gamesmanship” here. It is Trump.


  23. My assertion was just fine. Your alleged facts were irrelevant to my assertion. Therefore, you deflected. Defense rests and you're an idiot.

  24. My how drumpf's body count do fly....

    Last updated: May 15, 2020, 22:18 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:55 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The entire Democratic Party platform is rooted in irrational fear.

    And being weird.

    2:52 PM
    How so anon.? You need to tell us how the following Democratic Platform proposals are "rooted in irrational fear and/or weird".

    1. Health care for all either through Medicare, Medicaid, or a public option

    2. Repair America's crumbling infrastructure

    3. Reduce the use of fossil fuels and replace with eco friendly

    4. Clean up the drinking water supplies in the nation

    5. Reform the criminal justice system

    6. Preserve the nation's public lands

    Please pardon me, Anon., if I and 80 percent of other Americans find these proposals rather attractive and not a bit frightening.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:59 PM

    Anonymous DD said...

    Do you ever notice that your whole ideology revolves around hating white people?

    3:09 PM
    To whom is this comment addressed?


    Always knew drumpf was a super nut job, this proves it beyond a reasonable doubt.

  28. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Five people were shot, one fatally, Monday in Chicago including a 26-year-old man who was killed in Bridgeport on the Southwest Side.

    Twelve people were shot, two of them fatally, Tuesday in Chicago.

    Fifteen people were shot, one fatally, Wednesday in Chicago including a 22-year-old man who was killed in a shooting in Gresham on the South Side.
    So that's four dead and twenty-nine wounded in three days.

  29. Anonymous7:46 PM

    So what is the problem here????? Another case of TNB. Police come and do a knock knock, just raise your hands, act calm and comply with the warrant. If it turns out the warrant was executed incorrectly deal with it in court, not gunfire.

  30. "Police come and do a knock knock, just raise your hands, act calm and comply with the warrant. If it turns out the warrant was executed incorrectly deal with it in court, not gunfire."

    So why are whites killed by police at such an alarming rate? Seems like TWBS

    1. Or we can just show up at the state capitol with assault rifles.

  31. "Do you ever notice that your whole ideology revolves around hating white people?"

    That's called projection. Look in the mirror.

  32. Anonymous8:39 PM

    “Police come and do a knock knock, just raise your hands, act calm and comply with the warrant. If it turns out the warrant was executed incorrectly deal with it in court, not gunfire."

    Only true IF the police identified themselves as police before kicking the door down. Otherwise, you can’t really blame the residents for assuming they were just home invaders.

    And hey, whaddaya know? It now turns out that the cops had no bodycams, so they can claim they properly identified themselves, even if they didn’t. How convenient.

  33. "Please pardon me, Anon., if I and 80 percent of other Americans find these proposals rather attractive and not a bit frightening."

    That's because you actually read the Dem platform and don't rely on Fox News to inform you.

  34. Why does the moron-in-chief keep telling us about 1917? Is he talking about the movie?

  35. PilotX said...
    "Do you ever notice that your whole ideology revolves around hating white people?"

    That's called projection. Look in the mirror.

    I don't hate anyone. You, on the other hand, have a real problem with white people.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:04 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Five people were shot, one fatally, Monday in Chicago including a 26-year-old man who was killed in Bridgeport on the Southwest Side.
    How many killed in New Orleans today? Or are you just focused on Chicago? If so, why?

  37. I'm white, so when I calmly (more or less) explained to the cop who had just kicked my unlocked door in and pointed his 1911 at my head that while he might think of himself as the final force for good on the front lines of the battle against evil, all I was seeing was a twentysomething so jacked up on adrenaline that his gun was shaking, I wasn't executed.
    And when they were through running the numbers on Rob's M1 Garand they brought it back to Jack's door and tried to hand it to him, but Jack, who is a white ex-felon said "Not a chance, you just ran my ID and you know better that to hand a firearm to a felon." The cop then asked Jack what he should do with the carbine, and Jack told him it would perhaps be best if they put it back where they had found it. So they did.
    My friend Kevin,who is black, on the other hand, jerked the front door a little when trying to close it enough to undo the security chain to let the cops in, was shot five times through the door by two different OPD officers, about a week later and three blocks away.
    He lived, mostly because the door slowed the slugs down some before they got to him.
    I had to help clean that up, and it was hella ugly.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. "I don't hate anyone. You, on the other hand, have a real problem with white people."

    I have a problem with racists. I notice you have something to say about me but are silent when folks post hateful shit about Blah people. Why is that? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  39. Anonymous1:17 AM

    I have a problem with racists.

    You call any white person who has a problem with "blah" misbehavior a racist.

    I notice you have something to say about me but are silent when folks post hateful shit about Blah people.

    You don't have a problem with the hateful shit black people DO, like the Wichita Horror, the Knoxville Atrocity, and the wanton murder of 13-month-old Antonio Angel Santiago in Brunswick (where so-called "jogger" Ahmaud Aubery was killed back in February).

    You DGAF about all the black-on-black murders on your own city's west side, because you don't care unless it affects you personally.  Know what?  I am done GAF about anything that affects "blah" people, because it doesn't affect ME personally.  Fair's fair, so GTFO.

  40. Anonymous1:29 AM

    There should be no no-knock incidents anywhere for anybody. The Louisville Police fucked up big time on this. Any AA hires in charge of this Dept.? This is where the real problems lie, lowering of standards in all aspects of life. But such talk is taboo to the Negro and his ADL/SPLC/ACLU handlers. #1 problem in America....Catering to the Negro for 60 years has made too many people stupid,ALL kinds of people. Farrah Con Job in Shitcago is right....segregation is the answer.

  41. "You don't have a problem with the hateful shit black people DO, like the Wichita Horror, the Knoxville Atrocity, and the wanton murder of 13-month-old Antonio Angel Santiago in Brunswick (where so-called "jogger" Ahmaud Aubery was killed back in February).

    You DGAF about all the black-on-black murders on your own city's west side, because you don't care unless it affects you personally. Know what? I am done GAF about anything that affects "blah" people, because it doesn't affect ME personally. Fair's fair, so GTFO."

    You are one twisted individual. Your's and other's comments show you are racist so yes I have a problem with you. You bring up Blah criminality while ignoring your own so you have zero credibility. Wichita horror? What about Sutherland Springs asshole? More people were killed there than in Wichita and the death count included pregnant women and children. You don't care about killing pregnant women and babies so why should I have ANY compulsion to be shamed by you? See, two can play this game and yes it's a game to you. Now go plan your suicide or school shooting because that's what your type seems good at because your gun death rates are so damned high. Go do something about that instead of lecturing me about what I should and should not care about. Get your GED and a job and spend less time posting stupid shit on blogs and maybe you ca make something of yourself.

  42. "Catering to the Negro for 60 years has made too many people stupid,ALL kinds of people."

    Not true, you can't blame your being stupid on someone else. Well, maybe your parents who were siblings but beyond that no.


    White male police chief in Louisville. Own this one racist asshole.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Even dumbass Moscow Mitch knows president numbnuts could have prevented all these deaths had he listened to the Blah man but racists gonna do what racists gonna do.


  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Oh no (clutching pearls) whatever shall we negroes do? An anonymous internet troll no longer cares about us! We're doomed!

  48. "I am done GAF about anything that affects "blah" people, because it doesn't affect ME personally."

    Says the asshole who spends all day every fucking day giving a fuck about what Blah people do. You're not too bright are you junior? Then again your type usually isn't.

  49. Mandingo6:13 AM

    I am done GAF about anything that affects "blah" people, because it doesn't affect ME personally.
    You know who does GAF about "blah" people? Your mom. She loves the BBC like all white women. Go to to see her in action. She said "once you go black you never go back".

  50. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Hey Doug, cool story bro.

  51. Anonymous6:35 AM

    If Joe Biden groped an intern in the hallway and nobody reported it did it really happen?

  52. Anonymous6:38 AM

    There's still plenty of money left in the ghetto lottery fund, so all is good my homies.

  53. Anonymous6:52 AM

    All internal, external and extra-terrestrial polling indicates Biden will win in a landslide.

  54. These lives should have mattered, but not to drumpfuck the incompetent POS.

    Be 100k dead before you know it. This is on drumpf because he refused to take this pandemic seriously until it was too late.

  55. Saw photos of the crime scene at Taylor's place. One photo of what appears to be her bed shows nearly a dozen indentations in the wall in a circle about the size of a person's head. Wasy above the bed, it appeared. She must have been a giant.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:41 AM

    Anonymous said...

    If Joe Biden groped an intern in the hallway and nobody reported it did it really happen?

    6:35 AM
    If Donald Trump raped a thirteen-year-old girl in her bedroom and nobody reported it, did it really happen?


    Look at the very first pic. I can see where at least 11 bullets struck a wall of some type. She was shot 8 times, herself.

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:12 PM

    You know someone’s in a real panic when they start running in circles, and that’s what Donald Trump has been doing for the past week. He started off last Sunday with an epic tweetstorm, 126 of them in all, the third-highest total for one day in his presidency, according to, which keeps track of Trump’s statements. “Obamagate!” he tweeted, following that one with “Because it was Obamagate, and he and Sleepy Joe led the charge. The most corrupt administration in history!”

    That presaged by 24 hours his now-famous exchange with Philip Rucker of the Washington Post in the Rose Garden, when Rucker asked him, “What crime, exactly, are you accusing President Obama of committing?” Read the entire article at-

    Trump is melting down. How long before Republican step in an invoke the 25th Amendment?

  59. drumpf's incompetent body count should exceed 90K tomorrow easily... ...

    Last updated: May 16, 2020, 17:02 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    They're dropping like flies because of drumpf lies and his insistence this was a hoax.

  60. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Says Pledge Your Allegiance To The New World Order !!

  61. Anonymous1:07 PM

    “Trump is melting down. How long before Republican step in an invoke the 25th Amendment?”

    Never. They will never do this.

    By this point in Trump’s presidency, congressional Reublicans have conclusively proven that they are all gutless wonders, careerists who will let Trump destroy the country before risking their jobs.

    There is no Joseph Welch moment coming from the GOP. They are a failed political party.


    For you wingnuts that can't read, home owner's lawyer claims Arbery may have stopped at her client's house for water breaks, as there are two sources he visited that the camera did not show. So he doesn't appear to bve casing the joint in tthe middle of a sunny Sunday in a white neighborhood, not wering work boots and not carrying a hammer.

    Somebody's are lying and it ain't the deceased.

  63. Anonymous1:19 PM

    What about the unambiguously black sniper who murdered two white mourners at their son's grave and then apparently killed himself rather than face the criminal justice system?

    If whites are so hateful to blacks, why is this double murder at a graveyard of two octogenarians mourning their dead son an example of black-on-white murder?

    With a fucking scoped rifle?

    How about we stop allowing "persons of African descent" to own or possess firearems for ANY PURPOSE to prevent such atrocities from happening again?  That includes allowing them to handle firearms as police officers.  No more Mohamed Noors!  Africans-in-America CANNOT be trusted, and should be barred.  Those of you who object should be returned to Africa and never allowed out; that'll teach ya.


    Dad wanted video leaked because he thought it made his son look better.

    Anyfuckingmoose @ 1:15 PM..... RACIST MUCH?

  65. If whites are so hateful to blacks, why is this double murder at a graveyard of two octogenarians mourning their dead son an example of black-on-white murder?

    All together now drumpfuck and drumpfuck followers.... They were going to die sooner or later so we can re-open the country with them being dead. This was obviously a murder drumpf and wingnuts would approve of.

  66. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "Says the asshole who spends all day every fucking day giving a fuck about what Blah people do."

    Because you're doing a lot of it TO me, directly or indirectly.  From driving up my taxes to turning my family's former neighborhood into a no-go zone, it affects me.

  67. Anonymous1:33 PM

    They were going to die sooner or later so we can re-open the country with them being dead.

    You're one sick bastard.

  68. PilotX said...
    "I don't hate anyone. You, on the other hand, have a real problem with white people."

    I have a problem with racists.

    And you only call white people "racist".

  69. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Congrats to Trump on America achieving third-world nation status. Doctors Without Borders has had to send help to the Navajo reservation because things are that bad.

  70. Shit fer brains @ 1:33 PM.....

    Here is a sample of wingnuts saying old people should die so drumpf can open the economy. I had the URL shortened because the old one had 360 characters. Read 'em and weep, sick bastard.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:10 PM

    Anonymous said....

    How about we stop allowing "persons of African descent" to own or possess firearems for ANY PURPOSE to prevent such atrocities from happening again? That includes allowing them to handle firearms as police officers. No more Mohamed Noors! Africans-in-America CANNOT be trusted, and should be barred. Those of you who object should be returned to Africa and never allowed out; that'll teach ya.

    1:19 PM
    How about we stop allowing "persons that are male to own or possess firearms" since males commit about 90 percent of all homicides?

  72. You know that Mitch is terrified about the election because he apologized. Republicans never admit that they're wrong, even though they're wrong about everything all the damn time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:36 PM

    Interesting article on today....

    PBS finds no support for Tara Reade’s accusations

  74. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Here is a sample of wingnuts saying old people should die

    First hit is Deval Patrick.  A DemocRAT, in case your memory is failing.

    Also black, so a two-fer.

  75. Did you know more black males per capita are black than wasicu wasteys?

    Tara Reade's whole story has some serious holes in it, especially drumpf's mouth and ass.

  76. Juanita Broadderick3:53 PM

    "PBS finds no support for Tara Reade’s accusations"

    Funny how liberals will fight to death over some allegations and casually dismiss others.

    Almost like it is only about power, not justice.

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:53 PM

    Juanita Broadderick said...

    "PBS finds no support for Tara Reade’s accusations"

    Funny how liberals will fight to death over some allegations and casually dismiss others.

    Almost like it is only about power, not justice.

    3:53 PM
    Please get a clue. At least 25 women have filed complaints regarding Trump's inappropriate sexual behavior, and there is one case of a thirteen year old that he raped. And you have the balls to complain about a complaint against Bill Clinton. Hypocrite!

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:58 PM

    PilotX said....

    Why does the moron-in-chief keep telling us about 1917? Is he talking about the movie?

    8:48 PM
    Poor Trump; he's so ignorant he doesn't know the pandemic began in 1918. Please don't anyone tell him he's wrong. He'll try to have you executed.

  79. First hit is Deval Patrick. A DemocRAT, in case your memory is failing.

    Got an actual link or are you blowing smoke?

  80. Anonymous6:24 PM

    "As Donald Trump pushed to re-open the US economy in weeks, rather than months, the lieutenant governor of Texas went on Fox News to argue that he would rather die than see public health measures damage the US economy, and that he believed “lots of grandparents” across the country would agree with him.

    “My message: let’s get back to work, let’s get back to living, let’s be smart about it, and those of us who are 70-plus, we’ll take care of ourselves,” Lt Gov Dan Patrick, a 69-year-old Republican, told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday night.

    “Don’t sacrifice the country,” Patrick said. “Don’t do that.”

    Patrick said he feared that public health restrictions to prevent coronavirus could end American life as he knows it, and that he is willing to risk death to protect the economy for his grandchildren."

    The guy's a true patriot.

  81. Anonymous6:24 PM

    "PBS finds no support for Tara Reade’s accusations"

    Believe women!  (As long as they're not accusing our friends, then they're evil lying skanks.)

  82. "What about the unambiguously black sniper who murdered two white mourners at their son's grave and then apparently killed himself rather than face the criminal justice system?"

    What about him? He was arrested and now is dead. Please, inform all of us what I should do about him.

  83. "And you only call white people "racist"."

    I only call racists racists.

  84. "Because you're doing a lot of it TO me, directly or indirectly. From driving up my taxes to turning my family's former neighborhood into a no-go zone, it affects me."

    I am? Um, I pay taxes too and if we were to compare W2's I bet I pay more And being the genius you are you think a dude named PilotX is responsible and you can end all of this by posting Chicago crime stats on a blog. Wow, I bet you are the smart one in the family huh?

  85. "Five people were shot, one fatally, Monday in Chicago including a 26-year-old man who was killed in Bridgeport on the Southwest Side.

    Twelve people were shot, two of them fatally, Tuesday in Chicago.

    Fifteen people were shot, one fatally, Wednesday in Chicago including a 22-year-old man who was killed in a shooting in Gresham on the South Side.
    So that's four dead and twenty-nine wounded in three days."

    All bad, and we are doing our part to reduce crime in under-served communities everyday. But the people who are paid to protect and serve should not be murdering innocent civilians.

  86. "That was a lone psycho 3 years ago. Already in 2020, Chicago has had the equivalent of almost EIGHT Sutherland Springs shootings. Last year Chicago had the equivalent of over TWENTY ONE Sutherland Springs shootings."

    And how long ago was the Wichita Horror? THAT was a lone psycho. I thought we were bringing up lone psycho killings. You did and so did I, so why suddenly are you bringing up intraracial killings? Why do you keep changing up the game? Oh that's right, you, like all trolls, bring up Chicago anytime white on white killings are brought to your attention. Typical deflect. Also you were shown that predominately white states like Montana have a much higher rate f gun deaths than Illinois so what are YOU doing about that? Give me some tips pal.

  87. In can guarantee you Dan Patrick, the twice indicted for securities fraud and alleged lt guv of Texas does not speak for any elderly people unless they aren't paying any attention to him.

    He, like every other wingnut inbred pol is a fucking moron.


    Check it out, Illinois is in the middle of the pack while places like W. Virginia, Wyoming and Idaho greatly outpace us in gun deaths. Per capita anyone? Seems kinda hypocritical to complain so much about Blah on white crime when you're doing so well offing each other. My advice would be to look in the mirror and deal with the elephants in your rooms instead of bitching about us darkies all the time. But hey guys, you are free to waste your time anyway you want. And yeah yeah I know, Chicago.


    dumb things said by wasicu wastey Dan Patrick who is not black and would not be allowed to be black.


    The forever President is giving commencement speech tonight! Tune in class of 2020.


  92. Junior drumpfuck drumpfuck junior just accused Biden of being a pedophile without any proof?

  93. "The guy's a true patriot."

    True moron.

  94. At least Biden doesn't want to fuck his own daughter.

    So Fergus says he has a "super duper" missile. Whether it comes with an optional pooper scooper or not he didn't say.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  95. Sheilah Kennedy (Indiana Republican lawyer) by way of Juanita jean's blog ( Texas liberal married to the lawyer tying Alex Jone's ass in knots over Sandyhook lies) on Dan Patrick's priorities in Texas.

    funny as hell.

  96. You can almost taste 90k drumpf bodies, can't you?


  97. Psssst. Hey you! Republicans so far down in the circles of Hannity hell that you want to bring Barack Obama in for questioning about his "crimes":
    Do it, fuckers. I fucking dare you.
    Give one of the best orators and legal minds of our time a massive platform to hold forth on crimes committed by government. Remember the "Republican retreat"? I do.
    But mostly, please, go ahead and establish the precedent of investigating former presidents and former administrations. That will come in very handy very soon, and I wish we'd had it in 2009, because if we had, things would look very different right now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  98. PilotX, are you back flying the friendly skies? I logged over 8000 hours flying back and forth across crop fields in White Fielf Boss at anywhere between 2 and 4 mph, depending on the work the tractor was doing. I even learned to take short naps while doing field work. Just had to wake up before I hit a fence line or tree.

    I imagine air speed is a mite faster than ground speed. :)

    1. Anonymous3:18 AM

      I heard X is flying a C-19 these days.

  99. "PilotX, are you back flying the friendly skies?"

    Guess my first comment didn't go through. I haven't flown in over a month. I got the full quarantine beard going on, something we birdmen do on vacation or extended time off. Just waiting to see how much the airline shrinks after this is all over.

  100. Anonymous4:43 AM

    What about him?

    What about all the others like him?  Literally 90% of violent crimes between blacks and whites are committed by blacks.  That's up from the 85% before the Obama years.

    And how long ago was the Wichita Horror? THAT was a lone psycho.

    That was not a lone psycho, but TWO brothers motivated by anti-white hate.

    Please, inform all of us what I should do about him.


  101. Anonymous4:44 AM

    All bad, and we are doing our part to reduce crime in under-served communities everyday.

    If you vote for soft-on-crime (which almost all blacks are) officials, you are voting for INCREASED crime.

    But the people who are paid to protect and serve should not be murdering innocent civilians.

    The people who are paid to protect and serve should not face unwarranted resistance and hostility from those they are trying to protect.  Know why so many crimes "in da hood" go unsolved?  Because "snitches get stitches".  TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.

  102. Anonymous9:15 AM

    But the people who are paid to protect and serve should not be murdering innocent civilians.

    6:37 PM

    They are protecting the public from the ghetto rats who were committing violent crimes. The police did their job!!

  103. Anonymous9:16 AM

    "PBS finds no support for Tara Reade’s accusations"


  104. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Seems pretty obvious cops are more prone to shoot innocent blacks than whites."

    They don't only guilty criminal niggers.

  105. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:32 AM

    Anonymous said.....

    The people who are paid to protect and serve should not face unwarranted resistance and hostility from those they are trying to protect. Know why so many crimes "in da hood" go unsolved? Because "snitches get stitches". TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.

    4:44 AM
    How about you take responsibility for all White crime including the 90,000 your idiot leader has killed?


  107. "Know why so many crimes "in da hood" go unsolved? Because "snitches get stitches". TAKE RESPONSIBILITY."

    Really? So now we're back to the old urban legend of Blah people don't give information to the police. Who told you that? Sean Hannity? Did you know in Chicago there are police/community programs that meet monthly and exchange information? Of course you don't because you don't live here and have no clue about what happens. People here DO take responsibility now what don't YOU take responsibility and lower those gun rate deaths that are higher in mostly white states ok kid?

  108. "Literally 90% of violent crimes between blacks and whites are committed by blacks. That's up from the 85% before the Obama years."

    I call bullshit. And yet most violent crime committed against whites is by another white but crickets from you. Take responsibility for your own shit before whining to me.

  109. "That was not a lone psycho, but TWO brothers motivated by anti-white hate."

    Oh I'm sorry, it was TWO people not one. My bad.


    Guess what asshole, you do the same. And, for the record I don't blame ANYBODY for my problems and I take responsibility for everything in my life. So now that's cleared up I don't have to worry about you posting bullshit directed at me anymore right? Good.


    Hate crimes at all time high under trump.


  113. Anonymous7:00 PM

    How about you take responsibility for all White crime including the 90,000 your idiot leader has killed?

    10:32 AM

    You mean yellow because it was the Chinese working with Democratic Deep State Actors.

  114. "You mean yellow because it was the Chinese working with Democratic Deep State Actors."

    I'm sure you have proof of........nevermind. I forgot, we're in trump's alternate facts era.

  115. I figured out what OBAMAGATE is. He wore a tan suit! OMG!

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:58 PM

    Anonymous said....

    4:43 AM
    Black Codes

    The roots of Jim Crow laws began as early as 1865, immediately following the ratification of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States.

    Black codes were strict local and state laws that detailed when, where and how formerly enslaved people could work, and for how much compensation. The codes appeared throughout the South as a legal way to put black citizens into indentured servitude, to take voting rights away, to control where they lived and how they traveled and to seize children for labor purposes.

    The legal system was stacked against black citizens, with former Confederate soldiers working as police and judges, making it difficult for African Americans to win court cases and ensuring they were subject to black codes.

    These codes worked in conjunction with labor camps for the incarcerated, where prisoners were treated as enslaved people. Black offenders typically received longer sentences than their white equals, and because of the grueling work, often did not live out their entire sentence.

    I think it's time that white people take some responsibility about the way Blacks have been treated in this country for more than a hundred years.

  117. "I think it's time that white people take some responsibility about the way Blacks have been treated in this country for more than a hundred years."

    Nah, it's somehow our own fault and it was white males who were oppressed somehow. Facts and truth don't mean a think to someone who's life is dedicated to hating Blah people.

  118. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "So now we're back to the old urban legend of Blah people don't give information to the police."

    Try urban reality.  Baltimore detective Sean Suiter was murdered in broad daylight in 2017.  Despite locking down the entire area and going door to door, nobody said anything about his killer.  "... residents are mostly unwilling to talk.... Heavily armed police were still searching the neighborhood Friday night as the reward in the case has climbed to nearly $200,000. This year is the third year in a row Baltimore has passed 300 homicides."

    Not even the prospect of $200,000 would loosen anyone's lips.

    "Who told you that? Sean Hannity?"

    Chicago cops tell me this.

    "Did you know in Chicago there are police/community programs that meet monthly and exchange information? Of course you don't because you don't live here and have no clue about what happens."

    You listen to "ex" gang-bangers hired under titles like "community relations" and "violence interrupter".  I listen to the people in the thick of it, who deal with "what happens" up close and personal.  You dismiss them as "racists".

    "People here DO take responsibility"

    You take about as much responsibility as the "baby daddy" who buys his baby mama a few packs of disposable diapers while voting for officials like Lori Lightfoot and Kimberly Foxx.

    "now what don't YOU take responsibility and lower those gun rate deaths that are higher in mostly white states ok kid?"

    You already know you're a liar (the "gun death" rate is highest in a belt of highly black states).  Most of the "gun deaths" in white states are suicides.  What am I supposed to do about them?  They are "deaths of despair", people who have lost everything (job, home, health).  I can't do anything about health, but I have done what I can about jobs and homes.  I voted for Trump.

    Why don't YOU do something about them and vote for Trump?  Better yet, vote a straight Republican ticket?

  119. Anonymous11:32 AM

    "I call bullshit. And yet most violent crime committed against whites is by another white but crickets from you."

    More than 32% of all violent crimes against whites in 2018 were committed by non-whites.  In 2018, blacks were the offender rather than victim in more than twice as many violent incidents., Table 12.

  120. "More than 32% of all violent crimes against whites in 2018 were committed by non-whites."

    And 63% of violent crimes committed against whites were committed by whites while 15% of crimes committed against whites were committed by Blah people. Seems like you have a 4X better chance of getting pegged by a white dude than by a Blah but yet you're here bitching about us. Yawn. Carry on, racist gonna racist.

  121. Lil advice kid, focus on the 63% and not the 15% and you might come across as credible and not as a racist with a racist axe to grind.

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:08 PM

    PilotX said....

    And 63% of violent crimes committed against whites were committed by whites while 15% of crimes committed against whites were committed by Blah people. Seems like you have a 4X better chance of getting pegged by a white dude than by a Blah but yet you're here bitching about us. Yawn. Carry on, racist gonna racist.

    6:46 PM

    FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6 for 2017; homicide only shows that 80% of white murder victims were killed by other whites. And 16% were killed by Blacks with the remaining 4% killed by "other."
    Why are so many white people killing other white people?

    Why are so many white people killing other white people? I'm thinking that all the trolls who post here should take responsibility and do something to stop it.

  123. Wow, so as a white person he has a 5X greater chance of being killed by a white person than a Blah person but yet he's here every day worried about us. Interesting. Misplaced priorities maybe?

  124. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:42 PM

    You got that right, Pilot!
