Sunday, May 03, 2020

Caption this.


  1. Anti-plague meets pro-plague.

  2. "I ain't a catchin any plague, it gets stuck to muh beard afore it can reach muh innards! So step aside and grow a beard sissy pants!"

  3. I have a modest proposal. If you ever meet someone not wearing a mask for political reasons, then remove yours...
    ... and cough.
    Though I admit that you will probably not meet that person, because you are at home, staying uninfected like the rest of the silent majority, and he's out there, getting physically ill from the mentally ill.

  4. Less than 2000 bodies to count before the magic 70k....

    Last updated: May 03, 2020, 17:01 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  5. Look into muh eyes son "Muh beard is muh mask bud! Just watch me wrap it around my mouth and nose
    and clip it to muh manrings" ain't a germ alive can make it thru that mess"

  6. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial1:56 PM

    What do you mean calm down? This is calm!


  8. Brad Parscale gets a day pass.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. Anonymous3:42 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Less than 2000 bodies to count before the magic 70k...."

    At least someone's happy people are dying.

  10. When you look in the dictionary for the definition of "White Privilege".

  11. Anonymous4:21 PM

    “In this disappointing 2020 remake of The Hills Have Eyes, the deformed, deranged, inbred mutants invade the Michigan Capitol building.”

  12. Pig to magat- good thing you ain't black. I'd had you dead on the floor and claimed I was affeared for my pastey white hide.

  13. Law and order meets chaos and conflict.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:39 PM

    The Best of America confronted by the worst of America.

  15. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Indeed, the VERY WORST of America.


  16. drumpf body count slacked off a little today to make a liar out of me. Oh well, there is always tomorrow and man y more tomorrows before August.

    Last updated: May 04, 2020, 00:22 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:
    Cases which had an outcome:
    178,263 (72%)
    Recovered / Discharged

    68,581 (28%)

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:26 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Indeed, the VERY WORST of America.


    7:56 PM
    You got it backwards, Anon. In the picture the good guys are on the left, otherwise I would have reversed the order of the two phrases.


    O'Shea! What's up? 😃

  19. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Texas and Florida are both reopening right now. If by June, certainly by July, no immense second wave is happening with hospital overload/accelerated deaths, they'll have done the country a huge service by showing us what can be done outside of subways/small apartment New York City.


    Some girl in Oakland tried that and it didn't turn out well.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Anonymous11:37 PM

    “Texas and Florida are both reopening right now. If by June, certainly by July, no immense second wave is happening with hospital overload/accelerated deaths, they'll have done the country a huge service by showing us what can be done outside of subways/small apartment New York City.”

    Well, obviously, the rest of the world’s nations have been forced to enact lockdowns to get their epidemics under control — but us gator-wrastlers and sister-humpers and Oxycontin-munchers of red state America clearly know better than all those silly medical experts! We heard it straight from Roy-Bob and his wife Lurleen down at the Piggly Wiggly that you can cure the COVID with some Windex and Bible readings, so why not just do that instead? It sounds much less expensive, and if it goes wrong, only the people living in the big city will die anyway. I mean, it’s not like viruses could spread to other places or anything.

    Yup, I’m sure everything will work out fine. Blind ignorance and wishful thinking always does.

  22. Anonymous1:00 AM

    45 shot — 4 fatally — in Chicago weekend shootings so far

  23. Now the damn fool says he has been treated worse than Lincoln.
    Where's a wish granting genie when you need one?
    Couldn't he just sort of wander off for a while, like, say, nine months?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial6:40 AM

    The North American Europeon Homo Fatuus Brutus in heat.

  25. Anonymous7:46 AM

    You got it backwards, Anon. In the picture the good guys are on the left

    You say the police are only good when they are against white people (who only want to be left alone, not oppressed for wishing to get on with their lives)?

    So very telling.

  26. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Nigerians burn down Chinese factory:

    Who is oppressing whom again?

  27. "Now the damn fool says he has been treated worse than Lincoln.
    Where's a wish granting genie when you need one?"

    I think "Dear Leader" is off his meds again.

  28. Anonymous said...
    You got it backwards, Anon. In the picture the good guys are on the left

    You say the police are only good when they are against white people (who only want to be left alone, not oppressed for wishing to get on with their lives)?

    So very telling.
    "You say the police are only good when they are against white people (who only want to be left alone, not oppressed for wishing to get on with their lives)

    "Sniffle, sniffle"... always trying to play all sides. Now you're the victims. What's the next latest? oh yeah! According to Forbes, now all you oxy junkies suffer from , "Opioid User Disorder." Not, strung-out flunky disorder but "OUD." Just another way to artificially keep your incarceration numbers down. Amazeballs.

    But. How about get tf out of our business (unless, of course, you want to dive into the effects of systemic, violent oppression on the psyche of the individual and of a populace) and maybe take care of you & yours, ok?

  29. Anonymous said...
    45 shot — 4 fatally — in Chicago weekend shootings so far

    Interesting how one city is the focus of your obsession when the CPD can't seem to find the shooters in this gun violence. Now, a normal person would think and say, "that's odd, in an area so heavily surveilled by cameras and uniformed and undercover police, why are there so many unsolved shootings?"

    This person might even be intelligent enough to realize this doesn't happen unless the shooters and the "protect and serves" are one in the same, or the shooters are being paid/allowed by the protect and serves to perform these shootings. But not you. Cogent thought - includes an understanding and ability to employ context to thinking - is DEFINITELY not your strong suit.

    Those "numbers don't lie" statistics you continue to ape must be dizzying for you.

  30. Breaking Nudes!

    Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy says don't look for Durham's investigation into FBI and Russiagate to produce any prosecutions.

    Told you so, stoopid fucking wingnuts. Look! Another red herring squirrel. go chase it.

  31. Anonymous10:24 AM

    CDC reduces its #Coronavirus death count to 37,000.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:34 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Texas and Florida are both reopening right now. If by June, certainly by July, no immense second wave is happening with hospital overload/accelerated deaths, they'll have done the country a huge service by showing us what can be done outside of subways/small apartment New York City.

    10:29 PM
    That's a very big if, but I sure hope is happens that way. The last thing we need is several additional months of lock down thanks to some over eager president and his worshipers.

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:50 AM

    Anonymous said...

    You got it backwards, Anon. In the picture the good guys are on the left

    You say the police are only good when they are against white people (who only want to be left alone, not oppressed for wishing to get on with their lives)?

    So very telling.

    7:46 AM
    I see you have resorted to your favorite tactic of trying to put words in my mouth. As you well know, my comment was directed at the above picture of some over zealous protesters threatening the police. All of the people in the picture appear to be white, yet in your mind you made a wild assumption that my post had racial implications. If your thinking is that twisted, your are lost to reason and logical thinking. It's no wonder that you will follow Trump even when it may cost you your life from the Corona virus.

  34. Anymoose @ 10:24 am needs to go back to his link and read the fine print under the graph. Important context left out of his comment.

  35. Hmm...11:46 AM

    US mortality data from week ending 2/1/2020 through week ending 4/11/2020:

    Total COVID-19 Deaths normal standard: 11,356

    Total Deaths with Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID: 54,217

    Deaths from all causes over this period: 569,403

    Percent of expected Deaths: 90

    Compared to the same period of weeks in 2017, 2018, and 2019, total deaths are down 10%.

  36. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I can't find the Clitoris!

  37. drumpf body count surpasses 69k on its way to who knows where....

    Last updated: May 04, 2020, 16:36 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Good work, drumpf.

  38. Don lemon just blew drumpfuck's vastly inflated ego out of the reflecting pool. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  39. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Field Negro Preachers (with absolutely no political influence) wishfully thinking -----we, the bottom feeders, supported you democratic politicians ( allowing donkeys to feed BS to congregants ). NOW, democratic shot callers refuse to open the church doors so I can get my money.


  40. Dunning-Kruger potus in the kremlin annex.....

  41. Every lie drumpf has spewed is only true in stoopid fucking wingnutland, and they are told to believe donkeys are dangerous.

  42. "If your thinking is that twisted, your are lost to reason and logical thinking. It's no wonder that you will follow Trump even when it may cost you your life from the Corona virus."

    Ding ding ding! Give that woman her prize!

  43. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Trump's response is an example for the world. The most testing, the most hospital beds, and the lowest death rate. He's a hero.

  44. Trump's response is to make states do this themselves. Fuck drumpf. Worthless as tits on a boar.

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:53 PM

    Anonymous said
    Trump's response is an example for the world. The most testing, the most hospital beds, and the lowest death rate. He's a hero.

    1:45 PM
    Where are you getting this nonsense? Oh, I know from Trump the pathological liar.

    Here are some facts from John Hopkins. reviewing the United States and most countries from western, Europe we find Belgium with the highest per capita death rate of 68,67 fatalities per 1000 cases, translating to a death rate of 15.7 percent.

    Turning our attention to the United States, we find the per
    capita death rate is 20.69 per 1000 cases with a mortality rate of 5.8 percent.

    However in Germany the per capita rate was 8.28 per 1000 cases, and the mortality rate was 4.1 percent. As I'm sure you can see that the rate was lower in Germany than in the U.S. Therefore Trump's statement that the US has the lowest death rate is untrue. Of course nearly every thing Trump says is untrue, so this is to be expected.

    As for Trump's claim about the most testing, how could he possibly know? Our testing program is a clusterphuck thanks to Trump's refusal to take any leadership role to protect the American people in the face of devastating pandemic. So who knows how many tests have been given - nobody!

    Here's the website for the data.

    1. That's because Germany is led by a trained scientist while America is led by a reality tv game show host. 😖

  46. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Germans counting only actual proven COVID deaths. We, and most other European countries, are labeling anyone who tested positive as a COVID death even if they probably died of something else as well as people "assumed" to be COVID positive even though they we never tested.

    Remove the political lens through which you view everything and the US response under Trump has been masterful.

  47. Masterful? South Korea, Singapore, Japan, New Zealand. All have first-peaked.

    Even Italy has first-peaked. China first-peaked early, if you trust their figures.

    America? 5% of the world's population, 25% of the world's covid-19 deaths. Has yet to first-peak. Nor has the UK, Russia, or Saudi Arabia.

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:32 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Germans counting only actual proven COVID deaths. We, and most other European countries, are labeling anyone who tested positive as a COVID death even if they probably died of something else as well as people "assumed" to be COVID positive even though they we never tested.

    Remove the political lens through which you view everything and the US response under Trump has been masterful.

    3:04 PM
    And you know this because? Do you have one or more sources to support you claims?

    Regardless, we now know the Trump was briefed by reps from US intelligence agencies last November. He was told that a pandemic was possible from a new virus outbreak. In addition, he was briefed repeatedly during January and February and did little if anything to prepare for it. So your statement that the US response has been masterful is totally ape-shit crazy.

  49. Anonymous4:58 PM

    That's because Germany doesn't have a health care complex that is trying to maximize this crisis.

  50. Anonymous5:00 PM

    "And you know this because? Do you have one or more sources to support you claims?"

    I know this because I don't get all my news from Rachel Maddow.

    Source: The Internet.

  51. Compared to all right wing sites out there, Rachel Maddow is a damn good source of honest, relevant information.

    The Treasury Department announced Monday it is borrowing about $3 trillion this quarter.
    The money is being used in large part to subsidize economic rescue efforts in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
    Total U.S. government debt now is near $25 trillion, with the current fiscal year’s deficit running at $744 billion

    drumpf's taxcuts for the koch bro will add 2 trillion to the debt in 10 years. drumpf is proposing an other round of taxcuts to spur his covid recession.

  53. "That's because Germany doesn't have a health care complex that is trying to maximize this crisis."

    Nor a reality tv game show host as leader.

  54. "That's because Germany doesn't have a health care complex that is trying to maximize this crisis."

    Sounds like Germany's universal health care system might be better.


  56. Rachel does have her slant on things, but she doesn't just sit there and lie, and when she gets something wrong she says so. She makes a habit of asking her guests whether she got anything wrong or not.

    So Clarence the fuck Thomas waited until the broadcast was running to ask his first question since March of 2019. If they allow CSPAN to start broadcasting SCOTUS activity normally, we'll never get that fucker to shut up.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:58 PM

    Anonymous said......

    I know this because I don't get all my news from Rachel Maddow.

    Source: The Internet.

    5:00 PM
    So you're playing cutsie I see. Well I don't get all my news from Rachel Maddow either; I get most of it from the Internet also.
    Unlike you I will fess up and tell you what sources on the Internet that I frequent: The Daily Beast, Political Wire, Crooks and Liars, The Hill, Politico, The Root, Raw Story, Alternet, Move On, Market Watch, Princeton Election Consortium, Real Clear Politics,and McClatchy, as well as various news papers around the country - LA Times, Chicago Tribune, NY Times, and Washington Post etc.

    Now please tell me where you get your news if you have the courage to do so.

  58. drumpf will hit 70k body count tomorrow, for sure.

    Last updated: May 04, 2020, 23:18 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  59. Clown World Media8:30 PM

    The New York Times editorial board had no trouble investigating sexual allegations against Trump or Kavanuaugh, but feels the current allegations against Joe Biden are too "politically sensitive" for their paper to look into. Hmmm.

    Instead they want a perfectly objective, non-partisan examination of Tara Reade's story.

    Their suggestion: "an unbiased, apolitical panel, put together by the DNC" to examine Biden's Senate papers.

  60. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Field this ties in nicely with your current post...

    Well, they are all negroes so that's different. And a security guard was shot in the face and died, so that's different. These people are murderers, so that's different. Maybe it does not tie in well after all. No, these are negroes engaged in typical negro behavior.

  61. Anonymous8:52 PM

    “These people are murderers, so that's different. Maybe it does not tie in well after all. No, these are negroes engaged in typical negro behavior.”

    No, it’s typical selfish bastard behavior. Just the same as the selfish bastards with AR-15s who showed up to threaten the Michigan legislature, these are people who insist other people must die because they don’t want to follow perfectly sensible and necessary rules.

    The only meaningful difference is that the black thugs only killed one guy, while the white thugs are demanding a couple hundred thousand be killed so that they can “liberate” their state.


  63. I come with the breath of death.

  64. Anonymous10:54 PM

    45 shot — 4 fatally — in Chicago weekend shootings so far

    Fake news! trump said he knew how to stop the shootings in Chicago overnight. Well, three years later.........

  65. Anonymous11:23 PM

    But. How about get tf out of our business

    Sure, let's make it both ways.  Let's put a national border between us.  Oh, and how about an ocean too?  Liberia, Ghana... I don't care where you go.

    (unless, of course, you want to dive into the effects of systemic, violent oppression on the psyche of the individual and of a populace) and maybe take care of you & yours, ok?

    You find being with white people oppressive, but you'll happily take all the Affirmative Action and minority scholarships and business set-asides.  That's "systemic violent oppression" to you, while sky-high rates of murder and armed robbery are what, exactly?

    Blacks commit armed robbery against whites more often than against each other.  Let's put an end to that cause of "racism" and "stereotyping".  A border and an ocean is just perfect for that.

  66. 3 charged in killing of store security guard over virus mask

    FLINT, Mich. (AP) — A woman, her adult son and husband have been charged in the fatal shooting of a security guard who refused to let her daughter enter a Family Dollar in Michigan because she wasn’t wearing a face mask to protect against transmission of the coronavirus.

    Calvin Munerlyn was shot Friday at the store just north of downtown Flint a short time after telling Sharmel Teague’s daughter she had to leave because she lacked a mask, according to Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton.

    Teague, 45, argued with Munerlyn, 43, before leaving. Two men later came to the store.

    Teague; her husband, Larry Teague, 44; and Ramonyea Bishop, 23; are charged with first-degree premeditated murder and gun charges.

    Larry Teague also is charged with violating Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive order mandating that all customers and employees must wear face coverings inside grocery stores, Leyton said.

    Witnesses identified Bishop as the man who shot Munerlyn in the back of the head, Leyton said.

    Sharmel Teague has been arrested. Police were looking for her husband and son.

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:49 AM

    Anonymous said...

    But. How about get tf out of our business

    Sure, let's make it both ways. Let's put a national border between us. Oh, and how about an ocean too? Liberia, Ghana... I don't care where you go.
    How about you go. You're the one that's doing all the whining. I hear that Sweden is very white. Why don't you go there if you don't like life in the United States?

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:52 AM

    Anonymous at
    11:24 PM
    And your point is?

  69. "Blacks commit armed robbery against whites more often than against each other."

    And whites commit many more crimes against fellow whites than Blah people. Look in the mirror and you'll see your perp.

    "You find being with white people oppressive, but you'll happily take all the Affirmative Action and minority scholarships and business set-asides."

    Uh sure, if you were smart enough to get a scholarship you'd take it right? I mean that's stretching the bounds of reality but just imagine.

    "Sure, let's make it both ways. Let's put a national border between us. Oh, and how about an ocean too? Liberia, Ghana... I don't care where you go."

    I agree with Gambler, what country will take you? Russia is nice. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out little buddy.

  70. Anyone else think the guy in the picture looks like Jim The Anvil Neidhart? LOL

  71. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial4:22 AM

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males are hazardous to your health and increase the risk of developing diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, asthma and the spread of the corona virus.

  72. I remember Neidhart. He was a recruiting coup for UCLA football until he ws caught using steroids. That ended his football days and sent him on to rassling.

    drumpf body count. Let's all count the bodies up to drumpf's 70k limit which has now been moved to 100k.

    Last updated: May 05, 2020, 12:54 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  73. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Flint Family Dollar security guard killed after turning away negro customers without masks:

  74. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Chicago Year 2020 to Date May 5th
    Shot & Killed: 149
    Shot & Wounded: 682
    Total Shot: 831
    Total Homicides: 167

  75. Anonymous10:15 AM

    It's not going to be long before a lot of people conclude Democrats are super resistant to reopening not because they fear the virus rebounding in the summer heat, but because they fear the economy rebounding will help Trump.

  76. US exports plunged 9.6 percent in March — the biggest monthly decline on record — increasing the trade deficit to $44.4 billion as the coronavirus pandemic took hold, the Commerce Department reported Tuesday.

    Thanks much, drumpfuck the world's shittiest negotiator.

  77. drumpf, like you,shit fer brains, is a stoopid fucking wingnut and economies only go one way under wingnuts and that is down. Then we have to elect a democrat to straighten out wingnuts fuckups and get the economy growing again.

    But you are a Wingnut and too stoopid to figure this out on yer own.

  78. 26 moar bodies to reach 70k. On yer knees and beg wingnuts.

  79. Anonymous10:31 AM

  80. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "There is no left and right. There is only tyranny and freedom."

  81. We're not all in this together10:37 AM

    It is quite illuminating to hear maggot from iowa squeal with delight over the perceived political advantage gained from the personal and economic toll of a global pandemic.

    Maybe just maybe a majority of Americans will be more sickened by the Democrats attempted exploitation of this tragedy than they were by the Chines virus.

    There are limits to this kind of shit.

  82. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial11:07 AM

    Anonymous @ 9:50 am

    Your ancestors killed so that you don't have to.

  83. "Chicago Year 2020 to Date May 5th
    Shot & Killed: 149
    Shot & Wounded: 682
    Total Shot: 831
    Total Homicides: 167"

    Fake news! trump took care of violence in America.

  84. "Maybe just maybe a majority of Americans will be more sickened by the Democrats attempted exploitation of this tragedy than they were by the Chines virus."

    Nah, the majority of Americans understand there is a killer virus out there trying to kill us. I know the Russian trolls want us out killing each other but we're united in trying to flatten the curve and getting back out.


  86. Alright wingnuts. I am so proud of you. You git drumpf safely across the 70k body count and are headed for 100k. Pat your own asses. I ain't touching them.

    Last updated: May 05, 2020, 15:15 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  87. Anonymous11:20 AM

    PrincessX:  "And whites commit many more crimes against fellow whites than Blah people."

    YOUR OWN REFERENCE showed that poor urban whites have a HIGHER rate of criminal victimization than urban blacks.  The only real difference between poor urban whites and poor rural whites is... proximity to blacks.

    "Uh sure, if you were smart enough to get a scholarship you'd take it right?"

    I was and I did.  There's a difference between a scholarship granted on merit and one handed out by race.  The former is just and the latter is unjust.

  88. You just can't make this stuff up11:21 AM

    D-Wil:  "How about get tf out of our business (unless, of course, you want to dive into the effects of systemic, violent oppression on the psyche of the individual and of a populace)"

    anon:  "Sure, let's make it both ways. Let's put a national border between us. Oh, and how about an ocean too?"

    Grabbler2:  "How about you go. You're the one that's doing all the whining."

    TOTAL lack of self-awareness.

  89. Maybe just maybe a majority of Americans will be more sickened by the Democrats attempted exploitation of this tragedy than they were by the Chines virus.

    Dems aren't the ones hijacking state's medical supplies and then doling them out to red states that kiss drumpf's phat orange phucking ass, you stooopid fucking moron.

    It is your fault for being stoopid. You do not have to get daily talking points from Fake Noize. Just learn to think for yourself. It will set your dumb ass free, dumbass.

  90. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I guess blue-lives don't matter to Republicans?

  91. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial11:43 AM

    Ida B. Wells receives a Pulitzer citation for her work as a civil rights activist.

  92. Drumpf's new political ad claims he defeated covid-19 pandemic. The lies and lying never end.

  93. The Russians drank my hand sanitizer11:58 AM

    "Dems aren't the ones hijacking state's medical supplies and then doling them out to red states"

    That's true, they aren't. No one is.

    Repeating insane lies will make you insane. It's obviously too late for you.

  94. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    It's not going to be long before a lot of people conclude Democrats are super resistant to reopening not because they fear the virus rebounding in the summer heat, but because they fear the economy rebounding will help Trump.

    10:15 AM
    You just keep thinking that as people die around you. I hope you don't have any preexisting conditions that make you vulnerable also.
    Dems don't fear a rebounding economy. We know trump will lose, swept out by the Blue tsunami that's coming in November.

  95. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 PM

    Anonymous We're not all in this together said...

    It is quite illuminating to hear maggot from iowa squeal with delight over the perceived political advantage gained from the personal and economic toll of a global pandemic.

    Maybe just maybe a majority of Americans will be more sickened by the Democrats attempted exploitation of this tragedy than they were by the Chines virus.

    There are limits to this kind of shit.

    10:37 AM
    What is sickening is the fact that at least fifty-thousand of the seventy-thousand American deaths could have been prevented if we had a competent president like Obama in the white House. Trump is the one exploiting the tragedy with his stupid self congratulations and his refusal to take responsibility for anything ever.

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:36 PM

    The Russians drank my hand sanitizer said...

    "Dems aren't the ones hijacking state's medical supplies and then doling them out to red states"

    That's true, they aren't. No one is.

    Repeating insane lies will make you insane. It's obviously too late for you.

    11:58 AM
    Wow, are you uninformed!! Where have you been the last two months? In a coma???

    Maryland Gov. Hogan Takes Extraordinary Steps To Keep Feds From Confiscating COVID Tests

    A 'War' For Medical Supplies: States Say FEMA Wins By Poaching Orders

    Hospitals say feds are seizing masks and other coronavirus supplies without a word

    The federal government is reportedly quietly seizing medical supplies from hospitals across the country

    Is this enough for you or would you like to see more? I have more. I'm afraid you are the one who is insane. One has to be insane to defend Trump.

  97. Republicans R Dumb, Part 45,67812:37 PM


    It’s hard to believe now, but once upon a time, GOP politicians weren’t all aggressively stupid, science-denying nutjobs.

  98. We're not all in this together12:56 PM

    "What is sickening is the fact that at least fifty-thousand of the seventy-thousand American deaths could have been prevented if we had a competent president like Obama in the white House"

    This is moronic.

    If Obama were President, he wouldn't have shutdown air travel as quickly as Trump did. He still would have had the same constraints on medical supplies (which he depleted and never replenished). He would have listened to the WHO and thought the virus was no big deal into February. I guess he would have used his Magical Negro powers to Hope the Virus Away.

    You can be damn sure the media would be praising him for whatever he did, and putting the death toll in context, as the US has a lower mortality rate than most Western European countries and has not seen an appreciable excess mortality so far in 2020. They wouldn't try to discredit potential treatments just because the President mentioned them. If Obama had managed to do half what Trump has done he'd be lauded as a hero. And you know it.

  99. Anonymous1:15 PM

    “It's not going to be long before a lot of people conclude Democrats are super resistant to reopening not because they fear the virus rebounding in the summer heat, but because they fear the economy rebounding will help Trump.”

    The summer heat isn’t going to make a huge difference to this virus. It may help a bit, in conjunction with governmental suppression measures, but the virus won’t completely go away on its own simply because of warmer temperatures. The latter was always just another insane, dangerous, unscientific pronouncement from “Doctor Trump” — much like his greatest hits, “it’s just the flu,” “it’s a Democrat hoax,” and “why not try injecting some Lysol?”

    If heat alone could kill off the virus, there wouldn’t currently be serious outbreaks in places like Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia, which are, in fact, quite hot.

    As for Trump’s re-election, it’s a foregone conclusion that it’s not gonna happen. He’s fucked up way too badly for that already. Stick a fork in him, he’s done. There will be no second Trump term, whatever happens to the economy. The only question is how many people we allow Trump to kill in his deluded fantasy that he can somehow save his abysmal failure of a presidency. If he were a decent human being, he’d be focusing on saving lives, not saving his vanity project of pretending to be the president while the country goes to hell in a handbasket.

    But he’s not a decent human being.

  100. Hillary in a Landslide1:28 PM

    "As for Trump’s re-election, it’s a foregone conclusion that it’s not gonna happen"

    99% chance Joey Fingers wins!

  101. And now, a PSA from America's Best Christian2:03 PM

    Opening a Country With a Closed Mind

  102. Only 29k left to go for the milestone drumpf recently reset of 100k...

    Last updated: May 05, 2020, 18:05 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    If anyone can fuck up a body count, it is drumpf the dumbest poece of shit to ever call itself a politician.

  103. “It's not going to be long before a lot of people conclude Democrats are super resistant to reopening not because they fear the virus rebounding in the summer heat, but because they fear the economy rebounding will help Trump.”

    One third of the population believes anything Fake Noize tells them to believe. It is all made up bullshit lies, but what the fuck, it works for them.

  104. "This is moronic."

    Not at all. There would have still been a pandemic team in place in China and we would have had a heads up. We had a similar experience with SARS and the country didn't completely shut down nor the economy ruined. We also would have had a real head of the task force and not a weird religious, science denying, no mask in a hospital wearing goof. We also wouldn't be told to inject bleach. Man, I wish having an adult with a functioning brain leading us.

  105. "YOUR OWN REFERENCE showed that poor urban whites have a HIGHER rate of criminal victimization than urban blacks. The only real difference between poor urban whites and poor rural whites is... proximity to blacks."

    It also showed whites are 4 times more likely to be assaulted by a fellow white than a Blah person. So while you're spending time obsessing about negroes that time would be better spent watching your back from people that look like you.

  106. "I was and I did. There's a difference between a scholarship granted on merit and one handed out by race. The former is just and the latter is unjust."

    Um, sure you did. Looks like you're putting that scholarship to good use by anonymously trolling blogs. I bet your parents are so proud.😂 Instead of wasting that scholarship your school would have been better off giving it to a more qualified woman or person of color, they would have definitely done more with it.

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:26 PM

    Republicans R Dumb, Part 45,678 said...

    It’s hard to believe now, but once upon a time, GOP politicians weren’t all aggressively stupid, science-denying nutjobs.

    12:37 PM
    Yeah, that was before the Know-Nothing Tea Party invaded the Republican Party and slowly killed it. Most former Republicans who care about people, science, and truth have left the Republican Party.


    Had trump done what he was supposed to have done, kept a epidemiology office in China, not lie about the numbers "it'll be down to zero soon", allowed governors to prematurely open, ect. none of this had to happen. So ask yourself the obvious question, are you better off today that you were 4 years ago?

  109. "Yeah, that was before the Know-Nothing Tea Party invaded the Republican Party and slowly killed it."

    That started well before the Tea Party. The infiltration of the religious right and the scorched earth ideology promoted by Newt Gingrich and Limpbaugh started that ball rolling. But in their defense, the hyper-religious, racist and not well educated is a huge demographic that votes regularly.

  110. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:37 PM

    This is moronic.

    "If Obama were President, he wouldn't have shutdown air travel as quickly as Trump did. He still would have had the same constraints on medical supplies (which he depleted and never replenished)..."
    Nothing you have said here is true. Obama is a person who plans, coordinates, thinks, and listens to his advisors. Obama is everything that Trump longs to be. That's why Trump hates him so much.


    2 wasicu Rambos chased down and murdered a black jogger, they were both armed and the jogger was not, and claimed they were afraid for their lives. Originally they claimed the black man had committed numerous burglaries.

    Anyway, it looks like whitey kills again with impunity.

  112. drumpf had nearly 4 years to replenish supplies and did nothing. And still won't do anything b ecause he just likes to shove responsibility to some one else for his massive fuckups.

  113. Anonymous2:44 PM

    “That started well before the Tea Party. The infiltration of the religious right and the scorched earth ideology promoted by Newt Gingrich and Limpbaugh started that ball rolling.”

    Republicans laying out the welcome mat for the fundamentalist Christian snake-handler loons happened under Reagan back in the ‘80s.

    The assault on facts and empirical reality happened under Newt Gingrich (in the Congress) and Rupert Murdoch (in the lying wingnut media) back in the ‘90s.

    It’s taken decades for us to reach the point where a human-shaped turd sits in the Oval Office. It didn’t happen overnight. There were lots of warnings.

  114. President Donald Trump admitted that he was briefed about the new coronavirus in January before calling decrying the Democrats’ “hoax” and jetting off to golf trips the following weeks.

    Trump made the comment ahead of a Bloomberg News report that the intelligence community briefed the president about the virus twice in January. The Washington Post previously reported that intelligence agencies issued warnings in more than a dozen classified briefings to Trump in January and February.

    Drumpf also claimed he was the first to call covid 19 a pandemic.

  115. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:51 PM

    PilotX said...

    "Yeah, that was before the Know-Nothing Tea Party invaded the Republican Party and slowly killed it."

    That started well before the Tea Party. The infiltration of the religious right and the scorched earth ideology promoted by Newt Gingrich and Limpbaugh started that ball rolling. But in their defense, the hyper-religious, racist and not well educated is a huge demographic that votes regularly.

    2:33 PM
    I agree, Pilot, but I also suggest that the earlier foundation was laid by Richard Nixon and his henchmen: Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, Roger Stone, and Paul Manafort.

  116. We're not all in this together3:04 PM

    ConfusedX said...
    Not at all. There would have still been a pandemic team in place in China and we would have had a heads up. We had a similar experience with SARS and the country didn't completely shut down nor the economy ruined

    1. The claim that Trump cut CDC's global anti-pandemic work is another Fake News/Democrat lie:

    2. We never had a similar experience with SARS, which is much less infectious than COVID-19. In fact, Obama wasn't President during the first outbreak in 2003 (when Bush was (President), when only 8,000 people worldwide were infected.

    Obama was President during the H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic, which occurred between 2009 and 2010. From Apr. 12, 2009, to Apr. 10, 2010, the CDC estimated that H1N1 infected around 60 million citizens in the United States, hospitalized over 260,000 and caused 12,469 deaths.

    The H1N1 virus was less infectious and had a much lower mortality rate than COVID-19.

    The nations stocks of pandemic response supplies was used up during the Obama administration, which chose not to replenish them despite available funds authorized by Congress:

    There is no indication that the Obama administration took significant steps to replenish the supply of N95 masks in the Strategic National Stockpile after it was depleted from repeated crises. Calls for action came from experts at the time concerned for the country’s ability to respond to future serious pandemics. Such recommendations were, for whatever reason, not heeded.

  117. We're not all in this together3:10 PM

    Grandma Fantasizer said....
    "Obama is a person who plans, coordinates, thinks, and listens to his advisors."

    Barack Obama in an interview with David Plouffe:

    “I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”

    Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director:

    “I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

  118. Anonymous3:26 PM

    "It also showed whites are 4 times more likely to be assaulted by a fellow white than a Blah person."

    And far LESS likely to be assaulted in general, because white people do a lot less assault.

    Unless they have to live among blacks, then they are MORE likely to be assaulted than even the urban blacks.  Because blacks are racist and target them.

    This is why integration failed and White Flight exists.

  119. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:23 PM

    We're not all in this together said...
    3:04 PM
    Regardless of what Obama did or didn't do, you own reference concludes with the following indictment of Trump:

    ProPublica reported on April 3 that congressional budget battles in the early years of the Obama administration contributed to stockpile shortages. But the article notes available funds were used not to replenish masks: "With limited resources, officials in charge of the stockpile tend to focus on buying lifesaving drugs from small biotechnology firms that would, in the absence of a government buyer, have no other market for their products, experts said. Masks and other protective equipment are in normal times widely available and thus may not have been prioritized for purchase, they said."

    During the presidency of Donald Trump, analysts have warned the United States is not prepared for a serious pandemic.

    'Gross misjudment':Experts say Trump's decision to disband pandemic team hindered coronavirus response

    “We assess that the United States and the world will remain vulnerable to the next flu pandemic or large scale outbreak of a contagious disease that could lead to massive rates of death and disability, severely affect the world economy, strain international resources, and increase calls on the United States for support,” the 2019 World Threat Assessment from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence states.
    "The Trump administration has not taken significant steps to replenish the masks in the Strategic National Stockpile."

  120. Michigan unmasked honky entered a Dollar Store and the clerk told him he needed a mask, so did the store windows and door carry that message.

    Being the upright human we know all inbred whites to be, he blew his nose on the lady's sleeve, made a number of impolite comments and finally left.

    He is being looked for, but had he been black there would no doubtedly be a shoot on sight order because whitey's be scared of black dudes. Especially the unarmed ones.

  121. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:29 PM

    Anonymous We're not all in this together said...

    Grandma Fantasizer said....
    "Obama is a person who plans, coordinates, thinks, and listens to his advisors."
    So what is your point? Just because Obama said it was difficult to heed advisers' recommendations, that does not mean he never did. If it were Trump responding he would have said "I decide, I listen to my gut. I'm a genus, and I know way more than my advisors. Blah, blah, blah...."

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:36 PM

    Anonymous said....

    This is why integration failed and White Flight exists.

    3:26 PM
    You got any evidence to support this wild theory? And by-the-way,
    integration exists in my neighborhood and there's not any sight of "white flight." Homes in my neighborhood sell for big bucks and don't stay on the market long. So your theory that integration has failed lacks validity. In other words, it's false.

  123. You are not dreaming. This is not a drill. Today a Republican on the Wisconsin Supreme Court really did equate a stay-at-home order in the face of a global pandemic with the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII. Also according the Republican chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, it's cool to let meat packers die because they're not "regular folks".

    (h/t: Driftglass)

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  124. Just over 27k moar bodies to reach 100k, drumpfuckers. Open every state wide open and see how fast people die needlessly.

    Last updated: May 05, 2020, 21:50 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  125. Moar people drumpf knowingly left behind.....from Time Magazine...

    Two American hostages still missing in Afghanistan underscore the limits of a troubled peace deal the U.S. signed with the Taliban, and the Trump Administration’s diminishing ability to bend the militants to American will as the group steps up attacks on its Afghan allies.

    As the U.S. was nearing an accord with the Taliban, the militant group’s hardline Haqqani faction kidnapped American contractor and Navy veteran Mark Frerichs in Afghanistan on Jan. 31. The Trump Administration, which was aware he was missing, went ahead and signed the Feb. 29 peace deal anyway. It provided for a Taliban ceasefire against U.S. forces in return for their eventual withdrawal, but made no specific mention of hostages, nor did it specify any protection for American contractors, current and former U.S. officials tell TIME.

    It was a surprising concession from President Donald Trump, who has previously made bringing American captives home a high priority. Now some lawmakers in Washington are demanding the Trump Administration drive a harder bargain with the Taliban to find and free Frerichs and Paul Overby, another American missing in Afghanistan since 2014. Republican Congressman Michael Waltz from Florida, a combat veteran of Afghanistan, tells TIME that during a State Department conference call with U.S. lawmakers in late April, he asked why the U.S. “is continuing to negotiate with an entity—the Taliban/Haqqani — that took a hostage during the negotiations, and continues to hold him.”

  126. Anonymous7:03 PM

    "And far LESS likely to be assaulted in general, because white people do a lot less assault."

    But when you are assaulted it'll be by a white guy. So now you're blaming us negroes for you attacking your fellow nazi. Geez, won't take personal responsibility for anything huh?

    "This is why integration failed and White Flight exists."

    White flight? That is so 80's. In all the Blah neighborhoods I see white people moving in in droves. Washington, DC, Baltimore, Harlem, Chicago, Philly........lots of white folk grabbing up spots left and right. I walk around and see em. Can't really blame em, I'd buy a nice condo or house near me too. Young single ones too. Guess they want some chocolate chips in the vanilla.

  127. We're not all in this together7:05 PM

    Granny Fantasizer said..
    "If it were Trump responding he would have said "I decide, I listen to my gut. I'm a genus, and I know way more than my advisors."

    Your conception of Trump and the world are based up on made up quotes and facts.

    You are sure he said Nazis are fine people, all Mexicans are rapists, and we should eat fish tank cleaner and wash it down with Lysol to combat the virus. You confused Adam's Schiff's made up story with the actual transcript of the Ukraine call. You are nothing but a sponge for soaking up Fake News propaganda.

  128. Fake Noize claimed it never called Covid-19 a hoax..... roll the video

    They all called it a hoax and shruilkly, too. Then theyn lied and said they always took it seriously. Seriously? Seriously lying scumbags, they be.

  129. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Interesting article.

  130. "Then theyn lied and said they always took it seriously."

    That's why Fox news and conservative media exist, to spin and pretend. I guess he also didn't put Pence and Jared in charge of the pandemic response. I mean shouldn't Jared be busy making peace in Western Asia and stopping the opioid crisis?

  131. Anonymous7:29 PM

    "And by-the-way, integration exists in my neighborhood and there's not any sight of "white flight.""

    How many Section 8 houses do you have within a mile of you?  Apartment complexes?

    Zero, right?  Right.  And you've never seen a "ratchet fight", and don't even believe they exist.

    "Homes in my neighborhood sell for big bucks"

    It's a good thing for you that Obama wasn't able to foist Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing on areas like yours, which are too white and too nice to be left un-diversified... according to them.  But if anyone deserves Section 8 ghetto rats next door, it's you.

  132. Things you'll never see7:30 PM

    Being the upright human we know all inbred whites to be, he blew his nose on the lady's sleeve, made a number of impolite comments and finally left.

    ... did no White person, ever.

  133. Anonymous7:43 PM

  134. You confused Adam's Schiff's made up story with the actual transcript of the Ukraine call. ou still believe the paper with people's recollections of what they heard is an actual transcript of Ukraine call? Seriously, you can't be that stoopid and still breathe on yer own.

    There is a single actual transcript locked in a secret high security computer where no one will ever get to see that drumpf lied his ass off every time he spoke of that incriminating bribery phone call.

  135. 27750 moar bodies for 100k in drumpf's body count....

    Last updated: May 06, 2020, 00:07 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  136. So, question for all of you goddamn Republicans:
    Does knowingly and willingly causing the death of thousands of US citizens against the advice publicly given and acknowledged by the medical and scientific experts rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors?

    Or would he have to shoot them himself? (not that he could competently operate a firearm) or would that even matter to you?

    Seriously, what would he have to do?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  137. Not a good luck trump and GOP.


  139. Anonymous9:02 PM

    “‘Being the upright human we know all inbred whites to be, he blew his nose on the lady's sleeve, made a number of impolite comments and finally left.‘

    ... did no White person, ever.”

    There’s video of him doing it, smart guy.

    The store clerk should have punched his dentures out. There are times that elder abuse is fully justified. This is one of them.

  140. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:22 PM

    We're not all in this together said...

    Your conception of Trump and the world are based up on made up quotes and facts.

    7:05 PM
    Well I guess then there's a Trump double appearing on TV as the president. My conception of Trump is based on what I have heard him (or his double)say over quite a few years, beginning with his birtherism campaign against Barack Obama. I use my TV much like a radio, so I've heard his ramblings constantly over the years since then.

    In addition I have read about his exploits for more than thirty years. He is a lying crook, has declared bankruptcy several times after running his casinos broke, has started several failing businesses: Trump Steaks, Trump Airline, Trump university (for which he was sued and paid twenty-five million in restitution to the "students" he conned). And he has been sued for breach of contract hundreds of times.

    As the president, Trump is a total failure. Many vital government agencies are leaderless and over seventy thousand Americans are dead because of Trump's careless attitude about governing and failing to address the pandemic that now overwhelms us. So don't bother to try to defend Trump to me. He's nothing but a two-bit con man and the sooner we vote him out the better.

  141. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "And by-the-way, integration exists in my neighborhood and there's not any sight of "white flight.""

    How many Section 8 houses do you have within a mile of you? Apartment complexes?

    Zero, right? Right. And you've never seen a "ratchet fight", and don't even believe they exist.

    "Homes in my neighborhood sell for big bucks"

    It's a good thing for you that Obama wasn't able to foist Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing on areas like yours, which are too white and too nice to be left un-diversified... according to them. But if anyone deserves Section 8 ghetto rats next door, it's you.

    7:29 PM
    Boy or boy, did you get a wrong number! Within a half-mile of my home is a large, low-income housing apartment complex. Within one mile of my house there are two Section 8 facilities.

    You see in the suburban city where I live the citizens and the city council have planned it that way, so that no substandard housing or "slums" exist. Low income housing is purposely placed through out the town. This is why homes are in high demand and bring premium prices when sold.

    Crime is low, neighbors get along, and there is virtually no bias shown among neighbors. I realize that you can't conceive of this concept, but I assure you it exists. It seems you have a distorted view of the world and jump quickly to conclusions that are false. For example, none of the conclusion you jumped to about me were true.

  142. Anonymous10:25 PM

    "Does knowingly and willingly causing the death of thousands of US citizens "

    Doug is such a pantie-bunched faggot.

  143. Anonymous11:01 PM

    "It seems you have a distorted view of the world and jump quickly to conclusions that are false."

    But he's smart because he got a scholarship.

  144. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Hey Gambler, don't forget about trump's bankrupting several small businesses by not paying for services rendered.

  145. Anonymous11:22 PM

  146. So while Fergus toured the mask factory sans-mask, "Live and Let Die" was playing in the background.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  147. You just can't make this stuff up
    10:21 AM (12 hours ago)
    to me

    You just can't make this stuff up has left a new comment on the post "Caption this.":

    D-Wil: "How about get tf out of our business (unless, of course, you want to dive into the effects of systemic, violent oppression on the psyche of the individual and of a populace)"

    anon: "Sure, let's make it both ways. Let's put a national border between us. Oh, and how about an ocean too?"

    Grabbler2: "How about you go. You're the one that's doing all the whining."

    TOTAL lack of self-awareness.

    "TOTAL lack of self-awareness."

    Exactly. Notice the whinging harpy completely failed to address my comment. And by "our business, I mean we, the autochthonous people of this land (no, not the Polynesian-Spanish and not the $5 Injuns, but the people EVERY late-15th century through early 17th-century first-hand account from Europeans invading this land called, "negroes," "copper-colored," people of varied hues, from "reddish-brown to dark brown in color").

    See, you believe in a story invented for you by Hollywood's ---- once immigrant ghetto New Yorkers. It is they who invented "Americanism," its lies about the "Old West," it's fake heroic tales of white men saving damsels in the clutches of wild-eyed negroes, and the story that the capitalists to whom the vast majority of you are indebted, are the good guys --- and you should keep slaving for them because it is they who are the 1% who possess the intellect to run your lives; the people who tell you that, not they, but we are the "bad guys" and, as LBJ said, if we can keep them - you & yours - attacking down, we can do anything we want to them ( "them" being, you and yours).

    Yeah, TOTAL lack of awareness. You got that right.

  148. Anonymous12:21 AM

    “So, question for all of you goddamn Republicans:
    Does knowingly and willingly causing the death of thousands of US citizens against the advice publicly given and acknowledged by the medical and scientific experts rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors?

    Or would he have to shoot them himself? (not that he could competently operate a firearm) or would that even matter to you?

    Seriously, what would he have to do?”

    Announce that he had had made a recent discovery that racism is, in fact, real, and so he was immediately revoking his Muslim ban, granting permanent US residency status to “Dreamers,” and putting together a funding package to increase economic opportunity for inner-city black youth.

    His support would evaporate instantaneously. They would consider that a “high crime” against all redneck-kind.

  149. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:05 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Hey Gambler, don't forget about trump's bankrupting several small businesses by not paying for services rendered.

    11:02 PM
    Oops, I forgot about that one. My bad!

  150. I don't know about even that. They have so much invested in their propaganda-fueled support for the creep that the stakes of bailing on him are too high to consider doing so.

    That's why Driftglass calls them "infinitely reprogrammable meatbags"; they don't really care if the current lie contradicts the lie from an hour ago as long as it shows up in time to keep their entire worldview from collapsing and forcing them to the hideous truth that the liberals have been right all along.

    Sure, they're racist as fuck, but if the marching orders were "brown people are useful and good for the country", most of them would fall right in.

    They would go right on hating the brown people, because that's just what they do, but very few of that hard core 27% would abandon Fergus no matter what he did, at least until after he's gone from power.

    Then it will be "Tea Party 2.0: The Great Rebranding" and there will be this unexplained tsunami of newly minted constitutional conservative independents who didn't really support Fergus because they didn't like the tweeting and all of the sudden the deficit will be the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER because it will be used to finance Democratic policies instead of their deposed fire god's whims.

    That's why we have to burn their fucking lifeboats and make them own this disaster at least long enough for us to get an honest shot at fixing it before the sabotage stops us in our tracks like last time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  152. Stay safe out there guys. Even you anonymous trolls.

  153. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Anonymous Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Anonymous said...

    Hey Gambler, don't forget about trump's bankrupting several small businesses by not paying for services rendered.

    11:02 PM
    Oops, I forgot about that one. My bad!

    1:05 AM

    and don't forget Obama and his commie cronies on Solyndra:

  154. Anonymous10:04 AM

  155. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "and don't forget Obama and his commie cronies on Solyndra:"

    10:03 AM
    Newsmax??? I can't believe you have the balls to quote this fountain of disinformation. Try something else, Newsmax doesn't cut it. Try defending your idol's terrible behavior instead of deflecting.

  156. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Governor Fredo's incompetence kills:

  157. NYpost- another right wing slobfest. Better watch out post. There are plenty dogs running around looking to piss on posts.

    The mutated strain is already here and boy, is it pissed. Phony pro-life bastards are willing to sacrifice everyone, except themselves, to save drumpf's skanky orange ass including all the elderly voters weho have no clews what drumpf has done to them.

  158. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:33 AM

    Austin Man Pushes Park Ranger Into Lake After Being Reminded About Social Distancing
    Police later arrested Brandon Hicks, 25, for attempted assault.
    Brandon Hicks is a white man.


    People of Wisconsin are fucked by wingnuts fucking morons, again. Good read and clearly shows ho detached stoopid fucking right wingers are from reality. Wingnut lege gave the director of public health vast latitude in shutting down gatherings of people and nw that a Dem has done that, they want to take her power away and the suckpreme court compares lockdown with interning Japanese Americans during WW2.

    Wingnuts really are that fucking batshit crazy.

  160. Anonymous12:16 PM

    “Wingnut lege gave the director of public health vast latitude in shutting down gatherings of people and nw that a Dem has done that, they want to take her power away and the suckpreme court compares lockdown with interning Japanese Americans during WW2.”

    These folks are truly disgusting. How does any person with even the tiniest smidgen of intellectual integrity compare a couple months of home confinement necessitated by the fight against a deadly virus to years of imprisonment motivated solely by racism?

    “False martyrdom syndrome” is at epidemic levels among wingnuts.

    Newsflash to MAGA hatters: You are not oppressed, you monumental assholes. We are all just going through a temporary crisis. Grow the hell up!

  161. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:36 PM

    anonymous said....

    “False martyrdom syndrome” is at epidemic levels among wingnuts.
    True, but it's been that way ever since the Tea Party came on the scene. All they do is whine, whine, whine. Trump is just like them. He whines and cries like a five-year-old child, that's why the wingnuts love him so much.

  162. Anonymous2:04 PM

    "True, but it's been that way ever since the Tea Party came on the scene."

    Nah, this pity party has been going on for a while. Limbaugh has been crying for years.

  163. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "and don't forget Obama and his commie cronies on Solyndra"

    But but but Obama..........
    it was only a matter of time before the blame Obama and the whataboutisms started.

  164. Anonymous2:43 PM

    "Try something else, Newsmax doesn't cut it."

    Says the person that quotes from Slate. LOL

  165. Last updated: May 06, 2020, 18:37 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    body count keeps climbing, inexorably.

    Solyndra's losses were made up in three years and that renewable fuels program was in the black.

  166. A factual search reveals that Slate has one unproven claim.

    Overall, we rate Slate, moderately Left Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that favor the left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a reasonable fact check record. (5/15/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 12/10/2019)

    Newsmax, otoh, sucks drumpf's used rags.

  167. I can't seem to find an unedited or unobstructed link to the video in the Ahmaud Arbery murder case. What is clear is that the father and son in the pickup truck had chased Arbery and then pulled over to lay in wait to confront him. The men claim they were performing their duty as citizens of Georgia by executing a citizen's arrest on Arbery. What is clear is that Arbery had no idea what was happening and tried to pass the men on the left side of the road. The boy with the shotgun lunged towards him pointing the shotgun his way.

    Get this, Arbery is said to have violently attacked Travis McMichael! Violently attacked the man who was brandishing a shotgun at him!?! Initially local authorities were satisfied that Travis McMichael had acted in self-defense and filed no charges. This man ambushed Ahmaud Arbery and unloaded both barrels of a shotgun into the man at close range. This is utter madness.

    Justice for Ahmaud.

  168. Anonymous4:05 PM

    “Initially local authorities were satisfied that Travis McMichael had acted in self-defense and filed no charges. This man ambushed Ahmaud Arbery and unloaded both barrels of a shotgun into the man at close range. This is utter madness.”

    Two points to make here:

    1) “Citizens arrest” laws, much like “open carry” gun laws, are dumb. They are guaranteed to result in vigilante violence against innocent people. In someplace like Georgia, that is especially likely to take the form of racist vigilante violence.

    2) The two vigilantes in this particular incident have law enforcement connections, which is one of the factors in why it has been hard to get them charged with a homicide, and why they have so easily been able to hide behind the “citizens arrest” claim.

  169. What exactly did he burgle? He was jogging, no question about that and his hands were empty and there were no burglary tools on him when he died. Besides, who does burglaries in broad daylight with people standing/driving around?

  170. Anonymous4:24 PM

    “What exactly did he burgle? He was jogging, no question about that and his hands were empty and there were no burglary tools on him when he died.”

    He was black and was looking at something too long. That’s intent to burgle!*

    (*According to racist logic, that is.)

  171. There appears to be only the one video and it is not the best quality. This case already is on its third district attorney as the first 2 are allegedly related t the shooters. The third DA wants a grand jury but won't get one until mid June because of covid restrictions.

    Looks like whitey might get away with bagging another unarmed, innocent black man. Disgusting.

  172. I know the video is shaky. The camera goes afield just at the initial contact. But watching it on CNN and the major TV news networx they all seem to superimpose news banners right over the video. It must be intentional.

  173. I can't help but wonder if the person with the camera will be called as a witness.

  174. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:24 PM

    Anonymous said....
    "Try something else, Newsmax doesn't cut it."

    Says the person that quotes from Slate. LOL

    2:43 PM
    I didn't quote Slate; I have never quoted Slate. You obviously have me confused with someone else because I did say Newsmax doesn't cut it. Newsmax is a fountain of right-wing lies.

  175. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:39 PM

    Hey, Anonymous who always posts about crimes committed by Blacks, Josh Fury appears to be a white man.

    Minnesota Man Killed Wife, Buried Her Under Home, Then Faked Her Disappearance: Court Docs

    Joshua Fury allegedly admitted he strangled his wife during an argument, then buried her in their home’s crawl space.

  176. Anonymous12:14 AM

    "Hey, Anonymous who always posts about crimes committed by Blacks, Josh Fury appears to be a white man."

    Maybe Lt. Col Johnson can post about him incessantly like he did about the Jessica Chambers case. Or not because it's ok to kill whites if you're white.

  177. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Hey, Anonymous who always posts about crimes committed by Blacks, Josh Fury appears to be a white man.

    Minnesota Man Killed Wife, Buried Her Under Home, Then Faked Her Disappearance: Court Docs

    Joshua Fury allegedly admitted he strangled his wife during an argument, then buried her in their home’s crawl space.

    5:39 PM

    Dear retard, the point is that blacks(niggers) commit 75%+ more violent crimes than any other race.
    Yes, whites commit some crimes, so do Latinos and Asians, but not at the rate that negroes do.

    13% of the population commits 75%+ of all the violent crime.

  178. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:03 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Dear retard, the point is that blacks(niggers) commit 75%+ more violent crimes than any other race.
    Yes, whites commit some crimes, so do Latinos and Asians, but not at the rate that negroes do.

    13% of the population commits 75%+ of all the violent crime.

    1:50 PM
    No, the point of your post is to try to convince others that Blacks are deadly and to be feared and hated. Facts AKA data show that over all whites commit more violent crimes than Blacks do.
    It is only your per capita results the argue that Black men are more violent than white men. I propose to you that per capita, white men commit many more violent crimes than white women commit. Following your distorted attempt at logic, I being a white woman should hate and fear all white men.

    Yet you have the balls to call me retarded? LOL! LMAO!

  179. This is why everyone with a brain avoids black people6:30 PM

    the point of your post is to try to convince others that Blacks are deadly and to be feared and hated.

    2 McDonald's employees shot after angry customer told dining room was closed

    Two employees at a McDonald's in Oklahoma City were shot and a third was injured after a woman allegedly became angry after learning that she was not allowed to dine inside the restaurant due to coronavirus restrictions.

    The incident occurred on Wednesday evening at a McDonald's in southwest Oklahoma City when employees informed the shooting suspects that the dining room was closed and that she would be unable to eat there.

    A physical altercation then began between the suspect and the female employee who fell and hit her head at some point during the fight. The suspect then left the premises and retrieved a handgun from her car.

    “The suspect left the restaurant briefly and returned with a handgun and fired multiple shots,” said Capt. Larry Withrow of the Oklahoma City Police Department in a statement. “One male employee was shot in the arm. Another male employee was hit in the neck and shoulder area by what is described by police as bullet shrapnel. A third male employee also suffered from bullet shrapnel in his side.”
    (story continues)
    The race of the perp and victims are not given, but it's obvious what the perp is.  No other race behaves that way.

    Facts AKA data show that over all whites commit more violent crimes than Blacks do.

    But not the most serious ones.  Blacks commit OVER HALF OF ALL MURDERS IN THE USA and a solid majority of armed robberies.

    Yet you have the balls to call me retarded?

    Yes, you're retarded.  You only know so many men.  White men are far less likely, per capita, to harm you than black men.  Therefore, your odds of being harmed are lower if you stick with your own and avoid blacks.

    (Now watch her play dumb, like she doesn't know what "per capita" means.  If it's playing.)

  180. This is why everyone with a brain avoids black people 

    Facts AKA data show that over all whites commit more violent crimes than Blacks do.

    But not the most serious ones.  Blacks commit OVER HALF OF ALL MURDERS IN THE USA and a solid majority of armed robberies.

    Yet you have the balls to call me retarded?

    Yes, you're retarded.  You only know so many men.  White men are far less likely, per capita, to harm you than black men.  Therefore, your odds of being harmed are lower if you stick with your own and avoid blacks.

    (Now watch her play dumb, like she doesn't know what "per capita" means.  If it's playing.)
    Violent deaths. Here are violent deaths. ALL committed by you and yours:
    Number of pesticide suicides from 1960 to 2018: 14,272,105 or 14,936,000. ( Even the UN says there are 200,000 deaths annually from pesticide poisoning.

    U.S. Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan: 335,000 deaths as of Nov. 2019.

    Vietnam War: 440,000 North Vietnamese/Viet Cong fighters.

    We don't own pesticide corporations. We don't run the Pentagon, nor the Dept. of Defense, nor any of the 28 above board intelligence agencies, so, in the U.S. we don't wage war against other countries (and please don't be stupid enough to attempt to say ANY president runs anything other than his mouth. Any who do attempt to control the psychopathic desires of you and yours don't stay alive too long... see 11.22.1963, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Tx.)

    White men are FAR more likely, per capita, to harm ---- anyone and everyone than are any other people.

    (Now watch you play dumb by attempting to say anything in refutation.)

  181. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:38 PM

    D-Will said....

    White men are FAR more likely, per capita, to harm ---- anyone and everyone than are any other people.

    (Now watch you play dumb by attempting to say anything in refutation.)
    As I'm sure you already know, my friend, racists such as the one you addressing here do not respond to logic. Like our fearful non leader in the White House, racists have too much of their own egos invested in their illogical beliefs. Their only weapons to defend their beliefs are insults and lies. They are very adept at distorting data (which they call statistics) that they use to support their claims.

    When racists quote the national data tables, arrests versus convictions are never mentioned. They delight in posting the homicide rate in Chicago while ignoring all the other cities in the country. They never mention per capita rates in these posts.

    BTW according to, the per capita homicide rate in Chicago is 20.7 per 100,000 while the rate in Buffalo, NY is 22.1. And the per capita homicide rate in New Orleans is 37.1 per 100,000.

  182. Anonymous3:05 PM

    The Oklahoma McDonalds shooter is exactly what the "racists" predicted based on the news.

    How can "racism" and "racists" be wrong, when they are right all the time?

  183. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    D-Will said....

    White men are FAR more likely, per capita, to harm ---- anyone and everyone than are any other people.

    (Now watch you play dumb by attempting to say anything in refutation.)
    As I'm sure you already know, my friend, racists such as the one you addressing here do not respond to logic. Like our fearful non leader in the White House, racists have too much of their own egos invested in their illogical beliefs. Their only weapons to defend their beliefs are insults and lies. They are very adept at distorting data (which they call statistics) that they use to support their claims.

    When racists quote the national data tables, arrests versus convictions are never mentioned. They delight in posting the homicide rate in Chicago while ignoring all the other cities in the country. They never mention per capita rates in these posts.

    BTW according to, the per capita homicide rate in Chicago is 20.7 per 100,000 while the rate in Buffalo, NY is 22.1. And the per capita homicide rate in New Orleans is 37.1 per 100,000.

    Thumbs up to everything you said.

  184. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Trump is Americas savior!!
