Sunday, June 07, 2020

Are Americans finally fed up with their Con- man- In -Chief?

  • Image result for bible trump image upside down protest
There are mass protests going on all over the country in support of racial justice, and we are all left to wonder if ten years from now we will be right back where we started. I mean haven't we been down this road before? It seems that America is always struggling with her racial demons. 

This time, because of the individual occupying the White House, it will be particularly difficult to turn the corner on racism and bigotry. Ironically, he is the reason that we have gotten to this point with the latest wave of protests in the first place. Americans (all Americans) are sick of him shaking his pint sized d**k at the Constitution, and treating the military as if it's his own personal army, meant to protect him from American citizens exercising their First Amendment rights. The same rights that were given to them by the Constitution. 

His photo op stunt should have been the last straw for everyone who cares about America and what she stands for. Imagine using military force on peaceful protesters so that the president can walk across the street and pose with a bible. (One he held in an improper way) That is some serious dictator stuff right there. And now, predictably, William Barr and the other actors involved in this disgraceful stunt have been trying to distance themselves from it. 

The American people aren't stupid, though. I suspect that but for the die hard 35% who support trump, everyone will see exactly what is going on: That a man who idolizes dictators and fascist, will do everything in his power to become a dictator and rule like a fascist. 

I hope that the will of the people will prevail, but I am not counting on it. The darkness and evil that has hovered over this country for so long is bolstered by powerful old men in dark suits, who pull strings like puppet masters from the halls of power, while a weakened and complicit press looks on, and the nation's citizens go along with it all like sheep. 

Maybe these protests will start a new awakening. Not only against police abuse, but against the abuse of power, and the abuse of the most powerful office in the world. 



  1. I'm not much more than a maybe too. Something has to give.

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Field says...

    "The American people aren't stupid, though."

    In the past you've said we are completely stupid, so I guess whatever works at the moment.

    I'm sorry, but Trump will win in 2020.

  3. Anonymous11:51 AM

    There’s a lot of open questions.

    The rioting seems to have died down, so there’s less excuse now for Trump to send the troops in and crack heads, even though he wants to, really, really badly.

    But the protests themselves could still rapidly wear out public patience if they go on too long, and particularly if epidemiological data suggests they are fueling a resurgence of COVID-19 infection. I don’t think that the public will stand for protests that are meant to protect roughly 100 black men a year from unjustifiable deaths at the hands of the police, if those protests then lead to 10,000 deaths at the “hands” of COVID-19 virus. That math doesn’t add up. If it is looking like we will all have to go back into lockdown again, all because of Black Lives Matter, BLM will become very unpopular, very quickly.

    Aside from that, I am somewhat pessimistic that this sort of large-scale activism can actually fix police brutality. I think police brutality is not the kind of problem that can be addressed through a sort of “one big push” approach. It’s not like there is a single bad guy in the government driving police brutality, who must be removed and then everything will be fine. Or like there’s a “let’s kill black people” law, and if you only repeal that, police brutality will instantly evaporate.

    What is needed is a lot of small incremental policy changes (better recruiting and training of cops, more effective accountability) and, above all, a change in attitudes about policing among both the police and the American people. That will require continuous pressure over a period of years to achieve.

    I suspect that a lot of people are going to be disappointed when these mass protests don’t lead to immediate change.

  4. Democrat city police force working for a 100% Democrat city government in a Democrat-controlled state kills a man they are taking into custody, and "Trump's America" is to blame.

    Trump is the guy who got black unemployment down to an all-time low. Trump is the guy who got working class wages to go up for the first time in decades. Trump is the guy who initiated criminal justice reform to lower the incarceration rate of black Americans. Trump is the guy who put the brakes on the forever wars spilling American's blood.

    Is this why we have riots all over the country? Because of what Trump did for black America?

  5. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:06 PM

    I think that Mr. Trump has met the perfect storm. I think the combination of Mr. Trumps obvious racism, his mishandling of the pandemic, combined with so many unemployed as a result, and the eight plus minutes of a murder of a black man by one of the police captured on video all came together, and many people said enough is enough.

    Now it remains to be seen if any significant change will result nation wide. It will depend on whether or not the Democrats take the presidency and the senate in November. If Mitch McConnell retains his position as senate majority leader, or Trump is reelected nothing will get done at the federal level.

    States with Democratic control will enact some regulations affecting police procedures, but that may not be enough to change the law enforcement community. We need new language in how we speak of our law enforcement employees. We could start by calling them peace officers for a start.

  6. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "The rioting seems to have died down, so there’s less excuse now for Trump to send the troops in and crack heads, even though he wants to, really, really badly."

    Of course he doesn't want to do that, the optics would be terrible. But he also doesn't want to sit around while Democrat city and state governments do nothing to stop the violence. They have refused to let their own police forces enact effective riot control tactics. They have refused to use the National Guard in many cases. City attorney generals are letting arrested rioters back out on the streets immediately with all charges dismissed. One could cynically assume they want this unrest continue as long as possible for some perceived political advantage.

  7. Just saw that WaPo updated their numbers in their fatal force database for last year. Figured I'd share the updates.

    They now have 236 black people killed and 15 unarmed (6.3%) and 376 white people killed and 25 unarmed (6.6%)

    Still looking in vain for that "racism".

    Also, a friendly reminder that "unarmed" does not necessarily mean "not a threat".

  8. Fed up since before Putin installed drumpf in the kremlin annex.

  9. The racism has never ended, why should the rioting?

  10. Killing a bear and wearing its skin doesn’t make you a bear.

    The same applies to civilization.

  11. Boy George1:39 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "The racism has never ended, why should the rioting?"

    Systemic racism is when there isn't any racism but they have to blame their failures on something.

  12. hose changes people talk about wanting/needing will not happen while wingnuts are in control of the kremlin, the senate and a majority of lifetime judicial seats.

    Dems need fillibuster proof/ veto proof majorities in both houses of congress and the WH so they can impeach every single justice unqualified drumpf chose as unqualified ideologues to sit on activist courts.

  13. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Yes comrade mike, we need to give all power to the Bolsheviks!

    Kill! Kill! Kill!

  14. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Who will NFL owners blackball now that NFL racists cover has been pulled off?

    Black lives matter movement emboldens white power particulary the ones marching.

  15. Anonymous2:15 PM

    “Of course he doesn't want to do that, the optics would be terrible.”

    He does want to do that. Both because he is a racist, and because he thinks the optics would be great for him.

    Or at least, they would have been great, before the rioting diminished. Trying to crush the protests by force, without any rioting, is a much harder sell. That’s a move that would only satisfy his racist base.

    So, at the moment, he’s shit out of luck. He can’t be Mr Law and Order, like he wants to, and he’s got nothing else to salvage his tanking re-election prospects. I guess he’ll have to go back to calling Joe Biden senile or corrupt.

  16. Anonymous2:20 PM

    “The racism has never ended, why should the rioting?”

    Because the rioting will only fuel more racism?

  17. Drew Brees2:23 PM

    Am I the only one who is getting really, really sick of negroes?

  18. Most of the rioting stopped after Chauvin's charge was upped from Murder 3 to Murder 2, and the other officers were charged with aiding and abetting. Maybe a connection. Around these parts the curfew is off.

  19. I don't know, there's a level of blind loyalty I've never seen before. These folks are ride or die with dear leader. One woman, Republican of course, thinks his attendance at a military academy as a kid equals military service. He was right about being able to shoot a person on 5th ave and not losing a single supporter. Since we are the country that elected a reality tv game show host in the first place so there's not a huge reason to be optimistic.

  20. Dear Gambler2:
    Am I the only one who is getting really, really sick of trolls?
    What is it about trolls (like at 2:23 PM) who come here, of all places, to validate their bigotry? Surely they can tell that they'll get no satisfaction here. That's not just vile, it's stupid. Do they make similar mistakes in other areas of their lives?

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:52 PM

    Leonydus Johnson said...

    Just saw that WaPo updated their numbers in their fatal force database for last year. Figured I'd share the updates.

    They now have 236 black people killed and 15 unarmed (6.3%) and 376 white people killed and 25 unarmed (6.6%)

    Still looking in vain for that "racism".

    Also, a friendly reminder that "unarmed" does not necessarily mean "not a threat".
    So how does that work out to support you position, Leonydus? Looking at your data, Black deaths = 236, which equals = 38.56% of the total deaths of 612.

    White deaths = 373 which equals = 61.43%. Reviewing the percentage of the deaths, we see that Blacks, who equal 12.7% of the population, account for over one-third of deaths by police. The white deaths by police reflect nearly the white population, which is 60.7%.

    I imagine you are going try to explain this by saying something about Blacks being more violent.

  22. Theater3:08 PM

    "Chauvin's charge was upped from Murder 3 to Murder 2, and the other officers were charged with aiding and abetting."

    They overcharged so they could get an acquittal and get the riots really going. Probably in October.

  23. "Do they make similar mistakes in other areas of their lives?"

    Probably. How many people do you know that have something going on in their lives and are successful that spend time posting incessantly about how they are superior to others based on genetics?

  24. Gambler2: The reasoning does not go: "Blacks are more violent, therefore police brutality is justified." In fact it goes: "Police brutality is justified, therefore blacks are more violent." Sentence first, verdict after. Facts must adapt to the policy.

    The other way around - adapting policy to the facts - would be inconvenient.

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:13 PM

    Blogger Paradoctor said...

    Dear Gambler2:
    Am I the only one who is getting really, really sick of trolls?
    What is it about trolls (like at 2:23 PM) who come here, of all places, to validate their bigotry? Surely they can tell that they'll get no satisfaction here. That's not just vile, it's stupid. Do they make similar mistakes in other areas of their lives?

    2:41 PM
    Yes, my friend, I am sick of them, as are all of us are who come here and exchange our thoughts and feelings. Their only aim is to annoy us because they hate us. So I don't let them annoy me, but it is tiresome sometimes.

    In answer to your second question, my guess is, yes, they make many mistakes in other areas of their lives. Failing to think logically and critically is one area. Self pity is another. I can't understand how white men can feel sorry for themselves when they are at the top of the power structure.

    I do so enjoy your posts. You often bring a fresh perspective. Keep up the good work!

  26. PilotX @ 3:10:
    There's Trump, except for the "successful" part.

  27. So how does that work out to support you position, Leonydus? Looking at your data, Black deaths = 236, which equals = 38.56% of the total deaths of 612.

    White deaths = 373 which equals = 61.43%. Reviewing the percentage of the deaths, we see that Blacks, who equal 12.7% of the population, account for over one-third of deaths by police. The white deaths by police reflect nearly the white population, which is 60.7%.

    I imagine you are going try to explain this by saying something about Blacks being more violent.

    We don't have to say anything about blacks being more violent. For whatever reason (historical racism, poverty, family structure etc), blacks commit 39% of the violent crime in America.

    By your own calculation, this is almost precisely equal to the number of blacks killed by police. That tells me that there is no racial discrimination against blacks when it comes to police killings.

    You are willing to use per capita when it suits your narrative, but abandon it when it doesn't. The appropriate population to examine when looking at police killings is the population they are interacting with, not the general population.

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:22 PM

    Drew Brees said...

    Am I the only one who is getting really, really sick of negroes?

    2:23 PM
    Am I the only one who is getting really, really sick of dumb posters who come to a black blog solely to spew hate?

  29. Only Black Lives Matter3:33 PM

    You'd think Drew Brees would have learned his lesson.


  30. Fight the Powerless3:38 PM

    I think the best tweet of the 2020 Joe Biden Riots was an actual Rothschild tweeting that property can be replaced but black lives can't.

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:39 PM

    Leonydus Johnson said.

    You are willing to use per capita when it suits your narrative, but abandon it when it doesn't. The appropriate population to examine when looking at police killings is the population they are interacting with, not the general population.

    3:18 PM
    Are you saying the police do not interact with the general population? You can't mean this. Someone I know well works as a PSO at a suburban police station. She interacts every day with the general population and so does everyone else who works there. She is no exception. We are trying to determine if black people are shot by police at a higher rate than white people. And as I've shown you, the answer to that is yes, they are.Your entire argument that we can't use the general population is a false on.

    We can use per capita any time you like, but if you define your population incorrectly, your data will not produce accurate results.

  32. Gambler2 @ 3:13 PM:
    It's tiresome to talk _to_ a troll, for they do not argue in good faith, but it can be great fun to talk _about_ a troll. Their libels can't be refuted because they aren't even wrong, but they can be analyzed. That way we can learn from the trolls, about the trolls, despite the trolls.

    Self-pity seems logical to those at the top of a _failing_ power structure. It seems even more logical to those _promised_ a place at the top, but who will never get it, precisely because the power structure is failing.

    Self-pity is a painkiller, but it's habit-forming. In its place I prescribe self-doubt, which hurts at first but then sets you free.

  33. "Are you saying the police do not interact with the general population?"

    The police are not arresting the general population. They are arresting the population of people suspected of committing a crime. If one segment of the population is committing more crimes per capita, they will have a higher arrest rate per capita.

    "We are trying to determine if black people are shot by police at a higher rate than white people."

    Actually, we are trying to determine if police use deadly force more when arresting black people than they do when arresting white people. And they don't. It makes perfect sense that if black people make up more of the violent criminal population per capita, then the number of black people killed by police will also be higher relative to their share of the general population.

    "We can use per capita any time you like, but if you define your population incorrectly, your data will not produce accurate results."

    This is exactly what you are doing. You are ignoring the significant difference in crime rates between two populations and denying it has anything to do with how often they interact with law enforcement in order to reach a flawed conclusion. I don't know why this is so hard to understand.

  34. Anonymous4:20 PM

    “‘Chauvin's charge was upped from Murder 3 to Murder 2, and the other officers were charged with aiding and abetting.’

    They overcharged so they could get an acquittal and get the riots really going. Probably in October.”

    This makes zero sense. Second-degree murder might well be a reach. I’m not 100% sure a jury will go for the idea that Chauvin putting his knee on Floyd’s neck was an assault leading to death, as needed to prove murder 2 in Minnesota. They might decide that it was legitimate for Chauvin to restrain Floyd, but that he exercised very bad judgment in how he executed the restraint, which would then not count as assault.

    But murder 2 was added to the other charges. The other charges of murder 3 and manslaughter weren’t removed, so the jury can still choose those. The chances of an acquittal haven’t gone up.

    Also, Trump is the only politician that wants and will benefit from riots.

  35. Keep the Faith Brothers and Sisters. General Powell says that this country is at a turning point. The District National Guard stunt may have been the tipping point. Across the nation peaceful believers are gathering in a show of force and solidarity. Now every peaceful protest that proves that the movement is non-violent will rain down blessings upon us all.

    If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
    And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;

    For you will heap burning coals on his head,
    And the LORD will reward you.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:26 PM

    The police are not arresting the general population. They are arresting the population of people suspected of committing a crime. If one segment of the population is committing more crimes per capita, they will have a higher arrest rate per capita.
    I disagree and there is no point discussing this further with you. If you wish to determine whether black people are killed by police at a higher rate than white people are killed by the police, you must use the entire population of both groups. End of argument. I'll say this for you: you put up quite a fight for your misguided premise.

  37. Most of the riots were started by police. Not all, but at this point, most. Yes, there was initially some violence and destruction, but the "rioting" has mostly been in reaction to militarized police wading into peaceful protests and beating the protesters, gassing them, and shooting them with rubber coated steel balls.

    Most of this can be laid at the feet of irrational fear. White people irrationally fearing brown people (stoked by right wing propaganda which is cranked to eleven right now, social media posts in small cities "warning" of "buses of rioters and looters on their way" followed by terrified calls to local police, who in turn crack down hard on local peaceful protests).

    Mayors irrationally fearing political blowback from out of hand protests instituting curfews which are really passes to police to violently crack down on peaceful protests which the curfews make unlawful.

    City councils irrationally fearing police unions and failing to regulate police behavior and tactics at all for fear of protracted lawsuits.

    Bad police forces can be dealt with. I've seen it with my own eyes. The Oakland Housing Authority Police were notoriously corrupt and out of control. They would rob drug dealers and threaten to bust them if they complained, and use the stolen drugs and cash to plant on anyone they wanted to bust. And they just took a lot of it for themselves.
    After some local reporters asked some inconvenient questions to the city government, OPD set up the OHA cops, caught them dead to rights, and disbanded the entire force, taking on their former responsibilities themselves.

    A lot can be learned from that incident. First, disbanding them wasn't enough. Many of the OHA officers simply moved out of Oakland and got jobs in other departments. The San Francisco Park Police in particular hired a lot of them. Bad cops have to be blacklisted from any kind of police work anywhere ever.

    And second, just because a force does the right thing once doesn't mean you can always trust them to keep doing the right thing. Just a few years after the OHA debacle, the OPD got caught doing the very same bullshit in the infamous "Riders" case, and unlike the OHA case, where the OPD was on the side of the prosecution, none of the "Riders" were convicted, although the leader escaped to Mexico and was beyond prosecution.

    Judge Thelton Henderson had the civil suits arising from the case under his jurisdiction for years, and mandated a raft of reforms that the OPD was perennially behind in instituting, and judge Henderson was always threatening to throw the entire force into receivership, and they were always promising to do a better job at compliance, until judge Henderson went into semi-retirement and now OPD is on their third chief of police in two years.

    Police procedures and regulations are mostly set at the city, county, and state level, so what I'm hoping for out of these protests is more attention to the elections of the people who actually set those policies, because that's how change in police behavior can come about.

    As for Fergus and his felons, fuck those punks, we'll be rid of them soon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. "If you wish to determine whether black people are killed by police at a higher rate than white people are killed by the police, you must use the entire population of both groups"


    And if you want to know why, you have to factor in the disparity in crime rates between black people and white people.

    When you do that, you realize it's not racial bias on the part of the police.

    Do you really want to know why?

  39. Anonymous4:57 PM

    According to Randy Rainbow, Donald Trump is ... THE BUNKER BOY.

  40. There are institutional sources of police brutality independent of racism. Specifically there is what I call the "crime shortage", though really it's a police surplus. Since the early 90s crime rates have fallen; this has left too little crime for the police to pursue. Therefore a crime shortage / police surplus. In such an imbalance, the police must either reduce their numbers, or find criminality among the innocent, or commit crimes themselves.

    I recommend option #1; and to hasten this, I also recommend what I call the "honeybee rule": namely, that any officer who kills anyone, for any reason, must leave the force. No delays, no exceptions, no review. There may be immunity, honors, pensions, rewards if the civilian review board says yes, not if not; but one way or the other, no killers on the force. This makes the policeman's weapons like the honeybee's stinger; professional suicide to use. The honeybee rule is hard on the police, but I recommend it as a check on police power.

  41. Anonymous 4:57:
    According to the comments there, the tune is based on "The Jitterbug", which was for a deleted section of the Wizard of Oz. Leave it to Randy Rainbow to find something like that. This explains Randy cosplaying as the Cowardly Lion.

  42. Anonymous5:36 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Most of the riots were started by police."

    Why would Democrat controlled institutions want to start riots?

  43. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Paradoctor said...
    "There are institutional sources of police brutality independent of racism."

    Then why are we burning down our cities over racism?

    I thought only Black Lives Mattered.

  44. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Funny how BLM and Antifas enemies are Global Capital's enemies too.

  45. Jesse5:56 PM

    BREAKING: A veto-proof majority of Minneapolis City Council members will announce today their commitment to disbanding the city’s embattled police department following the killing of George Floyd.

    It’s gonna be hilarious to watch Minneapolis unironically descend into Mogadishu.

  46. Anonymous5:59 PM

    "Do you really want to know why?"

    I think it's pretty obvious she doesn't.

  47. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "I recommend option #1; and to hasten this, I also recommend what I call the 'honeybee rule': namely, that any officer who kills anyone, for any reason, must leave the force. No delays, no exceptions, no review."

    Wouldn't work, for the same reason that eliminating qualified immunity (thereby making officers financially liable for any injuries they cause in the line of duty) wouldn't work: Under those circumstances, nobody would ever choose to become a police officer! And with no police, then society would collapse under the weight of widespread criminality.

    Why would anyone choose a career that could get taken away if they did their job correctly? Which would be the case if you're firing officers for shooting in legitimate self-defense, as well as for shooting without justification. I suppose you could make it worthwhile to would-be applicants by offering any officer a massive pension payout if they were forced to take early requirement due to carrying out a justified shooting. But if you did that, then you'd create an even worse police brutality problem because you'd then be incentivizing shootings with a cash jackpot. Officer would be thinking, "Kill a black man, retire at 35." The number of dead black men would go up, not down.

    There are no easy answers here, unfortunately.

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:19 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Do you really want to know why?"

    I think it's pretty obvious she doesn't.

    5:59 PM
    No, because all you are going to reply with is biased. Your data is based on arrests, which includes an unknown number of people arrested who were not guilty of anything. Thus it includes people who were never charged, people who were charged but the charges were later dropped. It includes people who were tried and found not guilty. It also includes suspects who plead guilty because they can't afford a decent attorney. All your data proves is that black people are arrested at higher rate than white people per capita.

  49. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Arrest rates by race track with victim reports identifying suspects by race.

    Black people are not being arrested at higher rates than they are committing crimes.

  50. drumpf body count hit a seriously major milestone today.....

    Last updated: June 07, 2020, 22:33 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    That is right. We are officially heading towards 3 million cases of covid. Wish drumpf luck.

  51. Anonymous6:43 PM

    CHICAGO June To Date 2020
    Shot & Killed: 14
    Shot & Wounded: 113
    Total Shot: 127
    Total Homicides: 17

    71.9% Black

  52. Anonymous6:44 PM

    That is right. We are officially heading towards 3 million cases of covid. Wish drumpf luck.

    6:40 PM

    All due to China and the democrats.......

  53. Anonymous6:47 PM

    "BREAKING: A veto-proof majority of Minneapolis City Council members will announce today their commitment to disbanding the city’s embattled police department following the killing of George Floyd."

    Who are the niggers going to call for help like they always do when they call 911?? No police the blacks will tear each other apart.

  54. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I thought only Black Lives Mattered.

    5:39 PM

    Not in predominately black areas, they kill and maim each other at exponential rates.....

  55. Anonymous6:51 PM

    "No police the blacks will tear each other apart."

    And it will be Trump's fault.

  56. Without cops whitey can fuck his sister and his dogs with impunity. And then blame it on non-existent blacks.

  57. Shit fer brains @ 6:47 PM, let's see a reliable source of your post.

  58. Anonymous8:05 PM

    ""BREAKING: A veto-proof majority of Minneapolis City Council members will announce today their commitment to disbanding the city’s embattled police department following the killing of George Floyd."

    Who are the niggers going to call for help like they always do when they call 911?? No police the blacks will tear each other apart."

    Clearly, the city of Minneapolis isn't going to do without a police department.

    But what I think this does mean is that they're (at least at the moment) planning on building a completely new police department from scratch. And then firing everyone from the old police department, on the basis that they think the old police department is damaged beyond repair, that it's un-reformable because it's full of too many bad officers and has bad priorities and structures.

    Again, that's what they're saying right now, but they may find this is simply too hard to actually do. Gotta be honest, this sounds like utopian fantasy.

  59. "Why would Democrat controlled institutions want to start riots?"

    Maybe because they're chock full of punks like this guy:

    Like I said, research the candidates in the elections for the local government positions that actually set policy for police procedure and vote for the ones who don't support fascism and brownshirts in the streets, and you'll get less fascism and fewer brownshirts in the streets.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. John Moe
    Attn: people who think the Minneapolis plan is to simply have no law enforcement.

    Grace Panetta
    Camden, NJ disbanding & restructuring its police department in 2013 was a big success. In 2017, the city — once considered one of the most dangerous in the US — saw its murder rate fall to the lowest level since 1987, in addition to decline in other crimes

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  61. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Arrest rates by race track with victim reports identifying suspects by race.

    Black people are not being arrested at higher rates than they are committing crimes.

    6:26 PM
    Yes, they are. That's a well known fact.

  62. Anonymous10:25 PM

    "That's a well known fact."

    That you completely made up.

  63. Anonymous11:21 PM

    You are ignoring the significant difference in crime rates between two populations and denying it has anything to do with how often they interact with law enforcement in order to reach a flawed conclusion. I don't know why this is so hard to understand.

    Granny NPC's entire claim to virtue depends on sanctifying Africans.  She can literally not understand anything that contradicts that world-view.  But it's fun to watch her deer-in-headlights act when she's caught out.  Like this:

    I disagree and there is no point discussing this further with you.

    Quod erat demonstrandum.  So nice (clueless, un-self aware) of her to oblige.

  64. Don't think, obey.11:45 PM

    Quite interesting at how quickly the moral scolding about social distancing ceased as soon as elite-favored protests began taking place.

  65. I ain't black11:48 PM

    If Biden doesn't pick a black woman now he's a racist.

  66. Jackov Smirnoff11:54 PM

    America offers the best of everything to blacks. They get to rob, loot and kill just like they lived in Africa while still having access to hospitals, indoor plumbing and Walmart.

    What a country!!!

  67. More white supremacists beating a black boy unconscious!

  68. Ku Klux Kosher12:47 AM

    Last week it seemed that the system wouldn't be able to recover from the rioting, but here we are, they have successfully mitigated it to a gay protest movement where every celebrity and politician will openly support it and those that express opposition will be ruined.

    The end result will be that black people will be free to commit crimes and to abuse and demand things from whites in employment and institutional settings and be able to destroy the livelihoods of white people that don't submit to them.

    Good times.

  69. We have a news alert out of the Ministry of Truth.

    The New York Times announced today that James Bennet, Editorial Page Editor since May 2016, is resigning effective immediately. His crime? Publishing an Op-ed from a sitting Republican Senator.

    The Philadelphia Inquirer fired top editor Stan Wischnowski after the newspaper published an article with the headline "Buildings Matter, Too," last week. Unforgivable.

    Opinions outside The Party are not allowed.

    New America is going to be great!


  71. Wonder what the tweeter-in-chief will have to say about this.😂

  72. Something all of you who are so interested in crime statistics of different cities might want to check out:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine



  75. If I were head of the DNC I would definitely make use of the comments about trump made by his fellow Republicans. Lindsey Grahm, Mitt, Ted Cruz, Little Marco, ect had interesting things to say about their boy not that long ago.


    And trump supporters will love it. Just like his covid response, too little too late.

  77. I hope people are finally waking up to the fact we live in a black supremacist society where, even if you just say 'all lives matter", your life can be ruined for not sufficiently worshiping black people.

  78. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Getting lots of reports from people saying that they're getting fired just for being critical of the rioters. The CEOs and capitalists of America support the thugs and anarchists.

    Students at UCLA got a tenured professor put on leave because he refused to just give black students an A and let them skip their final exams. He'll probably be fired. This is the reality.

    If you're a normal white person, you're not allowed to participate in political discussion.

    And if that's the case, the time for talk is over.

  79. So we just stopped caring about deficits huh?

  80. "I hope people are finally waking up to the fact we live in a black supremacist society"


  81. "Students at UCLA got a tenured professor put on leave because he refused to just give black students an A and let them skip their final exams."

    I'm sure you have a link to this story. Sounds interesting.

  82. This is getting real.😆


  84. PilotX @ 4:38 AM The story comes from US Chronicle of Higher Learning and hides behind a paywall. However, here is what Media Bias Fact Check says about Chronicle....

  85. As for the Philly paper story, context was left out as to why the headline was deemed offensive.

    "The headline offensively riffed on the Black Lives Matter movement, and suggested an equivalence between the loss of buildings and the lives of black Americans. That is unacceptable," the editors wrote in the apology.

    Whitey needs to get a grip on reality and realize blacks want equal treatment as whitey. Whitey gets special rights. minorities get shit on.

  86. Don't think, obey. said...
    Quite interesting at how quickly the moral scolding about social distancing ceased as soon as elite-favored protests began taking place.

    Wingnut guvs and drumpf were ignoring social distancing guidelines long before riots started.

  87. Leonydus Johnson said...
    Just saw that WaPo updated their numbers in their fatal force database for last year. Figured I'd share the updates.

    They now have 236 black people killed and 15 unarmed (6.3%) and 376 white people killed and 25 unarmed (6.6%)

    Still looking in vain for that "racism".

    Also, a friendly reminder that "unarmed" does not necessarily mean "not a threat".

    With about 4X the population, 376 "whites" have been killed... let's see, for equal populations that means, oh --- NINE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR "black" people killed. Compared to 376.

    Sorry you have no grasp of ratios. Buy hey, at least now you can get on with your life since you no longer have to, "look in vain for that racism," huh?


    Here you be, PilotX.

  89. Here's sum racism for you.....

  90. By the by, the wasicu bitch attorney was arrested and not shot one time. White privilege abounds.

  91. "Racism cannot be separated from capitalism." -Angela Davis

  92. "The ability to understand statistics cannot be separated from white people" -D-Will

  93. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:11 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Arrest rates by race track with victim reports identifying suspects by race.

    Black people are not being arrested at higher rates than they are committing crimes.

    6:26 PM
    You are misguided. Please review the video posted by Doug as referenced below.

  94. "The ability to understand statistics cannot be separated from white people"

    Au contraire, may I enter drumpfuck the dumbfuck as exhibit A, the exception to the rule?


    Moar bad cops?

  96. Anonymous12:19 PM

    George Floyd was NO Dr. ML King, Jr. STOP putting GF on parity with the intellectual Civil Rights icon. GF’s death revigorated the Movement. Dr. King did NOT engage in criminal activities yet he got killed for doing the RIGHT thing.

  97. One thing is for certain sure, wealthy are still feeding heavily off drumpf and wingnuts in congress and they will never get fed up, even after they have all the treasury.


    Wasicu wastey pig pushes a kneeling protester and is confronted by a black female officer. Officer pig joined the force in 2016 and has been reviewed for using vilence 79 times and draws his sidearm at least once a month.

  99. "Here you be, PilotX."

    Didn't see that coming did ya?

  100. Ha!


    More Blah excellence against trump.


  102. Well, there goes THAT story (h/t: Susie Madrak):

    Joshua Holland 🔥


    AP looked at social media feeds for 217 people arrested in MN and DC and found one anarchist but multiple Trump supporters.

    So more profa than anti.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  103. Anonymous4:28 PM

    35 shot, 5 fatally, in Chicago weekend gun violence 06/05-06/07 almost all black on black. Not one police shooting but a CPD officer was shot by a black person.

  104. Anonymous4:29 PM

    African Americans are 13% of the population yet commit 75%+ of the violent crime in America.

  105. Anonymous4:31 PM

    If you shut down police departments who will you call for help when your baby daddy is trying to kill you????

  106. Anonymous4:32 PM

    If black folks hate the Police so much why do they call 911 more than anybody????

  107. "If black folks hate the Police so much why do they call 911 more than anybody????"

    I guess the same reason racist anons seem to stalk blah people.

  108. "why do they call 911 more than anybody????"

    Wait, I thought we had a no snitch policy. You racist anons need to get your stereotypes straight.

  109. 13 do 505:30 PM

    "why do they call 911 more than anybody????"

    Because they live around other black people.

  110. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Black people can't live to white standards.

    It's racist to expect them to follow the law.

  111. Bonnie pointer of the Pointer Sisters has left the building at age 69. Them ladies could entertain.

  112. "why do they call 911 more than anybody????"

    We don't, that'd be nosey Karens.

  113. "Black people can't live to white standards."

    Nor would I want to. Why lower my standards to the likes of yours?

  114. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:03 PM

    Uncle Ben said...

    "The ability to understand statistics cannot be separated from white people" -D-Will

    10:56 AM
    LOL! Most people don't understand statistics, and often confuse statistics with data. They are two different things. Scientists and academicians use statistics to perform evaluations of data to provide probabilities regarding their hypotheses. They test theories regarding many different types of questions.

  115. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    African Americans are 13% of the population yet commit 75%+ of the violent crime in America.

    4:29 PM
    Source for this claim?

  116. Anonymous6:28 PM

    "LOL! Most people don't understand statistics, and often confuse statistics with data"

    You sure as fuck don't, as you have amply illustrated here over the past few days.

  117. Anonymous6:36 PM

    "Black people can't live to white standards."

    It's a question of IQ.

    An 80 IQ minority population will have great difficulties in living in a system designed for a 100 IQ majority population.

    They naturally will fail to meet those standards at a higher rate.

    We need to admit that black dysfunction is caused by asking more of blacks than they are capable of doing.

    Since white people do not wish to live in the chaos and mediocrity that would result from lowering societal standards to something blacks could handle, the only solution is re-segregation.

    It's best for everyone.

  118. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:43 PM

    Henrico prosecutor: Hanover man who drove into protest is admitted KKK leader

  119. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:06 PM

    Donald Trump trails presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 14 points in a new CNN poll, which also finds overwhelming support for the peaceful police protests criticized by the president.

    Biden leads with 55%, his highest mark in any CNN tracking poll yet, while Trump trails with 41%, his lowest mark in the network’s polling.

  120. Anonymous7:18 PM

    "Donald Trump trails presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 14 points in a new CNN poll, which also finds overwhelming support for the peaceful police protests criticized by the president."

    A single poll doesn't mean that much. But if you look at the average of polls on RealClearPolitics, it's clear that what has happened is that Trump got a brief bump from coming out "tough" against the riots, threatening to call in the military and crack heads -- but then the riots ended and his bump evaporated, and now he's right back where he was before: 10 points underwater.

    Anyway, there's no question that he is very unpopular. He is. But in the end, that still doesn't matter, because America isn't a properly democratic country like we claim to be. Infuriatingly, under the Electoral College, Trump can be hated by a sizeable majority and still win. So it really comes down to how he is doing in the swing states.

  121. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:37 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "Black people can't live to white standards."

    It's a question of IQ.

    Oh, please, don't dig out that old crap again. Try reading something scientific on this topic instead of succumbing to fascist propaganda.

    It’s tempting to read a lot into someone’s IQ score. Most non-experts think intelligence is the reason successful people do so well. Psychologists who study intelligence find this is only partly true. IQ tests can predict how well people will do in particular situations, such as thinking abstractly in science, engineering or art. Or leading teams of people. But there’s more to the story. Extraordinary achievement depends on many things. And those extra categories include ambition, persistence, opportunity, the ability to think clearly — even luck.

    What is your definition of intelligence?
    At the individual level, most people define intelligence in their own image. Engineers define it in ways that describe a good engineer. Artists define it in ways that describe a great artist. Scientists, entrepreneurs, and athletes all do likewise. My definition would probably describe a good academic psychologist. There is considerable diversity in these definitions but also considerable overlap. It is the redundancy in the definitions that justifies the use of the folk term intelligence. However, the inconsistencies in the various definitions are real and thus require that the term intelligence remain ambiguous so that it meets the needs of the folk who use it.

  122. Anonymous7:41 PM

    "A single poll doesn't mean that much. But if you look at the average of polls on RealClearPolitics, it's clear that what has happened is that Trump got a brief bump from coming out "tough" against the riots, threatening to call in the military and crack heads -- but then the riots ended and his bump evaporated, and now he's right back where he was before: 10 points underwater."

    I should also add that Trump probably briefly got a boost in popularity from lockdown ending in various parts of the country, even though he had jack shit to do with that.

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:42 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "LOL! Most people don't understand statistics, and often confuse statistics with data"

    You sure as fuck don't, as you have amply illustrated here over the past few days.

    6:28 PM
    Read the article and learn something....(Yeah, get a clue from Doug).

    Something all of you who are so interested in crime statistics of different cities might want to check out:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  124. Phucking pigs have to be low IQ wasicu wingnuts incapable of learning...

    Tased unarmed black man and then knelt on his back while he repeated he couldn't breathe.

  125. Liar AG Barr claims pepper spray and smoke grenades are not chemical irritants and then made the spurious claim that forcibly clearing Lafayette Park was so a fire could be fought at the cathedral drumpfuck the dumbfuck used shortly for his photo op.

  126. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:54 PM

    Anonymous said......

    I'm sorry, but Trump will win in 2020.

    11:41 AM
    What makes you thing so?

  127. Wesley R7:58 PM

    I loved the signs that said "Bunker Bitch" in The DC Protest.

  128. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! FBI is denying Miss lindsey graham's request to interview agents in Steele dossier case.

    Turnabout is fair play. Deny him all the time. Fuck wingnuts and their witch hunts. Not looking for criminal acts, looking to tarnish Biden's rep.just like they tarnished HRC's.

  129. "It's a question of IQ."

    Sure is, you trolls lower the level all the time. Why do you think a reality tv gameshow host is president?

  130. Regarding IQ: note the Flynn effect:

    IQ scores have been rising, in all populations tested, for as long as we have been giving IQ tests, by about 2.93 points per decade.

    This is not genetic; genes don't change that fast. Perhaps this is an effect of improved nutrition and health. Or maybe it is proof that the conventional signs of intelligence are learnable shibboleths.

    The Flynn effect is good news in general, but good news can have perverse consequences. For instance, the good news of falling crime rates has the perverse consequence of a crime-shortage/police-surplus, and consequent police brutality. A general rise in intelligence, if true, is good news in general, but it can have perverse consequences. For instance, when popular intelligence rises, advertising and propaganda lose effectiveness, so the authorities must use less subtle methods to control the people.

  131. Anonymous9:05 PM

    "This is not genetic; genes don't change that fast. Perhaps this is an effect of improved nutrition and health. Or maybe it is proof that the conventional signs of intelligence are learnable shibboleths."

    Both nutrition and education have an impact. IQ cannot measure inherent, biological intelligence. Measured intelligence is impacted by wealth, and wealth is affected by racism.

    This is the same old circular logic bullshit. Racists are measuring the effects of racist policies, and then turning around citing those effects as proof that their racist views are justified.

    It's just a different variation of their other arguments, such as "many black people are poor, and this proves they're inferior as a race." But racists CREATED black poverty through decades of discrimination, so this is actually proof of nothing.

  132. State troopers and deputies from Anoka County Sheriff's office went around slashing people's tires in Minneapolis at the direction of the state led command center.
    These pigs have to go.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  133. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Regardless of how many millions the Floyd family (and their lawyer receive) for the unlawful death, George Floyd legacy will always read as follows:

    Subsequent to committing a criminal act, a unarmed black man, George Floyd, was unjustly killed by a white police officer .

    Unfortunately ,the other black citizens killed by police, particularly those living a law abiding life got very little attention and no financial windfall…that is the epitome of white liberal racists… in other words let’s celebrate/highlight and enrich the black stereotypical criminals who is looking for a come up . THe ignominy is unfathomable.

  134. "in other words let’s celebrate/highlight and enrich the black stereotypical criminals who is looking for a come up"

    Um yeah, good measage. Get killed by the police and get paid!!!!!!!🙄


    Alphas showing how it's done.

  136. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:07 PM

    Alphas showing how it's done.

    10:14 PM

    Beautiful, Pilot!

  137. That's too bad, Mike. Here is something to remember The Pointer Sisters.

  138. "This is the same old circular logic bullshit. Racists are measuring the effects of racist policies, and then turning around citing those effects as proof that their racist views are justified."

    Pretty much but if your life is crappy you have to invent someone to look down on. Instead of being mad they only have a nickel they are mad because a Blah person has a dime.


    This is huge. All 50 states and 18 countries. This is real.

  140. What are all of the protestors so worried about? Haven't they heard about the republican plan for police reform?

    All kidding aside. It is amazing. It's all over my city and all over my state. From the shady oak trees of Carlsbad to Desert Hot Springs. This has to be a good thing.

  141. Anonymous12:57 AM

    "they are mad because a Blah person has a dime"

    they mad cause the black dude stole it

  142. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Try reading something scientific on this topic instead of succumbing to fascist propaganda.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Granny NPC condemns "fascist propaganda", and then links a propaganda site!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  143. Anonymous1:03 AM

    ""Black people can't live to white standards."

    Nor would I want to. Why lower my standards to the likes of yours?"

    Your highest standards are lower than the lowest White community in America.

  144. Not putting up with your shit1:05 AM

    It’s tempting to read a lot into someone’s IQ score.

    If you look between 85–130, IQ scores correlate quite heavily with academic success and career options.  This has been known for DECADES.  The lack of success above IQ 130 (the top 2%) can be attributed to the lower-IQ gatekeepers not being able to understand what those too much (or threateningly) brighter than them are saying.

    African-Americans had (at last measurement) an average IQ of roughly 85.  This is certainly lower today, as the dumbest and most violent fractions have reproduced at a much higher rate than the brightest and most social.  The brightest and most social must pick a side, because the dumbest are going to die regardless in the coming collapse and those who side with them will share their fate.

  145. "Your highest standards are lower than the lowest White community in America."

    Um sure. I'm 1000% sure the statistics in that meme are correct and if you'd rather live in that shithole rather than that beautiful California town with mansions you're as dumb as I think you are. LOL Keep trolling, i'm sure your parents are so proud.

  146. "White-Americans had (at last measurement) an average IQ of roughly 25. This is certainly lower today, as the dumbest and most violent fractions have reproduced at a much higher rate than the brightest and most social."

    From an authoritative source that has been peer-reviewed. I swear. LOL
    And now we circle back to the IQ thing. Racist anons never disappoint.

  147. Quora (/ˈkwɔːrə/) is an international question-and-answer website where questions are asked, answered, followed, and edited by Internet users, either factually or in the form of opinions. ...

    This genius used Quora as his authoritative source. LOL You can't make this shit up. I wonder what this genius' IQ happen to be. LOL

  148. Anonymous1:25 AM

  149. Anonymous1:28 AM

    What makes you thing so?

    7:54 PM

    you were wrong in 2016 and you are wrong again in 2020.......

  150. Last I checked Mexico's still not paying for the fence.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  151. Anonymous1:32 AM

  152. "you were wrong in 2016 and you are wrong again in 2020......."

    Hillary was never up by 14 points in 2016.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  153. Anonymous1:33 AM

  154. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Hillary was never up by 14 points in 2016.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1:32 AM

    you were wrong in 2016 and you are wrong again in 2020......

  155. Anonymous1:34 AM

    "you were wrong in 2016 and you are wrong again in 2020......."

    Romney in a landslide! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  156. Anonymous1:37 AM

    I guess he doesn't need them because he knows more than them.

  157. drumpf's lone accomplishment of note....


    Body count keep climbing.


  158. Your highest standards are lower than the lowest White community in America.

    Yeah, I noticed ow all them wasicu trailer trash geniuses are astronauts while PilotX only flies passenger jets.

    Gawd you stoopid fucking white wingnuts are stoopid!

  159. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Americans are fed up with liberal bullshit.

  160. Anonymous10:46 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  161. Fake Poll Update10:47 AM

    "Hillary was never up by 14 points in 2016."

    Biden was never up by 14 points in 2020.

  162. Summer of Fun10:56 AM

    What we are seeing in the Pacific Northwest, the whitest part of the country, is that, once again, black and Latino rioters mostly just want to loot their favorite stores, while white rioters want to role play their 1870 Paris Commune Streetfighting Man fantasies.

  163. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Where do all those 911 calls come from in black communities????

  164. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:17 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Gambler2 said.."LOL! Most people don't understand statistics, and often confuse statistics with data"

    You sure as fuck don't, as you have amply illustrated here over the past few days.

    6:28 PM
    You just proved my point, Anon. We haven't been discussing statistics. We have been discussing data. Statistics requires manipulation of data using complicated mathematical formulas. Comparing the behavior of populations by percentages is not, I repeat, is NOT a statistical procedure.

    The results of statistical analysis yield a letter indicating what test was used and a probability, P, of finding this result by chance. T-Test, F-Test, and Chi Square Test are some examples.

    One sample t-test
    A one sample t-test allows us to test whether a sample mean (of a normally distributed interval variable) significantly differs from a hypothesized value. For example, using the hsb2 data file, say we wish to test whether the average writing score (write) differs significantly from 50. We can do this as shown below.

    /testval = 50
    /variable = write.

    So please, anonymous, if you are going to talk statistics, at least have some concept of what you are talking about. The article I have cited above is from UCLA.

    BTW, I have used SPSS to analyze at least a hundred data sets. How many data sets have you analyzed using SPSS or any other computer program?

  165. Let it Burn11:22 AM

    If you look between 85–130, IQ scores correlate quite heavily with academic success and career options. This has been known for DECADES. The lack of success above IQ 130 (the top 2%) can be attributed to the lower-IQ gatekeepers not being able to understand what those too much (or threateningly) brighter than them are saying.

    IQ <90. How much can I take? Danger: Thug

    IQ 100. How can I maintain what I have? Danger: Too Conservative

    IQ 110. How can I be good? Danger: Radical Religious

    IQ 120. How can I increase my power? Danger: Break System

    IQ 130+ How can I keep from getting killed by the mob? Danger: Lack cognitive empathy of dumber people who have to struggle in life.

    The these Leftist mobs are organized by 120 IQ sociopaths who use 90 IQ hordes to terrorize and browbeat the cognitive fractions between them into submission.

    The 130+ crowd mostly sits this out, knowing that trying to explain that the underlying statistics refute the fundamental premise of the insurrection is impossible and could get them killed. The 90 IQ fraction can't understand the numbers and the 120 IQ relies on the lie to get their way. Those in the middle are too scared to listen.

  166. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 AM

    Blogger Flying Junior said...

    "What are all of the protestors so worried about? Haven't they heard about the republican plan for police reform?

    All kidding aside. It is amazing. It's all over my city and all over my state. From the shady oak trees of Carlsbad to Desert Hot Springs. This has to be a good thing."

    12:42 AM
    Yes it is, Flyin Junior. I didn't think that I would ever live to see it, but I have! Wow!

  167. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:33 AM

    Anonymous said....

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Granny NPC condemns "fascist propaganda", and then links a propaganda site! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1:01 AM
    So Scientific American is a propaganda site?????

  168. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:56 AM

    Anonymous said......

    you were wrong in 2016 and you are wrong again in 2020.......

    1:28 AM
    Who are/is the "you" to whom you are referring? It wasn't I. I was never convinced that Clinton would win. The Republican campaign of 40 years duration had damaged her so completely that I feared she could not win. In addition, she chose the same campaign manager that lost her 2008 bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. When I saw she had done that, I got the feeling that her campaign was doomed.

    So stop parroting right-wing talking slogans and something say something intelligent when you post here. Thanks.

  169. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Granny Cognitively Challenged said...
    So please, anonymous, if you are going to talk statistics, at least have some concept of what you are talking about. The article I have cited above is from UCLA.

    BTW, I have used SPSS to analyze at least a hundred data sets. How many data sets have you analyzed using SPSS or any other computer program?

    Your ability to cut and past sections of an article is duly noted, as is your ability to use an IBM software package.

    Any results one produces by conducting an analysis by any means depends entirely on using the right data. Any conclusions drawn from such an analysis depend on a complete understanding of the context and appropriateness of the data used.

    The fundamental premise of the BLM movement is that blacks are the victims of disproportionate killings by US law enforcement. All analyses of the racial breakdown of fatal police shootings of the people they are apprehending proves this is false.

    You cling to a false conclusion by ignoring the fact blacks have a much, much higher violent crime rate, and thus make up a much, much higher proportion of the people being apprehended by the police than they do of the general population.

    If you genuinely cannot comprehend this, then I would doubt the conclusions of any of the analyses you have performed, unless someone else with a better understanding was telling you what yo do.

  170. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:12 PM

    Let it Burn said...

    If you look between 85–130, IQ scores correlate quite heavily with academic success and career options. This has been known for DECADES. The lack of success above IQ 130 (the top 2%) can be attributed to the lower-IQ gatekeepers not being able to understand what those too much (or threateningly) brighter than them are saying.

    IQ <90. How much can I take? Danger: Thug

    IQ 100. How can I maintain what I have? Danger: Too Conservative
    WTF! Blah, Blah ad nauseam. Where did you get your degree in psychology? Is that where you got this pile of dog poop?

  171. If the media/activist Left was currently waging its Culture War purely to achieve more equitable legal outcomes, I would support that -- but that's plainly not what they're doing. They're attempting to forcibly impose cultural dominance by policing personal behavior and attitudes.

    In this sense they really are the successor to the moralizing, domineering Christian Right of the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Which is fitting, because their system of belief is also heavily dogmatic, aggressively intrusive, and faith-based.

    Except of course for the fact the “Christian Right” wasn't physically attacking others or wanting to burn the entire system down.

  172. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Imagine becoming an American hero for trying to buy Newport’s with a fake 20 dollar bill. Casket world tour continues.

  173. You‘d think that some of the would-be communards would be puzzled at having the exact same opinion on rioting as... the CIA, the New York Times, NASA, Disney, Exxon Mobil, NPR, Harvard, the Rothschild Family, Oprah Winfrey, Frito-Lay, Lockheed Martin, and Goldman Sachs.

  174. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:37 PM

    Anonymous said....
    Any results one produces by conducting an analysis by any means depends entirely on using the right data. Any conclusions drawn from such an analysis depend on a complete understanding of the context and appropriateness of the data used.
    And here's where we disagree. You insist the data should be taken from arrest records, and I disagree. If one is looking for a total population result, one must use data from the entire population.

    You are are insisting that that a sub-set (arrestees) of the population must be used. The result from doing that will apply only to that sub-set, and not to the general population. On the other hand, I am looking at the total population and you insist that looking at the sub-set is the only correct way to examine the question of how many black people versus white people die at the hands of the police. Tabulating data for a sub-set of arrestees will not answer the total population research question.

    Even a first-year stats student knows that results from a sub-set cannot be generalized to the entire population if there are any major differences between the two populations. In this case, the major difference is the arrest. It doesn't matter how much you insult me or how much fun you make of my understanding of statistics. You are simply wrong.

    Have a nice day.

  175. Did dear leader really tweet that the senior citizen who was knocked down by Buffalo PD was an ANTIFA agent? WTF is wrong with this guy?


  177. Anonymous1:51 PM

    If one is looking for a total population result, one must use data from the entire population.

    All that tells you is who is dying more at the hands of police. Blacks are. A useful and meaningful number that reflects the relative negative impacts of policing on black Americans.

    It does not tell you why.

    Black Lives Matters is telling us it is because police are racist and are using deadly force more often when apprehending black offenders. But they are not. Actually, they are using deadly force against white suspects more often.

    Out of every 10,000 blacks arrested, 3 are killed by police.

    Out of every 10,000 whites arrested, 4 are killed by police.

    So the fact more blacks are killed by police is a function of the fact they are arrested at a higher rate then whites.

    Why is that?

    It is because blacks are committing crimes at a much higher rate than whites. Every law enforcement database and every analysis confirms this.

    The Black Lives Matter fundamental premise is wrong.

    The solution to blacks being killed by police at numbers disproportionate to their share of the general population is not to convince police to be more reticent in escalating confrontations with black suspects. They already are.

    The solution is to lower the arrest rate of blacks.

    There are two ways to do this:

    1. Stop arresting blacks for crimes.


    2. Lower the black crime rate.

    Solution 1 is much easier, but will result in chaos that will disproportionately fall on black victims of crime.

    Solution 2 is much harder, but preserves civilization and provides the majority of blacks who obey the law safer communities.

    BLM prefers Solution 1, because they are leftist ideologues who prioritize the acquisition of power ahead of actually improving the lives of black Americans.

    Talking about Solution 2 is now a Hate Crime.

    Police killings are very rare, but they should be zero. I want to solve this problem. But it won't be solved by focusing on a false problem premised on a lie.


    80% think the country is out of control. What do you expect when you elect a reality tv game show host?

  179. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "Did dear leader really tweet that the senior citizen who was knocked down by Buffalo PD was an ANTIFA agent?"

    There's more to the story:

  180. My sincerely held religious beliefs tellks me the majority of named posters here could give a fuck how many wasicu wasteys are wasted by cops. This is a black blog. If you must white scumacyst a blog, head on over to Storm Front or Dakota War college and find a sympathetic stoopid fucking wingnut who will ban yer ass so fast it would make yer head spin, like a wingnut spinning drumpf's forever lies.

    Good article on Gugino, PilotX.

  181. Anonymous2:12 PM

    "This is a black blog."

    Then why are you here, cracker?

  182. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Who is making all those 911 calls in ghetto areas???

  183. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Maybe Police Departments should try suspending 911 service for several months and lets see what happens......


    Then why are you here, cracker?

    If i thought it was any of your racist business, I still wouldn't tell you. Go ask Fake Noize and they will tell you all you need to be a stoopid fucking wingnut racist.

  185. "Who is making all those 911 calls in ghetto areas???"


  186. "Maybe Police Departments should try suspending 911 service for several months and lets see what happens......"

    Already did. Flava Flav told you that back in 1990. Before you were born.



    Another wasicu sow with bad manners built along the lines of a Percheron/Clydesdale cross.

  189. Anonymous3:39 PM

    You are are insisting that that a sub-set (arrestees) of the population must be used. The result from doing that will apply only to that sub-set, and not to the general population.

    Are you REALLY stupid enough to believe that the police go hunting innocent black people to arrest, which is the only thing that would justify putting the total black population in the denominator of your fraction and not arrestees?

    Rhetorical question.  Yes you are that stupid, as you've proven time and time again here.

    Even a first-year stats student knows that results from a sub-set cannot be generalized to the entire population if there are any major differences between the two populations.

    One major difference between blacks and whites is that blacks commit crime at a vastly higher rate.  This invalidates your thesis, but you're too stupid to realize it (you can't get your emotions out of the way in order to face facts).

  190. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:49 PM

    If one is looking for a total population result, one must use data from the entire population.

    All that tells you is who is dying more at the hands of police. Blacks are. A useful and meaningful number that reflects the relative negative impacts of policing on black Americans.

    It does not tell you why.
    It was never my aim to determine why. To determine why and have any confidence that the result was valid would require an in-depth study involving many variables. It could not be determined based on the analysis you propose.

    Have a good day.

  191. Anonymous3:53 PM

    "It was never my aim to determine why. To determine why and have any confidence that the result was valid would require an in-depth study involving many variables."

    Do you want to know why?

    I do.

    I know the reason BLM is using to foment rioting and looting is false.

    Refuting that should be the first step.

  192. A certain federal judge is demanding answers from head pig Barr and DOJ after reading unredacted Mueller report.

  193. I'm gonna bet y'all didn't know that you would be treated to a musical sermon by Al Sharpton. I do believe that the organist at the Fountain of Praise Church in Houston was getting Pastor Al excited. He's really a great organist.

    I tripped out on the old-time stylings of the organist in Minneapolis the other day. I marvelled wondering about the big church speakers filling that hall with music. The low tones of the organ underpinning the proceedings. Riffing with the lady singing Amazing Grace. But today I really got my fill of contemporary gospel organ music. Finally the camera zoomed on the organist. Big church-style Hammond with a synth to boot. Hear the Leslie speakers spinning the chorale sound. I love the way that he played softly while the speakers spoke or prayed. But the thing he was doing with Sharpton really blew my mind! This is a major church. I see they hired Kurt Carr as creative director a few years back. It looks like the lady who sang the inspiring solo is the current music and worship director.

  194. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Covid-19 is New World Order:

  195. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Heat + negro = Shooting

  196. "I know the reason BLM is using to foment rioting and looting is false."

    Huh? Please rephrase.

  197. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Why so many 911 calls from predominately Black areas if they do not like the police????

  198. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Democrats, from top to bottom, are running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now.

    Trump's fault!

  199. Anonymous4:32 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I know the reason BLM is using to foment rioting and looting is false."

    "Huh? Please rephrase."

    BLM's premise is that the reason blacks are killed at numbers disproportionate to their percentage of the general population is racial bias on the part of law enforcement.

    I have shown in several posts, as have others, that this is not true.

  200. drumpf's claim antifa and elderly protester were scanning police communications comes from a Russian sounding report.
