Thursday, June 04, 2020

It's here.

  • Image result for dystopian lincoln memorial images

The fascism we all feared. 


  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Trump keeps threatening to invoke the Insurrection Act and send in the military to end the riots (and, let’s be honest, the protests), and he’s calling up troops in the area of the nation’s capital.

    If you’re protesting in DC, things look real ugly for you at the moment.

    1. Anonymous12:48 AM

      Won’t feel no worse then gettin smacked with a Bible.

  2. Actually, the protesters in DC got together and sang a Bill Withers song yesterday, but you wouldn't know about it from watching the broadcast media, as far as I know.

    Now, in three weeks there will be thousands or tens of thousands of new covid cases because there's still a pandemic and people went out into the streets anyway.

    The fascism at the top is indeed scary, but the fascism at the local level has been there for a long time and is what all the protesting is about.

    Obama reminded us yesterday that policing policy is set by local and state elected officials, and we can educate ourselves as to who has what policy and vote for the ones who want less fascism.

    And as those are smaller elections, our votes are actually more powerful in them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. "Trump keeps threatening to invoke the Insurrection Act and send in the military to end the riots"

    He's getting pushback from his Sec Def and I'm guessing the Pentagon. They know it might be a bad look if Cadet Bonespur AKA Bunker Bitch calls out the military on peaceful civilians with the world watching. Everyone already saw his stunt in Lafayette Park.

  4. "And as those are smaller elections, our votes are actually more powerful in them."

    Hopefully your words get through.

  5. Anonymous4:34 PM

    “He's getting pushback from his Sec Def and I'm guessing the Pentagon.”

    And that starts the Mark Esper deathwatch clock. How long before Trump replaces him with a William Barr clone, who will execute his orders without question? I doubt Senate Republicans will stand in the way. They haven’t so far.


    Will massacres wingnuts in the kremlin annex and especially congress. They all must go in this erlection in order to save America.l

    I never thought Will would write anything I would agree with.

  7. An orange muse has inspired George Will to ascend to a poetry of sharp invective. He is moved to use the words "invertebrate" and "Vichyite".

  8. Pro-fascist trolling in 5... 4... 3...

  9. nuther milestone millstone around drumpfuck the dumbfucks neck....


    bodacious body count.

  10. It's communism7:07 PM

    It's not 'fascism' looting, beating, killing, and burning down our cities

  11. Orange Man Bad!7:11 PM

    "I never thought Will would write anything I would agree with."

    All anyone has to do to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Left is trash Trump.

    It turned Bush from a murderous war criminal into a lovable old uncle. Magic.

  12. All anyone has to do to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Left is trash Trump.

    One man's trash is another man's truth. That just went right over all wingnut's heads.

    Conservative arts education failed wingnuts again.

  13. Re 7:07:

    ... aaand a troll chimed in, on schedule.

    Though I do not argue with anonymoid trolls, for they do not argue in good faith, at least this one chose something of a name. So:

    Fascism certainly is beating and killing. George Floyd is just the latest in a long long series.

    As for burning, see the history of MOVE. I do admit that this is relatively rare from the police, but it is in their toolkit. Note also Waco.

    And as for looting, does Wall Street count? Does civil forfeiture? Recall Fergusen, where the police funded themselves by endless fines on the Black residents.

  14. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Why are Haiti and Sub-Saharan Africa such shitholes?

  15. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Paradoctor doesn't know what fascism is. Or communism either.


  16. mike from iowa: Sometimes I feel mixed emotions when a right-winger changes his mind to partially agree with me. I am torn between saying, "there goes the neighborhood" and "welcome to the collective, comrade!" In the end I am grateful that he changed his mind, because it proves that he has one.

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:51 PM

    Anonymous Orange Man Bad! said...

    "I never thought Will would write anything I would agree with."

    All anyone has to do to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Left is trash Trump.
    7:11 PM
    Read more carefully. No one said that George Will was redeemed. Mike simply said "I never thought Will would write anything I would agree with."
    There's nothing in that line that even resembles redemption. Your reading comprehension skills are sadly lacking. Maybe that's why you support Trump.

  18. Military looks like Magat hat brats with camo on.


    Impeach him again!

  20. Stoopid fucking wingnuts have no kick coming from massive street filled protests. Isn't that what they claimed was their right? They had a right not to be be cooped up like minorities. So wah, fucking wash, bawl babies.

  21. This is how delusional drumpf dumbfucking drumpfuckers are...

    Praise the lawd, George Floyd is still alive.

  22. White scumacyst violence in texas. Assaults, spits on black man and then calls the cops on the victim.

  23. "All anyone has to do to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Left is trash Trump."

    Not Dick Cheney. There's nothing he can or will do to redeem himself. Cheney was evil but trump is just incompetent.

  24. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Not that anons are every right but looks like the Dr. King memorial is standing just fine while the Robert Lee statue is coming down. So much for predictions huh? I guess QAnon will knock down the King statue as he frogmarches the Dems out of congress right?

  25. Anonymous9:19 PM

    “Not Dick Cheney. There's nothing he can or will do to redeem himself. Cheney was evil but trump is just incompetent.”

    Trump is evil AND incompetent. A two-fer.


  27. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "Why are Haiti and Sub-Saharan Africa such shitholes?"

    Because that's all the people who live there are capable of building.

  28. Zimbel10:25 PM

    Yardley PA, earlier today Not the best video (it's a few seconds of a march of roughly a thousand through the small city of Yardley, as part of a roughly 1 1/2 hour protest), but it's the first black civil rights protest I've been involved in where the participants were overwhelmingly white. Most common chants: "No Justice, no Peace", and "Black Lives Matter." Most common signs "Black Lives Matter" and "BLM". As a note, I did not take this video.

  29. "Why are Haiti and Sub-Saharan Africa such shitholes?"

    Is this the proper forum for that question? Maybe an international studies site would be more appropriate?

  30. "All anyone has to do to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Left is trash Trump."

    Fuck that. They are trying to "distance themselves" from the destruction they spent their entire adult lives bringing about. Just like the "Tea Party" after the Bush administration went down in flames.
    No fucking rebranding and getting away with it this time.
    Burn the lifeboats.
    You want to join up with the party of the sane at this late date? Then repeat after me:

    The left has been right about the right all along.

    I will do everything in my power ton elect Democratic candidates for at least the next two election cycles and will under no circumstances stab you in the back as soon as the political winds change a little.

    For forgiveness, first one must atone.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  32. "I will do everything in my power ton elect Democratic candidates for at least the next two election cycles"

    They owe the planet so much more for unleashing that catastrophe on us.

  33. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "it's the first black civil rights protest I've been involved in where the participants were overwhelmingly white"

    White people desperately seeking the absolution for the mortal sin of being born white.

    Fifty years of wall-of-noise cultural psyops have convinced them their only hope for redemption is to earn the approval of sainted black people.

    It's the new religion, where whites are the unchosen people.

  34. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "For forgiveness, first one must atone."

    Reconciliation is impossible with Leftist scum like Doug. The next civil war will offer no quarter.

  35. "It's the new religion, where whites are the unchosen people."

    Nah, you just want to make everything about you. You even want the Blah experience, being discriminated against for 400 years and still being able to not only survive but thrive so now you want to be the long suffering minority. Nobody's buying it though.

  36. "The next civil war will offer no quarter."

    Man, we've been waiting on that longer than we've been waiting on Qanon and Jesus coming back. Any day now right?😂

  37. Anonymous11:45 PM

    "Nah, you just want to make everything about you"

    Says a prime example of black ethno-narcissism.

    Black Americans are like spoiled children. It's time to start telling them no.

  38. Anonymous11:53 PM

    "Any day now right?"

    The day the Bolsheviks get back in power.

  39. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Exactly HOW is the math classroom "violent" to black boys, and black boys alone?

    Lieburals have to be INSANE to believe this shit, or take seriously anyone who spouts it.


    RIP Dr. Worrill.

  41. "Black Americans are like spoiled children. It's time to start telling them no."

    Wow, glad to hear more racism from white males. It never gets old.

  42. What's up with the secret police in military garb with no identifying insignia on the streets of DC? Were their shirts brown?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. "The day the Bolsheviks get back in power."

    Yeah, better to stay with the Nazis where it's safe, right punk?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:27 AM

    Anonymous said....

    White people desperately seeking the absolution for the mortal sin of being born white.

    10:47 PM

    Cry me a river, Anon. We whites are so mistreated that we must whine, whine, whine. Will our suffering never stop? What a crock! I'm not seeking anything, but I'm embarrassed by the behavior of white supremacists, such as you.

  45. Zimbel12:52 AM

    @Anonymous - I saw no evidence of that in the protest I mentioned above, just hopeful signs that a non-trivial percentage of white people in the area are interested in trying to do something about systemic racism against Black people.

    For reference, this protest had a crowd about 1/2 the size of their annual holiday parade that goes through essentially the same route.

    Black Lives Matter

  46. Anonymous1:03 AM

    "Yeah, better to stay with the Nazis where it's safe, right punk?"

    Nazis aren't burning down the cities.

    Nazis aren't talking about reeducation camps.

    Nazis aren't saying "burn the lifeboats".

    I know who my enemy is.

  47. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Leftism is a religion of self-loathing. It teaches white people to hate their race, boys to hate their sex, women to hate their femininity, Americans to hate their country, westerners to hate their history. What a contemptible, toxic thing it is.

  48. "Leftism is a religion of self-loathing."

    Really? What ism do you study?

  49. If you have ever wanted to excel at something, if you have ever felt a desire to be a greater version of yourself, you have felt a right wing impulse.

    The heart of rightist thought is the desire to soar. The leftist thinks he rises but his goal is inexorably a type of fall. There can be no redemption from Equality, it is an anchor around our necks, a nemesis to flight.

    Self improvement is only possible on the right. The leftists meanwhile dispute even the concept of wellness as smacking of oppression.

    We want to create hierarchy because it tells us which way is up, a thing that the leftist is forbidden to know, and is obligated to conceal.

  50. That's some serious propaganda there, sport.

    "Nazis aren't burning down the cities."
    Nobody is burning down the cities. The goddamn Republicans are doing their best to fuck them up, but for the most part failing, as usual.
    The last cities I can remember burning were villages in Vietnam, and I seem to remember our side not liking that very much and saying so loudly in the streets, where we were shot by National Guard troops for our trouble. But even those weren't really cities. Unless you count Syria or Iraq, the last cities I remember burning were Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, all three shameful stains on history.

    "Nazis aren't talking about reeducation camps."
    Nobody is talking about reeducation camps but you. In the goddamn Republican concentration camps for asylum seekers, not much education is taking place.

    "Nazis aren't saying "burn the lifeboats"."
    Because we aren't trying to escape accountability for crimes like they are. If we were building lifeboats, they would be burning them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. PilotX:
    Anonymoid 10:16 PM answered Anonymoid 7:45 PM. I guess it's the same anonymoid, talking to itself.

  52. "Self improvement is only possible on the right."

    Wow, that is some ringing endorsement. It almost sounds good but the right is very self-righteous so I kinda expected an answer such as this. I personally find righties self absorbed, rigid in thought, insecure and tolerant of oppression of minorities. Other than that it all sounds pretty cool.

  53. "I guess it's the same anonymoid, talking to itself."

    When you have the maturity level of a third grader and you're here to "own the libs" and not engage in an adult conversation that's what you get. I guess some find amusement in trolling blogs. It seems kind of sad and trite but hey if it floats their boats.....

  54. Were their shirts brown? No, but their pants were as soon as a protester showed up.

  55. Anonymous said...
    Why are Haiti and Sub-Saharan Africa such shitholes?

    Because wasicu wasteys had been there (raped and robbed) and left. You've seen it time and time again in American cities.

  56. Wasicu gets the pig stomp in Buffalo. See how fast and how much of his red blood runs out of his right ear.

  57. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Yes, due to liberals/progressives they are god less communists led by the Kenyan usurper!!!

  58. Anonymous8:37 AM

    CHICAGO Week in Progress (5/31 – 6/6)2020
    Shot & Killed: 27
    Shot & Wounded: 117
    Total Shot: 144
    Total Homicides: 29

  59. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Were their shirts brown? No, but their pants were as soon as a protester showed up.

    8:15 AM

    ANTIFA are the modern Brown Shirts of the Democratic party (communist).

    ANTIFA=Democratic party

  60. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Black Lives Matter

    12:52 AM

    Not in the black communities.......

  61. Anonymous8:55 AM

    7 negroes dead in Alabama shooting:

  62. Anonymous8:59 AM

    The modern democratic party is Godless and will eventually take your right to worship away once they seize power.

  63. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Why do Negros need white people to support them with food, shelter, health care ,transportation and free money so they do not work.

    Black people whine whine whine with all their free entitlements.

  64. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Affirmative action means one group cannot make a set standard that others can pass for real. Affirmative Action is regressive thinking and taking steps backwards.

    Affirmative Action means one group that is substandard must be "artificially" penciled in and allowed to compromise and lower quality.

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:15 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Yeah, better to stay with the Nazis where it's safe, right punk?"

    Nazis aren't burning down the cities.

    Nazis aren't talking about reeducation camps.

    Nazis aren't saying "burn the lifeboats".

    I know who my enemy is.

    1:03 AM
    Neither is anyone else saying this nonsense. Where did this shit come from? Could it be your fascist play book?

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:18 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Leftism is a religion of self-loathing. It teaches white people to hate their race, boys to hate their sex, women to hate their femininity, Americans to hate their country, westerners to hate their history. What a contemptible, toxic thing it is.

    1:08 AM
    What the hell?? You got sources for these deluded opinions? Or do think hurling insults will do the job?

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:24 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Affirmative action means one group cannot make a set standard that others can pass for real. Affirmative Action is regressive thinking and taking steps backwards.

    Affirmative Action means one group that is substandard must be "artificially" penciled in and allowed to compromise and lower quality.

    10:31 AM
    Pure bull shit. Read the law. You do know how to read, don't you?

  68. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I can hardly wait for the hoopleheads to storm the WH:

  69. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Granny NPC...
    "You got sources for these deluded opinions?"

    Reality is a source. Observation is a source. You don't have to be told everything from a corporate news site.

    Much of Leftist thought and opinion depends on studiously not noticing the inherent contradictions.

    You are very good at that.

    As Chico Marx put it: "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?"

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:42 AM

    To all my friends out there, Field, Mike, PilotX, Doug, Para Doctor, Flying Junior, and all other friends, You got to read this article on Alternet. It's another expose' on the low-life right wingers tricking and paying women to create false sexual incidents.

    The man behind it, Jacob Wohl is a con artist.

  71. Anonymous11:44 AM

    "The man behind it, Jacob Wohl is a con artist"

    He's also a Jew. They play both sides.

  72. Explain to me how any of this is supposed to be subversive or even status-quo-challenging when it's all being done with the explicit encouragement and support of government, corporate, cultural, and scientific officials.

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:56 AM

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:04 PM

    Anonymous said......

    "You got sources for these deluded opinions?"

    Reality is a source. Observation is a source. You don't have to be told everything from a corporate news site.

    Much of Leftist thought and opinion depends on studiously not noticing the inherent contradictions.

    You are very good at that.

    As Chico Marx put it: "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?"

    11:40 AM
    So what we have here is just your opinion. My opinion is the opposite, so I guess we just disagree and always will. But here is one thing, I mostly offer evidence, sources, and other data to support my views. You do not.

    Have a nice day.

  75. The Left in 2008: Hang the Bankers

    The Left in 2020: Hang white people (sponsored by the bankers)

    The New York Times is the oligarch's megaphone to the upper-middle class. They turned the anti-white propaganda up to 11 starting in 2012 after the Occupy Wall Street protests.

    This took the focus of hate off the 1% and onto the 70%.

    If you care about your survival, you'll look up and learn about "divide and rule" tactics.

  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:07 PM

    MT said...

    Explain to me how any of this ...
    Any of what? What are you talking about??

  77. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "I mostly offer evidence, sources, and other data to support my views."

    You offer regurgitated corporate propaganda.

    "Donald Trump is a Russian agent"

    "Higher black criminality is not a factor in higher black interaction with law enforcement"

    "Actually, these BLM/Antifa riots are the work of white supremacists"

  78. The city of D.C. has renamed part of a street that leads to the White House to Black Lives Matter Way.

    Today they have city employees painting "Black Lives Matter" in giant yellow letters on the streets.

    Just a reminder, virtually every homicide in Washington D.C. has a black suspect (and a black victim). But white racism or something...

  79. Orange Man Bad!12:27 PM

    It’s Trumps fault a intoxicated violent ex-con with health issues was accidentally killed while resisting arrest in a 100% Democrat city.

  80. "Affirmative Action means one group that is substandard must be "artificially" penciled in and allowed to compromise and lower quality."

    Exactly. White males had 400 years of affirmative action but who's counting?

  81. "virtually every homicide in Washington D.C. has a black suspect (and a black victim)."

    Because D.C. is predominately Blah just like in predominately white cities most homicides have a white suspect and victim. Geez, do we have to do this every damned day?

  82. So NOW military leaders are speaking out about the clown in the White House? They're JUST NOW figuring out that man is an incompetent moron?

    Also where is trump's and the GOP healthcare plan? It's been over 4 years and where is the repeal and replace and trump's better/cheaper alternative? Were they just blowing smoke or just so incompetent that they don't know how to craft legislation and get it implemented that someone like Barack did pretty quickly?

  83. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:01 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "I mostly offer evidence, sources, and other data to support my views."

    You offer regurgitated corporate propaganda.

    "Donald Trump is a Russian agent"

    "Higher black criminality is not a factor in higher black interaction with law enforcement"

    "Actually, these BLM/Antifa riots are the work of white supremacists"

    12:11 PM

    And you offer regurgitated extreme, right wing lies and propaganda created
    by white nationalists who wish to make America the new Nazi Germany.

  84. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Calling everyone who speaks the truth a "Nazi" is going to change the meaning of that word.

  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:07 PM

    PilotX said.....Because D.C. is predominately Blah just like in predominately white cities most homicides have a white suspect and victim. Geez, do we have to do this every damned day?

    12:56 PM
    Yes, Pilot, it seems we do. Someone has to counter the continuous flow of right wing crap. That someone is us.

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:12 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Calling everyone who speaks the truth a "Nazi" is going to change the meaning of that word.

    1:06 PM
    I call then as I see them. And I don't see or hear much truth coming for the right these days.

    I called them "white nationalists." Their agenda is that of the Third Reich, so what do you call them?

  87. Lancet Formally Retracts Fake Hydroxychloroquine Study Used By Media To Attack Trump

    The Lancet, a peer-reviewed medical journal that published a 96,000-subject study indicting the efficacy of the politically controversial hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 has retracted its findings that the malaria medication led to an increased risk of death.

    A Guardian investigation can reveal the US-based company Surgisphere, whose handful of employees appear to include a science fiction writer and an adult-content model, has provided data for multiple studies on Covid-19 co-authored by its chief executive, but has so far failed to adequately explain its data or methodology.

    A peer-reviewed Lancet study claimed that Surgisphere culled data from nearly 15,000 COVID-19 patients from 1,200 hospitals around the world. There is no evidence that it collected any data from anyone.

    Now we know that thousands of hospitals around the world relied on Surgisphere data to make determinations about treatment and studies. The WHO, the organization I am assured we must continue funding, halted clinical trials — followed by a number of countries — because of the alleged dangers borne from the imaginary data put together by an adult model.

    The Lancet published this fake study because they wanted it to be true.

    WHO has now reversed course and resumed studies. If we learn that hydroxychloroquine is helpful mitigating the harm coronavirus — and that’s still a big if; a new study today shows that it is not effective as a prophylactic — we can probably thank knee-jerk anti-Trumpism for delays. Scientists have trouble conducting studies, medical journals will take shortcuts in a rush to prove the president wrong (what else could explain it?), and the media will publish any scary story that reaffirms their preexisting prejudices. If you’re interested in further corroding public trust in experts, this is a perfect way to do it. It’s a scandal.


    If cops can push a 75 year old man down and then lie about it pubically what else are they capable of? Oh no, let's eliminate citizen review boards and just let cops run wild. There is no sane argument against police reform. Some people just aren't cut out to be cops but with affirmative action cops who are fired from other jurispictions can just get a job 20 miles down the road. This has to stop.

  89. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "I called them "white nationalists." Their agenda is that of the Third Reich, so what do you call them?"

    I am a white nationalist. My agenda is not that of the Third Reich.

    The leftist press conflates white nationalism with white supremacism.

    White supremacism is a negative ideology. It's also an obviously false ideology. I've never met a white supremacist. I don't even know if any really exist. Since you can find someone who believes anything, I would guess there really are some, but the actual number is an infinitesimal fraction of the white supremacists who live in minds of the Left.

    White nationalism is a positive ideology. It comprises pride in one's heritage and a concern for the well-being of one's people, while recognizing the equal right of any other people to pursue their interests. Just like Black nationalism, Hispanic nationalism, or Asian nationalism. Our culture celebrates and encourages the collective interests of all other groups, but if white people express the merest concern about their own legitimate interests, they are labelled as Nazis.

  90. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Over 20 people killed in the riots so far, including at least four cops, but some cop pushed a 75 year man who intentionally put himself in the way down in Buffalo.

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:42 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Affirmative action means one group cannot make a set standard that others can pass for real. Affirmative Action is regressive thinking and taking steps backwards.

    Affirmative Action means one group that is substandard must be "artificially" penciled in and allowed to compromise and lower quality.

    10:31 AM
    No, nothing you say here is true. READ THE DAMN LAW! Then you will know what you are talking about when you post here.

    In 1961, President John F. Kennedy issued an executive order mandating government contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin."
    ( Executive Order 10925)

  92. Danny Martin, PhD, professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago College of Education, discusses how identity perceptions among African American students impact their understanding and execution of math.

    "What does it mean to be a learner and doer of mathematics in the context of being black? So there's no essentialistic way that we use sign to being black. That's an empirical question. What does it mean to be a black boy in the south side of Chicago living on a particular Road and Street? That's an empirical question. We can't just impose an identity on that black boy and say this is your life. We have to know from the point of view of that black point what does that mean, and then we can start understanding his math learning based on his racial identity. The second question what does it mean to be black in the context of learning and doing mathematics? Mathematics classrooms tend to be very—and I'm going to use this word lightly but it might come across heavily—but math classrooms and the math pipeline tends to be a very violent context. It's violent because it's assaultive against black boys in many instances and it tries to push them out, challenge their intellect and their capabilities, and so how is it that black boys make their way as black boys in math learning and participation contexts.

    "That needs to be taken very very very seriously so it's not just about outcomes, it's also about experience. And there's one consistent finding and I'll give you some examples. I'm going to read this because I wanted to come from my mouth to your ears and this is directly from a colleague and I we penned this not too long ago. The road to mathematics success for black students is a perilous one and those who travel it must often deal with emotional stressors at every step along the way. These stressors often stem from societal stereotypes and fundamentally racist beliefs about the competencies of black learners even in the most liberal and supportive environments. These stressors also invoke internal ongoing dialogues for individual black learners as they must decide whether it's worth traveling the path to mass success. And that's very real that is very very very real. Over and over and over as we document the experiences of black boys no matter how successful they are they talk about the stress along that path. So again focusing on the outcomes and not worrying about the experience we might be missing that stress. And so there's a conundrum that comes up later in the presentation about what are we advocating black boys do when we say we want them in STEM, we want more of them in algebra etc etcetera. There's a sticking point."

    Violence, from symbols on paper?  Symbols that are mastered by people all over the world (including many Indians as dark as Africans), which constitute a language of their own?

    They think everyone is responsible for black failure, except blacks.

  93. Privilege2:32 PM

    According to the (((ADL))), the term "It's okay to be White" is a 'hate slogan'.

  94. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Biden said today that 15% of Americans are not "good people"

    That's about 50 million Americans.

    What do you do with 50 million bad people?

    Doug has some ideas.

  95. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial2:50 PM

    "The fascism we all feared."

    One thing I like about Lumpy is that he has single handedly revealed how miseducated Neuropeons are. And It was only a matter of time before their chaotic nature would boil over into uncivilized rage equal to the violence they compulse and obsess over when whining about us.

  96. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Just read an article about some guy who robbed a pregnant woman and put a gun to her stomach.

    He must be one of those bad people Biden is talking about.

  97. And It was only a matter of time before their chaotic nature would boil over into uncivilized rage equal to the violence they compulse and obsess over when whining about us.

  98. "Why are Haiti and Sub-Saharan Africa such shitholes?"

    A friend of mine visited Rwanda last year and said that it's like paradise there, so perhaps you have been mislead by your propaganda as to which countries are "shitholes" or something.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  99. Though racism may exist in policing (as in all other aspects of American life), racism cannot explain the overall black arrest rate. The arrest rate, thus, is a reasonably good proxy for the crime rate.

    Black men commit murders at a rate about eight times greater than that for white men. This disparity is not new; it has existed for well over a century. When historian Roger Lane studied murder rates in Philadelphia, he found that since 1839 the black rate has been much higher than the white rate. This gap existed long before the invention of television, the wide distribution of hand guns, or access to dangerous drugs (except for alcohol).

    Though for young black men homicide is the leading cause of death, the chances of the average white person’s being killed by a black are very small. But the chances of being hit by lightning are also very small, and yet we leave high ground during a thunderstorm. However low the absolute risk, the relative risk—relative, that is, to the chances of being killed by a white—is high, and this fact changes everything.

    When whites walk down the street, they are more nervous when they encounter a black man than when they encounter a white one. When blacks walk down the street, they are more likely than whites to be stopped and questioned by a police officer…

    The differences in the racial rates for property crimes, though smaller than those for violent offenses, are still substantial. The estimated rate at which black men commit burglary is three times higher than it is for white men; for rape, it is five times higher. The difference between blacks and whites with respect to crime, and especially violent crime, has, I think, done more to impede racial amity than any other factor.

  100. Remember Rick Perry?
    He was secretary of energy, in charge of our nuclear arsenal.
    What ever happened to him?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  101. So Fergus has managed to get three miles of brand new border fence built in three and a half years.
    At that rate, the whole project should be completed some time in the twenty second century, with Mexico still having paid for none of it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  102. The Narrative collapses4:02 PM

    Even as people get fired for daring to SAY "All Lives Matter", the staff at LinkedIn go all-in for it.

    You've lost White America.  You're toast.

  103. It’s Trumps fault a intoxicated violent ex-con with health issues was accidentally killed while resisting arrest in a 100% Democrat city.

    yes it is. Floyd was neither intoxicasted or resisiting arrest. He was, however, killed because he is black man. Minn Pig sty is racist

  104. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Autopsy report for Floyd lists fentanyl, meth, and cannabis in his system.

    Why are you compelled to lie about everything?

  105. "A friend of mine visited Rwanda last year and said that it's like paradise there"

    Your friend has a funny concept of paradise.

  106. It's here....

    Last updated: June 05, 2020, 21:07 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    another milestone for drumpf's personal body count.

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The modern democratic party is Godless and will eventually take your right to worship away once they seize power.

    8:59 AM
    Interesting theory. Exactly how are the Democrats going to "seize power?"

  108. The modern democratic party is Godless and will eventually take your right to worship away once they seize power.

    I know i can't wait.

  109. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Where is Mr. Clinton, 44 attention whore,44 attention whore,44 attention whore,44 attention whore,44 attention whore!!!

  110. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Why did not 44 embrace black Lives Matter (sure field negros can justification for 44 inaction)

  111. Anonymous7:11 PM

    44 is NOT black 44 is african and white---africans hate field negros.

  112. So drumpf's spokes-whore Macaninny commuitted voter fraud by using parent's Florida address as her alleged residence while she lived in DC and had a New Jersey drivers license.The whole party of criminal wingnuts have committed voter fraud. Maybe the hypocrites ought to shut up about breaking federal laws.

  113. Ace Freely7:26 PM

    NBC Hires... Russiagate Hoaxer Lisa Page


    Not even hiding it.

    They were in on the coup from the beginning, and they're putting money in the pockets of all their coup conspirators.

    Maybe they're afraid of what the coup plotters will testify to if they flip.

  114. "The modern democratic party is Godless and will eventually take your right to worship away once they seize power."

    We know, Obama is coming for your guns and bibles.

  115. Hopefully we'll do it at the ballot box or with mail-in ballots.

    Tuesday, November 3, 2020. It will either be a day of great triumph or unimaginable sorrow and concern for our nation. It's literally less than five months away. The damage done by the Trump presidency is more than anyone could have predicted. But we can only hope that by lessons learned we will become a more perfect union.

    There was clearly much room for improvement even before Trump.

    I have enough liquor put up to make about eleven Margarita doubles for Mrs. Junior and myself. If my buddy comes over, I might have to buy some more. Does anyone need the recipe for the original 1947 Tijuana margarita?

    And no, Mr. Anonymous. We will not take away your right to worship. But we might take down your God-Emperor a peg or two. You will see him for the vicious, immature child that he truly is maybe for the first time. I hope that son-of-a-bitch just slinks back to Florida right away after he loses. I don't want him in the White House for Christmas.

  116. If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to
    defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the
    United States Military and quickly solve the problem for them.

    We predicted this very moment years ago. Trump did not let us down. He is bringing heavy-handed militaristic policing. He called the protestors that he dispersed, "Terrorists."

    Trump has been with the hardcore racist establishment since day one when he signalled his acceptance of David Duke and the KKK and again when he gave the green light to the Unite the Right ralliers in Charlottesville. He has consistently opposed Black Lives Matter at every turn. He has advocated violence against Black Lives Matter even since his ill-fated presidential campaign. He is not the president of all the United States and he will never be a unifying force. He is the voice that approves the status quo of racial profiling and violence against black prisoners. He has never spoke out against white vigilantism. He is extremely dangerous on race relations.

  117. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Interesting theory. Exactly how are the Democrats going to "seize power?"

    6:04 PM

    Have you watched the news the last week with the violence and rioting???

  118. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Progressives are really communists. They will take away your freedom to pray and worship. They are Godless elites with a thirst for power. look to hollyweird and their faithless oligarchs that fund ANTIFA.

  119. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Keep poking the bear commie pinkos:

  120. As for that retracted hydroychloroquine study in the Lancet, they never said the stuff was harmless, they just did not find the methods used to test were trustworthy and so they can't say with any assurance that it causes deaths.

    I see Fake Noize handed out words of the day Communists, prayers and worship. Like every thing else Fake Noize, they provide no proof nor historical context. Just talking points.

  121. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Interesting theory. Exactly how are the Democrats going to "seize power?"

    6:04 PM

    Have you watched the news the last week with the violence and rioting???

    8:40 PM
    Of course I have been watching the news. Here's what I saw. For the first two or three nights there was a great deal of organized looting, burning, and vandalizing by lawless people. And there were thousands of mostly peaceful protesters exercising their constitutional rights under the First Amendment.

    Since then there has been mostly peaceful protesters marching, singing, and exercising their First Amendment rights. What I haven't seen is any kind of coup or seizure of the government.

    You may not believe in polls, nevertheless nation-wide and state-by-state polling shows that Republicans are headed for defeat on November third. The change won't come by seizure, rather it will be by the votes of the American people that rid us of this horrid president.

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:03 PM

    I see Fake Noize handed out words of the day Communists, prayers and worship. Like every thing else Fake Noize, they provide no proof nor historical context. Just talking points.

    Yes Mike, that's what they do. It's their job.

  123. "We predicted this very moment years ago"

    What, that Democrats would let rioters burn their cities to own Trump?

    You're a better predictor than me!

  124. Professor Whitman9:08 PM

    Granny NPC said...
    "Just talking points."

    You get zero thinking points.

  125. Anonymous9:08 PM


    One of your fellow godless communists bent on taking away many of your freedoms.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Anonymous9:09 PM

  128. Anonymous9:10 PM

  129. Here you go all of you Trumpie bible thumpers.

    Words of wisdom from your high priest!

  130. Anonymous9:12 PM

  131. Farting Janitor said...
    "I have enough liquor put up to make about eleven Margarita doubles for Mrs. Junior and myself. If my buddy comes over, I might have to buy some more."

    When your wife's boyfriend comes over and drinks all your tequila, you'd best just go down the basement at watch Rachel Maddow.

  132. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Chicago Churches Continue to Violate Stay-at-Home Orders, Fear City May Shut Them Down

  133. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Law Enforcement Cracked Down on Easter Services with Nails, Threats and Misdemeanors

  134. Just wow! So the entire unit of the Buffalo PD resign from the unit because they don't like the fact their colleagues are being disciplined for almost killing a senior citizen unnecessarily. Damn shame. And they wonder why there are protests.😖

  135. Anonymous9:18 PM

    See also: Anarchism and religion, Buddhist socialism, Christian left, Jewish left, and Islamic socialism
    The original French left-wing was anti-clerical, opposing the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and supporting the separation of church and state.[5] Karl Marx asserted that "[r]eligion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".[72] In Soviet Russia, the Bolsheviks originally embraced "an ideological creed which professed that all religion would atrophy" and "resolved to eradicate Christianity as such". In 1918, "ten Orthodox hierarchs were summarily shot" and "children were deprived of any religious education outside the home".[73] Today in the Western world those on the Left usually support secularization and the separation of church and state.

  136. Anonymous9:19 PM

    ANTIFA are the brown shirts of the Modern Democratic party.

  137. Anonymous9:31 PM

    They'll never do that
    because they can't since they are born inept
    lazy,stupid,delusional the reason why they want
    to racially intermix with us humans is because they
    are hoping that their off spring will get a genealogical
    upgrade so their race,ethnicity don't permanently become
    dumb,ugly,fugly but at the same time your race would get
    dumb down genetically unfortunately in doing so they spread
    their inferior genes every where globally till the whole planet turns
    into ghetto,slummish,projecy world just look what they did to Detroit
    & parts of Los Angeles,Atlanta,Philadelphia,Minneapolis,Baltimore,Haiti

    That is another reason why they don't have any black prosperous
    continent,nations other wise they wouldn't be visiting or staying
    in other countries,continent's that is not theirs

    they would have stayed in their civilization utopian society wakanda
    which by the way they can never built because they are a failed race
    that cant do anything considering white people giving everything
    to them for free over the decades on a silver platter since they
    cannot take care of themselves with out assistance from white
    yellow,brown people look how much The North Continental
    of America,Europe and some from Asia have distributed
    to Sub Saharan Africa,Haiti its by the $ trillions an supply
    drops not to mention the number one race,ethnicity
    that is truly privileged are black people.

  138. Lisa Page joins MSNBC as legal analyst. Wingnut heads explode. Which is a good look for wingnuts as that is the only way to expand their minds.


  139. You stoopid fucking wingnuts should hit yer knees and thank liberals from saving your skanky wasicu asses from all the phony kristians in the gubmint Putin installed.

    You losers are the most ungrateful fuckers the world has ever seen.

  140. Racist much anon 2131?

    1. And here I thought racism was dead. 🤔

  141. H/T to S. Carter

    This is what RIOTING and CIVIL UNREST has caused...

    -the ENTIRE ERT roster of cops just resigned in Buffalo

    -a soccer player (I believe) loses his job because of a racist tweet from his wife

    -DC mayor has "Black Lives Matter" PAINTED in large caps on the street that's headed towards the White House.

    -Schools are pulling their contracts from police departments like Minneapolis. Departments are being defunded.

    -the Buffalo Bills are considering cutting their new drafted QB for comments.

    -the STATE of Minnesota is suing the police department for Civil Rights violations

    -Louisville is calling for an outside source to investigate their police force

    -Confederate monuments are being taken down.

    -News outlets, senators, and congress are demanding the demilitarization of the police.

    -Lightfoot has fired an officer for flipping off protesters and covering his badge.

    -officers across the country have been fired for their misconduct during this week of protesting

    -man who got his car burned and beat up for having the bow and arrow, also picked up 3 felonies.

    -the 2 officers that mishandled the 2 college kids, pulling them out of their car, have been fired.

    Everything isn't gonna change overnight and you shouldn't expect it to, but any of these incidents happening on a normal day, is news worthy, yet they all happened in a week! This is what pressure does. The uprise worked...but it has to happen every time now

  142. Joggers gone wild10:10 PM

    When there are no more police, everything IS going to change overnight.

  143. Affirmative Action Jackson10:11 PM

    PilotX said...
    "And here I thought racism was dead."

    You're living proof it's not.

  144. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I can't wait until Biden is President and we can go back to business as usual. Shipping jobs to China, keeping wages low through mass immigration, and starting new wars in the Middle East.

    It will also be nice not to have to deal with riots every time some negro gets killed resisting arrest.

  145. "You're living proof it's not."

    Sure, I'm the guy who says

    "they want
    to racially intermix with us humans is because they
    are hoping that their off spring will get a genealogical
    upgrade so their race,ethnicity don't permanently become
    dumb,ugly,fugly but at the same time your race would get
    dumb down genetically unfortunately in doing so they spread
    their inferior genes every where globally till the whole planet turns
    into ghetto,slummish,projecy world"

    You may want to readjust your fire. I mean unless you're not serious about racism.

  146. "When there are no more police, everything IS going to change overnight"

    Hopefully thoughtful and non-racist people will apply to become police officers. We can do without many of the ones we have now.

  147. "It will also be nice not to have to deal with riots every time some negro gets killed resisting arrest."

    That ship has sailed. We have to deal with killing people unnecessarily.


    Maybe Kaepernick will get a job because he's much better than many QB's in the NFL.

  149. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Feds file gun charge against man busted for curfew violation in Lakeview

  150. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Social service worker found guilty of choking, but not sexually assaulting, transgender woman in Uptown

  151. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Paroled felon broke into 10-year-old’s room while fleeing Lakeview looting scene, cops say

  152. H/T to S. Carter

    This is what RIOTING and CIVIL UNREST has caused...

    -the ENTIRE ERT roster of cops just resigned in Buffalo

    -a soccer player (I believe) loses his job because of a racist tweet from his wife

    -DC mayor has "Black Lives Matter" PAINTED in large caps on the street that's headed towards the White House.

    -Schools are pulling their contracts from police departments like Minneapolis. Departments are being defunded.

    -the Buffalo Bills are considering cutting their new drafted QB for comments.

    -the STATE of Minnesota is suing the police department for Civil Rights violations

    -Louisville is calling for an outside source to investigate their police force

    -Confederate monuments are being taken down.

    -News outlets, senators, and congress are demanding the demilitarization of the police.

    -Lightfoot has fired an officer for flipping off protesters and covering his badge.

    -officers across the country have been fired for their misconduct during this week of protesting

    -man who got his car burned and beat up for having the bow and arrow, also picked up 3 felonies.

    -the 2 officers that mishandled the 2 college kids, pulling them out of their car, have been fired.

    Everything isn't gonna change overnight and you shouldn't expect it to, but any of these incidents happening on a normal day, is news worthy, yet they all happened in a week! This is what pressure does. The uprise worked...but it has to happen every time now

  153. 13 do 5011:28 PM

    "Hopefully thoughtful and non-racist people will apply to become police officers."

    Being a police officer is a tough job. You have to deal with the worst of humanity day in and day out. You learn things about human nature most people never imagine. Your job is to protect the good people from those who would do them harm. No matter how responsibly you do your job, some people are going to hate you for doing it. Being nice and respectful won't always get you anywhere with some of the people you are charged with controlling. When one cop fucks up, all the cops get painted with the same brush. Every day you go to work could be your last. Racism is irrational, but experience can be a hard dose of reality that is hard to ignore.

    Law enforcement is not responsible for people breaking the law. Blaming the police for criminal behavior is just another way black people externalize their failings. Making martyrs out of criminals and working against law enforcement creates a thousand times more misery in black neighborhoods than racist police do. Defunding the police and replacing them with Mr. Rogers and Oprah Winfrey keeping the peace would unleash horrific carnage in urban America. I guess we're going get to see just how much.

    Maybe you could get out there and show them how to do it.

  154. "Blaming the police for criminal behavior is just another way black people externalize their failings."

    And we just have to let the racism fly don't we junior?🖕🏾

  155. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Since 2015, when the Post began tracking these numbers, the police have killed about 1,000 people a year. Every year, about one quarter of them are black. This is about twice their share of the population, which is 13 percent. Is this proof of police racism? No. The more likely explanation is that blacks are more likely than whites to act in violent, aggressive ways that give the police no choice but to shoot them. In 2018, the most recent year for which we have statistics, blacks accounted for 37 percent of all arrests for violent crimes, 54 percent of all arrests for robbery, and 53 percent of arrests for murder. With so many blacks involved in this kind of violent crime, that blacks should account for 25 percent of the people killed by the police seem like a surprisingly low figure.

    IOW, phuc yew ni66az.  Go back to Afreaka, or dye.

  156. And I guess knocking over a senior citizen is justified because the job is tough. Well then go flip burgers because no one has time for shitty cops.

  157. "IOW, phuc yew ni66az. Go back to Afreaka, or dye'"

    Do any of you inbred yAhoos know how to spell? Oh yeah, you dropped out in the third grade so no you don't.😂

  158. Anonymous12:05 AM

    We know how to spell very well.

    We also know how to avoid censor filters.  Sew faw kew.

  159. "We also know how to avoid censor filters. Sew faw kew."

    I bet your parents are so proud.

  160. 13 do 5012:16 AM

    "And we just have to let the racism fly don't we junior?"

    Your assertion is that black people have no moral agency and no responsibility for their life choices. Like children.

    Blaming the police for black criminality is like blaming firemen when your house catches on fire.

  161. Anonymous12:24 AM

    If you can't breathe, you can't say "I can't breathe".

  162. "Blaming the police for black criminality is like blaming firemen when your house catches on fire."

    Straw Man much?

  163. "If you can't breathe, you can't say "I can't breathe".

    Well hopefully Chauvin will remember to breathe when he's getting taken care of in the pokie.

  164. Blaming Blah people for police criminality is like a fireman blaming the house for catching on fire.

  165. Welcome to trump's America.


    Two fewer jackasses on the airwaves.

  167. So back here in the apocalypse, more states have reported rising covid cases than states reporting case numbers going down.
    Meanwhile, Fergus is in his little fantasy world claiming the pandemic is mostly behind us and that everything is just fine.
    20.000 new cases daily, 1,000 deaths daily, and rising again after the relaxation of distancing measures.
    Any random sixth grader could have told him this would happen.
    Pretending it isn't happening will not make it go away.
    We need a real president and a real government, this reality show bullshit is way past its expiration date.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  168. "We need a real president and a real government, this reality show bullshit is way past its expiration date."

    That ship sailed a long time ago. Millions of Americans love the guy. I notice trumpies ignore all media except that is which is fawning over dear leader and if you say anything contrary they just call it fake news. I link to NPR or some other news organization they will dismiss it outright. It's kind of scary that reasonable adults can live in their own fantasy worlds. I just wonder how trump will react when he's defeated in a landslide.

  169. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Rooting real hard this weekend for Covid 19 Go Virus !!!!

  170. The unemployment rate for May is actually 16.3% due to a misclassification error duly noted at bottom of report.

    drumpf lied again. Impeach his orange stinking ass again!


    I can see where this could bring comfort to numerous people.


    Watch pig cop a feelm from black woman and then put his baton under her chin to choke her after she is beaten and shot with pepper balls at close range. Then the rest of the oig sounder rushes in to, pile on another female protester. Pigs, like stoopid fucking koyote kerfluffles, run in packs.

  173. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Retired St. Louis Black Police captain killed by black looters rioters after responding to a pawnshop alarm during looting:

  174. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Rooting real hard this weekend for Covid 19 Go Virus !!!!

    3:09 AM

    Covid -19 isn't what they say. The riots have been going on over a week now, so up to 2 weeks incubation, so by June 2oth if we do not see a real bonafide spike in cases or death we know it bullshit.

  175. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...

    I can see where this could bring comfort to numerous people.

    9:33 AM

    More Pablum from the violent communist godless Left.

  176. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Black Baptists and Christians. The modern version of the Democratic party has been taken over by godless communists.

    They WILL take away your First Amendment Right to worship once they seize power.

    All they want is your vote "once" go get in and then you are no longer relevant.......

  177. Anonymous10:15 AM

    African-American Small-town police chief killed by black looters as officers in 3 cities wounded during violence at George Floyd riots:

  178. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Why no coverage or outrage on this story???? Doesn't go with the propaganda does it???

    One career criminal with fentanyl, THC and meth, covid-19 resists arrest and dies of a heart attack cause alt left(ANTIFA) to start riots and looting and killings of US Citizens.

    Retired St. Louis City police captain killed by looters

  179. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:51 AM

    Anonymous Negrodamus said...

    "We predicted this very moment years ago"

    What, that Democrats would let rioters burn their cities to own Trump?

    You're a better predictor than me!

    9:06 PM
    What cities are burning? Most protests have been peaceful. Where are all the fires? Please name the cities.

  180. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Chicago, LA, NYC, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Washington DC etc etc etc.

    You are a Godless Communist.

  181. Anonymous11:06 AM


  182. Anonymous11:07 AM


  183. Anonymous11:08 AM

    MINNEAPOLIS RIOTS: Violence erupts for third night, as protests spread, buildings burn

  184. Anonymous11:09 AM

    George Floyd Riots: Unrest Enters 4th Day In Twin Cities

  185. Anonymous11:11 AM

    A Look At The Damage From Overnight "Protests" In Minneapolis(FIRE)

  186. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Media Flames Race Riots in Minneapolis

  187. Anonymous11:14 AM


  188. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:30 AM

    Anonymous said....

    White supremacism is a negative ideology. It's also an obviously false ideology. I've never met a white supremacist. I don't even know if any really exist.
    Well you are lucky indeed if you've never met one. They are a totalitarian group that wishes to control the country. Timothy McVeigh was one of the first to gain national attention in recent tines. Eric Rudolf was another.

    Between 1996 to 1998, bombs exploded four times in Atlanta and Birmingham, killing two and injuring hundreds and setting off what turned out to be a five-year manhunt for the suspected bomber,Eric Robert Rudolph.

    So you say you doubt that any really exist. Have you been in a coma all of your life?

  189. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:53 AM

    Anonymous said....

    Covid -19 isn't what they say. The riots have been going on over a week now, so up to 2 weeks incubation, so by June 2oth if we do not see a real bonafide spike in cases or death we know it bullshit.

    10:09 AM
    COV19 cases were already going up before the protests because of states letting up on stay at home requirements. So you still think the pandemic is "bull shit"?

  190. I write this on D-Day; 76th anniversary of the biggest anti-fascist rally ever.

  191. mike from iowa 9:33 AM:

    Over 60% of all gun deaths in America are suicides. This reveals what America's gun culture is really about.


    Thanks, Paradoctor @ 12:16 PM.

  193. Is it any wonder Chauvin-ist decided to murder a black man now?

    Moar phucking voter fraud by a likely wingnut cheater/murderer.

  194. From Five Thirty Eight......

    Six years after nationwide protests against police violence captured the country’s attention, the recent killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd have put the issue of police violence back into national focus. Many are left asking what, if anything, has really changed?

    In the absence of comprehensive federal data, databases such as Fatal Encounters, Mapping Police Violence and The Washington Post’s Fatal Force project have tracked these killings year after year. And the data produced by these projects suggests that police, at least on a national level, are killing people as often now as they were before Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Missouri, sparked widespread protests in 2014.

    But these numbers don’t tell the whole story. While the nationwide total of people killed by police nationwide has remained steady, the numbers have dropped significantly in America’s largest cities, likely due to reforms to use-of-force policies implemented in the wake of high-profile deaths. Those decreases, however, have been offset by increases in police killings in more suburban and rural areas. It seems that solutions that can reduce police killings exist, in other words — the issue may be whether an area has the political will to enact them.

  195. "COV19 cases were already going up before the protests because of states letting up on stay at home requirements. So you still think the pandemic is "bull shit"?"

    Conservatives have never been good at teh science. This is why we should never let them run government.

  196. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Es lebe die Republik!!!
