Sunday, July 12, 2020

Caption Sunday.

Image result for trump with mask images 

I need a caption for this picture. 

Example: Tell me why are we wearing the black and not the white masks again? 

*Image from


  1. The image that comes to mind when we think of the word "stupid".

  2. It's a pity that chloroform doesn't actually work they way it does in the movies...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Trump: “This doesn’t mean the libtards have won and I admit the threat of COVID is real. I’m just tired of smelling you guys’ farts”

  4. StillaPanther26:45 PM

    I will act like a human until September 29 to increase my pool numbers. If I am not learn g.. watch out October. I will be back wild.

  5. Maybe they won't know who I am with the mask on.

  6. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial7:01 PM

    Donnie Favors: I could probably get six mcnuggets in this thing!

  7. Book Cover for "All the Presidents Asshats" by anonymous

  8. Watch peaceful protester get head shot by drumpf sent gubmint goon in Portland last night.

    Non lethal round, allegedly, but, still....

    drumpfuck is getting desperate.

  9. Is there any chance this fuck can lose in November?

    Cornyn Says ‘We Don’t Know’ If Kids Can Get Virus

    July 12, 2020 at 7:07 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 52 Comments

    Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said that it’s unclear whether children can get and transmit COVID-19, the Houston Chronicle reports.

    That same day, Texas reported more than 550 COVID infections in children 9 and younger.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  10. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:30 PM

    Forida reported another record-breaking number of coronavirus cases over the last 24 hours, logging 15,300 new positive cases.

    The Washington Post reports it’s the most by any state in a single day since the pandemic reached the United States.

    From the first page of

    But our pet trolls know this is fake news.

  11. Anonymous9:05 PM

    “Cornyn Says ‘We Don’t Know’ If Kids Can Get Virus”

    By “we,” he meant Republican politicians. Because they are willfully ignorant about facts that are inconvenient for the business interests of their donors.

    Scientific evidence that suggests Texas needs to go back into lockdown is something John Cornyn would rather not know about.

  12. Burn, Loot, Murder10:29 PM

    Detroit protest after shooting of "unarmed" black who fired on police arresting the subject of an arrest warrant:

    Young mother, 24, is ‘shot dead in front of her fiancé after saying “all lives matter” during an argument with Black Lives Matter supporters’

    Jessica Doty Whitaker, 24, was shot dead on July 5 in Indianapolis, Indiana
    Whitaker, her fiancé Jose Ramirez and two others were reportedly walking along the canal when one of them allegedly used the n-word
    A nearby group of people heard the phrase and a confrontation was sparked
    During the argument, Whitaker responded 'All lives matter' when the other group said 'Black Lives Matter'
    Whitaker, a home health nurse, leaves behind a three-year-old son
    She was one of three people shot dead at Indianapolis' canal last week, and one of several over Fourth of July weekend

    A young Indiana mother was shot dead in front of her fiancé after she reportedly told a group of Black Lives Matter supporters 'all lives matter' over Fourth of July weekend.

    Jessica Doty Whitaker, 24, was taking a stroll with her fiancé, Jose Ramirez, and two others near the Indianapolis Canal Walk around 3am on July 5.

    Ramirez says that the four of them were hanging out when one of them used a slang version of the n-word, Fox 59 reports.

    But a group of people nearby, reportedly comprised of four men and one woman, objected to hearing the phrase and a confrontation ensued between the two sets of strangers.

    You riot over the deaths of black criminals, while killing people who dare to speak un-approved slogans or merely try to go about their business amidst a "protest".  This is why sane white people won't put up with blacks.  Or the (((tribe))) either.

  13. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Susan Rosenberg was guilty and convicted to 58 years in prison for weapons and hundred of pounds of dynamite. she was high ranking in the weather underground. Clinton let her out after 16 years in prison. She finances the three useful idiot Marxists that run this soon to be terrorist organization BLM.

  14. Anonymous11:32 PM

    52 shot, 8 fatally including 15-year-old boy in Chicago weekend violence

  15. Just a reminder that Tamir Rice was killed for having a toy gun, while Patricia McCloskey pointed a gun at peaceful protesters with her finger on the trigger and is still practicing law and sits on the Missouri Bar Association's ethics panel.

    (h/t: dan levy)

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Peaceful Protesters threatening to kill her.

    Fuck you Doug.

  17. Jussie1:34 AM

    Congratulations to Bubba Wallace on his 27th place finish today.

  18. If they were threatening to kill her, why isn't she dead? She was way outnumbered, and protesters have been routinely shot by the cops lately, so it wasn't her pathetic fucking pistol, or her husband's AR that he couldn't even hold properly.
    I'll tell you why: First, they weren't threatening jack shit, and second because she's a goddamn rich white lady and was never in any danger in her whole miserable fucking life.

    I hope your balls drop off into your shoe and you step on them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Anonymous2:17 AM

    "Peaceful Protesters threatening to kill her."

    So she runs outside to drunkenly point a gun at them. She obviously had zero training and is more of a danger to herself than anyone else. Talk about escalating a situation. Not sure how I'd feel if someone pointed a gun at me but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't take too kindly to it and would be forced to act accordingly.

  20. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Brain damaged worm said...
    "If they were threatening to kill her, why isn't she dead?"

    She had a gun.

  21. Anonymous2:26 AM

    "Not sure how I'd feel if someone pointed a gun at me but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't take too kindly to it and would be forced to act accordingly."

    Just stay the fuck off other people's property, dumbass.

  22. Anonymous2:32 AM

    George Floyd really did change the world.

  23. Anonymous2:34 AM

    "Just stay the fuck off other people's property, dumbass."

    They were on a public street or did that fact escape you? And she was waving the gun around like a drunken fool, lased her husband a few times. Some people just don't need to have fire arms.

  24. The NRA2:35 AM

    Say it loud and proud! What are the four cardinal rules of firearm safety?

  25. Anonymous2:43 AM

    "They were on a public street or did that fact escape you?"

    It was a private street that they had broken a gate to gain access to, dumbass.

  26. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Thanks Doug. Cool story bro.

  27. Non-specific verbal threats. Police departments take this type of thing quite seriously. It is considered a valid defense for brandishing firearms.

  28. Tamir Rice was slaughtered within 2 seconds of pig arrival.

  29. "It was a private street that they had broken a gate to gain access to, dumbass."

    Wow, such childish namecalling. That took place in the Central West End area and those were public streets. Check the St. Louis city municipal maps.

  30. This chicken be cold!:

  31. Anonymous12:28 PM

    “Say it loud and proud! What are the four cardinal rules of firearm safety?”

    1) Guns are for white people.
    2) Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.
    3) Mass shootings are the fault of violent video games and bad parenting.
    4) To demonstrate your expertise in all things firearm-related, post an online picture of you pointing a gun at your dick.

    Did I get it right?

  32. 1 and 4 are gospel according to Russia NRA.

  33. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I believe we can now announce a winner in the Biggest Covidiot competition. This utter jackass in Texas deliberately tried to catch COVID to prove Trump was right about the virus being no big deal.

    He succeeded in catching it. And then he died.

    Yes, America, we really are this dumb. Or at least the wingnut segment of our population are.

  34. A South Carolina man is facing charges after being accused of pointing a firearm at people demonstrating for the removal of Confederate-era symbols.

    Get a clue, people, only the fucking pigs can hunt protesters for sport and get away with it. Waving your gun at people is called "brandishing" and is a crime in most jurisdictions.

    Also, when I was in the NRA, there were ten cardinal firearm safety rules, not four.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Anonymous4:08 PM

  36. Anonymous4:09 PM

  37. ""

    Fake news.

  38. Fergus must be off his meds again. Now everyone but him is lying to you about the pandemic.
    Perhaps it's more likely that he is the one lying about the pandemic, in the context of the now more than 20K lies he has been caught telling since assuming the presidency.
    Sorry, Ferg, not that many people are buying the bullshit now that 130K people are dead from the virus you keep denying exists, and the bulk of the record levels of new infections are in red states where the Pig People supported you last time.
    You wanted this job, and now that you have royally screwed the pooch, you'll likely be fired from it soon.
    Then the prosecutions can begin.
    You like law and order, right? Well I have a feeling some with your name on it is headed in your direction.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Fight the Powerless5:04 PM

    "Get a clue, people, only the fucking pigs can hunt protesters for sport and get away with it"

    Get a clue, Doug. The police and the protestors are on the same side and only those who resist the rioters are getting arrested.

  40. Moar hoax body count deaths....


    and climbing, drumpfucks.

  41. "The police and the protestors are on the same side and only those who resist the rioters are getting arrested."

    Those who resist the rioters? What are you high on, anyway?

    It's not so much the "arrested" part, you know that might happen any time you go to a protest, it's really more of the "beat the holy shit out of for no reason, teargassed, and shot with a rubber-coated steel ball" part that is most concerning, and needs to fucking stop right now.

    Also, the police and the people protesting police behavior are most definitely not on the same side.

    I hope this clears that up for you.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. California and Oregon are going back into lockdown. What's up Florida, Arizona, Texas, and South Carolina?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Amy Berman Jackson wants drumpf's commutation order to see if it affects parole time as well as prison time.

  44. Anonymous6:44 PM

    "California and Oregon are going back into lockdown. What's up Florida, Arizona, Texas, and South Carolina?"

    To be honest, it seems like it would have been adequate to just put the LA metro area and a few other counties back into lockdown. They didn't need to include all of California.

    I don't know about Oregon.

    On the other hand, it's really hard for me to see how bad things will have to get in states like Florida, Arizona, Texas, and South Carolina before they would do it. They seem determined to defy reality and pretend that their death tolls aren't rising. The bank accounts of tanning salon owners are prioritized over people's lives.

    I feel really bad for the subset of citizens of Sunbelt states who DIDN'T vote for this insanity.

  45. Anonymous7:00 PM

    The border states are seeing rises in infections to do an influx from Mexico. LA also had massive BLM riots.

    Also, the death rates in Florida and Texas are an order of magnitude lower than New York.

  46. Anonymous7:03 PM

    It’s just for a couple weeks to flatten the curve, so gathering is banned, unless you want to protest with thousands but only for leftist causes, then it’s ok but crucial you wear a mask even though we said before that masks were selfish we’ll open schools when there’s a vaccine.


    This man is dangerous. It's past time to put this fool out of his misery.

  48. Louisiana Sumo:

  49. Ouch.

  50. So who you gonna blame the mass covid cases that will show up after 100k bikers hit Sturgis this year? Northern Mississippi is run by reddest redneck dumbfucks and has been for over 40 years and there aren't that many negroes to blame.

  51. It ain't like entitled bitch De Vos didn't have that coming her way.

    She is as fucking clewless as everyone else in drumpfuck's cabinet.

  52. Give them hell, Clarence....

  53. Anonymous8:34 PM

    "The border states are seeing rises in infections to do an influx from Mexico. LA also had massive BLM riots."

    It's not due to Mexico. Or "BLM riots."

    I believe the term you are looking for is "wingnut dumbasses." Yes, including in California, where the virus really took off in right-wing enclaves surrounding LA, like Orange County, which refused to impose strict lockdown requirements.

    "Also, the death rates in Florida and Texas are an order of magnitude lower than New York."

    So ... just wait and do nothing until you hit NYC-level body counts? At which point, there's nothing you can do about it? Brilliant plan, I have to say.

    This is what the death curve looks like now. If I lived in any of these states, I'd be pretty damn worried.

  54. Anonymous8:48 PM


    This man is dangerous. It's past time to put this fool out of his misery."

    It was only a matter of time. Fauci has been sidelined. The CDC are card-carrying members of the Deep State. Facts are the enemy.


    Anybody want to sign a petition to make the Blah Lives Matter mural painted outside trump towers permanent?😂I'm sure he'll love it.

  56. "The CDC are card-carrying members of the Deep State. Facts are the enemy."

    😂True enough. There are those who believe a New York con man who had to cheat his way into college over doctors, virologists and epidemiologists. Scary world in which we live.



    😂😂😂 Should have minded her own damned business. What is up with Karens?

  59. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Please accept my sincere condolences that you are you.

  60. Joey Bosch10:11 PM

    Finally the Redskins are changing their name. With that out of the way, we can finally appreciate natives for their true attributes. You know, cannibalism and crippling alcoholism.

  61. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    4:09 PM
    Well, we have a terrorist president whose carelessness has cost at least a hundred-thousand lives, so what's the big deal Here?

  62. The big cover up. Donald Trump's latest and best-ever look.

  63. drumpf is whining his new border wall may collapse due to private builder ignoring the laws of physics. New fence is already being washed out because of location in flood plain.

    And yet, the gubmint still heaps millions of dollars on this ill prepared, drumpf donating bozo from North Dakota.

  64. Anonymous8:37 AM

    ‘Empire’ actor Bryshere Gray arrested by SWAT team on domestic assault charges

  65. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Well, we have a terrorist president whose carelessness has cost at least a hundred-thousand lives, so what's the big deal Here?

    11:11 PM

    Total bullshit. More Marxist propaganda.

  66. Anonymous8:43 AM

  67. Anonymous8:46 AM

    A Terrorist’s Ties to a Leading Black Lives Matter Group

  68. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Murders continue un-abated
    13 shot, 3 fatally, Monday in Chicago

    The day’s most recent fatal shooting killed a 21-year-old man in the 8000 block of South Stewart Avenue in Gresham.

    By Sun-Times Wire Jul 14, 2020, 3:45am CDT

  69. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Black 1-year-old killed at New York City cookout shooting, three injured
    Jordan Culver

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:53 AM


    Total bullshit. More Marxist propaganda.

    8:37 AM
    Fake news.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:06 AM

    From Raw Story today

    California man charged with running over Black dad after son calls for help in racist attack

  72. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This picture is a joke.

    When you are being led by a "SHIP OF FOOLS" this is what you an expect.
    Wishy washy behavior, lies and mixed messages.


  73. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Why would anybody not take Corona seriously and just wear a fu&^%#! mask?

    ... Also, are they opening indoor movie theaters? Darkness, moisture, cloth seats, food being served, beverages served, sticky floors, cup holders with body fluids etc...

    Would the same folks refusing to wear a mask want to have a surgery performed on them by a doctor that refused to wear a mask? ?????

    Not enough is known about the virus for anyone to be bitching and complaining about wearing a mask.

    Heck, the thousands of folks suffering from the after affects of the dangerous chemicals in the air following the World Trade Center were (in the beginning) led to believe that it was "safe" to go down to the World Trade Center . Those that believed it and went back to work and went back to play are still suffering cancer and respiratory illnesses from the effects 20 years later.

    For example when the AIDS virus first came into existences it took a while for scientists to figure out the Do's and Don't's about the virus.

    Is the rush to open only about protecting the stocks, bonds and investments of the rich?

    While the poor may be losing thousands......the rich may be losing millions and billons.

    Some believe that the rush to open may be putting "PROFITS before PEOPLE."

  74. Surprised clewless drumpf didn't apply orangeman blackface to show solidarity with his Black bros.

  75. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Some comedy gold for Doug and mike:

  76. Anyone know, right off the top of their head if Rust limpaw kicked the bucket, yet?

    Anon, I couldn't follow along too well, but it wasn't that hillaryous to me. What I did catch just didn't find my funny bone. Sorry. :(

  77. Obama cracked down on nursing homes with infection problems. drumpf changed course and then covid happened.

    To be fair, if you want someone to blame for covid patients dying in nursing homes, you know which party of deregulations to blame.


    Play stupid games........

  79. Can we all finally admit this man is deranged and out of his league?


    Make sure trump opens schools safely.

  81. Seems kinda lame, not even sure which way the satire is supposed to be going.

    Bars are all closed here again. Apparently drinking together in a closed space is a good way to spread the virus.

    We failed the "marshmallow test" and couldn't sit still long enough for what we did do to be effective, and so wasted the money and effort we expended in the first three months of the pandemic.

    Japan, on the other hand, has more densely populated cities, and a far older population, but hasn't had the same level of infections we have, despite not locking down like we did for a while.
    What they did do was all wear masks.
    If we pulled our heads out of our butts and all wore masks all of the damn time, we could have this under control in three more months, just in time for the election.

    You'd think Fergus would want that to be the headlines in October, if he really did want to be reelected, but apparently not enough to do anything about it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  82. Fergus backed down from his "we'll deport all foreign students who don't swim in the petri dish" rule today.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  83. New study: "5.4 million American workers have lost their health insurance because of the pandemic."

    Fergus: "Strike down the ACA and make it twenty!"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:47 PM

    From The Hill

  85. Anonymous6:36 PM

    “drumpf is whining his new border wall may collapse due to private builder ignoring the laws of physics. New fence is already being washed out because of location in flood plain.”

    If I am correct, this is a section of wall constructed by the Wall GoFundMe, run by Brian Kolfage and his band of merry wingnut wackjobs (including racist vote-suppressor extraordinare Kris Kobach).

    Trump is now denouncing them as having done this to “make him look bad.” Imagine that: Trump won’t hesitate to chuck his MAGA hat followers under the bus when they were supporting his dumb goals.

    Everything about this administration and his movement is a hilarious clown show.

  86. Two milestones surpassed today.....

    Coronavirus Cases:

    Passed 3.5 million cases and 139k deaths due to a magically disappearing hoax that simply has not magically disappeared.

    Fuck drumpf and all the stoopid fucking morons who believed a single word that lying POS ever lied about.

  87. Tucker's gone fishin'.

    Hope he's by himself, because any other fisherman might mistake him for bait and poke a hook through him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    T. Greg Doucette
    Alexander, AR: not enough facepalms here...

    "An Arkansas police officer who told a colleague he would 'shoot through the door' any protesters who came to his home has been charged with killing a fellow officer who knocked on his door"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  89. Anonymous9:19 PM

    “Tucker's gone fishin'.”

    Tucker’s probably interviewing replacements for his fired head writer. Chief requirement: Must be completely racist — but not too public about it.

    This whole scandal was the most un-shocking thing ever. Back before Tucker went to work at Fox, his media outlet, the Daily Caller, used to like to run “black crime” stories and features on the “knockout game” and similar junk, like the trolls on this blog are always posting. Jason Kessler, the Nazi who organized the big hate rally in Charlottesville, attended by many of Trump’s “very fine people,” used to work at the Daily Caller, too.

    Many of the Caller’s writers followed Tucker to Fox. I’d be surprised if any of them weren’t racist.

    Here’s some more on the Daily Caller’s history of employing truly repellant people.

  90. So Rush thinks we should be more adaptable, like the pioneers who turned to cannibalism.

    I think we should (and the goddamn Donner party could have by listening to the advice that they should wait until after winter to cross) avoid cannibalism.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  91. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III goes down in flames.

    I'm not saying the prick that beat him is any better, he campaigned on how weak Sessions was for recusing himself, but seeing that mean little fucker lose makes me feel good.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. Anonymous9:48 PM

    There's nothing wrong with being racist.

  93. Anonymous9:50 PM

    BREAKING: Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized with Wuhan Flu.


    Frank Serpico is down with BLM. Good to see they're still good cops.

  95. "There's nothing wrong with being racist."

    Sure, because most don't have a job to lose.

  96. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Considering that blacks are only 13% of the population but made up 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980-2008, why are about 2/3rds of police shootings of non-blacks? Why are non-blacks being shot so much considering the lower level of danger they represent?

  97. "Why are non-blacks being shot so much considering the lower level of danger they represent?"

    One of two things. 1. They are doing something that the officer thinks is harmful or 2. cops are trigger happy thugs? What do you think?

  98. "Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III goes down in flames."

    It shows that everything that trump touches turns to shit.

  99. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Blacks made up 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980-2008, but only 26.4% of those killed by police from 2015-2020.

    Therefore, nonblacks are 3 times as likely, relative to their homicide propensity, to be killed by cops as are blacks.

  100. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver registered as a foreign agent of Russia last year.

  101. Anonymous11:23 PM

    When Black parents start stepping up to their responsibilities and raise their children correctly (rather than welfare becoming the "baby daddy") then black on black crime in the ghetto will go down.

    There are more blacks killing each other on a daily basis than any police anywhere across the country.

    When are respectable Black men going to accept responsibility and take back their cities and become role models for black youth? Stop blaming the cops and covid for your lack of accountability.

    Why is it that principals, ministers, male teachers, lawyers, judges, mentors never counsel young men about how the consequences of their juvenile delinquency can lead them to jail BEFORE they become convicted felons and sent to prison. Why are there all kinds of resources to educate Black males as to the consequences of their dastardly deeds while they are sitting in a jail cell ?

    Covid has been around for 3 months. Black neighborhoods across the United States has been in existence for almost 70 years.

    When are Blacks going to stop expecting a system that is responsible for their conditions to "save them from themselves?" If they keep waiting then they are going to die waiting.

    Wake Up, Get Up and Control Your Kids, and Straighten Out Your Cities. If Black Lives Matter, Then It Starts With YOU!

  102. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Why are Blacks attacking cops? Two wrongs do not make a right.

    They can't complain about cops killing blacks and then turn around and do the same thing to the cops and expect to be taken seriously.

  103. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Excellent police work!!

  104. "Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver registered as a foreign agent of Russia last year."

    Yeah, the entire lot of Republican "never-Trumpers" are a shady bunch who only hope to crash Fergus out of the presidency so they can swoop in and take over the Republican party and carry on with the evil it was up to before Fergus' trip down the escalator of doom.
    Rick Wilson especially.
    I have backed off of bagging on them a little since Susie Madrak told me they have pledged to work against senate Republicans for at least two cycles.
    They do make good ads, but I don't trust them as far as I could spit a rat.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  105. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:40 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver registered as a foreign agent of Russia last year.

    11:18 PM



    Remember when Barack was accused of paling around with terrorists? Well look like the donald was paling around with pedophiles.

  107. "Therefore, nonblacks are 3 times as likely, relative to their homicide propensity, to be killed by cops as are blacks."

    Two things. 1. So only people who committ homicides are at risk of being shot? Everyone else can rest easy? 2. What are these folks doing to get shot? Maybe if they just comply they wouldn't get shot.

  108. "Why are Blacks attacking cops?"

    To stay alive. Several cops have been caught on tape admitting to hunting Blah people. We have to assume every non-Blah cop is a negro hunter for our own safety.


  110. trump doesn't understand per capita.

  111. They can't complain about cops killing blacks and then turn around and do the same thing to the cops and expect to be taken seriously.

    They sure can. It is called justice, which they will never get from whitey as long as pig unions keep reinstating rogue pigs.

  112. drumpfuck junior says what he really feels about his dumbfuck dad in code......

    Fucking hillaryous and oh, so true.

  113. Karma and Kismet said let's give it a go
    and totally trucked the racist ho. She seemed nice....

  114. Amazing how much accuracy improves when wasicu wastey pig shoots another pig at close range, through his door.

    Pig department originally called it accidental and said officer died in the line of duty.

  115. Anonymous11:29 AM

    PilotX said...
    "trump doesn't understand per capita."

    Well, at least you have something in common.

  116. Moar wingnut vote fraud as done by wingnuts because they are special...

    3 felonies, one for each knee.

  117. "Well, at least you have something in common."

    Oh no! I have NOTHING in common with that blithering idiot. Well, maybe dating model quality women but beyond that NOTHING.

  118. Maybe stuff like this is why they get shot by police so much?

  119. Didn't see this coming did we?🙄

  120. The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification...

    1. This is racist propaganda paid for with taxpayer dollars.

    2. The negative stereotype of white people is that they like self-reliance, two parent families, science, history, working hard, objective truth, bland food, good grammar, politeness, etc.

    3. What does this say about black culture? Are the millions of successful black people 'acting white'? How does attacking these kind of values advance America?

  121. Anonymous12:27 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Well, at least you have something in common."

    Oh no! I have NOTHING in common with that blithering idiot. Well, maybe dating model quality women but beyond that NOTHING.

    You're probably right. Trump actually does understand per capita, he just realizes most democrats don't.

  122. Anonymous12:48 PM

    "How does attacking these kind of values advance America?"

    It doesn't. "Whiteness" keeps America afloat:

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:07 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    You're probably right. Trump actually does understand per capita, he just realizes most democrats don't.

    12:27 PM
    You have got to be joking! Trump understand per capita??? With his limited cognitive ability, he doesn't know that 2 plus 2 equals 4.

  124. "It doesn't. "Whiteness" keeps America afloat"

    Yeah, like a turd in a punch bowl.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  125. Happy infrastructure week.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  126. Fergus may believe he has a lock on the boat vote, but coming from Humboldt County, I still know a lot of fisherman, and none of them will be voting for Fergus or any of his goddamn Republicans.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  127. The Fishermen4:11 PM

    That's what we tell all the lunatics who come down to docks screaming "Orange Man Bad!"


    Trump 2020!

  128. Ivanka: This creep just kissed my daddy's ass, so buy his beans! What? Ethics rules say "An employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office to endorse any product, service or enterprise ... "
    Oh piffle, we break bigger laws than that before breakfast around here.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  129. Spare a thought for Jefferson Beauregard "my ears make my head look like a flesh-toned bowling trophy" Sessions III.
    He was one of Fergus' earliest and highest-profile supporters, and now, for the high crime of being insufficiently corrupt, Fergus has assisted in his (one can only hope) final downfall.
    So heads up, little Pig People, as soon as Fergus is through with you, he'll find a way to bugger you for supporting him. It's just what he does.
    Not that Tuberville is much of an upgrade, really, as his campaign attacked Sessions for "failing to stand up for his president", but the Jones campaign thinks he'll be easier to beat than the evil gnome, for a few reasons.
    It is Alabama, though, so Jones is probably fucked.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  130. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:49 PM

    The Fishermen said...

    That's what we tell all the lunatics who come down to docks screaming "Orange Man Bad!"

    Well, Fisherman, orange man is bad. He's nearly destroyed our country with his incompetence and his many mental illnesses.

  131. Whiteness created America; blackness created Haiti5:04 PM

    "It doesn't. "Whiteness" keeps America afloat"

    Yeah, like a turd in a punch bowl.

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

    from a speech by Martin Luther King.

  132. Fergus told the hospital systems to stop sending their covid data to the CDC and instead send it to a newly established database run by HHS.

    What that data will look like after they have had their way with it is a matter of concern for all of the scientists working to contain the virus' spread.

    So he just ripped another important chunk out of the government's response to the pandemic and shat on it because he thinks it makes him look bad.

    Uh, Ferg? The thing that makes you look bad isn't the CDC, it's the fact that you are bad.

    So if you don't want to look like you suck, don't launch yet another corrupt and destructive PR campaign using important parts of the fucking government, just stop sucking.

    A simple solution that will never happen.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  133. Hospitals can start sending two sets of data, although I don't think drumpf has that right to order them around.

    drumpf body count reached a new milestone today and will reach another early this evening....

    Coronavirus Cases:

  134. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

    Very well illustrated by the sincerely ignorant shit you post, although I'd have to characterize it as more annoying than dangerous, as the poor fuckers who are stupid enough to be influenced by such bullshit are already lost causes and won't be damaged by it any more than any of the others in the mountain of lies they consume.

    Kind of like any one single heroin dealer isn't as responsible for the opioid crisis as the goddamn drug companies who make billions off of pushing the legal stuff.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    This little bald fuck.

  136. 2. The negative stereotype of white people is that they like self-reliance, two parent families, science, history, working hard, objective truth, bland food, good grammar, politeness, etc.

    When disaster strikes inbred trailer trash parks, Toofuss and Doofuss sit on their asses waiting for more welfare while watching Fake Noize tell them over and over they are the real victims, after the super rich of course.

    Fake Noize tells them to have patience and anytime they should get a card from Ronnie Raygun hisownself, explaining why all that trickle down shit went to the wealthy because they led exemplary lives where they happened to be born into wealth. And you faithful wingnut stooges can be born that way, too.

    A hundred, 2 hundred years from now T and D will still be sitting and waiting, as cockroach chewed on mummys.

  137. "You're probably right. Trump actually does understand per capita, he just realizes most democrats don't."

    Uh, ok. Sure thing kid. One thing's for sure, he doesn't understand business. 7 bankrupcies? I have 0.

  138. Speaking of sincere ignorance, Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt has tested positive for corona virus. (h/t:Crooks and Liars)

    Appearing on Fox News before Trump's Tulsa rally, Stitt said this:

    "My response to those folks, the naysayers, is ‘When is the right time?’ The coronavirus is in the United States, it’s in Oklahoma, we have to take precautions, but we have the freedoms to stay at home. You have the freedoms to come to this rally."

    "We just believe in freedoms in Oklahoma. If you want to wear a mask, we want you to do it. If you feel safer at home, we don’t want you to come to that rally, but if you do feel OK, we want you to come to the rally and have a good time. We’re going to be very safe."

    He went. He got infected.

    He said he does not second-guess his personal choices not to wear a mask despite testing positive.

    Republicans are too stupid to live, and without us to keep them alive, there would be no more of them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  139. "2. The negative stereotype of white people is that they like self-reliance, two parent families, science, history, working hard, objective truth, bland food, good grammar, politeness, etc."

    The bland food I'll give you but science, history and objective truth??????? GTFOH

  140. Another stellar reason stoopid fucking wingnuts want all fetii brought to term.... so Hucksterbee can scam their parents and make mucho dinero doing it.

  141. PilotX said...
    "The bland food I'll give you but science, history and objective truth??????? GTFOH"

    You are going to argue with the National Museum of African American History and Culture?

    Sorry bro, go get yourself a PhD in African American Studies and then maybe I'll listen to your opinion.

  142. Productive Tax Payer6:12 PM

    "Republicans are too stupid to live, and without us to keep them alive, there would be no more of them."

    Without unemployed brain-damaged lunatics? GTFOH!

  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:50 PM

    Interesting article on The Daily Beast today.

    People Also Refused to Wear Masks in 1918—and 675,000 Died

  144. Anonymous7:13 PM

    "You are going to argue with the National Museum of African American History and Culture?"

    I am if the current stereotype of whites is that they somehow have a belief in science, history and objective truth. Most of them watch Fox News, distrust science and have no connection to anything close to objective truth. Sorry sis, facts just point in the opposite direction.

  145. Anonymous7:23 PM

    "You are going to argue with the National Museum of African American History and Culture?"

    I think you are misconstruing the idealized stereotype of the dominant culture and the purpose of the image. Not everything in American culture is bad per se but not all ethnicities and social structures fit the ideal American stereotypical norm. For example, "English is king" doesn't necessarily mean that anything else is inferior just that since there is no official American language others are spoken and people like that Karen that got fired somehow think everyone should speak English even when it's not a requirement to be an American. Maybe if you actually went to the museum and gained an understanding of what that particular display was communicating you would gain insight into other cultures and ethnicities if that's something you see as beneficial.

  146. What you all have been waiting for, a new body count milestone...


    Only 84k to reach latest projection of 224k dead by Nov 1. Come on wingnuts and keep scoffing at mask wearers.

  147. When will this mightmare end?


  149. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:59 PM

    Here's a great article from today's Alternet that lays it all out on Trump

    The Coronavirus is the crowning achievement of the Trump death cult

  150. "Maybe if you actually went to the museum and gained an understanding of what that particular display was communicating you would gain insight into other cultures and ethnicities if that's something you see as beneficial."

    Maybe if you had a PhD in African American Studies like many of the people at the National Museum of African American History and Culture your opinion would have some validity. I prefer to stick with the scientific experts who know what Whiteness is.

    I've been to the museum many times and I trust what they say when it comes to White Culture.

  151. Anonymous11:07 PM

    "Maybe if you had a PhD in African American Studies like many of the people at the National Museum of African American History and Culture your opinion would have some validity. I prefer to stick with the scientific experts who know what Whiteness is."

    Um, ok. You did see where I suggested you go and interact with the people who created the display? Nice talking to ya kid.

  152. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Methinks things aren't going so well on the trump campaign. Of course it can't be his fault his poll numbers are tanking. I know I know, fake news.

  153. "Without unemployed brain-damaged lunatics? GTFOH!"

    I wear a mask and don't attend Fergus covid rallies while making anti-mask policies for a state with an exploding pandemic, so that's Mister unemployed brain-damaged lunatic to you little Piggie.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  154. So Fergus, you know it's illegal to sell beans out of the oval office, right?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  155. "So Fergus, you know it's illegal to sell beans out of the oval office, right?"

    They don't care nor do his followers. It's sad that many people don't care that the most powerful office on the planet has been reduced to hawking pillows and groceries.

  156. The moar things change......

    Just like before. Just like always.

  157. "Just like before. Just like always."

    Fake news, trump is the best president for Blah people ever. No way he would allow that.😆


    Millions more jobs lost under trump. Best president ever.

  159. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:19 AM

    So Mike, what else if new? Black people face discrimination most everywhere most of the time. I know this from personal experience. This really has to stop. We have to keep working on this and exposing it


    At least it's a start.

  161. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:45 AM

    Field, I don't know it you have seen this article, but I'm passing the address to you because you live in Philadelphia. Have a wonderful day.

  162. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Biden's plan to run on the Burn, Loot and Murder platform is a certain winner.

  163. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Our New Religion of Race:

  164. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:08 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Biden's plan to run on the Burn, Loot and Murder platform is a certain winner.

    12:00 PM
    You are confused; that's Trump's platform against Biden. But if the polls are anywhere near correct, the voter aren't buying it.


    That was a total waste of about five paragraphs read.

  166. Two pigs, one black, beat the ever loving bejesus out of a small, white homeless man on a subway and then the poor sucker gets charged with felony assault.

    He also has his head slammed into a wall, pepper sprayed several times and around the 3:40 mark it sounds like an arm snaps as his handcuffed hands are jerked hard behind him.

    disturbing video.

  167. Michigan wasicu wastey shot his roommate several times over an argument about covid shutdown or some other important topic of the day. Gets a murder charge.


    Didn't see this coming.🙄

  169. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "Two pigs, one black, beat the ever loving bejesus out of a small, white homeless man on a subway and then the poor sucker gets charged with felony assault."

    He deserved it for being white. Only Black Lives Matter.


  171. "Only Black Lives Matter."

    That would be a first in over 400 years. Only 399 to go.

  172. Anonymous3:54 PM

    The black lives matter riot on the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday with police was horrific. Video of baseball bats being handed out to rioters before the event. Baseball bats that were then used to attack police officers.

    They're domestic terrorists.

  173. Baseball bats are ineffective against rubber coated steel bullets, but would be quite amusing to see you go fuck yourself with.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  174. Asheville, NC, approves reparations for black residents. Apparently the reparations will not be in the form of individual payments, but will instead take the form of attempts at building generational wealth, that has long been suppressed in black populations by exclusionary laws.

    Councilwoman Sheneika Smith, who is Black, said the council had gotten emails from those "asking, 'Why should we pay for what happened during slavery?'"

    "(Slavery) is this institution that serves as the starting point for the building of the strong economic floor for white America, while attempting to keep Blacks subordinate forever to its progress," Smith said.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  175. Anonymous4:40 PM

    "(Slavery) is this institution that serves as the starting point for the building of the strong economic floor for white America"

    LOL. Look around. How much of what is America today was around in 1860?

    The economy of the slave states was a small fraction of the free states. That's why they lost when they tried to secede.

  176. Fergus: My campaign is eating shit with a shovel... I know! I'll borrow a different shovel from Chris Christie! That'll work for sure!

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  177. He deserved it for being white. Only Black Lives Matter.

    Snowflake wasn't murdered, although it appeared he might be with all the pigs around in a feeding frenzy.

  178. Two moar drumpf body count milestones well within reach by tomorrow at the latest...

    Coronavirus Cases:

    3.7 million cases and 141k deaths due to be hit this evening. No doubt drumpf is the bestest body counter ever. And to think this was all a hoax to make drumpf look worse than we already knew he was. We all knew, except for the stoopid fuckers with their heads up drumpf's orange ass living in an alternate reality.

  179. Right wing activist judges just put the kibosh on a million Florida ex-felons and now they aren't allowed to vote because the state says they owe fines, a poll tax as it were, before they can vote.

    Problem is, and the state tried its best to hide this from the world, the state has no idea who owes what if anything, because they didn't keep records.

  180. Fergus' spokesmodel: "The science should not stand in the way of this."

    Republicans are too stupid to survive, we should not let them take us down with them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  181. Anonymous6:38 PM

    There is no "the science". There are opinions based on science, not all of which are in complete agreement.

  182. Anonymous7:22 PM

    The bland food I'll give you but science, history and objective truth??????? GTFOH

    Europeans invented science.  Specifically, northwestern Christian Europeans.  The Greeks had an aversion to working with their hands.  China and India were opposed to freedom of debate.  Africa?  If you Africans even had written language, it was something you got from the Arabs or the like.  You can't have either science or history without writing, though that's far from sufficient.

    And your deprecation of objective truth is just what we've come to expect from you.

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

    You've got tons of both.

  183. So close you can taste the embalming fluid of 141k drumpf bodies.


  184. "Black Power Naps Is Addressing Systemic Racism in Sleep"

    “We’re dealing with an inheritance of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation was a…deliberate tactic of slave owners to basically make the mind feeble,” he said. “That same tactic has only evolved.”

    To help resolve this chronic lack of sleep, Acosta and Sosa are calling for rest as reparations. Yes, they’re looking for an ease to the many burdens that might prevent Black people and people of color from sleeping like systemic racism, socioeconomic struggle, and more. But they’re also looking for the opportunity to rest and have leisure time — time that will allow people to dream and heal.

    Yes this is real. Sleep reparations.

  185. Anonymous8:39 PM

    "Yes this is real. Sleep reparations."

    When CNN got writer Blake Neff of their archrival, the Tucker Carlson show, cancelled, the third comment by Neff they highlighted was:

    "Honestly given how tired black people always claim to be, maybe the real crisis is their lack of sleep.”

  186. From the "I won't believe it until it's buggering me, and even then only if I don't like it" file:

    Game Show Host Announces Son Tested Positive

    July 16, 2020 at 1:21 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 195 Comments

    “Former game show host Chuck Woolery announced his son has tested positive for COVID-19, just days after Woolery accused medical professionals and Democrats of lying about the virus in an effort to hurt the economy and President Trump’s reelection chances,” The Hill reports.

    “Woolery has since deleted his Twitter account following the announcement about his son.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  187. Cong rats to team drumpf body count, you did it.....


    Another deadly milestone of deadlier than the deadest bodies.

  188. drumpf's Goya beans sure work a blow, everytime he ejaculates words of dum dumb.

  189. Hospitalization data has been taken down from the CDC website, their attempt at stuffing it down the memory hole.
    What they haven't considered is that each of those hospitalizations is a human being, with family and friends who will not, in fact, forget.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  190. Specific protesters are being disappeared off of the streets of Portland by unidentified pigs in minivans wearing military camo.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  191. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "Councilwoman Sheneika Smith, who is Black"

    No way! LMAO!

  192. Dipshit News Network10:24 PM

    "Specific protesters are being disappeared off of the streets of Portland by unidentified pigs in minivans wearing military camo."

    Oooooooooh! Shcary!

  193. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Say, whose been messin' with my Sheneika?

  194. Anonymous1:11 AM

    "Specific protesters are being disappeared off of the streets of Portland by unidentified pigs in minivans wearing military camo."

    Finally, a good use of my tax money.

  195. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:58 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Specific protesters are being disappeared off of the streets of Portland by unidentified pigs in minivans wearing military camo."

    Finally, a good use of my tax money.

    1:11 AM
    That's all well and good until the disappeared one is you. Remember the song from the 70's "When the someone else is me, it's unkind."

  196. Anonymous8:07 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!!

  197. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:29 PM

    BIDEN 2020

    TRUMP 2020 in toilet
    TRUMP 2021 flushed down

    BIDEN 2021 President

  198. Anonymous7:28 PM

    BIDEN 2021 President

    1:29 PM were so wrong last time you cannot see it coming......
