Wednesday, July 08, 2020

A field Negro experiment.

I don't have a long post tonight, but as I do from time to time, I would like to conduct a little social experiment featuring a couple of videos that were recently in the news.

Please tell me your thoughts about this video and the interplay between these random strangers of opposite races in the state of Michigan.

And then tell me your thoughts on this one as well which happened in Old City, Philadelphia.

Again, random strangers of different races.

Thanks for your contribution, and stay safe in these divided states of America. 


  1. Aside from the whole "I'm a white shithead who doesn't need to have any social skills because I have a gun" pathology, which has been going on for as long as there have been white people and guns, both of these videos illustrate why it is that I have never carried guns around in the city: It's far too easy for something to come up that will make you wish the fuck you had left it at home.
    I lived in Oakland for 35 years, in all of the poorest neighborhoods, and never once carried a gun, or wished I had been carrying one.
    In fact, there were two or three times when I would have been either dead or in prison had I been doing so.
    My dad had gun racks in every pickup he ever owned, but having your rifle and shotgun with you out in the boonies is a much different thing than having a goddamn handgun in your pocket in the city, which can only really come to two things: nothing at all, or assault with a deadly weapon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. The first woman had training because she didn't have her finger on the trigger and seems to be at least trying to sort of get out of the situation but the second guy was looking for a fight. This will get interesting because there are also Blah folks who are concealed carriers. I personally don't know how I would feel if I had a gun pointed at me but I do have every right to defend myself soooooooooooo. This can go badly for lots of people if this shit keeps up. As an attorney what's your opinion?

  3. Black Privilege Matters1:16 AM

    Both are examples of Negro Fatigue.

    America is sick of negro bullshit. Y'all better dial it down

  4. Feebo2:09 AM

    I feel like rowing in a slave galley is the kind of job that grows on you rather than starts off great and tapers off.

  5. It's possible that certain low-information gun people don't actually know that brandishing is illegal. I can hardly believe that you never hear about right-wing nut jobs fighting to make it legal. It does seem like a gip. You buy a gun. Not only is it illegal to kill guys, (which totally sucks.) But fer Crissakes, you can't even point it at anybody? After all, that's the beauty of gun ownership. Point it at guys and they have to do everything you say! lolz

    One similarity. In both cases, a black person is demanding consideration from a racist white person. But the white person is too stuck up to apologize or back down.

    The first case has an interesting element. I always thought that it was fair play to rap on some turdiehead's car. If some sunuvabitch drives right in front of me nearly hitting me, I have in the past neatly rapped their trunk or fender as they drove by.

    Amazingly, the little Barbie dolls seem to think that this is an attack on their person and generally come to a screeching halt and jump out screaming. I have learned that most people don't take this well, so I confine myself to cursing them out at the top of my lungs.

    The first white bitch refused to offer a simple apology for a simple social slight. What would it have cost her to just say, "Gee, I'm sorry?" "I didn't see you. I didn't mean to bump into you hard enough to knock you over while I stepped on your foot!"

    She had to jump into her car and attempt to drive away. So the mother won't stand for this and gets a bit aggressive. Sorry Charlie, pointing your gun at people is still against the law.

    The other confrontation seems much more serious. White people that watch FOX and listen to talk radio are all on high alert about the damn masks. They feel that it is their patriotic duty to resist the wearing of masks and will not back down from a fight. The idiot who levelled a pistol at the biker has some explaining to do in court.

    But it's the comments that are the most telling. We don't know exactly what was said leading up to the confrontation. But the commentariat is happy to inform us that the bicyclist was swinging a heavy bike lock on a chain whilst at the same time growling threats to the bar patrons. Apparently it is well known that violent Black Lives Matter protestors are quite fond of this weapon combo. The seemingly innocent bike lock becomes a cross between nun-chucks and a dangerous sling. Only problem with this craziness is that guys with the heavy D-shaped locks don't use them with chains. That would defeat the purpose of the heavy lock, because the chain can still be cut with bolt cutters.

    Right-wingers are out for blood on this issue. Logic is out the window. But why couldn't the patrons simply say, "Shit, we're sorry. We were just having fun with our friends. Lemme see if we can find some masks. Oh no! That would be too easy.

  6. Anonymous4:00 AM

    My thought is that neither video shows what happened leading up to the altercations. So it all comes down to whether there were other witnesses.

    If no other credible witnesses were present, they can just tell a convincing story about the menacing nature of the black people, which then legally justified pointing a pistol at them.

  7. Anonymous9:04 AM

    A good day in Chiraq
    Only 9 shot Wednesday in Chicago
    A 7-month-old boy was riding in a vehicle with two family members about 10 p.m. in the 1100 block of South Albany Avenue when a black SUV pulled up alongside and someone inside opened fire at a group standing on the corner.

  8. Transcripts of George Floyd's murder video reveal he told the pigs 20 times he couldn't breathe.

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:00 AM

    From marketwatch today.....

    Here's an interesting article with small hopeful some small hopeful signs.

    Venture funding remains elusive for Black tech entrepreneurs
    Published: July 9, 2020 at 7:32 a.m. ET

  10. Whole Breonna Taylor murder case stinks like pig pens.

  11. Today we should find out how far the Spotus is willing to twist laws into knots to protect their leader drumpf from having his taxes and financial dealings investigated for criminal activities.

  12. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:28 AM

    Black Privilege Matters said...

    Both are examples of Negro Fatigue

    You are in the minority; Most Americans support BLM.

  13. Well blow me down.....

    drumpf can't block release of financial records. Whatz up with that?

  14. This is not going to be a popular opinion but, to me, both videos demonstrate a saying I’ve heard all my life. That being “If you don’t start nothing, there won’t be nothing”. The mother in the first video was overreacting about the bump into her daughter, which led to following and demanding an apology, initiating an argument with the wrong one that day ─ a gun toting nut. There’s plenty of folks on the edge out there, on the verge of snapping. Always has been. Always will be. You don’t know who you’re messing with, so don’t mess with anyone. Shake it off, keep going. Same with the kid in the second video. He was feeling himself, got off his bike, began accosting those people about distancing. It was none of his business and, again, ran across the wrong one.

  15. Anonymous10:37 AM

    “drumpf can't block release of financial records. Whatz up with that?”

    Trump is going to break Twitter with his rage-tweeting today.

  16. Good news. There were 2 decisions, neither favored drumpf. Manhattan District court subpoenas upheld and Congressional subpoenas upheld. Gosuck and Kavernmouth sided with the majority against drumpf in one decision.

  17. Wingnut world has stopoped turning as Snowgrift Snookie Palin and her cumbersome albatross hubby Tawd are officially divorced. *actually official 4 months ago) So much for the family that grifts together stays together.

    Wasicu wasteys are free to whack off and fantasize about her skanky free ass, now.

  18. It's a small world1:14 PM

    Convicted terrorist, Susan Rosenberg, sits on the Board of Directors for the fundraising arm of Black Lives Matter. She was convicted for the 1983 bombing of the United States Capitol Building, the U.S. Naval War College and the New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association.

    The reason she's not still in jail is that Bill Clinton commuted her sentence on his last day in office.

  19. "It was none of his business and, again, ran across the wrong one."

    Ok, but keep in mind that goes both ways. If I encounter Costco Ken it's on.😂

  20. Anonymous1:48 PM

    You are in the minority; Most Americans support BLM.

    10:28 AM


  21. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Deluded, old gas bag says...

    "You are in the minority; Most Americans support BLM."

    You always demand a source for any claim contrary to your opinion. Well, where's the the source that supports your idiotic statement. No huffpo or slate please.

    Trump will be reelected because of blm and antifa. Why? All the Burning, Looting and Murder. Just my opinion.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:52 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "You always demand a source for any claim contrary to your opinion. Well, where's the the source that supports your idiotic statement. No huffpo or slate please."
    Here are three of them, Anon. There are more. If you want to see them, Google "support for BLM."

  23. Granny NPC2:53 PM

    "Just my opinion"


  24. Anonymous3:05 PM

    "Gosuck and Kavernmouth sided with the majority against drumpf in one decision."

    Well, maybe they base their decisions on their interpretations of the Law.

    You never have to wonder how the four liberal Supreme Court Justices will vote. No need to wonder if one will be swayed by the particular merits of the case or influenced by the arguments set before them. Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer and Ginsburg always vote lockstep for their 'side'.

  25. Enemy of the People:

  26. Anonymous3:21 PM

    New York Paints BLM Outside Trump Tower While Ignoring City Implosion

  27. The ruling wasn't good because they held back Fergus' tax returns from congress, meaning we the people won't get to see them before the election.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. You never have to wonder how the four liberal Supreme Court Justices will vote

    Two libs voted this week to allow religious schools the right to take away all teacher's rights when it comes to discrination of any kind.

  29. drumpf body count so far today...


    Die, people, die. dumbass dubya and stoopid fucking wingnuts allowed one large funeral home company to acquire a near monopoly of buainesses.

  30. "While Ignoring City Implosion"

    No implosion. I mean unless you binge watch Fox. People who actually live in the cities Fox says are falling apart know it's not true. It's so they can ignore the 120,000+ covid deaths.

  31. Anonymous4:37 PM

    The first white bitch refused to offer a simple apology for a simple social slight. What would it have cost her to just say, "Gee, I'm sorry?"

    You reveal your prejudice by using the term "white bitch".  As for what it would cost:  it could have cost her life.  Blacks escalate to violence very quickly, so immediate disengagement is the only sensible response.

    She had to jump into her car and attempt to drive away.

    Trying to prevent people from leaving by blocking their car is unlawful imprisonment.

  32. "Blacks escalate to violence very quickly"

    Not true.

  33. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Black delusion:

    Not true.

    Black reality:

  34. Typical Niqqer Behavior4:46 PM

    Burn, Loot, Murder protester "peacefully" shoots SUV driver:

  35. Michael Cohen is back in prison after being spotted dining out instead of staying confined to his home.
    These fucks just don't believe the law applies to them.

    Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Anonymous5:20 PM

    "Michael Cohen is back in prison after being spotted dining out instead of staying confined to his home.
    These fucks just don't believe the law applies to them."

    People associated with Trump are also, as a general rule, not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

    Stupid administration is as stupid administration does.

  37. Burn, Loot, Murder6:09 PM

    Saturday night's fatal shooting of Secoriea Turner, 8, prompted a $10,000 reward for information as authorities searched for at least two people who opened fire on the car she was riding in near a flashpoint of recent protests.

    “She was only 8 years old,” said her mother, Charmaine Turner. “She would have been on Tik Tok dancing on her phone, just got done eating. We understand the frustration of Rayshard Brooks. We didn’t have anything to do with that. We’re innocent. My baby didn’t mean no harm.”

    The girl just wanted to get home to see her cousins, said her father, Secoriya Williamson.

    “They say Black lives matter,” he said. “You killed your own.”

  38. "Black reality"

    So uh, when whites kill other whites is that chalked up to white reality? I happen to be Black so I can absolutely without hesitation inform you that because of my skin color I am no more prone to violence than you. Further, there are many aspects to Black life than what you are portraying. If you're going to post Chicago crime stats why not Chicago graduation stats? Why not college acceptance stats? Why not birth notices? To focus on one small segment of society is silly. And if we're so concerned about people dying why are we ignoring covid deaths? In a matter of a few months more Americans have died than over 100 years of Chicago gun deaths. I mean I get that you don't like us but if you're gonna stalk us and put us under a microscope at least report on more than one topic.

  39. Shep Smith has a new job at CNBC. Be good to get his voice out there excoriating stoopid fucking drumpf and stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys in general again.

  40. What would it look like it we reduced white Americans to opioid overdose stories and statistics? I mean it would be a waste of time and kind of creepy to post negative story after negative story about one topic every day. Even more silly if I disliked white people but I guess some people don't mind silliness.


  42. The first woman in history has earned her green beret.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Typical Niqqer Behavior7:36 PM

    Police have released surveillance footage showing a suspect stab another man for allegedly staring at him inside a Downtown Brooklyn bodega.

    The attack occurred last Monday night at about 11:30 p.m. inside Metro Finest Deli on Schermerhorn Street near Bond Street, cops said.

    The still-at-large male suspect was captured on video stabbing the victim several times near the store’s front counter.

  44. Typical Dumb assed white beliefs7:57 PM‘black-white-crime

  45. The newest Emmett Till8:03 PM

    12-year-old boy charged for attempted rape in Queens

    A 12-year-old boy was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly attempting to rape a woman in Queens, cops said.

    The boy, whose identity has not been released due to his age, has been accused following a 37-year-old woman into her Ridgewood building at Gates and Cypress Avenues around 8 a.m. Monday.

    Once inside, the boy allegedly shoved the victim to the floor and attempted to remove her clothing. But the woman fought back and the pre-teen ran out of the building, according to police.

    The kid has been charged with robbery, assault, burglary, sex abuse, menacing and criminal possession of a weapon.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:13 PM

    Armed Black Militia Marches Through Stone Mountain Park Calling for Removal of Nation’s Largest Confederate Monument

  47. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I happen to be Black so I can absolutely without hesitation inform you that because of my skin color I am no more prone to violence than you.

    Not individually, but statistically you are about 10x as prone to violence as I am.  And no, not because of your skin color; there are Dravidians as dark as you who are very peaceful.  It's because you're Bantu.

    If you're going to post Chicago crime stats why not Chicago graduation stats?

    Graduation statistics don't threaten me with harm.

  48. Anonymous9:14 PM

  49. Anonymous9:15 PM

    CNN, NYT and the Hill are not legitimate sources. Sorry Granny. I'll be looking for your rants when Trump wins in November.

  50. Anonymous9:16 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    The first woman in history has earned her green beret.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    7:22 PM


  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:22 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Graduation statistics don't threaten me with harm.

    8:36 PM
    Of the 10,310,960 crimes committed in 2018: 7,115, 940 were committed by whites and 2,826,480 crimes were committed by Blacks. Whites commit more than twice as many crimes as Blacks, so why are you not threatened by white people? Or are you?

  52. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:29 PM

    Anonymous said...

    CNN, NYT and the Hill are not legitimate sources. Sorry Granny. I'll be looking for your rants when Trump wins in November.

    9:15 PM
    LOL ROTF!!!
    So no source other than some right-wing, nut rag is a reliable source? Sorry, son, but you live in an alternate non-reality from us sane folks.

    So you believe Trump will win in November and the polls showing him losing in all the swing states is fake news? Maybe a hoax? We'll both find our in November.

  53. Anonymous9:35 PM

    "CNN, NYT and the Hill are not legitimate sources."

    So what are legitimate sources?

  54. Anonymous9:39 PM

    "Graduation statistics don't threaten me with harm."

    Sooooooooo 1. Do you live in Chicago? 2. How is posting crime stats making you safer? And 3. most crime is intra-racial so as Gambler pointed out you are at least 4X more likely to be assaulted by a fellow white person. Your response doesn't pass the logic test.

  55. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I remember when all the polls showed Hillary winning in a landslide, do you?

    Confirm your bias all you want, it won't change the reality. Just don't cry election night. Also (and more importantly) don't Burn, Loot and Murder.

  56. Anonymous9:43 PM

    "Not individually, but statistically you are about 10x as prone to violence as I am."

    Nah, I know you like to make up stats. Fake news. You're more likely to be attacked by a white person than a Blah person. Look in the mirror.

  57. Anonymous9:49 PM

    4 decades of 100% college acceptance of their graduates. Chicago Black excellence!

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:56 PM

    Anonymous said when replying to PilotX

    Not individually, but statistically you are about 10x as prone to violence as I am. And no, not because of your skin color; there are Dravidians as dark as you who are very peaceful. It's because you're Bantu.

    8:36 PM
    Obviously you do not understand statistics or the randomness of the universe. It may be that Bantu people are more prone to violence than other black people, but even if that is true, that doesn't predict or prove that any particular Bantu is violent. The propensity to violence is learned behavior in one's culture. It does not reside one's genes.

  59. It may be that Bantu people are more prone to violence than other black people, but even if that is true, that doesn't predict or prove that any particular Bantu is violent."

    Granny is being chased by some evil MAGA hat-wearing rednecks. She can escape by running through either of two fields, one holding 5 Golden Retrievers and the other 5 Pit Bulls.

    Which field do you choose Granny? Do you hypothesize about which pack of dogs may have learned violent behavior, or do you make a choice based on what you know about genetics?

  60. Anonymous10:15 PM

    "Which field do you choose Granny?"

    Boy, that's some very stupid logic. Stick to posting Chicago statistics because hypothetical analogies are a bit too advanced for you sister.

  61. Anonymous10:34 PM

  62. Clown World10:50 PM

    Mayor Bill de Blasio tells Wolf Blitzer that he is banning all large gatherings in New York City except for Black Lives Matter protests.

  63. Anonymous10:58 PM

    It's a small world said...
    Convicted terrorist, Susan Rosenberg, sits on the Board of Directors for the fundraising arm of Black Lives Matter. She was convicted for the 1983 bombing of the United States Capitol Building, the U.S. Naval War College and the New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association.

    The reason she's not still in jail is that Bill Clinton commuted her sentence on his last day in office.

    Odd that a Jewish female communist is running BLM.

  64. Anonymous11:03 PM

    "You never have to wonder how the four liberal Supreme Court Justices will vote. No need to wonder if one will be swayed by the particular merits of the case or influenced by the arguments set before them. Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer and Ginsburg always vote lockstep for their 'side'."

    If the Supreme Court functioned like it was supposed to, every decision would be 9-0 with maybe a couple of 8-1s here and there.

    How can anyone even pretend that Supreme Court decisions are based on objective principles when 3 or 4 of the top legal scholars in the country (because that's what SC Justices are supposed to be) disagree with almost every decision?

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:13 PM

    Gomez said...

    Which field do you choose Granny? Do you hypothesize about which pack of dogs may have learned violent behavior, or do you make a choice based on what you know about genetics?

    10:06 PM
    False analogy, Gomez. And BYW, Fuck you!

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I remember when all the polls showed Hillary winning in a landslide, do you?

    9:42 PM
    No, I don't remember that at all. I recall that early in the race, Hillary had a four or five-point lead in several swing states. However, I do remember that a couple of weeks before the 2016 election, the polls showed a very tight race. Then Comey came out with the email thing and the race tightened even more.

    I think you have faulty memories.

  67. "earned?????"

    Yes. What, you think they just pass them out?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. So Michael Cohen had been making noises about having something to say about the upcoming supreme court rulings, so it makes more sense now that they decided to throw him back in the clink.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:02 AM

    Today was a really bad day for Donald Trump. The supreme Court let him know that he is not a king. LOL!! Fabulous!!

  70. Even his two hand picked assholes ruled against him. I guess they realize that they'll be there long after he's not around anymore.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  71. Anonymous1:18 AM

    "Odd that a Jewish female communist is running BLM."

    You said she was on the board of directors right? You do know how boards run right? And good for her. If you haven't noticed BLM is kinda diverse no? Not everyone is a racist like you.

  72. Anonymous2:42 AM

    trump and Tucker, ha who names their kid Tucker, love to disparage people who gave up their freedom and body parts for their country while not serving one minute in the military. Fake patriots. No wonder the chicken hawks love these guys.

  73. Tucker sounds like hemorrhoid relief pads. "For fast relief, try Tucker's"

  74. Anonymous3:39 AM

    “I remember when all the polls showed Hillary winning in a landslide, do you?”

    I don’t.

    I remember the polls predicting she’d win the popular vote by a small margin. Which she did. And in a properly democratic country, that would’ve made her president, but, of course, not in the good old US of A.

    I also remember certain newspaper journalists making wild predictions that suggested Trump had no shot, but by the fall of 2016, that was a matter of them engaging in motivated reasoning. It had nothing to do with the polls being dramatically wrong.

  75. I remember all of the hand-wringing when the occupy guys staged a rally at Tucker Carlson's house. Apparently they desecrated his driveway and damaged a gate. His poor wife was scared to death inside the house. All of this nonsense about Antifa and domestic terrorism.

    For a lying piece-of-shit racist fucking provocateur like Carlson? If you could watch a reel of his greatest hits you would no doubt see just about everything that is wrong with the alt-right media. He's a fucking demon. He should be in prison or exiled. His ideas, while not original, are among the most dangerous and subversive, harmful tracts ever handed to an unsuspecting group of American people. He should be vilified and shunned. It's not okay to just go on telling these types of lies to the American people. This is not a first amendment issue. It's fomenting right-wing hatred and falsehoods.

  76. Anonymous5:13 AM

    The US is not a democracy. Failed Civics much?

  77. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Marxists at work: City of Seattle to workers: undo your whiteness.

  78. Anonymous8:55 AM


  79. drumpfuck's troubling pardons, most involve campaign donors for some inexplicasble reason.

  80. You got a "bad" wasicu wastey bitch with a gun, where is the "good" Black woman with a gun to settle her hash?

    Two biggest problems facing America today are too many wasicu wasteys and too many guns.

  81. Moar wingnut voter fraud....

    If this was a Democrat committing fraud, the total number of ballots tampered with would be in the millions according to losers like drumpf and stoopid fucking wingnuts.


    Copy of the cognitive test drumpf claims he aced at Walter Reed last year. A lower rung grade schooler could ace this puppy.

  83. Anonymous10:47 AM

    BLM Violently Attacks Praying Catholics at St. Louis Statue Protest in Missouri, Witness Alleges

  84. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Two biggest problems facing America today are too many wasicu wasteys and too many guns.

    9:12 AM

    Incorrect as usual. Biggest problem are too many niggers and too many left wing marxist types.

  85. Anonymous10:51 AM

    In prep for the weekend
    2 dead, 7 wounded in Chicago shootings Thursday

    One man was killed Thursday night in Hermosa, while another was fatally shot that afternoon in Austin.
    By Sun-Times Wire Jul 10, 2020, 5:13am CDT

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:57 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    8:55 AM
    Of course all lives matter. The police in American kill too many people both black and white.

    Not just “a few bad apples”: U.S. police kill civilians at much higher rates than other countries.

    Per capita (1,000.000 population)
    United states 33.5
    Canada 9.8
    Australia 8.5
    New Zealand 2.0

    Why don't you start am organization to reduce police killings in the United States?

  87. Two biggest problems facing America today are too many wasicu wasteys and too many guns.

    Always spot on with the truth as it is spoken by men, not stoopid fucking wasicu wastey racist wingnuts.

  88. "In prep for the weekend
    2 dead, 7 wounded in Chicago shootings Thursday"

    Why is this the only news you post about Chicago? Can't find anything else?

  89. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:11 AM

    Anonymous said...

    The US is not a democracy. Failed Civics much?

    5:13 AM
    The United States is a democratic republic and is considered a democracy by nearly every person on the planet except a few nut jobs who deny it. You are the one who failed civics.


  90. Anonymous said...
    BLM Violently Attacks Praying Catholics at St. Louis Statue Protest in Missouri, Witness Alleges

    Should have dropped one more spot on list and got an actual, factual report of what did happen,

    There were more Proud Boys and white scumacyst bikers at the brouhaha that BLM protesters.


    Ha! WH press secretary hasn't read the book but says it's full of lies. So in trump world just yell "fake news" and everything just goes away.

  92. "Biggest problem are too many niggers and too many left wing marxist types."

    Wrong again, biggest problem is ignorant uneducated yAhoos like yourself. Go get a job and an education.

  93. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:18 AM

    PilotX said.....

    Why is this the only news you post about Chicago? Can't find anything else?

    Pilot, I think they are trying to cast scorn on Obama by constantly demeaning Chicago because he lived there before becoming president. There are more than seven other U.S. cities that have higher homicide rates than Chicago, but Since Obama humiliated Trump, his followers are compelled to trash Obama in every possible way.

  94. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The animating principle of Black Lives Matter is not justice but coercion, and not just coercion, but the sadistic pleasure of inflicting pain, injury, and humiliation in the process of extracting money and power.

  95. PilotX, stoopid bitch McEnema also claimed a book that existed, the new one about drumpf, was fictitious, which means it doesn't exist.

    Wingnuts are not the sharpest dull knives in anyone's drawers.

    drumpf personal body count, and still rising .....


  96. "Pilot, I think they are trying to cast scorn on Obama by constantly demeaning Chicago because he lived there before becoming president."

    trump also got run out of town like a coward back in 2016 and hadn't had the guts to return.😂

  97. 80 year old white man beaten into a coma in a gas station restroom by two blacks.

  98. Anonymous12:28 PM

    "trump also got run out of town like a coward back in 2016"

    Why is it only the left that violently protests the mere presence of the political opposition?

    Obama was never run out of any conservative enclave he campaigned in.


  100. "Why is it only the left that violently protests the mere presence of the political opposition?"

    Nope. It was Chicago residents exercising their first amendment rights, or are those only for the conservative persuasion? trump is the one who can't stand any dissent. Nice attempt to spin the situation but I'm not falling for the banana in the tailpipe.

  101. "Why is it only the left that violently protests the mere presence of the political opposition?"

    I guess you conveniently forget the Michigan protests, the Brooks Brothers protests in Florida, the TEA party that opposed Barack, ect. And hell, some even carried firearms. "Jews will not replace us" Carry on ma'am.

  102. Trump's Tax Returns and impeachment trial2:00 PM

    "Please tell me your thoughts about..."

    Neuropeons behaving like the savage barbarians they are.

  103. How did drumpf get run out of town he wasn't in? Wingnut logic or magic, perhaps?

  104. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Low IQ Affirmative Action Pilot said...
    "I guess you conveniently forget the Michigan protests, the Brooks Brothers protests in Florida, the TEA party that opposed Barack, ect. And hell, some even carried firearms. "Jews will not replace us"

    None of which involved beating up opposition supporters and trashing protest areas, let alone rioting, looting, arson, assault and murder.

  105. kunt slur wasn't descibing BLM, he was explaining why wingnuts so love to rob the poor and give it all to the remaining koch bros.

  106. Chicago Roy2:14 PM

    Leftists will vote in senile Joe Biden, who will crush the last vestiges of labor and any possibility of a livable minimum wage with an insane immigration policy, so they can win more meme rulings on SCOTUS, which they would've won anyway with Roberts being the swing vote.

  107. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "wingnuts so love to rob the poor and give it all to the remaining koch bros."

    Koch brothers are anti-Trumpers. You must be a Trump supporter.

  108. "Tucker sounds like hemorrhoid relief pads. 'For fast relief, try Tucker's'"

    I strongly advise against letting Tucker anywhere near your exposed butthole.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  109. "Koch brothers are anti-Trumpers"

    😂😂😂 and you so know there's only one now right?

  110. "Leftists will vote in senile Joe Biden, who will crush the last vestiges of labor and any possibility of a livable minimum wage with an insane immigration policy, so they can win more meme rulings on SCOTUS, which they would've won anyway with Roberts being the swing vote."

    This type of stupid hysteria may work on Breitbart or wherever it is dumb conservatives flock but no one here is brain damaged enough to believe crap like this.

  111. "None of which involved beating up opposition supporters and trashing protest areas, let alone rioting, looting, arson, assault and murder."

    And none of that happened when trump came to town. Geez, you really need some education and a hobby.


    Before you name call like a ten year old you may want to check your facts sister.

  113. Anonymous3:58 PM

    "And none of that happened when trump came to town."

    2016.03.11 – Riots After Trump Chicago Rally Cancelled. Police Officer Attacked by Anti-Trump Protesters. Blocking Ambulance.

    2016.5.24 – IL: Milo Yiannopoulos Assaulted by BLM ‘Protesters’ at Chicago’s DePaul University

    2016.11.10 – IL: Trump Supporter Was Dragged Out From Car, Beaten, Car stolen, & Dragged Down the Road in Chicago

    1. Fake news. Louder with crowder? Milnenews? So you don't accept CNN and the NYT as reliable sources but I'm supposed to accept these made up sites? 😆 Yeah right.


    Koch's most enduring legacy is...he gave us Donald drumpfuck the dumbfuck drumpf.

  115. Fergus is bragging that he "aced" his cognitive assessment.
    Also, I assume, that he poops like a big boy.

    There is another surviving Koch brother, Bill, who seems to be more concerned with sailing and being a billionaire than buggering the country like his more famous siblings.
    There was also an older Koch brother, Frederick, who died of heart failure in February, who is described as having been a collector and a philanthropist.

    Another bunch of really fine boys who inherited their father Fred's fortune and fell straight to dissolution and parasitism.
    Sounds vaguely familiar somehow...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  116. "Also, I assume, that he poops like a big boy."

    That's a big assumption.


    Heather Heyer attacked by alt right racist. Also recall none of the lefties here threaten anyone but we have all had threats of physical violence because that's what the right does. Go cry me a river when the tables are turned. Either own your tough guy civil war lynch the left rhetoric or cry like a bunker bitch when you get what you deserve. Can't have it both ways.

  118. Tucker Carlson advocating violence if trump loses.

  119. Good special on Black owned businesses.

  120. Batman villain released. Ha!

  121. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Heather Heyer died of a heart attack.


    Shocking that trump supporters are racist. I'm completely shocked.

  123. "Heather Heyer died of a heart attack."

    You must watch Fox. LOL

  124. Anonymous8:49 PM

    “Heather Heyer died of a heart attack."

    Um, okay. It’s true that her heart did stop after a Nazi crushed her with his car. That’s not what most people would describe as a heart attack, but I understand that words tend to lose their meaning in wingnut world.


    Ha ha!



    How about the whole country.


    Guess we know what the next Fox talking point will be. The trolls here will be posting about this in a few.

  129. Anonymous10:54 PM

    "Um, okay. It’s true that her heart did stop after a Nazi crushed her with his car."

    She was not struck by the car, as the video clearly shows. She was 5'4", 330 pounds, and had a heart attack.

  130. "That's a big assumption."
    I meant that I assume he's bragging about it, as its level of difficulty is roughly similar to that of a cognitive assessment.

    Heather Heyer died of an asshole attack, and the asshole was convicted of it.

    Stone's sentence commuted. Almost all of Fergus' felons have gotten a get out of prison free card, but once Billbarr Buggins is gone, some of them may yet see justice.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  131. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Yeah I like to dance the jig, I guess you could call me a jigger.

  132. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I laugh every time I stiff a waiter for their tip. I guess that makes me a niggardly sniggering jigger.

  133. Taxpayer money to pay for the fallout from the buggery:

    · 17h
    NEW: @AP investigation found that tens of millions of dollars In PPP loans went to Catholic dioceses whose financial stress was due not simply to the pandemic, but also to recent payouts to victims of clergy sex abuse.

    And its probably a good thing that Stone isn't going to prison just yet; the other prisoners would probably be hella annoyed by the tattoo of Nixon's face on his back while they bugger him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  134. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:29 PM

    rom this evening:

    Trump Thinks ‘Absentee’ and ‘Mail-In’ Ballots Are Different

    Trump is an ignorant fool. For his entire life he's been too busy screwing everyone he comes in contact with to bother to learn anything else. Why anyone ever thought he was smart is beyond understanding.

  135. "other prisoners would probably be hella annoyed by the tattoo of Nixon's face on his back while they bugger him"

    I kinda figured they'd lose their erection with Tricky Dick staring at em.

  136. "Why anyone ever thought he was smart is beyond understanding."

    Stupid people have no clue as to what smart is. They keep Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson and Newt Gingrich employed. They are what stupid people think smart people sound like.

  137. Meanwhile back in America, 70K new cases of covid today. The US attorney in EDNY is run out by Billbarr Buggins, and Emmet Sullivan has asked for the full circuit to review the DOJ dropping the chargwes against Micheal Flynn.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  138. James Baldwin sounds like he could be talking about these issues today.

  139. Fergus believes absentee voting is fine, but mail-in voting is evil.
    How does he think the absentee ballots get there?
    Oops, I used that word again. He doesn't "think" anything, not in the way a normal, rational, human being thinks things.
    I mean, there is obviously some sort of biological activity going on between his absurd, orange,ears, but I see no evidence of any of it rising to the level of thought.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. Granny Idiot Refuted4:21 AM

    It may be that Bantu people are more prone to violence than other black people, but even if that is true, that doesn't predict or prove that any particular Bantu is violent.

    Nobody ever claimed that it did... but group averages completely justify "prejudice" for the sake of safety.

    The propensity to violence is learned behavior in one's culture. It does not reside one's genes.

    You call yourself an academic (bureaucratic functionary), but you know nothing about the MAOA gene.  From the literature you are incompetent to read:

    The best-documented gene implicated in aggression is MAOA (Monoamine oxidase A), which encodes the key enzyme for the degradation of serotonin and catecholamines. Congenital MAOA deficiency, as well as low-activity MAOA variants, has been associated with a higher risk for antisocial behavior (ASB) and violence, particularly in males with a history of child maltreatment. Indeed, the interplay between low MAOA genetic variants and early-life adversity is the best-documented gene × environment (G × E) interaction in the pathophysiology of aggression and ASB. Additional evidence indicates that low MAOA activity in the brain is strongly associated with a higher propensity for aggression....

    Black violence IS in the genes.  You're just too stupid/brainwashed/senile to understand that.

  141. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Chicago July1st-10th 2020
    Shot & Killed: 33
    Shot & Wounded: 145
    Total Shot: 178
    Total Homicides: 39

  142. Anonymous9:40 AM

    "New Normal" = Communism

  143. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Democratic Party = Marxist

  144. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Joe Biden Pinches Nipple of Montana Senator's 8-Year-Old Niece

  145. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:44 AM

    Anonymous Idiot said....

    Nobody ever claimed that it did... but group averages completely justify "prejudice" for the sake of safety.
    No they don't. This is the dumbest thing you've said so far. Let me carry that to it's logical conclusion to show you how crazy you are -Premise males are much more violent than females, therefore, females should avoid all males at all times for the sake of safety. See how stupid you are?

    You call yourself an academic (bureaucratic functionary), but you know nothing about the MAOA gene. From the literature you are incompetent to read:
    How about a link or internet address for the literature you are quoting. And don't worry about my being able to understand it, particle physics in an interest of mine, so I'm sure I can handle the MAOA gene. LOL!!

  146. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:46 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Democratic Party = Marxist

    9:46 AM
    Republican Party = Death for 150 thousand Americans

  147. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Republican Party = Death for 150 thousand Americans

    10:46 AM

    Explain in detail please

  148. Anonymous11:16 AM


  149. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Two biggest problems facing America today are too many wasicu wasteys and too many guns.

    Because "wasicu wasteys" are shooting up our cities, right?  Oh, wait... it's niqqers.

    Why is this the only news you post about Chicago?

    Would you prefer the news about Philadelphia and NYC?  It's THE SAME NEWS.

  150. Good thing libs handcuff racist pigs or there would be an all out bloodbath in major cities. Pigs are not entitled to harrass and/or murder Blacks and Hispanics whenever the mood strikes them, although many seem to feel they have that right.

    Stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys refuse to imbibe the empirical evidence that shows pigs discriminate against POC every day all over America because Fake Noize tells them POC are inherently bad.

  151. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Florida has now filled 83% of its ICU beds and climbing, all because Trump told the public COVID-19 was just the flu and that, anyway, it would melt away in the summer.

    Coronavirus strains Florida health system as some hospitals run out of ICU beds in largest counties

    Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine if we ignore the virus even harder. That's how reality works, right?


  152. Black Lies Matter1:19 PM

    "Meanwhile back in America, 70K new cases of covid today"

    Hmmm....Two weeks after the George Floyd riots....

  153. The Black Lives Matter campaign is a blood libel against White America.

  154. Anonymous1:28 PM

    RCP's polling average has Trump's approval rating crashing and burning. He is now 15 points underwater.

    If you're a MAGA hatter, it is officially time to panic.

  155. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:33 PM

    Anonymous Idiot said.....

    "You call yourself an academic (bureaucratic functionary), but you know nothing about the MAOA gene. From the literature you are incompetent to read:"
    I urge you to do more research before you jump to conclusions and post speculation. For your convenience I have posted a web site below for your review. In addition, I recommend you Google these exact words, "genes and violence" and you will find several pages of references so that you will be more knowledge on this topic and stop disgracing yourself by posting nonsense.

    MAOA was the first candidate gene to be linked to antisocial behavior, identified in 1993 in a large Dutch family that was notorious for violence. It has been a media favorite ever since, acquiring the nickname “warrior gene” in 2004 as a result of an article in Science, of all places. This I learned from John Horgan’s fine rant about the exploitation of MAOA genetics at Scientific American, which describes weaknesses in the research.

  156. Someone remind me, how much time is Hunter Biden serving for no criminal acts on his part? Seems like another, true witch hunt from stoopid fucking wingnuts bit the dust.


    Interesting story.

  158. "The Black Lives Matter campaign is a blood libel against White America."

    Vdare? It was only a matter of time.😂

  159. "It's THE SAME NEWS."

    No it's not. It's carefully selected news only about crime.There is so much more to my city. In fact, here's a story about the Chosen Few House Music Featival that gets more than 50,000 attendies every year. I know you've never heard of it but it's a big deal here. You should check it out ine day. It had to be virtual this year because American leadership is lacking from the top.

  160. "Would you prefer the news about Philadelphia and NYC?"

    Read my question a bit more carefully.

  161. Hate Hoax update:

    Police say Texas A&M student who found racist notes on his car put them there.

  162. For many major U.S. cities, this year has been marked by bullets and bloodshed.

    Over 1,500 people have been shot in Chicago, almost 900 in Philadelphia, and more than 500 in New York City so far in 2020 — all up significantly from the same time last year (1,018 in Chicago, 701 in Philadelphia and 355 in New York).

    In New York City, after the number of shooting victims more than doubled from June 2019 to this June, every person who has been shot this July, nearly 100 in total, has been a member of the minority community, according to the police department. And in June, 97 percent of the shooting victims were minorities, the department said.

    In Chicago, where minority communities have long struggled with deadly gun violence, shootings have increased 76 percent from the same time last year, with nearly all the bloodshed concentrated in the city's predominantly Black and brown communities on the South and West Sides.

  163. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:59 PM

    Black Lies Matter said...

    The Black Lives Matter campaign is a blood libel against White America.

    1:24 PM
    Looks as if your boy, James Fulford, is a full on white supremacist. Are you the one who keeps posting all the Chicago crime data?

  164. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "Looks as if your boy, James Fulford, is a full on white supremacist. Are you the one who keeps posting all the Chicago crime data?"

    You mean the vdare article? This is the caliber of trolls we collect. Not too original or bright.

  165. So it would seem that the cops have confiscated Mark McCloskey's AR-15.
    Some things are OK to have, but not OK to wave around in other people's faces.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  166. Anonymous3:19 PM

    "For many major U.S. cities, this year has been marked by bullets and bloodshed."

    Saw that last time. You got any other news? Anything uplifting? No? Just here to post stories about shootings? You must be very successful in life.

  167. Typical hillbilly behavior3:21 PM

    Woman injects babies with meth and allows men to sexually assault them. Oh yeah, this is the superior race.

  168. Typical hillbilly behavior3:24 PM

    This happened in Montana by a guy named Cody. We know what he looks like. Meth heads love harming children, no wonder they shoot up schools.

  169. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I guess this is what superior genetics is supposed to look like. Father feeds kids meth, leaves kids in his pickup truck with guns while selling drugs. Now that's something to aspire to.

  170. Anonymous3:33 PM

    But but but the left............

  171. wasicu wasteys need to forget about negroes and worry about their sorry asses. drumpf body count is in a town near you and soon, you'll be it, racists.


  172. Anonymous4:22 PM

    "wasicu wasteys need to forget about negroes and worry about their sorry asses. drumpf body count is in a town near you and soon, you'll be it, racists."

    Good luck with that. What else do they have in their pathetic lives than to obsess about negroes? Do meth?

  173. Uncle Tom aka Clarence Thomas ugly as sin wife does not think muck kindness towards BLM.

  174. So I wonder if Barron is going to those rapidly reopened schools this fall?
    If not, someone needs to shut the fuck up about it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  175. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "So I wonder if Barron is going to those rapidly reopened schools this fall?
    If not, someone needs to shut the fuck up about it."

    I think we can safely predict Barron will have a tutor and his dumb-dumb daddy will not be shutting up about sending everyone else's kids to school. While doing nothing to make it safe for them to go to school. (And by "safe," I mostly mean safe for everybody else besides the kids; children usually don't have serious COVID-19 complications, but they can very effectively spread the disease to their teachers and older family members who can die from it.)

  176. Anonymous4:52 PM

    "So it would seem that the cops have confiscated Mark McCloskey's AR-15.
    Some things are OK to have, but not OK to wave around in other people's faces."

    I guess that means McCloskey and his wife are going to be prosecuted for brandishing their weapons, since the weapons were confiscated under the authority of a warrant naming them as "evidence."

    Gun nuts will be going ballistic in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ...

  177. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "So I wonder if Barron is going to those rapidly reopened schools this fall?"


  178. I wonder if Barren is a merciless, arrogant prick like his alleged sperm donor or is Melanoma the sperm donor?

  179. Anonymous6:08 PM

    How exactly did Melania get an Einstein exemption? What has she done that equates to being a genius? I mean other than getting pregnant by a rich dude.


    Pigs caught racial profiling black man and trying to illegally arrest him.

    One of my alltime favorites and proves white opriviklege is a thing.

  181. As near as I can figure, piecing bits of the story together from news reports, Melanoma acquired a degree in architecture in under one year she was enrolled in a Uni, but was away on modeling assignments.

    She did claim, I believe, to have an architecture degree.

    I am pretty sure she got her minks the same way minks do.


    She claimed to have a bachelor's degree in architecture and design from a UNI in Slovenia, so said her personal site. When drumpf's outfit took it over all mention of her degree was scrubbed.

  183. Could it be all wingnuts are as fucking dumb as this bitch?

  184. Anonymous7:36 PM

    “How exactly did Melania get an Einstein exemption?”

    America has a dire and urgent need for fashion models. Hadn’t you heard?

  185. As a model, she did not rate very high. Not close to highly paid model, let alone supermodel status.

  186. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Affirmative Action Pilot said..
    "You mean the vdare article? This is the caliber of trolls we collect. Not too original or bright."

    Say the guy who posts links to The Root every day.

  187. cretin from iowa said...
    "As a model, she did not rate very high. Not close to highly paid model, let alone supermodel status."

    At least she doesn't have a dick.


    drumpf done to a fare thee well.

    At least she doesn't have a dick. She's got two assholes. Hers and her porcine pussy grabbing, philandering, pathological lying hubby.

  189. "Say the guy who posts links to The Root every day."

    And only a dimwitted white supremacist would think they are an equivalent. You never surprise me sister.

  190. "At least she doesn't have a dick."

    That's the best we can do for Affirmative Action Melania? She needs to be deported along with her chained migration parents.


    The Root was nominated for a Webby Award what has vdare been nominated for?

  192. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Everyone in the world is allowed to prefer living among white people.

    Except white people.

    1. I mean you are free to move to W. Virginia or Iceland. I hear both are nice. I bet no one will miss you.

  193. "Everyone in the world is allowed to prefer living among white people."

    Too bad you don't feel that way online. White people prefer to bother the shit out of Blah folks which is why you spend all of your time stalking us. Jealousy maybe?

  194. "Everyone in the world is allowed to prefer living among white people."

    Nah, I'd rather live in my Black middle-class neighborhood than around poor whites in trailer parks. But that's just me and most Blah folk.

  195. "At least she doesn't have a dick."
    In your fantasies, you mean? How the fuck do you know? Are there pictures of her that prove your thesis? Did you take them?

    When I see folks in public with their masks below their noses, I want to put a clothespin on their noses to keep the covid in. Or maybe a pair of vice-grips...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  196. It may take years to undo the damage trump has done.

  197. Good thing this asshat got fired.

  198. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Affirmative Action Pilot said,,,
    "Nah, I'd rather live in my Black middle-class neighborhood"

    Built, funded, and maintained by whites.
