Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Another one.

Demonstrators participate in a march on August 24, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. A night of civil unrest occurred after the shooting of Jacob Blake, 29, on August 23. Blake was shot multiple times in the back by Wisconsin police officers after attempting to enter into the drivers side of a vehicle.Kenosha Wisconsin has been trending on twitter for the past couple of days, and it has nothing to do with cheese. 

Sadly, once again, another black man was shot and killed by a police officer acting on behalf of the state. This one, like so many state killings before it, were caught on video. You will be hearing the name of Jacob Blake a lot over the next few days, because he was the young man who found himself catching seven bullets in the back from an officer's gun. What's particularly sad about this case is that his three children actually witnessed the shooting. 

I am going to repeat this: Running away from the police (unless you are putting the lives of others in serious danger) should not be a death sentence. It just shouldn't. 

Mr. Blake was fortunate enough to survive the shooting, but we are hearing now that he will most likely never walk again. Seven shots in the back will do that to you. But properly trained police officers would not have felt the need to fire seven shots point blank range into the back of someone who was walking away from you. 

I can't say this enough. Police officers have a tough job. I say this because I know a lot of them, and I deal with them professionally on a regular basis. They themselves will tell you that proper training and screening is essential for them to do their jobs in the right way. When bad apples slip through the cracks the effects are devastating for them, and for society as a whole. Particularly communities of color. 

Let's hope that this family in Wisconsin gets some justice. 

Finally, I am not sure how many of you saw the republican convention kick off last night. There was a lot of screaming, and hate filled rants about America going to hell thanks to the democrats and their socialist pals. They talked a lot about riots and looting in the streets, and the need to take back the cities from the democrats and their brown friends. 

This is all ironic, because just today armed militias stormed the Idaho state House of Representatives and attacked police officers in the process. This is similar to what armed right wingers did in Michigan recently

Of course I am pretty sure that we will not be hearing anything about this at the republican convention. Why? Because the people attacking the police with weapons are their ideological soulmates who happen to have the right skin tone. 

Photo by: Brandon Bell, Getty Images for USA Today. 



  1. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/08/kimberly-guilfoyle-yells-at-america-for-6-terrifying-minutes.html?utm_campaign=nym&utm_medium=s1&utm_source=fb&fbclid=IwAR0Fzm9ZQNtM41_yAmzlkqs__e_enFenk96KoP4776b10o_iO2xCrgmyrkY

  2. Wonder if any protesters in Idaho get arrested or tear gassed.

  3. Anonymous7:36 PM

    “Wonder if any protesters in Idaho get arrested or tear gassed.”

    Those Bundy wackadoodles strike again. It’s infuriating that the prosecutors screwed up the last time the Bundys pulled one of their stunts, or they’d be in jail now.

  4. This awful bigot should not be allowed to raise children.


  5. Anonymous7:54 PM

    “I am going to repeat this: Running away from the police (unless you are putting the lives of others in serious danger) should not be a death sentence. It just shouldn't.”

    The main problem is getting officers to wait until they actually SEE a gun before opening fire. Too many officers seem inclined to view any unexpected actions by a suspect, especially a black one, as automatic proof that he is going for a gun to shoot them.

    Dude is entering his vehicle, even though you told him not to? He might be going for a gun. Of course, he might also not be, but best to shoot first and ask questions later, just in case.

    This seems to be the mentality.

  6. "I am going to repeat this: Running away from the police (unless you are putting the lives of others in serious danger) should not be a death sentence. It just shouldn't."

    I am going to repeat this: Brawling with the police with a knife in your hand when you are a convicted felon that the police know carries a gun and then entering your vehicle where you quite well might have a gun is asking to be shot. It just is.

  7. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Black, white, we are all the same really:


  8. If Blake had a knife, which I doubt, he was not posing any threat to shit fer brains wasicu cops with a Rambo complex. They appeared to have decided to bag a black man and they did.

    It does get tiresome to hear that blacks need to obey every illegal command given them by cops who harass them just because they can.

    Fuck whitey, right in the nose.

  9. "I am going to repeat this: Brawling with the police with a knife in your hand when you are a convicted felon that the police know carries a gun and then entering your vehicle where you quite well might have a gun is asking to be shot. It just is."

    You have proof of this right?

  10. Well, the bigot lady just spoke and now the half-witted teen from Kentucky is trying to speak. I wonder what happened to Michelle Bachmann and Candace Owens.

  11. PilotX said...
    "You have proof of this right?"





    Prior history:

    Local news in Wisconsin reports that Blake was charged by Kenosha County prosecutors prior to his altercation with the police on accusations of sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse.

    An arrest warrant had been issued on July 7th, although it is unclear if the encounter with police officers that led to his shooting was linked to that warrant.

    Blake had a history of resisting arrest, having previously done so when officers attempted to arrest him following an incident in which he pulled a gun on bar patrons in Racine, a town just north of Kenosha, in 2015.


  12. 2015 article from The Racine County Eye:

    Jacob Blake, 24, of Racine, was charged Monday in Racine County Circuit Court with one felony count of resisting arrest causing a soft tissue injury to a police officer and one misdemeanor count each of carrying a concealed weapon, carrying a firearm while intoxicated, endangering safety-use of a dangerous weapon, and disorderly conduct. If convicted, he will face up to 8-1/2 years in prison and/or up to $50,000 in fines.

    According to the criminal complaint, Blake and two women were at the Brass Monkey tavern, 1436 Junction Avenue, Saturday when Blake got into an argument with another patron and pulled a black handgun. Blake pointed the gun at the other man, and the magazine fell to the floor. The bartender told Blake to leave, and he did but then pointed the gun through the window at patrons inside the bar before walking south on Junction Avenue.

    Police say they encountered a woman walking on Junction who was in the bar with Blake, but she said she didn’t know what happened and that her friends left without her in a silver SUV. A few moments later, officers were advised that a silver SUV was traveling north on Junction with a male subject driving who matched the description of Blake, and they initiated a traffic stop in the 1200 block of Racine Avenue.

    Believing the driver was armed, police conducted a high risk traffic stop, the complaint reads, and ordered Blake to put his hands out the window of the vehicle. Instead, Blake exited the SUV and started walking toward officers and ignored commands to get down on the ground. Officers forced Blake to the ground and ordered him to put his hands behind his back. When Blake refused to comply, K9 Dozer was deployed to force the defendant into compliance.

    Cops had a warrant for his arrest and knew his history. True to form, he resisted once again and represented a extreme risk to the officers involved.

  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2020/08/25/rnc-speaker-retweets-anti-semitic-rant-401851

    Breaking news, RNC speaker booted for posting anti-Semitic tweets. Par for the course.😆

  14. "represented a extreme risk to the officers involved."

    Of course he did. 7 shots to the back worth of risk.

  15. https://twitter.com/i/status/1298389433696256000

    Just as I suspected.

  16. Try this on for a concept: Police are not supposed to kill anyone whether they are guilty or not.

    Have a problem with that? Don't be a cop.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Anonymous10:54 PM

    "Have a problem with that? Don't be a cop."

    Is it okay to have a problem with getting killed by criminal for just trying to do your job?

  18. "Is it okay to have a problem with getting killed by criminal for just trying to do your job?"

    Melania, is that you? Be best! LOL

  19. Anonymous10:56 PM

    "Just as I suspected."

    You'd rather live with bears than black people?

  20. Anonymous10:59 PM

    "Of course he did. 7 shots to the back worth of risk."

    They should have waited until he found his gun and started shooting at them. That's what Pilot "Balls of Steel" X would have done.

  21. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/08/gunman-not-arrested-after-confronting-black-panhandler-for-bothering-white-woman-and-then-him/

  22. "They should have waited until he found his gun and started shooting at them."

    Nah, they should have shot him in the back 7 times IN CASE he had a weapon.

  23. "You'd rather live with bears than black people?"

    Nah, that racist assholes don't have justification for their actions. They just like shooting Blah people. But yet Nikki Haley tellsme America isn't racist.

  24. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I'd rather live with bears.

  25. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "Nah, they should have shot him in the back 7 times IN CASE he had a weapon."

    Yep, judging by his behavior and his past history, it was justified.

  26. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Why do blacks make heroes and martyrs out of the worst among them?

  27. Weak men make hard times11:25 PM

    A feminized society seeks encompassing safety. In the course of turning the nation into a giant safe space, liberties are revoked, injustices are committed against those deemed enemies of the safety protocols, the slightest trivial discomforts are elevated to the stature of heroic suffering, and the heartwood of America becomes weak and snaps easily under the smallest strains.

  28. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Democrats used to be most scared by invisible CO2, but now they are more terrified by invisible COVID-19.

  29. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Pentagon Names 20 Chinese Firms Including Huawei, Hikvision and Thé Aviation Corporation of China (AVIC), It Says Are Military-Controlled -

    Thé Aviation Corporation of China (AVIC), the company who hacked F-35 technology, is a business partner of Hunter Biden’s Bohai Harvest in acquiring US firm Henniges.


  30. "Why do blacks make heroes and martyrs out of the worst among them?"

    We don't.

  31. 'Yep, judging by his behavior and his past history, it was justified."

    So we shoot people based on past actions. Ok.

  32. Anonymous11:48 PM

    COVID infection count of the Sturgis superspreader event is now up to 103. Woo-hoo!

    Officials connect Sturgis Motorcycle Rally to coronavirus cases in eight states

  33. "Democrats used to be most scared by invisible CO2, but now they are more terrified by invisible COVID-19."

    Republicans are scared Biden is gonna take their guns and their bibles. At least Democratic fears are justified by science while Repubs are scared someone can take their invisible friend away.

  34. "I'd rather live with bears."

    I'd rather you live with bears too.

  35. Anonymous11:54 PM

    “This awful bigot should not be allowed to raise children.


    Aw, she only wants her children to be treated as statistics, not individual human beings. What a great mom. So heartwarming.

  36. Anonymous12:03 AM

    "At least Democratic fears are justified by science"

    The party that denies biological sex and racial IQ differences does not believe in science.

  37. "The party that denies biological sex and racial IQ differences does not believe in science."

    Right, they follow real science, not racist pseudo-science. Nice try though. 180,000 American deaths kinda shows reality.

  38. Cop shoots man in back seven times.

    My inner Klingon growls:

    Our pet trolls say:
    But, but reasons!

    My inner Klingon growls:

  39. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Toilet paper takes care of Klingons.

  40. Context is a bitch12:17 AM

    "Cop shoots man in back seven times."

    "Man" who just fought with them, had a knife in his hand, who had previously resisted arrest for brandishing a firearm and was rummaging around in his car.

  41. Anonymous12:28 AM

    "Blake was wanted on a warrant for sex crimes. He had a history of violence, including domestic violence. Seconds before he was shot critically, Blake was fighting with police."


  42. "I'd rather live with bears."

    I'd say go for it, but no bears ever did anything to deserve such a fate.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. "Man" who just fought with them, had a knife in his hand, who had previously resisted arrest for brandishing a firearm and was rummaging around in his car."

    Prove any of that. I also guess he had on work boots and had stolen tools too huh? You just love to make up shit to justify killing Blah people.

  44. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-08-21/golden-state-killer-sentencing-justice-victims-serial-murders-rapes

  45. trump administration breaking laws, as usual.


  46. Anonymous1:48 AM

    The best Doug in skinny pants has is "LOL". For some people it's life or death, but for xim it's laughter. Quite telling.

  47. Anonymous1:53 AM

    I had a klingon once. I took a shower and washed it off. You should try it sometime you crazy witch doctor. Hugs and Kisses!

  48. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Lie:  George Floyd was murdered.

    Truth:  Hennepin Co. medical examiner would have concluded that George Floyd would have died of a drug overdose had there been no other contributing factors.

    "Dr. Baker reveals that Floyd’s blood tested positive for the presence of 4ANPP, methamphetamine, fentanyl, and norfentayl. He described the level of fentanyl found in George Floyd’s bloodstream as a “fatal level under normal circumstances.”"

    George Floyd killed himself.  Anyone claiming that Black Criminal Lives Matter needs to be removed from the United States of America By Any Means Necessary.

  49. Anonymous2:09 AM

    "George Floyd killed himself."

    If I posted shit this stupid I'd post as anonymous too.

  50. Anonymous3:36 AM

    F-ing n-words brutally assaulted a White man trying to protect a mattress store from arson.


    You n-words have no business anywhere in civilization.  NONE OF YOU.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Video: 85-year-old woman slammed to ground in robbery near Mag Mile by violent negro:


  54. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "The main problem is getting officers to wait until they actually SEE a gun before opening fire."

    LOL, another liberal retard with ZERO street smarts. people like you would die if you drove a beat car or get others killed.

    real problem is that niggers do not obey and listen and follow the laws.

  55. Anonymous8:30 AM


  56. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Chicago Year 2020 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 450
    Shot & Wounded: 2258
    Total Shot: 2708
    Total Homicides: 491

    77.7% black on black shooting and maiming.

  57. PilotX said...
    "Prove any of that."

    I proved all of it and you ignored it.

    You are committed to maintaining the Narrative over dealing with reality.

    As Joe Biden said a couple of weeks ago:

    "We choose truth over facts."

  58. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons10:12 AM

    "They talked a lot about riots and looting in the streets, and the need to take back the cities..."

    No surprise here. But rioting? No, that's what THEY do. It's THEIR rioting that has brought us here today. Not ours. I repeat the Red Summer of 1919.

  59. Occupied By Wall Street11:03 AM

    You can already see in the Kenosha rioter shooting thread the "radical" supporters of the riots complaining about the second amendment.

    "Radical" revolutionaries complaining about having access to weapons,

    It can't be stressed enough that Antifa, BLM, and their supporters are agents of centralized capital and power.

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:09 PM

    Anonymous Occupied By Wall Street said...

    You can already see in the Kenosha rioter shooting thread the "radical" supporters of the riots complaining about the second amendment.

    "Radical" revolutionaries complaining about having access to weapons,

    It can't be stressed enough that Antifa, BLM, and their supporters are agents of centralized capital and power.
    I can't imagine what your world looks like. But it must be a very frightening one. How did you get mired into so many conspiracy theories?

  61. Ammon Bundy was arrested yesterday, but only for a misdemeanor. Probly out on bail before sunset. https://www.gpb.org/news/2020/08/26/ammon-bundy-arrested-and-wheeled-out-of-the-idaho-statehouse

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:18 PM

    Anonymous said...


    8:30 AM
    What about the more than seventy-thousand lives lost to COVID19 due to Trump's failure to lead and act to prevent them. They don't seem to matter to Trump. Do they matter to you?

  63. Occupied By Wall Street12:34 PM

    Granny Fruitcake said..
    "How did you get mired into so many conspiracy theories?"

    Says the woman who believes our President is controlled from the Kremlin.

    It's not a ridiculous conspiracy theory to note the BLM movement behind these riots has the open support of every major corporation in America and that the violence and destruction are being facilitated by Democrat city and state governments.

  64. Anonymous12:36 PM

    People who still support the Black Lives Matter domestic terrorist movement are blind and foolish.

  65. #ALMOND :

    All Lives Matter Or None Do.

  66. Black Lives Matter12:46 PM

    "All Lives Matter Or None Do."

    Saying "All Lives Matter" is racist.

  67. Sure, this crazy witch-paradoctor has an inner Klingon. And an inner Vulcan, and an inner Vorlon, and an inner Jedi, and an inner Wizard, and a whole lot of others. I am large, I contain multitudes. Whereas anonymoid trolls are so empty inside that they don't even have names.

    My point stands. Back-shooters have no honor.

  68. More white privilege. Teen murders two people with an assault rifle and is arrested without a problem but a Blah man is shot in the back 7 times because he "might" have a gun. This country is garbage.


  69. Just because a corporation pays lip service to and provides money for BLM, does not mean they are on board with the message, especially when it comes to their own boardrooms where POC are mostly absent.

  70. It's not a ridiculous conspiracy theory to note the BLM movement behind these riots has the open support of every major corporation in America and that the violence and destruction are being facilitated by Democrat city and state governments.

    Shit fer brains rattles off a bunch of lies and then, to top it off, didn't even bother to blame Soros for giving these bums millions.

    If you can't invoke Soros, you ain't conspiring hard enough.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:00 PM

    Occupied By Wall Street said...

    It's not a ridiculous conspiracy theory to note the BLM movement behind these riots has the open support of every major corporation in America and that the violence and destruction are being facilitated by Democrat city and state governments.

    12:34 PM
    Yes it is a ridiculous conspiracy theory to note....." You are freaking nuts. Have a nice day.

  72. Black Lies Matter2:12 PM

    PilotX said...
    "More white privilege. Teen murders two people with an assault rifle and is arrested without a problem but a Blah man is shot in the back 7 times because he "might" have a gun. This country is garbage."

    More PilotX garbage.

    Teen was assaulted by a mob of rioters and wound up killing two of them. He then walked to the police with his hands up over his head and was arrested.

    Jacob Blake fought with police who were attempting to arrest him after responding to a domestic abuse call. He pulled a knife and then walked to his car, defying orders to drop the knife and stop. He opened the door and started reaching under the seat. He had a history of both gun crime and resisting arrest.

    You are either a compulsive liar or incredibly stupid.

  73. "Teen was assaulted by a mob of rioters and wound up killing two of them. He then walked to the police with his hands up over his head and was arrested."

    Bullshit. A white kid murders two people and wounds a third in cold blood and gets arrested without a scratch. A Blah man, unarmed is shot 7 times in the back. 🤔 I know you white racists think all Blah people should be killed in cold blood but that's not what is supposed to happen. Wonder why Mr. Self Defense is charged with first degree murder?

  74. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Biden’s Polling Lead Has Collapsed


  75. lHe pulled a knife and then walked to his car, defying orders to drop the knife and stop"

    Bullshit, where was the knife? Any evidence of this because that kid who killed two people has a fucking assault rifle strapped to him. Must be nice having white privilege.

  76. Black Lies Matter2:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Bullshit. A white kid murders two people and wounds a third in cold blood and gets arrested without a scratch. A Blah man, unarmed is shot 7 times in the back"

    White kid turns himself in with his hands over his head (it's on video)

    Black man fights police, pulls knife, and reaches into his car (it's on video).

    PilotX is unable to see the difference, except in terms of race.

    You really are incredibly stupid.

  77. "Biden’s Polling Lead Has Collapsed"

    Oh, so NOW we believe polls.😂

  78. White kid KILLS two people with an assault rifle arrested without a scratch.

    Blah man harms no one and is unarmed but shot in the back 7 times.


  79. Wasicu wastey brat killed 2 and fled the state because the Kenosha cops didn't bother to check what he was doing with his hands in the air.


    He was arrested in hometown in Illinois and being held in Juvie center on first degree murder charge.

    Video shows him running down the street and being chased by some people. He falls down and a guy attacks but gets shot. He gets up and continues down the street, sees cops and raises his hands as cops drive right by him. One cop car even backed away from him. White privilege in full display.

  80. No video I have seen shows Blake pulling a knife. I guess it was in the same tool kit that Amahd Arbrey had huh?

    Cops also gave white killer water because he was thirsty and Dylan Roof a hamburger bcause he was hungry. I guess white murderers have it good huh? Blah man gets 7 bullets in his back but yet the Republicans want me to believe there is no racism. I call bullshit! Especially after letting racist woman who wants her Blah son to be racially profiled speak in prime time. This country is garbage.

  81. "One cop car even backed away from him. White privilege in full display."

    Yup. Why wasn't a person who shot three people with an assault rifle arrested immediately? And they wonder why we riot. Garbage ass country. MAGA baby!

  82. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/08/ammon-bundy-dragged-out-of-idaho-capitol-in-handcuffs-after-arrest/

    Wasicu wastey Bundy was pulled out of a courtroom on a chair with wheels. Moar white privilege.

  83. Anonymous2:38 PM

    “Jacob Blake fought with police who were attempting to arrest him after responding to a domestic abuse call. He pulled a knife and then walked to his car, defying orders to drop the knife and stop. He opened the door and started reaching under the seat. He had a history of both gun crime and resisting arrest.”

    There has been no acknowledgement from independent investigators that a knife was even present. That is an unconfirmed claim, not a fact, at this point.

  84. Black Lies Matter2:43 PM

    PilotX said...


  85. Anonymous2:48 PM

    There has been no acknowledgement from independent investigators that a knife was even present. That is an unconfirmed claim, not a fact, at this point.

    Unconfirmed facts never stop leftists from burning down cities though.

    Audio from Blake arrest clearly has police saying "Drop the knife!"

    Still from video shows what appears to a knife in Blake's hand:


    Nothing is confirmed, but the incident is being investigated. Maybe wait for evidence of injustice before going on another misguided rampage.

  86. Anonymous2:51 PM

    96% of coronavirus cases have no symptoms. The COVID-19 panic is the biggest scam in world history


  87. Anonymous2:54 PM

    “Nothing is confirmed, but the incident is being investigated. Maybe wait for evidence of injustice before going on another misguided rampage.”

    Nothing justifies rioting and everyone has the right to due process, but it looks pretty unlikely that this police shooting was justified.

    Blake was shot in the back and no gun was recovered, so it’s hard not to conclude that the cops fucked up badly.

  88. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Trump pops to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats


    Riot strategy backfiring on Democrats.

  89. Anonymous2:58 PM

    no gun was recovered

    You don't know that.

    And Blake had been arrested for brandishing a gun in 2015, and resisted arrest that time too.

    Kenosha police knew who this guy was, and can't be blamed for assuming he was going for a weapon.

  90. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Lessons from last night in Kenosha:

    Don't go to a riot with your AR-15.

    If another guy does this, don't throw Molotov cocktails at him. Don't chase after him and try to grab his gun.

    If he runs, just let him go. If his gun is pointed away from you-- this is good. This is what you want.

  91. Anonymous3:06 PM

    “no gun was recovered

    You don't know that.”

    I do know that. If Blake had had a gun and attempted to use it, the authorities would absolutely have announced this detail, if only to head off rioting.

    They didn’t, because there was no gun.

  92. If you were in the right, you wouldn't have to lie so much to defend your stupid, stupid, racist opinions.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  93. Anonymous3:33 PM

    "I do know that. If Blake had had a gun and attempted to use it, the authorities would absolutely have announced this detail, if only to head off rioting."

    The authorities knew George Floyd resisted arrest, had a lethal does of fentanyl in his system, and died of a heart attack rather than being choked by police, but they purposefully withheld this information precisely to stoke the anger behind the riots.

    I don't put it past the 'authorities' in the Blake case either.

    I don't know if there was a gun in the car, and neither do you.

  94. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Dougie can't handle facts so he blurts out "Racist!"

    What a pathetic joke.

  95. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Skateboard guy attacks and gets shot. Guy approaching with hand gun out gets shot.


    Self defense.

  96. Beating an armed man with your skateboard might be the dumbest game ever played.

  97. laura3:45 PM

    Commies escalated the violence and invited stronger measures in self defense until some of them got killed. Its tragic and terrible and entirely their own doing.

  98. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Why won’t Democrats denounce the violence in:

    -New York City
    -Washington, D.C.?

    Because they’re all run by Democrats.

  99. Anonymous said...
    "I do know that. If Blake had had a gun and attempted to use it, the authorities would absolutely have announced this detail, if only to head off rioting."

    The authorities knew George Floyd resisted arrest, had a lethal does of fentanyl in his system, and died of a heart attack rather than being choked by police, but they purposefully withheld this information precisely to stoke the anger behind the riots.

    I don't put it past the 'authorities' in the Blake case either.

    Looks like the media played black folks yet AGAIN! Jacob was not supposed to be at the house, stole the woman's keys, fought the police and resisted arrest. He had a warrant for raping a 15 yr old girl and y'all fools out here defending him and burning black owned businesses!!!

  100. Anonymous said...
    Nothing is confirmed, but the incident is being investigated. Maybe wait for evidence of injustice before going on another misguided rampage.

    Jacob Blake's mother said the same thing on CNN:


  101. Anonymous4:07 PM

    “The authorities knew George Floyd resisted arrest, had a lethal does of fentanyl in his system, and died of a heart attack rather than being choked by police, but they purposefully withheld this information precisely to stoke the anger behind the riots.”

    Yeah, police famously love it when people riot.

    Riot control duty is so fun, and they really enjoy getting blamed for failing to stop looting and arson. It’s great.

    So it only stands to reason that they’d withhold details to promote rioting. Thank goodness you’ve helpfully released all these details, which you’ve discovered on extremely credible racist websites that make shit up.

  102. Anonymous4:14 PM

    "Yeah, police famously love it when people riot."

    No but their bosses apparently do, and the police do what those in charge tell them to do.

    These riots have been supported and cheered on by the Democrats controlling these cities and their blue state governors. They thought it would be a good electoral strategy, but now it's blowing up in their faces.

  103. Anonymous4:22 PM

    “These riots have been supported and cheered on by the Democrats controlling these cities and their blue state governors. They thought it would be a good electoral strategy, but now it's blowing up in their faces.”

    How would promoting rioting ever be a good electoral strategy??? I get depressed thinking of the broken hamster wheel you must have in place of a brain, if this makes any kind of sense to you.

  104. "How would promoting rioting ever be a good electoral strategy???"

    You don't have to think, just parrot the latest trump talking point til blue in the face. It's actually easy to be a Republican.


  105. "Audio from Blake arrest clearly has police saying "Drop the knife!"

    Well then, case closed Columbo.

  106. Basically this is America, if you're white you can point guns at the police, shoot people in the head, walk around casually with assault rifles and NOTHING. Blah people? Well just look at what happened to Tamir Rice. This country is garbage.

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:31 PM

    17-Year-Old ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Fanatic Charged With Murder at Kenosha Protest

    Now I suppose the trolls will vilify the victims and announce that they deserved to die and that the shooter is a hero.

  108. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "How would promoting rioting ever be a good electoral strategy??? "

    Doh! Trump's fault!

    Also, trying to provoke imposition of the Insurrection Act and sending troops into the cities.

    Doh! Trump is Hitler!

    Thirdly, the implicit threat by Dems that if we don't put them back into power, they'll keep torching cities.

    If you haven't noticed, every election year we get a martyr campaign for some black criminal as a get out the vote strategy for dems.

    You're not very smart, are you?

  109. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ajc.com/news/national/walmart-911-caller-intentionally-lied-police-about-man-with-toy-gun-fatally-shot-ohio-store/BVewn1lT9LoFkV2mBYNqqN/%3foutputType=amp

    If he was white he'd be alive.

  110. "If you haven't noticed, every election year we get a martyr campaign for some black criminal as a get out the vote strategy for dems."

    Really? Care to back that up or just parrot stupid talking points? Also choose a name so when you're proven wrong we know who we can laugh at.

  111. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "Now I suppose the trolls will vilify the victims and announce that they deserved to die and that the shooter is a hero."

    Shooter is a dumbass for taking an AR to a riot, but not as dumb as the commies who attacked him. I shed no tears for the violent lawless thugs whose terrorism ended with a bullet to the head. The kid is going to beat the murder charges as it was clearly self-defense.

  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:37 PM

    Black Lies Matter said...

    Teen was assaulted by a mob of rioters and wound up killing two of them. He then walked to the police with his hands up over his head and was arrested.

    No, he was not arrested there. He fled from Wisconsin to Illinois where he was arrested. In addition to killing two people, he injured a third person.

  113. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:42 PM

    Anonymous said

    "Thirdly, the implicit threat by Dems that if we don't put them back into power, they'll keep torching cities.

    If you haven't noticed, every election year we get a martyr campaign for some black criminal as a get out the vote strategy for dems.

    4:31 PM
    Hey, anon, go peddle you Russian propaganda some where else. You are boring us.

  114. Chou Mei4:59 PM

    Confucius say : "Jump on man with rifle, get shot."

  115. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Time once again for black people to watch this timely public service announcement:


  116. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Affirmative Action Pilot says...

    "This country is garbage."

    So you'll be leaving for Zimbabwe ASAP?

    Maybe not Zimbabwe. The new government there is trying to get the honkeys to come back and run the farms. How about Liberia, I hear it's great except for all the negroes that want to get the hell out.

  117. Anonymous5:17 PM

    The mudsharkery says...

    "Now I suppose the trolls will vilify the victims and announce that they deserved to die and that the shooter is a hero."

    Nah, the kids not a hero but the other three got what they deserved. The shooter returned to his home state of Illinois. He did not flee. He will walk.

    Or I could just do what you do and deny that any of it happened.

  118. Anonymous5:23 PM

    The sad yet funny news is trying to watch Fredo Cuomo and Don Limon have a discussion about how the riots are driving up President Trump's polling numbers.

    The message: stop Burning, Looting and Murdering you are hurting Biden's chance to win in November.

    Granny, it was on CNN last night, but it really did not happen. I swear.

  119. CNN is ISIS:


  120. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Not only was Kyle Rittenhouse justified, he's a hero who stood up against violent commie rioters and won. He's more a man than most of the Kenosha population and he's a fucking 17 year old.

  121. PilotY5:41 PM

    Black kid gets probation and a cookie for killing a 59 year old white man:



  122. Three police officers who were shot while responding to a call Sunday night in Maryland were ambushed, authorities said.

    If we've learned any lesson from the last few months of jew-authored afromania, it's the police are irredeemably "racist" and are the main thing holding us back from a Zimbabwe-style paradise. We just saw another innocent groid shot somewhere between Chiraq and Killwaukee. It didn't even have the common courtesy of dying and everything burned anyway. You're not allowed to punish the negro pathology in any way; we must let them run wild. If this message hasn't sunk in yet to you face-diaper wearing slaves maybe this story from Murdaland will help. "Mostly peaceful protestors" set a trap for the evil representatives of the rapidly collapsing vestiges of when Whites had at least some control of the country we built instead of being a hated holocaust goat for all the massive failings of our semitic globalist bazaar.  

    “Within seconds of arriving, they were under fire,” Prince George’s County Interim Police Chief Hector Velez told reporters at a news conference Sunday night.

    Eyyyyyy, eeeeetttt's liiiikkkkkkkkkke an assasseeeeeennnnnnnationnn, eyyyyeeee theeeeennnnnkkkkk. When Whites are gone, when hope is gone, the endless dark night begins. We committed suicide because we didn't want to be called names by alien criminals who worship an idol that devours children. Rest in power.

    The officers were responding to a reported home invasion about 6:30 p.m. at an address in Hyattsville, about 32 miles southeast of Baltimore, police said.

    Compared to the usual idiotic pathology, this is like a negro Manhattan Project. We bee callin dem pigs an den smoke dem mudda fuddas.

    Two of the three officers shot were “saved” by their vests, Velez said. One officer was struck in the chest and had injuries to an arm and a leg. Another officer was shot in the back. The third officer was wounded in the foot.

    It's pretty clear what the takeaway should be: we need even more militarization of our police force and many, many more brown dullards who can't pass a "racist" written exam.

    The officers returned gunfire, and two men were in custody. The men were not injured, police said.

    No names, no pictures, no mention of possible affiliations with Soros-funded domestic terror. It's really getting pathetic.

    Velez also said the officers provided themselves with “self-care” after being shot, which allowed them to be transported to a hospital for further treatment.

    Just rub some dirt on those bullet wounds. Lie down, drink plenty of liquids, think positive thoughts, etc.

    Full Story.

  123. "So you'll be leaving for Zimbabwe ASAP?"

    I'm already there.

  124. "No names, no pictures, no mention of possible affiliations with Soros-funded domestic terror. It's really getting pathetic."

    Anothet brilliant screed by yet another anonymous poster. Imagine if they spent this brainpower on something other than posting here. They could possibly get their GED and take classes from Trump U.

  125. Latest on drumpfuck's personal body count. Revved up good today and will certainly hit 6 million case milestone later tonight.

    Last updated: August 26, 2020, 22:09 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Modern Heretic's screed sounded better in original racist, asnti-semitic German.

  126. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Joe Holden
    ‏Verified account @JoeHoldenCBS3
    BREAKING: My police sources say the woman who attacked a reader at Sunday Mass at the Cathedral is now in police custody. Detectives served a search warrant at a N. Phila. location this afternoon following a tip. I’ll have the latest at 6 on #CBS3 @CBSPhilly


    Of course the pic reveals that the perp is a sheboon, but that was obvious from the crime itself.  No other race is so stupid or violent.  None.

  127. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Well it appears Creepy Joe's handlers have decided that Burn, Loot and Murder makes it hard to get elected. I was expecting him to pull a granny and say there are no riots or if there are riots it's white supremist.

  128. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Affirmative Action Pilot agrees that Chicago is Zimbabwe.

  129. Remember when the goddamn Republicans kicked the Birchers out for being too batshit crazy?
    Now it would be the other way around.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  130. Pigs were handing out bottled water to white sc umacysts and thanking them for being there to shoot protesters. Even magat murderer, whom the Wisconsin pigs gave water and thanks to, and then did not bother to arrest him deserve scorn while the killer deserves the death penalty for murdering unarmed civilians.

  131. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Can anyone tell what retard from Iowa trying to say? People guarding property last night were not white supremacists, they were armed citizens helping an overwhelmed police force against communist terrorists.

    Those men are dead because they went out to attack innocent people and destroy people's livelihoods.

    Kid deserves a medal for defending himself against the vile scum burning down our cities.

  132. Dems are terrorists6:43 PM

    If the governor had let the police do their job, it wouldn't have to have been done by a 17 year old kid, and those two pieces of shit would still be alive.

  133. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Matt McDermott
    On Monday night, Trump gave his national platform to a white man who used an AR-15 to terrorize BLM protesters.

    On Tuesday night, a white man used an AR-15 to murder two BLM protesters.

    But please, carry on praising RNC optics.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  134. "But please, carry on praising RNC optics."

    What do you mean? Those are great optics for them.

  135. I'm worried about the parenting skills of the parents that allowed their 17 year old to wander around a riot with an assault rifle. Um, is that normal in those parts?

  136. "Dems are terrorists said...
    If the governor had let the police do their job, it wouldn't have to have been done by a 17 year old kid, and those two pieces of shit would still be alive."

    Donald, is that you? Welcome to my blog.

  137. Anonymous8:00 PM

    “Affirmative Action Pilot agrees that Chicago is Zimbabwe.”

    I’m pretty sure he was comparing Trump to Robert Mugabe. Trump is 100% as corrupt and incompetent as Mugabe, and deeply wishes he could be a dictator like Mugabe was.

  138. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Nigger had a warrant for his arrest for kiddie fucking, he was armed with a knife, refused to obey lawful orders from officers and tried to flee the scene and reach into the car for another weapon.


  139. Anonymous8:07 PM


  140. Anonymous8:07 PM


  141. Anonymous8:18 PM

    “I'm worried about the parenting skills of the parents that allowed their 17 year old to wander around a riot with an assault rifle. Um, is that normal in those parts?”

    The kid was from Antioch, Illinois, so ... maybe? It starts to get a lil rednecky at the outskirts of the Chicago metro area, so teens with access to AR-15s wouldn’t be that shocking.

  142. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:19 PM

    Anonymous said...

    XXXXXX had a warrant for his arrest for kiddie fucking, he was armed with a knife, refused to obey lawful orders from officers and tried to flee the scene and reach into the car for another weapon.


    8:01 PM

    Prove it.

  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:26 PM

    Anonymous said...


    8:07 PM

    Trump Supporter = Terrorist

  144. "I'm worried about the parenting skills of the parents that allowed their 17 year old to wander around a riot with an assault rifle. Um, is that normal in those parts?"

    At 17 I had been OK with carrying my firearms for years already, because I was taught by my parents when and how to do so safely and sanely, so yeah, parenting, or the lack thereof.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  145. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:45 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Trump pops to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats


    Riot strategy backfiring on Democrats.

    2:55 PM
    I think you are a victim of bad data. According to www.realclearpolitics.com, Trump's average approval number is minus 10, in other words 44 percent approve and 54 percent disapprove of his job performance. In addition, in the national election Biden leads with 7.1 points above Trump, 49.6 to 42.5. Granted, this can change, but for right now, Joe's ahead.

  146. DCI’s investigation later found that Blake had told officers he had a knife in his possession. Its agents also reported discovering a knife on the driver’s side floorboard of Blake’s vehicle, but they did not find any other weapons.

    He apparently was not armed and therefore was shot in the back because he was black. He did not try to flee from officers and alleged fight wasn't much if three grown officers couldn't control him while they allegedly had him down..

  147. drumpf's 52% approval comes from Ratfuckingmussens polling that favors stoopid fucking wingnuts. Absolutely nothing to see here.

  148. Donald 'Law and Order' Trump8:58 PM


    But police shooting an unarmed Black man in the back seven times while he was walking away from them? That is a perfectly understandable "oopsie" that we should not get too upset about.

    Also, Kyle Rittenhouse is an All American Hero and "very fine people"--just like my Alt Right bros in Charlottesville!

    Kenosha Shooting: Video Shows Suspected Gunman Kyle Rittenhouse Being Allowed To Leave Scene

    Kyle Rittenhouse, charged in Kenosha protest homicides, considered himself militia

  149. United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Only 421 moar pos tests to reach 6 million. Yay drumpfuck, the massest mass killer in American history.

  150. Anonymous8:59 PM

    "He apparently was not armed"

    You just said he admitted to having a knife, dumbass.

    "alleged fight wasn't much if three grown officers couldn't control him while they allegedly had him down.."

    This makes absolutely no sense.

  151. Wesley9:13 PM

    NBA players are now boycotting their own games. The NBA audience had already collapsed and now it will tank even more. This is get woke, go broke for all the world to see. Amazing.

  152. Let's get real9:26 PM

    Our current political system has no satisfying answer for the persistence of disparate racial outcomes. Either you accept some version of Human Biodiversity or you appeal to “institutional racism” as some all encompassing force. The first course is a recognition of reality, the latter is continuing to live in a society whose guiding principal is a corrupting lie.

  153. "teens with access to AR-15s wouldn’t be that shocking."

    Sure,to hunt squirrels and possum not wander around riot zones.😳

  154. "This is get woke, go broke for all the world to see. Amazing."

    I wouldn't worry too much, the NBA is a global phenomenon.

  155. Jacob Blake was armed with a KNIFE when cops shot him says Wisconsin AG and officers previously tried to subdue him with a taser before opening fire as they responded to a 911 call from Blake's girlfriend.


  156. What do White people have to do with this?9:52 PM

    ‘Killing Is The Solution,’ Gang Member Tells Walter Jacobson

    CHICAGO (CBS) — Gangbangers in Chicago: What makes them tick, what are they thinking?

    CBS 2’s Walter Jacobson sat down with gang members in Chicago’s troubled Englewood neighborhood to try to find some answers.

    Some of the responses he received were not encouraging.

    “There’s no solution to the violence,” one gang member tells him. “Killing, killing is the solution.”

    Jacobson asked the young man if he would kill personally, if he had to.

    “I’ve never killed before, but if I had a gun in my possession,” he said.

    Jacobson says he has been walking the blocks for many years, but the state of despair never changes – poverty, sticks and stains.

    The gang members do not like the state of affairs any more than anyone else.

    “We’ve got to eat. We want to. We want money. We want to get fresh, we want fresh J’s almost every day. We want all that,” another young man said.

    But where do they get the money they need? The young man answered bluntly.

    “Rob, steal and kill. That’s the only way. We didn’t grow up in Beverly Hills. We don’t get it handed to us,” he said.

    “We ain’t living in Hyde Park,” added a third young man. The home of the University of Chicago is only a couple of miles away from Englewood – geographically, at least.

    But given the state of their impoverished Englewood neighborhood, where is the money they can get?

    “Selling drugs,” a young man replied. “In our neighborhood, I ain’t going to lie to you. That’s where the money comes from.”

    Some of the young men were brought into gangs as children. Isn’t that pretty young to play gang warfare?

    A young man answered: “I chose the gang. I didn’t have to choose anything. I was only 10. My OG (old gangster) gave me everything. But I just went on my own and I chose to get in the gang. We was whipping everybody in the neighborhood. Respect. I was getting money.”

    The gang members also said they are at war with the Chicago Police Department.

    “The police hate us,” a young man said. “Every time they ride past us, they shoot us down and do all that. Do what you want to do, I don’t care about you all, keep riding. Who are you all? We’re not scare of you all. I’ll fight you too. Take that badge off.”

    But he says the police cannot catch them or exact any consequences.

    “I laugh at the police,” he said. “They’re a joke to me.”

    And where would the young men like to be in 10 years?

    One of them replied, “in a mansion, with a lot of cars, and a lot of women.”

    Another said, “I just hope I’m still living.”


  157. Anonymous9:52 PM

    "I wouldn't worry too much, the NBA is a global phenomenon."

    Shame on any black man who continues playing sportsball while his brother criminals are gunned down in the streets.

    I can't wait until they move to China.

  158. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:00 PM

    anonymous at 8:59said .....

    "You just said he admitted to having a knife, dumbass."


    If the knife was in the car, how could he threaten them with it while running from them? His back was to them. That's where they shot him seven times. What the hell? You are the dumb ass.

  159. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:04 PM

    From politicalwire.com today:

    An RNC video showing rioters setting a city on fire in “Biden’s America” is actually from Spain, BuzzFeed News reports
    Damn lying Trumpie Republicans.

  160. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Granny Wishplainer said...
    "If the knife was in the car, how could he threaten them with it while running from them?"

    You don't know the knife was in the car.

    Police were telling Blake to "Drop the knife!" before he got in the car.

    The video appears to show a knife in his hand as he walks past the front of the car:


    He could have dropped the knife on the floor of the car after he got shot.

    Why must you always assume facts that support your side's narrative? Everyone should wait until actual information comes out before they burn down a city or say stupid things on the internet.

  161. We cannot live together10:46 PM

    Man shoots himself in broad daylight in Minneapolis today. Police had responded, and bystanders assumed police shot him.


    They are already looting Nordstrom's for Racial Justice.


    And we're off to the races again. Ain't diversity grand? I can feel America growing stronger by the minute.

  162. Let's get real said...
    Our current political system has no satisfying answer for the persistence of disparate racial outcomes. Either you accept some version of Human Biodiversity or you appeal to “institutional racism” as some all encompassing force. The first course is a recognition of reality, the latter is continuing to live in a society whose guiding principal is a corrupting lie.

    In Darwinism, variation is the rule. Individuals vary; sexes vary; groups vary. Inevitably that variation has social consequences. No society will eliminate differences unless it becomes an unbearable tyranny. Wisdom consists of accepting inequality without rancor or envy.

  163. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Hey, everyone, guess what? It turns out that Kyle Rittenhouse is a Trumpkin! (The Donald must have his own little Hitler Youth division for teens.)

    Is anyone surprised?

    The Kenosha Shooting Suspect Was In The Front Row Of A Trump Rally In January

  164. The bots and trolls are swarming tonight, saying the dumbest shit imaginable, must be getting desperate.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  165. "I can't wait until they move to China."

    Hold your breath until they do.

  166. The Trumpening12:02 AM

    "It turns out that Kyle Rittenhouse is a Trumpkin!"

    Of course he is. No liberal faggot would be out there on the front lines defending American citizens from deranged communists. When attacked by a homicidal mob he showed fitting bravery and great survival instincts, bagging two of the cocksuckers and winging a third. Makes me feel good about the next up and coming generation of Americans, and it should make weasels like you shit your pants.

  167. Anonymous12:07 AM

    The Antifa Guy Who Was Shot in the Head in Kenosha, Joseph Rosenbaum, Was a Registered Child Sex Offender


    The world is a little cleaner today.

  168. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:09 AM

    Bo Winegard said...

    In Darwinism, variation is the rule. Individuals vary; sexes vary; groups vary. Inevitably that variation has social consequences. No society will eliminate differences unless it becomes an unbearable tyranny. Wisdom consists of accepting inequality without rancor or envy.

    10:51 PM
    So who is trying to eliminate differences except the alt-right? And our goal should be equality of opportunity, not elimination of individual differences, and there's nothing tyrannical about that. Or did I miss your main point here. If so what was it?

  169. Defund the NBA12:11 AM

    Dwayne Wade makes his son dress up as a girl and take “fashion” photos he distributes on the Internet.

    And he thinks police arresting criminals is the problem.

  170. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:12 AM

    Anonymous said....

    Is anyone surprised?

    The Kenosha Shooting Suspect Was In The Front Row Of A Trump Rally In January

    10:54 PM
    No, I figured he was under Trump's spell.

  171. Donald 'Law and Order' Trump12:18 AM

    Kyle Rittenhouse will make an excellent member of my new Trump Militia, which I am naming the Orangish-Brown Shirts in honor of the author of my all-time favorite bedtime story.

    I just hope young Kyle is not sent to prison and forced to become the pudgy Boy Toy of some lonely older inmate like ... Steve Bannon. ;-)

    America Uber Alles!

    I mean, America First!

    Donald Trump 'kept book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet'

  172. Anonymous12:29 AM

    "So who is trying to eliminate differences except the alt-right? And our goal should be equality of opportunity"

    What the fuck are you talking about? The 'alt-right' (which doesn't really exist anymore) was about fighting the idea that human biodiversity isn't real.

    The progressive Religion of Equality is the official doctrine of the US government and every major corporation. It's fundamental tenet is that there are no differences in ability or proclivity between different groups of people therefore any differences in outcomes must be due to racist or sexist discrimination.

    The Wage Gap. The Achievement Gap. The Discipline Gap. Look up "disparate impact".

    The whole BLM movement is about ignoring group differences in criminality when evaluating negative interactions with law enforcement.

    The tyranny we are experiencing is the necessary consequence of trying to force equality of outcomes across disparate groups.

  173. PilotX said...
    "Why do blacks make heroes and martyrs out of the worst among them?"

    We don't

    It's all you do:


  174. Like I said...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  175. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Video of black guy committing suicide today that has led to more riots and looting in Minneapolis tonight:


    What the fuck is wrong with y'all?

  176. Sweet1:32 AM

    When Jacob Blake gets out of the hospital he's going to jail for sexual assault of a minor.

  177. Anonymous8:18 AM

    What did you say Doug?

  178. Rittenhouse has a criminal record a yard long. Speeding on the highway and no valid license. Fry the magat fucker. he also dressed up asd a pig.

  179. Portland's pathetic pussified pigs are poisoning BLM protesters with tear gas laced with toxic materials.


  180. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:26 AM

    A new Navigator poll finds Donald Trump falling short on some of his key themes from the Republican convention.

    Just 43% feel he’s living up to “Make America Great Again,” while 53% disagree.
    Just 40% think he’s made America more respected, while 55% disagree.
    Just 39% think he’s restored law and order, while 55% disagree.
    Just 36% think he’s gotten the pandemic under control, while 64% disagree.

    Also important: 61% say Trump wants what is best for himself rather than what is best for the country.


  181. https://www.theroot.com/media-and-law-enforcement-response-to-white-vigilante-s-1844867688

  182. "It's all you do"

    I mean in the minds of simpleminded racists maybe.

  183. "Also important: 61% say Trump wants what is best for himself rather than what is best for the country."

    You can only suppress the truth for so long.

  184. Field said...

    "What's particularly sad about this case is that his three children actually witnessed the shooting."

    Just as sad is that perhaps at least one of those precious children whose minds have been forever ruined, will carry the anger and sadness with them until one day they very well may exact revenge...

  185. Field said...

    "Let's hope that this family in Wisconsin gets some justice."

    Monetary justice I'm sure they will. But what about the young man who will forever be in a wheelchair and Pampers along with whatever other organs those bullets damaged, will money be enough? What about those children that witnessed their dad being gunned down? Will money clear that experience from their developing minds and souls?

    Sadly, I really don't think there is justice that is sufficient.

  186. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons1:53 PM

    "But properly trained police officers would not have felt the need to fire..."

    You can't just turn anybody into a police officer. You have to start with someone who is willing and able to earn the community's respect. We have a bunch of test takers with badges and guns aggressively occupying our communities who are incapable of doing police work and who have no ties to the community in which they are assigned. Don't believe me? Listen to the FOP president tonight at the convention.

    He allegedly worked as a security guard while on medical leave from CPD. He was reprimanded for campaigning in uniform. He was also the proud owner of over 50 complaints as a police officer before he was stripped of his police powers. Last I checked the CPD murder clearance rate was 23% and this goombah is trying to explain away low numbers on low morale.

    Enjoy tonite show and remember...Donnie Favors is a slumlord and he is turning this country into the ghetto.

  187. Looks like Ryder, Cooter or whatever his name is, mom drove him to Kenosha. Just absolutely terrific parenting! I know I know, darker peoples blah blah blah.🙄 Now she can visit his ass in prison for the rest of his life. Sad, wanted to be a cop ended up a prisoner. That's what happens when you mix stupidity and guns.

  188. Anonymous2:33 PM

    "at least one of those precious children whose minds have been forever ruined, will carry the anger and sadness with them until one day they very well may exact revenge..."

    Or maybe they'll be a little smarter than their 70 IQ dad and not attack police.

  189. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Jacob Blake is easily one of the least controversial police shootings we've ever seen on camera. He fought police, resisted arrest, pulled a knife, then went all the way around his car with guns pointed at him and reached for something under the seat. Literally nothing to talk about here. 100 percent justified.

  190. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:00 PM

    Anonymous at 2:35 PM

    Where did your get this information or were you there and saw it as you have described?

  191. Anonymous3:04 PM

    “Looks like Ryder, Cooter or whatever his name is, mom drove him to Kenosha. Just absolutely terrific parenting! I know I know, darker peoples blah blah blah.”

    Did she know that he was intending to go on vigilante riot patrol? If so, then yes, that is some truly stellar parenting. Maybe she’s Team MAGA hat as well?

    “Now she can visit his ass in prison for the rest of his life. Sad, wanted to be a cop ended up a prisoner. That's what happens when you mix stupidity and guns.”

    I wouldn’t be too confident of this. The kid might walk on the shootings/homicides. He’ll claim:

    1) I had a right to be in Kenosha
    2) Wisconsin is an open-carry state
    3) The violent, rage-filled crowd came after me, a meek and harmless teenager, and I had no choice but to defend myself.

    An acquittal seems particularly plausible because a lot of the citizens of Kenosha will fucking hate the rioters and will cheer for them being shot dead, and they won’t really make any distinction between protesters and rioters.

    It’s possible the kid will only get convicted of being too young to carry an AR-15 — a class A misdemeanor.

  192. "Sad, wanted to be a cop ended up a prisoner. That's what happens when you mix stupidity and guns."


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  193. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons3:10 PM

    "That's what happens when you mix stupidity and guns."

    1:58 PM

    I hope he wasn't the one who invented electricity...what will we do?

  194. Anonymous said...

    "at least one of those precious children whose minds have been forever ruined, will carry the anger and sadness with them until one day they very well may exact revenge..."

    Or maybe they'll be a little smarter than their 70 IQ dad and not attack police.

    2:33 PM

    Well see, that's the thing, a traumatic event such as that will likely interfere with his social, emotional and academic development to the point that no one can really foresee. Unless he gets the correct psychological attention.

  195. Anonymous said...

    Jacob Blake is easily one of the least controversial police shootings we've ever seen on camera. He fought police, resisted arrest, pulled a knife, then went all the way around his car with guns pointed at him and reached for something under the seat. Literally nothing to talk about here. 100 percent justified.

    2:35 PM

    Can anybody say taser? ;)

  196. So more than a million new UI claims this week. Again. So. Much. Winning.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  197. Stack drumpf body count victims on top of each other and create yer own stairway to hell...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf bagged another 1000 today.

  198. 1) I had a right to be in Kenosha
    2) Wisconsin is an open-carry state

    Wisconsin's open carry law applies only to adults age 18 and up, so murderer has 2 more felony counts against him.

  199. ps since there were no weapons found in vehicle except for knife on floorboard, what would be the alleged reason Blake reached under the seat?

    Yer whole analysis is full of shit.

  200. A single, well placed shot to the leg would have brought the suspect, who was no threat to chicken shit backshooters, to the ground, where he would have been even less of a threat than none.
