Sunday, August 23, 2020

Caption Sunday.


Image result for Steve Bannon arrest images

I need a caption for this picture. 



  1. Who is this? Never seen this guy before in my life.

  2. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons6:47 PM

    Trumpty's Dumpy
    financed a "wall."
    Got too funny with the money
    And's taking the fall.
    All the poor choices, pardons and spin
    Won't keep Dumpy out of the New York State Pen.

  3. LeonT6:50 PM

    "I bid 200 quatloos on the pale newcomer! He will make a good prison wife!"

  4. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Another “coffee boy” bites the dust.

  5. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Black "man" attempts to murder his girlfriend (she's in critical condition) and offs himself.  His other black facebook friends praise him to the skies.

    This sheer hatefulness and lack of humanity is why you cannot be allowed to live with us.

  6. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Ex-FBI lawyer admits to falsification of evidence for FISA warrants on Trump campaign.

    You're going down.

  7. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Federal prosecutors are ‘bout to “build” a whole bunch of walls around this joker. Real walls, in case you were wondering.

  8. Ex-FBI lawyer admits to falsification of evidence for FISA warrants on Trump campaign.

    The email he allegedly altered had nothing whatsoever to do with FISA warrants and caused no damage to anyone or anything. Just a big wingnut nothingburger, they claim any little crime as world altering before it disappears into the dustbin of witch hunts.

    We have been hearing about all these Dems going down because they committed crimes except wingnuts can't ever find the crimes, and to put this in perspective, wingnuts want to drop felon y charges against admitted liar Flynn while trying to burn this low man on the totem pole lawyer.

    Do us all a favor.The next time you get a wild hair to post alleged criminal acts against drumpf, take a deep breath, put on a pair of bib overalls and jump off a cliff.

  9. Cops murder another black man from the back. No attempt to shoot a leg.

  10. Steve, Steve, Steve. Nah, doesn't ring a bell.

  11. My, how the slimy have fallen. He really hopes that the 20 mil he grifted from the US Agency for Global Media to the owner of the yacht he was on when they busted him doesn't figure into any of this.
    Look for Fergus to commute his sentence if he gets sentenced before January, as that won't compromise his fifth amendment right to protect Fergus like an out and out pardon would.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. Did you know Joe Biden's wife Jill is a DOCTOR? Elect Joe and she will come up with a cure for the Coranavirus!

  13. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Anon at 7:34 PM, Old news, Yawn.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:53 PM

    flo said...

    Did you know Joe Biden's wife Jill is a DOCTOR? Elect Joe and she will come up with a cure for the Coranavirus!

    9:40 PM
    Jill Biden is not a medical doctor. There are other kinds of doctors. Jill is a Doctor of Education (Ed.D. from the University of Delaware).

  15. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons11:38 PM

    Nixon Watergate

    Reagan Irangate

    Trump Fumigate

  16. A doctor for teachers?

  17. So much of this Trump-era interpersonal turmoil has been driven by exploitative outrage merchants who prey on an emotionally imbalanced, atomized citizenry: And laugh all the way to the bank.

  18. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Colleges and universities that engage in affirmative action to "increase the diversity" of the student body, are engaged in institutional racism. It's as simple as that. If you favor the policy, at least have the decency to be honest.

  19. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Global Capitalism needs to crush Donald Trump… not because he is a threat to the empire…, but because he became a symbol of populist resistance to global capitalism and its increasingly aggressive “woke” ideology.

  20. Anonymous12:26 AM

    "Jill is a Doctor of Education"

    The American education system is sending the next generation out into the world of economic and social collapse armed with the tools necessary to determine whether garden design is fascist or traffic signs are racist.

  21. So has Mexico paid for the fence yet?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. Kellyanne Conway is abandoning ship.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. Falwell blames it all on the pool boy.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    Falwell blames it all on the pool boy.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    2:02 AM

    And Doug knows about pool boys.

  25. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Ice Cube CALLS OUT Democracts

    check our his youtube video (the Great Awakening)

  26. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Real FN not a transplant wannabe

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:12 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Jill is a Doctor of Education"

    The American education system is sending the next generation out into the world of economic and social collapse armed with the tools necessary to determine whether garden design is fascist or traffic signs are racist.

    12:26 AM
    Says the idiot that can't even pick a screen name. Since you are so uninformed you should keep you silly opinions to yourself.

  28. Pigs attempt daylight murder of unarmed citizen and plug him in the back at point blank range about half a dozen times.

    Wisconsin guv says this guy was white. Hard to tell and not really important.

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:27 AM

    flo said...

    A doctor for teachers?

    11:39 PM
    Yes, flo. Colleges and universities in the Unite States and other countries around the word award award doctorate degrees to people who spend many years studying all sorts of different subjects, not just medicine. Here are some examples; MD = medical doctor; PHD= doctor of philosophy; JD = juris doctor of law; ED =doctor of education. Doctorate degrees are the highest degrees awarded in each field of study.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:30 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Colleges and universities that engage in affirmative action to "increase the diversity" of the student body, are engaged in institutional racism. It's as simple as that. If you favor the policy, at least have the decency to be honest.

    12:00 AM
    Would you like to provide some evidence to support this opinion? You statements are not self-evident.

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:34 AM

    Kellyanne Conway is abandoning ship.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1:53 AM
    And more will follow soon. Republicans in congress have more or less abandoned the RNC convention.

  32. Anonymous10:42 AM


    Ice Cube CALLS OUT Democracts

    check our his youtube video (the Great Awakening)

  33. "All in all you're just another brick in the wall"

  34. Democrat/BLM/Antifa platform comes down to amending the Constitution to say:

    "No black man needs to submit to arrest if he's not really in the mood to be arrested."

  35. Anonymous11:36 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Pigs attempt daylight murder of unarmed citizen and plug him in the back at point blank range about half a dozen times."

    This is why cops shoot people who resist arrest:

  36. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Blake resisted arrest and then got into his car where he could have had a gun.

  37. Can anyone train Black people not to resist arrest?

  38. "Can anyone train Black people not to resist arrest?"

    Can anyone train white cops how to do their jobs properly?

  39. "Ice Cube CALLS OUT Democracts"

    What is a Democract?
    Didn't he also call out Republicoons?

  40. "What's in it for the Black community? Besides the same old thing we've been getting from these parties. What's in it for us, for real?"

  41. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Ice Cube just wants more GIBS. That's the only black political position.

  42. "Ice Cube just wants more GIBS. That's the only black political position."

    So you like Cube because he calls out the Dems but now you go in on him because he wants something tangible. Bi-polar much?

  43. trump thinks he defeated ISIS by himself. Not the U.S. but him. 🙄

  44. So 2/3 of this family hates trump.😆


    Even his sister knows he's garbage.

  46. Muumar1:42 PM

    Obama created ISIS.

    Trump destroyed ISIS.

  47. Lou Bongo1:55 PM

    Joe Biden asserted he would lock down the entire country if the scientists told him to.

    I’m sorry but the official arbiters of “Science!” have done nothing but lie, delay, obfuscate and oversell the threat of this virus. And their miscommunication, intentional, well-meaning, or just incompetent, has cost humanity hundreds of billions if not trillions in accumulated wealth and time.

    Those things translate directly into lives lost, opportunities destroyed.

    Biden’s handlers are telling him to campaign on this because they are trying to hold together The State, the religion of the Left, as the final arbiter of truth and societal best practices while it fails right in front of our eyes.

    Everything that has been unleashed upon us in 2020 is a direct result of this mad scramble to claw back the power of the White House by any means necessary and it’s woken a lot of people out of their slumber as to what they can expect from their government.

    It is quite clear that the Democrats have used COVID-19 as an excuse to destroy the U.S. economy and blame it on President Trump. We are six months into this planned destruction of all facets of U.S. society, and most of the West for that matter, for the purpose of instituting police state like controls over our everyday lives, undermining the idea of personal rights in a climate of hysterical fear.

    The goal is to destroy the U.S. by engaging in the rankest form of political extortion. Locking down the healthy is honestly moronic, and if I believed for one second that Biden was actually crafting his policy points, then I would present his comments as prima facia evidence of his declining mental capacity.

  48. Look Granny, more white supremacists looting:

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:28 PM

    Muumar said....

    Obama created ISIS.

    Trump destroyed ISIS.

    1:42 PM
    You are misinformed Muumar. Please have some notion of the facts before you post. Most historians of the Islamic State agree that the group emerged out of al-Qaeda in Iraq as a response to the U.S. invasion in 2003. George W. Bush, a Republican, was president at the time.

    The True Origins of ISIS
    December 3, 2018 Homeland Security Today
    Most historians of the Islamic State agree that the group emerged out of al-Qaeda in Iraq as a response to the U.S. invasion in 2003. They also agree that it was shaped primarily by a Jordanian jihadist and the eventual head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The Jordanian had a dark vision: He wished to fuel a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites and establish a caliphate. Although he was killed in 2006, his vision was realized in 2014—the year isis overran northern Iraq and eastern Syria.

    Early Signs of a Resurgence: May 12, 2020
    A recent spike of ISIS activity in parts of Iraq and Syria raised renewed fears about the revival of the group that some six years ago controlled a sizable region extending from Iraq’s northeastern Diyala province to Syria’s northwestern Aleppo governorate. Islamic State operations increased this year in places like Diyala, Salah al-Din and north of Baghdad in Iraq, and rural parts of Homs and Deir ez-Zor in Syria.

    On the other hand, President Obama was serving as an Illinois state senator in 1998 and again in 2002, As a state senator, Obama notably went on record as an early opponent of President George W. Bush’s push to war with Iraq. During a rally at Chicago’s Federal Plaza in October 2002, Obama spoke against a resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq: “I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars…I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U. S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences.”
    Obama was elected to the US Senate in 2004 and took his seat on January,at least two years after the rise of ISIS. Thus, Obama did not create ISIS; G.W. Busch created ISIS.

    So both of the slogans you posted are not true facts. They are made up bull shit. Please stop lying with silly bumper-sticker slogans.

  50. Somehow all the other countries don't have a quarter of the world's cases and deaths. Somehow they are much healthier than here, both economically and medically. Maybe it has to do with listening to doctors? Masks, distancing, handwashing, and other wussy stuff?

    Of course not! The capital-T Truth is that those 180,000 dead Americans are a hoax! They're all crisis actors! Crisis corpses! But the trouble is, capital-T Truth is to truth as capital-P Pravda is to pravda.

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:33 PM

    Lou Bongo

    At 1:55 PM said....

    An entire ton of bull shit with no references to sources. I know Russian propaganda when I see it.

  52. Anonymous Muumar said...
    Obama created ISIS.

    Trump destroyed ISIS.

    Two blatant, debunked over and over again, pitiful lies in three lines.

  53. Blake's three sons were in the vehicle and witnessed the attempted pig murder of their dad.

  54. "Trump destroyed ISIS"

    Don't see how. Bone spurs prevent him from picking up a gun. Maybe he went in Bruce Lee style and just beat them all to death.

  55. mike from iowa said...
    "Blake's three sons were in the vehicle and witnessed the attempted pig murder of their dad."

    My guess is that he was probably looking inside the car for some bread to feed his family, or for a gift he was about to deliver to a very sick little girl in the hospital whose life he had earlier saved.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:35 PM

    PilotX said....

    "What's in it for the Black community? Besides the same old thing we've been getting from these parties. What's in it for us, for real?"

    12:54 PM
    I can only speak for myself, but for ending Trump's reign of terror is the first perk for me. Second, Biden is most likely listen to the medical experts and there by get this pandemic under control. Third, it is possible that some real legislation will come out of congress, especially if the Dems take the senate and we remove the number two demon from hell (Mitch) from his leadership in the senate. I also think that if this all occurs there will be meaningful investments in the Black Community that could bring real change. Or am I just dreaming?

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:44 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Lou Bongo

    At 1:55 PM said....

    An entire ton of bull shit with no references to sources. I know Russian propaganda when I see it.

    2:33 PM
    You are the one with all the opinions of currents events with no evidence or sources for you claims. It's your job to offer proof or evidence that is grounded in fact. I just called out your bull shit. You don't even know the rules of argumentation.

  58. So now that Michael Cohen has been shown to not have been lying about the pool boy, one has to wonder what all else he has not been lying about.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Pence says there's a miracle right around the corner to fix the pandemic.
    Well, Mike, it's right around the corner, and it will fix the pandemic, but it's not a miracle, it's an election.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Lou bongo is full of moar shit than a Christmas turkey and offers zero proof of his wild bullshit speculations about drumpf virus and scientists.


  62. Jerry Falwell Jr. resigns. Wonder why.🤔

  63. Anonymous6:30 PM

    "I can only speak for myself, but for ending Trump's reign of terror is the first perk for me."


  64. Lou Bongo6:31 PM

    Gay identity and other forms of group narcissism were weaponized by the Left to neutralize traditional forms of group solidarity and opposition to the empire.

  65. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Ta Nehisi Coates claims that white folks in Chicago considered the great migration of blacks to their city to be the worst calamity to befall them since the Great Fire of 1871, if so they were wrong, fires eventually go out and you can rebuild; blacks keep destroying forever.

  66. Anonymous7:05 PM

    “So now that Michael Cohen has been shown to not have been lying about the pool boy, one has to wonder what all else he has not been lying about.”

    Well, NY’s attorney general appears to believe Cohen told the truth about the Trump Organization having lied in its financial disclosures in order to fraudulently access bank loans it did not deserve, after a history of multiple bankruptcies. She’s suing the Trump Organization.

    Maybe Trump’s regretting becoming president now, after it attracted all this law enforcement interest? That DOJ memo might protect him from federal criminal prosecution, but it won’t save him from having his sleazeball business sued out of existence.

  67. Lawfare7:21 PM

    "but it won’t save him from having his sleazeball business sued out of existence."

    This is the proper use of state law enforcement to the Left: Vindictive legal crusades against political opponents based on next to zero evidence.

  68. Diversity7:27 PM

    White people and black people think differently, and while a white cop can look ahead and think “what could he be reaching for in his car while I’m telling him to stop?”, a black person is simply thinking “you can’t tell me shit, I do what I want” and doesn’t understand why he gets shot.

    It’s really quite simple if you drop the “we’re all the same and equal” crap .

    We’re different, and there’s nothing wrong with that until we’re forced to be together.

  69. Granny Dipshit7:36 PM

    Gee, I hope those white supremacists don't start burning down Kenosha again tonight.

  70. Wesley R8:24 PM

    Bannon looks 9 months pregnant.

  71. Burn Loot Murder8:32 PM

    Rioters destroyed the Dilophosaurus statue outside the Kenosha Dinosaur Discovery Museum last night. While not a slave-owning dinosaur, the Dilophosaurus, with a brain the size of a walnut, DOES routinely score higher on SATs than the average BLM thug. So I get the resentment.

  72. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Doug says...

    "Well, Mike, it's right around the corner, and it will fix the pandemic, but it's not a miracle, it's an election."

    That sounds like a conspiracy. So you posit that once the democrats win the pandemic will disappear? Interesting. Is that the democrat sales pitch now? Vote for us and the pandemic will disappear. I admit it's better than vote democrat or we will kill you.

    I'm not seeing it though Doug. All the Burning, Looting and Murder creates more Trump voters everyday.

    Also, my heartfelt condolences that you are you.

  73. Well, the shitshow has begun. The Democrat Party stands with unions that pick on little children. We need donald trump more than ever! My prayers were answered. LOL

    Can't wait to hear from the gun-waving couple and the smirking teen.

  74. Massest mass killer, ever, drumpfuck the dumbfuck reached 2 new milestones in his quest to kill bodies.
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    He is all yours, stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  75. t, DOES routinely score higher on SATs than the average BLM thug.

    Like drumpf, he hired someone to take his Sats, so he is a phony just like you, fool.

  76. "That sounds like a conspiracy. So you posit that once the democrats win the pandemic will disappear?"

    I posit that after the Democrats win they will fucking do something about the pandemic to stop it. It will take a while, but will be infinitely faster than the nothing the goddamn Republicans are doing.

    So the goddamn Republicans don't have a platform this cycle because the goddamn Republicans don't stand for anything besides "We like Fergus. Please, don't hurt us, Fergus."

    Which is part and parcel to the non-response to the pandemic that literally anything sane and effective would be better than.

    They are a post-policy party and couldn't govern to save their lives, much less ours.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Hank Green: A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor is Out!
    The story isn't that Jerry Falwell Jr's wife had sex with someone other than him, it's that the guy she was having sex with had photos of her and then Michael Cohen somehow got the photos and then Falwell suddenly and unexpectedly endorsed Donald Trump.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  78. Anonymous9:39 PM

    “So you posit that once the democrats win the pandemic will disappear? Interesting. Is that the democrat sales pitch now? Vote for us and the pandemic will disappear. I admit it's better than vote democrat or we will kill you.”

    Disappear? No.

    But COVID rates will most likely go down tremendously if we have a president who uses the power of the federal government to actually DO something about them, instead of sitting around with his thumb up his butt and a smug look on his dumb, orange, racist face.

  79. Why is this woman screaming at me?

  80. Red Wave9:52 PM

    "That sounds like a conspiracy. So you posit that once the democrats win the pandemic will disappear?"

    The lockdowns are a threat to American's livelihoods, and the riots are threats to their lives.

    The Democrats are a thug party trying to terrorize the electorate into putting them back in power. They have judged Americans wrongly.

  81. "instead of sitting around with his thumb up his butt and a smug look on his dumb, orange, racist face."

    Wait, he banned flights from China.

  82. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Wow, the Republican convention has started off very strongly. The contrast between a party that loves America and the hatred for the country that we saw last week is profound.

  83. In 2019, blacks made up 25% of those shot and killed by the police. But in 2018 according to FBI statistics, blacks made up almost 55% of murder offenders.

    Why do cops shoot nonblacks 75% of the time when they commit only 45% of murders?

  84. Another witch hunt10:19 PM

    "This is the proper use of state law enforcement to the Left: Vindictive legal crusades against political opponents based on next to zero evidence."

    In its filings, James’ office said it has “not reached a determination” as to whether Trump’s company violated any laws.

  85. So according to Nikki Haley America isn't a racist nation but she went on to describe a racist shooting in her state. Um, ok.

  86. If I'm watching the RNC correctly Biden is a Communist and if you elect him China will take over. Did we somehow go back to the 60's?

  87. "In 2019, blacks made up 25% of those shot and killed by the police. But in 2018 according to FBI statistics, blacks made up almost 55% of murder offenders"

    Only murder suspects are shot? Funny, Dylan Roof wasn't shot but in fact taken to Burger King because he was hungry. George Floyd was smothered as was Eric Garner. How many of those shot were unarmed? So many questions.

  88. Clueless in Chicago10:37 PM

    ParodyX said...
    "Did we somehow go back to the 60's?"

    Says the guy whose party is obsessed with Russia.

  89. Democrats are terrorists10:39 PM

    "In 2019, blacks made up 25% of those shot and killed by the police. But in 2018 according to FBI statistics, blacks made up almost 55% of murder offenders"

    BLM is based on a lie.

  90. "Says the guy whose party is obsessed with Russia."

    So is the Republican-led senate. They investigate Russian influence more than I ever will.

  91. "BLM is based on a lie."


  92. Burn, Kenosha, burn!10:53 PM

    "Blake's three sons were in the vehicle and witnessed the attempted pig murder of their dad."

    Another open and shut case of racist police brutality as a guy with a history of resisting arrest and keeping handguns under the seat of his SUV is shot while resisting arrest and reaching under the front seat of his SUV.

  93. "Another open and shut case of racist police brutality as a guy with a history of resisting arrest and keeping handguns under the seat of his SUV is shot while resisting arrest and reaching under the front seat of his SUV."

    History of resisting arrest makes a cop wanna shoot him on sight? Oh, I guess an armed suspect that just shot 9 people at a church doesn't raise any suspicion at all. Arrest him peacefully and take him to a burger joint. This is America.

  94. I'm the Burger King10:58 PM

    PilotX believes some crazy shit.

  95. "PilotX believes some crazy shit."

    Please explain.


  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:09 PM

    Lou Bongo said...

    Gay identity and other forms of group narcissism were weaponized by the Left to neutralize traditional forms of group solidarity and opposition to the empire.

    6:31 PM
    You are stone clod crazy - a lunatic.

  98. Kamala Harris agreed to accept dirt on Trump from foreigners:

    Two Russian pranksters reportedly posed as Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg and her dad during a phone call with vice presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris and offered her damaging information about President Trump.

    'SVANTE': Greta has a recorder always with her, and when it happened...

    GRETA: In my pocket, yes.

    'SVANTE': was on Greta’s recorder. If you would like to get it, we can provide it.

    'GRETA': Maybe this recording can help you.

    KAMALA: Thank you, that would be wonderful.

    'GRETA': In my side, I can testify against this terrible man.

    KAMALA: Yes definitely, thank you so much.

    'SVANTE': Thank you so much.

    Looks like Trump's DOJ can now get FISA warrants and spy on everyone involved in the Biden campaign.

    That's how this works now right?

  99. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "Please explain"

    Dylan Roof did not resist arrest.

  100. Policeman shoots man in the back.

    My inner Klingon says:

    Anonymoid trolls say:
    But, but, reasons!

    My inner Klingon says:

  101. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:14 PM

    Lawfare said...

    "but it won’t save him from having his sleazeball business sued out of existence."

    This is the proper use of state law enforcement to the Left: Vindictive legal crusades against political opponents based on next to zero evidence.

    7:21 PM
    They've got the evidence, Lawfare, so don't bet the farm on your faith in Trump. LOL! The minute he leaves the White House, the indictments will be issued.

  102. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:22 PM

    Steve said...

    In 2019, blacks made up 25% of those shot and killed by the police. But in 2018 according to FBI statistics, blacks made up almost 55% of murder offenders.

    Why do cops shoot nonblacks 75% of the time when they commit only 45% of murders?

    10:01 PM
    Steve, some people say there is no such thing as a stupid question, but you just proved them wrong. Anyway, yours is the dumbest question I have ever seen.

  103. Anonymous 9:54 pm:

    Yes, the difference is stark. The D's have a party platform. The R's have none. Biden spoke on the last night. Trump will speak every night.

    The D's are a big-tent political party. The R's are a base-captured cult.

    As for love and hate, I say you have that backwards. No D called neo-Nazis fine people. Nor do they brag of grabbing pussies*, nor mock the disabled, nor attack the Post Office. Nor will they abandon half the country to a pandemic for political reasons.

    * The best thing, the very best thing , to come from Trump is giving us all permission to say "pussy". That was before his stolen presidency began: absolutely everything since has been worse, and going downhill.

  104. Anonymous11:31 PM

    "They've got the evidence, Lawfare, so don't bet the farm on your faith in Trump. LOL! The minute he leaves the White House, the indictments will be issued."

    They haven't got the evidence. They're subpoena-ing the evidence, on the grounds that Trump's ex-fixer spilled the beans about his illicit business practices.

    And they don't have to wait for Trump to leave office. Again, that DOJ legal memo only protects Trump from criminal prosecution for federal lawbreaking, not civil prosecution for state lawbreaking. If these proceedings have to wait until after Trump leaves office, it will only be because Trump lawyers managed to stonewall for a few months, by which time the newspapers will all be printing daily headlines about President Biden alongside the ones reading: TRUMP ORGANIZATION FINANCIALLY INSOLVENT, TO BE LIQUIDATED.

  105. Red Wave11:34 PM

    "The D's have a party platform. The R's have none"

    Trump released his platform. It's awesome.

    The Dem's platform is Orange Man Bad!

    The choice is clear.

  106. Anonymous11:36 PM

    "No D called neo-Nazis fine people. Nor do they brag of grabbing pussies*, nor mock the disabled, nor attack the Post Office. Nor will they abandon half the country to a pandemic for political reasons."

    Except for the grabbing pussies remark, Trump did none of those things either.

    Ain't nothing wrong with pussy.

  107. Darren11:37 PM

    Herschel Walker convinced me to vote for Trump tonight.

  108. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Biden hiding in his basement watching Cosby reruns.

  109. Leon Low-T11:41 PM

    Gotta say, Trump is a boss.

    That scares me.

  110. Anonymous11:53 PM

    PilotX makes burgers in the oven.

  111. "Wait, he banned flights from China. "

    Except for the 40,000 that he didn't.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  112. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Banning flights from China is racist!

    -Nancy Pelosi

  113. Tamera12:09 AM

    All of the celebrities on Epstein's flight logs have publicly endorsed Joe Biden.

  114. Red Wave 11:34:
    The R's only political position: bent over and taking it.

    Anonymous 11:36 pm:
    He did all of those things. Your lies are lame. Show some self-respect.

    Leon Low-T:
    A 'boss'? You got that backwards. He's an S.S.O.B.: a Stupid Son Of a Bitch.

  115. Pilot X 10:59 pm:
    Our pet pest trolls see crazy shit everywhere for the same reason that a man with jaundice sees yellow everywhere.

  116. Those darn white supremacist at it again!

  117. Empirical numbers DO matter. When I ask Black students/buddies how many unarmed Black men they think are killed annually by police, the 1st answer is ALWAYS 2-3,000. Hearing that the figure is "nine" causes a paradigm shift in thinking.

  118. Anonymous12:58 AM

    It is ironic that more black men will probably die from BLM activities than from police this year.

  119. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons said...1:04 AM

    Somehow blacks have a superiority complex that they're better than everyone else but at the same time they make the claim that inferior people are keeping them down.

  120. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Do you think Nancy Pelosi is extra moist watching the riots tonight?

  121. "Dylan Roof did not resist arrest."

    Which must explain why so many whites are shot by police. Maybe if they stopped resisting.🤔

  122. "Hearing that the figure is "nine" causes a paradigm shift in thinking."

    Sure, only 9 Blah men have been killed by the police this year. Yeah, I'm sure that's accurate.

  123. "Dylan Roof did not resist arrest."

    Soooooo, when did resisting arrest become a capital offense?

  124. Anonymous1:14 AM

    The media and democrat politicians who are fomenting these riots have blood on their hands. These are not good people; they're evil.

  125. Anonymous1:15 AM

    "Soooooo, when did resisting arrest become a capital offense?"


  126. The conservative media and Republican politicians who are ignoring covid have blood on their hands. These are not good people; they're evil.

  127. "Herschel Walker convinced me to vote for Trump tonight."

    You sure it wasn't Kimberly Guifoyle screaming at you? LOL


  129. I guess they forgot to talk about Charlie Kirk's organization's problem with racism.

  130. Maybe tomorrow they can go after the Dems for eating babies and finally show them frogmarched out of congress by Marines. Any day now right?


    Mr. Blah people.

  132. Why isn't the last living Republican ex-president speaking at the RNC? The Dems had all living former Dem ex-presidents speak. No respect for convention norms?

  133. "Maybe tomorrow they can go after the Dems for eating babies and finally show them frogmarched out of congress by Marines"

    The QAnon morons actually say they believe that.

    So the goddamn networks are at it again. They only gave the DNC one hour nightly ostensibly so they wouldn't have to give the Fergus shitshow more than that, but they already gave them more airtime.
    Like 2016, when cameras cut away from Clinton policy speeches to air a shot of an empty podium waiting for Fergus to come out and lie.
    Hours upon hours upon millions upon more millions of dollars in free airtime he got.

    As long as the execs think they can make a dollar from running Fergus and his felonious family, they won't bat an eye at breaking their deal.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  134. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons8:32 AM

    @ 1:04 AM

    You said it. Not me.

  135. Anonymous8:45 AM

    As everyone is pointing out today, in her completely unhinged convention speech, Kim Guilfoyle suggested her mom was an immigrant to the U.S. ... from Puerto Rico.

    What a dumbass. Then again, she’ll get away with it, because the Republicans who tuned in to the convention are also dumbasses who consider PR to be too “foreign” to be part of America.

    I’m gonna need Gavin Newsom to explain wtf he was thinking when he married this raving Fox News loony.

  136. Dylan Roof's VIP treatment stems from the fact he is a wasicu wastey southern boy whose unarmed victims were BLACK!!!!!

    Had he been George Floyd's color he would have been fed a diet of lead and copper and who knows what else goes into bullets.

  137. "It is ironic that more black men will probably die from BLM activities than from police this year."

    It is also ironic that more people will die from gun violence and suicide than the number of guns confiscated by Biden. By a wide wide margin.

  138. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I am curious how the alt-right are reacting today to Jerry Falwell being outed as a literal cuck.

  139. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:27 AM

    Red Wave said...

    Trump released his platform. It's awesome.

    The Dem's platform is Orange Man Bad!

    The choice is clear.

    11:34 PM
    And just what platform would that be, Red? By their own admission, the Repubs have no platform. They punted after stating they'd have one in 2024.

    The Dems. do have a platform that you could find if you wanted to.
    BTW, how's the weather in Russia?

  140. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Well, according to Doug, if we elect democrats the Covid 19 virus will disappear like magic. This will work for the magically dumb people but most democrats are magically dumb. I don't see how this gets you more voters.
    I know, democrats cater to every freakish fringe element in the country. Democrats already get those people's votes, but what about normal people?
    Normal people don't like to see cities burning. Normal people don't want to have their life threatened for not voting democrat. Normal people don't like to see 7 year olds assaulted for wearing a hat. Normal people don't like to see an elderly shop keeper have his face split open for defending his business. All of this and so much more really gets the normal people pissed off and I believe they have had enough.
    Yes granny, all of these things are happening. Check out some news outside of your echo chamber. You don't have to be magically stupid forever.
    Why doesn't the democrat party denounce the violence? Is the promise of more violence what democrats are running on? Seems stupid if you want to win in November.
    Irregardless (H/T pilotAA), good luck with such a horrible message and platform. I wished you luck, so please don't kill me.

  141. Anonymous10:33 AM

    CHICAGO Final Stupidity Tally: 5 killed, 67 wounded

    2019 weekend tally: 8 killed, 28 wounded
    2018 weekend tally: 4 killed, 29 wounded
    2017 weekend tally: 7 killed, 26 wounded
    2016 weekend tally: 15 killed, 57 wounded
    2015 weekend tally: 6 killed, 30 wounded
    2014 weekend tally: 7 killed, 36 wounded

    Friday 8/21
    12:20p 7000 S Morgan, Englewood, M/16
    12:45p 6500 S Hamlin, West Lawn, M/15
    2:10p 800 E 81st, Chatham, M/35
    2:30p 1100 N Western, West Town, M/18
    2:30p 1100 N Western, West Town, M/20
    2:30p 1100 N Western, West Town, F/52
    5:10p 3500 W Augusta, Humboldt Park, M/22
    5:10p 3500 W Augusta, Humboldt Park, M/29
    6:05p 3600 W Grand, Humboldt Park, M/19
    9:15p 4900 S Halsted, New City, F/30
    10:20p 4800 W Race, Austin, M/36
    11:10p 5000 S King, Grand Boulevard, M/44
    11:40p 1100 S Richmond, North Lawndale, M/25
    Saturday 8/22
    12:15a 800 N Lorel, Austin, M/26
    12:15a 800 N Lorel, Austin, M/37
    12:15a 800 N Lorel, Austin, F/42
    1:10a 4300 W Van Buren, Garfield Park, M/32
    1:15a 8600 S Loomis, Auburn Gresham, M/26
    1:25a 3500 W Douglas, North Lawndale, M/29
    1:25a 3500 W Douglas, North Lawndale, F/39
    2:05a 8500 S Burley, South Chicago, M/33
    2:05a 8500 S Burley, South Chicago, M/32
    2:25a 2700 E 75th, South Shore, M/18
    2:25a 2700 E 75th, South Shore, F/25
    2:55a 1100 S Albany, North Lawndale, M/20
    2:55a 1100 S Albany, North Lawndale, M/32
    2:55a 1100 S Albany, North Lawndale, F/37
    3:00a Dan Ryan @ 67th, Grand Crossing, ?/?
    3:30a 3800 W Roosevelt, North Lawndale, M/20
    5:00a 100 N Mayfield, Austin, M/?
    6:45a 10000 S Indiana, Roseland, M/37
    7:20a 2500 S Trumbull, Little Village, M/30
    7:20a 2500 S Trumbull, Little Village, M/43
    1:45p 4000 W Van Buren, Garfield Park, M/53
    8:15p 300 E Pershing, Grand Boulevard, M/24
    11:30p 4700 W Chicago, Austin, M/17
    11:30p 3200 W Chicago, Humboldt Park, M/18
    11:30p 3200 W Chicago, Humboldt Park, M/18
    Sunday 8/23
    2:55a 3500 W 13th, North Lawndale, M/30
    2:55a 3500 W 13th, North Lawndale, M/39
    3:00a 2600 W Thomas, West Town, M/29
    3:10a 11300 S Normal, Roseland, M/35
    4:20a 3900 W Van Buren, Garfield Park, M/24
    4:35a 1000 W 14th, Near West Side, F/23
    4:35a 1000 W 14th, Near West Side, M/29
    4:35a 1000 W 14th, Near West Side, M/33
    5:00a 2900 W Filmore, North Lawndale, M/24
    5:00a 2900 W Filmore, North Lawndale, M/26
    5:00a 2900 W Filmore, North Lawndale, M/41
    6:20a 1800 S Komensky, North Lawndale, M/27
    7:30a 7900 S Cottage Grove, Chatham, M/26
    10:45a 2900 W 80th, Ashburn, M/21
    1:45p 7200 S Halsted, Englewood, M/27
    4:00p 5100 W Ohio, Austin, M/24
    4:30p 6600 S Halsted, Englewood, M/23
    4:30p 6600 S Halsted, Englewood, M/24
    4:30p 6600 S Halsted, Englewood, M/27
    4:30p 6600 S Halsted, Englewood, M/28
    7:30p 2500 W Adams, Near West Side, M/22
    7:30p 2500 W Adams, Near West Side, F/30
    9:20p 600 S Central, Austin, M/17
    9:50p 4400 W Gladys, Garfield Park, M/33
    9:50p 4400 W Gladys, Garfield Park, M/35
    10:40p 8300 S South Chicago, South Chicago, M/33
    11:00p 5200 W Quincy, Austin, M/42
    11:45p 4200 W Carroll, Garfield Park, M/30
    11:50p 7000 S Bishop, Englewood, M/34
    No Accountability Monday
    12:10a 3800 W Harrison, Garfield Park, M/28
    2:15a I290 @ Ashland, Near West Side, M/?
    2:20a 7900 S Merrill, South Chicago, M/17
    2:20a 7900 S Merrill, South Chicago, M/25
    2:30a 9400 S Loomis, Washington Heights, M/26

    Weekend = 12p Friday – 6a Monday

  142. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:33 AM

    Tamera said...

    All of the celebrities on Epstein's flight logs have publicly endorsed Joe Biden.

    12:09 AM


  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:17 AM

    Anonymous said....

    Well, according to Doug, if we elect democrats the Covid 19 virus will disappear like magic. This will work for the magically dumb people but most democrats are magically dumb. I don't see how this gets you more voters.

    I know, democrats cater to every freakish fringe element in the country. Democrats already get those people's votes, but what about normal people?
    Normal people don't like to see cities burning. Normal people don't want to have their life threatened for not voting democrat. Normal people don't like to see 7 year olds assaulted for wearing a hat. Normal people don't like to see an elderly shop keeper have his face split open for defending his business. All of this and so much more really gets the normal people pissed off and I believe they have had enough.

    Yes granny, all of these things are happening. Check out some news outside of your echo chamber. You don't have to be magically stupid forever.

    OK, sport. If all of these things are happening, then how about a link to just one or two of them. I am on the web every day, reading news reports from all over the country, and I am not seeing any evidence for what you are claiming.

    So are all the people in the country except Trumpies involved in some massive left-wing conspiracy to bring down Trump? And if 65 or 70 percent of the people think he should be defeated at the polls, then he should be defeated at the polls and he will be.

    So ask yourself, if all the social unrest is happening on Trump's watch, why doesn't he do something constructive to address it? Why doesn't he call for unity and a discussion of the issues that people have? Instead he blames the unrest on Biden even though Biden has not been in any government office in nearly four years.

    You can call me stupid, accuse me of magical thinking, and belittle my posts as much as you wish to. But that won't change the truth one bit. Trump is evil to his core, and nothing you can say or do can change that. He needs to go, and if there is a god, Trump will be leaving the White House on January 20, 2021.

  144. All of the celebrities on Epstein's flight logs have publicly endorsed Joe Biden

    Blatant and easily debunked fucking lie.

  145. So this is the same as Blacks for trump. A bunch of white trump supporters trying to give the false impression of support. This is just sad.

  146. No surprise, the Republicans trot out token negroes every 4 years only to relegate them to the back burner. Where was Candace Owens? I mean she could have mean mugged and yelled as well as Kim Guffoyle or owever you spell her name.

  147. Anonymous11:55 AM

    "So this is the same as Blacks for trump. A bunch of white trump supporters trying to give the false impression of support. This is just sad."

    "Kolvet assured this reporter there were some real Navajos behind the ad campaign, but it might take him a while to produce them, as Turning Point was working on several targeted ad campaigns and he wasn’t intimately familiar with all of them. In fact, he had to do a little research when Rally Forge forwarded him the email."

    Please excuse us here at Navajos for Trump. We are going to need a moment to go hunt for some Navajos for Trump.


  148. "Please excuse us here at Navajos for Trump. We are going to need a moment to go hunt for some Navajos for Trump.


    Typical Republicans. Come to a conclusion and then backtrack to try to justify it.

  149. Anonymous12:32 PM

    PilotX said...
    Why isn't the last living Republican ex-president speaking at the RNC?

    You mean the guy you called Hitler, until he came out as a Never Trumper?

    W is a representative of the Uni-Party establishment comprised of the dominant factions of the Democrat and Republican parties and the permanent government of non-elected officials and NGOs that Trump ran against. The Uni-Party supports endless wars, open borders, and trade relationships that enrich corporations at the expense of American workers.

    Trump defeated first the Republican establishment and then the Democrat establishment in 2016. The permanent government has waged war on him continuously, first with the Russian hoax, then fake impeachment, and now with the COVID lockdowns and BLM riots.

    Bush, along with Clinton and Obama are lackeys of the established order, and thus united against any expression of the electorate that opposes it.

    Trump is a threat to the globalist world order, not so much for what he has done, as he has been largely blocked, but for the fact he gives sustenance to the populist movement that very well could put a dent in the fortunes of the corrupt establishment.

  150. Interesting read about the Black middle-class in Chicago.

  151. "You mean the guy you called Hitler, until he came out as a Never Trumper?

    W is a representative of the Uni-Party establishment comprised of the dominant factions of the Democrat and Republican parties and the permanent government of non-elected officials and NGOs that Trump ran against. The Uni-Party supports endless wars, open borders, and trade relationships that enrich corporations at the expense of American workers."

    First off I do not recall calling W. Hitler. Please link me to where I wrote this. Secondly, this seems to be whom Republicans liked enough to elect TWICE so you may want to articulate your beefs with Republicans. This is a REPUBLICAN convention and last I checked W is the former REPUBLICAN president right?

  152. Anonymous12:50 PM

    PilotX said...
    "so you may want to articulate your beefs with Republicans"

    I despise the Republican party. My beefs with them were settled to an extent with the nomination of Donald Trump. No new wars and economic and immigration policies that gave a little back to working Americans. He is a very flawed man, but he stands alone among politicians when it comes to representing the interests of the vast majority of American citizens.

  153. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons1:23 PM

    DJIA down a bit after last night's RNC debacle. I guess the real players weren't impressed.

    last nite reminded me of the first day back from summer vacation. Everybody got to stand in front of the class and talk about what they did over the break. Most of them had to make things up.

    One thing did stick out, though. That was how much Donnie did for We, the descendants of enslaved Africans. I think everybody who spoke last night mentioned it.

    My question is, why are they working so hard to convince people it's not racist to be racist?

  154. "but he stands alone among politicians when it comes to representing the interests of the vast majority of American citizens."

    Imma call BS on that.😆

  155. Honorable Anonymous 9:50 am:
    Yes, isn't it odd? Technically "cuck" involves an interloper of darker skin tint, but I'm willing to stretch the definition a bit, in honor of Falwell Jr.

  156. Anonymous1:50 PM

    “Typical Republicans. Come to a conclusion and then backtrack to try to justify it.”

    More accurately, lie, and then lie again to cover up the first lie.

    The entire GOP convention is going to be nothing but lies:

    *Lie and pretend the Democrats are communists and that they are inciting black people to riot.

    *Lie and pretend that Trump isn’t a gigantic racist.

    *Lie and pretend that Trump did a good job protecting the country from COVID-19

    *Lie and pretend the economy is NOT completely trashed, with huge numbers of people out of work.

    Trump’s new campaign slogan is “Keep America Great.” But that implies that America is great now, when, in fact, everything is horrible, not great.

    Trump has failed, catastrophically.

  157. Anonymous2:00 PM

    “You mean the guy you called Hitler, until he came out as a Never Trumper?”

    “You”? Who is “you”? I don’t personally know anyone who called Dubya Hitler.

    I know lots of people who called Dubya:
    a) dumb
    b) a loyal servant of the rich
    c) a delusional warmonger
    d) a shredder of civil liberties

    They called him those things because he was all of those things. He never struck me as especially racist, though, so Hitler was way off the mark.

    I did figure he would be the worst Republican president of my lifetime, so congrats on proving me wrong on that, I guess?

  158. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Black Democratic mayoral candidate faked kidnapping to win ‘sympathy and votes’ ahead of election: Police


  160. "Black Democratic mayoral candidate faked kidnapping to win ‘sympathy and votes’ ahead of election: Police"

    Did it work?

  161. When did resisting arrest become a capital offense?

    When the crime rate started dropping in the early 90s, and the police ran short on criminals to catch. I call it the 'crime shortage', a.k.a. the police surplus. In a crime shortage, the police must search ever harder for crime, to justify their numbers and funding. Therefore they must arrest for ever-smaller offenses, execute for ever-smaller offenses, frame the innocent, or commit crimes themselves.

    The police justify their tyrannical perversity as being in defense of their lives. That's untrue; really it's in defense of their livelihoods. For proof of this, note that they feel justified when PC idiots and alt-right provocateurs set fires, but lose it when moms say they should be defunded.

    And as for demanding 'compliance'; that's a euphemism for "submit to my whim, slave, or be murdered". African-Americans tend not to accept such tyranny, to their suffering but also to their honor. I have often regarded African-Americans as the most American Americans of all, to whom freedom is not just a word.

  162. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:16 PM

    Froom the front page of today's Political Wire

    GOP CONVENTION Had Fewer First Night Viewers Than Democrats

    August 25, 2020 at 12:36 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 268 Comments

    “The first night of the Republican National Convention was down a touch in total viewership on the first night of the Democratic National Convention,” Variety reports.

    “Across the three broadcast networks, the RNC night 1 drew around 4.9 million total viewers, a 14% drop from last Monday’s DNC first night which drew 5.7 million.”

    “The fuller ratings picture for the RNC night 1 will become clearer later in the day when the cable news numbers will also be factored in.”
    Seems the trolls are all over the web claiming the Democrats had fewer viewers than the Republicans. Just lying as usual.

    2:13 PM

  163. "Seems the trolls are all over the web claiming the Democrats had fewer viewers than the Republicans."

    The RNC should have more viewers because it's much funnier. Hershel Walker riding the teacups with the donald in a suit? Hilarious! A screaming woman telling tales of her parents immigrating from a US territory. A custodian having to explain to trump what the job entails. Must-see tv.

  164. Anonymous2:56 PM

    The Sturgis biker rally is turning out to be a smashing success for the COVID virus. There have already been 81 confirmed cases traced directly to the rally, and infection rates in both North and South Dakota are now spiking.

    Excellent job, everybody. Way to kill as many people as possible through sheer stupidity and selfishness.

  165. Anonymous3:11 PM

    We Will Mock You

  166. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The Sturgis biker rally is turning out to be a smashing success for the COVID virus. There have already been 81 confirmed cases traced directly to the rally, and infection rates in both North and South Dakota are now spiking.

    Excellent job, everybody. Way to kill as many people as possible through sheer stupidity and selfishness.

    2:56 PM

    Total Bullshit

  167. Anonymous3:14 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  168. You're a fag5:22 PM

    "There have already been 81 confirmed cases traced directly to the rally, and infection rates in both North and South Dakota are now spiking."

    No deaths. 500,000 attendees. Meh.

  169. Wild Bill5:28 PM

    The premise of BLM and the riots isn’t merely wrong, it’s the opposite of the truth. Obviously nothing can be done to “solve” a “problem” that doesn’t exist. And the real problem, black criminality, can’t be publicly acknowledged, let alone fixed. It’s all so moronic.

  170. drumpf's personal body count continues its stratosphneric climb while drumpf congratulates himself on only killing 182k bodies, so far.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  171. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:20 PM

    You're a fag said...

    "There have already been 81 confirmed cases traced directly to the rally, and infection rates in both North and South Dakota are now spiking."

    No deaths. 500,000 attendees. Meh.

    5:22 PM
    It's too early for deaths yet. It usually takes two or three weeks or longer after you get COVID19 to die from it. some victims linger for four to six weeks.

  172. Anonymous1:40 AM

    granny says...

    "It's too early for deaths yet."

    Well let us hope some folks dies so your dreams come true. Good grief.

  173. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:06 PM

    Well let us hope some folks dies so your dreams come true. Good grief.

    1:40 AM
    It's not my dreams, son, more like a nightmare, but it's reality - something you are unable to acknowledge.

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