Friday, August 07, 2020

Field Poll.

My photoDear Field Hands, as we approach the 2020 presidential elections, we are being bombarded with poll after poll. And, as is to be expected, they are all over the place. Most of them have Uncle Joe up on President Orange, but there are some polls that have the candidates pretty much even at this point. 

In the spirit of the season, I would like to conduct my own Field Negro poll to get a an idea of where we are at this point in the presidential horse race. 

Please simply leave a comment and tell me who you will be voting for and why. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 



  1. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I’ll be voting for Biden.

    Because the current president is the biggest scumbag to occupy the White House during my lifetime, and possibly ever.

    I’m not sure the country can survive four more years of Trump. Certainly a great many individual Americans will not survive his continued misrule.

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I am voting for Biden because the current office holder is an incompetent racist.

  3. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:05 PM

    I'm voting for Biden because he is a decent man with a soul. The orange guy is a demon from hell.

  4. I’ll be voting for Trump.

    Because over my lifetime the American government has become incredibly corrupt. Both parties are committed to serving the priorities of the ruling class at the expense of the vast majority of Americans. Trump is he first politician from a major party to challenge the criminal pillaging of the American people. For this he has received an incredible amount of resistance to the level of outright insurrection from the permanent government. Both parties tried to sabotage his presidential run. He has been undermined by his own party since taking office, and the Democrats have resorted to spying on his campaign, creating the false Russian collusion narrative, staging a fake impeachment attempt based on nothing, exacerbating the economic effects of a pandemic for political gain, and fomenting violent nationwide riots to terrorize voters ahead of the 2020 election.

    Despite all this, he got the economy functioning to a level never seen under the previous administration. He took on China and other over trade deals that made the rich richer by sending American jobs overseas. He increased the price of labor by slowing the mass immigration policies that let mega corporations pay their workers less. Real wages for working class Americans rose for the first time in decades, and a rate much higher than any other demographic.

    He has resisted the Forever War machine and is the fist President in over 40 years not to start another war.

    The powers that be want to go back to business as usual. They want go back to turning the US into a slave wage farm that enriches a corrupt elite. They want to get back to sending Americans to die in pointless immoral wars. They want to turn America into a balkanized country with a populace too divided to ever oppose their own exploitation. They sow division between the races and sexes and the infinite number of new identities that fragment and divide us. A country united only by hate for one another. We must not let their media fool us into letting this happen. Trump is an imperfect vessel but he is all that stands between us and the nightmare dystopia the Democrats have planned for us.

  5. Biden of course-I have never voted for a Republican in my life, and at 75, can't imagine that I ever will. My favorite bumper sticker comment about Trump-"In your guts, you know he's nuts". And profoundly dangerous, I might add.

  6. Straight Democratic ticket because wingnuts hate America and have been trying to destroy us from within.

    BTW, I am officially on drumpf;s shit list as I sent in my application for absentee ballot yesterday, the same day I received it in the mail.

    There isn't a wingnut pol ever been hatched out that was ever truthful and didn't lie to hide their attempts to tear down Lady liberty. I'd say fuck them all, but that might give fucking a bad rap.

  7. Magat pretends he doesn't see the drumpf criminality that goes on under his very brown nose. Hopefully, this time, Dems don't play nice after they vote a wingnut crook out of office as they did with dumbass dubya.

    Dems fix the wingnut destroyed economy and wingnuts lie their way back into power to undo the fixes and try to destroy the economy again.

  8. It is possible we could pass 164k dead bodies in drumpf's hoax of a body count today.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf can't honestly say he can ignore a pandemic and have over 163 thousand people die and not lose a single vote as many of the deceased are older Magats.

  9. I don't think that anybody wants to stand in the way of Trump being prosecuted.

  10. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:51 PM

    MAGA said....

    Because over my lifetime the American government has become incredibly corrupt. Both parties are committed to serving the priorities of the ruling class at the expense of the vast majority of Americans.

    Not both parties, just the Republican Party, and Trump is the most corrupt of all.

  11. Anonymous7:14 PM

    “Not both parties, just the Republican Party, and Trump is the most corrupt of all.”

    I will never understand anyone who is so foolish as to convince themselves that Trump represents anything beyond the interests of the ruling class, or that he is in any way fighting corruption. It’s laughable. This is “the sky is green”-level self-delusion.

    Of course, I don’t for a minute actually believe our troll does believe that. He knows damn well that Trump’s racism is what he truly admires about Trump, but for some reason thinks that gobbledygook he just spewed sounds better than admitting he’s fueled by hate.

  12. drumpf wins......

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Tomorrow likely brings us 2 new milestones in drumpf's quest to be the best serial killer by omission, ever.

  13. I had little regard for Trump before he even came down that escalator. How many bankruptcies, casino losses, Central park 5, contretemps, the accusation of Obama as a non-American, etc. It was an easy choice to vote Democratic and after these last years, it has become easier yet. Top many scandals, an ever-rotating staff & Cabinet and Republicans who can't/won't say anything against Trump. To top it off, the constant appeals to racism, both overtly and covertly, is enough to vote against hem. Biden is not my first choice but someone needs to restore the reputation of the US and not by hugging a flag.

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:02 PM

    "I will never understand anyone who is so foolish as to convince themselves that Trump represents anything beyond the interests of the ruling class...."

    7:14 PM

    Have you not figured out that some of the ruling class are vultures and others are more willing to share? Wealthy people are not monolithic.

    I can list some of each for you if you are interested. Let me know if you are.

  15. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Biden anybody but trump

  16. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Biden. We are in a crisis. I knew it would come to this.

  17. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "Biden. We are in a crisis."

    Time for a senile hothead who can't tell his wife from his sister!

    Trump 2020!

  18. The only way I'm voting for Biden is if he picks Corn Pop as his VP.

  19. Wesley10:54 PM

    I'm voting for Kanye.

  20. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I would vote for: MAGA 6:16 PM

  21. All that is good and decent11:01 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Straight Democratic ticket"

    Remember...if you vote for a single democrat, you stand with this deranged moron.

  22. I admire President Trump. I believe he loves America and every American.

    The most important political act I've done in my life is vote for Trump!

    Despite my Leukemia, I will live long enough to vote for President Trump again!

    God Bless America and our President!

  23. Doflamingo-Chan11:41 PM

    I stand with Anon 10:59 PM.

    Trump 2020.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:42 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Of course, I don’t for a minute actually believe our troll does believe that. He knows damn well that Trump’s racism is what he truly admires about Trump, but for some reason thinks that gobbledygook he just spewed sounds better than admitting he’s fueled by hate.

    7:14 PM
    Have you considered that the troll you are speaking of may be part of the Russian attack on our election? According to the US Intelligence community, trolls are busy in several locations posting propaganda designed to influence voters to vote for Trump, or to become so discouraged they don't bother to vote.

    One of their strategies is to convince people that there is no difference between the two parties, so there is no real reason to vote. Another is trying to scare people about Biden by pretending that he is senile.

  25. I'm going to sniff your hair and there isn't anything you can do about it.

    C'mom man!

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:51 PM

    All that is good and decent said...

    mike from iowa said...
    "Straight Democratic ticket"

    "Remember...if you vote for a single democrat, you stand with this deranged moron."

    11:01 PM
    Vote a straight blue ticket ...if you vote for a single Republican, you stand with the man who has told at least twenty-thousand lies and murdered at least a hundred thousand Americans.

  27. Ivaп веaтiпov11:55 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Have you considered that the troll you are speaking of may be part of the Russian attack on our election?
    Дaмп yoц тo неll Gaмъlея! yoц нavе foilед oця ploт oпcе agaiп! Hoш шill ше еvея gaiп coмplете coптяol of Aмеяica шiтн тнis clеvея шoмеп цпcovеяiпg oця еvеяy мovе?

    Vlaдiмiя шill пoт ъе plеasед. Тнеяе шill ъе coпsеqцепcеs!

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:59 PM

    From the front page of tonight....

    Trump Will Make Order That Already Exists

    August 7, 2020 at 8:54 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 126 Comments

    “President Trump announced on Friday he will pursue an executive order requiring insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, something that is already law,” Axios reports..

    “The Affordable Care Act already requires insurers to cover pre-existing conditions. The Trump administration is currently arguing in a case before the Supreme Court to strike down that very law — including its pre-existing condition protections.”

    Mr. Trump represents the height of evil.

  29. The coverage of pre-existing conditions is vital to millions of Americans. President Trump is standing up for those most in need and providing security and peace of mind for the most vulnerable among us. A Biden presidency would mean millions of sick people losing this protection and facing ruination and death. That's why I am voting for President Trump.

  30. I will vote for Biden because he's the better candidate, simple as that.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous2:58 AM

    It appears the good people of Illinois are not having any of Kanye’s phony, publicity-stunt presidential campaign.

    1,900 Signatures Tossed!!!

  32. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Trump all the way.

  33. Did somebody say that they will vote for Trump to make sure that people with pre-existing conditions will not lose their healthcare insurance?

    Don't you get that the republicans want to repeal Obamacare. Trump will forever curse Mohn McCain for preventing their one chance. Wake up, buddy. There is no republican plan for healthcare. Their plan would be to return to unregulated market capitalism. Capitalism is great. But without some intelligent regulation it can be pretty brutal to the losers.

    There was no guarantee of equal coverage at a uniform price to people with pre-existing conditions before Obamacare. That was one of the major foundations of Obamacare. That and no lifetime limits. No maximum benefits. And a certain maximum out-of-pocket. That's what democrats gave us.

    That's what republicans want to take away. They're perfectly right, of course. There is no money in insuring a bunch of sick people. But it's the right thing to do.

    We can do better than Obamacare. But abolishing it is not a good start.

    Want to know how somebody could get Blue Cross Anthem insurance to care for their terminal disease or cancer at a reasonable price before Obamacare. There was actually a way to do it. It involved paying for Blue Cross insurance continuously with no lapses from no later than a person's late twenties. Pay Blue Cross every month for thirty-five years and you could pretty much count on not getting cancelled.

  34. Biden.
    He's not the greatest. But, he may be able to help heal some of the gaping wounds that 45 has created.

  35. Biden, and Democrats in every other race, too. Time to continue the blue wave of 2018

  36. Biden, definitely - I like his policies I've heard so far, and we definitely need a change. I'm a staunch Democrat and will be working to get Dems elected all the way down the ticket, and in other states too!

    1. In other words you don't work and want government handouts

  37. Darlington Ngabe said...
    The coverage of pre-existing conditions is vital to millions of Americans. President Trump is standing up for those most in need and providing security and peace of mind for the most vulnerable among us.

    Somebody jumped the pasture fence and got into the loco weed. Or else e is just repeating whAt fake noize told him to say.


    This is how stoopid fucking wingnuts take cAre of their constituents, get them to die early so moar money can be funneled to the wealthy.

  39. Adding to what Gambler posted earlier.....

    This just illustrates how fucking stoopid and incompetent wingnuts and their voters are. And of course, drumpf voters will believe drumpf no matter how much he lies.

    The ACA Act, btw, was passed by Dems and signed by Obama without a single wingnut vote yes. That shows how bad wingnuts want to protect your health, you fucking gullible morons.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:00 AM

    Darlington Ngabe said...

    The coverage of pre-existing conditions is vital to millions of Americans. President Trump is standing up for those most in need and providing security and peace of mind for the most vulnerable among us. A Biden presidency would mean millions of sick people losing this protection and facing ruination and death. That's why I am voting for President Trump.

    12:07 AM

    What the hell?

    Are you drunk or don't you know how to read? Trump is in the process of trying to overturn the Affordable Care ACT (which legally insures that pre existing conditions can not be considered by insurance companies) and has sent the case to the Supreme Court.

    Wake up!. Trump does not have the power to order the insurance companies to cover people with pre existing conditions by executive order. So if the Supreme Court rules in his favor, insurance companies can return to refusing to ensure people with pre existing conditions. And everybody that has pre existing conditions will be SOL (For you Russians posting here, SOL stands for shit out of luck.

    do he is lying to you and everyone else to hide the fact that he's in court try. You can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:02 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Trump all the way.

    3:05 AM
    Yeah, Trump all the way to hell, or at least to hell on earth. We already have it thanks to Trump.

  42. Still the dumbest man in congress.

  43. Anonymous11:35 AM

    How many States will President Trump win for victory in 2020?

  44. Anonymous11:36 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  45. Anybody but trump.

  46. Democrats right down the line.

  47. I can't understand the Biden supporters on here who criticize President Trump for guaranteeing coverage for pre-existing conditions! This was a protection that was going away without his executive order. I don't agree with everything he has done, but this is very important to me and that is why I will be voting to re-elect him.

  48. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Biden is pedo and puppet for NWO. Its Trump for me.

  49. I can't understand the Biden supporters on here who criticize President Trump for guaranteeing coverage for pre-existing conditions! This was a protection that was going away without his executive order.

    Some wingnuts ain't the sharpest knives in the drawer. drumpf and wingnuts have tried to eliminate the ACA and protection for pre-existing conditions. drumpf personally had the DOJ ask the SPOYUS to judge the ACA unconstitutional. drumpf does not want people to have thAt protection, no matter what he ejaculates as talking points.

  50. Anonymous12:31 PM



    Just head to page 8 for the truth about drumpf and his phony love of pre-existing conditions.

  52. Anonymous12:43 PM

    i wonder how many votes Trump just got from the video of Black Lives Matter rioters attacking an old woman and splashing her in the face with paint

  53. Joe Biden, if trump is allowed to remain n office, Democracy will cease to exist.

  54. Anonymous1:23 PM

    'Democracy' put Trump in office; Oligarchy is trying to get him out.

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:24 PM

    From today's - front page....
    Please read the article. it shows Trump for what he is and insults pigs.

    Let’s remember that along with everything else, Donald Trump’s a total pig

  56. Trump kept us out of war in Syria. He gave us criminal justice reform. He is protecting pre-existing condition coverage. He's got my vote this time. I'm voting Democratic locally, but Trump deserves another term.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:39 PM

    Anonymous said...


    Hold on there, Sparky, and take a look at the true situation for you orange idiot as shown by one consensus map and one projected one:

    Projected Map

    Current Consensus Map

    And by the way, you reference to some guy ranting on about masks etc. is a big waste of time. Boring! LOL!

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:42 PM

    Anonymous said...

    i wonder how many votes Trump just got from the video of Black Lives Matter rioters attacking an old woman and splashing her in the face with paint

    12:43 PM
    The answer is easy, none.

  59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:47 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    'Democracy' put Trump in office; Oligarchy is trying to get him out.

    1:23 PM
    No democracy did not put Trump in office. he lost the popular vote by nearly three million. The conservative oligarchy with some help from Vlady Putin put Trump in office,

    Biden's election will restore true democracy by winning both the popular vote and the Electoral College.

  60. This is a lob right over the plate.

    I will be voting for Joe Biden because the moron currently in office doesn't believe global warning is real and has cut funding for all programs that tried to address it. Global warming is the overarching crisis of our time, period.

    Biden acknowledges global warming. We don't need to delve further than that.

  61. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Proof that chloroquine let’s covid attack cancer cells but not normal cells

  62. Anonymous2:14 PM

    No democracy did not put Trump in office. he lost the popular vote by nearly three million. The conservative oligarchy with some help from Vlady Putin put Trump in office,

    1:47 PM

    Total bullshit. 3 million what, illegal aliens, dead people, people who voted two or three times??

    Trump won the lection fair and square, who is it that cannot accept the election results???

    What are you going to do when Trump wins again in November??

  63. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Biden is a pedophile. I want law and order so its Trump.

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:46 PM

    On Friday, the Trump administration’s counterintelligence chief publicly confirmed that Russia is attempting to harm Joe Biden’s candidacy in 2020. The official, William Evanina, even singled out a pro-Russia Ukrainian, Andrii Derkach, as a key participant in the Kremlin’s new effort.

  65. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Aw, so sad. Racist Joe Arpaio can’t have his old job back. Cue the tiny violins.

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:03 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Total bullshit. 3 million what, illegal aliens, dead people, people who voted two or three times??
    No dead people, illegal aliens, or people voting three times. If you have evidence of this you must offer it to the Secretary of State in the state where you live. To withhold evidence is a serious crime, so you better get going.

    Trump won the lection fair and square, who is it that cannot accept the election results???
    No, he did not. There is overwhelming evidence from America's intelligence community proving that Russia helped Trump, and he did not win "fair and square."

    What are you going to do when Trump wins again in November??
    I will be cheering and dancing in the street like everyone else because Trump will not be reelected. Joe Biden will be elected instead.

    2:14 PM

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:21 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Biden is a pedophile. I want law and order so its Trump.

    2:17 PM
    Joe Biden isn't the one who is being sued for raping a thirteen year old girl. That disgrace belongs to Donal Trump.

    If you want law and order, Trump ain't your guy. He has committed bank fraud, insurance fraud, filed false campaign expense reports, tried to extort the president of another country, and has committed many other crimes as well. Then, there's his lies - over 20,000 of them.

    In addition, Trump failed to protect the American people from a invasion of epic proportions. The invasion didn't include bombs and tanks, but the failure to take one useful step to protect the people of the United States from dying by the thousands is unforgivable.

  68. darcy3:53 PM

    Trump is trying to stop the invasion by building a wall.

    I'm voting for Trump.

  69. Anonymous4:06 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    "Global warming is the overarching crisis of our time, period."

    Global warming is the biggest hoax of the century.

    There is no evidence human activity is warming the planet.

    CO2 is not a pollutant, it is the basis of all life on earth. As CO2 increases, plant life increases.

    Climate is always changing naturally. If it is getting warmer, that's good. Ice ages suck.

    If Biden gets elected, his Green New Deal will destroy the American economy.

    Vote Trump to save the planet.

  70. Bidan, of course. I'm pretty sure T is the Anti-Christ.

  71. Biden withheld aid from an ally unless they fired a prosecutor investigating his son. We don't need to put criminals back in office. He thinks black folk can't thinks for themselves. Trump has been good for my community. I'm ridin' with the Donald.

  72. Fergus doesn't have the authority to command insurance companies to cover those with pre-existing conditions, and his lame attempt to cover up the fact that he's actually suing to take the health care coverage from 21 million people right before an election is a demonstration of how little understanding he has of how the US government works and of his own fascist mindset.

    If the ACA is struck down, the only way pre-existing conditions don't start bankrupting everyone with them is if congress passes a new healthcare bill, and congress doesn't really have one to pass because there are really three options in national healthcare policy:

    1. Unregulated for profit healthcare like we had before the ACA, where around 20% of the population had no access to normal healthcare and thus only sought it when their conditions were too severe to ignore and thus were far more costly in both money and down time than they needed to be. This system was eating up close to 20% of our GDP because of its inefficiency and poor outcomes.

    2. Single payer health insurance like we have with Medicare and like many advanced countries have had for decades. This is really the superior system, and if you don't believe me, ask anyone who has Medicare or lives in the UK or Canada. The problems with this system are mostly political and financial. Political because the American right is uniquely opposed to anything being run by the government, and financial because 160 million US workers get their health insurance through their employers and switching over would require renegotiating employment contracts and getting those workers to understand that the new system would require their taxes to go up.
    The fact that those taxes would eventually be far less than the premiums they now pay because no insurance companies would be taking their cut will be a hard sell to many nervous workers, especially in the face of the shitstorm of lies and propaganda that would be unleashed on them by the antigovernment right.
    The pandemic and the millions of workers who have lost their employment and thus their health insurance because of it is most likely weakening opposition to such a system, but make no mistake about how heavy a political lift it would be. Which is why we ended up with:

    3. The conservatives' plan for universal coverage, thought up by Heritage, instituted by Romney, and functioning successfully in a few countries where it isn't under constant attack by half of the government: the three legged stool of regulations that insurance companies have to cover everyone, mandates that everyone must have insurance (to get healthy people into the coverage pool so the insurance companies don't go bankrupt), and government subsidies for those who can't afford to buy the insurance on the open market.
    Yes, it's a Rube Goldberg approach to covering everyone, and as such, coverage will be spotty and less than universal, but it's what was politically feasible in 2009, when the great recession had the unemployment rate near 10% and the wholesale destruction of the health insurance sector would have caused an even frothier froth-at-the-mouth reaction from the right, and as it was it barely made it into law. The goddamn Republicans never came up with a replacement plan for the ACA because the ACA IS their plan.

    Nancy Pelosi passed a better version of the ACA, but was forced to abandon it and pass the senate's more conservative bill after Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley to take Ted Kennedy's old senate seat, thus depriving the Democrats of their filibuster proof majority, in the face of scorched-Earth opposition from Republicans to everything Obama tried to do.
    Her version included a "public option" which amounts to an opportunity for everyone to buy in to Medicare for their insurance.
    We can thank Joe Lieberman and his little band of poltroons for not getting it in the senate bill.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. The public option is Biden's approach to improving on the ACA, and the idea behind it is that those who buy in to Medicare will like it better than private insurance enough that it will sell itself to the rest of the country and eventually pave the way for a Medicare for all type system. Having had Medicare myself for the last decade, I believe the approach to be viable. If you could get it, you would want it.

    As for Fergus, his continuing demonstration of his ignorance of how to actually do the job of president (EOs are not equivalent to a CEO ordering their company to do things) just shows why he needs to go do anything else besides be president. Preferably spend some quality time in government custody for his many crimes, that never would have come to anyone's attention had the damn fool not run for president.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. What happens when your vacation spot county is 96% wasicus and 79% wingnuts? What could possibly go wrong from having people and boats jammed in like sardines of beaches and marinas?

    PilotX, you've been there, I'm sure.

  75. Biden withheld aid from an ally unless they fired a prosecutor investigating his son.

    Fucking lie has been debunked hundreds of times and yet stoopid fucking magats keep repeating it.

  76. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Biden for sure.


  77. Dr. Urso
    MD that discovered a patented (NGF for corneal wounds,Oxervate) FDA approved treatment. Partner in the LARGEST eye group in the nation. Opinions my own.
    982 Following

    This fucking stable genius is an opthamologist, not an infectious disease doc. Total bullshit, anymoose at 2:11 PM.

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:20 PM

    Dinthe beast said...

    "The public option is Biden's approach to improving on the ACA, and the idea behind it is that those who buy in to Medicare will like it better than private insurance enough that it will sell itself to the rest of the country and eventually pave the way for a Medicare for all type system. Having had Medicare myself for the last decade, I believe the approach to be viable. If you could get it,"
    I agree and I would add that we should lower the age of Medicare eligibility to 55. This would provide some relief to workers, such as first responders, school teachers, and others in high stress occupations who wish to retire before they reach sixty-five. Many can't afford to buy their own private insurance if they retire before reaching sixt-five.

    Periodically eligibility could be lowered in ten-year increments until over time everyone who wanted Medicare could be phased in. This plan would eliminate the disruption of trying to create Medicare for all at the same time.

    Private insurance would still be available for covering co-payments since Medicare doesn't cover a hundred percent of medical costs. In addition everyone who wished to purchase private insurance could do so.

    By the way, I've had Medicare and a small supplemental plan for 18 years, and I love it. It's so much better than private insurance.

  79. Laeticia,

    There are no provisions in the PPACA which expire or sunset. You got it backwards. There were several provisions that were phased in over time.

  80. "Fergus doesn't have the authority to command insurance companies to cover those with pre-existing conditions, and his lame attempt to cover up the fact that he's actually suing to take the health care coverage from 21 million people right before an election is a demonstration of how little understanding he has of how the US government works and of his own fascist mindset."

    And it took this moron 4 years to even come up with that. All this time I thought he was going to offer something better and cheaper.🙄

  81. So what are we going to see first? trump's tax returns or his better and cheaper health care plan?


  83. Anonymous5:39 PM

    TRUMP 2020!

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Let's see... Trump or Biden? Hmmm... Let me count the ways.

    First and foremost, like nearly everyone here I see a second term as a fatal blow to our democracy. Court-packing is a nasty political practice, but Trump and the Turtle have pushed it to new extremes. Yet the worst part of it is the Trump department of justice and Bill Barr. Barr is nothing more than an errand boy for Trump and a blind loyalist. He has launched foolish and unfounded investigations into Trump's foes. What's more Barr has attempted to tamper with the ability of a judge to determine sentence. Trump has shamelessly pardoned convicted criminals.

    His entire administration has been plagued with crime and corruption, sometimes at the expense of national security. From sharing intelligence with Russia to outing CIA operatives. He shamelessly steers government business to his own hotels and golf courses. He has misused public funds. He has used money form his foundation and more recently his campaign for personal enrichment of his family members. An administration rife with nepotism as completely inexperienced friends and relatives have been ridiculously placed in positions of authority.

    In less than two years he completely fucked up a prosperous trade relation with China. The greatest engine of prosperity in all history devastated by tariffs and useless trade wars. He has burned bridges with friendly nations while prostituting himself to dictators. He ended our involvement in the Iran Nuclear Treaty. He withdrew from the WHO.

    He has set back race relations over one hundred years as his encouragement has brought out the worst and ugliest of American white supremacists and hate groups that persecute Jews, Muslims and other ethnic populations. He has worked tirelessly to limit voting in as many states as possible and also on a national level as much as he can get away with it. He has ended the census early. He attempted to make certain people counted by census takers ineligible. He tried to postpone an election. As we speak he is desperately planning a way to dispute a Biden victory.

    He has made us an international pariah and the laughingstock of the international community.

    Did I miss anything? Oh yeah. He's just a really icky person. Hide the children.

    Biden is a decent American and an experienced politician. Tried by decades of public service. We can count on him to do his best to right the wrongs of the current administration from hell.

  86. Anonymous5:53 PM

    “So what are we going to see first? trump's tax returns or his better and cheaper health care plan?”

    Tax returns. A court has ordered them turned over, so they will see the light of day sometime, albeit probably after he’s already been driven from office.

    And “sometime” will happen sooner than “never,” because “never” is when he will be introducing his imaginary healthcare plan (which he promised 4+ years ago, and which Republicans had promised for many years before that).

    There is no such thing as a universal, yet free-market, healthcare plan. That cannot exist. It is an impossible fantasy, like Bitcoin replacing the dollar, or perpetual motion machines.

  87. Maybe if people can't pay their staggering hospital costs they can be forced to work it off as orderlies, janitors or kitchen workers.


    This man is really really stupid.😖

  89. Anonymous6:56 PM

    “Maybe if people can't pay their staggering hospital costs they can be forced to work it off as orderlies, janitors or kitchen workers.”

    That’ll work out great. It’ll only take 400 years to pay off your organ transplant by working in the hospital cafeteria.

    That does sound like the sort of ridiculous idea Republicans would offer with a completely straight face.

  90. Jerome J.7:07 PM

    I'm sick of these fucking BLM riots, and I'm not rewarding them by voting for Biden.

  91. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Flying Junior said...
    "In less than two years he completely fucked up a prosperous trade relation with China. The greatest engine of prosperity in all history devastated by tariffs and useless trade wars"

    Then why was the economy doing so well before the pandemic?

    The trade relationship was prosperous for the Chinese and for rich people in America, but devastating for middle and working class people. Trump got wages up for the lowest paid workers for the first time in decades. You may not care about American workers, but thank God President Trump does. No way am I voting for a backstabbing criminal like Joe Biden.

  92. Anyone been to Thigh-land or Yo-semite recently?

  93. "I'm sick of these fucking BLM riots, and I'm not rewarding them by voting for Biden."

    Um, you do realize that trump is president right?

  94. Kenny Rogers AKA The Gambler7:30 PM

    @Anon 7:18: Everything that "Flying Janitor" said at 5:52 is 180 degrees from the truth. These people are brainwashed mid-wits who just repeat everything the dem media tells them. There's no point in engaging them, they are zombies incapable of figuring out anything on their own.

    Trump 2020!

  95. "These people are brainwashed mid-wits who just repeat everything the dem media tells them. There's no point in engaging them, they are zombies incapable of figuring out anything on their own."

    😂😂😂 You gonna take a trip to Yo-semite of Thigh-land? Sure kid, trump is the genius we've been waiting for.😆

  96. So Kenny, you're saying trump didn't steer business to his properties? You're say Bill Barr isn't doing his bidding? You're saying America is not the laughingstock of the world? What exactly did FJ get wrong? I know you'll say everything but get specific.

  97. No rest for the wicked. drumpf's body count is still racking up the score like an out of control pin ball machine on steroids.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Moar milestones met and exceeded. Only game drumpf is a clear winner.

  98. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:16 PM

    Flying Junior said...

    Let's see... Trump or Biden? Hmmm... Let me count the ways.

    First and foremost, like nearly everyone here I see a second term as a fatal blow to our democracy. Court-packing is a nasty political practice, but Trump and the Turtle have pushed it to new extremes. Yet the worst part of it is the Trump department of justice and Bill Barr. Barr is nothing more than an errand boy for Trump and a blind loyalist. He has launched foolish and unfounded investigations into Trump's foes. What's more Barr has attempted to tamper with the ability of a judge to determine sentence. Trump has shamelessly pardoned convicted criminals.

    His entire administration has been plagued with crime and corruption, sometimes at the expense of national security. From sharing intelligence with Russia to outing CIA operatives. He shamelessly steers government business to his own hotels and golf courses. He has misused public funds. He has used money form his foundation and more recently his campaign for personal enrichment of his family members. An administration rife with nepotism as completely inexperienced friends and relatives have been ridiculously placed in positions of authority.

    In less than two years he completely fucked up a prosperous trade relation with China. The greatest engine of prosperity in all history devastated by tariffs and useless trade wars. He has burned bridges with friendly nations while prostituting himself to dictators. He ended our involvement in the Iran Nuclear Treaty. He withdrew from the WHO.

    He has set back race relations over one hundred years as his encouragement has brought out the worst and ugliest of American white supremacists and hate groups that persecute Jews, Muslims and other ethnic populations. He has worked tirelessly to limit voting in as many states as possible and also on a national level as much as he can get away with it. He has ended the census early. He attempted to make certain people counted by census takers ineligible. He tried to postpone an election. As we speak he is desperately planning a way to dispute a Biden victory.

    He has made us an international pariah and the laughingstock of the international community.

    Did I miss anything? Oh yeah. He's just a really icky person. Hide the children.

    Biden is a decent American and an experienced politician. Tried by decades of public service. We can count on him to do his best to right the wrongs of the current administration from hell.

    5:52 PM
    A truly great post, Flying Junior! It's so good, I copied the entire post in case some one missed the original. As the British say; "Good show, old top!

  99. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:20 PM

    Jerome J. said...

    I'm sick of these fucking BLM riots, and I'm not rewarding them by voting for Biden.

    7:07 PM
    Well the rest of us are tired of the white nationalists attending BLM demonstrations and creating riots, so we're voting for Biden

  100. I’m voting for Biden. Nothing else to add that has not already been stated.

  101. Biden. Mediocre > Disastrous.

  102. Anonymous9:34 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I'm sick of these fucking BLM riots, and I'm not rewarding them by voting for Biden."

    Um, you do realize that trump is president right?
    Um, you do realize the riots are the Democrats trying to terrorize voters into voting for them, with the explicit threat that if you don't, they'll keep burning your cities down.

    Voting for Democrats is like paying off the Mafia.

  103. You can take the African out of the jungle...10:42 PM

    ... but you can't take the jungle out of the African.

    DeAndre Baker Charged With Four Counts of Robbery With Firearm

  104. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Wakanda barbecue:

  105. Mary O'Grady11:02 PM

    Joe Biden + a straight Democratic ticket down the rest of my ballot.
    #45's and his enablers' multiple daily outrages nauseate and horrify me.

  106. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Wakandan public service announcements:

  107. So Jo Jorgensen won't be stumping for her candidacy on the libertarian ticket for a while because she's undergoing preventative rabies treatment after being bitten by a bat.
    But since she's a libertarian, shouldn't it be the bat getting the rabies shots?

    Sturgis is looking like the most efficient superspreader event imaginable. A quarter million bikers descending on the little town from everywhere, partying for ten days, and going back to the everywhere they came from. How many of them will be sneaking off to share a meth pipe in secret is anyone's guess. My brother was a biker, and so I grew up around them. A lot of them aren't very bright. A lot of them are solid, upright folks, though, and I really hope this doesn't turn out to be a death sentence for them, but I don't have a good feeling about it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  108. 10.2% unemployment. MAGA.

  109. "Um, you do realize the riots are the Democrats trying to terrorize voters into voting for them"

    Sure kid.

  110. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:44 PM

    Anonymous said....
    Um, you do realize the riots are the Democrats trying to terrorize voters into voting for them, with the explicit threat that if you don't, they'll keep burning your cities down.

    Voting for Democrats is like paying off the Mafia.

    9:34 PM
    You are either uninformed or a Russian troll. Check out these articles and discover just how wrong you are. It's not Democrats that are trying to terrorize voters.

  111. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 PM

    DeAndre Baker Charged With Four Counts of Robbery With Firearm

    10:42 PM
    Baker appears to be an American, not an African.

  112. Anonymous1:25 AM

    No way am I voting for the riot party.

    Trump is the man!

  113. So if Fergus gets his EO way, he has undermined Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment insurance. Three months before an election with a raging pandemic and thirty million unemployed workers.

    Two Corinthians walk into a bar, and the bartender says "Yo! Semites! Let's go to thighland!"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. Thank you Gambler. It did have a certain elegance and economy of words. Clearly I left out a great deal. I only hinted at his loyalty to Russia over the U.S. I did not mention his bizarre deal with the devil working with Assange and Vlad to sabotage Hillary in the election. His sexual pecadillos are not terribly important. His lack of truth, honesty and candor is a very serious problem. Did I mention narcissism?

    He's just not the kind of guy you want representing your country to the world. He's a laughable clown and a very disgusting self-centered man. But as Trump himself would say. It's very sad.

  115. A guy like Trump could get a lot of chicken in Thighland.

  116. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Trump has come through for the people by signing these EOs today. He has effectively taken away the Dem\Bolshevik planks. Pelosi and Co are in a corner. He also smashed the Rhinos right in the face. The Republicans are the phantom army, as soon as the bullets start flying they just melt away. They have become the Marxist Lite party. Our President has shown unbelievable leadership the past 72 hours. Serious consideration should be given to destroying political parties, the were not envisioned by our founding fathers. Our President is demonstrating that they are not necessary. Congress once again was willing to drive the American People over a cliff, while they dither, our Nation suffers. At the very least, if he can get re-elected, he might consider forming a new party, demo-pubs or repub-ocrats have worn out their usefulness.

    Well Done Mr President.

    1. "Well done"? He is posturing. $300 weekly is not enough.(That's all the feds are funding in UC benefits) He wants to strip Social Security by cutting payroll taxes. Also, his EO are not legal. End of story.

  117. Shipment of nearly 20 thousand fake U.S. driver’s licenses from China were just confiscated at Chicago airport.

    Flood up illegals, outfit them all with fake IDs and driver’s licenses produced by a first rate foreign intelligence service, and you can fix an election.

    This smells like big time election interference to me...

  118. Anonymous1:56 AM

    What were Obama & Co. so *desperate* to keep hidden if Trump won the election?

    1. The sale of 25% of US uranium stock to Russia. (Uranium One, which heavily implicates the Clintons)
    2. Billions in foreign aid to corrupt governments with millions in laundered kickbacks for our ruling class (Hunter Biden)
    3. The Anthony Wiener laptop, supposedly filled with stuff that made NYPD detectives "throw up".

    Shit be coming down soon.

  119. Trump just ruined Pelosi's scam.

    I love it.

  120. So, since ex-presidents still receive secret service protection, does that mean Fergus will be protected from his cell mates when he goes to prison?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  121. Two words. Exile baby.

  122. What it's like to not do it wrong:

    New Zealand Marks 100 Days of No Community Spread

    August 8, 2020 at 11:25 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 112 Comments

    “New Zealand has now gone 100 days with no detected community spread of COVID-19,” Axios reports.

    “New Zealanders are going to the polls on Sept. 19. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been widely praised for her leadership that saw NZ lock down hard for several weeks before all domestic restrictions were lifted in June. She sees her government’s response to and recovery from the coronavirus outbreak as key to her Labour Party being re-elected.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  123. Has Biden hurt the bible and God yet?


  125. Anonymous7:57 AM

    In less than two years he completely fucked up a prosperous trade relation with China.

    A relation which reduced much of America to destitution.

    He has set back race relations over one hundred years as his encouragement has brought out the worst and ugliest of American white supremacists and hate groups that persecute Jews, Muslims and other ethnic populations.

    The primary agents of persecution of Jews are blacks and Muslims.  All of the attacks on Jews in NYC are committed by blacks.

    Trump has shamelessly pardoned convicted criminals.

    You thought it was just fine when Obutthole pardoned murderers and drug dealers.  But they weren't guilty of Wrongthink, were they?

  126. anyfuckinglingmoose @ 1:56 AM be full of shit. Pants on Fire lie.

    Uranium 1 has been debunked more times than you have blown your dog's weiner.

    Do try to keep up in this century.

  127. drumpf is personally responsible for the deaths equivalent to 55 WTC terrorist attacks. (it is actually more than 55, but, I rounded up the deaths to 3000 to make it seem like drumpf has some humanity in him. He doesn't, but still....)

  128. anyfuckinglyingingmoose @ 7:18 PM.You lie again about wages.

    Such a preposterous lie it garnered 4 Pinocchios.

  129. Anonymous10:32 AM

    What Might Come From The Second Shutdown

    Vote for Trump!!

  130. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I'm an African American and I'm voting for Trump.

  131. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:23 AM

    Good morning Friends,

    Has anyone noticed that a crop of trolls are coming here with the same message. I wonder if they are only one or two people. Hard to tell when their posts are all coming from "Anonymous."

  132. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:25 AM



  133. Anonymous12:07 PM

    field negro said...
    "Also, his EO are not legal"

    It's not legal to take decisive action to help the American people?

    Imagine if Congress were part of America and could actually help this President save the nation.

  134. Anonymous12:30 PM

    There are now 53 studies that show positive results of hydroxychloroquine in COVID infections.

    There are 14 global studies that show neutral or negative results -- and 10 of them were in patients in very late stages of COVID-19, where no antiviral drug can be expected to have much effect.

    Of the remaining four studies, two come from the same University of Minnesota author. The other two are the one from the faulty Brazil paper, which should be retracted, and the fake Lancet paper, which was.

    Hundreds of thousands of people have died world wide for the pettiest of reasons - because Donald Trump was an early messenger of the drugs benefits.

  135. Blue-state voters will not want to hear this, but this investigation of a major-party presidential candidate (and later a president) by a combination of the FBI and hired Democratic Party opposition researchers is much the same story as Watergate, only much worse.

  136. Anonymous12:52 PM

    "New Zealand Marks 100 Days of No Community Spread"

    The New Zealand border is strictly controlled and all arrivals required to spend 14 days in quarantine.

    It's almost as if Covid shows the value of national borders...

  137. "It's almost as if Covid shows the value of national borders..."

    It's almost as if Covid shows the value of smart leadership.

  138. "Blue-state voters will not want to hear this, but this investigation of a major-party presidential candidate (and later a president) by a combination of the FBI and hired Democratic Party opposition researchers is much the same story as Watergate, only much worse."

    Any day now right?

  139. "I'm an African American and I'm voting for Trump."

    Is this Diamond or Silk?

  140. Voting for Biden because I am not a masochist and I love my (Most of them)fellow Americans.

  141. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:39 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm an African American and I'm voting for Trump.

    10:50 AM
    You have my sympathy.

  142. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    field negro said...
    "Also, his EO are not legal"

    It's not legal to take decisive action to help the American people?

    Imagine if Congress were part of America and could actually help this President save the nation.

    12:07 PM
    No, anonymous, it's not legal to do some things no matter how much it helps some people. At the very center of our country lies an important document that we at at least pretend to subscribe to. It's called The Constitution. That document outlines the duties and limits of our government. You should read it sometime. It's avaliable on the web. Google it.

  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:07 PM

    Obamagate said...

    Blue-state voters will not want to hear this, but this investigation of a major-party presidential candidate (and later a president) by a combination of the FBI and hired Democratic Party opposition researchers is much the same story as Watergate, only much worse.

    12:36 PM

    You've got to be kidding! I'm still waiting for that report on Obama from Hawaii that Trump promised back in 2008. ROTF LMAO The joke's on you.

  144. Anonymous2:39 PM


  145. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Trump designates Martin Luther King Jr. birthplace a national historic park:

  146. "Trump designates Martin Luther King Jr. birthplace a national historic park"

    While praising confederate monuments! Hooray trump!😃

  147. The Fixer3:01 PM


    There, fixed it.

  148. First, the president isn't in charge of federal spending, congress is.

    Second, if Fergus gets his way and both strikes down the ACA and commands insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions by fiat, the shit will hit the fan.

    The ACA isn't 2,000 pages long because regulating insurance is simple or easy, and the newly unregulated insurance companies will not, in fact, continue providing coverage mandated under the ACA if they are not required to by law.

    That's why they didn't before the ACA: there's much more money to be made screwing the policy holders by denying coverage for whatever reasons they and their lawyers can dream up than by paying claims for actual needed healthcare.

    On the off chance that Fergus somehow strikes down the ACA and commands by fiat that the insurance companies continue providing coverage without the cost cutting regulations, the dying howls of the goddamn health insurance industry will be sweet, sweet music as the era of sanity and single payer is ushered in by the stomping of a golf shoe on the presidential penis.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  149. Documented cases of voter fraud in 2016 election: 4
    Republicans: We will stop at nothing to contain this plague!

    US deaths from covid 19: 162K +
    Republicans: Eh, life is full of risk...

    h/t:Nick Anderson

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  150. So three of Fergus' four "EOs" weren't actually EOs, they were memoranda. Basically, pretty looking bound books he got to mark on with a sharpie.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  151. Joe Biden. As the signs say: Any Competent Adult 2020

  152. "At the very center of our country lies an important document that we at at least pretend to subscribe to. It's called The Constitution."

    The Constitution of 1787 was dismembered in 1861, again in 1933, and a last time in 1965. We've lived in an Imperium ever since. I don't like it, but to pretend it still applies is a fantasy, that enables the Democrats to do as they please, while Republicans govern with one hand tied to their balls.

    Trump is recognizing the reality of the situation, and taking action for the citizenry.

  153. While I would much prefer to vote for Mark Charles, I fear he won't be able to garner the amount of voter attention he needs to get on enough ballots to either win or cause a three-way tie. In the latter case, I have no idea what would happen. So I'll vote for Biden.

    Field, you must have a very influential blog, with so many Russky bots showing up (and they're not all anonymous either, I'll bet). :-)

  154. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Man Shot Dead After Charging At Cop With 2 Sai-Style Knives:

    I guess you could say "Sai-onara".

  155. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:48 PM

    Anonymous said...


    2:39 PM
    Is that one of †he Russian sites †hat got busted yesterday for pretending to be Black?

  156. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:51 PM

    I've got a pen and a phone said...

    "At the very center of our country lies an important document that we at at least pretend to subscribe to. It's called The Constitution."

    Trump is recognizing the reality of the situation, and taking action for the citizenry.

    4:19 PM
    Trump is giving the Constitution the middle finger, then u sing it for toilet paper.

  157. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons6:02 PM

    After looking at the pros and cons of this administration, I feel we have been subject to the prostitution of the constitution

  158. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Man Shot Dead After Charging At Cop With 2 Sai-Style Knives:

    I guess you could say "Sai-onara".

    4:39 PM
    I guess you could say suicide by Cop. Sad

  159. Andrei Botnik6:49 PM

    "Is that one of †he Russian sites †hat got busted yesterday for pretending to be Black?"

    To what evil unseen presence did you ascribe all opinions counter to your own before they told you about the Russian boogeyman?

  160. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:08 PM

    Andrei Botnik said...

    "Is that one of †he Russian sites †hat got busted yesterday for pretending to be Black?"

    To what evil unseen presence did you ascribe all opinions counter to your own before they told you about the Russian boogeyman?

    6:49 PM
    I'm not tellin'. LOL! When did you stop beating your wife/girl friend/dog?

  161. Mnuchin threatens to make taxpayers pay back COVID money unless Trump is reelected. (Raw Story)

    Uh, how is Mnuchin or Fergus gonna make anyone do anything if Fergus loses the election? Ask really nice?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Hypocrisy rules.

  163. "Is that one of †he Russian sites †hat got busted yesterday for pretending to be Black?"

    Those were actually Romanian.

  164. Anonymous8:37 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Mnuchin threatens to make taxpayers pay back COVID money unless Trump is reelected"

    That's it, I can't afford a Biden presidency. I'm voting for Trump.

  165. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I don't remember one president in my life that did anything useful for me and mine!!

  166. drumpf body count enjoyed another Sunday respite...

    Coronavirus Cases:

    Look for a serious pickup in action after onday's hangover.

  167. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I vote for anonymous 1:09 PM

  168. Anonymous10:26 PM

    I mean I vote for anonymous 9:01 PM

  169. Anonymous10:35 PM

    White man in the countryside. Not a lot of dark skin around here. Have already decided to vote for Kanye West, whether on the ballot or a write in. Yeah, he's insane, but can anyone really try to tell me that Trump and Biden aren't? So fuck it. I've checked out. The only contests I care about are at the county level. Everything else is a joke, so I will joke right back. Kill me now or kill me later, just make it quick.

  170. Anonymous10:35 PM

    3 Dead, at Least 32 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings

  171. Anonymous10:41 PM

    White man in the countryside again. I actually have a serious question, and would be interested in a serious answer.

    We know that Biden will pick a black woman for his running mate. I don't know a shitload about black people to put it mildly, but I know that interracial marriage is a hornet's nest in your group. The black women get pissed when the black men snag a white woman. The black men get pissed when the black women go for the white men.

    So when Biden picks a black woman, what will the black men think? Be honest, 'cause I really have no dog in this other than being a curious white bastard in the countryside. Will it matter?

  172. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "The black men get pissed when the black women go for the white men."

    Actually they don't give a shit. Other black women do.

  173. Vote Biden if you like spaghetti sauce:


  175. "I don't know a shitload about black people to put it mildly"

    And you should have just stopped there because we all knew something stupid was going to follow.😑

  176. Anonymous12:09 AM

    I like spaghetti sauce, and I'm voting for Trump/

  177. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:09 AM

    I've got a pen and a phone said...

    "At the very center of our country lies an important document that we at at least pretend to subscribe to. It's called The Constitution."

    "is a fantasy, that enables the Democrats to do as they please, while Republicans govern with one hand tied to their balls."
    What you talking about? The Republicans have dominated the Supreme Court for quite a few years and still do. So what are you bitching about? If you want to live in a dictatorship, then move to one.

  178. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:49 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "How many States will President Trump win for victory in 2020?"
    According to Sam Wang at Not enough for victory. It's not the number of states that counts; it's the number of electoral votes. According to Sam, if Trump performs three percentage points better than he is doing now, he will win maybe half of the states and 219 EV's. Biden will win the remaining half equaling 319 EV's to win it. This is just a projection based on polling trends over the last six months.

  179. When Fergus fucked off the response to the pandemic and it became clear that the relief legislation already passed would not be enough, the Democrats passed another bill to extend and expand upon it.
    That was back in May.

    The goddamn Republicans, somehow believing the pandemic could just be ignored, refused to even draft a counter offer.

    Fergus, seeing his poll numbers sliding further and further into the shitter, came up with a plan, which was to make a bunch of stupid and unrelated demands he would veto any bill that failed to include, thus tanking the already insane and last second negotiations. Then he held a campaign event in which he signed an EO and three memoranda which he knew would not fly, so when they don't fly he can blame the Democrats.

    So basically Fergus' response to the worst pandemic in modern history and the resulting worst economic crash since the great depression was to hold a bullshit campaign event that he can make ads from.

    This is what you get when you hire an incompetent for the hardest job in the world.

    He wants to move the election? Let's move it to Tuesday. Or fuck that, doing that would be just one more bedrock institution of our government that he shat all over. Why doesn't he just go on a nice extended golf outing until, say, mid-January?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  180. Mostly Peaceful Protestor1:42 AM

    California Will Soon Be Paying $1,250 To People Who Test Positive For Coronavirus

    This won't have any unintended consequences.

  181. Anonymous2:53 AM

    All I got to say it this:

  182. Very true that despite America's imperfections, gotta love, when all is said and done, she remains a work in progress. At least because well into my middle-age years, we could count on the collective embrace of the Constitution and a document declaring America's Independence with the hope of moving each of us to an equality rooted in respect and dignity.

    Though it would behoove much of our government agencies to stem bureaucratic inefficiencies, at least we had the kind of policies in place free of politics such as the EPA, FDA, housing, education and justice departments. Nor was our judiciary run rampant with the appointment of unqualified judges. Or who could imagine the weaponization of Homeland Security to separate migrant families to the point of terrorizing children.

    As several vanguards of the FN -blog have encapsulated time again, our nation's downward trajectory also is due to the constant disdain for effective government. The Powers That Be who dismantled an entire framework for handling a pandemic crisis was beyond arrogant and dangerous, adopting such a boneheaded stance all because a previous beloved administration authored the initial blueprint of a pandemic response and jumpstarted the national stockpile of emergency equipment.

    No doubt it was a sound course of action closing off travel to the U.S. from China and Europe. However, totally lost on the president and his supporters is the fact that the horse had more than a month prior to this executive act to escape the barn.

    Coupled with an insurmountable ignorance of science, both the economy and life as we know it is turned upside down to the point where wearing a mask is political. With more than five million COVID-19 cases reported and tens of thousands of deaths to date, it's not "It Is What It Is." The more humane and soul-rendering observation is, "It did not have to be this way."

    Finally, how is a segment of our electorate okay with a total lack of transparency? Why are they okay with foreign governments interferring in our elections? Why do they support voter suppression efforts? How is it okay for wealthier conglomerates to collect millions in stimulus funds with zero accountability, yet major hand-wringing ensues funding unemployment benefits for desperate families?

    I'm not okay the electorate was left in the dark about the president's tax returns along with the dozens of other conflicting issues of directing taxpayer dollars to Trump properties. I'm not okay with public health briefings serving as a campaign rally. I'm not okay with the U.S attorney general serving as the personal attorney of the president. I'm not okay with education and economic outcomes being determined by zip code. I'm not okay with the posting of crime/shooting statistics - mostly trolls in sadistic glee, not as a public health crisis requiring holistic solutions.

    We need to keep corruptive forces out ot American elections and seat congressional and senatorial lawmakers who will enact the John Robert Lewis Voting Rights Act.

    Biden/America 2020

  183. P.S...Unfortunately, reclaiming the presidency and democratic senate majority is an uphill battle. I'm personally ignoring the polls, Mr. Fields.

  184. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

    and i vote for mama kardashian

  185. Anonymous9:35 AM

    LIVE TNB UPDATES: Looting, Unrest Overnight Across Downtown Chicago; The Loop Shut Down
    By CBS 2 Chicago StaffAugust 10, 2020 at 8:32 am

  186. Anonymous9:36 AM

    VOTE TRUMP 2020!!

  187. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Negro Looting and Rioting Breaks Out in Chicago After Police Shooting:
    BY EWAN PALMER ON 8/10/20 AT 3:00 AM EDT

  188. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Chicago August 2020 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 18
    Shot & Wounded: 107
    Total Shot: 125
    Total Homicides: 18

  189. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons10:04 AM

    This is America

  190. Anonymous10:34 AM

    The Angel of the Lord declares his 'representatives' shall not prosper until they humble themselves. GOD hates a proud look.

  191. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:14 AM

    A "must read" for every American who cares about our country....

    The Trump Pandemic
    A blow-by-blow account of how the president killed thousands of Americans.

  192. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:31 AM

    From Politico.......

    It looks like the Republicans are doing it too and not just the Russians. Lies, lies, and more lies from the right and the Russian dictator.

    Facing bleak November, Republicans look to stoke BLM backlash

    The battle to define the movement comes as the president and fellow GOP candidates try to win back suburban voters.

  193. Hi, Gambler: Many thanks for posting another spot on source, especially William Saletan's reporting in, outlining the full timeline of the deplorable handling COVID-19 crises. You are absolutely correct this article should be a must-read. Case in point, the initial collusion, so to speak, between presidents Trump and Xi - all in the effort of brokering trade deals at the expense of communicating the truth about a deadly disease.
