Monday, August 10, 2020

Caption Monday.


I need a caption for this picture. 

*Image from 


  1. You too can get the trump dental plan.

  2. Manifest Density9:09 PM

    Thinks white people invented electricity

  3. Anonymous9:29 PM

    “Today, I learned from Mr Trump that the 1917 flu ended World War II! I’m gonna read more about it, right after I get back from visiting Yo Semite and Thighland.”

  4. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Note: There was no 1917 flu. The “Spanish flu” arrived in 1918.

  5. Anonymous9:33 PM

    “I’m so excited! Mr. Trump says he’s going to help me through the recession by defunding my Social Security. And guarantee my health insurance by taking away my Obamacare!

    I’m so glad to have Trump looking out for me, because I didn’t do so good at math in school.”

  6. Does this ridiculous flag make my ridiculous ass look ridiculously large?

  7. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I vote for anonymous 9:30 PM

  8. trump's new Secretary of Education.

  9. Anonymous9:56 PM

    “trump's new Secretary of Education.”

    Or maybe secretary of agriculture? We’ll all starve because farmers have been ordered to irrigate their fields with sports drinks.

    “Brawndo's got what plants crave: It's got electrolytes!”

  10. Slavery is an African institution10:26 PM

    So-called "Hazel Crest" residents who held two Africans as unpaid servants are from Benin, as are their erstwhile slaves.

    We'd call it "human trafficing", but neither the perps nor victims are human.

  11. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "Thinks white people invented electricity"

    He's right.

  12. Meth? What meth? I don't know what you're talking about.

    "He's right."

    Sure thing. And gravity, also.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Earlier today, the far-left began a campaign called "Interrupt Trump" targeting White House press briefings

    Today an armed gunman interrupted the President's press briefing.

    Is Doug in custody yet?

  14. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Vice-Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has apparently unfollowed Joe Biden on Twitter.

    Guess it's going to be Susan "Spontaneous Reaction to a Video" Rice.

  15. 'Or maybe secretary of agriculture? We’ll all starve because farmers have been ordered to irrigate their fields with sports drinks."


  16. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Idiocracy was a parable of the coming low-IQ non white America.

    Nice try.

  17. Lori Lightweight11:19 PM

    Last night there wasn’t even the pretense of a “protest” in Chicago, it was just large-scale, coordinated looting and criminality. Governments have signaled that there are no consequences for certain demographics, and this is the result.

    Smash windows, graffiti buildings, steal clothes, attack cops— there are no arrests. If there are arrests, the criminals are let go. If they aren’t let go, the charges are dropped. It’s lawlessness and increasingly, the worst predators are taking advantage.

    The law has become a farce, it’s broken at will by criminals and arbitrarily enforced against law abiding people. We in the middle are terrorized from both ends, violent thugs roaming free on one side and the oppressive leftist oligarchy on the other.

  18. "Idiocracy was a parable of the coming low-IQ non white America."

    LOL, sure it was. It had nothing to do with the embrace of anti-intellectualism by the Republicans especially post-Sarah Palin and their disdain for book lern'n. LOL


  20. Anonymous12:43 AM

    PilotX said...
    "It had nothing to do with the embrace of anti-intellectualism by the Republicans especially post-Sarah Palin and their disdain for book lern'n."

    Correct. IQ is attributable to genetics.

    How white are you?

  21. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Pilot's X says...

    "LOL, sure it was. It had nothing to do with the embrace of anti-intellectualism by the Republicans especially post-Sarah Palin and their disdain for book lern'n. LOL"

    The real "LOL" is you believing a satirical movie is fact. What did they teach you at your HBCU? Certainly not logic. But, nevertheless continue on with yo bad self.


    It's about to go down!

  23. "The real "LOL" is you believing a satirical movie is fact. What did they teach you at your HBCU?"

    Sure kid, this post makes sense. Fun fact, I didn't attend an HBC.

  24. Photo of one of our "Superior" anons.

  25. "Is Doug in custody yet?"

    Nope. Haven't seen the inside of a jail since 2001, when I was the only white guy in the felony tank. Which is all kinds of fucked up because I know hella white felons.

    "Last night there wasn’t even the pretense of a “protest” in Chicago,"

    They were protesting the police shooting another black man there.
    Whether the shooting was justified is an unresolved question, but even if it was, protests are what the police can expect when they shoot black men now after all of the unarmed black men and boys they have murdered. If they don't like violent protests, they could have thought of that before they declared open season on black people.

    And white men did not "invent electricity" you blithering idiot.
    Even before Franklin flew his kite, if he actually did, the lightning was still electric.
    And for that matter, there's the Baghdad Battery which wasn't a white guy joint:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. Continued odd happenings in the Pacific Northwest where a 70% white city has hounded its Black police chief out of office as an act of racial justice.

  27. "Continued odd happenings in the Pacific Northwest"

    Yeah, par for the course.😆

  28. Anonymous1:44 AM

    "And white men did not "invent electricity" you blithering idiot."

    Like Newton did not "invent" gravity.

    But the electricity that powers this world is solely the creation of white men.

  29. Anonymous1:46 AM

    "Haven't seen the inside of a jail since 2001, when I was the only white guy in the felony tank."

    You haven't been busted for pedophilia in 19 years? I'd better call the sheriff.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Niggas be niggin'!

  32. Fergus says the 1918 flu probably ended world war two.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Totally exhausting the never-ending non sequitirs and straw man nonsense that plague the civic landscape. Must repost my comment from previous blog in light of the frequent gaslighting.

    Dear Truth and Awareness @9:41pm comment.....Red herring much :( More befitting would be Trickery and Tone-Deafness by equivocating on the merits of my commentary. No one on this blog or any reputable reporting has or is currently advocating for law enforcement to stand down in the presence of violent criminal behavior, for which it's come to light time and again that extreme radicals are disrupting peaceful protesters.

    The truth is these grassroots organizers have zero to do with the looting and other acts of vandalism. Moreover much of law enforcement and the public at large are aware that instigators and agitators must be apprehended and prosecuted accordingly.

    Furthermore, let's be clear about the underlying boneheadedness, which is the utilization of every underhanded method to disenfranchise voters. The truth is governors, mayors and other policy leaders are facilitating the first amendment rights of peaceful protests and safeguarding fair elections.

    Whether Tel Aviv, Mexico, China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc., all of these have no business interferring or maliciously influencing U.S. elections. And should a democratic president, senate and congressional majority assume office in 2021, another sound policy is ensuring the United States steers clear of meddling in other international elections as well.

  34. How the fuck did the Hudson Bay Company get involved in this post about inbred drumpf flunkies? HBC Hudson Bay Company or Here Before Christ as some mountain men referred to it.

  35. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Has Biden chosen his successor?

  36. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Wilson black man wanted in fatal shooting of 5-year-old apprehended
    Tags: shooting, Wilson police, homicide, crime
    Posted August 9, 2020 7:42 p.m. EDT
    Updated August 11, 2020 10:07 a.m. EDT

  37. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Has Biden chosen his successor?

    10:31 AM

    No, he doesnt really get to do that, his handlers do that.

    Its Mooshell

  38. Anonymous10:49 AM

    "And should a democratic president, senate and congressional majority assume office in 2021, another sound policy is ensuring the United States steers clear of meddling in other international elections as well."

    If you really want the US to stop mucking around in imposing regime change in other countries, the democrats are the last ones you should want to be in charge. Obama/Biden's misadventures in Libya and Syria, the 2014 coup in Ukraine, and the Arab Spring that caused unrest across the region, toppling Egypt's government and leading to the rise of ISIS were all immoral disasters. The subsequent Russia hoax they perpetrated has prevented forming any cooperation that could allow us to disengage from the messes they made.

    None of the "American" foreign policy fights were actually our fights, but we can't talk about that because our discourse is dominated by 90-IQ plebs agonizing about Russia controlling the White House: The fruits of a disinformation campaign the dems and their media willfully perpetrated against Americans.

  39. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Idiocracy was a parable of the coming low-IQ non white America."

    Sorry, it was white libtards trying to emulate blacks and third world culture, lowering established standards(affirmative action) and gender normalizing.

    The movie is a documentary of the Marxist/ Democrat plan to destroy America with libtard delusion.

  40. "The movie is a documentary of the Marxist/ Democrat plan to destroy America with libtard delusion."


  41. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Athletes and celebrities join 100 Black male leaders calling on Brain Dead Joe Biden to pick a Black woman running mate - Imagine 100 WHITE MEN asking President Donald J Trump to pick a WHITE MALE RUNNING MATE...... Democrats are the most RACIST people in the country....


    It's going down.

  43. "Imagine 100 WHITE MEN asking President Donald J Trump to pick a WHITE MALE RUNNING MATE"

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! The irony of this post. I do appreciate humor trolls. LOL!

  44. Anonymous11:21 AM

    A Washington, D.C. police officer is "fighting for her life" after being wounded early Sunday in a shootout that killed a teenager and sent many people to the hospital, Police Chief Peter Newsham said at a press conference.

    Police responded to reports of shots fired shortly before 1 a.m. at a large gathering of feral colored folks in the 3300 block of Dubois Place, part of a residential neighborhood in southeast Washington.

    Newsham said 20 Negroes were wounded at the scene. At least 11 of the victims are welfare fertile female.

    Christopher "Poppy" Brown, 17, was shot and pronounced dead at a nearby hospital, Fox 5 DC reported. An off-duty DC Metro police officer was shot and is "struggling for her life right now," Newsham told reporters at the scene, standing alongside Mayor Muriel Bowser.


  46. Interesting read.

  47. After alleged gunfire near the kremlin annex, Secret Service shot an unarmed man.


    Have fun in the pokie.

  49. “The closest thing is in 1917, they say, the great pandemic. It certainly was a terrible thing where they lost anywhere from 50 to 100 million people, probably ended the Second World War,” Trump said. “All the soldiers were sick. That was a terrible situation.”

    And these people want the dumbest man ever to set foot in the WH to have another term. Dear god, this is one dumb country.

  50. Sgt. Douglas Wood, head of the operational intelligence unit, commonly referred to as the gang unit, said one document found in Rogers’ glove box was “like a book of the Bible” to KKK members. “The Practice of Klanishness” lays out members’ ideology of racial superiority.

    From the above Root article. No wonder these intelligence challenged trolls believe they're racially superior, they get it from their indoctrination literature. LOL

  51. The White House had a national plan to combat the corona virus that closely followed the Obama pandemic playbook that would have possibly kept the virus under control but it was suddenly scrapped in early April. Why? Some say it was because at the time it was hitting certain communities and blue states especially hard. Well, judge for yourself. Vanity Fair literally has the receipts.

  52. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "Idiocracy was a parable of the coming low-IQ non white America."

    Turns out, it's a parable of nothing. It's literal current events reporting on the present-day, redneck-moron-run America.

  53. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Here's a scene from the opening of Idiocracy. Please note that root cause of the brain-shrinkage apocalypse is the proliferation of types like Clevon and Trish, two ignorant-as-fuck hillbillies who have little to offer society, but who are apparently quite good at procreating.

    Clevon and Trish are precisely the prime demographic of Team MAGA. The people who have willfully wrecked the country, all because some wingnut TV programs and Facebook pages told them Kenyan Socialist Muslim Terrorist Obama was out to get them.

  54. Anonymous3:36 PM

    "Clevon and Trish, two ignorant-as-fuck hillbillies who have little to offer society"

    Well duh, they couldn't show actual black people, that would be racist.

    The 80 IQ demo is overwhelming black.

    1. The under 80 IQ is overwhelmingly Republican.

  55. "You haven't been busted for pedophilia in 19 years? I'd better call the sheriff."

    Go ahead. They ought to know what to do about the likes of you.

    I like full-grown women.

    Idiocracy is based on a story called "The Marching Morons" by Cyril M. Kornbluth,

    Fergus would like us to resemble Belarus: dictator for life through phony elections, soviet satellite state, brutal repression for its own sake, and clownish corruption in broad daylight.
    Basically, a lazy ass dictator's dream.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "The White House had a national plan to combat the corona virus that closely followed the Obama pandemic playbook that would have possibly kept the virus under control but it was suddenly scrapped in early April"

    The pandemic was a Deep State plot to throw the White House into chaos ahead of the election. In this it has ultimately failed, as Trump has turned things around onto blue state governors.

    The insurrection was a Deep State plot to goad the White House into using the military to take control of the cities in order to push the 'fascist' theme ahead of the election. In this it has ultimately failed, as Trump has turned things around onto blue city governments.

    Just as with the Russia hoax and fake impeachment, the Left's desperate attempts to force their way back into power have backfired. Get ready for Trump 2.0.

  57. Arkansas will soon require rape victims to notify their rapists before terminating the pregnancies resulting from the rape.

    No word as to whether they can just tell their fathers or brothers at the dinner table.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  58. According to John Bolton’s new book, it takes Fergus almost 2 hours to do his hair and makeup every day.

    Makes sense. Nobody could be that ugly naturally.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Right after yawping "Nobody's been tougher on Russia than me", Fergus declared his intention to invite Russia back into the G-7.
    Maybe that's why he has such a hard time pronouncing his words: it's difficult to enunciate with Putin's dick in his mouth.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. Greetings to you, too, Doug :) One should not read your Russian comment while drinking anything. Do tell how you really feel.

  60. World War III now!

    Make the world safe for banking profits and Tranny butt sex!

  61. So Biden has picked Harris for veep. I was hoping that she could be AG, but I'm sure he can find someone for his AG who will kick Fergus' ass into next year.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Perhaps now that Meadows has taken the week off, a deal to save the economy can be struck.
    If not, we're headed for a self-inflicted depression, as thirty-one million workers and their families all curtail spending at once.
    This will bring on a second wave of job losses as demand slumps below the levels that would support them.
    Maybe Meadows should take a couple of weeks off, just in case.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. So do you suppose Mike Pence is praying or shitting green bricks right about now?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Arkansas will soon require rape victims to notify their rapists before terminating the pregnancies resulting from the rape.

    This is a result of John Robert's siding with Libs on abortion and comes from his separate opinion.


  66. It's Kamala! Is there pride among the sons of Jamaica?

  67. Moar body count milestones met or about to be met today....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  68. Grampa Joe went with the AKA from Howard.😃

    1. @Pilot..... I'm sure you will agree this is beyond an amazing selection. The Biden/Harris ticket will have the full backing from those of us with affiliations amongst the Divine Nine👏🏼👏🏼

    2. Which organization are you in F&F?

  69. Is there pride among the sons of Jamaica?

    Ask Mr Field. drumpf was whining how Biden was sending a message to wasicu men by choosing a Black woman. Phuck drumpf.

  70. What Dems suspected all along, Johnson's phony Biden witch hunt is aiding Russia disinformation campaign.

  71. I think the analysis of Biden's choice of Kamala could easily be boiled down to "Well, she kicked my ass all across the debate stage. I want her on my team."

    Thank you Faith_and_Fairness, my mom did call me her uninhibited child.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. Anonymous6:00 PM

    "So do you suppose Mike Pence is praying or shitting green bricks right about now?"

    Maybe Kamala can tell her bussing story again. Should be extra precious the second time.

  73. Anonymous6:04 PM

    40 million African Americans descended form slaves in the country, and when the dems want to nominate a black to national office, they pick a Kenyan/white and a Jamaican/Indian.

    Go figure.

  74. "So do you suppose Mike Pence is praying or shitting green bricks right about now?"

    Well, "momma" has to be at the debate because he's not allowed to be alone with a lady. Republican men are weird, I know.

  75. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:06 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Imagine 100 WHITE MEN asking President Donald J Trump to pick a WHITE MALE RUNNING MATE...... Democrats are the most RACIST people in the country....

    11:15 AM
    LOL LOL Don't you know that every presidential running mate in the history of the United States has been a white male except for Geraldean Ferraro in 1984. Please stop your whining!

    1. Ooops, Gambler! Did you forget the late Sen. John McCain's VP running mate, Sarah Palan (LOL)

  76. Why do blacks protest? Watch cops sic police dog on a kneeling, compliant Black man even after he has been handcuffed. The dog handler continues to9 praise the dog all the while it is eating dark meat.


    How soon before trump dumps Pence?

  78. "LOL LOL Don't you know that every presidential running mate in the history of the United States has been a white male except for Geraldean Ferraro in 1984. Please stop your whining!"

    They love to play the victim. Almost a Republican requirement.

  79. In reply to my comment, Anon at 10:49 said...

    "If you really want the US to stop mucking around in imposing regime change in other countries, the democrats are the last ones you should want to be in charge. Obama/Biden's misadventures in Libya and Syria, the 2014 coup in Ukraine, and the Arab Spring that caused unrest across the region, toppling Egypt's government and leading to the rise of ISIS were all immoral disasters. The subsequent Russia hoax they perpetrated has prevented forming any cooperation that could allow us to disengage from the messes they made.

    None of the "American" foreign policy fights were actually our fights, but we can't talk about that because our discourse is dominated by 90-IQ plebs agonizing about Russia controlling the White House: The fruits of a disinformation campaign the dems and their media willfully perpetrated against Americans."


    Believe it or not, Anon, I can understand your consternation regarding the previous administration's foreign policy response to regime change and the resulting war efforts. Many Americans were so alarmed that this was another reason they supported the Trump presidency. An initial google search also speaks to the collective disenchantment with foreign affairs in the Middle East approaching 2016 year-end. Must admit I'm still delving into the final analysis.

    Of course, where our perspectives differ is the past and continued influence of Russian interference. The evidence illustrates this is no more a hoax than the unhinged folks who claim the novel coronavirus was created in a lab.

    This is why it's fervently hoped our nation will be well on the way of factually uncovering the events that have unfolded since 2015, compromising our democracy and jeopardizing the lives of millions of citizens.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:16 PM

    PilotX said....

    The closest thing is in 1917, they say, the great pandemic. It certainly was a terrible thing where they lost anywhere from 50 to 100 million people, probably ended the Second World War,” Trump said. “All the soldiers were sick. That was a terrible situation.”

    "And these people want the dumbest man ever to set foot in the WH to have another term. Dear god, this is one dumb country.

    12:08 PM
    True and very discouraging that maybe 40 percent of the votes cast in November will go to the orange imbecile.

  81. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:23 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Just as with the Russia hoax and fake impeachment, the Left's desperate attempts to force their way back into power have backfired. Get ready for Trump 2.0.

    3:44 PM
    Pure bull shit straight from wing nut headquarters, or do you have somereliable sources to support your ridiculous claims?

  82. Anonymous6:30 PM

    "Maybe Kamala can tell her bussing story again. Should be extra precious the second time."

    Yeah, that won't happen. That was just some bullshit she trotted out to try to pry some black voters away from Biden by painting him as a racist -- the racist she will now happily be working for now? It was also an attempt to deflect from her own career as a prosecutor, which was, let's just say, not very good for quite a lot of black people. Bussing was a terrible idea the first time around, there is no clamor to bring it back, and this episode did not make Kamala Harris stand out for moral principle or good judgment.

    So, sure, I won't get excited about Kamala's nomination, and frankly I won't get excited about Biden himself, an old, worn-out geezer with old, warn-out policy ideas and poor public speaking abilities.

    Still, I will happily vote for the both of them, because the alternative is a giant steaming turd of a president. Possibly he is a literal, actual pile of shit? Who would know, under all the orange makeup he wears. Trump's a feckless incompetent, a liar, and a racist. Trump's opponents don't have to work to be better choices than him, because absolutely everybody is a smarter and better person than Trump.

  83. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:37 PM

    Anonymous said...

    40 million African Americans descended form slaves in the country, and when the dems want to nominate a black to national office, they pick a Kenyan/white and a Jamaican/Indian.

    Go figure.

    6:04 PM

    If you brain wasn't so polluted with racist nonsense, you wouldn't be writing such a dumb post. There are many reasons Joe picked Harris. Why don't you Google the topic and educate yourself?

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:59 PM

    Faith_and _Fairness said,,,,

    Ooops, Gambler! Did you forget the late Sen. John McCain's VP running mate, Sarah Palan (LOL)

    6:17 PM
    I stand corrected; You are right. I did forget. That's probably because I have worked very hard at forgetting everything about Sarah Palin. LOL!

  85. Cops handcuff black man and seat belt him in squad car and then shoots him 7 times for target practice.

    Never guess the victim died. Cop faces murder charge.

  86. I am skeptical that either Trump or Biden would make it all the way through a full term. Both are septuagenarians, and these coming years will be stressful for any President. Also, this is a zero year, and Tecumseh's zero-year curse on the Presidency has failed at most twice. (I say that it didn't fail in Reagan's case.) I recommend that the winner of this election resign before the job sucks all the life out of him.

    So I say that this election is really Pence versus Harris. Are they scheduled to debate?

  87. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Still, I will happily vote for the both of them, because....ORANGE MAN BAD!

    Clap your fins and bark like a trained seal as you pull the lever for China Joe and Hang em' Harris. The Establishment needs your vote!

  88. Anonymous8:06 PM

    "I am skeptical that either Trump or Biden would make it all the way through a full term."

    Biden won't make it through a year. So decide if Harris is really presidential material.

  89. Final body count quote for today....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Looks like better than 1200 died today. Wait for Sturgis numbers to come in. drumpf life with no parole for next term.

  90. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Gropey Joe has picked Javier Bardem as his running mate, but I'm not sure Javier qualifies as a woman of color?

    Help me out here witch doctor, you're my only hope.

  91. I envy you for managing to forget about Sarah Palin.
    Still, she's easier to forget about because she didn't actually get into the white house. Fergus and his felons will be harder to forget, especially because we'll have to keep reminding all of those creeps who voted for them what they did to the country.

    When Fergus loses you know he'll blame it on the fact that he couldn't hold his rallies, because every problem to him stems from a lack of Trump.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. Anonymous8:38 PM

    So who will Kamala Harris's VP pick be?

  93. Anonymous8:44 PM

    A black man, Darius Sessoms, walked up to his white next-door neighbors kids who were riding bikes outside their home, placed a gun to this 5 year old boy’s head and executed him in front of his two sisters for accidentally riding his bike on his lawn.

    The white family had him over for dinner 3 days before he killed their child.

  94. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Darius Sessoms could be one of Obama's sons. The similarity is uncanny.

  95. Fergus hates mail in voting because the GRU can't hack paper ballots.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Uh oh!

  97. "Fergus hates mail in voting because the GRU can't hack paper ballots."


  98. "So who will Kamala Harris's VP pick be?"

    Cori Bush.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  99. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:06 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Clap your fins and bark like a trained seal as you pull the lever for China Joe and Hang em' Harris. The Establishment needs your vote!

    8:04 PM
    The establishment? You mean people who have some understanding of politics, history, and current events? People who are competent and consider the ramifications of their actions before carrying the out?

    Now why would we want to do that when we can vote for Trump and his gang of know-nothing, idiot criminals?

  100. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Ariel Atkins said...

    “I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats, that makes sure that person has clothes.”

    A Gucci sandwich is an acquired taste. Just ask Dugg.

  101. Anonymous10:13 PM

    "If looting is reparations, then wouldn't 155 years of black crime more than suffice to pay off any debt incurred by slavery? The lowest estimate of the annual cost of crime in the United States is $690 billion, and blacks account for 37.6 percent of all robberies and burglaries, so if BLM is to be taken seriously, then reparations to US blacks are being paid at an annual rate of $259.4 billion." -Vox

    Yes, White America has paid more than enough reparations. It's time for repatriations now.

  102. The Parody Project strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  103. "Yes, White America has paid more than enough reparations. It's time for repatriations now."

    1. No you haven't. 2. When are you leaving?

  104. Anonymous11:49 PM

    "When are you leaving?"

    With Europe rapidly being colonized, whites don't have a whole continent like Africa to go or an ethno-state like Jews do. Choices are limited. Argentina is a possibility. Maybe Russia or Eastern Europe.

    At first this would have no noticeable effect, then there would be mainstream articles about it mocking white flight or some-such.

    Then as white flight out of the west continued there would be a growing concern in the media about how to stop it, and whether or not it should be made illegal.

    Then as emigration continued it would be made pseudo-illegal and lots of procedural blocks and barricades would be setup so that you can't expatriate your funds etc. People would question why you are selling your house, there would be more forms etc. You wouldn't (as a white person) be allowed to buy one way tickets out of the country for example.

    Then various western countries would start to go to shit as there aren't enough White people to keep society at White levels. There would be lots of finger pointing and "What do we do?" and "White people are fucking us over and stealing our money".

    I think things would get bad for those whites left behind. Then as the country (or countries) collapse to third world standards there would be a growing movement to bring white people back (Think Zimbabwe and paying farmers to return).

    I think that process would take 25 years. You down, Fake Pilot?

  105. Anonymous11:56 PM

    "A black man, Darius Sessoms, walked up to his white next-door neighbors kids who were riding bikes outside their home, placed a gun to this 5 year old boy’s head and executed him in front of his two sisters for accidentally riding his bike on his lawn."

    Not one major news organization has carried this story.

    Imagine the races reversed. This would be trumpeted by every major media organ for days, and referenced forever.

  106. "Argentina is a possibility. Maybe Russia or Eastern Europe."

    Let me know when you leave. You won't be missed.

  107. It would be self-selection, much the way Oakland used to trade on its dangerous rep to keep the lightweights, idiots, and assholes out.
    Could it work in reverse for the country?
    Very doubtful, as the bigots and imbeciles who would want to leave for their ethno state or whatever are the very least likely to have the means or mentality to emigrate anywhere.
    They can't get along with the neighbors they have, much less new ones who aren't indoctrinated to the same lies as them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  108. White fragility is real12:21 AM

    "Imagine the races reversed."

    More white male victimization. Boo hoo. It's just not fair!!!!!!!!!

  109. Anonymous12:33 AM

    It was a five year old kid.

    Fuck you.

  110. Anonymous12:35 AM

    "Let me know when you leave. You won't be missed."

    You'll know when your airplane can't fly anymore.

  111. Breaking: Stacey Abrams is refusing to concede the Biden VP pick.

  112. Black Run America12:47 AM

    Shot: Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx has dismissed more than 25,000 felony cases - including murder cases- during her tenure from November 2019, according to an analysis by the Chicago Tribune based on data from the Cook County State's Attorney office.​

    Chaser: Murders in Chicago up 50% this year.

  113. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Bein a Lightskin nigga used ta mean something

  114. "You'll know when your airplane can't fly anymore."

    Um, ok. I'm sure you have nada to do with my aircraft. Why do you leave and prove me wrong.

  115. "Murders in Chicago up 50% this year."

    Funny that, just when orange foolius needs crime to increase it does. Well, let's elect Biden so we won't have so much crime because MAGA obviously didn't work.

  116. "It was a five year old kid."

    Did you have anything to say when the white couple in Crystal Lake beat their 5-year-old son to death? If not STFU.

  117. "Very doubtful, as the bigots and imbeciles who would want to leave for their ethno state or whatever are the very least likely to have the means or mentality to emigrate anywhere."

    Ha! I can imagine our friend trying to learn Spanish. LOL Yeah, they're not going anywhere.


    Darn. More tears coming.


    So many tears.


  121. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons4:44 AM


    Thinks Spacex is when he "has relations" with his poodle, Fifi.

  122. Anonymous6:23 AM

    "... if BLM is to be taken seriously, then reparations to US blacks are being paid at an annual rate of $259.4 billion."

    That's more than $6000 per capita per year for each one of you.  You've had your reparations, and owe America a refund.

    You also owe us royalties for using inventions that exist due to Western Civilization:  iPods, computers, automobiles, sanitation, hospitals, modern medicine in general, Rule of Law, the concept of "human rights", abundant food, and so forth.  By this calculation it's pretty clear you owe Whitey BIGLY.

  123. Anonymous6:24 AM

    PilotAA responded to...

    "Yes, White America has paid more than enough reparations. It's time for repatriations now."

    1. No you haven't. 2. When are you leaving?

    1. How much Burning, Looting and Murdering is enough?

    2. This is my country. I've served it and follow its laws. I don't Burn, Loot or Murder. I don't dream about some mythical place in the African motherland. America is my motherland.

    You should move to Wakanda or Zimbabwe. Then again, Zimbabwe is paying Whites to come back and make Zimbabwe Rhodesia again. Go figure.

  124. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Native blacks have a welfare dependency rate more than twice that of native Whites.  Immigrant hispanics, THREE times.

  125. "I'm the heartland of America, and dont you forget it"

    1. Hey, Lila👋🏼 What say you, Ms. PR? Trusting all is well with you and your loved ones.

    2. Love the reply "Heartland of America"💖

  126. Oh Faith, what can I say, Sunday were primaries here and the ballots never reached the booths sooo...oh what can I say, its a mess, but I guess its a mess everywhere huh? About the presidential election, well it really doesn't affect us because we can't vote for the US president, and truthfully, Democrats or Republicans its all the same for us. As the saying goes 'Everything changes and everything stays the same' for us. But I think Biden will get opinions from the ADOS community because Harris is not ADOS, and in addition they both espoused those harsh policies against blacks. Remember that church where Bloomberg went to speak and the entire congregation got up and turned their backs to him?, and these were older people, So I dont think they will be going anywhere, but thats just my opinion, I dont live there so I'm really not fully informed. It depends on how much of the heartland which is Trumps base, vote, I'm guessing here, from what little I know.

  127. 5 year old kids don't get shot in the head and bullets don't kill them. Just like covid doesn't infect or kill them.

    Sessoms stood his ground and was in fear for his life.


    Delusional, deplorable, disgusting, dirt bag drumpf is wasicu wastey's solely owned clusterfuck of a pig-man.


  129. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Former Black Air Force Major Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Tricare Fraud

  130. Anonymous10:56 AM

    My favorite part of this year will be when Kamala Harris starts giving "I ain't no ways tired" speeches in Georgia.

  131. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Why does DEM politicians/ party leaders continue avoiding choosing black “Americans” who ancestors endured enslavement as opposed to those whose parent (s) immigrated to American-another slap in the face to black Americans …hope white women vote according to tribalism

  132. Anonymous12:30 PM

    If BLM , why choose a Jamaican/Asian VP

  133. Our troll pests have taken to talking about reverse reparations. This is why reparations wouldn't work; the bigots would double-think it. Up is down, night is day, the poor exploit the rich, and whites were slaves.

    Worse still; any reparations program would require compiling a national database, containing names, addresses, bank routing numbers, blackness fraction (unscientifically defined), and funds paid. Such a database would be 100% guaranteed to fall into the wrong hands and then abused.

    So reparations are a trap. They aren't politically sustainable. Instead go for class-based redistribution, such as the UBI.

  134. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Malcom X said:

    The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political “football game” that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.

    Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball through tricks of tokenism: false promises of integration and civil rights. In this profitable game of deceiving and exploiting the political politician of the American Negro, those white liberals have the willing cooperation of the Negro civil rights leaders. These “leaders” sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains. These “leaders” are satisfied with token victories and token progress because they themselves are nothing but token leaders

  135. Paradoctor12:33 PM

    So reparations are a trap. They aren't politically sustainable.

    Just curious, why weren't they a "trap, or unsustainable" when they were given to the Japanese, Indians, Jewish people etc.?

  136. @Lila 9:24am..... Always a delight coming across your posts. Must admit I had to look up ADOS (American Descendants Of Slavery).

    Following both the debates and countless interviews, I believe VP Biden and Sen. Harris conceded the several missteps and/or harm promoting the kind of policy positions that adversely impacted vulnerable communities.

    No doubt this conversation will be front and center throughout the general election. I'm confident the electorate will respond in kind once being assured of authentic proposals that would be ready to enact soon after a Biden/Harris administration.

    In light of your lived experiences, I'm especially hoping Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia can share in the progress with their voices and perspectives being recognized as opposed to the dispirited "the more things change, the more situations remain the same."

  137. Oh and by the way Paradoctor, I am not a troll pest :) just another commenter with an opinion, comment, and/or question. As I've always understood it, this blog encourages a very democratic ideal which is freedom of speech:)

  138. Indians in South Dakota rejected belated payment for Black Hills, which is their most sacred location.

  139. aith_and_Fairness12:55 PM

    @Lila 9:24am..... Always a delight coming across your posts. Must admit I had to look up ADOS (American Descendants Of Slavery).

    Following both the debates and countless interviews, I believe VP Biden and Sen. Harris conceded the several missteps and/or harm promoting the kind of policy positions that adversely impacted vulnerable communities.

    No doubt this conversation will be front and center throughout the general election. I'm confident the electorate will respond in kind once being assured of authentic proposals that would be ready to enact soon after a Biden/Harris administration.

    In light of your lived experiences, I'm especially hoping Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia can share in the progress with their voices and perspectives being recognized as opposed to the dispirited "the more things change, the more situations remain the same."
    Same here Faith, I enjoy very much your very lucid informative posts, always a pleasure.
    I'm sure the candidates will continue as they already have stated to concede their missteps and/or harm caused. It behooves them politically, but more importantly morally and ethically. Surely unfortunately theirs is an unenviable position. As for Puerto Rico in my opinion the best thing would be to make it a state, but that will never happen so :( yes dispirit reigns, another unfortunate but sad reality...

  140. "You should move to Wakanda or Zimbabwe."

    1. We've put up with riots, looting and lynchings.

    2. My family has been here longer than yours and I am an American.

    If anyone is leaving it's YOU cause I'm not.

  141. "If BLM , why choose a Jamaican/Asian VP"

    Um, soooooooooo Jamaicans aren't Black? 🤔

  142. "If BLM , why choose a Jamaican/Asian VP"

    Don't get much Blacker than an AKA from Howard.😆 Good luck pushing that stupid narrative.

  143. Anonymous1:37 PM

    "Indians in South Dakota rejected belated payment for Black Hills, which is their most sacred location."

    Which they stole from other tribes right before losing it to the US.

  144. You ain't black, Jack!1:39 PM

    "Don't get much Blacker than an AKA from Howard"

    She has no American ancestry.

    Her father is at least 1/2 white. Her mother is from India.

    Calling her black is a stretch.

  145. Anonymous1:53 PM

    PilotAA thinks it's an American. LULZ

  146. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I believe Javier Bardem will give Biden that extra push he needs.

  147. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Biden/Harris are kicking off their campaign in Delaware. That way if Joe gets lost it'll be easier to find him.

  148. Which they stole from other tribes right before losing it to the US.

    Ignorant anyfuckingmoose does not understand Native American's idea of ownership. They don't own it. they live in harmony with it and other tribes use much of the same land for similar purposes.

  149. "Calling her black is a stretch."

    Sure. She's white then.

  150. "PilotAA thinks it's an American. LULZ"

    Very telling.

  151. Kamala is a much better choice than weird ass Pence who can't even talk to another woman without "mother" being present.

    Biden/Harris 2020!

  152. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons2:59 PM

    Donnie Favors is a first generation american married to a communist.


  153. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    If BLM , why choose a Jamaican/Asian VP?

    12:30 PM
    Maybe she is the most qualified. After all, she was the Attorney General in California, with forty-million people. CA is larger than many countries. in addition, she has served in the U.S. Senate.

  154. Anonymous4:09 PM

    The Uncle Joe"sVP pick went to Howard and joined AKA to get her black black- has the Aesthetics/ attributes of a real house Negro in that the senator didn't have problems locking up Negros as prosecutor

  155. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:10 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Biden/Harris are kicking off their campaign in Delaware. That way if Joe gets lost it'll be easier to find him.

    1:56 PM
    Make fun of Biden if you like, but he knows the Spanish Flue hit in 1918 at the end of the First World "War, not the Second. Trump is so ignorant that an ten-year-old child could teach him some history.

  156. Anonymous4:10 PM

    ...went to Howard and joining AKA to get her black card...

  157. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:17 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said....

    In light of your lived experiences, I'm especially hoping Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia can share in the progress with their voices and perspectives being recognized as opposed to the dispirited "the more things change, the more situations remain the same."

    12:55 PM
    If Biden/Harris are elected and the Dems take the senate, I'm hoping for statehood for DC and Puerto Rico.

  158. Maybe if Pence had gone to Howard and pledged Que he wouldn't be so weird.

  159. Ain't this rich, racist trolls that don't even think Blah people are Americans lecturing us on who is Black or not.😂😂 Irony is lost on conservatives.

  160. Kamala Harris/Cori Bush 2028.

    Ask Terence Hallinan whether he thinks Kamala Harris can beat an entrenched old white guy in an election, or wait, that's right you can't because he's dead.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  162. Detailed report how drumpf wilfully chose to kill tens of thousands of Americans because he is a dfucking retarded moron.

    Body count likely to hit 169k before the day is through. They all belong to drumpf the mass killer of innocent men, women and children.

  163. Wingnuts demand to see Kamala Harris long form black certificate.

  164. Kamala just laid out her case for her and Biden's election, and Fergus is in a heap of trouble.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  165. This comment has been removed by the author.

  166. Anonymous6:17 PM

    “As I understand history, when the boat dropped of Africans in the various Caribbean islands they had a very different experience than their counterparts in America.”

    You understand wrong.

    Firstly, slavery in the US was not all equally bad. Slavery on small holdings on the border states like Kentucky or Tennessee was less oppressive than on the big plantations in the Deep South. This is where the expression “being sold down the river” (meaning betrayal) comes from. As a slave in a border state, you’d be very worried at the possibility that your master might decide to sell you down the river and you’d end up in, say, Mississippi.

    Secondly, the economics of the Caribbean made slavery worse there on most islands than in any of the US states. Caribbean sugar farming was so much more profitable than American cotton or tobacco farming that it didn’t even make sense to treat one’s slaves as a business investment. Instead, you should just work them to death to maximize crop yields, and then buy new slaves.

    This was a factor in why the slaves revolted and freed themselves in Haiti (the only successful, large-scale slave uprising) — they really had nothing to lose.

  167. You may be totally right and interesting points. But the discussion here isn't which of the states in America was more lenient or more harsh towards slaves. It is who are ADOS, and that you may be Black but not ADOS.

  168. In reply to comment posted by PilotX @1:16 PM...

    "If BLM , why choose a Jamaican/Asian VP"

    Don't get much Blacker than an AKA from Howard.😆 Good luck pushing that stupid narrative.


    Speaking of which, here's your hint about my affiliation in the form of an expression you may have heard in shared events: "Great Africa is first..." and the other also is first that I was proud to cross the burning sands many moons ago💖💚

  169. Anonymous 6:17 PM

    "you’d be very worried at the possibility that your master might decide to sell you down the river and you’d end up in, say, Mississippi."
    The islands didn't have that, it was equally hot and bad all over xD and they didn't separate families as far as I've heard, and I've spoken to old people whose ancestors were held in slavery, their customs, dances, songs, cuisine, food,religion were not prohibited

  170. About Haiti I can't speak as I know little. Perhaps the French were exceedingly cruel?

  171. Anonymous 6:17 PM

    Also you say "Caribbean sugar farming" the sugar farming done on the islands was American owned as was the tobacco farming and there was plenty of both. For example here until a few years ago when sugar farming ceased and moved elsewhere. The sugar was packed here but had to be sent to the United States and then they would send it back so we could buy it.

  172. @Lila... While the analysis, so to speak, that Anon provides at 6:17pm is very interesting, the "Slavery in the U.S. was not all equally bad...," also misses the mark. Human beings, whether or not some endured more oppressive conditions, were treated as property then subsequently denied the economic and social compensation for their efforts sustaining American prosperity.

    And I wish we can dispense with notion of one so-called level of blackness being more superior to another. Pres. Barack Obama's lived reality is black man who also embraced his multi-cultural heritage. It's especially touching our presumptive VP nominee, Kamala Harris grew up with immigrant parents who instilled in her the importance of celebrating the black experience and fulfilling the credo of the civil rights movement.

    No mere mortal should be dictating anyone's lived experience as a black person or other POC.

  173. Faith_and_Fairness 7:04 PM

    "And I wish we can dispense with notion of one so-called level of blackness being more superior to another. Pres. Barack Obama's lived reality is black man who also embraced his multi-cultural heritage. It's especially touching our presumptive VP nominee, Kamala Harris grew up with immigrant parents who instilled in her the importance of celebrating the black experience and fulfilling the credo of the civil rights movement"
    Oh no Faith, I never said one level of Blackness was superior to another, I'm referring to the EXPERIENCE of being ADOS.
    As for what you write about Ms.Harris, in all honesty I hadn't heard that.

  174. Faith_and_Fairness7:04 PM

    @Lila... While the analysis, so to speak, that Anon provides at 6:17pm
    "Slavery in the U.S. was not all equally bad...," also misses the mark. Human beings, whether or not some endured more oppressive conditions, were treated as property then subsequently denied the economic and social compensation for their efforts sustaining American prosperity.

    And the descendants of those slaves are the ADOS

    1. My sincere apology, Lila, for not being clear. I understood your primary point centered on ADOS.

      And I probably should have broken up the comment in a separate post in reply to the few mindsets alluding to "black cards" or questioning biracial individuals identifying as black. Hope this adds clarity.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  175. Anonymous7:34 PM

    “Also you say ‘Caribbean sugar farming’ the sugar farming done on the islands was American owned as was the tobacco farming and there was plenty of both.”

    I don’t know where you’ve gotten this notion, either. The Caribbean islands were still European colonies during slavery. Americans owned virtually none of the sugar plantations or slaves in the Caribbean.

    Although after the Haitian revolution, many of the French plantation owners from that island (the ones who weren’t killed by their slaves, anyway), fled to New Orleans and eventually became American citizens.

    Americans did later acquire land in the Caribbean, especially in Cuba. And, of course, acquired both Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. But that all came after slavery.

  176. body count as close to 169k as you can get without being 169k.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf is the mass killing man if there ever was one. And clewless, to boot.

  177. Lilacpr said:

    About Haiti I can't speak as I know little. Perhaps the French were exceedingly cruel?

    6:52 PM


    A historian named Mike Duncan did a long series of podcasts called "Revolutions." It's a great and interesting series, and includes 18 or 19 episodes recounting and analyzing the Haitian Revolution. If you are interested in knowing more about the Haitian Revolution, I suggest that you give Duncan's podcast a try.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. Anonymous 7:34 PM

    You may be totally right, I dont know and not going to research it either:)

    But either way, that's not about ADOS! So I win :)

  179. Lilacpr said...

    Red Segje:

    Thanks, I will do that, as long as it's free. The Haitian revolution is quite an interesting event. I've heard a smatter of things and I also have heard though that the the western world has punished Haiti with embargos and such for having broken free of the yoke of the French.

  180. Faith_and_Fairness said...

    My sincere apology, Lila, for not being clear. I understood your primary point centered on ADOS.

    And I probably should have broken up the comment in a separate post in reply to the few mindsets alluding to "black cards" or questioning biracial individuals identifying as black. Hope this adds clarity.

    7:26 PM

    No prob, I often do same :)

  181. This comment has been removed by the author.

  182. Hey Desert! Hey F&F! All we need now is Granny and it's a reunion up in here!😃

  183. Great Africa is first..." and the other also is first that I was proud to cross the burning sands many moons ago💖💚


  184. PilotX said...

    Hey Desert! Hey F&F! All we need now is Granny and it's a reunion up in here!😃

    9:42 PM

    Yup! Partyyyyy! :) :) :)

    This blog should have emojis and stuff right?

  185. "This blog should have emojis and stuff right?"

    I got em on my dumb phone.😝

  186. President Dindunufin wants to open schools and start college football. Now had he done what he was supposed to do that would be possible but pres Dindu did what he does.

  187. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:55 AM

    My, oh my won't someone do something about white male violence? This man is a Republican running for congress who tried to strangle his ex-girl friend.

    Republican Who Beat The Sh*t Out Of Ex-girlfriend Leading In GOP Primary
    Despite abruptly dropping out of the race yesterday, after being arrested on charges of first-degree unlawful restraint and second-degree strangulation, Thomas Gilmer is leading in the GOP primary.

  188. Red Segje said...

    A historian named Mike Duncan did a long series of podcasts called "Revolutions." It's a great and interesting series, and includes 18 or 19 episodes recounting and analyzing the Haitian Revolution. If you are interested in knowing more about the Haitian Revolution, I suggest that you give Duncan's podcast a try.

    Been watching all morning, loving it! Thanks! So much amazing info, stuff I never would have imagined. But how vastly different the slave experience was in the different islands.

    Highly recommend this to everyone. Again thanks Red :)

  189. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:17 PM

    Trump just admitted that he is screwing with the Postal Service and slowing the mail in order to aid his reelection.

    Lots of people depend on the Mail for:
    car tags
    driver's licenses
    monthly utility bill statements
    and a thousand other things.

    Doesn't Trump know he is hurting his own rural voters with his actions? Does he care?
