Sunday, September 20, 2020

It's on!

The next few months in American politics will be turbulent and tempestuous to say the least. And rival political camps are now bracing for an all out war. 

The stakes have been raised even higher because of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Otherwise lovingly referred to as the Notorious RBG. All those woke left wing liberals and blackademics (I see you Eddie Glaude) who though that it was cool to have a purity test for democratic presidential candidates, and who looked past Hillary Clinton in 2016 to vote for Jill Stein, will now see that elections have consequences. Republicans will now seize this moment, and they will stack the court with another young conservative giving them a three justice advantage in shaping American law for years to come.

For those of you who don't understand power in America, it's all about the Supreme Court. Those nine people, with their lifetime appointments, are the most powerful people in America. Presidents can't serve more than eight years (although trump is trying to change that), and politicians in Washington have to come running back to you for your votes every two and six years respectively. The Supremes stay on  until they die, or until they decide to retire. Sadly, for RBG, it was the former of the two. 

The poor woman's body was not even cold before Mitch McConnell, the second sleaziest man in America, decided that it was time to declare that he was giving whoever trump nominates to replace her a vote in the Senate. This just days before a presidential election. Remember Merrick Garland? 

Democrats can save all their hand-wringing and whining, this is how politics work in America. They chose to be the nice guys with their feckless and incompetent leader, Chuck Schumer, who has now declared that nothing is off the table. News flash: Other than four republican senators flipping and saying that they won't vote to nominate whoever the orange one selects, everything IS off the table. There is nothing he or anyone of those do- nothing democrats can do. 

The republican party represents all those white people in America who see their country changing,  and are terrified of what is to come. They see the writing on the demographic wall, and they know that if there were to be free and fair elections they would lose all of their power. Stacking the courts to ensure voter suppression, gerrymandering, and immigration restrictions is the only way that they will maintain power and the status quo. They can also count on a lazy and disengaged electorate, too busy watching Dancing With The Stars and trying to keep up with the Kardashians and Cardi B's WAP to care. 

You will now hear from the chattering class about what hypocrites the folks in the GOP are, how history will judge them poorly, and blah blah blah. The GOP doesn't care, because for now, they have the power, and that's all that matters. This is why they put up with trump and all the baggage that he brings, for moments like this. They can count on him to stack the court, and they can now control and put their judicial influence on the law for generations to come. 

A woman's right to do what she wants with her body? Gone. Voting rights protections for all Americans? Gone. Accessible and affordable healthcare? Gone. Protections from environmental hazards? Gone. Proper checks on gun regulations and safety? Gone. Protections for immigrants? Gone. 

Let the games begin. 


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Pack the court so we don’t have a constitutional crisis every time one of them die or retire.

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:40 AM

    I agree, Anon. Now is not the time to play polite parlor games; time to play hard ball.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  4. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Gov. Newsom reduces the penalty for pedophilia. Democrats and progressive expand kid fucking.

  5. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:13 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Gov. Newsom reduces the penalty for pedophilia. Democrats and progressive expand kid fucking.

    10:57 AM
    And we all know that youtube is a very accurate source of information. LOL! Anyone can post just about anything there.

    BTW, what power does Newsome have to change penalties for crimes?

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Gov. Newsom reduces the penalty for pedophilia. Democrats and progressive expand kid fucking.

    debunked misinterpretation of a new law. Moar wingnut scare tactics/lies. Business as usual.

    Look up the word hypocrisy (wingnuts have your liberal neighbors spell it for you) and see drumpf/McCTurtlefuckface's photo and a list of all wingnut pols by way of defining the word.

  7. Fucking felonious magats illegally blocking entrances to early voters.

    Where are the federal troops and why weren't these scumacysts shot on site?

    We know, there is only one set of rules, but they don't apply to inbred, retarded scumbag wasicu wastey stoopid fucking moronic magat wingnuts.

  8. magat finally found someone he thought he could whip, and still needed a flagpole to subdue her feisty self.

    Really surprised he didn't shoot her and claim he was afraid for his life.

  9. "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

    There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time."Wilhoit

  10. Thank you, the bewilderness. And thank you, Wilhoit. In times of lies and death, plain truth is a liberation and a salvation.

  11. the bewilderness said...
    "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

    Are you saying these are "conservative" policies?:

    *Affirmative Action, which bestows race and gender-based privileges in employment and college admissions.

    *Race-based scholarships.

    *Race-based set asides for government contracts.

    *Hate crime laws, which confer racial, religious, and sexual orientation protected class status.

    *'Diversity' initiatives, which enforce race and gender-based discrimination.

    *Democrat city governments who refuse to enforce the law on rioters who claim to be fighting for racial justice but throw the book at people who try to defend themselves and their property.

    You are bewildered.

  12. Anonymous3:12 PM

    "Democrat city governments who refuse to enforce the law on rioters who claim to be fighting for racial justice but throw the book at people who try to defend themselves and their property."

    This does not exist. It is a Trumpian fantasy.

    Metropolitan police departments do enforce the law on rioters. It just turns out that containing riots is difficult for police, because they are often outnumbered.

    Of course, Trump and his biggest fans have a preferred solution. They would not "enforce the law" on rioters at all -- they would simply murder them.

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:16 PM

    Mike at 12:18

    Thanks for the website!

  14. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:21 PM

    To Anarcho-tyranny at 12:13

    Cry me a river, even better an ocean. Self pity is a very insidious thing.

  15. Field, I linked to this post from my FB page for the first time ever (only the page, there's no URL for the post itself), since your last paragraph really brings it home. Why Chauncey de Vega took me to task for trying to see light in the darkness; he doesn't see any. Schumer is my senator (god help us all), and he has vowed to get tougher, but there may be nothing we can do but stall. Romney may be the only flipped Republican after the pressure is put on Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, and AZ Mark Kelly MAY win in time to vote, but a down vote is still extremely unlikely. McConnell is wetting his pants in anticipation. Let the good times roll.


    Manafort's involved so, you know drumpf is in this mess somewhere.

  17. Roy Blunt has made a statement that the senate should not vote on a nominee until after the new president, whoever it should turn out to be, is sworn in.

    Problem is, Roy Blunt is a goddamn Republican, and the word of a goddamn Republican is worth its weight in rat turds.

    Are there four senate Republicans who will step up and keep the president who lost the popular vote from installing one third of the supreme court with the eager assistance of a Republican majority in the senate that actually represents far less than half of the US citizenry?

    Doubtful. Murkowski has also made noises about waiting, and we can be assured that Romney and Collins will be absolutely insufferable over it, but anything other than reliable.

    Another scenario is that the vote really isn't that likely to be concluded before November third, and if Kelly beats McSally in Arizona, it's possible that since she's an appointed senator filling in for the death of John McCain, Kelly could be sworn in November fourth, thus reducing the number of required apostate Republicans to block this awful thing.

    Really, though, it'll probably happen. And after it does, we Democrats have to make them pay for doing it, if we want it to stop happening.

    Just like the election of Fergus, the theft of the supreme court seat in 2016, all of the degradation of the government and society that the Fergus administration has perpetrated, and the destruction of civil discourse in government going back to Gingrich in the nineties, it will all keep happening until we make there be a price for them to pay for it, personally, professionally and politically.

    Basically, as Bill Clinton once said, they'll keep doing it as long as it keeps working.

    We knew the judiciary was going to be buggered for decades because that's all McConnell has been doing for the entire Fergus administration. They are too lame as legislators to pass any meaningful legislation, so that's where they have concentrated their efforts. I don't know exactly how we'll overcome that when we take control of the government again, but we'll figure something out.

    Kinda like the way Ruth Bader Ginsberg figured out how to get equal rights for women by bringing discrimination cases involving men and winning them, we'll use our creativity and intelligence and desire to do what is right for the country and we will eventually prevail, like we pretty much always have.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. Bubble Buster4:50 PM
    "This does not exist. It is a Trumpian fantasy."

    Your fantasy does not hold up to reality:

  19. Soros did this and Soros did that.... baaaaaaa..wolf...wolf...wolf....

    All right wing reject outlets. nothing to see that hasn't been lied about before.

  20. Kelly can't be seated before Nov 30, Doug and it is a far fetched scenario to think three wingnuts would dare defy the chosen pigfucker, drumpf.

  21. Anonymous5:39 PM

    “‘This does not exist. It is a Trumpian fantasy.’

    Your fantasy does not hold up to reality:”

    Your sources amount to assertions by a grandstanding wingnut politician and trash wingnut “news” outlets. None of them constitute “reality.”

  22. A rare Sunday where drumpf was able to conjure up another 1000 + dead bodies for his body count. Plus we will reach the 7 millionth case tonight. Isn't 7 million more than 15?

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Fuck all you inbred magat, human hating bastards.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:45 PM

    To Bubble Buster

    Seems William Jacobson is a conservative that is behind the website legalinsurrection. No surprise here.

    William Jacobson, Cornell law professor censured by dean after criticizing Black Lives Matter movement

    "Longtime Cornell Law School Professor William Jacobson was publicly censured by his law school dean following the professor’s criticisms of the Black Lives Matter movement.
    ....the scholar has essentially been labeled a racist by many peers and others in the Cornell community."

    Your entire post cites a distortion of the truth about a conservative ploy that is politically motivated and without merit.

    Republican politicians are trying to expand what was done in Michigan when Governor Snider took over Flint. And we all know how well that turned out for them and the people of Flint.

  24. Bubble Buster6:51 PM

    "Longtime Cornell Law School Professor William Jacobson was publicly censured by his law school dean following the professor’s criticisms of the Black Lives Matter movement. ....the scholar has essentially been labeled a racist by many peers and others in the Cornell community."

    The absolute state of academia, where one's 'peers' label you racist for criticizing the Marxist movement bases on a lie that has initiated over 250 riots this summer.

    As usual, you resort to ad hominem attacks rather than address the facts. You are an intellectual cipher with zero integrity.

  25. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Democrat/Progressive will pull out all stops to seize power and destroy Democracy.....

  26. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Mail in voting is the Democratic/Progressive technique to destroy votes so Pelosi can launch the Coup.....

  27. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    A rare Sunday where drumpf was able to conjure up another 1000 + dead bodies for his body count. Plus we will reach the 7 millionth case tonight. Isn't 7 million more than 15?

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Fuck all you inbred magat, human hating bastards.

    5:43 PM


    CONTROLLA Virus!!

    Divide the above numbers by 1% and you have your real number, maybe even a little less.

  28. Anymoose is full of anymooseshit. So much, in fact, his eyes are anymooseshit brown.

  29. drumpf's unqualified pick to annihilate RBG's decades of work on the court is a cruel bitch with the natural sweetness of a tangle of barbwire.

    Apparently the lower your station in life is the less help you should expect from the fed.

    Time to consider watering the tree of liberty.

  30. It's good to see the Democrats all on pretty much the same page for once, and just in time, too.

    The goddamn Fergus campaign ghoulishly went after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg as a way to make the election about anything else in the world other than the pandemic response.

    Then, almost as one, the Democrats began reminding people that a third Fergus appointed supreme court justice would seriously endanger the ACA and in doing so made the supreme court nomination fight about the pandemic response also.

    Healthcare. The goddamn Republicans want to take it away, still, in the middle of a fucking pandemic, and this nomination is the closest they have come yet in succeeding at taking it away.

    Gotta give them credit for being consistent. Consistently the worst motherfuckers ever to fuck a mother.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Julian Zelizer
    Imagine if POTUS and the Senate GOP had worked as fast on an effective national testing system for #COVID19 as they will for this SCOTUS confirmation.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  32. Hey Genius at 7:26 PM

    I know this will be difficult for you to understand. But if you divide a number by 1%, that is the same thing as multiplying x 100. Think about it. Try to remember fractions.

  33. Anonymous11:30 PM

    "Hey Genius at 7:26 PM

    I know this will be difficult for you to understand. But if you divide a number by 1%, that is the same thing as multiplying x 100. Think about it. Try to remember fractions."

    Can't do math. Way too many brain cells tied up with processing ridiculous rationalizations and lies designed to make it look like Trump ISN'T a monumental failure as president.

  34. Anonymous11:59 PM

    "Gov. Newsom reduces the penalty for pedophilia. Democrats and progressive expand kid fucking."

    So what you're really saying is that Donald Trump is going to spend a whole lot more time in California with his daughter Ivanka?

    7 Creepy Things Donald Trump Has Said About Ivanka

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:06 AM

    Bubble Buster said....

    "As usual, you resort to ad hominem attacks rather than address the facts. You are an intellectual cipher with zero integrity."

    6:51 PM
    Jeepers, Bubble Buster, I'm sorry you feel that way. Who knew that simply pointing out the fact that Jacobson is a conservative and had been accused of racist views was an ad hominem attack? I didn't say that he was stupid or ugly, or a fool, which truly would have been an ad hominem attack.

    I usually cite credible sources for the information that I post.
    But occasionally, I have called a name or two in responses to insulting attacks from some very rude people. I surely don't consider my response to you to be in that category. And I really don't appreciate your calling me an intellectual cypher or denigrating my integrity.

    Have a nice night.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:09 AM

    To anons. at 7:22PM and 7:24 PM

    Are your names Ivan and Boris?

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:17 AM

    Anonymous said....

    Divide the above numbers by 1% and you have your real number, maybe even a little less.

    7:26 PM
    I'm not sure what math you are using, but the formula to find the mortality rate of a disease is to divide the number dead by the numbers of cases. The result will be a decimal number. Move the decimal point two spaces to the right and BINGO: You have the mortality rate percentage. This isn't rocket science.

  38. I guess that whole respecting the constitution thing all conservatives talk about is B.S. What else is new?

  39. This may be a done deal, but we thought the repeal of the ACA was a done deal also. Never underestimate the ability of the Republicans to fuck up things that would be easy for sane people.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. "Never underestimate the ability of the Republicans to fuck up things that would be easy for sane people."


  41. Anonymous7:46 AM

    They see the writing on the demographic wall, and they know that if there were to be free and fair elections they would lose all of their power. Stacking the courts to ensure voter suppression, gerrymandering, and immigration restrictions is the only way that they will maintain power and the status quo.

    Americans, retaining control of America as the political expression of their own people?  Heaven forfend!

  42. Anonymous9:37 AM

    "Healthcare. The goddamn Republicans want to take it away"

    Yes! And they want to take Social Security away and give the money to Jeff Bezos, and force woman to have babies and then put them in cages, and repeal the 13th amendment put black people back in chains!

  43. Anonymous9:39 AM

    "I guess that whole respecting the constitution thing all conservatives talk about is B.S."

    Where in the Constitution does it say the party in power can't replace a Supreme Court Justice if the other party doesn't want them to?

  44. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Packing the Supreme Court would fit the Democrats’ escalating pattern of breaking political norms on judicial nominations.

  45. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Chicago negro Violence: 9 negroes Killed, at Least 36 negroes Wounded in Weekend Shootings

  46. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Chicago September 2020 to Date (21st)
    Shot & Killed: 50
    Shot & Wounded: 222
    Total Shot: 272
    Total Homicides: 56

  47. "Where in the Constitution does it say the party in power can't replace a Supreme Court Justice if the other party doesn't want them to?"

    Where in the constitution does it say that the senate can ignore SC choice of the president if he's from an opposing party?

  48. Anonymous11:57 AM

    “Where in the Constitution does it say the party in power can't replace a Supreme Court Justice if the other party doesn't want them to?”

    I dunno. Why don’t you ask Mitch McConnell? He can check his notes from 2016.

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    They see the writing on the demographic wall, and they know that if there were to be free and fair elections they would lose all of their power. Stacking the courts to ensure voter suppression, gerrymandering, and immigration restrictions is the only way that they will maintain power and the status quo.

    Americans, retaining control of America as the political expression of their own people? Heaven forfend!

    7:46 AM

    You are not speaking for all Americans or even the majority of Americans. So which Americans are you speaking of? The 25 to 30 percent of Republicans who avidly support Trump and Republican politicians? The five to ten percent of the Republican party who are white nationalists?

  50. "I dunno. Why don’t you ask Mitch McConnell? He can check his notes from 2016."

    LOL! Why you bringing up old stuff?


  52. Too bad1:09 PM

    "I dunno. Why don’t you ask Mitch McConnell? He can check his notes from 2016."

    In 2016, McConnell cited what he called the “Biden Rule,” based on a standard he laid out in the early 1990s when Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    On June 25, 1992 Biden gave a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

    "it is my view that if a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow, or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not — and not — name a nominee until after the November election is completed."

    At the time when Biden told President Bush to wait, the Democrats controlled the Senate and President Bush was a Republican. The Senate hasn't confirmed a nominee from an opposite-party president during an election year since the 1880s, and why would they?

    Of course, such a rule didn't stop President Obama from nominating Merrick Garland during an election year.

    Here was Biden in 2016: “Article 2 of the Constitution clearly states whenever there is a vacancy in one of the courts created by the Constitution itself ... the president shall — not may, the president shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy with the advice and consent of the Senate."


    “I made it absolutely clear that I would go forward with the confirmation process as chairman even a few months before a presidential election”

    This is apparently no longer a principle that Biden stands behind, as this weekend, even before the funeral for Justice Ginsburg, Biden demanded President Trump not nominate and the U.S. Senate not consider a nominee for the late Justice’s vacant seat.

    Biden in 2020: “This appointment isn’t about the past. It’s about the future”

    Things are different when the same party controls both the White House and the Senate, as Republicans do now. It's a difference that Democrats and the media are having a hard time wrapping their little heads around.

  53. Anonymous1:15 PM

    None of any of that is anywhere in the Constitution. It’s all hot air. McConnell only has one principle left: “might makes right.” Or, to put it it in more Trumpian terms, “do whatever you can get away with.”

  54. Biden rule is a joke. There was no pending nominee and no vacancy to fill. It was hypothetical.

    Wingnuts attempting to use that red herring is hypocritical, but we have all gotten used to right wing hypocrisy and flat out bullshit!

    Lawyers and other experts have spent countless hours trying to unravel Florida's despicable non-records of wnhat alleged felon owes what allegedly felonious fines so they can vote. 58k felons are being prevented from voting in another right wing voter suppression move trying to ensure drumpf gets re-Putined in 2020.

  55. Wingnuts are the ones who lifted the filibuster off the scotus nominees after successfully blocking most of Obama's judicial picks.

    Wingnuts also ignored the blue slip hold of a nominee if either of their home state sinators wasn't happy with the choice. That rule was thrown under the bus by McCTurtlefuckface and he is already crying wolf because he is sure his party will get kicked out of power and he wants to preserve wasicu scumacyst supremacy for ever.

  56. Inbred, despicable, deplorable, magat munching orange piece of shit occupying Putin's kremlin annex in DC is lying about RBG's last wish. This fucker and his magat whordes aren't fit to live in America. Lock them up and deport them to mother Russia..

  57. "Of course, such a rule didn't stop President Obama from nominating Merrick Garland during an election year."

    He was following the constitution, you know like he's supposed to.

  58. Anonymous3:30 PM

    "He was following the constitution, you know like he's supposed to."

    So is Trump, chump.

  59. "Healthcare. The goddamn Republicans want to take it away"

    "Yes! And they want to take Social Security away and give the money to Jeff Bezos, and force woman to have babies and then put them in cages, and repeal the 13th amendment put black people back in chains!"

    There is in fact, not a conspiracy theory or a media lie, a case pending before the fucking supreme court in which a turbocharged moron of a judge from fucking Texas struck down the entirety of the ACA on the basis that the goddamn Republicans killed the fine on the individual mandate, so he contends the whole law is therefore invalid.

    If the case is decided in the turbomoron's favor, millions of US citizens, a majority of them poor white folk, will lose their health insurance in the middle of a fucking pandemic.

    There is no uncertainty or question about the truth of this. It's what the goddamn Republicans have literally dedicated themselves to accomplishing since 2010 when the law was passed.

    There were about fifty repeal bills passed in the Boehner congress and the only thing that stopped them from repealing it in the Ryan congress was John McCain and sheer legislative incompetence.

    I know that remembering things is forbidden to Republicans, but there actually was a health system in the United States before the ACA passed, and it did actually suck donkey balls.

    There were a boatload of reasons that every presidential administration for nearly a century had tried to pass healthcare reform and those reasons are all set to come roaring back like a big Fergus boat on Lake Travis, swamping everything in its path.

    Ans as for social security, Fergus has already signed a goddamn EO deferring the payroll tax, that is, the funding source for social security and medicare, until spring, and has yawped repeatedly that should he be reelected, he would eliminate the tax entirely.
    No funding, no social security. And here I go remembering stuff again, but the goddamn Republicans have been hoping to kill social security since its inception. See also: Bush, George W.

    Fergus hates Jeff Bezos.

    As for the babies, do you really believe Roe will survive a goddamn forced birth zealot on the court like Amy Coney Barrett? There will, in fact, just as in the dark ages before Roe, be thousands of mostly poor white women who will be unable to afford to travel to places where abortion is still safe and legal, and end up bearing unwanted children, who will of course grow up well adjusted and crime free.

    Ans as for the cages, only immigrant babies are currently in them, but give Fergus another term and all bets are off about who, exactly, is exempt from them.

    I guess what I'm saying is that attempts to make fun of this administrations fuck ups by exaggerating them are futile, as they've already gone off into cartoon villain territory from the jump.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Oh, I forgot the thirteenth amendment. They haven't gotten around to that yet, but they did gut the voting rights act, and tried to squash every union (except for the police unions, who they find hella useful) and are against the very existence of the minimum wage or OSHA, so they do seem rather pro-slavery when you look at their positions on civil rights and labor issues.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  61. So is Trump, chump.

    If wingnuts actually followed the constitution, drumpf would have been removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors and likely sitting in prison where his fat orange ass belongs.

    RBG to lie in repose at Supreme Court. drumpf and Barr are planning on having her corpse removed for loitering.

  62. Fergus is yawping about stopping the ballot counting on election night, before all of the mail in ballots can be counted, because he is afraid he will lose if they are all counted.

    By that way of thinking, it should have been Michele Bachmann, the winner of the Iowa caucuses in 2012 to run against Obama in the general. Why count the rest of the votes for Romney? She was obviously winning.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    What a non-surprise this is.

  64. From Steve Benen:

    "At a campaign event on Friday night, Trump said, in reference to Biden and the coming election, "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm gonna do. I will never speak to you again. You'll never see me again." Some suggested that'd be an effective Democratic ad. Team Biden apparently agreed, turning it into a 10-second video that's been seen 14 million times."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  65. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Doug, you sound absolutely desperate. Take a pill and relax or take a bunch of pills and go into a coma. Either way works for me.

  66. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Here we go again.

    If 45 appointed an African Descendant of Slaves ( ADOS) to the Bench., how would you FNs treat her? Would FNs hate 46 any less (I think not! ). A ADOS should definably be elevated to the Bench before an Cuban; given ADOS's blood sweet and tears built the country under the free labor clause.

  67. Anonymous6:52 PM

    If 45 appointed an African Descendant of Slaves ( ADOS) to the Bench., how would you FNs treat her? Would FNs hate 44 any less (I think not! ). An ADOS should definably be elevated to the Bench before an Cuban; given ADOS's blood sweet and tears built the country under the free labor clause.

  68. Anonymous6:53 PM

    If 45 appointed an African Descendant of Slaves ( ADOS) to the Bench., how would you FNs treat her? Would FNs hate 45 any less (I think not! ). An ADOS should definably be elevated to the Bench before an Cuban; given ADOS's blood sweet and tears built the country under the free labor clause.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:15 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Doug, you sound absolutely desperate. Take a pill and relax or take a bunch of pills and go into a coma. Either way works for me.

    6:34 PM
    Stupid, stupid remark. Trump and Putin must be the desperate ones. They hired you.


  71. This fucking bitch is as bad or worse than the cunt from the kiddie diddler church who seems to be odds on favorite to become a footnote in history.

    Satan save us all from these stoopid fucking morons.

  72. The worst part is we are about to become a theocracy. In the 60's people were afraid of electing Kennedy because they feared the Pope would run the country but that is exactly what is happening. Every single conservative justice on the SC and nominated are strict Catholics. They rule based on their religious ideology. Even Pence is part of this weird cult. Well, good luck to us all.😬

  73. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Chris Murphy
    Heads up - anybody in this country who has had COVID, or ever tests positive for the COVID antibodies, has a preexisting condition.

    And when Trump rams through an anti-health care judge, and the ACA is eliminated, your rates are going through the roof.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    matt blaze
    Sep 20
    If Trump loses and/or the Senate flips, the lame duck period will be an object lesson in why, in most organizations, fired employees are escorted off the premises the same day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. PilotX said...
    "The worst part is we are about to become a theocracy."

    We are a theocracy, ruled by the Church of Equality.

  76. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and lies10:46 PM

    Donito Trumpolini aka Donnie Favors aka il douche, says Sen. Mc Cain was a loser and deadbeat Robert Lee was a winner. This guy has a real behavior problem.

  77. Hang the communists11:39 PM

    Democrats who want to eliminate the Electoral College and make the District of Columbia a state now assert there's a Dying Wish clause in the Constitution and they'll burn the country down if the Republicans don't follow it.

    To hell with these lunatics.

  78. Darth Bader Ginsburg11:50 PM

    Your final words to your granddaughter aren't "I love you" or "Have a wonderful life", but a twisted wish where you think your spot on the Supreme Court is something you can bequeath and "Orange Man Bad".

    Hate-filled petty partisanship to the bitter end. Pathetic.

    If she actually said it, that's a pretty scathing indictment of her ever being on the court in the first place.

  79. So after the goddamn Republicans prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they will not follow their own fucking rules about the confirmation of supreme court justices (or any other damn thing that gets in the way of raw power) and we retake the senate and the presidency and kill the goddamn filibuster, who should we appoint to fill the four seats in a supreme court expanded to thirteen seats?

    And fuck you, the number of justices on the court has been changed at least seven times, and several of those were blatantly political, so keeping the nine justice court we have had for a long ass time now is another one of those norms that hold the government together when everyone agrees to adhere to them.

    You know, the kind of norms Fergus and his goddamn Republican felons have been ripping the shit out of in their bid to deconstruct the administrative state.

    So since the adherence to them is no longer reliable, we sure as fuck are not going to unilaterally disarm about it.

    I'm thinking that the squad would fill those expanded seats nicely.

    Or perhaps Colin Kaepernick, Jon Stewart, Tishaura Jones, and Pamela Merritt.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  80. RBG finally met a clump of cells she couldn't kill.

  81. They weren't her final words to her you goulish prick, her granddaughter asked her if there was anything she wanted to tell people that she hadn't already told them, and she dictated that to her, after saying that for the most part, her achievements were in the public record.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  82. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Death of cancerous RBG:  inevitable.

    Nomination of successor:  free.

    Meltdown of Dimocraps:  priceless.

  83. "We are a theocracy, ruled by the Church of Equality."

    Um, ok.


  85. I sure learn a great deal about democrats listening to conservatives. For instance, nobody even told me about the plan to make Puerto Rico and D.C. into the next two states. I feel bad that no on bothered to tell me. But I still have you guys to fill me in.

    There's this. Since we dim-o-craps appear so stupid in comparison with y'all's illustrious and well-studied selves, cipher me this, if you can...

    If republicans are so fucking smart, how come they all believe that Trump has a plan to provide healthcare insurance at reasonable rates for people with pre-existing conditions when and if the fucking demon manages to repeal Obamacare? Who's going to tell the insurance companies that they can't charge more for diabetics or people with chronic diseases? Who will tell them to limit our out-of-pocket expenses in the event of catastrophic medical bills? Who will get them to accept patients with cancer? Just how is that going to work, anyhow? You realize that before Obamacare this was a real problem that we had.

    Please explain. I'm all ears.

  86. Putin/drumpf poisoned RBG likely

    speculation free

    wingnut heads exploding inevitable and pleasing to watch

  87. Lifenews has been proven to be as dishonest as drumpf and abortion is, as a well known, scientifically proven fact, much safer than childbirth.

  88. drumpf's spokesliar was trying to convince Brianna Keilar that drumpf's long promised insurance plan is finished and ready for distribution through executive orders, which means there is no plan and drumpf is flat out lying again.

    and wingnuts are every bit as fucking stoopid as I keep reminding them of being.


    Just like the Benghazi bullshit where wingnuts knew all along HRC wasn't to blame and nothing could have been done to save 4 lives. It was used strictly to drive her poll numbers down ahead of the 2016 election, which it did and wingnuts admitted it did.

  90. Anonymous10:24 AM

    “Just like the Benghazi bullshit where wingnuts knew all along HRC wasn't to blame and nothing could have been done to save 4 lives.”

    Not true. I’m sure there were many things that could have been done to save those 4 lives, up to and including closing the consulate. It’s just that those decisions were way below the pay grade of the secretary of state, who doesn’t make security arrangements for every embassy and consulate. Bluntly, it wasn’t her job.

    Congressional Republicans knew this, but chose to pretend they didn’t, and to use the Benghazi attack as a jumping-off point for all sorts of bizarre conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton.

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:46 AM

    Christianity 3.0 said...

    We are a theocracy, ruled by the Church of Equality.

    10:43 PM
    I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as "the church of equality." And even though you may have read some article on a website claiming there is, that doesn't make it true.

  92. Chickenshit R-money succumbed to wingnut threats and will vote for new justice post haste. Looks like the world will be saddled with another vicious, right wing ideologue on the alleged impartial Spotus.

  93. Don't ever forget wingnuts defunded embassy security over the years and then lied about it being a cause of deaths at Benghazi.

  94. A wingnut's word is good until the next opportunity to lie comes along, if not sooner.

  95. "A wingnut's word is good until the next opportunity to lie comes along, if not sooner."

    The scorpion and the frog.

  96. "I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as "the church of equality."

    But there is a Catholic Church and for some weird reason all Republican federal judge nominees have to be members.

  97. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Why do all Democrat nominees have to be Jews?

  98. Biden is Hidin'1:00 PM

    We have a week and a half before Joe Biden gets coronavirus and can’t debate.

  99. Rachel Rodriguez1:07 PM

    If Supreme Court justices did their jobs properly their political party affiliation would be irrelevant. It's only because they ignore the Constitution and decide cases based on politics not law that it's an issue. You never had to wonder how one of the Liberal Justices would rule. The Supreme Court is the branch that has failed America the most.

  100. Wingnuts have a definite litmus tests for judges.... anti women's rights, anti abortion, anti-worker's rights, anti immigrants, pro christian religion, pro business, pro corporations, anti welfare except for the rich, pro pigs, pro military, ani precedents, anti right to privacy, etc.

    Libs believe in the constitution and hew closely to precedents.

  101. Remember when Gosuck sided with Dems wingnuts immediately demanded his impeachment and replacement with an even more radical ideologue? Remember how wingnuts shit their pants when Obama was legally elected because they were afraid he would install Sharia law, even though he is an avowed Christian with much better standing in the church and world than lying POS drumpfuck?

  102. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "he is an avowed Christian "


  103. Anonymous2:18 PM

    “Why do all Democrat nominees have to be Jews?”

    I wasn’t aware that Sonia Sotomayor was a Jew.

    “If Supreme Court justices did their jobs properly their political party affiliation would be irrelevant.”

    No. This is nonsense. This presupposes that the Constitution contains all the answers and you just need to look them up to resolve legal conflicts.

    This isn’t remotely true. The Constitution is a minimalist, skeletal document that leaves tons of important questions unresolved. So it could never just be “calling balls and strikes.” Justices have to fill in the legal blanks, and the rationale for their decisions will often have to come from somewhere other than the Constitution. It will have to be supplied by their ideology.

    Whether people acknowledge it or not, the SCOTUS makes (precedent) law, and does so with political motivations. Sitting on the top court is a political job, for both liberal and conservative justices.

    The only difference is that wingnuts lie and pretend that they’re not political, but the liberals are, so the liberals must be doing it wrong. It’s all bullshit.

  104. Anonymous2:32 PM

    “But there is a Catholic Church and for some weird reason all Republican federal judge nominees have to be members.”

    We should probably be counting our lucky stars. When the GOP start nominating evangelicals, the nutjobbery on the court will skyrocket. We’ll start seeing legal opinions that reference QAnon. Or the rapture. Rulings on gay rights will be based on “it’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.”

  105. Anonymous2:47 PM

    "I wasn’t aware that Sonia Sotomayor was a Jew."

    Her mother (Baez) was a Sephardic Jew. Both "Soto" and "Mayer" are Sephardic Jewish names.

  106. My liberal friends have over many decades gotten very used to the idea of having a liberal court but that’s not written in the stars,” Romney told reporters on Tuesday.

    Lying R-money lies just like the rest of wingnuts. The court has been conservative since Nixon appointed Berger and Renchquist back in the early 1970s.

  107. "he is an avowed Christian "

    Prove with as authentic reliable source he's not.

    Well, fuck. You lost already.

  108. Sotomayor is a member of kiddie diddler church like all wingnut ideologues on the court.

    Name Religion Appt. by On the Court since
    John Roberts (Chief Justice) Roman Catholicism G.W. Bush 2005
    Clarence Thomas Roman Catholicism G.H.W. Bush 1991
    Stephen Breyer Judaism Clinton 1994
    Samuel Alito Roman Catholicism G.W. Bush 2006
    Sonia Sotomayor Roman Catholicism Obama 2009
    Elena Kagan Judaism Obama 2010
    Neil Gorsuch Episcopalian, raised Roman Catholic[79][80] Trump 2017
    Brett Kavanaugh Roman Catholicism

  109. With pathological lying drumpf leading the lies about Obama, it is no wonder wingnuts score in sub-zero percentile of IQ tests.


  111. "We should probably be counting our lucky stars."

    I don't know, those weirdos don't even believe in birth control.😬

  112. Clewless, hapless, dumbfucking piece of shit with his latest take on the coronavirus that has killed more than 2300k plus Americans....

    coronavirus-affects-virtually-nobody What a completely inbred, retarded dumbfucking statement to make in public where the whole entire world, except inbred magats, is laughing at him.

  113. Sotomayor graduated from Yale law school in three years. There ain't single wingnut.let alone drumpfuck, that can spell Yale.

  114. Anonymous3:30 PM

    “Her mother (Baez) was a Sephardic Jew. Both ‘Soto’ and ‘Mayer’ are Sephardic Jewish names.”

    Lol. That’s some nice Stormfront Internet lore you’ve got right there.

    Back in normal-people world, where Jews aren’t the devil and we don’t see them hiding under every bed ... Sotomayor is a Puerto Rican Catholic.


    Mass suicide. They were tired of being called drumpf supporters.

  116. Anonymous3:34 PM

    “I don't know, those weirdos don't even believe in birth control.”

    Some Catholic bishops don’t, and that’s the official position of the Church. The Catholic rank and file pretty much all ignore this, at least in the U.S.

    I don’t like the Scalias of the world. I’d like a Supreme Court populated with Jerry Falwells and snake handlers even less.


    Fuck wasicu wasteys!

  118. I agree with Rachel. She is talking about the way a court of law should function. Republican judges have long abused the privilege of judgeship to attempt to legislate from the bench. Let's look at it objectively. Roe v. Wade should never be overturned. But as Pilot points out, every nominee is a Roman Catholic. Why would the issue even come up before the court a second time? What party could possibly be wronged by the freedom of a woman to do with her own body as she chooses? There would be no plaintiff of any legal standing.

    How about the immediate issue of the SCOTUS deciding a presidential election. Wait just a fucking minute! Where the hell did that come from? Elections are certified by the states. Case closed. Yet Ted Cruz and the white men with forked tongues are already anticipating a disputed election go up before a new SCOTUS. They are planning on it the little Nazi degenerates. No. Supreme Court decides case law. They can't co-opt power that does not belong to them. Or can they in the new world of Professor Trump and Doctor Barr?

    Fuck y'all lyin' republicans. The American people are going to throw you out on your big fat pasty asses in November. Mitch McConnell? He's going the way of Joe Arpaio. We won't take it any more. Dark shame on all y'all enablers of the republican ruling class.

  119. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I'm not in favor of making abortion illegal, but, Roe v. Wade should never have been decided in favor of abortion rights. It's a made up fiction that is not constitutional.

    There should either be a Constitutional amendment to dictate the legality of abortion nationwide or it should be left to the individual states to decide.

  120. Sorry Anon, but here is what you lose when wingnuts allow states to decide federally constituted rights.....

    While relatively attractive, the concept that

    the Supreme Court probably won’t outlaw abortion; they’ll just allow states to do so

    seems a bit optimistic. The issue in Roe was not the relative power of a State, but the meaning of the U.S. Constitution. In effect, the Roe Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution protects an individual right of privacy in family planning to safely terminate a pregnancy (i.e. with competent safe medical help available) from legislation that undermines that right. In order to overrule Roe the new conservative Court will have to reject or restrict the idea that the U.S. Constitution protects that right of privacy. Such a ruling is the tip of a legal iceberg.

    Once we no longer have a constitutional right of privacy, then neither the States nor the federal government are restricted from enacting legislation prohibiting the activities that the right of privacy have previously protected. Thus, unless this conservative Court accepts some other constitutional limitation of the power of our federal government, Congress could soon have the power to outlaw abortion nationwide, as well as a myriad of other activities currently protected by our Constitution.

    Some of the other activities now protected against government intrusion by the constitutional right of privacy include:

    – the right to intimate adult relationships, including marriage (same sex, interracial, etc);

    – the right to private consensual sexual activities, birth control, as well as abortion;

    – the right to possess and read materials in the privacy of our own home deemed obscene or against public morality. such as pornography or materials about evolution, etc;

    – the right to personal autonomy in matters relating to our personal medical care, such as whether to reject medical treatment;

    – etc.

    . . . the U.S. Supreme Court has held that we do have a right to privacy. But, that right has been strongly challenged and eroded and may not last much longer. Indeed, the “right” has already been so greatly modified that it may soon be difficult to consider it a right at all.

    Of course, we could elect representatives that will enact laws protecting such activities, but with the national election of Trump, the national support of Republicans that act contrary to the views of the majority of the population and disregard standards, as well as South Dakota’s own voters that defer to party over reason, optimism seems contrary to our current reality.

    This gentleman is a lifelong, now retired, attorney who is way smarter than all wingnuts piled together. For his safety I am not divulging his name.

  121. and he tells it like it is, whether I agree or not. That is what following precedence does, except in the case of inbred wingnuts, press a dent means their parents used their fingers to push in soft spots on their brats noggins shortly after birth which goes a long ways into explaining retardation among wasicu wasteys.

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:12 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I'm not in favor of making abortion illegal, but, Roe v. Wade should never have been decided in favor of abortion rights. It's a made up fiction that is not constitutional.

    There should either be a Constitutional amendment to dictate the legality of abortion nationwide or it should be left to the individual states to decide.

    4:28 PM
    And just where in the Constitution is the government given the right to regulate abortion, or any other medical procedure? Anti abortion laws are religious laws and nothing more. I think somewhere in the First Amendment it is indicated that church and state are to be kept separate. The government needs to butt out of the abortion issue.

    And please don't talk to me about the sanctity of human life. The Republican Party has become the cult of death. Trump is responsible for the death of thousands of Americans; still millions of Republicans support him.

  123. OK, Republicans, after you install your Christopath supreme court justice and get the ACA struck down in its entirety before the first of the year, what's your plan?

    No, I don't mean "what's your healthcare plan?" the fucking ACA WAS your healthcare plan, thought up by Heritage, implemented by Romney, and actually functioning in more than one country where half of the government isn't hell-bent on destroying it.

    I mean what's your plan for ever getting elected to anything again ever after you destroy the health insurance of millions of citizens during a goddamn pandemic?

    You know, all of those laid off workers whose health insurance is tied to their employment and are now subsisting on an ACA subsidy or a Medicaid expansion to take care of their families who are sick with covid.

    Yeah, they're gonna remember what you did to them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  124. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Republicans are not going to take American's healthcare away.

  125. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:06 PM

    Flying Junior said....

    Fuck y'all lyin' republicans. The American people are going to throw you out on your big fat pasty asses in November. Mitch McConnell? He's going the way of Joe Arpaio. We won't take it any more. Dark shame on all y'all enablers of the republican ruling class.

    4:14 PM
    I love your entire post here, Junior, but the best part is this last paragraph! If I had voted for Trump (which I didn't), I would never, ever admit it to anyone.

  126. Anonymous7:10 PM

    “Republicans are not going to take American's healthcare away.”

    Huh. It’s weird then that Republicans keep saying that Obamacare must go and they’ve got a much better wingnut plan to replace it with, which they’ve been working on for a full decade now but still cannot tell you what it is. Don’t worry, they’ll announce it on the 5th of Never.

    The last time I heard this convincing a sales pitch, it involved either prime Brooklyn Bridge real estate or a Nigerian prince.

  127. "The last time I heard this convincing a sales pitch, it involved either prime Brooklyn Bridge real estate or a Nigerian prince."


  128. "I’d like a Supreme Court populated with Jerry Falwells and snake handlers even less."

    Man, same results but at least it would be entertaining.

  129. "I'm not in favor of making abortion illegal, but, Roe v. Wade should never have been decided in favor of abortion rights. It's a made up fiction that is not constitutional."

    I'm not a lawyer nor do I play one on tv but as far as I know it was decided on privacy rights and the equal protection clause. Nothing any of us go to the doctor for is anyone's business, including abortion. No one has a right to know why a woman is going to the doctor. Also, if some states decide to make it illegal that is a constitutional violation because there is no equal protection. Maybe Field can clean up any of this. Also, please elaborate on your legal opinion and are you a lawyer?

  130. Bodies be dropping like drumpf drops lies....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    doesn't hardly affect anyone, sayeth the dumbest fucker ever to proclaim leadership of the world.


    911 call from Falwell's house where an intoxicated Falwell junior fell down. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  132. Wingnuts prove they aren't playing with a full deck...again-

  133. Canadian born, Cuban scumbag Ted Cruz blocked a senate tribute to RBG today because....reasons.

  134. Anonymous8:54 PM

    mike is a xenophobe.

    Fuck off, bigot!

  135. I wonder what Scalias’ dying wish was? That he had brought his bodyguards with him and not left them behind at Obama’s suggestion?

  136. mike is a xenophobe.

    Fuck off, bigot!

    One anymoose signed his real name, fuck off bigot.

  137. "Roe v. Wade should never be overturned"

    Yeah, I like babies. But my post-war international order maintained by violence and predatory investment banking is more important.

    It's time to put Wall Street back in charge, get back to business with China, and start bombing Muslim countries again.

    Dump Trump!

  138. Mike,

    I feel like I'm one of the guys that gets on base. Then you come in and hit a grand slam.


    Thank you. My potty mouth is one of my strongest attributes. I actually liked the part about condemning the republicans for planning ahead to decide the 2020 general election outcome in the SCOTUS. To me that is damning. As far as eloquence, I like the, "little Nazi degenerates," quote.

  139. Dandingo9:57 PM

    "My potty mouth is one of my strongest attributes"

    That and your gaping rectum.

    "little Nazi degenerates"! How do you come up with such wit?

  140. Wells Fargo CEO: "While it might sound like an excuse, the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of black talent to recruit from."

  141. Anonymous10:17 PM

    "I wonder what Scalias’ dying wish was? That he had brought his bodyguards with him and not left them behind at Obama’s suggestion?"

    Oops, I should have been a better human being because now I'm going to the Bad Place?

  142. Chicago Roy10:27 PM

    Scalia was the last justice to articulate a philosophical basis for his jurisprudence. I doubt we'll ever see a comparable level of honesty or sophistication on the bench.

  143. Anonymous10:29 PM

    It has been 42 days since Harris was tapped as the VP pick.

    There are 42 days until election day.

    The senator has not once formally taken questions from the press.

  144. Harris is pretty bad campaigning.That's why she came in last in the primary. I dare say even Biden is better.

  145. "The senator has not once formally taken questions from the press."

    She took a page from the trump playbook. I guess we'll just have to wait for the VP debates.

  146. Nullus Maximus10:37 PM

    Psychological projection is a fundamental aspect of leftist behavior.

  147. "911 call from Falwell's house where an intoxicated Falwell junior fell down."

    Thank god that idiot is running a university.🙄

  148. "Psychological projection is a fundamental aspect of leftist behavior."😆

  149. Wow😳

  150. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Why do Democrats own the felon vote?

  151. Wells Fargo CEO10:43 PM

    Trump is going to fill a SCOTUS seat before Lebron finishes reading Malcom X's Autobiography.

  152. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent:

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. Innocent in the eyes of the fucking demon Trump and his sick followers. One would think that bringing a high-powered weapon to a demonstration to threaten protestors could easily lead to a murder conviction.

    Because it wasn't anything else.

  155. Hey,

    I never got a straight answer from any of you guys. What plaintiff would have legal standing to take a case before the SCOTUS to reverse the historic Roe vs. Wade decision? Who will the blind defenders of justice in the second term Trump DOJ, (theoretical only, of course,) bring before the court as they seek to overturn Roe vs. Wade? Will they break historic precedent by naming the unborn child as the complainant? (Remember corporations are people, my friend?) Or will the attorneys argue that somebody's religious freedom has suffered from discrimination? Protections against religious discrimination are quite robust in federal case law. Or will you champion a young man who has had his parental rights unfairly terminated.

    How do you picture it happening?

  156. Anonymous11:51 PM

    "How about the immediate issue of the SCOTUS deciding a presidential election. Wait just a fucking minute! Where the hell did that come from? Elections are certified by the states. Case closed"

    This bullshit is from the party that runs to an obscure judge in Hawaii every chance they get.

  157. Cletus the Fetus11:52 PM

    "What plaintiff would have legal standing to take a case before the SCOTUS to reverse the historic Roe vs. Wade decision?"


  158. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "Or will you champion a young man who has had his parental rights unfairly terminated."

    Well, as the law is now, a man has all of the reproductive responsibilities and none of the rights.

    Both the man and the woman are equally responsible for a pregnancy.

    If he wants her to have the baby, she can terminate it and he has no say.

    If he doesn't want the baby, she can have it and he is on the hook for 18+ years of child support.

  159. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Cold tonight. Climate Change is real.

    -Og in Sugar Pine

  160. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent:

  161. September 23rd is Free N-word day.

    All white people get a free N-word pass all day.

  162. Anonymous12:10 AM

    “What plaintiff would have legal standing to take a case before the SCOTUS to reverse the historic Roe vs. Wade decision?”

    It’ll be the government of some red(neck) state, and they’ll be the defendant, not plaintiff.

    That state will pass a state law banning abortion. Some woman will take them to court, because she wants an abortion, and the judge will say, “Yep you can have an abortion, because that law is struck down for violating Roe v. Wade. It’s unconstitutional.”

    Then, the state government will appeal all the way to SCOTUS, which will now be thoroughly infested with wingnuts, and will rule that the abortion ban is, in fact, legal because Roe was wrongly decided and bogus. Bye-bye Roe.

  163. Telling everyone who bugs me to register to vote "no thanks, I'm heterosexual"

  164. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Where's Biden's list of people he would nominate for the Supreme Court?


    Gee, lookie here. Interesting.

  166. Wells Fargo CEO: "While it might sound like an excuse, the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of black talent to recruit from."

    Rebecca Cokley
    This is b.s. I managed diversity in the Obama Admin and there is no shortage of strong Black talent in the banking sector.

    Maybe they don’t want to work for a company’s so heavily responsible for the subprime mortgage crisis.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  167. RBG in Hell12:31 AM

    Abortion has saved this nation from God knows how many more black people.

  168. Mychal Denzel12:35 AM

    Much of what is called racism is an understandable reaction by whites to the unacceptable behavior of blacks. For example, whites tend to avoid situations where blacks congregate, out of fear of black violence.


  170. LeBrown12:39 AM

    Policing has a disparate impact on blacks because blacks commit a disparate amount of crime. We all know this though.

  171. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Scientific "American" is owned by a German company.

  172. If men could get pregnant, there would be abortion clinics in every Starbucks and abortion pills would be dispensed out of candy machines and come in seven flavors.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  173. Thanks for playing bros. Anonymous at 12:10 AM that was actually a good answer. But I also appreciate the other responses. You guys are like family here at The Field Negro.

    I'm going to go upthread and look for the guy who was trying to explain why it is the duty of the SCOTUS to review controversial laws for constitutionality. It was actually a quite reasoned opposing point-of-view. I'd like to use it in a post I am writing.


    Sept 29th, it's on! Donnie boy vs. Smoking Joe!

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. Why Republicans are terrified of democracy:

    Ronald Brownstein
    Rs have won the presidential popular vote once since 1992. R Senators have represented a majority of the population in one session since 1980. And they will cement a six-member court majority that could last well into 2030s? Hard to see how diverse younger generations accept that

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  177. "Hard to see how diverse younger generations accept that"

    Do they have a choice?

  178. You bet they do. Remember when finding out that a politician did something illegal made you think there would be consequences? I miss that:

    Greg Palast
    · 8h
    BREAKING: Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, admits to CNN that they did not use a USPS licensee to check addresses of voters on their purge list (we did!). This means his entire 2019 purge is illegal under the National Voter Registration Act.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  179. Anonymous3:12 AM

    I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as "the church of equality."

    Anti-racism is a cult based on the anti-factual (religious dogmatic) notion that all races are inherently equal so the only explanation for differences in outcome is nefarious discrimination.  The doctrine of "disparate impact" is based on the same erroneous notion, and it is rigidly enforced as LAW.

    The truth is that the average African (more so in Africa than America) has a distinctly lower IQ than the average White, plus much greater time preference and tendency toward psychopathy.  This is proven by every psychometric measure known to science, and proves that unequal outcomes are NOT the result of any sort of bias.  They are the result of genetics, and only generations of selective breeding can change them.  Whites have been through that system of selective breeding; Africans have not.

  180. For example, whites tend to avoid situations where blacks congregate, out of fear of black violence.

    Total failure. Wasicus approach blacks in congregations just like they do hornet's nests. Then they whip put the club, foment an attack and cry victimhood when they get stung by either scenario.

    People, like hornets, sometimes retaliate before you know they are around, because they know if they don't kick whitey's skanky ass, they are sure to be attacked.

  181. Well you fucking wingnuts have done it now, you finally have proven your investigative chops and changed the whole tenor of the election. You have proven, finally, beyond any doubts Hunter Biden and Joe Biden did NOT A FUCKING THING WRONG!!!!

    GOP senators’ report calls Hunter Biden’s board position with Ukraine firm ‘problematic,’ but fails to show how it changed U.S. policy (from WAPO)

    Now it is Dems turn to investigate the drumpf crime family where everyone knows there is/was/always will be crimes galore.

  182. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:56 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Scientific "American" is owned by a German company."

    12:40 AM
    So what, Anon.? Einstein was German. So were one set of my grandparents. That and two bucks will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
    Here's some real info for you......
    "We are a global and progressive business, founded on a heritage of trusted and respected brands – including Springer, founded in 1842, Macmillan, founded in 1843 and Nature, first published in 1869.
    The main shareholders of Springer Nature are Holtzbrinck Publishing Group and BC Partners. Holtzbrinck, a family-owned company based in Stuttgart, holds a majority share of 53 per cent.

  183. Anon @ 3:12 AM said...
    "Whites have been through that system of selective breeding; Africans have not."

    This is an important point. People create a culture which then shapes a people. For most of human history, individuals had to defend themselves against the depredations of others. If someone killed your brother, you and your other brothers, father, uncles, sons and cousins had to seek justice and exact vengeance yourselves. Those without an adequate level of aggression and clan cohesion were supplanted by those who did. As civilization progressed and non-familial relationships became more important, such a system fostered an untenable level of chaos and abuse. It became necessary for the state to settle grievances and disputes. For almost a thousand years, there was an extremely high execution rate in European societies which weeded out the most violent and impulsive members of society and changed the resulting population.

    Over the same time period, implementation of Church prohibitions on cousin marriage also had a profound effect on Europeans. Over many generations of out-marriage, clan ties weakened as people of a region became pretty much equally related to one another. This allowed for the development of higher trust societies necessary for the kind of economic system that resulted.

    Today, to varying degrees, European cultural and economic systems are everywhere in the world. Asian cultures went through similar processes which have allowed them to successfully adopt Western systems albeit modified to conform to their existing cultures.

    Africans of course have not been shaped by European culture for a thousand years. African cultural norms are different and required a much higher level of violence and impulsivity that makes conforming to European norms difficult. Most blacks can successfully navigate the rules of white society, but a significant portion cannot. The majority that can see the high incarceration rate of fellow blacks and the views of other populations regarding black criminality as racist and discriminatory.

    This is root of the current "defund the police" movement. American blacks are rebelling against the heavy toll the legal system exacts and demanding to be exempt from the common standards of society. They blame society for enforcing the law. But it's the law that's the issue.

    This is a real problem. Black behavior is oppressed by the imposition of white standards, but those standards are necessary for society to continue to function.

    Having different laws for different people is hard to pull off. Common standards and equality before the law are central pillars of a successful society.

    The only solutions come from an acknowledgement of the real issue. Blacks should advocate for political separation or commit to a long and difficult process of cultural assimilation.

  184. "You bet they do. Remember when finding out that a politician did something illegal made you think there would be consequences? I miss that:"

    Well, the S.C. will have a conservative majority for the rest of our lives and the senate will have a red state advantage and the right gives two shits about corruption, they just want power and to own the libs. The only way out of this mess is to start moving to red states with low populations. Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, ect. I just got back from Montana and it was really nice. I wouldn't mind plopping down there for a while and it is kinda purple with a Dem governor and senator. That's the only way out of this.
    It seems counter-intuitive but all the disgruntled liberals need to move to red states and not Canada or Mexico and then we'll see change.


  186. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:26 AM

    Anonymous responding to Gambler2 said.....

    "I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as the church of equality."

    "Anti-racism is a cult based on the anti-factual (religious dogmatic) notion that all races are inherently equal so the only explanation for differences in outcome is nefarious discrimination. The doctrine of "disparate impact" is based on the same erroneous notion, and it is rigidly enforced as LAW.

    "The truth is that the average African (more so in Africa than America) has a distinctly lower IQ than the average White, plus much greater time preference and tendency toward psychopathy. This is proven by every psychometric measure known to science, and proves that unequal outcomes are NOT the result of any sort of bias. They are the result of genetics, and only generations of selective breeding can change them. Whites have been through that system of selective breeding; Africans have not."

    12:40 AM
    Nothing you have said here is true. You need to back up your claims with a wide range of scientific sources.

    In addition, I.Q. tests are biased in favor of white people by their very construction. Furthermore, no proof exists the things measured by popular IQ tests actually indicate how intelligent a person really is. IQ tests do not measure a person's ability to cooperate and live in a complex modern world.

    Anti-racism is not a cult based on the anti-factual (religious dogmatic) notion that all races are inherently equal. Anti-racism is the political expression of those of us believe that all people belong to one family, or race, the human race. Thus all peoples should be treated with respect and not exploited for the benefit of others who have different skin coloring or different heritage.

  187. Anonymous11:30 AM

    "You bet they do. Remember when finding out that a politician did something illegal made you think there would be consequences? I miss that:"

    Remember when a President who looked the American people in the eye and lied to them "I did not have sex with that woman") and then was found guilty of perjury in his subsequent grand jury testimony?

    Those were the days.

  188. "Anti-racism is not a cult based on the anti-factual (religious dogmatic) notion that all races are inherently equal'

    Actually, it is. It depends on ignoring science as regards differences in populations.

    We all know different races have different characteristics that translate to different outcomes in various endeavors. Look at the NBA.

    But the Cult of Equality asserts that all populations are exactly the same therefore any disparities in outcomes (except of course the NBA) must be due to systematic discrimination.

    This is anti-factual.

  189. "Anti-racism is the political expression of those of us believe that all people belong to one family, or race, the human race. Thus all peoples should be treated with respect and not exploited for the benefit of others who have different skin coloring or different heritage."

    Anti-racism is the political expression of those of you who are Anti-White.

    It is true that all people belong to one family, or race, the human race. Thus all peoples should be treated with respect and not exploited for the benefit of others who have different skin coloring or different heritage.

    It is false that any disparities in outcomes for parts of the family (i.e. the genetically established racial groups) are due to the efforts of one race to oppress another.

    Blaming these inherent differences on one racial group is actual racism.


  191. "Nothing you have said here is true. You need to back up your claims with a wide range of scientific sources."

    Yeah, that anon took a weird tangent to demonstrate their racism. The topic at hand is the Supreme Court and my observation was that the majority of justices come from one particular faith. If their point was IQ and intelligence she shows a profound lack of intelligence by not being able to stay focused on a particular topic. I mean if she is that insecure about their intelligence level and has to attempt to use pseudo-science to denigrate others that seems kind of sad.

  192. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:30 PM

    To HBD
    At 11:08 AM

    I would like to know the sources behind the essay that you posted since it seems to be an opinion piece with ideas that have no basis in science.

    Thanks, and have a nice day.

  193. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:35 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "You bet they do. Remember when finding out that a politician did something illegal made you think there would be consequences? I miss that:"

    Remember when a President who looked the American people in the eye and lied to them "I did not have sex with that woman") and then was found guilty of perjury in his subsequent grand jury testimony?

    Those were the days.

    11:30 AM
    Yes, I remember when lying about a sexual affair was a major crime requiring that a president be impeached. That was then. Now we have a president who lied and is still lying about a pandemic that has taken over 200,000 lives, at least half of which can be attributed to his lies. But the death cult still loves him.

  194. "I would like to know the sources behind the essay that you posted since it seems to be an opinion piece with ideas that have no basis in science."

    Some piece written by a racist with no scientific training. Interesting how a post about politics somehow always devolves into hatred towards Black people. I guess some folks are obsessed with their hatred towards their fellow humans. Sad.

  195. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Trump has never lied about the pandemic.

  196. Anonymous2:00 PM

    "The topic at hand is the Supreme Court and my observation was that the majority of justices come from one particular faith."

    Jews make up 2% of the population, yet were 33% of the Supreme Court. If you count Sotomayor's jewish ancestry, it was 44%. Merrick Garland would have made it 55%.

    That's astounding.

    At least Catholics are the second largest religious group. The largest group in America are protestants, and they had zero representation on the court until Gorsuch (who was raised Catholic) was appointed.

  197. Some piece written by a racist with no scientific training.

    It is absolutely scientifically established that there are measurable differences between racial groups that account for almost all of the measured group differences in proclivities and achievements.

    This says nothing about any one individual's abilities and desires. But since we obsess over group outcomes, then we should recognize the reasons for them.

  198. Remember those red letter days when every candidate for drumpf's cabinet, plus the AG nominee, plus at least one Scotus scumacyst name Cavernmouth all perjured their silly ass selves in front of Senate with zero consequences?

    Remember how drumpf lies every time he opens his mouth? Remember how many times the kushner kunts had to revise their taxes because they conveniently forget millions of dollars of assets journalists find to remind them?
