Tuesday, October 06, 2020



If you  didn't know that fascism was right around the corner, Mr. trump's balcony stunt yesterday (Dictators love balconies) should convince you otherwise. Not that they would listen to me, but if I was advising Donald trump's people, I would tell them to tell him to stay off twitter and out of public site for the next few days. He is on some serous mind altering drugs, and it's not like his mind was the greatest to begin with.

Anyway, in my continued mission to educate and to keep you field hands informed, I have selected an article from Daily Kos for you to read.

"There is no point in accusing Republican senators of hypocrisy. Absolutely none. Only hours after the death of Supreme Court icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Republicans—who had previously gnashed their teeth at the audacity of the suggestion that the nation's first nonwhite president had the constitutional power to make nominations to the court at any point during the final year of his term—began declaring that this time around, obviously that new rule no longer applies. And obviously the president of their own party, impeached and transparently corrupt, must be granted a scrambling court even as voters line up to cast early ballots.

Hypocrisy implies there’s a previous ideology being upset; there wasn't one, and isn't one, and no serious politics-watcher ever thought otherwise. The principle being upheld by Sen. Mitch McConnell and clan then and now was more simple: Retain power using all available tools, and deny the opposition power using all available tools. There is no "ideology" inside the modern conservative movement, either before Trump's arrival or afterwards, that can survive its first brush with expediency. Each argument lasts only as long as the soundbites require and will be replaced with a new one immediately, without hesitation, when required.

Expediency as ideology is not a senate-only device. Former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia practiced it with aplomb, often resulting in lawyers and courts using his past words against him in new cases—a futile gesture. Of his "originalist," "textualist," or "institutionalist" allies, the same approach is used by All Of Them.

It's not hypocrisy if the principle all along was "whatever best increases power." And it is irrelevant if it is.

The relevant part is that it is accomplished by lying. The practitioners claim some bold new notion of how the world should work, and it is an absolute, baldfaced, bullshit-laden public lie. Those who watch McConnell or Sen. Lindsey Graham in their public appearances can easily identify, at this point, the schtick that makes up their entire persona.

They look the American public in the eye, and they simply lie to them.

It was a lie from the moment he uttered it, and there was not a person in the room who didn’t know it from the outset. The movement is devoted to lying as governing principle. It works because there are countless channels through which those lies can be disseminated, and amplified, and praised. It will continue for as long as it works.

Over and over. About everything, all the time. The Moscow Turtle has never cried a sincere tear in his life, but according to him all Democratic actions are Devastation, all Republican actions are Sorrowfully Required Due To Democratic Existence, and the rest is puppet show. Graham is superb at being outraged in showy defense of the outrageous. Sen. Marco Rubio's usual deployed device is to respond to each act of corruption or depravity with a Bible verse, typically as non sequitur, and wiping his hands of the rest of it. Sen. Susan Collins is forever concerned by gross incompetence or criminality within her movement, and remains equally as concerned the next time around, and will make good on that "concern" exactly zero times as she votes to enable each concerning act one-by-one-by-one.

It's not hypocrisy. They're just liars. Conservatism is a movement of fictions, a series of nonsense falsehoods deployed like a squid ejects ink. Nobody asks the squid whether it stands by the cloud ejaculated in the last crisis. It would be pointless. The squid doesn't remember, and can't tell you.

It is not that the nation is run by a movement of "hypocrites." The nation is run by a collection of liars.


Those who issue false statements and make false claims relentlessly in order to deceive the public, or to stir their base into new heights of feverishness, or—and this is rather more to the point in this particular year—to justify and endorse criminality in service to the movement. Incompetence, if in service to the movement. A quarter million deaths, if in service to the movement.

The lies are consequential. McConnell and his allies lied their way through the impeachment of a president, simply insisting that the evidence was not evidence and the testimony not testimony. The movement has lied its way through a pandemic, turning even the most rote of pandemic safety precautions—masks, even—into conspiracies and partisan litmus tests.

When Michael Caputo and his aides insisted that children were nearly immune to the virus and could not spread it, it was not ideology. It was a lie meant to keep more of the "economy" open even if the more pertinent metric—deaths—was multiplied.

When the movement claims "antifa"—a group that does not actually exist—is behind police reform protests, it is a lie. It is propaganda intended purely to discredit protestors, and better facilitate state and militia violence against them.

When Sen. Ron Johnson pipelines the work of known Russian operatives into his committee to declare that he has discovered very serious doings, doings that suggest his opponents are secretly corrupt in ways no American law enforcement has ever been able to find, he is fully aware of his own actions. He is not stupid.

When Attorney General William Barr releases a document that grossly undermines a report on Russian election interference that benefited his party, and follows up by launching conspiracy after conspiracy all premised on the notion that it is American law enforcement that is corrupt for going after Republican targets, he is lying to the public for the sake of the party.

The movement of Republicanism is propagandistic in nature. Lies are deployed towards political ends. All involved know they are lies. All involved spread the lies willingly. Fox News exists as propaganda factory. Donald Trump exists as propaganda factory. McConnell exists as propaganda factory. The sitting attorney general, the president's odd private lawyer—the only through line is relentless lying to the public about everything, all the time, for power.

There's no textualist in conservatism. Nonsense about precedents and institutions is barely even given lip service. There are no "deficit hawks," or "small government" idealism. None of those things have survived. The only takeaway from White House press briefings is a single, fundamental point: These are today's lies. If you don't like them, there will be others tomorrow.

There is a word for all of this. Declaring that your leaders are allowed to commit crimes while demanding the arrest of enemies on false charges; the rejection of facts and the explicit declaration that the free press is an enemy of the people for presenting information that conflicts with the state's own preferred interpretations; the altering and realtering of supposed norms so that the opposition is, invariably, declared to be out of control in their requests, so out of control that it is now necessary to alter the rules of government to properly constrain them:

It is authoritarianism. The party is a propaganda movement devoted only to self-preservation. There is not a stitch of prior ideological principle that will survive from 2016 to 2020—or from 2018 on a Monday to 2018 on a Tuesday. The rules are whatever they need to be to suppress the movement's perceived enemies. Not merely for a desperately needed Supreme Court seat, but for the now-existential election and all its myriad details."  [Source]  

h/t to my sister in Seattle for sending me this article. 


  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    One wag referred to Trump on the balcony as “Covita.”

    ��Don’t cry for me, Alabama��

  2. Anonymous5:54 PM

    “There is no ‘ideology’ inside the modern conservative movement, either before Trump's arrival or afterwards, that can survive its first brush with expediency.”

    No, there is one ideology, and it’s the same as it’s been for my entire lifetime: re-orienting the economy around the wants and needs of their rich donors.

    Literally everything else — “small government,” respect for tradition, love of God/family/nation, “law and order” — is just political theater to bamboozle the rubes into voting for them.

    Follow the money.

  3. Seriously! The bigly question is whether the president and his band of misguided enablers are really smoking crack. This indeed elevates delusional madness to new heights☹️ as is the case in point...


    1. Unfortunately, despite such a dangerous trajectory, the president can still win re-election. Those of the electorate who value democracy simply cannot take the power of the vote for granted, as was the case in 2016. And that means calling out every voter suppression tactic, further arming our fellow citizens with accurate information to push back.

  4. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/01/white-supremacist-protest-activism-emily-gorcenski?utm_source=pocket-newtab

    1. Emily Gorcenski, incredibly brave, ended up moving to Germany once embarking on a mission to out white supremacy. Interesting how her journey mirrors the reason VP Biden is vying for the presidency. As both have predicted, the Unite the Right extremism in Charlottesville, Virginia only served to be an escalating trend toward authoritarianism on steroids.

  5. Hey, Pilot👋🏼 How you be :)

  6. Hanging in there, how bout you? You staying safe?

    1. @Pilot.....Somewhat beyond cabin fever these last several months with my eyes on the prize - ensuring my family and I remain safe.

  7. Safe? Not for long. With extreme bank to the judicial right, god squaders are going after obscene materials such as Raygun's shit fer brains AG Ed meese and his Meesesketeers did.

    Texas grand jury is charging Netflix with obscenity charges over the movie "Cuties" and figure the courts will back them the entire way if only drumpf appointees hear the cases.


    Fucking wingnuts have nothing better to do than legislate your morality for you. Welcome to the batshit crazy world of god squaders.

  8. Can't propagandize moar than O keefe the weasel fucker. The truth about his Omar sting video is coming to light and it is not looking good for the credibility of a dick likker like O keefe.


  9. Wesley R7:32 PM

    America has been infected by The Trump virus for last 4 years.

  10. Anonymous8:03 PM

    “Can't propagandize moar than O keefe the weasel fucker. The truth about his Omar sting video is coming to light and it is not looking good for the credibility of a dick likker like O keefe.”

    O’Keefe is proof that our defamation laws are in need of reform. His whole career ought to be against the law.

  11. "@Pilot.....Somewhat beyond cabin fever these last several months with my eyes on the prize - ensuring my family and I remain safe."

    Good to hear but I'm a little worried about shenanigans on Nov 3rd. If you're a Foxy Brown type safely gather as many people just in case. Tell the other Foxy's and Shafts to keep an eye out for those who may be vulnerable. I don't like the way things are looking. That goes for our liberal friends like Gambler and you too Field. Stay frosty and keep your powder dry. Hope I'm wrong but I wanna keep hearing from you guys after trump is gone.

  12. No Justice, No Peace:


  13. Anonymous8:23 PM


    Pathological projection.

  14. Bet you can't8:26 PM

    "O’Keefe is proof that our defamation laws are in need of reform. His whole career ought to be against the law"

    Perhaps you could cite one example where an O'Keefe video has had to be retracted due to falsehoods.

  15. Anonymous8:29 PM

    “Perhaps you could cite one example where an O'Keefe video has had to be retracted due to falsehoods.”

    Virtually all of them are filled with defamatory lies. The fact that he didn’t have to retract them, on pain of being bankrupted/jailed, is exactly what is wrong with the law.

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:32 PM

    To PilotX.

    I will be fine for voting; I live in a blue state, and I've never heard of or experienced any voter suppression here. However, I am very worried about its happening in the swing states. I think they will be targeted heavily.

    And I'll be posting here for a long time. I have made too many friends here to ever stop. You and my other friends here are my link to intelligent, political discussions.

  17. Perhaps you could cite one example where an O'Keefe video has had to be retracted due to falsehoods.

    Okay, shit fer brains, how do you recall a video that is scattered around the world on you tube?

    It is absolutely no wonder stoopid wasicu wasteys think drumpf is a genius.

  18. Steven "white scum" Miller tests positive for drumpf's pandemic. Another one down.

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:41 PM

    eport Warned of ‘Lethal’ White Supremacy
    from politicalwire.com
    October 6, 2020 at 7:59 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 51 Comments

    “The Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday that violent white supremacy was the ‘most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland’ in an annual assessment that a former intelligence chief had accused the agency of withholding in deference to President Trump,” the New York Times reports.

    “The threat assessment highlighted white supremacists as the most deadly among domestic terrorists in recent years and Russia as the primary threat to spreading disinformation.”

  20. "These are today's lies. If you don't like them, there will be others tomorrow."

    Having been long since converted into infinitely reprogrammable meatbags, the right wing media empire's audience hasn't needed to wait 24 hours in order to fully digest a new lie that 100% contradicts the last lie for decades. An hour is fully sufficient and ten minutes will do in a pinch.

    Thank you Mike, that just about made my day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Gambler: How long before this threat assessment is shoved down the same memory hole as the last one that said the same damn thing?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:37 PM

    Mike from Iowa said....

    Steven "white scum" Miller tests positive for drumpf's pandemic. Another one down.

    8:35 PM
    Yeah, Karma's a bitch!

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:45 PM

    Gambler: How long before this threat assessment is shoved down the same memory hole as the last one that said the same damn thing?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    8:55 PM
    Doug, I think if Biden is elected, it may not be shoved down the memory hole. I hope I'm right.

  24. Like Gambler, I live in a blue state. Many of my loved ones are blue state residents, too. Though each of us are adhering to safety guidelines in this time of COVID-19, we are indeed encouraging everyone who can do so to vote in person.

    As acknowledged time and again, every deplorable scheme and then some will be utilized to dissuade and intimidate non-GOP voters. The good news is much of the electorate at large now understands good government with proper oversight matters. Hopefully, we'll achieve a clear mandate with a Biden/Harris administration and DNC-majority in the congress and senate.

    It's the only pathway to repairing the framework that's crucial to economic, health care, educational, environmental, and social justice reforms. A special shout out to our young voters spearheading the grassroots efforts. The protests speaking truth to power is the kind of clarion call required to move the needle toward stauncher accountability. Otherwise, the democrats will have zero credibility come 2024 and thereafter.

  25. Russia Hoax Fake Impeachment COVID Hysteria Race Riots10:29 PM

    Otherwise, the democrats will have zero credibility come 2024 and thereafter."

    Too late. Democrats have zero credibility now.

  26. You are a lying hack10:30 PM

    Virtually all of them are filled with defamatory lies.

    You can't cite a single example.

  27. https://www.theroot.com/survey-shows-black-voters-are-fired-up-to-vote-trump-ou-1845286418

  28. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Unironically citing "The Root".


  29. Anonymous10:57 PM

    There is more evidence Joe Biden is a pedophile than there is that Donald Trump is a racist.

  30. F&F and Gambler, I too live in a safe blue state but I was more referring to your physical safety. I don't like the looks of things now. Stay safe and check on like-minded individuals as dear leader is leading his minions to violence. As Malcolm said "Be courteous, follow the law, be respectful to everyone but if they put a hand on you send them to the cemetery."

  31. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Pilot Horseshit said...
    "F&F and Gambler, I too live in a safe blue state"


  32. Anonymous11:45 PM

    When Michael Caputo and his aides insisted that children were nearly immune to the virus and could not spread it

    Fact:  The number of US deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the 0-5 age group is in the single digits.

    The reason blacks have disproportionate deaths from COVID-19 is that they have low vitamin-D levels and refuse to practice social distancing.  In other words, it is ALL their fault for not practicing proper hygiene.  The USA would be doing them a favor by recolonizing them to Africa.

  33. Anonymous11:46 PM

    "The movement of liberalism is propagandistic in nature. Lies are deployed towards political ends. All involved know they are lies. All involved spread the lies willingly."


    The lies that blax' misfortunes are caused by "racism", that abortion and integration are civil rights, that faggots are entitled rather than a public health menace and there is any such thing as same-sex "marriage" are lies you tell willingly.  You have been telling them as long as I can remember, which is over half a century.

    Those lies will be swept away by history, but are doing and will do immense harm until that happens.

  34. Anonymous11:47 PM

    N-words being N-words.  TNB.  Entitled evil scum.


    Should be mandatory to kill such on sight.  Fuck, should be REWARDED.

  35. TWRB. Please Google Jason Michael Mesich and Edward Murray and get back to me.

  36. So now the major question among national security officials, or at least the ones who haven't tested positive yet, is whether Fergus' behavior is the result of covid, the steroids he's taking, or just the fact that he's a colossal ignorant prick.

    Example one is the abandonment of the negotiations for another relief bill four weeks before the final day of the election.

    Forty million US citizens are in danger of eviction, and are feeling that stress at an intense level, and Fergus' response is to try to extort their votes by saying he won't allow further negotiations until after he wins.

    This is retarded on several levels, the first, of course, being the obvious fact that if he loses, the prospects of a real and comprehensive relief package go way up.

    And then there's the simple fact of him causing stress and anxiety among millions and millions of voters while the votes are being cast.

    And the whole playing into the accusations of being mentally unsound because of his illness and treatment.

    Admittedly, if he is mentally compromised, it would be hard to tell from his normal level of mental malfunction, but there are actual known symptoms and side effects that normal humans exhibit when sick with covid and when taking dexamethasone that shouldn't be simply ignored because he's mostly batshit crazy as a base level mental state.

    He is, after all, the president, and does, after all, have access to the nuclear football. (And by the way, is the poor motherfucker who has to carry that puppy around behind him wearing a hazmat suit, or just getting infected because why the fuck not?)

    I would have to characterize the second item as being the flagrant lying he's been doing about his condition.

    I liken it to a friend of mine who wanted me to provide him with some urine so he could take it to his doctor and get a clean drug test. The guy was strung out on heroin and wired to the gills on meth. I told him the doctor was gonna know he was using, clean piss or no clean piss, and his response was to ask me how? Uh, by either looking at you or listening to you for say, six or seven words? He was experiencing literally the exact symptoms that doctors find in older covid patients and those taking steroids like dexamethasone: an inability to understand that he wasn't exactly OK.

    The 25th amendment is basically useless when there is a Republican party so slavishly in the thrall of the rat bastard that they wouldn't vote to remove him if there were a railroad spike protruding from his forehead, so the only real remedy to the situation is to so overwhelmingly stomp him into the electoral dirt that even his army of election cheating lawyers can't keep him in power.

    Even still, the lame duck is gonna be a wild ride, so buckle up.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Gambler: I hope you're right also, as Obama was the president the last time they pulled that bullshit.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. Looking over our anonymoid trolls, and the orange lunatic's debased debate performance, it's clear that the authoritarians consider insult itself to be a justification. For them, merely to sneer is to prove. And since sneers can differ from hour to hour, for them the ultimate freedom is freedom from truth.

    So of course they must rely upon violence. Expect a red wave of evil before the blue tsunami quenches it - I hope.

    About Trump and his cult I say what Winston Churchill said about another man:

    He'll do his worst. Let us do our best.

  39. A normal person1:31 AM

    RIP Edward Van Halen. God bless.

  40. A normal person1:41 AM

    I'm not sure if Eddie has any power but he was a favorite in high school.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:14 AM

    Anonymous said...

    N-words being N-words. TNB. Entitled evil scum.


    Should be mandatory to kill such on sight. Fuck, should be REWARDED.

    11:47 PM
    So you motto is kill everyone you don't like? You are a typical, white supremacists coward as shown my your not having the courage to pick a screen name when you post your vile ideas here.

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 AM

    PilotX said...

    F&F and Gambler, I too live in a safe blue state but I was more referring to your physical safety. I don't like the looks of things now. Stay safe and check on like-minded individuals as dear leader is leading his minions to violence. As Malcolm said "Be courteous, follow the law, be respectful to everyone but if they put a hand on you send them to the cemetery."

    10:59 PM
    Thanks for your concern, Pilot, but I think I'll be fine. I live in a cul-de-sac with several of my neighbors who are armed, as am I. The younger members of my extended family all possess weapons and one of the older members is a former cop. I don't think any one from the forces of the evil one will becoming here, but if they do, they'd better come in a tank. Otherwise, they may not survive.

    Have a lovely day and stay safe from the virus.

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:37 AM

    Russia Hoax Fake Impeachment COVID Hysteria Race Riots said...

    Otherwise, the democrats will have zero credibility come 2024 and thereafter."

    Too late. Democrats have zero credibility now.

    10:29 PM
    Oh yeah, that's why Biden is nine to twelve points ahead of Trump, and 10 Republican senators are in danger of losing their seats. Biden and Trump are tied in Texas, and Joe is carrying much of the rust belt. Even very red Arizona is going to help elect Joe.

    You aren't looking at a blue wave, you're looking at a blue tsunami.

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Pilot Horseshit said...
    "F&F and Gambler, I too live in a safe blue state"


    11:16 PM
    What is the point of this post?

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:12 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When Michael Caputo and his aides insisted that children were nearly immune to the virus and could not spread it

    Fact: The number of US deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the 0-5 age group is in the single digits.

    The reason blacks have disproportionate deaths from COVID-19 is that they have low vitamin-D levels and refuse to practice social distancing. In other words, it is ALL their fault for not practicing proper hygiene. The USA would be doing them a favor by recolonizing them to Africa.

    11:45 PM
    What is the source of all this bull shit you posted? Or did you just make it up yourself?

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:36 PM

    Paradoctor said...
    Looking over our anonymoid trolls, and the orange lunatic's debased debate performance, it's clear that the authoritarians consider insult itself to be a justification. For them, merely to sneer is to prove. And since sneers can differ from hour to hour, for them the ultimate freedom is freedom from truth.

    So of course they must rely upon violence. Expect a red wave of evil before the blue tsunami quenches it - I hope.

    About Trump and his cult I say what Winston Churchill said about another man:

    He'll do his worst. Let us do our best.

    12:39 AM
    I agree, Paradoctor. However, I have some faith in our institutions. Our country has survived insurrections and a Civil War (The war of the Rebellion). So I am hopeful we will get through this.

  47. Watch whitey wasicus not practice mask wearing or social distancing in all age groups. Fuck yer freedumb of religious claptrap and other alleged freedumbs you stoopid fuckers conjure up.

    The majority of Americans have the right not to be placed in harm's way because you fuckers won't mask up or social distance to save yourselves or your families.

    Fuck you and fuck drumpf right square in the asshole, assholes.

    drumpf body count mounts daily...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:32 PM

    Hey Mike, I haven't seen a maskless person out and about for about two months. So some white people are not as stupid as the Trumpies. Some of us believe in science. LOL!

    Wearing a mask is such a small price to pay for not dying. Speaking of dying, I read on s reliable website that during the 1918 pandemic, some people refuse to wear a mask and the death tole in the U.S. was over 600,000.

    Have a great day, and thank you for all your comments.

  49. Barr's at it again..... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/doj-frees-federal-prosecutors-to-take-steps-that-could-interfere-with-elections-weakening-long-standing-policy_n_5f7df355c5b6fc1dec78ba0a

    Going to bugger the election with so much needless interference everyone will be sick of elections and stop voting. Just what wingnuts are after.

  50. Thanks for your kind words, Gambler. Keep fighting the good fight for all of us, except stoopid fucking morons who vote for drumpf. They are beyond asny mortal help.

  51. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Bush 41, Bush 43, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama sold this country out for money and power

    These leaders have been corrupt. They abused our Constitution and ripped our country apart.

    Biden would be more of the same.

  52. Yeah, abandoning relief talks four weeks from the end of the election was not a savvy move, especially with +/- 40 million people facing eviction soon.
    But he couldn't help himself, having painted himself into a corner with the bogus claim about aid to states and cities, which he doesn't (won't) understand is needed because they are not allowed to run deficits like the federal government is and their tax receipts are just as far in the shitter as the federal government's are while they shoulder the lion's share of the burden of relief spending. You know, stuff any competent government official would know and take care of.
    So, seeing the massive backlash, he freaked the fuck out and began furiously tweeting about a clean bill for $1,200 relief checks and an airline rescue.
    The relief checks are his attempt at a bribe, and the airline stuff is in response to the imminent layoff of tens of thousands of airline workers in swing states, so even his backpedaling is a self serving grift.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. Bushes were in bed with Saudi Royals and bin ladin's family. Why do you suppose Saudis got a free pass and a plane ride out of America after 15 of 19 9-11 hijackers were found to be Saudis?

  54. Remember how Fergus said that California's wildfire problem was caused by them failing to sweep the forest floor?
    Well, the heat from some of the wildfires has caused the trees nearby to drop leaves and needles onto the dirt of the freshly cut containment lines, so firefighters are literally having to rake them away to keep the fire from crossing the lines.
    Fergus is a moron.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Bush 41, Bush 43, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama sold this country out for money and power

    These leaders have been corrupt. They abused our Constitution and ripped our country apart.

    Biden would be more of the same.

    4:27 PM
    Fake news! Russian Propaganda!

    Please go away. Nobody here wants to see your bull shit.

  56. Anonymous5:04 PM

    "The relief checks are his attempt at a bribe, and the airline stuff is in response to the imminent layoff of tens of thousands of airline workers in swing states, so even his backpedaling is a self serving grift."

    Honestly, I don't care if his reasoning for approving spending is that he sees the stock market tanking and his re-election prospects receding even further from view. Just so he approves the damn spending and people don't starve or get evicted from their homes.

    Trump is never motivated by basic human decency. He only ever asks, "What's in it for me?" That's just a given.

  57. Anonymous5:08 PM

    "Remember how Fergus said that California's wildfire problem was caused by them failing to sweep the forest floor?
    Well, the heat from some of the wildfires has caused the trees nearby to drop leaves and needles onto the dirt of the freshly cut containment lines, so firefighters are literally having to rake them away to keep the fire from crossing the lines.
    Fergus is a moron."

    Fergus bloviated about how the fires are all the fault of Democrat-run California failing to rake their forests or something. (He appears to believe that it's all just a matter of yard work and Californians are lazy teenagers who are all playing video games instead of doing their chores.)

    He doesn't seem to understand that most of the fires are on federal lands and are therefore squarely his responsibility.

    So, yes, Fergus is a moron.

  58. Anonymous5:10 PM

    The Obama/Biden Administration knew the Russia Collusion story was a hoax.

    They knew the Trump Campaign didn’t collude with Russia.

    They knew they were illegally using intelligence agencies to attempt to influence the election.

    They knew they were sabotaging the functioning of the government.

    They knew they were wasting taxpayer money.

    But they didn’t care.

    Do you?

  59. Anonymous5:48 PM

    "The Obama/Biden Administration knew the Russia Collusion story was a hoax.

    They knew the Trump Campaign didn’t collude with Russia.

    They knew they were illegally using intelligence agencies to attempt to influence the election.

    They knew they were sabotaging the functioning of the government.

    They knew they were wasting taxpayer money.

    But they didn’t care.

    Do you?"

    No. Because none of those things are true. Trump associates engaged in extremely questionable behavior regarding their contacts with the Russian government. This fully merited investigation by our intelligence agencies.

    If Trump stopped acting like a crook, people might stop treating him like a crook.

    No chance of that, though. He's an old dog and incapable of learning new tricks.

  60. Total bullshit/debunked wingnut whines, anyfuckingmoose @ 5:10 PM. Gotta be yer ass talking cuz yer mouth knows better.

  61. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/06/trump-russia-ratcliffe-426868

    This explains the Russia disinformation campaign that drumpf and anyfuckingmoose are using to blame HRC for the Russia investigation they now claim was a hoax by Dems.

  62. Like i prophesied, Snopes completely debunks Project Veritas lies about Omar and ballot harvesting scandal.


    Snopes, wise in the ways of scumbag O'keefe suspects videos were edited and asked for the raw videos which Project Liars are Us refused to turn over. I wonder why? No I don't, because the raw video would shed more light and shame on O'keefe's deceptive practices in trying to ruin Democratic lives.

  63. New England Journal of Medicine says trump should go.


  64. Square Mirror, an Underfable

    Once upon a time, AOC, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump walked into a bar. The bartender asked them, “How much is two plus two?”

    AOC said, “Four.”

    Joe Biden said, “Four plus or minus zero point zero zero one.”

    And Donald Trump said, “How much do you want it to be?”

    Moral: Thought reflects character.

  65. Justice department screwed up some evidence in Flynn c ase with a sticky note which gave drumpf ammo to attack his enemies, so Politico reports.


    Justice dept has been politicized by Barr and wingnuts and Biden needs to clean house on drumpf loyalists and charge Barr with treason.

  66. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Snopes is for dopes.

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:55 PM

    I'm watching the debate and Pence is lying his ass off. Furthermore, he keeps going on after the time for his response is up, and he keeps interrupting Kamala. Pence is not acting a crazy as Trump did in the last debate, but he's rude and keeps talking and talking, and talking, lying the entire time.

  68. Randy Rainbow strikes again:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. "Pence is not acting a crazy as Trump did in the last debate, but he's rude and keeps talking and talking, and talking, lying the entire time."

    Typical conservative debate tactic, fillibuster and attempt to overtalk your opponent.

  70. Ouch! Kamala laid Pence out with that one. Not ONE Black judge. She should have added “with ya’ll’s racist asses”😂😂

  71. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and lies10:20 PM

    The fly on Pence's hair priceless.

  72. Anonymous10:58 PM

    MSNBC talking about the fly is proof Kamala lost.

  73. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Kamala is extremely unlikable, and that came off tonight.

  74. Andrew11:07 PM

    Kamala Harris doing ‘bad bitch’ female non verbal cues (sighing, tilting head etc.) and then expecting to be treated as an equal by Pence is just hypocritical narcissism, also a psyop.

    Feminine socialization is communal in nature. Whatever one person does all must approve of or face being left out. Can only be left out if another road is available (Mean Girls shows this). These roads are guaranteed or denied by male social hierarchies.

  75. Anonymous11:09 PM

    she lost the male vote
    the white vote
    the normal woman vote

    she secured the 15 year old YASSS BITCH vote and the black female vote

  76. If Joe Biden wins this election it will be in spite of Kamala Harris -- awful debate performance and awful VP choice overall.

  77. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Pence answered about how he loves America and Harris talks about how America is racist.

    It's pretty obvious from this debate why she never made it to the first primary.

    Kamala Harris is dollar store diversity Hillary.

    Hillary is evil but intelligent. Harris is evil but a midwit. And somehow even more unlikable.

    If Biden wins this creature will be President. We can never let that happen.

  78. Stillapanther211:57 PM

    Anon... Sorry that you are living thru times you never thought you would witness. A Black women putting a beatdown on a whiteman. These are new days, the whiteman is losing his grip. I feel so sorry for you.

  79. Sessions and Rosenstein should be tried at the Hague.

    "Michael Pence" means "you're in trouble" just in case you didn't know that.

    So the GOP female polling deficit is what? 30 points? Is anyone surprised? Let's see, quality affordable childcare and healthcare vs. a cheap imitation of a Margaret Atwood story... which should I vote for?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  80. Anonymous12:09 AM

    "Pence answered about how he loves America and Harris talks about how America is racist."

    LOL, oh yeah, Pence loves America.

    Except for teh gayz.

    And women who actually enjoy sex.

    And anyone who isn't rich.

    Fuck all those Americans, apparently. What a great guy, that Pence.

  81. oh no you dint12:21 AM

    she was a powerful woman who clapped back at the old white man how can she lose

  82. oh no you dint12:26 AM

    she lost the male vote
    the white vote
    the normal woman vote

    she secured the 15 year old YASSS BITCH vote and the black female vote

  83. Kamala Harris is the product of the unholy union of two wicked peoples: Tamil Brahmins and Jamaicans. Her birth was predicted by the court seer of King Valagamba, whose armies destroyed the lost continent of Kumari Kandam during his exile in an effort to prevent her existence.

  84. “she lost the male vote
    the white vote
    the normal woman vote“

    Biden never really had the majority of the white vote anyway. The Dems always rely on a coalition vote led by Blah women and by and large they hate trump and like her. This won’t move the polls one way or the other measurably. If anyone is undecided or swayable at this point........🤥

  85. About that fly:

    I didn't bother to watch the debate until I heard about the fly. Then I watched with the sound off. It was the best part of all the debates so far. Yes, this is frivolous, but it's been a hard year, and I'll take comfort from whatever I can.

    Comments-section memes so far:

    "How fly of a white guy."
    "His only black friend."
    "You know what flies are attracted to."
    "The fly obeyed the two-minute rule."
    "The debate was bugged."
    "Lord of the Flies."
    "The fly is a sign."
    "The fly won the debate."

    Remember the little birdie that landed in front of Bernie? And the eagle that attacked Trump? And the fly on Hillary's face? Now a fly on Pence's head. I count that as one yes vote, and three no, from the creatures of the air.

  86. Obama famously dispatched the fly that bothered him during an interview.

    So it would seem that the $70K that Fergus wrote off of his taxes for hairstyling during the production of "The Apprentice" was likely paid for by NBC and therefore tax fraud.

    There would be something strangely satisfying about Fergus going to jail for grifting off of that thing on his head.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  87. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Our VP’s relaxed attitude towards flies landing on him settles the question once and for all: Yes, Mike Pence IS an android.

  88. Anonymous5:07 AM

    As Pence was denying systemic racism, a black fly lands on his white hair. Hmmmm. Haha, he's got a fly on his head. I stopped listening to Pence and wondered when the fly was going to leave. The fly was firmly planted on his head while Pence's monotone sounds were coming out if his mouth. The longer it was on his head, the more I laughed til my stomach hurt. It was as if the black fly landing in
    an all white space was calling attention to Pence's bullshit. I checked twitter to see if anyone was laughing at that and saw the same comments paradoctor posted above. That was it. I stopped watching after that.��������

  89. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Kamala Harris doing ‘bad bitch’ female non verbal cues (sighing, tilting head etc.).
    Well this is the behavior of every dumb negro bitch that thinks it is intelligent!
    Its bes thanks it has a title so here we go!

  90. “Kamala Harris doing ‘bad bitch’ female non verbal cues (sighing, tilting head etc.). “

    Tell you what, she’s on stage and about to become this nation’s VP while you’re in your mom’s trailer posting on a Black lawyer’s blog. At best you’ll be cooking fries at McDonald’s or stacking cans at the Piggly Wiggly. She’s gonna tilt her head right into the White House in 2024.

  91. Probably not the last RNC speakers to go to jail.


  92. Do any of you guys know anybody that got the swine flu? Anybody know anybody who knows anybody laid off because of the swine flu? Didn’t think so, that’s because we had adults running the country.

  93. That was a refreshingly funny read for early morning, PlotX.Gracias, Amigo.

  94. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:30 AM

    Nemets said.....

    Kamala Harris is the product of the unholy union of two wicked peoples: Tamil Brahmins and Jamaicans. Her birth was predicted by the court seer of King Valagamba, whose armies destroyed the lost continent of Kumari Kandam during his exile in an effort to prevent her existence.

    12:29 AM
    I'm sure you are joking. Otherwise no one would post this gunk.

  95. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Harris sounds like it's nose was broken.
    Wonder if that's when its pimp beat it in younger life.

  96. Anonymous10:42 AM

    “Do any of you guys know anybody that got the swine flu? Anybody know anybody who knows anybody laid off because of the swine flu? Didn’t think so, that’s because we had adults running the country.”

    It’s also because swine flu is not COVID. These diseases are not equally dangerous.

    There is a reason COVID has shut the whole planet down, while swine flu did not. That people in Argentina and Algeria and India are all separately taking extreme precautions against this disease ought to have immediately pointed up the ridiculousness of the “Democrat hoax” claims.

  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:07 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Kamala Harris doing ‘bad bitch’ female non verbal cues (sighing, tilting head etc.).
    Well this is the behavior of every dumb negro bitch that thinks it is intelligent!
    Its bes thanks it has a title so here we go!

    5:09 AM
    Let's see, are you a racist, sexist, ignorant fool or are you all of these?

  98. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/10/militia-that-targeted-michigan-governor-also-sought-to-cops/

    FBI busts white scumacysts wanting to kidnap Michigan's guv, overthrow the government and kill cops. Nice drumpf voters, one and all.

    You know in yer heart, drumpf initiated this round of bad boy behavior.

  99. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "FBI busts white scumacysts wanting to kidnap Michigan's guv, overthrow the government and kill cops. Nice drumpf voters, one and all.

    You know in yer heart, drumpf initiated this round of bad boy behavior."

    This is exactly the sort of insanity that one could expect when our evil president promotes a bunch of deranged conspiracy theories about COVID in order to cover up his abysmal failures to deal with the virus.

  100. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:00 PM

    FBI busts white scumacysts wanting to kidnap Michigan's guv, overthrow the government and kill cops. Nice drumpf voters, one and all.

    Soon Trump will announce that some were good people on both sides. LOL!

  101. Anonymous2:06 PM

    So you motto is kill everyone you don't like?

    I'm for killing attempted murderers, robbers, assailants and vandals.  They are destroyers of civilization, as are you.

    You are a typical, white supremacists coward

    If civilization requires "white supremacy", I am all for white supremacy.  Everyone else can live in the shitholes they make.

  102. Anonymous2:11 PM

    "What is the source of all this bull shit you posted?"

    You are an arrogant ignoramus who is too stupid to use a search engine.


  103. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:25 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I'm for killing attempted murderers, robbers, assailants and vandals. They are destroyers of civilization, as are you.

    2:06 PM.

    Well unfortunately for you, in this country we do not execute people for most of the crimes you listed. Have you ever thought of moving to a country more to you liking? Then the rest of us could stop worrying about your efforts to ruin this country. Have you considered Turkey? They have a dictator there that might be just what you are looking for.

  104. If civilization requires "white supremacy", I am all for white supremacy. Everyone else can live in the shitholes they make."

    As "white supremacy" now has been down-defined to any white person who wishes to exist in a free country with a society that functions under a set of laws that respects natural rights, it most certainly is a pre-requisite for civilization.

  105. White scumacysts as defined by stoopid fucking wingnuts....BLM and antifa supporters.

    These gentlemen know drumpf propaganda when they read about it.


  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:20 PM

    Anonymous said....

    I'm for killing attempted murderers, robbers, assailants and vandals. They are destroyers of civilization, as are you.
    The people who believe as you do are the true threat to civilization. Seven of them were caught this morning planning to kidnap the Governor of Michigan and take over the statehouse. Very civilized behavior. LOL!
    And the perpetators are all white men.

  107. Anonymous3:52 PM

    That's fly is a hair sniffer, just like Joe Biden.

  108. "Let's see, are you a racist, sexist, ignorant fool or are you all of these?"

    LOL. I'd like to see this trailer dweller get into law school. Hell, even community college.

  109. Moar milestones reached today in drumpf body count. Gonna be shipping corpses to other countries as morgues in drumpfistan are filled to overflowing with hoax.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  110. "Probably not the last RNC speakers to go to jail."

    Governor Parson, the unelected, covid positive moron running the State of Missouri says he will pardon them.

    That fly was in contact with Pence for a long time. It should quarantine for the safety of all shit eating insects in Utah.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  111. “Governor Parson, the unelected, covid positive moron running the State of Missouri says he will pardon them.“


  112. Just here to remind everyone of the raging shit fit that would be thrown had anyone darker than milk or associated with BLM tried to kidnap a sitting governor.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  113. https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephenlaconte/trump-white-house-covid-cases-more-than-new-zealand?ref=hpsplash&origin=spl

    drumpf's kremlin annex has moar cases of covid than 12 entire countries.

    Great job making America ill.

  114. “Just here to remind everyone of the raging shit fit that would be thrown had anyone darker than milk or associated with BLM tried to kidnap a sitting governor.“

    Welcome to America Doug.😆

  115. Yesterday, coming back from dropping our ballots off in Oakhurst, we saw a small black bear crossing the road, and Briana turned to me and said "Black bears matter, man..."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  116. So Mitch the fuck McConnell hasn't been inside the white house since August because, and I'm paraphrasing here, the place is a goddamn petri dish.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  117. Anonymous9:17 PM

    “So Mitch the fuck McConnell hasn't been inside the white house since August because, and I'm paraphrasing here, the place is a goddamn petri dish.”

    Even Mitch can’t bring himself to pretend that the White House’s COVID-19 protocols are anything but a disaster.

    If you work at the White House now, you have to know your health and welfare is not a priority. The only important consideration is Trump not looking weak.

  118. ...Which is stupid because what looks weaker than standing around in a contagion zone with no mask and making all of your hired help do the same because of your fragile ego?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. Anonymous10:59 PM

    “Just here to remind everyone of the raging shit fit that would be thrown had anyone darker than milk or associated with BLM tried to kidnap a sitting governor.“

    Dudes were Antifa.


  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:21 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Dudes were Antifa.


    10:59 PM
    This post is laughable. The "dudes" are from a militia group of right-wing fanatics called the Wolverine Watchmen. They are an anti government group and bear no resemblance to ANTIFA.

  121. Anonymous11:26 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

    1. TRUMP 10 to 20.
      That never gets old. 🙂

  122. For every African-American who scores 1400 or higher on the SAT, there are 21 Asian-Americans in the same range ... and that's Right Now, when Asians in the U.S. are still less than half as numerous at blacks. When Asians catch up to blacks in numbers will be ~45 to 1.

  123. "Dudes were Antifa."

    Righty-o, a branch of Antifa (which has no branches or leadership) who called themselves the hilarious name of "Wolverine Watchmen" and sure seemed to be lamely trying to fight on the fa side instead of the anti side.

    Some of them were the same armed morons who tried to storm the capitol when the anti-covid measures were first imposed, apparently believing that they could carry their ARs into the gallery above the senate chamber and sashay away without being positively identified and investigated.

    Pro tip for any other morons thinking about armed assault of seats of state government: like that scene in the movie "And Justice For All" ... they gear up for that.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  124. Pro tip: don't plot on social media. It's skywriting.
    Also, frisk fellow terrorists for wires. Trust No One.
    Or... obey the law.

  125. There is not a single school district in the entire United States where black and Hispanic students score as well as white students in that same district. On average, black students score nearly two and a half grade levels lower.

    In over 2,000 school districts, there is not a single one where black students outscore whites. Not one. And before you blame racism, these gaps are actually largest in progressive areas. Berkeley, California has the nation's single biggest black-white test score gap.


  126. Anonymous9:18 AM

    ^^About the racist Asian-American intelligence post by “Shi”

    Brief summary….

    The Tim Wise article, ”Debunking the Model Minority Myth” is the best one because it explains how the model minority myth is used against African-Americans.

    The “model minority” as social policy was into practice in 1966 by UC Berkeley’s William Petersen PhD sociology to split Asians from the civil rights movement, reinforce Black inferiority, produce a new class of reliable house negroes, all of which to maintain white dominance.

    “Model minority” is euphemism for “House Negro”. The main difference between the 2 is one is by default. The other requires constant demonstrations of allegiance to preserve status.

    --a House Negro by default

  127. It's not hypocrisy. They're just liars. Conservatism is a movement of fictions, a series of nonsense falsehoods deployed like a squid ejects ink. Nobody asks the squid whether it stands by the cloud ejaculated in the last crisis. It would be pointless. The squid doesn't remember, and can't tell you.

    For me, that paragraph says it all. We constantly look for models to try to explain republican behavior. There is no science, logic or ideology that explains it. Conservatives like to tell us that they simply wish to exist. Dont' tell them what to do and they won't tell anybody else what to do.

    What a crock.

    Just like meteorologists model complicated climate and weather phenomena so we must model the enigmatic behavior of our republican brothers and sisters.

    I think this model just about nails it. It answers every question.

    But, the republicans said...

    They were lying.

    It's the McConnell Doctrine. Solid as Fort Knox.

    They were lying.

    But Trump said he would drain the swamp...

    He was lying.

    Yes indeed. A good and simple model for republican behavior.

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