Thursday, October 08, 2020

Flies and monsters.


“In a world that was not easy for Alice to bear or understand, flies were the final and malicious burden laid upon her.” 

John Steinbeck 

Poor Mike Pence must have felt like Alice last night. Imagine going to your handlers after last night's debate and saying, "How did I do?" Only to be told that you were upstaged, not by your opponent, but by a damn fly. The world can be a cruel place when you are Donald trump's number two. 

I kept looking at that fly on Pence's head last night and thinking: Sometimes it's good to be bald. If Pence was bald like yours truly he would have felt that little sucker dancing on his head and stealing the damn spotlight. Instead, the little guy sat on that perfectly coiffed white dome as if he was feeding on a raw meat. 

You have to ask yourself, though, why did the fly land on Pence's head and not on the head of Kamala Harris? Could it be that he is more full of shit than the senator from California?

The debate itself went as to be expected. If you were a trump supporter you thought that Pence won, and if you were a Biden supporter you are more likely of the opinion that Kamala Harris kicked his ass. The folks at CNN had Harris winning by a lot. I am not sure what the FOX VIEWS poll said, but I would suspect that it was the opposite. The thing is, Biden is in the lead, and trump world was hoping that the man with the funeral home director demeanor would score some major debate points and shake up the polls. It. Did. Not. Happen.

I must say that it felt good to see Harris, a woman of color, holding her own on the debate stage and showing the folks in America  that if Uncle Joe should happen to expire before his time (as Mr. Orange seems to be hoping), she will be ready to be president from day one. Maybe that's what has Mr. trump so shook. He called her a monster and a Communist today, as he could see his four years of work to bring back white supremacy being threatened by the uppity Indian/Jamaican from California. 

Mr. trump will have his chance to get another crack at Biden next week. Although he said today that he will not participate in a virtual debate, which is what is planned because of him testing positive (we still don't know when) for the "hoax". Mr. trump has to do something, because he is losing the coronavirus battle, and it shows.

He was certainly in rare form earlier today on a right-wing radio program, and he has been rage tweeting all day as well. 

 "This monster that was onstage with  Mike Pence who destroyed her last night, by the way. This monster, she says, ‘no no, there won’t be fracking,’ there won’t be this. Everything she said is a lie,” Trump said during a phone interview on Fox Business.

Trump claimed that Biden “won’t be president for two months” if elected because he is not “mentally capable of being president,” before tearing into Harris.

“He is not mentally capable of being president. You know that, everybody knows that, everybody that knows him. He can’t be president,"'

Be best. 



  1. Fergus' steroids are probably wearing off a little and so he's facing down reality again and losing his shit completely.

    Not that he was that stable to begin with, but still, what does he have to run on?

    The racism isn't doing the lifting he has convinced himself it did last time, so he's doubling down on it, instead of focusing on what really went wrong last time like Biden is: 100 million voters didn't vote in 2016.

    And guess what? A bunch of them are sick of the hideous wreck the Fergus administration is busily making of the country and are showing up this time.

    Lines to vote on the first day of early voting were wrapped around the buildings before they even opened.

    There's a grim determination among the electorate again, a lot like in 2012 when they stood in line for hours and hours because instead of being turned away by the suppression tactics, they were enraged by them and going to cast their ballots come hell or high water.

    When Kamala called him Michael Pence, that was code for millions of people who know that when a Black woman calls you by your full government name, you're in deep shit, and perhaps the fly could tell and was just queuing up for its portion...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:39 PM

    I warched the debate and soon became enraged. I started to shout at Pence (on the TV) and screamed "shut up you******!"
    Needless to say I was appalled when he tried to lecture Kamala. Her IQ mist be twice what his is.

  3. "Needless to say I was appalled when he tried to lecture Kamala. Her IQ mist be twice what his is."

    When has that ever stopped a conservative knowitall from trying to lecture someone? You know the deal.

  4. Speaking of monsters, anybody watch Lovecraft Country?

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Experts: Ballistics report shows Louisville officer was shot by Breonna Taylor's boyfriend, not by 'friendly fire'

  6. Anonymous11:37 PM

    "Needless to say I was appalled when he tried to lecture Kamala. Her IQ mist be twice what his is."

    Black-White IQ Differences.


  7. A normal person12:01 AM

    Feelz, I forgot there is baseball season. God Bless and carry on.

  8. A normal person12:11 AM

    Feelz and friends, have no worries. There is always baseball.

  9. Tush, that fly was giving Pence the answers and if it landed on Harris, wingnut heads would have exploded with conspiracy theories about drones and cheating in debates.

  10. 9mm must have come from the AR-15 the only charged cop claimed he saw and heard as he stood outside the apartment and shot up the neighbor's apartments.

    Whether Walker fired the shot or not, he was legally allowed to defend his turf from unknown invaders. That is the law.

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    "if Uncle Joe should happen to expire before his time (as Mr. Orange seems to be hoping), she will be ready to be president from day one."

    She can tell the same lies their handlers feed them, yes.

  12. Clown Country10:11 AM

    "Needless to say I was appalled when he tried to lecture Kamala. Her IQ mist be twice what his is."

    When the daughter of two professors at elite institutions has to go to Howard and a bottom tier law school, fuck the boss to get a job, and get appointed to the ticket after being rejected by voters, you can be sure her IQ is half of what she needed for her career.

    Her qualifications were she had a vagina and wasn't white.

  13. Her qualifications were she had a vagina and wasn't white.

    Rumor has it you have the same qualifications and yer a wasicu guy.

    Meanwhile, drumpfuckers are steaming mad drumpf wasn't given the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing the nation together one wasicu wombat at a time.

  14. Anonymous10:20 AM

    “Whether Walker fired the shot or not, he was legally allowed to defend his turf from unknown invaders. That is the law.”

    Unless the “invaders” had a legal right to be in the apartment, which they did, being cops serving a search warrant. That is the law.

  15. Regarding who won the debate, I'm really amazed how wide the chasm is. Trump/Pence could literally cough up phlegm and read it like tea leaves and their supporters would proclaim the debate was won by a landslide.

    On my side, Senator Harris was dignified, smart, and for the most part accurate. She handled the disrespect swimmingly.

    I think Trump's "monster" accusation is, once again, projection.

  16. Anonymous10:57 AM

    As I was LOLing at the #VPdebate2020 twitter during the fly incident, I noticed the GOP chatter was muted to non-existent. This told me the GOP and alt-right knew they had lost the debate. Twitter posts by them were weak responses that tried to deny reality.

    The reality is the fly is an expert shitologist. With this sensitivity to shit, one can imagine what the fly experienced when Pence was within sight and smell. The fly spots with its multiple eyes…. “Whoa! Here’s this massive shithead spewing forth a volcanic load of bullshit. Damn, I hit a lick! Look at all this shit!”

    The Fly’s expert shitology testimony had confirmed what the racists had denied. It is now established as a matter of fact for all of humanity. There’s no denying it. Pence is shit.


  17. Anonymous11:03 AM

    For anyone who missed it, Mike Lee decided to inform the universe recently that he’s not a fan of democracy. He went into Trumpian pro-dictatorship mode on Twitter over the last couple days.

    The following is a nice debunking of that “we’re a republic, not a democracy” claptrap that Mike Lee, and our resident trolls here, like to trot out. Spoiler alert: It’s pure nonsense that involves wingnuts willfully misinterpreting the Founding Fathers words, as wingnuts are wont to do.

    Sen. Mike Lee’s tweets against “democracy,” explained

    1. Yes, this Mike Lee declaration is scary. Just goes to show you how dangerous the trump of cult is.

  18. "Her qualifications were she had a vagina and wasn't white."

    Let's see you go to law school, become a state attorney general and US senator and then we can talk.

  19. "U.S. News & World Report ranks Hastings 59th among top law schools in the US and as the most diverse of the five law schools in the UC system.[1][39] It was listed with a "B+" in the March 2011 "Diversity Honor Roll" by The National Jurist: The Magazine for Law Students.[40] UC Hastings also has the largest student body and student/faculty ratio of the UC law schools.[41]

    In January 2011, UC Hastings was given a "B" in the "Best Public Interest Law Schools" listing by The National Jurist: The Magazine for Law Students.[42]

    In 2009, Super Lawyers magazine ranked UC Hastings 11th in terms of law schools that produced the most "Super Lawyers".[43]

    According to Brian Leiter's law school rankings, Hastings ranks 27th in the nation in terms of scholarly impact as measured by academic citations of tenure-stream faculty, on par with USC.[44] In terms of student quality, Hastings ranks 33rd in the nation by average LSAT score.[45]

    According to the Web site "Law School Advocacy," UC Hastings had the No. 1 Moot Court program in the country in 2011, with Top 5 rankings in each of the last five years.[46]

    A 2013 article in Forbes Magazine ranks Hastings 20th among 'The 25 Law Schools Whose Grads Earn The Most'.[47]
    Bar passage rates

    For the July 2019 California Bar Examination, 80% of Hastings Law graduates taking the exam for the first time passed.[48]"

    Sounds pretty good to me. Have applied yet?

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:29 AM

    Clown Country said...

    When the daughter of two professors at elite institutions has to go to Howard and a bottom tier law school, fuck the boss to get a job, and get appointed to the ticket after being rejected by voters, you can be sure her IQ is half of what she needed for her career.

    Her qualifications were she had a vagina and wasn't white.

    10:11 AM
    So you think Howard is a "bottom tier law school? Well, you're full of crap.

    Howard University R2: Doctoral Universities – High research activity

    Howard University is ranked No. 107 (tie) of the 148 best Law Schools. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

    As for your blatant sexism, ask yourself how many men have been admitted to any university based on having a penis and being white?

    What degrees if any have you earned in any university?

  21. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "Let's see you go to law school, become a state attorney general and US senator and then we can talk."

    Do I have to suck Willie Brown's dick?

  22. Jamaican me crazy1:17 PM

    field negro said...
    "Yes, this Mike Lee declaration is scary."

    It's scary because you are a foreigner who doesn't understand the American system of government. The US is a representative republic.

    The key difference between a republic and a democracy is not how power is projected, but the limits to power. Both use the representational system, meaning that the citizenry is represented in the government by elected leaders. In both cases, the majority rule, but in a republic the constitution limits how the government can exercise power. These rights are inalienable and cannot be changed or altered by an elected government. The United States is a typical example of a republic state because the constitution limits the power of the government. Some rights such as the Bill of Rights, the right to vote, and the powers to amend the constitution are limited and cannot be changed by the sitting government without consulting the public directly.

  23. Anonymous1:57 PM

    “It's scary because you are a foreigner who doesn't understand the American system of government. The US is a representative republic.”

    We all understand people like you just fine. You have convinced yourselves that “we should be able to run everything, even though most people disagree with us” is a basic civil liberty, and your rights are being violated if you aren’t in charge.

    They’re not.


    In case the paywall pops up, Harris decided before choosing a college she wanted to attend a historically black uni and Howard was then known as the "Black Harvard."

    Fuck you lying racist wasicu scumacysts.

  25. Unless the “invaders” had a legal right to be in the apartment, which they did, being cops serving a search warrant. That is the law. Bullshit. Walker did not know they were pigs as they did not announce, irrespective of the coverup pigs are pulling by claiming one of 13 witnesses claimed he heard them announce, a month after saying he didn't hear them announce.

    Remember, too, pigs tried to entice walker into confessing Taylor was a drug dealer to help cover their unlawful asses.

  26. The black-white gap is 15 points when measured on the Wechsler tests, 18 on the Stanford-Binet. Both tests are, of course, normed so as to produce an average of 100, but the white average is a bit higher. On the Wechsler metric, whites and blacks average 102 and 87, respectively. On both tests, the gap between the races is almost exactly 1 SD (standard deviation). The gap of 1 SD has been observed since the earliest days of intelligence testing.

    There are also significant black-white differences in the structure of mental abilities. The test-score patterns show that the two groups are good at different things. On average, whites do better on all the subtests, but their margin of superiority varies considerably from one subtest to another. Or look at it this way: If you took a sample of black and white children, all of whom had scored around 100 on the WISC-R -- that is, the black kids in the sample were above the black average -- you would expect to find significant black-white differences on six of the thirteen subtests. The average black kid would do better on Arithmetic and Digit Span; the average white kid would do better on Comprehension, Block Design, Object Assembly, and Mazes ...

    These subtest differences have one common theme, and its name is g. The tests on which the gap is greatest are those with the most g-loading -- which means, in general, those that call most heavily on reasoning and problem-solving abilities. The June 1985 issue of The Behavioral and Brain Sciences carries a long report by Arthur Jensen analyzing eleven sizable studies of black-white IQ differences. The underlying data had been collected by different researchers at different times (but none before 1970). All the studies had several things in common: All were based on large population samples, all measured a broad range of mental abilities, and all included black-white breakdowns of their various subtests.

    In all eleven studies, Jensen found consistently strong positive correlations between the size of the black-white gap on subtests and the extent to which the subtests called on g ... The correlation coefficient, after appropriate adjustments, appears to be well above .60.

    In other words, the black-white IQ gap is in large measure a reflection of differences in reasoning and problem-solving ability.

    This was not exactly news in 1985. Long before Jensen set out to quantify the "g effect" in black-white differences, it was generally well known that the differences were greatest in measures of abstract reasoning, not so great in measures of verbal skill, smallest of all in memory and rote learning.

    (Grabbler2 will call this "hate", because she can't admit to the facts.)


    Maybe, soon, we will get to the bottom of the Seth Rich hoax perpetrated by wasicu wasteys right wing nutters and Fake Noize.

  28. drumpfuck's cheap of staff Meadows ignored Georgia's covid meeting rules of 10 or less when he hosted a wedding reception for his daughter in March that had at least 70 attendees.

  29. >In case the paywall pops up, Harris decided before choosing a college she wanted to attend a historically black uni and Howard was then known as the "Black Harvard."<

    The "Black" Harvard is like the "Special" Olympics.

  30. Ignorant Commie3:55 PM

    "We all understand people like you just fine. You have convinced yourselves that “we should be able to run everything, even though most people disagree with us” is a basic civil liberty, and your rights are being violated if you aren’t in charge."

    Facts hurt brain. Me call you evil.

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:56 PM

    Anonymous Jamaican me crazy said...

    field negro said...
    "Yes, this Mike Lee declaration is scary."

    It's scary because you are a foreigner who doesn't understand the American system of government. The US is a representative republic.

    The key difference between a republic and a democracy is not how power is projected, but the limits to power. Both use the representational system, meaning that the citizenry is represented in the government by elected leaders. In both cases, the majority rule, but in a republic the constitution limits how the government can exercise power. These rights are inalienable and cannot be changed or altered by an elected government. The United States is a typical example of a republic state because the constitution limits the power of the government. Some rights such as the Bill of Rights, the right to vote, and the powers to amend the constitution are limited and cannot be changed by the sitting government without consulting the public directly.

    1:17 PM
    We all already knew this. So what's your point? The U.S. is a democratic republic. End of story.

    But tell my why nearly all of the senate Republicans are allowing Donald Trump to crap all over the Constitution? Sending members of the military to disperse a peaceful protest in Washington D.C. is unlawful because it is forbidden in the Constitution.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Incorrect response by gamblerehitewoman. The win goes to the far-right troll because the issue was 'republic or democracy' which the fascist troll is using to promote anti-democracy. Issue was already settled with prior link debunking the republic myth.

    2. Gambler, you have to understand how the wingnut mind works. It is trying to "teach" us how the American government works because it just learned this somewhere. It's as if it can't wait to share its new found knowledge with others. trump does the same thing.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:12 PM

    Daniel Seligman said...

    A entire post of hogwash which I will not repeat here..

    Arthur Jensen (1923–2012) was an American white nationalist and psychologist who was arguably the father of modern day hereditarianism pseudoscience with the publication of an article in the Harvard Educational Review (1969).[1]

    Although presenting himself as a political centrist and "objective scientist", the SPLC classifies Jensen as a white nationalist providing evidence of racist statements he made, as well as his associations with the far-right.[2]""

    I don't hate you because I know you are brainwashed and unhappy. Your Karma will take care of it.
    I don't hate facts either. too bad you never post any.


    Fake noize coverage of ebola v coronavirus.

    Virtually no one died of ebola and Obama is a monster. Over 217k bodies for the body count and it isn't drumpf's fauklt.

  34. Anonymous4:14 PM

    A riot that set a church on fire is not a "peaceful protest".

    Can you stop lying, or is it a compulsion?

  35. drumpf body count for present...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  36. I talk to people of all walks of life every day, especially the working poor and youth. I really don’t think most people understand how bad things are and how much worse it’s going to get if Biden gets elected and the lockdowns and offshoring of jobs resumes.

    I’ll give you a little bit of a peak. Few kids are doing their online classes. Most are working full time right now at burger places and paying others to do their homework, or are making money doing...other things. Sometimes their parents are involved.

    Reminds me of when I was in West Virginia. One town I was in, Obama closed the mine, was a ghost town. The few remaining were on SSD. Main Street completely abandoned. The one doctor in town sold everyone drugs. Only jobs were city hall and Dairy Queen. Not an exaggeration.

    BTW West Virginians were some of the nicest, happiest, most welcoming folks I have ever met. And I have been all through Dixieland. Poverty does not mean despair, nor are the rich better or happier people. The most miserable people you will ever meet are in Manhattan.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:14 PM

    Anonymous Tony said....

    A bunch of lies. There is no objective evidence that President Biden would be bad for the economy. Quite the opposite - If you were to review economic conditions for the past 50 years, you will find the the economy is better under Democratic presidents than under Republican presidents.

    Next, you also lied saying that Obama closed the coal mines. Coal usage was dying for many years before Obama was elected. He simply presided over the last gasps of a dying industry.

    Then you close by saying, "The most miserable people you will ever meet are in Manhattan." You didn't provide even one shred of evidence to support this ridiculous claim.

    You might want to consider posting your falsehoods on a blog where the readers are uninformed, instead of posting here.

  38. Tony lies like all the rest of the drumpfbots.

    Obamas didn't shut coal mines and neither did Obama's regulations. The markets ultimately spelled the demise of coal as industries ultimately switched to cleaner burning, much cheaper nat gas.

    And drumpfuck the dumbfuck is still allowing corporastions to offshore jobs and taxes.

  39. Arthur Jensen (1923–2012) was an American white nationalist and psychologist who was arguably the father of modern day hereditarianism pseudoscience

    Ad-hominem fallacy.  Nothing in psychometrics has been confirmed more times than that all personality traits, IQ included, are largely heritable.

    SPLC classifies Jensen as a white nationalist

    The SPLC is a profoundly biased and racist organization.  Its (((founder))) hates White people.

    I don't hate you because I know you are brainwashed and unhappy. Your Karma will take care of it.

    It's a pity that Billy Chermirmir lived in the DFW area rather than your neighborhood.  You deserve the "enrichment" you promote.

    I don't hate facts either. too bad you never post any.

    Except the 1 SD black-White IQ gap, you mean?  The massive gap in criminality, especially murder and other violent crime?  Facts like that?

    You're sick.

  40. Every institution in America is currently in a frenzy to let in more high-scoring blacks, but blacks only make up 1.7% of those who scored in the top 7 percentiles on the SAT. For every black high school senior who scores 1400 or higher on the SAT, there are:

    4 Hispanics
    21 Asians (!)
    24 whites

    The enormous influx of high-scoring Asians means that basically there is no room at the top anymore for African-Americans except through a massive affirmative action thumb on the scale.

  41. Jeez, are we BACK on the IQ BS? If we just admit white males are the smartest people of all can we be done with this topic?

  42. Weird how the lockdowns and masks advocated by drunk finger wagging white women scolds, journos, professional class, elite class and the entirety of the godless unholy alliance caused focused economic destruction on those voters Trump won in 2016.

    The fun begins if Biden wins and the FBI goes after "white supremacists" - which means a punitive campaign against anyone who voted for Trump.

  43. Anonymous6:36 PM

    "If we just admit white males are the smartest people of all can we be done with this topic?"

    It's not true; by IQ scores, northeast Asians are the smartest.


    Cop says he never put any pressure on her back. Video tells another story. Of course it does.

  45. Anonymous8:25 PM

    “focused economic destruction on those voters Trump won in 2016.”

    “Focused economic destruction”? Bullshit. The economy in the entire country is hurting, not only in the red states.

    Nobody is enjoying this recession. But some of us aren’t delusional enough to think we can just wish away a dangerous epidemic.

    Trump and McConnell could be making the time until we have a vaccine less painful by passing sufficient economic stimulus, but they only care about rich people and spiting Pelosi, so the misery will be maximized.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:11 PM

    Daniel Seligman said...

    Ad-hominem fallacy.

    You're sick.

    5:19 PM
    Revealing a psychologist's political philosophy and/or his point of view is not an ad hominem attack. Ad-hominem is defined as' "of an argument or reaction directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining. Jensen's opinions are clearly fair game. If I said he was ugly, or stupid, or fat - that would actually be an ad hominem attack. If I said he was a crack pot or a charlatan, that also would be an ad hominem attack.

    As for being sick, I'm quite well, thank you. I have more education than you do, and have Been following politics for seventy-five years. So don't try to convince me of your theories about I.Q. Just forget it.

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:15 PM

    PilotX said......

    Jeez, are we BACK on the IQ BS? If we just admit white males are the smartest people of all can we be done with this topic?

    6:03 PM
    LOL! Maybe next time they post their drivel I'll just ignore them.

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:42 PM

    Tony said...

    Weird how the lockdowns and masks advocated by drunk finger wagging white women scolds, journos, professional class, elite class and the entirety of the godless unholy alliance caused focused economic destruction on those voters Trump won in 2016.

    The fun begins if Biden wins and the FBI goes after "white supremacists" - which means a punitive campaign against anyone who voted for Trump.

    6:13 PM
    First, I hope the FBI goes after violent white supremacists. I hope the crazies in Michigan who planned to kidnap the governor receive very long prison sentences.

    Second, your comment indicates the you are woefully uninformed.

    Third, Trump caused the "economic destruction" of which you speak because of his selfish, reckless attitude toward controlling the pandemic. We have been invaded and the president stood around with his thumb in his mouth for the first three months and did exactly
    nothing to protect the American people.

  49. Wesley R10:45 PM

    We hear the majority of people dying from the virus are Black, and Brown, but the media continues to ignore it.

  50. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Been following politics for seventy-five years.

    Been following the leftist political herd, you mean.

    And that herd is sick.  It is bringing a new dark age.

    Now "moo" when you're told, cow.  Because you'll only be alive as long as it's convenient for your farmer.

  51. Anonymous11:22 PM

    "We hear the majority of people dying from the virus are Black, and Brown, but the media continues to ignore it."

    It's not true that the majority of deaths are POCs. White people still account for the majority of coronavirus deaths.

    But it is true that people of color have died at a higher rate than their proportion of the population. Latinos make up ~17% of the population, but 21% of COVID deaths. Blacks make up ~13% of the population, but 20% of COVID deaths.

  52. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I will just add that those were the numbers from a month ago, but there shouldn't have been any dramatic change to the percentages since then.

  53. Dear black people,

    You sold your own people into slavery to the Jews and we’ve been left to take care of your jungle asses. We don’t owe you anything.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:56 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Been following politics for seventy-five years.

    Been following the leftist political herd, you mean.

    And that herd is sick. It is bringing a new dark age.

    Now "moo" when you're told, cow. Because you'll only be alive as long as it's convenient for your farmer.

    10:52 PM
    Anonymous, you really are a rude motherf****er. You know nothing about me or my "following the leftist political herd." FYI. I grew up in a Republican household and became a Democrat during my first semester in college and never looked back. What happened? I took a course in political science 101. LOL!

    For many years I worked as a grass roots volunteer for the Democratic Party in my local area, registering voters, making phone calls for candidates, and tending bar at fund raisers. I was a delegate to the Democratic Convention in the seventies. I'm a proud member of Move On and the ACLU.

    Your herd is the sick one, anonymous. BTW, how come you're such a coward that you have to comment anonymously? What are you afraid of? Maybe the truth?

  55. Clown Country12:03 AM

    The FBI couldn't even find real conservatives to set up in their Michigan governor kidnapping plot.

  56. "I grew up in a Republican household and became a Democrat during my first semester in college and never looked back. What happened? I took a course in political science 101. LOL!"

    Granny NPC was indoctrinated by communists when she was 18 and repudiated the lessons her family bestowed upon her,

    Nearly 70 years later and she still hasn't figured it out.


  57. Anonymous12:42 AM

    "Average IQ in Jamaica: 71"

    Apparently you can become a lawyer there with an IQ of 80.

  58. President cornered rat is getting even more desperate as the consequences of his misbehavior close in on him from all sides.

    Hubris, motherfucker.

    Did he think that he could somehow just step in from his long, lame grift and function in an environment where literally the most powerful people on the planet scrutinize your every word and move looking for a way to get over on the country?

    How did he think that would play out?

    Oh, that's right, he never intended to actually win, it was all an eighteen month exercise in juicing his brand back out of the half billion dollars of debt he was in.

    Should have thought ahead, bitch.

    Now as the wheels come off and even his reliable testicle cozies in the Republican party "distance themselves" from him, he is set to receive a lesson in loyalty that most people master in grade school, only hideous and obscene because it will play out in the most powerful office on the planet and in front of the whole world.

    They say that narcissists will do anything for the attention they crave, but even the worst of them (and most household pets) learn at a very young age that there is good attention and bad attention, and now having leveraged his presidency and campaign past their eyeballs to get the good variety however he could scrounge it, and from whomever lowlife scum he had to pander to in order to get his fix of it, the bill is coming do in the form of a massive overwhelming wave of the other variety, and he was not equipped to handle that even before the covid and the drugs, so now his ugly dangerous dissolution is on display for the whole world, who never asked for such a disgusting spectacle, and deserve far better than him and his final public tantrum that will damage who knows how many more lives in its denouement.

    Hubris, motherfucker. He could have spared himself, his family, and his country this embarrassment, this wanton slaughter, this diminishment of all that is good and right about the United States if he would have just found a different way to grift his way out of his latest financial clusterfuck, but he didn't, and now the bill is coming due and watching him try to weasel out of it will be as repugnant as the rest of the stupid, stupid bullshit he has needlessly subjected us all to.

    And his idiot fans will love him all the more that he did.

    Fuck him, and fuck all y'all.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. European cases are spiking and they have implemented the restrictive measures Democrats have been arguing for us, for months.

    Spain has enforced mask wearing for about 4 or 5 months now and it easily has the worst outbreak in Europe currently.

  60. What we know about those accused of the plot to kidnap Gov Whitmer:

    “One of alleged plotters, 23-year-old Daniel Harris, attended a Black Lives Matter protest in June, telling the Oakland County Times he was upset about the killing of George Floyd and police violence.”

  61. Anonymous1:29 AM

    My daughter's insulin has already dropped from $700 a month to $48 a month due to Trump. Thank you Donald Trump. Excellent Job.

  62. Trump will win the electoral college 331 to 207.

  63. Anonymous3:52 AM

    "European cases are spiking and they have implemented the restrictive measures Democrats have been arguing for us, for months."

    European countries tried to go back to normal over the summer. It didn't work.

    Particularly, Europeans taking their traditional August holidays really, really didn't work. People from all over Europe went to beach resorts in Spain or Greece or wherever, swapped some virus, and then hopped planes to return and infect their home countries.

    They are now having to slap restrictions back on, and some will have to go into lockdown 2.0.

    Even with all of that, though, almost none of them have per capita death tolls as high as the US.

  64. A normal person5:04 AM

    Doug sounds so desperate. It's sad in a pathetic sort of way.

  65. A normal person5:24 AM

    Trump is Obama's legacy.

  66. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Anonymous, you really are a rude motherf****er.

    Telling you truths you don't want to hear isn't rude.  It's frankness.

    You know nothing about me or my "following the leftist political herd."

    A falsehood you admit in literally your next sentence.

    FYI. I grew up in a Republican household and became a Democrat during my first semester in college and never looked back. What happened? I took a course in political science 101.

    That's when you absorbed the indoctrination.  You BECAME the evil that you had a duty to reject.

    It's too late for you.  It's probably too late for all of your family too.  Too bad.

    We can't care about you anymore.  This is war now, by your demand.  You need to suffer the consequences, because you won't allow anything else.

  67. Anonymous5:37 AM

    1-yr-old black child dies of heat stress because her father is too cheap to replace a car window:

    No riots.  No protests.  No outrage whatsoever.

    Black Lives Do Not Matter.

  68. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Murder monkey named "Anfernee Wilson" does what murder monkeys do:

    There should be a bounty on murder monkeys, with no bag limit.

  69. Telling you truths you don't want to hear isn't rude. It's frankness.

    No, actually, it is propaganda because you never speak truth. Like drumpf, the next truth you tell will be the first one you tell.

  70. “One of alleged plotters, 23-year-old Daniel Harris, attended a Black Lives Matter protest in June, telling the Oakland County Times he was upset about the killing of George Floyd and police violence.”

    So what? The militia was going to kidnap, try and execute Whitmer. They also wanted to overthrow Michigan's gubmint and KILL PIGS.

  71. Anonymous9:20 AM

    OMG! NO ONE Is Showing Up to Biden-Harris Events and NO ONE Is Watching Online – Biden-Harris Have Only 3% of President Trump’s Online Viewership


  72. Anonymous said...
    My daughter's insulin has already dropped from $700 a month to $48 a month due to Trump. Thank you Donald Trump. Excellent Job.

    1:29 AM

    Not very likely. From Snopes.

    What's True
    Trump issued an executive order in July 2020 that was intended to lower the price of insulin for some Americans.

    What's False
    Rather than targeting all diabetic patients nationwide, the directive was written to help low-income diabetes patients of certain community clinics, who are uninsured or underinsured, to buy insulin at reduced prices. Also, no verifiable evidence suggests that the lower costs would amount to "pennies a day" for anyone.

    What's Undetermined
    Exactly how much money some diabetes patients could save on insulin daily as a result of the directive is unknown because the order did not outline specifics, including when or how it would be implemented.

  73. Since you don't like Snopes, try this one....

    You stoopid fucker drumpf voters automatically assign drumpf credit he does not deserve. If only you had the capabilities to look beyond drumpf's bullshit rhetoric and see the truth.

  74. jenny @ 11:47 PM... did yer pimp write that? Asking for a friend.

  75. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Still winning...

    Excerpt from:

    "...flies were considered to represent supernatural power, mostly associated with evil and corruption , because they seemed to be spontaneously born from decaying fruit and rotting organic matter.

    In the book of Exodus in the Bible, God mustered swarms of flies as punishment. They were harbingers of worse things, like pestilence and death. That’s a lot of deliverables for a bunch of tiny flies.

    The point is that flies still remind us of unpleasant things, or as commentator David Frum noted, unpleasant things in a presidency we’d rather ignore — which is why, I suspect, given the administration’s record, some people found it so delightful."


  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:33 AM

    Anonymous said....
    We can't care about you anymore. This is war now, by your demand. You need to suffer the consequences, because you won't allow anything else.

    5:25 AM
    This is one of the things you said in your post,"Now "moo" when you're told, cow. Because you'll only be alive as long as it's convenient for your farmer." Now that's a rude remark. So you really are rude, but you aren't truthful.

    You say I need to "suffer the consequences" Is that a vague threat? My response is, bring it on, Honey. Be warned, I'll be protecting myself with a lot of fire power. I'm not exactly Anne Oakley, but I'm a pretty good shot with a rifle. And I think it is you who will suffer the consequences if you try to make war on the United States. Your friends in Michigan are doing great, aren't they? -- all in jail?

    You, who dare to lecture me, follow a demon from hell in orange face-paint. A tyrant who wipes his ass with the Constitution and brags about it. And you think I should take your view seriously?

    Whatever you and your fellow gang members are contemplating, you should first study a bit of U.S. history. No insurrection has ever been successful.
    And then there's the Civil War. How well did that go for your side?

  77. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Gamblerwhitewoman and anon interactions should be considered trolling for a trolled narrative to incite and escalate violence.

  78. Monster fly Miss lindsey graham says young blacks can go anywhere in South Carolina as long as they are conservative.

    Not as catchy as Tippecanoe and Tyler, too, but it gives you a better idea where Miss Lindsey stands on race matters.

  79. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:10 AM

    Anonymous said...

    OMG! NO ONE Is Showing Up to Biden-Harris Events and NO ONE Is Watching Online – Biden-Harris Have Only 3% of President Trump’s Online Viewership

    9:20 AM
    Calm down, anonymous, and tell us what "public events" Biden has been holding. Unlike Trump, Joe doesn't hold super-spreaders. Crowds came out to see him during his train ride in Pennsylvania. What other public appearances has he held? Yes, there have been a couple of appearances, but only when the audience was very limited because of COVID19.

    The Biden/Harris ticket will win and all hell will break loose because Trump is not going to go quietly. He is not an honorable man and will refuse to honor the will of the voters.

    No matter what, if Donnie loses, he will no longer be president on January 20, 2021. He will be just Donald Trump, private citizen.

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:20 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Gamblerwhitewoman and anon interactions should be considered trolling for a trolled narrative to incite and escalate violence.

    10:59 AM
    Now now I'm the provocateur? When people strike at me, I answer back. I've been posting here for a long time and
    have received many subtle death threats all designed to shut me up. No one has ever accused me of being a troll until now. LOL

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Thats how trolling works. There's always one character (or more) that plays the legitimate one functioning to keep illegitimate troll conversations going to perpetrate a lie. There are other functions for the 'legit' character, but mainly to maintain illegitimate discussion.

  81. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Thats how trolling works. There's always one character (or more) that plays the legitimate one functioning to keep illegitimate troll conversations going to perpetrate a lie. There are other functions for the 'legit' character, but mainly to maintain illegitimate discussion.

    11:41 AM
    Sure, anon. LOL! Very funny. I've been commenting here for at least four years, and according to you, I'm a right-wing troll? a Manchurian Candidate?

    There's nothing illegitimate about my comments. If I and others of like thinking do not stand up to these white power bullies, who will? Not you, I guess.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      "...stand up to these white power bullies,"

      That's trollspeak for maintaining illegitimate troll discussion which ends in the 'legit' character (gamblerwhitewoman) taking the weaker position.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:14 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Incorrect response by gamblerehitewoman. The win goes to the far-right troll because the issue was 'republic or democracy' which the fascist troll is using to promote anti-democracy. Issue was already settled with prior link debunking the republic myth."

    "What the hell are you trying to say here? It sounds like Trumpian word salad to me."

  83. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:22 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Incorrect response by gamblerehitewoman. The win goes to the far-right troll because the issue was 'republic or democracy' which the fascist troll is using to promote anti-democracy. Issue was already settled with prior link debunking the republic myth.
    No, no, no - the topic under discussion was not about "republic or democracy". It was about the white power boys threatening libs and others because they think we don't own guns.

    Try to keep up, Anon.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      The first response shows the legit character's (gam.whitewomn) defensiveness to exposure. Realizing the defensiveness exhibited, a quick post to gaslight and deflect; but unbeknownst to the legit character, this only works in oral debate as the written record can be reviewed at ones leisure.

  84. Still Delusional12:47 PM

    The point is that flies still remind us of unpleasant things, or as commentator David Frum noted, unpleasant things in a presidency we’d rather ignore — which is why, I suspect, given the administration’s record, some people found it so delightful

  85. Anonymous1:01 PM

    BLM Co-Founder TURNS ON Biden! Says She WILL NOT VOTE For Sleepy Joe! The Left Is FRACTURED

  86. Anonymous1:05 PM

    BLM Chapter Co-Founder Explains Why She Refuses to Support Biden

  87. Suspect in Whitmer kidnap plot was pardoned in Delaware last year:

    Delaware Gov. John Carney (D) last year signed the pardon of one of the men accused this week of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), the Delaware News Journal first reported.

    Carney in April 2019 signed off on the pardon for Barry Gordon Croft Jr., who faced a series of charges in Delaware during the mid-1990s, including possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, assault and burglary.

    A spokesman for Carney said in a statement that the governor called Croft's federal charges "disturbing" and called for everyone involved with the kidnapping plot in Michigan to be "prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

    What is this...a Cohen Bros movie where a flailing political candidate uses his local connections to get an unreliable ex-con pardoned, so that the ex-con can pretend to kidnap a political ally in order to try to frame his political opponent?

    "We'll let you off the hook, but in return you have to do a job for us." -FBI

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:16 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The first response shows the legit character's (gam.whitewomn) defensiveness to exposure. Realizing the defensiveness exhibited, a quick post to gaslight and deflect; but unbeknownst to the legit character, this only works in oral debate as the written record can be reviewed at ones leisure.

    12:36 PM
    LOL! More word salad from the great orator MM.

  89. Reporter: “Well sir, don’t the voters deserve to know—“

    Biden: “No, they don’t deserve” to know.

    The Democrats are planning to put one of the three independent branches of government under the control of another. This will effectively end the separation of powers that is a fundamental concept of the Constitution, and the Supreme Court will be subsumed into the Executive branch.

  90. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Apropos of nothing, but Tucker Carlson does not know how to pronounce the name of Canada’s capital. FYI: The correct pronunciation is not A-Ta-Wa.

    Keep this in mind when racist Tucker inevitably starts implying Kamala is dumb. (Assuming he hasn’t already — I wouldn’t know, as I try to avoid watching Tucker’s worthless show.)

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:16 PM

    Ass Packers said...

    The Democrats are planning to put one of the three independent branches of government under the control of another. This will effectively end the separation of powers that is a fundamental concept of the Constitution, and the Supreme Court will be subsumed into the Executive branch.

    1:18 PM
    What do think the Republicans have been doing since 2012? Let me enlighten you. They have been packing the court with extreme, right-wing idealogues by stealing the seat that should have gone to the Democrats and now they are doing it again.

    Of course Joe is not going to reveal in advance something that hasn't even been decided yet. So cry me a river.

  92. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:25 PM

    Anonymous said...

    BLM Co-Founder TURNS ON Biden! Says She WILL NOT VOTE For Sleepy Joe! The Left Is FRACTURED

    1:01 PM
    So she is going to help Trump win instead? That's her choice. It's still a free country in spite of Trump's attempts to turn it into an authoritarian state.

    Why do think this means the left is fractured? BLM is not a monolithic organization, and I'm not sure that very many voters care who she votes for.

  93. Anonymous2:48 PM

    At Least Two of Gretchen Whitmer's Kidnapping Conspirators Appear to Be Anti-Trump Anarchists:

  94. Anonymous2:50 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  95. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:15 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    At Least Two of Gretchen Whitmer's Kidnapping Conspirators Appear to Be Anti-Trump Anarchists:

    2:48 PM
    I think it's more likely they were infiltrators pretending to be ANTIFA. Maybe they started the fires that ANTIFA has been blamed for.

  96. Trump 10 to life, no parole. May prison protect him from his creditors, including "Polonium" Putin.

  97. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Trolls ID’ed so far:
    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman – serves as the ‘legit’ character.
    Other characters are produced on an ad hoc basis.

    The Continuing Narrative
    So after Gambler2 ASKA White Woman was exposed, GAWW reacts with feigned ignorance (1:16pm) and doubles down with a deluge of ad hoc characters.

    Game Review
    The ad hoc right-wing characters post right-wing lies to which the legit character (GAWW) engages in a discussion. This faux good faith response to a bad faith post helps to move towards legitimizing a lie because it casts doubt on whether the lie was actually settled and established as a lie. Also, during key political junctures such as desperation due to the probability of a Trump electoral defeat, the main character breaks character to fan the flames. GAWW escalates:

    You say I need to "suffer the consequences" Is that a vague threat? My response is, bring it on, Honey. Be warned, I'll be protecting myself with a lot of fire power. I'm not exactly Anne Oakley, but I'm a pretty good shot with a rifle.” (10:33am)


  98. Gambler2: I set those guys down as anomic, not anarchistic. They're not against Archons, rulers; they'll kow-tow to any crime-lord who's brutal enough. What they're against are laws and norms. They'll go far left or far right or from one to the other, in a moment. All they want is a fight.

    Part of their anomie is poor planning. Pro tip: never plot your crimes on social media. It's skywriting. Also frisk all fellow plotters for a wire. Trust No One.

    Or... obey the law. But that would not be anomic.

  99. fake news=failed fact checks=pjmedia extreme right wing

  100. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Granny NPC said...
    "I think it's more likely they were infiltrators pretending to be ANTIFA"

    Thousands of ANITIA degenerates and BLM stooges burn down the country for four months at the behest of the Democratic party, and Granny ascribes it all to "right wing infiltrators".

    She sure works hard at defending manufactured realities.

  101. Analysis / Bias

    In review, is a news aggregation website that primary sources from right wing news sources. Whatfinger sources from a wide variety of right leaning websites, some of which are Mixed for factual reporting such as Breitbart and the Daily Wire. They also frequently source from Questionable sources such as the Geller Report and the Gateway Pundit. While they do occasionally source from credible sources such as Reuters, this is rare as the majority are right leaning. In general, all aggregated news favors the right.

    Overall, we rate Whatfinger Right Biased based on sourcing and story selection and Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a lack of transparency. (D. Van Zandt 5/28/2018) Updated (10/4/2019)

    whatfinger and generaldispatc h are more right weing -propaganda with little verifiable factual reporting. In other words, they make shit up.

  102. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:58 PM

    Anonymous said...


    3:18 PM
    You're boring me MM.

    Have a nice day.

  103. Narrative Defender3:59 PM

    Overall we rate any facts not delivered by main stream propaganda outfits unfit for consideration.

  104. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:01 PM

    Paradoctor said.....

    Trump 10 to life, no parole. May prison protect him from his creditors, including "Polonium" Putin.

    3:18 PM
    I agree, but I want to add "no pardon".

  105. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:06 PM

    Paradoctor said...

    Gambler2: I set those guys down as anomic, not anarchistic. They're not against Archons, rulers; they'll kow-tow to any crime-lord who's brutal enough. What they're against are laws and norms. They'll go far left or far right or from one to the other, in a moment. All they want is a fight.

    Part of their anomie is poor planning. Pro tip: never plot your crimes on social media. It's skywriting. Also frisk all fellow plotters for a wire. Trust No One.

    Or... obey the law. But that would not be anomic.

    3:33 PM
    They are hard right and violent. Reminds me of Hitlers brown shirts. I'm sure that's what Trump is aiming for.

  106. There is a lot more to Delaware pardon than just the guv. Trust wingnuts to ignore the details.;

    Article VII of the 1897 constitution of Delaware provides for a Board of Pardons to consist of the Chancellor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Auditor of Accounts. The Governor alone has the power to remit fines and forfeitures and to grant reprieves, commutations of sentence and pardons for sentences up to six months. For any sentence over six months away the Governor has to first receive written approval from a majority of the Board of Pardons after they hear the case before he can grant a reprieve, commutation, or pardon. These approvals or recommendations of action from the Board of Pardons to the Governor are recorded and filed in the Secretary of State’s office. The Board is authorized to request information from the Attorney General regarding any subject concerning their duties.1 Prior to 1901 the Court of General Sessions summoned, subpoenaed and compelled the attendance of witnesses to the Board of Pardon’s hearings. In 1901 the Board was empowered to do this on their own.2 From its institution in 1897 to the present, no significant changes have been made regarding the Board’s responsibilities.

  107. Gambler2:
    MM is projecting like an IMAX. At least MM chose to have a name, though still lacks the courage to post under that name. But on the third hand, MM signs those anonymous posts!

    Should I congratulate the confused half-anonymoid for the lecture on how to troll? MM does have a point; talking to, rather than about, a troll gives the troll the attention it craves. On the other hand, witnessing for truth is a virtue, and it gives courage to other honest folk.

    Four years of Trumpian lawlessness have taught me a lesson. Now I reluctantly admit that Michelle Obama was wrong: "when they go low, we go high" is too noble to be practical. The strategically effective program is:

    When they go high, we go higher; that how to win the argument.
    But when they go low, we go lower; that how to win the fight.

    Knowing when, where, and to whom to go lower or higher requires discernment. This time it's clear that we need not worry about the argument; for the Hat Red faction has_ no argument. Note their captive party's political platform. Oops, sorry, you can't; they don't have one!

    So I say, counter-snark all you want, but be funnier. Laugh loud at cruel jests about Trump's covid and Pence's fly: they've earned the diss. Don't give them, or anonymoid trolls, the benefit of the doubt: that's a credit line that they've run out long ago. And if they threaten you, then declare that you can defend yourself. That's Politics 101.

  108. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Biden is running ad after ad on the local country station in my normally-blue state (that Trump won in 2016).

    This is a desperation move.

    Biden is going to lose by a HUGE margin, and BLM is a big part of it.


  109. Bout to reach some serious milestones in drumpf's quest to be the all time mass murdering, shit for brains, POS.

    Coronavirus Cases:

    Long about Monday we could see the 8 millionth case and 220k bodies for drumpf to play with.

  110. Gambler2:
    Many thanks for the suggestion. And so:

    Trump 10 to life, no pardon, no parole.

    May he have a lengthy recovery and a crushing defeat. May he live long and not prosper.

  111. May Trump hide in prison from his predatory creditor, "Polonium" Putin.

  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:45 PM

    Pradoctor said....

    MM is projecting like an IMAX. At least MM chose to have a name, though still lacks the courage to post under that name. But on the third hand, MM signs those anonymous posts!

    Should I congratulate the confused half-anonymoid for the lecture on how to troll? MM does have a point; talking to, rather than about, a troll gives the troll the attention it craves. On the other hand, witnessing for truth is a virtue, and it gives courage to other honest folk.

    Four years of Trumpian lawlessness have taught me a lesson. Now I reluctantly admit that Michelle Obama was wrong: "when they go low, we go high" is too noble to be practical. The strategically effective program is:

    When they go high, we go higher; that how to win the argument.
    But when they go low, we go lower; that how to win the fight.

    Knowing when, where, and to whom to go lower or higher requires discernment. This time it's clear that we need not worry about the argument; for the Hat Red faction has_ no argument. Note their captive party's political platform. Oops, sorry, you can't; they don't have one!

    So I say, counter-snark all you want, but be funnier. Laugh loud at cruel jests about Trump's covid and Pence's fly: they've earned the diss. Don't give them, or anonymoid trolls, the benefit of the doubt: that's a credit line that they've run out long ago. And if they threaten you, then declare that you can defend yourself. That's Politics 101.

    4:09 PM
    Thank you, my friend. I agree with everything you said. Your analysis is spot on.

    I do laugh at their attacks. I believe they don't have enough education to spar effectively with me. I would like to have a conversation with some of them, but they mostly start with insults and lies. I sometimes think they attack me because I'm a woman, and they don't expect me to fight back.

    If I calculated correctly, we have just 23 days left until the election. I wonder how many undecided voters there are and how anyone can still be undecided.

  113. Rufus5:56 PM

    "I sometimes think they attack me because I'm a woman, and they don't expect me to fight back."

    Maybe it's because you are always wrong.

  114. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Cumlips Harris
    That is her name!

  115. trump and his Russian friends are getting desperate. Being down in every national poll will do that to you. My bot meter is off the charts with these comments.😀
    trump just looks so pathetic and out of touch these days.
    Being an obese 74 year old with COVID-19 will do that to you.

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:40 PM

    field negro said....

    Gambler, you have to understand how the wingnut mind works. It is trying to "teach" us how the American government works because it just learned this somewhere. It's as if it can't wait to share its new found knowledge with others. trump does the same thing.

    6:30 PM
    I'm laughing now. Thanks for wise remarks. And thank you for this blog!

  117. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:42 PM

    Rufus said...

    "I sometimes think they attack me because I'm a woman, and they don't expect me to fight back."

    Maybe it's because you are always wrong.

    5:56 PM
    I think it's more likely because I'm always right, and you hate that. LOL!

  118. Allowing people into the country from cultures where it's normal to react to situations one doesn't like by murdering people and incinerating their bodies seems unwise.

  119. I just got an email from BallotTrax letting me know that the county has received my ballots from the postal service and they will be counted.

    Who knew that in 2020 "going postal" would mean "saving democracy"...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:47 PM

    Pedro Gonzales said...

    Allowing people into the country from cultures where it's normal to react to situations one doesn't like by murdering people and incinerating their bodies seems unwise.

    7:14 PM
    You must be speaking of Russia.

  121. Anonymous9:02 PM

    "Who knew that in 2020 "going postal" would mean "saving democracy"..."

    Who knew that in 2020 "saving democracy" would mean "stealing the election"...

  122. "White privilege" is the idea that people of European descent deserve none of the social and cultural capital built up by their ancestors over generations, if not centuries, and nonwhites who may have turned up only yesterday are entitled to all of it.

    Seems reasonable and fair.

  123. Whitmer Kidnapping Plotter Was a BLM Supporter, Media Narrative Crumbles

    That narrative started to fall when it was revealed one of the ringleaders not only didn’t support Trump, but that he had called the President a “tyrant” and an "enemy".

    It turns out that anarchists have a lot more in common with the left and Antifa than they do with Trump supporters. Want more proof of that? We are now learning that another plotter was a Black Lives Matter supporter and may have been partially motivated by George Floyd’s death.

    This is a complete turn from the way the media painted this early on.

  124. A left-wing protester at an antifa Denver rally shot and killed a conservative participant of the patriot rally. This follows the August killing of a Trump supporter in Portland by an antifa shooter.

    Maybe someone should tell Michelle Obama.

  125. "Who knew that in 2020 "saving democracy" would mean "stealing the election"..."

    So me voting is stealing the election? Why do Republicans hate democracy? Oh that's right, because if it's fair they always lose.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  126. A normal person11:14 PM

    Cool story Doug.

  127. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:39 PM

    This is a complete turn from the way the media painted this early on.
    I will believe this if/when I see it from a reliable source. Red State is not a reliable sourge. They are well know as purveyors of right-wing propaganda.

  128. A normal person11:44 PM

    Doug, you got anymore cool stories?

    Asking for a friend. It'd be cool if you had anymore cool stories to share. We sure do appreciated it. Could you mention the pig people and how much you hate Christians? We really like those stories. Again, just might consider me an honorary pig person. It's hard to say.
    Anyway, blessings to you and yours.

  129. A normal person11:48 PM

    Granny you should never have to take a "sourge"... willingly or not.

  130. Anonymous12:31 AM

    A deranged Trumpkin got shot dead at a protest in Denver. MAGA Twitter is already spreading lies that he was a martyred victim of the sinister Antifa!

    But that's not the case. It appears that listening to Trump rant about "fake news" rotted this angry redneck gentleman's already feeble brain, and caused him to believe he could get away with assaulting journalists covering the protest. Unfortunately for him, the journalists have gotten tired of the abuse and have now hired private security to accompany them, and one of the security guards "exercised his 2nd Amendment rights," as the wingnuts are fond of saying.

    Thoughts and prayers, MAGA garbage.

    Fatal Shooting in Denver Amid Dueling Protests, Police Say

  131. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:40 AM

    Mostly peaceful murders said...

    A left-wing protester at an antifa Denver rally shot and killed a conservative participant of the patriot rally. This follows the August killing of a Trump supporter in Portland by an antifa shooter.

    Despite tensions running high between the dueling protests, however, police say the suspected shooter was not a protester, but a “private security guard.” The victim, who has not been identified, was rushed to a hospital but succumbed to his injuries, Denver police confirmed.

    UPDATE: A private security guard, hired by 9NEWS, is being held as a suspect in the deadly shooting. A 9NEWS producer has been released after DPD said it was determined they were not involved in the incident.

    Two men clash during a protest in Downtown Denver on Oct. 10, 2020. The man on the left side of the photo was supporting the “Patriot Rally” and sprayed mace at the man on the right side of the image. The man at right, then shot and killed the protester at left.

    So the shooter was not a BLM protester. Redstate lied to you.

  132. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:44 AM

    A normal person said...

    Granny you should never have to take a "sourge"... willingly or not.

    11:48 PM
    So you've never made a typo in your life? You are a real ass. LOL LMAO!

  133. Anonymous12:49 AM

    "One of the security guards "exercised his 2nd Amendment rights,"

    By shooting and killing an unarmed protester.

  134. Anonymous1:03 AM

    The media literally murdered a Trump supporter and blamed it on white supremacists.

  135. Wyatt1:14 AM

    The media is run by communists.

    The media killed somebody today.

  136. Anonymous1:30 AM

    This is the man killed by the media:

  137. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Vote, vote, vote:

  138. The goddamn media, of specifically Fox fucking News murdered untold thousands of poor motherfuckers this year by convincing them not to take covid seriously. Most of those poor dead motherfuckers were MAGA types too stupid and worshipful of Fergus to save their own lives, and in many cases, the lives of their families who they also infected.
    So murdering MAGA boys is not new behavior for the media, if you include right wing propaganda in the media.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  139. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Security guard was Antifa, working for an Antifa ally reporter:

  140. Anonymous1:43 AM

    The Denver shooting was a media set up gone wrong

    Why would you have undercover security?

    It makes sense if you were setting the whole thing up. You were paying an agitator to pick fights, with a camera crew on hand to catch the action, with twitchy undercover security on hand just in case.

  141. Anonymous2:00 AM

    “Security guard was Antifa, working for an Antifa ally reporter:”

    Lol, “Antifa reporter” working for that radical left outlet known as the local NBC TV affiliate.

    You guys are sad. Your lies are transparent and lame.

    “By shooting and killing an unarmed protester.”

    From the looks of it, the Trumpkin wasn’t unarmed. He was running around macing people for fun. Maybe not the smartest idea?

  142. Mexican take on the George Floyd story:

  143. Anonymous2:17 AM

    "Lol, “Antifa reporter” working for that radical left outlet known as the local NBC TV affiliate."

    Antifa considered him (Kyle Clark) as "one of us".

  144. Anonymous2:19 AM

    "From the looks of it, the Trumpkin wasn’t unarmed. He was running around macing people for fun."

    Mace is not a lethal weapon. He was unarmed.

    And he didn't pull his can of mace out until after the gun was pointed at him.

    Fuck you.

  145. " Anonymous said...
    Security guard was Antifa, working for an Antifa ally reporter:"

    More Twilight Zone type stuff from the cult of trump.

  146. Anonymous8:35 AM

    As for being sick, I'm quite well, thank you. I have more education than you do, and have Been following politics for seventy-five years.

    You mis-spelled "delusion and indoctrination".  If you were actually educated, you would show these abilities:

    1.  The ability to absorb and incorporate new information.

    2.  The ability to challenge your preconceptions.

    You have neither.  You are not educated.  You are SICK.

    Strike that.  You are EVIL.

  147. Once again wingnuts lie about the facts of what happened in Denver....

    One person has died and another man, who 9News confirmed was a private security guard contracted by them, is in custody after a shooting during dueling protests Saturday in downtown Denver.

    9News reported that one of their employees and a contractor for the television station were taken into custody. It later confirmed the guard was contracted through Pinkerton and “that it has been the practice of 9NEWS for a number of months to hire private security to accompany staff at protests.”

    Police initially said two people were taken into custody but later said one of them was not involved in the incident. They tweeted that the suspect was a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa.

  148. During the meeting, which the wired informant captured on audio, militia members discussed plans to attack the Michigan State Capitol, push back against law enforcement and destroy police vehicles with Molotov cocktails, the outlet reported.

    Molotov cocktails? Like the ones in Seattle and Portland wingnuts accuse BLM of using?

  149. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "They tweeted that the suspect was a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa."

    Except for the Antifa tattoo on his wrist and the fact he was working for a pro-Antifa reporter.

  150. Anonymous10:37 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  151. Anonymous10:38 AM

    "plans to attack the Michigan State Capitol, push back against law enforcement and destroy police vehicles with Molotov cocktails"

    Yes, just like their Antifa comrades used all over the country.

  152. Anonymous11:03 AM

    9News hired a "security contractor" who would be at home rioting alongside antifa and Black Lives Matter when he isn't murdering right-wingers. There won't be consequences enough unless 9News ceases to exist and scumbags like Kyle Clark never work again.

  153. Lee Keltman was a veteran who designed cowboy hats.

    He was killed yesterday by Matt Dolloff, a far left activist.

  154. Part of the problem in assessing the current political situation in this country is seeing it as the fourth year of Fergus' administration and not the fortieth year of the Reagan revolution:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  155. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Security guard was Antifa, working for an Antifa ally reporter:

    Not so. Denver police on Saturday announced the shooting suspect had “no affiliation with Antifa.” See the article in the Denver Post.

  156. About Anonymous 8:35 AM:
    The first thing the Devil tells his mark is, "I do not exist right here, in you, but I do exist over there, in them."

  157. A normal person1:13 PM

    Granny, the Denver Police and the news station are going to be sued for slander. Both are in cahoots to repress the truth.

  158. Anonymous7:17 PM

    The first thing the Devil tells his mark is, "I do not exist right here, in you, but I do exist over there, in them."

    The Devil is the Prince of Lies.  Granny Idiot lies every time she posts.  She lies to herself first and foremost.

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