Thursday, October 15, 2020

Pushovers and pileups.

 If you are a democrat and you are pissed off at how the republicans pushed through Amy (I have never tried a case) Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Do not look to one of your senate leaders, Dianne Feinstein, to show some fight on your behalf. 

This is what she told Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the senate Judiciary Committee, today: 

"I just want to thank you. This is one of the best set of hearings that I've participated in. Thank you so much for your leadership." * Me puking* 

Keep in mind that this is the same Lindsey Graham who declared that Amy (I never tried a case) Coney Barrett's seat with the rest of the supremes is a  fait accompli. Or that this same Lindsey Graham, just a day ago, made reference to the "good old days of segregation" during the hearings.  This is why I can't ride with dumbocrats. They are such pushovers. America has pretty much become a one party country. No wonder Donald trump has become so emboldened.  

Anyway, enough of  Feinstein, hopefully her days in Washington are numbered. 

Let's  ruminate a little bit about how the president of the United States was boasting today about ordering the killing of an American citizen. Or, how a major television network decided to appease a cry baby president by giving him a town hall style meeting with voters in Miami tonight. Of course the  media will spend very little time on these stories, because they are always looking to move on to the next trump soundbite.

Sadly, the American people will never get the benefit of real journalists serving them. Because, at the end of the day, all they care about is money and their ratings. You better believe that they are all cheering for trump and hoping he wins the presidency. They rely on his buffoonery and outlandish behavior to drive up their ratings, and keep their programming going. You could literally talk about the crazy shit that he does all day, and at times it seems like that's all they do. 

I will be watching both debates tonight. (Thanks DVR). But rest assured that most people will be watching trump. NBC's ratings will double that of ABC. It makes sense if you think about it. I mean what would you most likely be rubbernecking on the highway? A person on the side of the road with a simple flat tire? Or, a multi-car pileup with numerous fatalities?  


  1. She, like many other Dems, has passed her expiration date. After seeing AOC, Sen. Harris and Cory Booker get down it’s clear they need new energy. When is her term up? I mean I respect my elders but at 87 is she really up on the times? Sorry grandma but it’s time to go home. RBG, despite all her good, stayed just a tad too long. Pass that torch Nana.

  2. Ben seems a bit too smart to be a Republican.😆

  3. Guliani's daughter urges us to vote for Harris/Biden. She must have gotten her smarts from mom. LOL


    Maybe we will see what he's hiding one day.

  5. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Trump said that Mexico would pay for his “big, beautiful wall.”

    The chumps believed him.

    Now, Trump is claiming China will pay for COVID relief funds. (Cause it’s the “China virus,” remember. Those dastardly Fu Manchu Asians must have engineered the virus in a lab just to ruin Trump’s day!)

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for that check from the finance ministry of the People’s Republic, chumps. It might be a while.

  6. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Democrat goes off script and forgets that every comment about Republicans needs to call them racist nazis, and Field wets himself. Kind of like when he calls any black people who think for themselves House Negroes.

  7. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Respected black author Shelby Steele makes a movie about Michael Brown's death that doesn't conform to woke orthodoxy and Amazon bans it.

    Steele is a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and a well-regarded intellectual who has been writing on race in America for decades. Steele received a National Humanities Medal and won a National Book Critics Circle Award for his essay collection The Content of Our Character. In the same year, he produced an Emmy-Award winning documentary “Seven Days in Bensonhurst,” about Yusef Hawkins, a black teenager who was murdered by a white mob in 1989.

    The notion that the quality of Steele’s efforts doesn’t rise to that of a vaccine conspiracy film or anything featuring Howard Zinn or Michael Moore in it is risible.

    The film was written and narrated by Shelby Steele, and produce by his son Eli.

    Eli Steele articulated his thoughts with an open letter published online:

    "If they did cancel us because of our differing views, then that is truly sad, especially when black voices speaking truth to power have been repeatedly silenced in America when they do not fit the acceptable narrative, What I'm most proud of in this film is the wide diversity of black voices that is raw and unfiltered. Amazon has silenced those voices"

  8. “Respected black author Shelby Steele”

    A hint as to BS is going to follow. One, why include the fact he’s Black? Two, racist whites who use Black authorities to pursue their own agenda never capitalize the B.😆

  9. Anonymous8:54 PM

    “Sadly, the American people will never get the benefit of real journalists serving them. Because, at the end of the day, all they care about is money and their ratings.”

    That’s a problem, but a bigger one is the mainstream media’s bad understanding of journalistic ethics. Many reporters, editors, and producers feel obliged to prove they don’t have a liberal bias, to such an unhealthy extreme that they become vulnerable to Republicans “working the refs.”

    They are so timid about criticizing the wingnuts that they cannot bring themselves to call an obvious and outright lie, a lie. Everything gets reduced to “Democrats say X, but Republicans say Y,” which doesn’t help readers/viewers figure out what is actually true. Many of these stories should actually be framed as “The GOP are full of shit,

    Failure to stand up and defend the very concepts of facts, evidence, and observable reality has led to Republicans getting away with lying on an industrial scale. It is one of the factors that has led to the disaster of Trump.

  10. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Imagine believing the media is not partisan enough for the Democrats.

  11. Anonymous9:08 PM

    “Imagine believing the media is not partisan enough for the Democrats.”

    It isn’t. Constantly moaning about liberal media bias is just a wingnut tactic to scare the media away from properly investigating wingnut shenanigans. Too much of the time, it works.

  12. Anonymous9:25 PM

    There's something seriously wrong with you.

  13. Anonymous9:26 PM

    New emails released today reveal the Biden's corrupt activities in China.

    BTW, Hunter's laptop contained a nasty sex tape. But much worse is the millions in payoffs Hunter got from China, of which Joe got his cut. You think the Chinese didn't have enough dirt on the Bidens to black mail his presidency into doing whatever they want?

  14. Anonymous9:28 PM

    “Let's ruminate a little bit about how the president of the United States was boasting today about ordering the killing of an American citizen.”

    I imagine the cops involved in this shooting immediately called their attorneys, panicking, after seeing clips of this Trump speech. If you’re trying to avoid being charged with murder, it kinda helps to not have the president of the United States publicly call you a murderer, purely to excite the reptile brains of his bloodthirsty knuckle-dragger base.

  15. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Hunter's business partners in his Chinese schemes included John Kerry's stepson and Whitey Bulger's nephew.

    And you wonder why our government has been shipping jobs to China.

  16. Joe promises if elected police will shoot black men in the legs:

  17. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I like the photo with Hunter Biden sleeping with his crack pipe in his mouth. He looks so peaceful.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Did you like the photo of Trump getting pissed on by the Russian hooker? Oh wait, you can't see it, the Russians have the pic.

  18. Anonymous9:52 PM

    FACT: Hunter Biden was paid millions of dollars to get Burisma the access to top Obama officials, including then-VP Joe Biden. These emails are the evidence of Biden and Democrat systemic corruption.

    Don’t let Biden family sell out our country

  19. Somebody got caught lying:

  20. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Trump has officially rebranded himself as the QAnon president. Bold move. That’ll really win over lots of sane people who aren’t already card-carrying Trump cultists.

  21. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Since Ice Cube has gotten onboard the Trump train, he can’t lose! All The Blacks will have to vote for him now!

    I have been led to believe that’s how it works.

  22. You're insane10:32 PM

    "Trump has officially rebranded himself as the QAnon president"

    Yes, that's exactly what he did.

  23. I fucking love Science!10:33 PM

    I look forward to Biden's scientifically informed discussion about IQ, heritability, sex differences, and other sundry topics that undermine progressive sacred values.

  24. Hunter Biden Offered $10 Million Annually by Chinese Energy Firm for ‘Introductions Alone,’ Email Shows

    Hunter Biden entered into a consulting contract with China’s largest private energy company that initially earned him $10 million a year “for introductions alone,” according to leaked emails.

    In an email chain from Aug. 2, 2017, Biden discussed a deal with the former chairman of CEFC China Energy, Ye Jianming, saying Ye agreed to change the terms of Biden’s three-year consulting contract with CEFC, which initially promised Biden $10 million per-year “for introductions alone,” to make it “much more lasting and more lucrative”.

    “The chairman changed that deal after we me[t] in MIAMI TO A MUCH MORE LASTING AND LUCRATIVE ARRANGEMENT to create a holding company 50% percent [sic] owned by ME and 50% owned by him,” Biden wrote in one email.

    In the same email chain, Biden discussed deals with the CEFC that he said were “interesting to me and my family.”

    Another email sent to Biden on May 13, 2017 had the subject line “Expectations” and identified Biden as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC.”

    CEFC reportedly went bankrupt this year. Ye, who was connected to Chinese military and intelligence, has been missing since 2018, when he was arrested by Chinese authorities.

    Biden is also under scrutiny for his lucrative position on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma. In leaked emails from 2014, Biden appears to try to leverage his influence with his father, then-vice president Joe Biden, who was heavily involved in U.S. policy on Ukraine, referring to the elder Biden as “my guy.”

    “The announcement of my guys [sic] upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking- but what he will say and do is out of our hands,” Hunter Biden wrote in an email dated April 13, 2014.

    In one 2015 email, obtained by The Media Action Network, one of Burisma’s top executives, board advisor Vadym Pozharskyi, wrote to Hunter Biden and Biden’s business partner Devon Archer that their “ultimate purpose” was to recruit U.S. policy makers to help “close down” any “cases” or “pursuits” against the company.

    Biden resigned from Burisma’s board last year.

  25. Anonymous10:44 PM

    "I look forward to Biden's scientifically informed discussion about IQ, heritability, sex differences, and other sundry topics that undermine progressive sacred values."

    If he had a "scientifically informed" discussion about those topics, he wouldn't undermine any progressive values. He would, however, cause YOUR bigoted ass to have an aneurysm.

  26. I've voted Democrat my entire life. I knocked doors for Obama. When Donald Trump won in 2016 I was devastated. I believed Trump was racist. I believed everything the media told me.

    In the last several months I've really had to do some soul searching. The more I researched, the more I found that the media lied to me. Trump never called the Neo Nazis "very fine people", he clearly condemned white supremacists in that conversation.

    Trump never called all Mexicans Rapists and murderers. I later found out after I looked into it for myself that in that same sentence he was referring to MS13 members who chop women and children up.

    As I found this stuff out and became woke I couldn't believe I'd been lied to by the very people I'd trusted my entire life. I NEVER EVER thought I would say this but for the first time in my life I'm voting for a Republican for president. I'm voting for Donald J Trump. Because he's the only President that has actually helped my people.

    I'm sure I'll lose friends over this but I'm just being real. Don't hate the truth. Open your eyes.

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:04 PM

    New emails released today reveal the Biden's corrupt activities in China.

    BTW, Hunter's laptop contained a nasty sex tape. But much worse is the millions in payoffs Hunter got from China, of which Joe got his cut. You think the Chinese didn't have enough dirt on the Bidens to black mail his presidency into doing whatever they want?

    9:26 PM
    You got any proof of what you claim? FAKE NEWS!

  28. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Joe Biden Supports 8 Years Olds Being Able To Change Their Gender

    8 Year Olds!

  29. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "I've voted Democrat my entire life. I knocked doors for Obama. When Donald Trump won in 2016 I was devastated. I believed Trump was racist. I believed everything the media told me."

    Sure, sure, very convincing. Is there some script they give you alt-right clowns to read off to help you troll?

    Maybe you can ask your masters to write you some new material? The Disillusioned Liberal script is getting extremely tired and worn out at this point. It's a golden oldie of trolling.

  30. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "You got any proof of what you claim?"

    A whole laptop full.

  31. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "It's a golden oldie of trolling."

    Some cracker whitesplaining to a black person is a golden oldie of racism.

    CorieG has a right to think for himself.

  32. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "A whole laptop full."

    You don't have any laptop. Just a pile of fairy tales from Trump's liar-for-hire, Rudy Giuliani.

  33. Anonymous11:18 PM

    FBI Director Wray said FBI agents destroyed Hunter Biden's laptop. They never counted on the store owner making a copy of his hard drive.

  34. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Hunter Biden responds:

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:23 PM

    CoreyG said...

    I've voted Democrat my entire life. I knocked doors for Obama. When Donald Trump won in 2016 I was devastated. I believed Trump was racist. I believed everything the media told me.

    In the last several months I've really had to do some soul searching. The more I researched, the more I found that the media lied to me. Trump never called the Neo Nazis "very fine people", he clearly condemned white supremacists in that conversation.

    Trump never called all Mexicans Rapists and murderers. I later found out after I looked into it for myself that in that same sentence he was referring to MS13 members who chop women and children up.
    What a crock of pure bull shit! You must think we are a bunch of dummies. Trump said all those things and a hell of a lot more. I saw and heard him say them on live television. I'm supposed to believe you instead of my lying eyes and ears?

    Trump is an ugly, lying con man - a classless bully and a would be dictator, but he doesn't have the brains to pull it off.

  36. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Granny is so smart.

  37. “What a crock of pure bull shit! You must think we are a bunch of dummies.”

    You mean you don’t believe in the trump conversion? 😆 Yeah, if you listen to his actual words he clearly made pretty racist statements. Even Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan thought so.

  38. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Systemic racism in the United States doesn't exist.

  39. I look forward to Biden's scientifically informed discussion about IQ, heritability, sex differences, and other sundry topics that undermine progressive sacred values.“

    He’ll be too busy having a scientifically informed discussion on how to properly end the pandemic trump created by not listening to doctors and scientists After that he’ll be busy listening to environmental scientists about how to reverse the trump rules that are now ruining the environment. Sorry, no time to discuss stupid pseudoscience BS about IQ’s and other silliness.

  40. Systemic racism in the United States doesn't exist.“

    🤣🤣🤣 Says a racist internet troll. Oh the irony.😆😂

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:33 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "You got any proof of what you claim?"

    A whole laptop full.

    11:10 PM
    Do you have any proof that the lap top "found" under suspicious circumstances and having no chain of custody to validate it? This is notis proof of anything.

  42. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "You mean you don’t believe in the trump conversion? 😆 Yeah, if you listen to his actual words he clearly made pretty racist statements. Even Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan thought so."

    Until Lindsey decided it would be more fun to be Trump's buttplug. Now he grovels and shames himself 50 times a day trying desperately to defend Trump's indefensible behavior.

    If he loses his Senate seat as a result of all that, I am going to laugh my ass off.

  43. Rob Colbert11:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Joe Biden Supports 8 Years Olds Being Able To Change Their Gender"

    The Democrats are about a half-step away from straight-up walking out on stage with a Baphomet statue and eating a child in front of a live studio audience that will applaud.

  44. Anonymous11:42 PM

    they're starting to blame biden's emails on russia. lol.

  45. Anonymous11:46 PM

    President Trump tonight: denounces satanic pedos.

    Joe Biden tonight: supports child abuse from parents who want to “change the gender” of their 8 year old.

    What more do you need to know?

  46. Biden's cognitive decline was on full display at his town hall tonight.

  47. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "President Trump tonight: denounces satanic pedos."

    President Trump tonight: Endorses an insane conspiracy theory.

  48. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Biden tonight vowed to make "mandatory" any vaccine that is 85% effective.

    Does the Constitution give the federal government the power to inject you with something?

  49. Anonymous12:39 AM

    "Does the Constitution give the federal government the power to inject you with something?"

    Yup. According to the precedent in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the government can chuck you in jail for refusing a mandatory vaccine.

    Suck it, COVID deniers.

  50. Yeah, DiFi done fucked up. I didn't vote for her last time, but I knew she'd win because nobody outside of LA had ever heard of Kevin De Leon, who as it turns out might not have been that great as a senator anyway.

    So the $400 million Fergus owes is a "peanut" huh?

    No you goddamn blithering idiot, peanuts are what Jimmy Carter grew and sold the family business of upon running for president, to avoid conflicts of interest.

    You, Mr. president are a waddling, shriveling conflict of interest whose naked grifting off of the presidency has sullied the office permanently.

    And your stupid little Pig People fans love you for it.

    Fuck all y'all.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. "If he loses his Senate seat as a result of all that, I am going to laugh my ass off.'

    If a Blah Democrat wins the senate seat in S.C. there won't be a term for the surge against the Republicans.

  52. More progressive democrats have been trying to edge Feinstein out for years. She is very complacent to say the least. Nothing new. She was okay forty-five years ago.

  53. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Amazon Cancels Shelby Steele
    The company won’t stream a film on the ‘real victimization of black America.

  54. In the last several months I've really had to do some soul searching. The more I researched, the more I found that the media lied to me. Trump never called the Neo Nazis "very fine people", he clearly condemned white supremacists in that conversation.

    Trump never called all Mexicans Rapists and murderers. I later found out after I looked into it for myself that in that same sentence he was referring to MS13 members who chop women and children up.

    A whole fucking herd of lies/denials from one racist drumpf bot that cannot read and comprehend.

    btw MS13 started in US prisons and is not Mexican.

  55. Anonymous9:15 AM


  56. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Does the Constitution give the federal government the power to inject you with something?"

    Yup. According to the precedent in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the government can chuck you in jail for refusing a mandatory vaccine.

    Suck it, COVID deniers.

    12:39 AM

    and if you know the "vaccine" to be a something else other than a true medical cure for true will be a deadly force situation.......

    JAN 31, 2019
    Facebook has been cracking down on the fake news that gets shared on its platform. One problem: one of the biggest fake news websites has found a workaround.

    In order to avoid Facebook’s fact checking system, the site formerly known as YourNewsWire, one of the most well-known purveyors of fake news online, has simply rebranded. The site now goes by News Punch and posts fake news content similar to what it published under their former name, according to a report by Poynter.

    Like I figured, Newspunch is fake noize with even less credibility.

  58. Anonymous9:33 AM

    “and if you know the ‘vaccine’ to be a something else other than a true medical cure for true will be a deadly force situation.......”

    If you “know” this, that might indicate you are a few fries short of a happy meal, and the general public might be best served by you being locked up, to protect them from you acting on your paranoid fantasies.

  59. Allegations about Biden emails is so full of holes you'd think Screwdy Rudy was attempting to make mousetrap cheese. No link whatsoever to Hunter biden. No proof Biden ever saw the laptops, let alone forgetting he dropped them off at a repair shop. He would not have let a laptop full of allegedly incriminating evidence out of his sight.

    Why did the owner of the shop just happen to copy the hard drive and then nonchalantly give one to Screwdy Rudy if this was a real story? It is total, right before the election smear job and will fade from view after the election when its attempted smear is finished, just like Benghazi.


    phuck drumpf and his micro dick sucking bots.

  61. Anonymous9:40 AM

    You, Mr. president are a waddling, shriveling conflict of interest whose naked grifting off of the presidency has sullied the office permanently.

    Government dependents like Doug can't grasp that Trump made his money BEFORE he took elected office. He has LOST money by serving. He has donated 100% of his salary to charity.

    Biden got his money AFTER obtaining elected office. Biden has gotten rich by abusing the powers entrusted to him. He has sold out America to foreign interests using his druggie son as a front man. This was obvious long ago but now we have documented proof because his loser son forgot to pick up his laptop.

  62. Anonymous9:49 AM

    The world religion/ideology that is being imposed on the masses is "human equality"

    The people who are imposing it don't believe in it themselves, they see it as a slave religion for their global human cattle.

    They have twisted science to conform to the needs of this ideology.

    So-called "hate speech" laws are actually the blasphemy laws for this system of control in which no group of people anywhere has a right to exist as a sovereign nation.

    Democrats and their media are now openly asserting the right to control speech by deciding what people are allowed to hear. They will decide what's 'credible' because you are too stupid to evaluate news on your own. It's for you own good, slave.

  63. The pushover that piled up....

    drumpf and crew are not rocket scientists or even intelligent.

  64. This was obvious long ago but now we have documented proof because his loser son forgot to pick up his laptop.

    None of it has been verified as real, dumbass. That means not documented.

  65. Biden is supposed to be some kind of foreign policy expert but he doesn't even know what countries are in NATO.

  66. “Biden was a longtime member and eventually chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.“

    trump probably can’t spell NATO.😆

  67. Second batch of smoking gun emails reveal Hunter Biden's dealings with 'disappeared' Chinese energy company chairman about his $30 MILLION consultancy fee 'for introductions alone'

    *Hunter Biden was involved with China's largest private energy company CEFC
    *He was given equity, ownership of a holding company and huge consulting fees
    *Hunter was dealing with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming who has since vanished
    *In one email, Hunter said a lucrative deal would be 'interesting for my family'

    1. Again, the Biden email story is false...That's all.


  69. “Second batch of smoking gun emails reveal Hunter Biden's dealings with 'disappeared' Chinese energy company chairman about his $30 MILLION consultancy fee 'for introductions alone”

    Rule of thumb,If Hannity has his panties in a bunch and calls it “the biggest scandal” or something it is probably nothing.

  70. Anonymous10:12 AM

    PilotX Rule of Dumb: Ignore any information you don't want to hear.

  71. Anonymous10:12 AM

    According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service, in under 3 years the Trump administration slashed out of pocket costs for Seniors vis-a-vis Medicare/Medicaid and depending on the state they live in — reduced said costs 34-60%. From historical highs under Obama/Biden to all time lows with Trump/Pence.

  72. Donald trump looked and sounded like a crazed lunatic last night. Uncle Joe looked and sounded like Mr.Rodgers.Some folks might actually like a crazed lunatic over a Mr. Rodgers type guy running the country.

  73. Mr. Rogers is dead11:03 AM

    Trump was faced with a hostile moderator and questions from Biden supporters and absolutely killed it.

    Biden had his balls licked for 90 minutes (in between breaks) and told us he was for castrating eight year-olds and promised to shoot black people in the legs.

  74. See no evil11:04 AM

    field negro said...
    "Again, the Biden email story is false...That's all."

    Because you said so, that's why.

  75. Epstein didn't kill himself11:30 AM

    Why won't the Democrats denounce Satanic pedophiles?

  76. Debunked. That's been debunked. Debunked debunked debunked. Thoroughly debunked. Now. Debunked. Long Debunked. That's been. That's. Long. Now. Thoroughly. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED. DEBUNKED.

  77. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Politicial wannabes STAY IN YOUR LANE! Get out of the way.

    If your gift encompasses begging for money every Sunday (or at the stop light on the corner); being a teacher, anthropologist, carpenter, engineer or whatever --perfect that talent; if the goal is success.

    Black people stop being used as political pawns --politicians will forget about the puppets (who gets thrown table scraps ) after the election. ]

    Black political pawns will never be invited to inner circle spectator events and certainly will be elevated to prominence. Politicans don't take Sunday morning theatrical performers seriously – the just want to get their message to the masses

  78. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Black political pawns will never be invited to inner circle spectator events and certainly will NEVER elevated to prominence. Politicans don't take Sunday morning theatrical performers seriously – they just want to get their message to the masses

  79. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Bhahahahhahahah ...dumb azzes!!!!

  80. Ignore any information you don't want to hear.“

    Not ignoring anything but how many times are you going to be duped? I mean if it turns out to be something then I’ll pay attention but what happened to Obamagate? I just don’t trust certain people because they’re always wrong. Sounds reasonable right?

  81. Just voted! Let’s take our country back!😆

  82. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service, in under 3 years the Trump administration slashed out of pocket costs for Seniors vis-a-vis Medicare/Medicaid and depending on the state they live in — reduced said costs 34-60%. From historical highs under Obama/Biden to all time lows with Trump/Pence.

    Fucking lie. I still am billed for the 20% of healthcare that Medicare does not cover.

    The only way drumpf reduces costs is by throwing poors off Medicaid and Medicare.

  83. shit fer brains anyfuckingmoose and other drumpf fuckers on here, it is up to you savage swine to prove the alleged Biden emails are true, even though you cannot make a flat out lie true.

  84. “The only way drumpf reduces costs is by throwing poors off Medicaid and Medicare.“

    Which is the Republican plan.

  85. Anonymous1:29 PM

    "The only way drumpf reduces costs is by throwing poors off Medicaid and Medicare."

    The only way you cling to your delusions is by making shit up.

  86. How goddamn fucking dumb is drumpf and his loser bots?
    This dumb....

  87. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Trump was joking, mike.

  88. Nodding black woman at Trump town hall enrages leftists, who call for her doxxing.

    Media complies:

  89. Anonymous1:59 PM

    “Nodding black woman at Trump town hall enrages leftists, who call for her doxxing.”

    Numerous photos have been found of her at various Trump events. She is almost certainly on the Trump payroll.

    Why do all of Trump’s “fans” of color ultimately turn out to be employees? So weird. He keeps telling us how good a president he is for The Blacks.

  90. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Nothing pisses white liberals off like black people who don't toe the line.

  91. We now have email proof that Hunter Biden's lawyer attempted to retrieve the hard drive from the repair shop after the NY Post story broke.

    This is proof that the hard drive is Hunter Biden's.

    I think we all knew that -- but this is smoking gun proof.

    You cannot "get back" a hard drive you never owned.

  92. Anonymous2:13 PM

    In addition to that, the former New York mayor divulged that there are dozens of “disturbing” photos of Hunter Biden “doing an imitation of Anthony Weiner,” and many more indicating that he had “a very massive drug addition.”

    “He’s like a zombie”


  93. China Joe has got to go2:14 PM

    He also said there are texts describing a transaction between Hunter and Joe Biden and "a Communist Chinese intelligence operative"--which appeared to have been a set up for extortion.

  94. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The Bidens are a fucking mob family.

  95. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Trump tweeted out a link to a story from the Babylon Bee as proof that he is being unfairly persecuted by social media companies.

    The Babylon Bee is not an actual news outlet. It’s a comedic parody site — basically a lame, dollar-store-quality right-wing knockoff of the Onion.

    Donald Trump is a moron.

  96. China Joe has got to go said..your story is a whopper and a half. Why would Biden's lawyer seek hard drive from shop when the FBI has them?

    Lie after fucking lie from fucking liars.

  97. “Nodding black woman at Trump town hall enrages leftists, who call for her doxxing.“

    Yes indeed, find out who she is. I will personally re-educate her. Lesson one...😆

  98. “Nothing pisses white liberals off like black people who don't toe the line.“

    Wait, you’re not gonna comment on her IQ or comments about her only being there because of affirmative action? What gives?

  99. But seriously, leave it to trump to find an attractive Blah woman who was supposed to be an undecided voter but in reality was a trump supporter that ran for congress in 2018 as a trumpette. That man can’t do anything without cheating can he? I mean damn.

  100. Anonymous said...

    According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service, in under 3 years the Trump administration slashed out of pocket costs for Seniors vis-a-vis Medicare/Medicaid and depending on the state they live in — reduced said costs 34-60%. From historical highs under Obama/Biden to all time lows with Trump/Pence.

    10:12 AM

  101. "I mean what would you most likely be rubbernecking on the highway? A person on the side of the road with a simple flat tire? Or, a multi-car pileup with numerous fatalities?"

    Perfectly stated. And I have the same complaint about the Democrats that you have. It makes it difficult for me to know what to do about voting anymore.

  102. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Well, the numbers are in and, in fact, Trump’s car crash “hooray for QAnon” town hall drew lower ratings than Biden’s “normal politician answering substantive policy questions” one.

    Trump will be an unhappy boy today.

  103. Anonymous3:11 PM

    PilotAA said...
    "That man can’t do anything without cheating can he?"

    Everything you lie about Trump doing your side actually did. Everything:

    NBC News has come under fire after a new report suggests that so-called "undecided voters" who participated in Monday's Joe Biden town hall are actually supporters of the Democratic nominee.

    The town hall, which aired on NBC and MSNBC, was heavily criticized for the lack of challenging questions for the former vice president -- with critics calling the televised event a "Biden infomercial."

    Two of the attendees, one of whom moderator Lester Holt identified as a Hillary Clinton voter who had "voted Republican in the past," appeared on MSNBC back in August and were both identified by the network as Biden voters.

  104. Hey, friends, the trolls are out in force on this blog. I have counted 18 troll comments so far while being quite generous in my decisions. Fifteen of them are from Anonymous and three had screen names. Frankly, I am not impressed by their attempts to deceive. I'm thinking that the Trump mob must be totally desperate to be spending money on paying these people.

    1. Gambler, Yahoo has stopped taking comments, and so Mother Russia is sending her troll bots to various blogs.

  105. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Laptop photo shows Hunter with meth mouth:

  106. Just like I told you stoopid fuckers, Project veritas video was shit and it is now officially fact checked and found to be shit.

    Never, ever trust an O'Keefe production for veracity.

  107. Anonymous said...

    Laptop photo shows Hunter with meth mouth:

    3:39 PM
    Another James O'Keefe special production? LOL!

  108. ““

    Fox news😆😆😆 I believe it kid. You do know Ms. Red Mask was outed right? Nice attempt at deflection.

  109. is

    This should drive trump crazy.😆

  110. Now he knew he was too fat to not wear a mask around outbreak monkey trump.😆

  111. "Government dependents like Doug can't grasp that Trump made his money BEFORE he took elected office. He has LOST money by serving. He has donated 100% of his salary to charity."

    Fergus never made a goddamn honest dollar in his whole miserable life. He squandered the half-billion he got from his daddy and tried to get him to change his will when he was in mental decline in order to cover for his losses and upcoming divorce.

    He's so far in debt that it's doubtful that his property holdings could cover all of it when it comes due in the next couple of years.

    If it weren't for the timely intervention of NBC, who he claims to hate, he would have been just another failed New York real estate fraud up to his eyeballs in Russian mob debt.

    He better hope that he goes to prison for the rest of his life after he loses the election because his secret service detail has had about enough of his bullshit and might not reliably protect him from his, uh, creditors after the financial shit hits the Fergus fan.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  112. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Cool story, Doug

  113. Government dependents like Doug can't grasp that Trump made his money BEFORE he took elected office. He has LOST money by serving. He has donated 100% of his salary to charity."

    😆😆😆😆😆 Please tell me you’re not dumb enough to believe that.

  114. First as tragedy, then as farce5:04 PM

    "The Bidens are a fucking mob family."

    To be fair, they are a dumb and second-rate one compared to the Clintons.

  115. Anonymous5:29 PM

    “Government dependents like Doug can't grasp that Trump made his money BEFORE he took elected office. He has LOST money by serving. He has donated 100% of his salary to charity."

    Forget about Trump’s presidential salary. That’s peanuts compared to the big prize Trump is after: monetizing the powers of his office.

    Behold! So much grifting!

    Trump Businesses Flourished From His Presidency, Times Reports

  116. LeonT5:35 PM

    The GOP is going to shit themselves when Biden adds four more judges to the Supreme Court. I say he appoints Obama, Hillary, AOC and Ilhan Omar.

  117. Leon Low T5:40 PM

    I just shit myself a little when I wrote that.

  118. Lid Day!5:42 PM

    Poland and Hungary are NATO allies. In a gaffe to end them all, Biden last night classified them alongside “totalitarian regimes”—a remarkable insult to countries which actually suffered real totalitarianism.

    You probably won’t hear about how the Poles and Hungarians feel about this

  119. Hunter Biden's business partner flips:

    Exclusive — ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings

  120. Anonymous6:18 PM

    “Poland and Hungary are NATO allies. In a gaffe to end them all, Biden last night classified them alongside “totalitarian regimes”

    No gaffe there. They are totalitarian regimes. Democracy has been gutted in both of these countries. They may have to be kicked out of NATO and the EU.

  121. Here is proof positive Hunter biden, hisownself, dropped off the computers at the little shop of horrors, as told by a guy whose veracity is

    On Thursday, Giuliani, who was not present at the laptop repair shop at the time of the supposed dropoff, told SiriusXM that Hunter Biden was definitely the person who handed off the computer and that he was “in an inebriated, heavily inebriated state” at the time.

    The shop owner, btw, said he has a medical condition which prevented him from seeing who dropped off the computers (he's legally blind). Later he claimed Biden spoke to him in person and identified himself. Waiting for the excuse behind door number 3.

  122. The more I see of Feinstein, the more her face morphs into screwdy rudy's.

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:07 PM

    field negro said...

    Gambler, Yahoo has stopped taking comments, and so Mother Russia is sending her troll bots to various blogs.

    5:24 PM
    Then please tell Mother Russia to send them to some other blog. They are so boring, and they never have anything intelligent to say. LOL!

  124. Anybody hear drumpf call radical Muslim extremists radical Muslim extremists? No? I guess the radical Muslim extremists won then. drumpf the phoniest, sorriest excuse for the leader of the free world ever.

  125. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Everything I don't want to hear is from Russia or James O'Keefe!

  126. “Waiting for the excuse behind door number 3.“

    They’ll say his dad dropped it off on the way to the airport.🤔

  127. Biden reading from a giant teleprompter at a rally with maybe 20 people.

    This is so pathetic. If this guy somehow wins I refuse to believe it wasn’t rigged. I can’t believe 70 million people in the most powerful nation on Earth would vote for this.

  128. “I can’t believe 70 million people in the most powerful nation on Earth would vote for this.“

    And now you know how the rest of us normal folk feel about the 🤡 in the WH. Join the club.

  129. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Ponder this: The Biden campaign has not issued a denial of the content of the Hunter Biden emails nor disputed that they are real.

  130. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Fact: Biden is the dumbest candidate to ever run for president.

  131. Chou Mei11:09 PM

    Here’s the sequence:

    1. Chinese Communist Party sends millions of dollars to the Bidens.
    2. Joe Biden sends millions of American jobs to China.
    3. CCP sends the virus back.

    This relationship isn’t working. At all.

  132. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 PM

    Anonymous Tony de la Mancha said...

    Biden reading from a giant teleprompter at a rally with maybe 20 people.

    This is so pathetic. If this guy somehow wins I refuse to believe it wasn’t rigged. I can’t believe 70 million people in the most powerful nation on Earth would vote for this.

    9:27 PM
    Tony, votes win an election, not rallies. Please take your bull shit somewhere else. Thanks.

  133. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Fact: Biden is the dumbest candidate to ever run for president.

    10:53 PM
    Fact: You are the dumbest person in the world. LOL!

  134. Doug has a very elaborate fantasy life. I fear that he'll have another psychic break on election night.

  135. From
    Former National Security Adviser John Bolton repeatedly told his staff to actively remove themselves from conversations and meetings with Rudy Giuliani after Bolton received warnings from intelligence officials that the president’s personal lawyer was propagating conspiracy theories that aligned with a Russian operation to undermine the 2020 presidential election,” the Daily Beast reports.

    “Bolton even warned his subordinates to avoid meetings in which Giuliani or his agenda might be raised.”

  136. Wesley R.11:35 PM

    The Biden stuff looks bad guys.

  137. “The Biden stuff looks bad guys.“

    Compared to the trump stuff this is nothing.

  138. Forbes is saying that Fergus isn't just $421 million in debt, the real number is over a billion.
    He's in a heap of trouble after he loses.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  139. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Cool financial analysis, Doug.

  140. jocelyn11:48 PM

    The way the media blue checks are not calling out Biden's treatment of Bo Erickson of CBS and circling the wagons by repeating the "discredited Russian disinformation" lie makes me think they know there's something there.

    And they are in on it.

  141. Wesley R. said...
    The Biden stuff looks bad guys.

    I could roll with this if Biden was a decent guy. But he is not a decent guy. He is a proven plagiarist, liar, and racist, he gets angry and irate with people who disagree with him. He also has credible sexual assault allegations against him. He just has people make excuses for him. But he is NOT a decent guy.

  142. The Fixer12:03 AM

    I could roll with this if trump was a decent guy. But he is not a decent guy. He is a proven plagiarist, liar, and racist, he gets angry and irate with people who disagree with him. He also has credible sexual assault allegations against him. He just has people make excuses for him. But he is NOT a decent guy.

    There, fixed it.

  143. A normal person12:10 AM

    No matter what happens this election Trump will always be Obama's legacy.

  144. It's over, Rover12:14 AM

    Much bigger bombshell about Biden dropping Monday.

    Have a nice weekend.

  145. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Joe Biden is crapping his pants. It has nothing to do with internal polling and the evidence against Hunter though, he just does that every other day or so. The unusual part is that the people around him are too.

  146. Black Legs Matter12:29 AM

    As a Black man who appreciates walking, I can't vote for a candidate who promises to have police shoot me in the legs.

    That's why I'm voting for Trump.

    1. Black Legs Matter is white posing as black.

  147. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:41 AM

    A normal person said...

    No matter what happens this election Trump will always be Obama's legacy.

    12:10 AM
    Nonsense! Obama's legacy does not include slime-ball Trump.

  148. Act one: Fergus tweets that he's fully declassifying everything pertaining to the Russia investigation. "No redactions!"

    Act two: A bunch of journalists ask a judge for access to the newly declassified materials.

    Act three: The DOJ tells the judge that the president didn't really mean what he tweeted and the materials shouldn't be released.

    Act four: The judge reminds the DOJ that it's not the white house that has the authority to declassify anything, it's the president, and would they care to explain to him why he should take their words about the issue over the words of the president himself.

    Act five: Judge Walton gave the DOJ until noon on Tuesday to provide documentation one way or the other about the declassifications (which include the fully unredacted Mueller report), from the president himself or from someone actually authorized by him.

    So what is he gonna do? There's still a couple of weeks left of the election after Tuesday, so will he tell the judge "No, actually I was just spewing bullshit and you shouldn't take me seriously" or "Yes, I meant it, give the journalists all of the previously classified Russia investigation documents."

    As Molly Ivins once said about Clayton Williams "A politician can trip over his dick a few times, but he shouldn't just stand there and stomp on it over and over."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  149. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Wow. Doug is on fire. Dig the Molly Ivins reference,

  150. "As a Black man who appreciates walking"

    Yeah, liars tend to vote for liars.

  151. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Reid J. Epstein
    NEW: A Cleveland company that agreed to print absentee ballots for dozens of counties in OH and PA is 10 days late in getting them to voters.

    The company's owners are Trump supporters and flew a Trump flag at their HQ.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  152. Joe Biden and his crackhead son have betrayed America by allowing themselves to be bribed by Communist Chinese oligarchs.

    We can only guess how many favorable trade agreements China received from the Obama administration while VP BIden was getting his palms greased by Sum Yung Ting.

    "Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

    The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified."

    Today, Kayleigh McEnany tweeted an article from Fox News confirming the "big guy" was re: Joe Biden.

    "One email, dated May 13, 2017, and obtained by Fox News, includes a discussion of “remuneration packages” for six people in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm. The email appeared to identify Hunter Biden as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” in an apparent reference to now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.

    The email includes a note that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.” A proposed equity split references “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” with no further details. Fox News spoke to one of the people who was copied on the email, who confirmed its authenticity."

  153. "Joe Biden and his crackhead son have betrayed America by allowing themselves to be bribed by Communist Chinese oligarchs."

    While trump and his merry band of thieves are being pimped out by Russia. I'll go with what's behind door number 1.

  154. So wait, here's the story. Hunter Biden takes his laptop into a computer repair shop and the blind owner instead of fixing it snoops and finds incriminating email and gives it to Rudy Giuliani. Um, ok. So nobody finds all of this fishy ass hell?

  155. Anonymous2:44 AM

    "While trump and his merry band of thieves are being pimped out by Russia."

    We know that's not true, due to the extensive investigations that found no evidence to support it.

    On the other hand, we now have documented evidence of Biden's corruption. He's toast.

    I'm going with Trump.

  156. Anonymous2:45 AM

    The people who are telling you the NY Post Hunter Biden stories are "Russian disinformation" are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who spent three years lying to you about the "Trump-Russia Collusion" hoax.

  157. Anonymous2:54 AM

    The Black Lives Matter protests suddenly stopped, as if turned off by a switch.

    Who threw it?

  158. "We know that's not true, due to the extensive investigations that found no evidence to support it."

    From the Chicago Tribune:

    "WASHINGTON — The intelligence agencies warned the White House late last year that Russian intelligence officers were using President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani as a conduit for disinformation aimed at undermining Joe Biden’s presidential run, according to four current and former U.S. officials.

    The agencies imparted the warning months before disclosing publicly in August that Moscow was trying to interfere in the election by taking aim at Biden’s campaign, officials said. Trump and Giuliani have promoted unsubstantiated claims about Biden that have aligned with Russian disinformation efforts, and Giuliani has met with a Ukrainian lawmaker who U.S. officials believe is a Russian agent."

    That was the first of 2,660,000 results of a Google search for "intelligence services warning about giuliani", so if it doesn't meet your rigorous information standards, there is a lot more where it came from.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  159. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  160. Trying to transcribe the text in the image:

    Remarks: Caller says a teacher witnessed a 7yo female student
    on remote learning who thought she turned her camera off re:
    bronzeville academy re: 4930 s cottage (unreadable)
    7yo child is performing oral sex on an adult (unreadable)
    camara school calling this in

    This is what Africans are like, worldwide.

  161. Anonymous Dr. Pickles said...
    Doug has a very elaborate fantasy life. I fear that he'll have another psychic break on election night.

    Better ask a real lawyer if you'd have to prove yer accusations in court. An email from Screwdy Rudy won't cover it.

  162. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are like the guy in hell who has to push a stone up a hill with his nose and it always rolls back down before the task is completed.

    Unlike the guy in hell, sfw deserve all the derision, shame and ridicule they get heaped on them because they are sfw and repeat their same insane mistakes over and over. Their parents can't stand them, either.

    Next week it will be a different Biden did this or that smear job.

  163. Moar wingnut voter suppression in Georgia.

    That is right, white effluence get plenty of polling places but Blacks do not.

    Yes, I meant to say white effluence.

  164. Anonymous9:33 AM

    really funny but sadly true:

  165. Biden's wealth, about 9 million between Joe and Dr Jill, is well and completely documented, proving drumpf to be the pathological liar we all know him to be, unless, of course, you are a sfw.

    Biden isn't a tax cheat like drumpf's criminal enterprise.

  166. Anonymous10:06 AM

    More proof that the Bidens conspire with Communist China and sell out Americans.

  167. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:16 AM

    I'm going with Trump.

    2:44 AM
    We don't care who you go with - just go.

  168. More proof that the Bidens conspire with Communist China and sell out Americans.

    Faske news.

  169. So blind Isaac is a drumpf supporter. Well, I never. The whole story unravels at the top and is a pure stink fictional smear.

  170. New Zealand's PM Jacinda Arderns won a re-election landslide, like it appears Biden will do despite all illegal efforts to smear Biden and family.

  171. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:50 PM


    "Trump Threatens to ‘Leave the Country’ If He Loses"

    October 16, 2020 at 9:46 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 655 Comments
    The day Trump leaves the country there will be dancing in the streets. LOL!

  172. Black Legs Matter12:56 PM

    field negro said...
    ~Black Legs Matter is white posing as black.~

    And you sir, are a Jamaican posing as an African American.

    Have you ever been shot in the leg? It really hurts.

    That's why I'm voting for Trump.

  173. One death count milestone set, another soon to be set. drumpf is personally responsible for 8.3 million cases of covid and soon to be 224k dead bodies, lined up like cordwood.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  174. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:57 PM

    Mike said:...Yes, I meant to say white effluence.

    9:23 AM
    What are you trying to do here, Mike, make the trolls get out their dictionaries? Do you think they have dictionaries?
    Love your comments! LOL!

  175. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The intelligence agencies warned the White House late last year that Russian intelligence officers were using President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani as a conduit for disinformation aimed at undermining Joe Biden’s presidential run"

    Were those by chance the same intelligence agencies that served as a conduit for disinformation aimed at undermining Donald Trump’s presidential run and who continued the operation after the election in an attempt to overturn it?

    Because I would definitely not take anything they told me at face value. Especially a tidbit like this that was once again conveniently leaked.

    And it seems the contents of the laptop have been corroborated, at least as far as the Biden's China dealings, as Bevan Cooney, a one-time Hunter Biden and Devon Archer business associate has provided supporting emails to Peter Scwheizer. These emails are completely unconnected to the Hunter Biden emails being released by the New York Post.

  176. Peter Schweizer has less credibility than Rudy, who has none. Check out the fact checks on Uranium 1 in Schweizer's hit job in "Clinton Cash."

  177. Another thing, the alleged smoking gun email does not establish any meeting between Joe Biden and any Ukrainian official and the timeline zips all over the place.



    😆😆😆😆😆 This is the organization that had whites manning the booth and wearing the t-shirts? 😂😂

  180. “Identity politics on the right produces people pretending to be black Trump supporters on social media using stock photos of random black people.“

    From the above article. Just more fakery from the trump crowd. They lie about everything thus it makes sense to vote for a liar.

  181. This is just PART of Trump's October Surprise:

  182. “This is what Africans are like, worldwide.“

    Dude, do you really think white people aren’t pedophiles? You really want to go there huh?

  183. “And you sir, are a Jamaican posing as an African American.“

    No one uses that term. Field is a Black American of Jamaican descent. Yeah I know, hard to understand.


    Yeah, it’s only an African thing huh? White parents raping their own baby. That’s kinda sick.

  185. Black Legs Matter2:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    ~Yeah I know, hard to understand.~

    What's hard to understand is someone who voluntarily moves to America, receives a government job and lives a comfortable life, who nonetheless spends all of his time trashing America as a dystopian hellhole rife with systemic racism that actively oppresses people who look like him.

    What's up with that?

  186. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Rule of political civility: Never attack a politician's family, especially if the politician uses his family to launder bribes.

  187. Even if I didn't like Trump, I wouldn't want Biden as president. He is literally a security risk to our country.

  188. The reason why Trump will probably be getting a historic black vote this year is because he doesn't treat us like accessories. He doesn't change his language, pretend to like hot sauce, put us in a box, he treats us like everybody else which is real equality.

  189. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:25 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    And you sir, are a Jamaican posing as an African American.

    "No one uses that term. Field is a Black American of Jamaican descent. Yeah I know, hard to understand."

    2:42 PM
    Our troll needs a geography lesson:
    "The Caribbean Islands are another region that are considered part of the continent of North America. They are located in the Caribbean Sea to the east of Central America. The largest four Caribbean Islands are Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico."

    Therefore, if Field wishes to refer to himself as African-American, he has a perfect right to do so. He and most other people know that that the term American includes all residents in both North and South America.

  190. "What's hard to understand is someone who voluntarily moves to America, receives a government job and lives a comfortable life, who nonetheless spends all of his time trashing America as a dystopian hellhole rife with systemic racism that actively oppresses people who look like him."

    What's to understand? First off "receives" a government job? Let me clarify something for ya partner. He went to school, got the grades, went to law school, passed the bar and decided to help out some people who don't have access to personal attorneys. So you assume the government is just handing out jobs as attorneys willy nilly? Let's see you graduate from law school and pass the Pennsylvania bar exam and get a job as a public defender. Try it and get back to me about being "given" a job. As far as trashing America well how would you feel with a-holes like yourself masquerading as Blah a Blah person and continuously demaeaning us and you are the majority? Does that sound like fucking fun? Only a brainwashed idiot would sit around singing America's praises when people like yourself are present and the leader is a racist clown. No one should be proud of that country. Now change your name to white guy pretending to be Blah.

  191. "Therefore, if Field wishes to refer to himself as African-American, he has a perfect right to do so."

    Yeah but no one really uses that term for that very reason. Are Canadians African-Canadian? Let's just keep it simple and use Black or if you're Rick Santorum Blah. LOL

  192. Black Legs Matter3:33 PM

    ~No one should be proud of that country.~

    No one should move to that country!

    Except that country doesn't exist. Otherwise the "Field Negro" and millions of others wouldn't have moved here.

  193. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:36 PM

    McKayla J said...

    Even if I didn't like Trump, I wouldn't want Biden as president. He is literally a security risk to our country.

    3:19 PM
    So vote for whom ever you choose. Nobody cares.
