Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The "originalist."

It's nice to be able to come to my own website and be able to vent and write about current events happening in these divided states of America. I say that because @Jack and the folks over at Twitter decided to suspend a brother for congratulating another brother (@lewishamilton) for a monumental achievement in formula one racing. 

Dear twitter, please start hiring more people of color. Maybe they would be able to explain to you that field Negro is actually a term of endearment. Twitter gets triggered when they see the word, Negro, because, quite frankly, they don't have much experience with Negroes.

This is the same twitter that allows the president of the United States to violate all of their decency policies, by constantly threatening, bullying, and calling people names on the platform. His actions are made even more egregious because he has millions of followers. Then again, maybe that's why he gets a pass. Millions of followers will trigger the double standard treatment every time.  

So anyway, I have been watching the Amy Cony Barrett nomination proceedings from Washington, and there hasn't been many surprises. The supreme to be was well coached and was very careful not to make any news.

She said (and didn't say )a few things that got my attention, though. Like when she refused to answer if presidents should commit to a peaceful transfer of power.  Or when she confirmed that she was an "originalist" in her Judicial philosophy. For those of you who don't know, these are the jurists who believe that the writings of the framers of the Constitution should be taken as they intended it at the time, and that there is no room for any other type interpretation. 

Here is what the soon to be supreme said about the philosophy 

"Originalism....  is the belief that “constitutional text means what it did at the time it was ratified and that this original public meaning is authoritative.” Judges, originalists maintain, should be bound by the words of the Constitution, and the meaning of those words should be determined solely based on how they were understood when they were added to the Constitution."

Hold the phone! I think we are heading in the wrong direction.

Sadly, the Barrett train has left the station, and there is no stopping it now.

Here is a great article that explains the concept of orginalism, and after reading it you will see what has me so triggered. 

"Some legal scholars, and some judges, are “originalists”; they believe that judges should be governed by the “original public meaning” of the Constitution’s text. The late Justice Antonin Scalia was an originalist. So is Justice Clarence Thomas. And so is the latest Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

Debates about originalism have become complicated. But one point is simple: A committed originalist is going to have to allow the national government to discriminate on the basis of sex and race.

Let’s spell that out. Judges who are committed to the “original public meaning” of the Constitution would almost certainly have to allow the federal government to say, “No women need apply.” They would probably have to conclude that if Congress wants federal agencies to pay men twice as much as women, the Constitution does not stand in the way.

Originalist judges would find it exceedingly difficult not to rule that under the Constitution, Congress can segregate the schools in the District of Columbia. Originalist judges would probably have to conclude that if Congress wants to restrict African-Americans to lower-level positions within the federal government, the Constitution is not an obstacle.

On originalist premises, a “whites only” policy would be constitutionally fine, insofar as we are speaking of the decisions of the U.S. government.

Here’s why. The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, adopted in the aftermath of the Civil War, applies only to the states, which may not “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." The Bill of Rights, which does apply to the federal government, does not contain anything like an Equal Protection Clause, or any kind of ban on discrimination on the basis of race or sex.

Why, then, is it generally agreed that the Constitution forbids the federal government from discriminating on those grounds? The answer can be found in 1954, with one of the most emphatically non-originalist decisions in the entire history of American law: Bolling v. Sharpe.

The issue in the case was whether Congress could segregate the schools of the District of Columbia on the basis of race. The Supreme Court ruled that it could not. It said that the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment(1) — ratified in 1791 and applying then only to the federal government — essentially includes the Equal Protection Clause, ratified in 1868. So much for originalism.

The Court’s explanation is worth quoting:   

The Fifth Amendment, which is applicable in the District of Columbia, does not contain an equal protection clause, as does the Fourteenth Amendment, which applies only to the states. But the concepts of equal protection and due process, both stemming from our American ideal of fairness, are not mutually exclusive. The "equal protection of the laws" is a more explicit safeguard of prohibited unfairness than "due process of law," and therefore we do not imply that the two are always interchangeable phrases. But, as this Court has recognized, discrimination may be so unjustifiable as to be violative of due process.

From the originalist point of view, that’s outrageous. The Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment says that no person shall “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” It is preposterous to say that the original meaning of those words — in 1791! — was that the national government may not discriminate on the basis of race.

In Bolling v. Sharpe, the Supreme Court insisted that the meaning of the Constitution is not frozen in time: “In view of our decision that the Constitution prohibits the states from maintaining racially segregated public schools, it would be unthinkable that the same Constitution would impose a lesser duty on the Federal Government.”

Seeing the problem, originalists have struggled mightily, and somewhat desperately, to explain why their approach would not allow the national government to discriminate on the basis of race and sex.

Some originalists say that they would accept Supreme Court precedents, even if they depart from the original understanding. They emphasize the importance of stability in the law and point to the long-standing tradition of respect for precedents, even when they are wrong.

Thomas disagrees; he would follow the original meaning and reject precedents that depart from it. Barrett has not offered a firm view, but she seems to have some sympathy for Thomas’s position: “Originalists,” she wrote in 2017, “have difficulty identifying a principled justification for following such precedent, even when the consequences of overruling it would be extraordinarily disruptive.”

There is a broader point here. Many people find it appealing to say that judges should respect the original meaning of the Constitution. No one should want to be ruled by unelected judges. There are sophisticated forms of originalism, and they deserve to be taken seriously.

But in too many cases, originalists end up speaking not for the founding generation, but for contemporary political views typically associated with the Republican Party — on property rights, on commercial advertising, on affirmative action programs, on gun rights, and much more.

In any case, the Constitution does not contain the instructions for its own interpretation. No provision of the U.S. founding document directs justices to be originalists. And in important areas, insistence on the original meaning of the constitutional text would make a mockery of constitutional rights that have made the U.S. a beacon to the world. For example, originalism would obliterate freedom of speech as the American legal system now understands it."  [More] 

This is why I worry about the direction of the court.

The soon to be member of the supremes might seem like the sweet lady next door who bakes cookies, drives the kids to soccer practice,  and adopts little black children from Third World countries, but don't be fooled. She is Clarence Thomas all over again. Just younger, whiter, and softer around the edges. 


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    “Dear twitter, please start hiring more people of color. Maybe they would be able to explain to you that field Negro is actually a term of endearment.”

    Was this suspension delivered by an actual flesh-and-blood person? Because this is the sort of thing that might have been a matter of a software algorithm reacting mindlessly to the word “Negro.”

    Algorithms aren’t too good at evaluating context.

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    “Then again, maybe that's why he gets a pass. Millions of followers will trigger the double standard treatment every time.”

    The president threatening to abuse his powers and shut down your business because he’s mad will also trigger a double standard. The execs at Twitter clearly fear pissing off Trump will result in legal headaches for them.

  3. Our esteemed host wrote, "Debates about originalism have become complicated. But one point is simple: A committed originalist is going to have to allow the national government to discriminate on the basis of sex and race."

    No, a committed originalist also recognizes that the 14th Amendment was passed, which states that no state may deny to any person the rights, privileges and immunities of a citizen of the United States. Person includes women and blacks.

    Of course, the Equal Rights Amendment was proposed, but was defeated in the ratification vote. Legally, that defeat ought to carry some weight. The issue at the time was subjecting women to conscription, but, these days, especially after the idiotic Bostock v Clayton County decision, the issue would be not allowing 'transgendered' athletes to destroy women's sports.

    One of the first issues that might come up is the fate of Affirmative Action. In Grutter v Bollinger, the Supremes allowed racial discrimination in judging applicants as long as it was done as part of a 'holistic' approach, and not the hard quota that was rejected in Gratz v Bollinger. Trouble is, the Court also said that it expected in 25 years that the 'exception' allowed to equal protection should no longer be needed.

    That was 17¼ years ago.

    And now the Affirmative Action programs of Harvard and Yale are under challenge and working their way up to the Supreme Court.

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    The difference here is that the Left sees the Supreme Court as just another way to push its agenda. The Right adheres to the proper concept that the court's role is to interpret law, not make law.

  5. "The Right adheres to the proper concept that the court's role is to interpret law, not make law."


  6. Defense attorneys for the guys accused of plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan say "one of the most active leaders" was an FBI informant who "pushed" the rest of the group to engage in a "crackpot" scheme.


  7. Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Hell10:39 PM


    When you are done wiping the drool from your face, please provide an example of the Right legislating from the bench.

  8. The scary part to me is that all Republican nominees have to not only be Catholic but extremely doctrinaire Catholics. These people believe in invisible sky beings that create zombie children. Judges informed by 3,000 year old books written by desert dwellers should scare all of us. It sounds good to conservatives when they hear conservatives dominate the courts but when the backward-looking rulings start raining down we're all going to suffer. Too bad conservatives don't believe in fair and impartial judges but "conservative" judges. Let's just hope Roberts truly cares about his legacy but even he can't save the country if she is confirmed.

  9. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Maybe Cory Booker needs to be questioned on the legality of homosexual rape in a public park bathroom ... does no one else remember that shit?

  10. Judeo-America10:48 PM

    PilotAA said...
    "Judges informed by 3,000 year old books written by desert dwellers should scare all of us."

    How old was RBG's book?

  11. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkQH6NVXkAAN0Ow?format=jpg&name=small

  12. Ever get the sense that all the most powerful figures in the federal government are extremely old and at least partially demented.


  13. Amy Barrett appears promising, will reserve approval until she has issued a few key decisions but lol at how apparent the 50+ IQ point gap between Judge Barrett and Senators like Hirono is.

  14. The way Kamala eviscerated Barrett was honestly stunning. Do you think she might have to withdraw from the nomination after this? I don’t see how she can get to 51 votes.


  15. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen accused of fatally shooting two protesters and wounding a third in Wisconsin over the summer, will not be charged with a gun offense in his home state of Illinois, prosecutors said Tuesday.

    A statement from the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office said an Antioch police investigation determined the firearm used in the Kenosha shooting was purchased and stored in Wisconsin.

    "There is no evidence the gun was ever physically possessed by Kyle Rittenhouse in Illinois," a news release said.


  16. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/unmasking-probe-ends-no-charges

    I thought this was the biggest political crime since Watergate.

  17. 'How old was RBG's book?"

    The difference is RGB didn't try to force her religion on the rest of us. We've been through this before and you also did not include any evidence Jewish people are forcing their beliefs on the rest of us. The Republican party is rife with religious dogma and attempts to put their beliefs in the public square.

  18. Anonymous11:22 PM

    "The difference is RGB didn't try to force her religion on the rest of us."

    You can't name a single RBG ruling that did not comport with Jewish cultural values.

    Just STFU.

  19. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Jews rule America, and blacks are their abused tools.

  20. Clump of cells11:26 PM

    I had no idea women have no "choice" about being pregnant, but acquire that condition like getting the mumps or COVID.

    To be honest, that IS unfair.

  21. "You can't name a single RBG ruling that did not comport with Jewish cultural values."

    I don't know much about Jewish cultural values so please enlighten me. Give me some evidence of your assertion.

  22. "Jews rule America, and blacks are their abused tools."

    Yeah, I've heard that a lot from klan members and nazis. Ah, some things never change. I remember that line from "The Blues Brothers". LOL

  23. Epstein Weinstein Rothschild Alinsky Soros Ginsburg12:03 AM

    "I don't know much about Jewish cultural values so please enlighten me."

    Enslavement of the Goys.






  24. People who talk about implicit bias need to distinguish it from "recognition of base rates." It's not an implicit bias, for example, to assume that a turtle is faster than a rabbit. It's also not implicit bias to assume that men are, on average, more violent than women.

    So, there is bias that is based on base rates. And then there are biases that are not related to (or are exaggerated) base rates. I assume that many national stereotypes, for example, fit this. I doubt that Germans are more orderly than Danish people.

    Of course, this gets into uncomfortable territory, because groups are different. And people recognize those differences. And progressives really don't like that. But calling that pathological instead of confronting it honestly, openly, and judiciously strikes me as unfortunate.

  25. PilotX:
    About RBG's Jewish cultural values on the Court:
    Righteousness, atonement, redemption, social justice... you know, extremist stuff.

  26. "Anonymous Epstein Weinstein Rothschild Alinsky Soros Ginsburg said..."

    Ok, you gave me a list of words. Do you have any links to Jewish cultural norms or are you just gonna spew words like Bubba in Forrest Gump? Thanks in advance.

  27. Judge Amy Barrett is a piece of work. She's really Catholic. She's against IVF and contraception. Um, yeah. Good work trump.

  28. Anonymous12:22 AM

    I find "originalism" or "textualism" less objectionable than I do the awful, illogical, invented justifications that justices have fabricated on the spot, and which go on to serve a right-wing agenda.

    Campaign contribution limits were gutted in Citizens United v. FEC, and earlier in Buckley v. Valeo, based on the justification that "money = speech" and the First Amendment protects speech.

    Where, in the text or original intent of the law, did they find "money = speech"? Nowhere. They pulled it out of their asses.

    The Voting Rights Act was gutted in Shelby County v. Holder, based on the justification that the law was unfair and shouldn't apply anymore because "the South isn't racist anymore."

    Where, in the text or original intent of the law, did they find "the South isn't racist anymore"? (Clearly, a huge lie.) Nowhere. They pulled it out of their asses.

    The birth control provisions of Obamacare were gutted in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc, based on the justification that Obamacare overburdened the religious faith of a chain of craft supply stores, and thus violated provisions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

    Where, in the text or original intent of the law, did they find the idea that a fucking for-profit corporation is capable of having a faith that can be overburdened?! You guessed it, guys. Nowhere. They pulled it out of their asses.

    So the question I want answered is not "Do you have a textualist or originalist philosophy to interpreting the law?"

    I want to know "Will you just fart out any old common-sense-violating, flagrant bullshit argument to get what you want?"

    Of course, nobody will answer any of these questions honestly anyway, so the Q & A at confirmation hearings is a complete waste of time.

  29. "Righteousness, atonement, redemption, social justice... you know, extremist stuff."

    That's not what nazis tell me about Jewish culture.

  30. "Of course, nobody will answer any of these questions honestly anyway, so the Q & A at confirmation hearings is a complete waste of time."

    At least they found some writings and documents she tried to hide. I also loved the questioning by Amy Klobushar and Chris Coons. I hear Cruz came unhinged but I guess I have to search for that footage.

  31. Anonymous12:34 AM

    BREAKING — Joshua Ziminski, 35, has been charged with disorderly conduct and use of a dangerous weapon for firing his weapon

    Authorities say he fired the first few shots behind Kyle Rittenhouse on August 25, in Kenosha, before Rittenhouse fatally shot multiple Antifa attackers.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:43 AM

    Anonymous at 10:20 PM.
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Hell said...

    When you are done wiping the drool from your face, please provide an example of the Right legislating from the bench.

    10:39 PM
    You didn't ask me, but I'm answering your posts anyway.

    Here are two examples of conservatives on The Supreme Court "legislating from the bench":

    Citizens United v Federal Election Commission - 2010
    Speechnow.org v Federal Elections Commission - 2010


    Conservatives pretend to adhere to "Originalism" until it stands between them and what their rich sponsors want. The their bull shit originalism and strict constructionism disappear when their masters want legislation from the bench.

    There are many cases that show conservative judges "legislating from the bench."



  33. https://www.newsweek.com/proud-boys-trump-civil-war-qanon-1538208?fbclid=IwAR0i4UwbhGp-zeXXMysIy4vq6cmPCfzVtrC1S4DCOWUec_UAjBbpvjN9DCA

  34. Anonymous12:52 AM

    "Our esteemed host wrote, 'Debates about originalism have become complicated. But one point is simple: A committed originalist is going to have to allow the national government to discriminate on the basis of sex and race.'

    No, a committed originalist also recognizes that the 14th Amendment was passed, which states that no state may deny to any person the rights, privileges and immunities of a citizen of the United States. Person includes women and blacks."

    As the article pointed out, as written, this only applied to the states. Therefore, an originalist might conclude that the federal government is free to be as racist as it wants to be, and doesn't have to treat blacks as full citizens. Because that was not the intent at the time the amendment was written.

    As the article did not point out, the 14th Amendment guarantees the rights of citizenship to both men and women. But at the time the amendment was written, male citizenship rights were understood to be inherently different from female citizenship rights, and so that was its original intent. So an originalist might conclude that sexual discrimination is completely fine and not prohibited by the Constitution.

    These would be extreme interpretations, but if you hold to the idea that the original intent of the law must be followed absolutely, without any reinterpretation, ever, that's where you end up.

  35. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Peaceful transition of power:


  36. Amy Jackrabbit/Handmaid Barrett said that if Brown v Board came before her she might vote to strike it down.

    And Grassley really stuck his foot in it when he opined that anyone who had whelped as many times as she had would be unlikely to strike down the ACA.

    OK, Chuck, why would that be true? Are you implying that without the ACA those children wouldn't get proper healthcare? If so, why are you trying so hard to kill it?

    And second Amy Coney Barrett is a goddamn millionaire, and her goddamn children won't want for anything ever like the millions of poor and working class people who will be adversely affected by the destruction of the ACA.

    The right wing does understand that they aren't favored to win many elections now, and demographics are swinging inexorably away from them, so their prime directive is to inject themselves into power in a way that can't be voted out, and that is what is behind the frantic push to get another supreme court justice seated before they lose the election.

    They have been aware of this for many years and this is just the latest and highest profile case (other than Garland) of their crusade to remake the judiciary in their own disgusting image.

    Mitch McConnell doesn't have many legislative achievements under his belt since he became majority leader, because Republicans don't worry themselves about policy much anymore, but he sure as shit denied almost all of Obama's court appointments across the board and has been busily filling them with Fergus (read that Federalist Society) judges ever since Fergus was inaugurated, most of them young, stupid, wingnuts and several of them being rated "not qualified" by the ABA.

    I guess it's just what sad old white guys do when they realize their centuries old iron grip on power may not be as all inclusive as it used to be in the near future.

    Perhaps we should pass a law that each president gets two supreme court appointments per term. That would eventually even out the makeup of the court with the will of the electorate.

    Republicans will fight tooth and nail against it though, as they despise democracy and believe they should rule no matter how small of a minority they are.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous1:16 AM

    "The scary part to me is that all Republican nominees have to not only be Catholic but extremely doctrinaire Catholics."

    I mean, that's who you'd expect Republicans to nominate. They're right-wingers who attend mainstream Catholic churches.

    That said, however, Amy Coney Barrett seems to be in a class all by herself.

    She's a member of a weirdo charismatic Catholic sect that preach that wives should obey their husbands. The women have spiritual advisors they are assigned that are supposed to observe them and make sure they are obeying their husbands. These women were called "handmaids." They only recently stopped being called "handmaids" because the TV show came out, and would have called attention to the fact the sect was ... sorta like the dystopian theocratic society of the TV show.

  38. Jimmy Pickle1:17 AM

    (((Who))) has privilege? said...

    It’s peculiar how 2% of the population produces almost all of the billionaires. It’s as if the whole system is rigged.

  39. Chicago Roy1:23 AM

    The CEO of the left, Jeff Bezos, is leading working class journalists, academics, perpetual students, and career criminals in a great class war against six-figure plumbers, used bookstore owners, and bodega operators.

  40. Wesley1:26 AM

    Black parenting is the key to a sustainable future.

    "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglas

  41. Anonymous1:29 AM

    "And Grassley really stuck his foot in it when he opined that anyone who had whelped as many times as she had would be unlikely to strike down the ACA."

    Two words: Antonin Scalia.

    Hated Obamacare. Nine kids.

    Also, do Republicans really think anyone will trust them when they say that Barrett totally won't try to shoot down Obamacare? Based on their track record for honesty? Here's a recap of their recent behavior:

    2016: No president should be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court justice in an election year! That is wrong! We'd never do that if we were in power!

    2020: Haha, suckers! We're nominating a Supreme Court justice in an election year!

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:32 AM

    Of course, this gets into uncomfortable territory, because groups are different. And people recognize those differences. And progressives really don't like that. But calling that pathological instead of confronting it honestly, openly, and judiciously strikes me as unfortunate.

    12:07 AM
    Of course there are differences in groups. Our country is often referred to as a melting pot. There are many groups in the United States, who may differ in religion, national origin, languages, family customs, etc. Your claim that progressives do not recognize differences is just ludicrous.

  43. You're a moron1:42 AM

    "Your claim that progressives do not recognize differences is just ludicrous."

    NBA: 80% black is meritocracy.

    CEOs 60% white is racism.

  44. "That said, however, Amy Coney Barrett seems to be in a class all by herself."

    Nah man, Mike Pence is a weirdo too. We can go through the list of weirdo religious Republicans but I'm sure we both have better things to do for the next two weeks.

  45. "NBA: 80% black is meritocracy.

    CEOs 60% white is racism."

    Kind of a silly argument. The NBA is based on an evaluation of talent while hiring and promotion at major corporations is extremely subjective and kind of an old boys club. If we both tried out for the Lakers and you hit 50% of your three point shots and I couldn't even make 50% of my free throws then it's pretty clear who deserves the job but if we were both in the corporate world how do you evaluate the requisite skills to be CEO? I think your example could use some more thought. Rethink your assertion and get back to us, I'll give you a D for now but you can resubmit and I'll go back and change your grade.

  46. Biden rally:


  47. You're full of shit1:58 AM

    PilotAA said..
    "The NBA is based on an evaluation of talent while hiring and promotion at major corporations is extremely subjective and kind of an old boys club."

    Right, they just give control of multi-billion dollar enterprises to their homies because it doesn't matter.

  48. Good point, little nazi. Just how do we rid our society of this pesky Jewish heritage?

    That was Hitler's mistake. He thought that society didn't need any Jews. I remember the idiots with the tiki torches chanting, "We will not be replaced by Jews!."

    Get over it. If you wish to avoid Judaism maybe you could live with certain tribes in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia or Iran. Jews are here to stay in the good ole U.S.A.

    Take Me Out to the Ballgame
    Irving Berlin
    Mel Torme
    George GErshwin
    The Marx Brothers
    Leonard Bernstein
    Leonard Cohen
    Sid Caesar
    Mel Brooks
    Carl Reiner
    Sammy Davis Jr.
    Bob Dylan
    The Bible
    Every church and synagogue
    Barbara Walters
    Gilda Radner
    Albert Einstein

    Yessir! We loves us some Jews in these fifty states. Some of the finest citizens we have ever had. Our culture is known as Judeo-Christian. We like it that way. I assume you have not reached the nihilistic cynicism of the atheist alt-right crowd?

    Study your Christian faith a little closer. After all, Jesus was a Jew his entire life. He never even had to convert. Welcome in any church.

  49. She is incredibly sharp. She has an agreeable personality and quick, ready answers. I respect her immensely.

    But just like Scalia and Thomas before her she was dancing around Roe v. Wade and also in her case the ACA like Ginger Rogers wearing a hundred pounds of beads and leading Fred Astaire Backwards in Heels on polished glass.

    She is one smooth character. She will be a force to be reckoned with for the next fifty years. [[[[Shudders]]]]

    They are itching to repeal Obamacare like a nymphomaniac craves dick. So, she is a liar. She will do just fine.

  50. And meanwhile back in the apocalypse the goddamn Fergus administration is going all in on herd immunity.
    Even as the first cases of reinfection are being documented, and infection rates are up in twenty states.
    So basically, "herd immunity" translates to "see, not even trying to save anyone was brilliant!"
    This is mass murder on an epic scale, and the damn fool is holding maskless rallies of Pig People and offering to kiss them all.
    Monty Python couldn't have written anything this goddam silly and stupid, and most of the famous tin pot dictators have lower body counts.
    And most other countries are facing the fall wave of infections from a far better baseline prevention and economic position.
    Tired of all the winning yet?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. Anonymous4:07 AM

    "Nah man, Mike Pence is a weirdo too. We can go through the list of weirdo religious Republicans but I'm sure we both have better things to do for the next two weeks."

    I meant she's a bigger religious weirdo than the other Catholic justices the GOP has nominated for SCOTUS, not that she's a bigger religious weirdo than anyone in the entire Republican Party. She'd be up against some very stiff competition there.

  52. Anony wrote:

    "As the article pointed out, as written, this only applied to the states. Therefore, an originalist might conclude that the federal government is free to be as racist as it wants to be, and doesn't have to treat blacks as full citizens. Because that was not the intent at the time the amendment was written."

    That's exactly correct, and we continued to treat men and women differently. The 14th Amendment guaranteed to all Persons that the states would not infringe upon the rights of citizens of the United States, but the rights of US citizens were more restricted then than now. The 19th Amendment made the right to vote for women universal in this country, even though a few states had already allowed women to vote.

    Remember: the Bill of Rights did not apply to state and local action until the slow 'incorporation' process via the 14th Amendment.

    An interesting point should have been that while the First Amendment specifically restricted Congress, the Second Amendment should have, by the text, applied to the states, because the militia were all state creations.

    "As the article did not point out, the 14th Amendment guarantees the rights of citizenship to both men and women. But at the time the amendment was written, male citizenship rights were understood to be inherently different from female citizenship rights, and so that was its original intent. So an originalist might conclude that sexual discrimination is completely fine and not prohibited by the Constitution."

    I would say that's correct, given that the Equal Rights Amendment was proposed, passed by Congress and then sent to the states for ratification, where it failed. That rejection ought to carry legal weight. The rejection arguments were primarily based on the fact that the ERA, if ratified, would subject women to conscription, and though we haven't drafted anyone since 1977, men are still required to register for the Selective Service System and women are not.

    I know, I know, it's horribly politically incorrect to say it, but men and women are different, and there are logical reasons to treat them differently.

  53. Anony wrote:

    "I mean, that's who you'd expect Republicans to nominate. They're right-wingers who attend mainstream Catholic churches."

    The conservative Justices are all Catholic, though I would point out that Catholic Anthony Kennedy was the swing vote which passed Obergfell and Justices Roberts and Gorsuch, both Catholic, voted with the majority in Bostock v Clayton County.

    You seem to have ignored that the Catholic Church falls on the liberal side of the political spectrum when it comes to immigration, property rights, capitalism, capital punishment and a host of other things. The Catholic Church is on the conservative side of the spectrum only on abortion, contraception, and the definition of marriage. You might want to read Pope Francis' latest encyclical Fratelli tutti, which is virtually a socialist document.

    More, Catholicism is much more of a northeast religion than in the far more conservative South.

  54. but lol at how apparent the 50+ IQ point gap between Judge Barrett and Senators like Hirono is.

    Being a stoopid fucking ideologue wingnut will lower yer IQ fifty points below and average Dem Senator from Hawaii.

  55. She'd be up against some very stiff competition there.

    Pun intended?

  56. Bar Rat's originalist lie comes to the fore when she mis-interprates the 2nd amendment to allow citizens to own guns privately and carry them where ever they want.

  57. 2 moar drumpf body count milestones to be shattered today....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  58. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/10/internet-recoils-in-horror-over-amy-coney-barrett-ruling-that-says-n-word-does-not-make-workplace-hostile/?traffic_source=Connatix

    Ruling from 2019.

  59. Mike from Iowa wrote, "Bar Rat's originalist lie comes to the fore when she mis-interprates the 2nd amendment to allow citizens to own guns privately and carry them where ever they want."

    It's pretty hard to read the Second Amendment any other way. What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

    The authors of what became the Second Amendment understood 18th century life, and understood that families needed firearms to hunt for food and defend themselves against criminals and the Indians. There were no telephones on which you could call the police for help.

    The French and Indian War was well within living memory; this was their reality.

    In 1775, the military Governor of Massachusetts, General Thomas Gage, ordered the confiscation of firearms in the Province of Massachusetts. In 1775, the Continental Congress passed the Declaration on the Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms, the authorship of which is disputed between Thomas Jefferson and John Dickenson, was largely based on General Gage's seizure of arms, and mentions, and condemns it explicitly.

    When I lived in Pennsylvania, in Carbon County, 70 miles up the Northeast Extension, we went years between murders, even though virtually everyone had firearms at home. One of my work mates had so many that he hadn't even taken all of them out of the boxes in which they were purchased; he liked buying guns.

    So, why, if people in that mostly rural county had so many firearms, did we have less than one homicide every three years, while the City of Brotherly Love has more than one a day? Adjusting for population does not explain it, doesn't even come close.

  60. "Right, they just give control of multi-billion dollar enterprises to their homies because it doesn't matter."

    Not the point. The point is if people like you have historically been in charge of hiring there will be blatant bias no? I mean you have problems with Blahs and Jews soooooooooooooooo.

  61. "The authors of what became the Second Amendment understood 18th century life, and understood that families needed firearms to hunt for food and defend themselves against criminals and the Indians."

    Let's not forget the fear of Blah people. You know, the whole slave uprising thingie. So many conveniently forget the whole racist part of the 2nd Amendment. Just gloss right over that part huh? LOL


  62. the Second Amendment should have, by the text, applied to the states, because the militia were all state creations.

    Take a look around and show me a single state sponsored militia.

  63. Anonymous11:15 AM

    When interracial murders are 9 to 1 Blah on white, and Blah mobs just burned down all the cities (again) while police stood by, why would anyone want a way to protect themselves?

  64. Anonymous11:23 AM

    BREAKING: Allen Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) that Obama and Biden sent Iran 152 Billion Dollars as a coverup for the deaths of Seal Team 6.

    Allen said that ALL of the proof will come out: documents and audio.


  65. "Blah mobs just burned down all the cities (again)"

    Ok, sure there were no white groups or individuals involved in destroying property. Sure kid, but also try to keep up the topic was the origin of the 2nd amendment but I guess as a racist troll no opportunity to throw racist jabs can be passed. Good job.

  66. "BREAKING: Allen Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) that Obama and Biden sent Iran 152 Billion Dollars as a coverup for the deaths of Seal Team 6."

    Now will this end the same way as the email, unmasking and the Dems being frogmarched out of the Capitol by Marines?

  67. You're backpedalling11:56 AM

    "The point is if people like you have historically been in charge of hiring there will be blatant bias no?"

    No, the point is that wherever non-whites achieve overrepresentation it is considered a natural consequence of ability and proclivity and wherever whites maintain a level of representation slightly above their proportion of the population it is considered discrimination.

    Diversity was sold as positive process of putting a team together that drew upon the different strengths and perspectives of its 'Diverse' members. But actually it just meant less white people, and that has come to be the accepted definition.

  68. Anonymous12:27 PM

    “The conservative Justices are all Catholic, though I would point out that Catholic Anthony Kennedy was the swing vote which passed Obergfell and Justices Roberts and Gorsuch, both Catholic, voted with the majority in Bostock v Clayton County.

    You seem to have ignored that the Catholic Church falls on the liberal side of the political spectrum when it comes to immigration, property rights, capitalism, capital punishment and a host of other things. The Catholic Church is on the conservative side of the spectrum only on abortion, contraception, and the definition of marriage. You might want to read Pope Francis' latest encyclical Fratelli tutti, which is virtually a socialist document.

    More, Catholicism is much more of a northeast religion than in the far more conservative South.”

    I’m not disputing any of those points. I would say that the Supremes selected by the GOP are more conservative than the average American Catholic.

    Their views are maybe in line with the views of Catholic clergy on sexual matters — but keep in mind that huge numbers of everyday Catholics quietly ignore the official teachings of the clergy on divorce, birth control, abortion, homosexuality, etc, finding them archaic.

    And the GOP Supremes are way out of line with both the Catholic clergy and everyday Catholics, who are both way more left-wing on economic or justice system issues.

    But I would also add that, insofar as the GOP has been picking atypically right-wing Catholics for the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett is even more so. She has some truly fringey religious views. The “obey your husband” cult? Come on. That’s pretty out there.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:38 PM

    Anonymous said....

    BREAKING: Allen Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) that Obama and Biden sent Iran 152 Billion Dollars as a coverup for the deaths of Seal Team 6.
    Benghazi is in Libya, so where does Iran figure in your imaginary scenario?

    Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' - FactCheck.orgwww.factcheck.org › 2019/03 › obama-didnt-give-iran...
    Mar 1, 2019 — The deal, approved by six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets. Full Story. As a candidate during the ...

    How many time to you have to hear the truth before it sinks into your brain?

  70. Mike from Iowa wrote, "the Second Amendment should have, by the text, applied to the states, because the militia were all state creations.

    Take a look around and show me a single state sponsored militia."

    Note how various units in the Civil War were designated: for example, it was the 20th Maine which defended Little Round Top at Gettysburg, or the Union Order of Battle at Bull Run: most units were known by their state.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:48 PM

    I know, I know, it's horribly politically incorrect to say it, but men and women are different, and there are logical reasons to treat them differently.

    8:28 AM
    LOL! Sure men and women are different. Men have genitalia that is different from women's genitalia. Usually men are stronger, larger, and more aggressive than women. These are not valid reasons for treating men and women differently under the law. You cannot make a logical case for doing so. We are all human, and all are entitled to the same protections under the Constitution.

  72. NY Post, where all stoopid fucking right wing canines go to piss, has a smoking gun email that proves Hunter Biden introduced his dAd to an exec from energy company before Senior Biden forced Ukraine to fire him for investigating Burisma.

    Don't bother. This is just like aLL the other stories spouted by ignorant nutjobs who can't read and comprehend the truth on their own.

  73. Dense Dana, take a look at Prowd Boys or the fucking morons under Bundy. Militias all, no state backing. Try to keep up, will you.

    There are numerous examples out there. Including Nazis and the Klan.

  74. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Liberal/Progressive brainwashing of Americas youth:


    Progressives/Socialist are the new Brown Shirts

  75. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    When interracial murders are 9 to 1 Blah on white, and Blah mobs just burned down all the cities (again) while police stood by, why would anyone want a way to protect themselves?

    11:15 AM
    WOW! All the cities are burned down? Where did you hear about this? I don't smell any smoke. There is no credible source reporting that all the cities are burned down. Radio, TV, newspapers, and the internet must not know about it. Where did you get this information?

  76. drumpf is back to spreading lies and ignorant conspiracy theories about Benghazi and Bin Laden some moar. These ignorAnt fucking no minds just never quit lying.

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:20 PM

    Anonymous said....

    Progressives/Socialist are the new Brown Shirts

    12:55 PM
    No, you are confused. As reported by National Security Agency, right-wing. white nationalists are the biggest threat to our national security. They are the new brown shirts.

    "Ideologically motivated lone offenders and small groups will pose the greatest terrorist threat to the Homeland, with Domestic Violent Extremists presenting the most persistent and lethal threat;shirts."

  78. Anonymous4:20 PM

    "Ideologically motivated lone offenders and small groups will pose the greatest terrorist threat to the Homeland"

    BLM and Antifa just burned, looted, and murdered their way across America, and they aren't small groups.

    We won't be gaslighted.

  79. BLM and Antifa just burned, looted, and murdered their way across America, and they aren't small groups.

    Prove BLM and Antifa burned, looted or murdered anybody. One alleged murder won't do.

  80. Facebook and Twitter censoring Hunter Biden story by blocking links to New York Post story:


    Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

    The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.

    “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.

    An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.

    The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.

    Less than eight months after Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for the introduction to his dad, the then-vice president admittedly pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk into getting rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee during a December 2015 trip to Kiev.

    “I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden infamously bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

    “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

    Shokin has said that at the time of his firing, in March 2016, he’d made “specific plans” to investigate Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”


    Biden needs to end his campaign.

  81. We can change the chArges against Zipperfuckerrittenkillerman to pre-meditated murder in Wisconsin. Authorities claim the gun was bought, stored and used in Wisconsin and was never in Illinois.

    How does an underage magat purchase a gun illegally in a state he does not reside in and then store it for later use in two murders and an attempt at a third?


  82. “Biden needs to end his campaign.“

    Give him a call, I’m sure he’d appreciate it.

  83. “Where did you get this information?“


  84. The filth circuit court of kissing wingnut's asses (New Orleans) decision to suck A-Butt's micro dick and allow only one ballot drop box per county was authored by, who else, but a drumpfuck appointee, appointed for this very reason. The judges aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer and even their written opinions twist more than a retarded pretzel.

  85. Anonymous5:26 PM

    "Facebook and Twitter censoring Hunter Biden story by blocking links to New York Post story:"

    Good. It's about time that social media stop allowing lies on their platforms.

    If Republicans can't win without lying and defaming, they deserve to lose.

  86. Anonymous Son of bitch said. I touched on this earlier. Total bullshit. There was no investigation ongoing when the prosecutor was fired for failing to prosecute corruption.

    This has been debunked a million times and yet wingnuts, with the help of Russian misinformation, keep dragging this shit out regular as clock work.


  87. “Good. It's about time that social media stop allowing lies on their platforms.“


  88. After years of complaining about California voter fraud, stoopid fucking wingnuts are blatantly committing voter fraud in California with illegal drop boxes.

    Wingnuts truly do the shit they accuse Dems of doing. It does not work the other way.

  89. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "Good. It's about time that social media stop allowing lies on their platforms."

    These allegations are true and backed up by the evidence right there in Hunter Biden's emails.

    These tech platforms are using the power of their monopoly to try to influence the election. They need to be broken up and have their special exemptions from the law revoked.

    This censorship is going to backfire and wind up making this story as huge as it deserves to be. Biden has been busted abusing the power of his office to enrich his family. He threatened an ally to protect his son. His campaign for President is done.

  90. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "How does an underage magat purchase a gun illegally in a state he does not reside in and then store it for later use in two murders and an attempt at a third?"

    You probably don't need residency in Wisconsin to buy a gun in Wisconsin.

    I can't speak to whether Rittenhouse even bought or carried the gun illegally in Wisconsin. People keep saying it is an open-and-shut case that he couldn't legally open carry in Wisconsin because he is underage, but it actually isn't. There is some kind of loophole for younger people under Wisconsin law having access to "guns used to hunt," which would include rifles and shotguns. His lawyers might manage to eke out an acquittal on that. And before you exclaim, "WTH IT'S A F--KING AR-15 IT'S NOT FOR HUNTING!" all I can say is, you may feel that, but that doesn't mean a court will agree.

    As for premeditation, the idea that his purchase of the gun before the rally proves he planned to kill someone at the rally? That won't fly. He'll just claim he wasn't intending from the outset to kill anyone but needed to be prepared to protect himself against lefty rioters.

  91. An Atlantic story about a month ago claimed that President Trump called members of the military suckers. It was reported with four anonymous sources. After it was published, 20+ people in Trump's orbit went on the record denying it.

    Twitter let that run wild on their platform despite the fact it was immediately debunked.

    Now we have a New York Post story containing documented proof that Hunter Biden facilitated a meeting between his father and a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm. Biden then threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor investigating that Ukrainian energy firm.

    And Twitter is blocking links to the story published in a major media outlet.

  92. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I should add that it's not even clear that Rittenhouse purchased the gun. He may have borrowed it from a friend in Wisconsin.

  93. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Donald Trump vindicated once again:


  94. A second New York Post story today has another explosive detail. Dem fixers Blue Star Strategies, retained by Pozharskyi on Nov 18, 2015, said to have sat in on Dec 2, 2015 White House call to Ukraine, then told Burisma details via email to Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer


  95. Total bullshit, Biden is Done.


  96. Anonymous6:06 PM

    It was obvious from the start what Biden did in Ukraine, but the media covered for him and he thought he got away with it. But now we have evidence. What a slimy crook.

    Dems only chance now is to dump Biden and put Harris at the top of the ticket.

  97. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Quid Pro Joe is done. Good riddance.

  98. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Donald Trump vindicated once again:

    Another bald faced lie. And another one at 6:06 P.M.

  99. Be nice to see Field eliminate these demonstrable liars from his pages. Putin/drumpf bots do nothing but spread lies from easily debunked sources. Hope they get paid well.

  100. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/giuliani-and-the-new-york-post-are-pushing-russian-disinformation-its-a-big-test-for-the-media/

    Everybody in the entire world knows this is a joke except stoopid fucking magats. They are so fucking stoopid.

  101. worm from iowa said...
    "Be nice to see Field eliminate these demonstrable liars from his pages."

    Yes, censoring inconvenient truths is necessary for leftism. isn't it?

    Progressive media is now censoring other major media outlets for doing so. Wow, the mask is off.

    Twitter Suspends New York Post Account Over Bombshell Biden Story:


    If it wasn't the truth, they wouldn't be going to such extreme measures to hide it.

    It won't work. Biden is done.

  102. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Men are 7.6 times more likely to be murder offenders than women.

    Are men more dangerous than women?

  103. Inconvenient truths? Don't quit yer day job. You'll never make it as a comedian.

    There is nothing in the bombshell Biden report that is true. And it has all been debunked a million times. Yer just too stoopid to tale the truth for an answer.

    Tell me, are yer female relatives stump broke?

  104. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Justice Thomas on what an idiot Joe Biden was during his confirmation hearings:


  105. Quid Pro Joe7:20 PM

    There is nothing in the bombshell Biden report that is true. "

    Keep coping, loser.

    Biden's political career is dead and buried.

  106. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Archie Debunker said...
    "Progressive media is now censoring other major media outlets for doing so. Wow, the mask is off."

    Twitter has now locked the personal account of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for sharing news Democrats don’t like.

    They must be terrified to do something this stupid.

  107. McEnema has yet to tell a single truth as drumpf's liar to the press. You need to erase your brain with bleach, get a few brain cells from a pig and grow a new brain.

    Seriously, you delusional deplorable magats aren't worth saving from yourselves and your devotion to magat man drumpf. Unlike covid, you will just disappear someday. Soon, I hope.

  108. Anonymous7:40 PM

    “They must be terrified to do something this stupid.”

    Nope, just grew a spine. The president has been violating Twitter’s terms and conditions for four years, and threatening them with shutdown if they didn’t let him get away with it.

    Twitter finally figured out that the best way to make the bullying stop is not to give in to it, but to help make the bully go away.

    Once he is out of the White House, Trump can fuck off forever.

  109. Wingnut platform from 1956. Which party radicalized over the past 50-70 years?


  110. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "Twitter finally figured out that the best way to make the bullying stop is not to give in to it, but to help make the bully go away."

    Right. Going public with a story that documented evidence has now emerged that the former Vice President who is running for President was lying about abusing his office in order to run interference for his son and a corrupt foreign company is "being a bully".

    Fuck you. Get ready to take the L.

  111. It's over, Rover8:26 PM

    Biden changing his story already:

    Politico: "Biden’s campaign would not rule out the possibility that the former VP had some kind of informal interaction with Pozharskyi"


  112. So let me get this straight, Donald Trump got impeached for something Joe Biden did..?

    And he got investigated for 3 years for something Hillary Clinton did..?

  113. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Blocking real news about Hunter ands Joe Biden’s corruption for ANY reason is UNACCEPTABLE *and* a donation in kind to the Biden campaign.

    Twitter just helped helped Biden lose the election!

  114. 330 million citizens, more or less, and Trump and Biden are the best we can do.

    Strange days indeed.

  115. Anonymous9:20 PM

    “Twitter just helped helped Biden lose the election!”

    You wish. Twitter just helped Biden lose the votes of drooling Trump cultists who weren’t going to vote for Biden anyway.

  116. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Only drooling Trump cultists care that Biden is a crook?

  117. "Quid Pro Joe is done. Good riddance."

    We'll see in 20 days.

  118. Early voting in Chicago went citywide today! I'll be at the King Center casting my vote tomorrow. Maybe I'll see Barack and Michelle, that's where they vote.
    Don't forget to exercise your franchise folks!!!!!!!

  119. Eleanor9:44 PM

    You have to assume all the Russian oligarchs who have paid Hunter Biden have compromising information that will allow them to control a Biden presidency. This would be disastrous for American national security. He needs to suspend his campaign.

    Instead of learning from the Hillary debacle, we gave another criminal the nomination. If we had a real press that would have vetted Biden rather than attempting to cover for him, we could have avoided this situation. Now in all likelihood we will have to watch Trump win again.

  120. Anonymous gaslighter said....

    "BLM and Antifa just burned, looted, and murdered their way across America, and they aren't small groups."

    We won't be gaslighted.

    4:20 PM
    You have any proof of this claim? And if you believe I'm gaslighting, go to the web site I posted. Here it is again since you must have missed it the first time.

    "Ideologically motivated lone offenders and small groups will pose the greatest terrorist threat to the Homeland, with Domestic Violent Extremists presenting the most persistent and lethal threat."

  121. Joe from Chicago9:46 PM

    Anonymous Jordan Rachel said...
    So let me get this straight, Donald Trump got impeached for something Joe Biden did..?

    And he got investigated for 3 years for something Hillary Clinton did..?

    Leftists always accuse their enemies of what they are themselves actually doing.

  122. Son of Bitch said......

    Biden needs to end his campaign.

    5:11 PM
    Everything you said in your comment is pure bull shit - debunked long ago.

    As for Biden ending his campaign - Don't hold your breath.

  123. This censorship is going to backfire and wind up making this story as huge as it deserves to be. Biden has been busted abusing the power of his office to enrich his family. He threatened an ally to protect his son. His campaign for President is done.

    5:41 PM
    More pure bull shit from a Russian operative.

  124. Dems only chance now is to dump Biden and put Harris at the top of the ticket.

    6:06 PM
    Go away Ivan or is it Boris? You won't find any takers here for the lies you are trying to sell. We know you are lying and you are boring.

  125. It won't work. Biden is done.

    7:09 PM
    The men with the butterfly nets are coming for you.

  126. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Imagine blaming everything you don't like to hear on the 'Russians'.

  127. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Granny NPC said...
    Everything you said in your comment is pure bull shit - debunked long ago."

    It was never debunked, just denied.

    Now there is documented evidence that proves the allegations are true.

  128. Anonymous said...

    Justice Thomas on what an idiot Joe Biden was during his confirmation hearings:


    7:18 PM
    And just who wants to know Clarence Thomas' opinion on anything?

  129. Twitter has now locked the personal account of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for sharing news Democrats don’t like.

    They must be terrified to do something this stupid.

    7:25 PM
    I think she was banned because every time she opened her mouth a lie came out.

  130. Anonymous10:08 PM

    “Only drooling Trump cultists care that Biden is a crook?”

    Only drooling Trump cultists care that socil media is blocking Trump’s lies.

  131. Anonymous said...

    Blocking real news about Hunter ands Joe Biden’s corruption for ANY reason is UNACCEPTABLE *and* a donation in kind to the Biden campaign.

    Twitter just helped helped Biden lose the election!

    8:40 PM
    Panic from our Russian trolls!

  132. Deplorable10:11 PM

    Things Joe should have told Hunter:

    - Never leave your crack pipe in a rental car.

    - Never leave your laptop in a repair shop.

    - Never leave your sperm in a stripper.

  133. Quid Pro Joe has gotta go10:13 PM

    Granny is panicking.

  134. Anonymous said...

    Blocking real news about Hunter ands Joe Biden’s corruption for ANY reason is UNACCEPTABLE *and* a donation in kind to the Biden campaign.

    Twitter just helped helped Biden lose the election!

    8:40 PM
    This must be Trump's great October surprise. Yawn.

  135. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "This must be Trump's great October surprise. Yawn."

    October Hail Mary.

    Trump is circling the drain.

  136. The Gipper11:03 PM

    Keep coping.

  137. So let me get this straight: Joe Biden is somehow disqualified because his son is accused by a Murdoch owned tabloid of doing tabloid things that are mostly bullshit, and Fergus is just ducky after getting the daughter he wants to fuck a bunch of Chinese trademarks while forcing his security detail to pay him to protect him at Mar a Loggo.

    And does Ms. Handmaid's originalist take on the constitution apply to her as well? I don't remember the constitution allowing women to vote, much less be judges as it was originally written.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  138. Anonymous11:30 PM

    “So let me get this straight: Joe Biden is somehow disqualified because his son is accused by a Murdoch owned tabloid of doing tabloid things that are mostly bullshit, and Fergus is just ducky after getting the daughter he wants to fuck a bunch of Chinese trademarks while forcing his security detail to pay him to protect him at Mar a Loggo.”

    Fergus is milking the presidency for profit, bigly.

    Even if that crap about Biden’s son and Ukraine weren’t a lie (though it is), it would still be small fry corruption next to what Trump has done over the last four years as finally revealed in his leaked tax returns.

    NYT: How Trump Made Millions by Being Our President

  139. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Everything with Trump is hypocrisy.

    If newspaper headlines were truthful, they would say things like “Fat, Senile Geezer Accuses Joe Biden of Being Too Old and Unhealthy to Be President.”

  140. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Coper in Sugar Pine said...
    "Joe Biden is somehow disqualified because his son is accused by a Murdoch owned tabloid"

    No, he is disqualified because what that Murdoch-owned tabloid has published: Documented proof of criminal behavior by Joe Biden when he was Vice President.

    I don't recall you having similar reactions regarding motives to the debunked hit pieces reported by The Washington Post, owned by leftist billionaire Jeff Bezos, The New York Times, owned by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, or the Atlantic, owned by the billionaire widow of Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell Jobs. Those formerly prestige media organs have devolved into mouth pieces for their owner's business interests.

    It doesn't matter who prints a story as long as they can back it up. Ask John Edwards about the credibility of the National Enquirer.

  141. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Congress impeached Trump over what turned out to be nothing. Biden actually did what Trump was accused of - extorting an ally - except it was much worse as he did it for personal profit.

  142. If the crackhead remembered to pickup his laptop at the computer repair place, we would not have evidence that Biden was involved with massive corruption.

    Life is funny.

  143. Giuliani claims to have a text from Hunter Biden to Hunter’s daughter Naomi in which Hunter claims that “Pop”—a family nickname for Joe Biden—forced Hunter and other family members to give Joe half their salaries from their various business deals.


  144. Anonymous11:56 PM

    About RBG's Jewish cultural values on the Court:
    Righteousness, atonement, redemption, social justice... you know, extremist stuff.

    Funny that RBG's cultural values never required Jews to give up anything for the sake of others.  Only Whites.  Jews don't have to surrender their neighborhoods, their gross over-representation as billionaires and lawyers (and especially SC justices), or ever have to atone for their "privilege".

  145. Anonymous12:17 AM

    "Hunter claims that “Pop”—a family nickname for Joe Biden—forced Hunter and other family members to give Joe half their salaries from their various business deals."

    Explains Joe's mansions on a government salary.

  146. Jon Schweppe12:21 AM

    If Biden wins, the election result is illegitimate due to Big Tech election meddling. It’s that simple.

  147. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Twitter finally figured out that the best way to make the bullying stop is not to give in to it, but to help make the bully go away."

    Right. Going public with a story that documented evidence has now emerged that the former Vice President who is running for President was lying about abusing his office in order to run interference for his son and a corrupt foreign company is "being a bully".

    Fuck you. Get ready to take the L.

    8:19 PM
    Sorry to tell you since you seem so thrilled. you need to Google the topic. You will discover that the chain of custody of these fabricated e-mails is a total joke. And the joke's on you for believing. it

  148. Eleanor said...

    You have to assume all the Russian oligarchs who have paid Hunter Biden have compromising information that will allow them to control a Biden presidency. This would be disastrous for American national security. He needs to suspend his campaign.
    LOL! Why does anyone "have to assume" anything based on something you are saying? How about some reliable sources for your wild claims?

  149. Quid Pro Joe has gotta go said...

    Granny is panicking.

    10:13 PM
    Just the opposite; I'm ROTF LMAO! Your pitiful attempts to smear Joe are going nowhere.

  150. Anonymous said...

    Trump is circling the drain.

    10:29 PM
    Hilarious! I'm still laughing as I type the. Thanks. Anon.

  151. "Funny that RBG's cultural values never required Jews to give up anything for the sake of others. Only Whites."

    So much wrong with this comment. Where to begin? LOL

  152. "Trump is circling the drain."

    A fact only made legal by the gutting of water pollution standards by Fergus and his anti-environment EPA.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  153. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Funny one, Doug.

  154. A normal person1:41 AM

    "Dear twitter, please start hiring more people of color."

    Or else you'll will burn it to the ground?

  155. Emerson1:47 AM

    They have the evidence. His dumb crack head son forgot to get his laptop back. It's over for Biden. Can we still nominate Hillary?

  156. "Funny one, Doug."

    I bet that will elicit a fit of cackling from Granny.

  157. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Ok, sure there were no white groups or individuals involved in destroying property.

    Blacks were doing almost 100% of the looting.

  158. A normal person1:58 AM

    Granny please be careful about laughing your ass off and rolling on the floor. Something might fall off or break. You should know better.

  159. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Remember when Biden had to quit the 1988 presidential race when he got caught stealing a British politician's speech about his family? Biden has really stepped in it this time. Not many people can claim to have their presidential campaign ended by getting caught lying not once, but twice.


  160. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Money shot:


  161. Stoopid fuckingn wingnuts are getting desparate since drumpf is getting the floor mopped with his orange ass. Face it. drumpf's next term will be 20 to life no parole and no conjugal visits with is daughter who will likely occupy another cell close by.

    With less than three weeks to go until iden wins the White house back for all Americans, don't think this will be the last smear job by wasicu wasteys attempting to Benghazi the 2020 election, as they did in 2016.

  162. The only true thing about Ukraine you stoopid fucking drumpfuck suckerporters kniow is drump was legally impeached for his quid pro quo to Ukraine to receive money in exchange for an investigation into Bidens.

    drumpf cannot be unimpeached, suckers.

  163. Anonymous10:07 AM

    mike coping so hard he's gonna have a stroke

  164. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:31 AM

    Hunter Biden emails supposedly recovered from an abandoned laptop computer by the New York Post appear to be forged.

    One note: Variety reports the Krassenstein brothers were permanently banned from Twitter for themselves operating fake accounts.

    From politicalwire.com

  165. Miss Lindsey and wingnuts illegally set Oct 22 as the date to vote for illegitimate scotus nominee. The senate rules clearly state that only when a quorum is present may the senate conduct business. Yesterday there was only one oppositiion party member present. Not enough for a quorum by the rules so Miss Lindsey did what all good crooks do, broke the rules to have it his way.

    Intel experts claim new biden smear is implausible and likely a set up. Meaning that dog won't hunt. Benghazi!! again.

    ps mike is doing just fine. I don't have to lie to myself everyday, like stoopid fucking wingnuts do.

  166. Interesting that Bar Rat is the third appointee to the court that changed the rules in 2000 and appointed dumbass dubya potus. She along with "no discrimination against blacks" Roberts and Cavernmouth all aided in 2000. drumpf wants to make sure she will change the rules in time to keep him as Putins sock/suck puppet.

  167. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Hunter Biden emails are the new Hillary Clinton emails, extremely damning, but we’re just going to pretend they don’t exist.

  168. They're fakes. They may just as well not exist and, since your fuzzy, indoctrinated mind can't reason, Hunter Biden is not on the ballot for any political office. What you want and need is a smoking gun of joe Biden committing criminal acts, like drumpf does. And that is the one thing you do not have and will not have without turning to O'keefe and dead Breitbart and let them edit some tapes for you losers.

  169. It's always the cover-up! Had Twitter and FaceBook and the rest of them simply minimized and mocked and picked apart the NY Post story about The blindingly obvious corruption of the Biden family, they and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) would have had a chance to decrease its penetration into the national consciousness.

    But by very obviously hiding it from America, they have highlighted both the suggestion that the Bidens are corrupt (and liars), and that the Leftist Media Complex is actively pursuing an anti-Trump agenda, and can be considered just another division within the Biden/Harris campaign.

  170. The Swamp is alive and well12:19 PM

    What about the part where the FBI had possession of this information back in December of 2019? Why didn't the FBI come forward with this evidence about Hunter Biden's emails, which appear to show collusion and influence-trading? Isn't the receipt of such information something they should have told the president or members of Congress?

    But they didn't. They sat on it. They didn't say it was fake. They just buried it.

    Was the FBI deliberately covering it up? If the good citizen who came forward and alerted the FBI of the contents of the laptop had not made a copy of the information, it would still be under FBI lock and key. But the computer repairman did make a copy and sent it to Rudy Giuliani.

    If true, it's a stunning indictment of the FBI that an American citizen -- who alerted them to alleged multiple crimes involving a guy with the last name Biden -- knew not to trust them and made other arrangements should they try to cover it up (which, apparently, they did).

  171. The Swamp is alive and well12:41 PM

    Jacey said...
    "It's always the cover-up!"

    Yes. This is the same FBI whose head Christopher Wray not two or three weeks ago declared that Antifa was essentially as Jerrold the Pants-Shitter Nadler described it "a myth" while white supremacy was the nation's biggest internal threat. The same FBI that orchestrated the process crime set-up and persecution of Michael Flynn. The same FBI that James Comey as the head of declared Hillary Clinton innocent and not worthy of prosecution for a litany of crimes that took him several minutes to recite that "no reasonable prosecutor" would try. The same FBI that had in its employ Andrew McCabe, a key cog in the plot to overthrow the president who has been punished with a high six-figure gig on CNN. And on and on and on.

    Sure, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and every other rotten Biden in their miserable lineage are corrupt blood-sucking ticks on the US Treasury and body politic. But the FBI's non-actions here and trail of incompetence, ineptness and bureaucracy in the name of preserving the status quo and crushing anyone who dares oppose it are just as rotten to the core. But it doesn't end there. It radiates outward to every other agency in DC, to the media, to academia and all the other institutions that allegedly are supposed to be bulwarks against the approach of tyranny.

    Tragically, they have become the tyranny itself. Such an in-your-face censorship is a warning sign of a seriously ill society. Taken together with the seizure of power on the pretext of a health emergency and the disturbing communiques from former high-level military officials and you're talking hot civil war and revolution. Meh, what the hell do I know? I know that it's in my face and I am not one for living in denial.

    Anyway, the President, along with a number of Republicans are blasting Twitter and Facebook, while Trump is demanding Biden come clean. When news broke yesterday, the Biden camp threw him back down into the rumpus room and chained him to the radiator. Now Jack Dorsey has issued some sort of alleged apology, though I do not know the status of the suspended Twitter accounts and Politico has indicated that the Biden camp went from calling BS to stating well, maybe there might have been some contact but we can't recall. They're circling the wagons. Had Twitter and Facebook not censored anyone, the propaganda machine could've just screamed "fake news!" and slimed Rudy Giuliani etc. etc. The cover up is always worse than the crime and by muzzling the Post and others, they really stepped on a rake.

  172. Since when do we have random people like this fat abortion loving mother with an Afro Latin family interrogate our judges? Why don’t I remember this happening ever before?

  173. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:40 PM

    The Swamp is alive and well



  174. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:49 PM

    Jon Miller said...

    'Since when do we have random people like this fat abortion loving mother with an Afro Latin family interrogate our judges? Why don’t I remember this happening ever before? '

    12:44 PM

    Idiotic comment by an idiot. Since when do we have random grifters posing as the leader of our country, who has bankrupted himself at least three times and is facing hundreds of law suits over failing to pay his creditors and for breach of contract. Trump is a crook, Jon, face it. He's just a common criminal.

  175. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/14/us/amy-cooper-central-park-racism/index.html

  176. The Swamp is alive and well2:13 PM

    Look, if this is all fake, like the Steele Dossier which is still being pimped as gospel emmes truth, then I would've expected a libel suit against the Post to have dropped instantly and announced with a press conference by the Bidens. So far, crickets and excuse-making.

    Amazing how every lie, smear and accusation against Trump was front-page stop-the-presses news and allowed to flow on Twitter and Facebook freely along with calls for violence against Trump and his supporters. Yet, this was immediately censored because, reasons!

    They sicken me. They're the enemy. That Travis Bickle "real rain" cannot come soon enough.

  177. drumpf dead bodies count still accelerating upward...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  178. You8 fucking morons have zero proof that would stand up in any court except a wingnut kangaroo court that Biden has committed any crimes.

    Your constant repetition of debunked Russia fedf theories does not make them true. You need to disavow yerselves of the notion that stoopid fucking wingnuts of any stripe are credibly capable of finding shit in an outhouse. They can't do it and yet you stoopid bastards fll for the very next smear campaign Putin feeds you.

  179. Member of Presidential Debate Commission and moderator for the second debate gets caught conspiring to sabotage Trump:

    C-SPAN has suspended political editor Steve Scully indefinitely after he admitted that he lied about his Twitter feed being hacked.

    Scully had been gearing up to moderate a now-canceled presidential debate until a tweet sent from his account showed him reaching out to former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci for advice about what to ask President Trump. It appeared he was trying to direct message him, but sent a tweet publicly instead.

    Initially, Scully claimed that he was a victim of a hack, but that just wasn’t true. He has now admitted that “I sent a brief tweet addressed to Anthony Scaramucci. The next morning when I saw that this tweet had created a new controversy, I falsely claimed that my Twitter account had been hacked.”


  180. Rudy Giuliani is spreading disinformation he got from the Russians who want to keep their puppet in power.
    That's the story.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  181. Anonymous5:55 PM

    And you're sticking with it.

  182. At least Steve Scully admitted his (stupid) lie. Not only did Joy Reid fabricate an elaborate tale about a time-traveling hacker, she claimed an FBI investigation had been launched on the basis of her fabrications. And she was still promoted to a primetime slot on MSNBC!

  183. Donna brazile is a fucking liar. Here is what happened...

    While the debate was up in the air, and Trump was criticizing Scully publicly, the C-SPAN veteran sent a tweet to Trump friend-turned-foe Anthony Scaramucci.
    "@Scaramucci should I respond to trump," Scully wrote on the evening of October 8, shortly after Trump labeled Scully a "Never Trumper."
    When the strange tweet to Scaramucci went viral the following morning, Scully claimed he was hacked. The commission and C-SPAN both vouched for him.

    There was no conspiring to sabotage drumpf. There was no debate. It was a simple request whether Scully should fire back at drumpf's insults. Once again wingnuts attempt to start a third world war over nothing. Losers! Disgusting, dishonorable stoopid fucking deplorables.

  184. There was another component to Mueller's investigation ino drumpf colluding with Russians. It started earlier and just recently concluded and was done with such secrecy the only hint there was something goin on was a case that went to the Scotus for some adjudicating. It was a three year long look into whether drumpf's 10 m illion dollar loan to his campaign came from a foreign country, through a bank in Egypt.

    It is shut down now with no satisfactory conclusions. drumpf was neither exonerated nor was he charged.

  185. Anonymous8:01 PM

    "There was no conspiring to sabotage drumpf."

    Because mike said so.

  186. Fergus uses his admission to extrajudicial killing for an applause line, and the fucking Pig People oblige.

    I'm gonna have to stop calling them Pig People, as it's denigrating to swine.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  187. Anonymous9:16 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!


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