Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The real America.


I was recently talking to a friend of mine from the majority population who happens to be a very educated liberal. He was going on about how bad trump is and how he has ruined the "American way of life". He just couldn't understand how Americans could allow him to do what he has been doing to "our democracy". 

I hated to brake it to him, but I had to tell him the bad news that America has never been as exceptional. All those people who fled Europe because of religious persecution just came to a new world to persecute people of other religions. All those people who came here to be free decided that it was cool to enslave other people to do their heavy lifting for them.

What Donald trump has done is expose America's true character for what it is. The people screaming at his hate filled rallies could care less about American ideals and the American experiment. Mr. trump was smart enough to figure that out. He figured out that at the end of the day, Americans (particularly those who are in the majority for now) worry more about maintaining dominances over others and holding on to power than they do about being ideal. 

Donald trump is an American creation, and he is the perfect personification of the ugly American. What we have been witnessing over the past few weeks leading up to these elections have been horrifying to watch. And folks, if you don't think that Fascism can come to America, think again. If Donald trump gets four more years there is no telling what will happen. In fact, one could argue that it's already here.

The president is now openly calling for the arrest of his political opponent, and he is refusing to condemn militia members who plotted to kidnap the governor of an American state. Let that sink in for a minute. These are scary times. And, quite frankly, it's really going to get scary after November 3rd. I say this because I honestly don't think that Americans on either side will be happy with the result of the upcoming election. Both sides  have convinced themselves that they are going to win. 

Yesterday the president called a reporter who was simply asking him a question a "criminal", and he he continues to tour the country holding COVID-19 super spreader events in state after state. He won't stop, because he needs the adoration. Being praised by his cult members is more important to him than saving American lives. In fact, he called one of the people we trust in this country to help us with this deadly virus an idiot. Why? Because Dr. Fauci had the nerve to be on national television too much for his liking.

Ronald Reagan once called America a "shining city upon a hill." Maybe we were all hoping that America would become that city, or that the American experiment would work. Sadly, we now have proof that the city is inhabited by people (and leaders) who just want to tear it down. From the look of things they seem to be succeeding. 


  1. He is a typical NYC con-man but most of his supporters are rural dimwits so that shit works on them. Notice anyone from an urban area or anyone who knows him personally know the type and are running away from him as fast as they can. It would be funny to see him win and the Dems get the House and Senate. He would quit in a month. LOL

  2. This is real America, the stuff wingnuts don't want you to see...drumpf's body count

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Another thousand dead stiffs for drumpf's perusal. Nothing fake or contrived about these numbers. Fuck drumpf and his magats.

  3. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/20/voters-want-senate-to-choose-coronavirus-stimulus-over-supreme-court.html

  4. LeonT7:58 PM

    Conservatives don't believe in America. Thy never really have.

  5. Leon Low T9:33 PM

    Thy is a douche.

  6. Field Pantywaist9:35 PM

    Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared.

  7. Quid Pro Joe9:41 PM

    If Joe Biden was innocent, he'd come out of the basement of his $16 million mansion and say "These emails aren't real. I never helped my son peddle influence in foreign countries. I never received any money myself from any of these deals through my son."

    But he hasn't.

    Because he can't.

    He's guilty.

    And you're dishonest.

  8. The Big Guy9:59 PM

    Joe Biden got 10% of the $30 million deal Hunter made with the Chinese Communist Party.

    This is documented.

    America is not going to elect him President.

  9. My grandparents left Poland and Ukraine about 30 years before Hitler and Stalin came a-callin'. Good timing. Once here, they didn't enslave anyone, though it is true that my Dad got a cheap housing loan from the GI Bill, which was discriminatory in its administration.

    My diagnosis: America is not a city on a hill, nor is it the Inferno. America is morally mediocre. The prideful illusion of exceptionality is part of the moral mediocrity.

    America is a mixed bag, like everywhere else. If America were all just evil, then it would have the excuse of hopelessness; but no, there's enough good here to give the evil no excuse. We can and should do much better. And on the other hand, we shouldn't, but might, do much worse.

    In the end, my critique is of the species.

  10. Jamaican me crazy10:16 PM

    "If America were all just evil..."

    Field wouldn't have moved here.

    He's a fraud.

  11. As for imprisoning politicians: I think that it would be in Trump's own best interest to let the Presidency go, and then turn himself in.

    Trump owes hundreds of megabucks to the kind of predators that you do not want to owe a cent to. He can hide, in the White House or in exile, from his prosecutors; they're lawful. But he cannot hide, either in the White House or in exile, from his creditors; they're lawless. One way or the other, they will come for him, and they will _collect_.

    So if I were advising him, and he were listening, then I'd tell him that the safest place for him is protective custody before his trial, and Club Fed afterwards.

  12. I am glad to see that our trolls have gone to the trouble of acquiring names. But they still don't have any arguments beyond lies and insults.

  13. Andrew11:14 PM

    The worst part about this Hunter Biden laptop stuff is that it isn’t surprising at all to any of us who are paying attention.

    Wow surprise, another satanic pedophile in a corrupt political elite family. A real shocker.

  14. Imagine still insisting that the Hunter Biden emails are fabrications or "Russian disinformation" when even Joe Biden hasn't claimed that.

  15. One of the virtues of early voting is that I get to blow off all October Surprises. I find the last-minute demagoguery to be amusing in its shoddiness and desperation.

  16. Brannon11:38 PM

    how hard would it have been for the DNC to run a candidate against trump who didn't have a pedo laptop and years of corrupt deals with foreign states?

  17. How hard would it have been for the RNC to run a candidate who wasn't friends with Epstein and Putin? Answer: impossible. The GOP has fallen through the moral event horizon.

    As for the laptop, the story stinks on ice. The hard drives were manufactured after the laptops were supposedly turned in, to a repairman across the continent from HB's home. The story was leaked by the multiply-discredited Giuliani. The newsman refused to sign the story, and the Post didn't vet it. That's what I call shoddy.

    And as for desperation: 'satanic pedophile'.

  18. Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself12:05 AM

    "how hard would it have been for the DNC to run a candidate against trump who didn't have a pedo laptop and years of corrupt deals with foreign states?"

    Apparently, the uncompromised pickings were slim.

  19. Quid Pro Joe12:11 AM

    Parafool said...
    "As for the laptop, the story stinks on ice. The hard drives were manufactured after the laptops were supposedly turned in, to a repairman across the continent from HB's home."

    The photos and email files on the laptop contain metadata that proves their authenticity. The repair shop owner has a repair agreement signed by Hunter Biden.

    There is an entirely independent set of emails from one of Hunter's business partners that tells the same story.

    You are a flailing moron spewing democrat spin that you don't even understand.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Underage Photos Found On Hunter’s Laptop Were of a Member of The Biden Family:


    Hunter Biden starting banging his brother Beau's wife Hallie before Beau died of brain tumor in May of 2015. Immediately after the funeral, they announced they were dating.

    She broke off the relationship in April of 2019 because Hunter was sexually abusing her daughter, who was also Hunter's niece. She was 14.

    Per text messages on the laptop, Joe Biden knew about this.

  22. Quid Pro Joe12:32 AM

    Biden Defector Bevan Cooney’s Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Viewed Direct Pipeline to Obama Administration as “Currency”


  23. I suspect Hunter Biden was sexually abused as a child. Would explain why he's so messed up.

  24. Anonymous12:46 AM

    What we have been witnessing over the past few weeks leading up to these elections have been horrifying to watch.

    The riots, the lootings, the arsons, the vicious attacks on anyone who DARES to not comply 100% with Antifa/BLM dogma....

    Yes, that is the death of the Republic right there.

  25. Biden is calling a lid on the rest of his life.

  26. Uh oh Joe12:55 AM

    Secret Service Travel Logs Match Details in Hunter Biden Emails


  27. Thank you, 12:15 AM, for improving the tone of this thread, compared to the two posts before, and the two after.

  28. Reagan bastardized the "city on a hill" bit from John Winthrop and never meant it to be anything more than a typical Republican campaign lie.

    Although, in retrospect, Republican campaign lies used to be somewhat different than they are now, more about racism than the destruction of the government, even given that Reagan ran against the government as a central tenet of his campaign.

    In a big way, this is less the fourth year of the Fergus administration than it is the fortieth year of the Reagan revolution, and at least where the government is concerned, a high percentage of the difficulties we are encountering now are rooted in Reagan and his legacy.

    So I guess I would say, yeah, America is really fucked up, and always has been, depending upon whose point of view you happen to be looking at it from, which sort of begs the question: Is that a reason to avoid trying to fix it? Or perhaps motivation to do more than you ever thought you could do to help it get right with itself, that is, to help us get right with ourselves.

    And as Langston Hughes pointed out, much of the heavy lifting on that front has always been done by those who would be excluded from the benefits of whatever progress they managed to achieve, so I still do see the goodness in America, and in fact always have.

    Being poor in America you do in fact get shit on a lot, but you also discover how many folks who don't really have any more than you do are willing to share half of what they have when you don't have anything.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_uSmrSLSN8

  30. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Cool story, Doug.

  31. Wow, that was fast.


  32. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Wow, major troll tantrum in here. That must be because nobody gives a crap about Trump’s made-up Hunter Biden story. What, you thought that people didn’t get enough of this garbage the first time around, so you’d just warm it up in the microwave and serve it again?

    Nope, same outcome. Just as implausible a year later. An “October dud.”

    Oh well, you tried.

  33. "Oh well, you tried.'

    They could have tried harder, I mean his son flew all the way from California to Deleware to get his computer fixed. This said computer has "incriminating" evidence and somehow he forgets to pick it up and it lands in Rudy Giuliani's hands? I mean it COULD happen right? What's so hard to believe? LOL

  34. I read the alleged receipt and he paid for services rendered. The shop was to attempt to extract stuff from three devices and only succeeded on one. So why did he not take them then and there if he was allegedly there then?

    Remember this all started with the shop owner claiming he knew it was Biden because he recognized the voice. Then, rudy claimed it was Biden in person and he was drunk. Then the receipt allegedly has Biden's signature. More beginnings than drumpf's ever changing stories about collusion with Putin.

  35. The riots, the lootings, the arsons, the vicious attacks on anyone who DARES to not comply 100% with Antifa/BLM dogma..

    Clearly explains why wingnuts are bat shit crazy.
    Prowd Boys, white scumacysts, militias and Booaloosers are the violent ones and have committed the murders, etc.

  36. And the white anarchists get the support of law enforcement to the detriment of peaceful protesters. Blame drumpfuck the terrorist in chief.

  37. Quid Pro Joe is a fucking liar! Just like his lover Eric Drumpf who like to be the bitch, or so I heard.


  38. Anonymous10:50 AM

    "That must be because nobody gives a crap about Trump’s made-up Hunter Biden story."

    Keep coping.

  39. With all this news this week you have to wonder just how many in Washington are being blackmailed or bribed by China.

    The swamp is deep, wide, heavily entrenched, and the stench leads straight to China.

    Electing Biden would make this corruption permanent.

  40. “Electing Biden would make this corruption permanent.“

    I think you meant to say trump.😆😆


  41. "That must be because nobody gives a crap about Trump’s made-up Hunter Biden story."

    I mean people who watch Fox “news” exclusively care but then again they are the most misinformed people on the planet. They thought Obama was going to institute Sharia Law for gods sake.😆

  42. Joe Hidin11:24 AM

    Joe Biden has an obligation to answer questions about his son’s influence-peddling and his own financial dealings—notably regarding China.


  43. PilotX said...
    "That must be because nobody gives a crap about Trump’s made-up Hunter Biden story."

    Must be a lot of nobodies out there:

    Two key polls show Biden tumbling and Trump rising, 49%-46%

    Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who led President Trump by 12 points just two weeks ago, has seen his lead tumble to just 3 points in the much-watched Rasmussen Reports survey.

    In its weekly “White House Watch,” Biden leads Trump, 49%-46%. It was the first time in a month of Rasmussen head-to-head polls that Biden fell below 50%.

    The poll echoes another out on Wednesday, the IDB/TIPP survey, that had the race even tighter, 48.1% for Biden to 45.6% for Trump.

    The IDB/TIPP poll is often described as one that called the 2016 race. Rasmussen was the one that got the popular vote percentage right between Hillary Clinton and Trump.

    Biden’s lead in the IDB/TIPP survey was his smallest.


  44. LeonT1:29 PM

    Anonymous Joe Hidin said...

    And so does trump?

    Why does trump pay more in taxes in China than in the US? Does Putin think trump's tis to China compromise Putin's investment?

  45. Anonymous1:44 PM

    You can expect some wingnut head explosions today. The Pope endorsed gay civil unions.

  46. Joe Hidin2:15 PM

    "Why does trump pay more in taxes in China than in the US?"

    He doesn't.

    Why do believe such nonsense?

  47. Raheem2:18 PM

    The hard drive from hell is so atrocious that I half expect Joe Biden to pull out of the debate tomorrow.

  48. Anonymous2:27 PM

    “The hard drive from hell is so atrocious that I half expect Joe Biden to pull out of the debate tomorrow.”

    You’re going to be disappointed.

  49. I see the Russian bot farm is really working hard to push this Biden non-story. Meanwhile, in the real world, Rudy was caught in a hotel room with someone he thought was 15 years old and there is a video tape to prove it.

  50. Anonymous3:41 PM

    “Meanwhile, in the real world, Rudy was caught in a hotel room with someone he thought was 15 years old and there is a video tape to prove it.”

    I wonder if Rudy’s hotel adventures will be as entertaining as that Republican (now-former) legislator that Cohen tricked into yelling racial slurs and dropping his pants “to fight Islamic terrorism.” Real rocket surgeon, that guy.

    Unlike James O’Keefe, Cohen doesn’t have to selectively edit his videos to make Republicans look awful. They are willing to actually BE awful, with only minimal provocation.

  51. Farmer Putin3:41 PM

    Rudy didn't sell access to the Chinese government for millions of dollars in payoffs.

    Joe Biden did.

  52. Anonymous3:45 PM

    “Rudy didn't sell access to the Chinese government for millions of dollars in payoffs.

    Joe Biden did.”

    No, Rudy said he did. Not really the same thing.

  53. Anonymous3:46 PM

    "someone he thought was 15 years"

    Borat said that, not Rudy. She was in her late 20's.

  54. Days since jewish tricks: 03:48 PM

    "Unlike James O’Keefe, Cohen doesn’t have to selectively edit his videos"

    Unlike Borat, O'Keefe let's democrats tell him exactly what they are up to and doesn't have to script his videos.

  55. Anonymous3:50 PM

    field negro said...
    "Meanwhile, in the real world, Rudy was caught in a hotel room with someone he thought was 15 years old and there is a video tape to prove it."

    Protip: actually read the article.

  56. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Bro the article even says it was 100% a set up and he was tucking in his shirt because of a microphone.

  57. Anonymous3:56 PM

    “Unlike Borat, O'Keefe let's democrats tell him exactly what they are up to and doesn't have to script his videos.”

    If you believe that, then you are more deluded than I thought.

  58. Now it turns out that the Orange Projector has a Chinese bank account - secret of course - with megabux mysteriously flowing in and out of it. And that (of course) was what the Orange Projector accused Biden of.

  59. Unlike Borat, O'Keefe let's democrats tell him exactly what they are up to and doesn't have to script his videos.

    One of the biggest lies of the year and of course it comes from a stoopid in bred wasicu wastey.

  60. ParaGenius4:15 PM

    "a Chinese bank account"

    Wow! A bank account set up to pay taxes in case any proposed hotel deals came through in China (they didn't). All such efforts ended in 2015, before Trump ran for office.

    Now tell us how he used his son to launder deals with the Chinese government, and you'll have something.

  61. Jewaganda4:20 PM

    Daily Beast: "Giuliani had no reason to believe his interviewer was underage."

    Guardian says the same thing.

  62. Remember pathological liar drumpf claiming he had no business dealings at all with Russia at the time of the 2016 election, except for... the one that finally ended after Putin installed drumpf as the czar?

  63. Ask guys busted in underage sex stings whether they had to know the alleged victim was under age or just believed she was.

  64. From the Week....this is hillaryous.

    Discourse Blog's Jack Crosbie concurred, writing that the moment is "far more graphic than any of the reviews make it sound." The scene involves Borat's 15-year-old daughter, Tutar — played by 24-year-old actress Maria Bakalova — who is posing as a journalist with the intent of seducing Giuliani, 76, in a hotel room.

    During the interview, Giuliani spouts off lies about China supposedly having "manufactured" the coronavirus and "deliberately spread it all around the world." Tutar, all the while, plays the part of a charming but inexperienced journalist. Several times during the interview she flirtatiously touches Giuliani's knee, and at the end she invites him to "have a drink in the bedroom."

    Once in the suite, Giuliani helps Tutar remove her microphone (though the room is of course bugged with Borat 2's hidden cameras and mics) and tells her "you can give me your phone number and your address." He then proceeds to lean back on the bed and "pushes both hands into the front of his pants, possibly re-tucking his shirt," writes Crosbie, "but they stay there as he rummages around a bit, sighing."

    Before anything else happens, Borat (wearing what Giuliani would later describe as "a pink transgender outfit") bursts into the room, causing Giuliani to sit up and yank his hands quickly out of his pants with an "oop!"

    "She's 15, she too old for you! … She's my daughter, please, take me instead!" Borat tells Giuliani, at which point the police were promptly called. (Giuliani, for what it's worth, also bafflingly clarifies to Cohen, "I don't want you.")

    Screwdy pervert Rudy. Just like drumpf only perverteder.

  65. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2020/10/21/trump-sexual-assault-allegations-share-similar-patterns-19-women/5279155002/

    19 accusers stories have many similarities, not excepting the fact that drumpf is the accused in every case.

  66. This should scare all wingnuts, but the majority will skip it and call it fake news.


    The Dakotas are embarrassingly red and run by seriously stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  67. Story that there is a laptop with 25k pics of Hunter Biden and child porn is fake.


    Another wingnut smear exposed for what it is.

  68. Anonymous5:15 PM


    Huh. Who could possibly have known that holding the Sturgis biker rally, featuring thousands of maskless imbeciles in close quarters for days, would turn out to be a really bad idea?

  69. "The swamp is deep, wide, heavily entrenched, and the stench leads straight to China."

    Right. Where Fergus' ties and MAGA hats are made. And from whom his daughter (the one he wants to fuck) got a pile of trademarks at a dinner at Mar-a-loggo.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. Media Morons5:25 PM

    Rural bikers holding a weekend get together: Super spreader event!

    BLM protesters gathering and rioting in every major city for four months: Perfectly safe!

  71. Anonymous5:32 PM

    “Rural bikers holding a weekend get together: Super spreader event!

    BLM protesters gathering and rioting in every major city for four months: Perfectly safe!”

    Protesters gathered for an hour or two at a time, outside, socially distanced, and wearing masks.

    Bikers ... did not.

  72. You people are insane6:18 PM

    Prowd Boys, white scumacysts, militias and Booaloosers are the violent ones and have committed the murders, etc.

    Next, Sicko from Iowa will be claiming the Proud Boys ran CHAZ/CHOP.

    You are beyond parody.

  73. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Top DOJ official says Biden laptop is real:


  74. Anonymous6:25 PM

    An iconic example of Africans-where-they-have-no-business-being:


  75. Sean Langille is a fake noize producer. Nothing to see here.

  76. You people are insane said. Okay, pimp, prove the scummy bois didn't commit the murders and the violence. Then prove the peaceful protesters did commit violence.

  77. Outside of China, Mr. Trump has had more success attracting wealthy Chinese buyers for his properties in other countries. His hotels and towers in Las Vegas and Vancouver, British Columbia—locales known for attracting Chinese real estate investors—have found numerous Chinese purchasers, and in at least one instance drew the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    During the 2016 campaign, a shell company controlled by a Chinese couple from Vancouver bought 11 units, for $3.1 million, in the Las Vegas tower Mr. Trump co-owns with the casino magnate Phil Ruffin. The owner of a Las Vegas-based financial services firm told The Times he was later visited by two F.B.I. agents asking about the company behind the purchases, which he said had used his office address in incorporation papers without his knowledge. It is not known what became of the inquiry.

    And not long after winning the 2016 election, Mr. Trump reported selling a penthouse in one of his Manhattan buildings for $15.8 million to a Chinese-American businesswoman named Xiao Yan Chen, who bought the unit, previously occupied by Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, in an off-market transaction. Ms. Chen runs an international consulting firm and reportedly has high-level connections to government and political elites in China.

    But Biden is the crook, even though drumpf has no proof and never does have proof.

  78. According to the new DOJ deal, no Sacklers are going to jail, despite admitting to the illegal sales of literally tons of timed release morphine sulfate (Oxycontin).
    I have good friends and family who have done hard time in the pen for weed.
    Also, usually the dope dealer is not allowed to use his dope profits to pay for his defense.
    These Fergus appointed clowns can't be run out of the goddamn government soon enough.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  79. Ho Lee Fuk7:52 PM

    "But Biden is the crook, even though drumpf has no proof"

    Just 6,000 emails and text messages.


  80. Eric "My People" Holder7:54 PM

    "According to the new DOJ deal, no Sacklers are going to jail"

    They should be hanged.

    But at least the Trump DOJ did something. Obama just took their donations.

  81. Email from Fox pollster Fat Frank Luntz to Methhead pedo Hunter Biden complaining that he still can't get access to Quid Pro Joe even after he declared him debate winner.

    Hunter complaining back that Luntz didn't trash a campaign commercial he didn't like:


    Everything we see is theater for the benefit of a bunch of grifters.

  82. Anonymous8:28 PM

    #BREAKING: A senior federal law enforcement official tells @JakeBGibson
    1) FBI & DOJ concur w/ Ratcliffe that Hunter Biden's laptop & the emails in question weren't part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

    2) The FBI DOES have possession of the Hunter Biden laptop in question.


  83. Moar real America...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Prepare for 2 more body count milestones tomorrow.

  84. Anonymous8:46 PM

    “According to the new DOJ deal, no Sacklers are going to jail, despite admitting to the illegal sales of literally tons of timed release morphine sulfate (Oxycontin).”

    “Illegal sales”? Maybe I’m not understanding something here, but I don’t think they pleaded guilty to that. The sales of Oxy were legal.

    What Purdue pleaded guilty to was crimes related to how they marketed the drug, such as illegally incentivizing doctors to push it to their patients. And they pleaded guilty to lying to government regulators.

    Their most unethical act was the way they promoted OxyContin as "non-habit forming,” which obviously wasn’t remotely true.

  85. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Don't correct Doug. He's brain-damaged.

  86. Wyatt8:54 PM

    lol he is on hunter bidens laptop sucking COCK for access

    here's frank luntz today:

    If you’ve lost your job, what do you want to hear about more: Economic policy or Hunter Biden’s laptop?

    If you’re worried about getting sick, what do you care about more: A COVID plan or Hunter's laptop?

  87. The sales of Oxy were not, in fact, legal, as they knew they were selling it to "doctors" who were distributing it illicitly. By the millions of pills. In rural Appalachia, and other Fergus loving hotbeds of addiction and overdose death. Which is why many of those states refused to have anything to do with the deal cut by the DOJ.

    And from the "get a brain morans" file:

    Billboard Accusing Biden of Dementia Misspells Dementia

    October 21, 2020 at 7:36 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 175 Comments

    Pennsylvania Capital-Star: “A roadside billboard in Fayette County repeating a Republican accusation that Democratic nominee presidential Joe Biden suffers from diminished mental capacity has a deficiency of its own: A whopper of a spelling error.”

    “’Biden’s dimensia is worsening, he is not fit,’ the billboard reads, misspelling ‘dementia.'”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. Let’s vote, what is trump going to do tomorrow?
    1. Act presidential.
    2. Storm off the stage.
    3. Rant like a madman.
    4. Some combination of the above.

  89. Fake Poll Update9:16 PM

    RCP average shows Biden's "lead" in Pennsylvania falling to 3.7 points.

    On this day in 2016, Hillary's "lead" was at 6.2 points.

  90. Talmud Vision9:22 PM

    field negro said...
    "Meanwhile, in the real world, Rudy was caught in a hotel room with someone he thought was 15 years old and there is a video tape to prove it."

    Of course, the video shows he actually was tucking his shirt in, Sacha Baron Cohen (Wealthy Jew) and his crew had mic'd up Giuliani and when they removed his mic they pulled his shirt up - so he tucked it back in.

    The Daily Beast (editor Noah Shachtman, reporter Matt Wilstein - fellow Tribesman of Mr. Cohen) decided to leave those details out for some inexplicable reason.

    They pull his shirt out, he tucks it back in, they edit the video and claim he was trying to grab his dick - the Magic of The Jews, ladies and gentlemen.

  91. Huge numbers of journalists with CNN, NBC, Politico, the Washington Post, etc. -- who spent all week claiming that the NY Post story was "Russian disinformation" and that its dissemination was reckless -- caused this obvious lie to go viral by posting it without checking.

    Rachel Maddow of MSNBC has quietly deleted her Tweet about Rudy recanting his story without comment after she spread this lie to her 10 million followers without doing the slightest checking to see if it was true.

    However much contempt you have for the mainstream press right now, it's insufficient. I don't have words to adequately convey what they're doing.

    If a journalist wants to publish claims that are consistent with the prevailing liberal narrative, no editing is applied. That's why they can lie and say the Burisma emails are "Russian disinformation" with no evidence.

    But if you want to pushback or question or challenge the prevailing liberal narrative in any way, editors will prevent it -- sometimes explicitly on the ground they don't want anything bad about Biden, sometimes with deceitful claims of editorial scrutiny.

    It's worse than you think.

  92. Anonymous9:30 PM

    “The sales of Oxy were not, in fact, legal, as they knew they were selling it to ‘doctors’ who were distributing it illicitly.”

    Some especially greedy doctors did write fake prescriptions and sell pills to actual street-corner drug dealers. That is true. But I don’t believe the Sacklers and Purdue Pharma can be held criminally liable for that. They weren’t directly a part of those criminal enterprises, and can at least claim they didn’t know.

    The sales they got in trouble for were the ones that were legally prescribed by doctors to patients, but which might never have happened if Purdue hadn’t lied about the safety of the drug and effectively bribed the doctors to prescribe more pills.

  93. Anonymous9:50 PM

    “Of course, the video shows he actually was tucking his shirt in, Sacha Baron Cohen (Wealthy Jew) and his crew had mic'd up Giuliani and when they removed his mic they pulled his shirt up - so he tucked it back in.”

    Well, I guess we’ll all find out when the movie is released — or more likely when the scene is leaked to the Internet — whether Giuliani is tucking in his shirt, as he claims, or whether he’s slapping the salami.

  94. “That's why they can lie and say the Burisma emails are "Russian disinformation" with no evidence.”

    Actually no one in the legit media gives a shit about this fake story. Now Fox of course is running hog wild but then again they said Obamagate was going to be worse than Watergate.
    How about this? Let’s take a break from the Hunter Biden Burisma thing until it gets aome legs such as a DOJ investigation ok? We’re kind of tired of ginned up right wing non-stories falling apart under the smallest amount of scrutiny.

  95. Anonymous10:27 PM

    The Ayatollah endorsed Biden but the debate won’t cover foreign policy.


  96. PilotAA said...
    "Actually no one in the legit media gives a shit about this fake story."

    That's the whole point, Ace.

    They have absolutely no evidence it is fake and are completely disinterested in doing any real journalism to find out if it is true.

    They are running cover for Joe Biden, because they want to put his corrupt ass in the White House.

    And you still think they're 'legit'.

  97. Biden's Iranian Collusion10:42 PM

    Threatening messages sent to Democrats blamed on Proud Boys actually came from Iran, FBI says. The foreign disinformation was meant to incite more unrest and damage the candidacy of Donald Trump.


  98. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Biden has been a crook for long time.

    From the NYT, October 1, 2008:


  99. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/522097-mitt-romney-did-not-vote-for-trump-in-election

    And another Republican not voting for trump.

  100. "They have absolutely no evidence it is fake and are completely disinterested in doing any real journalism to find out if it is true."

    That's kind of inverse logic. There is no evidence it is REAL. You don't go chasing silly stories if you're a serious journalist. If it turns out to be something Fox got a scoop but if it turns out like all the rest of the stories Hannity and the crew breathlessly hype then you don't embarrass yourself giving attention to another trump related BS story. Birth certificate? Obamagate? Sorry kid but no person of average or better intelligence will let Lucy pull the football away again.

  101. 50 Cent11:01 PM

    Vernon Jones voting for Trump.

    Another democrat not voting for Biden.

  102. You're so full of shit11:03 PM

    Pilot Eggplant said...
    "There is no evidence it is REAL."

    Except for the thousands of emails detailing shady transactions with foreign governments, of course.

  103. Stop lying11:05 PM

    There was no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia, but that didn't stop the media from devoting all of their resources trying to find something for three years.

  104. Anonymous11:08 PM

    You know you're directly over target when journos circle the wagons.

  105. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/18/business/media/new-york-post-hunter-biden.html

    NY Post reporters refused to put their names on the Hunter Biden story because of the dubious nature of the story.

  106. By sitting on the Bunter Hiden laptop, the FBI has, so far, buried:

    -Child pornography
    -Child predation
    -Money laundering
    -Selling out US foreign policy to our enemies
    -Violations of the emoluments clause
    -All-around massive corruption at the highest levels of government

  107. "Vernon Jones voting for Trump."

    Um, ok. The soon to be former Georgia state rep.? I'd say a sitting U.S. Senator is a bigger deal no?

  108. Seth Rich11:12 PM

    "NY Post reporters refused to put their names on the Hunter Biden story because of the dubious nature of the story."


    They refused bylines because the deranged left would come after them.

  109. "By sitting on the Bunter Hiden laptop, the FBI has, so far, buried"

    And you know this how exactly?

  110. "They refused bylines because the deranged left would come after them."

    Yeah, sure that's why reporters refuse to claim credit for a major story. LOL

  111. Woodward and Bernstein11:15 PM

    Oh no, I can't put my name on a huge story because "the left" might do something to me. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  112. Mike Wallace11:17 PM

    "You know you're directly over target when journos circle the wagons."

    Because we know all journalists avoid claiming credit for major stories. That makes a ton of sense.

  113. "The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

    Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation."

    From the above post.

  114. "Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said."

    More from the above article.

  115. Damn, this is a looooooooooooooong list. LOL


  116. Director Homey11:38 PM

    "And you know this how exactly?"

    1. They've had it since December of 2019.
    2. They have confirmed the emails are real.

  117. "Yeah, sure that's why reporters refuse to claim credit for a major story. LOL"

    Ask Seth Rich, Jon Ashe, Lieutenant Quarles Harris, Donald Young, Michael Hastings and Jeffrey Epstein why you might be hesitant to be identified as someone who releases damaging information on the Left.

  118. Fake News Update11:53 PM

    Today in media

    - Rachel Maddow and hundreds of others retweeted a fake Rudy Giuliani text message that a college kid had posted.

    - Iranian propaganda was shared by major media outlets and the Lincoln Project.

    - Fake revenge porn was posted and that ended up being a hoax from Borat.

    But journalistic 'integrity' prevents them from even considering the Biden scandal.

  119. Hunter Biden raped his niece Natalie Biden.

    Joe knew.

    Pass it on.


  120. “They have confirmed the emails are real.“

    Who exactly is “they”?😆

  121. “Hunter Biden raped his niece Natalie Biden.”

    This Hunter Biden guy sounds pretty bad, good thing he’s not running for office. Almost as bad as that Roger Clinton fellow.

  122. Just sayin'1:01 AM

    Maybe Joe should have done something after Hunter told him.

  123. Anonymous2:04 AM

    “Who exactly is ‘they’?

    Giuliani and his good friend, Giuliani, and his associate, Giuliani.

    Also Sean Hannity and a bunch of Reddit trolls.

  124. "Maybe Joe should have done something after Hunter told him."

    Hey dad, I dropped off my laptop full of uber incriminating evidence off to a blind trump supporter who weirdly enough has ties to trump's lawyer and the NY Post will anonymously write a story that Fox news and no one else will breathlessly promote but for some reason weeks later will just evaporate just like Obamagate and even the FN troll will pretend never happened. LOL

  125. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Not Voting For Trump...but

    To answer anyone who would say:

    “I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”

    Well folks, listen up! I'm not voting for him.

    I'm voting for the Second Amendment.

    I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice.

    I'm voting for the Electoral College, and the Republic we live in.

    I'm voting for the Police, and law and order.

    I'm voting for the Military, and the Veterans who fought for and died for this Country.

    I'm voting for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background

    I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

    I’m voting for secure borders.

    I’m voting for the right to praise my God without fear.

    I’m voting for every unborn soul the Democrats want to murder.

    I’m voting for Freedom and the American Dream.

    I’m voting for good and against evil.

    I'm not just voting for one person,
    I'm voting for the future of my Country!

    Who are you voting for?

  126. "There is no evidence it is REAL."

    Except for the thousands of emails detailing shady transactions with foreign governments, of course.

    Of course, stoopid fucking wingnuts are confused with real and authenticated. There may well be Biden emails, but it is more than likely they are fake. And wingnuts only have themselves to blame when no one takes their accusations seriously.

  127. “Who are you voting for?“

    I’m voting for science as opposed to fake toug guy BS.

    I’m voting for a man who doesn’t make fun if disabled people.

    I’m voting for a clean environment.

    I’m voting for fairness for everyone not just fake millionaires.

    I’m voting for someone not afraid to show their taxes.

    I’m voting for someone who doesn’t kill people with super spreader events.

    I’m voting for people not a piece of cloth.

    I’m voting for inclusion.

    I’m voting for someone who doesn’t tear down ideas because he doesn’t understand them.

    I’m voting for someone who helped create a health plan not someone who had four hears and still doesn’t have a plan.

    I’m voting against anti-intellectualism.

    I’m not voting for trump.

  128. “And wingnuts only have themselves to blame when no one takes their accusations seriously.“

    Yup, the first ones to call something fake news are falling for an obviously ginned up story. A laptop repair guy? Really? These guys are dumber than I thought.

  129. Digging up moar of whitey wingnuts racist past...


    Total agreement, PilotX.

  130. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I’m voting for a man who doesn’t make fun if disabled people.

    Hey, it isn't Trump's fault that your party decided to run a candidate with senile dementia who thinks he's running for Senate.

  131. Just sayin'10:25 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Maybe Joe should have done something after Hunter told him."

    The reference was to the fact that Joe knew Hunter was abusing his own niece (Joe's granddaughter) and did nothing.

  132. drumpfuck lied to a federal judge. Isn't that, like a criminal offense or something?


  133. It's undeniable10:32 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Of course, stoopid fucking wingnuts are confused with real and authenticated"

    FBI said they weren't Russian disinformation.

    FBI has had them since December of 2019 and has not found them to be fake.

    There is now a completely independent source in the form of Hunter's former business partner Bevan Cooney, who has provided another 26,000 emails that corroborate the tale told by the laptop emails.

    The evidence is real and damning.

  134. Chris Wallace throws cold water on Biden email hoax...


  135. Cooney is a convicted felon sitting in a cell and hopes to lessen his sentence with prostitutors. Not exactly a reliable source.

  136. Fraud. Fraud. Fraud.....wingnut voter fraud....


  137. for above post, his mother is dead.

    from Politico...

    Trump and his allies have also cited another email exchange, purportedly from May 2017, that appears related to Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China. In it, a consultant named James Gilliar alludes to possible equity distribution as part of a deal with CEFC China Energy Co., which was reportedly closely aligned with the Chinese government but has since gone bankrupt.

    In that email, Gilliar writes, "10 held by H for the big guy?" Another email from August 2017 purportedly from Hunter says the deal had become “much more interesting to me and my family” because it included a share of “the equity and profits.”

    Fox News has since reported, citing anonymous sources, that “the big guy” is a reference to Joe Biden. But there is no evidence that Hunter Biden ever struck a deal with the Chinese company, let alone that his father got a cut—income from China does not appear in Biden’s tax returns, including from the year of the alleged transaction.

  138. Why was the FBI report on Iran's election meddling spun as an attempt to hurt both parties when they clearly meant to help drumpf?

    Why was there no mention of Russia's attempts to help drumpf?

  139. PilotX said...

    I’m voting for science as opposed to fake tough guy BS.
    You're voting for dogma that hides behind fake science. You deny evolution. You deny basic biology and think someone can change their gender. You think man-made climate change is a serious threat despite none of the predictions coming true. You support draconian Blue state lockdowns that do nothing to stop the spread of coronavirus and cause much more harm to people's lives.

    I’m voting for a man who doesn’t make fun of disabled people.
    Trump never made fun of disabled people. You voted for Obama who mocked retarded people with his Special Olympics joke.

    I’m voting for a clean environment.
    Trump's America has the cleanest environment of your lifetime.

    I’m voting for fairness for everyone not just fake millionaires.
    The Trump economy was the first time in decades that the lowest earning Americans saw real wage gains - at a rate higher than any other group. Trump's tax cuts gave every working American thousands of dollars back. Trump's criminal justice reform freed thousands of people wrongly locked up for excessive prison terms. The rich and the powerful support democrats.

    I’m voting for someone not afraid to show their taxes.
    Trump has been harassed by the IRS since he got elected and has been continuously under an audit for four years - he can't release his info until it's over. You know that the hostile partisan press would misrepresent anything they got a hold of, just like they did with tax information they illegally obtained. He made his money before he got into government, unlike Biden who has gotten rich by abusing the powers of his office.

    I’m voting for someone who doesn’t kill people with super spreader events.
    The biggest super spreader events by far were the Democrat organized BLM protests/riots this summer.

    I’m voting for people not a piece of cloth.
    Trump is the first President in generations to stand up for the interests of ordinary Americans over those of globalist mega-corporations. When you hate a piece of cloth, you hate the people for whom it means something positive.

    I’m voting for inclusion.
    Trump is called racist because he doesn't prioritize one group over another. His policies have helped everyone - that's real inclusion.

    I’m voting for someone who doesn’t tear down ideas because he doesn’t understand them.
    You want your side's ideas to remain the drivers of policy even though they have been rejected by the voters. I think Trump has a deeper understanding of the tyranny of the Left than you do.

    I’m voting for someone who helped create a health plan not someone who had four hears and still doesn’t have a plan.
    Obamacare was failing and Trump saved it by running it better. He got rid of the individual mandate which was unconstitutional and hugely onerous on young poor people. He has gone after Big Pharma and brought drug prices down for all Americans. He is committed to maintaining coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. What counts is real deliverable to people, not empty promises.

    I’m voting against anti-intellectualism.
    Biden/Harris are the dumbest ticket in history.

    I’m not voting for trump.
    Because you're an ethno-narcissist partisan. That is your real reason.

  140. Anonymous11:24 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    Why was the FBI report on Iran's election meddling spun as an attempt to hurt both parties when they clearly meant to help drumpf? Why was there no mention of Russia's attempts to help drumpf?

    The Iran spam campaign was meant to make Trump look bad. That's why the liberal press ran with it. You think Iran wants Trump re-elected?

    There was no mention of Russia's attempts to help Trump because there are none.

  141. Anonymous11:25 AM

    “the big guy” is a reference to Joe Biden."

    Confirmed by Bevan Cooney.

  142. “Biden/Harris are the dumbest ticket in history.”

    Nope, that would be Palin/McCain. He graduated last (or very near) last in his class and Palin.......

  143. “You voted for Obama who mocked retarded people with his Special Olympics joke.“

    Well two things, you have no clue as to whom I voted for and we don’t use the R word anymore. As a trump voter the fact you don’t know this is unsurprising.

  144. Okay, fair enough, the McCain/Palin ticket was probably dumber. But it's close.

  145. “I’m not voting for trump.
    Because you're an ethno-narcissist partisan. That is your real reason.“

    Nope, wrong once again (shocking huh?) I’m not voting for trump because my major issues are not addressed by trump and the Republican Party at large. The GOP has abandoned all pretense of accepting science and fact Yeah yeah I know the whole IQ thing blah blah blah. trump just made fun of Biden listening to scientists! But ethno-narcissism or something or other. Ok.

  146. For the first time in history the New England Journal of Medicine endorses a presidential candidate. Why? Because a certain individual caused needless deaths and illness because of his willful ignorance of adherence to doctors' advice. This man is arrogant enough to dismiss the advice presented to him by experts. This is a continuation of the Republican anti-intellectualism heightened to frightening levels by Sarah Palin. I'm sorry but as Hall and Oates say "I can't go for that". I'm going to vote with the experts at the NEJM.


  147. The polls are a mess, but it appears that there has been a strong movement towards Trump by Hispanics.

    I know an Arab guy in Michigan. This is anecdotal, but he says many in his community are voting for Trump because they associate Biden with the Obama administration's bombing of the Middle East. We'll have to wait and see if that's real.

    If immigrants start voting Republican, will Democrats still support open borders?

  148. Adding to the New England Journal of Medicine's first ever presidential endorsement is Scientific Journal's first ever presidential endoresement and guess who they're endorsing? Go ahead and take a guess! Betcha you can figure it out! Think real hard, you can do it!

  149. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/16/prestigious-us-science-journal-breaks-with-tradition-to-back-biden

  150. Anonymous12:09 PM

    "For the first time in history the New England Journal of Medicine endorses a presidential candidate. Why?"

    Because science has become politicized as leftist ideology has assumed control of all major institutions of power in our society.

  151. And another prestigious science publication is endorsing Biden. Seems doctors and scientists are tripping over themselves to back Biden. They might be on to something right? I mean these are some of our brightest minds and they are thoroughly rejecting trump. I think I'll go along with the scientific experts and not anonymous trolls on a blog. LOL. I mean when was the last time anyone bragged about having the internet troll support? Unless you're trump and you're an actual internet troll.


  152. "The reference was to the fact that Joe knew Hunter was abusing his own niece (Joe's granddaughter) and did nothing."

    Or maybe it never happened.

  153. "Because science has become politicized as leftist ideology has assumed control of all major institutions of power in our society."

    Or maybe stupid has become politicized as conservative ideology and has assumed control of the Republican Party? I mean that is an option too right?

  154. "Because science has become politicized as leftist ideology has assumed control of all major institutions of power in our society."

    Yeah, I'm sure your interpretation is correct because the idea learned scientists who spend their entire adult lives studying a subject and becoming an expert only to have their expertise dismissed by a failed real estate mogul turned reality tv host played no part in their decision.

  155. From the Forbes article.

    "One of the things that’s truly been unprecedented is the number of prestigious scientific journals that have taken clear stances for the upcoming U.S. Presidential election. For example, Science, The Lancet, and the New England Journal of Medicine have all now urged voters not to re-elect Trump as President, as I have described previously for Forbes. Scientific American and Nature have both gone one step further and endorsed Democratic challenger and former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden for President."

  156. Anonymous12:26 PM

    “Because science has become politicized as leftist ideology has assumed control of all major institutions of power in our society.”

    Most of the nation’s wealth has ended up in the bank accounts of a relative handful of oligarchs, and the conclusion you reach is not that the Reaganite ultra-capitalists won, but that “leftists control everything.”

    How confused do you have to be to believe this?

  157. In general I distrust repetitive rhetoric such as 9:22AM or even (forgive me, PilotX) its 9:52AM retort, because such chanting sounds to me like self-hypnosis.

  158. “In general I distrust repetitive rhetoric such as 9:22AM or even (forgive me, PilotX) its 9:52AM retort, because such chanting sounds to me like self-hypnosis.“

    Agreed. I can bore you to death with an in depth discussion about why I’m voting a certain way. I kinda like you and don’t want you to gouge your eyeballs out from boredom so I’ll restrain myself. Also I’m about 99.99999998% sure you don’t give a damn. Notice I gave myself a margin or error.😆

  159. “How confused do you have to be to believe this?“

    She’s voting for trump. Asked and answered.😆

  160. https://news.yahoo.com/trumps-twitter-account-hacked-dutch-153009410.html?ncid=facebook_yahoonewsf_akfmevaatca

    Stable genius.😆😆

  161. Florida law enforcement and the FBI previously had said they were investigating the threatening emails allegedly sent from outside the United States to registered Democrats. The emails claimed to be from by a member of the Proud Boys, according to authorities, something the group denies.

    According to sheriffs' offices in both Brevard County and Alachua County, the sender claimed to belong to the "alt-right" group and said they were in possession of a voter's personal information.

    The Brevard County Sheriff's Office said the email addressed the voter by name, then stated: "We are in possession of all your information. You are currently registered as a Democrat and we know this because we have gained access into the entire voting infrastructure. You will vote for Trump on Election Day or we will come after you."

    Okay, shit fer brains, how does this damage drumpf?

  162. Everybody is backing Biden because dumbfuck drumpfuck is a fucking moron who has killed nearly a quarter million Americans with his refusal to take a raging pandemic, one he turned loose in America, seriously.

    He is also a known sexual predator, a pathological liar, an imbecile, a phony kristian, and deadbeat bill payer and the dumbest fucker that ever set foot in the now kremlin annex.

  163. Dear mike from iowa:
    You make your case succinctly.
    But please, don't hold back. Tell us what you _really_ think! ;)

  164. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "Most of the nation’s wealth has ended up in the bank accounts of a relative handful of oligarchs"

    Most of these oligarchs are huge supporters of the democratic party.

    How confused do you have to be to not realize this?

  165. Anonymous1:31 PM

    moron from iowa said...
    "Okay, shit fer brains, how does this damage drumpf?"

    Because ridiculous threats from someone posing as a Trump supporter are designed to make Trump supporters look bad and induce people cast their anonymous ballots for Biden.

    You are truly an imbecile.

  166. "EXCLUSIVE: A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Joe Biden's current running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, among other prominent Democrats, Fox News has learned.

    "An email... with the subject line “Phase one domestic contacts/ projects” and dated May 15, 2017, Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, shared a list of “key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.”

    "The email is unrelated to the laptop or hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden, the former vice president's son.

    "The list, included Harris, D-Calif.; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo; New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others."

    When Biden goes down, he's taking the entire DemocRAT party with him.

  167. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Does this look like an appropriate father/son interaction to you?


  168. LeonT1:56 PM

    Does this look like an appropriate father/son interaction to you?

    Yeah, it does, you Anonymous fuckmook.

    Jeezus, I shudder to think what your relationship with your father must have been like. Probably on par with Donny and Donny Jr.

  169. "Okay, shit fer brains, how does this damage drumpf?"

    trump is like a teenage girl searching for attention. Everything is about them and they act out when they think nobody is paying attention to them.

  170. designed to make Trump supporters look bad and induce people cast their anonymous ballots for Biden.

    So you, in yer infinite shit fer brains, just admitted Iran was trying to help drumpf. My my.

  171. "cast their anonymous ballots for Biden."

    As opposed to what other type of ballot?

  172. So what's the vote? Does trump let Biden speak or keep interrupting?

  173. You'd think with 25k alleged photos of Biden abusing underage chinese kids, at least one would surface so it could be verified.

    Fake noize, pure and simple.

  174. Anonymous3:09 PM

    You can't publish pictures of the victims.

    FBI child porn group is investigating.

  175. Leon Low-T3:36 PM

    When my daddy would push my head down on the pillow, I thought it was appropriate.

  176. Anonymous4:00 PM

    “designed to make Trump supporters look bad and induce people cast their anonymous ballots for Biden.”

    Trump supporters have already made themselves look bad, because they are actually bad. Why would Iran waste any time or money trying to make the Proud Boys look like thugs when everybody already knows the Proud Boys ARE thugs?

    Sorry, no, I am going with: Iran wanted to scare Biden voters away from the polls and help Trump win.

    As to why they would want Trump to remain president? The answer is that there isn’t only one faction in the Iranian government. The right-wing hardliner faction in Iran, just like Republicans in the US, don’t want what is best for their country, only what’s best for them personally.

    So the Iranian hardliners want a hostile relationship with the US, even though this hurts and impoverishes average Iranian citizens. They want to paint the US as the “Great Satan” so that they can then offer to protect the Iranian people from the “Great Satan.” This then justifies the hardliners remaining in power.

    They want Trump in power because, in the end, they are like Trump. They create enemies and then offer to be a big bully and fight those enemies. The only difference is that, for Trump, the supposed bad guys are Mexican immigrants and China, whereas for the Iranian hardliners, the supposed bad guy is America.

  177. You're an Assa-hola4:03 PM

    What a pathetic, moronic cope.

  178. Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that he did not facilitate his son's business deals with foreign nationals, he never met with Hunter's business partners, and he never personally profited from these influence peddling deals.

    All three were lies.

    Text messages obtained by the Federalist show Hunter Biden personally arranging a meeting with his business partners and Joe Biden to discuss a major deal with CEFC, a Chinese energy company. The meeting occurred at the Beverly Hilton in L.A. in early May. Texts are from May 2, 2017.


    The next morning, on May 3, 2017, Hunter's business partner-turned-whistleblower Tony Bobulinski texted James Biden--Hunter's uncle/Joe Biden's brother--and asked him to "please thank Joe for his time" for the meeting they all had on May 2 to discuss the China business deal.


    Ten days later, on May 13, 2017, James Gilliar (another Biden business partner) e-mailed the team with financial compensation arrangements for everyone involved, including Joe Biden.

    "10 held by H[unter] for the big guy," Gilliar wrote, referring to the 10% equity stake for Joe.



    Biden is a crook, and a liar, and he has gotten rich by selling out American interests.

  179. George P.4:10 PM

    I'd like to think that media would, at this point, be shamed into at least making a half-assed effort to pretend to do its job and look into these credible allegations against the Bidens.

  180. The worst part of the JoeBiden/Hunter Biden influence peddling story is that people on the peddler’s side of the aisle don’t care and politicians can’t be embarrassed anymore.

    This applies to both parties.

  181. Anonymous said...
    You can't publish pictures of the victims.

    One look at one altered pic would be enough for anyone to see that the pics are fake, except magats, of course.

    You stoopid bastards have brought this disbelief upon yourselves for constantly pushing debunked narratives as truth. We have seen it all before. Get a new hobby or maybe a real job.

  182. The next time you get a credible evidence will be the first time. You failed again. You're whining like little girls because no one wants to play yer silly ass games. Grow up or get the fuck out.

  183. Winning!4:20 PM

    Ha ha ha!

    Trump just released the full unedited video of his 60 minutes interview with Leslie Stahl.

    Now CBS can't pull of their selectively edited hatchet job without everyone knowing.

  184. I love this idea that it's some kind of profound metaphysical-journalistic impossibility to verify the contents of a laptop hard-drive. As if you can't simply ask the people whose names appear in the published email correspondences. Insultingly stupid.

  185. Rat Cliff the partisan ideologue hack.

    Ratcliffe is a former Republican congressman and a vocal Trump supporter, who the president last year appointed as the head of the United States Intelligence Community, when Ratcliffe promised he would be "entirely apolitical as the director of national intelligence."

    But critics say he has since adopted an intensely political approach to the role, according to a New York Times report, which cited his move to disclose unverified intelligence which mentioned Hillary Clinton as evidence of his political agenda.

    Clapper also called into question Ratcliffe's suggestion that a series of "spoofed emails" orchestrated by Iran were designed to "damage President Trump" rather than his Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

    The emails, which purported to be from the Proud Boys, a far-right US group, were sent to registered Democrats and said they would "come after" them if they failed to support Trump.

    his type of behavior by Prowd Boys is exactly what Dems expect from them and drumpf.

  186. drumpf is likely to be the one with edited video. That runs in wingnut circles. Its why they are called bog wheels.

  187. Peter Schweitzer wrote another book of dubious veracity which is where the ammo for ammo-magats get their alleged verifiable facts from. Like his earlier trash Clinton Cash, this book is long on hyperbole and short on indictable criminal acts by either Biden.

    Peruse this fact check and point out the crimes Hunter Biden committed. Neither Biden came anywhere near a criminal act.


  188. Two moar milestones reached today in the ever so real drumpf slaughtering spree aka drumpf's body count...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Take another victory lap, killer.

  189. https://time.com/5902557/hunter-biden-rudy-giuliani-ukraine/

    Emails allegedly belonging to Biden that Screwdy Rudy claimed he obtained privately, were circulating around Ukraine a year ago when Rudy was searching for dirt on Bidens over there.

  190. LeonT5:17 PM

    Here ya go, Winning! (you pathetic little shitheal):


  191. “FBI child porn group is investigating“

    Once again for the slow people, the rule is you have to post a link to your information! Just like math class, show your work or no credit. This ain’t the comments section at Fox.

  192. So has Mexico paid for the fence yet?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  193. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/donald-trump-christopher-wray-firing

    Trump wants to fire the FBI now.

  194. "So has Mexico paid for the fence yet?"

    Get in line Doug. We still need trump to show his taxes, trump's healthcare plan and the Dems to be frogmarched by U.S. Marines for eating babies. Gotta be patient. WWARD what would Axel Rose do?

  195. Draining the swamp? More like dating the swamp.


  196. Tale of the tape, Criminal indictments.


  197. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/jan/09/facebook-posts/many-more-criminal-indictments-under-trump-reagan-/
