Friday, October 23, 2020

Biden Trump Part Two.


I watched portions of the debate last night. The Eagles were on so I couldn't give it my undivided attention. 

From what I could see it looked like Mr. trump was sedated for the first thirty minutes or so, but then whatever he was on started to wear off. Then, as is to be expected, he reverted to form. The scary thing is that some pundits were actually giving him credit for controlling himself. They called it "showing restraint".  

It's amazing that the bar is so low for the president of the United States. All he had to do was to stop screaming at the moderator and interrupting his opponent at every turn to meet the bar set by some of these clueless pundits. Did they not see his bungled answers and response when pressed on his handling of the COVID-19 virus?  

So anyway, I gave Biden a C+ and trump a D. trump needed at least an A minus to move the needle. He needed to really have a good debate last night, and by all objective measures he did not do that. Most of the flash polls I saw had Biden winning the debate. Although I am quite sure that trump and the right-wing media will say that he won it as well. This is where we are with politics in America. Everyone is in their own corners and they see things how they want to see it.  

Still,  nothing particularly stood out for me last night. Not trump saying that he was the least racist person in the room, when the moderator was a black woman. Not trump implying that immigrants have low intelligence. Not trump saying that children being separated from their parents is good. Not trump telling people who are suffering from environmental racism and dying of cancer  that they are lucky to have good jobs. None of it. Because, quite frankly, I expect all of that from Donald trump. Joe Biden didn't say or do anything earth shattering, either. (Although promising to end the oil industry as we know it could be considered a big deal if you happen to live in Texas or Louisiana.)

What the debate did show was a stark contrast in the way both men approach leadership. 

In his closing argument Biden pledged to try to unify the country. trump, on the other hand, attacked Biden. 

Personally, what I remember most from the debate last night was this doozy from Mr. trump.

"President Donald Trump seemed poised to take responsibility for his failure on Covid-19 at Thursday’s presidential debate — and then he didn’t.

“I take full responsibility,” Trump said. He immediately continued: “It’s not my fault that it came here. It’s China’s fault.”'

Typical Donald trump.  

Oh, and the Eagles won, so the night wasn't a total loss.  





    WSJ, like the NYPost can't decide if he did it or not.

  2. Fake Noize is getting in the quagmire of made up shit, deeper and deeper.

  3. LeonT6:53 PM

    “I take full responsibility,” Trump said. He immediately continued: “It’s not my fault that it came here. It’s China’s fault.”'

    Showing that solid grasp of epidemiology that served him so well in his post-doctoral career.

  4. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I’m surprised Trump isn’t simply using that as his campaign slogan, since MAGA isn’t really believable anymore.

    Trump/Pence: It’s China’s Fault.


    538 said drumpf's attempts to hurt Biden with these fake crime stories has not touched Biden at all.

  6. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Congrats, Trump. You’ve succeeded in screwing your own redneck voters.

    The Worst Virus Outbreaks in the U.S. Are Now in Rural Areas

    Those of us in the big cities tried to warn them. This disease was going to hit us first, not hit us only. Too many people didn’t listen.

  7. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Proof that Trumpism is a literal cult:

    This fool prays to his lord and savior, Donald Trump, to save him as he is about to get busted by the po-po.

    This would be hilarious if it weren’t for the fact doofuses like him are ruining our country.

  8. “This would be hilarious if it weren’t for the fact doofuses like him are ruining our country.”

    Revenge of the dumb.


  10. So Fergus and his felons seem to be displaying the sort of behavior one would expect of folks who believe they are about to lose their election, and just what they are doing is quite informative.

    The first that comes to mind is the change of the civil service rules, that basically creates a "deep state" of Fergus appointees in positions to sabotage any reconstruction of the demolition they have done to the agencies of the US government.

    If you thought you were going to win a second term, you probably wouldn't be laying land mines already.

    Today there were the highest number of new COVID cases recorded in a single day since the beginning of the pandemic, and Fergus held a maskless superspreader event at a retirement facility in Florida.

    The generic term for that is negligent homicide.

    One wag on Twitter today remarked that quaalude Trump is better than crystal meth Trump, which sounded to me like saying that syphilis is better than lung cancer.

    Uh, none of either for me, thank you very much.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. Fool Negro:

    "So anyway, I gave Biden a C+ and trump a D. trump needed at least an A minus to move the needle. He needed to really have a good debate last night, and by all objective measures he did not do that."


           With just 12 days to go before the election, @realDonaldTrump's approval rating has popped over 50%, considered the holy grail of reelection numbers.

    — Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 22, 2020

  12. Anonymous1:16 AM

    State of the Biden campaign:

  13. LeonT1:23 AM

    From the Washington Examiner? What OAN was a bit too left wing for ya?

    Yeah, if any paper out there is going to deal well with facts, it's the Moony Times.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. A normal person2:13 AM

    I bet Doug has a humdinger of a story. He's sort of cute in a weird sort of way. Go pig people! Defeat Doug from Oakland or Sugar Pine. Whatever his/her fancy at the moment remember it's a weirdo.

  16. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Sorry to break it to you, Leon low-T, but the SOURCE is Rasmussen; the paper is merely reporting it.

  17. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Doug, do you wear make up? Maybe a little bit of lip of gloss? Be honest, are you hitting the bars in Oakhurst? Get your shots please, other "people" will appreciate that I'm sure. Good luck.

  18. Anonymous2:42 AM

    "Sorry to break it to you, Leon low-T, but the SOURCE is Rasmussen; the paper is merely reporting it."

    And Rasmussen is a fairly useless polling outlet. Why would you want to follow a pollster that always tells you "REPUBLICANS ARE GONNA WIN!"

    Me, I prefer pollsters that try to figure out who's actually going to win.

  19. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Back in reality, RCP's polling average puts Trump approval at ... 44%.

    So he's 10 points underwater, same crappy place he's been for most of his presidency.

  20. "Back in reality, RCP's polling average puts Trump approval at ... 44%."

    But he just hit the holy grail so landslide victory!!!!!! LOL

  21. Here's what Doug was referring.

  22. If you check out fake noise/right wing pundits who won the debate, you'd think they watched a totally different debate than dumpf/Biden.

    The delusional deplorables were nearly unanimous in claiming drumpf a clear winner and Biden as a liar.

    Rasmussen Polls are skewed towards wingnuts. Always have been. They are like the fake noize of pollsters.

  23. This is real, America and you stoopid fuckers that believe in Rasmussen polls....

    In another bit of fact for wingnuts (which is like holy water to vampires) drumpf's personal body count should easily pass 230k this weekend. Since you inbreds have nothing else to do, why not join drumpf as he counts down to the magic number tomorrow, if not sooner?


    That's a no no unless drumpf's goons do it. Had Dems done this, drumpf would be shitting his diapers and screami ng bloody murder. But, as we all know from years of experience, no crime is criminal enough to prosecute for wingnuts if it is perped by wingnuts.

  25. Anonymous12:37 PM


  26. Anonymous12:37 PM


  27. Anonymous1:28 PM





  28. anymoose , as per usual, wolf...wolf...wolf...

    ps there is not a reason in the world Biden has to tell any magats if emails are real. He has not been accused of let alone indicted for any imaginary crimes magats swear he has committed.


    Parnas says Biden's alleged emails were available in Ukraine far earlier than has been reported.


    Shoe is on the other foot. Accusations and emails accusing drumpf family of hijinks and no one is left unscathed.

    Are they true? Who the fuck cares. All that matters is if I believe they are true.

  31. Anonymous2:30 PM

    A so-called 2nd Amendment defender posted a video encouraging Indian-Americans to vote for Trump, because, according to her, he is a real "gandu."

    However, it turns out that "gandu" does not mean "cool dude" or whatever gun girl believed it did. It means "asshole" in Hindi. So a dimwitted Trump supporter got played once again.

    Shout out to whomever pranked her like this. Nicely played, sir/madam. You are not at all a "gandu."

  32. Here is drumpf's secret covid plan and it is a doozey..

    Whatyamean it doesn't exist, smartass?

  33. Everything's perfectly fine2:38 PM

    "there is not a reason in the world Biden has to tell any magats if emails are real."

    There's no problem with someone running for President who has sold his influence to foreign interests, including the Chinese government who has all the information of his dealings in complete detail.

    None at all.

  34. LeonT2:58 PM

    There's no problem with someone running for President who has sold his influence to foreign interests, including the Chinese government who has all the information of his dealings in complete detail.

    Yeah, and as soon as trump releases his tax returns showing who has bought and paid for his fat ass, everything will be perfectly fine.

  35. ...Says the defender of the fucking president with the hidden Chinese bank account with which he paid more taxes in China than he did in the US.

    And where are his ties made, again?

    And who did the daughter he wants to fuck get trademarks from at a dinner in Mar a Loggo?

    Oh yeah, that would be China.

    So nepotism and emoluments all rolled into one feckless grifting cunt.

    How about you go fuck yourself?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. RIP Jerry Jeff Walker.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. There's no problem with someone running for President who has sold his influence to foreign interests, including the Chinese government who has all the information of his dealings in complete detail.

    If you magats had actionable crimes, they'd be plastered all over the universe and Biden would be indicted, kangaroo courted and executed before this weekend is over.

    drumpf's impeachable offenses were proven in house of representatives and he was found guilty. drumpf didn't attempt to fight the charges when and where he should have. He was given assurances in Dec before the actual ghouse trial he would not be removed from office by traitor McCTurtlefuckface.

    Like it or not , drumpf the pimp stands impeached and will always wear that badge of shame.

  38. So how many times is Fergus gonna "round the corner" before he goes in ever tightening circles right up his own fat butt?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Anonymous4:59 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "...Says the defender of the fucking president with the hidden Chinese bank account with which he paid more taxes in China than he did in the US."

    You mean the 'hidden' bank account registered with the US government? The one mentioned in a Forbes article 7 years ago and that was closed in 2015? The one out of which he paid $188K in taxes vs $25 million in US taxes?

    I doubt if Joe paid taxes on the Chinese money he got for selling out Americans.

  40. drumpf's account is not closed and never has been because of ongoing taxes he has to pay. Did fake noise lie to you about this fact, too. _Poor baby, but we told you you are too stoopid to live away from the swamp and you don't listen to us truth tellers.

    Well. drumpf body count surpassed 230k bodies for drumpf to ogle, fondle, lick, whatever he plans to do with them.

    Last updated: October 24, 2020, 21:56 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  41. Trump Organization lawyer Alan Garten, who refused to name the Chinese bank that holds the account, told the Times in a statement that the Trump Organization “opened an account with a Chinese bank having offices in the United States in order to pay the local taxes” tied with its push to do business in the country.

    Garten specifically said the company had opened the account once an office was opened in China “to explore the potential for hotel deals in Asia.”

    “No deals, transactions or other business activities ever materialized and, since 2015, the office has remained inactive,” he told the newspaper. “Though the bank account remains open, it has never been used for any other purpose.”

    So I guess drumpf lied to, you magats again. Whadda phucking surprise.

  42. Anonymous6:50 PM

    “I doubt if Joe paid taxes on the Chinese money he got for selling out Americans.”

    Why would he, when it didn’t happen?

  43. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Doug, do you wear make up? Maybe a little bit of lip of gloss? Be honest, are you hitting the bars in Oakhurst? Get your shots please, other "people" will appreciate that I'm sure. Good luck.

    2:26 AM
    Your silly insults are boring. This is an adult blog. Why don't you go play with the other junior-hi kids who often post nonsense here.

  44. Mike said....

    Here is drumpf's secret covid plan and it is a doozey..

    Whatyamean it doesn't exist, smartass?

    2:35 PM
    Yes, we all know Trump's plan - He has no real plan , so he's gonna let the virus run wild until everybody in blue states dies. LOL!

  45. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Rasmussen Polls are skewed towards wingnuts.

    So tell us, what pollster was closest to correct in 2016?

    Who correctly predicted Hillary's crash-and-burn?

  46. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Less than 6% of 230k means maybe 13k have died of COVID. That's less than SARS.

  47. Final Nail in Biden's Coffin: It Looks Like Hunter's Company Facilitated Sale of Strategic US Manufacturer to a Chinese Defense Contractor

    Newly released emails sourced from former Hunter Biden associate Bevan Cooney reveal a shockingly short-sighted business “deal” that saw a strategic manufacturer in the United States sold off to an aeronautics and defense company controlled by the government of China.

    The emails detail some of what went on behind closed doors when strategic American manufacturer Henniges Automotive was being purchased by a Chinese state-owned company in 2015.

    Because of Henniges’ capacity to produce military hardware, approval from the Committee of Foreign Investment in the U.S. was needed to finish the deal.

    The deal may have seemed like a long shot at first, in part because the Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute — a subsidiary of the Aviation Industry Corporation, or AVIC, the Chinese state-owned aerospace and defense conglomerate that was interested in purchasing Henniges — had been placed on a U.S. federal government watch list in 2014 for “acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States.”

    Thankfully for the Chinese government, Hunter Biden’s Bohai Harvest RST equity fund — also known as BHR Partners — was more than willing to pair up with AVIC.

    The joint venture was referred to as “Project Hanson,” according to Breitbart. The project would eventually help sell Henniges off to the Chinese state-owned company, the outlet reported.

    “Internal BHR documents show exactly how the Chinese military contractor was able to disguise its ownership via shell corporations and formed a joint-venture with the son of the vice president to facilitate the Chinese takeover of an American dual-use technology supplier”.

    “When news of the AVIC takeover of Michigan-based manufacturer Henniges Automotive hit the wire, Biden’s associates celebrated, calling the transaction a ‘proof of concept’ for future Chinese acquisitions,” the outlet added. “Cooney’s emails (and their attachments) reveal how Hunter Biden’s BHR viewed the Henniges acquisition — which they code named ‘Project Hanson’ — as a major coup and a model for future BHR ‘cross-border’ investments.”

    Most worryingly, AVIC is the company behind the J-20 — an advanced stealth fighter championed in China as proof of the country’s ability to arm itself well.

  48. As moar people look into the scurrilous Biden allegations the moar people are coming to the belief this is another wingnut hoax. Alex Jones has been peddling some form of this crud and he is not at all reliable.

  49. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Video of Hunter Biden having sex with a 14-year old going viral on the internet:

    If Rudy Giuliani not having sex with a consenting 24 year old is a major news story, surely the Hunter Biden leaks will be all over CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX.


  50. Western Journal is an extreme right wing nut job douche bottle founded by Floyd Brown founder of Citizens United and author of the Willie Horton ad, plus he is a devout Clinton hater from then time Bill was guv of Arkansas.

    I rate his stories as extreme fictional fairy tales with ogres galore.

  51. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Biden phone call from two weeks after the 2016 election telling Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to take steps to prevent Trump from finding out what the Obama administration had been up to in Ukraine:

  52. Anonymous8:03 PM

    "Western Journal is an extreme right wing nut job"

    Western Journal didn't write the emails. Hunter Biden did.

  53. Who correctly predicted Hillary's crash-and-burn?

    Putin and his bitch drumpf in a naked joint newscast from Putin's boudoir.

    "Western Journal is an extreme right wing nut job"

    Yop can't even paste a quote correctly. Amateur.

  54. Magats are desperate and at the end of their rope when they depend on Floyd brown and 4 chan. Losers.

  55. wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf......wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...Bidens...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...wolf...

  56. “Video of Hunter Biden having sex with a 14-year old going viral on the internet“

    Good thing Hunter isn’t a political figure or in charge of an important institution.

  57. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Notice how the Marxist left wing MSN falsely reports "surging" Covid numbers so close to the election??

    Its all bullshit of course.

  58. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Democrats destroying mail in ballots all over the nation.....

  59. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Is your business failing or have you lost your business or job due to the Covid-19 hoaxing??

    Blame the Democrats and their thirst for power. They have sold out the USA to the Chinese and used a bio-weapon to scare Americans into a far more sinister plot....Vaccine which you do not want in your body.

    A Vaccine developed for something other than a legit medical reason. CONTROL........

  60. Anonymous9:26 PM

    "A Vaccine developed for something other than a legit medical reason. CONTROL........"

    Hey, if we evil lefties are shooting for magical, non-existent technologies, why bother with mind-control serum? Let's just cut to the chase and invent a poison that selectively kills wingnuts. Hooray! Now everything will be better.

    Seriously, though, you cannot be dumb enough to believe these comic book-quality scare stories. How do you manage to remember to breathe?

  61. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Democrat = Communist

  62. Anonymous9:38 PM


    "Sources close to and with deep knowledge of the investigation, have informed me that Chris Coons' DAUGHTER in addition to seven other underage girls are also featured on [Hunter Biden's] laptop."

  63. Stick a fork in the Bidens... they're done9:42 PM

    Here's some of the LEAST incriminating kompromat that the Chinese have on the Bidens:

    They're going DOWN!

  64. SAY HER NAME!9:46 PM

    Christine Summers, trucker murdered by a black "man".

  65. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Hunter Biden sex tapes have been released by Chinese TV station GTV.

    GTV,org said to be dropping one video per hour and claim they have 'thousands' of them. Sex tapes and evidence of payoffs. The claim is Biden and his family are assets of the Chinese Communist Party and the videos are used as blackmail.

  66. Doug in Sugar Pine, Arlo Guthrie announced he is cancelling his tour and is through performing. He has had some mini-strokes and his body tells him it is time to retire and go fishing.

  67. Anonymous said...
    Notice how the Marxist left wing MSN falsely reports "surging" Covid numbers so close to the election??

    Its all bullshit of course.

    Prove it, bitch! That's right, you can't. You don't know how to find truth because fake noize tells you they will tell you what is real. Poor pitiful stoopid fucking inbred wasicu wastey wingnut putz. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  68. Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”

  69. Anonymous10:20 PM

    "GTV,org said to be dropping one video per hour and claim they have 'thousands' of them. Sex tapes and evidence of payoffs. The claim is Biden and his family are assets of the Chinese Communist Party and the videos are used as blackmail."

    Oh, you mean the GTV that is under investigation by the FBI and SEC for ripping off investors? The one owned by "Wall GoFundMe" fraudsters Steve Bannon and Brian Colfage?

    Yeah, I'm sure any information coming out of them is totally reputable and real, and definitely not made-up or anything. Lord, how sad you trolls are.

  70. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Joe Biden test messages show him helping Hunter get $1 million from Chinese-Communist linked business partner:

  71. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "Yeah, I'm sure any information coming out of them is totally reputable and real, and definitely not made-up or anything"

    Yeah, they "made-up" these videos somehow. Must be CGI.

  72. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Black Approval for Trump SOARS to 46% as Biden Coalition COLLAPSES!!!

  73. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Why did Democratic Mayors and Governors shut everything down for a virus that is 99.7% survivable???

    More people die from the common flu and pneumonia than Covid-19.The numbers reported by the MSN are bullshit.

  74. Anonymous12:03 AM

    "Yeah, they "made-up" these videos somehow. Must be CGI."

    Too expensive. So what's more likely is:

    1) They're blurry videos that show other peopl, not the Bidens, but you're dumb enough to believe they are the Bidens because the website said so and that's what you want to believe.

    2) They are actually the Bidens doing something completely innocuous, but the videos been edited and captioned to describe them as allegedly doing something sinister. And again, you're dumb enough to believe they are doing something sinister because the website said so and that's what you want to believe.


  75. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Hey Hidin Biden, When was Trump doing nothing but being stuck in a sand trap at his golf course when he is on the news all day every day going from one rally to the next, and also taking care of the Nations business, while you sleep all day and night in your mansions basement ? You disguting old Communist. You and Obama were on the take by the Commies for 8+ years, all the time accusing Trump of being in collusion. A massive investigation that costed the Taxpayers Billions that you instituted against Trump resulted in NOTHING. Now there is a mountain of evidence against you and your family for doing exactly what you deceitfully accused Trump of. You, Mr Biden, are nothing more than a career scumbag lying, shyster Politician, like most of your ilk. Also you are a disgusting, lying human Piece of Garbage communist, you yourself in collusion with Communist China. Would not doubt a bit that you and your band of Communist Democrats were in Collusion to release the Corona Virus on your own people in order to gain control of the Country once again by wiping out all the phenomenal gains that Trump made, which made all you Politicians look like the feckless, thieving, lying cock-suckers that you all truly are.

  76. Imagine being Kamala Harris right now.

    Spending years of your life sucking dick to get to the top. Jaw breaking work.

    Breaking the glass ceiling of beejeers.

    Just to hitch your wagon to a family of incestual pedo and have all that hard work ruined.

    Wherever Kamala is right now I bet she's seething.

  77. “Black Approval for Trump SOARS to 46% as Biden Coalition COLLAPSES!!!“

    And unicorns are real, I fart plaid monkeys and Arianna Grande is my side piece.

  78. If the trumps love America so much how come not one of them has ever served in the military. Both of Biden’s sons served.

  79. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Beau was an army lawyer. His job was to prosecute American soldiers.

    Hunter got kicked out of the Navy.

  80. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Trump never used his children to launder bribes from foreign countries.

  81. We love the Deep State1:22 AM

    The FBI actually had possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop detailing Joe Biden’s involvement with Burisma *while* Democrats impeached Trump for asking about the Bidens’ involvement in Ukraine

    They knew it was a sham impeachment and did nothing.

  82. "Beau was an army lawyer. His job was to prosecute American soldiers."

    Um, they also defend soldiers but you knew that right?

    "Hunter got kicked out of the Navy."

    At least he joined. How many trumps even signed up?

  83. "Trump never used his children to launder bribes from foreign countries."

    Except for those Chinese copyrights.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. Anonymous4:13 AM

    “‘Beau was an army lawyer. His job was to prosecute American soldiers."

    Um, they also defend soldiers but you knew that right?”

    Troll don’t care about that.

    Troll get mad if American soldiers get punished for murder prisoners who are brown people. Troll think that unfair because brown people not really people anyway.

    Troll is great big racist.

  85. Ivana Junior got Chinese copyrights on a couple voting machines. I wonder which wingnut party they are designed to tally votes for?

  86. The Chinese government has granted Trump at least 39 trademarks, some of which had been previously rejected, since he took office; Ivanka Trump, the president's daughter and senior adviser, has also gotten at least seven since she joined the administration.


    drumpf and Loopy Larry Kudchewerlow think bribery should be legal and practiced by American corporations overseas.

    Kudchewerlow was proud drumpf hired millionaires for his cabinet because kudchewerlow says they have enough money and aren't likely to be corrupt. Doh!

  88. Anonymous9:36 AM


  89. Hunter Biden joined the Navy Reserves as an Ensign. No active duty. He was granted a waiver because of his age and another admitting past drug use. He was given an administrative discharge for failed drug test. Think of an administrative discharge as an annulment for a marriage. It is like the marriage never existed. Same case with Biden.

  90. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Covid-19 = WOLF WOLF WOLF WOLF

  91. Schweizer's book that many of these false Biden claims come from came out in 2018. Why did koyote kerfluffle wait until just before the election to get around to start howling about them?

    Chances are they knew drumpf was likely to suffer a catastrophic loss and they wanted to drive Biden's numbers down like the late FBI release of previously released HRC emails did to her, 11 days before the election of 2016.

  92. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Incredible. The one public appearance Joe Biden does this weekend is a speech in Pennsylvania that immediately turns into a massive Trump rally/car parade/GOTV event.

  93. "Final Nail in Biden's Coffin: It Looks Like Hunter's Company Facilitated Sale of Strategic US Manufacturer to a Chinese Defense Contractor"

    From the Russian bot factory's Wish It Were So department.

  94. Anonymous said...

    Why did Democratic Mayors and Governors shut everything down for a virus that is 99.7% survivable???

    More people die from the common flu and pneumonia than Covid-19.The numbers reported by the MSN are bullshit.

    11:38 PM
    Maybe because it's not 99.7 percent survivable; it's 97 percent survival. Three percent mortality for three-hundred million results in a lot of dead people.

    According to:
    "the death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S." That's one-tenth of one percent. Covid 19 is about 30 times more deadly than the common flue.

    I guess you find decimals to challenging to understand.

  95. Anonymous said...


    9:36 AM
    OMG! Kindergarten stuff. Run along and play with the other children. This blog is for grown ups.

  96. Anonymous said...

    Beau was an army lawyer. His job was to prosecute American soldiers.

    Hunter got kicked out of the Navy.

    12:43 AM
    Even if true, it's highly irrelevant. It has nothing even remotely related to the topic of why no one in the Trump family has ever served in the military. so why haven't they?

  97. Anonymous said....

    You disguting old Communist. You and Obama were on the take by the Commies for 8+ years....
    During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the prospect of communist subversion at home and abroad seemed frighteningly real to many people in the United States.

    For many Americans, the most enduring symbol of this “Red Scare” was Republican Senator Joseph R. McCarthy of Wisconsin. Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing “loyalty risks” in the U.S. government. In the hyper-suspicious atmosphere of the Cold War, insinuations of disloyalty were enough to convince many Americans that their government was packed with traitors and spies. McCarthy’s accusations were so intimidating that few people dared to speak out against him. It was not until he attacked the Army in 1954 that his actions earned him the censure of the U.S. Senate.

    McCarthy has been dead for a long time and Reagan ended the cold war when the Berlin Wall came down. Do get off this communist shit. It's not relevant any more. You all must be pretty desperate to bring it up now!

  98. Neither Beau nor hunter Biden are seeking public office so any dirt, and it is not going to be very dirty dirt, has no bearing on Joe the can didate without some credible proof of wrongdoing and alleged emails won't get the job done. You need intent to commit a crime as well.
    Give it up and start making shit up for 2024, pathetic losers.

  99. Gambler2 said...
    For many Americans, the most enduring symbol of this “Red Scare” was Republican Senator Joseph R. McCarthy of Wisconsin. Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing “loyalty risks” in the U.S. government.

    Try wrapping your head around this:

  100. Anonymous12:22 PM

    "Schweizer's book that many of these false Biden claims come from came out in 2018. Why did koyote kerfluffle wait until just before the election to get around to start howling about them?"

    The evidence was properly turned over to the FBI in December of 2019. Because they buried it, it was up to private citizens to get it out before the country elected someone who was compromised by shady dealings with the Chinese government.

  101. Anonymous12:28 PM

    "Neither Beau nor hunter Biden are seeking public office so any dirt, and it is not going to be very dirty dirt, has no bearing on Joe the can didate without some credible proof of wrongdoing and alleged emails won't get the job done. You need intent to commit a crime as well."

    The issue is not what Biden's children have done, it's that Joe used his son Hunter and his brother Jim as bagmen for selling US government favors to foreign governments for his own profit.

    That is illegal.

    The other consideration is that the Chinese Communist party has a vast trove of blackmail material on someone who could be President of the United States.

  102. The issue is not what Biden's children have done, it's that Joe used his son Hunter and his brother Jim as bagmen for selling US government favors to foreign governments for his own profit.

    That is illegal.

    It is not illegal as you have zero credible evidence it occurred. Get that through your peanut. You have to have committed an actual crime and all yer whining is not proof of an actual crime.

  103. drumpfuck the known criminal criminalled again by voting in Florida using an entertainment club as his resident address. Of course he knows it is illegal but he also knows wingnuts don't care about law and order except when they can lie about Dems crimes they can never seem to prove. Wolf...wolf...wolf...

  104. The Brown Scare said...

    Gambler2 said...
    For many Americans, the most enduring symbol of this “Red Scare” was Republican Senator Joseph R. McCarthy of Wisconsin. Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing “loyalty risks” in the U.S. government.

    Try wrapping your head around this:

    12:19 PM
    I went to the website you posted and got quite an education about Mencius Moldberg. And here's what I found......

    "White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has been in contact via intermediaries with Curtis Yarvin, Politico Magazine reported this week. Yarvin, a software engineer and blogger, writes under the name Mencius Moldbug. His anti-egalitarian arguments have formed the basis for a movement called “neoreaction.”

    The main thrust of Yarvin’s thinking is that democracy is a bust; rule by the people doesn’t work, and doesn’t lead to good governance. He has described it as an “ineffective and destructive” form of government, which he associates with “war, tyranny, destruction and poverty.” Yarvin’s ideas, along with those of the English philosopher Nick Land, have provided a structure of political theory for parts of the white-nationalist movement calling itself the alt-right. The alt-right can be seen as a political movement; neoreaction, which adherents refer to as NRx, is a philosophy. At the core of that philosophy is a rejection of democracy and an embrace of autocratic rule......"

    I don't know just what your point is, but I sure don't subscribe to Moldberg's ideas. I'm not attacking him personally - no ad hominem attack, I just think his ideas are way out there.

    Have a nice day, and thanks for the info.

  105. Captain Obvious stepped out of hell and announced, in all sincerity, the incompetent drumpf clusterfuck would not be controlling the pandemic. No shit, Sherlock?

    Most obvious understatement since teevee announcer, right after space shuttle exploded claimed there was a major malfunction. He got his right.

  106. I was waiting for the trolling to get bad enough before sending in the following. I figure this is about time. So here's one of my Underfables. It was inspired by events in this very comments section.


    Online Repartee
    an Underfable

    Once upon a time, a Black, a Jew, and a Woman signed onto a comments section.
    In it an anonymous Troll wrote, "FUKKK YOOOO!!!!!"
    The Black wrote, "Same to you, doubled!"
    The Jew wrote, "It's spelled 'fuck you'."
    And the Woman wrote, "Who hurt you, dearie?"

    Moral: Reply in style.

  107. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Federal disaster team sent, overflow hospital set up as COVID surges in El Paso

    Remind me: Where is El Paso, again? Is it in one of those states run by dastardly Democrats overreacting to this silly COVID flu thing?

    Trump said all that was over, anyway. The virus went away over the summer, right? Like a miracle?

  108. El Chapo5:59 PM

    "Remind me: Where is El Paso, again?"

    On the Mexican border. These cases are infected Mexicans coming to the US for treatment.

  109. Anonymous6:13 PM

    “On the Mexican border. These cases are infected Mexicans coming to the US for treatment.”


    And you mock the left as “NPCs”? Absolutely anything bad that happens, your kneejerk response is ALWAYS “China did it, Mexicans did it.”

    You are a self-parody, a literal Trumpbot.

  110. One correction in above story about Challenger. The announcer was from Mission Control and made the announcement during the live broadcast of Raygun's folly.

  111. Anonymous6:43 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  112. Note the date on this tweet:

    Joe Biden
    · Oct 25, 2019
    We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores.…

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Surprise, surprise. Biden's laptop was not left at a fix it shop by Biden, it was left with his former shrink, a nut case whose license has been suspended. And Rudy has a plethora of right wing dirty tricksters helping him try to disinformation Biden out of the presidency.

  114. The ex shrink's office was raided and scredy rudy got the material apparentl7y from the feds who raided the office. Feds shouldn't be handing out this stuff during a campaign or any other time, for that matter.

    Guess drumpf's gubmint is corrupt all the way through and wingnuts think Biden's are the crooks.

  115. PG&E is getting ready to cut off our electricity until Tuesday because their power infrastructure is too dangerous to operate when the wind blows.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  116. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Christine Summers, trucker murdered by a black "man".


  117. “Christine Summers, trucker murdered by a black "man".“

    Was he arrested?


    That’s tragic and it sounds as if the suspect has severe mental issues. Hopefully justice will be served and the family of Mrs. Summers can find peace

  119. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "The ex shrink's office was raided and scredy rudy got the material apparentl7y from the feds who raided the office"

    Complete fiction.

  120. Anonymous11:04 PM

    "The ex shrink's office was raided and scredy rudy got the material apparentl7y from the feds who raided the office. Feds shouldn't be handing out this stuff during a campaign or any other time, for that matter."

    This is, if anything, even sillier than the blind computer repair guy story.

    SO Hunter Biden now is supposed to have left laptops and hard drives with his good buddy ... Fox News hack Keith Ablow?

    Sure, sure. Totally plausible. Who wouldn't believe that Hunter Biden would be besties with a wingnut shitweasel who called Hunter's dad senile for the amusement of Republican TV viewers, and suggested that Barack Obama wanted to infect America with Ebola because he hates America? Makes complete sense.

    Jesus, the QAnoners have a more believable story than this embarrassing junk. Team Trump are too dumb and lazy to even put together a proper evil plan. I guess we should all be glad about that.

  121. Now they have admitted that they have given up trying to control the pandemic.
    Can you think of any other job where you could just declare that you were giving up and then get rewarded by being rehired?
    None of the dozens of jobs I have had worked like that. You don't want to do the job? You're fired and we'll hire someone who does.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  122. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Joe Biden forgets who he is running against, thinks it's George Bush, wife has to remind him it's Trump:

  123. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Troll Review and Update:
    Troll IDed: Gambler2
    MO: Having a "discussion" with fascist troll to validate fascist ideas as worthy of consideration through legitimate debate (2:38pm).

    The Troll/Dupe Continuum


    Troll: The person responsible for troll posts
    Dupe: A legitimate poster who believes in the legitimacy of the troll's posts. Or a troll playing the role of a dupe as example of social proof.

    There's no difference between the one who is trolling and the dupe(s). The purpose of the troll is to spread their ideas to which the duped will in turn replicate and spread those same ideas.

    How Fascist Trolls Win
    -- When troll's lies are discussed. Foot in the door.
    -- When the other side gives in by agreeing with some little thing with the fascist troll. The idea is if you agree to something small, you will eventually agree to the big thing. Note how the fascist troll never agrees with you. The fascists maintain their frame of reference while you are the one who shall capitulate and "play nice". "Triumph of the will".

    Favorable Troll EcoSystem
    It is already known that trolling on Facebook is highly successful when fascist trollers take advantage of "free speech" policies. Facebook's idea of "free speech" is basically a lack of moderation. With a lack of moderation, the fascist trollers can be free to question established facts and established lies and replace them with their own alternative facts and lies. They do it because it works. The deadly consequences of people believing in lies is shown in the pogrom/genocide in Myamar, the Duterte dictatorship in the Phillipines, the rise of Bolsonaro in Brazil and the election of Trump.

    In an unmoderated forum, be it Facebook or blog comment sections, the lie will always win over truth. That's because it's always easier to lie. You just make it up. The key to controlling the spread of fascism is moderation of the forums with which we communicate. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok has to be moderated. Same with comments sections of blogs like this one, the Field Negro Blog.

    Field Negro blog comments are an integral part of the blog; but, FN Blog comments are not moderated and the fascists are given the freedom to spread their ideology. Field Negro Blog should not be considered a legitimate blog and should be considered a disinformation outlet until the comments section is properly moderated.


  124. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Control of Information is Essential for the Coming Order
    Opinions contrary to the mission must be forbidden. If you aren't on board with killing all fascists you are just as guilty as they are.


  125. Dante Robinson, one of the murderers of Autumn Pasquale, FINALLY gets 35 years for a home invasion:

    Her name is Autumn Pasquale.  SAY HER NAME!

  126. "Dante Robinson, one of the murderers of Autumn Pasquale, FINALLY gets 35 years for a home invasion"

    Maybe one day the killers of Breonna Taylor will serve time. Good to see Autumn got to receive justice.

  127. "Dante Robinson, one of the murderers of Autumn Pasquale, FINALLY gets 35 years for a home invasion"

    He wasn't accused of killing Autumn. He was guilty of obstruction in that case. Kind of misleading post.

  128. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Opinions contrary to the mission must be forbidden. If you aren't on board with killing all fascists you are just as guilty as they are.


    Fool Negro blog allows outright calls for murder of dissenters.

  129. What's with all these violent white supremacists? You guys need to chill.

  130. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Kudos to Ice Cube-- a true FN ( Keeping it 100!) as described by Malcolm X.. courage Under Fire

  131. Anonymous10:23 AM

    So Joe Biden covered for Hunter’s sexual impropriety with a minor female, who is also family member.

    Totally normal stuff. Very “presidential.”

  132. Anonymous10:24 AM

    There’s a reason he’s not campaigning anymore.

    He can’t face the heat on this stuff.

  133. Anonymous said....

    Troll Review and Update:
    Troll IDed: Gambler2
    MO: Having a "discussion" with fascist troll to validate fascist ideas as worthy of consideration through legitimate debate (2:38pm).

    FYI: All political ideas are worthy of discussion. It is through discussion that unacceptable political philosophies such as fascism and communism are evaluated. Only an ignorant, anonymous fool would try to say otherwise.

    Have a nice day.

  134. Anonymous said...

    There’s a reason he’s not campaigning anymore.

    He can’t face the heat on this stuff.

    10:24 AM
    Joe is campaigning. You must be drunk or in a coma.

  135. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:11 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Joe Biden forgets who he is running against, thinks it's George Bush, wife has to remind him it's Trump:

    12:34 AM
    No big deal. Joe is the king of gaffs. He's been that way for many years. I have the same problem, but neither of us is senile.

  136. On Crooks and Liars this morning

    Fox News Destroys Hunter Biden Lies After Network Investigation ‘Found No Role For Joe Biden’
    A Fox News investigation “found no role for Joe Biden” in the business dealing of his son, Hunter, the network said on Sunday.

  137. Biden took time away from the cmpaign last week so he could prepare for debate. He announced this publicly. He is on the road again and has been for a few days.

  138. Cassandra12:00 PM

    Joe Biden wanted to silence his own minor relative about sexual misconduct by her 50 year old relative. Great guy. Good morals. Good choice Democrats. Way to go.

  139. Here is a tasty morsel wingnuts would never see if they only got their disinformation from conspiracy theorists.

    The owner of the computer repair shop told reporters that, while he couldn’t confirm it was Hunter Biden who dropped off the laptop because he is "legally blind," he also said he didn't see child pornography on the computer.

    I have yet to find any source that claims Biden sexed his niece. Not even a fake one.

    Chanel Rion from OAN was credited with emails saying she personally saw Biden/pornography on laptop. She herself has denied she said any such thing. She knows others have been posting using her name.

  140. LeonT1:59 PM

    I'm sorry Cassandra, but are you here trying to tell us about "Good morals"?

    Go tell it to Stormy Daniels.

  141. Leon Low-T2:14 PM

    I think banging a porn star is morally equivalent to Biden covering up his son's sexual abuse of his 14-year old granddaughter.

    That's who I am.

  142. “There’s a reason he’s not campaigning anymore.”

    trump is holding corona rallies because he spent all of his campaign money (probably had to pay off Russian mobsters) and had to pull millions of campaign ads. When he holds a rally Fox covers it and he gets screen time. Money mismanagement is his thing.

  143. Anonymous3:11 PM

    “trump is holding corona rallies because he spent all of his campaign money”

    Being a bad person, Trump can only get other bad people to work for him. Some of those bad people looted his campaign funds, so that’s another reason he doesn’t have enough cash.

    Also, Trump just likes rallies. He is a malignant narcissist who needs people to tell him how great he is all the time. And if his maskless rallygoers infect each other and die, he couldn’t care less.

  144. LeonT3:29 PM

    Your arguments are as original as your name, Leon Low-T.

  145. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:34 PM

    From the Daily Beast today....

    "President Donald Trump escalated his attacks on Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf on Monday, threatening to not come to the state’s aid as the deadly COVID-19 pandemic continues to plague it."

  146. Leon Low-T said...

    I think banging a porn star is morally equivalent to Biden covering up his son's sexual abuse of his 14-year old granddaughter.

    That's who I am.

    2:14 PM
    Well then, you have a strange moral code. One is a crime and the other one isn't. Regardless, there is no evidence that anyone "banged Biden's niece", but your post is evidence that your thinking is distorted.

  147. Anonymous4:35 PM

    VP wannabe, madam KH . Shut down Ms Whoopi ( The View Co-host). When Ms whoopie asked her about that fly on the vice president's head. Madame KH is letting Ms Whoopie know from the gate, we are not on parity. I'm entertaining you now but once I get seated, it's a wrap! Like Oprah Winfrey and the Obamas (See ya suckers!).

    My Caucasian husband and my Indian / Jamaican family are NOT vlack-- we just use the black community (including the HBCU you created)to achieve personal goals... bye Felicia!

  148. Chicago Roy4:41 PM

    It's a demonstration of the power of the democrat media that the culture war canard "kids in cages" became an election season boogeyman greater than the destruction of labor bargaining power via immigration and the related opiate genocide, or any of the other obviously horrible things progressives have done.

  149. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Ms Whoopie dated a white actor who wore BLACK face why wouldn't the two of them be friends.


  150. Joe Biden forgets who he is running against,

    Meanwhile, drumpf still believes he is working for Putin.

  151. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Why does Uncle Joe shows more respect to Miss KH than to Miss Anita Hill? Ms A Hill achieving a level of success in the area of law where very few black woman even consider. Ms Anita Hill got heart and courage. Senator KH made it by default ( under the guise of being a "minority") and after she locked up a whole lot of black man as a prosecutor.

  152. Blogger field negro said...

    Bot alert@ 4:59 p.m.

    8:32 PM
    Yes, my friend. Seems your blog is very important to them since so many come here and try to influence your readers and commenters. LOL!

  153. Anonymous12:48 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!


  155. Calling all trolls, here is the truth about how violent the demonstrations have been and who created the violence.

    Ninety-five percent of the 12,607 political demonstrations in the U.S. between May 24 and Sept. 19, 2020, were peaceful. There were 351 other kinds of incidents, including imposing curfews and perpetrating physical attacks. In 29 of those, there was violence against civilians, where 12 people were killed, nine of them by the police. And in an additional five drive-by shootings, three police officers were killed by the extremist group the Boogaloo Bois.

  156. Gambler2:
    It was you who told me, awhiles back, to add in 'no pardon', but I see that you upped it to 20 years. So putting it together, we have:

    Trump 20 to life, no pardon, no parole.

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