Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Lock him up.

Now that Mr. trump is almost a private citizen again, it's time to seriously consider investigating him for federal crimes committed while he was in office. 

 I, for one,  don't want to hear about how it will divide the country and all the rest of it. The country is already divided, and there is nothing that will change that. trump supporters are beyond saving, so if they want to be pissed off about their "dear leader" being investigated and prosecuted, then so be it.

I am not alone on this island. A former Mueller prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, agrees with me. 

"The former deputy to Mueller during his investigation said he didn't come to the viewpoint to pursue a probe into the soon-to-be former president "lightly" but added that "Trump's criminal exposure is clear."

Weissmann cited the evidence collected during Mueller's investigation to determine whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election and whether Trump interfered with the probe. He said the team "amassed ample evidence to support a charge that Mr. Trump obstructed justice."

"What precedent is set if obstructing such an investigation is allowed to go unpunished and undeterred?" he wrote.

He also pointed out that both the Manhattan district attorney and the New York attorney general are investigating Trump on claims of tax and bank fraud, adding these probes could unveil new information leading to federal charges against Trump.

"Sweeping under the rug Mr. Trump's federal obstruction would be worse still," Weissmann said. "The precedent set for not deterring a president's obstruction of a special counsel investigation would be too costly: It would make any future special counsel investigation toothless and set the presidency de facto above the law."

"In short, being president should mean you are more accountable, not less, to the rule of law," he added."

Mr. trump has always thought that he was above the law, and his four year crime spree in Washington is proof of it. The only reason that he didn't go down like so many of his cronies is because he had the power of the office that he held behind him. Thankfully, that is no longer the case, so it's time that he faced the music. 

Right before I wrote this post, Mr. trump pardoned another member of his crime family, Michael Flynn. Of course we know that he had no choice, because Mr. Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried, and where all the incriminating documents are stored. Michael Flynn always had that look of a man who had supreme confidence that he would not be spending any significant amount of time in jail, because he always knew that Mr. trump would not let him. Mr. trump's justice department even took the extreme and unheard of step of trying to get a do over on charging Flynn, even after he pled guilty to the charges that were being brought against him. 

And speaking of the Justice Department, the man Mr. trump put in charge of it acted like his personal attorney, and not the Attorney General of the United States of America. History will not be kind to William Barr, a man who committed one despicable act after another right until the very end.  Another good thing about getting rid of Donald trump is knowing that he won't be far behind. 

"Former judge John Gleeson, the court-appointed "amicus," ripped into the Justice Department in a recent filing, arguing its move to drop the charges against Flynn was part of a political effort to benefit President Donald Trump's personal ally.

"In the United States, Presidents do not orchestrate pressure campaigns to get the Justice Department to drop charges against defendants who have pleaded guilty -- twice, before two different judges -- and whose guilt is obvious," Gleeson said. "There is clear evidence that this motion reflects a corrupt and politically motivated favor unworthy of our justice system."'

In the United States former presidents who commit crimes while in office should also be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 




  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Just posted this on the last blog entry’s comment section:

    Trump has pardoned Mike Flynn. This is undoubtedly the beginning of the big criminal cover-up. Pardons will be issued for his associates’ dirty deeds, culminating in Trump trying to pardon himself for any crime he committed, ever.

    Don’t think he won’t do it. Trump will absolutely try. He will pardon himself and dare the Supreme Court to find his actions unconstitutional.

  2. Field, I agree with you totally. Every avenue of investigation must be pursued with vigor. If Trump pardons all his gang members' crimes at the federal level, then the states must prosecute whatever state level crimes that they can uncover.

    History, beginning with Water Gate, then Iran Contra, and now Trump's illegal behavior shows that Republican presidents will continue to flaunt the law if we allow this behavior to go unpunished. Nixon should have gone to prison, and Reagan should have been impeached, tried, and then joined Nixon in the federal pen. If they had paid a price for their crimes, perhaps Trump would have had a little more respect for the law.

  3. Wesley R7:36 PM

    Trump is a crime boss and he's going to go down just like another crime boss, Al Capone. They are going to get him on his taxes.

  4. Funny, Bsarr in his confirmation hearing said drumpf dangling a pardon in front of Flynn was a crime. drumpf pardoned Flynn for keeping his conspirsacy laden mouth shut about drumpf's crimes.

    Former attorneys in US government say this pardon can be thrown out because it was an illegal act. Hope Dems make the attempt, although McCTurtlefuckface will block them.

  5. I don’t know, some people will just be happy trump is gone and like Palin just hope no one ever utters their name. trump fatigue is a real thing.

  6. So now, in accepting his pardon, Flynn has both admitted guilt and lost his fifth amendment protections.

    Haul him into court, or in front of congress, put him under oath, and make him tell where the bodies are buried.

    Also, the military should revoke his commission and terminate his benefits, he is, after all, a general, and has besmirched the country and its armed services with his disgusting behavior.

    And speaking of Flynn and Fergus' legal troubles, the judge who told Flynn in open court that he was unsatisfied with his cooperation and wondered aloud whether his behavior was "treasonous" has been chosen to hear the federal lawsuit against the Fergus campaign's attempts to disenfranchise thousands upon thousands of voters in direct violation of the VRA.

    I have a feeling that Emmet Sullivan has had quite enough of Fergus' attempts to play with the judicial system for fun and profit.

    Biden is distancing himself from calls for Fergus' prosecution, which is as it should be.

    That's the DOJ's job.

    Biden's job is the restoration of the integrity and independence of the DOJ, and the prosecution of Fergus and his felons can be the example of his success in that endeavor when it is carried out with independence and without pressure one way or the other from the president.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Anonymous10:52 PM

    “Haul him into court, or in front of congress, put him under oath, and make him tell where the bodies are buried.”

    I would anticipate a lot of “I don’t recalls” in his testimony.

    You could hold him in jail for contempt for a bit if he refused to answer, but I imagine he’d just laugh that off.

  8. Doug: Of course Biden will leave the DOJ independent, but also of course, the GOP will claim his influence when the indictments come down.

    But with or without DOJ, Trump has to worry about SDNY and countless lawsuits. It's at moments like this that I appreciate federalism.

    And beyond all his troubles with the law, there also his troubles beyond the law. Owing hundreds of millions of dollars, to persons that you don't want to name, is a danger zone.

    For his own safety, he should turn himself in.


    a Detroit online newspaper.

  10. Just a reminder, Susan McDougal spent 18 months in a crowbar hotel for refusing to lie about Bill Clinton to Ken Starr's thugs.

    With vindictive prick stoopid fucking wingnuts in charge, contempt could be a life sentence.

    After 18 months in the hole, McDougasl started a 2 year prison sentence but was released to home custody after 4 mon ths for failing health reasons.

  11. Few - if any - dislike Donald Trump as much as I do - fundamentally he has used low level Fascist tactics to try and divide our population by 'identify' rather than govern us all equally and fairly. . .Bush & Cheney could have been "criminally charged" for lying us into the Iraq War - Obama did not get into it - he was correct - the DOJ decides. . .IF the new DOJ leadership does investigate Trump - and finds solid evidence - I guess they must follow the law - but I hope the case(s) are not 'slam dunks' - and thus the Feds do not charge Trump. . . Our nation does not need more division over Trump - he does not deserve the attention - and heaven forbid - if Joe Scarborough gets elected POTUS in 2024 - he would retaliate by investigations into various innocent Biden people. . .Hopefully - the New York state - and New York City civil and criminal charges against Trump will either "lock him up" or bankrupt him. . .Trump ends on 1/20/21 - and after the messes he leaves get cleaned up - lets not subject ourselves to a public spectacle of his fund raising and innocence claiming for a couple more years in federal court. . .

  12. Anotherbozo said....

    a Detroit online newspaper.

    8:23 AM
    Totally great article! Everyone should read it. There is no way to simply sweep Trump's crimes under the rug in the name of unity. To do so would make a mockery of the law.

    In his frequently used words, "Lock him up"!

  13. If Dems don't prosecute drumpf to the fullest extent of the law, wingnuts will take that to mean anything goes, as long as they themselves do it.

    Wingnuts already have another impeachment chip on their shoulders and they will continue disrupting government to pay back Dems for daring to impeach a tool that deserves a whole lot worse than impeachment.

  14. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Will he be investigated and tried for murder as well?

    The penalty for murder has 1 of 2 options...depending upon which state you're in.

    But then he did say that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and get away with it.
    So he'll probably beat that rap and walk away Scott free.

    Lucifer will always have a following of minions.

    ... In spite of him leading them to their deaths, like cows been led to the slaughterhouse.

    Holding on to "white supremacist" beliefs does come with consequences...

  15. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Historically and traditionally in the country of America, the "powers that be" that made the laws are all to willing to bend the laws or change the laws when it comes to keeping themselves out of jail.

    Just take one look at the color of the predominantly incarcerated people in the "not so United States."

    The last thing a white male wants to do is to send another white male to jail...regardless of how heinous the crime.

    Jails have been reserved for "blackmail" aka "black males.!"
    It is no secret that in America there is a "pipeline to prison" mentality that begins looking at elementary illiteracy data in the black community to predict how many jails they will need to build.

  16. Anonymous12:58 PM

    “And beyond all his troubles with the law, there also his troubles beyond the law. Owing hundreds of millions of dollars, to persons that you don't want to name, is a danger zone.”

    No one is going to have Trump whacked if he is unable to pay his debts. He owes money to banks, not the Russian mafia.

    His tax returns did, however, indicate that the Trump Organization will probably go under and have its assets auctioned off after he leaves the White House, unless he is able to identify some kind of new grift or scam to keep it afloat.

    So far, Trump TV appears to be it. He may be planning to gin up resentment among his cultists by suggesting the election was stolen from him, and then to monetize that resentment via them all watching his new TV network — which will be Fox News, but even dumber, more hateful, and less honest.

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:53 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. In spite of all the problems we face, I believe if we act in good faith, we can over come many of them.

  18. drumpf/noem body count will be at or above 270k by tonight.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Happy holidays to all except stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  19. I agree that Trump owes money to banks. That's part of his legal trouble. But prove to me that he does _not_ owe money to the Russian mafia. He could disprove that by telling us who those persons unknown are, but he does not; so I say that they're too shady for him to dare name, and that spells mafia.

    Besides, the difference between Russian banks and Russian mafia is a difference that makes no difference. Trump was always a wannabee, and this is the kind of trouble that wannabees get into.

    I admit that this is all speculative, and it does not credit him with the benefit of the doubt. But the benefit of the doubt is a line of credit that Trump ran out long ago.

  20. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Re: Paradoctor @ 1:56 PM.

    Yes, I second your emotion.
    It doesn't take a PHD in psychology or criminal justice to figure out that he is in...well, let's just say "DEEP DO-DOO!"

    Everyone can see it, but not many are willing to admit it.

  21. Anonymous2:27 PM

    ...and as they are still trying to "un-do" Obama care with nothing to replace it.
    Like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    Looks like they will just have to put the trailer parks up for sale, should they incur a hospital bill that sends them into bankruptcy due to no insurance.

    ...and he shall lead them to their demise, like cows being led to slaughter.

  22. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Yes Field, as you stated in a previous blog: "He is gone but there will be more like him."

    Actually, the "more like him" never went away. They just put their white sheets and dunce caps into storage until hunting season was more in fashion again.

  23. Anonymous said...

    Yes Field, as you stated in a previous blog: "He is gone but there will be more like him."

    Actually, the "more like him" never went away. They just put their white sheets and dunce caps into storage until hunting season was more in fashion again.

    2:31 PM
    Yes, I agree. In my 84 years, I have seen them come and go several times. They are like a reoccurring disease that no antibiotic can entirely kill .

  24. “He owes money to banks, not the Russian mafia.“

    Are we sure about this?

  25. "But then he did say that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and get away with it."

    His retarded lawyers argued just that in the proceeding over whether his tax returns were off limits to prosecutors or congress, and they got laughed out of court.

    They even argued that local law enforcement could not stop him from committing subsequent murders.

    As for the Russian mob, I doubt that he owes them any money directly, but a Russian state bank did underwrite his loans from Deutsche Bank.

    I hope everyone is having a nice Thanksgiving and not spreading covid around in the process. This has been a shitty year, but we do have much to be thankful for.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. The morons are starting to realize how badly they've been buggered, and at least one is asking for his money back:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Anonymous8:23 PM


    "Attorney Sidney Powell Files 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT of Massive Fraud in Georgia Election

    Flynn Attorney Abigail Frye posted this moments ago:

    The Kraken came down to Georgia on this Thanksgiving Eve in the form of a 104 pg BOMBSHELL complaint exposing the massive fraud that overwhelmed the 2020 Georgia Elections. Georgia, you are most certainly on our minds. Link to filing to come, stay tuned!

    The Kraken came down to Georgia on this Thanksgiving Eve in the form of a 104 pg BOMBSHELL complaint exposing the massive fraud that overwhelmed the 2020 Georgia Elections. Georgia, you are most certainly on our minds. Link to filing to come, stay tuned! @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood"

    "Sidney Powell ���� ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
    ‏ @SidneyPowell1
    The #Kraken was just released on #Georgia ��������
    Complaint being uploaded at http://www.DefendingTheRepublic.Org
    Exhibits to follow.
    Also #ReleaseTheKraken in #Michigan"

    Delicious salty liberal tears to follow.

  28. Anonymous at 8:23 PM said:

    "Delicious salty liberal tears to follow."

    ROTF LMAO! Enjoy you delusions.

  29. So-called "Black Lives Matter" in Louisville blocks roads after a (almost certainly black) carjacker killed BLM activist Travis Nagdy.

    Popular Louisville BLM activist Travis Nagdy was shot and killed last night during a carjacking. His last social media post stated he was on the way to the scene of a fatal police-involved shooting in the Portland neighborhood of Louisville during a traffic stop.

    — CIA-Simulation Warlord ���������� (@zerosum24) November 23, 2020

    Blacks are SO stupid, they blame White people for their own actions and failings.

  30. You people are insane said.......

    "Blacks are SO stupid, they blame White people for their own actions and failings."

    9:32 PM
    Why don't you at least wait until all the facts are in before begin insulting all black people? Or is that too much for you?

  31. "Blacks are SO stupid, they blame White people for their own actions and failings."

    Really? Do you even know any Blah people?

  32. "Delicious salty liberal tears to follow."

    Can we wait til Jan 20th before you spike the football? Then we'll all know.

  33. Anonymous11:58 PM

    “The Kraken came down to Georgia on this Thanksgiving Eve in the form of a 104 pg BOMBSHELL complaint exposing the massive fraud that overwhelmed the 2020 Georgia Elections.”

    The “Kraken.”

    AKA World’s worst lawyer and one-woman comedy revue.

    Trump’s overturning-the-election fantasy is just getting sad now. Time to stop beating this dead horse. Take it out behind the barn and shoot it. That’s the only merciful thing to do.

  34. Fergus has now said that he will certainly leave the white house if the electoral college votes for Biden.

    Then he said a bunch of muddled up lies about fraud, so we can only hope that the part about leaving wasn't just another lie.

    But it won't be, whether he believes it or not. He lost and he will leave, one way or another.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Good, This is how Fergus and all of his felons need to be treated for fucking ever. They're the tribe who rubs shit in their hair and they need to be reminded of that every waking hour of the rest of their lives:

    Trump Aide Treated Like a ‘Human Petri Dish’ During Trip

    November 26, 2020 at 11:51 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 43 Comments

    National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien was not given the warmest welcome during his trip to Vietnam last week, Bloomberg reports.

    After a spate of COVID-19 infections were reported within the White House in recent weeks, O’Brien was reportedly confined to only one floor of his Hanoi hotel and treated like a “human Petri dish.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Anonymous2:40 AM

    “Fergus has now said that he will certainly leave the white house if the electoral college votes for Biden.”

    Well then. Sixteen days until Trump concedes.

  37. Holy god, this man is insane! He says there were hundreds of thousands of illegal votes in Georgia. He says if you looked at the signatures there are hundreds of thousands of votes that will not match. Really? That many? 😬

  38. Anonymous3:00 AM

    “Holy god, this man is insane! He says there were hundreds of thousands of illegal votes in Georgia.”

    He should have gone for broke: “There were billions of illegal votes! Billions, I tell you!”

    It doesn’t matter how preposterous the lie. His followers will always find a way to believe it.

  39. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and lies6:24 AM

    Donito Trumpolini aka Donnie Favors aka the prodigal son a bitch, will go down in history as one of the biggest losers of all time, right between Syl E. Sonovovich, inventor of sliced bread, (His idea never truly caught on, because he sliced it lengthwise.) and the Pullem brothers, Les and Jess, twin dentists, who rid their patients of troublesome teeth by inserting tiny sticks of dynamite in their patient's mouths. Les Pullem went on to work on the Suez canal as a demolition expert, while his brother Jess Pullem succumbed to injuries sustained while doing a full mouth extraction on himself, blowing his fool head off. He's buried in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Kentucky.

    As far as jail time, I don't think Donnie'll serve a day in jail. Maybe a few fines and probation. His lawyers will get him off using the "Affluenza Defense" and by pleading insanity. Who could argue with that?

  40. Anonymous12:59 PM

    If you think the TrumpTards and White Right Wingers in general are unhinged and detached from reality now, you ain't seen anything yet, if their Orange Jesus, Donald Trump, makes his next appearance wearing orange prison fatigues in a supermax prison somewhere.

    LOCK HIM UP!!!!

  41. Anonymous1:23 PM

    At this point, Trump has filed more than 40 bogus lawsuits trying to overturn the results of an election he very obviously lost. This is straightforward abuse of the legal system.

    If there were any real justice, he would be declared a vexatious litigant, and any attorney who attempted to file further lawsuits on his behalf would be instantly disbarred.

  42. “It doesn’t matter how preposterous the lie. His followers will always find a way to believe it.”

    Wait, you mean it’s preposterous that Biden got more votes than trump????? No way!

  43. At least a thousand bodies so far in drumpf/noem body count...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  44. "If there were any real justice, he would be declared a vexatious litigant, and any attorney who attempted to file further lawsuits on his behalf would be instantly disbarred."

    Well, there is a federal lawsuit brought over whether Fergus' campaign violated the VRA with its attempts at voter suppression and disenfranchisement, and the judge hearing it is Emmet Sullivan,

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Anonymous4:37 PM

    “Well, there is a federal lawsuit brought over whether Fergus' campaign violated the VRA with its attempts at voter suppression and disenfranchisement, and the judge hearing it is Emmet Sullivan,”

    The attempt to selectively nullify the votes of ethnic minorities is one problematic side of what Trump is doing, albeit just a new twist on the racist voter suppression of the last few years.

    But inundating the court system with a blizzard of lawsuits you know are meritless before ever filing them, in hopes of preventing your election loss from being certified, is a completely separate form of assault on democracy.

  46. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I might add that launching all these meritless lawsuits at a time when courts are already backlogged due to COVID-19, makes this tactic even more obnoxious.

  47. Remember, Anon @ 4:37 PM, judge in North Carolina judged wingnuts were targeting Black voters through gerrymandering with surgical precision. A layperson would need a doctorate in pretzel making to follow the twists and turns in wingnut map making.

  48. Absolutely right on! I have always felt that a competent justice department would have prosecuted Nixon. Ford's "pardon " made no sense, because Nixon had not been prosecuted or convicted of anything. I understand that Presidents, and their cabinet officers, should not be hamstrung during their term of office, but that seems to only apply to Republicans.

  49. Just think, no more Billbarr Buggins, no more Betsy DeVos, no more Mike Pompeo, no more Mike Pence, no more Wilbur fucking Ross, no more Steve Mnuchin, no more Stephen Miller, no more Sonny Perdue, no more Gina Haspel, no more Chris Miller, no more Dan Brouillette, no more Andy Wheeler, no more Alex Azar, no more Chad Wolf, no more Ben Carson, no more David Bernhardt, no more Eugene Scalia, no more Russ Vought, no more John Ratcliffe, no more Elaine Chao, no more Robert Lighthizer, no more wingnut bastard Mark Meadows...

    And Janet Yellen will be the treasury secretary.

    We do have a lot to be thankful for after all.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  51. Federal appeals court 3 judge panel that rejected drumpf's Pennsylvania farce are all wingnut appointees, one by dumbass drumpf and 2 by dumbass dubya.

  52. Last drumpf/noem body count tonight...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    able to leap tall milestones in a single day. Climbing faster than drumpf can spew lies.

  53. Just think, no more Billbarr Buggins, no more Betsy DeVos, no more Mike Pompeo, no more Mike Pence, no more Wilbur fucking Ross, no more Steve Mnuchin, no more Stephen Miller, no more Sonny Perdue, no more Gina Haspel, no more Chris Miller, no more Dan Brouillette, no more Andy Wheeler, no more Alex Azar, no more Chad Wolf, no more Ben Carson, no more David Bernhardt, no more Eugene Scalia, no more Russ Vought, no more John Ratcliffe, no more Elaine Chao, no more Robert Lighthizer, no more wingnut bastard Mark Meadows...

    And Janet Yellen will be the treasury secretary.

    We do have a lot to be thankful for after all.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    6:12 PM
    Amen, Doug, and best of all the ugly, orange, demon and his entire family will not be polluting the White House any more!

  54. Oopsie:

    Wisconsin Recount Adds to Biden’s Margin

    November 27, 2020 at 8:00 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 29 Comments

    Milwaukee County’s recount of the presidential election vote tally came to an end Friday, with Democratic President-elect Joe Biden adding 132 votes to his margin of victory over President Trump in Milwaukee County, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. What is extra sweeet about Wisconsin getting Biden more votes is drumpf paid three million bucks for those votes.

  56. Anonymous12:20 PM

    “What is extra sweeet about Wisconsin getting Biden more votes is drumpf paid three million bucks for those votes.”

    He didn’t. His dumb followers did.

    Giving money to Trump is flushing it down the toilet. It’s either going into this hopeless overturning-the-election effort, which will go nowhere and is really nothing but an expensive stunt, or into Trump’s own pockets.

  57. “or into Trump’s own pockets.“

    Or to his Russian financiers.

  58. Good news - as of today the vote count in California is Biden 63.60%; Trump 34.03%. LA County is even worse for Trump: Biden 71.00%, Trump 26.90%.

  59. drumpf needs to serve a year for every body in his daily body count which is still trending up bigly...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf/noem body count hits new milestones every day. drumpf is gonna be one old wasicu fucking raisin before he ever gets out of prison.

  60. So now he's 0 and 39?

    Pennsylvania High Court Throws Out Challenge to Ballots

    November 28, 2020 at 8:16 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 65 Comments

    “The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Saturday rejected an election challenge spearheaded by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), who argued that a law permitting no-excuse mail voting violated the state Constitution,” NBC News reports.

    “Kelly, along with several other Pennsylvania Republicans, sought to invalidate millions of mail-in votes, which could have ceded a key state won by President-Elect Joe Biden to President Trump.”

    Washington Post: “Legal experts had predicted little chance of success for the suit, which also sought to block certification of election results. Trump and his allies have gained no substantive traction across more than two dozen cases trying to undermine President-elect Joe Biden’s win since Election Day.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  61. Doug expressed all of our feelings. To which I might add:

    No more of that waxy-skinned ice queen, Ivanka and her long, stringy hair.


    No more inexperienced and seriously delusional spoiled children making important policy decisions for the U.S.A.

    Yes indeed. We are thankful to the high heavens. Joe Biden is a beautiful, gentle and compassionate man. It's going to be quite refreshing to hear his strong, intelligent voice as he speaks to us as a friend. We have a president who can lead us into a brighter future. May the Goddess rain her blessings upon him.

    So again, Happy Thanksgiving to all readers of the illustrious and beloved Field. May this coming year be a banner one for you and everyone that you care about. Let's all lead the way and live by example.


    If anyone would like to read my parody on Bob Dylan's classic dress-down song, The Ballad of a Thin Man, dedicated to the outgoing president, just ask.

  62. I'll bite: sure, let's see it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. The Ballad of a Tin Man

    You walk into the room like we should all bow;
    You see a paramedic and you say, "Who is that man?"
    You try so hard but you don't understand;
    Just how it is that you’ll get home.
    Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is
    Do you, Mr. MAGA?

    You raise up your head and you ask, "Am I still the Prez?"
    And somebody points to Joe Biden and says, "He is."
    And you say, "Who am I?" and somebody else says, "Well, who are you?"
    And you say, "Oh my God, am I here all alone?"
    But something is happening and you don't know what it is
    Do you, Mr. MAGA?

    You call in your room service and you order your meal;
    And the waiter walks up to you and says, “You’ve been declined.”
    And says, "How does it feel to be a nobody?"
    And you say, "Impossible!" as he hands you the bill.
    And something is happening here but you don't know what it is
    Do you, Mr. MAGA?

    You have best buddies among the Saudis;
    And they love you in the temples of Jerusalem!
    But your dictator pals have all turned cold, they don’t think you’re so bold;
    To be voted out in a free and fair election!

    Ah, you've been with the tyrants and they've all liked your style;
    But with the allies of the United States. you’re a leper and a crook.
    You've been through all of Herr Hitler’s books;
    You're very well-read, it's well-known.
    But something is happening here and you don't know what it is
    Do you, Mr. MAGA?

    Well, the sin eater, he comes up to you and then he kneels;
    He crosses himself and then he clicks his high heels;
    And without further notice, he asks you how it feels;
    And he says, "Here is your heart back, thanks for the loan."
    And you know something is happening but you don't know what it is
    Do you, Mr. MAGA?

    You see the election results and you shout the word "Fraud."
    And your faithful lapdog asks, “What State do I sue now?"
    And the judge says, “This is spurious, and how!
    Give me some evidence or else go home"
    And you know something's happening but you don't know what it is
    Do you, Mr. MAGA?

    Well, you walk into the room like a despot, and then you scowl;
    You tell the reporters off with your nose in the air;
    There ought to be a law against you bein' around;
    You should be made to wear prison garb.
    'Cause something is happening and you don't know what it is
    Do you, Mr. MAGA?

  64. Hey Anonymous, at 11:58 PM

    Here's a good article you should read:

    "The lawsuits filed by Donald Trump's former lawyer Sidney Powell have been mocked for containing a slew of typos and mistakes, as well as lacking any meaningful evidence of voter fraud."

    "Powell, who previously promised "I'm going to release the Kraken" in reference to lawsuits which would expose how Trump was allegedly cheated out of the election victory, released two documents which have been eagerly awaited by supporters of the president, as well as conspiracy theorists and QAnon followers......"


    trump is on Fox right now outlining his path to victory. This guy says that “he” came up with the vaccines. How can anyone approve of this moronic narcissist?

  66. FJ: Bravo!

    PX: Perhaps she meant "crackhead" instead, and it was just another typo...

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  67. If Mike Kelly wants his own election decertified, the house should refuse to seat him.

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  68. Fergus has increased Biden's lead in Wisconsin by 87 and charged his funders $34,000 a pop to do so.

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  69. Perhaps she meant "crackhead" instead, and it was just another typo...


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