Saturday, November 21, 2020

Mr. trump is almost gone, but there will be more like him.

The republican party, led by Donald trump, have hijacked our democracy, at least for the time being. Can you imagine actively trying to disenfranchise millions of African American voters because they didn't vote the way you wanted them to? That's exactly what has been happening over the past couple of weeks. Us black folks have to deal with voter suppression before and after we vote.

Fortunately the courts have been seeing through this lame attempt by Mr. trump and his minions to change the out come of the election, and he has been taking one loss after another in the court of law. Apparently all those Judges that he appointed to do his bidding did not work out for him quite like he wanted them to. Here is the thing with the courts: unlike when you are on FOX News or conservative talk radio, you actually have to bring real proof and evidence of what you are alleging to prove your point. Mr. trump's lawyers have yet to do that. And, sadly for Mr. trump and his followers, Joe Biden's lead is actually widening as these ridiculous lawsuits play themselves out. 

Meanwhile, Donald trump isn't even pretending to be president anymore. Instead, he golfs all day and tweets about how the evil media and 79 million Americans stole the election from him. He fails to realize, of course, that his mishandling of a pandemic that has cost over 250,000 Americans their lives might have something to do with it.  

Anyway, now might be a good time to consider why we elected Donald trump in the first place, and consider where we are as Americans when it comes to electing those who lead us.

The following article from Zeynep Tufekci, writing in the The Atlantic, is a good place to start.

"Now that Joe Biden has won the presidency, we can expect debates over whether Donald Trump was an aberration (“not who we are!”) or another instantiation of America’s pathologies and sins. One can reasonably make a case for his deep-rootedness in American traditions, while also noticing the anomalies: the early-morning tweeting, the fondness for mixing personal and government business, the obsession with ratings befitting a reality-TV star—the one job he was good at.

From an international perspective, though, Trump is just one more example of the many populists on the right who have risen to power around the world: Narendra Modi in India, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Vladimir Putin in Russia, Jarosław Kaczyński in Poland, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey, my home country. These people win elections but subvert democratic norms: by criminalizing dissent, suppressing or demonizing the media, harassing the opposition, and deploying extra-legal mechanisms whenever possible (Putin’s opponents have a penchant for meeting tragic accidents). Orbán proudly uses the phrase illiberal democracy to describe the populism practiced by these men; Trump has many similarities to them, both rhetorically and policy-wise.

He campaigned like they did, too, railing against the particular form of globalization that dominates this era and brings benefit to many, but disproportionately to the wealthy, leaving behind large numbers of people, especially in wealthier countries. He relied on the traditional herrenvolk idea of ethnonationalist populism: supporting a kind of welfare state, but only for the “right” people rather than the undeserving others (the immigrants, the minorities) who allegedly usurp those benefits. He channeled and fueled the widespread mistrust of many centrist-liberal democratic institutions (the press, most notably) —just like the other populists. And so on.

But there’s one key difference between Trump and everyone else on that list. The others are all talented politicians who win elections again and again.

In contrast, Trump is a reality-TV star who stumbled his way into an ongoing realignment in American politics, aided by a series of events peculiar to 2016 that were fortunate for him: The Democrats chose a polarizing nominee who didn’t have the requisite political touch that can come from surviving tough elections; social media was, by that point, deeply entrenched in the country’s politics, but its corrosive effects were largely unchecked; multiple players—such as then–FBI Director James Comey—took consequential actions fueled by their misplaced confidence in Hillary Clinton’s win; and Trump’s rivals in the Republican primaries underestimated him. He drew a royal flush.

It’s not that he is completely without talent. His rallies effectively let him bond with his base, and test out various messages with the crowd that he would then amplify everywhere. He has an intuitive understanding of the power of attention, and he played the traditional media like a fiddle—they benefited from his antics, which they boosted. He also clearly sensed the political moment in 2016, and managed to navigate his way into the presidency, though that probably had more to do with instinct than with deep planning.

Luck aside, though, Trump is not good at his job. He doesn’t even seem to like it much. He is too undisciplined and thin-skinned to be effective at politics over a sustained period, which involves winning repeated elections. He seems to have been as surprised as anyone else that he won in 2016. While he hates the loser branding that will follow him now, he’s probably fine with the outcome—especially since he can blame it on fantastical conspiracies involving theft or ballot-stuffing or the courts—as long as he can figure out how to escape the criminal trials that are certainly coming his way. (A self-pardon? A negotiated pardon? He will try something.)......

......Make no mistake: The attempt to harness Trumpism—without Trump, but with calculated, refined, and smarter political talent—is coming. And it won’t be easy to make the next Trumpist a one-term president. He will not be so clumsy or vulnerable. He will get into office less by luck than by skill. Perhaps it will be Senator Josh Hawley, who is writing a book against Big Tech because he knows that will be the next chapter in the culture wars, with social-media companies joining “fake news” as the enemy. Perhaps it will be Senator Tom Cotton, running as a law-and-order leader with a populist bent. Maybe it will be another media figure: Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan, both men with talent and followings. Perhaps it will be another Sarah Palin—she was a prototype—with the charisma and appeal but without the baggage and the need for a presidential candidate to pluck her out of the blue. Perhaps someone like the QAnon-supporting Representative-elect Lauren Boebert of Colorado, who first beat the traditional Republican representative in the primary and then ran her race with guns blazing, mask off, and won against the Democratic candidate, a retired professor who avoided campaigning in person. Indeed, a self-made charismatic person coming out of nowhere probably has a better chance than many establishment figures in the party. [More here]

Good article, but the author is wrong with one of his assertions. It's not populism, but racism that drove trump to power. And it's racism that will bring others who are more talented politicians (see politicians who are better at hiding their racism) to the forefront. 

Mr. trump is gone for now, but others who think like him saw his playbook, and they know that they just have to tweak it a little bit to get the right result in the future 



  1. I don't know bro, who has the ability to unite all the deplorable like trump did? Who they got? Tom Cotton? John Thune? Even Palin got exposed. Maybe Phil from Duck Dynasty?

  2. I'll tell ya who, PilotX: Some lowgrade shitheal of a man who's wrapped too tight for his own skin. With all the empathy of a moray eel and the morals of a concentration camp guard.

    They'll find someone. They always do, and they always will unless we land on them like a motherfucking ton of bricks. Twice.

    Conservatives better shut the hell up about that "tolerant left" BS, or they'll see how intolerant we can be.

  3. They have a continuing problem with Fergus.

    His one stroke of crude political brilliance was to recognize the frustration the Pig People had with the bill of goods they were repeatedly sold by the Republicans.

    When the Republican party decided the path forward was to invite all of the bigots and imbeciles fleeing the civil rights legislation into their party, the strategy was to appeal to their bigotry and imbecility during the primaries, "pivot" far enough toward sanity in the general to win, and then govern so as to protect the interests of their wealthy paymasters, all the while meting out maintenance doses of racism and ignorance to keep the base happy.

    Fergus saw that and said fuck it, I'll give them a straight geeze of the uncut product, and now they are as slavishly devoted to him as any junkie is to their main source.

    What Fergus didn't do is ask himself why it was that no other Republican ever thought that would be a good idea. He just figured they were all too much of pussies to risk it.

    But now the Pandora's box lies shattered on the floor of the RNC headquarters and nobody quite knows what to do with the awful, awful spirits that have now escaped it.

    Sure, Cotton or Hawley can run a competent, disciplined campaign and maybe attract a few voters Fergus was just too blitheringly incompetent, gross, disgusting, boorish and evil to pull the lever for, but what to do about the seventy million despicable bastards who saw Fergus bugger the country for four years and pile up a quarter million corpses and said "Yeah, we want more of that."

    The real fight among Republicans with presidential ambitions will be for laying claim to all of that electoral real estate, which thanks to right wing media and Fergus, no Republican candidate can win without.

    They built a monster machine, elected the monster, and now the monster has lost.

    What do they imagine the voters who love that monster more than life itself will support now that he's gone? Hawley methodone? Cotton maintenance doses meted out under safe supervision? That was the stuff they overwhelmingly rejected when they gave Fergus more Republican primary votes than any candidate in history.

    When Bush shit the bed so badly that the country was in tatters when he left, a large part of the "Tea Party" movement was a strategic forgetting of him. They had supported him for some of the exact same reasons they support Fergus now, and he managed to fuck up so epically as to embarrass all but the die hard dead-enders, and they were through with Bushes forever. So when the Republican establishment proffered Jeb as their 2016 candidate, those Pig People revolted. They remembered why they originally liked W, and felt betrayed by what he had done with their support, and weren't about to make THAT mistake again. But being Pig People, they went and made that exact mistake again only worse.

    Fergus promised them a lack of deference to the establishment that their propaganda told them thought it was better than them, when in reality nobody has more disdain for your garden variety Pig Person than Fergus.

    Now, having been brutally publicly buggered twice, what rough beast are the Pig People going to turn to for their revenge?

    That's what Cotton and Hawley have to contend with in the realization of their political ambitions.

    And that's why lies, insanity, and propaganda are dangerous toys and shouldn't be casually played with by short sighted morons.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. “And that's why lies, insanity, and propaganda are dangerous toys and shouldn't be casually played with by short sighted morons.“

    Well, it was inevitable. If you want to be the stupid party you can’t be surprised when they want to actually drive the car. You hear these morons might boycott the Georgia senate election to teach the GOP a lesson? Um, ok morons.


    Ok, so now what is the plan?

  6. Anonymous4:51 AM

    What are the chances that the 2024 Election will be Trumpism WITH Trump--that is, with Trump trying to run for president and recapture the White House.

    I doubt that Tom Cotton or Josh Hawley can compete with Trump in terms of capturing the hearts and minds of the TrumpenVolk.

    After all, why would they vote for any wannabe Trumpist Fuhrer, when their one true love is Trump himself?

    At some level, crude and oafish character is what appeals to many of these people.

  7. Trump is already falling apart both mentally and physically. In four more years he won't be able to keep up with the demanding schedule of campaigning or the exigencies of office.

    Why would anyone think that the Trumpies would have another shot in four years? That trick never works. Nixon only won because of the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Hillary served as SOS for four years, breaking all records for the office. All in all she waited eight years for her second shot. She was defeated by an idiot. Trump's magic, if you can call it that, will no longer be enough to win elections by 2024. The country is ready for younger leadership. Biden will very likely get a second term. His health is exemplary for an older gentleman. But after that I can't see any more old man presidents for a long time.

  8. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Cool stories bros.

  9. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Listen to Doug people, he's a far sighted moron.

  10. drumpfuckers knew they wouldn't win a recount in Wisconsin, so they are objecting to every ballot being counted to make trouble for the state and get the Spotus involved.

  11. Anonymous11:57 AM

    “Good article, but the author is wrong with one of his assertions. It's not populism, but racism that drove trump to power.”

    Bigotry is a major component of right-wing populism. The other components include such things as extreme nationalism, assaults on the news media and intellectuals, and lying on an industrial scale while accusing everyone else of being the “real liars.”

    You see similar trends in some of the other countries mentioned. In India, for example, Narendra Modi’s rule has been all about promoting the superiority of India over its neighbors and persecuting a religious minority, rather than a racial one, Muslims, as in the US (although Trump has gone after Muslims as well as brown people). In Hungary, it’s the same crap — Muslims immigrants must be kept out of the country, at all cost.

    The connecting thread is that populists blame all of their nations’ problems on foreign/minority scapegoats as well as their alleged enablers, the traitorous “elites.” And when they say “elites,” they don’t ever mean the actual elites (billionaires, corporate execs, the people who own everything), but rather hated left-leaning cultural figures like college professors and Hollywood actors.

  12. Anonymous12:04 PM

    To prevent another Trump, the left must stop the brainwashing of redneck America. They must cut the firehose of bullshit being sprayed out all over the country and creating an alternative universe of lies. We must go to war with and dismantle the poisonous wingnut media propaganda outfits.

  13. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "In India, for example, Narendra Modi’s rule has been all about promoting the superiority of India over its neighbors and persecuting a religious minority, rather than a racial one, Muslims, as in the US (although Trump has gone after Muslims as well as brown people)."

    In case it wasn't clear, the above should actually read:

    In India, for example, Narendra Modi’s rule has been all about promoting the superiority of India over its neighbors and persecuting a religious minority, Muslims, rather than a racial one as in the US (although Trump has gone after Muslims as well as brown people).

  14. President-Elect Eat a Bag of Dicks12:49 PM

    Ever wonder why the lockdowns restarted?

    Because the election isn’t over.

  15. Anonymous said...

    To prevent another Trump, the left must stop the brainwashing of redneck America. They must cut the firehose of bullshit being sprayed out all over the country and creating an alternative universe of lies. We must go to war with and dismantle the poisonous wingnut media propaganda outfits.

    12:04 PM
    Agreed, now how do we do that?

  16. Eat a Bag of Dicks said...

    Ever wonder why the lockdowns restarted?

    Because the election isn’t over.

    12:49 PM
    The election really is over. You just don't know it yet.

  17. Fight the Powerless!12:57 PM

    "It's not populism, but racism that drove trump to power."

    Of course. It's not a corrupt system run for the benefit of elites intent on subjugating America citizens by limiting their basic rights and stealing what's left of their wealth, it's racism that drives resistance to the globalist agenda.

    Good one, Field.

  18. Fight the Powerless!1:02 PM

    "To prevent another Trump, the left must stop the brainwashing of redneck America. They must cut the firehose of bullshit being sprayed out all over the country and creating an alternative universe of lies. We must go to war with and dismantle the poisonous wingnut media propaganda outfits."

    To prevent any future political opposition, we must ruthlessly censor anything counter to our narrative by increasing our current 95% control of information outlets to 100%. Only then will we be free.

  19. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "Ever wonder why the lockdowns restarted?

    Because the election isn’t over."

    Ever wonder why the lockdowns restarted?

    Because the epidemic isn’t over.

    Hate to break it to you, though. The election very much IS over.

  20. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "To prevent another Trump, the left must stop the brainwashing of redneck America. They must cut the firehose of bullshit being sprayed out all over the country and creating an alternative universe of lies. We must go to war with and dismantle the poisonous wingnut media propaganda outfits."

    Go after the money that funds them.

    Dox the people who bankroll the outlets, then boycott and ruin their other businesses, shun them from all social and cultural events.

    If that doesn't work, civil disobedience. Actually vandalize and disrupt their ability to run their businesses.

    And when Democrats do get into power, eliminate the "money equal speech" claptrap that the Supremes concocted, and pass meaningful media-ownership rules that prevent a tiny segment of rich people from owning all the media.

    The people who fund these outlets do so because they feel that doing so will result in government policies that will fatten their bank accounts. If they discover that the opposite is true, that promoting lies and hate is costing them loads of money, they may have a re-think.

    Free speech cannot mean a right to lie without consequence or challenge.

  21. drumpf/noem body count...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    The election did not kill 262K+ citizens, but it might save many of the next 262k potential victims by having a competent human in charge of government policies with science to back Biden up.

  22. Anonymous2:41 PM

    On the subject of wingnut media brainwashing, here is an apt comment from Jared Yates Sexton on Twitter:

    “It must really be something for Republicans and Fox News to realize with chilling clarity that they have been so successful at radicalizing their base that their base is now moving beyond them in a desperate search of further radicalization.”

    Fox News is no longer bullshitty enough. Its previous viewers are no longer satisfied with hearing mostly lies. They want ALL LIES ALL THE TIME!

    Cue Sinclair, OANN, and, eventually, probably, Trump TV.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. When the broadcast spectrum was originally divvied up, a deal was struck with the companies who got to use it: You can make money broadcasting on the people's airwaves and in return you will perform public services such as emergency broadcasts and news broadcasts.

    And that's how it remained for decades. Broadcast news was a loss leader, that dispensed reliable information and cost the networks to present, the same way newsrooms cost newspapers to operate, while commercial broadcasts made those same networks obscenely wealthy.

    Then while Nixon was being run out of the white house on a rail, Roger Ailes had the idea that he could have been saved if he'd had the support of a dedicated broadcast network to influence public opinion on the matter.

    The idea grew in the place where his brain should have been, and with the proper amount of cajoling, Reagan was persuaded to take that deal that had been struck, in the form of the fairness doctrine, out behind the barn and shoot it in its head.

    After which there was a brave new world of media possibilities, and entities such as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News were unleashed upon the media landscape without any rule that they should provide contrasting viewpoints to go with the "opinion" broadcasting they pioneered.

    This led to the real disease that killed broadcast news: Without the deal in place, network news departments were all of the sudden expected to support their expenses with revenue.

    Information quality deteriorated with the defunding of reporting and new emphasis on raising advertising income. Cable news may still be presented as being primarily concerned with informing its audience, but in reality it is a show whose main purpose is to gather up eyeballs and direct them to ads for reverse mortgages and dick pills.

    I do not believe that the fairness doctrine can be revived, as the internet has already overtaken broadcast news as the primary source of information for a huge chunk of the population, rendering it ineffective to say the least.

    I do think that if the profit motive were removed from broadcast news, though, the quality would improve.

    Whether that would be able to reverse the tide of lies and insanity is very doubtful, but there does remain reasons to do it anyway: People were lured away from stodgy old broadcast news with shiny new commercial broadcasting, which now appears tainted and hackneyed to the extreme.

    I believe there is a market for boring old reliable information out there, as Fergus fatigue has been working the last nerve of regular folks just trying to learn what they need to know to safely live their lives, and freedom from the necessity of translating the information one receives from the media can be a popular product if properly presented and executed.

    In short, all of the bullshit is just tiresome to have to wade through to find out where the deadfall traps are located today so as to be able to avoid them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. Fergus gets his ass kicked yet again.
    From Crooks and Liars:

    Brad Heath
    Replying to @bradheath
    The court dismisses Trump's case with prejudice and denies permission to file an amended complaint to restore some of the arguments his lawyers said they removed from the case by mistake. It would merely "unduly delay resolution of these matters."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. TO Dinthebeast ...4:19 PM
    Re. The Fairness Doctrine

    Great explanation, Doug. You totally nailed it. I sure would like to see some kind of revival of the fairness doctrine. It worked quite well. Too bad the Republicans were able to get rid of it.

  27. A little holiday cheer for your viewing pleasure....

  28. db5046:19 PM

    FYI; the Atlantic author is female and has written beaucoup articles all over the place

  29. Anonymous6:20 PM


    I mean, the fairness doctrine mattered more in a much smaller media landscape than today, with only a few TV channels, no Internet, etc.

    Today, I don’t think that “marketplace of competing ideas” concept works very well. People are free to choose among the multitude of news sources out there, and many will choose “news” sources that tell them things that are untrue but pleasing to them, and never even hear the factual side of any argument (epistemic closure, it’s called).

    So there really is no remedy for that, short of yanking the loudspeakers out of the hands of the liars. And the way to do that is to follow the money. There is always someone profiting from providing the loudspeakers that amplify the lies. That’s why they do it.

  30. For many they are just a dead loss to society already. I know some of them, and even though I care about them, there's just no communicating with them when they operate under a fictional description of the world.

    I agree that there is no "remedy" in that sense, but feel that the larger trend toward more and more of them can be at least resisted, if not reversed.

    Also, it should be noted in here somewhere that the media landscape pre-Reagan was not, in fact, perfectly functional. It was horribly biased toward whiteness, maleness, and money among other major information distorting factors.

    So we can't Make the Media Great Again, we have to try to make it work for the kind of society we live in, and want to live in.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous7:44 PM

    “Also, it should be noted in here somewhere that the media landscape pre-Reagan was not, in fact, perfectly functional. It was horribly biased toward whiteness, maleness, and money among other major information distorting factors.”

    True. But it’s hard not to be wistful for an era when news was mostly just unintentionally distorted by the personal biases of the journalists and not blatant lies knowingly told with the intention of manipulating the viewers.

  32. Pravda8:05 PM

    Let's ban the internet and have only State-run media.

  33. drumpf/noem body count of a slow Sunday...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  34. Anonymous10:23 PM

    "Pravda said...

    Let's ban the internet and have only State-run media."

    The actual communist Pravda wasn't any more sinister or destructive than bullshit factories like Breitbart, funded by horrible, amoral, billionaire capitalists like Robert Mercer.

    Lies are lies. And the world would be better off without media outlets that only exist to spread them.

  35. Pravda10:35 PM

    Only our lies should be allowed.


    Republicans up to their old tricks.

  37. Dem voters think they are voting for racial justice and the little guy, and that makes them feel morally superior. In reality they are voting for the corporatocracy, including Big Tech.

    So get ready for free trade, open borders, downward pressure on working-class wages, all in the name of racial justice. Racial justice movement is a smokescreen for the corporatocracy. And it's morally unassailable. Every segment of the elite is on board.

  38. Joyce1:29 AM

    "Dox the people who bankroll the outlets, then boycott and ruin their other businesses, shun them from all social and cultural events. If that doesn't work, civil disobedience. Actually vandalize and disrupt their ability to run their businesses."

    Imagine how delighted the bankers and hostile elite were with themselves when they actually managed to get the plebs to stop asking for better wages and start asking for wage-depressing migrants, marriage for sodomites, elimination of free speech, and economic destruction, physical violence and prison sentences for those who disagreed with it all.

  39. Anonymous1:56 AM

    LeonT said...
    "Conservatives better shut the hell up about that "tolerant left" BS, or they'll see how intolerant we can be."

    Postmodern Liberalism is nothing more than an insatiable desire for control. Liberals want to control our healthcare, our education, what we can say, the news we watch; they want to control our money, our guns, and, ultimately, our freedom.

    Liberalism is anti-gun, anti-family, anti-free speech, anti-Constitution, and anti-free thinking. It supports degeneracy in all forms, globalism in the form of mass migration, heavy taxation to fund socialist efforts; it is pro-war, pro-censorship, and pro-violence.

    Liberals oppose all efforts to preserve individual liberty.

  40. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Biden's transition team: Corporate lobbyists, Wall Street bankers and arms industry stooges.

    Welcome to "The Resistance"!

  41. Anonymous3:29 AM

    "Dem voters think they are voting for racial justice and the little guy, and that makes them feel morally superior."

    They are not liberals, they are revolutionary authoritarians that have disguised their hatred of Whites behind anti-racism.

  42. Anonymous3:44 AM

    “Imagine how delighted the bankers and hostile elite were with themselves when they actually managed to get the plebs to stop asking for better wages and start asking for wage-depressing migrants”

    Yeah, I don’t think the elites are too upset about Trump having cut their taxes or freed their businesses to pollute all they want.

    It’s the opposite of those things they’re afraid of. They don’t want the government (or labor unions) forcing them to raise workers’ wages. They don’t want environmental, consumer, and banking regulations cutting into their profits. And they for damn sure don’t want their earnings taxed away to ensure everyone else has access to good education and healthcare.

    Those are the things (greedy) rich people detest.

    As for immigrants depressing wages, we don’t have immigration levels high enough to actually do that. This is an economically illiterate red herring promoted by racists who don’t want to admit they just hate brown people.

  43. Anonymous4:01 AM

    The perfect symbol of rural America in 2020:

    Trump cultist first, American citizen second

  44. “They are not liberals, they are revolutionary authoritarians that have disguised their hatred of Whites behind anti-racism.”

    So you equate disliking racism with disliking whites. Interesting and telling.

  45. Postmodern Liberalism is nothing more than an insatiable desire for control

    If this bullshit was true, it would be Dems suppressing votes nand cheating in every election every 2 years.

    Wingnuts do the cheating and then accuse Dems of doing the same things.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:40 AM

    Kevin said...

    Dem voters think they are voting for racial justice and the little guy, and that makes them feel morally superior. In reality they are voting for the corporatocracy, including Big Tech.

    So get ready for free trade, open borders, downward pressure on working-class wages, all in the name of racial justice. Racial justice movement is a smokescreen for the corporatocracy. And it's morally unassailable. Every segment of the elite is on board.

    12:27 AM
    As a Democrat, I can't speak for others in my party, but I don't feel "morally superior to anyone. I don't evaluate Myself based on what others do or think, nor I do I measure myself against them. Your blanket statements about how you believe the world to be are highly distorted.

    You really should study the history of the 19th and 20th centuries and learn about the struggles of liberals to create unions, and enact laws the protect our country and people.

    It's possible you are serious about what you say, but you could be just a troll throwing bull shit.

  47. Anonymous said...

    The perfect symbol of rural America in 2020:

    Trump cultist first, American citizen second

    4:01 AM
    Let's not pick on rural America, Anon. I know people in both the suburbs and the cities who voted for Trump twice. And I know rural people who never voted for him even once and won't vote for him if he runs again. Generalizations only make clear thinking more difficult.

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:59 AM


    So you equate disliking racism with disliking whites. Interesting and telling.

    4:16 AM
    Apparently they do. I have noticed this distortion of reality appearing more and more often in the racially toned posts of our pet trolls. They have no real defense against our ideas, so they attack instead with their accusations that we are anti white. I know, it's laughable, but it makes them more comfortable.

  49. Anonymous12:10 PM

    "Apparently they do."

    Because anti-racist = anti-white.

    Anti-racism is not concerned with actual racism, it is a rhetorical tool used to express animus toward white people and to provide cover for policies whose underlying goals have nothing to do with racism.

  50. The Great Reset12:12 PM

    The Biden doctrine: "Open the borders, close the economy, expand the forever wars."

  51. Koch-Funded ALEC Planned Since February To Claim The Election Was Stolen From Trump

    Lisa Nelson told a room full of conservative activists that ALEC had been working with three GOP attorneys on “action items that legislators can take to question the validity of an election.”

    No surprise here to learn that the name Koch is associated with the attempt to destroy democracy by casting doubt on the outcome of the election. They have been reeking havoc on our country for years. ALEC is a tool of the devil that makes the "Robber Barons" of old look like school children.

  52. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Koch family is anti-Trump and did not support his campaign.

  53. Gambler2:
    I too find it revealing that our pet trolls identify racial justice with race treason. Evidently they too believe that the Master Race's superiority is entirely artificial, and needs propping up by force and fraud, lest natural equality prevail.

    To genetic science, the human race is one. The DNA evidence is in: skin tint is a paint job. But racism is real, even though race itself is unreal. That dependence upon illusion is part of what makes racism not just wrong, but evil.

    Gambler2, I'd love to exchange email addresses with you. I'll watch for a disposable email address from you: then I'll post to it with contact info; and to prove that I'm me, I'll attach to the email a fractal yin-yang, and a paradox involving Superman. I hope to hear from you soon.

  54. Per CNN, Smartmatic came out of Venezuela;

    in 2007, Smartmatic announced that it was selling its Sequoia Voting Systems to Dominion;

    the chairman of Smartmatic’s board, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, is a George Soros crony;

    Per MSNBC, the system is easily hackable;

    Per PBS, Georgia’s system was vulnerable;

    and the data coming out of the swing states shows anomalies that cannot occur naturally:

    If you are interested in the topic, vote fraud evidence is being compiled here:

  55. drumpf's way over priced team of batshit crazy lawyers dumped Sydney Powell for being batshit crazier than even Rudy. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  56. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Paradoctor said...
    "I too find it revealing that our pet trolls identify racial justice with race treason. Evidently they too believe that the Master Race's superiority is entirely artificial, and needs propping up by force and fraud, lest natural equality prevail."

    Evidently, your understanding of reality and the people you think are your enemies is delusional.

  57. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The Great Reset said...
    The Biden doctrine: "Open the borders, close the economy, expand the forever wars."

    For all the talk of Great Resets, what we still see is a Great Reflex to go back to the status quo policy. For example, massive fiscal stimulus, which will linger a while yet because the virus will too, is being matched by massive new pledges on the Green and defense fronts. This smacks of industrial policy at best, and co-opting of central banks at the worst. However, there is also talk of pay-freezes for public-sector workers, of tax hikes, and of higher pension contributions, hitting all those at the bottom of the ladder whom Covid-19 already hit hardest. So we see both MMT and austerity/MMonetarism: let’s push in demand via higher state spending and yet simultaneously suck demand out via austerity…to deal with the massive government debt pile that central banks have already de facto monetized! Genuinely new economic thinking post crisis? Blink and you missed it.

  58. Anonymous1:34 PM

    “drumpf's way over priced team of batshit crazy lawyers dumped Sydney Powell for being batshit crazier than even Rudy.”

    How big of a circus freak do you have to be before you embarrass Trump into firing you?

    Trump’s lawyers are truly something special.

  59. Gambler2:
    Anon 1:06 pm is doing that agreeing-by-disagreeing thing again. It quotes me, then objects on grounds unstated.

  60. Anonymous2:10 PM

    “drumpf's way over priced team of batshit crazy lawyers dumped Sydney Powell for being batshit crazier than even Rudy.”

    Fake News.

  61. So Powell’s insane conspiracy theories aren’t true? Why was she on team in the first place? I thought he only hired the best people.😂

  62. Didn’t see this coming huh?

  63. I think it was in Michigan where one of Fergus high powered legal team is actually trying to invalidate his own ballot.
    These folks aren't that bright.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Anonymous said...

    Koch family is anti-Trump and did not support his campaign.

    12:46 PM
    If the Kochs are truly anti-Trump, why are they supporting Koch-funded ALEC who planned since February to claim the election was stolen from trump? Look at what people do, not at what they say.

  65. Paradoctor, will do today, Check la bit later.

  66. Anonymous5:09 PM

    It's over.

  67. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "If the Kochs are truly anti-Trump, why are they supporting Koch-funded ALEC who planned since February to claim the election was stolen from trump? Look at what people do, not at what they say."

    The Kochs aren't anti-Trump; they're pro-themselves. They will dump money into the pockets of any politician who will help them get even richer than they are already.

    Trump was not their first choice as their servant in government, back in 2016, mainly because Trump is an incompetent boob. After he actually won, they turned around and supported him. Now that he has lost, they once again couldn't give a shit about him and have moved their support to whichever Republicans in Congress or in state governments still have power and can serve their interests.

    The Kochs have no loyalties or principles beyond greed.

  68. It's over. The Kim Davis of the GSA had abandoned her crusade against reality and freed up the resources for a transition to a Biden administration, and:

    "The Michigan State Board of Canvassers voted Monday to certify the state's presidential election results, a victory for President-elect Joe Biden and a major blow to President Donald Trump's withering effort to contest the results."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Fuck the goddamn Kochs. Ever since they bought Georgia Pacific, GP has been clearcutting wherever they can and leaving big gaping holes in the forest that fuck up the watershed for decades. In northern California.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. drumpf/noem body count keeps marching upwards...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Can't wait to add Rust Limpaw to the pile of corpses drumpf/noem are personally responsible for.

  71. Good news, Doug. Thanks.


  73. Anonymous8:20 PM

    I too find it revealing that our pet trolls identify racial justice with race treason.

    So-called "racial justice" is not justice.  It's an accusation of wrongdoing against people who've done no wrong, which is inherently unjust.  It's a fraudulent claim against people who are just being themselves and want to be left alone.

    If there's ANYTHING blacks refuse to do, it's leave White people alone.  Every time White people move to get away from you and the problems you cause, you follow us.  It's like... you have a racial incapacity to create a functioning society by yourselves.  When areas are ceded to you, you turn them from the prosperous Detroit of 1910 to the decaying Detroit of 2020.

    Evidently they too believe that the Master Race's superiority is entirely artificial, and needs propping up by force and fraud, lest natural equality prevail.

    Compare pre-colonialism Europe to pre-colonialism Africa and say that.  When the Arabs sailed down the east coast of the continent, they weren't even sure the endemic dark bipeds were human.  That's why they called them "kaffirs".

    To genetic science, the human race is one. The DNA evidence is in: skin tint is a paint job.

    To genetic science, you familial origin can be read out of your genome.  So can your skull shape.  Your skull shape determines things like how big the frontal lobes of your brain are, which affects traits like impulse control and ability to think ahead.  Sub-Saharan Africans average about 100 cc less brain tissue than Europeans, which affects a host of behavioral traits.

    European children show mirror self-recognition at between 18 and 24 months; Kenyan children STILL don't show it at age 5.  That's genetic.

    The genetic difference between Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans is as big as the difference between coyotes and gray wolves.  That is a SPECIES-level genetic gap.

    I know it galls you to be told that you're not humans... but you're not humans.  You're a different SPECIES.  You have a continent of your own, and you all need to go there.

    If you were naturally equal, Africa would have developed like Europe did and at about the same time as ideas spread.  It didn't, because you are not.  Equal, that is.

  74. Anonymous8:21 PM

    "They have no real defense against our ideas, so they attack instead with their accusations that we are anti white."

    And why wouldn't any sane person believe this?  You don't even dare to disagree with the likes of Ibrahim X. Kendi, who is viciously racist against White people.

  75. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:26 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I too find it revealing that our pet trolls identify racial justice with race treason.

    So-called "racial justice" is not justice.
    Same old bull shit. Don't you people ever come up with anything new?

  76. “You don't even dare to disagree with the likes of Ibrahim X. Kendi, who is viciously racist against White people.“

    And that is the first time that name has been mentioned here on this blog. Funny, you don’t seem to have a problem with the anti-Blah racism that is here.

  77. Anonymous said...

    "They have no real defense against our ideas, so they attack instead with their accusations that we are anti white."

    And why wouldn't any sane person believe this? You don't even dare to disagree with the likes of Ibrahim X. Kendi, who is viciously racist against White people.

    8:21 PM
    It's a free country. You can disagree with anyone you want to. What are you whining about?


  79. “It's a free country. You can disagree with anyone you want to. What are you whining about?“

    Exactly, last I checked this is the Field Negro blog and not the Ibrahim X. Kendi blog. How much do you want to bet our esteemed anon hasn’t actually taken the time to actually read his book or communicate directly with Mr. Kendi but he dislikes the fact he speaks out about racism. So predictable. The majority of racists hated Dr. King when he was alive so nothing is new.


  81. It wasn't Michigan, it was Wisconsin:

    Trump Lawyer Argues to Have His Own Ballot Tossed

    November 23, 2020 at 11:03 am EST By Taegan Goddard 82 Comments

    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Jim Troupis, a former Dane County judge and Cross Plains attorney who is representing the Trump campaign, would not answer questions about why he and his wife voted that way.”

    “Troupis and his wife voted early using the state’s in-person absentee option — one of a group of voters whose ballots the Trump campaign has asked election officials to deem illegal.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  82. “Trump Lawyer Argues to Have His Own Ballot Tossed“

    Why’d these “best people” even waste time in law school? Hell, he could have gotten the same level of service from a pre-paid law service. Just wasting his cult like followers’ money. So sad (in my trump voice)z

  83. Now that Biden has officially won should I go lurk on conservative blogs to see their tears or wait til inaguration day?

  84. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Cool question pilotx.


    President toddler is throwing another temper tantrum.

  86. "Cool question pilotx."

    Thanks for your approval, it means so much to me.

  87. "Now that Biden has officially won should I go lurk on conservative blogs to see their tears or wait til inaguration day?"

    I wouldn't do it. Real ugly over there, and mostly total denial of what's happening, at least on the ones I have seen lately.

    So now Fergus is pulling us out of the Open Skies treaty and scrapping the goddamn planes we used to do the surveillance allowed under said treaty.

    I guess now that the state department is being reassembled out of the rubble Fergus left it in, Fergus had to find a way to make it up to Putin.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. PilotX said...

    It's a free country. You can disagree with anyone you want to. What are you whining about?“

    Exactly, last I checked this is the Field Negro blog and not the Ibrahim X. Kendi blog. How much do you want to bet our esteemed anon hasn’t actually taken the time to actually read his book or communicate directly with Mr. Kendi but he dislikes the fact he speaks out about racism. So predictable. The majority of racists hated Dr. King when he was alive so nothing is new.

    8:38 PM
    And if they hate us so much, why are they compelled to come here and tell about it? LOL! It doesn't make any sense to me. BTW, to make contact will be active for a couple of days. Paradoctor and I worked it out.

  89. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:04 AM

    Anonymous said....

    If there's ANYTHING blacks refuse to do, it's leave White people alone. Every time White people move to get away from you and the problems you cause, you follow us.

    When areas are ceded to you, you turn them from the prosperous Detroit of 1910 to the decaying Detroit of 2020.

    8:20 PM
    Seems white people follow each other too. And BTW, It's totally unrealistic to blame the Detroit's problems on Blacks. Regardless of what you may believe, automation, the decline of Motown, and many other variables contributed to the current conditions there.
    I know you won't see it because you have tunnel vision. It's convenient to believe in simple causes for complex problems.

  90. "I wouldn't do it. Real ugly over there, and mostly total denial of what's happening, at least on the ones I have seen lately."

    Yeah, I checked out breitbart and it was pretty interesting. They really think the Supremes are gonna hand the election to trump. Oh yeah, there was the requisite racism and anti-Semitism. I'll wait until inauguration day to really see the shit show that's gonna happen.

  91. Anonymous2:01 AM

    "Seems white people follow each other too. And BTW, It's totally unrealistic to blame the Detroit's problems on Blacks. Regardless of what you may believe, automation, the decline of Motown, and many other variables contributed to the current conditions there."

    It was mainly one factor. Detroit was a one-industry town and that industry fucked up, badly.

    American auto execs got complacent, thought they owned the car market (in the US and a lot of other countries, too), and they stopped promoting innovation in their companies' designs. Their vehicles were unreliable and gas-guzzling and they refused to improve them. Until Asian and European companies arrived with better-designed cars, beat them up, and took their lunch money.

    The Big Three's catastrophic loss of market share caused Detroit's economy to crater.

  92. "They have no real defense against our ideas, so they attack instead with their accusations that we are anti white."

    Your ideas are totally the opposite of reality. Why should we believe day is night? Or cutting taxes for the wealthy increases tax revenues?


    BRCC won't sponsor Kenosha Killer Kyle and now they are public enemy #1 for stoopid fucking racist wingnuts.

  94. Anonymous9:55 AM

    “BRCC won't sponsor Kenosha Killer Kyle and now they are public enemy #1 for stoopid fucking racist wingnuts.”

    It’s pretty entertaining to learn this was all just a false Internet rumor. Although it was a very plausible one, given Rittenhouse’s grotesque folk-hero status on the right — and I wouldn’t be surprised if some other wingnutty company did step in and sponsor Rittenhouse for real.

    Anyway, my favorite quote from a traumatized Nazi in that article:

    “My husband is pissed...he said his election was stolen away by Democrats, and then his coffee!”

    Oh, the humanity!

  95. Anonymous10:45 AM

    last I checked this is the Field Negro blog and not the Ibrahim X. Kendi blog.

    Tell me ONE thing Kendi says that you don't agree with.

    If people have identical or better resources and opportunities (which is the definition of "affirmative action") but achieve inferior results, I attribute that to inferiority.  Kendi claims that it's "racism".  So institutions which have been promoting blacks above others for more than half a century are still "racist"?

    There is no such thing as "racism".  There's black inferiority and dysfunction.  All the results prove it.

  96. Anonymous11:53 AM

    “If people have identical or better resources and opportunities (which is the definition of ‘affirmative action’) but achieve inferior results, I attribute that to inferiority.”

    I am not a fan of affirmative action, but you have fantastical ideas about the awesomeness of the benefits black people are receiving from the government, as well as massively minimizing the negative impact of poverty and discrimination in
    American society.

    “Identical or better resources,” my ass.

  97. If any of you missed the headline from a Detroit online news outlet:

    Millions of us concur.

  98. There ain't a single Black person in the world inferior to any drumpf magats.

  99. "There is no such thing as "racism". There's black inferiority and dysfunction. All the results prove it."

    LOL. Even though history, especially US history, is rife with example after example of racism. You wanna read the Constitution a few times? Wanna read the articles of cession of southern states a few times? LOL, ok you're right, there is no racism and never has been. (Redlining, cough cough)

  100. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    If there's ANYTHING blacks refuse to do, it's leave White people alone.
    8:20 PM
    If there's anything that white racist refuse to do it's to stay off Field's blog and leave us normal people alone. There are plenty of right-wing blogs for you to go to.

  101. "Kendi claims that it's "racism".

    Have you read any of Kendi's books? He, BTW, has a PhD in African American history do you? I would have to assume that he has more insight into history that you if you do not have the requisite educational background to make such an assessment. If you do have a similar background then maybe we can give you the same deference we give Dr. Kendi.

  102. "If there's ANYTHING blacks refuse to do, it's leave White people alone."

    LOL! Which explains why there are always racist whites on blogs created so Blah people can avoid them. Bro, trust me, I have no interest in having ANY dealings with you or people like you. I deal with white people who don't mind interacting with people outside of their own ethnicity. People like you tend to self segregate and no one minds.

  103. LOL! trump is bragging about the record-setting day on Wall Street without a clue it is because he is officially leaving and Biden announced his Treasury pick. I mean we know he is obtuse but this is next-level cluelessness.


  105. "If there's anything that white racist refuse to do it's to stay off Field's blog and leave us normal people alone. There are plenty of right-wing blogs for you to go to."

    Stupid people do stupid things.

    "In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability."

    Our trolls are perfect case studies. LOL

  106. PilotX, did you email me at the address I posted?

  107. drumpf/noem body count as the thunder rolls...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Moar milestones surpassed. Getting to be the norm for stoopid fucking loser wingnuts.


    This childish petty creep can't leave fast enough.

  109. "PilotX, did you email me at the address I posted?"

    That was me and I just did the prove I'm not a robot challenge. LOL

  110. Pilot, thank you. I just sent you my reply.


  112. Hey, Pilot, I used to be a spy for the CIA, so it's hard for me to change my ways. LOL!

  113. No racism? No racists?

  114. Moar wingnuts cheating to win...

    Dem incumbent loses by 34 votes and another candidate got 6300 as a Dem. Law finds out he lives in another district, not the one he ran in as a shadow candidate tgo throw election to wingnuts..

  115. Moar racism from a racist, alleged scientist.

  116. “Hey, Pilot, I used to be a spy for the CIA, so it's hard for me to change my ways. LOL!“


  117. Anonymous5:28 PM

    you have fantastical ideas about the awesomeness of the benefits black people are receiving from the government

    Know why all the stories about postal workers mis-handling people's mail feature sheboons?  It's because that's all that the USPS will hire in the cities.  White men, even veterans, are SOL.  And the same goes for dozens of other job categories too.  They don't graduate with student loan debt very often because they're given special blacks-only "scholarships".

    as well as massively minimizing the negative impact of poverty and discrimination in American society.

    All the discrimination is IN THEIR FAVOR.  And you have cause and effect backasswards; they're poor because they're lazy, stupid and violent, not the reverse.  The Vietnamese boat people arrived in the USA with just the clothes on their backs, and went past the nogs in just a few short years because they are the opposite of violent, stupid and lazy.

    “Identical or better resources,” my ass.

    Nothing can make up for a lack of resources inside the skull.

  118. "Nothing can make up for a lack of resources inside the skull."

    Tell you what genius, pick a screen name and we'll see who lacks intellectual resources. LOL

  119. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Joke of the day, from Alex Cole on Twitter:

    “Did Trump pardon the whole turkey or just the white meat?”

  120. "It's convenient to believe in simple causes for complex problems."

    Ain't that the truth. Funny how racists deny racism. LOL!

  121. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Pennsylvania and Nevada have certified their election results for Joe Biden.

    I wonder if it has started to sink in yet among the Trumpkins that their "God Emperor" has lost. How powerful is that reality-distortion field?

  122. anonymous said....

    All the discrimination is IN THEIR FAVOR.

    “Identical or better resources,” my ass.

    Nothing can make up for a lack of resources inside the skull.

    5:28 PM
    It seems popular with people on the far right to blame victims for their situations. So I have a few questions for you:

    Is redlining of entire neighborhoods against people of color giving them better resources or identical treatment?

    Is denying loans to black people with the means and credit scores to qualify giving them better resources or identical treatment?

    Is denying an application black applicants who want to apply for open jobs giving them better resources or identical treatment?

    Is assuming in advance that every black person you see is a potential criminal giving him/her better resources or identical treatment?

    So Anon, are all of these things favoring Blacks, or do the perceptions originate in you own skull which may or may not "lack resources"?

  123. Now at least someone will be reading it:

    Biden to Receive President’s Daily Brief

    November 24, 2020 at 4:59 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 74 Comments

    Three weeks after the election, the White House has given formal approval for President-elect Joe Biden to receive the President’s Daily Brief, CNN reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  124. Call the doctor, the wingnuts have shot themselves in the foot again:

    Roger Stone-Tied Group Threatens Georgia GOP

    November 24, 2020 at 9:02 am EST By Taegan Goddard 189 Comments

    Daily Beast: “Conservative operatives and a super PAC with ties to infamous GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone are calling for Trump supporters to punish Republicans by sitting out Georgia’s crucial Senate runoffs or writing in Trump’s name instead.”

    “And though their efforts remains on the party’s fringes, the trajectory of the movement has Republicans fearful that it could cost the GOP control of the Senate.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  125. United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    New milestones for tomorrow include over 13 million US covid cases and 267k dead bodies for drumpf/noem shared responsibility body count.

  126. Yes, the turkey Fergus pardoned was white.
    The first of many, to be sure.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  127. "So Anon, are all of these things favoring Blacks, or do the perceptions originate in you own skull which may or may not "lack resources"?

    I'm not too optimistic that our pet anon is too bright. She denies racism while displaying the exact definition of racism. Conservatives are typically self-unaware.

  128. "Yes, the turkey Fergus pardoned was white."

    He looks out for his own kind. LOL

  129. PilotX:
    His own kind? You mean white, or turkey, or both?


  131. "His own kind? You mean white, or turkey, or both?"

    Ha! No comment but yes. LOL

  132. To all students of humanity:
    Pay close attention now, and see cognitive dissonance unfold. It is one of the marvels of nature. When prophesy fails, and messiahs fall, then those caught in the cult will display strange and illogical behavior. Thus they will reveal their true selves. Watch and learn!

    To those distraught cultists:
    Expect here neither sympathy nor white lies. You must change your life.

  133. Yeah, like that Harold Camping guy who used to put up the billboards about what day the rapture would be, and then come up with excuses every time it didn't happen until he finally just croaked over.

    Real people did real harm to their lives over the bullshit he slung on his radio show for years, but what ever happened to them?

    Did they kind of shrug their shoulders, ask their boss for their old job back and move on?

    I imagine they're mostly all still out there harboring deep resentments and making up more and more elaborate excuses why they aren't partying with Jesus like the nice man said they would be.

    So does that make them less likely to fall for the same scam or a similar one again, or more likely?

    I'm afraid it might be the latter, just going by something my mother noticed while she was a legal secretary.

    She said that when she first started working for attorneys, she would be happy for the women who came in for help getting divorced from abusive husbands.

    Usually it was an event-driven situation: he beat her up badly enough that she had to go to the ER and miss work, so covering it up wasn't an option, and in the explaining of it she got encouragement to get away from the bastard and start over, and so here she is in the law office.

    After my mom had been in the business a few years, though, she noticed something disturbing: those same women would show up in the office again for another divorce from another abusive asshole functionally identical to the one they had already divorced, right down to the specific kind of abuse.

    She said that had it only happened once or twice she could have ignored it, but it was really a pattern that everyone involved seemed to be aware of.

    My mom was baffled. She said that all she could figure was that people are creatures of habit and that what they are familiar with, even abuse, is less frightening than the unknown of of a situation that is completely new to them.

    I think about those women sometimes when I see people consuming propaganda that they have to make changes in their day to day lives to incorporate into their thinking, because habits are powerful and can lead otherwise functional people to behave in very destructive ways to support them, and the path back from them is fraught and uncertain.

    Now there are +/- 70 million propagandized citizens who will have to come to one reckoning or another, and face wildly disparate outcomes depending upon the choices they make right now.

    Will they just hook up with another abusive creep and continue the habit they have initiated, or will at least some of them decide that the price is too high and the return is too low and so it's time to take that first righteous step back towards the land of the living?

    I feel like it is hella important to support those folks who take that step, if we want them back as functional citizens, which we very much do.

    Which puts us in a bind again over who is genuinely turning away and who is jerking us off. But that has always been true, it's just that now there are a lot more of them and all at once.

    Maybe we should ask for advice from the hospital workers who have another version of the same problem and seem to be achieving amazing results.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  134. Doug: your mom got it right. The unknown is the one fear to rule them all.

  135. Fox coughs up seven figures to settle the Seth Rich lawsuit rather than let Hannity, Gingrich, and Ingraham be deposed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  137. United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  138. Anonymous10:55 AM

    “Fox coughs up seven figures to settle the Seth Rich lawsuit rather than let Hannity, Gingrich, and Ingraham be deposed.”

    And yet the usual wingnut dopes will keep right on believing that Hillary Clinton’s minions murdered Seth Rich, and that Fox News is a reliable news source and not a propaganda arm of the Republican Party.

    They will maintain their trust in Fox, no matter how often Fox “journalists” are caught lying.

  139. Gang Of Ex-Marines And An Ex-Porn Star Moved To Idaho To Create Nazi 'Death Squad'

    But, but, our trolls keep saying that the left is violent.

  140. Hey, Pilot, your post about Caleb Anderson is totally great. I'm sure the trolls with IQs of 50 will have something nasty to say.

  141. You people are insane12:02 PM

    It seems popular with people on the far right to blame victims for their situations.

    Classic DARVO.  Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.

    Blacks are NOT victims.  They are the CAUSE.  Everywhere they go, the same things happen.  Refusing to see this is insanity.

    Is redlining of entire neighborhoods against people of color giving them better resources or identical treatment?

    Everyone who came to majority under "redlining" is of retirement age or dead already.  What we've had since then is grossly unjustified LOWER standards for loans to them.  This came to a head in 2008, when NINJA (No Income, No Job or Assets) loans and "liar loans" led to the mortgage meltdown.

    Is assuming in advance that every black person you see is a potential criminal giving him/her better resources or identical treatment?

    That's just pattern recognition.  Blacks DESERVE to be held in suspicion until they PROVE themselves trustworthy, and nobody but NOBODY owes them the effort if they have anything better to do.

    are all of these things favoring Blacks

    Genetics disfavors blacks.  Whites have nothing to do with it.

  142. Anonymous1:14 PM

    You people are insane said...

    Genetics disfavors blacks.

    12:02 PM
    This hypothesis is yet to be supported by scientific research.

  143. “Genetics disfavors blacks.“

    Hasn’t hurt me any. Wanna bet I’m doing life much better than you?😆 So um, you say racism doesn’t exist yet you exhibit racism. Cognitive dissonance classically displayed. Well played young lady.

  144. “This hypothesis is yet to be supported by scientific research.“

    These types of people don’t really understand science so there is that.

  145. I am glad to see that 'You people are insane' at 12:02 PM has heard about DARVO, perhaps from me, for I mentioned it on this blog. As a professional teacher, I find this possibility pleasing.

    But I note with regret that 'You people are insane', in that very post, exhibited DARVO. So my work is incomplete. Even the poster's chosen name is arguably projection.

    The only reliable solution I know to the problem of the Shadow is to own one's own Shadow. It's a half-solution, a paradox, but that's as good as is humanly possible. So am I a fool? Is my judgement unsound? Are my motives selfish? I am just wise enough, and just sane enough, and just generous enough, to answer Yes.

    Dear 'you people are insane'; first, thank you for having a name. That's important. But I must warn you, it is not a true name. If you would prove yourself saner than I - a mad and petty desire - then prove it by serenity of character. Pro tip: it is more authentic to laugh at oneself than to sneer at others.

    For as the poet Piet Hein pointed out:

    will find their true perfection
    in knowing all the follies of mankind
    by introspection.

  146. magats be dropping like dead body counted flies. Unfortunately, so are decent Democrats, independents and others.

  147. drumpf/noem body count....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    2100 dropped dead, yesterday.

  148. Paradoctor said....

    Dear 'you people are insane'; first, thank you for having a name. That's important. But I must warn you, it is not a true name. If you would prove yourself saner than I - a mad and petty desire - then prove it by serenity of character. Pro tip: it is more authentic to laugh at oneself than to sneer at others.

    For as the poet Piet Hein pointed out:

    will find their true perfection
    in knowing all the follies of mankind
    by introspection.

    2:14 PM
    Excellent advice, but I think it may fall on deaf ears. But as I often tell myself, it's better to try and to fail than to never try at all.

    Have a great day.

  149. Now Fergus and his lawyers are being sued for violating the VRA.
    Look for more consequences with Fergus' name on them to arrive shortly after 1/20/21.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  150. BOOM!4:55 PM

    Judge grants an injunction to halt certification of the election in Pennsylvania.


  151. Anonymous4:57 PM

    If you're all so great, why is it that BLM is chock-full of child sex offenders?

  152. You people are insane5:02 PM

    This hypothesis is yet to be supported by scientific research.

    There never was any doubt about it.  The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study proved that the dysfunctional traits are transmitted via the genome, not the environment.  Low IQ, impulsivity, high time preference, propensity to violence... all genetic.  Of course, a critical mass of Africans make any environment they infest dysfunctional.

    And "Gambler2" isn't a real name either, hypocrite.

  153. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Trump has pardoned Mike Flynn. This is undoubtedly the beginning of the big criminal cover-up. Pardons will be issued for his associates’ dirty deeds, culminating in Trump trying to pardon himself for any crime he committed, ever.

  154. Anonymous You people are insane said...

    This hypothesis is yet to be supported by scientific research.

    There never was any doubt about it. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study proved that the dysfunctional traits are transmitted via the genome, not the environment. Low IQ, impulsivity, high time preference, propensity to violence... all genetic. Of course, a critical mass of Africans make any environment they infest dysfunctional.

    And "Gambler2" isn't a real name either, hypocrite.

    5:02 PM
    Excuse me if I don't recall saying anything to you about your real name. I think that was my friend Paradoctor. I think you are a little confused.
    And one study does not prove any thing. Regardless, I would have to review the study, especially its methodology before I could evaluate the validity of the results.

    Have a nice day.


  155. drumpf/noem body snatchers are killing off actual people's bodies and magats, too.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Still time enough in this day to kill moar, magats.

  156. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Adam Klasfeld
    · Nov 24
    The federal lawsuit in Washington, D.C. against the Trump campaign over its efforts to overturn the results of a free and fair election just was assigned to... U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, the jurist presiding over the Michael Flynn case.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  157. “In general, the results support the original findings: Being reared in the culture of the tests and the culture of the schools benefits all children's IQ scores and school achievements.“

    Looks like the study shows that there are societal factors involved in IQ tests which seems pretty logical.

