Thursday, November 12, 2020

Stop the madness.

The trump presidency is almost over, as over 75 million Americans decided that they have had enough of his madness. 

Of course, Mr. trump, in typical trump fashion, refuses to do the gracious thing and exit stage left. In his heart he knows that there was no voter fraud that caused him to lose the election, but his ego and his gullible followers will not let him accept defeat. 

He is playing a dangerous game with American democracy and American lives, but he doesn't care, because, as always, it's all about him.  

Mahfuz Anam writing in the Daily Star sums up what is happening right now.

'"Election is free and fair if I win it and rigged if I lose"'. I wrote this sentence many times during our period of contested elections under the caretaker government system. I never imagined that I would have to write this about a US election. After having raised the bogey of possible massive election fraud during a re-election campaign, President Trump is now refusing to accept its result. He is opting for litigation to ascertain "legal" votes, implying that there were "illegal" ones, without any shred of evidence so far. Even the Republican controlled states have stood by the accuracy of the election process.

Trump is doing what he does best—disrupt. He did it all through his tenure and he is doing so as he departs, not, of course, if he can help it. But it is a dangerous game he is playing. If he really follows through with his threat of not "conceding" the election, he will cause serious problems in smooth transfer of power and push American politics towards uncharted waters, not to mention making his country subject of ridicule all over the world.

So much of democracy depends on following norms, precedence, procedures, decency and a willingness to play by the rules. Democracy is as much a system as it is a mindset, a collection of values fundamentally rooted on the respect for the "public will" and conceding to it when voted out. If a major actor of this process—in this case Trump—refuses to play by the rules and norms then the whole edifice of democracy risks being seriously dented. Trump's refusal to accept the electoral verdict will create all sorts of problems for a smooth transfer of power, a cornerstone of democracy. After all, politics is about gaining power and democracy is about its smooth and peaceful transfer reflective of people's choice. The more sober section of the Republican Party leadership must rise to the occasion and see that the choice of the majority is honoured.

A seriously vulnerable point of the US presidential election is the practice of "conceding" the election when one is defeated. Since its founding days in every election the defeated candidates had "conceded" to the winner. Normally presidents complete two terms and the election, held at the end of the second term, has two new contestants, neither of whom are in power. However, if the defeated candidate is the incumbent, as is in this instance (Trump being one of four one-term presidents) then the case is radically different. The sitting president, who is in power, has to "concede" to allow the process of transition to the new leadership to take place in a smooth manner.

So, what happens if Trump does not concede as he has announced he would not? Courts will come into the picture and their verdicts will set the course. We do not know how long it will pan out but we can be sure that it will make the relations between the winning and defeated parties—between the democrats and the republicans—bitter. The "time to lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other" appeal by Biden may fall on deaf ears making the "healing" difficult if not well-nigh impossible, definitely in the short run. People expect Biden to remain patient and he, perhaps, will. But much will depend on how elaborate, protracted and time consuming the legal process ends up being. Thankfully there is a time limit till January 20, 2021 when the new president is set to take oath. It is hoped by then some solution will emerge and power will be transferred without fracturing the time" [Source] 

Oh yes, "hope". We are now in a position in America where we can only "hope" that this madman leaves the people's house willingly, and without some sort of major Constitutional crisis, or worse, violence in the streets. 

Some of you thought making this man president was funny four years ago. Well, I hate to break it to you, it ain't so funny anymore. 


  1. It is not Constitutionally required for Trump to concede. As of January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be President, full stop. If need be then the Secret Service will escort any trespassers from the White House grounds. In theory he might try some funny stuff in the meanwhile, but he lacks the necessary ruthlessness and competence.

  2. It's Happening7:53 PM

    Trump won.

    It will be clear by Thanksgiving.

    Biden will neve be President.

  3. Biden already is Potus elect. drumpf will soon start his second and last term, 20 to life with no possibility of parole. And he will still be impeached just as Scalia is still dead.

  4. It's Happening said...

    Trump won.

    It will be clear by Thanksgiving.

    Biden will neve be President.

    7:53 PM
    It's sad that you are so delusional. I feel sorry for you.

  5. Wesley R8:29 PM

    Trump is trash, he's incapable of doing anything graciously.

  6. So can we finally admit that electing a tv game show host was a bad idea?

    1. PilotX, I beg to differ. Alex Trebeck would have been a good President.

  7. I'm still waiting for trump to do the Alonzo speech at the end of Training Day.

  8. Fergus knows good and well that he lost. That's why he's already shitting all over Pence by saying he will run in 2024.
    The rest of it is a grift, because he's very, very broke, and the creditors are coming for him soon.
    Meanwhile 150,000 new covid infections daily, and a 9-11's worth of deaths every three days, and he, still the goddamn president, won't do jack shit about it.

    Mother fuck all of you accessories to mass murder.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  10. AZ called. Biden is only the second Dem to carry the state in over 70 years.

  11. Anonymous12:38 AM

    "Fergus knows good and well that he lost. That's why he's already shitting all over Pence by saying he will run in 2024.
    The rest of it is a grift, because he's very, very broke, and the creditors are coming for him soon."

    He's already planning his next grift: Trump TV, a wingnut TV network he wants to create -- because apparently Fox News isn't wingnutty ENOUGH. And, Trump claims, Fox betrayed him by not backing literally all of his lies, only most of them.

    Obviously, that wouldn't be good for America, but anything would be better than him in the Oval Office.

  12. Let’s be real. Trump probably won the popular vote too.

  13. "Let’s be real. Trump probably won the popular vote too."

    Sure. Why not, it IS 2020. LOL

  14. What happened to Onan News Network or whatever? Weren't they supposed to be a Fergusier version of Fox?
    I guess he can't make enough jack to keep the wolves at bay from lightweights like them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. There's alot of dumbasses in this country but I find it hard to believe there's enough of an audience for more than 2 right wing troll networks.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. Anonymous2:33 AM

    “What happened to Onan News Network or whatever? Weren't they supposed to be a Fergusier version of Fox?”

    There’s already OANN and the Sinclair stations as budding Fox competitors. Lots of people want a piece of the very profitable business of programming the “infinitely reprogrammable meatbags,” as you call them.

    America’s villages have at least 70 million village idiots that need their delusions reinforced and their bigoted grievances stoked. But Trump figures nobody can do it better than him.

  17. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Doug? You mad bro?

  18. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Doug, what does your mother have to do with it? Let her rest in peace for once.

  19. You people are insane8:16 AM

    After having raised the bogey of possible massive election fraud during a re-election campaign, President Trump is now refusing to accept its result.

    Says the clown who never accepted the 2016 election.  You're the side of "#NotMyPresident" and "#RESIST".  You ALWAYS project.  Like the Russia nothingburger?  Biden is owned by CHINA.

    He is opting for litigation to ascertain "legal" votes, implying that there were "illegal" ones, without any shred of evidence so far.

    You don't know about iron-clad proof of fraud like the Dominion machine vote-flipping and the spikes in Biden-only ballots after "pauses" in counting.  You don't know about this because you live in an information bubble.

    If he really follows through with his threat of not "conceding" the election, he will cause serious problems in smooth transfer of power

    The transition from the first Trump/Pence administration to the second Trump/Pence administration will be smooth as silk.

    and push American politics towards uncharted waters

    Oh, we've been here before.  1861-1865 (through I wouldn't expect an alien from Jamaica to know American history).  Since you won't accept America's choice peacefully, the riots are going to be answered with force.  Ethnic cleansing will follow, as it always does.

    We are now in a position in America where we can only "hope" that this madman leaves the people's house willingly, and without some sort of major Constitutional crisis, or worse, violence in the streets.

    There is ALREADY violence in the streets, you idiot.  Charlotte.  Chicago.  Minneapolis.  Kenosha.  Those names mean anything to you?

    Trump was re-elected BECAUSE America is sick of the violence in the streets.  America is sick of YOU.

  20. Says the clown who never accepted the 2016 election.

    There was all kinds of empirical evidence proving meddling in the 2016 election, from drump's outfit colluding with Putin's agents to Russia stealing emils and leaking them to Comey's late dropping email investigation eleven days before the election to BenGowdy's smear campaigns against HRC disguised as legit investigations of Benghazi.

    Your side are the sore losers.


    Fraud made easy.Keep it in house.

  22. Alabama's stoopid fucking sinator elect has no cue why America fought in WW2....

    It’s concerning to me that a guy can run for president of the United States and have an opportunity to win when he leans more to a socialist type of government, you know, one-payer system in health care, raise taxes 20 percent, when the other half the country is basically voting for freedom, let us control our own lives, stay out of our life,” said Tuberville, a former college football coach. “You know, as I tell people, my dad fought 76 years ago in Europe to free Europe of socialism.” Tommy dumb as fuck Tuberville.

  23. Alabama can go fuck itself, a Senator is supposed to be a Statesman intelligent an exemplary example of the states citizens he should be wait this is Alabama he is exemplary they are just too ignorant to have exemplary senators imagine in Mobile they have the USS Alabama and their own senator has no idea what role this massive ship played in our nation's history that right there is the downfall of America rampant unmitigated ignorance! Donald Trump stated he loves the poorly educated and 70 million of them voted for him 70 fucking million this country is as damaged as tubervilles brain!

  24. And there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth9:59 AM

    Election Fraud: @RudyGiuliani says he has uncovered enough unlawful ballots in Pennsylvania and Michigan to turn the election in favor of @realDonaldTrump. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs


  25. Anonymous And there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth said...

    Election Fraud: @RudyGiuliani says he has uncovered enough unlawful ballots in Pennsylvania and Michigan to turn the election in favor of @realDonaldTrump. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs
    LOL! and if you believe this, you will believe anything. Call Giuliani and ask him when he's going to show the proof. You don't understand that all this fuss about Donnie being the "real" winner is just a ploy to drain donations from fools such as you. Trump is planning to rake in multi millions and the skip out of the country before he is indicted for his many crimes.

  26. North Dakota Hospitals Hit Capacity

    November 13, 2020 at 10:57 am EST By Taegan Goddard 10 Comments

    North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (R) announced that his state’s hospitals have reached their limit, and the coming weeks could push them past their capabilities, the Grand Forks Herald reports.

    Some hoax- right, guys? And North Dakota isn't the only one. Utah, South Dakota, and others in the mid west are in trouble - too many sick and not enough ICU beds.

  27. Fight the Power11:14 AM

    Ultimately, this election can best be described as a coup, not by Trump against the people, but rather by the Media/Tech/NGO apparatus against the Constitution. Aligned with their Wall Street funding and Academia manpower, this Blue Empire is attempting to seize control by replacing the electoral process with one where they determine reality and who the most powerful man in the world is.

    Sometimes, the mask slips. Voting took place. But the election? The supposedly democratic selection of our next leader? No. The Media made the decision, Tech enforced it, NGOs spread the word, and Wall Street rallied. This can barely be described as an election.

    At a national level, “democracy” becomes nothing more than a mechanism for legitimizing elite interests and playing out intra-elite conflicts. Elites propagandize the people through media to support the elite’s desired ends.

    The reason why the Media and Tech are so adamant about defending “democracy” is because “democracy” is the system in which they possess the most power. It is the system where they can propagandize the people however they want, legitimizing their own interests infinitely.

    Fundamentally, when Nixon claimed that the Press was the enemy of the people, he meant the Press. Not journalism writ large. Journalism, broadly speaking, is useful and important. But the Press? They are as much an institution as anything else, with their own goals and interests. And they have found the perfect alliance (Tech/NGO/Academia/Wall Street) and rhetoric (“democracy”) to propagandize their message effectively to the People.

    The 2020 Election is Not Really Taking Place.

    “The media represents [a] world that is more real than [the] reality that we can experience. People lose the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. They also begin to engage with the fantasy without realizing what it really is.
    They seek happiness and fulfillment through the simulacra of reality, e.g. media and avoid the contact/interaction with the real world.”

    -Jean Baudrillard (Simulacra and Simulacrum)

  28. The Trumpists are such projectors that their accusations of voter fraud are evidence that they themselves committed voter fraud... and failed!

  29. Total Georgia ballots where the voter voted for President AND at least one other race:

    Trump: 2,456,915
    Biden: 2,376,081

    Of the 283,000 votes counted in Georgia AFTER Nov 3rd, 96,619 were POTUS only votes. 99.993 % went to Biden:

    Trump: 818
    Biden: 95,801

    This is statistically impossible.

  30. Come on, man!11:47 AM

    Republicans won 28 of the 29 most competitive House seats and are leading in several more that were not considered competitive, kept the Senate, won over 100 new state seats and took control of 3 more state legislatures, and Trump got 10 million more votes than he did in 2016, including the highest share of minority votes for a Republican since 1960.

    Yet we are being told to believe that a senile grifter who couldn't get more than a dozen people to come out to his rallies somehow got ten million more votes than Obama.

  31. Fight the Power said.....
    this Blue Empire is attempting to seize control by replacing the electoral process with one where they determine reality and who the most powerful man in the world is."
    Sure, this blue empire is trying to win control of the government by allowing all legal votes to be counted. Don't blame us blues because the majority of Americans voted for Joe Biden. Maybe if your cult leader, Trump would have done something to control the pandemic, he would have been reelected. But instead he decided to let American die by the thousands because he thought that would aid his reelection. Imagine how dumb that decision was. Your cult leader, Donnie, is an idiot.

    And take you fascist bull shit to some other website.

  32. Trump won12:04 PM

    If we just just stick to legal votes, Biden lost.

    You don't shatter the popular vote record by 9 million, lose 80% of counties, the Senate, and 15 seats in the house in the same Presidential Election.

    It doesn't happen.

  33. Math said...

    Total Georgia ballots where the voter voted for President AND at least one other race:

    Trump: 2,456,915
    Biden: 2,376,081

    Of the 283,000 votes counted in Georgia AFTER Nov 3rd, 96,619 were POTUS only votes. 99.993 % went to Biden:

    Trump: 818
    Biden: 95,801

    This is statistically impossible.

    11:24 AM
    Since you are making the claim, please explain how and why this outcome is statistically impossible.

    Actually results such as these are quite common. In every election for president there are large numbers of people who vote only for president and nothing else on the ballot. You can ask me why, but I don't know the answer. Maybe a political scientist has some ideas about the why.

  34. Aubrey12:06 PM

    Biden “winning” this election is the best thing that could have happened. Now these frauds will be exposed in court.

    Otherwise a Trump win would have allowed them to continue slithering in the swamp waiting to strike again in 4 years.

  35. Anonymous Trump won said...

    If we just just stick to legal votes, Biden lost.

    You don't shatter the popular vote record by 9 million, lose 80% of counties, the Senate, and 15 seats in the house in the same Presidential Election.

    It doesn't happen.

    12:04 PM
    Sure it does. Several variables are involved, voter suppression, gerrymandering, very small margins between the votes in counties, and distaste for Trump by some Republicans who voted for Joe, but otherwise voted a straight Republican ticket.

    You conspiracy adherents are amusing. You must be afraid of your own shadow.

  36. The Election-Stealer’s Trilemma:
    Any attempt to steal a big election can be two, but not all three, of:
    If it’s two, then it can’t be the third. For instance, winning by popular/EC split is inexpensive and effective but indiscreet. Winning the old-fashioned way, by quietly buying off voters and vote-counters, is effective and discreet but expensive. And trying to win by dirty tricks in the dark is discreet and inexpensive but ineffective.

    Bush 2000 and Trump 2016 used method #1. Both presidencies were disastrous. Our trolls accuse Biden of method #2, the traditional method. Trump is broke, so instead of method #2, he used method #3. History suggests that 2 beats 3.

  37. "Actually results such as these are quite common."

    In places like Saddam Hussein's Iraq, yes, but not in a real election.

    There are people who vote only for President and don't bother checking any other boxes, but one candidate getting 99.993% of these votes is in your face fraud.

    One could accept that there was some tendencies in this subset of voters that could go strongly in one candidate's favor. 60%, 70% maybe. 80% would seem impossible. 90% would be absolutely absurd. But 99.993%? You can't be a real person.

    The obviousness of this fraud will be its undoing.

  38. The GOP flop:
    They wish to steal this election by alleging massive indetectable voter fraud. If this ploy fails then they disgrace themselves and permanently damage their power. If this ploy succeeds then they damage the voting system that gave them their power, and again permanently disgrace themselves. Therefore either way they disgrace themselves.

  39. Signed affidavit of Mellissa Carone, who was contracted by Dominion Voting Systems to perform IT work on the voting systems at the TCF Center, in Detroit, on Nov. 3, 2020, documenting massive fraud:


  41. Statistics-based accusations of Biden cannot work. Those informed enough to follow them are also informed enough to reject Trump. Those following Trump are not informed enough to follow the argument. Nobody will lay down his life for a statistical analysis.

  42. “Therefore either way they disgrace themselves.“

    And their voters won’t care and continue doing what they have always done.

  43. Secretary Pompeo attempted a joke: that Trump will make "a smooth transition to a second Trump administration". That half-witticism went over like a lead zeppelin. So what other destination would be more befitting?

    I call for a vote. Trump should make a smooth transition to where?

    A. Oblivion?
    B. Moscow?
    C. Hell?
    D. Riker's Island?
    E. ___________?

    E is a write-in vote. Imaginative suggestions welcome.
    Full disclosure: I vote D.

  44. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Pompeo knows that Trump will be sworn in for a second term on January 20.

    Soon you will too.

  45. "Statistics-based accusations of Biden cannot work."

    Good thing there are also thousands of sworn affidavits testifying to systematic fraud activities in multiple states.



  46. Math said...

    "Actually results such as these are quite common."

    In places like Saddam Hussein's Iraq, yes, but not in a real election.

    "There are people who vote only for President and don't bother checking any other boxes, but one candidate getting 99.993% of these votes is in your face fraud.

    One could accept that there was some tendencies in this subset of voters that could go strongly in one candidate's favor. 60%, 70% maybe. 80% would seem impossible. 90% would be absolutely absurd. But 99.993%? You can't be a real person.

    The obviousness of this fraud will be its undoing.

    12:16 PM"
    You are very wrong. You should have Googled the topic and informed yourself before you posted this nonsense.
    Please see and read the articles on the following websites. Or you can remain in your state of ignorance while grasping at straws, it's your choice.

    VERIFY: It's normal to have ballots that vote only for president

    Called undervoting, it's happened to the benefit of both candidates in various states this year.

    "Some claims imply that these votes favor the Democrat former vice president and could be a sign of voter fraud. They often point to swing states like Michigan as evidence.

    One such claim was a tweet from a Fox contributor who said 450,000 people who voted for just Biden in “key states” were significant in assessing whether there’s evidence of fraudulent ballots.
    But this kind of suspicion on these ballots ignores the history of undervoting in American elections......."

    "Do you have to vote for everything on your ballot? (2020)"

    "No. The act of leaving one option blank on a ballot while filling out other options is commonly referred to as undervoting. For example, a voter that is permitted to cast one vote for a presidential candidate and does not select a candidate, or a voter who has only cast two votes in a contest allowing three, has undervoted. Voters have the right to undervote if they choose to do so."

  47. Have yet to see a single, reliable mainstream media site touch this right wing fantasy about vote manipulation in Michigan.

    Therefore, it is likely a wingnut lie.

  48. Good thing there are also thousands of sworn affidavits testifying to systematic fraud activities in multiple states.

    They would have had to have been mass copied before the election was over to have them by now. Another rightwing fever dream.

  49. To Math at 12:16 PM

    here's a little more info you from the first article I cited above

    The Federal Election Commission has a page of past results and vote totals for American elections, including tables that show how many people voted for president, senator and representative in the House.

    While not every voter in any given election has an opportunity to vote for a senator, every voter does get a chance to vote for a member of the House. Undervoting can be measured by comparing past nationwide presidential vote totals to past House of Representatives totals.

    In 2016, 136,669,276 voted for president while only 131,652,458 voted for a member of the House. In 2012, 129,085,410 voted for president while only 124,793,115 voted for a Congress member. In 2008, 131,313,820 voted for president while only 122,959,841 voted for a House representative. And in 2004, 122,295,345 voted for president while only 114,413,842 voted for a House member.

  50. Jonathan Turdley proven to be full of shit, like drumpf....


    Puts Biden over 50k electoral votes for this election.Fuck stoopi9d wasicu wastey fucking wingnuts and drumpf.

  52. Perfect example of stoopid fucking wingnut speak....

    drumpf brags about most secure election ever, but Dems rigged it somehow. Inbred intellect at it's finest.

  53. "VERIFY: It's normal to have ballots that vote only for president"

    Yes, that point was not contested, although there was a very aberrant proportion this time.

    What is certainly NOT normal is one candidate getting 99.993% of the vote on these ballots.

    I don't know if you are deliberately missing this point, but it is absolutely an indicator of massive fraud.

  54. "Have yet to see a single, reliable mainstream media site touch this right wing fantasy about vote manipulation in Michigan."

    A thinking person might question why there isn't a single reliable mainstream media site, and why you have to search to get information on the thousands of people who have come forward and given sworn testimony under penalty of perjury that they witnessed massive election fraud.

  55. Fergus said that his electoral situation will turn around in two weeks.
    Translated from Fergus to reality, two weeks means never.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. on the thousands of people who have come forward and given sworn testimony under penalty of perjury that they witnessed massive election fraud.

    A fucking joke. These liars are likely to get rewarded for lying rather than prosecuted for perjury by wingnuts. Voter fraud did not happen. It s made up, fake news, conspiracy theory bullshit fiction.

  57. drumpf dropped lawsuit in Arizona and Michigan GOP says they won't give drumpf Michigan. Moar losing.

  58. Wingnut claims of voter fraud have been investigated and easily explained away, except to peons who won't accept any answer except the one drumpf feeds them.

  59. Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, one of the high-power law firms representing Fergus in his ridiculous lawsuits has quit.
    Fergus may not have a reputation to defend, but theirs is closely tied to their ability to function as a law firm.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. All of Trump's voter-fraud lawsuits have been thrown out of court. When the judges asked for evidence, every lawyer has said that they have none. This is because they have no evidence, and lying to a judge will lose you your law license. Not even lawyers are willing to lay down their careers for Trump.

  61. Tuberville is a moron. Even fucking Alabama should have done better than him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Anonymous4:49 PM

    “Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, one of the high-power law firms representing Fergus in his ridiculous lawsuits has quit.”

    These lawyers all clearly know that this is only a dog and pony show being performed for the rubes who support Trump. They’ve agreed to take these absurd lawsuits into court ... but that’s all they’re doing. They’re not about to risk their licenses for Trump.

    Every case seems to go down like:

    Judge: Do you have any evidence of voter fraud?

    Trump lawyer: No. Sorry. I’m full of shit. I’ll just show myself out now.

  63. More than 130 secret service agents are infected with covid or quarantining because of direct exposure to it.
    I would imagine them to be somewhat relieved at the election results.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Math said....

    A thinking person might question why there isn't a single reliable mainstream media site, and why you have to search to get information on the thousands of people who have come forward and given sworn testimony under penalty of perjury that they witnessed massive election fraud.

    3:43 PM
    Well as a thinking woman, I ask you where are the affidavits from these "thousands of people who came forward and swore under oath they witnessed "massive election fraud"? Maybe Rudy has them?

  65. Anonymous5:43 PM

    You should have Googled the topic and informed yourself before you posted this nonsense.

    Granny Idiot thinks Google isn't censoring its search results!  What a maroon!

  66. QAnon cunt demonstrates why it's a bad idea to send QAnon cunts to congress:

    New Lawmaker Calls Masks ‘Oppressive’

    November 13, 2020 at 2:14 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 182 Comments

    Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) tweeted that masks used to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are “oppressive.”

    Said Greene: “Our first session of New Member Orientation covered COVID in Congress. Masks, masks, masks… I proudly told my freshman class that masks are oppressive. In Georgia, we work out, shop, go to restaurants, go to work, and school without masks. My body, my choice. #FreeYourFace.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. Anonymous6:36 PM

    “QAnon cunt demonstrates why it's a bad idea to send QAnon cunts to congress.”

    She’s either a raving loon or a shameless grifter pretending to be a raving loon. Take your pick.

    In addition to QAnon conspiracies and COVID denial, she ran on a pledge to fight an imaginary communist takeover of the government, which the Democrats were supposedly plotting.

    An all-around horrible person.

  68. Jason Isbell, who just returned his CMA lifetime membership card because they failed to mention the passing of John Prine, Jerry Jeff Walker, or Billy Joe Shaver, made this prediction which has just come true:

    Jason Isbell
    Nov 4
    Biden could still pull off the historical sweep of every state Steve Miller has been to in Keep On Rockin Me Baby

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Trump won6:54 PM

    "The company in question, Dominion Voting Systems, improperly counted ballots to create a fraudulent win for Joe Biden in Antrim County, Michigan and caused several other 'glitches' that required extended voting hours and delayed results. Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, however, reveal the company is overwhelmingly staffed by Democrat donors -- perhaps contributing to the explanation as to how the machines malfunctioned exclusively to Biden's benefit."

    "The facts are, as of Monday, a full week after election day, Biden is behind President Donald Trump in the undisputed electoral count -- Biden's 226 to Trump's 232 (assuming Trump wins North Carolina) -- with a full 80 outstanding electoral votes in seven states still in a legal fog and unlikely to be determined much before the Dec. 14 state deadlines to report the count to Congress."

    "There are two distinct types of fraud in this election, and people need to know both of them to understand the battle Trump is fighting."

    "Chinese election interference"

  70. Trump won Michigan6:58 PM

    "Eyewitnesses testify they saw approximately 40,000 irregular ballots arrive in vehicles with out-of-state plates during an early-morning poll worker shift change Nov. 4. That's not even the half of it."

    "Every citizen deserves to have faith in the integrity of the election process and its outcome. It is our responsibility, as elected public servants, to assure the people of Michigan of the process's integrity through complete transparency and the faithful investigation of any allegations of wrongdoing, fraud, or abuse. Unfortunately, a number of serious allegations have been made which cannot and should not be ignored."

    "The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, is seeking to invalidate ballots in counties where they allege widespread illegal ballots and fraudulent ballot-counting took place. The lawsuit cites reports claiming that about 10,000 dead people returned mail-in ballots to vote in Michigan."

    "The Trump campaign has filed a federal lawsuit in the Western District claiming widespread fraud in last week's election. The campaign provided numerous affidavits from individuals who were witnessing the vote counting process in Detroit."

  71. Trump won Pennsylvania7:00 PM

    "The number of ballots affected by Thursday's decision -- which were sequestered and not counted -- is likely small. However, Republicans believe Thursday's ruling could help if the Supreme Court resists the issue, because the state judge found that Boockvar acted without authority from the state legislature."

    Margot Cleveland: "The Supreme Court will likely weigh in on Pennsylvania's handling of mail-in ballots, and despite the pundits' claims to the contrary, serious constitutional issues are at stake."

    "A state court judge ruled that the Trump team rightly contested certain ballots in that state."

  72. Trump won Nevada7:01 PM

    "The Trump campaign has released a list of over 3,000 instances where they claim voter fraud occurred in Nevada using the addresses of active military members and their families."

  73. "Granny Idiot thinks Google isn't censoring its search results! What a maroon!"

    Google is a generic term e.g. kleenex, xerox, q-tip, ect. Use your preferred search engine.

  74. I gotta give it to trump and his team but for all parties involved this is a done deal. His team is just embarrassing itself and even further sullying his legacy.

  75. Even the Military Times is calling BS about trump's claims of voter fraud.

  76. LeonT8:08 PM

    Sheesh, I come back after a while and this place is lousy with the stink of brain-dead losers.

    If there was any justice, we'd shave you bald in the public square the way the French did with collaborators after V-E Day.

  77. To Trump Won at:

    6:54 PM
    6:58 PM
    7:00 PM
    7:01 PM

    Great cut an paste job. Too bad there's not a word of truth in it.

    Please, just go away and take all the bull shit with you.

  78. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:12 PM

    If there was any justice, we'd shave you bald in the public square the way the French did with collaborators after V-E Day.

    8:08 PM
    Great idea, Leon!

  79. drumpf lost Nevada said derp.

    Politifact says fake news and false, losers, and explains why in easy to understand terms even stoopid fucking wingnuts cAn understand, once they extricate their heads from their asses.

    You lose again, some more and too still yet, losers.

  80. 'Dead’ Georgia Voters Are Actually Alive

    November 13, 2020 at 6:52 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 222 Comments

    At least two of the four Georgia voters President Trump’s campaign accused of fraudulently voting while “dead” are actually alive, WXIA reports.

  81. Another conspiracy voter fraud debunked in michigan....

    These accusations are so far fetched and repeated so often, judges can't keep a straight face tossing these frivolous suits.

  82. Leon Low-T8:51 PM

    I tried to shave my balls but I couldn't find them.

  83. Granny NPC10:23 PM

    Actual science does not matter. Reality is irrelevant. Propaganda and authority are everything. Refusal is criminal. All the promoted experts agree.


    drumpf's scurrilous and malicious accusations of voter fraud are all lies. But, drumpf is known to be a pathological, pathetic, whining, lying loser.

  85. "I tried to shave my balls but I couldn't find them."

    Did you try using a flashlight and an eight man crew?

    If Mississippi wants to secede from the union, it should have to be able to correctly spell secede first.

    If Mississippi wants to succeed, it should stop electing morons like Price Wallace.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Fascinating how an inexplicable overnight pause in election results, followed by a drastic change in trend, was sufficient cause for international observers to declare the 2019 Bolivian election illegitimate — but when not it happens in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and 6 US states.

  87. "At least two of the four Georgia voters President Trump’s campaign accused of fraudulently voting while “dead” are actually alive, WXIA reports."

    They're using the Khris Kobach method, if John Smith is dead that means nobody named John Smith can vote. Oh my bad, you have to use Blah or Latinx sounding names.

  88. Anonymous11:48 PM mad bro?

  89. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Doug sure does know about "eight man crews". You'd think he'd keep it private.

  90. "I've been mad for fucking years, absolutely years,
    Been over the edge for yonks,
    Been working me buns off for bands
    I've always been mad, I know I've been mad,
    Like the most of us, very hard to explain why you're mad,
    Even if you're not mad"

    Nope. Happy as a clam.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  91. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Trump wins:

  92. Denying to the end. That's reality creation!

  93. Breaking: Congressman Louie Ghomert has stated that The U.S. Army has seized servers for Dominion in Germany.

  94. Did those servers have any terror babies in them?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  95. Epstein didn't kill himself and Biden didn't win.

  96. Anonymous12:54 AM

    “Breaking: Congressman Louie Ghomert has stated that The U.S. Army has seized servers for Dominion in Germany.”

    Jesus, this nonsense is soooo preposterous. I’ve been ignoring all the vote fraud lies, because they’re not worth commenting on. But this one is so out there, so unbelievably dumb, it hurts to think about it. This story self-debunks in a millisecond.

    How does this make any sense to you, even in your peanut-sized troll brain? The US Army seized the assets of a private company on German soil? In what fucking universe do you think the German government — which abides by the rule of law, and is outright hostile to Donald Trump anyway — would ever allow that to happen?

    C’mon, think, McFly!

    1. Anon@12:54, did u tell a MAGA cult member to "think"?
      Now u know better than that.😀

  97. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Would it greatly concern you if all of the votes in the 2020 Presidential election were routed to Amazon servers in Barcelona & Frankfurt before being reported or is it just me?

  98. Charles Koch says his partisanship was a mistake.

    That's a lifeboat. Burn that motherfucker.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  99. I’ve never seen Joe Biden sniff a black person.

  100. Susan Brown Rice3:14 AM

    Joe Biden's refusal to concede is a threat to national security.

  101. Biden will concede the election before the end of the year.

  102. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Thank goodness, Joe Biden is a man of integrity.

    Having seen that he has no path to victory in the Supreme Court, he has decided to concede the election to spare the nation from weeks of political turmoil.

  103. US officials asked Germany to collect a server that had hacked police records from a site in Houston showing the FBI was giving info to pigs about protesters and protests.

    The rest is likely bullshit as fact checkers will undoubtedly report in a day ot two.

    drumpf/Noem body count is knocking on a quarter million dead bodies...
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    The total number of dead bodies is one piece of data that is accurate and undeniable. In other words not a conspiracy theory like stoopid fucking wingnuts love to peddle.


    Wasicu scumacysts stay in jail for murdering Black jogger.

  105. Wingnuts are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking dumb!!!


    Lock him up!

  107. Anonymous9:46 AM

  108. K-POP fans troll #MillionMAGAMarch as Trump supporters and Proud Boys organize protest against election results

    Pretty funny.

  109. The Trump plan for mass death is unfolding before our eyes

  110. A Pennsylvania postal worker who initially alleged that a postmaster had tampered with mail ballots — an accusation embraced by Republicans as evidence of an unfair election — told federal investigators in a recorded interview that his sworn affidavit had been written by Project Veritas, and that he could no longer stand by his statement.

    James O'Keefe at his dirty work again. Lock him up!

  111. Anonymous said...

    9:46 AM
    The Americanthinker is is a far right-wing rag that publishes opinions, lies, and other bull shit.

  112. Tennessee man freed after nearly 15 years in prison for wrongful murder conviction
    Joseph Webster, who is Black, was exonerated after new evidence and witness testimony cleared him in a 1998 killing.

  113. Anonymous12:04 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  114. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  115. dumbass dubya was drumpf before drumpf was...

  116. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Gambler2 said...
    "A Pennsylvania postal worker who initially alleged that a postmaster had tampered with mail ballots — an accusation embraced by Republicans as evidence of an unfair election — told federal investigators in a recorded interview that his sworn affidavit had been written by Project Veritas, and that he could no longer stand by his statement."

    That's a straight up lie.

    Richard Hopkins was pressured to recant by federal investigators but he didn't, despite a truly despicable amount of mind fuckery by the agents. The IG Federal Officer Russell Strasser leaked the "recanting" to CNN, but unfortunately for him Hopkins had recorded the whole thing and stands by his original story.

    You should be ashamed for repeating such propaganda.

    BTW, Russell Strasser goes by Jeff Streeter on Twitter. His account was filled with Anti-trump political posts. His intent was never to actually investigate Hopkins' allegations of USPS voter fraud, but to bury them.

  117. Anonymous at 1:45 PM

    You really have a lot to nerve posting something by James O'Keefe to prove your point or anything else. We all know James is as big a liar as Donald Trump is. Pardon me if I don't believe a word of it. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

  118. MIkefromIowa said....

    dumbass dubya was drumpf before drumpf was...

    1:41 PM
    I'm not surprised, Mike. The last decent Republican that ran for president was Dwight Eisenhower. It's all been down hill since Ike.

  119. Stop the Steal2:52 PM

    Will Wattson
    Follow @Will_Wattson
    Twitter logo
    14 Nov, 1 tweets, 1 min read

    The raw data in the server seized by the US military in Frankfurt revealed that Trump actually won 410 electoral college votes !

  120. Right-wing Project Veritas could face legal liability for postal worker’s ballot fraud allegations: experts

  121. Stop the Steal2:55 PM

    Protected from Twitter deletion:

  122. How you can tell that it's over (h/t: Susie Madrak):

    President Trump has put his personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, in charge of his campaign lawsuits related to the outcome of the election, as well as all public communications related to them, four people familiar with the move said on Friday.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  123. State GOP lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have all said they would not intervene in the selection of electors, who ultimately cast the votes that secure a candidate's victory. Such a move would violate state law and a vote of the people, several noted.

  124. Facts aren't for everyone4:13 PM

    Granny NPC said...
    "Pardon me if I don't believe a word of it. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha"

    In light of your being a mediocre intellect of declining abilities who takes great pride in being ignorant, pardon is granted.

  125. So the K-Popsters are back, flooding the hashtags where the million MAGA crybaby marchers spread their poison with pancakes.
    This simultaneously mocks the damn fools, makes the hashtags where they spread their poison all but unusable, and by not showing up to counter protest in person, deprives the MAGAts of their favorite tactic: starting shit and blaming it on whoever else shows up.
    Now the million moron march won't actually get a million morons, as many will become confused and drive to Washington state.
    You'd think they would have learned from the Glenn Beck debacle a few years back... Well you might think that if you had never actually met any of them. They don't learn real good.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  126. Jonathan Pie finds things to be happy about in this turdnado:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  127. In light of your being a mediocre intellect of declining abilities who takes great pride in being ignorant, pardon is granted.

    4:13 PM

    You stoopid fucking magats rejoice in your inbred ignorance, not those of us who believe in real science and truth. Next time you tools bump heads with reality will be the first time.

  128. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Hey, how did the Million Moron March go?

    I think we can safely assume, far less than a million, but definitely all morons.

  129. Anonymous Facts aren't for everyone said...

    Granny NPC said...
    "Pardon me if I don't believe a word of it. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha"

    In light of your being a mediocre intellect of declining abilities who takes great pride in being ignorant, pardon is granted.

    4:13 PM

    Thanks for the insults. It's kinda flattering that you are compelled to respond to so many of my posts. LOL!

    1. Gambler2:
      A fool’s insult is praise.

  130. Oooh Field, those eyes! So deadly serious :) :D xD

  131. drumpf/noem body count surpassed 251k and is still climbing today.

    Quite the deadly hoax, what?

  132. Kick them in the nutz, Gambler.

  133. ‘Million MAGA March’ Falls 900,000 or So Short of a Full Deck

    "The takeaway from the day was pretty simple: There is no way to make these people believe that they’ve lost, because they don’t believe in democracy."

    "Let’s just call what happened in Washington, D.C. today what it was: An anti-democracy protest by an assortment of white supremacists, violent fascists and conspiracy nuts. They came to town to collectively demand the disenfranchisement of more than 78 million Americans Joe Biden voters, and to reaffirm that “legal votes” can only be cast by white folks outside of miscegenated cities."

  134. 80% of covid deaths in Texas penis system had not been convicted of any criminal wrongdoing.

  135. Moronic right wing sites on the internet claim drumpf leads in electoral votes by 30 or 40 more than he actually got. Delusional, despicable, deplorable dumbfuckers.

  136. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Mr. Field, the impeached fucking moron has never been funny. He was a failure and stiff in his youth, his education, NY real estate years, a stiff in the NY media with fake IDs to promote himself. How he ever conned Reince Priebus to allowing him into the RNC coffers is a discussion that should be dragged out of Priebus. That Moscow Mitch and the Senate have given him free rein to commit multiple felonies is unbelievable. Or, that an entire maladministration could be so corrupt as to fail to 25 the 45. Is there a word beyond unprecedented or an example in history at any time or place equivalent to the crimes that Republicans have allowed this impeached pResident to commit?

  137. Mike from Iowa said....

    Kick them in the nutz, Gambler.

    6:37 PM
    LOL! It's all good, Mike. I get a lotta laughs from this guy's comments. I've been told that I have a weird sense of humor.

  138. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Jeremy Horpedahl
    South Korea
    Population: 51 million
    COVID deaths: 492

    South Dakota
    Population: 0.88 million
    COVID deaths: 568

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  139. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Welp, looks like Trump is officially fucked.

    His only hope of somehow cheating democracy, overthrowing the election, and remaining in power illegally hinged on Republican-led legislatures in swing states ignoring the fact that Biden won in those states, and appointing pro-Trump Electors to the Electoral College instead.

    But the leaders of those states' legislatures just said no to that plan.

    GOP leaders in 4 states quash dubious Trump bid on electors

    So I guess Trump will just keep pointlessly sending his lawyers to argue that tens of thousands of Biden votes get chucked on the grounds that Trump would really prefer to win, and judges will keep laughing the suits out of court until the Electoral College votes are cast, and then Trump will have the mother of all meltdowns and probably start throwing his own poop like an angry monkey.

  140. He'll get someone else to throw his poop, his hands are way too tiny for that much shit.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  141. Paradoctor said....

    A fool’s insult is praise.

    7:06 PM
    Thanks. You speak the truth!

  142. This is a rather long article, but well worth reading. I think someone once said, "Know your enemy."

    Proud Boys’ Post-Election Crackup Offers Revealing Glimpse Of Their Deep White Nationalist Nature

    "Internecine warfare is a natural state for right-wing extremists; they are, after all, uniformly paranoid, suspicious, confrontational, and narcissistic (not to mention deeply unpleasant) people. Their latest internal dustup, however, is more revealing than most........"

  143. "Thanks for the insults. It's kinda flattering that you are compelled to respond to so many of my posts. LOL!"

    Just like their dear leader they seem to have a propensity to insult and attack women. Such manly men.

  144. Proud Boies at the MAGA march brandishing dildos to own the libs.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  145. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Some pretty cool tweets from other people Doug.

  146. Anonymous2:24 AM

    "Proud Boies at the MAGA march brandishing dildos to own the libs."

    Something is very wrong with these lads. In fact, many things are wrong.

    Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes once stuck a dildo up his own ass to own the libs, on camera on his online TV show. (Not exactly sure how the libs were supposed to have gotten owned by this. But whatever. Gavin doesn't let himself get bogged down with details.)

    So it appears that the Proud Boys is mainly an organization for aficionados of both fascism and dildos. Quite the odd combination.

  147. I thought they were against masturbation. You can't really be pro-dildo and anti-masturbation, as far as I know...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  148. Anonymous3:02 AM

    " I thought they were against masturbation. You can't really be pro-dildo and anti-masturbation, as far as I know..."

    Maybe they're allowed to cram a dildo up their nether regions, as long as they don't enjoy it?


  149. One of the questions is, "How long will Senate Republicans continue to be afraid of the Bully-in-Chief?" What will it take for them to show some spine? Is even a lame duck loser too big a threat to them? The explanation that they want his help in the Georgia runoffs doesn't hold water--the Georgia GOP has 50M bucks to slander Warnock and Ossoff. Maybe once your cojones are in someone else's pocket you can't easily get them back.

  150. Anotherbozo:

  151. US military raid on Scytl, Frankfurt Germany is total bullshit, fabricated, fucking lies.

  152. Following several erroneous statements that have been published in digital and social media, Scytl would like to clarify the following:

    The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida.
    We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US
    We do not provide voting machines in the US.
    We did not provide online voting to US jurisdictions for the US elections.
    We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt.
    The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else
    We are not owned by George Soros and have never been connected to him
    We are not tied to Smartmatic, SGO, Dominion or Indra
    We have no ties with Russia either

    Like all these fake news, made up criminal acts by Biden, etc, it all started with a misread/misunderstood email and snowballs from there. And you stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys keep falling for every one of these. Guess how fucking stoopid that makes you morons in real life?m Gawd you stoopid fuckers are stoopid fuckers.

  153. Anonymous1:09 PM

    “US military raid on Scytl, Frankfurt Germany is total bullshit, fabricated, fucking lies.”

    It was made-up? Wow, what a surprise. :-|

    This story was dumb as hell, even by the embarrassing, abysmally stupid standards of the Trump trash.

  154. And it should be patently obvious, even to stoopid fucking wingnuts, why main stream outlets won't touch these steaming piles of bullshit.

  155. Anonymous2:42 PM

    “And it should be patently obvious, even to stoopid fucking wingnuts, why main stream outlets won't touch these steaming piles of bullshit.”

    It should be patently obvious, but it’s not. These pinheads get mad at anyone who tells them facts, if they are not facts they want to hear.

    This is why they decide that the real journalists are all lying, and the only person they can trust is some random dude on Twitter called True_Patriot_56079.

  156. "Maybe they're allowed to cram a dildo up their nether regions, as long as they don't enjoy it?"

    No accounting for taste...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  157. Anonymous3:13 PM

    To those of you who voted for Biden:
    You had better OWN IT for the next four years if he wins.

    1. I don't want to hear you complain about your taxes going up or gas prices doubling.
    2. I don't want to hear you complain when your health insurance costs go up even further than they already are.
    3. Don't complain when you bring home less in your paycheck because you're being penalized for climate justice.
    4. Don't complain when you lose your job because 25 million illegal immigrants suddenly become legal and your employer decides to hire someone at a lower wage.
    5. Don't complain when your job is just outright eliminated because the minimum wage is too high and your employer can no longer afford to stay open or even pay you.
    6. Don't complain when your automotive or industrial job is eliminated because it's shipped back to China.
    7. Don't complain when interest rates double or even triple and homes/automobiles are not as affordable as they use to be.
    8. Don't complain when your stocks and 401k take a massive hit.
    9. Don't complain when we are locked into more endless wars in the Middle East.
    10. Don't complain when your otherwise safe communities are overrun by crime and start resembling Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and Baltimore.
    11. Don't complain when the educational system goes down and higher education becomes unaffordable.

    You obviously didn't vote your paycheck or your future. You voted your feelings. Unfortunately facts don't care about your feelings and, sadly, you will soon learn this under a Biden/Harris administration. JUST OWN IT.
    Also, when the new administration makes a play for all of our legally owned firearms, don't look to me for support, safety, or compliance.

  158. Nope, we voted for our lives. Unfortunately, 240,000 of dead Americans weren't so fortunate. It was too late for them. I'll pay higher taxes if I can live to bitch about it.

  159. Anonymous4:21 PM

    A huge fraction of those 240,000 were in NY and FL nursing homes, and voted libtard.

  160. Trump's tax returns, election loss and parting gifts4:26 PM

    Donito Trumpolini aka Donnie Favors just wouldn't listen. He had an opportunity to win but seems like maybe old habits and beliefs are just too hard to break. If he had just asked us nicely, more of us would have marked the box next to his name electing him to a second term. What a pathetic loser he turned out to be!

    He got caught playing the same game that we invented a long time ago.He lost because he was trying to make America "Great" again instead of looking ahead and making America better. I mean who drives looking in the rear view mirror?

    Anyway, Donnie Favors lost because he couldn't tell the difference between a swamp and the gutter. He has turned this country into the ghetto.

  161. Well, seeing that 1. I make less than $400,000 my taxes won't be going up. I drive a Tesla so I don't even know what current gas prices are nor do I care.
    2. My health care is negotiated by my union and are locked in from year to year. The retirement and insurance committee will find the most reasonable deal because we have group pricing advantages.
    3. Not sure what "climate justice" is but I'm pretty sure it won't affect my paycheck. I have a contract that guarantees wage rates.
    4. Pretty sure I won't lose my job to an immigrant because they'll work for less because once again my wage rate is locked in by contract and cannot be arbitrarily changed nor can I be replaced unless I retire.
    5. Once again, my position cannot be arbitrarily eliminated. Also, I've been there for over 20 years and we do everything by seniority so I'll be good.
    6. Biden helped save the American automotive industry so why would he allow those jobs to be shipped overseas? But anyhoo, I don't work in that industry so no worries there.
    7. Interest rates vary over time and there are some benefitial elements when they go up. Our savings interest rates used to be tied to overall interest rates and I was making a killing by just parking my money in my savings account. Ah, the good old Clinton years.
    8. Stocks typically do better under Democratic administrations so there is that. Even in recent years. I know my investments did better under Clinton and Obama than Bush and trump.
    9. We are locked into conflicts in Western Asia because Bush invaded a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. That probably wouldn't have happened under a president Gore.
    10. I actually live in Chicago so it'll be kind of weird if Chicago didn't resemble Chicago but I'll keep that under advisement.
    11. Higher education has been unaffordable for decades so how exactly would that be a change? Biden is actually pushing for free community college so that would benefit all of us.

    Sounds like your life may become better if you voted Democratic and joined a union. Republicans typically oppose unions and their NLRB members aren't labor friendly so that is not a good thing. Under the Dems when their members were more labor friendly we actually get more money in our pockets because we get more grievance rulings in our favor which means either better working conditions or more money or both. As a unionist and an hourly laborer I tend to do much better under the Dems.

  162. "A huge fraction of those 240,000 were in NY and FL nursing homes, and voted libtard."

    The ghost of Herman Cain disagrees, LOL

  163. LeonT5:07 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To those of you who voted for Biden:

    Here's how this works, asshole: YOu shut the fuck up.

    Anyone who supported trump, can shut up for now and forever. You had your shot, and we the results of it. So fuck you and fuck off.

    You're no longer part of the political conversation in this country. You blew it, and now you don't count any more.

  164. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "A huge fraction of those 240,000 were in NY and FL nursing homes, and voted libtard."

    Now Andrew Cuomo is responsible for nursing home deaths in New York AND Florida? Which party has been running Florida? I forget.

    The truth is that nursing homes in every state have been hit hard by COVID. And while more needs to be done to shield the residents, there simply is nothing that can completely protect them. If COVID is running rampant through society, it's inevitably going to find its way into nursing homes.

  165. From WAPO, concerning 2017 koch bros taxcuts and higher taxes on the poors...

    President Trump and Republican lawmakers have been heralding their bill as a win for hard-working Americans, but the JCT report casts doubt on that claim. Tax increases for households earning $10,000 to $30,000 would start in 2021 and grow sharply from there, JCT found. By 2027, most Americans earning $75,000 a year or less would be forced to pay more in taxes, while people earning more than $100,000 a year would continue to pay less. The report generated intense debate on Capitol Hill.

    Most of the hit to poor and working-class Americans would come from the Senate Republicans’ push to insert a major health care change into the tax bill. Republicans are repealing the requirement that all Americans buy health insurance or face a penalty, a move that would lead to 13 million more uninsured Americans, the Congressional Budget Office has said. Many of those people earn modest incomes and currently receive tax credits and subsidies from the government to help them afford insurance. If the Senate GOP bill becomes law, premiums are expected to rise and millions would likely opt not to buy insurance anymore, meaning their tax breaks would go away, explained Thomas Barthold, head of the JCT.

    So lying wingnuts on here are lying some moar.

  166. Fergus treads upon the presidential penis again:

    Trump’s Refusal to Concede Complicates Runoffs

    November 15, 2020 at 7:43 am EST By Taegan Goddard 70 Comments

    Washington Post: “Georgia’s Jan. 5 runoffs will decide whether Perdue and Loeffler return to Washington, and whether the Senate has a slim Republican majority or a 50-50 split. President Trump’s refusal to concede the presidential race has, for now, added some confusion to the GOP’s message.”

    “Democrats tell their audiences that victory would give Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris a tie-breaking Senate vote, unlocking the party’s agenda. Republicans warn that there’d be no stopping the Democrats if the Senate seats are lost. But so long as Trump remains unwilling to concede, they’re unwilling to explain exactly why.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  167. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Kurt "Mask Up, Vote Early" Eichenwald
    The election is fake. The death toll is fake. The news is fake. The intelligence agencies lie. The FBI lies. The information on social media is real. Everything Trump says is real.

    The cult is incredible. How do you deprogram 70 million people who don't know they're brainwashed?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  168. Boy Scout sex abuse claims top 82k and climbing.

  169. drumpf/noem body count has a slow Sunday, again....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  170. Pretty hard to find the information but does anyone know offhand if the Republicans had any Blah people win house races? It’s impossible for them to have ZERO Blah people in the entire house. I mean they had one but he got fed up with the insane BS and retired.

  171. Veteran's charity learned grifting from drumpf, hizownself and grifted away.

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. PX: Yeah, there appears to be one. Byron Donalds in Florida's 19th.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  174. “PX: Yeah, there appears to be one. Byron Donalds in Florida's 19th.“

    That’s good, so in both the house and senate we have 0.008% representation.

  175. Anonymous said...

    To those of you who voted for Biden:
    You had better OWN IT for the next four years if he wins.

    3:00 PM
    We Biden voters have brains that function. I challenge you to produce even one conspiracy theory, or prediction that you and/or others who think like you have repeated all over the internet and elsewhere over the years.

    Examples from Jan. 2015: Conservative predictions
    It’s now 2015, nearly two years after Obama took the oath of office for the second time. A few years ago, prognosticators were very confident about what would happen to America by now because of Obama’s reelection. Let’s check in and see how their predictions turned out:
    1. Gas was supposed to cost $5.45 per gallon.
    In March 2012, on the floor of the United States Senate, Mike Lee (R-UT) predicted that if Obama was reelected gas would cost $5.45 per gallon by the start 2015. Lee said that gas prices would rise 5 cents for every month Obama was in office, ultimately reaching $6.60 per gallon.
    Lee was not alone. Newt Gingrich, running for the GOP nomination, predicted that if Obama was reelected he would push gas to “$10 a gallon.” Gingrich said he would reduce gas prices dramatically by reversing Obama’s energy policies. Gingrich flanked himself with campaign signs promising $2.50 gas if he was elected.

    2. In September 2012, Mitt Romney predicted that if Obama is reelected “you’re going to see chronic high unemployment continue four years or longer.” At the time, the unemployment rate was 8.1% and had been between 8.1% and 8.3% for the entire year.
    What would breaking out of “chronic high unemployment” look like in a Romney presidency? Romney pledged that, if elected, he could bring the unemployment rate down to 6% by January 2017.
    The unemployment rate currently stands at 5.8% and has been under 6% since September 2014. Since January 2013, the economy has created nearly 5 million new jobs.

    3. The stock market was supposed to crash as predicted by investor Marc Faber, Rush Limbaugh, and others.
    Immediately after Obama won reelection in November 2012, many commenters predicted that the stock market was toast. WE all know that didn't happen. The Dow Jones Industrial Average tripled during Obama's presidency.

    I have dozens more failed predictions on hand including some from Bill Clinton's eight years as president. Hell, I can even post about the John Birch conspiracy of the 1950's when they claimed that President Eisenhower was a communist during his eight years in office.

    So I suggest you take your bull shit elsewhere. No one here is buying it.


  176. Anonymous4:46 AM

    2. My health care is negotiated by my union and are locked in from year to year. The retirement and insurance committee will find the most reasonable deal because we have group pricing advantages.
    3. Not sure what "climate justice" is but I'm pretty sure it won't affect my paycheck. I have a contract that guarantees wage rates.
    4. Pretty sure I won't lose my job to an immigrant because they'll work for less because once again my wage rate is locked in by contract and cannot be arbitrarily changed nor can I be replaced unless I retire.
    5. Once again, my position cannot be arbitrarily eliminated. Also, I've been there for over 20 years and we do everything by seniority so I'll be good.

    Enjoy your union affirmative-action privilege.  Most of America has neither.

  177. Anonymous5:03 AM

    "Now Andrew Cuomo is responsible for nursing home deaths in New York AND Florida?"

    Cuomo's administration made rules which REQUIRED that COVID-positive patients be put back in nursing homes while they were contagious.  This was good for his state budget, you see; it got rid of burdens on the government.  It also killed off libtard voters.

  178. Anonymous5:22 AM

    We Biden voters have brains that function.

    No you don't.  You believe that blacks are oppressed rather than coddled, and Trayvon Martin was murdered rather than shot in self-defense.  That requires suppression of whatever brain function you have in favor of NPC programming.

  179. Wasicu pigs coddle unarmed Blacks with bullet after bullet in the back at close range. Then they claim fear for their lives after the fact.

  180. Anonymous said...

    We Biden voters have brains that function.

    No you don't. You believe that blacks are oppressed rather than coddled, and Trayvon Martin was murdered rather than shot in self-defense. That requires suppression of whatever brain function you have in favor of NPC programming.

    5:22 AM
    No, I don't believe these things, I KNOW these things are true. I've been around awhile and I've kept my eyes and ears open. I follow current events closely, so it's quite difficult for me to be influenced by outlandish conspiracy theories.

    I remember the first conspiracy theory I ever encountered was during the Cold War. The John Birch society circulated the rumor that President Eisenhower was a secret communist and that he was selling us out to the Soviet Union. We all know how false that conspiracy theory was. The ones you and other Trumpies are peddling are just as false.
    So get a grip, Anon. and try to think logically with whatever is left of your brain after Trump departs the White House.

  181. "You believe that blacks are oppressed rather than coddled, and Trayvon Martin was murdered rather than shot in self-defense."

    Blacks are coddled? You mean like white guys who get to act like whiny bitches and carry guns into state houses with no recourse while we are shot in the streets while unarmed? Really fool? Travon Martin was minding his fucking business when an asshole with a gun decided to fuck with him thus he was murdered. Had Zimmermann done what he was advised to do by a 9-11 operator and allow the proper authorities handle the "situation" a kid would not have died but since he was a coddled negro that was ok. Whatever.

  182. "The John Birch society circulated the rumor that President Eisenhower was a secret communist and that he was selling us out to the Soviet Union."

    These morons don't even know who the Birchers are nor how the right just recycles their conspiracy theories to keep those morons voting Republican. There is a lot of stupid out there and now we're being held hostage because their feelings are hurt because we point out the fact that they're stupid.

  183. Anonymous3:40 PM

    are we permanently saddled with seventy million reprogrammable meatbags who will only believe what their cult leader tells them to believe, facts and reality be damned?

    Can you project any harder?

  184. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Blacks are coddled?

    You're allowed to vandalize, shoplift and loot with impunity.

    Your "teens" are released without bail after being arrested for carjacking.

    Yes, you're coddled.

    You mean like white guys who get to act like whiny bitches and carry guns into state houses with no recourse while we are shot in the streets while unarmed?

    OUR guys have their weapons slung.  YOUR guys are shot while assaulting people.  There's a very serious difference, but you're too stupid to understand it.

    Travon Martin was minding his fucking business

    Standing around in the rain looking into people's houses is not "minding his fucking business".  It's "casing the joint".

    an asshole with a gun decided to fuck with him thus he was murdered.

    A neighborhood watchman inquired into his business, whereupon Martin ran.  "The guilty flee where no man pursueth."  Martin got clean away but returned and tried to pound Zimmerman's head into a concrete sidewalk, which is assault with intent to do great bodily harm AND attempted murder.  Shooting him at that point was 100% self-defense.

    If you can't grasp this, you live in another reality and need to have your physical presence removed from this country BAMN.
