Sunday, November 15, 2020

Still no concession, but lots of golfing and tweeting.


It has now been 12 days since he lost the election, and the lunatic in the White House still refuses to concede. It is now becoming more than just a running joke and an embarrassment for him, it is starting to become a very serious national security issue as well. 

With the COVID-19 pandemic raging out of control, the current administration is refusing to participate in a smooth transition of power to Joe Biden and his team. This is something that would make fighting the pandemic so much easier. But we have known from day one that Mr. trump and his minions do not care about fighting this pandemic.  

We are sadly now learning that he has not attended a COVID-19 task force meeting in over five months. And how could he? He has been spending his days since getting his ass handed to him, golfing, tweeting lies and far-fetched conspiracy theories, and basically making a fool of himself on twitter by admitting defeat and then denying it.  

At some point the people around him who supposedly care about him are going to have to have a serious intervention with him and demand that he steps down and accept defeat. All the shouting in the world from the right-wing echo chamber won't change the results of the 2020 election: 77 million people voted for Joe Biden and 72 million people voted for him. Joe Biden got 306 electoral votes and he got 232. That's it. I can't say this enough: It's over for him! 

John Yoo, Mr. Torture himself, and a prominent conservative lawyer, sees a very dim future for Mr. trump when it comes to these elections.

"He has the right to mount legal challenges, but we should be clear that these are Hail Mary passes we might think of in American football," Yoo, a former legal advisor to the George W. Bush administration, told CNBC's Capital Connection on Thursday.....

 ...None of these cases really look like they have a very high probability of winning," Yoo said. "On the other hand, I think that Trump has every right to and demand that all the states be sure about the votes, so that we all have confidence in the election. But I'll say, looking at past cases, these are very hard cases to prove and generally they don't result in changes in the votes totals on the order by which President Trump lost to Joe Biden." 

Yoo is not typically a Trump critic: a renowned constitutional law scholar and currently a law professor at Berkeley, he is known as a strong advocate of executive power and has previously advised the Trump administration on how to bypass Congress to enact its own policies. 

Yoo has authored works including the Torture Memos, which in the early 2000s gave legal justification for former President George W. Bush's use of torture on detainees following the 9/11 attacks. Members of Bush's own Justice Department later repudiated Yoo's arguments. His "unitary executive" theory argued that presidents have the authority to assert their power over independent government agencies. 

But there is no argument that enables the president to sidestep the Constitution once his term has ended as decided by the states' electoral votes, Yoo said. 

He then offered an answer to the question many have been asking: What if Trump refuses to ever concede?

"He may never concede; he doesn't have to concede," Yoo said. "The thing about the American Constitution is that it doesn't actually require the sitting president to do anything one way or the other. On January 20th, Donald Trump's term ends and Joe Biden's, I believe, will begin." 

According to the Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution, the candidate with the most electoral votes becomes president at 12:00 p.m. on January 20. The current president's term is therefore over on that day, just before noon."

If only Four Seasons Landscaping had a moving company. 


  1. Just incredible. Welp as long as he leaves on Jan 21 won’t be any problem. Bill Maher saw this coming.

  2. His behavior wouldn't be a big deal for, say, a blowhard ranting on the subway, or a Pig Person losing their shit at the window of the drive through, but the damn fool is still the president.

    What he has done relative to the covid situation should disqualify any Republican from holding any elected office for a generation, but it won't.

    The lack of action at the federal level right now will bring on a 9-11 worth of deaths each day in a couple of months.

    I just wonder that if this isn't enough to drive voters away from Republican candidates, what would be?

    Is there anything?

    Or are we permanently saddled with seventy million reprogrammable meatbags who will only believe what their cult leader tells them to believe, facts and reality be damned?

    And that isn't all Fergus' fault, it's the predictable result of decades and billions of dollars worth of right wing propaganda raising up an army of Pig People from whom they can harvest dollars and votes without having to be held to account for their atrocities.

    But now that the atrocities are piling up at an exponentially accelerating rate, what's to become of your garden variety Pig Person?

    Who will look out for their interests?

    Not Fergus, and not Mitch McConnell, and not the QAnonners that they have elected to congress.

    Who will do the boring work of making the government take care of the citizens when the citizens are dropping like flies?

    And there's the rub. The current programming in the meatbags tells them that no, there really aren't close to 200K new infections every day now, and there really aren't more than a thousand people dying each day from covid, so 40% of them are planning to gather their families together for Thanksgiving dinner, virtually guaranteeing that there will be an even more massive wave of infections that will start to overwhelm the hospitals in mid-December.

    This isn't a fun little game these fucks are playing. Those folks in the hospitals risking their own lives trying to keep the goddamn Pig People on this side of the sod are already at a breaking point.

    And they're dealing with more and more goddamn delusional Pig People who show up at death's door refusing to admit that they really have covid because they remain convinced that it is a big liberal hoax designed to hurt their cult leader.

    Fuck each and every one of you rat bastards who help spread these fucking lies and contribute to the goddamn nightmare those hospital workers are living through day after day now.

    There will be a reckoning over this.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. "There will be a reckoning over this."

    You think so? Rational people have been painted as communist so only qanon has any credibility with them. America is a pretty dumb country.

  4. LOL!

  5. Good read, Pilot. I'm still laughing. The comments are hilarious.


  6. Doug uses his his tongue prettier than a 20 dollar whore!

  7. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Why would Trump concede when he won?

  8. Actual Field Negros discussing the reality of 2020 America:

    Not some House Negro blog and his band of old cracker sycophants.

  9. "Why would Trump concede when he won?"

    I guess the Rays really beat the Dodgers in the world series despite having fewer runs and wins. Nice use of alternate facts kid. LOL!

  10. Actual field negro dispelling conservative mythology.

  11. Anonymous1:46 AM

    "Why would Trump concede when he won?"

    I don't want Trump to concede anymore. I want him to sign the documents acknowledging he is being involuntarily committed to a secured mental facility.

  12. Well, that plan fell apart.

  13. San Diego hit our target for incremental reopening of certain business and entities in September and just barely in October, coming in at a 4% infection rate. Our current rate is at 9%. That's one out of eleven. One person out of every eleven people tested has the virus. This is much bigger than the first surge in Spring.

    Still I see wingnuts toss about puns that they think are witty. Plandemic. Scamdemic. They have handles like masksdontwork or lockdownsdontwork. They routinely deny numbers of casualties claiming that the people died from other health conditions. They kvetch and vilify Governor Newsom.

    And as far as Biden's victory, they really do believe that it is a stolen victory. They have actual stories cooked up for each state about invalid or fake ballots, Trump ballots being destroyed, and who knows what type of rubbish they are selling.

  14. Here it comes:

    The Coronavirus Is Resurging Everywhere

    November 15, 2020 at 6:49 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 338 Comments

    Wall Street Journal: “In earlier surges, infections were concentrated in cities such as New York and Chicago, or populous states like Florida and Texas. Many of the outbreaks then were linked to travelers returning from overseas or so-called superspreading events such as conferences, weddings and rallies.”

    “Now, it is everywhere. People are becoming infected not just at big gatherings, but when they let their guard down, such as by not wearing a mask, while going about their daily routines or in smaller social settings that they thought of as safe—often among their own families or trusted friends.”

    “The number of confirmed cases is rising significantly in all but a few states… Most of the new cases are in the Midwest, which is experiencing a major surge. But even states and cities that had successfully beaten the virus down to low levels are struggling with rising numbers of illnesses.”

    Associated Press: “More than 11 million cases of the coronavirus have now been reported in the United States, with the most recent million coming in less than a week.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Doug, your posts are too long so I did not read them. I'm going to give them a "cool story" nonetheless. Keep them coming bro.

  16. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I am shaking my head at the absurdity of Twitter and their meek, polite disclaimers attached to Trump’s tweets.


    *Official sources called this election differently”

    It’s time to pull the plug on this bum, Twitter. No more warnings and disclaimers. Just ban him outright.

  17. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Peak corruption
    This from a comment on Zero Hedge (which I've checked as far as possible) shows the almost inextricable pervasiveness of the Swamp/Deep State hydra. What hope have ordinary patriotic Americans?

    Dominion (voting machines) serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states.
    - The state of Texas rejected the machines.
    - Smartmatic entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009
    - Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud
    - Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros.
    - Brown chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including the Open Society Foundation,
    - Brown chairs the Centre for Global Development.
    - Open society of course is owned by George Soros

    - Guess who owns Dominion? Blum Capital Partners, L.P. **
    - Guess who is on the board for the company? Richard C. Blum. **
    - Richard C. Blum is husband to Dianne Feinstein. ***
    - Nancy Pelosi's husband is also an investor
    - An aide to Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, was hired by the Dominion Voting Systems
    - Dominion Voting Systems is literally listed on the Clinton Foundation website.
    - "The DELIAN Project: Democracy through Technology" is the title of the page.

    - Georgia Governor Kemp purchased machines after Texas and Florida rejected
    - Dominion Voting has a lobbyist name Jared Thomas
    - Jared Thomas was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015
    - You must remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand the depth
    - Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) worked for George-Soros at the Open Society Foundation.
    - Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) also worked at Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
    - POGO is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
    - POGO is the the co-signer of the letter Diane Feinstein had on Kavanaugh.
    - Kamala Harris did not prosecute OneWest Bank for their fraud
    - Soros owned OneWest Bank.

  18. President-elect Billy Bob11:24 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    "And as far as Biden's victory, they really do believe that it is a stolen victory. They have actual stories cooked up for each state about invalid or fake ballots, Trump ballots being destroyed, and who knows what type of rubbish they are selling"

    A word of warning for those that think the media decides who won an election.

    These "cooked up" stories are supported by over a thousand signed affidavits. This evidence will need to go through the court processes and, as per the Constitution, the final decision on the appointment of electors is up to the state legislators.

    There are also some pretty alarming claims being made about evidence of vote tabulation manipulation using election software, particularly regarding Dominion machines. These allegations are being made by Sydney Powell, who is a very serious lawyer not known for making unprovable statements about crazy wingnut conspiracy theories.

    There is going to be some earth-shattering news coming over the next few weeks.

    2020 is not over yet.

  19. Anonymous11:27 AM

    tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc........

  20. Anonymous11:28 AM

    2020 is not over yet.

    11:24 AM

    Yes my friend the commies are in for rude awakening.......

  21. Anonymous11:33 AM

    A man named Peter Neffenger, a retired Admiral, is president, and listed on the board of directors of 'Smartmatic', which created the software for Dominion. Neffenger is on the Biden transition team.

  22. Zero Hedge is a conspiracy theorist bullshit blog and has no credibility.

  23. Anonymous11:41 AM

    No one has more credibility for deciding what is credible than mike from iowa.

  24. Anonymous said...

    Why would Trump concede when he won?

    12:00 AM
    Trump should concede because he didn't win. Biden received the most votes in the most states that equal the most votes in the Electoral College. It's simple math:77 million is more than 71 million and 306 is larger than 232. Therefore, Biden won the election and Trump should concede. Maybe now you understand?

  25. Soros did not own One West bank. He was a partner alongside drumpf's Treasury Secretary Munchkin and five others who purchased a bank which Munchkin later named One West. Soros and crew bought the bank in 2009 and sold it in 2015.

  26. Anonymous said...
    I am shaking my head at the absurdity of Twitter and their meek, polite disclaimers attached to Trump’s tweets.

    Wingnuts have a new blog called Parler which will not tell wingnuts they are lying to themselves and others, like Twitter does.

  27. Anonymous said...

    2020 is not over yet.

    11:24 AM

    Yes my friend the commies are in for rude awakening.......

    11:28 AM
    I sure hope January 20 comes soon. I'm so tired of your stupid lies and threats. What ya gonna do, Anon., lead an armed insurrection?

  28. "This evidence will need to go through the court processes and, as per the Constitution, the final decision on the appointment of electors is up to the state legislators."

    Supreme Court Justice Corn Pop is going to have the last laugh:

  29. Trump campaign retreats from key claim in Pennsylvania suit

  30. Christine Blasey Ford's attorney, Debra Katz, serves as vice chair for a "Soros-funded organization" that opposes the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. (from Snopes)

    About this rating
    What's True
    An organization for which Christine Blasey Ford's attorney, Debra Katz, serves as vice chair receives funding from George Soros's Open Society Foundation.

    What's False
    The organization that Katz vice chairs, the Project on Government Oversight, has dozens of funding sources (including conservative donors) and is a non-partisan government accountability non-profit which has not taken a position supporting or opposing Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation.

  31. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Joe Biden got 10.8 million votes in the state of California (five million more than President Trump, who increased his 2016 vote total for the state by 1.5 million over 2016). Approximately 14% of Biden's vote nationally came from California

    Biden's California vote total is over 25% of the entire population of the state - including children, legal resident non-citizens, and illegal aliens.

    That's over two million more than Hillary got in 2016, and three million more than Obama got in 2012.

    Trump of course was never going to win California, but the scale of fraud there is astounding.

  32. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Snopes is for Dopes.

  33. Come on, Granny!12:16 PM

    Gambler2 said...
    "Trump campaign retreats from key claim in Pennsylvania suit"

    Fake news.

  34. Anymoose sits around with his finger up drumpf's fat orange ass wondering what flavor it will be, so alot of people, many people say.

  35. From AP....
    Posts falsify ties between election tech firm and Democrats
    November 10, 2020

    Byron Haskins, an Ingham County Board of Canvasser, reviews tabulator tape collected from Ingham County precincts following the Nov. 3rd election, Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 4, 2020, at the Ingham County Fairgrounds Community Building in Mason, Mich., while attorney Nina Beattie, an observer representing the Democratic Party looks on. (Matthew Dae Smith/Lansing State Journal via AP)
    As poll workers tallied votes from the U.S. presidential election, many social media users interpreted a clerk’s error in a small, Republican-leaning Michigan county as vote-rigging because it wrongly favored Joe Biden before being fixed.

    A week later, that misinterpreted mistake has snowballed into a deluge of false claims that Democrats have deep ties to Dominion Voting Systems, the company that supplies election equipment to Michigan and dozens of other states nationwide.

    Claims that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and the Clinton Foundation have interest or influence in Dominion are all unsubstantiated. But that didn’t stop tens of thousands of social media users from amplifying them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram this week.

    Here’s what you need to know about the falsehoods spreading around Dominion Voting Systems.

    CLAIM: Prominent Democrats including Pelosi, Feinstein and the Clinton family have a stake in or a deep relationship with Dominion Voting Systems, the second-largest voting vendor in the U.S., whose equipment was used in several battleground states in the 2020 election.

    AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Dominion made a one-time philanthropic commitment at a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in 2014, but the Clinton Foundation has no stake or involvement in Dominion’s operations, the nonprofit confirmed to The Associated Press. A former aide to Pelosi has represented Dominion as a lobbyist, but so have lobbyists who worked for Republicans. Claims that Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, holds a stake in Dominion are baseless.

    THE FACTS: When Michigan’s Antrim County initially reported a landslide win for Joe Biden in the U.S. presidential election, social media users grew suspicious about the Dominion election management system used to tabulate the data.

    As it turned out, Dominion was not to blame, according to the Michigan Department of State. “There was no malice, no fraud here, just human error,” County Clerk Sheryl Guy told the AP.


    Stock market already reaching record highs when they determined Biden has won.

  37. "Trump of course was never going to win California, but the scale of fraud there is astounding."

    Ok, kid, you've been here long enough to know the rules.

  38. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "Joe Biden got 10.8 million votes in the state of California (five million more than President Trump, who increased his 2016 vote total for the state by 1.5 million over 2016). Approximately 14% of Biden's vote nationally came from California"

    California makes up 12% of the total population of the US and is overwhelmingly filled with Democrats, so why you find this weird is beyond me.

  39. Stock market already reaching record highs when they determined Biden has won.

    And so it was when Putin won in 2016 over HRC. :)

  40. Anonymous1:36 PM

    20 million Americans died during the Obama presidency.

  41. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Trump promised a vaccine in record time and delivered. Biden promised cancer research and paid his staff.

  42. Anonymous1:58 PM

    "Trump promised a vaccine in record time and delivered. Biden promised cancer research and paid his staff."

    Trump delivered nothing. Pfizer and a German company did. With no money from Trump.

  43. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Roy Zimmerman has a new ode to the neverending half-assedness of the Trump administration. Trump lost, and yet still the buffoonery and lying goes on and on and on and ...

    Four Seasons Total Landscaping (Highway 95 Revisited)

  44. mike from iowa 12:44
    Thanks for the post from AP. Please also send URL.

  45. mike from iowa:
    I found a link myself:

  46. "Thanks for the post from AP. Please also send URL."

  47. i'm old enough to remember when Trump won the election and then they stopped counting for absolutely no reason whatsoever and then pallets full of ballots showed up at 3am and they were 99.7% for Biden and then the Media said Biden won and it was Time To Heal

    it was a simpler time then

  48. Maybe they'll have to hire Four Seasons Total Trump Removal and Composting service...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. Good link,Paradoctor. See how easy debunking right wing nutjobs is. tThey could do it themselves if they were interested in real truth.

  50. Georgia guv Kemp 2 years ago was SOS Kemp and as candidate for guv oversaw ballot recounts that named him guv in Georgia. Like I say, wingnuts can't win without cheating.

  51. As the hospitals fill up and ICUs are overrun, care will be triaged out to those who the doctors believe are savable. This is already happening in some red states where the hospital infrastructure is already woefully inadequate because of the failure to expand Medicaid.
    So the goddamn Republicans and their Pig People voters have manifested one of their worst lies and called death panels into existence with their utterly retarded behavior.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. kike from iowa's links don't work. Typical stoopid fucking wingnut.

  53. Example of astute fake noize fact checking....

  54. Doctor Quack Atlas' assertion that Michiganders should "rise up" against the new covid restrictions will have roughly the same lethality if followed as the same advice during the trench warfare of world war one would have had.
    These goddamn Republicans just can't stop trying to kill people.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Anonymous4:30 PM

    “i'm old enough to remember when Trump won the election and then they stopped counting for absolutely no reason whatsoever and then pallets full of ballots showed up at 3am and they were 99.7% for Biden and then the Media said Biden won and it was Time To Heal”

    Well, go back to bed, Grandpa. Your dementia is causing you to remember things that didn’t happen.

  56. Biden will never be President4:59 PM

    Trump obliterates Biden in Ohio and Indiana. Trump even flips counties throughout the rust belt that typically vote for Democrats.

    Somehow Trump loses most of the rustbelt overnight because of millions of extra votes in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philly. No one believes this.

  57. Anonymous said...

    Joe Biden got 10.8 million votes in the state of California (five million more than President Trump, who increased his 2016 vote total for the state by 1.5 million over 2016). Approximately 14% of Biden's vote nationally came from California

    Biden's California vote total is over 25% of the entire population of the state - including children, legal resident non-citizens, and illegal aliens.

    That's over two million more than Hillary got in 2016, and three million more than Obama got in 2012.

    Trump of course was never going to win California, but the scale of fraud there is astounding.

    12:13 PM
    Yup, Anon., Californians voted two to one for Biden over Trump, Just about what the polls predicted (65% to 35%). No fraud here, chum, just pissed off voters with normal brains that have not been compromised by Orange Donnie's cult of death.

    You great leader is not well liked by most California voters. Get over it.

  58. Anonymous said...

    20 million Americans died during the Obama presidency.

    1:36 PM
    It's odd that we never before heard about this. What is your source for this claim? Inquiring minds want to know.

  59. Biden will never be President said...

    Trump obliterates Biden in Ohio and Indiana. Trump even flips counties throughout the rust belt that typically vote for Democrats.

    Somehow Trump loses most of the rustbelt overnight because of millions of extra votes in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philly. No one believes this.

    4:59 PM
    I went to the website. Lots of numbers in a neat table, but there is nothing on the page that indicates what these numbers represent. So I'm not sure why you posted it.

  60. Dinthebeast said....

    Doctor Quack Atlas' assertion that Michiganders should "rise up" against the new covid restrictions will have roughly the same lethality if followed as the same advice during the trench warfare of world war one would have had.
    These goddamn Republicans just can't stop trying to kill people.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    4:21 PM
    Isn't Atlas trying to incite an insurrection? Shouldn't he be arrested for this?

  61. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Arrest everyone standing up for our constitutional rights, because democracy!

  62. You don't have a constitutional right to mass murder you fucking pine cone.

    So here's the state of propaganda damage in these here United States of America: Right wing information victims swearing with literally their dying breaths that covid isn't real so they can't be dying of it.
    We can't allow these delusional fucks anywhere near positions of decision making authority, as they are demonstrating that they will literally die before admitting what is real.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. It's over. AP reports:

    Republican leaders in four critical states won by President-elect Joe Biden say they won’t participate in a legally dubious scheme to flip their state’s electors to vote for President Donald Trump. Their comments effectively shut down a half-baked plot some Republicans floated as a last chance to keep Trump in the White House.

    State GOP lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have all said they would not intervene in the selection of electors, who ultimately cast the votes that secure a candidate’s victory. Such a move would violate state law and a vote of the people, several noted.

    “I do not see, short of finding some type of fraud — which I haven’t heard of anything — I don’t see us in any serious way addressing a change in electors,” said Rusty Bowers, Arizona’s Republican House speaker, who says he’s been inundated with emails pleading for the legislature to intervene. “They are mandated by statute to choose according to the vote of the people.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Anonymous5:54 PM

    @Fake News Doug:

    They haven't seen the evidence of fraud yet.

    They will.

  65. President-elect Pine Cone5:57 PM

    Pussy from Sugar Pine said...
    "You don't have a constitutional right to mass murder you fucking pine cone."

    You don't have a fucking clue if you think not putting a rag over your face is equivalent to murder.

  66. Sheriff of Sugar Pine5:59 PM

    Doug is a Brony.

    Just sayin'.

  67. If Georgia flips back to Trump, say... tomorrow, it'll be all over for Biden by the end of the week. If not, it might take a couple of more weeks. Either way, it's only a matter of time before Biden concedes.

    If you could harness all the tears that will be shed and run through a hydro, you could power all the Xmas lights in America through the holidays.

  68. Stop me if you have heard this before.... from USA Today

    Giuliani claimed to possess evidence supporting his claims but declined to share it on air.

    "We have proof that I can’t disclose yet," he said.

    He similarly promised to produce proof at a later date during past interviews about the Russian interference investigation, Trump's impeachment and his accusations against Hunter Biden. In each of those cases, he either never ultimately produced the evidence, or it was less compelling than promised.

    The former New York City mayor made several false and unfounded claims about the presidential election, including the false conspiracy theory that some voting machines switched votes from Trump to Biden, and the false claims of vote-rigging in key swing states.

    “It’s way beyond what people think,” Giuliani exclaimed, saying that he wished that the Trump campaign’s allegations be “investigated as a national security matter.”

    The Trump campaign has filed election lawsuits in states across the country, some of which remain ongoing while others were dismissed outright.

    In a tweet Sunday night, Trump downplayed the failed lawsuits and vowed the "big cases showing the unconstitutionality of the 2020 Election" and "the outrage of things that were done to change the outcome" will "soon be filed."

    – Matthew Brown

  69. drumpf/noem body count climbs higher regardless what sayeth the liar...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  70. President-elect Fauci6:32 PM

    Actual Chinese virus deaths probably around 15,000.

  71. "Actual Chinese virus deaths probably around 15,000."

    And this is exactly why we're headed to more lockdowns and more businesses closing. All of this because the toddler in chief wants to play tough guy. Gotta love America.

  72. It's almost here ...


  73. Jay said...

    If Georgia flips back to Trump, say... tomorrow, it'll be all over for Biden by the end of the week. If not, it might take a couple of more weeks. Either way, it's only a matter of time before Biden concedes.

    6:03 PM
    LOL! Georgia isn't going to flip to Trump tomorrow or ever. Even if it does, Biden will still have well over 270 EV's. Time to put away your delusions. ROTF LMAO!


  75. Anonymous said...

    Arrest everyone standing up for our constitutional rights, because democracy!

    5:21 PM
    Inciting insurrection and/or riots is not considered protected speech in our democratic republic. Neither is shouting fire in a crowded theater. These issues have been settled in the past the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries by the Supreme Court.

    Look it up. Obviously you don't know much about the History of the United States.

  76. "LOL! Georgia isn't going to flip to Trump tomorrow or ever. Even if it does, Biden will still have well over 270 EV's. Time to put away your delusions. ROTF LMAO!"

    These people are delusional but then again trump started his term trying to distort reality. I mean in the first briefing the first thing was his press secretary yelling at us about how his inauguration was the biggest when by all objective and observable metrics it wasn't. We have to just throw away all measurements we used to rely on because they offend the snowflake-in-chief. This reminds me of the Twilight Zone movie when everybody had to kowtow to the child with magical powers. This should have informed us all that we were in for some petty/crazy shit because what sane leader even cares if their inauguration was bigger or smaller than the last guy's? Not only that then go so far as to attack the Park Service for using the same observational tools they've been using for years to estimate crowd size. We have to believe the deep state went so far as to fake satellite pictures just to embarrass trump? I will say, he is one helluva conman, well then again he only fooled teh stupid.

  77. Anonymous said...

    Doug said...

    They haven't seen the evidence of fraud yet.

    They will.

    5:54 PM
    Promises, Promises, Promises!

  78. "Promises, Promises, Promises!"

    IKR. I wish these anons would use screennames so we can point out when they're wrong. LOL! I'm still waiting on the US Marines to frogmarch all of the Dems out of the Capitol building. Remember when they promised me that that was going to happen very soon? I guess it's like waiting for Jesus to return. Any day now. LOL!
    But seriously, let's hold all of our talk about elections being overturned or not for Jan 20th. Let's just see who's gonna have their hand on the bible. Yeah yeah I know anons, it'll be trump but just for grins and giggles let's hold off.

  79. drumpf's lawyers deserve to be disbarred for filing frivolous claims with no evidence to back them up.

    drumpf is 1-24 in cases filed. Not a good average.

  80. Jay said...

    If Georgia flips back to Trump, say... tomorrow, it'll be all over for Biden by the end of the week. If not, it might take a couple of more weeks. Either way, it's only a matter of time before Biden concedes.

    Hey Jay, the little plot by Lindsey Graham trying to intimidate the Georgia Secretary of State to disqualify a bunch of provisional ballots was just exposed on national Television. Forget about Georgia.

  81. Catch those rats8:38 PM

    How the Democrats stole the election:

    NV: zero signature verification

    PA: counting late ballots for three full days

    Wi, MI, PA, GA: stoppage of count/100 to 0 ballot dumps

    AZ, NV, WI, MI, GA, VA, NH: electronic flipping of totals

    The evidence is being organized and is about to reign down.

  82. To Catch those rats at 8:15 PM

    What have you been smoking?

  83. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Nov 15
    If the two Georgia seats go to the Democrats, the Senate will be split 50-50, but the Democratic half will represent 41,549,808 more people than the Republican half.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. SCOTUS just refused to take up a absentee ballot case filed by wingnuts. Makes drumpf at least 1-25. .04%

  85. "How the Democrats stole the election"

    Did the same things happen in 2016 or did the Dems just decide to pull this off in 2020?

  86. To Catch those rats at 8:15 PM

    Do you actually believe this or just trolling? LOL. let's look a bit closer at what we have to believe if what you're alleging is true. Georgia has a Republican governor and secretary of state, they would have to be complicit in allowing Democrats to stop counting and dump votes. They would allow THAT? Really?
    Arizona and New Hampshire have a Republican governor who will have to sign off on the vote certification. Would they allow Dems to steal the election and still sign off on the results? Pretty hard to believe. It would just be easier if you guys admit your lord and savior lost the election. It would be easier on all of us.

  87. Our pet trolls aren't spreading accusations despite them being false; they spread those accusations _because_ they are false. The trouble with truth is that you can't double down on it. Also, truth is transpersonal; you can witness to it but you can't create it. Truth requires humility.

    Whereas lies are personal creations. When they're refuted you can then tell twice as big a lie. When it all collapses - which our unreality-creators know is inevitable - then they want as big a collapse as possible, to make them Important. But that too is a lie.

    Some call this a post-truth era. I beg to differ. Truth is not mocked. Some may try, but the joke's on them, and on anyone caught too close to them.

  88. Anonymous11:50 PM

    the democrats pointed the virus fatalities at Trump being responsible. However its hard to compile the contradictions of "expert" Dr. Fauci and the centers for disease control. Call me paranoid, but has anyone ever considered the Covid outbreak is no accident, that it in fact is a form of germ warfare, released on the world by the Chinese, including their own population at a way of controlling a dissident population and responding to the numerous tariffs and sanctions the US leveled against them. They've been allowed to steal our technology and intellectual property for years, until Trump put a stop to it and those in our country who profited from this betrayal of American resources. Just sayin.

  89. The same people who spent four years pushing the fake Russia Collusion scam are now telling us to ignore the overwhelming evidence of election fraud in 2020.

  90. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Trump won by a landslide election night. The Dominion Voting Systems machine that were invented in Venezuela and coupled with Smartmatic software, were used to rig the elections for Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolás Maduro were used in 29 states, and other companies systems may also have the software, to flip votes in real time. This is mass election fraud on a grand scale. They have the evidence and the big law suits begin tomorrow. Biden didn't win shit, and not only will this all be exposed, people are going down big time. Peter V. Neffenger, who was the Smartmatic software culprit back then has now joined the Biden transition team. It's all going to come out. Trump will have outsmarted them again. This is a sting operation that was set up from the 2018 midterms.

  91. Two more of the same. Accusations stated _because_ they are false.

  92. Biden Campaign Director Arrested For Electoral Fraud:

    The Democrat Director of Texas state political strategy for the Joe Biden Presidential campaign has been arrested for electoral fraud.

    Democratic Party operative Dallas Jones was formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation in the state of Texas on behalf of the Joe Biden campaign during this contested Presidential election.

    According to the National File, two investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testified under oath that they have Democratic Party internal documentation, as well as video evidence and witnesses, for their investigation.

  93. Amazing how Biden conveniently outperformed Hillary only in swing states!

    Amazing how Biden got tens of thousands of more votes than the Democratic candidates for Senate in the same states!

    Amazing that Trump got 11 million more votes than last time, but not enough(?)


  94. Chicago Roy12:52 AM

    The origins of all leftist ideology are ethnoreligious bigotry and resentment.

  95. Sure there's massive fraud. The massive fraud is Trump's claims of massive fraud. Call it meta-fraud, created from nothing. It's like the Liar Paradox. "This sentence is false"; "this accusation is fraudulent".

  96. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Trump won by the biggest landslide in modern history.

    Now we learn it was so big it broke the cheating machines.

  97. Our pet trolls:
    "Sun rises in West."
    "Water flows uphill."
    "Frost warms fire."
    "Two plus two is five."

  98. Imagine black folks actually voting in places like Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee. Must have driven these right-wingnuts crazy. Now they're calling it fraud.

  99. The Fixer™9:49 AM

    The origins of all conservative ideology are ethnoreligious bigotry and resentment.

    There, fixed it.


  101. "Imagine black folks actually voting in places like Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee. Must have driven these right-wingnuts crazy. Now they're calling it fraud."

    Don't worry, it's America. They'll find a way to disenfranchise them even if it's retroactively.

  102. Just a glimpse into the grievance mindset of conservatives, Fox had Sen. Mike Lee on to talk about the hearings being held with big tech honchos today. He was lamenting the fact that the majority of bans for false content and hate speech were conservatives. What is this weird idea that everything in life has some ying/yang balance in all aspects? So in his mind, it's inconceivable that maybe just maybe at this time there are more conspiracy theories and violent threats on the right? Lindsey Grahm is upset Twitter flagged trump's tweets as false. Since when are corporations forced to ignore lies no matter whom they're from? Strange times.

  103. From the trump DOJ NUMBERS.

    The offenders are mostly white: Whites offenders were responsible for 61.6 percent of all hate crimes where the race of the victim was known.
    The victims are mostly Black: 48.5 percent of hate crimes victims were victimized by the offenders’ anti-Black bias, more than any other racial category.
    It’s not just murder: Simple and aggravated assault by whites rose since 2018. while assaults by Blacks declined in both categories.
    Whites got more violent: Bias-motivated hate crimes against property actually declined among white offenders while the “crimes against persons” increased from 2,772 to 2,865.
    White people are victims, too: There were 666 incidents of anti-white bias, which only ranks below anti-Black, homophobia and anti-semitism in the total number of hate crimes. Zero white people died in 2019 as a result of anti-white violence.


    Violent white supremacists considered the biggest threat to America by trump's Homeland Security. Imagine that but he has yet to mention this. He yells about ANTIFA and BLM but not a peep about the biggest threat to the country. Yeah, it's time for that conman to go.

  105. Its Harpenning again, some moar and oo still yet said DERP...

    Hat to burst your bubble again (like hell I hate it) but your fable of Texas director being arrested is made up bullshit and none of it is true. Even the alleged pics of the alleged arrestee is none other than a photoshopped pic of Cuba Gooding Jr. You lews again. lewser.

  106. Like i keep telling you stoopid fucking wingnut bastards, do not use right wing sources for truth because you won't get any.

    Of National File, Media Bias/Fact Check said:

    Overall, we rate National File an extreme right Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy website based on the promotion of unproven/debunked claims and a Strong Pseudoscience purveyor based on using junk science to support claims.

    Tin foil hat conspiracies? Sounds awful bad.! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  107. Anonymous11:06 AM

    These people are delusional but then again trump started his term trying to distort reality.

    You have lived your entire life in a reality-distortion field.  You have no business telling ANYONE what's real or not.


  108. Here's an interesting article about the people who came to Washington to march for Trump. Seems they made a lot of trouble for peaceful BLM supporters.

    The anti-democratic strategy concocted and nurtured by the radical right over the past four years—organize busfuls of out-of-town far-right thugs to invade liberal urban centers in order to engage in faux “protests” primarily designed to spark violence—came to the nation’s capital this weekend. The results were as ugly as they were predictable.

  109. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Don't worry, it's America. They'll find a way to disenfranchise them even if it's retroactively.

    Blacks have no business telling White people how to live or spend their money.  If that's "disenfranchisement", it's just deserts.

  110. I must correct one little fact of biology concerning magats. They wriggle. They do not/cannot march.

  111. Anonymous11:29 AM

    How Taiwan is containing coronavirus – despite diplomatic isolation by China

  112. Anonymous11:32 AM

    "Yet the scrutiny has intensified. President Donald Trump — facing criticism over his own government’s response — has cited Taiwan’s email as evidence of the WHO allegedly helping China coverup the severity of the outbreak, and suspended U.S. contributions to the health agency in April. Both Beijing and the WHO deny any concealment."

    Biden said closing the USA borders was xenophobic.

  113. Anonymous11:58 AM

    “Biden said closing the USA borders was xenophobic.”

    No. Trump wanted to close borders for the purpose of stopping all immigration. And that is xenophobic.

    When did Biden say that temporarily closing borders to stop COVID was xenophobic? I’m going with: never.

    These two things are not the same.

  114. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I might further add that “closing borders” really means “stopping legal travel into the US.” You cannot actually stop all illegal travel, as the US has a too-large-to-enforce, 3,000 mile border, so Republican attempts to endlessly fortify it are an pointless waste of gobs of money.

  115. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Yes Joe Stalin Biden did!!

  116. Anonymous12:11 PM

    CHICAGO Year 2020 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 642
    Shot & Wounded: 3115
    Total Shot: 3757
    Total Homicides: 706

    80% black on black violence........

  117. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "Yes Joe Stalin Biden did!!"

    No, that clip shows Biden saying it was xenophobic for Trump to refer to COVID as the "Chinese virus." And he should have gone with "racist," not "xenophobic" -- Trump supporters are too dumb to understand words with as many syllables as "xenophobic" anyway.

    None of that had anything to do with border closures.

  118. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Chicago Media Tied to Election Corruption?

  119. Biden said closing the USA borders was xenophobic.

    Not in this clip that i could find.

  120. From Snopes.... On Feb. 1, 2020, the day after Trump announced the restrictions, Biden tweeted, “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” Biden didn’t mention the travel restriction specifically.

    In a May 2020 speech to the Asian American and Pacific Islanders Victory Fund, a political action committee dedicated to mobilizing voters in the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, Biden called Trump’s response to the coronavirus “xenophobic.” He said Trump was responsible for “a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

    Biden listed examples such as Trump telling CBS News White House correspondent Weijia Jiang to “ask China” in response to a question about the coronavirus she had asked him during a press briefing at the White House, and criticizing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for visiting Chinatown in San Francisco to help boost business there.

    The Anti-Defamation League reported a rise in hate crimes victimizing Asians amid the COVID-19 pandemic, pointing to rhetoric from elected officials, including Trump, who referred to the disease as the “Kung flu,” among other racist terms.


  121. Trump's tax returns, impeachment, payoffs, pardons and lies1:10 PM

    America is complicit!

  122. drumpf/noem pandemic body count keeps rising....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    New milestones surpassed every fucking day dipshits 1 & 2 ignore it.

  123. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Snopes is for Dopes.

  124. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Mindless2 said...
    "Here's an interesting article about the people who came to Washington to march for Trump. Seems they made a lot of trouble for peaceful BLM supporters."

    Seems you're full of shit as usual.

    A million Trump supporters held a peaceful, permitted rally, with no property destruction or looting. As they were leaving they were set upon by violent BLM and Antifa thugs.

  125. "As they were leaving they were set upon by violent BLM and Antifa thugs."

    Any proof they belonged to Antifa and BLM or is this like the one lady stabbed who just immediately blamed BLM?

  126. Anonymous2:41 PM

    field negro said...
    "Imagine black folks actually voting in places like Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee. Must have driven these right-wingnuts crazy. Now they're calling it fraud."

    Because it was massive fraud.

    Typical of you to cry "racist!" to cover up leftist crimes.

  127. "Blacks have no business telling White people how to live or spend their money. If that's "disenfranchisement", it's just deserts."

    LOL. The best part is "just deserts".

  128. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mindless2 said...
    "Here's an interesting article about the people who came to Washington to march for Trump. Seems they made a lot of trouble for peaceful BLM supporters."

    Seems you're full of shit as usual.

    A million Trump supporters held a peaceful, permitted rally, with no property destruction or looting. As they were leaving they were set upon by violent BLM and Antifa thugs.

    2:37 PM
    Wrong! About ten thousand Trump supporters marched on Washington. During the night several members of extreme right groups were arrested for violent behavior. You can deny it a thousand times, but that won't change the facts one bit.

  129. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Marco Rubio has joined Team Reality and is now talking about “President-Elect Biden.”

    The GOP wall of bullshit is beginning to crack.

  130. "Chicago Media Tied to Election Corruption?"

    Answer is no. The author of the blog you linked has a problem with the opinion of opinion writer Eric Zorn. Gee, media is corrupt because they like politicians you don't. Conservatives have a hard time understanding media.

  131. "Because it was massive fraud."

    C'mon anon, you know the rules. Don't be a typical conservative anon.

  132. ""

    Shout out to the South Side Weekly! Love this publication, and it's free! Great read while taking the train.

  133. A friend of mine pointed out "how can you expect trump supporters to accept the results of the election, they haven't even accepted the results of the civil war". LOL!


  134. Because it was massive fraud and yet you show no proof of any fraud or any irregularities (except yer upset bowels). Makes you a massive liar.

  135. The propaganda these fucks are addicted to is really fucking with the healthcare workers who are risking their own lives to keep the Pig People on this side of the sod:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  136. Here's yer election fraud....

    Graham telling Georgia SOS to find ways to toss legal ballots.

  137. So what may be the first major act of Republican sabotage of the Biden administration was temporarily stymied today by the fact that Grassley and Scott are in quarantine and couldn't vote to confirm drooling moron Judy Shelton to the Fed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  138. TO: Catch those rats, President-elect Billy Bob, and All the Trolls who didn't have the guts to post with a name......

    Michigan Elector Coup ‘Not Goin' to Happen’

    November 17, 2020 at 4:34 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 70 Comments

    Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R) told Michigan Bridge that Joe Biden is the president-elect, and while the state’s Republican-led Legislature is investigating the election, it will not award the state’s 16 electors to President Trump.

    “Hundreds of activists who protested at the Michigan Capitol on Saturday repeated the president’s unproven claims of widespread voter fraud, urging lawmakers to ‘stop the steal’ by choosing their own pro-Trump representatives to the Electoral College.”

    Said Shirkey: “That’s not going to happen.”

    Your hopes have been dashed in Georgia, Pennsylvania, now Michigan. Don't be too sad; you can try again to overthrow the election results in 2024.

  139. It's been a week and Dan Patrick still has all of his money. You'd think that at $25K a pop, there'd be more proof of all of this widespread voter fraud y'all keep yawping about, but so far nothing.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  141. Anonymous7:30 PM

    BREAKING: This evening, the county board of canvassers in Wayne County, MI refused to certify the election results. If the state board follows suit, the Republican state legislator will select the electors.

  142. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Umm why are all the Dominion people deleting their profiles on LinkedIn AND it looks like all their software engineers are in Serbia. Nothing to see here.

  143. iowa's fossilized senior sinator, Grassley, gots the covid bug.


    We are beyond this being ridiculous.🙄

  145. From Jason Isbell's Twitter feed:

    RS Country
    In April, Dolly Parton made a large donation to Vanderbilt University Medical Center for Covid research, funding that ultimately supported the development of Moderna's recently announced vaccine

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  146. Anonymous said...

    BREAKING: This evening, the county board of canvassers in Wayne County, MI refused to certify the election results. If the state board follows suit, the Republican state legislator will select the electors.

    7:30 PM
    Not so fast, Anon. Seems the Wayne County Board of Canvassers have adopted a motion to certify the results.

    After hours of public comment calling two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers onto the carpet for voting against certifying Nov. 3 election results, the board Tuesday night changed course and adopted a motion to certify the totals.

    The vote was unanimous. It also included a resolution to have Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson audit the county's results to clear up precinct imbalances that led Republican Chair Monica Palmer and William Hartmann to initially vote no.


    GOP Canvassers Certify Results After Initial Deadlock

    November 17, 2020 at 9:34 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 77 Comments

    The Wayne County Board of Canvassers abruptly changed course Tuesday night and certified the results of the Nov. 3 election after initially deadlocking 2-2 along party lines, which could have delayed the state process for authorizing results, the Detroit News reports.

  148. Anonymous said...

    Umm why are all the Dominion people deleting their profiles on LinkedIn AND it looks like all their software engineers are in Serbia. Nothing to see here.

    Who cares?

  149. And proving that blacks are coddled.  White Lakeland couple gruesomely murdered by black career criminal.

    1.  Why wasn't he still behind bars?  Blacks are coddled, that's why.

    2.  Why isn't this national news?  There's no such thing as White privilege, that's why.

  150. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Haha. Another fanciful Trump lawsuit bites the dust.

    Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejects complaints about Philadelphia election observations

    I really wish there were a video supercut of all the Trump lawyers getting laughed out of court as they showed up with zero evidence of voter fraud, only wishful thinking:

    "Your honor, Mr. Trump would prefer not to lose, please! Can't he win instead?"

  151. Anonymous11:31 PM

    In other happy news, Twitter announced that Trump will lose his immunity from following Twitter rules once he is no longer president.

    Therefore, I think it's safe to assume Trump's account is getting deleted on 12:01 pm on 20 January. Being unable to rage-tweet very possibly might kill him.

  152. Anonymous11:36 PM

    "I really wish there were a video supercut of all the Trump lawyers getting laughed out of court as they showed up with zero evidence of voter fraud, only wishful thinking:"

    No, there was evidence of poll watchers being kept 100 feet away from vote counters, but the court ruled since the law didn't specify the distance they had to be to actually watch the counting, 100 feet was ok. The vote was 5-2 along party lines.

    Next stop: The Supreme Court.

  153. Anonymous11:39 PM

    "After hours of public comment calling two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers onto the carpet for voting against certifying Nov. 3 election results, the board Tuesday night changed course and adopted a motion to certify the totals."

    Wayne County tonight, those attorneys in Pennsylvania last week. Democrats will make threats, blackmail, harass, even murder to get the disgusting world they dream of. And they get it. We are taking notes.

  154. Anonymous11:40 PM

    You don’t believe in the fake system you worship; you believe in power, intimidation, and violence. And it works.

    The people who run these operations have names and addresses, just like their targets.

  155. "Stop the presses! People in Detroit voted for Biden! How could this be? We must investigate!"

    Go ahead, maybe you'll learn something, although I won't hold my breath on that one.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  156. "After hours of public comment calling two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers onto the carpet for voting against certifying Nov. 3 election results, the board Tuesday night changed course and adopted a motion to certify the totals."

    Because nothing says clean and transparent elections like... pressuring officials to change their votes and certify the election after the video stream mysteriously shuts off.

  157. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Democrat Abraham Aiyash from Wayne County threatened and doxxed his fellow board member Monica Palmer's children, announcing the names of their schools live on camera after calling their mother racist.

    She changed her decision shortly thereafter.

  158. It'll go right over the heads of those who most need to hear it, but here it is anyway:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  159. So is Fergus gonna pardon a turkey this year, or is that a little too close to home right now?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  160. "John Yoo, Mr. Torture himself..." Ooh, I love to hear another lawyer describe him that way. He should wear that sobriquet around his neck the rest of his life. One professor in my alma mater tried in vain to get Yoo thrown off the Berkeley law school faculty; likely Yoo will be there as long as he wants. Shameful. He should have been hauled before The Hague along with Dubya and Cheney and got to regale prison bars instead of law students.

  161. stoopid fucking wingnuts, Biden squeaked by drumpf in Wayne co. by 146k measly votes or a 2-1 margin. Why not give it to drumpf?

    Fabulous post, anotherbozo, and oh so true.

  162. 1. Why wasn't he still behind bars? Blacks are coddled, that's why.

    2. Why isn't this national news? There's no such thing as White privilege, that's why.

    Wah, fucking wah! I'[m positive Blacks don't make the laws that allow them out of prison for whatever reason. Had the killer been white, you'd not even mention it, tool.

  163. What a glorious way to start yer day with a perfect example of America losing under drumof....

    drumpf/noem body count

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Way over a thousand victims of drumpf/noem hoax yesterday.

  164. Georgia's hand recount of votes gives drumpf 800 moar votes and he still loses by nearly 13k which makes him a double loser. Since he won't concede, he can be a three time loser.

  165. Stillapanther210:02 AM

    If the Republicans are so smart .... Why would they buy a polling machine made by Democrates that THEY SAY have a history of being fruadulant in other elections.

  166. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Covid-19 vaccine = SLAVE

  167. Let's nip this one in the bud before wingnuts start whining vote fraud...

    Flash drive was never lost and the alleged 120k missing votes had to do with absentee ballots.

  168. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Some precincts in Michigan had up to 350% VOTER TURNOUT.

    Certifying fraudulent votes is a criminal act.

  169. Anonymous11:43 AM

  170. Anonymous11:50 AM

    "If the Republicans are so smart .... Why would they buy a polling machine made by Democrates that THEY SAY have a history of being fruadulant in other elections."

    They obviously aren't very smart and some of them have been bought off.

  171. Chicago Roy11:54 AM

    field negro said...
    "Imagine black folks actually voting in places like Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee. Must have driven these right-wingnuts crazy. Now they're calling it fraud."

    This is an example of the quasi-theological reasoning patterns deployed by progressives. Once a county's population reaches a certain threshold of black people, any oversight of its governmental activities automatically creates an inference of surreptitious racism.

  172. Anonymous said...

    Some precincts in Michigan had up to 350% VOTER TURNOUT.

    Certifying fraudulent votes is a criminal act.

    11:41 AM
    PROVE IT, otherwise you are lying.

  173. Chicago Ray,

    This is an example of the quasi-theological reasoning patterns deployed by progressives. Once a county's population reaches a certain threshold of black people, any oversight of its governmental activities automatically creates an inference of surreptitious racism.

    11:54 AM
    It ain't racism, Honey; it's the one-hundred-sixty year record of voter suppression of black voters by by whites.

  174. John Yoo: "On the other hand, I think that Trump has every right to and demand that all the states be sure about the votes, so that we all have confidence in the election."

    No John (who is somehow a lover of autocracy - and by the way your country Korea is not the dictatorship you were born in but turned into a democracy years ago) the point and effect of all Donald's pathetic and idiotic response to the election is to undermine confidence in the election. He has been doing everything possible to undermine confidence in democracy ever since his ludicrous birther campaign. This is what every autocrat who has gotten into positions of power in history has done on their way to becoming a dictator. It's necessary step one. Fortunately with Donald it's all instinct and not a studied coherent campaign. Bye Felicia.

  175. Trump's presidency is undead. It refuses to lie down, but it is already in an advanced state of decay, and it will fall apart and be decently buried on schedule, at the noon hour of January 20, 2021.

  176. drumpf/noem conceded victory tom coronavirus and have done nothing to stop or slow it down....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  177. Some precincts in Michigan had up to 350% VOTER TURNOUT.

    Certifying fraudulent votes is a criminal act.

    Liar, liar pantyhose on fire!

  178. Yes, Mike, From the evidence it seems that their plan is to kill as many black, brown, and old people, some of whom are their own voters, as possible. Go figure that one. I can't wrap my head around it. Maybe partly they hope to reduce the number of people drawing Social Security?

  179. Anonymous said...

    Some precincts in Michigan had up to 350% VOTER TURNOUT.

    Where did you get this bull shit? Source please.

  180. Hat tip Susie Madrak:

    Kyle Griffin
    Witness corroborates claim against Graham:

    A staffer for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger says he participated in that controversial phone call with Lindsey Graham and said he heard Graham ask if state officials could throw out ballots.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  181. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I'[m positive Blacks don't make the laws that allow them out of prison for whatever reason.

    They elect the "prosecutors" who refuse to enforce the law.  E.g. Kimberly Foxx.

    Had the killer been white, you'd not even mention it, tool.

    No White man with such a record would have been out of prison.

  182. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Lifelong progressive here.

    I've spent thousands of hours dedicated to progressive causes and made tens of thousands of calls for progressive candidates.

    I'm sincerely proud of progressive electoral progress in 2020.

    But the electoral fraud madness needs to end now. We don't need to win this way.

  183. Arizona was stolen6:09 PM

    Email from Democrat election official in Maricopa county instructing clerks to hand out ballpoint pens for early voting but use Sharpies on election day (when Republican turnout was expected to be higher).

    Vote scanning machines used would not read marks made with a Sharpie.

  184. Anonymous6:31 PM

    “But the electoral fraud madness needs to end now. We don't need to win this way.”

    Yes, the madness of pretending there was electoral fraud does need to end. Maybe you can tell Trump?

    Here’s a concession speech all ready to go, so he doesn’t even have to write anything. Which is good, because he’s very lazy.

  185. We are headed for more crazy! The super Christiany, super pro-life, super Republicany secretary of state in Georgia is being called on to resign by the senate candidate and the unwashed masses because he (gasp) said he ran a clean and fair election in which he was responsible for. I guess trumpsters can't believe Blah people and other city dwellers chose Biden over dear leader. I know, hard to believe huh? So if THAT guy isn't Republican enough for these dolts who would be? They're talking about Democrat infighting but this is next level type shit. I have seen sore losers before but man oh man. What did they say about sweet tears? It's gonna be funny watching all the crying and gnashing of teeth come Jan 20th. LOL


  187. Facts are fun7:42 PM

    "because he (gasp) said he ran a clean and fair election in which he was responsible for."

    No, it's because he made an unconstitutional agreement with the democrats regarding the conduct of the election in violation of election law.

  188. drumpf/noem body count hit the afterburners today...Started the day at 254311 and last call tonight is...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Over 2k bodies today so far.

  189. called on the state’s GOP secretary of state to resign on Monday, citing “failures” in the election process but not providing any specific evidence to support their claims.

    Where and how often have we heard this lament?

  190. Vote scanning machines used would not read marks made with a Sharpie.

    Blatant fucking lie and debunked already.

  191. Mike:
    Noem? 254311? Please define.

    Trump will spend the last two months of his undead presidency practicing malign neglect while the pandemic resumes exponential growth. If the disease doubles twice, then the American casualty count will enter the megadeath range. Thus the Orange Conman might get to enter, as a junior member, the same megakiller club as the Leader of the Overmen, the Comrade of Steel, and the Great Helmsman.

    Gambler2 2:20:
    As for why, it's pointless to blame planning. He and his enablers error-accumulated their way into this. The legal term is "depraved indifference". Remember the writing on his wife's jacket?



  193. Hoc Voluerent8:27 PM

    It's clear the election was 100% fraudulent as elections always are. Now the Deep State is manipulating procedural outcomes to secure the result it wants.

    The most egregious example is Wayne County acknowledging fraud and then within an hour certifying it. But then, it's only Wednesday.

    Now sand is being thrown in the gears of the recounts. It takes days to do 1/10th of what took hours on election day, and votes are being "found" all the time. Anyone who buys the mainstream narrative just has TDS, whether left or right.

    But here's where it gets interesting.

    Giuliani has said that he's prepared to lose all his appeals to get it all the way to the SCOTUS. This is not a Machiavellian scheme, he believes in conservative principle. He has faith in the system. He is about to learn something.

    Conservatives are deontologists, they believe in principle. Get the principle right, and everything else will fall into place. No matter what happens, this election will leave that view in tatters. Let us look at some of the balls up in the air:

    Ball #1: SCOTUS declares president by legal fiat after lawfare

    This is Giuliani's great hope. But all it will do is underline that the electorate doesn't matter, SCOTUS is sovereign. This is of course nonsense. The jurist-priest is not sovereign, not today especially.

    It's clear that SCOTUS is just a rubber stamping factory for what the Deep State already wants, which is why legal realism exists as a concept. The Constitution has bent itself into exactly the shape of the prevailing ideology at every turn for 200 years.

    SCOTUS won't make rulings they don't expect to be enforced. Again, they aren't sovereign--the men with the guns are. So Giuliani is about to learn something; conservative faith in liberal institutions will be crushed.

    But if SCOTUS somehow *does* rule in favor of Trump, the GOP either gets behind enforcement--i.e. concedes that electoral politics is a mere formality--or it shrivels up and dies. Either way, liberal democracy loses.

    And that's if Giuliani even gets that far, which he won't. This is a huge win for the illiberal right. Almost better than Trump winning, which is only valuable in ratcheting up the pressure cooker--as an accelerant.

    Ball #2: Congress declares president by state electors after state ratification is obstructed

    If we have no president by Dec. 14th, state electors will cast a vote to determine POTUS. Very unlikely, but it would be the ultimate accelerant because they'll elect Trump.

    This is exactly the "Reichstag strategy" the left fears--that Trump will somehow "steal" the election and seat an Orange dynasty on the throne a thousand years.

    Should Trump somehow still be in office in 2021, the republic will deteriorate before our eyes within weeks. These eunuchs have been watching this movie for generations, and they will LARP at revolution, and someone will be crushed.

    Ball #3: Deep state declares president by nakedly manipulating procedural outcomes

    This is the most likely. 1/2 the American public thinks patent fraud means democracy is intact because democracy is just when the good guys win. The other half ain't so sure.

    If Biden is installed, the narrative will be that you, man in the street, cannot get justice by voting for it. The rot is too deep. Every one of your institutions has been beset by this rot. A solution is no longer possible playing by their rules.

    The time is ripe for the politics of personal loyalty to come back. Sovereignty works, unsurprisingly, like guns. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Principles don't rule, people rule. A MAN. That is what you need.

    Liberal Democracy is a zombie. The question is whether it will be replaced by Caesar or Davos. Formal sovereignty or Covert manipulation.

    For Caesar to rise he must rise in defense of the republic against those who subvert and usurp its formal performance.

  194. Noem is the alleged guv of South Dakota who will not mandate any orders to save people from covid because of freedumb. While her state was showing the highest mortality rate she was off campaigning for drumpf and building up a war chest for a run at the presidency in 2024.

    254,311 was this morning's starting point for drumpf/noem body count for today.

  195. Arizona was stolen said...

    Email from Democrat election official in Maricopa county instructing clerks to hand out ballpoint pens for early voting but use Sharpies on election day (when Republican turnout was expected to be higher).

    Vote scanning machines used would not read marks made with a Sharpie.

    6:09 PM
    FALSE, FALSE, FALSE You lie!

    False check: Arizona election departments confirm Sharpies can be used on ballot

  196. Hoc Voluerent said...
    It's clear the election was 100% fraudulent as elections always are. Now the Deep State is manipulating procedural outcomes to secure the result it wants.

    8:28 PM

    What is this - The dictator's manifesto? The mad ramblings of a visitor from another planet? The last gasps of a dying campaign?
    What's true is that you and your idiot leader think you can muddy the waters enough to get the election overturned. You're all out of your fucking minds.

  197. Gambler2:
    Hoc Voluerent thinks he’s worldly wise, and an independent thinker. Wrong on both counts.

    For instance he calls men-with-guns sovereign. Nonsense. Without their paymasters they’re nothing. Those paymasters in turn go broke without the consent of the masses, who in turn tend to sheepishly obey the men with guns. Round and round it goes, rock, paper, scissors.

    And even the preceding paragraph is just my own naive oversimplification!

    As for Hoc, for his own good he should stop parroting Putin, to whom he is no longer useful.

  198. By the way, the online latin-to-english translator tells me that "Hoc Voluerent" means "it wanted". Say what?
