Saturday, November 07, 2020

The fat lady is about to sing.


I remember watching a disappointing playoff exit by my battered and beaten Philadelphia Eagles last year to Russell Wilson and the Seattle Seahawks. It was painful to watch, and I wish more than anything that I could have just waived a magic wand and declare my Eagles the victors. Sadly, I could not. The scoreboard wasn't going to change, and the National Football League was not going to change their rules. 

 I suspect that the MAGA folks are feeling like I did after watching my birds go down right now. Their leader was on television declaring victory last week, as he wanted to wave a magic wand and just declare it to be so. That will not happen, because the votes don't lie, and the truth of the matter is that there is really no path for him to get to 270 votes and become the president of the United States. And, sadly for him, like the National Football League, America just cannot change the rules to appease Donald trump and his MAGA cult members. 

I am going to hold off declaring Joe Biden as the next president of the United State, because the election is technically not over. But the fat lady is warming up, and the opera is about to come to an end. 

If you are one of those black folks living in cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and here in Philly where I currently reside; this must be particularly sweet for you to know that it's your vote that will cause Mr. trump to be a one-term president. (They're partying in the streets.) He trashed these cities and urban areas for four years, and now they will have the pleasure of seeing him booted from office thanks to their hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Republican voter suppression efforts just did not work. 

Now all eyes is on Donald trump and what he will do when the inevitable happens. Will he lock himself in the White House surrounded by Big Macs and big screen televisions? Will he do the decent and honorable thing and publicly concede to defeat? We will see. History suggests that he will not.

So far trump has been defiant, and has told lie after lie about the process and how the votes have been counted. He has been playing a dangerous game of stoking his base into a frenzy of defiance that could ultimately cost people their lives. (One man in Atlanta has been in hiding after false accusations have been floating around right-wing social media about him trashing a ballot.) Of course we know that Mr. trump doesn't care about any of this. All he cares about is power and not being labeled a loser. 

Unfortunately for him, he will soon lose power, and a loser is exactly what he will be. 



  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I think Trump will rise to the occasion and be the man that he
    decided not to show us he could be after he got elected. I think
    he will stop the crazy rhetoric and the insane delusions, then concede
    like a man of dignity----and go on with his life . . . . .


    He's going to wreak havoc until the sky drips with blood and he has hunted down all real and imagined enemies. Mostly imagined.

  2. It isn't anyway possible for drumpf to man up and step aside peacefully. It is not in im to accept defeat and his loss will never be because of him. Dems had to cheat, he will claim. Fuck drumpf!

  3. The fat lady has sung. The election has jut been called for Joe Biden.

    Thank God and the Democratic voted in this country!

  4. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Will there be angry Trumpsters rioting today? That’s all I want to know.

    Everyone keep an eye out for shouty, red-faced goobers in pickup trucks.

  5. Your Pennsylvania came through, Field! If it was POC whose votes did in the Dear Leader, the irony is extra delicious.

    Horns honking, cheers from the cars and on the sidewalks in Lower Manhattan. "Born in the USA" at full volume from a pizzeria. Like a war had ended, and we'd won.

  6. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Here's some of what you could expect with Biden / Harris at the helm with a dem congress
    an almost immediate replacement of Biden by Harris
    decriminalization and legalization of most narcotic drugs
    elimination of the DEA
    transfer of DEA staff to ATF
    elimination and mandated turn-in of assault weapons and clips
    ammunition registration
    wide-open southern border
    legalization of 20 million illegals
    Paris treaty sign on
    reversal of almost every Trump executive order
    reparations to Black-Americans
    reparations to Indian-Americans
    increase in capital-gains tax
    increase in max tax rate
    end of funding for fossil fuel development
    mandates for electric cars
    expansion of Obamacare
    tax incentives for doing business with China
    demonization of Russia
    end of sanctions against Iran
    continued deficit spending
    inflation (German style)
    defunding of law enforcement
    substantial decrease in military equipment procurement programs
    criminal prosecution of all those that oppose the government in thought or deed
    supreme court expansion
    a new constitution
    In short, a systematic and methodical dismantling of our way of America. It will be written that Americans went along with this peacefully just like Russia in 1917.

    1. Stop it Anon @3:02 p.m., you're making me too giddy.

  7. They called it, he lost.
    What did he do? Went golfing.
    Meanwhile, in the country he's still the president of, more than 100K new covid infections, again, and more than 1,000 covid deaths, again.
    Now to win the two runoffs in Georgia.
    Even if we don't win them both, this is still a very good day.
    No more Fergus in the white house.
    No more Stephan Miller in the white house.
    Gone with Pence, Barr, Mnuchin, DeVos, Ross, Esper, Haspel, Perdue, Brouilette, Wheeler, Azar, Wolf, Carson, Bernhardt, Scalia, Vought, Ratcliffe, Carranza, Pompeo, Chao, Lighthizer, Wilkie and Meadows.
    Along with all of the scheming weasels who supported this hideous depravity.
    So now what? Let's start with an appropriate song for a hopeful, historic day:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Anonymous at 3:02 PM

    I have copied your post of lies and predictions that you pretend are warnings to us, but instead are Russian propaganda. In a few months when nothing you predict comes about, I will post Your "predictions" and call you out on it. Unfortunately, you are too cowardly to even pick a screen name here, but you will know to whom I am speaking when I post it if you are still around by then.

    1. Here is a prediction - your taxes will go up.

  9. Black women were instrumental in this victory. Let us not forget that.

    Fuck drumpf!

  10. "Pro-Trump Mobs Try To Disrupt Voting Counts In Contested States"

    "Wherever vote tallies are being contested in America—in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada particularly—Trump supporters have been organizing protests intended to disrupt the vote-counting process."
    By David Neiwert

  11. "Con man to the end: Most of Trump’s 'official election defense fund' to be used for his debts"

  12. “In short, a systematic and methodical dismantling of our way of America“

    Almost all of those things sound awesome! We do need a better relationship with Iran, Russia needs to be smacked for their meddling in our affairs, reparations to Black Americans is overdue, not sure why Indian-Americans would get reparations but whatever, there do need to be fewer drug laws, the ATF does need to be rebuilt as Republicans have been trying to dismantle it, we do need to re-enter the Paris agreement, but most of all we need a return to normal.


  13. “Black women were instrumental in this victory. Let us not forget that.“


  14. Anonymous4:36 PM

    “Meanwhile, in the country he's still the president of, more than 100K new covid infections, again, and more than 1,000 covid deaths, again.
    Now to win the two runoffs in Georgia.”

    That’s the grim part. I feel more relief than joy today. Winning both Georgia seats is a real long shot. And things can’t actually get better with Evil Mitch still in control of the Senate, but at least with Trump gone, we won’t have a leader who is actively trying to make things worse.

    We are still up to our necks in shit, but at least the shit level isn’t rising anymore.

    I am seriously dismayed that only a small percentage of Trump voters managed to catch a clue since the last go-around. Trump stepped on rakes and shot himself in the nuts continously for four solid years, and a lot of Americans were completely cool with that, as long as they got to enjoy him owning the libs.

    Clearly, we now must accept that a lot of Americans are just moronic assholes.

  15. drumpf's body count just hums along like there is no effort on drumpf's part to slow it down...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf wants to stop people from legally voting/having their votes counted, but is happy to have a 1000 plus Americans die every day because he is too stoopid, incompetent and lazy to act on it.

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:36 PM

    Anoonymous said .....

    Clearly, we now must accept that a lot of Americans are just moronic assholes.

    4:36 PM
    Yes, Anon, I came to that conclusion in the 1950's, but it didn't stop me from trying to help improve things. I worked as a grass-roots volunteer in the Democratic Party for 48 years. Now I'm too old for that, so I just donate money.

  17. I just don't understand why it takes so long. In Cuba they know the results before the elections!

  18. Can we safely say that the Russians didn't get their way this time?

  19. LeonT5:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Here's some of what you could expect with Biden / Harris at the helm with a dem congress

    Sounds good t'me!

  20. Hey Gambler,

    Still got 'em. No workee tomorrow. Margaritas tonight!


    It was the closest election in history. In-credible, huh? That's what Trump wanted was the security of being elected like Raul Castro or Vladimir Putin. Americans who support Trump are supporting a push away from American values. They are tending towards right-wing fascism. I can't believe it. These righties claim to be patriots yet they hate their fellow Americans. They claim to love freedom but not longer support free elections or even a free press.

    Once there was a wicked witch in the lovely land of Oz;
    And a wickeder, wickeder, wickeder witch there never, never was.
    She filled the folks in Munchkin land with terror and with dread;
    'Till one fine day from Kansas way a cyclone caught a house,
    That brought the wicked, wicked witch her doom,
    As she was flying on her broom.
    For the house fell on her head and the coroner pronounced her dead.
    And through the town the joyous news was spread.
    Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch!
    Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead!

    h/t Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg

  21. Anonymous6:50 PM

    “I just don't understand why it takes so long. In Cuba they know the results before the elections!”


    But seriously, the main reason it took so long is because of COVID. This meant that an unusually large number of people voted by mail.

    On top of which, in many states, Republicans afraid of (largely imaginary) voter fraud put in place rules that prevented those mail-in votes from being counted prior to Election Day.

    This is why the race wasn’t decided by the end of the day, like in a normal year.

  22. Anonymous6:55 PM

    “Can we safely say that the Russians didn't get their way this time?”


    Also, there have been rumors that Putin might have to step down from running the country, due to failing health.

    If true, that would be good news for Russia and the world.

  23. Trump's tax returns, impeachment, pardons, payoffs and platinum plan8:15 PM

    Stacked courts, voter suppression, voter misinformation, foreign interference, legal technicalities and voter fraud. And they still lost.

    I find it interesting that Rudy "Simon Barr Sinister" G. is calling foul. The lawless Republicans have outplayed the Democrats and are poised to try and have their case heard by the supreme court. They have no conscience. They are turning this country into the ghetto.

  24. Anonymous said...

    “I just don't understand why it takes so long. In Cuba they know the results before the elections!”


    But seriously, the main reason it took so long is because of COVID. This meant that an unusually large number of people voted by mail.

    On top of which, in many states, Republicans afraid of (largely imaginary) voter fraud put in place rules that prevented those mail-in votes from being counted prior to Election Day.

    This is why the race wasn’t decided by the end of the day, like in a normal year.

    6:50 PM

    That sounds logical, because Lord what a mess!

  25. So I'm wondering who Newsom will replace Harris with? There are numerous candidates who offer the kind of historic firsts that Newsom has always been drawn to, but at least one article stated that Barbara Lee and Katie Porter were in the running.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. I posted this question/observation on another blog. Did anyone else notice that Trump supporters wave Trump flags, while Biden supporters wave AMERICAN flags? Is there any better proof that Trump is a narcissist and his followers are members of a cult?


  27. "Stop it Anon @3:02 p.m., you're making me too giddy."


  28. I guess Lil' Wayne, 50 and Cube backed the wrong horse. Dumb move.

  29. Anonymous10:52 PM

    "I guess Lil' Wayne, 50 and Cube backed the wrong horse. Dumb move."

    They would've looked just as dumb, maybe even dumber, if Trump had gotten re-elected. They would've been waiting awhile (i.e., forever) for Trump's vaunted "platinum plan" to materialize.

  30. And that's the problem with any Republican health plan; nobody has forever, and they'll be needing healthcare sooner rather than later.

    Just think:pretty soon we won't have to hear about Jared fucking Kushner again for a good long while.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. trump 2020! 😆

  32. Sometimes the libs own you4:36 AM

    My favorite response to the vanquishing of Trump was on the covers of Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine:

    Cover 1

    Cover 2

  33. Anonymous8:58 AM

    look at all the democrats rejoicing in the streets in very close proximity spreading Covid-19 and not a peep from democratic leaders.....

  34. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Will Covid go away now or will the democrats keep their boogey man for further NWO control......

  35. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Spreading disease:

  36. Here's some food for thought about possible election fraud from state of Kaintuck.

    There are 1.6 million registered Dems in Kentucky. Biden got votes from less than half. Something stinks like McCTurtlefuckface.

  37. Anonymous9:35 AM

    With retard democrat sycophants flooding the streets in all major cities shouldn't we see a HUGE SPIKE in Covid-19?????

  38. Anonymous9:38 AM


  39. Anonymous9:39 AM


  40. Anonymous9:50 AM

  41. “look at all the democrats rejoicing in the streets in very close proximity spreading Covid-19 and not a peep from democratic leaders.....“

    Celebrating trump’s defeat is worth risking death.😆😆

  42. Anonymous10:44 AM

    “Will Covid go away now or will the democrats keep their boogey man for further NWO control......”

    Sadly, no, it won’t go away.

    Particularly if that bastard Mitch McConnell gets to keep his job, and prevents any money being spent to fight COVID.

  43. PilotX 3:32 am:
    Hey, you just pulled a Thunberg! Ain’t it delicious to eat someone else’s words?

  44. Anonymous11:26 AM






  45. Dose of Reality Dept.: There's still 72 days (approx.) until the next presidential inauguration. That's a lot of time for 45 and his minions to continue trying to dismantle this country. I hope we can survive the next two months.

  46. Anonymous11:35 AM

    No one is surprised to hear that there are so called "sell outs" in the Black community. You don't have to look very far to find "self hating" "yes, sir master, sir, can't you just love me" people to be paid off to sell themselves out.

    Certain people have always been easy to divide and conquer. Entertainers, aa well as every day Black people that will die trying to be accepted by a system that is designed to keep the invisible chains around their necks and feet.

    You'll probably have millions of Blacks falsely continue to believe that just because Biden was elected that racism in America is over. Very naive indeed.

  47. Anonymous11:37 AM

  48. Anonymous said...

    look at all the democrats rejoicing in the streets in very close proximity spreading Covid-19 and not a peep from democratic leaders.....

    8:58 AM
    No peep because everyone was wearing a mask and they were outside in the streets. Is you ability to think logically impaired?

  49. Anonymous said......


    11:26 AM
    Yes, Hallelujah, Anon, but in Arizona it was a Sharpie and the devout lovers of the great orange one cried foul and made a big fuss. But the count went on as their complaints were found to be groundless.

  50. Anonymous12:02 PM

    “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” — Joseph Stalin Communist Dictator who ordered the death of over 9 million of his own soviet citizens

  51. Anonymous12:03 PM

    No peep because everyone was wearing a mask and they were outside in the streets. Is you ability to think logically impaired?

    11:54 AM

    Back peddling on the covid hoax........

  52. Anonymous12:42 PM

    As history will show, back in the 17th century England emptied out their prisons and sent thousands of their rapists, murderers, liars, cheaters, muggers and swindlers to the new world and told them DON'T COME BACK!

    Isn't it interesting how the descendant of these deplorables now uses this to provide a false narrative of hard working Mexicans...

    ...This along with many other things that American history writers are hoping that you either forget about or never find out about.

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:45 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Back peddling on the covid hoax........

    12:03 PM
    No hoax, Anon. 240,000 Americans dead from COVID19 cannot be classified as a hoax. Only a total idiot would suggest it.
    More than 100,000 new cases yesterday. But help is on the way. Tomorrow the new Covid19 Task Force will meet to plan our way out of this disaster your dear leader imposed upon us.

  54. Anonymous12:47 PM

    America's Dirty Little Secret

  55. “You'll probably have millions of Blacks falsely continue to believe that just because Biden was elected that racism in America is over.“

    😂😂😂 You are obviously not Blah if you believe this.😆😆

    1. 70,000,000 votes for trump prove this ain’t true.

  56. Particularly if that bastard Mitch McConnell gets to keep his job, and prevents any money being spent to fight COVID.

    10:44 AM

    Phuck McCTurtlefuckface. Congress controls the purse strings.

  57. I agree, Pilot. How can anyone whose not racist vote for Trump?

  58. So I guess Mexico isn't gonna pay for the fence after all?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. As I've said here many times, the lame duck is gonna be a wild ride.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Anonymous5:06 PM

    “Phuck McCTurtlefuckface. Congress controls the purse strings.”

    McTurtlefuckface controls half of Congress. If he still does when Congress reconvenes next year, it is going to suck for everyone.

    Biden will come up with well-thought-out, science-based plans for fighting COVID — and then Mitch will crap all over them. Rich people mustn’t have their taxes raised, so many thousands have to die of preventable disease instead.

    The only silver lining is that vaccines may start becoming available early next year. But even then, many Republicans have been brainwashed into fearing vaccination, so they may need to be forced to receive shots.

    All of which is to say, Biden’s not going to have an easy ride. Things will still be very ugly going forward, even without Trump at the top, because the Republican Party is completely horrible. Trump wasn’t the only problem with the GOP. He wasn’t a total aberration.

  61. Anonymous5:13 PM

    “So I guess Mexico isn't gonna pay for the fence after all?”

    Biden should televise footage of bulldozers knocking down the handful of sections of wall that Trump managed to wastefully erect, just to rub the fucking racists’ faces in it.

  62. It's snowing, and while that won't be enough to actually put the Creek fire out, it will stop it from spreading by soaking the dry fuels on the ground and rendering them unsusceptible to ignition by embers from the fire that's burning.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. Anonymous5:51 PM

    No hoax, Anon. 240,000 Americans dead from COVID19 cannot be classified as a hoax. Only a total idiot would suggest it.
    More than 100,000 new cases yesterday. But help is on the way. Tomorrow the new Covid19 Task Force will meet to plan our way out of this disaster your dear leader imposed upon us.

    12:45 PM

    Those numbers are as real as votes for joe stalin biden.....

  64. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Its a COMMUNIST COUP!!!! America wake up. The real dummies are the ones who voted for joe biden stalin and wont get anything but a trip to gulag....

  65. 12 years ago Obama was gonna take yer guns and install Sharia law, now Uncle Joe is gonna bring in old school communism and send you to the gulag.😆😆 One day maybe they’ll stop with the hyperbole?

  66. Blaine Thurier
    When everything falls completely apart for a malignant narcissist, are they sometimes put on some sort of watch for their own safety? Just thinking out loud

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No hoax, Anon. 240,000 Americans dead from COVID19 cannot be classified as a hoax. Only a total idiot would suggest it.
    More than 100,000 new cases yesterday. But help is on the way. Tomorrow the new Covid19 Task Force will meet to plan our way out of this disaster your dear leader imposed upon us.

    12:45 PM

    Those numbers are as real as votes for joe stalin biden.....

    5:51 PM
    LOL! How silly of me to think you might be a misguided but semi intelligent human being. I made a mistake. My bad! ROTF LMAO

  68. Anonymous said...

    Its a COMMUNIST COUP!!!! America wake up. The real dummies are the ones who voted for joe biden stalin and wont get anything but a trip to gulag....

    5:53 PM
    LOL! How's the weather in Moscow? It's raining here.

  69. Pilot X said....

    12 years ago Obama was gonna take yer guns and install Sharia law, now Uncle Joe is gonna bring in old school communism and send you to the gulag.😆😆 One day maybe they’ll stop with the hyperbole?

    6:32 PM
    LOL! Not gonna happen, Pilot!

  70. Anonymous7:08 PM

    ..Question: So what ya'll Trumpeteers are saying is that it's ok for an American president to take orders from
    an Oligarch. But it's not okay for Biden to be President.


  71. Anonymous7:23 PM






  72. "LOL! Not gonna happen, Pilot!"

    They could be right. Any day now Bill Clinton is going to dispatch a black helicopter and force us to a walmart re-education camp.

  73. President Gore10:36 PM

    Trump overperformed and Biden underperformed everywhere except in five Democrat controlled cities in five swing states where monitoring was magically halted for a few hours on election night, after which Biden recieved North Korea levels of support from unverifiable ballots.

    The Democrats overplayed their fraud hand. Trump will be inaugurated in January.

  74. Anonymous10:38 PM

    A helpful PSA for our beloved Trump trolls, now that Trump has gotten crushed in the election and won’t be president anymore.

    What To Do With Your MAGA Hat

  75. Anonymous10:40 PM

    “The Democrats overplayed their fraud hand. Trump will be inaugurated in January.”

    You are going to be a very unhappy camper in January.

  76. To Anon at 7:23

    I think it was a sharpie that restored democracy in Arizona, although it created some problems. Wingnuts thought it was bleeding through and changing their votes on the back of their ballots, so they made a gigantic issue of it. When they were shown that even if it bled through, there were no votes on that side of the back of the ballots for the computers to read, the issue was resolved. LOL!

  77. Anonymous said...

    “The Democrats overplayed their fraud hand. Trump will be inaugurated in January.”

    You are going to be a very unhappy camper in January.

    10:40 PM
    Vague threats may be exciting to you, but they bore me. I guess to you counting all the votes means over playing one's ("fraud")hand. Give it up - you are advocating for a loser. LOL!.

  78. Anonymous
    Trump overperformed and Biden underperformed everywhere except in five Democrat controlled cities in five swing states where monitoring was magically halted for a few hours on election night, after which Biden recieved North Korea levels of support from unverifiable ballots.

    10:36 PM
    Give me a break. Can't you make up something more plausible than this?

  79. President Gore said...

    Trump overperformed and Biden underperformed everywhere except in five Democrat controlled cities in five swing states........

    Show us the data, Sport. Show the link to which election officials have this data in their possession.
    As I recall the reverse was true in 2016; Trump over performed in three swing states while Clinton under performed in them. This proved nothing. BTW, over performed is two words, no one word.

  80. "Trump overperformed and Biden underperformed everywhere except in five Democrat controlled cities in five swing states........"

    Cities are where most people live and secondly that's where most Blah people live and 92% of us voted against trump. Where did you think the Biden votes would come from?

  81. President Gore12:04 AM

    It's going to the Supreme Court, and in the end will be decided by state legislators.

    Biden will never be President.

  82. "The Democrats overplayed their fraud hand. Trump will be inaugurated in January."

    If this helps you sleep have at it kid. LOL!

  83. "It's going to the Supreme Court, and in the end will be decided by state legislators."

    The results of which have to be signed off by the state's governor. No way the Democratic governors of WI, NV, PA and MI sign off on any of that nonsense. It's gonna be a sad day for you guys when the courts throw out these frivilous lawsuits and trump is pressured to concede.


    Oooops. You're hanging your hopes on Rudy Giuliani and his pursuit of the Fresh Prince's dad's vote. LOL

  85. President Trump is expected to hold a number of campaign-style rallies in the coming weeks where he will highlight ongoing litigation over the outcome of the election and potential recounts, NBC, CNN and Axios report.

    USA Today reports the rallies are likely to feature the president’s unfounded complaints of voter fraud.

    CNN reports Trump’s campaign is planning “a messaging blitz” to fuel its argument — unsupported by any evidence to date — that the President’s second term is being stolen from him.
    Trump is going to spread COVID19 and whip up violence in the coming weeks. So to all Biden supporters, keep your powder dry and be prepared to defend yourselves. We knew this was coming since he refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. After all it is Trump, and we all know what a miserable excuse for a human being he is.

  86. Frank the fuck Luntz, that radical leftie, accurately summarized the requirements for election changing fraud in our election system as "Bond film level of conspiracy that just isn't gonna happen" but that kind of thinking, if you can call it that, is very appealing to those with a limited understanding of the workings of elections and a burning desire to win them.
    See also: Benghazi, fast and furious, IRS discrimination against conservatives.
    If there were any chances of statistically significant election fraud, it wouldn't be with paper ballots, it would be with electronic voting software, which is, I'm assuming, why Republicans love the latter and want to stamp out the former.
    It's apparently still beyond the FSB's grasp to hack paper ballots, but I don't seem to be seeing any follow up to the reporting a few weeks ago that they had gained access to voter data bases, so yeah, if we do investigate, let's really investigate.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  87. President Gore said...

    It's going to the Supreme Court, and in the end will be decided by state legislators.

    Biden will never be President.

    12:04 AM
    Please run through you wild speculation, and tell us just how this is going to happen. The Supreme Court is not going to intervene in this election.

  88. Frank the fuck Luntz, that radical leftie, ......

    Doug, Frank the fuck Luntz is a rightie, not a leftie.

  89. Anonymous1:03 AM

    "Doug, Frank the fuck Luntz is a rightie, not a leftie."

    I think this was meant to be sarcasm.

  90. Delving further into the reason for what became Election Week, this Washington Post article written by reporters, Paul Farhi and Elahe Izadi answers why the media held off calling the election when Biden’s victory seemed clear for more than a day.

    As also was reiterated earlier FN blog exchanges, the Post article cites...

    (1) TV networks and other major news outlets project election winners by relying on piecemeal vote returns from state officials and statistical analysis of regional and local voting patterns. Each described their reluctance to declare Biden the winner earlier — even as they said it grew likelier by the day — because of insufficient data and the uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic in states that were still counting the last few thousand ballots.

    (2) ABC News political director Rick Klein said media organizations had to grapple with new variables in making calls this year, particularly the huge surge in mail-in balloting and varying state rules about when those ballots could be counted. “We tried to be as transparent as we could throughout this process,” he said in an interview.

    (3) The early returns — based on in-person votes — tended to place Trump in the lead. But Biden gradually pulled ahead as more votes came in, especially from mail-in ballots that were disproportionately utilized by Democrats. Mail-in votes generally take longer for county officials to open and process, especially in Pennsylvania, where election workers were not allowed to begin processing them until Election Day.

    (4) The tipping point in projecting Biden’s victory on Saturday was the release of a new batch of ballot counts from Allegheny and Philadelphia counties in Pennsylvania, both heavily Democratic areas. Given Biden’s slender but gradually growing lead in Pennsylvania, the batch that came in Saturday morning gave network “decision desk” staffers confidence to predict that Biden’s advantage was insurmountable.

  91. Yes, I do know who Frank the fuck Luntz is. From Aimee Mann's Twitter feed:

    Patton Oswalt
    Nov 7
    This is not over. For we shall mount our righteous stand at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Next to Fantasy Island Adult Books. Across the street from the Delaware Valley Cremation Center. Between the fire extinguisher and yellow hose. #MAGA

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Guess what major democrats have interests in Dominion???

  93. Anonymous8:34 AM

    If there were any chances of statistically significant election fraud, it wouldn't be with paper ballots, it would be with electronic voting software, which is, I'm assuming, why Republicans love the latter and want to stamp out the former.
    It's apparently still beyond the FSB's grasp to hack paper ballots, but I don't seem to be seeing any follow up to the reporting a few weeks ago that they had gained access to voter data bases, so yeah, if we do investigate, let's really investigate.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    The major problem is the vote counting software. Dominion is used by many States and is controlled by the democrats and it adjusted for more biden votes than Trump votes even though Trump had more and won.

    Many Trump ballots were intercepted and destroyed and replaced with biden ballot dumps.

  94. Anonymous8:39 AM

    ANTIFA does not like Biden?
    At the first presidential debate, Democrat Joe Biden famously said, “Antifa is an idea, not an organization.” That idea vandalized his Portland campaign building Sunday night, breaking windows and spray painting “BLM” and “F— Biden,” among other things. It would seem that the idea has manifested into a form that isn’t happy with the media-anointed president-elect.

    Independent journalist Drew Hernandez recorded the aftermath of the riotous attack.

  95. Anonymous8:56 AM


  96. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Chicago gun(negro) violence up as weekend violence leaves 43 shot, 6 fatally across city
    Man shot walking in Logan Square

  97. Anonymous10:31 AM

    UPDATE: Facebook and Twitter Suspend Accounts That Posted on Benford’s Law Showing Biden’s Implausible Vote Totals — LABELING IT “SEXUAL EXPLOITATION”
    By Jim Hoft
    Published November 8, 2020 at 9:01pm

  98. Anonymous10:37 AM

    If it can be shown that efforts to defraud the voters crossed State lines then it does fall within the purview of the DOJ. That being the case then RICO (which Rudy is expert on) comes into play. Were it merely a matter of local election corruption the Tenth Amendment would apply but that does not appear to be the case. Additionally if it can be shown that the CCP was involved in any way it becomes a counterintelligence matter and could subject participants to a charge of Treason as defined in the Constitution. This is beginning to get verrrrrry interesting.

  99. Anonymous said...

    ANTIFA does not like Biden?
    I see now why you posted the Tweet instead of the article. Typical right-wing propaganda tactic. Never, never tell the truth.

    Here are some of the facts:

    James Walker Prettyman, 24, Thomas Mollrocek, 33, and 22-year-old Maximillan Jennings were booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center, police said. All three are facing charges of criminal mischief.

    However, a spokesperson for the Portland Police Bureau told Newsweek that it was not known if the suspects had an affiliation with any group.

    "We do not classify suspects by political or group affiliation unless it has some relevance to the criminal charges filed," the spokesperson added. "It did not in this case."

    Dixon said she doesn't know who was behind the attack on the building, but doubts that antifa protesters were responsible. She said she believed it was more likely to be a "false flag" attack orchestrated by members of the alt-right.

  100. Anonymous12:19 PM

    From Michael Hattem on Twitter:

    "The f*****g nerve it takes to not only benefit from an already imbalanced system but to then gut the Voting Rights Act, engage in unprecedented gerrymandering, remove voting machines to cause hours-long lines, pass voter ID laws, cripple the USPS & then claim YOU'VE been cheated."

  101. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Ben Carson has COVID.

    At this point, you might as well just accept that if you work for Trump, you're gonna get it. It automatically comes with the job of working for a guy who decided to pretend the virus wasn't real.

  102. Anonymous1:44 PM

  103. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I wish more than anything that I could have just waived a magic wand

    And this semi-literate is allowed to work as a judge, because black.

    At least he's better than ex-Detoilet Board of Education president Otis Mathis.

  104. It actually was a Trumpslide2:37 PM

    Originally announced as a Biden win, Antrim Co. went overwhelmingly for Trump.  This is the level of vote fraud being used to cheat the American people of their voice.  This is the level of evil of all things Democrat.

  105. And there go the goddamn Republican weasels scrambling for the lifeboats. Burn those motherfuckers.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "And there go the goddamn Republican weasels scrambling for the lifeboats. Burn those motherfuckers."

    Who, specifically?

    So far, I haven't seen many GOP politicians brave enough to come out of their hidey-holes and risk Trump's anger by referring to him with the "L" word, much less to launch into the "Trump was never a true conservative and I never supported him" routine.

    I expect that's coming, but I haven't heard it much yet.

  107. Anonymous3:55 PM

    It actually was a Trumpstomp.

    Trump is still trying to wash Biden’s bootprints off his face.

  108. zerohedge has zero credibility.

    Overall, we rate Zero Hedge an extreme right biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left. (8/18/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 10/16/2020)

    Media Bias and Fact Check.

  109. Jim Hoft
    Right-wing blogger, founder of The Gateway Pundit

    Jim Hoft is a right-wing blogger who founded The Gateway Pundit and has repeatedly earned the title “dumbest man on the internet.” He is also a pro-Trump conspiracy theorist and hoaxer.

    from media matters

  110. Anonymous It actually was a Trumpslide said...

    Originally announced as a Biden win, Antrim Co. went overwhelmingly for Trump. This is the level of vote fraud being used to cheat the American people of their voice. This is the level of evil of all things Democrat.

    2:37 PM
    I went to the above website and read most of the material there. Here's the problem: Most of the information seems to be coming from Kayleigh McEnany, who is the second greatest liar in the world after Donald J. Trump. So I will wait for someone believable to post about these allegations and then evaluate them.

    In 2016 when Trump over performed in PA, WI, and MI, you did not see Hillary claiming fraud or stolen election. She conceded gracefully and went about her business. You Trump supporters are whining and crying like kindergarten children. You whine and complain. Get over it. Trump lost because more people actually voted for Joe Biden.

  111. Zeke Miller
    · 16m
    "Fox breaks away after taking about a minute of Kayleigh McEnany's statement". Cavuto said unless she can provide some data to back it up, he can't in good conscience continue showing it.

    She must be repeating the same lies that 'It actually was a Trumpslide' said at 2:37.

  112. That is nuts! Even Fox is turning on trump.

  113. I was thinking of Willard Romney when I wrote that, who came out and announced that the results of the election must prove that we are a center-right country that doesn't want any of the policies that we obviously do actually want.
    It's a lifeboat because Mittens still has an R after his name and thus has to run away from his actual history, which famously includes instituting the forerunner to the ACA in Massachusetts when he was the governor there.
    And Driftglass, who is the champion of the burn the lifeboats movement, also is known to say no fair remembering stuff.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. Anonymous6:14 PM

    “It's a lifeboat because Mittens still has an R after his name and thus has to run away from his actual history, which famously includes instituting the forerunner to the ACA in Massachusetts when he was the governor there.”

    While I don’t accept Romney’s premise about America the “center-right country,” Massachusetts residents demanding universal government-provided health insurance doesn’t disprove the premise. Massachusetts is much more left-leaning than the nation as a whole. And Romney is a better ideological fit as a senator for Utah than he was as governor of Massachusetts.

    I will say that Romney has at least rhetorically been pretty consistently opposed to Trump; he’s not suddenly pretended to discover that Trump is bad.

    So I do give Romney credit for that. It’s a very tiny measure of credit, however, since his tough talk has mostly not been backed up by actions.

  115. They're dumb, but not THAT dumb:

    GOP Fears Conceding Trump Loss Would Cost Senate

    November 9, 2020 at 5:18 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 145 Comments

    “Top Republicans in Washington are reluctant to call Joe Biden the president-elect publicly, fearing a rebellion by grassroots conservatives loyal to President Trump that would sink the party’s Senate majority,” the Washington Examiner reports.

    “Republican insiders privately concede Biden ousted Trump and dismiss suggestions voter fraud, ballot errors, or other issues would be uncovered sufficient to alter the election. But with the president claiming otherwise and two Georgia runoff elections set for January that will decide the Senate majority, plus midterm elections in 2022, most congressional Republicans are backing Trump. The move is purely transactional.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  116. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I will add that Romney was the only Republican senator to vote to remove Trump in the impeachment hearings, so there is that.

  117. Anonymous6:23 PM

    “... most congressional Republicans are backing Trump. The move is purely transactional.”

    Everything they do is transactional. They will do or say whatever is necessary to stay in office and serve their wealthy donors’ interests. Most of them have no principles beyond that.

    If you keep this in mind, all of their crazy behavior makes sense.

  118. Romney is still out there lying about what the results of the election mean in order to save his political skin. Saying that he is some kind of "good Republican" is a lot like saying that chlamydia is some kind of a good STI. There are no good Republicans. Every last one of them supports doing things that harm the country and its citizens.

    From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Peter Masiakos
    Why is @GOP
    accepting the results of congressional and senate races, but is refuting the results of the presidential race. Weren’t they on the same ballots?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. Anonymous10:03 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

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