Tuesday, November 03, 2020



  1. Couple weeks ago mailed in my vote. I'm good.

  2. Every right wing wasicu scumacyst in the world conspired against Joe and Hunter Biden this election....


  3. “Every right wing wasicu scumacyst in the world conspired against Joe and Hunter Biden this election....“

    Good thing Hunter isn’t running.

  4. I'm in, Field, dropped off my ballot at city hall a week ago.

  5. One pleasant reminder to all you blood thirsty right wing stoopid fucking nutters...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf counts bodies on election day.

  6. Anonymous8:36 PM

    "Couple weeks ago mailed in my vote. I'm good."

    No you are not.

  7. Pedro Gonzales8:38 PM

    Huge shift in Hispanic vote towards Trump versus 2016.

  8. Mailed mine in weeks ago, and this county has ballot tracking, so I got an email saying they had my ballots and they would be counted.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. Sheriff of Sugar Pine9:40 PM

    "I got an email saying they had my ballots"

    How many ballots did you send in?

  10. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Trump up 400,000 votes in Florida.

  11. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Lindsay Graham won.

  12. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Election betting odds have completely inverted and now are 78%-22% Trump.

    Chinse yuan has started cratering.

  13. If Trump wins it will be the biggest F U to the ruling class that has ever happened in modern US history. More so than his 2016 victory.

  14. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Mitch McConnell won big.

    $100 million wasted trying to oust him.

  15. Dems maintain control of the House. C’mon senate!

  16. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Doug Jones just lost his Senate seat in Alabama.

  17. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Trump up 400,000 votes in Michigan.

  18. "How many ballots did you send in?"

    Both of them, one for the candidates, one for the propositions.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. I handed in my vote in person weeks ago. Ditto for my daughter. It felt good to be early.

  20. A normal person11:34 PM

    Feelz, I voted about two weeks ago. Why so concerned? We got this.

  21. "Trump up 400,000 votes in Michigan."

    Red mirage. Gonna be a long night. Stay tuned sports fans.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:53 AM

    Steve bullock, Democratic candidate for the senate in Montana is Quite a lot ahead of the Republican incumbent, Steve Daines. If Bullock wins, that's three senate seats gained by Dems. We will just need one more.

  24. Anonymous1:01 AM

    "Steve bullock, Democratic candidate for the senate in Montana is Quite a lot ahead of the Republican incumbent, Steve Daine"

    Not any more. Daines up by 3%.

  25. It'll be some poetic justice if Fergus' treatment of John McCain costing him Arizona is what makes him lose the election and face down prison.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Trump up 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania.

  27. Welp, here comes trump to claim the election is being stolen and all of the ballots shouldn't be counted. But we never know he might actually adult.

  28. Trump has won reelection.

    I hope you can accept it this time. No more "fascist", "racist" talk. No more trying to subvert the will of the American people.

    Let's all work together to make America greater than it has ever been.

    God Bless our President.

  29. Anonymous4:36 AM

    It really was a big shit show
    With Pedo Joe and Kamela Ho
    But now I'm really glad to see
    A great big fat Trump victory.

  30. If putin and wasicu scumacysts get drumpf reappointed, fascists, racists, xenophobes, haters and misogynists weill be everywhere you look, trying to run Americans out of the Putin's new Russia.

    Putin did say he will conquer America and not have to fire a shot..

  31. Anonymous9:24 AM


  32. Anonymous9:25 AM



  33. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Democrats trying to steal election by destroying Republican votes and stuffing ballot boxes with dem ballots and mis-reporting numbers.

  34. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Democrats delaying election results to get ANTIFA and BLM rioters and anarchists into position for violent attacks all across America.

  35. Harris/Biden leading in AZ, MI and WI. Guess what, if that stays the case game over. 270.

  36. Anonymous said...

    Democrats delaying election results to get ANTIFA and BLM rioters and anarchists into position for violent attacks all across America.

    10:37 AM
    No, anon., election results are delayed because all the votes are being counted. You and Trump are ignoring the fact that in every national election votes are counted after election day. In fact, Hillary would have won if all the ballots hadn't been counted in 2016. I conclude that you and Trump are painfully ignorant.

  37. Anonymous said...

    Democrats delaying election results to get ANTIFA and BLM rioters and anarchists into position for violent attacks all across America.

    10:37 AM
    Not true. See my comment at 12:05 PM

  38. “Not true. See my comment at 12:05 PM“

    They’re losing so they have to change the narrative.

  39. Listening to Alex Jones’ show (don’t ask, it bled through from a low powered indie local jazz station) and I am laughing my ass off at the freakout! Now I need Harris/Biden to win just to watch the rwnj tears flow!😆😆😆 These guys remind me of the superjocks in high school that can never accept defeat. Oh the sun was in my eyes or the moon was in retrograde. They had no problem accepting the fact they bested Hillary in 16 but can’t admit Harris/Biden were just a tad better in AZ, MI and WI on that day. “They cheated!!!!!”😆😂😂 No kids, more Americans just wanted a change in leadership is all. Try again in 24 kids.

  40. Got Wisconsin. Here it comes.
    One thing I think we can deduce from the results so far: The Lincoln Project was a complete bust. The reprogrammable meatbags in the Republican party were impervious to the shenanigans of exiled Republican operatives who they will never trust because they betrayed their glorious orange leader.
    So they should not get any say in how we govern.
    Burn the fucking lifeboats.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. Got Michigan. Here it comes. Biden now has the most votes cast for a presidential candidate in history, and more of a lead in the popular vote than Clinton in 2016.
    This will just keep getting better as more votes are counted, just like everyone said before the election.
    Kinda like 2018, but more so because of covid.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. Even if we don't get the senate this time, we'll get it in 2022 as the map is horrible for Republicans and there are already two announced retirements.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. drumpfuck the dumbfuck sent screwdy Rudy to Pennsylvania in an effort to stop the counting of mail in ballots while drumpf is ahead. I am certain rudy has emails from Hunter Biden's laptop showing joe tried to get China to toll drumpf and give a win to Biden.

  44. It has come down to Nevada and Arizona, Biden has good leads in both and they will give him exactly 270 electoral votes, for the biggest electoral victory in history.

  45. Biden gets Arizona and 264 electoral votes. Nevada, trending blue with B iden leading, has 6 lovely electoral votes that means the election would be over and the whini9ng and wingnut crying would begin. Good. Cry it out over iowa. We need moisture for next years crops.

  46. Anonymous7:24 PM

    SEVEN Milwaukee Wards Report More Presidential Votes than Registered Voters — State Voter Turnout Is Nearly 90% Which Is Virtually Impossible


  47. Gatewaydumbshit. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    No credibility.

  48. So Q anon hosted child porn sites while they were claiming to fight child porn by libs.


  49. More than 100K new covid infections in one day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. trump had superspreader event at the WH for nothing. Herman Cain died for your sins.

  51. Anonymous11:34 PM

    We ae down to two possible scenarios: Trump wins in a court-decided nail biter and the left has a collective mental breakdown, or Biden wins as a result of what appears to be widespread systemic fraud. Those were the two most polarizing outcomes — the outcomes most likely to accelerate the dissolution of the US corporation.


  52. https://eand.co/americas-problem-is-that-white-people-want-it-to-be-a-failed-state-bac24202f32f

  53. "or Biden wins as a result of what appears to be widespread systemic fraud."

    What fraud? If anything it's just desserts because a certain candidate tried to use the post office to slow votes, repeatedly tried to undermine the integrity of the electoral system with his rhetoric and won't accept any result that doesn't result in his victory. Nah man, everyone knows he lost fair and square and life will move on unless of course trump supporters act like spoiled losers.

  54. Anonymous said...

    We ae down to two possible scenarios: Trump wins in a court-decided nail biter and the left has a collective mental breakdown, or Biden wins as a result of what appears to be widespread systemic fraud. Those were the two most polarizing outcomes — the outcomes most likely to accelerate the dissolution of the US corporation.

    11:34 PM
    At ever vote-counting center, there are certified representatives from both The Republican and Democratic parties watching the procedures. In addition, all the activities are being videotaped to ensure that everything is done correctly.

    I challenge you to explain and then offer proof that anything even resembling fraud is occurring. Otherwise, STFU.

  55. “I challenge you to explain and then offer proof that anything even resembling fraud is occurring.”

    And of course it’s the Dems that are cheating according to our guy even though Republicans have been reprimanded by a federal judge for trying to suppress votes. As Uncle Joe says “c’mon man”.

  56. PilotX said...
    Gambler2 said...
    “I challenge you to explain and then offer proof that anything even resembling fraud is occurring.”

    And of course it’s the Dems that are cheating according to our guy even though Republicans have been reprimanded by a federal judge for trying to suppress votes. As Uncle Joe says “c’mon man”.

    1:25 AM
    True. What drives me crazy that them just scream charges with no sources or evidence to support it.

    Stay safe, my friend.

  57. When I was younger we used to know who was president on that same evening. Now it takes day, months. Ridiculous! I think it's just for media ratings they stretch it out.

  58. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Well at least the Rona will go away now. Same for the riots.

  59. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Oh, I forgot...is this what's called a "blue wave"?

  60. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Another side effect of this election is the US cannot lecture other countries about election fraud. We set the gold standard bitches!

  61. Anonymous7:55 AM

    November 5, 2020
    "So much for the Democratic fantasy — the one that seemingly never dies — of unobstructed rule."
    "Democrats didn't just want to win and govern in the name of a deeply divided nation's fractured sense of the common good. No, they wanted to lead a moral revolution, to transform the country — not only enacting a long list of new policies, but making a series of institutional changes that would entrench their power far into the future. Pack the Supreme Court. Add left-leaning states. Break up others to give the left huge margins in the Senate. Get rid of the Electoral College. Abolish the police. Rewrite the nation's history, with white supremacy and racism placed 'at the very center.' Ensure 'equity' not just in opportunity but in outcomes. Hell, maybe they'd even establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.... Nothing from the toxic progressive-fantasy wishlist will come anywhere close to passing. Instead, we will have grinding, obstructive gridlock. Some will demand that Biden push through progressive priorities by executive order. But every time he does... the country will move closer to witnessing a conservative backlash that results in Republicans taking control of the House and increasing their margin in the Senate in November 2022, rendering the Biden administration even more fully dead in the water."

    From "The Left Just Got Crushed" by Damon Linker (The Week).
    Posted by Ann Althouse at 6:08 AM
    Tags: 2020 elections, Damon Linker, Democratic Party in Trumpland, left-wing ideology

  62. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Well at least the Rona will go away now. Same for the riots.

    6:00 AM

    Covid-19 wont go away, the Democrats wont get rid of their boogey-man control mechanism.

    Plenty of rioting ahead as ANTIFA does their thing as the dems cannot control them as they are anarchists' pure And simple.

  63. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Notice how we had elections results right away in 2016 but in 2020 we do not????? Its called MASSIVE VOTE FRAUD by the democrats.

  64. Trump's tax returns, impeachment, platinum plan , payoffs, pardons and lies8:43 AM

    Pilot X. Great link @ 12:12. Thanks for sharing

    Trump is turning this country into the ghetto. Complete with the Crips and Bloods (Senate and House of Representatives) and MS-13 (Supreme Court).

    Pale Males rushing Pell mell toward a cuckoo coup.

  65. Dear trolls,

    From politicalwire.com....

    The head of an international delegation monitoring the U.S. election says his team has no evidence to support President Donald Trump’s claims about alleged fraud involving mail-in absentee ballots,” the AP reports.

  66. From politicalwire.com

    President Trump just tweeted “Stop the count!” — apparently not realizing that if vote counting stopped now then Joe Biden would be the next president.

    You have to be pretty stupid to support this man and believe everything he says. H's an idiot.

  67. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Massive voter fraud in AZ, WI, MI and others.....

  68. from Politico.....

    ‘The math is pretty simple’: Trump’s lead shrinks in Pennsylvania
    So far, 78 percent of mail ballots have broken for Biden and 21 percent have been won by the president

    Fraud, wash! Fraud, Wah! Fraud, wash! Fraud, Wah! Fraud, wash! Fraud, Wah! Fraud, wash! Fraud, Wah! Fraud, wash! Fraud, Wah!

  69. Fight for America11:47 AM

    Lilacpr said...
    When I was younger we used to know who was president on that same evening. Now it takes day, months. Ridiculous! I think it's just for media ratings they stretch it out.

    We knew who won that same evening: Donald Trump.

    This is being stretched out due to massive, systemic fraud attempts by Democrats across the whole nation.

    This will not be allowed.

  70. “Massive voter fraud in AZ, WI, MI and others.....“

    and by others I assume states Biden won.

  71. “This will not be allowed.“

    What are you gonna do about it kid?😆😆

  72. If Biden wins Pa he doesn't need Arizona (already has it) or Nevada (he is firmly ahead.

  73. Trump sees fraud everywhere for the same reason that a man with jaundice sees yellow everywhere.

  74. My own QRD on what's going on right now is that there was widespread voter fraud but Wisconsinites were not nearly as subtle about it as everyone else, so the other guys are stuck either just conceding Trump victory or going2jail.

  75. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Detroit poll monitor documents 130,000 ballots, all for Biden, arriving after deadline:


  76. John R.2:03 PM

    Trump won.
    Then they stole it.
    But they got caught.

    So now what?

  77. Anonymous2:09 PM

    This is the dems had planned all along.

    They didn't count on RBG dying though.

  78. drumpf body count. Moar milestones reached today...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  79. Anymoose @ 1:49 PM posts another flat out lie.


    Read it and weep, you stoopid fucking gullible bastArds.

  80. Here be drumpf's legal adviser, screwdy rudy, in action in Michigan. It is brutal so wingnuts don't say you weren't warned.


    Nevada journalist says it is apparent Biden will win. is lead has increased as the left to be counted votes decrease.

  81. Loki said...

    My own QRD on what's going on right now is that there was widespread voter fraud but Wisconsinites were not nearly as subtle about it as everyone else, so the other guys are stuck either just conceding Trump victory or going2jail.

    1:46 PM
    Where is your evidence, Loki? I will wait for you answer, but I won't hold my breath because there isn't any evidence.

  82. McCTurtlefuckface just declared war on Biden and the US.


    This i9s what stoopid fucking moron voters have done to America. Made it the laUghing stock of the world.

  83. "Where is your evidence, Loki?"

    Being presented to the Supreme Court.

  84. Mike said....


    Well, Biden will just have to do what Trump did and appoint "acting cabinet" members. Also, there is a chance we could have 50 senators by sometime in January. Camala would cast the deciding vote if she is vice president.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. So right on cue, the Lincoln lads are yawping about "rebuilding the Republican party" or some such horse shit.

    Three things:

    One, that is exactly what everyone with two working neurons to rub together was saying those fucking Republicans would do the minute the election was over, and there they are doing it before the final returns are even in.

    Two, yes, the Republican party must be remade into something that can actually do its half of the governing in these here United States of America, but that is not at all what these weasels have up their sleeves. They are simply making a play for all of the same bigots and imbeciles that comprise the party of Jefferson Davis in this year of our lord 2020. That's all they ever had planned to do, really, they were "never Trumpers" because Fergus conned their bigots and imbeciles into worshiping him instead of the candidates the Lincoln lads were in the employ of, and thus royally fucked up the gravy train they had been riding their entire professional lives.
    Well, that and their other stated objective which was keeping the inevitable new Democratic administration from "moving too far to the left" which translates to "being able to govern at all" just like last time.

    And three, burn the motherfucking lifeboats. Those weasely fucks have a major responsibility for the goddamn flaming wreckage of our society right now, and they should not be allowed to escape accountability for it at least until we have repaired most of the damage they helped to inflict.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  87. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:55 PM

    Calling all trolls,

    Tell me why you worship a leader who is so stupid he calls for voting to end when his rival is ahead in the
    vote count?

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:58 PM


    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Calling all trolls,

    Tell me why you worship a leader who is so stupid he calls for vote counting to stop when his rival is ahead in the vote count?

    3:55 PM

  89. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Just a normal day of fraud in PA:


  90. Anonymous5:22 PM

    The smelly turd is about to get flushed. Just another day or two. Watch him go!

  91. Anonymous said...

    Just a normal day of fraud in PA:


    4:41 PM
    This video doesn't prove anything. Fake videos are easy to make. Where is the documentation showing that this is a person actually counting votes? What is his name? Where did this supposedly occur?

    Maybe this was produced by James O'Keefe who we all know is a con man as dishonest as Trump. O'Keefe loves to make fake videos.

  92. Anonymous5:58 PM

    More evidence of fraud in Philly:


  93. You trolls do realize that there was a lot more mail-in votes because of COVID-19, right?
    Anywhoo, it would be kind of poetic if Philly took Pa over the top, and trump loses it all because of Pa.

  94. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Trump will still be moaning about Philly as security marches him out of the White House with all his possessions in a cardboard box.

  95. Anonymous said...

    More evidence of fraud in Philly:


    5:58 PM
    More bull shit from anonymous trolls.

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:52 PM

    Field said....

    You trolls do realize that there was a lot more mail-in votes because of COVID-19, right?
    Anywhoo, it would be kind of poetic if Philly took Pa over the top, and trump loses it all because of Pa.

    6:07 PM
    Yes, Field, wouldn't that be lovely?

  97. drumpf really ramped up the b ody count accelerator today....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  98. So is trump gonna show up to Biden’s inauguration?

  99. Anonymous7:26 PM

    The delays in counting we are seeing in so many Democrat areas is proof this was specifically planned out for some time as a attempt to steal the election.

  100. Anonymous7:28 PM

    "Anywhoo, it would be kind of poetic if Philly took Pa over the top"

    Fraud Negro loves vote fraud.

    Of course.

  101. "The delays in counting we are seeing in so many Democrat areas is proof this was specifically planned out for some time as a attempt to steal the election."

    Proof huh? You didn't pay attention when all the states, especially ones that didn't begin counting until after election day, said don't expect returns quickly? Well, that's exactly what's happening. So we just keep counting if trump is doing well but stop counting if he's not? Sorry but that's not how this works. Go online and watch the live feed of votes being counted. Counting votes does not equal fraud.

  102. "Fraud Negro loves vote fraud."

    Now don't be a sore loser.

  103. Trump's tax returns, impeachment , excuses and lies7:57 PM

    If Donito Trumpolini, aka, Donnie Favors, loses he will have made the same mistake Hillary did when she didn't take the black vote seriously and even worse, took it for granted that we would come out and vote for their respective campaigns.

    Any salesman worth their salt knows you have to ask for the sale!

  104. Anonymous8:11 PM

    “So is trump gonna show up to Biden’s inauguration?”

    Magic eight ball says, “Outlook not so good.”

  105. Anonymous8:14 PM

    “The delays in counting we are seeing in so many Democrat areas is proof this was specifically planned out for some time as a attempt to steal the election.”

    Republicans in the state legislature forbade mail-in votes from being counted before Election Day, so you can thank them for Pennsylvania’s delay.

  106. Wait, it's after November fourth, so why am I still hearing about covid covid covid? I thought Fergus said that we'd never hear about it again after election day.
    Oh that's right, he lied.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  107. Anonymous9:30 PM

    "Wait, it's after November fourth, so why am I still hearing about covid covid covid? I thought Fergus said that we'd never hear about it again after election day.
    Oh that's right, he lied."

    It melted away over the summer. Didn't you hear?

    That must be why we're all about to go back into lockdown for Christmas. Because Trump did such a great job and all.

  108. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Vote counter filling out blank ballot in PA:


  109. Raheem10:16 PM

    Huge difference in vote totals for President versus Senate and House candidates.

    Republicans aren’t losing in down ticket races because the industrial scale ballot fraudsters were only marking the President box.

    To save time.

    It means more fraud per minute if you ignore the rest.

  110. Anonymous said...

    The delays in counting we are seeing in so many Democrat areas is proof this was specifically planned out for some time as a attempt to steal the election.

    7:26 PM
    No, oh great uninformed one, the delay is caused because millions and millions of Americans voted by mail. But apparently you are too stupid to figure that out. Please chill; when all the votes are counted, Biden will be President.

  111. Anonymous said...

    Vote counter filling out blank ballot in PA:


    10:12 PM
    More fake videos. Yawn.

  112. Anonymous said...

    Vote counter filling out blank ballot in PA:


    10:12 PM
    That's impossible. Obviously, you know nothing about how mail-in voting works. Each ballot in assigned a number to a specific registered voter. Why don't you discover some of the facts before you post bull shit?

  113. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Viva the Revolution! And all that rot, rot!

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Fewer than 2,000 votes to make up in Georgia. All of that work that Stacey Abrams and her army of Black women organizers did must have been effective.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  116. Anonymous1:41 AM

    The coherent Resistance narrative is that people went to the polls to elect Republicans to Congress but also voted Biden to ensure the Republican Congress couldn't accomplish any GOP establishment legislative goals.

  117. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Former Trump flunky, badly dressed Nazi, and indicted fraudster Steve Bannon called for the beheading of Dr. Fauci and the head of the FBI.

    Perfectly normal election behavior ...

  118. ...And his Twitter account got suspended.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. Biden inches ahead in Georgia. drumpfuck junior calls for all out war. Secret Service increases protection for Biden from bat shit crazy drumpfnuts.

    drumpf junior needs to be shot on sight for the mad dog he is.

  120. To start your covid-less day (according to liar drumpf)

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf will be so busy playing with and counting dead bodies he won't be able to golf.

  121. Biden bas slim lead in Pa, Georgia and Nevada. drumpf has to serve as his own fat lady and sing. LOSER!

  122. Anonymous9:43 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  123. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Massive Election fraud by the democrats......

  124. It's over. Philadelphia says you're welcome, America.

  125. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:57 AM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    9:43 AM
    Trump 2020 loser, loser!! You boy is on his way down. LOL!

  126. Anonymous said...

    Massive Election fraud by the democrats......

    9:44 AM
    Please, just go away and take your lying bull shit with you.

  127. Philadelphia police took at least one man into custody Thursday night as they probed an alleged plot to attack the city’s convention center where the swing state’s votes are still being counted, according to reports.

    According to multiple reports, a heavily armed armed group is said to have driven a GMC Hummer up from Virginia to carry out the alleged plot. No one was reported injured, and police did not identify the detained suspect or provide details about the threat. But video showed a man being taken away in handcuffs and police retrieving a large gun. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the group was armed with AR-15 rifles.


  128. drumpf 20 to life is a more realistic term for drumpf.

  129. https://www.vox.com/2020/11/6/21534594/joe-biden-wins-2020-presidential-election

    Biden is the projected winner and our next legally elected potus, the first since Obama won twice.

  130. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I want to wish everyone a very happy Trump Got His Ass Kicked Day!

    Here is his new theme song.

  131. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Anyone who thinks that Biden won, when

    - his rallies had NOBODY at them, and

    - his entire "margin" is coming from very late ballots marked ONLY for the presidential race and nothing down-ballot,

    is a damned fool or a Communist tool.

  132. Anonymous said...

    Anyone who thinks that Biden won, when

    - his rallies had NOBODY at them, and

    - his entire "margin" is coming from very late ballots marked ONLY for the presidential race and nothing down-ballot,

    is a damned fool or a Communist tool.

    2:03 PM
    And anybody who thinks you know what you are talking about is a gullible fool.

  133. “Anyone who thinks that Biden won, when“

    Keep that same energy during his inauguration.😆

  134. “And anybody who thinks you know what you are talking about is a gullible fool.“

    Wait, you don’t trust an anonymous Fox watching poster on FN blog? 😆

  135. Donald? You're fired.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  136. From Susie Madrak's Twitter feed:

    Oliver Willis
    a strong man, a very powerful man with tears in his eyes came up to me and he said "sir, joe biden is now in the lead in georgia and pennsylvania, sir, and that means, sir, he will get over 270 sir"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  137. So Steve Bannon, who is out on bail from his felony fraud case, suggested on social media that the top infectious disease expert and the FBI director should be beheaded and their heads should be displayed on pikes as a warning to bureaucrats.
    Did I mention that he is out on bail from his felony fraud case?
    No word yet as to whether his bail will be revoked, but he is in the market for a new defense team, as the one he had retained just quit.
    Even the dimmest outlaw knows better than to threaten the FBI director while out on bail.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  138. Bannon the Impaler's lawyers threw him under the bus today after his beheading remarks.

    2021 looks much brighter and smells better, already. drumpfuck will be out of the kremlin annex and Rusty Limpaw will be pushing pebbles up mountains with is nose, in HELL!

    Limpaw bragged how he'[d be around to see drumpf re-elected. Not in this world, bitch.

  139. Scud Nugent's Facebook posts are all getting labeled fake news for one whole day.

    Life is good.

  140. drumpf's body count climbs as fast as his hopes to get re-appointed potus drop.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    10 million cases, drumpfuckers. Walk with pride.

  141. This one's for you, Field...,

    "Philadelphians are literally dancing in the streets as Biden’s lead grows in Pennsylvania vote count."


  142. Anonymous said...

    How Inauguration Day will go.

    7:11 PM

    LOL! Good one, Anon.

  143. Sun Tzu said that you should build your enemy a golden bridge to retreat on. Trump needs such an out.

    Trump's facing a world of hurt. He doesn't want to leave the Oval Office because he's in trouble, both legal and illegal. He must confront prosecutions and lawsuits; but also his predatory creditors. The first are lawful, the latter are lawless. The latter are more dangerous and unpredictable.

    So for his own safety, he should turn himself in. That's Trump's golden bridge. If he wishes, then he can call himself a winner for swindling his shady creditors, from the safety of tax-paid protective custody. May SDNY protect Trump from Putin!

  144. Anonymous2:24 AM

    "So for his own safety, he should turn himself in. That's Trump's golden bridge. If he wishes, then he can call himself a winner for swindling his shady creditors, from the safety of tax-paid protective custody. May SDNY protect Trump from Putin!"

    Yeah, I don't think that's available to Trump.

    If this were some third-world dictator that people were desperate to coax out of power, he could be offered asylum in some other country with no extradition treaty, where he could live comfortably on the money he'd looted from his own nation's treasury.

    But the US is still nominally a democracy, and Trump has lost the election, so we don't have to offer him jack squat.

    And, in any case, nothing can legally restrain Trump's creditors from foreclosing on him. With no presidential powers to abuse to boost the revenues of his flagging businesses, he will have no way to pay back his massive debts, so it's a matter of time before the banks seize most of his assets.

  145. Mark Meadows has tested positive. And he's not a congressman any more.
    So sad for him. Shoulda thought ahead. Shoulda worn a mask.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  146. "And, in any case, nothing can legally restrain Trump's creditors from foreclosing on him. With no presidential powers to abuse to boost the revenues of his flagging businesses, he will have no way to pay back his massive debts, so it's a matter of time before the banks seize most of his assets."

    And Twitter has already noted that his "special status" ends January 21, meaning he either behaves himself there or faces the same restrictions anyone else would.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. @Doug...... Since it's also speculated the president may have loan payments coming due to unsavory foreign creditors, wouldn't the security detail extended to former presidents thwart any attacks from these mobsters?

  147. @field negro11:27 AM
    It's over. Philadelphia says you're welcome, America.

    Touche, Mr. Field, but true😂
    Moana song-Youre Welcome. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hqDztM2-2U4

  148. In reply to Lilacpr's post@5:45 AM
    When I was younger we used to know who was president on that same evening. Now it takes day, months. Ridiculous! I think it's just for media ratings they stretch it out.

    Interesting how responsible media outlets, political analysts, and journalists are caught up in 21st century version of Catch 22.

    Let's say the major news networks called the election prior to a conclusive reporting from all county precincts. Does anyone remember the historical archives featuring Pres. Harry Truman holding up the front page news story exclaiming his opponent as the next president when he won reelection?

    Instead of a Pres. Truman scenario, it was mostly agreed amongst the prominent news sources they would track what ended up becoming a painstacking voter count effort due to tens of millions of anxious Americans opting for mail-in ballots to avoid COVID-19 exposure.

    Ironically, a state such as Nevada, accustomed to mail-in ballots, seemed not to have been prepared for the greater than usual outpouring of these ballots in certain counties.

    Ballot counting delays also the result of intermittent disruptions that occurred when Pennsylvania and other uncalled states incurred legal challenges from GOP officials; or machine malfunctions when heavily creased ballots jammed the system.

    Finally, media ratings are so not factor because it is the respective Secretaries of State who are mandated with ensuring the transparency and accuracy of the voter data being reported. Each have appeared in multiple press briefings outlining the process. They've been forthcoming about the issues, especially how unlike much of the mail-in ballots, a percentage of provisional ballots favoring Pres. Trump could change results. Plus we must remember the counting of ballots from the men and women serving in our armed forces.

    Hat's off to the thousands of volunteers and workers assuming such a massive undertaking for American democracy. Won't lie... Was beyond crestfallen election night. But now feeling so much better with the steps being taken to ensure every vote matters.

  149. Spotus Alito has interjected his skanky ass in Pa recount, assuring drumpf will get his nuts massaged.

  150. Faith_and_Fairness said...

    In reply to Lilacpr's post@5:45 AM
    When I was younger we used to know who was president on that same evening. Now it takes day, months. Ridiculous! I think it's just for media ratings they stretch it out.

    Interesting how responsible media outlets, political analysts, and journalists are caught up in 21st century version of Catch 22.

    Let's say the major news networks called the election prior to a conclusive reporting from all county precincts. Does anyone remember the historical archives featuring Pres. Harry Truman holding up the front page news story exclaiming his opponent as the next president when he won reelection?

    4:50 AM

    LOL! No I can't remember the Truman thing because I wasn't born yet xD. But thanks for all the info! I actually wrote half in jest. I don't give a rats ass who the president is or isn't because it doesn't really matter here! For the island it's always the same to a larger or lesser degree. We always get screwed good either way ;)

  151. In the spirit of charity on this historic day, let's all pitch in and buy the "Q" folks an "I"...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

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