Saturday, December 26, 2020

Stay safe.

I'm out of pocket field hands. Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

Stay safe, and if you happen to live in or around Nashville, Tennessee, be extra vigilant. These are scary times.


  1. Recorded voice on Nashville rec vehicle sounded exactly like a wasicu scumacyst.

  2. 25 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  3. Who could've known Nashville bomber was a wasicu wastey, besides me?

  4. Those white people are so violent and at the holy days too! They hold nothing sacred except power. But this can happen anywhere in any state not just Nashville. In fact I think I read there had been another explosion in a nearby state. It's obviously being kept under wraps.

    But it's safe here in the Caribbean, we don't do that kind of violent crap! No, we just like to eat pernil and pasteles and arroz con gandules, and potato salad and macaroni salad and plenty of course the ever present and most delicious coquito,mmmmmmm.

    Just sit and eat and listen to the sound of the waves lapping at the shore, smell the ocean breeze mmmmmmmm. Paradise I tell you, paradise. Of course always in the back of your mind there's the little meandering thought of a tiny or big earthquake and a tsunami too!!! So you're always ready to run, but, those are little pajitas que le caen a la leche (little dust specks that fall into the milk) at least you don't have to worry about a frikking BOMB EXPLODING!!! Yeezuz! White people are soooo violent, Lawd, calm down, chill brother, enjoy life a little in the Caribbean! xD So come on down, the waters fine...Splash, splash,splash....

  5. I've been Googling the name of the man they say may be the bomber and not ONE photo of him to be found!

    They really protect these people, had he been black or brown, welll, we'd know his face, his families faces, his home address, his work and school history, his etc., etc., etc.

    But oh well ce la vie...y'all know how it is...

  6. You people are insane9:24 PM

    But it's safe here in the Caribbean, we don't do that kind of violent crap!

    Murder rate for Tennessee: 8.8/100k

    Murder rate for Puerto Rico is more than twice as high, at 18.5/100k.

    Furthermore, most of the murders in Tennessee are done by blacks.

    Those white people are so violent and at the holy days too!

    Maine, the whitest state in the union, had a murder rate of just 1.79/100k, less than 1/10 the rate for Puerto Rico.

    1. Milagros Garcia9:39 PM

      The only country in the Caribbean which is not having a violence caniption fit is CUBA

  7. You people are insane said...

    9:24 PM

    You must be a white supremacist? Most statistics are made up to suit and justify a particular point of view ;)

  8. You people are insane8:11 AM

    Most statistics are made up to suit and justify a particular point of view ;)

    The smiley notwithstanding, you probably believe that.

    You live in a counter-factual world and need to be out of the USA.  That's easily done by booting all PRs back to PR and PR being made independent.

  9. You people are insane 8:11 AM

    That's easily done by booting all PRs back to PR and PR being made independent.

    True, but not as easily as you put it.

    And while you're talking about about facts, the facts are that the US refuses to give its holdings, possessions, independence. Remember that these islands, PR, Guam etc.,are floating military bases. So just because you want it, its not going to happen. Unfortunately, you/we are just insignificant cogs in the wheel of the greatest power on earth, the US OF A.

  10. 3 years ago today my youngest brother died of cancer. I lost 2 more sibs over the summer. I nearly lost my country because of stoopid fucking deplorable, disgusting treacherous, traitorous wasicu wastey wingnuts allowed an insane POS bogus potus to tear the nation apart with conspiracy theories and they refused to hold him accountable one time.

    America would be far more advanced if all wingnuts fell off the flat earth and resided in hell for eternity. They are so fucking deranged they can't see straight. They say anything just ignore it and maybe they will just disappear like drumpf virus.

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    It is looking like Trump is going to “pocket veto” the stimulus bill — i.e., fart around golfing and tweeting in Florida, and neither sign nor veto the bill, which ordinarily would result in Congress just overriding his veto, but this close to the end of a congressional session means the bill will simply expire and Congress will have to start all over again with it in 2021. As a result, millions of people’s unemployment benefits will also expire.

    He claims to be doing this because, in his vast beneficence, he wants $2,000 checks for most Americans. In reality, he is taking revenge on Mitch McConnell for not helping him to overthrow the election and steal a second term as president.

    What a dick.

    This spiteful act, along with the pardons he is granting to undeserving, despicable people, are his final “fuck you” to the American public.

  12. Anonymous10:09 AM

    “which ordinarily would result in Congress just overriding his veto”

    Meant to say that the bill would automatically become law. I haven’t had my coffee and my brain isn’t working yet.

  13. Two dozen days until Biden’s inauguration.

  14. Yes! Two dozen days! And the count down continues. Are you planning to celebrate on the 20th? I am.

  15. The whitest states have the highest amount of gun violence.


  17. Fergus is a traitor, through and through. Traitor to the constitution and human decency and blah blah blah, he's a traitor to his own party. Gratuitously so. He could have blown up the disaster relief bill in a plethora of ways, not the least of which is by just doing nothing until it turned into a pocket veto, which would happen after this congress was over and the whole thing would reset back to square zero.
    But no, he had to make it about the amount of the direct payments, which his party was already eating shit with a shovel over the $600 figure.
    When faced with a menu of options that doesn't include everyone involved kneeling and praising his awesomeness, he chooses the traitor option every goddamn time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. Anonymous3:43 PM

    The eviction moratorium also ends in four days if Trump sits on the COVID relief act and lets it expire. So Trump is literally golfing while people become homeless, all so he can punish Mitch for refusing to help him overturn an election he lost.

    Could Trump really be that petty and sociopathic? Why, yes. Yes, he could.

  19. Bowling alley shooter be a wasicu wastey from Floriduh.

  20. drumpf Nugent redefines BLM's reasons for movement by plaining it was about hands up and getting shot, but no one had hands up and got shot. Nugent knows all.

  21. CNN and MSNBC are reporting that Trump has signed the Stimulus bill.

  22. Anonymous9:03 PM

    “CNN and MSNBC are reporting that Trump has signed the Stimulus bill.”

    What a relief. More people going broke and becoming homeless solely due to a Trump tantrum would really have been the poisoned cherry on top of an already awful year.

  23. Anonymous1:20 AM

    A Crazy White Male Terrorist was responsible for the Nashville bombing?

    I am totally shocked--shocked, I tell you!

    In other news, someplace, somewhere in America, an unhinged White male shot up yet another public venue....

  24. I can't wait to watch all the QAnonner's heads explode when Fergus pardons Ghislaine Maxwell.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. Trump's brain is squirming like a toad. If he was not rational these last four years, he is certifiably insane right now. So I wouldn't take the $2,000 number very seriously. He could have asked Mitch McTurtle and the wicked republican senators for $2,000 a long time ago.

    Am I going to celebrate, Gambler? Hell yes. I was thinking of opening up the church doors and giving a patriotic concert to passers-by.

    I know enough about right-wing crazies right now to be very afraid of violence. Check out Oath Keepers if anyone wants a good handle on what these lunatics are going through right now with their absurd claims about massive voter fraud.

  26. Anonymous2:25 AM

    "Trump's brain is squirming like a toad. If he was not rational these last four years, he is certifiably insane right now. So I wouldn't take the $2,000 number very seriously. He could have asked Mitch McTurtle and the wicked republican senators for $2,000 a long time ago."

    Yes, he could have, if he had cared about this. He didn't care. He only introduced this demand at the very last minute, after Congress had already hammered out a deal, in order to screw over Mitch McConnell.

    Even when Trump seems to be doing something nice, there's always some sort of bad motive behind it.

  27. Flying Junior said...

    I know enough about right-wing crazies right now to be very afraid of violence. Check out Oath Keepers if anyone wants a good handle on what these lunatics are going through right now with their absurd claims about massive voter fraud.

    2:17 AM
    Yes, there are quite a few violent, crazy right-wing,zealots out there and it worries me that they may start some bad stuff on the 6th when congress finalizes Biden's victory. I have read that they are planning a march on Washington that day. It's impossible to predict what they are gong to do, so keep your head down and your powder dry. Be safe.

  28. You people are insane5:38 AM

    BusDriverX lied:

    The whitest states have the highest amount of gun violence.

    1.  Separate homicide from suicide, whydoncha?
    2.  Break down by county and degree of whiteness.

    We know neither you nor the CDC will do this, because you are people of the lie.  Still, note that the "black belt" states of Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have lots of gun violence despite being among the least White states in the union.  Ditto Georgia and SC, and the stats of AK, NM and WY are because of lots of Native Americans and "hispanics".

  29. You people are insane 5:38 AM

    because you are people of the lie

    And you are the children of the corn lolololol, really corny...

  30. All the time...xD xD xD

  31. Hey corny children of the corn, did you read that bomber had a couple of really nice brick homes, an alarm company and all! That crazy corn ball had it all! SOB! AND LOOK WHAT HE GOES AND DOES!!! And why? Oh cause the phone company didn't have good service! I swear some whypipo!

  32. Anonymous8:27 AM

    “Oh cause the phone company didn't have good service! I swear some whypipo!”

    There is some speculation that he bought into the 5G conspiracy theory, which says newly installed cellular tower equipment is an instrument of the Deep State that is melting everyone’s brains. Or something. These wacky beliefs are tied in with all the QAnon crap.

    All of this is still unconfirmed at this point, however. It’s possible he had some other agenda, or was simply crazy.

  33. Anonymous9:09 AM

    30 negroes shot, 8 negroes killed in Chicago over holiday weekend:

  34. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Stay safe by NOT getting the vaccine........

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    There is some speculation that he bought into the 5G conspiracy theory, which says newly installed cellular tower equipment is an instrument of the Deep State that is melting everyone’s brains. Or something. These wacky beliefs are tied in with all the QAnon crap.

    All of this is still unconfirmed at this point, however. It’s possible he had some other agenda, or was simply crazy.

    8:27 AM

    Prolly a little of both! Well over here they are wanting to install more cell towers in a nearby town but the people are protesting and do not let the trucks through every time they attempt it.

    They say that the emissions from the towers are causing infertility in the men as well as certain types of cancer.

  36. Stoopid wasicu hit and run driver gets nabbed by own stoopidity.

  37. Anonymous11:06 AM

    POC think twice about getting the vaccine:

  38. 23 days until Biden’s inauguration. Hail Eris!

  39. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Encourage one another and build one another up. Pray without ceasing. Test everything. Keep what is good. Avoid all evil. -1 Thess 5:11,17,21,22

  40. Dear “you people are insane”:
    So tell me: which is less insane, homicide or suicide?

    Note that 60+% of all gun deaths in the USA are suicides; which I think shows what America’s gun culture is really about.

  41. Anonymous11:41 AM

    “They say that the emissions from the towers are causing infertility in the men as well as certain types of cancer.”

    Sigh. Disinformation and lies are everywhere now. Including Puerto Rico, apparently.

    The Internet has a lot to answer for.

  42. I will give the Nashville bomber this much credit: he didn’t kill anyone else. How relatively polite!

    He got his name in the papers; but he didn’t get to read those papers, so what’s the point?

  43. Symbolism sucks if it is not done right. Bomber does not get a second chance to make a first impression.

    On the other hand, as Paradoctor said, he only killed himself. If only we could pass a law saying mass murderers/murder/suicides must die first with a three day waiting period before they are allowed to kill intended victims.

  44. Emissions from my tower caused pregnnancies at least twice in my halcyon days.

  45. Anonymous said...

    Stay safe by NOT getting the vaccine........

    9:13 AM

    Sorry Anon., but I'm getting my vaccine as soon as I'm eligible, and since I'm 84, it will be soon. On the other hand, you don't need to get one if you don't want to.

  46. “Separate homicide from suicide, whydoncha?“

    Sure, then we have to ask ourselves why so many mentally unstable white males have guns and can’t handle life. 🤔

  47. Anonymous2:18 PM


  48. Anonymous said...


    2:18 PM
    Hey, anon, - Go fuck yourself.

  49. mike from iowa12:19 PM

    Emissions from my tower caused pregnnancies at least twice in my halcyon days

    xD lol great!

  50. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Niggers hell yes go get your vaccines!
    Dr fucksee says so!

  51. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Biden Supporters Never say anything Pro Biden...
    Only things that are Anti Trump...
    That Says a Lot!

  52. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Woman Has Courage to Say What Millions of Americans Are Thinking “I’m Done” With this COVID Insanity

  53. Anonymous5:06 PM


  54. Anonymous5:06 PM


  55. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Who uses the word "essential": Commies and Nazis (democrats)

  56. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Dec 27
    So just to be clear:

    Trump’s cult base is running around carrying assault weapons, threatening a Civil War, begging for a military coup & his GOP Congress is engaging in Sedition bc they can’t accept the results of an election overwhelmingly lost

    … But, the left is “radical”


    "Biden Supporters Never say anything Pro Biden...
    Only things that are Anti Trump...
    That Says a Lot!"

    OK, Joe Biden is an accomplished and competent leader and a fundamentally decent and empathetic human being.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  57. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    AP is really rolling out phrases like “the man behind the mysterious explosion in which he was killed” to avoid the term suicide bomber.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  58. Now Ferg, listen close while I explain this to you: You can sign the bill or you can send the bill back for revisions, but not both.
    Once you sign the bill, it becomes law, just the way it is written.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "AP is really rolling out phrases like 'the man behind the mysterious explosion in which he was killed' to avoid the term suicide bomber."

    It's always possible he wasn't actually a suicide bomber. Unless you find evidence he was wearing an explosive vest, or you find a "martyrdom video," it isn't always clear it was a suicide.

    When you're dealing with an amateur and not some military or munitions expert, there is always the real possibility that he was just a "dumbass bomber": a guy who accidentally blew himself up with his homemade bomb.

  60. Anonymous said...

    Woman Has Courage to Say What Millions of Americans Are Thinking “I’m Done” With this COVID Insanity

    5:05 PM
    And in a few days or weeks when she's gasping for breath, she will know that the virus wasn't and isn't done with her.

  61. Anonymous said...

    Biden Supporters Never say anything Pro Biden...
    Only things that are Anti Trump...
    That Says a Lot!

    4:53 PM
    I guess you don't read much. If you follow the comments on liberal websites you will find that many people have many good things to say about Joe. I will give you a couple. Joe's a moderate Democrat who cares if other people live or die. Joe is a man of honor who negotiates in good faith. Joe is a competent, knowledgeable person. He knows enough to realize that he doesn't know everything (unlike you dear leader). Joe knows how to find competent people to run government agencies and will appoint them appropriately.
    There you go!

  62. "When you're dealing with an amateur and not some military or munitions expert, there is always the real possibility that he was just a "dumbass bomber": a guy who accidentally blew himself up with his homemade bomb."

    Righty-o. He played a warning over his PA because he wasn't sure when the bomb was gonna go off.

    Quite a dress rehearsal, really, for an amateur.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. "VACCINE = RAPE"

    Yeah, I saw you out back vaccinating that sheep yesterday.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. “Biden Supporters Never say anything Pro Biden...
    Only things that are Anti Trump...
    That Says a Lot!“

    I like his cabinet picks especially the EPA chief who will make environmental justice a priority. Joe also promoted union membership and his wife is a union teacher so they will promote public schools so those are my three criteria for support right there. 1. environment 2. labor and 3. education. So Joe earned my vote.

  65. PilotX said....

    I like his cabinet picks especially the EPA chief who will make environmental justice a priority. Joe also promoted union membership and his wife is a union teacher so they will promote public schools so those are my three criteria for support right there. 1. environment 2. labor and 3. education. So Joe earned my vote.

    8:55 PM
    Good reasons Pilot. If I may add one more, Joe knows how to compromise. Some people will call that selling out, but at times half a loaf is better than no loaf at all.

  66. “Joe knows how to compromise“

    We can only hope the opposition party knows too. But hopefully the Dems will win in GA and we won’t have to worry about that.

  67. So the dumbest Republican in congress is suing Pence to stop Biden’s certification? You can’t make this stuff up. Several Republicans HAVE to switch parties or become independent if they want to be taken seriously.


  69. Anonymous9:47 PM

    "We can only hope the opposition party knows too. But hopefully the Dems will win in GA and we won’t have to worry about that."

    The opposition definitely don't know how to compromise, no matter how hard Biden tries. Obama learned this the hard way. Unless both Dems win in Georgia (a long shot, but I'm crossing my fingers), the next two years are going to involve Mitch McConnell sabotaging Biden at every turn.

    That's still far better than having a madman as president, but it's not great.

  70. Anonymous10:14 PM

    You don't compromise with evil.

    You don't compromise with fraud.

    You kill them.

  71. Anonymous10:43 PM

    The Presidential Legacy For Trump Will Be Found In The Children's Section Of The Local Public Library.

    It Will Be Found In The Nursery Rhymes Section.

    The Words Will Go Like This:

    "Humpty Trumpty Sat On A Wall,
    Humpty Trumpty Had A Great Fall.

    All The King's Horses
    And All The King's Men,
    Couldn't Put Humpty Trumpty
    Back Together Again!"

  72. "You don't compromise with evil.

    You don't compromise with fraud.

    You kill them."

    You mean like the Fergus voters in Pennsylvania who are the only recorded instances of fraud in the 2020 election?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. An uncharacteristically optimistic take on 2021 from the Rude Pundit:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. You people are insane5:26 AM

    About 200,000 more ballots counted than voters counted in Pennsylvania.

    The 2020 election was Trump's, but was stolen.

  75. Bawlbaby poopy John loser you people are insane spouts wingnut totally debunked bullshit about election fraud and does not offer a single piece of evidence to back his debunked lies.

    He needs to stfu and go away until he has some substance to his debunked garbage. Until then he is just another sore loser troll.


  76. drumpf/noem body count start today....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    1899 bodies gave their lives for body count, yesterday.

  77. drumpf cheated some more...

  78. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Death certificate analysis shows Washington’s COVID-19 death count remains inflated
    December 16, 2020

  79. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...

    drumpf/noem body count start today....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    1899 bodies gave their lives for body count, yesterday.

    10:08 AM

    Reduce those numbers by a t least 99%. It wasn't Trump that cased any Covid deaths or sickness it was all the democrat mayors and governors with their retarded lockdowns and forcing infected people into nursing homes......death panels.

  80. Anonymous10:39 AM

    And in a few days or weeks when she's gasping for breath, she will know that the virus wasn't and isn't done with her.

    7:53 PM


  81. “The 2020 election was Trump's, but was stolen.“

    😆😂😆😂😆😂😆 and Biden will STILL be sworn in. Either accept Biden won fair and square or live the rest of your life in denial. Your choice. Choose wisely. 😆😂😆😂😆😂

  82. Paranoids, sore losers, and ideologues don’t need evidence. They don’t even need truth.

  83. 22 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  84. Yes, ain't it grand! Three weeks and a day!

  85. I see some of our pet trolls are back today. I wonder where they have been. Drunken binges? Extended highs? shoveling snow?

  86. Anonymous1:06 PM

    "I see some of our pet trolls are back today. I wonder where they have been. Drunken binges? Extended highs? shoveling snow?"

    Klan holiday hootenanny. Baking gingerbread cookies and burning crosses.

  87. Anonymous said...

    Death certificate analysis shows Washington’s COVID-19 death count remains inflated
    December 16, 2020

    10:35 AM
    The freedom foundation is well-known for advancing aggressive techniques to dismantle unions. It is funded in part by the Bradley Foundation and the Charles Koch Foundation.

    And we all know that the Kochs are always on the side of working people! NOT LOL!

  88. “I see some of our pet trolls are back today. I wonder where they have been. Drunken binges? Extended highs? shoveling snow?“

    They’re taking a break before going to Washington when trump becomes president.😆😂😆😂 Only a few more days before their delusional asses get reminded how dumb and detached from reality they really are.

  89. “Paranoids, sore losers, and ideologues don’t need evidence. They don’t even need truth.”

    Yeah, if you live in a reality based world you’re a “sheep”.😆😂

  90. r/avatarpress: Avatar Press is an independent Comic Book publisher. They are best known for series such as Crossed, Dicks, God is Dead, Uber, and

    Bet they give real good comedy facts.


    Freedumb foundation lists of things to do today sound like an extreme right wing nut job's best fever dreams.

  92. It looks like Greg Palast's lawsuits in Georgia have kept nearly 200,000 voters names from being purged from the rolls.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  93. Columbus cop who shot unarmed black man in his garage and let him die without any first aid has been fired. Victim lay there on the cement floor for over 5 minutes while cop wandered all around and then his partner checked on the man. You can hear the pig coughing and hauling gravel for several minutes knowing he had really screwed the pooch.

  94. One more Karen story to brighten yer winter snowy day.

    Hotel manager sides with whacky non-guest wasicu Karen who lost her phone and accused 14 year old Black kid of stealing it. She actually assaulted the child and his dad and left. Uber driver later dropped off her phone from his car where she left it.

    NYPD needs an APB with shoot to kill Karen order on it.

  95. Tamir Rice just got murdered again, some more and too still yet.

  96. So the numbers left on the rolls in Georgia were smaller than 200K for this lawsuit, my bad. That's what the headline said, but the real numbers were in a different article that I got to later.

    From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    The Boston Globe
    · 5h
    Abortion rights will formally become part of state law and abortion access will be expanded after the state Senate on Tuesday joined the House in overriding Governor Charlie Baker’s veto of the ROE Act.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  97. Perhaps if Fergus wasn't a goddamn moron he would know what a Nobel peace prize looks like in order to avoid photoshopping the wrong one into his propaganda video, but he is so he didn't.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  98. Anonymous12:13 AM

    "Perhaps if Fergus wasn't a goddamn moron he would know what a Nobel peace prize looks like in order to avoid photoshopping the wrong one into his propaganda video, but he is so he didn't."

    Trump will carry on harming the country and embarrassing himself until the bitter end. It's what he does.

  99. Found a couple of different places on Twitter today:

    Rep. Jim Jordan
    60 million Americans are subject to a stay at home order or curfew.

    11 million are right here in Ohio.

    What would the Founders say?

    Kevin M. Kruse
    There was a massive smallpox epidemic during the American Revolution.

    George Washington quarantined the infected, refused to let people from hot spots travel to his army, and even sent a thousand soldiers to Boston to prevent the spread there.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  100. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Cool twitter feed Doug.

  101. Hotel manager sides with whacky non-guest wasicu Karen who lost her phone and accused 14 year old Black kid of stealing it. She actually assaulted the child and his dad and left. Uber driver later dropped off her phone from his car where she left it.

    Imagine taking this more seriously than the surge in people MURDERED by carjackers in Chiraq.

  102. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Read more:
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
    Follow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook

    President Trump has called the People to peaceably assemble in Washington, D.C. on 6 January 2020. The People will petition the Government to redress grievances, particularly the fraudulent election of 2020.

    Half the country believes the election was stolen from President Trump. Half of the rest are uninformed or misinformed. The evidence is accumulating, day after day. It is creeping through the censorship of big media and the tech oligarchs. More and more people are becoming informed. More and more people are becoming angry.

  103. Stop the Steal9:10 AM

    PA rep Russ Diamond: "PA Lawmakers: Numbers Don’t Add Up, Certification of Presidential Results Premature and In Error"

    Dec. 28, 2020
    HARRISBURG – A group of state lawmakers performing extensive analysis of election data today revealed troubling discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and total number of voters who voted in the 2020 General Election, and as a result are questioning how the results of the presidential election could possibly have been certified by Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar and Governor Tom Wolf. These findings are in addition to prior concerns regarding actions by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the Secretary, and others impacting the conduct of the election.

    A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on November 3, 2020 as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted. Among the 6,962,607 total ballots cast, 6,931,060 total votes were counted in the presidential race, including all three candidates on the ballot and write-in candidates.

    The difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting, together with the 31,547 over- and under-votes in the presidential race, adds up to an alarming discrepancy of 170,830 votes, which is more than twice the reported statewide difference between the two major candidates for President of the United States. On November 24, 2020, Boockvar certified election results, and Wolf issued a certificate of ascertainment of presidential electors, stating that Vice President Joe Biden received 80,555 more votes than President Donald Trump.

    Article continues.


    This wasicu wastey didn't die. Covid is a hoax so he must be pretending to be a dead stoopid fucking wingnut.

  105. Maine, both Carolinas and Kenfucky had vulnerable wingnut Sinators up for re-election and thanks to ES & S voting machines, all won with comfortable margins. Here is your voter fraud stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  106. Which party of lying. cheating stoopid fucking wingnuts is heavily involved in ES & S voting machines?

    Owned by a private equity firm, ES&S has been elusive about identifying the people in its ownership.A number of ES&S executives and lobbyists have ties to top GOP election officials and politicians.The ES&S executive in charge of the security previously worked in the Trump administration as a government executive at Health and Human Services before leaving under a cloud.

  107. “Imagine taking this more seriously than the surge in people MURDERED by carjackers in Chiraq.“

    Imagine scolding people about what to care about while completely ignoring opioid overdoses and suicides in Kentucky, Ohio, W. Virginia and Misery.

  108. Convicted felon Flynn now hawking Q-anon merchandise. Crooks gotta do something for a living.

  109. Wanna bet there are more opioid overdoses and suicides in Ohio than carjacking murders in Chicago?

  110. “Convicted felon Flynn now hawking Q-anon merchandise. Crooks gotta do something for a living.“

    You mean the guy advocating for a coup?

  111. Imagine scolding people about what to care about while completely ignoring opioid overdoses and suicides in Kentucky, Ohio, W. Virginia and Misery.

    Easy.  Tax imports, bring jobs back to rural America.  Main Street needs to be prioritized over Wall Street.



  113. “Easy. Tax imports, bring jobs back to rural America. Main Street needs to be prioritized over Wall Street.“

    Agreed. Maybe Biden will do a better job than trump creating jobs. Historically the economy works better under Dems.

  114. WTF is wrong with trump? Now an innocent man is facing death threats because dumb ass tweets about a man’s brother running a voting machine company but the guy doesn’t even have a brother! He has access to the most accurate classified material, had the FBI and CIA at his beck and call but still gets basic information wrong and endangers the life of a citizen. How is ANYBODY ok with this?????????


  116. Dinthebeast said....

    There was a massive smallpox epidemic during the American Revolution.

    George Washington quarantined the infected, refused to let people from hot spots travel to his army, and even sent a thousand soldiers to Boston to prevent the spread there.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    2:18 AM
    Thank you for posting this history lesson, Doug. Since magas do not know much of any history, someone's got to educate them.

  117. Three weeks until Biden’s inauguration.


  119. Anonymous12:01 PM

    “Easy. Tax imports, bring jobs back to rural America. Main Street needs to be prioritized over Wall Street.”

    Trump tried that.

    China slapped on their own tariffs and American farmers started going broke.

    Jobs did not return to rural America.


    Maybe the economics of international trade is not as simple as you seem to think?

  120. Most of the country does not believe that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. Most of the rest are uninformed or misinformed. No evidence has appeared, for weeks and weeks. The news of Trump’s defeat has been creeping through the self-censorship of the right-wing news bubble. Fewer and fewer people care about the orange loser.

  121. You mean the guy advocating for a coup?

    That would be the one.

    TPM reports 37oo US bodies under drumpf/noem body count for Tuesday. New record for one day deaths. Thanks drumpf/noem.

  122. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Dr. Fauci Admits He Has Treated The American People Like Children
    The American people need public officials to tell us the truth, not what they think we need to hear. That's the exact opposite of what we're getting.

  123. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Why is a "vaccine" needed for a virus that is 99% survivable????

  124. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Why is an alleged "black" blog so heavily invested in Covid-19 nonsense and tricking people into taking a vaccine???

    Black folks have been guinea pigs for far too long........

  125. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Stay safe by not taking a false vaccine........

  126. drumpf says being named most admired man is proof the election was stolen. That being the case, Obama had the election stolen 12 times in a row.

  127. United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Surpassed the 20 million case hoax mark.

  128. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:10 PM

    To Anonymous at 1:01 PM and 1:03 PM

    The virus is not 99% survivable. Why do you keep posting incorrect data?

    Why do you care what is posted on a Black Blog? Why do you try to discourage Blacks from getting life-saving vaccine?

  129. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Dr. Fauci admits that 88% of Covid infection is asymptomatic to very mild symptoms. We know that Fauci is part of the globalist nonsense and is lying about the severity of Covid. very few get really sick and fewer die.

  130. Anonymous3:36 PM

    If Covid -19 is so deadly why do you need a test to see if you have it?? Should people be dropping like flies all around you??? Look around and smell the coffee, covid is overatted and for a reason........

  131. Anonymous said...

    Dr. Fauci admits that 88% of Covid infection is asymptomatic to very mild symptoms. We know that Fauci is part of the globalist nonsense and is lying about the severity of Covid. very few get really sick and fewer die.

    3:33 PM
    Sure, some people do not get very sick or even sick at all. Ask the loved ones of the 300,000 plus dead how serious the disease is to them.

  132. Anonymous said...

    If Covid -19 is so deadly why do you need a test to see if you have it?? Should people be dropping like flies all around you??? Look around and smell the coffee, covid is overatted and for a reason........

    3:36 PM
    So don't take any of the precautions recommended by scientists and doctors if you don't want to. Throw the dice; I really don't care, but stop posting false information.

  133. From Steve Benen:

    Law enforcement officials in Georgia conducted an audit of over 15,000 voter signatures, and to the surprise of no one in touch with reality, investigators found zero fraudulent ballots.

    And yeah, covidiots, covid isn't really that bad, which is, of course, why there are almost no available ICU beds left in all of southern California and the San Joaquiun valley.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  134. Maybe Biden will do a better job than trump creating jobs. Historically the economy works better under Dems.

    Trump is not a historic Republican.  He operates as a populist, and presided over historic employment and wage gains.  He tore up the trade agreement with China and imposed tariffs.

    Biden is a globalist puppet.  China already owns him.

  135. “Maybe the economics of international trade is not as simple as you seem to think?“

    You mean trump isn’t the business genius he claims to be? No way!

  136. There have been a few governors who have resigned over the years, mostly for massive corruption. Think Kitzhaber, Blagojevich, Spitzer, Ryan, McGreevey, and Rowland.
    Fergus wants Brian Kemp to resign for not being corrupt enough.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  137. Fergus is trying to blame the states for the slow rollout of the vaccine, and ignoring the goddamn Republicans opposition to financial aid to states, which can't legally run deficits, in the face of state and local tax revenue that has been buggered by the covid economic downturn.
    That shit costs money, and some of that money is in the bill he just signed, but waited a week to do so.
    If they would have passed the fucking HEROES act last May, the money would have been there, but they sat around with their thumbs up their butts until the very last instant to do an inadequate bill that hasn't even had it's authorized resources rolled out yet, and then whined that the goddamn states weren't doing their jobs for them fast enough.
    Republicans really suck.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Owned by a private equity firm, ES&S has been elusive about identifying the people in its ownership.

    A number of ES&S executives and lobbyists have ties to top GOP election officials and politicians.

    The ES&S executive in charge of the security previously worked in the Trump administration as a government executive at Health and Human Services before leaving under a cloud.

    Forty of the 50 states use ES&S to cast & count some of their votes.

    Of the 25 states Trump won, all but 3 either partially or fully relied on ES&S machines. The states where Trump won that didn't use ES&S machines were Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Alaska.

  139. Anonymous4:50 PM

    This is from Candace Owens:

    Long but worth the read...

    “ At the moment, POTUS is sitting on a stack of Trump cards that he's just waiting to unleash...a royal flush!
    He has court cases that will go to the Supreme Court and thanks to the Texas case, he's now aware how to file them properly...under article 3 not the SCOTUS will be forced to listen.....
    He now has the DNI report. Barr stepped down and can now be a witness.....he did his job. Durham is special counsel and can prosecute, in any state....
    He’s letting civil, criminal and federal courts fail to handle the situation he can use military tribunals. He has ALL the data from the NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer and likely many more computers, unknown to us....
    He has the dueling electors from 7 state legislatures. He has VP Pence, as the final arbiter of which ballots to accept.....
    He has the Insurrection Act, the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swearing affidavits by the 1000s.
    He has all the statistical data being analyzed....along with the videos, emails, phone calls and bank transfer statements.....showing the coordination of the coup d'etat.
    He has RICO and he has the crimes against humanity videos. Wikileaks just dropped extensive information and Assange will be pardoned. Assange can then openly discuss the murder of Seth Rich....
    Now that the governors and secretary of states certified and Biden accepted....they each committed and knowingly agreed to acts of Treason....
    Solar Winds was literally just raided and Dominion is closing down, as well. He has the CIA servers, used to change dominion machine votes from Trump to Biden...and he will soon have access to the actual machines, themselves....
    He baited the Deep State into staying in DC, so they can be arrested. Biden hasn’t accepted any transition money and Harris has still not given up her seat on the senate....
    The military has infiltrated Antifa and BLM. He has all their financial records. He knows which politicians took Chinese and Soros money....both Republican and Demorat....
    He positioned Christopher Miller as secretary of defense and Ezra-Cohen Watnick as assistant secretary of defense. He literally just wrote an executive order, regarding the military line of succession. Many suspect Watnick to be Q.
    He is defunding the CIA. He just replaced Kissinger & Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board.....with men loyal to him.
    The military has been flying planes, far more than usual, all over the country. The Navy just parked mega fleets on both coasts. The 82nd Airborne is preparing for an operation....which is the same group that General Flynn & AG Donoghue were enlisted.
    Pieces are finally falling into place. POTUS has it all! He is just laying out the pieces and building the narrative. He knows he won and they commited Treason! He set a trap and they walked right in, without hesitation.
    He gave the Deep State the chance to come clean and try to fix things. They chose Treason! They will all hang, as the result.
    Patriots in control! Nothing can stop what's coming!!

  140. Trump is not a historic Republican. He operates as a populist, and presided over historic employment and wage gains. He tore up the trade agreement with China and imposed tariffs.
    The historic employment and wage gains took place under Obama. Trump has trashed the economy by not dealing with the pandemic.
    All the tariffs did was raise the price of everything imported in China. It did not create a single job,

    Biden is a globalist puppet. China already owns him.
    Trump is the puppet, owned by Vlad Putin of Russia.

    4:01 PM

  141. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Sure, some people do not get very sick or even sick at all. Ask the loved ones of the 300,000 plus dead how serious the disease is to them.

    3:50 PM

    reduce your propaganda numbers by at least 99% and you have the real numbers.You cant fool everyone........

  142. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Why are the tech oligarchs censoring information about the true nature of the vaccine???? Why are they so worried?????? Because its all part of globalization and NWO.......POC wont be part of there long term objectives.......

  143. Susie Madrak had this to say about the news that the Nashville suicide bomber had been reported to the police last year by his girlfriend for making bombs in his RV:
    He was making threats to his girlfriend, he was reportedly making bombs -- and they let it go after he didn't answer the door.

    Now, just imagine his name was Breonna Taylor.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  144. "Nothing can stop what's coming!!"

    Well, at least that part is true, but not in the way you are feverishly imagining it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  145. I'm sure that Luke Letlow thinks that the whole covid story has been exaggerated and overblown.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  146. So has Mexico paid for the fence yet? They better get moving, there's not much time left.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  147. Candace Owens is a freaking joke, just like drumpfuckers from all across America. If at first you don't succeed, wait awhile and suck the seed later.

    Remember these stoopid fucking wingnuts demanded unlimited appeals are the same ones that tried to limit death row appeals to one only and within 30 days of conviction because people weren't being put to death, guilty or not, fast enough to slake wingnuts thirst for minority blood.

  148. My life is in total ruins. Mary Ann, from Gilligan's Island fame died of covid at 82. Now I will never have definitive proof which was hotter, Mary Ann or Ginger.

  149. Anonymous said....

    "reduce your propaganda numbers by at least 99% and you have the real numbers.You cant fool everyone........"

    4:55 PM
    They are not my numbers, Dear. The numbers come for John Hopkins and other reliable sources around the world. Do you really expect me to believe anything you say when you have no sources, no evidence and no screen name? Come on now; be for real. LOL!

  150. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Proof positive of election fraud in Georgia:

  151. So Ted the fuck Cruz is the latest reptile fleecing the Pig People for the Georgia runoff and just keeping all of the money.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  152. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐚 ⎊
    ARGENTINA HAS FREE, LEGAL AND SAFE ABORTION. after so many years of constant fight, today my country recognized women’s right to choose over our own bodies and to be able to interrupt pregnancy in safe conditions. this is such a huge step for women in argentina. ES LEY

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  153. tps://

    Proof positive your link is worthless.

  154. Mike said...

    "Candace Owens is a freaking joke, just like drumpfuckers from all across America."


    Mike, I think she and most Trumpkins must be suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

  155. Anonymous9:04 PM

    “Mike, I think she and most Trumpkins must be suffering from Stockholm syndrome.”

    Nah, the condition Candace Owens suffers from is called “greed.” She gets paid to tell white wingnuts what they want to hear. None of the opinions she expresses are her own.

  156. Anonymous at 9:04

    Thanks for the info.

  157. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Back in 2015/2016, Owens ran a left-leaning, Trump-bashing website.

    But she discovered there was more money in being a "Trumpkin of color," so that's what she is now.

    Like so many figures on the American political right, she's a con artist.

  158. Anonymous10:25 PM

    "There have been a few governors who have resigned over the years, mostly for massive corruption. Think Kitzhaber, Blagojevich, Spitzer, Ryan, McGreevey, and Rowland.
    Fergus wants Brian Kemp to resign for not being corrupt enough."

    Trump is enraged because Kemp already cheated to become governor, but he wouldn't cheat again to help Trump stay president.

    In other words, Trump knows it's not ethical principles preventing Kemp from assaulting democracy on Trump's behalf, because clearly, Kemp has no ethical principles, so it must be disloyalty.

  159. Blue Girl's take on Flynn out there hawking QAnon swag:

    Blue Girl, Democrat & Antifascist
    He didn't resign his commission so as soon as @JoeBiden
    is running the five-sided building, recall his ass and bust him down to Private. Fuck this clown. I'm tired of my taxes paying him ten large every month.

    He'll be a divorced motherfucker if he's poor.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  160. "This is from Candace Owens"

    You mean the not so bright college dropout who stated the NRA was created to protect Blah people against the klan? That dummy? Here's a tip, don't get any information from that nut. It'll make you look dumb but on that note, please choose a screen name and let's discuss this "surprise" coming from trump. Wow, you guys are gullible.

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  162. "Assange can then openly discuss the murder of Seth Rich...."


    "The military has infiltrated Antifa and BLM."

    LOL! The "military" has infiltrated BLM, LOL!

    "The Navy just parked mega fleets on both coasts. The 82nd Airborne is preparing for an operation...."

    LOLOLOLOL! So let me ge this straight, trump has a super secret plot to stay in power and Candace Owens of all people know about it and even spill the beans. If ANYBODY believes this they are beyond insane. Hopefully our buddy "You People are Insane" will have something to say about this. LOL!

  163. drumpf claims he has papers to prove China, not Russia, hacked the election and he will release them soon. Oh boy.

  164. Here is a wingnut lawyer begging to be disbarred and intervened into the nut hut.

  165. 12 year old genius studying aerospace engineering and is not drumpfuck pastey white.

  166. Mike 5:39 pm:
    Definitely Mary Anne.

  167. 20 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  168. Anonymous2:17 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  169. Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    2:17 PM
    Trump in prison 2021, Anon.

  170. Trump 20 to life, no pardon, no parole.

  171. "Why is a "vaccine" needed for a virus that is 99% survivable????"

    For one thing, to save the seventy million people who make up one percent of humanity. For another, death isn't the only negative outcome of covid, long term illness and heart damage are only two problems we have discovered so far, and since it's a brand new disease, there will likely be more. That's what the "novel" part in novel corona virus means. It's new.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

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