Thursday, December 31, 2020

F**K you 2020!

I think I can speak on behalf of the families 
of three hundred and forty four thousand dead Americans and say that 2020 can f**k all the way off. 

Hopefully 2021 will be better, but given the state of the country and the world, I am not betting on it.

Stay safe field hands. 


  1. drumpf/noem bnody count as of early today...

    Last updated: December 31, 2020, 14:51 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    3808 deaths Dec 30.

  2. No more trump! The world will be a much better place guaranteed.

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    What was it I said about Trump pardoning bad cops? Yep, he's doing it.

    Trump Pardons Racist Former Maryland Cop Who Unleashed Her Canine on Homeless People for Fun

    Walter Scott's killer has undoubtedly put in for a pardon and a medal for valiantly ridding the streets of a dangerous unarmed black man.

  4. McCTurtlefuckface says $2k checks to Americans in need is socialism for the rich while billions in taxcuts for the wealthy isn't socialism.

  5. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Normally the FDA wants 10 years of data to approve something like this, or 3 years with expedited approval. But this vaccine was only researched for 8 months and they trust all of us to "just take it", no questions asked. Not to mention, Pfizer and Moderna got blanket protection from the federal govt that they CANNOT be sued by someone or a family forliability if the vaccine kills someone or makes the sick.
    Paraphrasing some guy we heard about once, we have far more questions than answers here.
    We've had a Flu Vaccine for how many years now? Extensive trial and error....and it has to be changed every single year because the flu virus mutates. How effective is the flu vaccine?
    2004 - 10% effective - lowest recorded
    2010 - 60% effective - highest recorded
    The last three years, it's been 38%, 29% and 45% (estimated). That doesn't instill confidence in an entirely new type of vaccine that was developed over 6-to-8 months.
    Get informed.

  6. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Last updated: December 31, 2020, 14:51 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    3808 deaths Dec 30.

    10:02 AM

    99% bullshit

  7. DOJ advisor John Lott finds irrefutable evidence of voting fraud in swing states:

  8. Anonymous said...

    Normally the FDA wants 10 years of data to approve something like this, or 3 years with expedited approval. But this vaccine was only researched for 8 months and they trust all of us to "just take it", no questions asked. Not to mention, Pfizer and Moderna got blanket protection from the federal govt that they CANNOT be sued by someone or a family for liability if the vaccine kills someone or makes the sick.
    Paraphrasing some guy we heard about once, we have far more questions than answers here.
    We've had a Flu Vaccine for how many years now? Extensive trial and error....and it has to be changed every single year because the flu virus mutates. How effective is the flu vaccine?
    2004 - 10% effective - lowest recorded
    2010 - 60% effective - highest recorded
    The last three years, it's been 38%, 29% and 45% (estimated). That doesn't instill confidence in an entirely new type of vaccine that was developed over 6-to-8 months.
    Get informed.

    2:16 PM
    Couple of Comments:
    It would be a great service to everyone if you would do just a little research before you start posting something you know nothing about. Please see for your review of the research literature. As you will discover that scientists have been working on COV1, aka SARS1 which appeared in 2003, 17 years ago. As you will see if you read the article, the two Corona viruses are quite similar. So quite a lot of work has been done to produce a vaccine that works on COVID19 aka COV2/SARS2.

    "The genome phylogenetic analysis suggested that genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 is almost 80% similar to that of SARS-CoV, further both these viruses bind to same host cell receptor ACE-2. Hence it is expected that, previously available literature data about coronavirus vaccine designing may play crucial role in development of rapid vaccine against COVID-19". Which it did.

    So this part of you post is pure bull shit.

    As for the trials, I refer you to the following websites:

    Furthermore, you will discover from reading the first website I posted, that COVID19 is nothing like the flu even though Mr. Trump has said it is.

    Stick with science, kid, you'll live longer.


    Not peer reviewed. Too bad.


    In just 20 days, no more POTUS named Trump. Thank you, God, and all the Angels too!

  11. Happy New Year to all even stoopid fucking wingnuts. May 2021 bring all their heads out of drumpf's orange ass and get some oxygen and reality.

    Fuck drumpf and all drumpfucking morons.

  12. I thought "better" would be a relatively easy lift, considering where we've been, at least until the next tyrant wannabe comes along. But I'm trying to rid myself of cockeyed optimism, sister to the blithe attitude that brought us to this point, and may have only half-succeeded.

  13. Yaaay! That's right fuq 2020! I just hope 2021 will be better...but I dunno...but hope springs eternal though...well if its not better we'll just have to make it what we want it to be! Ay Dios mio...give us strength and wisdom...

  14. Trumps tax returns , payoffs, pardons and pandemic10:12 PM

    29 years before "Bottom rail's on top."

  15. “DOJ advisor John Lott finds irrefutable evidence of voting fraud in swing states”

    Lemme guess, only in states trump lost and only by Dems.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  16. And what is a DOJ “advisor”? πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ Euphemism for what?

  17. John Lott is a Fox News meathead who believes that concealed carry reduces crime, women voting is a bad thing, and that legal abortion raises the murder rate.

    In short, he's a wingnut moron who has never been in a situation where someone carrying a gun was a bad or dangerous thing, and whose paper on the subject had more holes in it than a Folgers coffee can on a fence post in the woods.

    Four more hours of this fetid turd of a year, but Raley's had Christmas cupcakes on clearance sale so we're gonna be OK.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. Happy Nee Year Field Hands!

    Happy New Year most favored trolls.

    Long life and health to the Field. We need you, bro.

    2020 was the year that good Americans banded together and told the fascists to go to fucking hell! Uncle Sam says, not you motherfuckers again!

    Anotherbozo, a shout every now and then might be nice. Don't be a dick!

    Love to the people. And power.

  19. 1983 is Jimi's take on an Octopus's Garden. The World is on fire... The beautiful opening riff on guitar is tastefully sung. If you love the tasty way that Jimi seemed to make love to his guitar, you will love this cover.

    Pali Gap was released posthumously on Rainbow Bridge having been recorded at a concert in Hawaii. This might have been Jimi's love song to Hawaiian weed. Seven minutes of musical poetry. (Remember, it was only 1969.)

    Slight Return. Nothing more to say here. Shoutout to the Hendrix Estate. Thanks man!

    I was going to post Dolly Dagger. One of my favorite over-produced psychedelic romps. But blogger was frustrating me with page messages. Ooops! Look for it on YouTube. For more information go to

  20. Just listened to #FDT with the Missus. She promised me I could listen full volume a couple of years ago. I didn't crank it like real music! May the Goddess bless Nipsy Hussell (may he live forever) and YG. Seemed like the right moment. Don't talk to me again about that POS. Go ahead and listen wypipo. It's nice and slow.

    Found Are You Experienced, much to my delight. I listened especially to hear Jimi playing the piano. They don't call me Little Mozart for nothing. I know that shit. Got to be the studio version for me. But these covers have come into their own. Beauty is where you find it.

  21. 3460 moar counted bodies for the last day of 2020.

  22. Anonymous10:16 AM

    CHICAGO Preliminary 2020 Totals (vs 2019)
    Shot & Killed: 719 (+55%)
    Shot & Wounded: 3455(+51%)
    Total Shot: 4174 (+51%)
    Total Homicides: 792 (+53%)

  23. Anonymous10:18 AM

    CHICAGO Final December 2020 Totals (vs 2019)
    Shot & Killed: 52 (+86%)
    Shot & Wounded: 213 (+18%)
    Total Shot: 265 (+27%)
    Total Homicides: 57 (+63%

  24. Anonymous12:00 PM

    From Randy Rainbow on Twitter:

    “2020 just tweeted that the ball was rigged.”

  25. 19 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  26. DOJ advisor John Lott finds irrefutable evidence of voting fraud in swing states:

    3:20 PM
    I went to the above website and read the abstract. The results of Lott's study prove nothing. When you compare apples to oranges the result is not creditable.

  27. Anonymous1:59 PM

    New years attempt to start race discussion.
    If dark people don't really care for other races, Why do you want to move into other racial majority areas?
    I know this is true had enough blacks tell me this.

  28. Flying Junior: Here is a video of a Korean woman covering Crosstown Traffic on a gayageum, which is a traditional Korean instrument.
    If you like it, there are many more where it came from; she also covers Voodoo Chile and Little Wing, as well as dozens of other rock and roll staples.

    Woke up today and found apocalypse money in my bank account, so perhaps that's a good sign for the year?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. “New years attempt to start race discussion.“

    Whites love having diversity in their areas, I know this is true, had enough white people tell me this.

  30. Hark, the herald angels shout
    Nineteen days 'til Trump is out!
    Nineteen days of misery
    In this penitentiary!
    No more Sharpies, no more crooks
    No more Donald's dirty looks!
    Hark, the herald angels shout
    Nineteen days 'til Trump is out!

  31. "If dark people don't really care for other races, Why do you want to move into other racial majority areas?"

    Think seriously about your question. What is the "racial majority"? Do you mean in the U.S.? If enough people of color move into a certain area it then becomes majority people of color. If the people doing the moving see people as people then it's not a color issue. Maybe it's because historically certain areas have more resources and schools.
    If you are serious and want to have a real discussion and aren't just trolling (yeah right) you know the rules, choose a screen name and stick with it.

  32. PilotX said....

    If you are serious and want to have a real discussion and aren't just trolling (yeah right) you know the rules, choose a screen name and stick with it.

    4:37 PM
    I think Anon. at 1:59 PM is trolling. Otherwise he/she wouldn't have asked this question.

  33. "I think Anon. at 1:59 PM is trolling. Otherwise he/she wouldn't have asked this question."

    Yeah, we never get serious people who want to learn. Only basic trolls. Just silly, people move into different neighborhoods all the time. Look at D.C., NYC and Chicago and you'll see lots of different people moving into lots of different communities. I guess basic troll doesn't understand that people of different ethnicities can actually co-exist. Educated and well-traveled people don't have such basic inquiries.

  34. You people are insane7:36 PM

    Whites love having diversity in their areas, I know this is true, had enough white people tell me this.

    Are you really stupid enough to think that they'd say anything else to your face, given that telling you the truth could cost them their livelihood and put their very life at risk?

    I guess you are.

  35. You People Are Insane said....

    Are you really stupid enough to think that they'd say anything else to your face, given that telling you the truth could cost them their livelihood and put their very life at risk?

    I guess you are.

    7:36 PM
    Your screen name says it all, Hon. No one here will take you seriously. But Happy New Year to you anyway even if you are a bigot.

  36. drumpf/noem body count...

    Last updated: January 02, 2021, 01:08 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  37. @Pilot.....Sorry I'm late replying to 7:50am call. SIKE!! Pulling your leg, of course, with Imani meaning "Faith"πŸ™πŸΌ So appreciative that your commentary includes the principles of Kwanzaa every year.

    To every Field Negro blogger, thank you for keeping the faith in the pursuit of factual due diligence and science. That 2021 is a year filled with much happiness, good health, prosperity and peace of mind for you and loved ones.

    Even wish the very best for those upholding alternative viewpoints, as at the end of the day, we each endeavor doing our part working toward a safe, secure and vibrant America.

  38. "Are you really stupid enough to think that they'd say anything else to your face, given that telling you the truth could cost them their livelihood and put their very life at risk?"

    Then why have they been telling me the same thing for 35 years? I'm hella white, like Scotch-Irish English and German white.
    I think it has more to do with whether the white person you're talking to is an idiot, or perhaps has never actually met any people of color. There are some racists in the city, but over all most city dwellers don't much care about that shit. They have too many examples walking around that refute the stereotypes to be able to take those stereotypes seriously, and too much to gain by having good relations with their neighbors, whatever they may look like.
    Narrow little world views only work in narrow little minds.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. “Are you really stupid enough to think that they'd say anything else to your face”

    You do know that statement was a response to the anonymous poster who “knows” what they are talking about because they talked to “Blacks”. Either keep up or don’t respond, you’re kind of making yourself look kind of dumb.

  40. “I know this is true had enough blacks tell me this.“

  41. Anonymous10:23 PM

    So far, we are not exactly off to a roaring start with our COVID vaccinations here in the U.S. of A. The Trump administration had promised to give shots to 20 million by the end of yesterday, but only managed about 3 million.

    I really hope we can pick up the pace, or else the pandemic is gonna drag into 2022. This nightmare needs to be over ASAP!

  42. “I really hope we can pick up the pace, or else the pandemic is gonna drag into 2022. This nightmare needs to be over ASAP!“

    The US has too many dumb people who refuse to wear masks and/or distance. Many just want to open up everything and act as if there’s no virus. We won’t recover from this anytime soon.πŸ˜–

  43. Anonymous12:37 AM

    "The US has too many dumb people who refuse to wear masks and/or distance. Many just want to open up"
    Yep people like BLM and ANTIFA want to riot and destroy.

  44. A Fergus appointed judge has thrown out the "lawsuit" filed by Republican brain wizard Louie Gohmert, which is really far too dumb to try and explain, but seems to have been an effort to get the courts to make the vice president violate the constitution and disenfranchise several million legitimate votes in several states.
    Or some such horse shit.
    Anyway, the Fergus appointed judge wasn't having any of it, just like all of the other judges who hold their courtrooms in higher regard than to allow such blatant bullshit to be aired there for such nakedly false and partisan reasons.
    Reality exists, Pig People, and fighting it is a losing proposition.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Anonymous said....

    "If dark people don't really care for other races,......."
    What makes you think that "dark dark people don't really care for other races"? My life experiences do not prove this to be true. My family is ethnically diverse and so is the neighborhood where I live. In addition, I have a diverse circle of friends. My late husband was black and I am very close to his sister and two of his good friends.

    By accident of birth, I happen to be white. But I don't believe in †he imaginary concept of race. We are all God's children and should strive to treat each other accordingly. Bigotry only creates unhappiness and strife.

  46. The riff sounds a lot better on the Gayageum than it did on kazoo! lolz I always thought she was playing a Koto. Kotos are always depicted in Japanese art being played by women. I remember seeing the beautiful Kotos on the music floor of a department store in Tokyo. They are quite elegant in warm wood tones and between six and seven feet long in my memory.

  47. 18 days until Biden’s inauguration.
    I’ll do “hark, the herald angels shout” for the last week.

  48. "Yep people like BLM and ANTIFA want to riot and destroy."

    Really? That explains the covid virus. LOL. It's almost as if I used the word dumb and teh dumb shows up. LOL!

  49. Anonymous said...

    "Yep people like BLM and ANTIFA want to riot and destroy."

    12:37 AM
    Your statement isn't true, but we know what is true: The right wing and many other Republicans are trying to destroy the Constitution. The violent ones will be marching on Washington D.C. on January 6. Their dear leader, Donald Trump, has called on them to come out.

  50. “Your statement isn't true, but we know what is true: The right wing and many other Republicans are trying to destroy the Constitution. The violent ones will be marching on Washington D.C. on January 6. Their dear leader, Donald Trump, has called on them to come out.“

    And it’s telling that racists don’t believe Blah lives matter and are cool with fascism.πŸ€”

  51. Good point, Pilot!

  52. So now Republican brain-wizard Louie Gohmert is calling for violence in the streets because his ridiculous grift didn't fly as a lawsuit.
    Two things: One, standing is not a "technicality", standing is what every lawsuit is based upon. You got no standing, you got no lawsuit.
    And two, I would advise caution on their part with the calls to violence, as the events in reality may not play to the scripts they have written in their heads, as the propaganda they are basing those scripts on is riddled with false assumptions and factual errors.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. “I would advise caution on their part with the calls to violence, as the events in reality may not play to the scripts they have written in their heads“

    Yeah, DCPD and some federal law enforcement types may not take too kindly on violent interlopers.

  54. To Doug’s post.

    How low have we sunk?

  55. So what would be the most likely outcome should Fergus get his way and get section 230 of the communications decency act repealed?
    Well, without the liability protection against defamatory content, platforms would be forced to simply shut down the accounts most likely to get them successfully sued.
    Probably starting with Fergus' account, as it has a reach that almost guarantees that the defamatory content he posts would reach someone with the means and motivation to sue.
    Be careful what you ask for.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. “Be careful what you ask for.“

    They won’t.

  57. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "So what would be the most likely outcome should Fergus get his way and get section 230 of the communications decency act repealed?"

    I don't think they actually intend to do anything of the sort. They're just making idle threats against social media networks because the public has finally had it with social networks being used by wingnuts to spread lies and hate.

    If Republican Party isn't able to freely spread lies and hate, then the Republican Party, in its current incarnation, is done for. Lies and hate are the fuel it runs on.

  58. You people are insane8:18 PM

    Then why have they been telling me the same thing for 35 years? I'm hella white, like Scotch-Irish English and German white.

    Because they've been propagandized for the last 70-odd years, and risk everything they have if they dare to contradict the narrative.

    Meanwhile, revealed preference shows that most White people want nothing to do with blacks.  Just look at where they live.  Hell, "mike from iowa" lives in one of the whitest areas of the USA.

  59. drumpf jrs main squeeze tried to pass herself off to wingnuts as a first generation Latina, claiming her Puerto Rican born mother moved to the states and gained her citizenship.

    Problem is she was already AmericaN BECAUSE pUERTO rICAN CITIZENS GET CITIZENSHIP, THEY JUSt Can't vote in national elections.

  60. Anonymous8:27 PM

    "I don't believe in †he imaginary concept of race."

    It's as real as the concept of breeds.  You can tell a mastiff from a labrador in an instant.  Ditto a thoroughbred and a Clydesdale.

    DNA tests can pinpoint African ancestry down to the tribal level.

    "We are all God's children"

    And God made the nations separate.

  61. troll confuses snow for ethnicity. iowa is 90% white and NW iowa is heavily diversified with Latinos, Mexicans, SE Asians, Somalis and who knows who else chooses to live and go to college or just work in different industries. I see Blacks and Browns and others everyday I am out and about and have no problems with any of them.

  62. Anonymous9:01 PM

    "seems to have been an effort to get the courts to make the vice president violate the constitution and disenfranchise several million legitimate votes in several states."

    The DNC did that when they programmed the Dominion voting machines to flip votes and violated the equal protection clause by sending mis-marked mail-in ballots back to voters for correction, when this was not done in Republican areas.

  63. From Blue Girl's Twitter feed:

    Ron Filipkowski
    Proud Boys in Oregon tonite feel betrayed when shot with rubber bullets and tear gassed. They went from “Back the Blue” to “F—- the Blue.”

    Blue Girl, Democrat&Antifascist
    Fuck the "proud boys" - if they weren't white, the bullets wouldn't be rubber they'd be real so they can shut the fuck up.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Whack!

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  65. “The DNC did that when they programmed the Dominion voting machines to flip votes“

    So now the DNC programs voting machines? πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ I would LOVE to see a link that says that.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚


    The DNC did that when they programmed the Dominion voting machines to flip votes and violated the equal protection clause by sending mis-marked mail-in ballots back to voters for correction, when this was not done in Republican areas.

    9:01 PM

    Provide so evidence or proof of your ridiculous claim, Anon. Otherwise you are just spittin' in the wind that comes from our laughter. LOL!

  67. Anonymous said...

    "I don't believe in †he imaginary concept of race."

    It's as real as the concept of breeds. You can tell a mastiff from a labrador in an instant. Ditto a thoroughbred and a Clydesdale.

    DNA tests can pinpoint African ancestry down to the tribal level.

    "We are all God's children"

    And God made the nations separate.

    8:27 PM
    False analogy that proves nothing. Believe what every you chose to, but your beliefs have no effect on facts. You really should read up the origin of human beings and the history of ancient Sumer also known as Mesopotamia.

    Do some historical research; it's not my responsibility to educate you.

    As for your claim that God made the nations separate, that's just nonsense. Humans provided the separation.

  68. The senate overrode Fergus' veto of the NDAA, so I guess we'll be getting those resources to fight Russian cyber aggression after all.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. The fifth circuit affirmed the lower court ruling that Republican brain wizard Louie Gohmert's "lawsuit" was horse shit, and as such, lacked standing, because standing in horse shit is usually a bad idea.
    So let's see whether he can make the supremes slap his ass down also, creating the maximum amount of humiliation from a single horse turd perhaps in US history, while also fleecing innumerable Pig People out of innumerable US dollars.
    Meanwhile, Mr. Gohmert has "backpedaled" on his call to violence over his horse shit being recognized for what it is, thinking to himself "Wait, you mean I could lose my committee assignments for advocating terrorism?"
    I agree with Driftglass about Louie, in that he doesn't freak me out nearly as much as the voters in TX-01 who reliably reelect him every other year.
    I hit the damn lottery when my family moved away from that area the year before I was born.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Louie Gohmert is routinely nominated as the absolute dumbest member of Congress. I’m honestly not sure he’s not literally retarded.

    Of course, the entire Texas delegation is really distinguishing itself right now, with Senate shitweasel Ted Cruz now signing up to the congressional stunt to pretend Trump was cheated out of another term. Cruz’s lips are still firmly affixed to Trump’s ass, despite Trump having publicly insulted his wife. A pathetic excuse for a man.

    The national GOP is full of utter morons and revolting sleazebags.

  71. “The senate overrode Fergus' veto of the NDAA, so I guess we'll be getting those resources to fight Russian cyber aggression after all.“

    And we can finally get to the business of changing Army bases named after traitors despite trump’s best efforts to keep em.

  72. The 5th circuit court of wingnuts, based in N'awlins is the wingnut court of choice since it is the most heavily weighted court of incompetent wingnut justices.

    This is the court that dropped criminal charge against "Good Hair" Perry and Tom Delay, after 8 years of appeals, they just dismissed his felony convictions, just like that.

  73. Blogger dinthebeast said...
    From Blue Girl's Twitter feed:

    Prowd Boys went from suck the blue to black and blue to fuck the blue.

  74. 17 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  75. Kyle Rittenhouse lost two vendors that were being used to sell his murder merchandise but did gain a new criminal charge of violating curfew. (h/t: Crooks and Liars)

    Apparently the folks who print up the "Free Kyle" shirts decided that it wasn't worth the risk to be involved with the murderous fuck and his morbid grift, and now his online "store" is offline.

    And he caught another charge: "failure to comply with an emergency management order of state or local government." which won't get him any more time, but still isn't good news for the despicable little fuck.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "Provide so evidence or proof of your ridiculous claim, Anon."

  77. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Louie Gohmert is routinely nominated as the absolute dumbest member of Congress.

    No, that would be Hank "Guam capsize" Johnson or Maxine Waters.

    Black voters re-elect Johnson despite him being dumber than a box of rocks.

  78. There ain't a single wingnut pol out there who could match wits with any Democrat you care to choose. It is so unfair to stoopid fucking wingnuts they'd be all whiny and bitchy and eager to give the wealthy moar taxcuts as revenge for being made to look stoopid.

    Wingnuts are torn between using their shoe, dress or neck size as their official IQ number.

    drumpf jrs dipshit gf thinks she is a first gen Latino because he mother immigrated from Puerto Rico (where she was already an American citizen) to the US to live. None too bright, just like the wingnut party desires all their voting members to be.

  79. Antrim Co Michigan alleged Dominion glitch was a human error, has been debunked a million times and no lies wingnuts come up with will ever make their loser a winner.

    drumpf was impeached and he lost election bigly. Get over yourselves.

  80. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Biden inaugural parade cancelled.  The rats are leaving the sinking ship.

  81. Anonymous said...

    Biden inaugural parade cancelled. The rats are leaving the sinking ship.

    5:53 PM
    LOL! The events were cancelled because the rats don't want to die from COVID. They are smarter than the average Republican. About seven Republican members of congress have died from the virus, cause you know: "we don't need no stinkin'masks."

  82. Since flipping the Georgia result would not have flipped the election, we can only imagine that the other states have had similar calls and just failed to leak the audio.
    Remember the impeachment?
    Remember how the impeachment managers all said that if he gets acquitted there's nothing stopping him from just doing it again?
    Seems like they were correct in their assessment.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  83. Trump Knows No Limits as He Tries to Overturn Election
    Jan. 3. 2020

    Dan Blatz: “There are but 16 days left in President Trump’s term, but there is no doubt that he will use all of his remaining time in office to inflict as much damage as he can on democracy — with members of a now-divided Republican Party acting as enablers.”

    “Trump will never let this go, not between now and the day he is forced to give up the office and Biden is sworn in, not in the days and weeks and months after that. That he is on a mission is evident,......."

  84. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "There are but 16 days left in President Trump’s term, but there is no doubt that he will use all of his remaining time in office to inflict as much damage as he can on democracy — with members of a now-divided Republican Party acting as enablers.”

    Speaking of which ...

    Apparently, Trump is planning to give the presidential medal of freedom to (lol) Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan.

    You know, the guy who sues imaginary cows, and the guy who ignored the rape of the students he coached. Those "heroes."

    Of course, Trump previous gave the medal to Rush fucking Limbaugh, so all bets were already off.

  85. “No, that would be Hank "Guam capsize" Johnson or Maxine Waters.“

    No one is dumber than Louie Gohmert. No one!

  86. 16 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  87. Anonymous6:42 PM

    "4. The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the election night error (detailed above by the vote "flip" from Trump to Biden, was the result of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator prior to election night for a down ballot race. We disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error.

    5. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's statement on November 6, 2020 that "[t]the correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape . . . ." was false.

    6. The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.

    7. The results of the Antrim County 2020 election are not certifiable. This is a result of machine and/or software error, not human error."

  88. Numbnuts got his medal of freedumb in a ceremony where no one from the media was allowed to attend. A lethal injection would be more appropriate for his actions trying to undermine a serious investigation into serious criminal activities. Same with Jordan the pedo ensabler.

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