Monday, December 07, 2020

The biggest loser.

You can count actor Matthew McConaughey in as one of the folks who have been feeling sorry for trump supporters and declaring that folks on the left are out of touch because they don't care enough about the feelings of these poor people who live in the middle of the country and love to shop at Walmart and drink domestic beer. 

It's crazy how everyone has to cater to the feelings of these folks. The same folks who are out threatening elected officials with physical arm at their homes and declaring that they will wage an all out Civil War if trump is not declared the winner of the 2020 election.

This is all, of course, being encouraged by trump. The man who has shamefully refused to exit the stage after being trounced by over seven millions votes in the general election. trump's long shameful goodbye is getting worse every day, and his cult members and the spineless sycophants who masquerade as republican elected officials refuse to grow a pair and tell him that it's over. 

Mr. trump is a loser, and the sooner he and his cut members realize that the better off we will me.

This is from Michael Tomasky writing for the Dailey Beast:

"So Tuesday is the day. December 8 is the “safe harbor” deadline by which all the states must resolve all election-related disputes. Then the electors vote next Monday, but that should be anti-climatic, because over the weekend, Biden was certified the winner in California, which gave him 279 electoral votes, and it doesn’t look right now as if electors are going to be replaced anywhere; the crazy-ass Republicans of Pennsylvania are up to something, but it looks like it’s mainly for show. So as of 5 p.m. Tuesday, it’ll basically be over.

He’ll try to pretend otherwise, even though it’s obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than the life expectancy in his beloved Russia that it’s all just a massive grift—a financial grift to get his bag-of-hammers-dumb supporters to pay off his debts, and a psychological grift of both his sucker admirers and the cowardly Republicans who know better but have the spines of amphibians and still won’t do something so basic as call Joe Biden the president-elect. (By the way, after Jan. 20, will they call him Mr. President? Sadly, this is a serious question.)

"Trump knows. He knows he is a historic loser. And he is in pain. He’s humiliated. And I’m overjoyed. I’ve never been big on schadenfreude, but this is one occasion when it’s absolutely called for. "

Yes, trump is a loser, but the biggest losers are the people who cuddled and enabled him all these years. They created this monster and now they have to live with the consequences. He has cannibalized the grand old party and there is no turning back from the MAGA invasion that has overrun them.

We all saw it coming, and we knew that it would come to this. We all hoped, though, that whatever damage he could do would be minimized with a resounding defeat at the ballot box. We were wrong. Losing the way he did has just made him worse. He is an even more grotesque character than he was before. He is man without shame or conscience, and he will continue his pathetic money grab and his Jim Jones style rallies until we stop paying attention to him. 

Hopefully that will be a lot sooner than later. 





  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I mean, I will go this far in support of Mr. McConaughey's thinking: There are some pretty deranged positions on the identity politics left. Some are actual deranged policies, that most people will never vote for. Much of it is a matter of overheated rhetoric.

    An example of this is the "defund the police" push that was mentioned on this blog the other day. Democratic Party politicians mostly aren't getting behind things like this, but they get tarred for them anyway by Republicans. And this is not to say that racism, sexism, homophobia, etc, shouldn't be fought. But the approach matters, and some people are advocating approaches that will never work.

    Where I won't go along with Mr. McConaughey is with the idea that the good, righteous folk of rural and small-town are being "disrespected," and that explains Trump.

    No. Hell no. This is a manufactured wingnut talking point. In fact, this is the big LIE that wingnut media have been selling to their audiences for years. It's a nasty switcheroo that takes the righteous anger that should be going toward those that have enacted the economic policies that have resulted in wage stagnation and business failures in rural and small-town America, and redirects it into hatred toward big-city liberals and ethnic minorities and foreign countries.

    In short, these people have been bamboozled into believing something that is not true, and whether it hurts their feelings or not, nobody should stop pointing out that they have been bamboozled. Pretending the "alternate universe" created by wingnut media, Republican politicians, and the ultimate con artist, Trump, is real -- that's the very last thing we should do.

  2. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I also will not accept the false equivalence between the reaction of lefty voters to Trump's election and rightie voters to Biden's election.

    Democrats overwhelmingly accepted the vote count in the 2016 election was real and that Trump won on the basis of that vote count.

    What they objected to was everything leading up to the vote count: the industrial scale defamation of Hillary Clinton, including the use of the federal police mounting phony investigations to smear her, and hostile foreign governments committing crimes to smear her; and the continuing voter suppression tactics employed by the GOP to deter young people and people of color from casting votes at all. This is NOT how elections are supposed to be run in a democracy.

    And what they objected to is the Electoral College, which, while it is the law, it is an awful, unfair, undemocratic law that violates the principle of one person, one vote.

    All of these things are supported by evidence.

    By contrast, Trump is disputing the actual legality of the vote and trying to reverse it in court (or through political means), and none of Trump's rampant voter fraud fantasies are supported by even a scintilla of evidence. They're just a massive, sore-loser tantrum.

  3. You can't really expect people who still deny the results of the fucking civil war to be Johnny-on-the-spot in accepting the massive rejection of their racist golden calf.

    As far as catering to the feelings of his supporters, I'll be as empathetic toward them as I am to any addict who is destroying their life with their addiction: It all boils down to who else's lives they are fucking up with their behavior.

    And these fucks are trying their dead level best to get as many other folks killed with COVID as possible, and that's not even considering the fact that they are also trying to kill the health insurance of forty million US citizens.

    And sure, many of them are obnoxious as fuck about their Fergus and propaganda addictions, they wear "fuck your feelings" shirts that really demonstrate that any empathy shown to them will be a one way transaction, but they are still human beings, for the most part, and they are still citizens who deserve to be represented in their government.

    And they are represented, lopsidedly so, especially in the senate, when you consider how many of them there are as opposed to the proportion of the government their chosen representatives control.

    All I have ever asked is that those numbers be brought back into alignment.

    I know we have to live with them. We do, in fact, live with them.

    And maybe Matthew McConaughey might want to actually look at who he doesn't think lives in the middle of the country, shops at Walmart, and drinks domestic beer.

    I may be from California, but Eureka California in particular, a town of 25K while I lived there, that never even had a Walmart when I lived there, although my first over the table job was as a janitor at Montgomery Ward.

    And when I drank beer I brewed my own, how much more fucking domestic can you get than that?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous10:35 PM

    "And sure, many of them are obnoxious as fuck about their Fergus and propaganda addictions, they wear 'fuck your feelings' shirts that really demonstrate that any empathy shown to them will be a one way transaction, but they are still human beings, for the most part, and they are still citizens who deserve to be represented in their government."

    I've seen a lot of memes floating around Democrat Twitter that all pretty much say:

    "I'm supposed to unite with these people?" [Insert pictures of gun-brandishing Nazis here.]

    To which the realistic response is: No, of course not, but the monumental assholes who attend actual Trump rallies are the worst of the worst. They're irredeemable pieces of shit, but most people who voted for Trump does not hold views that extreme. Many are persuadable to change their views.

    And that persuasion does need to happen. But people like Matthew McConaughey tend to downplay the difficulty of changing those views. It's not a matter of just being a bit nicer and holding their little hands, the delicate flowers that they are. Or humoring them by pretending they're totally right that COVID and global warming aren't real! And Hillary Clinton really did murder Vince Foster, and Obama really is a Kenyan-born communist! Or whatever. It will be more like deprogramming a cult member.

    It will take a lot of work to turn off the spigot that supplies the Kool-Aid they're drinking, and to bring them back to reality.

  5. Anonymous10:46 PM

    The view on reconciliation with Trump and his voters, from Mitch Benn in the UK:

    Fuck That Guy

  6. Anonymous11:57 PM

    On a different topic, here's an interesting story.

    This woman was fired from Florida's public health department, and claimed she was forced out because she refused to fudge the state's COVID data and hide how badly the rather Trumpish governor, Ron DeSantis, was failing to contain the virus. Now, it appears this dispute has, er, escalated ...

    Florida police raid COVID data whistleblower’s house with guns drawn

    Stay tuned. This has the potential to get crazier.

  7. So Fergus, in his ill-advised campaign to lobby state officials to destroy the outcome of an election, seems like he is guilty of violating 18USC241 and 18USC242.
    241 carries a penalty of ten years imprisonment.
    The idea of a self-pardon is not likely to fly for the same reason his claims of "absolute immunity" were rejected in court: If he could self-pardon or possessed absolute immunity, he could confidently commit any and as many crimes as he wanted once he had ascertained that impeachment would not remove him from office.
    One would hope that even his pre-stacked supreme court would not rule otherwise, and I believe they likely would not, as there will be new administrations for precedent to apply to after Fergus is long gone, but the same justices to rule on cases involving them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Anonymous12:55 AM

    "The idea of a self-pardon is not likely to fly for the same reason his claims of 'absolute immunity' were rejected in court: If he could self-pardon or possessed absolute immunity, he could confidently commit any and as many crimes as he wanted once he had ascertained that impeachment would not remove him from office."

    This was discussed in an interview with Harvard Law professor Jack Goldsmith, by Dahlia Lithwick over on Slate.

    Lithwick: I know Trump’s been saying from the get-go that he can pardon himself. It seems to me the academic literature is mixed on whether presidents can self-pardon. What are your thoughts?

    Goldsmith: It’s an entirely novel, unaddressed question. I will tell you one place it’s been addressed. At the Justice Department, my old office, the Office of Legal Counsel, in one sentence in a 1974 opinion, said, and this is almost a quote, Because no man can be a judge in his own case, the president cannot self-pardon. And that was a throwaway sentence without analysis, but that’s basically the only official word we have on the self-pardon power. It’s never been tested in court. As you say, the scholars have a mix of views. Most of them think it’s not possible, but quite a few think it is. And the truth is that the Constitution is entirely silent on it. And you have to make an argument based on different kinds of principles, like structure or purpose and the like. And the argument is kind of cutting both ways. It’s never been tried before.

    Lithwick: But these things are not self-effectuating. It would require somebody to investigate and determine, and then, I guess, litigate. And then the Supreme Court would at some day, in 12 years, determine that self-pardons are either permissible or not. But this is not something that resolves itself based on a lot of academics fighting.

    Goldsmith: Absolutely right. It would only be resolved, if at all, by court, probably by the Supreme Court. You might not have to wait until prosecution. Trump might be able to bring a case to resist even investigation for crimes that are covered. Possibly, I’m not sure. It would be premised on someone in the next administration going after Trump. For example, let me give you an example: Ford gave a blanket pardon to Nixon. He didn’t even specify the crimes. He just said for every crime possibly committed during Nixon’s presidency, he was pardoned.

    Some scholars think that’s not specific enough. But it was never challenged. And so that now actually counts as a precedent. And so you’re right, he might do it, and it might stand. There’s been speculation that a self-pardon might be self-defeating because a self-pardon might actually force the Biden administration’s hands to bring an investigation, to test the proposition. But it can only be tested and resolved definitively if an investigation is brought against Trump.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. yeah man! fuck that guy!

    trump was a totally icky president

    i hated his guts, the fucking cocksucker

    his bitch daughter is gross

    they're all greedy rat-pigs

    Thank you, Joe Biden for stepping up to the plate like a true American. You are my President. That's for sure!

  11. RIP Chuck Yeager.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. 43 days until Biden's inauguration.

  13. You people are insane8:26 AM

    Democrats overwhelmingly accepted the vote count in the 2016 election was real and that Trump won on the basis of that vote count.

    So there was no basis for the #RESIST movement?  But it happened anyway.  Some "acceptance".

    The fraud in the Nov. 3 election is so huge as to be undeniable.  We have multiple sworn affidavits of poll watchers being forcibly ejected, suitcases full of ballots being pulled from beneath tables and scanned, piles of ballots with ONLY one race marked suddenly showing up and counted after-hours, an entire semi-truck of mail-in ballots going missing... the list is too long to recount here.  The truth is that your whining and riots and everything else have turned America against you.  You need to go.  All of you.  Go.  Now.

  14. I liked the Shower Cap Blog's glee at the Giuliani desperate court cases, in which Trump gets to lose "over and over again." Fred Trump's son gets to LOSE on an almost daily basis, to be thought of as another of history's LOSERS. Very tragically he lost a lot of American lives in the process, most worthier than his own.

  15. Anonymous9:06 AM

    “So there was no basis for the #RESIST movement? But it happened anyway. Some ‘acceptance’.”

    Believing someone is legally the president doesn’t mean going along meekly with their agenda. Or, in the case of Trump, their lawbreaking.

    Because while his 2016 vote count was legal, a huge number of his acts as president absolutely were not. Presidents are not dictators and cannot do whatever the hell they like, once in office.

    His impeachment was justified, and if the rest of his party’s politicians had had spines, he’d have been removed long before 2020. We wouldn’t be having any discussion about what votes he or Biden got.

  16. drumpfuck, the bogus potus if ever there was one, never accepted the 2016 results because he was appointed by Putin and he was never loved by the majority of Americans. He has been lying about his crowd sizes and electoral votes ever since.

    He is a spoiled 2 year old brat in an old orange man's body. Good riddance to bad rubbish and his whole grifting clan of snakes. Gawd shit his disgust on America for putting up with this phony alleged kristian. Magats have ruined the greatest nation on Earth and are too fucking stoopid to see that.

  17. Phuck McConaughey and the whores he rode in on.

  18. Dertroit 23016...

    There was one partial recount in Michigan in 2016 that was later ended by a judge. Now compare that to wingnuts never ending demand for more and more recounts now that drumpf lost in a landslide.

    Detroit had numerous ballot machine breakdowns on the only day voters could vote in 2016. Michigan dfid not allow early voting thern.

  19. You people are insane said...

    The fraud in the Nov. 3 election is so huge as to be undeniable. We have multiple sworn affidavits of poll watchers being forcibly ejected, suitcases full of ballots being pulled from beneath tables and scanned, piles of ballots with ONLY one race marked suddenly showing up and counted after-hours, an entire semi-truck of mail-in ballots going missing... the list is too long to recount here. The truth is that your whining and riots and everything else have turned America against you. You need to go. All of you. Go. Now.

    8:26 AM
    If the evidence you claim exists, why hasn't your side brought it to court? Seems as if 40 or more lawsuits would have provided you that opportunity. Where is that evidence you claim that your side has? When will it be submitted and to whom?

  20. Civil and equal rights just lost decades of workplace protections from dead Scalia's POS kid who changed the rules on his way out of the door in drumpf's swamped administration.

  21. Anonymous11:44 AM

    “Civil and equal rights just lost decades of workplace protections from dead Scalia's POS kid who changed the rules on his way out of the door in drumpf's swamped administration.”

    Biden will file the paperwork to chuck out this executive order the moment he takes office. This is just another pointless, parting fuck-you from Trump after his firing from his job.

    What a class act.

  22. Yeah, I'm kind of tired of their whining. Whaa whaa whaa, they call us stupid. Whaa whaa whaa, they call us racists. You know what Cochese, get educated and stop being stupid and racist and your life may change. Instead of attacking smart people as being elitists go back to school and learn something. There was a time in this country when education and knowledge were celebrated, well maybe a short time, but especially since the rise of Palin that ship has sailed. I can't feel sorry for these individuals, especially the ones who believe they are biologically superior to me by virtue of the pigmentation of their skin. Nope!

  23. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The election was stolen and the results will never be accepted.

  24. Texas files a lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

    Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors.

  25. Got a call this morning asking for mr or mrs my last name so I am guessing Republicans are using the phone books now to raise money for an emergency appeal. The money is going into a slush fund for the donald.
    I was in my early twenties when I learned that one must always "follow the money." How old were you?

  26. Trump: The election was stolen!
    Judge: Present your evidence.
    Trump: ...
    Judge: Case dismissed.

  27. Chinese leaders are publicly complaining Trump stopped their friends on Wall Street from running America like they have since the 70s and saying they want Biden in so things can go back to the way they were. They point out that Hunter is one of their friends too.

  28. Anonymous said...

    The election was stolen and the results will never be accepted.

    12:43 PM

    Says an anonymous troll who knows nothing. LOL! Get a life, kid.

  29. Exclusive: A suspected Chinese intelligence operative bundled donations for Eric Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign.

    The operation targeted politicians in California and across the country.

    The woman at the center of the operation, a Chinese national named Fang Fang or Christine Fang, targeted up-and-coming local politicians in the Bay Area and across the country who had the potential to make it big on the national stage.

    Through campaign fundraising, extensive networking, personal charisma, and romantic or sexual relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors, Fang was able to gain proximity to political power, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials and one former elected official.

    Among the most significant targets of Fang's efforts was Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.).

    Fang took part in fundraising activity for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign, according to a Bay Area political operative and a current U.S. intelligence official. Swalwell’s office was directly aware of these activities on its behalf, the political operative said. That same political operative, who witnessed Fang fundraising on Swalwell's behalf, found no evidence of illegal contributions.

    Fang helped place at least one intern in Swalwell's office, according to those same two people, and interacted with Swalwell at multiple events over the course of several years.

  30. So after a Chinese intelligence operative developed a relationship with Eric Swalwell, helped raise money for his campaign, and planted an intern in his office, Swalwell spread the Russia collusion hoax, which greatly benefited China.

  31. Sworn testimony or it's bogus.

  32. Black L.A. is disintegrating because blacks are surrounded by racial and ethnic groups that adhere to very different models:

    Ah, here’s the rub. There can be no improvement or renovation to the mall, whether by whites, Jews, blacks, or whoever, because the moment that area ceases to be crappy, all those other, more successful populations—with their capital and spending power—will flood in. It can’t be stopped. Black Angelenos are in an unenviable position where their only possible hope for survival as a “community” (as opposed to a diaspora) is to keep their last remaining neighborhoods shitty.

    Again, a doomed business model.

    It’s a tragic end to a uniquely and iconically American community, one that I have nothing but fond memories of as a youth attending majority-black L.A. public schools in the early 1980s. But it’s a community whose leaders made a conscious decision to adopt the leftist tenets of welfare over wealth-building, open borders (because all “BIPOCS” are in it together and totally not in competition), and “don’t throw ‘our children’ in prison even if they murder us and make our community a cancer to those who live near us” (a creed propagated by the maggot George Soros, exactly the type of Jew BLM should be harassing).

    The conditions that ended black L.A. will follow blacks no matter where they run. And if the business model doesn’t change, neither will the outcome.

  33. Why is a Chinese courier company sending envelopes to ballot counters in Georgia?

  34. America Last said...

    Why is a Chinese courier company sending envelopes to ballot counters in Georgia?
    Why don't you do some research and find out? It's your question, so find the answer for yourself. I reocommend Google.

  35. Clown Country1:55 PM

    Matt said...
    So after a Chinese intelligence operative developed a relationship with Eric Swalwell, helped raise money for his campaign, and planted an intern in his office, Swalwell spread the Russia collusion hoax, which greatly benefited China.

    Now they're telling us that the FBI knew that Dianne Feinstein employed a Chinese spy, and that another one infiltrated the campaigns of multiple Democrats including Eric Swalwell and Ro Khanna back in 2014-2015, but they spent many years investigating Donald Trump instead?

    While Eric Swalwell was on TV hundreds of times claiming he had iron clad evidence of Trump Russia collusion that he never produced, he knew that he had colluded with a Chinese spy, and the FBI had actual evidence of that collusion?

    What the fuck?

  36. It amazes me how the same people believe Trump colluded with Russia without a shred of evidence, but don’t believe the hundreds of witnesses, video evidence, statistical evidence, mathematical impossibly, one way glitches, and more showing organized fraud in this election.

  37. I'm guessing Christina Bobb is a bleach blonde bimbo eruption.

    drumpf, family members, campaign officials , Jeff Sessions and others had over 1000 meetings with Putin's henchmen in the runup to 2016 election. Mueller made the call not to charge with collusion because obstruction by drumpf et all was a far more serious undertaking.

  38. Listen up, trolls... Swalwell declined to participate in the Axios story in order to “protect information that might be classified.”

    “Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person — whom he met more than eight years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen in nearly six years — to the FBI,” Swalwell’s office said.

    In 2015, federal investigators briefed Swalwell on their concerns regarding Fang, at which point he severed all his ties with her. He has not been accused of any misbehavior.

    U.S. officials have determined that Fang’s purpose for her presence in the country was to cultivate connections with rising U.S. officials in order to later influence them on policy related to China. ( from National review) Fang also did not contribute a penny to Swalwell's campaign.


    Not a single thing wrong with foreign courier services returning US ballots from overseas. Another magat rabbit hole blasted shut with truth.

    If only magats would check their stories with reliable sources like we, American citizens use to debunk your stoopid claims, you would not make jackasses of yourselves daily.

  40. Ivan Beatinov3:12 PM

    "drumpf, family members, campaign officials , Jeff Sessions and others had over 1000 meetings with Putin's henchmen in the runup to 2016 election. Mueller made the call not to charge with collusion because obstruction by drumpf et all was a far more serious undertaking."

    Imagine portraying yourself as someone who actually believes this.

  41. Barry Soetoro3:13 PM

    "Not a single thing wrong with foreign courier services returning US ballots from overseas"

    Not a smidgen of corruption.

  42. Paxton's lawsuit to Scotus hinges on voter fraud which has not been proven in any of the four states he is whining about. His suit has little chance of success even if he gets a Scotus hearing.

    Paxton is under indictment and also charged by former assistants with numerous criminal acts. He is confident he can weather legal storm until a three judge panel of the 5th circuit court of appeals will mAGICally make the charges disappear as they did for ex gov Perry and Hottub Tom Delay who had kept postponing federal charges for 8 years

  43. Ho Lee Fuk3:16 PM

    How does a 30-something guy like Eric Swalwell - who never served in the military or law enforcement, has no kind of foreign experience, and never had a real job - end up on the House intelligence committee?

  44. “It amazes me how the same people believe Trump colluded with Russia without a shred of evidence, but don’t believe the hundreds of witnesses, video evidence, statistical evidence, mathematical impossibly, one way glitches, and more showing organized fraud in this election.“

    You mean the judges and state governors who keep throwing the cases out?

  45. 5-4 Trump is President3:19 PM

    The Texas suit is the strongest suit to contest the election. Who better to sue for a breach of the Constitution about how states pick a leader for them all than the original parties to the Constitution -- the states themselves? Also, it's the only case that starts right at the Supreme Court.

  46. Top Chinese professor boasts of operatives in top of US ‘core inner circle’


    8 associates of criminal drumpf have been tried and convicted of crimes with Russia.

    How did a complete dumbfuck like Devin Numbnuts get to chair the House Russia coverup?

  48. Didn't the NYP bring you the Biden laptop farce?

  49. You mean the Biden laptop scandal that will result in the convictions of both Hunter and Joe Biden for influence peddling.

    BTW, the video of the Chines professor bragging about how they own the dems and how Trump fucked up their control of the US government is all over the internet, not just the NYP.

  50. "So there was no basis for the #RESIST movement?"

    Yes, there was a basis for the #RESIST movement, you fucking pine cone, it was that we acknowledged Fergus as the fucking POTUS and vowed to do everything in our power to keep him from destroying the republic.

    We were successful in that he was a one term president, and we failed in that there are babies in cages, an ever growing pile of corpses dead from COVID, the economy in shambles, the air and water are less clean, and the government is shot through with enough corruption to make the corpse of Spiro fucking Agnew blush.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. Anonymous Clown Country said...

    Matt said...
    So after a Chinese intelligence operative developed a relationship with Eric Swalwell, helped raise money for his campaign, and planted an intern in his office, Swalwell spread the Russia collusion hoax, which greatly benefited China.

    Now they're telling us that the FBI knew that Dianne Feinstein employed a Chinese spy, and that another one infiltrated the campaigns of multiple Democrats including Eric Swalwell and Ro Khanna back in 2014-2015, but they spent many years investigating Donald Trump instead?

    While Eric Swalwell was on TV hundreds of times claiming he had iron clad evidence of Trump Russia collusion that he never produced, he knew that he had colluded with a Chinese spy, and the FBI had actual evidence of that collusion?

    What the fuck?

    1:55 PM
    Just more inane conspiracy theories from the peanut gallery.

  52. BTW, the video of the Chines professor bragging about how they own the dems and how Trump fucked up their control of the US government is all over the internet, not just the NYP.

    Big fucking deal. The Biden laptop hoax was all over the internet and it still was a fucking hoax just like the alleged Chinese prof.

  53. Paxton's suit isn't about overturning the election (h/t:Steve Benen):

    The principal problem, of course, is that the Texas attorney general's case is hilariously bad. As Reuters' Brad Heath explained, Paxton is "literally asking the Supreme Court to throw out the results of other states' presidential elections, set aside the millions of votes cast in states that are not Texas, and have other state legislatures make Trump president. This is, to be clear, a lawsuit filed in the Supreme Court making some of the same specious, patently false claims that have been filed -- and rejected -- by other people trying to have the courts make Trump president again. Only this one was filed by an arm of state government."'s about securing a presidential pardon for the multiple indictments he's under, and in that sense, it's likely to succeed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  54. Anonymous Christina Bobb said...

    It amazes me how the same people believe Trump colluded with Russia without a shred of evidence, but don’t believe the hundreds of witnesses, video evidence, statistical evidence, mathematical impossibly, one way glitches, and more showing organized fraud in this election.

    2:00 PM
    Well, we and apparently the courts haven't seen any evidence yet. All we have heard is right-wingers declaring they have evidence, but none has been presented. So I guess you want us to just take your word for it. That's not gonna happen.

  55. Ho Lee Fuk said...

    How does a 30-something guy like Eric Swalwell - who never served in the military or law enforcement, has no kind of foreign experience, and never had a real job - end up on the House intelligence committee?

    3:16 PM
    Very simple answer: California voters in his district elected him to the House of Representatives. There he was appointed to various committees and sub committees as all members of the House are. Nothing to see here. No deep state conspiracy.

    This dog won't hunt. Time to move along.

  56. drumpf fucked over the rule of law again and Judge Sullivan drops Flynn case says overbroad pardon makes case moot.

  57. Fergus' crusade to execute as many prisoners as possible before he leaves office is being hampered by the rampant COVID infections in the prison system that have infected many on the execution teams and made the gathering of so many likely to be infected people inside facilities already struggling with the spread of the virus too risky to the staff and inmates to pull off.

    So Fergus would be able to deliberately kill more people if he had accidentally killed fewer people.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  58. Ho Lee Fuk said...

    "How does a 30-something guy like Eric Swalwell - who never served in the military or law enforcement, has no kind of foreign experience, and never had a real job - end up on the House intelligence committee?"

    3:16 PM
    Here, Fuk is the answer to your question:
    "A soccer scholarship was his ticket to becoming the first person in his family to go to college. During college, he worked as an unpaid intern in the office of his representative, Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher, and so was on Capitol Hill on September 11, 2001. This inspired his first legislative achievement: using his Student Government Association position to create a public-private college scholarship program for students who lost parents in the attacks.

    After earning undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Maryland, he returned to the East Bay to serve as a prosecutor in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office for seven years. He also served as chairman of the Dublin Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission, on the Dublin Planning Commission, and was elected to the Dublin City Council."

    I guess you don't know how to use Google. I guess you don't think being a public prosecutor in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office for seven years is a "real job'" This indicates that you are an imbecile.

  59. China Joe said...

    You mean the Biden laptop scandal that will result in the convictions of both Hunter and Joe Biden for influence peddling.

    BTW, the video of the Chines professor bragging about how they own the dems and how Trump fucked up their control of the US government is all over the internet, not just the NYP.

    3:42 PM
    Which means that outlandish conspiracy theories travel fast on social media. It has no bearing on whether these conspiracies actually exist.

    Are you idiots going to keep this up after Biden is inaugurated?

  60. “You mean the Biden laptop scandal that will result in the convictions of both Hunter and Joe Biden for influence peddling.“

    Right around the same time that all the Dems are gonna be frogmarched out of the Capitol building by US Marines? Any day now right?😆😂

  61. Anonymous5:05 PM

    "The Texas suit is the strongest suit to contest the election"

    Much as any of us don't like it, they have a case. By a strict interpretation of the constitution, the states in question committed a violation by changing the election rules without clearing through their respective legislatures. This could work. If SCOTUS applies a strict interpretation of the constitution, it probably WILL work.

  62. 5-4 Trump is President said...

    The Texas suit is the strongest suit to contest the election. Who better to sue for a breach of the Constitution about how states pick a leader for them all than the original parties to the Constitution -- the states themselves? Also, it's the only case that starts right at the Supreme Court.

    3:19 PM
    There are a couple of hurdles for your wild schemes to succeed.
    First, there is the issue of standing since Texas is not one of the states affected by the petition. Second, there is the issue of the constitutionality of election laws in several states. The Constitution gives the states very broad powers in determining how their elections will be conducted.

    Third, Justice Gorsuch tends to be a strict constructionist who gives a great deal of weight to original intent. Fourth, Chief Justice Roberts is concerned with his place in history, so it's doubtful he would vote to overturn a presidential election that isn't even remotely close.

  63. “Are you idiots going to keep this up after Biden is inaugurated?“

    Yup, led by trump from his undisclosed location in a non-extradition country.

  64. “If SCOTUS applies a strict interpretation of the constitution, it probably WILL work.“

    Well, they only have a few hours as all states votes will be certified in about 3 hours give or take.

  65. “Second, there is the issue of the constitutionality of election laws in several states. The Constitution gives the states very broad powers in determining how their elections will be conducted.”

    Exactly, what part of the constitution was exactly violated? No judge will disenfranchise millions of voters for the orange menace.

  66. From at 4:48 EST

    The Supreme Court turned down a request by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) to block Pennsylvania from certifying results of presidential election, according to Amy Howe.

    Washington Post: “The court’s brief order provided no reasoning, nor did it note any dissenting votes. It was the first request to delay or overturn the results of the presidential election to reach the court.”

  67. Interesting article.

  68. drumpf liar Ellis has cra...covid, just like screwdy rudy. Must have been rubbing their phony law books together or something.

  69. Interesting story.


  71. Thanks for the asstronaut link, PilotX.

  72. Rumour started by Qanon that boot on Biden's foot hides GPS ankle bracelet from his arrest that never happened and there is no warrant out for his arrest.

  73. Biggest losers today? drumpf/noem body count claims nearly 3k today alone...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Last night ended with 290,425 bodies.

  74. Louie Gohmert's tooth fell out during a press conference. Apparently having COVID sometimes makes teeth fall out.
    Or it could have been the meth...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. Today is forty years since the murder of John Lennon. Here is the song David Gilmour wrote about it four years later:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. Mike from Iowa said....

    Rumour started by Qanon that boot on Biden's foot hides GPS ankle bracelet from his arrest that never happened and there is no warrant out for his arrest.

    7:35 PM
    Mike, I think we should start our own conspiracy theories. Here's
    my first one: All of Trump's hard core supporters are lizard people wearing human disguises.

    It's just as believable as any Qanon conspiracy that goes around.

  77. Thanks, PilotX for the two referrals. The one about the presidency needs some serious study in order to think about how to address the twenty areas. The second is sad. I remember when it happened and I wondered why at the time. I was still somewhat naive about racism back then.

  78. Black L.A. is disintegrating because blacks are surrounded by racial and ethnic groups that adhere to very different models. The problem facing black L.A. isn’t “white supremacy.” It’s that every demographic group in Southern Cal does better than blacks. Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos, Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, even African blacks. Those groups have more wealth, they constitute a more vital part of the workforce, and they contribute more to the economy than black Angelenos. So as L.A.’s blacks are chased out on one end by Hispanics who conquer by sheer numbers, they’re gentrified out on the other end by every other race and ethnicity in the city.

    This comment on the Instagram account of the mall protesters got no love:

    I’m all for buying back our block, but there’s nothing wrong with gentrification. We deserve nice things and to have a mall that looks like the Grove or Century City. That mall is outdated, old and only has had maybe 2 renovations since I was born. I would LOVE to see gentrification done to it by us.

    Ah, here’s the rub. There can be no improvement or renovation to the mall, whether by whites, Jews, blacks, or whoever, because the moment that area ceases to be crappy, all those other, more successful populations—with their capital and spending power—will flood in. It can’t be stopped. Black Angelenos are in an unenviable position where their only possible hope for survival as a “community” (as opposed to a diaspora) is to keep their last remaining neighborhoods shitty.

    Again, a doomed business model.

    It’s a tragic end to a uniquely and iconically American community, one that I have nothing but fond memories of as a youth attending majority-black L.A. public schools in the early 1980s. But it’s a community whose leaders made a conscious decision to adopt the leftist tenets of welfare over wealth-building, open borders (because all “BIPOCS” are in it together and totally not in competition), and “don’t throw ‘our children’ in prison even if they murder us and make our community a cancer to those who live near us” (a creed propagated by the maggot George Soros, exactly the type of Jew BLM should be harassing).

    The conditions that ended black L.A. will follow blacks no matter where they run. And if the business model doesn’t change, neither will the outcome.

  79. Anonymous11:29 PM

    "First, there is the issue of standing since Texas is not one of the states affected by the petition"

    All states are affected by the nationally-decided Presidential election.

    SCOTUS definitely responds to political pressure, and multiple states suing multiple other states constitutes basically the highest possible degree of "political pressure".

  80. Anonymous11:33 PM

    The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs report on the Hunter Biden evidence is out and it's a doozy:
    - Working with Chinese Nationals
    - criminal, financial, conterintelligence, and extortion concerns

  81. Anonymous11:52 PM

    AGs for ARKANSAS, ALABAMA, and LOUISIANA have issued statements supporting Texas's lawsuit against PA, GA, MI, and Wisconsin filed in the U.S. SUPREME COURT.

  82. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Missouri now in too:

  83. Ace Freely12:12 AM

    "The Texas suit is the strongest suit to contest the election. Who better to sue for a breach of the Constitution about how states pick a leader for them all than the original parties to the Constitution -- the states themselves? Also, it's the only case that starts right at the Supreme Court."

    It's filed in the Supreme Court because the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction -- that is, the Supreme Court is not merely an appellate court but the original, first trial court -- in disputes between the states.

    The lawsuit seeks to set aside the fake election results in these states due to rampant irregularities which make the results unreliable and therefore prejudice the citizens of Texas and any other state which held a clean election.

  84. Ace Freely12:17 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Well, they only have a few hours as all states votes will be certified in about 3 hours give or take."

    -- and --

    "Exactly, what part of the constitution was exactly violated? No judge will disenfranchise millions of voters for the orange menace."

    The "safe harbor" date -- today -- is specified in a Congressional Act, not in the Constitution.

    And election fraud disenfranchises legal voters.

  85. Balajis12:27 AM

    The New Yorker's Steve Coll suggests Mark Zuckerberg's "profound" support of free speech is "problematic":

    Media corporations are against free speech for the same reason Microsoft was against free software. They are for-profit corporations that want to eliminate all competitors.

    But they’ll lose. Every citizen is becoming a journalist and every company is becoming a media company.

  86. Anonymous12:53 AM

    I'm having a hard time resolving fact that this place went absolutely apeshit over foreign influence ops in US for the past 48 months and is now dead silent at news that Eric Swalwell, a member of the intel committee, was seriously compromised.

  87. When courts are presented with evidence of fraudulent ballots and illegal voters and do nothing, the election is illegitimate. Thus, Trump has no obligation to accept the results or concede.

  88. President Not Elected Biden1:04 AM

    Does Joe Biden hiring Indian troll farms to astroturf the appearance of engagement on Twitter count as foreign interference in our election, or is it just run-of-the-mill American electoral fraud?

    Joe Biden's Twitter account got a sizable boost beginning in August from tens of thousands of fake followers purchased on the open market from troll farms in rural India, an investigation has found.

    Within two weeks of Biden selecting Kamala Harris as his running mate on August 12, his Twitter following jumped by 738,595 new followers—a 9.1 percent leap. The number hit 11 million by the third week of October.

    A close examination has revealed unusual patterns. A large number of Twitter accounts that followed Biden's appear to have been created exclusively for that purpose. And a large number of the users are located in small towns in rural India—in places where English-speakers are rare, and from handles run by people who don't speak English as their first language, nor appear to be genuinely invested in American politics.

    A Zenger News investigation reveals that Biden's increasing social media footprint in India came from the country's infamous troll farms boosting his candidacy.

  89. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Joe Biden's pick for HUD Secretary is Rep. Marcia Fudge, who wrote this letter in 2015 in support of a judge who beat his wife so bad she needed reconstructive plastic surgery. She called him "a good man who made a bad mistake."

    He stabbed his wife to death three years later.

  90. 5-4 Trump is President1:13 AM

    To those arguing states have no "standing" and cannot sue other states for violating the Electors Clause, what is the point of the states agreeing to the Electors Clause if no state can seek remedy when another state violates it? A right without a remedy is no right at all.

  91. America Last said...
    Chinese leaders are publicly complaining Trump stopped their friends on Wall Street from running America like they have since the 70s and saying they want Biden in so things can go back to the way they were. They point out that Hunter is one of their friends too.

    If we had any semblance of an actual media/press, the fact that China is continuously and actively engaged in colluding with American elites (the elephant in the center of the room next to Russia's gnat-sized role) would be the central issue of the day. It's not, of course.

  92. Atavator2:19 AM

    5-4 Trump is President said...
    "To those arguing states have no "standing" and cannot sue other states for violating the Electors Clause, what is the point of the states agreeing to the Electors Clause if no state can seek remedy when another state violates it? A right without a remedy is no right at all."

    By virtue of the reasons provided for the constitution in the first place, an appeal on the basis of election law violations makes perfect sense. It is an abrogation of the most basic expectations one has for entering such a union.

  93. Anonymous8:52 AM

    “To those arguing states have no ‘standing’ and cannot sue other states for violating the Electors Clause, what is the point of the states agreeing to the Electors Clause if no state can seek remedy when another state violates it?”

    The point was to keep other states out of your business. Each state wanted the rights to determine their own Electors in the way they saw fit. Whether a good idea or a bad one, that was the deal.

    Therefore, the citizens of, say, Michigan have standing to sue if they feel Michigan election laws were not correctly applied in their state. The candidates who ran for office in Michigan likewise have standing. Texas does not.

    This lawsuit is nothing but a preposterous publicity stunt, and SCOTUS will toss it straight in the trash.

  94. How many patents did China award Hunter Biden with while drumpf was bogus potus?

    drumpf/noem body count starts out another bloody day in record territory. Thanks drumpf/noem...

    Last updated: December 09, 2020, 13:51 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  95. Anonymous said...

    I'm having a hard time resolving fact that this place went absolutely apeshit over foreign influence ops in US for the past 48 months and is now dead silent at news that Eric Swalwell, a member of the intel committee, was seriously compromised.

    12:53 AM
    That's because he wasn't. There's no there, there. Get a life.

  96. Anonymous said,

    This lawsuit is nothing but a preposterous publicity stunt, and SCOTUS will toss it straight in the trash.

    8:52 AM
    You are correct. This lawsuit is going in the trash. The Constitution give states the absolute right to conduct their elections as their elected officials determine by law.

  97. Atavator11:30 AM

    "The Constitution give states the absolute right to conduct their elections as their elected officials determine by law."

    The constitution is a compact among states, not individuals. So of course any state has standing to bring the matter to the Supreme Court.

    The constitution assumes that the compact is among constituent states with republican governance (in the sense of the form of the members, not referring to the political party).

    States changing electoral rules through non-legislative means would certainly count as breaking republican form, under any traditional definition of that term.

    The irony, of course, is that the federal government long ceased being republican itself, or we wouldn't be in this mess.

    Such are the realities under which this case will judged, but its chances of success are at least 50-50. At this stage the matter has little to do with law... with the SCOTUS over the last half century there has been little regard for law.

    Trump will either cross the Rubicon, or he won't. We're ready if he does.

  98. 42 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  99. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are re-defining compromised to attack Swalwell, when Russian agents spoon fed disinformation to wingnut sinators Johnson and Grassesassley garbage about Hunter Biden.

    The only compromised people are magats who have all gotten syphilis of the brain from conspiracy theorists.

  100. Atavator:
    Trump will either cross the Rubicon, or he won't. We're ready if he does.

    So is Brutus.

  101. Ace Freely said.....

    The lawsuit seeks to set aside the fake election results in these states due to rampant irregularities which make the results unreliable and therefore prejudice the citizens of Texas and any other state which held a clean election.

    12:12 AM
    Doesn't the fraud have to be proven? So far it has not been proven in court. Does Paxton in Texas have proof? Does anyone any where in the country have evidence to go with the hot air they have been spewing?

  102. Anonymous1:34 PM

    It's interesting to see you dems appealing to the constitution that you've spent a half century destroying.

  103. China knows what the deal is:

  104. Atavator:
    Trump will either cross the Rubicon, or he won't. We're ready if he does.

    So is Brutus.

    1:25 PM
    Good one Paradoctor! Let us hope there are many Brutses (or is the plural of Brutus, Bruti)? My Latin isn't exactly fluent. LOL

  105. Anonymous said...

    It's interesting to see you dems appealing to the constitution that you've spent a half century destroying.

    1:34 PM
    Can you give us an example of Democrats destroying the Constitution? I can't think of a single one.

  106. Lee said...

    China knows what the deal is:

    1:35 PM
    Oh please, do you really think that one man's opinion caries any weight in a political discussion? Don't you have any facts to post?

  107. “Oh please, do you really think that one man's opinion caries any weight in a political discussion? Don't you have any facts to post?”

    You’re dealing with trump cultists, they’re not the sharpest tack in the shoe.

  108. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Pilot X's IQ is off the charts!

  109. This article is well worth a read.

    Trump says Texas’s challenge to his election loss is “the big one.” It’s almost certain to fail.

    Texas and 17 other red states are asking the Supreme Court to block Biden’s win. The problem is their utter lack of strong arguments.

  110. Texas guv A-Butt allowed a number of changes in election laws Paxton wants the Scotus to throw out in other states. Hypocrites all.

  111. Chauntel5:23 PM

    Raising a black boy is an emotional roller coaster.

    Today my 8 year old son wrote 200 lines of code, read a 205 page book, and asked me why the police kill so many innocent black people.

    The first two amazed me. The last one broke my heart.

  112. Anyone who says the Extreme Court will simply decline to hear a suit brought (in effect) by 18 states against multiple other states is utterly delusional and their opinions/predictions may be safely discarded

    They may rule against Trump but they are going to hear this case.

  113. Anonymous5:34 PM

    The number of states directly supporting the Texas election case has risen to 17.

  114. There is no fraud!
    There is no widespread fraud.
    Those are just glitches.
    There is evidence of fraud but it is unlikely to change anything.
    Even if the fraud happened the SCOTUS won't intervene.
    Just because the SCOTUS took the case doesn't mean anything will come of it.<= YOU ARE HERE
    The Supreme Court is illegitimate because Drumpf picked the judges!
    Barret and Thomas must recuse themselves!
    You need to just accept Biden as President because the patriotic thing to do is to avoid civil war. Aren't Republicans supposed to be patriotic?
    You overturned the election, how could you change the will of the people?

  115. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "Just because the SCOTUS took the case doesn't mean anything will come of it.<= YOU ARE HERE"

    No, you are there. And by "there," I do not mean anywhere in the vicinity of reality.

    The Supreme Court has not actually agreed to hear the case. The lawsuit has merely been submitted to the Court, which is meaningless.

  116. You fucking magats kept swearing there was fraud, but, you never have any fraud you can actually point to. Just made up shit, things you were told might have happened, statistical impossibilities, algorithm bullshit, intel experts you can't name who have not actually examined machines they claim malfunctioned. In short, you have nothing. Just like all the Biden witch hunts, and HRC witch hunts that produced no indictments and left you magats with tgons of egg on your ugly magat faces.

  117. drumpf/noem body count tallied nearly 3100 bodies today...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Count started at 293,496 this morning. Whole lotta hoax to explain away, magats.

  118. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Joe Biden acknowledged today that his son Hunter is under investigation by the FBI.

  119. Ace Freely8:17 PM

    "Joe Biden acknowledged today that his son Hunter is under investigation by the FBI."

    The media is pretending this is new news to hide the fact that they actively suppressed a true and vital news story.

    They colluded with Hunter Biden's friends in China to rig an election.

  120. But it will just disappear like a miracle:

    The Deadliest Days In American History

    December 9, 2020 at 8:51 am EST By Taegan Goddard 145 Comments

    Here are some of the deadliest days in American history:

    Galveston Hurricane – 8,000
    Battle of Antietam – 3,675
    Battle of Gettysburg – 3,155
    September 11 – 2,977
    Last Thursday – 2,879
    Last Wednesday – 2,804
    Last Friday – 2,607
    Last Tuesday – 2,597
    Pearl Harbor – 2,403

    Former FDA Commission Scott Gottleib told CBS News the U.S. could reach nearly 4,000 deaths per day from the pandemic in January.

    Thanks to CBS News for a few corrections.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  121. AG Barr sent Durham back down Russia investigation rabbit hole to ensure the investigation coincides with Biden's term as legally elected Potus.

    There is no new or even relevant info that can be used to attack Biden. Just wingnuts wasting taxpayer resources like usual.

    49 states have certified the election with West Virginia expected to do so tomorrow. drumpf will be declared the loser for the 100th time in a month and then he will demand it ain't over until he loses 200 times, or 300 or 400 or 500 times.

  122. Anonymous said...

    Joe Biden acknowledged today that his son Hunter is under investigation by the FBI.

    7:34 PM
    So are Texas Attorney General Paxton and a whole lot of other Republicans. What's your point?

  123. They colluded with Hunter Biden's friends in China to rig an election.

    Only in magat fever dreams and even then they have no proof of fraud or any other crimes because they are stoopid fucking magatswho can't find their butts with either hand.

  124. Anonymous8:45 PM

    There is simply no legitimate path to victory for Biden/Harris. Technically, they're finished. The only question is, how far will they go to be illegally installed as our new dictators on behalf of their oligarchic / Chicom masters?

  125. CNN Watcher8:47 PM

    "Joe Biden acknowledged today that his son Hunter is under investigation by the FBI."

    Wait I thought the potential improprieties associated with Hunter Biden's foreign business transactions were just a figment of our imaginations produced by Russian disinformation?

  126. There is simply no legitimate path to victory for Trump/Pence. Technically, they're finished. The only question is, how far will they go to be illegally installed as dictators on behalf of their oligarchic Russian masters?

  127. CNN Watcher said...

    "Joe Biden acknowledged today that his son Hunter is under investigation by the FBI."

    Wait I thought the potential improprieties associated with Hunter Biden's foreign business transactions were just a figment of our imaginations produced by Russian disinformation?

    8:47 PM
    Calm down. It's an investigation, not an indictment. Trump ordered Barr to investigate just to harass both Hunter and Joe.

  128. “Calm down. It's an investigation, not an indictment. Trump ordered Barr to investigate just to harass both Hunter and Joe.“

    It’s also payback for his kids being under investigation. Republicans are big on tit for tat and other childish games.

  129. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Saw this highly accurate post from @TimNoEgo on Twitter:

    “MAGA thought process: We must punish evil China for sending this horrible virus that is just the common cold and we don't need masks but Trump was a hero for wearing one that one time and God bless him for inventing the miraculous vaccine we're not going to take.”

  130. Anonymous said...

    There is simply no legitimate path to victory for Biden/Harris. Technically, they're finished. The only question is, how far will they go to be illegally installed as our new dictators on behalf of their oligarchic / Chicom masters?

    8:45 PM
    Read Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution. The Biden/Harris ticket won seven million more votes than Trump and 36 Electoral votes above 270. Nothing illegal here. Their win is indisputable. You are whistling past the grave year.

  131. Ace Freely said...

    "Joe Biden acknowledged today that his son Hunter is under investigation by the FBI."

    The media is pretending this is new news to hide the fact that they actively suppressed a true and vital news story.

    They colluded with Hunter Biden's friends in China to rig an election.

    8:17 PM
    Ace, if you believe this bull shit, you are truly off the rails. There is no hope for you.

  132. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Two democrat traitors, Eric Swalwell and Cynthia McKinney, were removed from their committee seats today.

  133. It's Happening10:37 PM

    Arizona is the latest state to join Texas in their SCOTUS lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, bringing the total number of states involved in the suit up to 19.

  134. Media outlets, to justify their refusal to report on the Hunter Biden/China documents before the election, disseminated two primary claims:

    1) This was Russian disinformation and

    2) the documents’ authenticity is in doubt.

    Both of those claims were false. Anyway, moving on.

  135. Anonymous10:49 PM

    “Two democrat traitors, Eric Swalwell and Cynthia McKinney, were removed from their committee seats today.”


    Cynthia McKinney hasn’t been in Congress for, like, 14 years. She’s not even a Democrat anymore, either — too far left for the party.

    I shudder to think what wretched place you are getting your news from if you believe the junk you posted above are facts.

  136. Anonymous10:55 PM

    “Arizona is the latest state to join Texas in their SCOTUS lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, bringing the total number of states involved in the suit up to 19.”

    More wingnuts joining in on the publicity stunt won’t make it any less of a publicity stunt.

  137. Now they tell us11:04 PM

    Hunter Biden laundered Chinese money for his father.

  138. Anonymous11:30 PM

  139. Update:

    Galveston Hurricane – 8,000
    Battle of Antietam – 3,675
    Battle of Gettysburg – 3,155
    today - 3,054
    September 11 – 2,977
    Last Thursday – 2,879
    Last Wednesday – 2,804
    Last Friday – 2,607
    Last Tuesday – 2,597
    Pearl Harbor – 2,403

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. Anonymous11:35 PM

  141. All 50 states certified the election including six states that did so unlawfully. This is being challenged as Texas and 18 other states are suing these states for conducting unconstitutional elections. Supreme Court will rule against them and the House delegations will vote Trump as POTUS.

  142. Supreme Court will rule against them and the House delegations will vote Trump as POTUS.
    Only in your dreams, Melissa.

  143. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Trump was right about Biden. And Hunter. And Ukraine. And China. And just about every other crook in the swamp.

  144. You know, Fergus' fans are really being made to look like idiots here, and discounting that many of them actually are idiots, I could almost feel sorry for them if they weren't dead serious about trying to destroy American democracy with their retarded tantrum.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  145. From Paul Krugman's Twitter feed:

    Daniel W. Drezner
    The President of the United States literally wants to overturn certified election results and a significant fraction of the GOP rank and file support him and I can’t wait to read the next take about how left-wing cancel culture is the greatest threat facing America.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  146. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Yes Doug, it's horrifying that a majority of Americans support not letting elections being stolen by coordinated fraud across at least six states.

  147. 3053 Americans paid for drumpf/noem incompetence with their very lives yesterday alone. Experts warn daily body count could reach 4k in January because drumpf/noem refuse to do a fucking thing to fight covid-19.

    magats are just like the dead. They lost the election in a landslide and refuse to acknowledge they are losers. They won't quit so we will have to ignore their terrible two's tantrums.

  148. the funniest sociopolitical development of the last 4 years was how, thanks to russiagate etc, liberal boomers who grew up hating “the man” got tricked into worshipping the cia as paragons of virtue and righteousness. they might be the most gullible generation that's ever lived

  149. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Sort of funny how dems aren’t even denying their party is heavily infiltrated by Chinese intelligence.

  150. Martial Law11:34 AM

    We know now that the whole Russiagate nonsense was a charade.

    We also know that the Democrats are completely compromised by the Chinese.

    Where do we go from here?

  151. tp: there is nothing wrong about being suspicious of the police, but calling them when thieves show up.

    You want funny? And gullible? How about super-patriots lining up behind a conman deep in debt to foreign gangsters?

  152. Mollie11:39 AM

    “Evidence of [a money laundering] probe [into Hunter Biden] was apparent in the markings on a series of documents that were made public—but went largely unnoticed—in the days leading up to the November election"

    “WENT LARGELY UNNOTICED”??? “WENT LARGELY UNNOTICED”??? The documents were willfully suppressed by corrupt media and their fellow Democrat/establishment allies in Big Tech.

    The sociopathic gaslighting going on is staggering.

  153. Good news, everyone! Our pet trolls have given up on “Trump won” and have moved on to “Biden shouldn’t have won”.

  154. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Trump won.

  155. 10 held by H for the Big Guy12:03 PM

    Joe Biden's Brother James Biden Also Under Federal Investigation:

    The federal investigation into President-elect (sic) Joe Biden’s son Hunter has been more extensive than a statement from Hunter Biden indicates, according to a person with firsthand knowledge of the investigation.

    On Wednesday, Hunter Biden said he had been contacted about a tax investigation out of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware.

    In addition to Delaware, the securities fraud unit in the Southern District of New York also scrutinized Hunter Biden’s finances, according to the person with direct knowledge of the investigation. The person said that, as of early last year, investigators in Delaware and Washington were also probing potential money laundering and Hunter Biden’s foreign ties. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

    In addition to the probe into Hunter Biden, federal authorities in the Western District of Pennsylvania are conducting a criminal investigation of a hospital business in which Joe Biden’s brother James was involved. Federal officials have asked questions about James Biden’s role in the business, according to a second person with direct knowledge of that investigation, who said it remains ongoing.

  156. See what I mean? The trump-won troll just phoned it in, and the Hunter-hunter gave us a treatise.

  157. And it's a treat to do real-time prediction of our pet trolls, as if they were robots enslaved to their programming.

  158. Paradoctor,

    Yes, but I don't understand why they come to this blog. They know we are not susceptible to their lies and delusions - so why?

  159. Stoopid fucking wingnuts equate investigations of Dems as criminal cases and actual indictments and convictions of wingnuts as witch hunts because wingnuts are the dumbest fucking animals on planet Earth, bar none.

  160. from Slaste..... There is no better example of the conservative legal movement’s failure to police its own members than Trump’s motion to intervene in this case. It bears the signature of just one lawyer, John Eastman, senior fellow at the Claremont Institute and the founding director of its Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence. (The brief appears to be ghostwritten by the lawyer whom Paxton hired to write his own brief.)

    Eastman is a white supremacist who notoriously promoted the lie that Kamala Harris may not be a U.S. citizen. That falsehood grew out of Eastman’s decadeslong quest to strip millions of nonwhite Americans of their citizenship because they are the children of immigrants, subjecting them to deportation. The Federalist Society continued to invite Eastman to “debates” long after he revealed himself to be a racist crank peddling falsehoods. Now he is backing Trump’s last-ditch attempt to steal the election based on lies and conspiracy theories. His brief on Wednesday parroted the president’s outright falsehood shared on Twitter earlier in the day that no presidential candidate had lost the presidency after winning both Ohio and Florida, as he had done. (John Kennedy won the presidency with neither state in 1960.) Eastman will, no doubt, still get invited to Federalist Society events. After all, according to his ideological allies, a mere word of criticism aimed at his efforts would constitute a threat to the entire legal profession.

  161. Gambler2:
    I believe that they come here to sharpen their teeth by gnawing upon something harder and more obdurate than their rodent incisors. But they forget that when they sharpen themselves, they also sharpen us. You in particular very much so: which is why they favor you with so many flattering insults.

  162. Now Fergus says that evidence of voter fraud is undetectable.
    At least that part is true, but not for the reason he claims.
    It's undetectable because it's nonexistent.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  163. Paradoctor,

    Thanks for the compliment. Hope you are having a good day.

  164. Mike,
    Great post. I found a couple of articles on Political Wire that will likely interest you and all our friends on this site.

    "Ohio Attorney General Opposes Effort to Overturn Election"

    "Each of the four battleground states targeted by a Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn President Trump’s election defeat issued blistering briefs at the Supreme Court on Thursday, with Pennsylvania officials going so far as to call the effort a ‘seditious abuse of the judicial process,'” CNN reports.

    "The court filings from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin come a day after Trump asked the Supreme Court to intervene in the lawsuit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) seeking to invalidate millions of votes in their states.”

    And this one:

    Ohio Attorney General Opposes Effort to Overturn Election

  165. Good reads, Gambler. Gracias.

  166. Paradoctor,

    There's a fascinating article on Alternet today entitled "We may have been wrong about the fundamental building blocks of the universe all along" You might like to take a look.

  167. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Daniel Kibblesmith
    Republicans will take their shoes off at the airport for the rest of their lives for the 3,000 people who died on one day but not wear a mask for a month for the 3,000 people dying every day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  168. A fox was photographed running outside the white house this morning.
    No word as to whether Newsmax ran it off...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  169. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Claire Glenn
    Dec 9
    My client is detained pretrial. He’s labeled “violent” by both prosecutor & judge. Bond motions filed, all opposed & denied.

    He’s in jail for months. 3 days before trial, I finally get discovery. It proves his innocence. Case dismissed.

    In this system, even the wins are losses.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  170. Trump: The election was stolen!
    Judge: Present your evidence.
    Trump: The fraud was undetectable.
    Judge: Case dismissed.
