Thursday, December 10, 2020

Denied again.


"The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied'"

That was the one sentence Order from the Supreme Court denying the ridiculous attempt by republicans to overturn the will of the people of Pennsylvania in the 2020 general election. 

trump's legal team is now 1-50. 

Oh, and of the nine justices, there were zero dissenters. Not even trump's three appointees to the highest court in the land would come to his rescue. 

Sadly, though, this nightmare is not over. Incredibly, the Texas AG --who is himself under federal indictment-- has filed what has got to be the most frivolous lawsuit in the history of lawsuits to the Supreme Court asking the Supremes to throw out the votes of millions of citizens in four other states. (And here I thought the republican party was the party of state's rights.) I always wonder how these lawyers filing these lawsuits are not sanctioned for these types of filings. 

Rest assured that this case too shall be tossed, and Mr. trump will have to leave the White House after Joe Biden is sworn in. But, I'll give him credit, he is milking his long goodbye for as much as he can.  He will continue fleecing his supporters out of their hard earned dollars until he has enough to pay for all his legal fees, and live comfortably ever after.

"These tremendous fundraising numbers show President Trump remains the leader and source of energy for the Republican Party and that his supporters are dedicated to fighting for the rightful, legal outcome of the 2020 general election," Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said in a statement.

What he meant to say was this: These lawsuits are going nowhere, but these suckers who call themselves supporters continue to give us money so we will milk it for as long as we can.

There, fixed it for ya, Bill.  


  1. The GOP is officially the trump party. He is now their kingmaker. A New York conman who never worked an honest day in his life represents people who fancy themselves as salt of the earth, honest everyday people. It'd be funny if it wasn't so tragic. Actually, it IS funny. Stupid people are gonna stupid people.

  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    "Sadly, though, this nightmare is not over. Incredibly, the Texas AG --who is himself under federal indictment-- has filed what has got to be the most frivolous lawsuit in the history of lawsuits to the Supreme Court asking the Supremes to throw out the votes of millions of citizens in four other states. (And here I thought the republican party was the party of state's rights.) I always wonder how these lawyers filing these lawsuits are not sanctioned for these types of filings."

    I can only imagine the lack of sanctions is down to the same disease that has plagued so many over the last few years: cowardice.

    Just like mainstream media figures have refused to call out obvious lies by wingnuts, for few of being accused of a left-wing bias, and just like Republican senators refused to remove Trump, despite his abuses of power, I think a lot of authority figures in the legal profession are also simply scared of the hordes of deranged Trump supporters. Otherwise, I cannot think why they would not bring the hammer down on lawyers who are bringing bad-faith, evidence-free, time-wasting lawsuits before the court, over and over again. Particularly in a time when the courts have huge backlogs, due to COVID.

    If lawyers engaged in these shenanigans in any other context, would judges placate them this way? Would bar associations? I have to think they would not. Those lawyers would be risking disbarment.

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    *for fear of being accused of a left-wing bias

  4. The media told us:

    -The Steele Dossier was real.

    -The protests were peaceful.

    -The Hunter Biden story was Russian disinformation.

    And now? They tell us we shouldn’t ask questions about the integrity of the 2020 election.

    Keep lapping it up, stooges.

  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    In many ways, this administration ending in a blizzard of bogus lawsuits is classic Trump. He spent his real estate career harassing people with lawsuits, relying on his less-wealthy adversaries being beaten into submission because they could not afford the legal fees to defend themselves.

    I don't think Trump necessarily understood that that tactic wasn't going to work this time around. Nobody is just going to give out a sigh of exhaustion, and settle out of court, and let him have another term as president. Not gonna happen.

    And of course, Trump monetizing the whole affair is also classic Trump. And he's already being sued himself by fools who contributed to what they thought was his "stop the steal" legal fund, but who then wised up (too late) about the fact that a lot of this money was actually not going toward the legal fund at all and now want their money back.

  6. The Majority7:59 PM

    Trump won.

    The Supreme Court must invalidate these fraudulent election results.

  7. It's Happening8:02 PM

    Breaking: 106 Republican House members just filed an amicus brief in support of Texas' bid to overturn Biden's win in the Supreme Court.

  8. No denying this....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    3347 dead bodies for drumpf/noem body count today alone. CDC says we could lose the equivalent of WTC bodies every day for the next 60 days because drumpf/noem redfuse to take pandemic seriously. Phuck you wasicu wastey bastards.

  9. Only in cross country track and golf can you be down by 7 million points and still declare yerself the winner.

  10. The Majority said...

    Trump won.

    The Supreme Court must invalidate these fraudulent election results.

    7:59 PM
    LOL! the Supreme Court doesn't answer to you or anyone else. They have proved this at least a hundred times over the years since our country was founded. They will rule as the Constitution dictates, and that won't be for Trump's inane petition.
    Do you truly belileve that the court will overturn the votes of millions of people living in five different states? If you do, you must believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny too.

  11. Hardly wait for fat orange impeached ass to slink away in shame and then the lawsuits and criminal charges hit him like a tsunami and he spends the rest of his fucking deranged existence in prison.

    Tell it high on that mountain.

  12. Anonymous9:02 PM

    "Breaking: 106 Republican House members just filed an amicus brief in support of Texas' bid to overturn Biden's win in the Supreme Court."

    Breaking: 106 Republican House members are democracy-hating scumbags.

  13. The whole stupid situation is a grift top to bottom, front to back.
    Fergus has grifted more than two hundred million dollars from his idiot hordes filing these bogus lawsuits. He'll keep filing them as long as the Pig People keep kicking down, and since he's got a half billion dollars in debts coming due soon, he'll hang out until the last nickel has been drained.
    Paxton is under multiple indictments and his "lawsuit" is really a pathetic beg for a pardon, which he may or may not get when Fergus starts tossing them around like molly at a rave: It won't win, and Fergus will hold that against him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Trump's tax returns, impeachment, payoffs, pardons and lies10:03 PM

    Maybe Donnie Favors can take his followers and purchase Greenland.

    Country:The United State of Shamerica
    Anthem: Star Spangled Klanner
    Motto: In Clod we trust
    Their constitution could guarantee those unalienable rights endowed by the creator: Strife, Fibbery and the pursuit of daffiness.

  15. "They tell us we shouldn’t ask questions about the integrity of the 2020 election."

    All 50 states have certified the results so enough officials have agreed to the results. Can we question the 2016 results too? 2000? 1960? If Republicans are serious they will do what many have been calling for for years, a paper ballot system to backup the voting machines and provide for a paper trail. Also, all 50 states should meet and begin discussions about how to make elections homogenous so everyone in every state is afforded the same level of comfort in the fact their vote was correctly counted. We should have done this a long time ago and we wouldn't be here right now.

  16. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "If Republicans are serious they will do what many have been calling for for years, a paper ballot system to backup the voting machines and provide for a paper trail."

    They're not serious. They haven't given any real thought to whether the design of voting machines is good or bad. They've just suddenly decided it must be bad (invaded by the ghost of Hugo Chavez, lol), because Trump said so, because Trump didn't win.

    "Also, all 50 states should meet and begin discussions about how to make elections homogenous so everyone in every state is afforded the same level of comfort in the fact their vote was correctly counted."

    They definitely won't be doing this. If states have to get together to make standardized, universal election rules, blue states will immediately force red states to adopt rules that prevent voter suppression.

    The modern GOP want every opportunity to thwart brown people/young people/poor people from voting. They are clearly not big fans of democracy.

  17. "They are clearly not big fans of democracy."

    Agreed, that's why we should make them put up or shut up.

  18. Paxton got a subpoena from the FBI yesterday so he knows the feds are after him and that Fergus could make all of that go away.,.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. "Paxton got a subpoena from the FBI yesterday so he knows the feds are after him and that Fergus could make all of that go away.,."

    And he will.

  20. The Majority12:47 AM

    "Do you truly belileve that the court will overturn the votes of millions of people living in five different states?"

    The democrat's fraud overturned the votes of millions of people living in at least 28 different states. It cannot stand. It will not stand.

  21. Darth Matt1:18 AM

    The main point of the Texas case is literally asking a constitutional question of the courts and isn't trying to “prove fraud” because they don’t have to.

    This isn't only an election case, this is a separation of powers case. The six states in quesiton usurped legislative authority (unconstitutional) to revise statues (unconstitutional).

    The case addresses the “safe harbor date” and what it says is that it doesn't matter per-constitution so long as SCOTUS is involved.

    “A storm that is of the defendant states own making by virtue of their own unconstitutional actions.”

    In short, they’re primarily brining suit under the electors clause of the constitution.

    Plaintiff State alleges that each of the Defendant States flagrantly violated constitutional rules governing the appointment of presidential electors."

    This is a case that SCOTUS as wanted for a while, and has already ruled on this in a smaller capacity.

    SCOTUS has original jurisdiction because state courts simply cannot deal with a multi-state issue. All states are the injured parties; this isn’t simply a “clean up your own room” type of issue. If you haven't been paying attention, Justice Gorsuch and Justice Alito have been fervently speaking out against this at any opportunity that they can. An additional appeal to this case for SCOTUS is that it gives them an opportunity for declaratory relief, meaning that they need to make a statement for future elections.

    How did the states usurp the legislators? Mainly through laws surrounding mail in ballots and massively lowering the standard for signature verification.

    “Expert analysis using a commonly accepted statistical test further raises serious questions as to the integrity of this election. The probability of former Vice President Biden winning the popular vote in the four defendant states — Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — independently given President Trump’s early lead in those states as of 3 a.m. on November 4, 2020, is less than one in a quadrillion, or 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000. The odds of Joe Biden winning all four of those states collectively is less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth power.”

    States unconstitutionally modified their election laws.

    Votes must comply with constitutional election laws.

    These states doing this impacts every state.

    This fraud was done on a massive scale in each state. The defendant states made it impossible to separate the legal mail ballots with the illegal ones. Each state weakened their security measures (even knowing the fraud risk).

    This is a layup case. Should be 9-0 but will likely be 5-4 or 6-3

  22. "In short, they’re primarily brining suit under the electors clause of the constitution."

    How often should they baste that turkey after they brine it, 'cause it's cooked.

    All of this delusional bullshit really points out the underlying problem here: Republicans just can't handle the truth.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. Trump still has two major paths to victory.

    Path 1: Civil path with a SCOTUS win in the Texas case
    Path 2: Constitutional path using his 2018 Executive Order.

    The president is sworn to protect the Constitution. If a near majority of states has lost confidence in the electoral system because of widespread, possibly foreign-directed fraud, then the executive must act.

    If the judiciary and the legislative branches decline to protect the Constitution, then the executive must act.

    This is a constitutional crisis of governance that must be addressed if hope to have the Republic survive.

  24. I wouldn't be so sure that Trump is all set to retire in grand majesty and style. Number one I can only imagine his family budget. I would bet as a clan they can burn through hundreds of thousands of $$ in a matter of days.

    Our wonderful, Letitia James, AG for New York is hard at work on various civil suits aimed at the Trump family. The State alleges that the Trumps overstated their assets to obtain better loan rates and then understated these same monies to avoid a tax burden. Although she is not currently pursuing criminal charges, other States may be doing so. Also she is willing to open up criminal investigations as well as discovery uncovers new evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

    She is a firebrand. Saw her on the View this week. She firmly believes that Trump will very soon pardon all of his family members and in the next five weeks, step down so that Pence may pardon him. I'd love to see him lose Mar-a-Lago and be forced to sell or face foreclosure.

  25. Anita Hill lied1:41 AM

    "This is a layup case. Should be 9-0 but will likely be 5-4 or 6-3"

    Justice Thomas will write the majority decision.

    There’s a perfect symmetry in Clarence Thomas sitting in judgement of Joe Biden.

  26. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Trump was impeached for being right about Biden.

  27. Anonymous3:03 AM

    I'm so curious what bonkers wingnut theories this refers to:

    "Path 2: Constitutional path using his 2018 Executive Order."

    What nonsense is this code for?

    "Mobilize the Proud Boys to carry out a coup"?

  28. Trump: The election was stolen!
    Judge: Present your evidence.
    Trump: The fraud was undetectable.
    Judge: Case dismissed.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Trump was impeached for being right about Biden.

    2:13 AM

    Yer mom and dad were cousins, weren't they, inbred?

  30. The democrat's fraud overturned the votes of millions of people living in at least 28 different states. It cannot stand. It will not stand.

    Another pathetic goddamned lie by another pathetic goddamned liar, imho.

  31. The only election fraud in 2020 was wingnuts packing the courts, including the Spotus, to ensure a drumpf election win, except someone forgot to tell all the wingnut judges they were to ignore the rule of law and back drumpf.

    If the 5 activist wingnuts on the Spotus do appoint drumpf as Czarina again, it's good bye time.

  32. No denying this scumsucking Qanon wingnut pedo....

    Wingnuts accuse Dems of the very behavior wingnuts are committing.

  33. “The democrat's fraud overturned the votes of millions of people living in at least 28 different states. It cannot stand. It will not stand.“

    Guys, just promise me that you’ll be here with the same names you’ve chosen on Jan 20th so we can discuss.

  34. drumpf/noem body count blew by 300k American deaths today and the sky is the limit since drumpf refuses to do anything about the pandemic except lie about losing the election.

    Last updated: December 11, 2020, 17:10 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  35. PilotX 11:29 AM:
    But that would be taking responsibility.

  36. 40 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  37. Jay said...

    Trump still has two major paths to victory.

    Path 1: Civil path with a SCOTUS win in the Texas case
    Path 2: Constitutional path using his 2018 Executive Order.

    In 2018, Donald Trump published 37 executive orders (from EO 13820 through EO 13856). So to which of these executive orders do you refer in this post? Inquiring minds want to know.

  38. The Majority said...

    "Do you truly believe that the court will overturn the votes of millions of people living in five different states?"

    The democrat's fraud overturned the votes of millions of people living in at least 28 different states. It cannot stand. It will not stand.

    12:47 AM
    You are not "The Majority." Only about 35 percent of Americans voters still believe that Trump won the election.

    Please explain your inane claim that there was Democratic fraud that overturned the election. There is no evidence of this.

    And why are the sore losers claiming fraud only in the four swing states? Why no fraud charges in any states that Trump won? Why no claims of Dem fraud in California, Washington, Florida, North Carolina or Alabama?

    If Democrats rigged the presidential election in the swing states how come they didn't also rig the congressional races there? Senate seats were potentially up for grabs in Maine, Iowa, Colorado, Arizona, North Carolina and Montana. How did the Republicans manage to hold on to the most of these senate seats if the Democrats rigged the election?

  39. Anonymous2:19 PM

    “In 2018, Donald Trump published 37 executive orders (from EO 13820 through EO 13856). So to which of these executive orders do you refer in this post? Inquiring minds want to know.”

    None seems to have anything to do with overturning election results Trump doesn’t like. And even if one did, it wouldn’t matter. Trump can’t issue a binding “keep me president forever” executive order. That’s not within the powers of the president.

  40. Gambler2: "The Majority" is "the majority" in the same sense that "Pravda" is "truth" and the "Bolsheviki" were the "majority party". That is, not at all.

  41. The Majority2:58 PM

    "If Democrats rigged the presidential election in the swing states how come they didn't also rig the congressional races there?"

    To isolate Trump in order to get away with the fraud. Also it's a lot work to fill out 10 million fake ballots, much easier if you are only checking one box.

    Trump won Ohio and Florida. No one who has won those two states has lost in 60 years.

    Trump won 50 of 52 "bellweather" counties that had correctly predicted every election for decades.

    Trump got 14 million more votes nationally than he did in 2016.

    How does a guy like Biden who never even won a primary in his three previous runs and who couldn't get more than 12 people to show up to his rallies and hardly campaigned beat the incumbent who packed stadiums for his rallies?

    How does the country experience a "Red Wave" where Republicans win every tossup congressional race and expand their majorities in state houses without the party's nominee winning the presidency?

    How does Trump's landslide victory and huge leads on election night disappear after four swing states all simultaneously decide to halt counting and then come up with millions of ballots all for Biden at 5:00 in the morning?

    Massive fraud, that's how.

    These fake results are going to be invalidated by the SCOTUS ruling and Trump will be inaugurated for his second term. Bank on it.

  42. These fake results are going to be invalidated by the SCOTUS ruling and Trump will be inaugurated for his second term. Bank on it.

    2:58 PM
    If that happens there will be civil war. Are you and others in your minority ready for that?

  43. The Majority said.. your entire screed, including yer name and likely time stamp is all debunked bullshit and not worth wasting time re-debunking this again and again.


    trump is about to stroke out.

  45. the minority who thinks he's majority said.....

    "To isolate Trump in order to get away with the fraud. Also it's a lot work to fill out 10 million fake ballots, much easier if you are only checking one box."
    So you think the election was stolen through fake ballots? LOL! There is no way anyone could get away with this. 10 million ballots would have to be transported on the sly to the several states. You think no one would notice?

    And if you were submitting fake ballots, you could have them printed with the circle by the name of the candidate you wanted to win. So all boxes could be pre checked for Democratic candidates.

    It's difficult to believe that you are serious.

  46. “Trump won Ohio and Florida. No one who has won those two states has lost in 60 years.“

    Sooooooooo, if a candidate wins Ohio and Florida we just give them the election? That’s an interesting concept, please expound upon this idea.

    “Trump won 50 of 52 "bellweather" counties that had correctly predicted every election for decades.“

    If this is the best argument you have you can kind of just give it a rest. The clear answer is something called demographic shift. For example, many POC moved to Georgia and they voted for Biden in larger numbers than for trump. Demographic shifts will continue to happen in many states such as Texas and Arizona which means past election results and “bell weather” counties will cease to be predictors of election outcomes.

  47. Jermaine3:49 PM

    You know what I like about PilotX? He's confidently stupid.

    That goes a long way in his world.

  48. Docketed3:54 PM

    Lin Wood's case against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger accepted by the Supreme Court:

  49. H/T: Susie Madrak:

    Marc E. Elias
    I am shaken by this Texas case. Not because it will prevail (it won't) but because something is seriously wrong with our democracy that these elected leaders, who know better, are using the courts to spread lies and undermine our elections.

    That makes me very worried.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. Trump won5:32 PM

    Something is seriously wrong with our democracy that one side ignores overwhelming evidence of systemic fraud because their side won.

    Your point is trying to say it's wrong not to accept a stolen election.

    Fuck you.

  51. Docketed said...

    Lin Wood's case against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger accepted by the Supreme Court:

    3:54 PM
    Lin Wood Misspells His Own Name, Among Other Mistakes, in Bizarre SCOTUS Brief Supporting Ken Paxton
    COLIN KALMBACHERDec 11th, 2020, 12:48 pm 117

    So what's the big deal here?


  52. Trump won said...

    Something is seriously wrong with our democracy that one side ignores overwhelming evidence of systemic fraud because their side won.

    Your point is trying to say it's wrong not to accept a stolen election.

    Fuck you.

    5:32 PM
    It'a really quite simple: The problem is that you and trump are wrong to contest an election that was not stolen. You and he are trying to do the stealing.

  53. Stop the Steal6:14 PM

    And why are the sore losers claiming fraud only in the four swing states?

    Because that's where the steal was concentrated.

    Why no fraud charges in any states that Trump won?

    Because it would have been too obvious if the DNC had tried to steal them too.

    Why no claims of Dem fraud in California, Washington, Florida, North Carolina or Alabama?

    Because Commiefornia was expected to be in the "D" column, even though it probably wasn't this time.

    If Democrats rigged the presidential election in the swing states how come they didn't also rig the congressional races there?

    That's one element of proof that the fix was in.  Who'd vote for Biden, and then tick "R" down-ticket?  Another element of proof is the late tally of votes which only ran up Biden's count, while not affecting any totals down-ticket.

    How did the Republicans manage to hold on to the most of these senate seats if the Democrats rigged the election?

    Because the DNC went all-in on Biden and ignored the rest.  That's proof of election fraud.

  54. Breaking News:

    The Supreme Court has announced they have rejected Paxton's Texas lawsuit to overturn the election.

  55. “You know what I like about PilotX? He's confidently stupid.“

    You know what I dislike about our trolls like Jermaine? They lay down challenges and slink away in the night. Stick around Germy and we’ll see who’s stupid.😆😖 Please, stick around until Jan 20th.


  56. “Because the DNC went all-in on Biden and ignored the rest. That's proof of election fraud.“

    That’s proof? Your standards of proof are a bit low.😆

  57. “The Supreme Court has announced they have rejected Paxton's Texas lawsuit to overturn the election.“

    Can we be done now?

  58. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Constitutional crisis inbound.

  59. So now that the supreme court has upheld the fucking constitution by refusing to let a state interfere with the election in another state, the house should consider refusing to seat the goddamn Republicans who signed on in support of this "seditious abuse of the judicial process."
    Then perhaps we should consider giving Rush Limbaugh his wish and give most of Texas back to Mexico.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Something is seriously wrong with our democracy that one side ignores overwhelming evidence of systemic fraud because their side won.

    The overwhelming proof of fraud is in your fever dreams and no where else. There was no fraud found anywhere except in yer heads.

  61. They're not tired of losing because they're getting really wealthy over it. From Steve Benen:

    Aren't they tired of losing? "A state judge concluded Wisconsin's election was conducted properly Friday, dealing President Donald Trump and his allies their fifth legal defeat in a little over a week. 'There is no credible evidence of misconduct or wide-scale fraud,' Reserve Judge Stephen Simanek said."

    I mean, really, they must get tired of losing: "The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday rejected the Trump campaign's appeal of the earliest lawsuit it brought alleging irregularities in Michigan's presidential election — one filed the day after the Nov. 3 vote."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. From the front page of

    The court said the following:

    “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections,” the ruling states. “All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

  63. “They're not tired of losing because they're getting really wealthy over it.”

    Wasn’t Giuliani getting $20,000/day for his “services”? Hell, for that kind of money I’d file briefs until I was dead. Field, you need to get in on this!🤑

  64. Stop the Steal said...

    And why are the sore losers claiming fraud only in the four swing states?

    Because that's where the steal was concentrated.
    And you think this is true because? What about Nevada and Arizona? Didn't the results indicate fraud to you? What about NC and Florida? They were pretty close.

  65. drumpf/noem personally killed off another 3100 Americans for their body count. Count is now 302,765 up from 299,595 yesterday.

  66. Dear Jay, the majority, It's Happening, Darth Matt, Jermaine, Trump Won, and Stop the Steal,

    What you guys gonna do now? Seems the SCOTUS shot down you wild conspiracies on the grounds of standing, which is what I predicted a couple of days ago.

  67. From Politico:

    "This decision will have far reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic," Texas Republican Party Chairman Allen West said in a statement. "Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution."

    I have news for you Mr. West. We already have a union of states that abide by the constitution. It's called the United States. I'd be happy to see you go, and take all the other red states with your.

  68. "What you guys gonna do now? Seems the SCOTUS shot down you wild conspiracies on the grounds of standing, which is what I predicted a couple of days ago."

    Spend the next 4-8 years like they did during the Obama years, spinning conspiracy theories among themselves and cry about how they're losing their country. Rinse and repeat.

  69. Anonymous11:34 PM

    “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections,”

    Texas will have to abide by the decisions of an unlawfully elected illegitimate President.

    How do they not have a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections?

  70. Anonymous11:35 PM

    What happens six months from now, when ballot scans from Georgia are released? When Wayne County voter registrations are FOIAed?

  71. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and orange jumpsuit11:39 PM

    Re: The Orange tan orangutan aka Donito Trumpolini, aka Donnie Favors. Which one doesn't belong?

    A. Ball

    B. Draft

    C. Taxes

    D. SDNY subpoena

    Trump can dodge a ball, we know he dodged the draft, he tried to dodge his taxes but he can't dodge the SDNY.

  72. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Calling Joe Biden president-elect is like calling the guy who broke into your house the homeowner.

  73. So even though Fergus (read that the Federalist Society) and McConnell have appointed and confirmed over 200 judges, including more than a third of all circuit court judges, and fully one third of the supreme court, they still couldn't win one case alleging voter fraud.

    That is because voter fraud is basically nonexistent in any numbers that could affect the outcome of any election beyond city council or school board in a town of less than 5K people, and as of yet, you still need evidence to prove your case in a court of law.

    Fergus believed that if he could just own the judges, he could get away with anything, which just exemplifies how little he actually understands the government he is the supposed leader of.

    So it's over and he lost, so what can we expect from him and his party now?

    More baseless and frivolous lawsuits to send fundraising emails about, for as long as a single Pig Person has a single dollar in their bank account.

    Which kind of exposes another angle of the Republican attempted takeover of the judiciary: They may not win very many, if any of these lawsuits, but their friendly judges will always allow them to file them without sanctioning them for abuse of litigation, ensuring that the gravy train will keep on rolling as long as the aforementioned Pig People keep kicking down.

    So what to do? A pragmatist might suggest a Pig People de-porkification project, but we all know that'll never happen.

    I suggest enacting an 80% tax on nonstandard political fundraising, along with wholesale election finance reform and publicly funded elections, but that has about as much chance of happening as the de-porkification as long as there is any Republican support required for its passage.

    They are wholly devoted to the grift, and will never vote for anything that damages that gravy train.

    So we have to make it stop paying, or the corruption will never stop.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. It's not happening12:34 AM

    Read it and weep. The Supreme Court tossed that silly lawsuit directly into the trash over lack of standing, just as I predicted the other day:

    "The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

    Oh, and you can also take your 17 wingnut attorneys general and your 106 wingnut House members who endorsed this evil plan and shove them. Their sleazy attempt to boost their election profiles through slavish public Trump-worship carries no force in law.

  75. Anonymous12:37 AM

    "Docketed said...

    Lin Wood's case against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger accepted by the Supreme Court:"

    "Docketed" does not mean accepted. The dumb Texas lawsuit was also "docketed" before the Supremes refused to hear it and tossed it in the trash.

  76. So Facebook isn't having a very good week...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. Anonymous1:40 AM

    "So Facebook isn't having a very good week..."

    Yeah, but mostly over the stuff I personally care less about. They're being taken to court for antitrust violations (buying Instagram and Whatsapp), but their most objectionable behavior is more in the realm of 1) violations of user privacy and 2) dissemination of hate and lies.

  78. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Okay, this is funny as hell.

    Bye-bye, Trump!

  79. Sidney Powell's secretive military intel special witness turned out to be non-military, non-intel nobody. Don't lawyers get disbarred for knowingly lying to judges and courts?

  80. All four swing states are red run and wingnuts in all four states insist there was zero fraud, but magats won't believe them because drumpfuck controls their fevered minds.

  81. Howz this for a joke....

    drumpf junior wants to make news credible again by pretending to be a journalist with ethics? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  82. Anonymous said....
    How do they not have a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections?

    11:34 PM
    Because the Constitution says that they don't. It was placed there by the founding fathers to protect states rights, a concept that Republicans believed in for hundreds of years before Trump. Try reading the Constitution some time. It's an amazing document.

  83. Anonymous said...

    What happens six months from now, when ballot scans from Georgia are released? When Wayne County voter registrations are FOIAed?

    11:35 PM

  84. Anonymous11:24 AM

    “drumpf junior wants to make news credible again by pretending to be a journalist with ethics?”


    And weird, too. The website is supposed to use blockchain technology to, in their words, “award viewers with digital coins that prove their viewership of a given segment or news anchor” so that “you don’t just have more credible reporters, you have more credible viewers.”


    WTF is a credible viewer? Completely bananas.

    Is this new adventure in scammy, lie-filled media being funded by money diverted from Trump’s “stop the steal” legal fund? Someone really ought to find out.

  85. Let us not forget the numerous times wingnuts have blocked election security bills from being debated or voted on these past few years. Then they whine about unsecure elections because they are stoopid fucks.

  86. Trump: The election was stolen!
    Judge: Prove your accusation.
    Trump: The proof is that there is no proof!
    Judge: Case dismissed.

  87. 39 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  88. Paradoctor, thanks for posting the daily count down!

  89. Gambler2:

    My pleasure.

    I've also had the pleasure of writing Trump-Judge quatrains. The Trump-Judge quatrain is sort of like an antibody: it has fixed regions, to give the jest structure, and a highly variable region, designed to latch on to the target.
    Line one is fixed in the form:
    "The election was stolen!"
    Line two is mildly variable:
    "Present your evidence."
    "Prove your accusation."
    Line three is the most variable. So far it has been:
    "The fraud is undetectable."
    "The proof is that there is no proof!"
    I eagerly await the next Trump whinge for me to mock.
    Line four is fixed in the form, and has the comic inevitability of Coyote falling off a cliff:
    "Case dismissed."

  90. "Sidney Powell's secretive military intel special witness turned out to be non-military, non-intel nobody. Don't lawyers get disbarred for knowingly lying to judges and courts?"

    Oh, he was in the military, all right, he was an E4 wheeled vehicle mechanic who applied to the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion but repeatedly washed out of the coursework.

    Comerade Misfit, an attorney who served in the Navy, explains:

    As the article explains, the 305th MI Battallion is a training outfit. They analyze nothing. This self-styled "military intelligence expert" couldn't complete the inital training courses. he was an E-4 who was, in essence, pushed out at the end of his enlsitment because the Army has little use for career members of the E-4 Mafia.

    Gee. So it seems that one of Trump's lawyers has been repeatedly fibbing to several courts over the strength of her case and the qualification of her witnesses. "I can prove corruption, my expert witness, a truck mechanic, saw the conspiracy!"

    Funny thing: Most good lawyers know that shading the truth in filings to a court is a very bad thing. It causes the judges hearing the case to treat what the lawyer says with considerable skepticism. Even bad lawyers know that if one really fibs to a court and gets a judge upset, that can result in disciplinary action.

    But the rules always seem to be different for Team Trump.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  91. Here stoopid fu7cking retarded, inbred wasicu wastey wingnuts. Here is then truth that could set you free if only you could read and comprehend.....

    Similar to the dozens of fraud Biden claims and none were credible.

  92. Gracias for the correction, Doug. Keep eyes open and powder dry. Talcum powder for whiny wingnut butts.

  93. Twitter temporarily put limits on three of Fergus' tweets that were outrageously false and the goddamn Pig People started twitching their tails and stamping their trotters until the restrictions were lifted.
    What will happen to his ability to flout the rules on Twitter after the twentieth of next month remains to be seen, but Twitter has made it clear that he will lose his special treatment after then.
    I'll believe that when I see it, as he is a money making draw on Twitter, but perhaps this morning's actions were a warning?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  94. Smerconish believes drumpf's foolish followers will keep giving him money so he can operate a shadow government until the next Potus election.

    drumpf will be around lying ever after he is dead and disposed of.

  95. Olbermann goes balls to the walls against seditious abuse by stoopid fucking traitorous wingnuts, from drumpf on down.

    Last couple minutes are mind blowing.

  96. Anonymous6:41 PM

    This fraud will not stand.

    One way or the other.

  97. Anonymous6:44 PM

    At some point the Left is going to realize that all they are doing is shilling for multinational corporations, the Deep State intel agencies, the neoliberal war machine, and their own dispossession. They're going to look at their goofy masked faces in the mirror and feel shame.

  98. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are the only fraud in the game.

  99. Libs are, at least, capable of feeling shame. Wingnuts are their usual clewless selves.

  100. drumpf/noem personally killed Charley Pride, age 86. RIP

  101. Anonymous7:40 PM

    “At some point the Left is going to realize that all they are doing is shilling for multinational corporations, the Deep State intel agencies, the neoliberal war machine, and their own dispossession.”

    I would say that at some point you’d realize you’re describing the Republican Party, but you’re clearly too dim to ever figure anything out. So you’ll keep spouting utter nonsense forever.

  102. drumpf/noem body count final call today...

    Last updated: December 13, 2020, 00:59 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  103. 10 held by H for the Big Guy10:16 PM

    NBC has gotten the ALL CLEAR from the CIA to pivot to President Kamala:

    The email goes on to note that Hunter Biden, who is now the subject of a federal tax probe, netted more than $1.2 million for the year. The earnings include the $400,000 from Burisma as well as income from Rosemont Seneca Advisors and a legal firm.

    The email goes on to note that Hunter Biden, who is now the subject of a federal tax probe, netted more than $1.2 million for the year. The earnings include the $400,000 from Burisma as well as income from Rosemont Seneca Advisors and a legal firm.

  104. 10 held by H for the Big Guy said...

    NBC has gotten the ALL CLEAR from the CIA to pivot to President Kamala:
    So what does this mean?

    Your report on Hunter Biden is somewhat interesting, but why should I care for whom he works or how much money he makes? Does Hunter Biden work for the U.S. Government? Are you inferring that there is a crime in there somewhere? Has he been charged with a crime?

  105. Anonymous10:50 PM

    "NBC has gotten the ALL CLEAR from the CIA to pivot to President Kamala:
    So what does this mean?"

    It's clearly another dumb wingnut conspiracy theory, this one about the idea that Biden was never intended to be president. Instead, he is supposed to have been induced to run for office only so that he could immediately resign (or be forced out) and hand the presidency over to Kamala Harris -- who, naturally, could never have won the presidency on her own and needed Biden's help to get into the White House, because she's a super-radical who wants to turn America communist, and also, you know, she's BLACK.

    He also seems to be under the impression that the CIA is pulling all the strings behind this top-secret operation, although why the CIA are supposedly so desperate to have Kamala Harris as president, I cannot possibly explain.

    Don't think too hard about any of these outlandish beliefs on the right. You'll give yourself a headache.

  106. RIP Charley Pride.

    "At some point the Left is going to realize that all they are doing is shilling for multinational corporations,"

    No, that would be the goddamn Republicans with their "fuck the air and water, just give me money" policies, which by the way, are about to be reined in by sanity.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  107. One Person Shot In Violent Protests In Washington State

    Trump is getting what he wants today - violent confrontations between opposing protest groups. He hopes it escalates, so he can claim emergency powers and then martial law.

  108. From Blue Girl's Twitter feed:

    · Dec 11
    Let it be known throughout the land that Trump losing in the most humiliating way possible over and over and over and over again WAS EXACTLY WHAT GOD WANTED TO HAPPEN.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  109. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Seeing Proud Americans beat the shit out of Antifa scum is a ray of sunshine:

  110. Anonymous11:29 PM

    "Trump losing in the most humiliating way possible"

    Having to cheat to win and getting thrown out of the White House will be pretty humiliating to Biden.

  111. Anonymous said...

    "Trump losing in the most humiliating way possible"

    Having to cheat to win and getting thrown out of the White House will be pretty humiliating to Biden.

    11:29 PM
    Well, that's never gonna happen, so we don't have to worry about it. LOL!

  112. Anonymous2:38 AM

    "Let it be known throughout the land that Trump losing in the most humiliating way possible over and over and over and over again WAS EXACTLY WHAT GOD WANTED TO HAPPEN."

    Yeah, for a guy who is so phobic about being labeled a "loser," ironically, Trump has arranged things so he will lose, and lose, and lose, and lose, over and over again in court. He has maximized his humiliation.

    If nothing else, this dismal, pathetic ending to his presidency has confirmed his malignant narcissism. Nobody sane would behave this way.

  113. He is grifting a LOT of money off of the ridiculous spectacle, though, and that's very much in character.

    Does anyone else find it strange that the same chuckleheads who post death statistics for inner-city crime are also the ones cheerleading for an administration that with its publicly stated "herd immunity" approach to covid is logging thousands of deaths every damn day?

    It's almost like they don't really care about US citizens being killed and are just racist fuckheads out for a ghoulish giggle.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Cool story Doug.

  115. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Can we finally admit it was a huge mistake to elect a gay mulatto community organizer as president?

  116. Anonymous,

    No, but we sure can admit it was a mistake to elect the orange, psycho demon from hell.

    300,000 dead from the Trump virus CoVID19.

  117. The Great Reset12:29 PM

    Virus released by CCP to cause chaos for US election.

    Democrats immediately weaponize pandemic for political gain.

    All deaths from ill elderly people classified as COVID deaths.

    Media exaggerates threat to stoke fear.

    Democrat jurisdictions force lockdowns that crush small businesses and transfer wealth to billionaires.

    Crisis exploited to facilitate massive systemic voter fraud which steals election.

    Trump's fault.

  118. The guy who can’t talk, didn’t campaign, was in politics for half a century, and never won a primary before just won more votes than any president in history, unseating a sitting president who himself won twelve million more votes than his previous winning campaign.

    Biden's share of the black vote fell 15% nationally but strangely increased massively in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly and Atlanta.

    Trump increased his margin in surrounding states but somehow lost ground in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

    That is such obvious horseshit it’s insulting to anyone’s intelligence that they’re actually claiming it happened.

  119. “Biden's share of the black vote fell 15% nationally but strangely increased massively in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly and Atlanta.“

    Yeah but so many people were sick of trump and wanted a sense of normalcy and came out to oust trump. Maybe if he had been a better President and done more to stop the virus he may have been reelected.

  120. “Virus released by CCP to cause chaos for US election.“

    And trump did nothing to retaliate? Does that mean he’s Putin’s bitch or a traitor? No wonder he lost.

  121. "The guy who can’t talk, didn’t campaign, was in politics for half a century, and never won a primary before just won more votes than any president in history, unseating a sitting president who himself won twelve million more votes than his previous winning campaign."

    Well, let's see, in 2016 roughly 139 million people voted in the presidential election and in 2020 more than 160 million people voted in the presidential election.

    That can be partially explained by the 2016 campaign tactic of making the race seem so ugly and repugnant that no decent human would want to participate in it, but mostly it is explained by how horrible of a president Fergus is and how hyper motivated people were to remove him.

    Also, both candidates received a higher proportion of the vote total due to a lack of third party candidates. Remember that Stein got more votes than Fergus' margin of victory.

    And as for your characterization of Biden's run, how about this: A serial adulterer accused of more than a dozen sexual assaults who ran business after business into the ground while squandering a half billion dollar inheritance who is in deep debt to foreign banks because no stateside banks will touch him with a ten foot barge pole who had never run a campaign for anything before somehow won more Republican primary votes in 2016 than anyone in history... what kind of horseshit was that?

    Except on this question there is an answer and we know it: He told all of the racists, bigots and imbeciles that he would make them top dog, and they are so retarded that they believed him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  122. From Blue Girl's Twitter feed:

    Travis Akers
    · 6h
    #BREAKING: Just weeks after President Trump fired the head of Homeland Security's Cyber Protection Agency, foreign hackers have broken into the Treasury Department and other federal agencies, stealing emails, prompting an emergency meeting with the NSC.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

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