Wednesday, December 16, 2020

"What A Fool Believes."


The grift goes on.

Donald trump has now raised over 200 million dollars  thanks to his big lie that the election was stolen from him, and there was wide spread voter fraud throughout the land. There was none.

The suckers people who have fallen for this man's con game have given their hard earned money to him so that he can continue to maintain his lifestyle post presidency.  It's amazing that they can't spot the con game and see it for what it is, but I guess when you are blinded by your own insecurities and shortcomings it's hard to see the reality of what's happening right in front of you. The Doobie Brothers wrote and sang a song about these types of people a while back.

Sadly, as sad and pathetic as trump's followers are, they pale in comparison to the elected republican politicians who seem to both fear and worship him at the same time. These men who are supposed to be America's brightest and best, have simply made a mess of their once proud party, and they are on their way to making a mess of American democracy. Just think about this for a minute: Vladimir Putin congratulated Joe Biden on wining the election before the leading republican in Washington did. That's a stunning fact, even by 2020 standards. 

David Graham, writing in The Atlantic, sums up what we have been dealing with like this: 

"When Donald Trump was granted a coat of arms for his Scottish golf courses in 2012 (after a lengthy court battle, of course), he chose as its motto “Numquam concedere”: Never concede. He has not, even as it has become clear that he lost the presidential election by a wide margin.

In the first few weeks after the election, anonymous Republicans and White House officials insisted that Trump’s lack of a concession was no reason for alarm. They assured reporters that Trump knew he’d lost and just needed time to process his defeat—and to put up enough of a fight that he could maintain his image. Perhaps that was true, and perhaps it remains true now, but Trump isn’t acting like someone  working through the stages of grief. He’s acting like someone working through a slow-motion (and probably doomed) autogolpe.

Instead of Republican officeholders waiting out Trump’s postelection tantrum, he is waiting them out, and slowly bringing the party around to his side. In this way, Trump is ending his presidency just the way he won it: by correctly recognizing what Republican voters want and giving it to them, and gradually forcing the party’s purported leaders to follow along.

This embrace of the president’s attempt to overturn the results of the election is both shocking and horrifying. As Trump’s fraud claims and legal cases have steadily failed, the arguments he has pursued have become more outlandish and absurd, and they have also become more disturbing. Many Republican voters agree, and in refusing to stand up to him and them, Republican officials have gone from coddling a sore loser to effectively abandoning democracy."  

The thing is, Donald trump is a loser, and  he always has been. 

Now, only time will tell if he will bring down an entire political party and make them all losers as well. 




  1. I think a better Doobie Brothers song for Fergus would be "I Cheat the Hangman" which is drawn from a story (An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge) about a civil war prisoner who hallucinates that he is free, but at the end feels the rope tighten around his neck.
    No matter his delusions, it's all over for him now.

    Plus it's a totally killer song. I have respect for Michael McDonald for being able to step in and take over Tom Johnston's role in the band in the middle of the tour that broke them through to a mass audience, but they were a different kind of band under his direction, and I liked them better as the rock and roll biker band that they started out as. Tom Johnston is literally one of my heroes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    “These men who are supposed to be America's brightest and best, have simply made a mess of their once proud party, and they are on their way to making a mess of American democracy.”

    I can’t say that I’ve ever considered the typical Republican politician to be our best and brightest. And they’ve been undermining democratic norms to one degree or another since the 1990s. But this situation is really a new low. Endorsing a coup, as so many of them have now done, is still quite shocking.

    Whether they’ve done so because this really suits their ideological beliefs, that they’ve been closet fascists all along, or whether it’s because they’re just such unbelievable cowards that they say and do whatever will win them votes from the GOP base, I don’t honestly know. I suspect it’s the latter — these are opportunists with no principles at all, and politics is a kind of grift from them as well as Trump — but in any case, it’s extremely grim.

    Trump’s parting act was to reveal that his party is even more rotten than most of us had expected.

  3. Anonymous11:34 PM

    CBS News Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge has reported that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe:

    "Told CBS News that there was Foreign Election Interference...

  4. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Bartiromo: Intel Source Says Trump Won Election

    By Carmine Sabia - Dec 16, 2020

    Many supporters of President Donald Trump, even those in the media, believe that he was robbed in the 2020 presidential election. This writer is one of them.

    One of the most prominent ones has been Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo who, this week, said that an intelligence source told her that President Trump did, in fact, win the election.

    “Challenging election results, as we await today’s Electoral College decision, an intel source telling me that President Trump did in fact win the election,” she said on Monday before the Electoral College voted.

    Trump is not conceding.  Trump is outing the enemies and traitors and telling the American people who they are and what they've done.  They will be arrested soon.

  5. “They will be arrested soon.“

    Hopefully sooner than last time you promised this. How long do we have to wait for this to happen this time. Can ya give me a time frame? How long is soon.

    P.S. Pick a screen name so when this doesn’t happen in the allotted time we can discuss yet another failed prediction.😆😂

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:30 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Bartiromo: Intel Source Says Trump Won Election

    Be for real, son. Don't expect anyone who reads this blog to believe your ridiculous bull shit. We are all too well informed and intelligent to believe anything posted by an anonymous troll. Have a nice night.

  7. PilotX said...

    "Hopefully sooner than last time you promised this. How long do we have to wait for this to happen this time. Can ya give me a time frame? How long is soon?"

    Hey, Pilot, "Soon" is Trump talk; it means never. LOL!

  8. Let me guess: in two weeks.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. Anonymous1:49 AM

    “CBS News Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge has reported that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe:

    ‘Told CBS News that there was Foreign Election Interference...’”

    John Ratcliffe isn’t a career intelligence officer. He’s a former Texas wingnut congressman and an politically appointed Trump weasel. As such, his commentary is meaningless. He was hired to lie.

    “One of the most prominent ones has been Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo who, this week, said that an intelligence source told her that President Trump did, in fact, win the election.”

    Lemme guess ... her “intelligence source” was Trump weasel John Ratcliffe?

  10. “Challenging election results, as we await today’s Electoral College decision, an intel source telling me that President Trump did in fact win the election,” she said on Monday before the Electoral College voted.

    I'm guessing it was the same source Sidney "the dumbest lawyer ever next to the rest drumpf hired" Powell gushed about only to discover he was not intel, but a mechanic or some such shit.

    Kinda always knew drumpf would never leave the stage once he found he could grift to his heart's content.

  11. Anonymous11:05 AM

    “We will not accept your vaccine so you can slow down, because whenever you bring it out, it’s for your people. You give it to them because we are not accepting death. You are the very representative of death itself: the pale horse. Everywhere you have gone in the world, hell went right behind you. We are sick of hell and we are sick of death. So all of you that have made a covenant with death, your covenant is going to be annulled … your agreement with hell will be broken.”—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

  12. Red state whiners are already working to change mail-in ballot requirements to ensure the majority of voters won't have access to them because stifling democracy aids wingnuts in their quest for permanent government takeover.

    Wingnuts do the dirty work then blame Dems for the damage they have caused and stoopid fucking wasicu lemmings nod their noodles in agreement because drumpf is never wrong, even when he is wrong.

  13. 34 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  14. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Trump has been planning to move to Mar-a-Lago in Florida, now that he’s lost the election. (What, you chumps who’ve been donating money to a fund to “stop the steal” thought he was still fighting to stay president? He’s been fleecing you for whatever cash you’re foolish enough to part with. At this point, he knows it’s over.)

    But Trump’s neighbors are sick of him and are suing to prevent him from moving in. Who can blame them?

    Trump's Mar-a-Lago neighbors are taking legal action to try to force him to live elsewhere

  15. If Farrakhan is an anti-vaxxer, then that is not the only thing that he has in common with the alt-right.

  16. Of Trump's 200 million stop-democracy scam-bucks, half will pay off the IRS; but the remainder will not suffice to appease either Deutsche Bank or his shadier creditors. So for his own safety, he should turn himself in. May SDNY protect him!

  17. They are going to auction off the right to push the button and blow up Fergus' casino and donate the proceeds to charity.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. Anonymous5:36 PM


  19. Anonymous5:37 PM


  20. Anonymous5:38 PM

    POC should be wary of the "vaccine" its not what you think it is........

  21. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Donald Trump is only a symptom of the pathological deceit that is the White Right and Conservative America in general.

    They are criminals who accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.

    There WAS electoral fraud in the 2020 election, but it is not what the Trump Brownshirts and Right Wing nuts claim.

    Trump and his Conservative conman are the ones who tried to the steal the 2020 election through massive voter suppression of minority communities in key battleground states--much in the same manner that they stole the 2016 election through voter suppression of minorities communities in key battleground states.

    Greg Palast has been documenting and warning about Trump's Theft for over 4 years to this very day. A Trump Theft that continues with the Georgia Senate run-off election.


    How Trump Stole 2020
    The Hunt for America's Vanished Voters

    Georgia and its Long History of Voter Suppression


    What this fool believed was covid was a joke until he contracted it. He deleted posts mocking covid.

  23. Anonymous7:52 PM


  24. Anonymous7:55 PM

    “What this fool believed was covid was a joke until he contracted it. He deleted posts mocking covid.”

    Ah, the infamous “you lie” guy. What a classy dude.

  25. drumpf/noem magat food pantry receives another 3k bodies for later distribution and sacrificial rights to force Biden out of White House.

    Last updated: December 18, 2020, 01:04 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Chow, magats.

  26. Greg Palast was the one who broke the crosscheck story back in 2016 also.
    I mean really, they buggered the fucking postal service. Right out there in the light of day.
    Then they claimed that is was us who cheated.
    There is something wrong with the working of the Republican mind.
    I hope he manages to get the 198,000 voters he found who were improperly purged back on the rolls in time for the runoff.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Wesley R9:30 PM

    It's all a money making scam. I'm sure if Trump knew it was this easy to make money off of people he would have done this a long time ago.


    Good choices for Interior and EPA. I don’t regret my vote.

  29. trump by a landslide!🤣

  30. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Donald Trump is Absolutely Right!

    There was a massive (attempted) Electoral Theft in 2020!

    How does Trump know?

    Trump and his political allies/supporters were the THIEF!

    The real 2020 election scandal: vote theft targeting Black people, youth

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. On the surface a typical American would, of course, have to scratch their head. How could anyone believe something so ridiculous as massive voter fraud? The sillier the stories sound, the more fervent is the chorus. The suitcases under the tables in Georgia right when poll workers asked the observers to leave the room. Laughable, right? Keystone cops. Like trying to watch the hands of a guy running a shell game.

    Not hardly. To the die-hard Trumpies this was the smoking gun that proves all of the other silly theories. Trucks from New York. Fishing boats from North Korea. It's all true. The only people who don't know these things have one thing in common. They confine themselves to traditional news sources, i.e. the mainstream media. NYT, LAT, Boston Globe, USA Today, Reuters, AP, NPR, PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS and now even FOX airs legitimate news from time to time. The people that shape the minds of this class of true believers have premised for decades that the mainstream media is made up entirely of lies. So automatically these men and women will choose conspiracy theories over easily proven fact. And Trump himself is a bigger idiot and chump than the average sucker who believes this crap. It is alarming that it seems to be three out of every four republicans. Folks, we have a big, fucking problem. This does not go away simply when Trump self-implodes.

    How long have crazies like Sarah Palin decried traditional news sources as, "The lamestream media?" This is exactly what she was doing. So over 50 million adult citizens of our country believe that the mainstream media must at the very least be questioned and somehow hucksters like James O'Keefe, Breitbart News, all of the right-wing b-listers such as Daily Caller, American Thinker and Gateway Pundit plus a thousand more...Bloggers, podcasts, YouTube shows, RTV, talk radio of every stripe... These are the true sources of factual news today that can be safely trusted by the faithful.

  33. Oh, and I might add, if you cross these guys up on any of this they will get bent. Real bent. Real fast. If you thought maybe you had a friendly relationship with one or two of them, they will turn on you. They will curse you out. Call you all manner of foul names. Decry your patriotism. Say you have no right no live here. They go off like madmen. They will not be kind to those who suggest that they are simply deluded.

  34. drumpf claims he is smarter than scientists. In college a biology professor asked him if he knew how to make hormones. drumpf unabashedly said don't pay them. Then claimed he aced biology.

  35. 33 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  36. Jared Kushner helped set up a shell company that secretly paid President Donald Trump's family members and spent nearly half of his 2020 campaign's funds.
    Isn't this breaking campaign finance laws?

  37. Guess which party of wasicu wastey stoopid fucking wingnuts are defunding police, trying to bankrupt states and trying to make it impossible for states to borrow from the fed as soon as Biden is sworn in?

  38. FJ: The un-propagandizing of the segment of the population that is addicted to the lies is going to be the major project of the generation coming up right now, and we should do all we can to assist them in their endeavor.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. So now we know why Fergus is so obsessed with vetoing the NDAA: it contains provisions to counter Russian cyber attacks and go after them for it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. Rand Paul, who is a fucking moron, says that if voters who haven't previously voted in Georgia are "brought into the process", the Democrats might end up controlling all three branches of government.
    The three branches of government are the executive, which the Democrats will control after Biden is sworn in, the legislative, which is currently divided and up for grabs in the Georgia runoff, and the judicial which has nothing to do with the goddamn Georgia election, except the fact that if the Democrats win in Georgia, Mitch the fuck McConnell won't be able to block the confirmation of Biden's judicial appointments.
    Rand is even dumber than his daddy.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. From Susie Madrak at Crooks and Liars:

    Olga Lautman
    Remember in January 2017 Trump tapped @RudyGiuliani to head a cyber advisory group and be his cybersecurity adviser. What ever happened with that?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. Anonymous5:40 PM

    “Rand Paul, who is a fucking moron, says that if voters who haven't previously voted in Georgia are ‘brought into the process,’ the Democrats might end up controlling all three branches of government.”

    Maybe he’s alluding to the suggestions from many Democrats that if Biden got elected along with a Dem-controlled Senate, he should then pack the Supreme Court. That theoretical scenario would give the Dems total control of the federal government.

    I don’t think Biden is the sort of radical that would entertain court-packing. Although maybe he should. After McConnell outright stole a court nomination from Obama, and after nearly two-thirds of House Republicans revealed themselves to be utter scumbags by endorsing Trump’s attempted coup, it feels like we are in a no-holds-barred street fight for our democracy.

  43. Isn't this breaking campaign finance laws?

    2:21 PM

    Not as bit, Gambler, as long as wingnuts control the Sinate and refuse to hold drumpf responsible for any of his crimes.

  44. He's confusing the presidency and both houses of congress with the three branches of government, which would be somewhat understandable if he was just a regular Pig Person and not a fucking US senator.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Thanks, Mike. I guess I needed a reality check! LOL!

  46. Another 3k bodies added to drumpf/noem personalized body count today.

    Last updated: December 19, 2020, 00:39 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Wingnuts probably bought heavy into funeral home stock when they called this a hoax.

  47. Gambler, had Obama done any of these drumpf criminal acts wingnuts would have nailed him to any cross and then set it on fire. Then lied about not being white scumacysts.

  48. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Mike Pence has announced that the people who serve in Trump's dumb Space Force will be known as "guardians." ("Of the galaxy?" asked all of America, in unison.)

    I really hope that Biden dismantles the Space Force when he takes office. Right after he bulldozes the handful of sections of border wall Trump actually managed to erect, and after he reverses Trump's "showerhead regulations."

    There are so many Trump policies that just make you groan and shake your head. They're so, so stupid and nonsensical. They're amateurish things that only someone who doesn't take governing seriously would think the government should do.

  49. Anonymous said...

    Mike Pence has announced that the people who serve in Trump's dumb Space Force will be known as "guardians." ("Of the galaxy?" asked all of America, in unison.)

    I really hope that Biden dismantles the Space Force when he takes office. Right after he bulldozes the handful of sections of border wall Trump actually managed to erect, and after he reverses Trump's "showerhead regulations."

    There are so many Trump policies that just make you groan and shake your head. They're so, so stupid and nonsensical. They're amateurish things that only someone who doesn't take governing seriously would think the government should do.

    8:15 PM
    I agree with everything you said here. It too bad that so many voters were conned into voting for the POS who is and always has been a total failure in everything he does. Sometimes I think I'm in a nightmare that I can't wake up from.


    Wisconsin Justices Receive Threats And Hate After Elections Ruling

    Sad day in the USA.

  51. Space Force.

    I just figured out what it reminds me of. In the mid 1960s, there was a British marionation space show for children called, "Thunderbirds." I can't separate the image of marionettes clumsily moving for the cameras with the stilted voice acting from this silly notion of a Space Force. The very idea of militarizing space is so fucking disgusting.

  52. It was the activist wingnuts on Wisky Soopreme court that allowed the wingnut lege to usurp power from the Dem guv and backed every voter suppression tactic they came up with. When Snott Wanker was elected guv, the court gave him unprecedented powers that were subsequently taken from Dem guv.

  53. Corporations and wingnuts have poisoned Dem Senators minds and want to give the wealthiest doubled deductions because they are wealthy.

  54. Anonymous11:22 AM

    “The very idea of militarizing space is so fucking disgusting.”

    Probably unavoidable, though. Satellites have become an indispensable part of military operations — for communications, obviously, but for other things you might not think of. GPS was originally created by the US military to guide our missiles. So a major war against another industrialized country (God forbid it comes to that) would involve shooting down each other’s satellites.

    The dumb part is not the military taking this into consideration, but that Trump decided the creation of an entire new branch of the military was needed to handle this, rather than leaving it in the hands of the Air Force.

    Trump acts on his bizarre whims when it comes to setting policy, as he has no well-thought-out ideas about governing. This is because he never actually cared about governing; his entire run for the presidency was only about servicing his bloated, warped ego.

    Trump never wanted to govern, only to BE president, to prove what a big shot he is. And of course to monetize it all, to fatten his bank account, one way or another.

    I can’t wait until he is gone.

  55. Remember how close Prof Henry Gates came to being a falsely accused of breaking and entering his own home when Obama was Potus?

    This is some of his work since then....

    Public servant and a great guy to have a beer and conversation with since he was not murdered for being Black in his own home.

  56. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Fucker Carlson is at it again, claiming the CDC’s vaccine distribution plans are anti-white. According to him, “old people in this country are too white to save.”

  57. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Make that “blue states’ vaccine distribution plans.” Carlson’s dishonest rant was aimed more at them than the federal government.

  58. "Carlson’s dishonest rant was aimed more at them than the federal government."

    But yet "the left" is accused of dividing America.

  59. drumpf, once again defends Putin/Russia and blames China for latest cyber hack intel officials blamed Russia for. drumpf, again, blamed China.

  60. Anonymous2:08 PM

    The TrumpTards and White Right will have a hard time trying to discredit this watchdog report critical of the NYPD's use of "excessive enforcement" against Black Lives Matter protests in New York this past summer.

    All their squealing about "Law and Order" can't rationalize away police beatings and repression.

    Investigation Report Says NYPD's 'Excessive Enforcement' Contributed to Violence During George Floyd Protests

    Police Brutality Caught On Camera: 22 Videos That Explain Why Black Lives Matter

  61. "So a major war against another industrialized country (God forbid it comes to that) would involve shooting down each other’s satellites."

    The problem with that is that they don't get fully shot "down" and instead leave high velocity chunks in orbit that have the capacity to tear unfortunate holes in any other orbiting spacecraft.

    Which is one major reason for the negotiated anti-militarization agreements we have been operating under, and not fully abiding by in that our ICBMs pass through space on their way to their targets.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Real drumpfian magat voter checks all relevant boxes....white scumacyst, pedophile, ugly as sin, etc

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