Sunday, December 13, 2020

Caption Sunday.


Give me a caption for this picture. 


  1. Defiant to the bitter end.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Not a caption so much as an observation. Trump regularly has this posture and this look. Head askew, looking off into the distance, not seemingly part of whats going on around him. Where have I seen that behavior in a Trump before... Hmmm... Barron, thats where. The same slightly out of it look on his face, gazing around him at nothing.

  3. Former vice president of the Trump Organization recalls a moment from this Greatest Friend of Black People.

    first minute of the interview.

  4. The demon from hell joins his minions.

  5. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Trump, friend of the virus until the end, resolves to spend his dwindling days as president spreading it to as many people as possible.

  6. Easy to pick out SS agents around drumpf.

  7. anotherbozo said. we know drumpf is a racist. His magats don't believe it when shown undeniable proof.

  8. Wisky supreme court accuses drumpf of being a racist as he sued only the 2 largest minority enclaves in Wisconsin.

  9. 38 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  10. Anonymous1:29 PM

    12 days until Biden arrest.

    For influence peddling and treason.


  11. What Anon 1:29 PM wrote is a testable hypothesis, and is unlikely. Another testable hypothesis, less unlikely, is worded the same, but replaces "Biden" with "Trump".

    Here is another testable hypothesis. If Biden is arrested, then I will write to this forum to express amazement and outrage. If Biden is not arrested, then Anon 1:29 PM will write... nothing at all.

  12. Anonymous2:22 PM

    “If Biden is not arrested, then Anon 1:29 PM will write... nothing at all.”

    No, he will undoubtedly invoke yet another conspiracy theory to explain how shadowy forces somehow protected Biden.

    It’s one outrageous lie after another. There is a bottomless supply of wingnut lies, and the cultists never seem to wise up, no matter how many times the predictions fail to come true.

  13. drumpf signed an agreement years go with West Palm Beach, at the time he wanted to make it membership only, that he could not use it as a principle residence, could not spend more than 21 days per year or more than 7 days in a row. He has broken all those promises. He is also, by contract, to remove heli pad when he is no longer Potus. He has been using it as a pad for personal copters, in violation of the rules when it was built for Marine 1 only.

    Once a cheating scofflaw always a cheating scofflaw.

  14. China Joe2:40 PM

    I'm sure the timing of this leak just a coincidence:

  15. Georgia's highest court late yesterday told drumpf to take a fucking hike with his phony lawsuits. drumpf should have run out of strikes a month ago. Remember when wingnuts tried to get death penalty appeals limited to one and had to happen within 30 days of sentencing?

  16. Fake News Update2:46 PM

    Despite the 'worst virus in history', US deaths this year are literally no worse than they've been for the last 10, and may even be on track to go DOWN.

    2010: 2.5M
    2011: 2.5M
    2012: 2.5M
    2013 :2.6M
    2014: 2.6M
    2015: 2.7M
    2016: 2.7M
    2017: 2.8M
    2018: 2.8M
    2019: 2.9M
    2020: 2.5M (as of Nov.)

  17. Trump won the 2020 election:

  18. drumpf delays nursing home vaccinations until Dec 21, hoping more elderly will die for not voting for him.( part of preceding is not true)

  19. Putin deploys his secret weapon against the US Army.

  20. Math 2:48 PM:

    Trump's lawyer's presented none of this as evidence to the judges in their 50 lawsuits. There are three possibilities:

    1. None of the evidence is valid, and Trump's lawyers are smart enough to never present it in court.

    2. Some of the evidence is valid, but Trump's lawyers are too stupid to present it.

    3. Some of the evidence is valid, Trump's lawyers are smart, but they're in on the steal.

    I favor explanation #1. Trump's dead-enders must choose between #2 and #3. I speculate that if #3 is true, then Trump is in on the steal too; he's throwing the fight.

  21. From

    A new CBS News poll finds 62% of Americans believe that the election is “over and settled” and that it is “time to move on” to other issues.

    That majority stands in stark contrast to the 82% of Trump supporters polled who do not see President-elect Joe Biden as the legitimate victor.
    No matter what math you do, the non believers come out in the minority at about 25 percent of all voters. I figure. This number is not commensurate with the amount of noise and trouble they are making. Unfortunately, they think they are in the majority.

  22. Anonymous said...

    12 days until Biden arrest.

    For influence peddling and treason.

    1:29 PM
    LOL! To which Biden do you refer, chum? Please pick a screen name so we can discuss your prediction in 12 days.

  23. Paradoctor said....

    "Here is another testable hypothesis. If Biden is arrested, then I will write to this forum to express amazement and outrage. If Biden is not arrested, then Anon 1:29 PM will write... nothing at all."

    2:01 PM
    Oh Paradoctor, you made me laugh so much with this post. Damn, but you are clever!

  24. Math said...

    Trump won the 2020 election:

    2:48 PM
    Sorry, Math, but this proves nothing. Dumps of ballots at different time on election night and in the next day have been common for years. Nothing to see here.

  25. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Granny apparently still in believes polls.

    Go figure.

  26. Biden won the election of 2020 for Potus, ergo, drumpfuck the dumbfuck lost the election, lost the recounts, lost all the various and sundry frivolous suits filed and is guaranteed to lose the electoral count Monday. Then you anti-American, anti-Democratic, anti-constitutional pissants best find a rathole to hide in. A democratic America has no place for seditious fuckers like you.

  27. Anonymous5:41 PM

    One of Trump’s crappy attorneys, Lin Wood, has some thoughts about how come Trump didn’t get re-elected:

    “CCP & 1000’s of US citizens worked together to try to steal 2020 election at top of ticket & selected down ballot races. Serbia, Canada, Venezuela, Cuba, CIA, George Soros, Bill Gates, Biden, Clinton Foundation & many national state & local officials from both parties involved.”

    Wow. That’s some conspiracy. When these clowns say, “they’re all in on it,” they really mean “all.” It might have saved Wood some typing to just list the apparent handful of people who aren’t in on it.

    I wish this was some kind of parody of Team Trump, but sadly, it’s not. They really are this nuts.

  28. Anonymous said...

    Granny apparently still in believes polls.

    Go figure.

    5:24 PM
    No, Darling, I believe in mathematics.

  29. There ain't a single magat in America, including drumpfuck's own grifting brats, that he wouldn't throw under the bus to advance himself.

    Stoopid fucking magats need to keep this in mind before you foolishly throw away your lives for his fat orange ass.

  30. drumpfuck owes more than a billion bucks and is worth about 2.5 billion after debts.

  31. MSCIA8:06 PM

    "Wow. That’s some conspiracy."

    Kind of like the one about Russia getting Trump elected.

  32. Stable Genius drumpf has totally fucked up the economy and will leave office as one of the worst piece of shit bogus potus ever.

    Brag on this, magats.

  33. Portrait of a losing grifter surrounded by the trappings of power.

    Speaking of grifters:

    Suburban Guerrilla Ω
    Loeffler and Perdue got secret briefing on covid and went out and invested in BODY BAGS. Jesus Christ.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Gambler2 4:47 PM:
    I live to serve. :)
    I predict silence, Honest Anonymous 2:22 PM predicts excuses, you laugh... and I notice that 12 days from now is the 25th. So on Christmas, Anon 1:29 PM is either getting a toy, or a lump of coal.

  35. Paradoctor

    ROTF! You made me laugh twice in one day!

  36. Mike fro Iowa said...
    Stable Genius drumpf has totally fucked up the economy and will leave office as one of the worst piece of shit bogus potus ever.

    Pitiful isn't it? Political has a brief article about it.

    “Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two (75 years ago), Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.”

  37. Granny is clueless12:08 AM

    Trump will not exit the White House until January 20, 2025.

  38. 'A rise in white supremacy’: Black pastor alarmed by Proud Boys night of violence and vandalism in DC

    "Piggy-backing off the festival of MAGA fervor, COVID denialism and Trump-election fantasy in Washington DC on Saturday, hundreds of Proud Boys and other right-wing thugs roamed through the nation’s capital as afternoon turned to night, spoiling for fights with antifascist adversaries and local residents alike, and vandalizing property."

  39. You say the strangest things.

    I didn't say anything about when Trump would be exiting the White House. I don't care when he leaves the White House and I don't care if he leaves of his own volition or if they have to carry him out. The main point is that he is leaving - Thank God and thank the American voters!

  40. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is BLOCKING the forensic analysis report of the Dominion voting machines that took place on December 6.

    She knows it will show election fraud on a massive and terrifying scale.

  41. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Explain why Biden underperformed Hillary everywhere across the nation except in the 5 critical swing states that froze the vote counting in unison on election night?

  42. Wesley R.12:58 AM

    For me, the worst thing about 2020 so far has been the pandemic.

  43. Anonymous2:46 AM

    "Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is BLOCKING the forensic analysis report of the Dominion voting machines that took place on December 6.

    She knows it will show election fraud on a massive and terrifying scale."

    Oh good. Let's gin up even more death threats against this woman over your election fraud fantasies. Very responsible.

  44. It’s Electoral College voting day!4:30 AM

    I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Trump trash suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

  45. Anonymous9:04 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  46. Anonymous9:04 AM

    "I care about America"

  47. Anonymous9:05 AM



  48. Anonymous said...

    Explain why Biden underperformed Hillary everywhere across the nation except in the 5 critical swing states that froze the vote counting in unison on election night?
    No one needs to explain a non existent event.

    You have been coned, lied to, mislead. Why didn't you use Google to check the data instead of making a fool of yourself?

    12:51 AM

  49. 37 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  50. Anonymous said...

    Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is BLOCKING the forensic analysis report of the Dominion voting machines that took place on December 6.

    She knows it will show election fraud on a massive and terrifying scale.

    12:50 AM
    So let's wait for the judge's decision.

    Judge to conduct hearing on whether to lift protective order, release Antrim County results
    Paul Egan
    Detroit Free Press
    December 12, 2020

    LANSING — A judge is expected to hold a hearing Monday morning on a lawyer’s request to lift a protective order shielding the of a court-ordered examination of voting equipment in Antrim County — a county that President Donald Trump easily won, but where his legal team is alleging irregularities.

    Portage attorney Matthew DePerno filed an emergency motion Friday with 13th Circuit Judge Kevin Elsenheimer, claiming he has "received initial preliminary results which are important for the public, the U.S. government and the Michigan Legislature to review and understand," and are "an issue of national security."

  51. Anonymous
    I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Trump trash suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

    4:30 AM
    Yes, today's the day and thank God for that. I'm not so sure this will silence the millions of Trump's followers though. They fabricate conspiracy theories faster than we can debunk them. They are a thorn in our side and a pain in the ass.

  52. "Oh good. Let's gin up even more death threats against this woman over your election fraud fantasies. Very responsible."

    Hey guess what? The results of forensic analysis report of the Dominion voting machines were just released and it's as bad as we thought:

    “We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

    "The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity."

    There's a lot more in the report, including evidence of adjudication records being deleted and software being changed after the election.

    This throws all election results from states using Dominion machines in doubt.

    Trump won.

    Hang the traitors.

  53. BREAKING: President Trump will pardon Julian Assange.

  54. Officials that knowingly certified a fraudulent election are about to have a bad time.

  55. Trump has given them every chance to do it the right way, they all continue to resist the warranted due diligence on the fraud that 100% existed. They will now suffer the consequences.

  56. “They will now suffer the consequences.“

    What?A furious twitter rant???😆😂😂

  57. Anonymous1:37 PM

    “They will now suffer the consequences.”

    We are now entering the revenge phase of the Trump trash temper tantrum.

    This is how the wingnut stages of grief work, right?

    Denial, anger, bargaining, revenge ...

  58. Who really rigged the vote?
    Note that the poll/vote gap is always in the same direction.
    Yet even so he lost!


  59. Good grief but there are some wild, crazy people in Michigan. This must be place all those crazies in North Idaho went after they left. I guess since their plan to kidnap the governor failed, they have gone wild up there.

    Here's an example:

    Baily, who claims that his ballot was damaged in the recounting and therefore allowed the marijuana proposal in the village to pass by one vote.

    However, Bailey is a registered voter in the township of Central Lake and not the village — therefore could not have voted on the village’s marijuana proposal.


  60. Here's another example of Michigan nutty behavior:

    A Michigan state representative who suggested there was “going to be violence” at the Capitol in Lansing on Monday ahead of the state’s electors meeting to cast their votes for Joe Biden has lost his committee assignments for the rest of the year. The move against Rep. Gary Eisen comes after his comments during a Monday interview on WPHM, in which he said he couldn’t assure listeners it would be a safe day at the Michigan Capitol building. “I don’t know, because what we’re doing today is uncharted,” Eisen said. “It hasn’t been done. It’s not me doing it, it’s the Michigan
    House... it’s the Michigan party. I’m just a witness.”

  61. Anonymous Mr. Responsible said. My links don't work and neither does the bullshit math I heap on everyone. Ignore me and I will go away unlike covid.

  62. Wisconsin soopreme court tells drumpf and his lawsuits to fuck off. drumpf is moldy toast. drumpf has lost at least 56 of 57 cases in courts with many of his chosen ideologues. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Can you say all hail Potus elect Biden, because I can?

  63. More criminal Michigan insanity:


    But, but China is the real enemy.


    drumpf's top Pastor, Mark burns, has been proven to be a fraud and a shyster, just like drumpf.

  66. Well, it's happening, right this minute. So far there have been no disturbances or defections, the electoral college is voting to elect Joe Biden president of the United States.

    That's what we do here in America.

    Some though, hate America, and want to choose the president by some other, more corrupt means.

    That has always been the case, though, and in every instance so far, the tantrum throwing fringe has been put down by the orderly working of the government.

    It hasn't always been fair or pretty, and the electoral college, a relic of the division of power among the slave holding and free states, is not long for this world.

    It's what we have right now, though, and right now it is doing its job.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. It's like we're back in the Newtonian universe, with its deterministic mathematical laws and its clockwork mechanisms. How refreshing, after all the pomo quantum chaos lately.


    "Alternate electors" are turned away in Michigan. See the video.

  69. To all my friends.

    There is a very interesting article on Raw Story today that explains why Trump has failed to obtain his goal of becoming a dictator. It's long but well worth a read.

  70. From AFP Fact Check:

    Social media posts claim an examination of Dominion vote-counting equipment revealed it automatically gave president-elect Joe Biden a 26 percent lead in Georgia’s Ware County. This is false; officials said there is no truth to the allegations, and while a tabulation error in the hand count did misallocate 0.26 percent of the county's votes, it was caught and corrected.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  71. Why the rest of the claims are bullshit also:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. Anonymous5:43 PM

    You people are trip.

    I've never seen so much "It's not happening that's a far right conspiracy theory" to "Lol ok it's happening why is that bad?" to "Lol yeah it's happening you deserve it!".

  73. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Another rat, Bill Barr, abandons the sinking ship.

  74. What's happening is that Biden is being elected. California just put him over 270.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. Anonymous said...

    You people are trip.

    I've never seen so much "It's not happening that's a far right conspiracy theory"
    This is true. There really is a far right conspiracy to steal Joe Biden's win.

  76. Yeah, Doug. Hurray for California!

  77. Good fact check link, Doug. Gambler, I saw both of your links but did not delve too deeply into the drumpf dick tater story. That is a lengthy read for a winter snowstorm which we haven't had in yet.

  78. 306 Biden--Trump 2327:19 PM

    Electoral college voting is all over. The Trump trash can suck it.

  79. Biggest covid vaccine hoax is having the total covid deniers get the first vaccine. They should be last or not eligible for it.

  80. drumpf/noem body count started a 305,059 and finished @...

    Last updated: December 15, 2020, 01:18 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Just shy of 3k again.

  81. Russians Hacked State Department Too

    December 14, 2020 at 11:16 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 78 Comments

    “The Department of Homeland Security, the State Department and the National Institutes of Health on Monday joined the list of known victims of a months-long, highly sophisticated digital spying operation by Russia whose damage remains uncertain but is presumed to be extensive,” the Washington Post reports.

    All this on Trump's watch while he was playing golf, super spreading the virus, and then throwing tantrums because he lost the election. Too bad he doesn't worry as much about the country as he worries about himself.

  82. I find it ironic that the goddamn Republicans who are so existentially freaked out with Fergus' election loss that they are literally playing make believe pretend government today sucked so dismally at governing when it was their turn.

    And as for that notarized forgery of a certificate allotting Arizona's electors to Fergus that they sent to the National Archives, that sounds a lot like conspiracy to defraud the United States government to me.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  83. Anonymous2:16 AM

    "And as for that notarized forgery of a certificate allotting Arizona's electors to Fergus that they sent to the National Archives, that sounds a lot like conspiracy to defraud the United States government to me."

    LOL, how did they ever, ever think this was going to work? It seems like they totally believed it would, though. "I sent in my piece of paper first, before the actual electors did, so now Trump will definitely be president for four more years!"


    Trump has mobilized the absolute dumbest people to his insane cause. They're coming out of the woodwork now.

    Everything about this is funny, because this has to be the most amateurish, lame coup attempt ever, yet it is also not funny at all, because Trump has undermined faith in democracy and incited violence. It would not be surprising if some state elected official gets murdered before all this is over. All of Michigan's legislative offices had to lock down because of credible threats of violence during the Electoral College voting.

  84. "Alternate electors" are turned away in Michigan. See the video.“

    Republicans are dumb enough to think it would work. What is wrong with these people?

  85. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Hey granny, those aren't Trump "minions", they're West Point Cadets and Naval Academy Midshipmen. Those are the same people you claim are going to go out and slaughter Trump supporters. You really do suffer from dementia.

  86. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Can we finally admit it was a huge mistake to elect a gay mulatto community organizer as president?

  87. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Putin has congratulated Biden for democrat election fraud.

  88. drumpf is neither gay nor a mulatto or even legally elected, for that matter. Worst POS ever set foot in the White House.

  89. Lots to celebrate on December 23. Older bro turns 70. My December SS check gets deposited on the 23rd and AG Barr resigns his cushy job. Life is sweet and getting sweeter. US voters kicked out the cheater.

  90. Anonymous10:23 AM

    “Putin has congratulated Biden for democrat election fraud.”

    If even Putin has abandoned his lackey in the White House, perhaps that’s a clue that it really is over, and Trump lost.

  91. “Can we finally admit it was a huge mistake to elect a gay mulatto community organizer as president?“

    Um, if you’re referring to the guy before trump you do know he’s been gone for 4 years so whatever BS is going on is the orange idiot’s fault.😆😂😆 Try to keep up.

  92. 36 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  93. Anonymous said...

    Can we finally admit it was a huge mistake to elect a gay mulatto community organizer as president?

    6:31 AM
    This remark is so old, it has mold on it. LOL! I suppose you will blame Obama for the pandemic too. So if you reply, please no bull shit about how Obama left the cupboards bare. Some stocks were low, but that was because the Republican congress refused to allot the money for replacements.

    Obama left Trump a booming economy which Trump destroyed by ignoring the pandemic when there was still time to save the economy.

    So why don't you stop bitching about Obama and focus on the many failings of your beloved cult leader?

  94. Stock market under Obama the Great rebounded from dumbass dubya's second recession to hit all time highs when drumpf and Putin stole the 2016 election. Obama's economic recovery created many more jobs than drumpf and Obama's stock market grew a much larger % than did drumpf's. All proven facts.

  95. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Definitive proof that the Biden "win" was a steal:[121320]_v2_[redacted].pdf

    Popular treatment with good graphics:

  96. So Lin Wood advised Fergus' idiot hordes to "stock up on second amendment supplies" which I guess means that ammo prices are going up again...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  97. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Mitch McTurtle has now recognized Biden as the president-elect.

  98. And the grift goes on:

    Fergus is aggressively fundraising in support of the Republican candidates in the Georgia runoff election, and keeping most of the money he raises for himself in his "leadership PAC", much to the chagrin of the goddamn Republicans who actually want to win that election.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  99. Randy Rainbow strikes again, and this is among his best:

    -Doug in Sugar Pinwe

  100. Definitive proof that the Biden "win" was a steal:

    Two debunked lies in one short sentence. The election is over and done with and there ain't a fucking thing you are going to do to change that.

    Best for you is to act like horse shit and hit the trail, whiny, sappy, losers.

  101. drumpfuck lost. That is reality. No alternate facts will ever change reality. Get real or get bent.

  102. Mike said.....

    "drumpfuck lost. That is reality. No alternate facts will ever change reality. Get real or get bent."

    5:52 PM
    True, Mike, Mitch put the nail in the coffin today when he did two things today. He recognized Biden as the president elect, and he asked his Republican caucus to refrain from challenging the Electoral College votes on January 6.

  103. drumpf/noem body count claims another 2600 bodies and passes 17 million total US cases.

    Last updated: December 16, 2020, 00:35 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Count started today at 308,010.

  104. Anonymous10:33 PM

    "Fergus is aggressively fundraising in support of the Republican candidates in the Georgia runoff election, and keeping most of the money he raises for himself in his 'leadership PAC', much to the chagrin of the goddamn Republicans who actually want to win that election."

    Zero percent of it is going to the actual candidates he pretends to be fundraising for.

    25% is going to the RNC.

    75% is going directly into his pocket. You know that "leadership PAC" is a fancy way of saying "Trump's pocket," right? You can rest assured that he will be investigated at some point for personally keeping that money.

    Just call him President Looter.

  105. Some journalists FOIA'd the criminal referral Billbarr Buggins deep sixed that the ICIG made over Fergus trying to extort the Ukrainian president for help with his doomed campaign.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. anonymous said...

    Just call him President Looter.

    10:33 PM

    President Grifter is a nice title too. LOL!

  107. Is there a wingnut pol out there that does not stink to high heaven or not cheat on taxes?

    In the midst of a real estate boom where neighbors taxes all rose? Shortly after making over 300k worth of improvements your assessment drops by nearly half?

  108. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Trump yelling at lawnmower boy: final edition.

    Best. Meme. Ever.

  109. Doug, according to Rachel Maddow, using much the same Buzzfeed stuff you listed says now acting AG Rosen is the one who tried to cover up drumpf's phone call and criminal activities surrounding Ukraine. The entire drumpf administration is corrupt, from top to bottom.

  110. 35 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  111. drumpfuck's remaining female election case losing lawyer ( Jenna Ellis)was a prosecutor in Colorado who got fired for making too many mistakes.

    Eastern district of Michigan wants Sidney Powell stopped from filing cases there and wants the Bar to check her for ethics violations.

  112. Major League Baseball just reclassified Negro League as Major League Baseball, for what bit is worth.

  113. Charley Pride played in the negro leagues. RIP.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. Found on Susie Madrak's blog:

    Jim Sciutto
    New: NY Supreme Court judge has ruled the Trump Organization must turn over documents related to a property whose tax abatements were being investigated by New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office. The Trump Org claimed documents protected by attorney-client privilege

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  115. Six months ago Pence said "we are winning the fight against the invisible enemy." and it immediately drew comparisons to W's "mission accomplished" banner.

    They are similar Republican lies, not only were "major combat operations in Iraq" not ended at the time, but the situation was set to deteriorate into the very clusterfuck we had warned them it would deteriorate into. "In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." was not only a lie then, but we're still fucking there right now, seventeen years and trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of murders later.

    The major difference I can see between them is that the majority of the murders in W's atrocity were Iraqi citizens (4,424 US soldiers vs. perhaps half a million Iraqis), while the 300,000 and counting in Pence's disgusting lie are all Americans.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  116. drumpf's final female lawyer with covid (Jenna Ellis) was a prosecutor in Colorado and was fired for making too many mistakes. Sounds exactly like the best people only drumpf hires.

  117. From WAPO....

    Black Americans donate a higher share of their wealth than Whites
    Despite lower net worth, they have a culture of charitable giving. They are philanthropists investing in their communities.

    Fuck you wasicu wasteys.

  118. drumpf/noem body count counted bodies until who laid the rail today...

    Last updated: December 16, 2020, 23:32 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    over 3k with at least another hour in the count.

  119. An extensive CNN report Wednesday revealed that President Donald Trump has thought about staging a sit-in and refusing to leave the White House during President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

    Trump is struggling with where he’ll go when he leaves the White House. He made a deal with Palm Beach County that if he took over Mar-a-Lago that he would never turn it into a residence. Neighbors are now suing to ensure that the president doesn’t live in the exclusive club.

    How did so many Republicans fall for this foolish, no class guy?

  120. From Crooks and Liars

    Seems the former cop thought a repair man had 750 fake ballots in his truck!

  121. 314,525 bodies for the finish today. Over 3876 bodies drumpf/noem personally killed today. What will tomorrow bring but more of the same senseless deaths.

  122. Anonymous11:10 AM

    "I won"

  123. Anonymous11:11 AM

    TRUMP 2021!!

  124. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Over 3876 bodies drumpf/noem personally killed today.

    Imagine being stupid enough to believe this.

  125. Anonymous9:13 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!
