Wednesday, January 06, 2021

A MAGA coup attempt in Washington.


If you are surprised at what happened today in Washington, you haven't been paying attention to your country over the past four years.

America elected a racist crackpot to the highest office in the land, and now that his time is up, he will not go quietly. 

Today, Americans watched in shock, as Mr. trump's thugs attacked the U.S. capitol building and stormed the house and senate chambers while debate was taking place. This attempted coup took place while "normal" Americans watched in horror. They could not believe that this was happening in America. Sadly, these people are just as clueless as the thugs who stormed Washington today. Mr. trump and his enablers have been calling for this for weeks, and they have been encouraged by conservative media, elected trump puppets, and social media falsehoods.

As I watch I am struck by something else: The double standard when it comes to how these folks have been treated by law enforcement compared to how the black lives matter protestors were treated this summer. I am seeing way less police presence for much more serious offences being committed by Mr. trump's thugs. (Fine people on both sides.) You just know that if these had been young black and brown people acting out in this manner in Washington today you would be hearing about all the dead protestors in the streets. 

Mr. trump has been lying to these people for weeks that he won the election, and they have been all too willing to buy into the lie. They are willing because they share one thing in common: A hatred and fear of brown people. Make no mistake, what you are seeing playing out today in Washington is who we are as a country. If you didn't think this could have happened here, and that this kind of behavior only happens in Third World countries and banana republics, I have a bell to sell you here in Philadelphia. This redneck revolution is being televised, and now you see what folks like yours truly have been warning you about for years. 

I honestly think that the 25th Amendment should be invoked, and that Mr. trump should be removed from office before his remaining two weeks are up. Because, sadly, if you don't think that he could do even more damage, you don't know Donald trump. 

On another note, congrats to the people of Georgia for making Mitch Turtle McConnell senate minority leader. 

Two democratic senators from the state of Georgia. One black and the other a Jew. Who could have seen this coming? 

Well, maybe some of those thugs and rioters in Washington did, and that's just one more reason why they are so angry.

*Image from WYFF Greenville.


  1. Wow! What is happening over there?!!!?? These people are very angry and they are going to stay that way! So what can be expected now??? Talk about divided!

  2. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Venezuela decided to mock us today for operating like a 3rd-world country:

    “#COMUNICADO| Venezuela expresa su preocupación por los hechos de violencia que se están llevando a cabo en la ciudad de Washington, EEUU; condena la polarización política y aspira que el pueblo estadounidense pueda abrirse un nuevo camino hacia la estabilidad y la justicia social.”

    Plug it into Google Translate if you want a laugh and don’t speak Spanish.

  3. Well they are clearly mocking us! Like you criticize us so much yet look at you!

    And actually this is how coups are born. because if the majority of the police and the military are on the side of those protestors, it's all over!

  4. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I’m disappointed with DC’s security preparedness. They knew these thugs were coming, but still managed to get caught with their pants down. The Trump trash should never have been able to make it inside the Capitol.

    Riot control FAIL.

    What did we waste all those taxpayer dollars on the Pain Ray, if not for this?

  5. Anonymous6:04 PM

    “And actually this is how coups are born. because if the majority of the police and the military are on the side of those protestors ...”

    They’re not.

    The MAGA goons wish they were, but their hopes will be dashed.

  6. I agree with you, Field. Those of us who know about how Mr. Trump conducts his life are not surprised by today's events. He's been telegraphing it to us for months. Remember when he wouldn't commit to a peaceful transition of power if he lost the election? That should have been a bright red flag to everyone with a functioning brain. And it's not over yet. We still have two more weeks with this traitor as president.

  7. And congressional magats still refuse to hold drumpf or their buddies accountable.

  8. Anonymous said...

    I’m disappointed with DC’s security preparedness. They knew these thugs were coming, but still managed to get caught with their pants down. The Trump trash should never have been able to make it inside the Capitol.

    Riot control FAIL.

    What did we waste all those taxpayer dollars on the Pain Ray, if not for this?

    5:58 PM
    I'm with you, Anon. I say what the hell!?? Whoever is/was responsible for today's preparations at the capital must be fired. Such incompetence cannot be tolerated.

  9. Gambler2 said...

    I'm with you, Anon. I say what the hell!?? Whoever is/was responsible for today's preparations at the capital must be fired. Such incompetence cannot be tolerated.

    6:11 PM

    Such incompetence is also dangerous. But I wonder now, was 'it merely "incompetence"? Or was it 'we're white they're white, lets not be too harsh?

    As Field well said. Had the protestors been Black, nah, things would have been different, head cracking, tasers, rubber bullets, etc.

  10. and I'll tell you another thing, nothing, nada will happen to them.

    Oil will be poured over those troubled waters, and everything possible $$$ done to appease these people. They are white supremacist Americans, and not to be messed with as you can clearly see...umhum...

  11. There were reports that the pentagon denied mobilization of National Guard troops to DC earlier today, but that seems to have been reversed.
    Rumors that Fergus was stirring up shit to give himself pretext for invoking the insurrection act seem to have over estimated Fergus' ability to think ahead and plan.
    Those black women taking the senate majority away from team evil was a thing of beauty.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. Anonymous6:32 PM

    News reports are saying a woman was shot dead in the Capitol. They have not identified if she was a MAGA thug, congressional staffer, or police officer.

  13. Wonder how magats are going to blame BLM and antifa for the violence in DC?

  14. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "Wonder how magats are going to blame BLM and antifa for the violence in DC?"

    The dirty communist left rigged the election against poor Mr. Trump and thereby forced us to riot in order to restore liberty ... blahdy blah blah.

  15. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Antifa operatives mixed in with the MAGA citizens and the ones actually doing bad things. remember tax payers actually own the building and let our reps use it.

  16. Anonymous8:22 PM

    November 3rd will not be forgot.......

  17. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Since Trump’s thugs stormed Congress, I feel like James Comey picked the wrong day to announce that Trump shouldn’t be prosecuted for any of his crimes, in the interest of national healing.

  18. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Dr. Kali D. Cyrus
    White privilege is not being shot or tear gassed while storming the Capitol.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Sarah Palin is apparently back from the wilderness to inform us all that those Nazis we saw breaking into Congress and stealing souvenirs were actually secret Antifa.

    Okay then. This day just keeps getting better and better.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. OK, Fergus' insurrection body count stands at four, or one Benghazi.
    25th the damn fool before he blows something else up.
    MAGA hatted goons with confederate flags breached farther into the US government today than any confederate soldier did during the civil war, and were allowed to leave the building by a cop holding the door for them.
    The citizens of DC had to put up with a goddamn armed insurrection called down by the fucking president of the United States and allowed to proceed by capitol police, then had to abide by a curfew put in place because of the lawlessness, and capitol workers were seen cleaning up the broken glass and vandalism, all while having no senators or real representation in the house.
    A picture on Twitter showed the difference between the security during BLM protests and today.

    I thought that when the looting starts, the shooting starts, but I guess that doesn't apply if the looters are white.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Fuck the police. You forgot to mention they let them into the building. Hint: if all the security that's normally there vanishes, it's on purpose, and this was stunt.

    Abolish the criminal injustice system.

  23. Thank the good people of Georgia and black voters across the U.S.A. for swinging the balance of our government towards justice.

  24. "The president remains undeterred."
    No, the president emitted an undie turd that the Secret Service was called in ton deal with.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Alright, you woke conspiracy theorists in here might want to slow your roll. You’re all sounding a lot like lefty versions of the trolls with their “COVID is a hoax” and “zombie Hugo Chavez rigged the voting machines against Trump,” when you start from the assumption, but no evidence, that the cops must have been “in on” today’s circus on Capitol Hill.

    Sometimes, ineptitude is just ineptitude.

    In any event, there needs to be a government inquiry to find out WTF happened — why the number of police deployed was grossly inadequate to do any riot control when everybody knew in advance that a large mob of far-right extremists was headed to DC to try to block the announcement of the Electoral College results in Congress. And the very recently appointed DC police chief (a black dude, btw) and the head of the Capitol police will have some uncomfortable questions to answer.

  26. Hamza Shaban
    Police arresting journalists while rioters who attacked police, broke into the Capitol, vandalized offices, stole things and menaced public servants were allowed to just...go home

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. I didn't see Fergus at the insurrection but he sure told the crowd he'd be there, and said "we" hella times while whipping them up to go do it.

    Hey Pig People: Fergus doesn't like you, and wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Anonymous3:34 AM

    I think the real question is this:

    Did the very fine insurrectionists who stormed the US Capitol Building receive from DC Police a fast food meal of their choice from a local Burger King, as Dylan Roof received from police after murdering those people in a Black church in Charleston, South Carolina?

    White terrorists and insurrectionists are Gentle Snowflakes who must be treated with delicacy!

  29. It's over... again:
    Congress affirms Biden's Electoral College victory

    Congress has just affirmed President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory over President Trump.

    The Senate and House rejected objections to throw out Georgia and Pennsylvania's electoral votes for Biden. Republicans also objected to Arizona, Nevada and Michigan's electoral votes, but the motions failed before they reached debate.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Sooooooooo, where are the anons that promised trump was going to win and the Dems were going to jail? I swore they were going to choose a screen name and discuss that tonight. 😆😂

  31. Did y'all see the guy walking off with the podium? Anybody know if he was stopped? or did he go home with it...

    And did y'all see the protestor taking the selfie with the cop?

    Incredible!...but true xD

  32. Other news, nearly 4000 Americans lost their lives to covid yesterday, not including the one asrmed insurrectionist killed in the capitol.

    Animals who take up arms against their gubmint should be getting shot about now.

    Kenosha had peaceful demonstrations after it was announced attempted killer pig would not be charged as a murderer for shooting unarmed black man in the back at pb range.

  33. Anonymous9:27 AM

    ANTIFA being bused to Capital under police escort. False flag operation were conducted in conjunction with the left wing anti freedom news agencies.

  34. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Defund the Capital Police!!!!

  35. Trump's tax returns, impeachment, payoffs, pardons, pandemic and lies9:32 AM

    Now that's a riot.

    Why burn down a rinky dink AutoZone or CVS pharmacy when you can bomb the capitol? Why loot a high end retail store when you can steal a souvenir from a member of Congress? The thought that "Pale Males" might turn to violence and start a riot!? Ridiculous! Only the Blacks do that.

    This wasn't a bunch of kids. This was a bunch of grown folks acting like kids. Given another term Donnie Favors aka the clown Prince of politics aka Donito Trumpolini aka Dishonest Don aka Papa Don would have turned this country into the ghetto.

    His spoiled empirical travesty, his Orange reign has ended in tragedy.

  36. Anonymous9:35 AM

    The Coup was on November 3rd. Now the communists(democrat) have the means to circumvent elections and your voice and vote are meaningless now, just like in Argentina and other Juntas.......

  37. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Covid-19 is a ruse implemented by the democrats and their CCP masters that want to be the worlds master.

    If you take the false vaccine you are a slave.......especially POC as the CCP has no use for you.......want to find out the hard way?????

  38. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Capital police shot un-armed civilians........

  39. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Police fire on Patriots but not ANTIFA or BLM????

  40. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Ashli Babbit say her name!!!!!!!!

  41. Anonymous9:45 AM

    POC are not part of the CCP take over plan....they will be some of the first to "go".......

  42. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Lock him up! And throw away the key!

  43. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Some of the video of yesterdays debacle at the Capitol is being analyzed and they're finding a lot of familiar faces from previous BLM and Antifa demonstrations. If you take a step back and think about it, previous Trump rallys and demonstrations displayed little or none of the behavior we witnessed yesterday. But the hype Trump gave this rally and his call for supporters to show up created the perfect storm for his supporters to be infiltrated by these violent groups.

  44. Dead magat was a 14 year AF vet named dog meat from San Diego who fiercely supported scumsucker drumpf.

    Capitol police will get major revamp due to disparity of reactions to unarmed Black, who were physically assaulted for peaceful demonstratio ns, and basically wasicu wasteys who were escorted i n and out of capitol.

  45. Let's at least hope - the unpreparedness of the capitol police was just incompetence - and not by design. . . The Republicans (politicians and other "professionals") who actively recruited the white supremacists into the GOP over the past 50+ years (i.e., Dixiecrats and from rural counties) are now largely claiming to be "never Trumpers" and are "shocked and dismayed" at what happened. . .Give us a break - what did they think would happen when you turn your Party over to the historically "1st Fascist group" - the KKK - and its descendants? . . .

  46. Anonymous11:01 AM

    US population approximately 330,000,000

    Do the math, by "their" numbers the virus is 99.9% survivable. Why the vaccine?? Why the shutdowns.

  47. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Ashli Babbit say her name!!!!!!!!


    "The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, a labor union representing flight attendants for 17 airlines, is seeking to ban the pro-Trump rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol from boarding any flights leaving Washington, D.C.

    "The mob mentality behavior that took place on several flights to the D.C. area yesterday was unacceptable and threatened the safety and security of every single person on board," said AFA-CWA president Sara Nelson. "Their violent and seditious actions at the Capitol today create further concern about their departure from the D.C. area. Acts against our democracy, our government and the freedom we claim as Americans must disqualify these individuals from the freedom of flight."

    "Following Wednesday's events, the flight attendants union encouraged law enforcement, airlines and organizations like the Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Transportation to uphold passenger safety and crew members," said the report.

    I am especially concerned about this, because one of my grandsons is a pilot for a well-known, air line.

  49. Anonymous said...
    Ashli Babbit say her name!!!!!!!!

    Why? She was a seditionist, fired upon in the act of committing a crime on federal property. I feel sorry for her family, though.

  50. More to the pandemic than deaths.. How many healthy people have ruined lungs and other problems? How many lost their jobs? How many will have a lifetime of medical bills to pay? How many could have been spared if stoopid fucking wingnuts got the hell out of the way and let scientists do their thing?

    You magats fuck everything up.

  51. 13 days until Biden’s inauguration.


    Why the vaccine? Something to withhold from stoopid fucking wingnut magats who don't take covid seriously.

  53. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Why? She was a seditionist, fired upon in the act of committing a crime on federal property. I feel sorry for her family, though.

    11:55 AM

    She was a tax payer taking a tour of a building she paid for. George Floyd was a career criminal with a drug addiction who committed heinous crimes like armed home invasion and put a pistol to a pregnant woman's abdomen.

  54. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Vaccine = Death

  55. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Blogger Paradoctor said...
    13 days until Biden’s inauguration.

    12:06 PM


  56. Roberts will inaugurate Biden even if he has to do it by Zoom.

  57. Anonymous12:36 PM

    “Ashli Babbit say her name!!!!!!!!”

    Ashli Babbit was a QAnon nutjobber who disgraced the military service she’d previously served in.

    Good riddance.

    There. I said her name.

  58. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Good riddance.

    And you dare to call other people haters.

    You've shown your true colors, all of you.

  59. “Ashli Babbit say her name!!!!!!!!“

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes.🤷🏾‍♂️

  60. Anon 12:17’s whataboutism is past its sell-by date.

  61. “You've shown your true colors, all of you.“

    And you’ve shown your lack thereof.😆😂

  62. Unless McConnell agrees to remove him right quick, then the orange seditionist has 13 more days to betray from the top.

  63. Anonymous3:12 PM

    The fash appear to be organizing a second round of mayhem in DC for the inauguration.

    Will there be meaningful police protection this time, or once again just a half dozen cops standing around scratching their balls?

  64. PilotX 2:18 pm: If you're saying that Anon 1:05 is white, then I beg to differ, for two technical reasons:

    1. White is not the lack of color; it is all colors mixed together.

    2. People of European descent are not 'white', if by white you mean the color of snow, clouds, milk, and paper. The term 'white', when applied to people, is not an optical description; it is a political brand. If Anon 1:05 pm awoke one morning after troubled dreams and found himself transformed in his bed into a white man, then he'd call an ambulance. The skin-tint of people of European descent is a shade of brown, somewhere between beige, bamboo and oak. It deserves a name of its own: I propose small-c 'caucasian'.

    But I do agree with you in a sense. Anon 1:05 is transparent, and in that sense has no color of his own.

  65. Anonymous at 12:17 PM

    Maskless = Death

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. There are calls for Fergus' removal from the highest offices of government today, and he should be removed.
    Any feelings that doing so would be pointless are borne of the Fergus cult and its relentless focus on him.
    This is not about him, or the hatred or loathing of him, it's about the most powerful man in the fucking world calling up a mob and setting it on congress to stop the certification of an election he lost.
    And if you think the MAGA meatheads are done with their insurrection, then you don't know them very well.
    They live for this shit, and all their miserable lives they have been waiting for an authority figure to tell them that it was go time, and yesterday they got that order.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Patriots are going to stop NWO in the USA!!!

    We have GOD on our side!!!

  69. Anonymous said...

    Some of the video of yesterdays debacle at the Capitol is being analyzed and they're finding a lot of familiar faces from previous BLM and Antifa demonstrations.

    9:59 AM
    You are full of nonsense, Anon.

    "Facial recognition company disputes viral story claiming it identified 'antifa' members among MAGA rioters"

    This Wednesday, the Washington Times ran a story claiming that a facial recognition company had identified members of antifa within the crowd of Trump supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol that same day. But the company cited in the article is disputing the claims and demanding an apology.

  70. New Articles of Impeachment officially drawn up against Trump

  71. Anonymous5:33 PM









  72. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Uh...with regard to the post about race and ethnicity.
    Take a look at any map. Europe is not really a continent. Isn't it really a part of Asia? Hence the term CaucASIAN.

  73. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Wow..."Art Imitates Life."

    The great Norman Lear probably knew that Archie Bunker would not remain a fictitious character.
    He would ascend to the highest office in the land.

    Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

  74. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Are the assets being held by a puppet master so great that it would cause one to abandon democracy?

    This is the making of a major motion picture...a Hollywood Blockbuster.

  75. Pelosi has made her offer, and it's hard to refuse: either Pence, in the White House, by the 25th Amendment, or McConnell, in the Senate, by convicting after the impeachment she'll send him. They both have motive, for they're both on Trump's enemies list, and Trump sicced his mob on both of them. Neither has much to lose, for Pence is losing Veephood, and McConnell is losing Majority-Caucus-hood, anyhow.

  76. First Trump ran out of political ways to get re-elected, and thus hide from his crimes under the Resolute Desk.

    Then Trump ran out of electoral ways to hide under the Resolute Desk.

    Then Trump ran out of legal ways to hide under the Resolute Desk.

    Then Trump ran out of illegal ways to hide under the Resolute Desk.

    Now Trump has run out of Constitutional ways to hide under the Resolute Desk.

    All that is left to him is insurrection. He will run out that way too, for he has run out every asset he has ever appropriated.

    The Resolute Desk will not protect him.

  77. Anonymous7:04 PM

    "Pelosi has made her offer, and it's hard to refuse: either Pence, in the White House, by the 25th Amendment, or McConnell, in the Senate, by convicting after the impeachment she'll send him."

    And yet, they likely will still refuse it.

    If the Dems vote to impeach, McConnell will find some way to delay the Senate trial until after Inauguration Day, and then they'll all vote not to convict because Trump is no longer president and it's a moot point as far as they're concerned. There's only 13 days left in the Trump presidency, so McConnell can run out the clock.

    Even after yesterday's madness in DC, I don't see GOP politicians suddenly growing spines. Most of them will stop lending rhetorical support to Trump's claims of a stolen election, but that's as far as they'll go to distance themselves.

  78. Dems surely need to impeach drumpf twice. That would sum up his entire legacy as the worst potus ever.

  79. They won't withdraw their support as long as the consequence for doing so is a primary challenge.
    The Pig People, as usual, are the problem. Fergus is just the most successful grifter of the Pig People, and has their undying loyalty for giving them their racism straight and uncut, unlike the maintenance doses they get from the Republican establishment.
    The Republican party is hostage to the idiot hordes they have cultivated with a half century's worth of propaganda, and now they can't not offer up monsters as candidates because the party is monsters all the way down.
    On the lighter side, Roger Ailes is still dead.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  80. Anonymous8:30 PM

    A U.S. Capitol police officer has now died, succumbing to injuries he received at the hands of Trump thugs.

  81. 3964 people died of covid yesterday, the new daily death record.

    Last updated: January 08, 2021, 01:42 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    22 million cases and 374k deaths are numbers to be proud of drumpf/noem.

  82. Anonymous8:50 PM

    An black woman in LA had the misfortune to run into a mob of Trump thugs on the streets and got beaten and pepper-sprayed before some non-racist bystanders were able to free her.


  83. Impeachment and conviction after the 20th makes sense, for they then can forbid him from ever again holding federal office.

  84. Fergus: Holy fuck, if they kick me out I might really go to prison!
    Uh, I concede, and all that mayhem I incited a mob to pull yesterday was bad. Can I go golfing now?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  85. If Fergus pardons himself, will he be able to run again in 2024?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. Anonymous9:16 PM

    "Impeachment and conviction after the 20th makes sense, for they then can forbid him from ever again holding federal office."

    Yeah, that'd be nice, knowing he could never make a run at the presidency again.

    But I'll believe it when I see it. I think Republican senators will block it.

  87. Wesley R9:54 PM

    If this were some black people trying to storm the capital, they would have been shot 2 blocks down the street. Plus you would have seen flame throwers, rocket launchers, tanks, space ships, laser guns, all kinds of shit. Congress needs to kick dear leader out sooner not later.

  88. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Rachel Maddow MSNBC
    Part of what's infuriating about this - as Leigh Ann notes - is that none of this was sealed off as a crime scene. None of the what was left behind by the attackers was collected as evidence.

    They did this, then just walked away. A success.

    So what do we expect from them next.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  89. Fergus' insurrection wasn't infiltrated by antifa, it was infiltrated by the motherfucking pigs:

    Which sorta explains why the capitol cops were so easy on them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. Anonymous10:22 PM

    "They did this, then just walked away. A success."

    Hopefully not an ultimate and total success. Most of these clowns' faces were caught on camera, and the FBI is now chasing them down.

    Plus there were already 50-some arrests at the scene. That's a tiny fraction of the number that should have been arrested (or, frankly, shot before they could enter the building). But it's a start.


  92. Wesley R said...

    If this were some black people trying to storm the capital, they would have been shot 2 blocks down the street. Plus you would have seen flame throwers, rocket launchers, tanks, space ships, laser guns, all kinds of shit. Congress needs to kick dear leader out sooner not later.

    9:54 PM
    I couldn't agree more, Wesley. Your comment is right on the money. There would be so much blood on the streets people might drown.

  93. Ironically, the feebies are citing a Fergus EO allowing them to sentence "those who destroy government property" with ten years, so Merrick Garland may put some of these fucks away for awhile.

    And as many of them are identifying themselves and bragging about their involvement on social media, they shouldn't be too hard to locate.

    Meanwhile we had the highest covid death toll on record again, surpassing a 9-11 per day and only going up as Fergus and his felons abdicate their responsibility to actually run the country.

    Resignations are nice, but cabinet secretaries should stay and vote to invoke the 25th amendment instead of covering their asses and running for the nearest lifeboat.

    A former high up in the capitol police noted on Twitter that none of the crowd control tools usually employed at large scale protests were anywhere to be seen, and what a racial double standard that was.

    So now we have what? Twelve more days of this shit?

    You know, if they removed the damn fool tomorrow, he wouldn't get the chance to pardon his entire family and "legal team", or himself, for that matter, but he'll probably get them done as he is obviously terrified right now.

    Which is a fucking dangerous state for a malignant narcissist with the nuclear codes to be in.

    Fuck all y'all who voted this blithering moron into office.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  94. As I was saying:

    Peter Huestis
    I wonder if whoever is in charge of these things is going to delay charging the Capitol terrorists so that Trump doesn't pardon them all? Because he definitely will if he can. Can he pardon them before charges are filed?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  95. Anonymous2:10 AM

    “I wonder if whoever is in charge of these things is going to delay charging the Capitol terrorists so that Trump doesn't pardon them all? Because he definitely will if he can. Can he pardon them before charges are filed?”

    Yes, Trump could if he felt like it.

    The deal is that the crime has to have already been committed at the time a pardon is issued; you can’t issue a pardon for future misdeeds. But there don’t have to have been any charges or convictions attached to the crimes.

    This is why Trump will probably attempt to self-pardon for every federal crime he himself may ever have committed, including stuff we may not yet know about.

  96. I guess he’ll release his tax returns and health care plan any day now.

  97. Anonymous5:34 AM





  98. The real state of affairs: Pelosi called Pence, doubtless to discuss the 25th Amendment. And was put on hold for 20 minutes. He never came on the line. His office COULD have said he was out, but no. Not a good omen for the 25th.

    Can impeachment proceed after the 20th? No one has said.

    Yes, a Black and a Jew from Georgia, 60 years (?) after Schwerner, Cheney, and Goodman were lynched for trying to register voters in Miss. A Black and 2 Jews.

    We were a schizoid country then, and we still are. I'm heartened that even CBS and ABC have pointed out the double standard when protestors are POC. EVERYBODY noted the contrast. We inch forward.

  99. drumpf total idiot lawyer Sidney Powell gets sued by Dominion for 1.3 billion bucks. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  100. Yes, sometimes telling lies has consequences!


    Even here the topic de rigeour is white privilege and the shameful inequality between the forces used for these protesters at the capitol and the forces that were used against black protesters in other activities.

  102. A dozen days until Biden's inauguration.

  103. Anonymous12:48 PM

    This was not a "COUP" of any short.

    This was merely misunderstood White people (who were bum-rushing the Capitol) having a bad day.

    All they need is some understanding and a Snickers bar.


  104. Awhiles back, Trump made a “joke” about being made "president-for-life". All right, then, if that was a joke, then I know an even funnier joke. How about:

    Men in white coats should catch Trump in a net, wrap him in a straitjacket, and toss him into a rubber room!

    Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Now that's amusing!

    What, don't you think that's funny? That's because my joke is ten times funnier than his, but ten times nothing is still nothing.

    Other jokes are ten time funnier still, but that's still nothing, and I'm not into practical jokes. But others are. This country is full of comedians.

  105. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Black Capital Hill Police officer shoots and kills un-armed white female rally attendee.....the outrage!!!!!!

  106. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Patriots will be back..........

  107. Anonymous1:23 PM


  108. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Ashli Babbit......PATRIOT fighting for freedom and democracy from the commie take over of America.

  109. The attempted Communist take-over of America is headed by the notorious "ex"-Commie "ex"-spy Vladimir Putin, through his compromised minion, Donald Trump. "Stop the Steal" was the steal, for now stopped.

    Brian Sicknick was a Capitol police officer. He is now dead, due to injuries inflicted upon him by Trump's thugs. Say his name!

    Brian Sicknick... PATRIOT fighting for freedom and democracy from the Trumpist takeover of America.

  110. You people are insane1:43 PM

    If this were some black people trying to storm the capital, they would have been shot 2 blocks down the street.

    If this were some black people trying to storm the capital, the Capitol police would have taken a knee just like they did the last time.

    They certainly wouldn't have shot an unarmed woman through the neck.

    Her name is Ashli Babbitt.  SAY HER NAME!

  111. Anonymous2:13 PM

    The burning of the Reichstag February 27th 1933 was one of many "false flag" operations devised and carried out by The National Socialist Worker's Party (NAZI)(Democrats) regime. This fire occurred four weeks after Adolf Hitler(Joe Biden) was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.

  112. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Black Capital Hill police officer affirmative action hire murders un-armed white women.

  113. Ashli Babbitt, meet Brian Sicknick. Say their names. This is part of the price of Trump's sedition.

    Oh, but I forgot... anonymous trolls don't have names.

  114. LeonT2:43 PM

    OK, I'll say her name.

    Ashli Babbitt is fucking cunt and she got just what she deserved. If there was any justice, the insurrectionists that tried to overturn American democracy would be stacked up like cordwood.

  115. Anonymous3:51 PM


    Her body was a weapon. She was trained by the most prolific war machine in history. The U.S. military.

  116. Anonymous said...

    Patriots will be back..........

    1:19 PM
    And they will be met with considerably more force than they faced this time. What could possibly go wrong for them?

  117. Anonymous said...

    The burning of the Reichstag February 27th 1933 was one of many "false flag" operations devised and carried out by The National Socialist Worker's Party (NAZI)(Democrats) regime. This fire occurred four weeks after Adolf Hitler(Joe Biden) was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.

    2:13 PM
    Obviously you have no accurate knowledge of Nazi Germany. Hitler's party was pure, white nationalist, just like the current Trump Party. At least half of the registered Republicans are not really Republicans. They are Trumpkins fully indoctrinated into the Trump Party. Most of them are as ignorant of history as you are, and apparently they do not believe in democracy. Their motto is "Might is right."

  118. Pro-Trump extremists sought to kill the vice president during DC insurrection:
    ‘Hang Mike Pence’

  119. So have the Mexicans paid for the fence yet?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Ahahahaha! Lindsey Graham kissed Trump’s ass as hard as he possibly could ... and the Trumpkins still hate his guts!

    Play with fire, get burned. This is a small piece of poetic justice.

  121. Anonymous5:33 PM

    One Trump thug ended her life as a punchline. She carried a “don’t tread on me” flag to DC, but got trampled to death trying to break into the Capitol.

  122. Last updated: January 08, 2021, 23:14 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    4112 deaths of covid on Thursday.

    FBI say no evidence of antifa in capitol armed insurrection.

  123. Here is a poll that need not have been taken...

  124. So now Twitter has permanently suspended Pres. Trump's account.

    1. Was not sure about Facebook, finally coming across reports the confirming president's account is suspended indefinitely along with Instagram.

      Riddle me this: Doesn't banning the president from the major social media forums basically equate to closing the barn well after the horse escaped years ago🤔

  125. Anonymous7:25 PM

    “So now Twitter has permanently suspended Pres. Trump's account.”

    Only four years too late!

    1. You're a faster typist than I am, Anon. Of course, I agree with you.

  126. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Nikki Haley still seems to be on the Trump train. Here’s her brilliant take on poor, oppressed, victimized Trump’s expulsion from social media:

    “Silencing people, not to mention the President of the US, is what happens in China not our country. #Unbelievable.”

  127. “Silencing people, not to mention the President of the US, is what happens in China not our country. #Unbelievable.”
    Hey, Nikki, nobody has silenced Trump. Ask yourself: Were all presidents silent before the invention of the internet? LOL! What a dumb remark you made.

    Doesn't he still have FOX, Breightbart, and OANN? I'm sure one of them is still willing to broadcast his insanity.

  128. Poor little Fergus, now he has to go over to Parler with the riff raff...

    I wonder whether there is audio of him finding out? He can't tweet about it, so what's he gonna do? And who is gonna care?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  129. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "Poor little Fergus, now he has to go over to Parler with the riff raff..."

    I believe Parler is about to get kicked off Apple's App Store. It already got kicked off Google Play.

    It's a bad week to be a Nazi.

  130. Anonymous10:22 PM

    “I wonder whether there is audio of him finding out? He can't tweet about it, so what's he gonna do? And who is gonna care?”

    Melania’s Twitter account may suddenly become strangely much more aggressive, and feature LOTS of random capitaliZATIONS and exclamation points!!!!

  131. It seems many of our pet trolls have been mostly silent since the insurrection failed. Where is the guy who keeps insisting that Biden will never be inaugurated?

  132. So it looks like re-impeachment is live, and if McConnell fails to reconvene the senate before inauguration, all of the damage Fergus perpetrates between now and then will be on him.
    Not that the senate would remove the damn fool or McConnell would give a rat's ass about being responsible for carnage.
    On the other hand, if the trial does come down after the inauguration, Fergus can still be banned from holding office again and stripped of his pension, SS detail, and travel allowance, which would at least be the kind of fuck you to the Pig People that is so necessary right now to attenuate their pumped up agitated insurrectionist tendencies.
    If Fergus had any brains at all, he'd resign and have Pence pardon his flabby ass, but as he so obviously doesn't, I don't see that as likely.
    Oh well, I hope the prick is fucking terrified as the walls close in on him. You know, like the children in cages are, and the asylum seekers sent to concentration camps in Mexico or back to their certain deaths in Central America.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  133. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Looking forward to Trump’s viral dance videos on TikTok, since that is the only remaining social media platform open to him.

  134. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  135. “Where is the guy who keeps insisting that Biden will never be inaugurated?“

    On Parlor or watching OAN and coming up with new and even dumber conspiracy theories. They have a few more days to create more stupid before reality settles in.

  136. To the woman wearing a "don't tread on me" shirt who was trampled to death at the insurrection: girl, you know they can't read.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  137. Don't tread on me!


  138. Dont' worry. The FBI is busy going over the video footage. Many will soon be arrested.

  139. From Kelly Hogan's Twitter feed:

    Jon Kung
    Jan 7
    Corporations, since y’all run the country anyway. How much extra for Amazon Prime 2-Day Impeachment?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. Anonymous9:34 AM

    President Trump is a Patriot!!!!

    TRUMP 2020!!!

    He won for real and all of you know it!!!

  141. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Communist censorship on FB and twitter.

    Thats how afraid the left is of Trump and the truth.......

  142. I thought drumpf shut Tik Tok down. Meanwhile, there is a total nutcase at Dakota Free press who is spewing drumpf got 80 plus million votes. Yesterday some nut claimed drumpf got 75 plus million votes. Where did all these illegal votes come from all of a sudden. Wingnuts cheated? I won't hear of it.

    One number you can figure is close to the truth... another 3800 plus Americans fell by the hands of drumpf/noem body count, Friday the 8th.

  143. President Trump is a Parasite!!!!

    TRUMP 20 to life!!!

    Fixed it for you.

  144. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Look at the violent lefts double standard:

  145. Anonymous10:03 AM

    What to expect with the Joe Biden administration:

    continued anger on both sides
    higher income taxes
    a possible wealth tax
    immigration reform
    eventual open borders
    sign on to the Paris Treaty
    more social media regulation
    tensions with Russia
    more trade with China
    universal basic income
    shrinking military
    more gun regulations
    DC, Puerto Rico and Guam admitted as a state
    more stringent environmental regulations
    relaxation of sanctions with Iran
    post-birth abortions
    possible covid lock-down
    negative interest rates
    severe inflation
    food shortages
    low oil prices
    expansion of Obama care
    impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh
    continued legal harassment of Trump
    a poor economy

  146. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Ashli Babbitt

  147. Anonymous10:27 AM

    “I thought drumpf shut Tik Tok down.”

    He tried! In what will be remembered as the most absurd Trump move ever, he went to war with TikTok.

    Mostly, he hated the app/media platform because it was Chinese-owned, and because the tweens on TikTok deliberately ruined one of Trump’s hate rallies by reserving all the tickets so his real followers couldn’t go, and Trump is a petty bitch.

    But, as with his sad, doomed attempts to overthrow the election, the legal system shut him down. He lost in court, in the historic case TikTok v. Trump, and so the tweens get to continue doing silly dances in front of their iPhones.

  148. Anonymous10:42 AM

    To bad Trump supporters didn't pitch tents in/around the capital building and call it a autonomous free zone like in portland.

  149. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Ashli Babbitt

  150. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Welcome to the Democratic Purge. If you voted for Trump, you are ex-communicated from the internet. On Friday, Twitter permanently banned hundreds, if not thousands, of Trump supporters and prominent allies — before banning the president himself. Nearly every account that helped to promote the Stop the Steal rallies or challenge the election results were banned, including Ali Alexander, Michael Coudrey, Gen. Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood. Countless smaller accounts that supported the president were also getting suspended in a seemingly constant rate.

    All conservative internet websites, blogs, and accounts will go off-line for the next 10 days to finalize the theft of the 2020 election. This is the new normal, no free speech, no freedom of assembly, no freedom of religion, press, etc.,

    The Communist States of America

  151. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Why take a scary vaccine with a nefarious purpose for a virus that is 99.9% survivable?????

  152. Anonymous10:58 AM

    biden = pedo

  153. Anonymous said...

    Nearly every account that helped to promote the Stop the Steal rallies or challenge the election results were banned, including Ali Alexander, Michael Coudrey, Gen. Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood. Countless smaller accounts that supported the president were also getting suspended in a seemingly constant rate.

    10:46 AM
    And that's a bad thing? What did they expect for trying to overthrow the government of the United States? They are lucky they pulled this shit in this country. In quite a few other countries, they would be executed for their crimes.

    Stop whining an count your blessings.

  154. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    All conservative internet websites, blogs, and accounts will go off-line for the next 10 days to finalize the theft of the 2020 election. This is the new normal, no free speech, no freedom of assembly, no freedom of religion, press, etc.,

    The Communist States of America

    10:46 AM
    More bull shit from a deluded, anonymous troll. Too bad you didn't chose a screen name, Anon. Now I won't know whom to address my comments to when you ridiculous predictions fail to materialize.

    It seems internet platforms are vital to your spread of filth. My goodness what did you and other traitors do before the internet was invented? Send letter via the Pony Express?

  155. Anonymous said...

    Why take a scary vaccine with a nefarious purpose for a virus that is 99.9% survivable?????

    10:56 AM
    Why not take a vaccine that is 95% effective against a disease with a 2.3% mortality rate that has 17 years of research behind it? It will be sad for your family and friends if you happen to fall in the two percent category and die.

  156. Anonymous said...

    What to expect with the Joe Biden administration:

    higher income taxes
    a possible wealth tax
    immigration reform
    sign on to the Paris Treaty
    more social media regulation
    tensions with Russia
    more trade with China
    universal basic income
    shrinking military
    more gun regulations
    DC, Puerto Rico and Guam admitted as a state
    more stringent environmental regulations
    relaxation of sanctions with Iran
    low oil prices
    expansion of Obama care
    continued legal prosecution of Trump

    10:03 AM
    Anon, all of these are good things. They will bring prosperity. Why would any one with half a brain oppose them?

  157. The FBI released a new “Most Wanted” poster featuring 10 more people suspected of being part of the violent siege on the Capitol.

    From the first page of today's
    You can download their pictures via a link at this site.

  158. Horn-Hat at the Capital Riot

    Viking 1: Check out the moron in the horn-hat.

    Viking 2: A wannabe.

    Viking 1: Doesn't that fool know that one tug on those handles, and he's blinded by his own helmet?

    Viking 2: You do that, I'll grab him from behind.

    Viking 1: We'll tie him up and sell him to the Paroski.

  159. 11 days until Biden's inauguration.

  160. Trump habitually innovates downwards. Inventing new ways to be worse is his signature move. There's not much below sedition and insurrection, so what's left?

    He'll order hits.

  161. President Donald Trump expressed regret for a video he shared on Thursday, during which he condemned the US Capitol riots and promised a smooth transfer of power, according to a New York Times report.

    The Seattle Police Department (SPD) on Friday announced that it is investigating two of its officers who were in Washington, D.C., amid the Capitol riot on Wednesday.

    But ya know - BLM, ANTIFA, and Clinton had e-mails.

  162. Ashli Babbitt

    10:43 AM

    DOG MEAT! Fucking scumacysts break in and deface/destroy federal property and then whine because BLM/antifa marches aren't violent like scumacyst prowd boy pigs.


    Impeach the mofo twice more.

  164. "Why take a scary vaccine with a nefarious purpose for a virus that is 99.9% survivable?????"

    How do numbers work? If the virus was 99.9% survivable, there could only be at most 330,000 deaths from it in the US if everyone was infected. As of yesterday only 22 million of the 330 million of us had been infected and almost 370,000 had died.

    The nefarious purpose and scariness of the vaccine only exists in the propaganda you consume, so the only reason a sane person would have to avoid the vaccine is if they were specifically allergic to it, which around ten people so far have proven to be. Otherwise you would just be confining yourself to the mitigation strategies we have all been employing for 300 days or so and you fuckers have been losing your damn minds over.

    So perhaps you're being dishonest, or perhaps you're just an idiot, but either way you are wrong.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  165. Here is a pleasant thought, leader of Prowd Boys is a failed businessman who lives with his mother.

  166. Scumacysts heads be 'sploding when they meet Black female scientist in charge if covid research.

  167. drumpf selects screwdy Rudy for his impeachment defense team. He must wanna be impeached pretty bad.

    Georgia US attorney was fired because he refused to investigate non-existent voter fraud in Georgia for drumpf.

  168. drumpf/noem body count...

    Last updated: January 10, 2021, 01:53 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  169. So the feral incels of insurrection couldn't find any good linen table cloths to take a dump on, so they just shat in the capitol building and smeared it around.
    One can only hope that they are identified by by their DNA and prosecuted under Fergus' EO that allows for ten year sentences for such behavior.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  170. Anonymous9:50 PM

    "One can only hope that they are identified by by their DNA and prosecuted under Fergus' EO that allows for ten year sentences for such behavior."

    It's a misunderstanding that Trump's order "allows" for any kind of sentencing. Executive orders can't do that.

    In reality, federal law is what sets a maximum ten-year sentence for damage to federal property, but the actual sentencing would be determined by a judge, presumably based on whether the damaged item is repairable/replaceable, the dollar value of the damage, the circumstances under which the damage occurred, the criminal history of the defendant, etc.

    All Trump's idiotic order did was mandate that federal prosecutors always seek the maximum sentence, with the aim of sending BLM kids to the penitentiary for pulling down statues of Jefferson Davis. And presumably, that executive order will be unceremoniously chucked in the dumpster by Biden soon after taking office, like all the rest of Trump's executive orders.

  171. Anonymous said....

    All Trump's idiotic order did was mandate that federal prosecutors always seek the maximum sentence, with the aim of sending BLM kids to the penitentiary for pulling down statues of Jefferson Davis. And presumably, that executive order will be unceremoniously chucked in the dumpster by Biden soon after taking office, like all the rest of Trump's executive orders.

    9:50 PM
    Yes, I sure do hope Joe chucks all Trump's executive orders in the nearest dumpster.

  172. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Calvin Wong Tze Loon 黃子倫
    Flag of Malaysia
    Jan 8
    reminder that Twitter once tested an automated Nazi ban algorithm. they never rolled it out because it was catching too many Republicans. Google it, it's true.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  173. Anonymous12:23 AM

    “Antifa operatives mixed in with the MAGA citizens and the ones actually doing bad things. remember tax payers actually own the building and let our reps use it.”

    Such a pu$$y. Put your hood on and go hide.

  174. Let's be clear, Antifa operatives were not mixed in with the thugs in Washington D.C. on January 6th,2021.

  175. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Those that forget history are bound to repeat it......

  176. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Let's be clear, Antifa operatives were not mixed in with the thugs in Washington D.C. on January 6th,2021.

    10:21 AM

    They were and BLM and you know it.


  177. Not according to the FBI.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  178. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:57 PM

    They were and BLM and you know it.


    2:11 PM
    Then why were 99.99% of the rioters white? Surely if the rioters were BLM at least 30% to 40% would have been black. After all lots of Blacks live in D.C. It's obvious that you are a lying, seditious toll.

  179. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Most of BLM is aging, childless, left-indoctrinated women.

    The arsonists are Antifa.  The looters are ordinary blacks.
