Sunday, January 03, 2021

? Of The Day

Did Mr. trump commit a crime with his phone call  to that Georgia election official?


  1. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Hmmmm. Election fraud, perhaps?

    A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office

    (1) knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any person for-

    (A) registering to vote, or voting, or attempting to register or vote;

    (B) urging or aiding any person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register or vote; or

    (C) exercising any right under this chapter; or

    (2) knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by

    (A) the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held; or

    (B) the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held.

    The Trump-going-to-jail-o-meter just swung harder toward "Yes!"

  2. I'm not an attorney, but it appears to me that Mr. Trump committed multiple felonies. The question is, will he ever be made to pay for it?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm afraid that Fergus has once again boiled his felonious behavior down to "Is he so goddamn stupid that he actually believes his own bullshit" as the "knowingly" part of "knowingly and willfully" in the presence of enough legal firepower does depend on Fergus actually "knowing" that his election fraud claims are 100% bullshit.

    “All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,”

    ...can of course be construed as felonious intent by anyone with two working neurons to rub together, but Fergus' greatest accomplishment so far is to cast doubt upon that description when applied to anyone with an R after their name.

    The legal firepower aspect is not a sure bet considering the charlatans and cranks he has in his employ of late, but the goddamn Republican party might band together and do something about that if they begin to sense too much "criminal exposure" leaking out of the Fergus orbit and likely to adhere to themselves and their future prospects at possessing power or making a living.

    It's literally the same shit he got impeached for, and as Georgia alone wouldn't have flipped the election in his favor, you can bet your bottom dollar that the other "contested" states received similar calls and just didn't bother to leak the audio yet.

    You know, we liberals have been sick as hell of having to say "I told you so" for fucking decades, but somebody has to do it, so

    Can they re-impeach the damn fool?

    Would it even matter?

    You know, if Fergus were to drown in a bucket of weasel piss, I wouldn't even cry.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. What separates the president's recent call to coerce the Georgia electoral results in his favor from the same boneheaded tactic initiated by South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham shortly following the general election?

    At that time, similar questions arose as to whether Sen. Graham committed a crime. Have a feeling none of the GOP, including President Trump, will be held accountable for their mafia-like machinations.

  6. Amazing isn't it? The man has a prodigious talent for crime. How does he even have time to grab a pu**y?

  7. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Where are all those scumbag TrumpTard supporters now, who were parroting their cult leader's rhetoric about "Law and Order" to smear the Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality protests?

    So much for the the White Right's hypocritical propaganda about enforcing Law and Order, as they turn a blind eye to Trump's increasing desperate attempts to steal the 2020 election.

  8. If the new Biden Atty Gen doesn't charge Rumpus with treason, he's just as bad Rumpus and his minions!!!

  9. If the new Biden Atty Gen doesn't charge Rumpus with treason, he's just as bad Rumpus and his minions!!!

  10. LeonT3:46 PM

    Did Mr. trump commit a crime with his phone call to that Georgia election official?

    Several. Impeach him for this. Convict him in the Senate, and that will bar him from holding public office evr again.

  11. H/T: Steve Benen:

    Over the holiday weekend, HuffPost's Matt Fuller tweeted an observation that stood out for me: "When I started covering House Republicans in 2013, a senior GOP aide told me to ignore the Steve Kings and Louie Gohmerts in the party. I pretty much did the exact opposite, and watched the whole party turn into Louie Gohmerts — and Louie Gohmert graduate to ... this."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. "We have other states that I believe will be flipping to us very shortly."

    I told you.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. The immaculate bullshit:

    The Made-Up Conspiracy

    January 4, 2021 at 12:19 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 80 Comments

    Jonathan Rauch: “Above all, the Republicans’ challenge is part of an information-warfare campaign. They are using a classic propaganda tactic that might be called ‘conspiracy bootstrapping.’ First, you introduce a false idea, spreading it by every available means. Then, once people are talking about it, and some believe it, you cite its prevalence as evidence that it might be true—an epistemic sleight-of-hand by which propaganda validates itself.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. The question in my mind is how many other Secretaries of State recorded the phone call they received from Trump suborning treason.

  15. Black fatalities prove Black Lives Don't Matter:  more homicides in Philadelphia in 2020 than in 2013 and 2014 put together.

  16. Wingnnuts/magats...drumpf committed a crime? No way and even if he did we wouldn't prosecute him for any crime known to man.

  17. Treason is a charge reserved for wartime. You'd have a tough time making that stick, no matter how badly he deserves it.


  18. the bewilderness said ....

    The question in my mind is how many other Secretaries of State recorded the phone call they received from Trump suborning treason.

    6:11 PM
    I've been wondering about that myself. Also how many generals did he contact for help with his attempted coup?

  19. Just forget the chances wingnuts ever hold drumpf or anyone else accountable. There are not enough wingnuts with the guts and the patriotic fortitude to stand up and protect the constitution they swore they'd protect and defend.


  20. Wizzy7:16 PM

    We ARE at war!! With Russia...

  21. Wizzy7:18 PM

    So are we to just roll over and play dead??

  22. Yes, of course Trump committed crimes in that phone call. It's a bit late to impeach; nor will the corrupt Senate R's allow a conviction, or even evidence. After the 20th, prosecution is certainly possible; but that charge will have to wait in line.

    How bold of him, to ask Raffensperger to "find" 11,780 votes... or else Raffensperger is guilty of election fraud! The orange fraud is projecting like a laser! Idiocy, meet corruption.

    How elegant of him to make a threat of accusation of crime that is itself the same crime! And how economical of him to demand precisely 11,780 fake votes; he prudently minimized the amount of criminality he demanded!

    And how devious-for-good Raffensperger was, to get the whole wretched rant on tape! That's how to deal with mobsters. Just be polite while the tape runs and the crook raves and whinges and cajoles and threatens. Yes, Mr. Trump, do go on. We're all ears, Mr. Trump. Don't hold back, tell us what you really think.

  23. Lin Wood claims on Twitter to have "the key to the files containing the videos" of children being raped and murdered as a part of a blackmail scheme "conducted by members of 10 of the world's most well known and "elite" intelligence agencies" who were hacked by a group known as "Lizard Squad" who provided the files to Isaac Kappy, from whom he presumably obtained a copy.

    Anyone still wonder why Fergus always loses in court?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. And speaking of being devious-for-good, specifically using tape to catch a bad guy by his tongue, here's a blast from the past, from my blog on October 2010:

    Oksana and Mel on the Web
    A drama review

    “Oksana & Mel on the Web” was the runaway smash hit of summer 2010’s theatrical season. This audio improvisational playlet went viral on the Web, and spawned parodies, tributes and mashups. It attracted enormous attention, and rightly so, for it is solid entertainment by professional performers.

    Mel Gibson threw himself into his role as Psycho Abuser. Here we see the triumph of method acting. He growls, he pants, he spews foul invective, he hurls insults and death threats, he howls and roars like a soul in Hell. That he did this off script, entirely inprov, shows his talent - but also long years of practice. This show was the climactic performance of a seasoned thespian. Nothing afterwards will measure up, in sheer dramatic content. Mel Gibson has thus officially Jumped The Shark.

    Whereas this was Oksana Grigorieva’s big break. She was the co-star in this playlet, but also its producer and director. Her technical skill is remarkable, in that she assembled a studio-quality audio recording system in what must have been a great hurry. Her performance is at first muted, but later she brought spirit and sass to her role as Desperate Manipulator. Consider these lines:

    Mel: You know what -
    Oksana: You know what -
    Mel: - you ****** deserved it!
    Oksana: - you gonna answer, one day, boy, you gonna answer.
    Mel: Hah?
    Okasana: Beh!
    Mel: What, what? Are you threatening me?
    Oksana: Nothing, nothing... I am not the one to threaten.
    Mel: I’m threaten, I’ll put you in a ******* rose garden, you ****. You understand that? Because I’m capable of it.

    Now, that’s entertainment! Out of his own mouth he betrays himself! But what makes this a comedy rather than a tragedy is a simple fact, known to one of the characters but not the other; namely, our virtual presence. Mel thought that only two were privy to his threats; but there was a spy listening in; Oksana’s friend, the Web. We ourselves, the audience, were invisibly there; and so we are complicit in Oksana’s trap and Mel’s humiliation.

    In this playlet, Renaissance revenge theater meets the postmodern Web. The mistress, abused by the duke, arranges for another fiery confrontation, but this time with the King hiding behind a curtain. Thus the duke is exposed and humiliated, and the mistress’s sullied honor is avenged. Beware the wrath of a woman abused!

    The playlet leaves some questions unresolved. What was the mysterious incident that ‘almost killed us’? Is Mel merely chemically unbalanced, or does he have deeper troubles? And who is Oksana, really? I look forward to more audio releases from this talented director.

    Wait, there’s more!

  26. Anonymous9:41 PM

    "Lin Wood claims on Twitter to have 'the key to the files containing the videos' of children being raped and murdered as a part of a blackmail scheme 'conducted by members of 10 of the world's most well known and "elite" intelligence agencies' who were hacked by a group known as 'Lizard Squad' who provided the files to Isaac Kappy, from whom he presumably obtained a copy.

    Anyone still wonder why Fergus always loses in court?"

    Only the very best people work for Trump.

  27. I hate to break it to Lin, but he fucking better be lying because he's committing a felony by possessing the evidence he claims to possess and not alerting the FBI.
    I guess the feebies are probably one of the "elite" intelligence agencies in on the blackmail scheme, which sort of makes him buggered if he does and buggered if he doesn't.
    It's a good thing that it's all a preposterous lie, huh?
    I know that lawyers are paid to lie, but they usually have to come up with something better than this garbage to stay in business, but I guess if your client is Fergus you don't have to work that hard, as long as he thinks you look good on TV.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Anonymous12:26 AM

    The National Guard has been called in to defend DC against the Trump trash, in case their anti-democracy protest turns into a riot.

  29. GrannyStandingforTruth12:30 AM

    16 more days left until sanity returns to the White House. Thank you, Jesus!

    Dear Bank of America,

    I just want to find $11.780 dollars in my savings account. Everyone at your bank counted wrong.

    Granny Wants Her Money

  30. Well, at least he won't be tempted to masturbate in jail:

    Proud Boys Leader Arrested

    January 4, 2021 at 7:43 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 83 Comments

    “The leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, was arrested by D.C. police Monday afternoon on a warrant charging him with burning a Black Lives Matter banner taken from a historic Black church during a demonstration last month,” the Washington Post reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Jan 3
    Being at 0% ICU capacity means one bad car accident, one bad fall, one bad allergic reaction, etc. where you’d otherwise survive could literally kill you. 0% ICU capacity affects EVERYONE not just those who get covid

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  32. Stephen Colbert did a blow by blow takedown of this pathetic attempt to coerce a sitting Secretary of State into colluding in election fraud just now. It is a very serious crime and no laughing matter. But Colbert's take on it had me giggling and howling with laughter.

    Trump is so goddam stupid. This joke certainly wrote itself. How could he say such retarded things? The patience that the SOS and his lawyer show is worthy of Job himself. President dumbshit. What the hell?

  33. The little Unitarian church down by the Hillcrest Medical Facility for UCSD has had a Black Lives Matter banner for years. It is difficult to imagine that these fucking devils have contrived to cast the entire movement as a terrorist organization. The blue cities are the terrorist hubs say the Oath Keepers. They are planning violence tomorrow. Let the counter protestors keep these dangerous criminals in check until the authorities can arrest them. I hope that no one dies.

    Fuck those guys.

  34. Of course he committed a crime. Could he be convicted for it? Probably not. "Find votes" is too ambiguous, and it is arguable, at least, that Trump has really convinced himself that he's been defrauded out of the election. Who knows what goes on in that rat-infested chamber of a brain, really.
    Neal Katyal (sp) argued in the Times that Trump should be impeached, even though the case would still be underway after the 20th, because if convicted he wouldn't be able to run again. In McConnell's Senate, conviction is laughable, in a Democratic Senate, I dunno, but it's a nice thought. In the Ukraine impeachment, Trump's shakedown was much more open-and-shut than this time.

    But Field is the lawyer and we should be hearing from him, not vice-versa.

  35. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I learned a new term today: the Coup Clutz Clan.

    Otherwise known as the GOP dunces in the House and Senate who are going to try, and fail, to overthrow democracy and give Trump another term as president.

  36. 15 days until Biden’s inauguration.

  37. Loeffler and hubby recently became billionaires thanks to numerous shady stock buys and sells and numerous conflicts of interest related to her position as an appointed sinator. HRC had emails, lock her up.

  38. Colbert via Stevie Wonder:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Kenosha pig who backshot Black man, Jacob Blake, will not be charged. There be a hot time in the old town tonight. National guard already on standby. Blacks get fucked by whitey again.

  40. Fergus' plans to bug out for the inauguration hit a snag:
    (h/t: Crooks and Liars)

    Donald Trump will not be allowed to visit Scotland to play golf during Joe Biden's inauguration, Nicola Sturgeon has said.

    The US president, who was overwhelmingly defeated in November's election, is reportedly considering travelling to his Turnberry golf resort to avoid Mr Biden being sworn into office.

    But Scotland's first minister stressed it is illegal to travel in or out of the country without a valid reason and said: "Coming to play golf is not what I would consider to be an essential purpose."
    Also, what would he be doing with a military 757 after Biden is sworn in? We're fully done with financing his multimillion dollar golf habit.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. Is anyone up watching the nail-biting results of the Georgia senate races? In the event both races are won by democrates, have yet to hear which senator becomes majority leader - Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell or New York Sen. Chuck Schumer.

  42. Looking good for both Dems in the race. Now I need Pelosi, Biden, Schumer and others to hit the ground running. There’s a lot of ground to make up.

  43. If we do win both races, which is looking likely, Joe Manchin needs to be fitted with a shock collar, and Fergus needs to STFU about having won Georgia.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. Anonymous2:04 AM

    "If we do win both races, which is looking likely, Joe Manchin needs to be fitted with a shock collar, and Fergus needs to STFU about having won Georgia."

    If the Dems win both races, Trump will start ranting about how the Dems rigged another election.

  45. @Anon's 2:04 AM post....."If the Dems win both races, Trump will start ranting about how the Dems rigged another election."

    Thank goodness the president's days in the Oval Office are numbered, where we can collectively not give a horse's patoot about his never-ending twitter rants.

    In other momentous news, Rev. Raphael Warnock is now the first African-American senator elected to represent the State of Georgia๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  46. “In other momentous news, Rev. Raphael Warnock is now the first African-American senator elected to represent the State of Georgia๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ“

    An Alpha man from the House who was helped by a Delta woman from Spelman! What a day!!!!๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  47. The AP is now showing Ossoff leading also, so I certainly hope someone sent a photographer around to Mitch McConnell's place to record the look on his ugly mug when he found out that black, female organizers had just taken his majority from him.
    I'm not generally a vindictive person, but I'll make an exception for that despicable fuck.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  48. So now we get to see what hijinks the Coup Clutz Clan get up to tomorrow while the election is officially certified by congress.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. 18 U.S. Code subsection 594.

  50. 50-50 Senate. I guess the election officials "cheated" again in Ga. ๐Ÿ™‚

  51. “In other momentous news, Rev. Raphael Warnock is now the first African-American senator elected to represent the State of Georgia����������������“

    Even better, Warnock is first African American senator from any former confederate state.

    Eric the dumb has threatened to primary any wingnut that won't help steal the election for his dad.

  52. Mike said....

    Even better, Warnock is first African American senator from any former confederate state.

    Hey, Mike, wasn't Tim Scott of North Carolina elected ?

  53. PilotX said....

    “In other momentous news, Rev. Raphael Warnock is now the first African-American senator elected to represent the State of Georgia๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ“
    Yeah, it's amazing and it took only 156 years! Hallelujah! Looks like we got the Senate!

  54. Anonymous said...

    If the Dems win both races, Trump will start ranting about how the Dems rigged another election.

    2:04 AM
    He's already on it. Check out the website below. Seem The National Review is trashing Trump.


  56. Gambler, you are correct. I missed the first AA Democrat from a former confederate state. My humblest apologies for setting magats off in another useless tizzy.

    Ossoff claims victory so it looks like a clean sweep for the good guys, that is us no matter what lies magats spew.

  57. Hey Mike, no apology needed. I once forgot that Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman to be on the ticket for vice president. LOL!
    Are you watching as the Magas are rioting on Capital Hill? Seems some buildings have been or are being evacuated.

  58. To view the Maga riot, go to

    Raw Story is covering it. covering it.

  59. Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) tweets that she was evacuated from her office: “Now we’re seeing protesters assaulting Capitol Police. This is wrong. This is not who we are. I’m heartbroken for our nation today.”

    Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA) also tweets: “I just had to evacuate my office because of a pipe bomb reported outside. Supporters of the President are trying to force their way into the Capitol and I can hear what sounds like multiple gunshots.”

  60. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Not gonna lie. I will enjoy the scenes of police brutality as the Trump trash get their asses kicked, while they throw their disgraceful temper tantrum over Trump losing the election.

    The Trump administration was always destined to end in shame and chaos.

  61. Jim Comey can fuck right off.
    So the Coup Clutz Clan has stormed the capitol.
    Propagandists blame antifa for it in 3..2..1..

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Anonymous3:33 PM

    No he did not. You delusional libtards are national security threat.

  63. Anonymous3:33 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  64. Anonymous3:35 PM

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.
    Thomas Jefferson

  65. Gil Scott-Heron? I love you buddy, but you got this one wrong.

    (Though tbf, you did say it's Winter In America, and that is very very true.)

  66. Anonymous4:10 PM

    “Gil Scott-Heron? I love you buddy, but you got this one wrong.”

    “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”?

    Nah, sorry, today is just the opposite of that. It is a gang of fascists having a crybaby meltdown because their revolution got cancelled.

  67. Fergus just became the first president since Hoover to lose the presidency and both chambers of congress in one term.
    He has become a historical loser of epic proportions.
    He needs to be prosecuted for his many crimes, and among them the fomenting of the assault upon the capitol today.
    He needs to be stripped of his presidential pension and SS detail.
    If we let him get away with this shit, Republicans will keep doing it as long as it works for them.
    So now the Democrats will have the committee chairs in the senate and some real work might get done.
    The picture of Mitch McConnell's sad face this morning was glorious.
    Now we can begin to confirm sane judges and justices, and Breyer, who is 82, can retire and not have to worry about his seat being held open until another goddamn Republican administration.
    And just to stick it to Mitch a little more, today it was announced that Merrick Garland is the leading candidate for AG.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Lexington Green 2021

  69. Anonymous4:33 PM

    "Lexington Green 2021"

    Attempted, and failed, burning of the Reichstag 2021.

  70. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Vaccine = RAPE

  71. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Attempted, and failed, burning of the Reichstag 2021.

    4:33 PM

    Democrat = Nazi

  72. Anonymous4:42 PM


  73. Anonymous4:42 PM


  74. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Democrat = Godless communist

  75. Hark, the herald angels shout
    Two more weeks 'til Trump is out!
    Two more weeks of misery
    In this penitentiary!
    No more Sharpies, no more crooks
    No more Donald's dirty looks
    Hark, the herald angels shout
    Two more weeks 'til Trump is out!

  76. Anonymous5:19 PM

    One vaccine for the masses and one for the elites.........

  77. Anonymous said...

    Democrat = Godless communist

    4:43 PM

    You = Idiot anonymous commenter.

  78. Anonymous said...

    “Gil Scott-Heron? I love you buddy, but you got this one wrong.”

    “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”?

    Nah, sorry, today is just the opposite of that. It is a gang of fascists having a crybaby meltdown because their revolution got cancelled.

    4:10 PM
    Perfect description. I say, "Lock them up."

  79. Hark, the herald angels shout
    Two more weeks 'til Trump is out!
    Two more weeks of misery
    In this penitentiary!
    No more Sharpies, no more crooks
    No more Donald's dirty looks
    Hark, the herald angels shout
    Two more weeks 'til Trump is out!

    5:11 PM
    Love your poem, Paradoctor! LOL!
