Thursday, January 28, 2021

American terrorist.


The worst thing that the American people can do right now is to forget what transpired on January 6, 2021, and then fail to hold ALL the people responsible for it accountable. 

There are now very credible reports that the night before the insurrection republicans and trump cultists were meeting at the trump hotel in Washington to plot the takeover. 

If this turns out to be true, I do not know how we can ignore it and pretend that it didn't happen like republicans are attempting to do. 

Anyway, what Mr. trump has been doing is not new, and there is actually a term for it: "Stochastic terrorism". 

The following article is from Mother Jones magazine.

"In the waning days of his presidency, Donald Trump is engaged in a deliberate campaign of terrorism aimed at Americans who oppose him politically. That description of his actions is neither a metaphor nor hyperbole—it is the assessment of veteran national security experts, whose view of the political violence being stoked by the outgoing president is echoed by law enforcement and political leaders. As Trump has pushed a litany of lies and conspiracy theories claiming that the 2020 election was “stolen” from him through “massive fraud,” he has stirred his most extreme supporters to menace public officials, election workers, and his Democratic and Republican critics alike. Over the past four years, numerous perpetrators of threats and violence have directly invoked the president and his rhetoric, and recent gatherings by far-right groups in support of Trump’s efforts to reverse his election defeat have led to beatings, stabbings and a shooting

Trump is using a tactic known as “stochastic terrorism,” says Juliette Kayyem, a national security expert and former assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security. It’s a method of political incitement that provokes random acts of extremist violence, in which the instigator uses rhetoric ambiguous enough to give himself and his allies plausible deniability for any resulting bloodshed. Violent threats or attacks linked to the rhetoric usually generate muted denials and equivocal denunciations, or claims to have been “joking,” as Trump and those speaking on his behalf have routinely hidden behind.

Previously discussed in obscurity among counterterrorism specialists and national security wonks, the concept of stochastic terrorism first drew wider attention in 2018 when Kayyem cited it in reference to Cesar Sayoc, a fervent Trump supporter who sent mail bombs to CNN and nearly a dozen Democratic figures, including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. Since then—and particularly since Trump’s defeat in November—the president’s willingness to encourage violence for political purposes has become only more evident, according to Kayyem. She says Trump’s behavior should be called out for what it is: “He is promoting terrorism.”

Among national security experts, Kayyem is not alone in this view. “It really matters that the president of the United States is an arsonist of radicalization,” said Kori Schake, who served in leadership posts at the National Security Council and State Department under President George W. Bush. “It will really help when that’s no longer the case,” she added, speaking in a recent online panel discussion about the danger fueled by Trump and his enablers.

Elizabeth Neumann, who until early 2020 served as a DHS assistant secretary focused on counterterrorism and threat prevention, asserted in a Washington Post op-ed before the election that the president has been fomenting violence. “Language from campaign materials and Trump’s extemporaneous speeches at rallies have been used as justification for acts of violence,” she wrote, emphasizing that Trump “has repeatedly been confronted with this fact.” His “inconsistent and muddied” denouncements of violence and white supremacists, she said, only exacerbated the problem: “Extremists thrive on this mixed messaging, interpreting it as coded support.”

Trump has long pursued a campaign of incitement with impunity, unchallenged by Republican leaders in Congress and met with tepid press coverage. “Until recently mainstream media were unwilling to say explicitly that Trump was lying,” Kayyem notes. “In the same way, there is a reluctance to identify the kind of violence that Trump is propagating, maybe because it seems too close to calling him a terrorist. You can call him whatever you want, but the tactics he’s using are clearly a form of terrorism.”

Trump’s nods and winks to far-right extremists began with his 2016 campaign and came to a head in August 2017 when he suggested that the torch-wielding white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, included some “very fine people.” His demagoguery as president was initially focused on “the other,” whether it was his attempt to ban Muslims from entering the United States or his incendiary rhetoric about Mexican “rapists,” migrant caravans, and “shithole” countries. He also attacked the news media as “the enemy of the people,” sparking violent threats and plots against journalists. “What’s happened now is that he has clearly turned it against Americans,” Kayyem says. “He knows exactly what he’s doing. He is focused on American political leadership that is not behind him.”

The danger escalated in the spring when Trump urged supporters to “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” in response to public health restrictions ordered by the state’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, for battling the coronavirus pandemic. Trump targeted the governors of Virginia and Minnesota with the same message and sided with armed protesters in Michigan while tweeting criticism of Whitmer: “These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely!” By early October, the FBI and state authorities announced they had arrested 13 people plotting violent attacks in Michigan and elsewhere, including plans to storm the Capitol and kidnap and execute Whitmer. Far-right extremists also allegedly targeted Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia, whom Trump had blasted as “crazy” for his pandemic policies and for supposedly planning to take away Virginians’ guns. When pressed in a fall presidential debate to denounce the violent far-right group known as the Proud Boys, Trump infamously responded that they should “stand back and stand by.” 

Trump’s post-election incitement has manifested in new and alarming ways. By early December, after the president unleashed a wave of false claims attacking the election results in battleground states including Michigan, a group of armed Trump supporters gathered outside the home of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson as she and her young son were putting up Christmas decorations. They chanted “Stop the steal” and shouted “You’re a felon and must turn yourself in immediately.” Less prominent officials and election workers around the country have been harassed for doing their jobs processing votes, menaced with nooses and death threats, and stalked online or at their homes. On December 14, state electors faced with “credible threats” in Michigan and Arizona were compelled to take extraordinary security measures—including locking down buildings and meeting at an undisclosed location—as they convened to certify Biden’s presidential victory.

Kayyem reiterated in a series of tweets how Trump had perfected the technique of provoking random but predictable violence. “We are stuck parsing Trump’s words, forced into textualist debates about what he meant by ‘Liberate Michigan’ or ‘Stand Back and Stand By,'” she wrote. “Meanwhile his supporters know EXACTLY what he means.”

“The level of concern is about as high as I’ve ever seen it,” a senior federal law enforcement official told me in early December. “Threatening activity based in this kind of rhetoric or anger is always there, but that said, it has been a very active year and it’s kept us and our [state and local] counterparts very busy.” The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, declined to offer any specific assessment of the president’s role in provoking violence, but acknowledged in broader terms that the post-election conspiracy mongering led by Trump “is undoubtedly big fuel on the fire.” 

The president’s tactics have been imitated by his operatives and political allies. Recent comments from Trump campaign lawyer Joseph DiGenova were a textbook example: After the president fired DHS cybersecurity director Chris Krebs, who had described the 2020 elections as the most secure in history, DiGenova said in an interview that Krebs should be “taken out at dawn and shot.” DiGenova later claimed his comments “were sarcastic and made in jest.” As electors in Arizona prepared to certify Biden’s win, state Sen.-elect Wendy Rogers, a backer of Trump’s false claims about the election, tweeted: “Buy more ammo.” When Arizona Democrats criticized Rogers for using incendiary language on such a consequential day, she tweeted repeatedly that she was simply cheerleading for Second Amendment rights. “She knows exactly what she’s doing & wants plausible deniability,” responded Rep. Jennifer Longdon, an assistant Democratic leader in the Arizona House. Longdon’s tweet described Rogers’ own as a “clarion call to lone wolf extremists.”

Longdon, a gun violence survivor, knows well the danger of fringe actors who go on the attack over a political cause, including those who threatened, stalked, and assaulted her over her work on gun safety. Trump’s allies, she says, “have ramped this up to a level that’s beyond irresponsible.” If violence follows, Rogers and others “will just shrug their shoulders and walk away from it. But someone is hearing that call, and that call is coming from someone they consider to be a responsible voice of leadership.” Longdon added that the targeting of conservative Republican state officeholders who deemed Arizona’s election results fair and credible was telling. “This is a really dangerous and cynical attempt to whip up a base for what comes next,” she says. “At what point does this become sedition?”

Both Kayyem and the federal law enforcement official I spoke with suggested that recent commentary about the possibility of a brewing “civil war” has been overblown. They said that fringe elements who would act violently remain small in number. Kayyem also sees the coming change at the White House as pivotal. “We’ve gotten pretty immune to the sort of everyday racism of the current president and how he has nurtured it from the top,” she says. “But I think Biden will be able in his way to shame that, and a lot of it will start to go away. There will still be a threat of violence, but it’s not existential. I think we’ll see that when nonracists control the levers of law enforcement and communications, that these fringe groups will find themselves adrift and more isolated again.” [Source]

The writer is a lot more optimistic than I am. I suspect that these "fringe groups" are not as "fringe" as most people think. 

*Pic from




  1. A Modest Impeachment Proposal

    I recommend that Schumer rule that the impeachment trial's evidence and testimony be public, but the balloting be in secret, to protect the jurors. That's how you try a crime lord.

    My brother Daniel has objected to this plan. He says that McConnell won't cooperate, and he questions the precedent that it sets. I say that McConnell will cooperate, because his caucus needs to purge Trump from the party, and all future politics, with plausible deniability. They don't want exposure to Trump's stochastic assassins. So McConnell needs a secret ballot as much as Schumer does. It's a classic DC convergence of interests.

    As for the precedent: Dan's right, a secret ballot would be as shady as Hell. But that's appropriate! Impeachment is a sublimated assassination, just as a political campaign is a sublimated war, and an election is a sublimated revolution. All of the necessary upheaval, yet none of the blood; what a bargain! And any assassination, sublimated or not, must be as shady as Hell, to do what it must do.

    I say that this country needs fewer assassinations, and more impeachments. There haven't been enough impeachments, and none of them successful, because impeachment isn't rotten enough. I propose this filthy reform to make impeachment fit for purpose.

    I also recommend that any secret impeachment conviction be followed by a secret ballot on Amendment 14, Article 3, on barring the impeached President from ever again holding public office. When you symbolically shoot at a President, then you must symbolically kill him.

    A secret ballot to convict Trump would be corrupt. It would be betrayal. It would be a backstabbing. It would be a gross revelation of foul maneuverings by hidden cabals conspiring in smoke-filled rooms. And that too is appropriate. It's what Trump richly deserves.

    I am well aware that one day I will regret this modest proposal, for a President that I like will be impeached and secretly convicted. But I do not expect politics to be perfect. All I require is that it be for real.

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "What will the consequences be for the Chinese Communist Party that knowingly
    released the China Virus and murdered Millions of people around the world?"

  3. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "I won and you know it!!"

  4. Cicero Tyson has died. A beautiful, intelligent, elegant, gracious woman. May she rest in peace.

  5. Anonymous said...

    "What will the consequences be for the Chinese Communist Party that knowingly
    released the China Virus and murdered Millions of people around the world?"

    8:14 PM
    Why do you ask stupid hypothetical questions?

  6. Paradoctor said....

    "As for the precedent: Dan's right, a secret ballot would be as shady as Hell."
    I'm with you on everything you said except this. Why would a secret ballot in an impeachment trial be any more shady than a secret ballot in a criminal trial? I don't think it would be because jurors must be free to cast their votes without fear of reprisal especially when the office holder is a terrorist.

  7. Anonymous11:07 PM

    "Since then—and particularly since Trump’s defeat in November—the president’s willingness to encourage violence for political purposes has become only more evident, according to Kayyem."

    For most of Trump's presidency, his rhetoric could usually be dismissed as merely irresponsible. It at least looked possible that he didn't know or care about the effect his words were having. He was a reckless, sociopathic bomb-thrower, and he didn't really care where the bombs landed. As long as his riled-up base voted for him, that was the object, and the victims of any violence they might be provoked into committing were just collateral damage to him. He didn't want violence, per se, but if it happened, he was perfectly okay with that.

    After he lost the election, and started trying to illegally reverse the results, however, his incitement became much worse. His angry speeches and tweets were suddenly a lot more goal-oriented. It was obvious he was intentionally trying to incite violence against his enemies, in order to pressure them into giving him what he wanted: nullification of Biden's victory. At this point, it was completely fair to describe him as a terrorist -- if not in a legally prosecutable sense, then certainly in a moral sense.

    Any politician who has behaved this way should be banned from public life for good. Senate Republicans would do this, if they had any good sense or integrity. But alas, they don't.

  8. Anonymous11:31 PM

    "I'm with you on everything you said except this. Why would a secret ballot in an impeachment trial be any more shady than a secret ballot in a criminal trial? I don't think it would be because jurors must be free to cast their votes without fear of reprisal especially when the office holder is a terrorist."

    Criminal trials aren't usually conducted by secret ballot, either. They go against the idea of transparency in government. (Jurors are not really part of the government, but they are temporarily acting with government authority as part of a trial.)

    It's not entirely clear whether a secret ballot vote at an impeachment trial would be legal, and even if legal, one might be viewed as historically dubious or corrupt, much like the secret ballot congressional vote that resulted in John Quincy Adams becoming president.

  9. Well, let's just get ready for President Gaetz and VP Greene. This is only the beginning. Stay frosty out there.

  10. Gambler2: There are arguments on both sides on how problematic a secret ballot would be. On the one hand, protection of the jurors. On the other hand, accountability to the voters. At the end I pre-emptively regret losing some future Presidents I like to this process. I can see the headlines now: "Millionaire's Club Backstabs Beloved President".

    All in all I favor this, despite the obvious potential for abuse, to strengthen a too-weak impeachment process, and weaken a too-strong presidency. If such impeachments become common, then it would turn the republic into a parliamentary system, which has its plusses and minuses.

    I admit that I'd very much enjoy the spectacle of, say, 80 Senators privately voting to convict, but 40 telling the stochastic assassins that they were loyal. 20 would be lying, but which 20? I guarantee that Ted Cruz would swear up and down that he's Trump's man, but vote to convict and ban. Ted Cruz is that kind of guy.

  11. Just in case you thought that Trump really was going to be quiet, here is a glimpse into the current blueprint for a plan, according to reliable wingnut sources:

    Former President Donald Trump remains iffy on a 2024 return, but one thing is for sure: His new home of Florida will be “Trump Headquarters,” where he will manage the “Make America Great Again” movement that he started in 2015.
    “Florida,” said former top aide Stephen Miller, “is really the perfect place to be the new HQ of the MAGA movement and a launching pad for the president’s next endeavor.”
    While there have been many reports that the president, his family, and some top aides are moving to the Palm Beach area to be near him for support and friendship, insiders revealed to Secrets that there is a blueprint to run the political operation from there. Initially, the plan is to play a role in the 2022 midterm elections, recruiting candidates to run in key House and Senate races and likely in Republican primaries against sitting members who voted to impeach Trump. “After that and should he plan not to run in 2024, Trump wants to play the role of kingmaker and choose the republican nominee. He’s also looking at forming a Patriot party.” said presidential historian and Trump expert Doug Wead, “If he wants to be a factor, he will be a factor.” Aides suggested that Trump’s operation, now at his Palm Beach Mar-a-Lago resort, will be a revolving door of influence-makers and GOP officials. In addition to his daughters moving there, there are former aides such as Jared Kushner’s right hand Avi Berkowitz, the administration’s former special representative for international negotiations. There is also a media cadre that he talks to, including Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Newsmax boss Chris Ruddy.

  12. I can imagine now that Trump will no longer be in the public spotlight for the next four years, his actions may very likely become more than simply stochastic in inciting active rebellion against the U.S.A.

  13. Anonymous3:13 AM

    A new Trump Party would honestly be the best thing I can imagine. The conservative movement would be split between two political parties, and amid all the right-wing infighting, the Democrats would win everything, all the time.

    The birth of the Trump Party = permanent Democrat dominance of every facet of government.

    But it won’t happen. Trump will want some quicker way of monetizing his foolish followers’ loyalty. He won’t put in the hard work to build a political party. He’s too greedy and lazy for that.

  14. Anonymous4:23 AM

    “Well, let's just get ready for President Gaetz and VP Greene. This is only the beginning. Stay frosty out there.”

    Oh good. Can’t wait for Marjorie Taylor Greene to announce her initiative to defend Earth from the Jewish Space Laser.

  15. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Texas Uber Eats Driver and Mother of 3 Killed by domestic negro terrorists While Dropping Off Food Delivery
    Ryan Munsie, 31, leaves behind her husband and three children:

  16. Lilacpr, I trust you meant Cicely Tyson had passed away. Too bad. She was a great actress. RIP, well deserved peace, Ms Tyson.

  17. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Biden in his first week managed to cost Americans 70,000+ jobs and the cost of gas keeps increasing.....

  18. Anonymous10:12 AM

    “Biden in his first week managed to cost Americans 70,000+ jobs and the cost of gas keeps increasing.....”

    The usual bullshit.

    The Keystone Pipeline wasn’t worth anything close to 70,000 jobs. That’s a laughable figure.

    And Biden’s been in office a week. Literally nothing he’s done could have any impact on gas prices in such a short span of time.

    Why do wingnuts always lie? Is it because they have nothing real to offer to 90% of the populace?

  19. Last updated: January 29, 2021, 13:54 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Bodies counted Thursday, the 28th, 3862. Over 12k bodies in three days, magats.

  20. There were less than 10k jobs at stake with KXL pipeline termination. Their parent company had already started prepping areas for digging in pipeline before the election.

    Dilbit is much harder to clean up in spills because of chemicals added
    to make it flow through pipelines, which leach out shortly after exposure to sunlight and they soon sink to river and creek beds and can't be removed without habitat destruction.

    It is also not taxed as crude oil for cleanup funds because lawyers argued it is so different from taxable crude in makeup. Imported pipeline crude is taxed 8 cents per barrel for the fund. Dilbit gets a free ride. Most of the tarsands crud was piped directly to gulf coast refineries, processed into dirty jet fuel/gas and loaded on ships and sent to Europe and China.

  21. News you won't get anywhere else.... Mueller's probe of 2016 election is alive, at least to some degree.

    Florida phuck arrested for shenanigans in 2016 and has ties to Stone, Flynn and other magat, wasicu scumavcyst thugs.

  22. Anonymous said...

    Criminal trials aren't usually conducted by secret ballot, either. They go against the idea of transparency in government. (Jurors are not really part of the government, but they are temporarily acting with government authority as part of a trial.)
    Perhaps I didn't make my meaning clear. I was speaking of the jury vote only not the entire trial. Furthermore, the jury votes in criminal trials are certainly held in secret, at least in California. I know because I have served on several, once as the foreman of the jury in an attempted murder trial.

    The defendant has thousands of openly terrorists supporting him who continue to threaten the lives of people who don't support him. Therefore it make sense to protect the jury which in this case is the United States Senate.

    11:31 PM

  23. Anonymous11:40 AM

    “Furthermore, the jury votes in criminal trials are certainly held in secret, at least in California.”

    My impression is that this is not typical, and that in most states, individual trial jurors may be queried as to how they voted.

  24. Paradoctor said....

    Gambler2: There are arguments on both sides on how problematic a secret ballot would be. On the one hand, protection of the jurors. On the other hand, accountability to the voters. At the end I pre-emptively regret losing some future Presidents I like to this process. I can see the headlines now: "Millionaire's Club Backstabs Beloved President".

    Generally I agree with you, but how many times in the future do you see our country impeaching a president for his terrorist activities including attempting to overthrow the government? He is supported by terrorists who have repeatedly threatened the lives of hundreds of government officials and their families.

    These terrorist already stormed the capitol building, caused the deaths of six people, and injured hundreds of others. The rioters planned to kill the vice president and the speaker of the house. It was only because of the courage and quick thinking of a Black cop that they are still alive.

    It is my opinion the trial should be held in the open with the vote to convict or not by secret ballot.

  25. Anonymous said....

    Why do wingnuts always lie? Is it because they have nothing real to offer to 90% of the populace?

    10:12 AM
    The answer is yes. Wing nuts haven't had anything to offer since 1980, so they lie to get votes. They demonize all liberal actions and policies (remember "Trickle Down Economics). It's all about the old, white, power structure's panic in the face of changing demographics. This struggle has been going on in some form since the Civil War, but it's been under the radar for most Americans.

    Seems many Americans aren't very interested in politics and don't bother to vote, or if they do vote, they don't really understand what they are voting for. Such an electorate is easy to fool with lies and theatrics. So that's where we are at now.

  26. White Alaskan scumacyst gets kicked off Alaska Human Relations committee for things. She tries to defend license plates that say 3Reich and other offensive term.

    Likely kin of Greene from Georgia.

  27. “Texas Uber Eats Driver and Mother of 3 Killed by domestic negro terrorists While Dropping Off Food Delivery“

    Once again, try to keep up. This blog’s topic was about the former president and not crimes committed by people other than the orange menace. There are plenty of other blogs that demonize Blah people so please go to one of those. Thanks.

  28. I can’t ever take the Republican Party seriously when they keep treating the country and governing as if they are children. They put Rep. Greene on the education committee. A person who denies children were killed in Sandy Hook and in FL. Is this where we’re at as a country? This is acceptable to anyone?


  29. Two traitors from Montana have been arrested....

    "Two Montana brothers accused of being among the first 10 people to storm the U.S. Capitol—before chasing a lone Black cop through the building and wreaking havoc inside the Senate chamber—have been charged."

    "Joshua Calvin Hughes and his brother Jerod Wade Hughes have been charged with a slew of offenses, including obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of property, and entering in the Capitol without authorization...."

  30. Real Americans must never forget....

    Jan 6th a day that will live in infamy, a date where drumpf and magats out-Benghazied HRC because of a video tape which included drumpf and other scumbag magats rousing the terrorists to attack US gubmint property and kill people. (sound familiar?)

    Where are the hypocritic magats that wanted HRC thrown in jail and prosecuted for allowing Benghazi?

    3600 moar bodies volunteered to die for drumpf/noem body count Friday the 29th of January.

  31. Anonymous10:56 AM

    biden signs executive order halting border wall costing 5000 jobs

  32. Anonymous said...

    Biden signs executive order halting border wall costing 5000 jobs

    10:56 AM
    Good for Joe!
    So, what's your point? Building the wall costs billions, created environmental problems, desecrated both private and public lands, and generally destroyed everything in its wake. It was all for nothing. A wall will not keep people in or out; the Berlin Wall couldn't even do that although is was manned by military gun
    And you figure of 5000 jobs lost is greatly inflated.

  33. You people are insane3:13 PM

    American Journal of Medicine admits that HCQ produces improvement in most COVID-19 patients when taken early:

    Facebook backs down on ban on promotion of HCQ treatment:

    Of the 440,000 dead in the USA, you and your denialism are responsible for roughly 300,000 of them.

  34. American Journal of Medicine admits that HCQ produces improvement in most COVID-19 patients when taken early:

    From a single study of 25r41 people and they did not sound near as positive as you as to the outcome in the face of more stringent trials.

    You finally use a credible source, but, it appears you misread the results to a certain extent.

  35. From AlterNet...

    While the Biden administration's work should be well underway, they are still working to locate more than 20 million doses of coronavirus vaccines that have already been shipped to states. According to Biden's administration, they inherited a deeply flawed for maintaining proper records and inventory of vaccine distribution.

    The latest news comes as the Biden administration works to locate the 8,700 ventilators that Trump's White House donated to other nations. According to The Washington Post, a new report published by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) indicates that there is very little information to explain the roll-out of ventilators. The United States reportedly spent more than $200 million on the distribution process.

  36. The truth is going to come out, and heads will roll.

    FBI probe of Capitol siege uncovers evidence that suggests riot was coordinated with national players

  37. Ukraine is starting to open up about being pressured to lie for drumpf.

  38. Anonymous8:15 PM

    "While the Biden administration's work should be well underway, they are still working to locate more than 20 million doses of coronavirus vaccines that have already been shipped to states. According to Biden's administration, they inherited a deeply flawed for maintaining proper records and inventory of vaccine distribution."

    Unsurprising, given the general half-assedness of the Trump administration, that their record-keeping would be awful.

    They lost track of hundreds of the parents they separated from their kids and then deported during the execution of their family separation policy. They didn't give a crap about the welfare of these people at all.

    Biden's going to have to build a team of detectives to reunite the kids, now living in foster homes in the US, with the parents, scattered across Latin America.

  39. "I think we’ll see that when nonracists control the levers of law enforcement and communications, that these fringe groups will find themselves adrift and more isolated again.”

    When have nonracsts ever controlled the levers of law enforcement in the US? Law enforcement and the military are lousy with racists and white supremacists of all stripes, and the culture of both is deeply racist in its foundations.

    I, too, hope that the Biden administration makes some headway against this situation, but a culture that's been at the root of these organizations since their inception will not change quickly.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. So Orly Taitz is trying to sue on behalf of Fergus over his impeachment trial, because of course she is.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. A gun dealer in Montana, run by a retired state patrol pig and a currently employed pig sold mass quantities of weapons to Prowd Boys at discount prices leading up to insurrection. There is a bit more to story once I find it again.

  42. Biden's administration is looking for equal rights lawyers and practiced defense attorneys to appoint to life time judgeships to offset unqualified magat judges drumpf dumped on America.

  43. Wanna know how to make magat heads explode? Tell them Black Lives Matter has been proposed for a Nobel Peace Prize.


  44. Anonymous12:25 PM

    America loves terrorists--provided they are White terrorists.

    In fact, White terrorists like Kyle Rittenhouse or the Trumptards are not even called terrorists but rather "misguided" defenders of law and order or some other weasel-word euphemism.


    That is why Trump and his loyalists will never be tried--let alone convicted--for White Terrorism.

    In fact, this whole Impeachment façade is merely a propaganda show organized by Demorats to sucker their base into believing they are "holding the Trump Regime accountable"--when they know damn well there are NOT enough votes to impeach Trump.

    The Democrats play the Good Cop to the Republican Bad Cop and cannot be trusted.

    As Barack Obama himself once said, the Democraps and Republicans are all on the SAME team.

  45. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
    an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, Frozen Kristoff, Mortal Kombat Mileena, Omni Man Amber,
    Resident Evil Jill, The Wonder Years, Josie and the Pussycats, Charmed, The Wiz,
    Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur, The Taking of Pelham 123,
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr Do Little,
    Death Note live action series on NetFlix, Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America]
    future black washings in the years to come

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
    in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
    Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
    Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
    The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
    on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.
