Monday, January 25, 2021

? Of The Day.


Should Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley be expelled from the Unites States senate? 



  1. That's a big 10-4!
    Etc, etc, etc

  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Should they be expelled? Sure. Their "just asking questions" posture was a lie. They knew damn well that there was no election fraud and that Biden was properly elected president. So they participated in Trump's assault on democracy. (Likewise, most of the Republicans in the House deserve expulsion.)

    It won't happen, though. The next real opportunity to get rid of Hawley and Cruz will be the 2024 election.

  3. Yes, preferably with a trebuchet.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. The obvious answer is yes. Isn't there something in the 14th Amendment that says if a person engages in insurrection, he can't hold an office in the federal government? Hawley is seen on video with raised fist urging the rioters on as they attacked the United States Government.

  5. Just for the beauty of it:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. LeonT9:18 PM

    They should be expelled and then prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They openly encouraged and aided in the violent overthrow of our democratically elected government.

    Life in prison without the possibility of parole would be lenient.

  7. Anonymous10:34 PM

    They knew damn well that there was no election fraud and that Biden was properly elected president.

    Only a 68.05% error rate in ballot counting by Dominion systems in Antrim Co., Michigan.

    The legal maximum is 0.0008%.  No fraud my ass.

  8. Nah, gotta give the people what they want. People in Texassistan and Misery get what they deserve. They elect Louie Ghomert so what should we expect?

  9. “Only a 68.05% error rate in ballot counting by Dominion systems in Antrim Co., Michigan.“

    C’mon anon, you know the rules. 😖 If you’re not gonna pick a name at least provide some proof. Geez you guys are awful.

  10. Mitch McConnell folding like a cheap suit when Schumer threatened to kill the filibuster was a thing of beauty.
    Watching him kill it anyway will be even better.
    Maybe this time we won't shy away from using the power the voters just handed us, because the country really needs us to use the fuck out of it about now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. From Aimee Mann's Twitter feed:

    Eliza Orlins
    Jan 22
    Capitol riot suspect Eric Munchel, dubbed "zip tie guy," to be released from jail pending trial.

    As a public defender, I represented a client charged with stealing detergent. Held in on $3000 bail he could not afford.

    Two. Systems. Of. Justice.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. Can't post proof they don't have. They have had months to post any proof of any errors and they post nothing, just more retread accusations.

  13. This debunks, again, the 68.5% error rate in Antrim Co, Michigan.

    There are other issues with the report, too.

    One of the specific claims made in the report — which was turned into a Twitter talking point by Trump — was that a “tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors. These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication.”

    But that “is based on a lack of understanding of the voting system,” Macias wrote.

    Macias told us in a phone interview that the “errors” described in the report are, essentially, entries of alerts from tabulation event logs — and that they don’t mean that something went wrong.

    The terms referenced in the report — “divert,” “reversed” and “override” — refer to standard, expected responses as the tabulators process the paper ballots, he wrote in his rebuttal.

    For example, diverted ballots could be a ballot that is “marked by the voter with specific conditions (i.e., voter voted for a write-in or overvoted a contest),” so it is separated from the other ballots to be counted by elections officials. A reversed ballot, meanwhile, is a ballot being returned to the voter for some reason (it could be damaged, or be a ballot for the wrong precinct).

    “To draw an analogy, calling these an error would be synonymous with stating that you reviewed a car’s logs and for each instance that the gas light turned on we will call it an error,” he wrote.

  14. Yes they should be expelled. . . Hopefully the "evidence" to be presented in the Senate trial will accurately portray them both as co-inciters. . .It's amazing - two Ivy League law school graduates - who hate America this much. . .

  15. Anonymous10:45 AM

    If you’re not gonna pick a name at least provide some proof.

    Been cited before, in these comments.  You have no excuse.

    Learn how to use a search engine already.

  16. Anonymous said...

    "Learn how to use a search engine already."

    10:45 AM
    Sorry Anon., but most of the people who frequent this blog are much better informed than a Q-Anon of Face Book follower. We believe that if a person is posting a claim about a current event or person in the news, he or she should post a source. Otherwise it's just a personal opinion. If you don't post your sources, then no one will take you seriously. If that is too much work for you, or you don't have any sources, then I suggest you post your opinions elsewhere, but don't be telling us the use a search engine.

  17. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung/Unity

    On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People (February 27, 1957), 1st pocket ed., pp. 1-2

    It is only through the unity of the Communist Party that the unity of the whole class and the whole nation can be achieved, and it is only through the unity of the whole class and the whole nation that the enemy can be defeated and the national and democratic revolution accomplished.

  18. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung/Unity

    “Win the Masses in Their Millions for the Anti-Japanese National United Front” (May 7, 1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 292

    We shall solidly unite all the forces of our Party on democratic centrist principles of organization and discipline. We shall unite with any comrade if he abides by the Party’s Program, Constitution and decisions.

  19. OK, Anon., at 11:40

    Interesting bit of history, but what is your point?

  20. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Oh no! The MyPillow guy got kicked off Twitter for telling Trump lies! How will the rest of us survive!


  21. I recommend that Schumer rule that the impeachment trial's testimony and evidence be public, but the balloting be in secret, to protect the jurors. That's how one tries a crime lord.

  22. Many if the Sinators who will sit in judgement are just as guilty of traitorous crimes as drumpf and should not be allowed to sit on jury. Their minds are already made up, just like before.

  23. For sure Hawley and Cruz should be disqualified for voting on the issue of Trump's guilt since they took part in the crime.

  24. Yes. They're traitors.

  25. ABSOLUTELY!! They should be tarred, feathered, and hung on national TV!!

  26. Expel them before the impeachment vote.

  27. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Expel them from the human race

  28. That's great, Doug. Yesterday I got happy every time I remembered it. Today I've been boppin around singing it.

    Brothers and Sisters,

    There is a full version on YouTube. There actually are more words. Kamala and Obama are dancing, Biden breaks out a sunny smile, appearances by Ellen Degeneris, Mike Pence's fly and many more.

  29. Flying Junior said....
    Thank you, my friend. I love it! It's so funny and the music is wonderful! In future when I'm feeling a little down, I'll watch it and laugh my ass off.

  30. "You have no excuse."

    But why do you not have a screen name? If we want to respond to you and further the conversation it's not possible. It also seems as if you're not serious about your posts. C'mon, you know the expected decorum here. Don't be a dick.

  31. "which was turned into a Twitter talking point by Trump"

    A YUGE clue as to something being false.

  32. I found hearing the words "fifty state strategy" come out of Jaime Harrison's mouth just now to be very encouraging.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. "I found hearing the words "fifty state strategy" come out of Jaime Harrison's mouth just now to be very encouraging."

    Not sure I 100% trust this guy. As Dem leader in S.C. he lost two winnable senate seats. The first one against Tim Scott should have been a gimme. The Dems ran an obscure unknown from Illinois against Tim Scott who was very vulnerable. Then he decided to run against Lady Lindsey himself. S.C. could very well have two Dems in the senate had those races been run properly. This may not be the guy, not to be a conspiracy nut but where are his loyalties? S.C. has a long history of shenanigans. Remember the guy they "found" to run for senate and couldn't even answer a simple question on Rachel's show?

  34. Alvin Greene.

  35. Speaking of Hawley's batshittery:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Anonymous4:04 AM

    “Not sure I 100% trust this guy. As Dem leader in S.C. he lost two winnable senate seats.”

    I’m not sure why they didn’t make Stacey Abrams the DNC chair. She did a bang-up job organizing for the Dems in Georgia. I’d have thought that was an obvious call. Instead, they went with this Harrison dude.

    It’s frustrating. The Democrats never seem to have anyone good managing their electoral strategy. Particularly in the state legislatures, where they don’t seem to see the importance of stopping the GOP from drawing the borders of all the state and federal districts to their own benefit.

  37. Anonymous4:36 AM

    American politics really is a farce.

    Remember Mellissa Carone, aka Drunky McDrunkerson, one of Trump’s so-called experts on election fraud with her madcap, incoherently outraged testimony at a government hearing?

    She’s looking to take her crazy behavior to the next level by running for the Michigan state legislature. I guess Michigan residents’ civic loss is everybody else’s entertainment gain.

  38. Anonymous4:39 AM

    *Melissa Carone

  39. Anonymous4:51 AM

    *Or maybe it is Mellissa Carone. I don’t even fucking know anymore. She is a dumb person so it makes sense that she spells her name wrong.

  40. 4205 moar bodies Tuesday for drumpf/noem's sensual feast of the corpses killed because of magat incompetence.

    Last updated: January 27, 2021, 13:56 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  41. Anon 4:36:
    I call her the Kraken. And now we know what krakens sound like. Maybe I should write a satirical fantasy tale with a kraken in it, who sounds as dumb as her.

  42. Anonymous12:15 PM

    “Anon 4:36:
    I call her the Kraken.”

    When she speaks, she certainly sounds like she’s been smoking kraken.

    Anyway, I think it should be a law that if Republicans are determined to elect idiotic politicians, they should all be at least as idiotic as Mellissa Carone, so we can enjoy laughing at them.

  43. "I’m not sure why they didn’t make Stacey Abrams the DNC chair."

    She's gearing up for a run for governor.

  44. Anonymous1:34 PM

    California health care worker dies after second dose of COVID vaccine, investigations underway

  45. Anonymous3:12 PM

    “She's gearing up for a run for governor.”

    Yeah, and I don’t know if that means she was offered the DNC spot and turned it down in favor of running for governor, or whether she was never offered it.

    But they sure should’ve tried to get her to take the job. Because the people who’ve had it recently have had pretty poor results.

  46. "It’s frustrating. The Democrats never seem to have anyone good managing their electoral strategy. Particularly in the state legislatures, where they don’t seem to see the importance of stopping the GOP from drawing the borders of all the state and federal districts to their own benefit."

    The last really good DNC chair we had was Howard Dean, from '05 to '09, when we came back from irrelevance to trifecta in two consecutive election cycles, under his "50 state strategy", which is why I was encouraged to hear the new DNC chair use the phrase.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Second cop dies by suicide after capitol insurrection. Hope magats are happy.

  48. "The last really good DNC chair we had was Howard Dean"

    Yup, the 50 state strategy. Why give up without a fight? Never made sense to me.

  49. "Second cop dies by suicide after capitol insurrection. Hope magats are happy."

    You know they'll just blame "the left" because you know they can do no wrong.

  50. Anonymous7:39 PM

    “You know they'll just blame ‘the left’ because you know they can do no wrong.”

    Oregon’s Republican Party leadership already called the Capitol invasion a “false flag” operation. Basically, they’re pretending Antifa did it.

  51. Anonymous7:47 PM

    “Yup, the 50 state strategy.”

    I would settle for party leadership that paid more attention to the state-level races, instead of fixating only on winning control of the federal government.

  52. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Food Network Pulls ‘Worst Cooks In America’ Season 20 After Negro Champion Charged With Child Murder

  53. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Last updated: January 27, 2021, 13:56 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    9:06 AM

    Reduce those numbers by 99% and you have a more realistic number.

  54. Wesley R8:58 PM

    Should Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley be expelled from the Unites States senate?

    Hell Yes!!!

  55. According to Raw Story, it appears that many Republicans are quite horrified over the events of January 6th and are changing their party affiliation.

    "Voters are leaving the divided Republican Party in droves after the Capitol insurrection"
    Ray Hartmann

    Meanwhile some members of congress both Republicans and Democrats and saying we should put this behind us and not take time to conduct an impeachment trial.

    I wonder what a president has to do before he/she is tried and convicted - nuke New York City?

  56. The goddamn Republicans would LOVE it if a goddamn Republican president nuked New York City.
    But they think that since it's been three weeks, we should just forget the violent attempt to overthrow the government that killed five people.
    I wonder how that way of thinking would work with any other crime: "Sorry your honor, but I did storm that Apple Store and hold them up at gunpoint and murder five employees, but it's been three weeks now, so don't you think we should just move on from it and not inflame divisions between Mac and PC users with a public trial?"
    (h/t: Blue Girl)

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  57. Anonymous10:31 PM

    “But they think that since it's been three weeks, we should just forget the violent attempt to overthrow the government that killed five people.
    I wonder how that way of thinking would work with any other crime ...”

    It’s already worked at the Supreme Court. They threw out all the Emoluments Clause lawsuits against Trump, since, according to them, the lawsuits are moot now that Trump is out of office.

    Which is ridiculous. Trump’s still got all the loot he raised by leveraging his powers as president for personal gain. The courts could try to assess how much cash that adds up to, and confiscate it.

    But whatever. Now is time for healing, etc; etc.

  58. "Food Network Pulls ‘Worst Cooks In America’ Season 20 After Negro Champion Charged With Child Murder"

    Not sure what that has to do with Josh Hawley and/or Rafael Cruz but thanks for posting I guess.

  59. Anonymous11:29 PM

    So, since the news media broke this story, I'm thinking Enrique Tarrio has probably been having a very bad day. It can't be easy running right-wing extremist organization after everyone finds out you're a narc for the feds.

    Proud Boys leader was government informant, records show

  60. So what was it that snitches get? I can't remember. Was it cupcakes? Peach cobbler? Free gas points at the grocery store? Or was it some kind of pussy left wing health care bullshit?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  61. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Biden’s Halt to Border Wall Construction to Cost About 5,000 Jobs, Billions of Dollars: Former CBP Acting Commissioner

  62. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Biden = Communist

  63. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Should Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley being booted from the Senate?

    Don't be silly.

    At least once in their term of office, all elected officials should be allowed to instigate a Coup D'état attempt, whip up a mob to bum-rush the capitol, and hunt down Congressional Critters to be arrested or even hung from a lamp post.

    Anything else would be divisive.

    Remember: Unity! Bipartisanship! Healing!

    As Biden pleads for unity, Senate Republicans overwhelmingly back Trump in impeachment trial

  64. anymoose sprayeth,
    Reduce those numbers by 99% and you have a more realistic number.

    An alternative realistic number with no basis in fact or reality.

  65. Worst economic growth since WW2 thanks to drumpf and stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  66. Anonymous said....

    "Remember: Unity! Bipartisanship! Healing!"

    I'm with you, Anon. I say, hell no; not until we have accountability. Jail the rioters and destroy all traces of the orange demon from hell.

  67. Mike from Iowa said....

    "anymoose sprayeth,
    Reduce those numbers by 99% and you have a more realistic number.

    An alternative realistic number with no basis in fact or reality."

    10:00 AM
    This anonymous troll insists that COVID19 has a mortality of one percent. He/she knows it's a lie, but perpetuates it anyway. What do you think motivates a person to behave like this? What's in it for him/her?

  68. Anonymous12:14 PM

    UPDATE: HANK AARON DIES FROM COVID VACCINE SHOT - News Alert: Hank Aaron DEAD, baseball legend and former home run king, dies at 86 - Hank Aaron went on national TV the other day showing how safe it is to get the Chinese Red Death Covid-19 Flu Vaccine in order to push fellow Negroes to get the vaccine.... Hank died in his sleep shortly after getting this 100% safe vaccine without any signs of illness. So much for promoting the vaccine there Hank!

  69. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Unity is a communist term used by totalitarian regimes.

  70. "Biden’s Halt to Border Wall Construction to Cost About 5,000 Jobs, Billions of Dollars: Former CBP Acting Commissioner"

    No screen name and no link. I'm thinking there is a trend starting.....

  71. PilotX, when you encounter these posts, just copy and paste because they are usually taken word for word from the extreme right wing site, like Epoch Times. I did. Give it a shot.

  72. Anonymous1:01 PM

    “Biden’s Halt to Border Wall Construction to Cost About 5,000 Jobs, Billions of Dollars: Former CBP Acting Commissioner”

    Anyone dumb enough to take the job of building Trump’s hate wall deserves to be unemployed.


  74. 4101 bodies got counted Wednesday, the 27th. Each had its own name. Each was a real American. Each will be missed by family members. Each died of covid. Each death is attributable to drumpf/noem incompetence.
    Each stoopid fucking wingnut is also accountable.

  75. Hank Aaron died of natural causes, not covid injection.

    Haters gotta hate.


  77. What do you think motivates a person to behave like this? What's in it for him/her?

    He gets to spout all the lies he wants without getting the ban hammer, the way drumpf thinks all social media should operate. I doubt any frequent visitor here could get a single comment on a drumpf loving site. They can't handle the truth and hate getting their feelers hurt by the truth.

  78. Anonymous1:28 PM


    The Epoch Times is a publication of Falun Gong, a persecuted religious group in China.

    Many members of Falun Gong have been imprisoned, so, naturally, they are strongly opposed to the Chinese government. Unfortunately, they hitched their wagon to Trump and spread a bunch of made-up conspiracy theories on his behalf, mainly because they don't understand American politics and don't realize that Trump's opposition to the Chinese government is insincere and opportunistic and only a position he adopted to win over xenophobic American voters. Trump couldn't give a shit about blue-collar Americans and their jobs lost to offshoring, much less some oppressed Chinese religious minority.

    All of which is a long-winded way of saying that the Epoch Times is complete junk.

  79. Wizzy2:04 PM

    Does anyone know if "Anonymous" is bipolar? Just asking...

  80. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Hank Aaron died from reading the Trump-supporting Epoch Times and QAnon!!!

  81. Some good news on judiciary fron, at least 5 senior wingnut judges announce their retirement as soon as it was safely determined Biden was legally elected. !0 Dems waited until the election was over so their replacements will be chosen by Biden, as well.

  82. "PilotX, when you encounter these posts, just copy and paste because they are usually taken word for word from the extreme right wing site, like Epoch Times. I did. Give it a shot."

    So, these cowards not only can't use a name so they won't have to take credit for B.S. and now they're too bitchassed to give credit to the source of their B.S.? Wow, and to think these are the self-professed bold "revolutionaries".

  83. The Epoch Times used to have a good science section. Then it switched that section to new-age woo-woo, and I stopped picking it up. It wasn't worth getting, even for free.

  84. Ben Dover4:47 PM

    COVID deniers keep bitching about how they are being victimized when forced to wear a mask. But just wait until they hear about the anal swabs.

    Chinese cities using anal swabs to screen COVID-19 infections

  85. Anonymous4:55 PM

    It looks like congressional Republicans have given up on “now is time for healing” and “aren’t we really ALL responsible for Trump supporters storming the Capitol?” (LOL)

    Since both of those lines failed to get any traction, their newest approach to avoiding any kind of accountability is to claim that impeachment of an ex-president is actually unconstitutional. Even though this is a transparent lie; nothing in the Constitution required a politician to currently be in office when impeached.

    Whatever. At this point, lying is standard operating procedure for the GOP.

  86. Anonymous5:23 PM

    More information about freshman congress-kook Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps rolling in. She has quite the resume. She’s apparently never met a crank conspiracy theory she didn’t like.

    As if it weren’t bad enough that she thinks that national Democrats are involved in a giant Satanic pedo ring, and that school shootings are “false flag” operations, and that Hillary Clinton had Seth Rich murdered. She also apparently believes in Jewish space lasers:

    Marjorie Taylor Greene penned conspiracy theory that a laser beam from space started deadly 2018 California wildfire

    Citizens of Georgia who actually voted for this crazy broad, go stand in the corner. You’re on time-out.

  87. Mike from Iowa said...

    (their claimd) are usually taken word for word from the extreme right wing site, like Epoch Times. I did. Give it a shot."
    That must by why they are so reluctant to provide their sources.
