Saturday, February 27, 2021

Caption Saturday.

Give me a caption for this picture. 


  1. Step away from the golden idol before it's struck by lightning.

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    "This one's made of gold, but the real one's full of shit."

  3. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    'This one's made of gold, but the real one's full of shit."'

    It's early but we have a leader. :)

  4. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Somewhere,someone is missing a Shoney Big Boy mascot.

  5. When Mexico sends its statues, it doesn't send the best...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. The calf was much prettier.

  7. My tie, dewd! You're stepping on my fucking tie!

  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    A statue of Tinker Bell's brother Stinker.

  9. Bill T.9:38 AM

    They put that gold toilet to good use.

  10. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The 'Tin Man', in gold.

  11. Man, take this bullshit back to where you found it! We don’t want it!

  12. MY only question is whose idea was this to make such a gaudy, ugly statue and doesn't anyone see the symbolism of the golden calf in all of this?

    1. Exactly, ANON! Including the dangers of following false prophets.

  13. Anonymous4:44 PM

    “... doesn't anyone see the symbolism of the golden calf in all of this?”

    The Internet is also abuzz with the news that the CPAC stage is shaped like a Nazi rune. I’m guessing that most of the convention attendees have not picked up on this, either.

    So a fun new game for lefties is born: Spot The Terrible CPAC Symbols.

    It’s like Where’s Waldo?, but with cult devotees and fascists.

  14. To Anonymous at 4:44 PM

    Even you will have to admit that the parallel with the golden calf is quite amusing.

  15. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Statue of Fibbery

  16. To the tune of "Go Down, Moses," at the sandaled feet of the craven image...

    When cult-folk were in Trumpy's land, let my people cheat.

    Gaslighted so bad, they'd gone quite mad; let my people cheat.

    Go down, cult-folk, way down in Trumpy's land.

    That's why, ole Trumpy, will let his people cheat.

  17. "Are you sure this thingamajig is not meant for next year's Mardi Gras float?"

  18. Anonymous9:37 PM

    “Even you will have to admit that the parallel with the golden calf is quite amusing.”

    It is amusing. It seems Trumpsters are engaging in self-parody at this point. Next, I expect to hear that Trump served them all Kool-Aid, and they dutifully drank it.

    Hey, it’s CPAC, anything could happen.

  19. So Fergus' big lie of the stolen election led to the capitol insurrection. Full stop. No lie, no insurrection.
    Today at CPAC Fergus repeated the lie.
    That is, he incited insurrection. Again.
    To the adoring cheers of the Pig People at CPAC, which itself has been moved south from the DC area where it has always been held to get it closer to Fergus.
    They are all married to the big lie.
    The big lie is in fact a lie.
    Let it be said here and now, so they can never say we didn't warn them, that this will not end well for them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  20. "Are you sure this thingamajig is not meant for next year's Mardi Gras float?"

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ Big Chief Loser

  21. The golden idol should be destroyed, by biblical law. The left won’t do it, because they don’t believe in the Bible; and the right won’t do it, because they don’t believe in law.

  22. In other ultra-amazing news, songstress Andra Day is the second Black woman to win the Golden Globe award for best actress. Of course, the outstanding role is "The United States vs. Billie Holiday."

    How befitting this historic win occurred the last day of Black History Month. And in the best actress category 35 years ago (1986), the Golden Globe was awarded to Whoopi Goldberg, the first Black woman celebrated for her performance in "The Color Purple." πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

  23. They tell us it's a casting of a golden statue? I don't believe the statue exists. It's got to be a gag. Why would anyone pour even 8 ounces of melted bullion into a casting of such an ugly joke? I read that the actual statue is priceless. Calling bullshit. It looks like a cross between Moses' sandals, Jimmy Buffet, Howdy-Doody and the Busy Bee honey bottle. Maybe with some 1950s Rockabilly quiff crowning that big, fat ugly face. It's not Bob's Big Boy as some would say. That guy was good-looking!

  24. I mean, think about it. Even King Tut's golden sarcophagus was only gold-plated.

  25. In reply to Paradoctor and Flying Junior....

    The artist who created the Trump statue or sculture, as he calls it, is trying to sell it for $100,000 or envisions his work becoming a part of a future library.

  26. OMG you mean there really isn't any golden statue? Good luck selling that piece of junk.

  27. Anonymous6:32 AM

    What is it about bright shiny things?

  28. Blogger Faith_and_Fairness said...

    "The artist who created the Trump statue or sculture, as he calls it,..."
    I wouldn't call the person who created this monstrosity an artist unless it was meant as a joke.

  29. “Take off the gold earrings that your wives, your sons and your daughters are wearing, and bring them to me.” Then they said, “These are your gods...Exodus 32

  30. Off Topic, but some Republicans in Texas have been arrested for election fraud.

    Ramirez is one of four people accused of engaging in organized election fraud

    FEB 23, 2021 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: FEB 25, 2021

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. The statue is fiberglass, partially chrome plated, and made in Mexico.
    The artist/grifter has said that he's working on a third Trump statue that he says "is gonna really piss off the liberals" which will be crafted from bronze plated with 24-karat gold. He plans on selling that statue at Sotheby's or Christie's for "probably about $10 million."
    And before I opine about how delusional he is, I must remind myself that the Pig People straight up gave Fergus $200 million after he got his ass kicked in November.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Time to move The Donald to our Nazi Odal Rune-shaped stage!

    That will really "own the libs"!

    The CPAC Stage Design Is Literally a Nazi Symbol Because Republicans Are Not Even Trying To Hide It Anymore

  34. Dinthebeast said....

    ".... he's working on a third Trump statue that he says "is gonna really piss off the liberals"
    I'm not sure his prediction will come true. I am one liberal that thinks it's funny. It only debases the orange, evil one.

  35. Anonymous4:48 PM

    "The artist/grifter has said that he's working on a third Trump statue that he says 'is gonna really piss off the liberals' which will be crafted from bronze plated with 24-karat gold. He plans on selling that statue at Sotheby's or Christie's for 'probably about $10 million.'"

    This guy reminds me of that Jon McNaughton clown, who paints those corny, worshipful portraits of Trump.

    Such as:

    Trump beating up Robert Mueller.

    Or all the famous, historical American figures (with labels later added by mocking liberals, not in the original) praying for Trump's success -- including MLK, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Tubman!

    If I walked into someone's house and saw one of these ridiculous paintings hanging on a wall, I would burst out laughing and immediately leave. This is the kind of art that gets made for dictators, not democratically elected presidents.

  36. Speaking of really stupid paintings of Trump, get the guy who did the tableau of Turmp drinking Diet Coke with Lincoln, Eisenhower and Reagan. He did a good job of prettying up Trump's face and making the hair natural. Then, just attach Trump's head to one of Mussolini's heroic naked male statues such as this splendid ancient boxer with his right hand raised in a Mussolini-style fascist salute and bingo, problem solved!

  37. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "Speaking of really stupid paintings of Trump, get the guy who did the tableau of Turmp drinking Diet Coke with Lincoln, Eisenhower and Reagan."

    Also an artistic masterpiece (of shit). Somehow I thought that was Jon McNaughton, too, but it was a different clown.

  38. Anonymous5:48 PM

    So in addition to the golden statues and Nazi runes, I hear the woman who sang the national anthem at CPAC was ... not good. She couldn't stay on key at all.


    You'd think those ultra-nationalist flag-humpers at CPAC would at least be able to get the anthem right, wouldn't you? But maybe no decent singer was willing to perform at this hateful hootnanny?

    If I were in attendance at the Trumpapalooza in Orlando, I would have definitely had to kneel during this. And, for once, Fox News would be right. I really would be protesting against the anthem itself, not police brutality.

  39. @Ms. Gambler's reply to my post: "I wouldn't call the person who created this monstrosity an artist unless it was meant as a joke."


    Touche, Ms. Gambler. Like beauty, art tends to be in the eye of the beholder. In the case of the Trumpian image, probably not so much a joke as it is a way to get rich off of the former pres. popularity.

    Case in point is the reports surfacing that Mike Lindel's election lies are fueling increased sales of MyPillow. Even prior to departing the White House, Trump amassed more than $250K from gullible supporters. Every grifter wants a piece of that Kit-Kat bar.

  40. Hyatt Hotels did Nazi the shape of the CPAC stage coming...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. The golden idol, the Nazi-rune floor-plan, and the anthem in the key of Wobble. That's three abominations right there. Then Trump spoke.

  42. On the lighter side, we found the parents of a hundred or so of the six hundred and some kids we still have who were taken from their families by Fergus and his felons. They are going to be reunited right here in America if that is their wish, and resources are going to be found to help them recover from the trauma we have subjected them to.
    499 to go.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Alt-right social media site Gab got hacked, and the hackers are threatening to publicly release all the data they stole, so that probably means a bunch of Gab’s users are about to be outed as secret Nazis.

  44. Vernon Jordan has left the building.

  45. It is unfortunate that selling faux paintings with photoshopped heads on characters from video games went out of style with the Breitbart fiasco, cuz the artsy grifters could have made bank these past four years selling to the rubes.

  46. Anonymous12:25 PM

    "A statue of Donald Trump is prepared for shipment to Moscow, as the Donald and his supporters prepare to flee to Russia for asylum."

    Russian state media are calling for Trump - or 'Trumpusha' - to get asylum in their country when he leaves the White House so he can save himself from prosecution

    Russia Claims Trump Supporters Want Citizenship, Exploiting U.S. Turmoil for Propaganda

    Russian media suggests the Kremlin grant asylum to Trump so he can't be prosecuted in America

  47. Paradoctor said...

    The golden idol should be destroyed, by biblical law. The left won’t do it, because they don’t believe in the Bible; and the right won’t do it, because they don’t believe in law.

    1:28 AM


  48. 12425 moar bodies added to drumpf/noem body count March 1th.

  49. Anonymous1:43 PM

    If you were wondering what kind of black people attend CPAC, this should clear things up.

  50. Lilacpr:

    At the top of this thread I snarked that the golden idol will be struck by lighting; but that is theologically unsound. Such a miracle would be proof positive of God's justice and wisdom, but it would fall flat; for the left does not believe in God, and the right does not believe in justice or wisdom.

  51. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Biden ☭ REMOVES Dr. Seuss from Read Across America Day

  52. Anonymous2:27 PM


  53. Some Dr Seuss books are being discontinued because of racy content. Doubt it has anything to do with Biden.

  54. I meant racist subjects above. Affects six titles.

  55. Anonymous3:56 PM

    “Biden ☭ REMOVES Dr. Seuss from Read Across America Day”

    1) Six books have stopped being sold by the publisher, because they, of their own accord, decided the books contain negative stereotypes of POCs. (No idea if this is really true or if a handful of highly oversensitive people got their underpants in a twist over nothing.) In any event, this was not a governmental decision.
    2) None of the six books are classic, popular Dr. Seuss books. I’d never heard of a single one of them. I don’t think they’ll be missed.
    3) Biden does not personally make decisions about what books to include on the White House reading list. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you seriously think the leader of the free world has nothing bigger to worry about than Dr. Seuss books during a national crisis that’s killed half a million Americans?
    4) What the hell is the matter with YOU that this seems like an urgent issue to attend to?

  56. Jose', can you see,
    By the donzerly light
    The Star-Mangled Banner
    Where so proudly she wailed
    In broad notes and wide bars
    To the carol-less Right?

  57. Another influential Black has left the building...

    Sorry I am not familiar with Reggae music.

  58. Paradoctor1:44 PM


    At the top of this thread I snarked that the golden idol will be struck by lighting; but that is theologically unsound. Such a miracle would be proof positive of God's justice and wisdom, but it would fall flat; for the left does not believe in God, and the right does not believe in justice or wisdom.

    And what a sorry situation huh? But I maintain that of course we can't generalize. There's some for whom God is ever present on both sides.

  59. Anonymous10:56 AM

    TRUMP won in 2020 and you all know it!!!!

  60. Dude is too ugly to wear shorts.
