Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Setting the stage.


Not all Republicans are racists, but all racists are Republicans. How many times have we heard that one? And it's true. Not that some Democrats aren't racist, it's just that they practice what I like to call unintended racism. Or, in some cases, paternalistic racism. Which, for the record, I find just as offensive --if not more--than the other forms. The thing about Democrats, though, is that if you call them on their racism they will do some self-reflection and apologize for their ignorance. Republicans, on  the other hand, will do no such thing, and they will even double down on you. They will declare that YOU are the racist for even pointing it out to them in the first place. 

Which brings me to the CPAC conference which took place in Orlando this past weekend. This is something that right-wing republicans throw together every year to remind the rest of us in America that racism can be mainstreamed and dressed up to look like just another political convention.

 Unfortunately for the Republicans who gathered at CPAC, the rest of us were paying attention, and we didn't fail to notice their little wink and a nod to their Aryan friends. 

The following excerpt is from USA Today:

"It’s been said that you should never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. Applying this maxim to the Conservative Political Action Conference makes it one of the stupidest organizations in American politics today, and that’s saying something.

As difficult as it is to get your head around, the stage at CPAC 2021 last weekend was built in the shape of a rebranded swastika, something called an odal or othala rune. This symbol was incorporated into SS uniforms and is frequently used by white supremacists. Neoget tattooed with this thing. It was even on display at the 2017 Unite the Right protest in Charlottesville. Here’s a picture of the CPAC stage next to a picture of a Nazi uniform. Judge for yourself.

An extraordinary controversy erupted over this, as you would expect. Any normal person on being confronted with such a colossally idiotic mistake would blanch whiter than a Klansman’s hood and take immediate steps to fix the problem while profusely apologizing for the screw-up and Googling to see if the federal witness protection program was accepting volunteers. But not CPAC host Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union.

'Stage design conspiracies are outrageous and slanderous. We have a long standing commitment to the Jewish community. Cancel culture extremists must address antisemitism within their own ranks. CPAC proudly stands with our Jewish allies, including those speaking from this stage.'"

As I said earlier,  right-wing Republicans double down on their racism and ignorance, and they expect the rest of us to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that they aren't doing what we see them doing with our own two eyes. (Although judging from the media coverage the main stream media has been giving this story, it would seem that we are sticking or heads in the sand.)

I am one hundred percent sure that the staging was intentional, and so was the racist call to arms that it was meant to invoke. I am not sure if they thought that we would catch it, but clearly the leader of CPAC is not backing down now that they have been caught white- handed.  

Not all Republicans are racist, but all CPAC attendees, because of that stage and their refusal to acknowledge what was done, most certainly are. 

Image courtesy of economicleft.com



  1. LeonT5:58 PM

    White nationalism is who American conservatives are.

  2. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I can easily believe that this was accidental. The shape of the stage isn't so wacky or impractical that I can't accept that the design was a coincidence. And most people (outside of WWII buffs and white supremacists) cannot identify all of the less common Nazi iconography. The Nazis used lots of symbols (runes, eagles, skulls), but only the swastikas and SS double lightning bolts are familiar to the general public.

    On the other hand, I can also easily believe that there was some genuine Nazi behind the scenes who thought it was a clever joke to slyly insert the Nazi rune. There might be tiny Pepe the Frog symbols printed on the cocktail napkins, for all we know. This is completely plausible because the crowd who plan and attend CPAC are all horrible, in one way or another, and some of them absolutely are white supremacists.

    What I don't buy is that this was an approved idea by the majority of the convention planners. I have to assume most of them are at least sane enough to realize this would not be a good look for their group and they would not knowingly have brought this kind of attention to themselves. I can confidently say that most wingnuts do not enjoy being called Nazis, even in the instances when the term fairly applies to their views.

  3. Anonymous 6:15 PM

    What I don't buy is that this was an approved idea by the majority of the convention planners. I have to assume most of them are at least sane enough to realize this would not be a good look for their group and they would not knowingly have brought this kind of attention to themselves. I can confidently say that most wingnuts do not enjoy being called Nazis, even in the instances when the term fairly applies to their views.

    I agree with this opinion. Most likely it was someone's idea and with the majority being clueless, it went unnoticed.

  4. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Texas' governor has lifted the mask mandate for his entire state (because the COVID virus promised him it would be nice from now on and not infect any more people, I'm assuming). Obviously, that is going to work out fantastically well. About as well as Texas' totally free-market electrical utilities did.


  5. Anonymous 6:15: I beg to differ: it is a wacky and impractical shape. Those side arms leading nowhere are a clear stage hazard. CPAC was lucky that no-one fell off them.

    So I say that someone made this shape, knowing full well its meaning. Perhaps others stupidly went along with it; but even that is no excuse, for it reveals criminal incompetence.

    I grant that criminal incompetence was revealed in other ways: for instance the golden idol, and the anthem in the key of Q-flat. But competence is not just a practical necessity; it is also a moral imperative.

    Is CPAC run by Nazi scum or clueless failures? I call that the "crook-or-fool dilemma". It can be hard to tell, but in the end it doesn't matter. Everyone lies to a crook, so they become fools; and fools lie to themselves, so they become crooks. Eventually the two are one.

  6. The Hyatt people were not amused.
    And would the average Pig Person even recognize the stage shape as having some meaning besides holding up the bigots and imbeciles who spoke from it?
    So it wasn't put there for them, they're too stupid to even notice.
    No, it was put there so we would talk about it and give them even more free publicity than they already get from the media.
    It's Fergus 101: say or do something so horrible and outrageous that the media can't or won't ignore your otherwise meritless event or language.
    Fuck them and fuck their stage, ad fuck every toxic moron who walked on it.
    The end.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Anonymous9:22 PM


  8. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Total batshit!!!!

  9. Because nazis only hated Jews.🙄 I wonder if step-n-fetchit type negroes like Candace Owens and that one Sammy Davis Jr. looking coon spoke on that stage.😆

  10. Anonymous10:58 PM

    "I wonder if step-n-fetchit type negroes like Candace Owens and that one Sammy Davis Jr. looking coon spoke on that stage."

    Candace Owens would learn German and turn into Afro-Hitler, if they paid her enough.

  11. Anonymous12:48 AM

    In other, non-CPAC-related news from wingnut world, loyal Trump disciple and MyPillow mogul Mike Lindell appears to be starting some kind of bizarre, pillow-based cult.

  12. Anonymous2:29 AM

    If a Nazi did actually design the stage at CPAC, it's probably specifically someone from the organization the National Socialist Movement (NSM), who decided in 2016 they were going to rebrand in order to take advantage of the opportunity to promote fascism provided by the election of Trump. An official announcement from the NSM:

    "The Odal rune, a less-well-known Nazi Germany symbol, will take the place of the swastika on all official uniforms and banners. Mr Schoep says it’s a gentler approach to preaching the same messages. 'The party leadership has every intention to bring the party, our leaders, our members and supporters into the halls of government here in the United States, and to do that we must reach more of the public.'”

    Basically, the idea was that they would appear less menacing wearing this symbol. Other Nazis would be able to recognize them for what they were, but regular people wouldn't know what the hell an Odal rune is and would be none the wiser.

  13. I am torn between a designer punking CPAC with the stage design, just as someone punked the Republicans with the music choices for Trumps rallies, and the possibilities that CPAC leadership was so inspired by the insurrection they decided to signal their appreciation to the fascist wing of the party with one of their symbols.

  14. Doubt that the use of the symbol was a matter of punking, much more a subtle signal to the Chosen. Even if an inside joke had to be explained, would have delighted insiders. I doubt they expected anyone outside the fold to recognize it.

    And no to the first anonymous, it couldn't have been coincidental.

  15. Paradoctor said....

    Is CPAC run by Nazi scum or clueless failures? I call that the "crook-or-fool dilemma". It can be hard to tell, but in the end it doesn't matter. Everyone lies to a crook, so they become fools; and fools lie to themselves, so they become crooks. Eventually the two are one.

    8:15 PM
    Well said my friend. In my opinion CPAC is run by Nazi scum, but many of their followers don't know much about Nazis, and they probably wouldn't care if they did. So they are the fools who ingest their leaders'lies.

  16. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Hey, guess what? Yet another member of the Trump White House has turned out to be a giant douche. Shcoking, I know.

    Ronny Jackson, the White House doctor who kept telling the public that flabby, Big Mac-snarfing Trump was the very picture of health, and also mentally sharp as a tack (unlike that old senile geezer Biden!), is now accused of being a raging drunk who abused his staffers. Fun stuff.

    Scathing report finds Rep. Ronny Jackson engaged in 'inappropriate conduct' as White House doctor

  17. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The COVID-denier, anti-lockdown, anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories continue to cause lots of damage.

    And not just in the United States. It appears that COVID testing centers in the Netherlands have been targeted in terrorist attacks. The latest was a bomb. Fortunately, it was detonated in the dead of night, when the center was closed, so nobody was injured.

    We live in very strange times.

    Health minister condemns blast at Dutch virus test center

  18. Anonymous4:09 PM

    50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called ‘experts’ are 0-50


  19. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Climate change/Global Warming is bullshit:

    1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
    1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
    1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
    1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989
    1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources by 2000
    1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
    1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
    1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
    1970s: Killer Bees!
    1970: Ice Age By 2000
    1970: America Subject to Water Rationing by 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
    1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
    1972: New Ice Age By 2070
    1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
    1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
    1974: Another Ice Age?
    1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
    1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
    1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
    1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
    1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
    1980: Peak Oil In 2000
    1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
    1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
    1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
    1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
    1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
    1996: Peak Oil in 2020
    2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
    2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
    2002: Peak Oil in 2010
    2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
    2005: Manhattan Underwater by 2015
    2006: Super Hurricanes!
    2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
    2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
    2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
    2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
    2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
    2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
    2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos
    2019: Hey Greta, we need you to convince them it’s really going to happen this time"

  20. The trolls are back, and of course off-topic. Even they are ashamed of a Nazi rune.

  21. 1970 was the year the US experience zero population growth because people were concerned about overpopulation.
    What you have left out of your timeline is the qualifier, if we continue as we are.
    Sensible people wear masks to prevent spreading the virus.
    Sensible people take precautions.
    I for one am pleased tot disaster has not encompassed us as rapidly as expected. Perhaps we could take some precautions?

  22. “50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called ‘experts’ are 0-50“

    Climate science is not a predictions game. No one knows exactly how the climate will respond to rising temps but we know two things for sure 1. the temps ARE rising and 2. CO 2 levels are extremely elevated.

  23. “Candace Owens would learn German and turn into Afro-Hitler, if they paid her enough.“


  24. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/147746/the-long-decline-of-arctic-sea-ice

  25. PilotX said...


    7:46 PM
    The trolls don't care about facts.

  26. Trump Served With Civil Rights Suit After Capitol Riot


    The suit names Trump alongside his attorney Rudy Giuliani and the right-wing extremist groups the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers as co-defendants and builds off the 1871 “Ku Klux Klan Act,” which was “intended to protect against conspiracies, through violence and intimidation, that sought to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties,” according to a complaint.

  27. Anonymous9:30 PM

    More democrat election fraud:


  28. Anonymous said...

    More democrat election fraud:


    9:30 PM
    How silly of you. We all know that the three or four cases of election fraud in 2020 were committed by Republicans. One guy voted as his dead mother and one guy voted in Georgia, but he lives in Florida. I forgot the details of the other two. LOL!

  29. Army Covered Up Mike Flynn's Brother's Participation In National Guard Call


  30. Elaine Chao. That's it. That's the comment.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous11:23 PM












  32. You're like the moron who jumps off of a 40 story building on a bet and as you pass the 25th floor says "So far, so good."
    A goddamn Russian icebreaker just made the fucking northern passage in fucking February.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. So the Qaninnies are getting their Harold Camping moment tomorrow.
    But hella of them are so far gone in their lie addictions that Fergus failing to ascend to the presidency tomorrow won't make a dent in their beliefs.
    This is the result of all that propaganda y'all have been feeding them for forty fucking years, and as long as they keep on donating and voting for your candidates, you don't give a rat's ass how fucked up their lives are because of it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Which is why you shouldn't listen to "doomsday alarmists". LOL. Please get your facts and information from credible atmospheric scientists who understand the research and what it means. It is IMPOSSIBLE to predict exact future atmospheric states and no credible scientist would do so. Now some people may misinterpret and misunderstand the research but that is expected, especially those with an agenda. To wit, many forecasts have been extremely accurate such as lessening polar ice, increased average global temps and more severe extreme weather events.

  35. "The trolls don't care about facts."

    Pretty much. That's why they never identify themselves. That also goes for conservatives in general, they don't care about facts only their personal agenda which now in the age of trump they can make up their own "alternate facts". That's dangerous but I guess we have to account for conservative stupid in our calculations.

  36. Anonymous10:05 AM

    PICTURED: BLACK Mother, 32, who left her four-year-old daughter alone on a Bronx street after midnight while she went to a homeless shelter is released from custody four days after abandoning the girl

    Sadeekah Abdul Salaam(negro), 32, was arrested on Monday in the Bronx
    She was charged with with abandonment of a child, acting in a manner injurious to a child and reckless endangerment
    Salaam left her four-year-old daughter alone on a Bronx street after midnight two days earlier while she went to a homeless shelter
    The little girl, Sidaya, was wearing only a sweater in 40-degree weather
    Police released surveillance video showing Sidaya walking with her mother about 10 minutes before the little girl was spotted by cops wandering alone
    Salaam was released on Wednesday from Bronx Criminal Court
    She refused to answer questions on why she abandoned her daughter
    The girl is being cared for by the city's Administration for Children's Services


  37. Anonymous10:24 AM

    “...a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. . . Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” - C.S. Lewis

  38. Anonymous12:42 PM

    “So the Qaninnies are getting their Harold Camping moment tomorrow.”

    A lot of the Qanoners already had their freakout on Inauguration Day, when, to their horror, Joe Biden became president instead of getting arrested for being a pedo/cannibal. They have probably already disembarked from the crazy train.

    I have to assume that those still faithful to the cause at this point are the absolute looniest of loons. These are people who — on top of swallowing the whole Democrats Are Pedos and Cannibals theory — also believe that the law that created the government of the city of Washington, DC, in 1871 also somehow invalidated all acts of the federal government subsequent to that date? And, therefore, the constitutional amendment that moved Inauguration Day to January 20th, which happened AFTER 1871, is null and void and the REAL inauguration
    Day is still the original March 4th and Biden has not yet actually, legally become president yet?

    This is all utterly, utterly batshit, and we probably shouldn’t even be bothering to change these people’s views. Just immediately commit them to a secured mental facility and be done with it.

  39. Setting a different stage, McCTurtlefuckface is sponsoring a bill in South Carolina lege to strip Dem Guv of right to name Fuckface's successor if Fuckface doesn't finish this term. He wants magats he controls to name his successor. And he will likely get it.

  40. 3 magats in US House attempt live, on air voter fraud on major bill, as explained in this link.


  41. About that golden idol:

    Made in China!


  42. A coalition of Neanderthals has lodged a protest against president Biden for comparing their thinking with Republican governors.
    "There's obviously some biological activity happening between Republican governors' ears" read the complaint, "but we see no evidence that it has ever risen to the level of thought."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Anonymous4:53 PM

    “A coalition of Neanderthals has lodged a protest against president Biden for comparing their thinking with Republican governors.”

    There will be a lawsuit from the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Cave People).

  44. Elaine Chao has become the fourth of Fergus' cabinet secretaries to be referred by an IG to the DOJ, only to have Fergus' corrupt DOJ decline to investigate.
    Confirm Merrick Garland, you bastards, do it now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Anonymous7:58 PM

    “A coalition of Neanderthals has lodged a protest against president Biden for comparing their thinking with Republican governors.”

    Speaking of which, Marco Rubio has jokes:

    “President Biden’s use of an old stereotype is hurtful to modern Europeans, Asians & Americans who inherit about 2% of their genes from Neanderthal ancestors.


    He should apologize for his insensitive comments and seek training on unconscious bias.”

  46. January 6th Trump Piñata Party
    A modest proposal

    I propose that, on every January 6th from now on, people throw a party, starring a Trump piñata, hung by the neck. I'm sure you can order a Trump piñata from a shop in an Hispanic neighborhood.

    I propose this ritual:

    First recite this poem:

    Remember and be wary
    The Sixth of January
    The treason, sedition, and plot.
    I know of no reason
    Sedition and treason
    Should ever be forgot.

    Then string up the Trump piñata, and bring out a baseball bat. The partiers get in line, and everyone gets a turn to whack the piñata, until it breaks and spills out candy.

    Good clean fun for the whole family!

  47. Anonymous11:13 AM

    From Ben Wexler on Twitter:

    “BIDEN: Let’s not be dumb
    GOP: As a dumb, I am insulted”

  48. Just in case trolls may denigrate Slate as a source, this fact is all over main stream websites including Politico.

    "The FBI arrested a former Trump political appointee Thursday, charging the former State Department aide with multiple felony counts for participating in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol. The 42-year-old Federico Klein was still an employee of the U.S. government and a part of the Trump administration when he joined the mob attacking the Capitol where, the FBI alleges, he “physically and verbally engaged with the officers holding the line,” assaulting officers with their own riot shield that had been taken from police and using it to prop open a door to the Capitol."

    Chickens coming home to roost?

  49. Wikipedia says of Harold Camping:

    Camping first predicted that the Judgment Day would occur on or about September 6, 1994.[7][8][9] When it failed to occur, he revised the date to September 29 and then to October 2.[10][11] In 2005, Camping predicted the Second Coming of Christ to May 21, 2011, whereupon the saved would be taken up to heaven in the rapture, and that "there would follow five months of fire, brimstone and plagues on Earth, with millions of people dying each day, culminating on October 21, 2011, with the final destruction of the world."[12][13]

    His prediction for May 21, 2011 was widely reported, in part because of a large-scale publicity campaign by Family Radio, and it prompted ridicule from atheist organizations[14] and rebuttals from Christian organizations.[15] After May 21 passed without the predicted events, Camping said he believed that a "spiritual" judgment had occurred on that date, and that the physical Rapture would occur on October 21, 2011, simultaneously with the final destruction of the universe by God.[16] Except for one press appearance on May 23, 2011, Camping largely avoided press interviews after May 21, particularly after he suffered a stroke in June 2011.[17] After October 21, 2011 passed without the predicted apocalypse, the mainstream media labeled Camping a false prophet and commented that his ministry would collapse after the "failed 'Doomsday' prediction"

    He was, however, mostly harmless. I mean, certain individuals did in fact fuck up their lives over his bogus predictions, but they absolutely failed to launch any violent insurrections to overthrow the government, and no policemen were murdered on their account.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. A White man12:13 AM

    WHITE Kentucky man beats pregnant woman so badly he kills unborn baby. I bet our anonymous racist trolls don't even care about unborn white babies do they? Where's the outrage????????


  51. “A coalition of Neanderthals has lodged a protest against president Biden for comparing their thinking with Republican governors.”
    I agree with them. Neanderthals were and are pretty nice people, and most Republican governors are not.

  52. Next Spring the fiend Trump will travel to Alaska to try to put a curse on Lisa Murkowski. His campaign against her will ultimately fail as he discovers that he is frightened to leave his hotel suite. He attempts several virtual town hall meetings, but soon learns that he does not have the patience to actually listen to other people. In desperation, he tries to livestream several fiery speeches where he rants about how wonderful he is. Discourage at the lack of enthusiasm, he finally organizes a rally in the parking lot of the Fairbanks Safeway where he promptly develops frostbite on his hands and face. Much to his dismay he sees Sarah Palin. She has come to heckle him. She ruthlessly tears him apart to wild cheers in the crowd. Trump can't help himself and starts to cry like a baby. He slips on the ice and breaks his leg trying to run back to his limousine.

    Soon any connection to Trump will be seen as the kiss of death as politicians and voters alike run over each other in a race to disassociate themselves from Trump. He is the new poison. A political pariah. As the veil is lifted from their eyes, millions of former Trump loyalists question everything that they have been doing for the last five years. Eventually he is kidnapped and taken on a cruise ship to South America where he lives his life in hidden exile.

  53. Neanderthals take care of their own, like Libs. Ever hear of the 1% Neanderthals?

  54. Flying Junior said....

    "A political pariah. As the veil is lifted from their eyes, millions of former Trump loyalists question everything that they have been doing for the last five years. Eventually he is kidnapped and taken on a cruise ship to South America where he lives his life in hidden exile."
    3:47 AM
    And in a couple of years it will be the same as with G.W. Bush; no one will admit that they ever voted for Trump.
