Sunday, March 21, 2021



* \

I need a caption for this picture. 

You spring breakers in Miami are a mess. 

Go home!

*Image from The Daily Beast


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Mini-Trump DeSantis says COVID is over! Time to get my drink on!

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    PITTSBURGH NEGRO CRIME – Pittsburgh police said a 12-year-old boy was stabbed inside a McDonald’s in Downtown Pittsburgh Saturday afternoon.
    Police said they arrested 51-year-old Charles Edward Turner(negro) in connection with the stabbing. He’s facing several charges, including criminal attempted homicide.

    The child was transported to the hospital in critical condition. A criminal complaint states that a doctor upgraded his condition to stable. It also said a black and yellow box cutter was recovered from the scene and a piece of razor blade that broke off the box cutter was recovered where the stabbing happened.

    “It’s really quite a tragic thing on a beautiful Saturday downtown,” said Cara Cruz, she’s the Deputy Public Information Officer for the Pittsburgh Public Safety Department.

  3. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Progressive Cuck Faggot Fest???

  4. Anonymous at 4:22

    you must spend most of you time on crime reporting websites and report all the black crime you see. I see lots of white crime on several websites. Have you seen the one about the white guy who killed his wife and buried her body in the back yard?

    College life in the south?

  5. Relatives of the Capitol Traitors?

  6. Wow, look what we can get away with now! Yay!

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


    An alleged Nazi was reportedly seen repeatedly punching a man in a wheelchair during a so-called freedom rally in Canada over the weekend.

    Images circulating on social media show a man appearing to throw a punch at another man in a wheelchair. The aggressor is wearing a white shirt that reads "Proud White Christian Man." The man in the white shirt was later identified as a Nazi.

  9. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The Nazi German government didn’t like the disabled. They considered disabled people to be weakening society, so they created special hospital wards for forcibly euthanizing cripples and retarded people.

  10. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Black Man, 34, is arrested for 'stabbing eight people' during fight at a hookah bar in Detroit

  11. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Two 18-year-old black men and a black girl, 17, 'lured men looking for Tinder dates - then beat them, robbed them, kidnapped them and threatened them with guns before booting them out of their own cars':

  12. Prosecutors say sedition charges likely for insurrectionists.

    “I personally believe the evidence is trending towards that and probably meets those elements,” Michael Sherwin, the former acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, said in an interview with CBS News’ Scott Pelley that aired Sunday on “60 Minutes.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. These fourteen goddamn Republicans voted no on a nonbinding resolution condemning the military takeover in Myanmar.
    They are basically the pro-coup caucus:

    Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.)
    Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.)
    Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.)
    Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.)
    Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.)
    Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.)
    Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas)
    Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.)
    Rep. Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.)
    Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.)
    Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.)
    Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.)
    Rep. Barry Moore (R-Ala.)
    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Someone, likely a drumpf appointed medical expert, suggested using Ivermectin as a way to combat covid.

    We used to pour Ivermectin on cattle backs to rid them of internal parasites.

  15. Atlanta murderer purchased his gun the same day he murdered 8 innocent victims. Try to register and vote the same day in Georgia.

  16. Anonymous6:59 PM

    "Someone, likely a drumpf appointed medical expert, suggested using Ivermectin as a way to combat covid.

    We used to pour Ivermectin on cattle backs to rid them of internal parasites."

    I think there have been some studies of ivermectin on COVID. No big reason to think that it will work, since it's not an anti-viral agent, but ...

    The real problem was not that weird things got tested to see if they might help COVID; when you're dealing with a global pandemic killing millions, you throw everything at it you can. The problem was that Trump was prone to shooting off his mouth about stuff allegedly working (like hydroxychloroquine) when there was nowhere near enough evidence to suggest it did.

    This is what happens when you have a president who is as captive to wacky, unreliable Internet news sources as the average wingnut you'd meet in your corner tavern. You do not want a president who holds a news conference to share One Sneaky Trick For Ending COVID-19, which popped up along with the penis pill ads and reverse mortgages scams while he was reading articles on

  17. Anonymous7:15 PM

    "Bigger picture unavailable."

  18. Another mass shooting, another crazy white guy with more gun than he knew what to do with.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Believe it or not, the republicans, or at the least the extreme wing, are supporting the military junta in Myanmar. They are likening the army's claims of a fraudulent election to their own protestations of the Biden victory, i.e. election fraud here in the U.S. as well. For the perfect trifecta, the military fascists in Burma have frozen assets belonging to George Soros, charging that his foundations have been supporting the insurrectionists, (protestors,) read the citizens of Myanmar who are protesting the totalitarian takeover of their government. They think that George Soros is the worst person who ever lived, so any faction that persecutes or opposes Soros can't be all bad.

    Stranger than fiction. Since there have been noises about the Chinese government supporting the military junta, that would mean that the republicans are taking the same side as China. Except China bad. It's complicated.

  20. The goddamn coup caucus.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. So you know how the goddamn Republicans told lies about stolen elections and now are trying to restrict voting because people believed the lies they told?
    Same play as they are running at the southern border. Spent years gutting the agencies responsible for dealing with influxes of migrants, and now are yowling at the top of their lungs about the situation with migrants coming to the border.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. Anonymous2:08 AM

    “Same play as they are running at the southern border. Spent years gutting the agencies responsible for dealing with influxes of migrants, and now are yowling at the top of their lungs about the situation with migrants coming to the border”

    Lies and hate are all they have left:

    Scaremongering about immigrant “invasions” and open borders.

    Ranting about Mr Potato Head and cancel culture (by which they mean, “It’s super unfair that I am not allowed to freely spew racist bile on Twitter anymore!”)

    Telling tall tales about how scary Negro Kamala Harris secretly runs the government while a senile Joe Biden drools and shouts at clouds and doesn’t know what year it is.

    This is what passes for reality in wingnut land. The GOP is a bad joke at this point. The shame of it is that so many people are still taking the party seriously.

  23. Wasicu wastey kills 10 in Boulder grocery store.

  24. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Wasicu wastey kills 10 in Boulder grocery store.

    A city of libtards.  Nothing of value was lost.

  25. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Well, this is interesting. Trump's bottom-of-the-barrel lawyer has an interesting defense in a defamation lawsuit against her. She claims that her "stop the steal" lies on Trump's behalf were so ridiculous, you'd have to have been an idiot to have believed her.

    Which sounds accurate. All of Team Trump believed Trump voters were idiots. The Trump administration was a con, and the voters were just suckers that got taken for a ride.

    Pro-Trump lawyer says ‘no reasonable person’ would believe her election lies

  26. Cowardly Anonymoid 11:27 is anonymous to protect itself from 10 families who might reciprocate its low opinion, with greater justification.

  27. Anonymous2:06 PM

    2 black spring breakers drugged, raped woman, then partied, cops say. She died in South Beach hotel:

  28. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Wasicu wastey kills 10 in Boulder grocery store.

    10:15 AM

    It wasn't a white guy, its a muslim, bet he isnt even here legally. Joe and the Ho keep letting all these illegals in raising crime and creating super spreader events with unsecured border.

  29. Anonymous2:13 PM

    if you follow the lefts logic then all these illegals streaming across the boarder are bringing Covid-19 and other diseases, creating a SUPER SPREADER event......

  30. Here's a great read from Raw Story

    "There's one organization to blame for creating a nation of sociopaths"

  31. Anonymous2:57 PM

    “if you follow the lefts logic then all these illegals streaming across the boarder are bringing Covid-19 and other diseases, creating a SUPER SPREADER event......”

    You do realize it is possible to vaccinate border patrol personnel and quarantine asylum seekers for a couple weeks after entry, to guarantee they don’t spread COVID into the US. This is not a major problem.

  32. Muslim is a religion, not an ethnicity.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Shorter Sidney Powell: You act like you've never been lied to before.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. "Ex-Trump attorney Sidney Powell's weekslong campaign to invalidate the results of the 2020 election was not based in fact, her lawyers said Monday. "No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact," Powell's attorneys said in a court filing defending her against a billion-dollar defamation lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems, the manufacturer of the election equipment she claimed was involved in the conspiracy to steal the election."

    So if "no reasonable person" would believe her ridiculous bullshit, then who, exactly, was she talking to?
    Perhaps the deranged insurrectionist meatheads who tried to overthrow the government to keep Fergus in power?
    When they hand out those sedition indictments, maybe she should get one.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. White Lies Matter4:23 PM

    Where are they're fathers

  36. The R's have modernized taking the 5th. Before it was, "I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may intend to incriminate me"; now it's "any fool could tell that I was lying."

  37. Anonymous6:23 PM

    “The R's have modernized taking the 5th. Before it was, ‘I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may intend to incriminate me’; now it's ‘any fool could tell that I was lying.’"

    They’re not taking the Fifth; they’re “taking the First.”

    The Fifth Amendment says a defendant may remain silent. But Republicans’ cockamamie understanding of the First Amendment is that, instead of remaining silent, they can be as loud and obnoxious and dishonest and evil as they want and there can never be any consequences for that. Even if they’re telling lies that defame people or incite violence, they shouldn’t be prosecuted or have their access to media loudspeakers taken away.

    I have my own criticism of “cancel culture” and think that free speech rights do need to be broader than some lefties allow for. But even I can’t get on board with what Republicans want, which is for free speech to be extended into territory that is batshit insane and threatens to undermine democracy, destroy any degree of social cohesion, and make the United States a dysfunctional, ungovernable mess.

  38. Powell used the same scam Tuckee the phuckee Carlson and Fake Noize to save themselves a yooge slander lawsuit last year.

  39. Anonymous8:13 PM

    “Powell used the same scam Tuckee the phuckee Carlson and Fake Noize to save themselves a yooge slander lawsuit last year.”

    An absurd outcome in that case. “It can’t be slander because everybody knows Tucker is a liar”: That seems to have been the defense that the court accepted.

    Which is nonsense. Clearly a lot of Americans are stupid as hell, and they don’t know that Tucker is a liar and don’t know that Fox “News” isn’t news. I only wish it were not so.

  40. If only Powell, Carlson, and Fox were honest in their dishonesty. If they repeatedly insisted that they themselves are liars, then they'd be following Jon Stewart's lead, whose whole show was premised on it being fake. But that's paradox, which liberates the mind from dogma, and satire, which exposes folly and corruption: which Powell, Carlson, and Fox don't want to do.

  41. “Another mass shooting, another crazy white guy with more gun than he knew what to do with.“

    Nah Doug, it was a CIA false flag operation. A patriotic CIA officer agreed to shoot 10 Americans and spend the rest of his life in jail because.....well because.

  42. Anonymous8:58 PM

    “Nah Doug, it was a CIA false flag operation. A patriotic CIA officer agreed to shoot 10 Americans and spend the rest of his life in jail because.....well because.”

    It was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, dressed up in a clever disguise as a flabby Arab dude, along with 10 “crisis actors,” who only pretended to die as part of a socialist psyop so that they could grab yer guns!

    No doubt the above is what Lauren Boebert will be arguing in public, with a completely straight face, in a day or two.

  43. Sort of interesting story about whether or not the recently overturned assault weapons ban in Boulder would have prevented the asswipe from obtaining his weapon.
    Maybe, but probably not.
    See, gun manufacturers have been strategizing about how to circumvent assault weapons bans for years, as they understand that it's only a matter of time before they are wholesale banned.
    Asswipe's weapon was an AR-556 "pistol" which has a six inch shorter barrel than your garden variety AR-15 and no rifle stock (although it does include a "brace" that can be used as a stock.
    It is designed to just meet the specifications to allow it to be regulated as a handgun, but still fire a goddamn NATO round.
    This is the sort of bullshit enabled by the lobbying of the NRA that puts weapons of war in the hands of dangerous idiots because FREEDUMB! (I mean profiit) and who cares who gets murdered with them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. So did the Fergus appointed bozo screw up the prosecution of the insurrectionists by giving a goddamn interview about it on purpose?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. “It was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, dressed up in a clever disguise as a flabby Arab dude, along with 10 “crisis actors,” who only pretended to die as part of a socialist psyop so that they could grab yer guns!“

    When you’re right you’re right.🤷🏾‍♂️

  46. “So did the Fergus appointed bozo screw up the prosecution of the insurrectionists by giving a goddamn interview about it on purpose?“

    If it’s a Fergus appointment I’m gonna go with basic incompetence.

  47. Anonymous1:53 PM

    “If it’s a Fergus appointment I’m gonna go with basic incompetence”

    Speaking of which, the Dems need to hurry up and replace the postal service’s board of governors so that the current Trump-appointed postmaster can be fired. This dickhead seems to be mounting a Trojan Horse mission to destroy it from the inside. (Actually, this may be more malice than incompetence. His actual, stated goal is to make post offices less convenient and slow down mail delivery.)

    DeJoy Announces 10-Year Reorganization Of U.S. Postal Service

  48. “This dickhead seems to be mounting a Trojan Horse mission to destroy it from the inside.“

    Standard Republican playbook.

  49. They've wanted to privatize it since forever, mostly because USPS jobs are union jobs and minorities are well represented in their ranks.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. Anonymous6:34 PM

    It would be a great thing to privatize the USPS, because it would mean that the incompetent minorities who currently enjoy the privilege of screwing off, dumping mail and otherwise refusing to do what they're being paid for, would lose at least some of that privilege and those jobs might actually go to people who would actually serve the public.

    I saw a first-hand account from someone whose mail was delivered by a sheboon who'd stuff all the mail for all the houses in a particular cul-de-sac into the first house's box.  When people complained enough, she got put on a different route and screwed with a different set of people's mail, but was never fired as she should have been.
