Thursday, March 18, 2021

Robert's "bad day".

 I want to start this post by giving a shout out to my Asian brothers and sister out there, and letting them know that I, along with the field hands and other field Negroes, are standing with them in their struggle against hatred and ignorance. 

The city of Atlanta (and the areas around  it) is still in shock after a young white man took it up on himself to murder eight people in cold blood. (We knew he was a young white man before it was even announced because he was taken alive without incident.)  And it wasn't lost on us that most of the victims were Asian American women. Of course, America being America, the press and those in positions of authority tried to spin it differently. 

The killer told authorities that he had a sex addiction, and that's why he did what he did, but we know better. He passed a lot of strip clubs to cross over into multiple counties to find Asian massage spas and kill Asian women, so give me a break.

Then, of course, there was the sheriff from Cherokee County, who wanted us to know that the cold blooded killer was just "having a bad day."  You got the feeling that the good old boy sheriff was feeling more remorse for the killer than he was the eight people he murdered in cold blood. Of course we are starting to find out why.  I hate to judge a book by its cover, but I took one look at sheriff Baker and I knew exactly what he was all about. I am sure every other black person in America watching it knew as well.

Now there is all this hand wringing and folks trying to figure out why there has been this sad incredible spike in Asian hate crimes over the last few months. I am not sure why, though, because it's obvious where this all came from, and when it all started. We only have to look at the former president and his incredibly irresponsible actions.  

People thought that his calling the COVID-19 virus the Kung Flu and the China virus was funny and cute at the time. It wasn't. And people of good conscience who tried to warn him to tone down the anti Asian rhetoric could see all of this coming. 

"Baker said Wednesday that the gunman was likely to have acted alone.

"These locations, he sees them as an outlet for him, something he shouldn't be doing," Baker said, adding that Long indicated that he had an "issue with porn" and was "attempting to take out that temptation."

"He was fed up, at the end of his rope," Baker said. "He had a bad day, and this is what he did."

Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds said Long "may have frequented some of these places in the past" and "might have been lashing out." 

No sheriff Baker, he didn't act alone. He had a lot of company. Including you. 



    Gee, who could have known?

  2. One day after Atlanta women were slaughtered, guess which party of magats voted nearly in lock step to try to defeat Violence Against Women's Act again? 172 magats voted against women. It passed the house but magats will block it in Senate, again.

  3. I used to struggle to not use the f-word - fascism - but I have given up. Now I struggle to not use the e-word; evil.

  4. Anonymous9:25 PM

    It’s entirely possible that this guy’s decision to kill these women had nothing to do with racial hatred, and everything to do with his weird sexual hang-ups (a sex addict attacking sex workers for “causing” his urges is like a fat person shooting workers at a KFC for having the audacity to sell him buckets of fried chicken). Maybe Asian women just happened to have the misfortune of being the kind of women this lunatic was attracted to.

    However, it’s not in dispute that hate crimes against people of Asian descent have increased overall. Official statistics say they’ve gone up by 150% over the last year. And there’s a completely obvious explanation for why: Trump’s disgusting decision to blame the Chinese for COVID, following on his pattern of just generally making China a scapegoat for everything wrong in the US. This is what happens when you elect an ethno-nationalist president. He spends all his time denouncing so-called “enemies” instead of proposing real policies to solve the nation’s problems. Nothing gets fixed, but hate certainly increases.

  5. Well, to all of y'all who decry "cancel culture" whenever someone points out your verbal malfunctions, if your own people could handle said malfunctions without mass murder you might have more of a point.
    But not really. All you're trying to do is defend your bad manners and lack of home training, all the while denying that it is in any way important. Then the next atrocity goes down and your denial goes into overdrive and you can't even be communicated with on any subject until you stop feeling threatened.
    Fuck you. It's not you that's being threatened, and if you'd just listen for a goddamn minute you'd know that.
    But you won't, and we all know that, and that's one of the main reasons we have the attitude toward you that we do.
    I would like to point out that the Korean press published interviews with witnesses and the American press published denials from the perpetrator.
    And the VAWA was blocked by goddamn Republicans because it has a provision in it to take guns away from abusers.
    We have such a law on the books in California, and it has removed thousands of guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition from convicted abusers, but it still doesn't go far enough, leaving what is called the "boyfriend loophole" that the new version of the WAWA tries to address.
    But no, let's just let any old asswipe with a gun and manhood issues hunt women for sport because FREEDUMB!
    Domestic violence histories correlate heavily with terrorism, so in the age of the goddamn PATRIOT act, pursuing their firearm possession rights seems like a no brainer, but apparently more of a brainer than can be found between the ears of a goddamn Republican.
    The next Republican who concern trolls over the safety of their women or children needs to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up until they address this in a good faith and meaningful way.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. GP to be!12:04 AM

    I don't understand how a person with a penchant and predilection with Asian women (mad respect) who was overcome in his passions become the catalyst for a national debacle. Not to say white boy crime it isn't an issue, but to me it seems like a poor choice of points to start the conversation. My neighborhood is very blessed to be about 30% highly educated professional Asian population. I've no distress in the 77450

    Personal intro; At least a 10yr lurker. Trying to grow and walk in love

  7. Field Man! Good to see you still here fighting the good fight!
    Kindest regards.

  8. GP to be!12:27 AM

    I don't understand how a person with a penchant and predilection with Asian women (mad respect) who was evilly overcome in his passions become the catalyst for a national debacle and debate about (very real ) Asian hate. Not to say white boy crime it isn't an issue, but to me it seems almost divergent topics. Oh well, I will take a step back and take a deep breatlike a poor choice of points to start the conversation. My neighborhood is very blessed to be about 30% highly educated professional Asian population. I've seen no distress in the 77450. Maybe we are just too caught up in dealing with the aftermath of Snowpocalypse. My kitchen ceiling collapsed due to burst pipe, and we are thrown into an unexpected (but not unwelcome) remodel. The landscape all looks like crap. All the big palm trees in the hood look to be dead. White people problems

    Personal intro; At least a 10yr lurker. Trying to grow and walk in love

  9. Field, this is as powerful a post as you've ever put up, for what that's worth. "He had a lot of company," indeed.

    "(We knew he was a young white man before it was even announced because he was taken alive without incident.)" You think if the freak complained he was hungry on the way to the station, they stopped off and bought him a burger? Wouldn't be at all surprised.

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Now there is all this hand wringing and folks trying to figure out why there has been this sad incredible spike in Asian hate crimes over the last few months. I am not sure why, though, because it's obvious where this all came from, and when it all started.

    You're right, it's obvious... and you can't admit it.  The attackers are almost all black.  The only reason THIS attack got any national publicity is because the CIA asset who was sacrificed to make it happen is White.

    There have been a bunch of black-on-Orthodox-Jew attacks in NYC.  Does ANYONE dare to call out blacks on their anti-semitism?  Nope, doesn't fit The Narrative.  But put up a sheet of paper printed with "It's Okay To Be White" and everyone loses their minds.

    The only racism operative in 2021 USA is anti-White.

    1. The blacks who commit these crimes should ne held accountable and called out as well. You're preaching to the choir.

  11. Yisheng, as you can see, we haven’t gotten rid of all the haters, or even the cowardly anonymoid trolls. Alas! But nowadays some of the anonymous folk aren’t haters, they are merely shy. The haters are generally self-pitying, as you can see above. Some of us here have wondered out loud if they are paid by Putin, or Kluxers, or convicts, or basement incels, or all of the above.

    One thing’s for sure; they argue in bad faith. It’s pointless to attempt rational discourse with them; their facts are false and they believe in pride, not truth. However it is virtuous to witness to truth against their lies, and useful to talk _about_ them though not _to_ them.

    I confess that I have occasionally indulged in counter-trolling them. It’s like electroshocking a rat to see how far you can make them jump. But such experiments are unethical, though amusing.

    Welcome back, Doctor. May you live long and prosper.

  12. Anonymous11:11 AM

    No big deal, but here’s Texas congressman Chip Roy professing his support for the rule of law by ... reminiscing about the good old days of lynching.

    Texas is really stuck on fantasies about “cowboy days” and how great they were. They weren’t actually all that great.

  13. Here's one to make you smile today....

    "Wax statue of Trump taken off display because it keeps getting punched"

  14. Anonymous1:02 PM

    One of the factors in the Georgia shootings that needs to be talked about: Christian zealotry.

    The shooter appears to have been especially distressed by his sex addiction, and motivated to mentally externalize his “sins” onto the Asian women he bought sex from, because of his archaic religious beliefs.

    So this guy probably is a right-wing extremist, like everyone thought initially. The only plot twist is that he’s more of a Jesus-flavored nutjob than a Hitler-flavored one.

  15. Anonymous 1:02:
    A racist _and_ a fanatic _and_ a misogynist. Which more than which doesn't matter that much. The contents of the killer's malfunctioning brain is mostly his own problem. The blood on the ground is a public problem.

  16. Let's be honest, magats, for once. You sare the perps of the majority of anti-Asian attacks and have been because drumpf lied to you aznd everyone else by blaming Asians for covid-19. And you were dumb enough and hateful enough to get suckered into that narrative. Now you have been found out you want to blame Blacks for your prejudices. Well, fuck you and the used rubber you floated in here on!


  17. Great article on this morning for political jukies...

    "The GOP's rhetoric of violence has given Biden little choice"

  18. You people are insane3:29 PM

    Per you clowns, all of the black-on-Asian attacks are due to blaming China for a virus which first appeared in... China.

    Why are blacks so prone to act violently on propaganda?

    And why isn't anti-White propaganda aimed at blacks just as big a problem?

  19. Anonymous4:27 PM

    It’s downright bizarre how the latest talking point on the right is that Biden should debate Vladimir Putin. Excuse me? What? Since when are our politicians required to debate hostile foreign leaders? That is not a thing!

    Furthermore, this demand is in service of the conspiracy theory they keep pushing that Biden is so senile that he can’t function anymore, and Kamala Harris is secretly the “real president.” It’s the same reason why they keep whining about Biden not giving press conferences forcing these poor babies to talk to Jen Psaki instead. They’re pretending that the Democrats are hiding him because he cannot answer questions.

    These are truly amazing levels of hypocrisy from the party that gave us Trump, the absolute dumbest president of all time who delivered entire speeches made up of nothing but incomprehensible gibberish (and who is nearly as old as Biden, btw) but are now spewing bullshit about Biden’s alleged “dementia.”

    The GOP has nothing left to offer but lies at this point.

  20. Anonymous4:55 PM

    “Per you clowns, all of the black-on-Asian attacks are due to blaming China for a virus which first appeared in... China.”

    Yeah. “In” China. Not “because of” China, which is the lie Trump spent most of last year telling.

    There is no evidence whatsoever to support the idea that COVID-19 is anything but a naturally occurring virus. It’s nobody’s fault that the virus came into the world. It is, however, some politicians fault for doing nothing to protect us from the virus, and Trump sits at the very top of the do-nothing list.

  21. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Also, it’s simply another lie that all of the spike in hate crimes against Asians over the past year have been perpetrated by black people. You’ve pulled that out of your ass.

  22. @Paradoctor, thank you for the well wishes, I hope all is well with you and yours too!

    And who wants to bet that an Asian fetishizer from Katy, Texas is actually a 10 year anonymous stalker?🤔 🙋🏽‍♀️

    Hey Field!👋🏽

  23. @Anonymous You people are insane

    You KNOW the government is looking for you and your peeps to talk about Jan 6th, right?

  24. “The attackers are almost all black. The only reason THIS attack got any national publicity is because the CIA asset who was sacrificed to make it happen is White.“

    Is there ANY excuse not in the book to excuse white violence??????😆😂

    1. I mean with all the verified reports of the FBI infiltrating Blah groups maybe Blah violence is created by the CIA or FBI?🤔

  25. Americans of Asian descent are not citizens of China and are not responsible for assaults on American Asians which escalated precipitously in 2020 when drumpf and his magat hordes blamed them for the drumpf/noem pandemic.

    Drumpf's two responses to covid was calling it a hoax and shutting down some travel from China to America. In both cases he was a total failure, just like the rest of his miserable twice impeached, failed presidency.

  26. Mar-a-Lago is partially closed after a confirmed positive case of covid sent several staff into quarantine.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. I had a buddy, a Sanders supporter, who was calling Trump a fascist very early on during the campaign when others were just hinting around with the comic comparison to Mussolini. (There are a couple of split-screen videos still up. The first one I ever saw was the funniest.) I wanted to believe that fascism died with the end of WWII.

    Trump blew it wide open with the military fetish, the calls for law and order which were nothing more than excuses for military and brutal policing tactics, the xenophobia both at the border and directed at China, the blatant racism, the cronyism and the usurpation of political power for personal gain. All of these crimes are of equal importance in condemning the man. But when he tried to steal the election, over a period of at least two years, mind you, that was really the tipping point for me. This is American fascism. With Uncle Sam's help we will vanquish these motherfuckers for all time. But the work isn't done yet.

    Fun fact. Hardcore Trump supporters enjoy calling democrats fascists. Go figure.

  28. If this incel from hell is capable of breathing one single word of truth, one might surmise from this sad story that these lovely women were very likely the only thing of any real beauty in this hapless bastard's bleak and deplorable life. Of course if he really was having relations with these women, the truth is the last thing that he would want to do woujld be to brutally murder them.

    If we believe his lies about being a sex addict, we are led to believe that he is again a helpless victim of a stunted masculinity and a tortured psyche that has been taught to believe that sex outside of marriage is a mortal sin. Again, this scenario is highly unlikely. If he were to turn on these merciful angels who selflessly gave him physical love, he would be a greater monster than the idiot in the pulpit who instilled these misplaced feelings of guilt. Again. Total fucking lies. Not credible.

    This is a piece of shit who harbored a violent hatred of women. He chose these women to be his murder victims most likely because he believed that he would get away with the several crimes. He very well might have killed one or two women and never got caught. But his libido was finally satisfied and he couldn't stop.

    They will end up putting him in solitary confinement for his own protection.

    As far as the fucking sheriff... What the hell, man? Fuck you, bitch

  29. I read an interview today of a man who was at the massage parlor getting a massage for his injured back when the murders went down.
    According to him, someone beat on the door, his masseuse went to open it, and was shot in her head.
    This, if true, sort of gives lie to the assumption that the victims were prostitutes.
    Their ages don't seem quite right for prostitutes either:

    Soon Chung Park, age 74

    Hyun Jung Grant, age 51

    Suncha Kim, age 69

    Yong Yue, age 63

    Delaina Ashley Yaun, age 33

    Paul Andre Michels, age 54

    Xiaojie Tan, age 49

    Daoyou Feng, age 44

    So who knows? It just seems that the holes in his story are large enough to drive a truck through, which I guess is to be expected in someone that deranged.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. drumpfuck junior had a bad day as well, trying to intimate that Biden's stumbles on AF 1 steps was due to being hit in the herd by a golf ball hit by twice impeached drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  31. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Mexican officials admit Trump's immigration policies helped curb the overwhelming surge of migrants

    The Biden administration is searching for answers on how to handle the current border crisis, which has seen the highest number of illegal immigrants at the U.S. southern border in the last 20 years, according to Department of Homeland Security

  32. Anonymous2:45 PM

    99% of the recent violence against Asian Americans come from African-American criminals.

  33. About halfway up the hill to the mailbox I saw a truck with a Devin Nunes sticker on the bumper, and I really wished for a black marker to write the word "cow" on it, but I didn't have one on me.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. And since we have the package receipt for the package he got from the Russian intelligence officer, does that make him a moscow?\

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Anonymous4:28 PM

    “If he were to turn on these merciful angels who selflessly gave him physical love, he would be a greater monster than the idiot in the pulpit who instilled these misplaced feelings of guilt. Again. Total fucking lies. Not credible.”

    You must not know many Christian hardcore fundies. I find it completely credible, unfortunately.

    Take Mormons, for example.

    I went to college with a Mormon girl who was constantly horny, but also wracked with guilt about having sex. She, not he, would initiate sex with her boyfriend, and then suddenly leap out of bed and insist she must stop sinning! She did this over and over again. I am surprised his balls did not explode.

    There is also a practice Mormon teenagers engage in called “soaking.” What is that, you ask? Well, they have convinced themselves they are not violating prohibitions on fornicating if the guy inserts his penis into the vagina —but refrains from thrusting. He just ... lies there. God is apparently happy, as long as you don’t enjoy yourself too much. I nearly died laughing when I learned this was a thing that existed in the world.

    Equally, the idea that women are at fault for tempting men into bad sexual behavior? That’s practically the central tenet of many Christian sects.

    So can I believe there is some dude messed up enough that he decided to murder women for the “crime” of giving him the sex he asked for? Hell yeah! Some Christians here in the US of A are just the Taliban with crucifixes.

  36. “So can I believe there is some dude messed up enough that he decided to murder women for the “crime” of giving him the sex he asked for? Hell yeah!“

    That could NEVER happen in Georgia🙄

  37. “99% of the recent violence against Asian Americans come from African-American criminals.“

    100% of the stupid bullshit statistics that anons post came directly from their asses.

  38. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Chicago March To Date (20th)
    Shot & Killed: 22
    Shot & Wounded: 165
    Total Shot: 187
    Total Homicides: 23

  39. That's quite a take.

    I was thinking something like maybe he found the right girl but then he choked and wasn't man enough to actually penetrate and have a good time. Then he went on a killing spree.

    Actually sexual guilt can be quite hot. But it's supposed to hit right after orgasm! lolz

    My college buddy was having fun regaling us with tales of his latest attempts to nail a Catholic girl. She was a hot one. She did everything up to and including heavy petting. But she was a tease.

    Hot stuff.

  40. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Let's be real here.

    If that Georgia cracker were a racial minority, his fugly inbred trailer park ass would be lying face down in a pool of blood because of the pigs ... sorry, law enforcement.

    Police just love to coddle White terrorists--whether that be Dylan Roof, Kyle Rittenhouse, the Jan. 6th insurrectionists, or this cracker.

    That f*cker should be dead.

  41. Anonymous4:25 PM

    NBC Dallas
    21-Year-Old black Woman Dead, 7 negroes Wounded in Shooting at Dallas Nightclub:

  42. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Asian Man in critical condition after unprovoked punch by out of control negro on Manhattan subway, latest victim of anti-Asian hate: witness:

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Why is that when Black people get arrested for crimes they immediately blame the police fir being racist? It's like if police arrest a Black person for committing a crime, the police becomes racist!

  43. Anonymous2:09 PM

    and the guy in Colorado is a towel head, probably an illegal too.

  44. Anonymous said:

    Police just love to coddle White terrorists--whether that be Dylan Roof, Kyle Rittenhouse, the Jan. 6th insurrectionists, or this cracker.

    That f*cker should be dead.

    2:11 AM
    I agree, Anon.

  45. Anonymous10:14 AM

    As an Asian man from India, I want to ask you with no offence to you and Black people, why is that some people irrespective of their race think that Black people are inherently violent and criminal by nature? When Travyon Martin was killed and riots broke out in the aftermath, someone asked me, "are Black people violent and indulge in more crime?". I didn't answer the question as I didn't have the answer for it. So, I would appreciate if you reply to my comment and question about Black people.

  46. Hate Crimes and those who support the perpetrators of them sicken me. They don't need to 'investigate' to determine whether this was a Hate Crime or not... and the rise in Hate Crimes against the Asian American Communities since the last vile Administration has soared, so we all know why the increase has been evident. My DIL and some of my Grandchildren are Asian, it concerns me for their safety... not that Racism against Asians is anything new at all, it's that the Asian Community has been Stoic about it for Generations and been an Invisible group of Victims of it to the General Public.
