Friday, March 05, 2021

? Of The Day

 What will America look or be like in 50 years? 


  1. That heavily depends on whether or not we are able to fix our democracy in the next year or so. Without knowing the outcome of those efforts it's impossible to tell what this place will look like in 2071.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. If we stay on the same trajectory the majority of the country will be hyper-religious, science will be compromised with evolution being banned in many states, judges will no longer have law degrees and only have to have conservative views, there will be some bastions of normalcy in urban areas but as a whole we'll resemble the movie Idiocracy.

  3. The long path of history is clearly toward human progress. . .The election 4 months ago - and polling since - indicate near 3/4 of all Americans are generally in line with Joe Biden's words and actions. . .Progress is always seen as too slow by progressives - too fast by conservatives. . . The biggest issue these days is simply Media - Actual and Social - we now instantly know what people are thinking and saying - we are barraged by Right Wing reactions which are funded by status quo billionaires. . .Impatience is OK - but it should not stand in the way of reasoned debate - the existence of video evidence will continue to document our times and the authenticity of our claims. . .Truly religious people will be on 'our side' - the white evangelicals are NOT religious - Anymore than were the Southern preachers who approved of owners killing slaves for "disobedience" . . .
    We need wise advisors - rational appeals to the entire working class - free state colleges - Medicare for All - Higher wages - Keep showing how the Republican Party has NO agenda for the "bottom 90%" - only Fascist tactics to divide us - autocrats to rule - judges to oppose progress.

  4. Just like this....

    Land of Confusion by Genesis..

  5. Another OT question....why did it take this long for NFL to hire first Black female field official?

    Libs force the country to move forward while magats hold everything back. We've seen these magat games for decades.

  6. I have faith in the younger generation to move this country forward in a progressive direction, perhaps slowly, but still forward.

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    NYC HATE CRIMES!!!! The Negro ATTACKS on JAPS in NYC is sky rocketing - Negroes are attacking elderly and female Japs in pre-planned attacks. Because the OFFENDERS ARE BLACK THE MEDIA IS QUIET!

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:06 AM

    To Anonymous at 10:55 AM

    Good morning, troll. Next time you post here, how about some evidence to support your lies? You don't have any? Then go away.

  9. Anonymous11:12 AM

    “The Negro ATTACKS on JAPS in NYC is sky rocketing - Negroes are attacking elderly and female Japs in pre-planned attacks.”

    Japs? Did I miss something? Did we all travel through a wormhole back to 1943? This is language from my grandparents’ generation.

    And you can thank Trump for the fact that sizable numbers of people of all races now seem to feel that both COVID and all the sacrifices of COVID lockdown are the fault of all Chinese people, and rates of anti-Asian hate crimes have exploded.

  10. In 50 years I expect we will have completed the move to oligarchy. A few corporation's terms of service will have the power of law. The political parties will be controlled by authoritarians on the Ctrl/Left and the Alt/Right in the State Legislatures & will have completed the balkanization of the US.
    "All politics are local." even after all these years.

  11. So no one covers anti-a Asian attacks be cause they are perpetrated by blacks? Not true in any sense.

    When you look for attack motives, look no further than racist drumpfuck the dumbfuck's incendiary covid blame on Chinese.

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM


  13. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Tucker Carlson has referred to QAnoners as “gentle people waving American flags.”

    Really? The guys who were part of the mob that beat one of the Capitol cops to death with a fire extinguisher?

    I’ll agree with “stupid,” maybe. These people are deeply stupid, and have been manipulated by unscrupulous wingnut provocateurs on the Internet. Many of them have no idea how the world works, and are now shocked and confused that they are now being prosecuted, some of them for serious federal offenses. But “gentle”? Hell no.

  14. Anonymous2:46 PM

    These gas prices are creeping up faster than biden on a 12 year old girl.

  15. Carlson's own network said not to believe a word he says. If that is not proof he is a fucking, lying scumbag, I don't know what is.

  16. You people are insane5:04 PM

    The guys who were part of the mob that beat one of the Capitol cops to death with a fire extinguisher?

    Sicknick himself declared that he'd been hit with pepper spray but was otherwise fine.  And OF COURSE, his remains were cremated so that nobody can re-check the (literal) corpus delicti evidence.

  17. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Florida is going ahead with super-spreader event Daytona Bike Week. Because this worked out so great for South Dakota when they let Sturgis go ahead.

    Half the country is determined to learn absolutely no lessons whatsoever. It's just a never-ending loop:

    Fuck up, let tens of thousands die of COVID, repeat.

  18. Anonymous7:01 PM

    The future?

    Either the Dems will break the will, and defeat the cheating strategies, of the Republicans, the party will be forced to reform itself into something more moderate, and we’ll ultimately turn into Canada. Or maybe something even further left (but probably not Sweden).

    Or else things will keep trending in the bad way the Republican Party has been trending. The excesses of the woke left and the hatred of the racist right will keep fueling each other until the culture war spirals into massive violence, culminating in an outright fascist state. And that fascist state will look like apartheid South Africa on steroids, with an armed and fearful white minority ruthlessly oppressing disarmed and impoverished pocs trapped in legally enforced ghettoes under Jim Crow 2.0. Meanwhile, global warming will have run unchecked, so coastal cities will be underwater, droughts and wildfires and hurricanes will be routine, and tropical diseases will run rampant in this ugly dystopia.

    I honestly can’t predict which way things will go.


  19. Sicknick himself declared that he'd been hit with pepper spray but was otherwise fine.

    Was that before or after he was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher?

    NYP = Biden conspiracy theories = total bullshit!

  20. Most of us won't be alive in 50 years to worry about it. The time for action is now. Vanish magats and the rest of the US of A will take care of itself.

  21. Anonymous said...

    These gas prices are creeping up faster than biden on a 12 year old girl.

    2:46 PM
    So put the blame where it belongs - Governor Abbot and the rest of the government in Texas for the their stupid policy of not forcing their utilities to weatherize. And blame the big oil companies for their price gouging.

  22. Texass awl commissioner refuses to force criminal gougers to repay 16 billion overcharges. Magats fuck the populace again.

  23. Anonymous11:33 AM

    “Texass awl commissioner refuses to force criminal gougers to repay 16 billion overcharges. Magats fuck the populace again.”

    Why should he? The system is working the way Republicans said it should. They set the system up intentionally to let the utilities gouge and thought that would be a good thing, as the potential for windfall profits would incentivize them to make their systems more reliable (it didn’t, however). They can’t turn around now and act like the utilities are cheating by charging stratospheric prices; they aren’t.

    The problem here isn’t that utilities violated the rules of the system that Republicans set up. The problem is that the system SUCKS.

    Capitalism does not have all the answers for society’s needs, and when you rely on it in inappropriate circumstances, the results are disastrous.

  24. To Anonymous at 11:33 AM

    -True words. Lassez-Faire Capitalism does not work well - too may dishonest people in the world. What we need is a mix of well regulated capitalism with a healthy dose of socialism thrown in.

    Trying to sell that to the masses is like trying to herd cats.

  25. Why was the Nat Guard held up for three hours during insurrection? Because disgraced Gen Mike Traitor Flynn's younger bro Charles argued the optics of sending in uniformed troops to the capitol was not one they wanted the public seeing. Then the Pentagon lied about Flynn's role in the decision to hold them up.

    On another level, at least 4 drumpf csabinet officials were suspected of criminal activities asnd referred to Justice for investigations. DOJ declined to look at any of them, include McCTurtlefuckface's wife, Sec of Transportation Chow.

    Now Senate's hold up of Garland as new AG, who has promised thorough investigations into drumpf's crimes, makes sense.

  26. Anonymous8:07 PM

    CHICAGO Year 2021 to Date(March 7th)
    Shot & Killed: 93
    Shot & Wounded: 391
    Total Shot: 484
    Total Homicides: 98

  27. 1459 covid deaths in just one day thanks to drumpf/noem incompetence.

    50 years from now wasicu wastey rule will be a distant and disgusting memory. Whitey may become an endangered species due to magats inability to learn from any mistakes they make over and over regarding POC and immigrants. I will go to my grave ashamed to have been a white person in drumpf's version of America the race divided shithole magats have created in 5 short years.

  28. Anonymous5:08 AM

    What will America look or be like in 50 years?

    Bottom rail on top this time.

  29. Anonymous10:02 AM

    KPIX-TV reporter Don Ford robbed at gunpoint by Negroes while investigating robberies in San Francisco by Negroes
    A TV news reporter was robbed at gunpoint by a gang of thieves while he was coincidentally investigating a rash of robberies in San Francisco.

    POLL: What scares you the most?(negroes)
    KPIX-TV reporter Don Ford was covering a flurry of smash-and-grab car thefts in San Francisco's Twin Peaks neighborhood. He was interviewing residents in the area about the rise in crime. While preparing for a TV segment about the robberies on Wednesday, he became a victim himself of a robbery.

    A white sedan pulled up to where Ford was getting ready to film, three men exited the vehicle and held Ford at gunpoint. The bandits, one armed with a Glock handgun, stole the news channel's camera in less than a minute.

  30. Klaatu barada nikto11:57 AM

    In 50 years, the aliens will arrive. They will tell us they recently received a television transmission featuring a strange, repulsive, orange-tinted political leader who constantly lies and threatens and appears to operate outside of any moral or ethical code. The aliens will say that, based on the evidence of this frightening figure, they’ve decided our planet is clearly too dangerous to be allowed to continue to exist, and they’ve come to destroy it.

    We will protest, “No, wait, we got rid of that guy! He’s not in charge anymore!” But it will be too late. The giant robot will set to work at vaporizing the Earth.

  31. Well let's see: Fifty years ago in 1971 we were in the depths of the Nixon administration, which at the time was the most corrupt and unhinged administration in living memory with bribes being delivered to the vice president in cash stuffed envelopes in the goddamn white house.
    ...And by comparison Richard Nixon probably couldn't win a Republican primary today because he was not crazy enough. His policies, back when Republicans had policies, were so far to the left of modern Republican governance that there are senate Democrats to his right today.
    So fifty years from now?
    Something has to break first, because there simply isn't enough room on the spectrum for a proportionally similar shift in our politics before we're in purity tested chicken farmer territory, and we as a country are far too well armed to be wholesale slaughtered by local villagers like they were.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  32. Neil and Amy and Brett oh my:

    BuzzFeed News
    Trump has now officially lost all of his post-election challenges in the Supreme Court after justices had refused to take up his final case out of Wisconsin

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Anonymous4:46 PM

    “Neil and Amy and Brett oh my:

    BuzzFeed News
    Trump has now officially lost all of his post-election challenges in the Supreme Court after justices had refused to take up his final case out of Wisconsin”

    They’re all in on “the steal”! Even the judges that Trump himself appointed! That’s how deep the sinister conspiracy goes!


  34. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Trump is such a loser, he can’t stop losing the 2020 election. He’s lost it literally dozens of times over in court. Judges will still probably be telling him no while the next president gets inaugurated.

  35. Anonymous9:05 PM

    “...a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. . . Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” - C.S. Lewis
