Friday, March 12, 2021

We're just glad he is gone.

The orange guy is out of office, but we are still seeing stories about him and his crime family that leaves us scratching our heads and wondering how we could have ever elected this guy to be our president in the first place. 

First, we heard the tape of him trying to alter the elections in the state of Georgia.

"In a newly revealed phone call, President Donald Trump asked a Georgia law enforcement official to find evidence of fraud with absentee-by-mail ballots, the latest revelation in his unsuccessful attempt to overturn the state's election results.

"Whatever you can do, Frances, it would be — it's a great thing," Trump said to Georgia Secretary of State chief investigator Frances Watson in December. "When the right answer comes out, you'll be praised."

The six-minute call — first reported by The Washington Post in January and released in full by The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday — came in late December after Trump's then-chief of staff, Mark Meadows, made a surprise visit to Cobb County, where the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and secretary of state's office were checking signatures on absentee ballot envelopes with those on file.

The then-president listed other Southern states he won and told Watson that Georgia should be one of them, too.

"The people of Georgia are so angry at what happened to me. They know I won by hundreds of thousands of votes," Trump falsely claimed."

Sure ya did sport. Sure ya did. 

Then there is this one. 

" A dog rescue charity with links to Lara Trump has spent as much as $1.9 million at former President Donald Trump’s properties over the last seven years and will drop an additional quarter-million at his Mar-a-Lago country club this weekend.

According to a permit filed with the town of Palm Beach, Florida, Big Dog Ranch Rescue estimates it will spend $225,000 at the club where Donald Trump has taken up full-time residence since leaving the White House. All the profit from that spending winds up in his pocket.

Internal Revenue Service filings show that the group has spent as much as $1,883,160 on fundraising costs at Mar-a-Lago and Trump’s golf course 18 miles north in Jupiter starting in 2014. Lara Trump, the wife of Eric Trump, started being listed as a chairwoman for charity events in 2018, and the group’s president, Lauren Simmons, visited the White House in 2019 for the signing of a bill addressing animal cruelty.

Neither Simmons nor other officers of Big Dog Ranch Rescue, which is located in Loxahatchee Groves, 16 miles west of Palm Beach, responded to HuffPost queries.

Many businesses have cut their ties to Trump following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, for which Trump was impeached after he spent two months lying about the election having been “stolen” from him. Trump asked his followers to gather in Washington, D.C., on the day Congress was meeting to certify the Electoral College votes, and then urged them to march on the Capitol to intimidate his own vice president into violating the Constitution and installing Trump for another term.

Simmons, however, was among those propagating Trump’s lies on social media, posting messages to “stop the steal,” a phrase the defeated president’s supporters had adopted. On Jan. 3, three days before the mob attack, Simmons shared a post stating: “ “Either we TAKE power back or we will never be free again. No more asking nicely.” [Source]

And finally, this little gem.

Contained within a sprawling new piece in the New Yorker about Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan District Attorney investigating Donald Trump, is an incredible anecdote from years ago revealing how the former president approaches mourning.

The anecdote involves Allen Weisselberg, the CFO of the Trump Organization who is reported to be under scrutiny by prosecutors, and who is prominently featured in the story. According to the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, investigators appear to have their eyes on Weisselberg as a potential cooperator. “Allen Weisselberg knows where all the bodies are buried,” Mary Trump says in the piece.

But Jennifer Weisselberg, who was once married to Allen Weisselberg’s son Barry, expressed uncertainty that her former father-in-law would flip:

Jennifer described her former father-in-law as being in Trump’s thrall: “His whole worth is ‘Does Donald like me today?’ It’s his whole life, his core being. He’s obsessed. He has more feelings and adoration for Donald than for his wife.” Asked if Allen Weisselberg would flip under pressure, she said, “I don’t know. For Donald, it’s a business. But for Allen it’s a love affair.”

She also told Jane Mayer about a wild, if not surprising anecdote involving Trump, a shiva, and a yacht teeming with naked women:

Jennifer told me that she first met Trump before she was married, at Allen Weisselberg’s modest house, in Wantagh, on Long Island. That day, the Weisselberg family was sitting shivah, for Allen’s mother. Trump showed up in a limousine and blurted out, “This is where my C.F.O. lives? It’s embarrassing!” Then, Jennifer recalled, Trump showed various shivah attendees photographs of naked women with him on a yacht. “After that, he starts hitting on me,” she said. Jennifer claimed that Allen Weisselberg, instead of being offended on her behalf, humored his boss: “He didn’t stand up for me!” Asked about this, Weisselberg’s lawyer, Mary Mulligan, said, “No comment.”

Mayer does not report when exactly this occurred, except that it was sometime before 2004.

Read the full report here. [Source] 

Man hits on his employee's wife and shows naked pictures of women at a funeral, and he still gets to be elected president. 

Only in America. 



  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    “Man hits on his employee's wife and shows naked pictures of women at a funeral, and he still gets to be elected president.

    Only in America.”

    Only in America in 2016, more specifically.

    Not so many years earlier, the election of someone like Trump — a person of such minimal competence and abysmal character — would’ve been inconceivable. That political conditions now allow for it is a sign of decay of both the Republican Party and the country.

  2. I think folks lost their collective minds 4Nov08. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  3. Also, this has always been a dumb and racist country. In the words of Thanos “he was inevitable”.

  4. Anonymous9:40 PM

    “Man hits on his employee's wife ...”

    It was actually ‘man hits on his employee’s daughter-in-law.” The employee’s wife wouldn’t have been young and hot enough for Trump to bother with harassing her.

  5. Anonymous9:51 PM

    “I think folks lost their collective minds 4Nov08.”

    Maybe for some folks, President Black Man was the catalyst for them tipping over the edge into insanity.

    But I also feel like it’s a culmination of trends that have been going on a long time. Republican assaults on democracy, endless right-wing media lying and hatemongering, incoherent rage over the effects of bad economic policy ... maybe it all just reached critical mass and the stupid could no longer be contained.

  6. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Donald Trump is the perfect ruler for America.

    Depraved, sociopathic, murderous, and devious to the core--but with a delusional belief in his moral righteousness and goodness.

    That is America in general.

    Donald Trump is America--and that is not a compliment.

    1. What Anon@1:35 said is worth of an entire blog post.

  7. Fergus might be in a heap of trouble in NYC and Georgia both, whether Weisselberg rolls on hm or not. And none of it would have ever been a problem for him had he not raised his head above the parapet by running for president. Pride before the fall and all of that.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Here is another magat racist that needs to be gone.....

    Wisconsin racist scumbag sinator says if capitol insurrectionists had been black, he would have feared them, instead of embracing Quack-anon and Prowd Boys.

  9. Anonymous11:11 AM

    “Here is another magat racist that needs to be gone.....”

    One of the more disturbing developments of recent years is how hard-right goons took over Wisconsin politics and turned it into the Mississippi of the Midwest. Wisconsin did not used to be like that. It was a moderate purple state.

    Suddenly, we’re seeing the state churn out despicable scumbags like union-buster Scott Walker, Glenn Grothman (who, days ago, said Black Lives Matter "doesn't like the old-fashioned family”), and Ron Johnson (who, in addition to expressing his affection for the Capitol rioters, also made some poor Senate clerk read out every word of the COVID economic aid package bill, purely as a pointless delaying tactic).

    These are not good people.

  10. All of this, and Dems are still going after Cuomo! Not that I want him to get a pass for any proven sexual assault. However, his 'assaults' are alleged. Trump's schitt is just there and yes, he gets to be president.

    GQP values...IOKIYAR

  11. You’re right, Field, that last bit was a gem. We know that he disrespects women, and his associates, and grief; this ties it up in a stinky package. If this tale had been about anyone else then I’d reserve some doubts. Not now.

  12. We survived a disaster, if that's what we did post-Trump. He was worse than any trauma the country has faced, and I think that even has to include the Civil War. We came within a hair's breadth of dictatorship, arguably, and meanwhile the wealth gap skyrocketed. It's an open question whether we can repair it and push it back on track to becoming a democracy, which it certainly hasn't yet achieved. Two good outcomes may be the (momentary?) crippling of the Republican party and the emboldening of the Democrats to use their muscle, for once, instead of self-destructing as they usually do. I'm holding my breath.

  13. Anonymous12:38 PM

    “All of this, and Dems are still going after Cuomo! Not that I want him to get a pass for any proven sexual assault. However, his 'assaults' are alleged.”

    Cuomo deserves to have these allegations investigated by an independent authority. I have no love for Cuomo, and he might end up resigning no matter what, but the Democrats don’t do themselves any favors by abandoning principles of basic due process in order to prove their #MeToo cred. Already, there is a lot of regret over instantly dumping Al Franken without at least giving him an opportunity to defend himself against allegations of general creepiness.

  14. Blame Dems who've backed themselves into the moral corner while magats can't even pay lip service without being bald faced liars.

    South Dakota's worthless guv has finagled 5 million in coronavirus funds to buy a new jet to fly her skanky ass to all drumpf lie fests and prez campaign fundraisers when she keeps saying she is not running for Biden' seat.

    Since this dizzy bitch did nothing to protect her constituents, she deserves no federal funding to spend on gew gaws for herself and family.

  15. "Donald Trump is America--and that is not a compliment."

    Nope. Fergus is the Republican party. There is still a large portion of America that wants a society built on human decency and is willing to do what they can to achieve it. They call themselves Democrats, for the most part.
    This is a part of the war on pronouns: No, "we" aren't depraved assholes bent on cruelty and the destruction of the environment, "Republicans" are depraved assholes bent on cruelty and the destruction of the environment.
    "Congress" isn't a useless, gridlocked body of grifting morons bent on fighting culture wars while collecting $174K/year in tax money, "Republicans in congress" are a useless, gridlocking body of grifting morons bent on fighting culture wars while collecting $174K/year in tax money.
    And now they want to escape accountability for their crimes against society by both-sidesing their way out of it.
    Fuck that.
    Both sides don't.
    Burn the motherfucking lifeboats and make them own the fucking disaster while we fix it and clean up the damage they inflicted.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. From the Daily Beast:

    Comedian Jon Stewart used his new Twitter account on Thursday to join the growing denunciation of Fox News host Tucker Carlson for openly mocking female soldiers.

    “I called Tucker Carlson a dick on National television,” Stewart tweeted. “It’s high time I dicks. Never should have lumped you in with that terrible terrible person.”

    The former Daily Show host was referring to the legendary rant he delivered to Carlson’s face back in 2004 on CNN’s Crossfire. “You know what's interesting, though?” he said at the time. “You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Dinthebeast said,,,

    "Donald Trump is America--and that is not a compliment."

    "Nope. Fergus is the Republican party. There is still a large portion of America that wants a society built on human decency and is willing to do what they can to achieve it. They call themselves Democrats, for the most part.
    This is a part of the war on pronouns: No, "we" aren't depraved assholes bent on cruelty and the destruction of the environment, "Republicans" are depraved assholes bent on cruelty and the destruction of the environment."
    You are right, Doug. I am a loyal American who hates Donald Trump, the current Republican Party and anyone else who thinks or acts like they do. Further more, over 81 million Americans voted for Joe Biden in last November's election. five of my six grandchildren (ages between 19 and 30) were members of that 81 million as was I.

    Recovery from the reign of the lying orange monster will be bad enough without throwing out the baby with the bath water. So let's all do our part to help defeat the evil ones.

  18. "But I also feel like it’s a culmination of trends that have been going on a long time. Republican assaults on democracy, endless right-wing media lying and hatemongering, incoherent rage over the effects of bad economic policy ... maybe it all just reached critical mass and the stupid could no longer be contained."


  19. PilotX said....

    "But I also feel like it’s a culmination of trends that have been going on a long time. Republican assaults on democracy, endless right-wing media lying and hatemongering, incoherent rage over the effects of bad economic policy ... maybe it all just reached critical mass and the stupid could no longer be contained."


    7:54 PM
    I've been watching this "return of the confederacy" since Nixon introduced his Southern Strategy in response to the Civil Rights Movement of the fifties and sixties. Trump is the evolutionary product of at least fifty years of a Republican plan to hold on to power in the face of changing demographics and increased political participation by POC.

    I think increased political participation by diverse groups of young people is a sign that the old guard may lose in the long run.

  20. Anonymous11:32 PM

    @ dinthebeast 3:40 PM

    Democrats play the role of Good Cop to the Republican Bad Cop.

    All the red state-blue state culture war nonsense is a diversion from the reality that both Democrats and Republicans are just two wings of the same American Empire and its corporate oligarchy.

    A pox on both Democrats and Republicans.

  21. Democrats try to do things that help the people who hired them and Republicans do not.

    Fuck you and your both siderist bullshit.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Democrats try to do things that help the people who hired them and Republicans do not.

    Yeah... just like that $15 minimum wage, Medicare 4 All, $2000 stimulus check, or $400/week unemployment insurance the Democrats promised.

    The Democrats/Republicans are hilarious.

    They both lash out with spittle-flecked anger when their "Dear Leaders" are called out as the political frauds that they are.

    Dems Limit Stimulus Check Eligibility After Slashing Unemployment

    Squad WON'T Force $15 Minimum Wage In Stimulus Bill

    Progressives Sell Out Workers on $15 Minimum Wage

    Democrats Kill Minimum Wage In Senate

  23. "I think increased political participation by diverse groups of young people is a sign that the old guard may lose in the long run."

    I hope so but the GOP is trying hard to suppress voting. They've already taken a large chunk of the judiciary.

  24. If it weren't for the ACA, a 100% Democrat joint, I would still be blind from the cataracts I couldn't afford the surgery for.
    You can take your purity concern trolling and fuck yourself with it.
    When it comes to things that actually help people in the real world, the Democrats are your only hope.
    When you want to destroy things that help people or deprive people of them, Republicans are your guys.
    If you want air that you can breathe and water you can drink, Democrats are your only hope.
    If you want corporations to pollute them past livability, again, Republicans are your guys.
    This is true everywhere you look and I could go on all night, but what would be the point?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. Anonymous3:04 AM

      It's really a close contest as to who are the more deluded Kool-Aid drinkers: Republicans and their TrumpTard Cult ... or Democrats and their fake progressive Woke cult.

      You all truly deserve each all.

      Have fun with your internecine political bloodbath, muhfuckers.

  25. Anyone notice how bad at math anymooses tend to be? $600 plus $1400 equals $2000 in anyone's book.

    The payment was wrecked by magats to 600 bucks and when Dems gained control of the Senate, the rest of the 2 grand was appropriated, without a single magat vote.

    Magats also fucked over American workers on unemployment.

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said.....

    It's really a close contest as to who are the more deluded Kool-Aid drinkers: Republicans and their TrumpTard Cult ... or Democrats and their fake progressive Woke cult.

    You all truly deserve each all.

    Have fun with your internecine political bloodbath, muhfuckers.

    3:04 AM
    If you can't see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears that Democrats and Republicans govern differently, then NOTHING I can say will influence you. Most of the people who regularly frequent this blog are very well informed, so your bull shit is wasted here. I suggest you post your propaganda on other blogs if you wish to persuade anyone else of you point of view.

  27. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Bothsidesism was always a scam that only worked on low-information voters who weren’t paying enough attention to politics. But Trump has officially killed it dead and buried it. Nobody can now plausibly claim the two parties are remotely the same; you have to pick a side.

    Unfortunately, there are plenty of other zombie lies that stagger on in American political discourse, impervious to facts and logic.

  28. "Nobody can now plausibly claim the two parties are remotely the same; you have to pick a side."

    Not so fast. You underestimate the tenacity of the beltway press at upholding their business model, which is "both sides do it and we can't report otherwise without seeming partisan no matter how lopsided the atrocity du jour might be."

    In their eyes Marjorie Taylor Greene = AOC.

    In a way, it's their plan to escape accountability for decades of journalistic malpractice by attempting to float above the fray and thus not get any dirt on themselves.

    It's a lifeboat. Burn that motherfucker.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Although, it does seem like some Republicans haven’t gotten the memo. They, at least, think they can “bothsides” themselves to re-election.

    Like this Florida congresswoman, they think they can give blowies to their rich donors by voting against the COVID aid package (which was highly popular with everyone but rich people), then turn around and lie to their voters and take credit for voting FOR it. Democrats need to call them out on this at every available opportunity.

    The GOP is, to a large extent, a confidence game run against the party’s own dumbfuck voters.

  30. Anonymous3:47 PM

    “You underestimate the tenacity of the beltway press at upholding their business model, which is ‘both sides do it and we can't report otherwise without seeming partisan.’”

    Even most of the MSM were forced to abandon this posture during the Trump administration. I think Trump calling them all “fake news” and ginning up mob violence against them made it sink in that this is a game they can’t ever win by playing along.

    The more they give in to Republican bullies “working the refs,” the more the Republicans will demand, ad infinitum. There is no point at which these people will be satisfied; their goal is to destroy the free press so that nobody will be able to hold them to account.

  31. Slightly way off topic...

    12 year old Black prodigy off to college and hopefully NASA. Fuck whitey wasicu wasteys.

  32. Not far enough gone.

    Alabama GOP To Give Trump Framed Resolution That Calls Him ‘One Of The Greatest’ Presidents In History

    These fuckers be gone.

  33. Fantastic Negrito makes it three for three, winning the Grammy for best contemporary blues album for "Have You Lost Your Mind Yet?"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. The standard Republican criticism of the relief bill now is that it's "a liberal wishlist enacted by Nancy Pelosi."

    And, really, it is. The missing context in that criticism is that what liberals want is to help people who need help, when they need help.

    Right now there are a lot of people who need some help making it through the waning days of the goddamn apocalypse, and this bill goes a long way toward helping them come out the other end of this disaster somewhat whole.

    The other main criticism is that it is too large.

    This is, to a certain extent, a bad-faith argument, based on the ARRA and how it wasn't large enough to pull us out of the economic hole we were in back in 2009.

    The demands from the Republicans at the time were amazingly effective... for the Republicans. The overall size of the bill was too small to counter the massive downturn we were experiencing, and the content of the bill, especially the preponderance of tax cuts which make for weak stimulus made the bill even less effective for its meager size, and the overall effect was to prolong the misery in the economy long enough for the Republicans to say "Look! Government spending doesn't help!" and use the dissatisfaction in the country to fuel their midterm wins, taking control of the House and thus making sure that no more stimulus could be passed that might (in their eyes) help a Democratic president stay in office. Meanwhile, the country limped along with massive unemployment for three more years while the goddamn Republicans insisted on deficit reduction and austerity measures.

    Which is the immediate evidence for what even red state Republicans like Jim Justica are now admitting about the rescue bill: If it turns out to be too large and causes some inflation, the Fed can counter that by raising the interest rates, but if it turns out to be not enough, there's just less economic activity and more misery around that nothing can be done about because there will be no second bite at this apple as long as Mitch McConnell still draws breath.

    And of course, with a Democratic president in office, that's precisely what the Republicans want to see, just like last time.

    Only this time, the Democrats seem to have learned what they are up against and are not wasting valuable time begging for Republican support when no such support is forthcoming under any circumstances.

    And if it turns out that we were right about the economics of it, the whole country might just come roaring back as soon as people feel safe about doing so, and perhaps the midterms won't be about misery this time, but instead the lack of it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Anonymous9:58 PM

    “The standard Republican criticism of the relief bill now is that it's ‘a liberal wishlist enacted by Nancy Pelosi.’”

    The Republican grievances I’ve heard are, as usual, revolting lies.

    First, they claim that none of the money is actually needed. In their fantasy world, COVID didn’t really happen; therefore, all the extra spending costs that were created by COVID also don’t exist, and the money is just going to wastefully bail out “failing” Democrat-run states and cities.

    And, of course, the second big lie is a phony, hair-on-fire freakout about the potential for government deficits to cause an inflationary spiral. Mysteriously, these terrible fears only ever seem to kick in when Democrats run deficits; when Republicans run them, it’s perfectly fine, apparently.

    Additionally, the Republicans appear to believe they can get away with telling two completely different sets of lies to different groups of people. They tell the “bailout for failing Democrat governments” and the “OMG what about inflation?!” lies to their rich and greedy donors, while telling their lower-income redneck voters that, in fact, they voted for the relief bill! The $1,400 checks, the unemployment assistance, small-business loans, the vaccines, all of it — yeah, that was them, the lovely compassionate conservatives who care so deeply about the little guy.

    The primary job attribute required to be a Republican politician is a total lack of shame as you bullshit your way through life.

  36. Anonymous10:29 AM

    At Least 40 negroes Shot, 4 negroes Killed In Weekend Gun (negro) Violence In Chicago; 2 Dead, 13 Wounded In One Mass black Shooting

  37. Anonymous10:32 AM

    You just cant stop talking about Trump because the left is so terrified of him. Plus deep down you know he REALLY won the 2020 lection but you don't care.........

  38. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Breonna Taylor Demonstration Turns Violent in Hollywood

  39. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Biden reportedly planning largest tax hike in almost 30 years

    Joe Biden is reportedly planning the largest hike in federal taxes in almost three decades to fund a long-term economic recovery program to follow in the footsteps of the recently passed $1.9 trillion stimulus package

  40. Anonymoids can’t stop talking about Trump because they’re terrified of Biden. Also they know deep down that Trump lost in 2020 but they don’t care.

  41. Anonymous said...

    You just cant stop talking about Trump because the left is so terrified of him.
    Why should we be afraid of Trump? He's a washed out has-been who lost both the House and Senate for his party and then couldn't win a second term. He's a loser, and he will likely go to prison.

  42. Anonymous12:05 PM

    “Joe Biden is reportedly planning the largest hike in federal taxes in almost three decades to fund a long-term economic recovery program to follow in the footsteps of the recently passed $1.9 trillion stimulus package”

    The Democrats will have to pass a massive tax increase just to undo the huge giveaway to the rich that was passed under Trump. That’s before even trying to come up with funding for new spending on any of this country’s actual needs.

  43. Fuck Fergus. If I never hear his name again it will be too soon.
    Goldman Sachs, that bastion of hippie liberalism, is forecasting an eight point expansion of GDP for the year. Their economists see a six point output gap to be filled before a normal two point expansion, which is a couple of points larger than some other economists, but their forecasting record is as good as anyone's.
    This will skew the record, a bit like the Obama presidency, which also had a massive slump to grow its way out of.
    If Republican presidents want to look better on the economy, perhaps they should consider not leaving the economy in a smoking wreckage for the next Democratic administration to run the numbers up while undoing the damage.
    But to do that they'd have to be serious about governing, so maybe not.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. Anonymous said...

    Joe Biden is reportedly planning the largest hike in federal taxes in almost three decades to fund a long-term economic recovery program to follow in the footsteps of the recently passed $1.9 trillion stimulus package

    11:25 AM

    And that's good thing. We've had nearly forty years of tax cuts as Grover Norquist and his accomplices have worked at drowning the federal government in a bathtub.

    Here's the result of their efforts: crumbling infrastructure - roads, bridges, and public buildings; one of the highest infant mortality rates among the developed nations (average 5.9 compared to 3.9) ; Shorter life-expectancy than Canada and the UK (78.54 years verses 81.95 and 81.26) respectively; US poverty rate is about 17.8%, fourth highest of all the developed nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

    I could continue with examples of what our country needs to improve the quality of life for all of us, but anyone who wants to know more can Google it to see what else needs to be improved.

  45. The infrastructure bill is said to be even larger than the covid rescue bill, and it's most likely next up because it can be passed under budget reconciliation with no Republican votes.
    In other words, Republicans by obstructing everything the Democrats try to do have forced them to pass their most expensive bills first.
    The rescue bill would have been first anyway, for obvious reasons, but the next priority was really HB1 which is now S1, the election reform bill.
    In many ways, nothing else they do matters if S1 can't be enacted, as it addresses the holes in election law that allow Republicans to tilt the playing field in their direction, and as long as they do that, the government won't actually represent the citizens and the country will continue to be run by a right wing white minority.
    Now if some taxes can be raised in the infrastructure bill, that would be helpful, as the goddamn Republicans will try to deflect from their opposition to helpful legislation by lying about the effects of the debt it incurs.
    Also, having a tax increase coincide with the economic boom that's most likely on the way will add more evidence against the Reagan revolution lie that taxes are evil and damage the economy.
    Yeah, there is already a mountain of such evidence, but recent evidence might be more helpful in countering those lies in the run up to the midterms because Americans have short memories.
    The Republicans might think of it as strategic to force the big spending bills first because they think big spending is bad and will help them win elections, but they are wrong. As usual.
    Americans are so sick of their government never being able to get out of its own way that a couple of successful pieces of legislation that materially help their lives and fix obvious problems right there in front of god and CNN just may cause them to rethink the whole "drown it in a bathtub" option.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  46. Yaphet Kotto has left the building at 81. He was a famous Bond villain in Live and Let Die and made one of the most memorable 7-UP commercials ever recorded....."These are cola nuts. They grow here."

  47. My bad. It was not Yapohet Kotto in 7-UP commercial. Sue me.

  48. So let's see, did Mexico pay for the fence yet?
    So how is the new fence construction that did happen working out?
    Well, apparently, the dirt roads the construction crews built to access the fence are now being used by smugglers.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

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