Monday, March 15, 2021

The Snickers defense.


Tonight my racism chase takes me to the state of Oklahoma. It's a state that has been trying its hardest to out do the likes of  Mississippi when it comes to ignorance and racism of late. 

 I am sure you all have heard the story by now about the high school basketball announcer who dropped the n word when referencing a bunch of high school girls because they had the courage to show the world that they stood (or in this case kneeled) for something.

  “They’re kneeling? F***ing n*****s. I hope Norman gets their ass kicked ... F*** them. I hope they lose.

“Come on Midwest City. They’re going to kneel like that? Hell no.

"Did they even salute the flag? F***ing n*****s."

That's what the youth pastor and self professed man of God said about a bunch of girls playing a high school basketball game. And not enough is being made of the other man in the booth, who chose to listen to his diatribe and say nothing. He is just as much of a racist in my book. 

This is all bad, of course, but probably the craziest part of this story is that the man actually blamed his racism on his diabetes. (The old sugar made me do it defense.) Now I have heard a lot of excuses for racism---- from work pressure to just being naive, but I have never heard racism blamed on a physical condition. It's like that Snickers commercial where the actor isn't himself until he has had a Snickers bar. It works the same way with racists, they have to get their game face on and prepare themselves before going out into the world and holding their racist impulses in check. One little thing can trigger it like it did for Mr. Rowan one night at a girl's basketball game in Oklahoma. It might be hunger or a sugar spike. Or, just seeing black people exercise their God given right to do something.

Anyway, as is to be expected, there was an apology from Mr. Rowan. 

"I, Matt Rowan, on Thursday, March 11, 2021, most regrettably made some statements that cannot be taken back....While the comments I made would certainly indicate that I am a racist, I am not, I have never considered myself to be racist, and in short cannot explain why I made these comments." 

I, Field Negro, am a vegetarian, and while the steak dinner I just ate would certainly indicate that I like meat. I do not consider myself to be a meat eater. 

Give me a break!

Here is hoping that this man never calls another game in his miserable career. Although I'm sure that it won't stop him from making a living. Watch for a paid guest host gig for him on FOX NEWS really soon. 

Don't laugh. It worked for Mark Fuhrman. 




  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    The “Snickers defense” sounds kinda like the “Twinkie defense,” which was used in a real-life double-murder trial.

    For anyone who doesn’t recall, in 1978, Dan White killed San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk, and White’s lawyers then argued that he normally followed a healthy diet, so his recent consumption of Twinkies constituted definitive proof that he’d gone temporarily insane and therefore couldn’t be held accountable for his violent actions.

    He was only convicted of manslaughter, not murder, so maybe the Twinkie defense worked?

  2. Anonymous9:18 PM

    That announcer must have racist diabetes. That’s the worst kind of diabetes! It has all the same negative health impacts as regular diabetes, plus it makes you talk like a Klansman.

    Please donate to the Racist Diabetes Fund. Only you can help find a cure for racist diabetes.

  3. Evidently low blood sugar lowers inhibitions.

  4. Anonymous9:35 PM

    In other racist news, this is what our country is like, post-Trump. During his incompetent reign, the previous president successfully imparted the message that Asians are all monsters because they brought the terrible plague of COVID into the world. But also, simultaneously, that COVID isn’t actually all that terrible — basically just the flu — so nobody should even bother wearing masks. And his followers can hold both of these mutually exclusive ideas in their tiny brains with no cognitive dissonance because nothing matters anymore and it’s okay to just wander around in a state of blind, explosive rage now.

    Asian restaurant vandalized with racist graffiti after owner speaks out about Texas ending mask mandate

  5. He's apparently never seen the movie "And Justice for All" in which a defendant tells the judge that there was a very good reason for his profane outbursts at a restaurant: "I'm a diabetic."
    Judge: "I fail to see the connection. I've never heard of diabetes causing foul language!"
    Defendant: "That's because you're a douchebag."

    I have actually seen some erratic behavior in people who were hypoglycemic, but I tend to believe that whatever behavior they exhibit has to already be in there in order to come out when their inhibitions are compromised.

    It's a little unnerving to think that there are hella people just walking around waiting for the right (wrong) circumstances to happen for them to just throw a fucked up racist fit. I imagine it to be more than a little unnerving if you are not white, but being white, all I can do is listen and try to be aware of this sort of shit before it comes down.

    Which admittedly isn't much, but at least I do that.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:34 PM

    This guy's excuse is hilarious. I occasionally suffer from hypoglycemia, but during an incident I've never said a harsh word to any one let alone launching a racist diatribe. But then racist diatribes are not part of my thinking or speaking repertoire. Obviously they are quite near the surface in his.

  7. "And not enough is being made of the other man in the booth, who chose to listen to his diatribe and say nothing. He is just as much of a racist in my book."
    Now hold on, Field. As one of your paler fans, I didn't often congregate with the kinds of racist who used the N-word, but when it did show up I was always too stunned to react immediately. The abuser usually just ran on with whatever he was saying and didn't wait for a reaction anyway, and the response was often non-verbal, like a dropped jaw, a disbelieving glare, or a need to recalibrate my proximity to the dickhead.
    There are many times in my life I haven't had the presence of mind to say what needed to be said immediately. But those were all memorable. If there'd been a recording there would have been a gap where my response should be.

  8. I love all these comments. ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. drumpf certainly gave walk around racists in Doug's comment permission to bloviate in public. Magats also are well schooled in claiming victimhood when they get the riot act read to them for their misdeeds.Poor picked on snowflakes. They never knew they were victims until drumpf lied to them and told they were.

  10. Rowan originally claimed he was not the voice on the tap and blamed another person.

    He has since been dropped by several sponsors and Norman won the game and the state championship.

  11. Sen Whitehouse wants New AG to investigate claims final FBI investigation into Brett Kavernmouth was fake. The public was never allowed to see the report, if it exists at all.

  12. ICYI, Texass AG spent 22k hours scrubbing records for voter fraud and managed to find 16 ballots with false addresses. Pretty poor average number of wasted hours per bad address.

  13. Anonymous8:38 PM

    “ICYI, Texass AG spent 22k hours scrubbing records for voter fraud and managed to find 16 ballots with false addresses. Pretty poor average number of wasted hours per bad address.”

    What does he care? He was desperate to suck up to Trump, in the hope that Trump would give him a pardon and get the FBI off his back. Given that context, making sure Texans’ tax dollars were well spent was probably not very high on the priority list.

    It didn’t work, though. No pardon means Paxton’s probably going to jail.

  14. Speaking of the devil, He was allegedly on Fake Noise an hour or so ago urging Americans to get vaccinated.

  15. Anonymous9:38 PM

    “Speaking of the devil, He was allegedly on Fake Noise an hour or so ago urging Americans to get vaccinated.”

    Well, I guess I have to give Trump credit for doing something decent for once.

    The tiniest, tiniest amount of credit, though, after he spent many months downplaying the need to respond to COVID. And I reserve the right to revoke that credit if, tomorrow, Trump decides to announce that vaccines=bad. Which could easily happen, knowing him.

  16. Well, stupid people have been empowered and feel the need to spread their wings. Have you listened to what passes for “intellectualism” on the right? Ben Shapiro who sounds like Mandark from Dexter’s Lab and the mind-numbing foolishness from Laura and Tucker? I mean we see the illogical arguments here but that is where they originate. So get used to a rash of bigotry and stupidity for a while as their heroes unleash their pent up mental garbage. Now let me go cleanse my mind after having brought up the names of the Voltron of stupid.

  17. Asian women are being killed.๐Ÿ˜ณ

  18. Oh yeah, I forgot Candace Owens as the paragon of higher intellect.


  19. "At least eight people are dead and others have been wounded after shootings at three massage spas in the Atlanta area on Tuesday, according to multiple news outlets."

    The shooter is described as a 21-year-old, white male.

  20. "At least eight people are dead and others have been wounded after shootings at three massage spas in the Atlanta area on Tuesday, according to multiple news outlets."

    It will be interesting to find out why this guy shot Asian women.

  21. Anonymous2:23 AM

    "It will be interesting to find out why this guy shot Asian women."

    Leading possibilities:

    1) Trump's tweets told him Asians were collectively responsible for causing COVID (aka the "kung-flu").

    2) He was mad because they refused to give him a "happy ending" massage.


    White privileged Eric "the dumb" drumpf received a covid vaccine in Chicago at an event meant rto vaccinate blacks and frontline workers, which disqualified drumpf. He is not even a resident of Illinois but the wealthy doc is a personal friend of his, so...... white privilege has its privileges.

  23. Anonymous12:07 PM

    "White privileged Eric 'the dumb' drumpf received a covid vaccine in Chicago at an event meant rto vaccinate blacks and frontline workers, which disqualified drumpf."

    It sounds like there was some kind of fuck-up that allowed this vaccination event to be held at all.

    This was an event to vaccinate hotel workers (I don't know where the "black and brown" part stuff from; presumably hotel workers of ALL races would have been included, and this was just hype on the part of the article writer). And Eric Trump could probably have fudged his way into a vaccination on the basis that he is a hotel worker (because he's a hotel owner, which also makes him a "worker").

    Here's the thing, though. The article suggests that hotel workers weren't actually supposed to be getting vaccinated yet because hotel workers aren't included in phase 1B of Illinois' vaccination campaign. The next phase of vaccinations will probably include them.

  24. “Leading possibilities:

    1) Trump's tweets told him Asians were collectively responsible for causing COVID (aka the "kung-flu").

    2) He was mad because they refused to give him a "happy ending" massage.“

    Or he’s just another crazy eyed psycho who had no business owning a gun.๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพ‍♂️

  25. Anonymous2:14 PM

    “Or he’s just another crazy eyed psycho who had no business owning a gun.”

    Insanity is another likely explanation.

  26. The asswipe is claiming that he shot them because he's a sex addict and they were a temptation.
    Just as likely is that he's an incel who took them for prostitutes when they weren't.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Anonymous3:51 PM

    “The asswipe is claiming that he shot them because he's a sex addict and they were a temptation.”

    I was close. Some sort of sex motive made sense, since the dude shot up a bunch of massage parlors.

  28. His sex obsession, like any other ammosexual, is guns and what they were made for. He is obsessed because he can't slay woman with his mighty pee pee tail. So he has to substitute a real gun to do the killing for him.

    The NRA should teach these fuckers to kill themselves before going after anyone else.

  29. Maybe he ordered fries with his massage and didn't get them, PilotX or he could've supersized for just a quarter more.

  30. Yisheng10:42 PM

    Looks like the garbage finally got emptied from Field Negro, yea!

    Dr. Yisheng loading, class of 2021!

    Boo-yah, baby!

  31. Good thing this psycho killer wasn’t selling loose cigarettes or trying to pass fake $20. Did the cops take him to Burger King?

  32. He also was not hosed down with lead when car chase ended. His privileged white hide must have repelled all those bullets that are usually reserved for innocent, unarmed blacks.

  33. Anonymous11:23 AM

    The House of Representatives decided to award congressional gold medals to the Capitol police for their efforts in resisting the mob of Trumpster nutjobs on Jan 6.

    But 12 Republicans voted no, because they didn't like the wording of "insurrection" in the bill. Maybe they agree with Fucker Carlson that the rioters were gentle patriots, and therefore think it's very mean to call them insurrectionists when they only wanted to do lovely, nice things like murder members of Congress and overthrow democracy?

    The list of scumbags who voted this way:

    Andy Biggs (Arizona)
    Greg Steube (Florida)
    Matt Gaetz (Florida)
    Andrew Clyde (Georgia)
    Marjorie Taylor Greene (Georgia)
    Thomas Massie (Kentucky)
    Andy Harris (Maryland)
    John Rose (Tennessee)
    Louie Gohmert (Texas)
    Lance Gooden (Texas)
    Michael Cloud (Texas)
    Bob Good (Virginia)

  34. Yisheng1:24 PM

    Hey PX, yep it's been a LONG time, LOL!! Life is great, I hope everyone here is doing well too!

    And because this is America where murderous traitors/insurrectionist roam free, Field still has stuff to talk about!

  35. It is important to understand and talk about the fact that racism, homophobia, and misogyny go hand in hand because is you can dehumanize one group of people you can dehumanize any group of people.

    However, I need to know what happened with the beastie in the fireplace. Why? Because I saw the youtube video of the squirrel dismantling a newly installed attic vent with tooth and claw in a matter of minutes. They do not take no for an answer.

  36. Anonymous5:47 PM

    In case anyone is wondering whether Trump feels bad about inciting hate crimes against Asian-Americans, the answer is no. He used his made-up term "China virus" on Fox News two days ago.

  37. Andy Biggs (Arizona)
    Greg Steube (Florida)
    Matt Gaetz (Florida)
    Andrew Clyde (Georgia)
    Marjorie Taylor Greene (Georgia)
    Thomas Massie (Kentucky)
    Andy Harris (Maryland)
    John Rose (Tennessee)
    Louie Gohmert (Texas)
    Lance Gooden (Texas)
    Michael Cloud (Texas)
    Bob Good (Virginia)“

    Oh yeah, all the brain warriors.๐Ÿ˜†

  38. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Do you really want to take the white mans "vaccine"?????

    Vaccine = Slave

  39. TO Anonymous Q at 10:13 AM

    You're full of Bull Sh*t, Anon. Ive had two shots of Pfizer vaccine a few weeks ago and I'm fine. You better get some too if you wish to live a little longer.

    Qanon = Slave

    Q-Anon or simply Q, is a disproven and discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic ...
    ‎Pizzagate conspiracy theory · ‎Q clearance · ‎Cabal

  40. Anonymous3:24 PM

    African Americans nationwide have been reluctant to take the "vaccine" because of past transgressions by the Government and their health........they are correct this time as well.

  41. I've been an insulin dependent Diabetic for Years and it's never caused me to become a Racist... just sayin'. That said... well, it's Oklahoma, my Dad grew up there on The Rez, Native Americans can tell you all about blatant Racism in Oklahoma. I visited the Rez to meet my Paternal side of the Family once, in the 1970's, it was a culture shock to see how the First People's had to live... and it really hasn't improved a great deal to this day. No wonder my Dad refused to Raise his Family there even if he had to work several jobs at a time to ensure we had a better life and a real Education. It is still sad for me to see what became of Aunts/Uncles/Cousins/Second Cousins, etc. that never left the Rez and I'm sure don't know anything other than being viewed by most in that State as sub-humans.

  42. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
    an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, Frozen Kristoff, Mortal Kombat Mileena, Omni Man Amber,
    Resident Evil Jill, The Wonder Years, Josie and the Pussycats, Charmed, The Wiz,
    Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur, The Taking of Pelham 123,
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr Do Little,
    Death Note live action series on NetFlix, Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America]
    an future black washings in the years to come

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
    in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
    Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
    Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
    The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
    on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.
