Friday, April 30, 2021

Corruption all around.

In today's corruption news: 

"A confession letter written by Joel Greenberg in the final months of the Trump presidency claims that he and close associate Rep. Matt Gaetz paid for sex with multiple women—as well as a girl who was 17 at the time.

“On more than one occasion, this individual was involved in sexual activities with several of the other girls, the congressman from Florida’s 1st Congressional District and myself,” Greenberg wrote in reference to the 17-year-old.

“From time to time, gas money or gifts, rent or partial tuition payments were made to several of these girls, including the individual who was not yet 18. I did see the acts occur firsthand and Venmo transactions, Cash App or other payments were made to these girls on behalf of the Congressman.”

The letter, which The Daily Beast recently obtained, was written after Greenberg—who was under federal indictment—asked Roger Stone to help him secure a pardon from then-President Donald Trump.

A series of private messages starting in late 2020—also recently obtained by The Daily Beast—shows a number of exchanges between Greenberg and Stone conducted over the encryptedmessaging app Signal, with communications set to disappear. However, Greenberg appears to have taken screenshots of a number of their conversations.

“If I get you $250k in Bitcoin would that help or is this not a financial matter,” Greenberg wrote to Stone, one message shows.

“I understand all of this and have taken it into consideration,” Stone replied. “I will know more in the next 24 hours I cannot push too hard because of the nonsense surrounding pardons.”

I hope you are prepared to wire me $250,000 because I am feeling confident,” Stone wrote to Greenberg on Jan. 13.

In a text message to The Daily Beast, Stone said that Greenberg had tried to hire him to assist with a pardon, but he denied asking for or receiving payment or interceding on his behalf. He did, however, confirm he had Greenberg prepare “a document explaining his prosecution.”

In the private text messages to Stone, Greenberg described his activities with Gaetz, repeatedly referring to the Republican congressman by his initials, “MG,” or as “Matt.”

“My lawyers that I fired, know the whole story about MG’s involvement,” Greenberg wrote to Stone on Dec. 21. “They know he paid me to pay the girls and that he and I both had sex with the girl who was underage.”' 

And in other pals of the former guy corruption news:

"Eighteen months ago, media reports indicated that Rudy Giuliani, former President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, was under scrutiny by federal prosecutors at the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York for actions related to his involvement in the Ukraine scandal that led to Trump's first impeachment. 

Given the time that has passed, one could be forgiven for thinking that the investigation had petered out and that Giuliani was in the clear. All that changed early Wednesday morning, however, when FBI agents showed up at Giuliani's home and office to execute a search warrant approved by a federal judge, and later did the same with respect to fellow lawyer Victoria Toensing, a major sign that the investigation is not just still alive, but that it is ramping up in a big way. (In a statement to The Wall Street Journal, Ms. Toensing's law firm said she had been informed she wasn't a target of the investigation.)
    The crimes under investigation, according to The New York Times, relate to whether Giuliani acted as an unregistered foreign agent -- namely, that if while he was working on Trump's behalf to get Ukrainian officials to announce a criminal investigation into the Bidens, Giuliani was also lobbying US officials about matters of interest to Ukrainians with whom Giuliani was working, like the removal of then-US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.
        One may ask: why did it take so long to get around to executing search warrants? We don't know for sure, and likely never will given the confidentiality around internal deliberations involving criminal investigations at DOJ, but The New York Times is reporting that there may have been politically motivated action taken to delay and then refuse to approve the warrant under the Trump administration. Search warrants involving lawyers like Giuliani carry particularly onerous approval requirements, because of concerns around breaching the attorney-client privilege by gaining access to communications between a lawyer and his client.

        That means that these particular warrants would have been sent through the chain of command at the US Attorney's Office, up to Acting US Attorney Audrey Strauss, and then down to the Justice Department in Washington for another set of approvals. In the past, approval was required from a special unit at DOJ called the Office of Enforcement Operations that handles particularly sensitive search warrants, including warrants for lawyers; now, due to a rule change, billed as a "clarification," by former Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen shortly before he left office at the end of the Trump administration, search warrant requests involving lawyers also must be approved all the way up to the Deputy Attorney General him- or herself.
          Thus, in this case, before presenting the warrant to a judge, the Giuliani and Toensing search warrants also would have been approved by DOJ's second-in-command, now Lisa Monaco. Once approval is given, prosecutors take the application to a federal judge, who must be satisfied that there was probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed and that the evidence sought would be relevant to proving that crime.

          Now that the search has occurred and evidence has been seized, I expect a few things to happen. As would be expected, Giuliani, who has long denied any wrongdoing, is ramping up his defense in the court of public opinion. We heard comments from Giuliani's lawyer Robert Costello, who complained that execution of the warrant was "legal thuggery" because Giuliani served as associate attorney general and US attorney, as well as Trump's lawyer. Giuliani's son, Andrew Giuliani, also chimed in with comments suggesting political bias in the case.

          I also expect significant litigation over the seized information to happen before the prosecution team is able to review it. Prosecutors certainly will be prepared to create a walled-off two-team review system to ensure protection of attorney-client privilege. But I expect -- as we saw when another Trump personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, was served with a search warrant as part of his criminal investigation by SDNY -- that Giuliani will challenge them every step of the way. " [Source]

          I know one thing, the right- wing republicans who fought against Merrick Garland getting on the supreme court will regret the day that they did that. He is not playing around over at the justice department. 

          Just ask the former guy and his cronies. This won't end well for them.   



          1. Anonymous6:19 PM

            "Vaccine" = Slavery

          2. Wow! Anything trump seems to touch turns to, well you know. Then again what do we expect from a party supported by uneducated conspiracy theorists?🤷🏾‍♂️

          3. Anonymous8:05 PM

            I wonder how long before Trump is wearing the cuffs.

            Wingnut world will have an absolute meltdown when it happens. I, on the other hand, will be popping champagne corks on that glorious day.

          4. Anonymous12:02 AM

            John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, has disclosed millions of dollars in income from finance and energy firms along with his recently liquidated huge stock portfolio in his latest financial filing, according to a report.

            Kerry, who currently works at the State Department, recently has disclosed he has received millions of dollars in income from financial and energy-related firms, according to his financial filing, which was obtained by Axios. Kerry recently liquidated a huge stock portfolio before becoming Biden’s special climate envoy, the report states.

            More @ Breitbart

          5. Oh boo fucking hoo Rudy. Now, without the timely and corrupt intervention of Billbarr Buggins you just might get what's coming to you.
            And since you once ran SDNY, you know exactly what that is, and have no excuse for the trouble you have made for yourself.
            Hubris, privilege, and good old fashioned corruption, America's mayor my ass.

            -Doug in Sugar Pine

          6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

          7. Anonymous said...

            John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, has disclosed millions of dollars in income from finance and energy firms along with his recently liquidated huge stock portfolio in his latest financial filing, according to a report.

            12:02 AM
            Unlike Trump, Kerry did the correct thing by divesting his energy investments. Good for him. As I recall, Trump didn't divest anything and made hundreds of millions of dollars from the taxpayers through his hotels and golf courses.

            BTW, anything you read on Breitbart is a lie. They lie worse than FOX News, and that's a lot of lying! So good luck with trying to smear John Kelly. No one is buying it.

          8. To Anonymous at 12:25

            Great isn't it? You go, Uncle Joe!

          9. Anonymous1:21 PM

            What is the latest on the Hunter Biden crackhead scam?? Why is SS/BATFE/FBI coving up the illegal gun purchase and permit he has???

          10. Anonymous1:23 PM

            So with the border wall halted by the biden admiration we have 200,000 illegal aliens infected with Covid-19, Cholera, Whooping Cough and Diphtheria and other diseases streaming across the border each month......

          11. Anonymous said...

            So with the border wall halted by the biden admiration we have 200,000 illegal aliens infected with Covid-19, Cholera, Whooping Cough and Diphtheria and other diseases streaming across the border each month......

            1:23 PM
            The sky is falling! Run for cover!

          12. "Why is SS/BATFE/FBI coving up the illegal gun purchase and permit he has???"

            I don't know why they would cove that up. Perhaps the baseboards aren't too straight? Maybe they had a shitload of metal molding they needed to use?

            -Doug in Sugar Pine

          13. Anonymous4:26 PM

            California (democrats) releasing 63,000 violent felons back onto the streets in effort to create 'safer prisons'
            Lawrence Richard

            California marxist democrats is set to release at least 63,000 inmates convicted of violent crimes in an effort to create “safer prisons.”

          14. “The sky is falling! Run for cover!“

            😆😂 The paranoid style of politics. Remember how the knock out game was gonna take us all out and now you never hear anything about it. Hell, they’ve been telling me Communism was gonna take over since the 50’s. Must be nice to get paid to never be right.🤷🏾‍♂️

          15. Anonymous4:29 PM

            Peter Luger Steakhouse negro shooter threatened three other negroes with firearm before arrest: prosecutors


          16. Help! I'm being oppressed by a germ!6:35 PM

            Another day, another absurd Republican tantrum ...

            Anti-mask politician compares herself to civil rights icon Rosa Parks, sparking anger and support

          17. "Another day, another absurd Republican tantrum ..."

            How are they still a viable political party?

          18. "California marxist democrats is set to release at least 63,000 inmates convicted of violent crimes in an effort to create “safer prisons.”"

            Right. California will be a post-apocalyptic hellscape, so make sure to stay as far away from it as you can manage.

            -Doug in Sugar Pine

          19. For anyone interested, here's the web address for the info on California's prisoner release.


            Doug, I agree with you that Anon. at 4:26 PM should stay as fom away from California as possible. LOL!

          20. Hey, Trolls,

            A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds 64% of Americans are optimistic about the direction of the country.

          21. Anonymous11:29 AM

            Return to 'Murderapolis'? Violent crime has surged in Minneapolis in the year since George Floyd's death, with the second highest number of homicides EVER as the pandemic and protests devastated the city

            Of the 5,426 violent crimes recorded in Minneapolis last year, 83 of them were homicides, according to the city's police crime statistic data.\

          22. Anonymous11:30 AM

            Why is John Kerry giving Iran classified US Intel??? Israel isn't too pleased about it.

          23. Anonymous11:31 AM

            Blogger Gambler2 said...
            Hey, Trolls,

            A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds 64% of Americans are optimistic about the direction of the country.

            11:08 AM

            Total bullshit....pure PRAVDA.

          24. Anonymous11:32 AM


          25. Anonymous11:38 AM

            John Kerry earned millions selling shares in energy/finance companies


          26. Anonymous11:40 AM

            May 1, 2021
            Maybe John Kerry really did share intel on Israel with Iran


          27. Anonymous11:42 AM

            The Marxist left(democrats) are terrified of freedom and a free people.......

          28. Anonymous1:02 PM

            "The Marxist left(democrats) are terrified of freedom and a free people......."

            Why is it that the only freedom wingnuts ever seem care about is the freedom to be a total douche?

          29. John Kerry divested of his holdings that could have been seen as a conflict of interest, like you're supposed to do, and the "classified" information was publicly available and publicly admitted to by Israel.

            -Doug in Sugar Pine

          30. Anonymous3:58 PM

            When it comes to reporting on Joe Biden, Australian news commentators aren’t afraid to point out that the ’emperor has no clothes’:


          31. Anonymous4:01 PM

            Only 36% of Voters Say Biden’s First 100 Days a Success
            Thursday, April 29, 2021


          32. Anonymous4:33 PM

            “John Kerry earned millions selling shares in energy/finance companies

            Maybe John Kerry really did share intel on Israel with Iran”

            File both of these things under: Who Gives A Shit?

            It’s actually quite hard to invest money without some of it ending up in fossil fuels, because most mutual funds have fossil fuels as part of their portfolios. This isn’t some kind of damning proof that Kerry doesn’t believe global warming isn’t real. Or at least it doesn’t constitute such proof to anyone who isn’t a drooling moron.

            As for Israel, screw those guys. Not sure why I’m supposed to get upset about Kerry “betraying” an ally that shouldn’t be an ally anyway, by revealing that they regularly bomb Iranian assets, which Iran already obviously knows.

            Wingnuts have had a weird, decades-long hate obsession with Kerry ever since he publicly pointed out that the Vietnam War was dumb, which it was.

          33. Matt Goetz finally figured out that the prostitutes would give him a substantial discount if he wore a bag over his head.

          34. Anonymous said...

            "Vaccine" = Slavery

            6:19 PM
            "Antivac" = Death

            Hey, Annymous, why don't you pick a screen name and come out and fight like a man or a woman instead of an eight-year-old?

          35. Anonymous said...

            The Marxist left(democrats) are terrified of freedom and a free people.......

            11:42 AM
            The fascists right (Republicans) are terrified of freedom and a free people.......

            There, I fixed it for you 'cause you are a bit confused.

          36. Anonymous11:14 PM

            Corrupt Media for a reason: New York Times, WaPo, NBC forced to retract false claims about Rudy Giuliani


          37. Anonymous11:24 PM

            Too bad Rudy won't retract his false statements.

          38. Anonymous11:48 PM

            “Too bad Rudy won't retract his false statements.”

            Oh, he still may — as part of a plea deal to testify against Trump so he can stay out of jail.

          39. Anonymous10:02 AM

            Chicago shootings: 45 negroes shot, 5 fatally, in weekend violence across city


          40. Anonymous10:02 AM

            Anonymous Anonymous said...
            “Too bad Rudy won't retract his false statements.”

            Oh, he still may — as part of a plea deal to testify against Trump so he can stay out of jail.

            11:48 PM

            Classic liberal delusion.

          41. Anonymous10:03 AM

            There, I fixed it for you 'cause you are a bit confused.

            7:30 PM

            'Giggle', you are such and infant, its all you have......

          42. No liberal media was "FORCED" to retract anything. They did correct a story when more pertinent information was given them, and they did the right thing, which fake noize doesn't bother with unless they get sued for slander and libel.

          43. Anonymous10:14 AM

            Former Black Lives Matter movement leader arrested after allegedly interfering in homicide investigation
            by Emma Colton, Social Media Manager | | May 02, 2021 02:40 PM


          44. Anonymous10:16 AM

            Cuomo supporters flood hotline for reporting sexual harassment
            by Kaelan Deese, Breaking News Reporter | | May 02, 2021 09:08 PM



          45. Anonymous said...

            There, I fixed it for you 'cause you are a bit confused.

            7:30 PM

            'Giggle', you are such and infant, its all you have......
            An infantile post deserves an infantile response. If you want a serious, adult response, don't post nonsense. LOL!

            10:03 AM

          46. "Israel isn't too pleased about it."

            Oh that's right, we have to be nice to Israel because that's where the final battle of good vs. evil takes place so Hey-Zeus can return. Gotta placate the fundies.

          47. You think when Guiliani and trump are sharing a cell they'll wonder why McConnell couldn't have just put Merrick Garland on the S.C.? LOL!

          48. Emma Colton works for fake noize Washington ASS-examiner. Pay her and the site no mind.

          49. Newsmax retracts story aboiut Dominion Voting Machines and an employee months after being hit with a defamation lawsuit.


            Like I said they don't retract or apologize unless they get sued.

          50. "Like I said they don't retract or apologize unless they get sued."

            Must have listened to their lawyers.

          51. Anonymous7:19 PM

            Chicago Negro Violence Shootings: 45 shot, 5 fatally, in weekend violence across city - Chicago Clown Mayor Lori "The 3 Way Dildo" Lightfoot NO WHERE TO BE FOUND
            Chicago Negro Tribal Warfare Heats Up..... THEY ARE GOING APE SHIT!

          52. Oregon magat congreepussy caught on video letting right wing protesters into capitol.

          53. Anonymous7:55 PM

            "Oregon magat congreepussy caught on video letting right wing protesters into capitol."

            He's facing criminal charges now. Not that they're charges that carry big jail time, but still ...

            Anyway, what an asshole. Would he have been totally fine with it if his Dem colleagues had let left-wing protesters into the chamber to disrupt its business (or, worse, commit violence against legislators) because they were mad about some bill that was being debated?

          54. PilotX said...

            You think when Guiliani and trump are sharing a cell they'll wonder why McConnell couldn't have just put Merrick Garland on the S.C.? LOL!

            2:55 PM
            ROTF LMAO! Love this, Pilot.

          55. Security footage of Oregon magat aiding and abetting criminals....


            and lady lawyer explains the charges afterwards.

          56. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

            Ari Berman
            Bruce Bartman, white guy in PA who illegally voted for Trump on behalf of his dead mother, gets 5 years probation

            Crystal Mason, black woman in TX who voted on supervised release when she didn't know she was ineligible, gets 5 years in prison

            Two justice systems in America

            -Doug in Sugar Pine

          57. Anonymous10:09 PM

            The Proud Boys' Canada branch have been forced to disband, after the Canadian government designated them a terrorist organization.

            They will not be missed.

          58. OK, one more time: Mitch the fuck McConnell has announced that there will be no Republican votes for Biden's legislation under any circumstances, so now is the time to just pass those suckers.
            No waiting around for the goddamn Republicans to stall, denigrate and water down the proposals, we already know (really, have known since at least 2009) that they will never vote for anything they think might help Democrats politically, the good of the country be damned, so fuck them. Pass the bills full-strength and let the voters see the effects on their lives and their communities and then let them decide in the midterms between the folks who broke the country and those who fixed it.

            -Doug in Sugar Pine

          59. Anonymous12:04 AM

            "Pass the bills full-strength and let the voters see the effects on their lives and their communities and then let them decide in the midterms between the folks who broke the country and those who fixed it."

            Sounds like a great idea ... one which will be ruined by the perpetual fly in the ointment known as Joe "but but but bipartisanship?" Manchin.

            Manchin will wring his hands and drag his feet over being seen as too mean to Republicans. Democrats are really going to grow to hate this guy over the next two years.

          60. Republican politicians in Florida are freaking the fuck out at the new restrictions on voting the governor is about to sign into law because they restrict the very ways they themselves got elected.
            DeSantis, more concerned with his presidential aspirations and the effect denying the latest propaganda might have upon them, intends to sign them anyway.

            -Doug in Sugar Pine

          61. Herd immunity unlikely in US, BUTT, magat herd stoopidity has lapped DefCon 4 already.

            Magats are the dumbest fuckers ever invented.


          62. Anonymous10:15 AM

            Why Trump couldn’t make America great: He and his lying-ass party are addicted to making it suck.

            This cartoon is barely even parody, honestly.

          63. Judger Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointee, is going after corrupt former AG and corrupt former Justice Department for lying about obstruction memo that cleared drumpf of obstructing justice during Mueller investigation.


            She actually accuses them of lying. Such a nice word for trasitors.

          64. Modern slavery in America's cesspool....the South.


            Whitey had hisself a mentally challenged, unpaid Negro laborer and is going to jail(10 years) and must pay 500K.

          65. Anonymous5:38 PM

            “Whitey had hisself a mentally challenged, unpaid Negro laborer and is going to jail(10 years) and must pay 500K.”

            Apparently, he didn’t get the memo that slavery ended. I mean it’s only 150-year-old news, so he might not have had the chance to hear about it.

            In all seriousness, though, it is amazing what some people think they can get away with. This guy must really have believed nobody would ever notice that he was keeping an actual slave at his business, and report him. A truly disgusting story.

            It’s also very sad that this cognitively disabled person must gave no one looking out for him; otherwise, I don’t see how he could have gotten exploited like this in the first place.

          66. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

            The Recount
            · 10h
            Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO): "Don't try to censor, cancel, and silence me here."

            @Cat_Zakrzewski: "Senator, we're hosting you here."

            -Doug in Sugar Pine

          67. Anonymous5:04 PM

            Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
            was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
            like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
            an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
            a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
            Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
            Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
            live action an Rapunzel, Frozen Kristoff, Mortal Kombat Mileena, Omni Man Amber,
            Resident Evil Jill, The Wonder Years, Josie and the Pussycats, Charmed, The Wiz,
            Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur, The Taking of Pelham 123,
            Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr Do Little,
            Death Note live action series on NetFlix, Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America] an future black washings in the years to come

            The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
            The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
            in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
            King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
            The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
            Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
            Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
            The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

            black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
            has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
            etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
            black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
            on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
            people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
            so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
            when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
            of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
            thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
            and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
            for their justification.
