Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Liz vs. The Former Guy.

“The 2020 presidential election was not stolen....Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.”

 I'm quite sure that when I look up in the sky later tonight the moon will be blue, because I find myself rooting like hell for Liz Cheney in her battle with the QOP right now. Republicans might not realize it, because they are still in that slavish devotion to the former guy mode, but she might be the only thing saving the republican party from becoming a thing of the past in the next twenty years. And yet, they are trying to purge her from their ranks.   

The former guy has declared war on her, and unlike the other cowards in her party (I see you Kevin, Marco, Mitch, and Ted) she has been all but willing to stand up to him and tell the truth. No right-wingnuts, the election was NOT stolen. Don't buy into the "big lie" that the election was stolen from the former guy, because you make yourself look really stupid when you do that. Cheney, to her credit, is all too willing to tell anyone who will listen the truth: The former guy lost to Uncle Joe fair and square. He is just too embarrassed to admit it. This is the guy who said there is no way that he could lose to Biden, and if he did, he would leave the country. Well, he is still here. 

Speaking of republicans, is it me or does it seem like elected republican leaders are just are just tired of hiding their racism? Now, rather than just teaching history and telling the truth about our country's past, they are trying to white wash it. (Pun intended) 

"LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday he doesn’t think 1619 is one of the most important points in U.S. history.

That's the year the first enslaved Africans were brought to and sold in the Virginia colony, a point often considered as the beginning of American slavery.

“I think this is about American history and the most important dates in American history. And my view — and I think most Americans think — dates like 1776, the Declaration of Independence; 1787, the Constitution; 1861-1865, the Civil War, are sort of the basic tenets of American history,” 

Sure Mitch, let's just forget that slavery ever happened.

 Part of the problem, of course, is that men like Mitch McConnell were on the wrong side of history, and he refuses to look in the mirror and acknowledge the reality of the cruel treatment that his ancestors and others like them meted out on people who look like I do. It's a tough pill to swallow, but America  will be never a truly great country until we do just that. 

Rather than face our history with all its warts head on, we get republican lawmakers making declarations like this:

"On Tuesday, during a debate on the floor of the Tennessee General Assembly, state Rep. Justin Lafferty, a Republican claimed that the Three-Fifths Compromise was about "ending slavery."

"We ended up biting a bitter, bitter pill that haunts us today. And we did it to lay the foundation for all this that we enjoy in this country," Lafferty said, referencing the compromise.

He added, "The Three-Fifths Compromise was a direct effort to ensure that southern states never got the population necessary to continue the practice of slavery everywhere else in the country."

Additionally, Lafferty argued that not counting enslaved Blacks as a whole person was a praiseworthy achievement.

"By limiting the number of population in the count, they specifically limited the number of representatives that would be available in the slaveholding states, and they did it for the purpose of ending slavery," he said. "Well before Abraham Lincoln. Well before Civil War." [Source] 

Lord help them! Liz Cheney, I wish you all the luck in the world. 




  1. Anonymous6:36 PM

    There are a few Republicans trying to drag the GOP back from the brink of full-fledged fascism. Liz Cheney is one. Adam Kinzinger is another. But I’m pretty skeptical that their effort to deTrumpify the party is going to work.

    I think the Republican Party is unsalvageable. It’s already dead, a sort of animated zombie directed by racists and grifters. It’s time for actual conservatives to burn it to the ground and start a whole new party.

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    “He added, ‘The Three-Fifths Compromise was a direct effort to ensure that southern states never got the population necessary to continue the practice of slavery everywhere else in the country.’”

    I mean, I don’t think this is exactly right, but I at least understand where he is coming from. He’s reacting to the annoying rhetorical device that has been repeated endlessly by people on the left, that “black people were only valued as 3/5ths of a person!”

    But this is annoying nonsense. The 3/5ths Compromise in the Constitution was never, ever about the worth of a black person. Neither side of the dispute was trying to evaluate “worth.” If that had been true, this would have meant white Southerners held the good-guy position, because they were arguing blacks should count as 100% of a person, while Northerners were going with ZERO percent, the dirty bastards.

    This is not a correct interpretation. White Southerners did not believe that blacks counted as people in any meaningful sense — they only wanted political representation to be awarded to their slaves, so that they could turn around and steal that representation for themselves. It was just a federal power grab. Northerners understandably objected to white Southerners receiving a double helping of congressional representatives and Electoral College votes: one for themselves, and one they stole from their slaves.

    The point that people should take away from this is not about the Constitution weighing the worth of a black person, which it did not do. They should understand this passage as evidence of what black people were at that point in time: commodities. They were either farm implements, or they were a tool for slave owners to finagle some extra power in the federal government. They were legally not people at all.

  3. I wonder if Kevin McCarthy has any invitations to go hunting with Liz's dad? If so just let it be pig hunting so Dick is carrying a .270 instead of birdshot...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. So very nearly 160 million people voted in the 2020 general.

    29% of registered voters identify as republicans.

    70% of republicans believe that the election was stolen.

    160 million x 0.29 x 0.7 approximately equals 32.5 million or:

    32,500,000 passionately irrational, blind supporters of the child dictator, playboy president Don Trump. Not a bad harvest for five years of insanity.

    God help us. There is no remedy.

  5. "32,500,000 passionately irrational, blind supporters of the child dictator, playboy president Don Trump. Not a bad harvest for five years of insanity."

    Exactly. There will be a lot of damage done to this country if it takes 20 years for this version of the GOP to fade away. Look how much damage trump did in only 4 years. Now just imagine this bunch taking back power and pushing us farther to the right. There won't be any noticeable legislation from the Dems because Sinema and Manchin are really Republicans. As I keep saying, this has always been a stupid and racist country but we got lucky for a few decades but now chickens are coming home. I turn 49 in a few days and one thing I've learned is nostalgia is real. I get where conservatives are coming from but maybe that America you remember wasn't so hot for everyone.

  6. Just wow, facebook ban on trump upheld. 😳


  7. Liz (short for lizard) Cheney is radioactive because of who her dad is. Magats,otoh, are worse.


  8. “Liz (short for lizard) Cheney is radioactive because of who her dad is. Magats,otoh, are worse.“

    Republican civil war! I need some of that Iowa popcorn.😆😂

  9. When the Mueller report dropped, Billbarr Buggins said "This will not do" and held it back from the public while going public and lying his ass off about it, in the hopes of setting the narrative for the public on the subject of Fergus' criming.

    One of his lies at the time was that he had received guidance from DOJ attorneys that concluded that Fergus wasn't guilty of anything indictable.

    Now that the DOJ is in the hands of Merrick Garland, an interesting ruling has come from judge Amy Berman Jackson: that guidance wasn't what you said it was and as such, should be released to the public.

    We'll see what the new DOJ has to say about the order, but I imagine that at least some of the memo will be public shortly.

    Fergus could still be charged with obstruction of justice for the criming he did as laid out in the Mueller report, and Billbarr Buggins has now been accused of lying to a federal judge about it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  10. Anonymous6:57 PM

    "Now that the DOJ is in the hands of Merrick Garland, an interesting ruling has come from judge Amy Berman Jackson: that guidance wasn't what you said it was and as such, should be released to the public."

    It sounds like the "guidance" consisted of the Office of Legal Counsel responding, "Okay, Bill, tell us what you want us to say." At no point was there any serious legal examination of the question of whether Trump should be prosecuted. From the outset, the DOJ collectively set to work finding excuses for why he couldn't be.

  11. That's what the judge who has read it said. She called it a rationalization of a decision already made.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. Anonymous12:12 AM

    “Just wow, facebook ban on trump upheld.”

    That’s how people are interpreting the response by Facebook’s new independent oversight board, but it’s unfortunately not correct.

    The board actually decided that Facebook’s rules were too vague to allow them to determine whether Trump broke them or not. So now the onus is on Zuckerberg to rewrite Facebook’s responsible speech rules, and then the board will again review whether Trump’s ban is permanent.

    If Zuck clarifies them in such a way that Trump is banished forever, then we’ll all get to hear another round of Republicans fulminating about how Big Tech is screwing them with its woke lefty PC cancel culture.

    On the other hand, Zuck may wuss out and write rules that don’t effectively ban damaging political lies and hate speech, and then Trump will return to Facebook to spew bile.

  13. "but it’s unfortunately not correct."

    Correct enough. He is banned from FB right now right? The board appointed to look into the ban said it sees no reason to overturn such ban. So here we are.

  14. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/05/technology/facebook-trump-ban-upheld.html

    I guess the NYT, Washington Post and WSJ didn't get the memo.

  15. Anonymous1:00 AM

    “I guess the NYT, Washington Post and WSJ didn't get the memo.”

    Semantics. I’d describe his status as “suspended, pending a rewrite of Facebook’s rules.”

    “Banned” sounds permanent, and the board refused to rule on that.

  16. Yeah, they said they want to look at it again in six months and see if any clarification has been made, so he's still off for the time being.
    So he started a blog!
    Or he had Brad Parscale start one for him as he's most likely incapable of navigating Wordpress or Blogspot himself.
    Would David Broder have characterized him as a "Vituperative, foul-mouthed blogger on the right"?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Someone must be helping Trump write the blog, as well as having set it up for him. Since he has the attention span of a preschooler, I do not believe he is capable of sustained effort necessary to write anything longer than an all-caps, badly punctuated tweet.

  18. PilotX, get you some Jolly Time popcorn, jarred and bagged in Soo City, iowa.

  19. I suspect that He Who Ought Not Be Named now has long covid, including the brain fog. (Though in his case, how could you tell?)

  20. "Semantics. I’d describe his status as “suspended, pending a rewrite of Facebook’s rules.”

    I can go along with that.

    "PilotX, get you some Jolly Time popcorn, jarred and bagged in Soo City, iowa."

    Sounds good to me.

  21. Shows you how far down the shitter the Republican party has gone that Liz the fuck Cheney is now their voice of reason.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. Fergus tried to sneak back onto Twitter with "From the desk of Donald J. Trump" or some such horse shit and the backlash was so universal and immediate that it didn't stay up four hours, prompting multiple responses of "One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. Anonymous5:03 PM

    “Fergus tried to sneak back onto Twitter with ‘From the desk of Donald J. Trump’”

    Fergus is already trying to sidestep his Facebook suspension (and permanent Twitter ban) via his followers’ social media accounts. His blog reportedly has an automatic function that will copy quotes from the blog and post them to the blog reader’s Facebook or Twitter account.

    Facebook and Twitter should respond by ejecting Trump’s followers as well.

  24. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/texas-new-abortion-laws-1164730/

    Check out what magat state leges have been doing to abortion rights and pay close attention to Texas. Sounds like soon anyone anywhere in America can sue a Texas doctor who performs an abortion.

  25. New US study claims more than 900K Americans have died of covid.


  26. Anonymous6:55 PM

    "Check out what magat state leges have been doing to abortion rights and pay close attention to Texas. Sounds like soon anyone anywhere in America can sue a Texas doctor who performs an abortion."

    This is fanciful. I can't imagine even the current wingnut-controlled SCOTUS accepting the idea of a law that gives anybody, anywhere standing to sue for damages from an act that in no way affected them personally. If laws worked like this, the court system would collapse.

    This law will be struck down the moment some meathead in Idaho tries to sue an abortion provider in Texas whom they've never even met.

  27. Anonymous8:31 PM

    It really says something about the derangement of the Republican Party that its legislators are now passing laws that will get laughed out of a conservative-controlled court. The GOP doesn't even try to govern anymore; it only engages in endless culture-war stunts.

  28. So now the goddamn Republican party is mounting an assault on the legitimacy of voting itself. They don't care for democracy because people don't want to vote for their, uh, policies, as far as you can say they even have policies any more beyond "orange man good" and "brown people bad."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. Poor little Rudy has cut his entourage down to a driver who is the son of a friend of his.
    OK, two things: first, perhaps Fergus would be wise to cough up some of that $200 million he grifted off of his cult to cover Rudy's legal expenses in order to persuade Rudy against working with the prosecutors looking at Fergus, as that search warrant served on his home and office had to be OKed by a judge who was convinced that a crime occurred and evidence leading to a conviction of that crime would likely be obtained in the search, and as Rudy is an attorney (at least for now) the criteria are even more strict and include someone at main justice signing off on it.
    And second, Rudy has a friend?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. "Shows you how far down the shitter the Republican party has gone that Liz the fuck Cheney is now their voice of reason."

    And they will still win elections and possibly control the senate and house. Yikes.

  31. Tish James has had quite enough of Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, thank you very much...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  32. This law will be struck down the moment some meathead in Idaho tries to sue an abortion provider in Texas whom they've never even me

    I wouldn't bet on it with the extreme right makeup of this Scotus.

  33. A 6th grade girl (figure about 11 yrs old) shot two students and an adult at school with a handgun. Magats immediately called for all students to be armed, in case of bears, doncha know.


  34. 2020 election is the second big magat lie of 2020. First was covid being a hoax. Magats are still perpetuating both lies as gospel.

  35. Anonymous10:46 AM

    “Tish James has had quite enough of Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, thank you very much...”

    Here is the robocall message that was sent to homes of voters of the non-Caucasian persuasion (the reference to “the man” was a particularly hilarious touch):

    "Hi, this is Tamika Taylor from Project 1599, the civil rights organization founded by Jack Burman and Jacob Wohl. Mail-in voting sounds great, but did you know that if you vote by mail, your personal information will be part of a public database that will be used by police departments to track down old warrants and be used by credit card companies to collect outstanding debts?

    The CDC is even pushing to use records for mail-in voting to track people for mandatory vaccines. Don't be finessed into giving your private information to the man, stay home safe and beware of vote by mail.”

    Jack Burman and Jacob Wohl are trying to follow in the footsteps — er, slime trail — of James O’Keefe, but they are, if anything, even less clever than he is.

  36. Anonymous10:57 AM

    * Jack Burkman

  37. Moar whitey privilege in iowa....


    Wasicu wastey tried soliciting business from black homeowners after a fire. They turned him down. He went full on racist against them and threatened to get a gun. He also punched three pigs, including one sow beforer they apprehended them.

    Question? Don't their shooty Blacks in the back guns work on white trash?

  38. This guy is using the "Foxmania" defense. LOL! Does that mean Fox viewers can't think for themselves?


  39. Anonymous5:56 PM

    “Check out what magat state leges have been doing to abortion rights and pay close attention to Texas. Sounds like soon anyone anywhere in America can sue a Texas doctor who performs an abortion.”

    Speaking of bonkers lawsuits, Wyoming wingnuts think that they can sue other states to force them to buy their coal, which nobody wants anymore. Good luck with that.

    This is yet more confirmation that the Republican Party has declared war on reality.

    Wyoming stands up for coal with threat to sue states that refuse to buy it

  40. Anonymous6:00 PM

    “This guy is using the ‘Foxmania’ defense. LOL! Does that mean Fox viewers can't think for themselves?”

    Maybe Fox viewership will soon be clinically recognized as a form of mental illness. We’re going to need a lot more asylums.

  41. “This guy is using the ‘Foxmania’ defense. LOL! Does that mean Fox viewers can't think for themselves?”

    Well, sort of. Just like heroin addicts can think for themselves and in the eyes of the law every time they geeze up some skag it's a choice they made among all other possible choices.

    That, of course misunderstands the nature of addiction, and we have to come to grips with right wing propaganda as an addiction if we ever hope to have any of those seventy four million and change Fergus voters back in functional society.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. You can't handle the truth10:33 AM

    Blacks were taken from their home tribes (mainly by other Africans) & found themselves lumped with people from different tribes once in the New World. Living apart from their peoples and severed from their tribal traditions, I posit that their cultural identity was more malleable than white Americans'. Indeed, Sowell pointed out that they adopted some of the language & habits of the white Southerners in his book "White Liberals & Black Rednecks".

    After the civil rights movement, blacks en masse explicitly sought an identity distinct from whites. In this search, they effectively constructed an identity that opposed the Protestant ethic that made America prosperous. The African American Smithsonian poster summed it up by attributing showing up on time, independence, and law and order to be culturally white.

    I am not going as far to say that genetics did not play a role. In fact, it may have led to the adoption of some of these cultural traits. However, from the role of Black Studies departments, think tanks & cultural commentators like Norman Mailer who wrote "White Negro", there is plenty of evidence that the inner city black identity is a construct manipulated to deny American white identity. Since it rejects the habits necessary to prosper, it fails. These failures are then called "structural racism" & "white supremacy" that are used to castigate and successfully shame others to gain power.

  43. Anonymous10:38 AM


    Milwaukee man accused of killing 5-year-old son over piece of cheesecake pleads guilty

    (Of course, it's an African-out-of-place-in-America.)

    Why no protests, no demonstrations?  Because we know only too well, black lives do NOT matter to blacks when it's all kept "inside the tribe".  Black lives only matter as political tools.

  44. magats are fucking hypocrites. Liz Cheney is so much more conservative than the bimbo eruption from New York and the record of voting with drumpf ain't even close.

    The truth is magats can't handle the truth. They don't want to hear the truth. It is to magats what kryptonite is to Superman.

  45. you can't handle the truth skipped the middlemen in getting Africans to America and other places. Most of whom were fairer of skin than the Blacks.

  46. You can't handle the truth said...

    These failures are then called "structural racism" & "white supremacy" that are used to castigate and successfully shame others to gain power.

    10:33 AM
    Classic case of twisted logic that rationalizes oppression. Excellent example of blaming the victim!

  47. Sheldon iowa mother and father accused of beating 5 month old to death because it wouldn't stop crying, like magats.

  48. Richard Spencer's "think tank" has been sued out of existence by a man whose arm was crushed by the same NAZI asshole who killed Heather Heyer.
    Historically speaking, suing white power groups out of existence is an effective tactic, and one can only hope that a whole slough of such lawsuits can navigate the Fergus and McConnelled judiciary in the near future and suppress this phenomenon back to the cyclic spasms of idiocy it has been for decades and decades.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. Anonymous4:58 PM

    “Richard Spencer's ‘think tank’ has been sued out of existence by a man whose arm was crushed by the same NAZI asshole who killed Heather Heyer.”

    While I loathe Spencer, and generally rejoice when bad things happen to him, I have to admit that the precedent set by this sort of lawsuit is not great.

    If people who organize a protest are financially liable for the bad acts of anyone who attends the protest, that won’t only apply to repugnant Nazis like Spencer.

    DeRay McKesson has already been sued by a cop who was hit in the face by a brick at a BLM protest, which was thrown by somebody else, not McKesson. I think the case is still ongoing, but I’m not sure.

    Anyway, given the now-wingnut-filled federal courts, it seems like only a matter of time until BLM gets sued for any rioting that happens to occur in the wake of an officer-involved shooting. It is already a talking point on the right that BLM protesters=rioters.

  50. https://www.forbes.com/sites/elanagross/2020/11/02/supreme-court-rules-in-favor-of-black-lives-matter-organizer-deray-mckesson/?sh=663fa73f6cc8

  51. Anonymous9:20 PM


    Yeah, that was the latest development I am aware of. In November, the Supreme Court sent the case back to a lower court for further consideration. So the case still hadn’t reached any final verdict, at that point.

  52. I'm just thinking of how the Aryan Nations were sued out of existence after they detained and beat a Native American woman and her son after their car backfired and the NAZIs mistook it for gunfire.
    They were in decline by then so they were vulnerable to a multimillion dollar cash judgement, but I think the idea that hate is bad for business can be reinforced about now by bankrupting a few more of these assholes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. You can't handle the truth7:20 PM

    Since it rejects the habits necessary to prosper, it fails.

    Classic case of twisted logic that rationalizes oppression.

    The oppressed are those who are forced at gunpoint, not just to tolerate, but support such dysfunction.  Those people are overwhelmingly non-black.

    The Gods of the Copybook Headings

    AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race,
    I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
    Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

    We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
    That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
    But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
    So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.

    We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
    Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place,
    But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
    That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.

    With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
    They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
    They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
    So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.

    When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
    They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
    But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."

    On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
    (Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
    Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "The Wages of Sin is Death."

    In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
    By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
    But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."

    Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
    And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
    That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

    As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
    There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
    That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
    And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

    And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

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