Thursday, April 08, 2021

"Everybody got guns"

"I gotta a gun, he gotta gun, he gotta gun. Everybody got guns." ~Gyp Rosetti, Boardwalk Empire~

 There were two more high profile mass shootings again today in America. Maybe we shouldn't be calling them high profile because they registered a little above a blip in the nightly news cycle. We are all pretty fed up with the carnage and daily body count, but we have resigned ourselves to the fact that we will never defeat the NRA and the Second Amendment fanatics who honestly believe that a musket and a HK416 is the same thing. 

If you live in and around one of the major cities in this country, you will also notice that the murder rate is through the roof. And what makes this all the more sad is that it's children in most of these areas who are killing each other in record numbers because it's so easy to get their hands on a gun.  

This is all a bit perplexing because poll after poll shows that most Americans want sensible gun laws and legislation. I can only assume that what's stopping this from happening is a few politicians who owe their power to the fund raising arm of the NRA. These are men (and women) who are always going to be elected because they come from districts that have been gerrymandered with like-minded voters to ensure that they never lose another election. 

Today, the newly elected president, Joe Biden, tried to address the gun crisis in America by using the bully pulpit to talk about it. 

 "Gun violence in this country is an epidemic," Biden said in the Rose Garden to an audience of lawmakers and Americans touched by gun violence. "And it's an international embarrassment."  

The executive actions -- which Biden repeatedly argued did nothing to impinge on the Second Amendment right to bear arms -- include efforts to restrict weapons known as "ghost guns" that can be built using parts and instructions purchased online.

The moves are limited in scope and fall short of the steps Biden has vowed to pressure Congress to take. Still, they fulfilled his pledge last month to take "common-sense" steps on his own, and one move -- more heavily regulating arm braces used to make firing a pistol more accurate -- directly relates to the March shooting in Boulder, Colorado, where such a device was used. They took on new urgency coming on a day when the country experienced two more mass shootings..."

"Fall short." There are those two little words again. It seems that we are always falling short of doing the right thing when it comes to guns.  



  1. The arm braces are just the part of the AR-15 that's left out when you buy an AR556 "pistol", along with six inches of barrel.
    This allows them to be sold under the regulatory regime of a handgun instead of a semi-auto rifle.
    I don't care what you call it, if it fires a goddamn NATO round it's a fucking rifle.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. You people are insane8:05 AM

    We are all pretty fed up with the carnage and daily body count, but we have resigned ourselves to the fact that we will never defeat the NRA and the Second Amendment fanatics who honestly believe that a musket and a HK416 is the same thing.

    You First Amendment fanatics who honestly believe that a hand-cranked printing press and the Internet are the same thing need to be reined in.  Your ability to spread your delusions at light speed is the source of the USA's national illness.

    If you live in and around one of the major cities in this country, you will also notice that the murder rate is through the roof.

    Because of blacks killing people left and right, almost always with stolen weapons.  But it's "racist" to notice that.

    As a measure of the depth of your insanity, please describe just HOW "gun control" is going to stop black shooters who are committing a felony by merely POSSESSING a firearm?

    And what makes this all the more sad is that it's children in most of these areas who are killing each other in record numbers because it's so easy to get their hands on a gun.

    It's already illegal for children to purchase guns, so how do you expect more laws to do anything about that?

    I've got a sure-fire way to get the gun violence out of American cities:  purge the non-Whites back to their homelands.  The cities weren't violent hellholes until you "minorities" took over.

    1. Troll@8:05 am, u go first. These brown and black people have more rights to this country than u do. Don't let Tucker Carlson get your mind all twisted.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    All gun laws are Infringements to a Right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM

    A Brown Bess and a HK416 ARE the same thing under the Second Amendment.

    That's like saying the First Amendment doesn't apply because TV, Radio and the Internet didn't exist in Colonial America........your "argument" is HIGHLY flawed and infantile.

    The goal of the Left is to disarm Americans and enslave them.

  5. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I love all the House Niggers on this forum spewing the pabulum of their White Liberal Masters.

    Black Americans Have Been Buying More Guns During The Pandemic

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Gun ownership among Black Americans is soaring
    “In times of uncertainty people want to be able to have the means to defend themselves,” a law professor said:

  7. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Black Americans are wise to arm themselves as White Liberals spin America into the abyss and sell us out to the CCP(China).

    Black Americans wisely balk at the "vaccine" as their street smarts tell them it has EVIL intent(its not a vaccine).

  8. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Black Americans are not part of the New World Order in the long term. The racial issue is just a mechanism to advance White Elitest agenda at population control.

    African Americans are not part of the long term plan.

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Black Man arrested for assaulting Asian 7-Eleven employee in Manhattan, NYPD says:

  10. Anonymous9:28 AM

    To Arms .....To Arms......To Arms.....The Communists are here!!!!

  11. Lots of demented souls posting here this morning under anonymous.

    1. Yes Gambler, we need a new batch of troll spray.

  12. Anonymous11:23 AM

    It's you namefags who are demented.  The utter failure of your ideas to work for decades on end would have led any sane person to consider that they might be wrong.

    Sane you are not.

  13. I recommend rewriting A2 for clarity, thus:
    “The right of the people to keep and bear arms in a well-regulated State militia shall not be infringed.”
    This is a single grammatical clause explicitly balancing rights and responsibilities. As is, our present ungrammatical A2, broken into four pieces, invites unbalanced misreading. In particular, Scalia’s judicial activism in “DC vs Heller” canceled the “well-regulated” clause, in defiance of centuries of precedent, with the result that we now labor under a half-repealed A2, to malign effect now self-evident. I propose the above re-writing as a repair.

  14. Anonymous2:40 PM

    “A Brown Bess and a HK416 ARE the same thing under the Second Amendment.”

    I see. The right to bear arms is apparently infinite.

    So is an M1 Abrams tank covered under the first Amendment? A tank is an “arm.”

    What about tactical nukes? Should the average citizen be able to purchase a nuclear warhead to keep around to deter burglars? A tactical nuke is an “arm”?

    And what if it isn’t Cletus and Earl in the backwoods buying the tanks and nukes? What if it’s, say, Mohammed and Tariq? I imagine you’re totally fine with this, right?

  15. Anonymous2:44 PM

    “ So is an M1 Abrams tank covered under the first Amendment? A tank is an ‘arm.’”

    *Second Amendment

  16. The goddamn second amendment was written a couple of years after a war with a militia, so its retarded language by today's standards made sense at the time: "Our citizens are our fighting force and they really shouldn't be disarmed by anyone's goddamned army."
    The existence of our modern three quarters of a trillion dollars a year military makes the retarded second amendment redundant as well.
    No citizen militia will ever be required to fight our wars, and no citizen militia will ever stand a chance at "putting down a tyrannical government" as long as Predator drones and Hellfire missiles exist.
    So now what the goddamn second amendment is to our country is an excuse for backward looking conservative blowhards to make good and sure tens of thousands of US citizens die each year from holes torn in their flesh just so they can have toys to compensate for their tiny, shriveled penises.
    I own four rifles, three shotguns, two revolvers, and a Browning 9mm.
    I haven't shot them in years, and if they disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't really give a rat's ass.
    That's what sanity sounds like.
    The gun debate doesn't run on sanity, though, it runs on fear, and the state of our modern American carnage is pure poltroonery.
    I lived in all of the poorest neighborhoods in Oakland for 35 years, including during the crack epidemic and the Rodney King riots and never once did I carry a gun or wish I had been carrying a gun, and in fact there were times when had I been carrying a gun, I would have been killed.
    When I was growing up, learning to safely use and handle a firearm was a normal and healthy thing, but that was a long time ago and things are different now, even out here in the boonies where I live.
    A gun is a machine that makes a hole at a distance, but a gun is also a power symbol that gives the wrong folks an excuse to forego learning the social skills necessary to live in high population densities.
    They could be properly regulated, which will never stop 100% of gun deaths, because death is what guns are made for, but could drastically reduce the worst of it.
    Absolute terms don't work.
    Try thinking about what would make things slightly better or measurably worse, then you can make an informed decision, but only after you stop fetishizing the damn things.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Joke of the day from @acnewsitics on Twitter:

    A drunk driver, a child sex trafficker, and an insurrectionist walk into a bar.

    Bartender says, “What’ll you have, Mr. Gaetz?”

  18. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    “ So is an M1 Abrams tank covered under the first Amendment? A tank is an ‘arm.’”

    *Second Amendment

    2:44 PM

    Yes, the Second Amendment does not say firearms it says ARMS.
    You can own a 16" Naval gun from an Iowa class battleship. Some people do that can afford them.

  19. Anonymous6:13 PM

    What about tactical nukes? Should the average citizen be able to purchase a nuclear warhead to keep around to deter burglars? A tactical nuke is an “arm”?

    And what if it isn’t Cletus and Earl in the backwoods buying the tanks and nukes? What if it’s, say, Mohammed and Tariq? I imagine you’re totally fine with this, right?

    2:40 PM

    You can already own tanks and other armoured vehicle, people do have them and many have operational main guns on them.

    Nukes, really, you are that retarded, but I know what you are trying to do with your semantic game, "aha so you admit their are limits" You are a child and obtuse.

    Civil war is coming and cuck faggot types with purple hair wont do well......

    The Second Amendments TRUE purpose will soon been seen.......

    1. Troll@6:13 pm has a gut and couldn't run a 100 yards without puking on itself. But it's ready for war. OK then.

  20. Anonymous7:04 PM

    No citizen militia will ever be required to fight our wars

    We shouldn't be fighting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq or any of the dozen other places we have troops.  Not our business.

    Citizen militias are perfect for keeping the invaders from crossing the Mexican border, though.  Also for keeping governments from going all Khmer Rouge on the population.

    no citizen militia will ever stand a chance at "putting down a tyrannical government" as long as Predator drones and Hellfire missiles exist.

    If you think there are enough Hellfire missiles to take out even 1/10 of the patriots who showed up in Washington on January 6, you're loonier than a Canadian lake.  Quantity has a quality all its own.

  21. Anonymous7:20 PM

    “If you think there are enough Hellfire missiles to take out even 1/10 of the patriots who showed up in Washington on January 6, you're loonier than a Canadian lake. Quantity has a quality all its own.”

    You have to be kidding. A few weaponized drones could’ve easily wiped those goobers out. Of course, I would’ve preferred a police contingent to arrest them, instead. Respect for civil liberties and all. But it’s not like vaporizing them wouldn’t actually work.

  22. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Apparently, now it has come out that Matt Gaetz may have paid a fake candidate to run for Florida’s state Senate, in order to split the Democrat vote and help his Republican buddy win the seat. This is illegal, by the way.

    The fake candidate’s campaign literature suggested she was a Democrat and an African-American, neither of which was true.

    It seems like all the skeletons are falling out of Gaetz’s closet at once.

  23. Anonymous said...

    It's you namefags who are demented. The utter failure of your ideas to work for decades on end would have led any sane person to consider that they might be wrong.

    Sane you are not.

    11:23 AM
    Oh yeah, and Mr. Trump's and Mr. Hitler's ideas worked so well. LOL!

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:07 PM

    Anonymos said...

    If you think there are enough Hellfire missiles to take out even 1/10 of the patriots who showed up in Washington on January 6, you're loonier than a Canadian lake. Quantity has a quality all its own.

    7:04 PM
    That's interesting. I didn't see any "patriots" rioting on January 6. In the videos I saw a bunch if traitors trying to overthrow the government of the United States. Too bad the cops didn't shoot them all.

  25. Anonymous12:34 AM

    EXCLUSIVE: High living Hunter Biden blew tens of thousands on prostitutes, drugs and luxury cars, was desperate to avoid jail for $320k in unpaid taxes and threatened to take money from his daughter's college fund:

  26. Anonymous12:37 AM

    BRUTAL: Female Postal Worker Viciously Beaten in Flint, Michigan by negroes Over Delayed Stimulus Checks (VIDEO)

  27. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Joe biden stalin using the old diversion with gun control to divert attention away from his border diaster.

    200k illegal aliens a month streaming across our borders bringing Covid-19, Smallpox, TB, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough

  28. According to the Google we ordered 24,000 Hellfires last year, a figure that doesn't account for the ones already in our arsenal.
    Five of those fuckers could have leveled the entire insurrection.
    And if not? We still have an astounding number of conventional bombs and a large-ish fleet of bombers to deliver them.
    Blowing shit up is one thing we still are pretty good at here in America in the twenty first century.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    According to the Google we ordered 24,000 Hellfires last year, a figure that doesn't account for the ones already in our arsenal.
    Five of those fuckers could have leveled the entire insurrection.
    And if not? We still have an astounding number of conventional bombs and a large-ish fleet of bombers to deliver them.
    Blowing shit up is one thing we still are pretty good at here in America in the twenty first century.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    12:40 AM

    The savage lefts bloodlust of harming American Citizens peacefully protesting. They want to use military force just like Hitler and Stalin.

    progressive center left = communist

  30. Anonymous2:06 AM

    “Joe biden stalin using the old diversion with gun control to divert attention away from his border diaster.”

    Republicans using the old diversion with freaking out about “scary” brown people at the border to divert attention away from the fact they have nothing to offer except tax cuts for rich people.

  31. From Paul Krugman's Twitter feed:

    Josh Marshall
    · 15h
    April 9th is a glorious anniversary: the day Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, Commanding General of the US Army, received the surrender of Robert E. Lee, a renegade US Army Colonel who was a leader of a violent rebellion against the United States.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  32. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Fooled Negro wrote:

    Troll@8:05 am, u go first.

    But you say "white flight" is rayciss.  And I notice that you dodged the issue of JUST WHO is making American cities violent.  I'll give you a hint, they look like you, not me.

    These brown and black people have more rights to this country than u do.

    This country WOULD NOT EXIST without White people.  The Sioux, Hopi and Navajo did a good job of keeping the Aztecs out.  Your ancestors in Jamaica owe their very LIVES to White people who bought them instead of letting them be emasculated and worked to death by Arabs, or eaten by their African captors.  You owe your cushy life here to White Americans.

    Show some goddamn gratitude.

  33. Anonymous8:50 AM

    BLM founders purchase $1.4 million house in Topanga Canyon to get away from other blacks:

    This is a very common pattern:

    100% of murder suspects in St. Louis are better called "suspooks":

  34. Anonymous9:03 AM

    BLM founder is branded a 'FRAUD' after buying a $1.4 million home in an upscale mostly white enclave in LA

  35. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Troll@6:13 pm has a gut and couldn't run a 100 yards without puking on itself. But it's ready for war. OK then.

    7:48 AM

    Giggle, don't give up the day job to be a profiler........

  36. This antifa guy had a gun, was killed for havin it, accused of firing it at police when, in reality, it was recovered in his pocket with a full clip. Cops claimed spent cartridge in back seat proved he had fired first.

  37. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Border situation is out of control, biden is really fucking up by the numbers. Imagine the the incompetence when kuntmala takes over this summer.......

  38. Anonymous12:31 AM

    With 200,000 illegal aliens streaming across the border each month shouldn't there be a huge spike and spread of Covid?????

  39. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Gun control does not work because Negros do not obey laws.......

  40. Anonymoid 9:06 giggles at being... underestimated?

    Anonymoid 8:41 wants... gratitude?

  41. Anonymous11:59 AM

    David Hogg Says Goodbye to The Pillow Company He Tried to Create: Everything the left touches turns to shit:

  42. Anonymous12:03 PM

    The Left crave but one thing: POWER




    Pol Pot



  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:23 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The Left crave but one thing: POWER




    Pol Pot



    12:03 PM
    All of whom were fascists/totolitarians, not lefties. Your understanding of politics versus economics is woefully deficient.

  44. Troll 6:13 PM indirectly admits that tactical nukes aren't covered by A2, and directly expresses disgust at being asked a sensible question.

    Hint to gun cultists: George Washington insisted on A2's "well-regulated militia" clause because he had hard experience with the cowardice and treachery of rabbles in arms. Later, in the Whiskey Rebellion, he crushed such a rabble.

    And all molon-labe-labeled-morons should be advised: if the American people's elected government declares that certain weapons of war, and their bearers, are not well-regulated, then it need not send forth police squads to seize those arms by force; it will probably be enough to apply economic pressure. Fines, fees, liens on bank accounts, garnisheeing wages, shutting off credit, cable, power and water: such pressures will usually suffice. The government needn't take the cultists' unregulated guns; the cultists will semi-voluntarily give up those guns, when the lights go out and the faucets don't flow. It will happen peacefully and quietly; for peace and quiet are good for business, and the business of America is business. Money rules the world; weapons are only money's servants.

  45. And the retarded bastards who sit in the dark eating their hoarded canned goods deserve what they get. They'll die, eventually, and we'll get their guns then, without expending the merest of effort in their acquisition.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  46. Anonymous9:02 AM

    White House answered fake reporter’s questions for weeks before she was revealed as a “Lego” video gamer
    DC reporters frequently asked Jen Psaki questions on behalf of Kacey Montagu, who it turns out was not a real person.

  47. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    And the retarded bastards who sit in the dark eating their hoarded canned goods deserve what they get. They'll die, eventually, and we'll get their guns then, without expending the merest of effort in their acquisition.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    2:53 PM

    More liberal delusion. Much like trying to open a pillow company.....complete disaster.

  48. I see nowhere is David Hogg's former startup out of business. He is no longer affiliated with the effort and has gone back to gun control advocacy.

  49. Anonymous11:16 AM

    David Hogg starting a pillow company to compete with MyPillow was admittedly a silly stunt, which Hogg has now admitted he doesn’t actually have the time to pursue. (He’s a full-time college student at Harvard.)

    Then again, MyPillow itself is a fucking ridiculous joke of a business that proves the truth of the PT Barnum quote: “A sucker is born every minute.”

    It’s pretty obvious why Mike Lindell, scammy businessman, is a big fan of Trump, another scammy businessman.

  50. Anonymous2:55 PM

    "Fauci says it is ‘still not OK’ to eat or drink indoors — even if you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine

    Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans should not congregate to eat or drink indoors even if they've been vaccinated against COVID-19."

    What bullshit. Its all a scam people. Covid is no more deadly than the common flu. How can it be a vaccine if you cannot go out and about.....its all about CONTROL!!

  51. Anonymous3:05 PM

    “What bullshit. Its all a scam people. Covid is no more deadly than the common flu. How can it be a vaccine if you cannot go out and about.....its all about CONTROL!!”

    Vaccines do not provide 100% protection, particularly against the new variants of the virus. As far as is known right now, getting vaccinated will keep you from having to go to hospital or dying, but may not stop you from catching a milder case and spreading the disease to others.

    Accordingly, it is not okay to hold indoor gatherings of mixed vaccinated and non-vaccinated people.

    This is the whole point of vaccine passports: only let vaccinated people gather together in large groups (which is lower risk) until the vast majority of the population has been vaccinated and the pandemic ends.

  52. ".its all about CONTROL!!"

    Yeah, it controlled the fuck out of those 562,000 dead motherfuckers.
    And all of those long-termers who may or may not ever get their health back to a functional level? It's still controlling the shit out of them, also.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. Having an air freshener hanging from your rear view mirror is a capitol offense in Brooklyn Center, minn for young black man? Or pigs in minn can't tell guns from tasers.

  54. Anonymous8:13 PM

    “Having an air freshener hanging from your rear view mirror is a capitol offense in Brooklyn Center, minn for young black man?”

    This may be a misunderstanding. It remains to be seen, pending an investigation.

    Daunte Wright claimed, before his death, in a cell phone conversation with his mother, that the police had pulled him over for the air freshener, and maybe the police had indeed made some comment about his air freshener being a problem (probably some BS about it blocking visibility out his windshield).

    However, the police say he was pulled over for expired vehicle tags, not the air freshener.

  55. Minneapolis cops: "Please don't fuck shit up because we murdered you again."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Expired tags is not a capitol offense, either, except for black men.

  57. You have to be a sick f**k to pick on someone that was traumatized by gun violence.

  58. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    You have to be a sick f**k to pick on someone that was traumatized by gun violence.

    2:38 PM

    It was an inanimate objects fault or the nigger criminals fault???

  59. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    ".its all about CONTROL!!"

    Yeah, it controlled the fuck out of those 562,000 dead motherfuckers.
    And all of those long-termers who may or may not ever get their health back to a functional level? It's still controlling the shit out of them, also.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine
    4:52 PM

    More like 56,000 dead just like the common flu and pneumonia......

  60. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Accordingly, it is not okay to hold indoor gatherings of mixed vaccinated and non-vaccinated people.

    This is the whole point of vaccine passports: only let vaccinated people gather together in large groups (which is lower risk) until the vast majority of the population has been vaccinated and the pandemic ends.

    3:05 PM

    Total bullshit. There is no pandemic its a SCAMDEMIC.

    Vaccine Passport = Papers Please

  61. Anonymous12:34 PM


  62. What's that about a moron lobe? Why would anyone want to come take your moron lobe?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. Anon at 3:05 PM said....

    Total bullshit. There is no pandemic its a SCAMDEMIC.

    Vaccine Passport = Papers Please

    5:23 PM
    Your comments are so boring.

    Vaccine Passports = fantasy
