Monday, April 12, 2021

Caption Monday.


What's the title of this movie? 

Image from


  1. All the President's Perverts

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Fantastic Creeps and Where to Find Them

  3. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Molesters: Endgame

  4. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Despicable Matt

  5. Filthy felon's Fergus photo.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  7. I'll vote for DUMB AND DUMBER as Unknown at 1:08 stated.

  8. Hey Boots and Braids, LOVE the name of your blog!👍🏽

    I had some custom boots made when I lived in Texas and frequently get strange looks when I wear them in DC, lol!🤣

  9. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Joe Biden met with the Congressional Black Caucus in the Oval Office on Tuesday to discuss his infrastructure package and how he will allocate money to black communities.

    After mumbling for 3 minutes, Biden had enough and told the reporters to leave.

    A reporter quickly asked Biden, “Changing the way that African-Americans interact with police in this country during the Biden era, what can you deliver on, sir?”

    Biden responded by telling the reporters to leave the Oval Office: “A lot, and I’ll tell ya later, let’s go!”

  10. Anonymous7:02 PM

    “A reporter quickly asked Biden, ‘Changing the way that African-Americans interact with police in this country during the Biden era, what can you deliver on, sir?’

    Biden responded by telling the reporters to leave the Oval Office: ‘A lot, and I’ll tell ya later, let’s go!’”

    It’s wonderful how wingnut “journalists” are racist AND have the maturity level of eight-year-olds.

    Trying to trick the libs into giving you the stupid soundbite you want: That’s “making America great”!

  11. White Lies Matter7:13 PM

    Ding Dong and Clodzilla

  12. Anonymous7:32 PM

    If vaccination works, why do we need a mask??

    If masks work, why do we need vaccinations??

  13. Anonymous8:24 PM

    ?If only it were that simple.

  14. Anonymous8:59 PM

    “If vaccination works, why do we need a mask??”

    Because not enough people are vaccinated yet, dumbshit. Those who are vaccinated may still carry a small risk of infecting the unvaccinated. And while the vaccinated won’t die, many of the unvaccinated will.

    Plus, some vaccinated people going without masks encourages the unvaccinated not to wear them, either, when they absolutely fucking need to.

    So, yes, everyone will need to continue wearing masks in public indoor situations until the end of the summer, unless we want another wave of totally unnecessary deaths.

  15. Ask your doctor.

  16. OK, so now that we're leaving Afghanistan we have to repeal the stupid AUMF that my congresswoman at the time was the only one to vote against and has been tirelessly working for twenty years to repeal.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Anonymous said...

    If vaccination works, why do we need a mask??

    If masks work, why do we need vaccinations??

    7:32 PM
    With all the information that is available to you, and you still have to ask stupid questions like these, then you are dump as a rock.

  18. Caption:

    Beelzebub and his friends.

  19. Anonymous1:24 AM

    An update on one of the more prominent officer-involved shootings of recent days (the protests following it were where Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people):

    Kenosha officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back returns to full duty, won't face any discipline

  20. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Vaccine Passport = Papers Please

  21. No shoes, no shirt, no vax, no service.

  22. If vaccination works, why do we need a mask?

    To hide your weaselly magat face, bitch!

  23. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Given that:
    -There are significant serious side effects with every manufacturer's version;
    -This approach has never been tried in humans before;
    -Manufacturers have NO liability;
    -There are moral implications in using material derived from aborted human fetuses to make this vaccine;
    -There has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine;
    -These experimental substances were not tested WRT immunity but only for reduction of symptoms;
    -There are known cheap, safe and effective treatments (synthetic quinine and Ivermectin);
    -There is potential for antibodies from this vaccine making infection MORE severe;
    -There is serious concern about widespread female infertility induced by this vaccine;
    I elected to avoid being a guinea pig.

  24. In other words you're willing to die for your propaganda addiction.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. Anonymous5:25 PM

    “ -There are significant serious side effects with every manufacturer's version”

    The numbers of people who have experienced serious side effects are tiny. However, half a million have died of COVID in the US.

    “-This approach has never been tried in humans before”

    It’s now been “tried” on millions of people, with, again, only a tiny number of serious side effects.

    “-Manufacturers have NO liability”

    This is normal for vaccines. A government program exists to compensate anyone who does experience medical injury.

    “-There are moral implications in using material derived from aborted human fetuses to make this vaccine;”

    There are no moral issues. Embryos aren’t people.

    “-There has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine”

    There are multiple successful vaccines. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are in the neighborhood of 90% effectiveness in preventing infection. That’s about as good as you’re going to get out of any vaccine. No vaccines for any disease are 100% effective.

    “-These experimental substances were not tested WRT immunity but only for reduction of symptoms;”

    No. They have been tested for immunity, but vaccines never guarantee everyone receiving them will become totally immune. 90% of people becoming immune (for the Pfizer and Moderna) is pretty damn good, though.

    “-There are known cheap, safe and effective treatments (synthetic quinine and Ivermectin)”

    No, sorry, this is utter bullshit. Neither of these drugs works.

    “-There is potential for antibodies from this vaccine making infection MORE severe”

    No evidence of this whatsoever.

    “-There is serious concern about widespread female infertility induced by this vaccine”

    No evidence of this whatsoever.

    “I elected to avoid being a guinea pig.”

    Your logic is faulty. But then you’re a troll, so that’s par for the course.

  26. Well, as far as therapeutics go, there actually is one that's effective if administered early enough, and is being underused in the face of rising infection rates in some areas: monoclonal antibodies.
    The same stuff they gave Fergus when he was infected, they are now free and widely available but seriously underused, partly because they require infusion through an IV which is more difficult than a simple injection.
    When administered in time they have very impressive results at preventing serious illness that requires hospitalization.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    b-boy bouiebaisse
    Apr 12
    too many americans have internalized the cop logic that says police have the right to execute you for any perceived disobedience

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. If you're not in the vaccine experiment then you're in the virus experiment. Decades from now, doctors will examine the volunteers for the virus experiment, and learn a lot.

    The vaccine has FDA emergency approval; the virus has no approval. Every argument I've heard against the vaccine applies far better to the virus.

    I call anti-vaxxers "pro-virus".

  29. Anonymous said...

    I elected to avoid being a guinea pig.

    3:21 PM
    It's your choice whether or not to get vaccinate for Covid19. No one here cares which you choose.

  30. Gambler2:
    But the pro-virus faction may breed variants.

    Medical researchers call things like virus volunteering a "natural experiment". It would be unethical to assign people to such an experiment, but if it occurs by accident or by bad choices then it can provide useful information. So antivaxx guinea pigs may rest assured; Big Pharma will find a use for them.


  31. Paradoctor:

    But the pro-virus faction may breed variants.

    True. However for this one troll, let him/her stay unvaccinated and susceptible to Covid.

  32. But that is _uninformed_ consent.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Anonymous1:19 PM

    “But the pro-virus faction may breed variants.”


    If enough people get vaccinated, then herd immunity will be achieved, and those who refused the vaccine won’t matter much.

    But if too many refuse, even after public information campaigns and various types of cajoling (including bribing people to get vaccinated), then at that point, the only ethical option is to force them to get vaccinated. Being an idiot isn’t a moral justification for endangering vast numbers of other people. The right to personal choice has limits.

  35. Anonymous2:29 PM

    5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC

  36. Anonymous4:02 PM

    “5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC”

    74 deaths.

    Out of 66 million people fully vaccinated.

    A pretty good track record, compared to the much larger number that would inevitably have died of COVID without the vaccine. CDC calculates those numbers work out to 99.999% effectiveness in preventing death.

    I believe the technical term for that outcome is “success.”

  37. So now we have video of the police executing another unarmed child.
    Perhaps we should take the police's guns away from them until such time as they prove themselves able to safely handle them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. drumpf/Russia collusion has been proven and the feds have the proof.

    Execute drumpf immediately. No moar golf.

  39. Yeah, the problem with pulling nakedly corrupt bullshit when you're running for president is that if you win it will eventually come out.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine
