Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day News.


Today is Memorial Day, and as I always do on this day, I would like to acknowledge Mrs. Field's brother-in-law who gave the ultimate sacrifice for this country. Miss you, bro.

Now on to the news: 

As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre, it's amazing to me how many Americans were not aware of this atrocity that took place in this country we hold out as the "shining city on a hill" when it comes to human rights. The truth is, the white mayor of Tulsa, who was born and raised there, and whose father was the head of the historical society, never heard of what happened on what was known as Black Wall Street in his own city. 

Tulsa, of course, is not the only city that suffered from the cruel acts of racial violence against its black citizens. It happened in Rosewood, Florida, in Wilmington, North Carolina, Elaine, Arkansas, and Opelousas, Louisiana.  I could go on, but I would encourage you to google Red Summer.

This is why when conservatives try to whitewash (pun intended) the ugly truths about our history, and pretend that these things never happened, it's all so offensive to me. And pay attention, folks, because they are doing it again. Just look at all the gaslighting going on now that we are just months removed from that terrorist attack on out seat of government. Imagine how poor Viola Fletcher felt having to watch those domestic terrorists rekindle the memories she has of those past horrors against her family and her people.

Finally, while republicans continue their efforts to restrict the voting rights of people of color, the democrats, at least in the state of Texas, seem to be fighting back against the "the big lie". Thankfully, they walked out at the last minute last night before republicans could pass their restrictive--and some would call racist-- voting laws. 

 "The sudden revolt torpedoed the sweeping measure known as Senate Bill 7, which would have reduced polling hours, empowered poll watchers and scaled back ways to vote in Texas, which already has some of the nation's strictest voting laws.

For Democrats, the victory may be fleeting: Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who had declared new voting laws in Texas a priority, quickly announced that he would order lawmakers back to the state Capitol for a special session. He did not, however, say when that would happen.

"We've said for so many years that we want more people to participate in our democracy. And it just seems that's not the case," Democratic state Rep. Carl Sherman said." 

With the former national security advisor and trump acolyte calling for a Myanmar type coup in this country, they seem to want to do more than just pass laws at this point. They're getting desperate, and that's when bad things happen. Just ask Viola Fletcher.   


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Paul Krugman’s most recent tweet:

    “The American left asks why we can't be like Denmark, with universal health care, low child poverty, and high life satisfaction. The American right asks why we can't have a murderously repressive regime like Putin's Russia, or now Myanmar. OK.”

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Paul (((Krugman))) knows why the USA can't be like Denmark was, and not even Denmark can continue without expelling its incompatible immigrants.  Sweden has failed to do so, and is on its way to becoming a failed state.

    Paul (((Krugman))) knows, and won't say it because he hates legacy Americans.

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    “Paul (((Krugman))) knows why the USA can't be like Denmark was, and not even Denmark can continue without expelling its incompatible immigrants.”

    Yeah, yeah, the standard, boilerplate wingnut excuses for why America can’t have nice things:

    “We’re super scared of those uppity brown people that live here, so obviously this FORCES us to pass policies that ruin the country.”

    Worst. Logic. Ever.

  4. I spent some time at family burial plot where all the roads had finally been paved in the cemetery and the gnats were their usual magat like annoyances and try to get into your eyes because, like drumpf's cockeyed stoopid believers, they want to make sure you know they are around and will never leave you in peace.

    Other than that, it was a day so like any others in the past and future, as well.

  5. And the most insidious parts of these bills are the provisions for overturning results they don't like. We see the majority voted for X but we know better and will award the votes to Y. If this shit happens there needs to really be an insurrection because the fake shit they were rebelling against is actually happening.

  6. “We’re super scared of those uppity brown people that live here, so obviously this FORCES us to pass policies that ruin the country.”

    Welcome to America. I'll vote for something that hurts me as long as it hurts blah people more. Sad. We can never be great.

  7. Anonymous8:45 PM

    “And the most insidious parts of these bills are the provisions for overturning results they don't like. We see the majority voted for X but we know better and will award the votes to Y.”

    More like: We know the majority voted for X, but we’re going to pretend that vast hordes of illegal immigrants voted for him/her, and so candidate Y actually won.

    There is always a justification for each of their assaults on democracy, one that sounds plausible to incurious rank-and-file wingnut morons.

  8. Anonymous9:49 PM

    “We’re super scared of those uppity brown people that live here, so obviously this FORCES us to pass policies that ruin the country.”

    Worst. Logic. Ever.

    Wrong.  We're sick and tired of their criminal, parasitical nature.  We CAN'T build anything nice anymore, because they destroy it.  And going back to something from a while ago:

    What's that saying old black folks like to say? "I'm sick and tired of being tired?" That's kind of how I am feeling right now.

    Wipepo are beyond that feeling.  We're to the point of the Wrath of The Awakened Saxon, and exiting the USA pronto should be your highest priority.

  9. God bless you and yours, Field.

    I chose to honor President Lincoln. He died in the civil war as well.

    I can't believe you published this just before you heard about the Miami Massacre. Wow. The TV news showed the three commando guys that had jumped out of a van in their ski masks, fired over 100 rounds, left three dead and twenty wounded, jumping back into said white van and accelerating away from the 100-year anniversary mass shooting. The reporter informed us that the police had still not discovered the motive.

    I guess anybody with two eyes can figure out what the motive was.

  10. Anonymous9:58 PM

    “I guess anybody with two eyes can figure out what the motive was.”

    The motive was most likely a bunch of gangbangers shooting another gangbanger.

    The other 20 or so people who got shot were just unlucky enough to be standing in the way of the bullets.

  11. “Wipepo are beyond that feeling. We're to the point of the Wrath of The Awakened Saxon, and exiting the USA pronto should be your highest priority“

    😆😂 Let me know when you scare the first person out of the country.😆😂

  12. "We're to the point of the Wrath of The Awakened Saxon, and exiting the USA pronto should be your highest priority."
    Did you make a little poopy in your undies again? I know plenty of white folks who would cheerfully kick your ignorant, racist ass, but mostly wouldn't bother because of how lame, pathetic and stupid you are.
    Yeah, a bunch of white people are really miffed that they can't hunt brown people for sport any more, and even more put out that they can't talk about it without getting shunned, so now they have taken the brilliant brain-wizard approach of pretending none of it ever happened.
    Same with the election laws. We didn't win? YES WE DID!!! We'll go tell Mama!!! Mama! They cheated!!
    Someone needs to grow the fuck up, but with these clowns, that's not too likely.
    We have to kill the goddamn filibuster and pass SB1 at the very least, because the disease is spreading.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. “Someone needs to grow the fuck up, but with these clowns, that's not too likely.“

    Good luck with that. I will say they are good for humor. Just watch the quotes from “300” and that one movie with Mel Gibson where he’s wearing a dress yelling about “freedom” pile up. These incel nerds want to believe playing Call of Duty somehow makes them some kind of soldier. Well Doug let’s just sit back and laugh.😆

  14. I don't believe initial reports that witnesses claim that the shooting was a result of gang rivalry. The people interviewed by the police had no foreknowledge of the attack or they would not have attended. Of course it was a surprise attack. I say it was mere supposition and dangerous at that. It is not credible that members of the rival gang would have ratted out their own group. Nor will I believe that the gang rivalry was so bitter that it would sanction random shooting into a crowd. I'm calling bullshit until I hear credible evidence to the contrary.

    Three men in a stolen SUV planned a command-style raid on concert-goers. No one knows who they were. They were young, dressed in black with ski masks.

  15. Anonymous4:04 AM

    “Nor will I believe that the gang rivalry was so bitter that it would sanction random shooting into a crowd.”

    Why not? Crap like that happens routinely in every major city in America. Some of these young thugs don’t care how many innocent bystanders they kill while waging their turf wars.

  16. trump’s former advisor suggests a military coup at a Qanon event. How far have we sunk?

  17. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Let me know when you scare the first person out of the country.

    The nearest border is only six feet away.

  18. Here is a civil rights heroine named Viola, of a different color.

    Read about this decades ago in a leading mens magazine named Play something or other. It was part of a serial project and the gist of that story was whether the FBI had Liuzzo killed.

  19. Instant, and I mean INSTANT!, karma for anti-gay magats harassing boat flying Pride flag in Washington state.

  20. “The nearest border is only six feet away.“

    Um, ok. Let me know when you start deporting negroes.😆😂

  21. “Instant, and I mean INSTANT!, karma for anti-gay magats harassing boat flying Pride flag in Washington state.“

    Well, John Lennon did warn us.😆🤷🏾‍♂️

  22. Anonymous11:46 AM

    “‘The nearest border is only six feet away.’

    Um, ok. Let me know when you start deporting negroes.”

    He’s threatening to “deport” non-Caucasians into the ground.

    Genocidal keyboard warriors are the very best kind of people! Yup, no psychological dysfunction here at all!

  23. “He’s threatening to “deport” non-Caucasians into the ground.“

    Yeah, I just wanna know when he’s started.😆😂 They’ve been promising this for decades.


  25. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Niggas gonna nig, example #1732298 from Benton Harbor:

    There's a reason you don't see videos of White people doing things like this:  White people don't do things like this.  That is why White people can have nice things and you can't.  It comes down to the content of your character, which is incompatible with civilization and the things civilization can provide.  There's no such thing as "racism" no matter what modifiers you put in front of the word, there is only black dysfunction.

  26. "Crap like that happens routinely in every major city in America."

    That's only in your propaganda that wants to keep you voting and donating Republican. Real American cities are nothing like that or millions upon millions of Americans wouldn't prefer living in them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. "White people don't do things like this."


  28. "White people don't do things like this."

    Didn't see many blah folks storming the U.S. Capitol did we? Can't have nice things like a U.S. Capitol building. LOL!

  29. Gates and other magats duped into praising Lee Harvey Oswald. Stoopid is as stoopid repeats.

  30. "There's no such thing as "racism" no matter what modifiers you put in front of the word, there is only black dysfunction."

    Irony is lost on teh stupid. LOL!

  31. Racism
    a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

    Also called in·sti·tu·tion·al rac·ism [in-sti-too-shuh-nl rey-siz-uhm, -tyoo-], struc·tur·al rac·ism [struhk-cher-uhl rey-siz-uhm], sys·tem·ic rac·ism [si-stem-ik rey-siz-uhm] . a policy, system of government, etc., that is associated with or originated in such a doctrine, and that favors members of the dominant racial or ethnic group, or has a neutral effect on their life experiences, while discriminating against or harming members of other groups, ultimately serving to preserve the social status, economic advantage, or political power of the dominant group.

    an individual action or behavior based upon or fostering such a doctrine; racial discrimination.

    racial or ethnic prejudice or intolerance.

  32. Anonymous6:16 PM

    "That's only in your propaganda that wants to keep you voting and donating Republican. Real American cities are nothing like that or millions upon millions of Americans wouldn't prefer living in them."

    No, they happen, alright. Usually, the death toll isn't as high as in Miami, but innocent people do die from stray bullets all the time, and drive-by shootings are way to commonplace.

    Millions of people live in cities because, to put it bluntly, the police mostly manage to confine the carnage to poor neighborhoods populated with people of color, who don't have other options of places to live. If the violence were distributed evenly throughout all neighborhoods, there would be a massive exodus of these cities' wealthier citizens.

    I do not dispute that wingnuts exaggerate the scariness of most metropolises, making them sound like terrible, nightmarish hellholes, nor that they disingenuously pretend that the fault for urban crime lies entirely with Democratic mayors and has nothing whatsoever to do with our nation's unfair, hyper-capitalist economic policies or its ugly history of racism.

    But I'm also not going to downplay the fact that America has a frankly bad crime rate for such a wealthy country as we are. Urban gangbangers are one of the demographics most responsible for committing mass shootings, along with domestic abusers, right-wing terrorists, and the violently insane.

  33. “and the violently insane”.

    trump and his supporters.😆


  35. Another genius that will be cooling her heels in prison for the next 20+ years for being a genius.

  36. And yet another genius.


    I know, I know false flag ops. LOL!


  39. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    John Pfaff
    · May 31
    Homicides. Rose. Everywhere. All across the country. Everywhere.

    But the articles are on Portland, LA, SF. Cities with Republican mayors and anti-reform DAs saw homicides rise too.

    Haven’t seen a SINGLE national-press article wondering abt those.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. Anonymous10:58 PM

    “But the articles are on Portland, LA, SF. Cities with Republican mayors and anti-reform DAs saw homicides rise too.

    Haven’t seen a SINGLE national-press article wondering abt those.”

    Par for the course. It’s a standard lie on the right that crime only exists in Democrat-run cities, and nowhere else. And that the cause of the crime is the Democrats themselves in the city government, while ignoring all other factors.

    But cities are sort of inherently conducive to crime. It’s all the pros of cities (economic opportunities; richer cultural amenities; greater governmental resources; support of one’s own ethnic group, if you’re an immigrant or ethnic minority) that have always motivated people to put up with the cons, which include crime.

    On top of that, America is a violent country overall (relative to other weathy countries) due to our having such an unfair, unequal distribution of wealth and being absolutely awash in guns — two things Republicans apparently love and want more of, since they keep voting for them.

  41. Stansbury outperformed both Haaland and Biden's victories in the November election tonight.

    "But cities are sort of inherently conducive to crime."

    And I have seen it up close and very personal. Back in the late eighties at the height of the crack epidemic, I lived right behind the MacArthur BART station in Oakland. Gunfights in the street every week, three murders within 30 feet of our front door.
    But the thing is, before the recent blip in crime stats, crime was waning in a big way in American cities, and those neighborhoods don't look anything like they did in the bad old days. Property that you couldn't unload for a song in 1988 in what's called "deep East Oakland" are selling for three quarters of a million dollars now, if you can get one. Folks like me have been long since gentrified out, and the neighborhoods have lost some of their character, but new character is seeping in.
    Basically, if I could afford it, I would still live there.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Didn't see many blah folks storming the U.S. Capitol did we?

    We saw one murder a White woman in cold blood.  Notice that HIS name has not been released.

    Can't have nice things like a U.S. Capitol building.

    We'd have a much better country if they kept the Capitol building and made certain that those eligible for the various Congressional [ethnicity] Caucuses were never allowed to set foot in them ever again.

    Because [ethnic]-American is not-American, and should be allowed no part in determining how Americans live.  Teddy Roosevelt was right.

  43. Anonymous12:37 AM

    a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

    But what if it's true?  What if centuries of experience PROVE that it's true?  Then "racism" equals realism, which equals truth.  It's not "prejudice", it's fact.  And it SHOULD be codified into law, to protect the vulnerable from the violent and stupid.

  44. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Another genius that will be cooling her heels in prison for the next 20+ years for being a genius.

    Another example of the bigotry of low expectations.  A pavement ape who sucker-punched a White 12-yr-old only got SEVEN years.

  45. "We saw one murder a White woman in cold blood."

    Another genius who was illegally entering federal property. Should have been A LOT more shot that day.

  46. "And it SHOULD be codified into law, to protect the vulnerable from the violent and stupid."

    Agreed, the public needs protection from imbeciles like yourself. And apparently you need to be protected from yourself.

  47. Another genius with an outstanding IQ kills 4 family members then kills himself. Wow, then again so many geniuses in Kentucky. These high IQ's need to be kept away from guns.

  48. This high IQ genius murdered his mother and then hid her under clothes. With brain warriors like these running around I should feel even more inferior. Master race!!!!!!

  49. Hey anon, how many negroes have you "deported"? Let me know when you strt. LOL!

  50. "Because [ethnic]-American is not-American, and should be allowed no part in determining how Americans live."

    LOL! But guess what? All the people you don't think should be Americans ARE Americans and make laws just like the genius class. Deal with it because there's not a damned thing you can do about it. LOL! We're here to stay son.

  51. "We'd have a much better country if they kept the Capitol building"

    Um yeah, we'd be a great country if a bunch of inbred, mouth breathing, loincloth wearing morons kept control of a municipal building. If I were as dumb as you I'd post as anonymous too. LOL!

  52. anymoose @ 12:38 AM, wasicu saw the black guy behind him and deserved to be clubbed for dancing like an out of control, no rhythm honky.

    Immediately after the punch landed, a black guy sitting with the music machine jumped up and chased the perp back to his vehicle and then went to aid the victim. I saw no POC celebrating the assault, but mayhaps your racist pig like eyes did.

  53. Teddy Roosevelt was right and America should preserve the environment instead of magats allowing the exploitation of all resources for their corporate campaign contributors.

    He was also right when he looked at wingnut repubs and called them "BULLY!"


    25 year old Texass ammosexual out riding bikes with hubby and five year old bullet backstop shot her gun at boxer puppy and hit her son in the abdomen. Good shooting, Annie Chokely.

    In other shooting news.....

    Another mass shooting in Springfield, Ohio at a celebration of life party.

  55. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Black Lives Matter St. Paul founder says he quit over 'ugly truth'
    Rashad Turner now heads Minnesota Parent Union

  56. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics officially recorded 36 dead.[17]

    CHICAGO Final May 2021 Totals (vs 2020)
    Shot & Killed: 63 (-20%)
    Shot & Wounded: 335 (+7%)
    Total Shot: 398 (+1%)
    Total Homicides: 66 (-22%)

    Negroes kill more of each other week after week than were killed during the Tulsa incident.

    If black live truly mattered in the black community........why do they SLAUGHTER each other in large urban centers EVERY day.

  57. Anonymous10:49 AM

    History has a funny way of repeating itself......

  58. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Road map of out of control negro violence:

  59. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Trump’s blog is shutting down. This is unsurprising, because he is simply too lazy to write a blog and must have had staffers helping him do it.

    He will probably pop up again on Gab or Parler or one of the other “alt” social media sites, but those are foul sewers, inhabited by only the rankest of the wingnut bottom-feeders, so thankfully normal people won’t encounter him there.

  60. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Someone named Liz Jenkins has posted a hilarious video on Republicans’ claim that the Jan. 6th rioters were only “tourists.”

  61. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Another violent negro attack on Asian American:

  62. Anonymous12:27 PM

  63. From Raw Story this morming...

    The woman, 24-year-old Angelia Mia Vargas, was charged with deadly conduct with a firearm after opening fire three times on the 6-month-old boxer puppy but instead wounding her son in the abdomen, reported KTRK-TV.

    All we need is more people with guns. What could possibly go wrong?

  64. If white lives matter so much why do they kill each other and themselves everyday?

  65. The whiter the state the worse the firearm mortality rate.🤔

  66. Anonymous2:03 PM

    “The whiter the state the worse the firearm mortality rate.🤔”

    Huh, wonder why? Could it be people like this fella here, demonstrating the practical, sensible nature of open-carry laws?

    Nothing bad could come from morons wandering around with anti-tank weapons, could it?

  67. I have an idea. Let's let everyone buy hand grenades with no age restrictions ?

  68. Anti-Vaxxer Who Claimed COVID Would 'Wipe Out A Lot Of Stupid People' Now Has COVID

    Notorious bigot/racist/homophobe/anti-semite, whatever else, Pastor Rick Wiles has been hospitalized with COVID-19.
    By Ed Scarce

  69. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "I have an idea. Let's let everyone buy hand grenades with no age restrictions ?"

    I think Texas is working on that.

  70. I can assure you white scumacysts and their ilk have anti tank weapons and were probably given to them by the police. Probably have tanks, as well.

  71. So add "blogger" to the long list of things Fergus is a failure at.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. Israel opposition groups strike deal so Netanfuckhead is out or will be shortly. He can move to drumpf city after prison.

  73. "So add "blogger" to the long list of things Fergus is a failure at."

    Is there room?

  74. Anonymous6:59 PM

    “Israel opposition groups strike deal so Netanfuckhead is out or will be shortly. He can move to drumpf city after prison.”

    If this comes to pass, I will be happy to see Netanyahu go, but the government that would replace him is highly likely to collapse within milliseconds. The opposing coalition is made up of parties from across the political spectrum, ranging from lefties and Arabs who want a two-state solution to the ethnic conflict, to far-right figures like Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked, who support more colonization of the West Bank and favor stomping even harder on the Palestinians than already has happened to date.

    These folks don’t agree on anything, politically, beyond all hating Netanyahu.

  75. This made my day.😃

  76. 10 year old boy talked 26 year old dad into driving im to a paintball drive by, whereupon the home owner thought he was under attack and shot the kid. Then the kid somehow got partly runover by the van his dad was driving. Dad gets charged for some reason.

  77. And to think this delusional fool was once president AND other fools think he was good AND want this fool back! We are one dumb country.

  78. "These folks don’t agree on anything, politically, beyond all hating Netanyahu."

    Seems to be a quality Bibi shares with Fergus: the ability to unite pretty much every sentient being in their opposition.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  79. First thing to do is get the Likud guy out.

    Then Israel can heal.

  80. @anon 11:49 AM

    Not surprising that trump's blog is a failure. Successful blogs are thoughtful.

    Twitter is the more modern way for primates to fling feces. And that's what trump is most successful at: flinging feces

  81. "Twitter is the more modern way for primates to fling feces. And that's what trump is most successful at: flinging feces"



    Americans are far more likely to attempt smuggling drugs into America across southern border than Mexicans.

  83. “1921 Tulsa Massacre WAS A BIG LIE“

    Yeah, it was a CIA false flag op.😆

  84. “1921 Tulsa Massacre WAS A BIG LIE“

    And trump will reclaim office in August.😆😂

  85. Anonymous2:46 PM

    “And trump will reclaim office in August.😆😂”

    But only if you send him money to fight the evil Democrats before August. Submit your credit card info and make your donation now!

  86. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Google removes its head of diversity, Whitie Hating, Jew Hating, Flaming Fruitcake Kamau Bobb, after 2007 blog post surfaces in which he claimed Jews have 'an insatiable appetite for war'

    Kamau Bobb, head of Google's diversity strategy and research team, was removed from his post after an antisemitic blog post he had written was uncovered.

    Bobb wrote that Israel had "an insatiable appetite for vengeful violence" in a 2007 post.

    Google apologized for his comments and said he was being reassigned to a role on the company's STEM team.

  87. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Police body-cam video of Sen. Sandra Cunningham’s DWI arrest

  88. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Obama's favorite military fails (Iran) just like his presidency. Fuck the pedophile mohamed and let pigs piss be upon him.

  89. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Two Iranian fighter jet pilots are killed when ejector seats activate before take-off 'and smash them into hangar roof'

    State broadcaster IRIB reported the F-5 fighter jet had a 'technical problem' that killed both the pilots, who were identified as Kianoush Basati and Hossein Nami, without providing their rank

  90. Anonymous4:20 PM

    The Good Old Strong Iran Military - Iran's largest warship catches fire, sinks in Gulf of Oman AND..... Two Iranian fighter jet pilots are killed when ejector seats activate before take-off 'and both pilots are smashed like refried beans when they slam into the hangar roof'
    Iran's largest warship catches fire, sinks in Gulf of Oman

  91. Anonymous4:24 PM

    It was like pussy everywhere! Feral Negro Jail Guards from Paulding County Sheriff's Office, LaDarius Dominique Jones, 30, and Lucas Mays, 22, charged with sexually assaulting female inmates
    'It disgusts me,' says Georgia sheriff after jailers charged with sexually assaulting female inmates

    Following a GBI investigation and video evidence, two Georgia jailers are behind bars after several female inmates reported inappropriate sexual contact.

    Authorities in Georgia say two jailers have been arrested after allegations they sexually assaulted several female inmates.

    According to the Paulding County Sheriff's Office, LaDarius Dominique Jones, 30, and Lucas Mays, 22, were taken into custody Thursday.

    On May 12, a female inmate reported to jail staff that two male jailers had inappropriate sexual contact with her. The jailers were placed on administrative leave and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation was contacted.

  92. Anonymous5:37 PM

    “‘And trump will reclaim office in August.😆😂’

    But only if you send him money to fight the evil Democrats before August. Submit your credit card info and make your donation now!”

    And please ignore the fine print revealing that your intended one-time payment will actually turn out to be a recurring payment that empties your bank account.

  93. “Obama's favorite military fails (Iran) just like his presidency.“

    Be DID get re-elected unlike the last guy.🤷🏾‍♂️ Somebody thought he was doing a good job.

  94. Anonymous said...

    1921 Tulsa Massacre WAS A BIG LIE

    1:13 PM
    You Trump loving fascists say that whenever you are caught doing something despicable.

  95. From Blaine Thurier's Twitter feed:

    · Jul 12, 2019
    One in eight men (12%) say they could win a point in a game of tennis against 23 time grand slam winner Serena Williams

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  96. “One in eight men (12%) say they could win a point in a game of tennis against 23 time grand slam winner Serena Williams”

    I think I could win one point against Serena. I wonder how many of them think they coul do take a set.😆

  97. So the FBI is investigating DeJoy for pulling an Agnew. I hope they make him sit for an interview because you know that prick won't be able to stop himself from lying.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  98. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The Colored Folks... always drama - Kennedy Hobbs, 18, was shot three times & murdered at a Texaco gas station in Jackson, Mississippi just hours after graduating and two months after her feral Negro boyfriend with a checkered past, Jaquan Williams, 21, was gunned down near a convenience store
    Student, 18, is shot dead outside a Jackson gas station just hours after graduating and two months after her boyfriend, 21, was gunned down near a convenience store

  99. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Black Florida airman accused of raping 11-year-old girl he met on dating app:

  100. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Mild COVID Infection Leaves Lasting Immunity: Study – IOTW Report

    Now, the question is how many people actually caught covid. If the positive tests are to be believed, we should have achieved herd immunity long ago. But we know the test numbers were juiced, as were the fatality numbers.

    If a large number of supposed covid cases were actually flu cases, we may never have been in a pandemic at all, or had the need for a vaccine, since the infection and fatality rates were low, and effective, proven therapeutics were available this whole time.

    But they keep pushing the deadly jabs, and they’re gearing up for the booster jabs because apparently the immunity from jab is inferior to natural immunity. They’ll probably back off on boosters, just like they did on masks, because resistance to the jab is growing, and the jabbed are starting to have buyer’s remorse. I expect that the next Fauci will slag natural immunity hard, because there’s no way to pump up boosters for an inferior, dangerous, untested jab.

    I’m just hoping the whole scam is exposed and people just walk away. It’s too much to expect anyone to be punished.

  101. Anonymous11:11 AM

    "But we know the test numbers were juiced, as were the fatality numbers."

    We KNOW it? Where is the proof? Please provide data.

  102. Anonymous11:13 AM

    White parents raped their own baby! Just sick! Oh yeah, it's ok because they're not negroes.

  103. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Another day another white guy kills a baby. What is it with you guys killing babies? Shooting up classrooms full of them, get your shit together before you come in here lecturing us negroes about how to act. Oh yeah that's right, it's a CIA plot. False flag right?

  104. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Oh wait, and yet ANOTHER white guy sexually abusing a fucking baby! Just sick but once again it's ok because he's white. Sick!

  105. But we know the test numbers were juiced, as were the fatality numbers.

    But you don't know any of that as verifiable, scientific proven facts in the real world.

  106. Anonymous said...

    " **just like they did on masks, because resistance to the jab is growing, and the jabbed are starting to have buyer’s remorse."

    10:02 AM
    Where did you find this misinformation? FOX NEWS? Breitbart? Please let us know.

  107. “and the jabbed are starting to have buyer’s remorse."

    Really? I haven’t seen this. UAL pilots are getting extra pay for being vaxxed. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Why would there be regrets about being able to take off masks and being vaccinated against a deadly virus?


  109. McGahn is testifying before the house judiciary committee today.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  110. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Trump’s Facebook suspension has gotten an official ruling.

    He’s sentenced to Facebook jail for the next two years. After that, he’s up for parole — but they can then decide to keep him in Facebook jail if they determine he’s still a lying weasel and a fountain of hate speech. Spoiler alert: He will not have reformed at all, and will still be both of those things two years from now. Plus, he may be in REAL jail by then.

  111. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Trump's suspension applies to instagram, too, so we will be spared photos of Trump doing yoga or the trendy, locally sourced, all-organic meal he ate at Sunday brunch, interspersed with rants about Antifa and Mexican rapists.

  112. “Plus, he may be in REAL jail by then.“

    His supporters don’t care. He may be the first president to give his acceptance speech from the pokie.

  113. The main thrust of the Facebook suspension is the curtailing of the vast sums of money he used Facebook to grift from his idiot hordes.
    Don't be surprised if Zuckerberg finds a way to absorb some of that filthy lucre before the two years is up and gets the ban lifted.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. I mean I wouldn't want to debate and have to defend Republican "policies".

  115. I wonder if he is Catholic?

    Rioter Who Called Lawmakers Pedophiles Is a Pedophile

    June 4, 2021 at 5:57 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 176 Comments

    A Capitol riot suspect who was captured on video shouting to police that they were “protecting pedophiles” was himself previously convicted of statutory rape of a 14-year old girl, CNN reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  116. "A Capitol riot suspect who was captured on video shouting to police that they were “protecting pedophiles” was himself previously convicted of statutory rape of a 14-year old girl, CNN reports."

    You have got to be kidding.

  117. PilotX said...

    Really? I haven’t seen this. UAL pilots are getting extra pay for being vaxxed. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Why would there be regrets about being able to take off masks and being vaccinated against a deadly virus?

    3:37 PM
    The anonymous troll you replied to is hopelessly lost in the Trump swamp. He and the others who are stuck there would rather die of Covid than wear a mask of get vaccinated. It's a feature of the evolutionary theory of survival of the fittest. Let's hope most of them have not yet reproduced.

  118. Anonymous12:42 PM

    TRUMP is Great!!

  119. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Why would there be regrets about being able to take off masks and being vaccinated against a deadly virus?

    3:37 PM

    Because it is NOT the plague. The media IS the virus, its 99.9% survivable. Its a flu bug nothing more.....

  120. Tell that to India.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  121. Anonymous said...

    Why would there be regrets about being able to take off masks and being vaccinated against a deadly virus?

    3:37 PM

    Because it is NOT the plague. The media IS the virus, its 99.9% survivable. Its a flu bug nothing more.....

    12:44 PM
    It is sad that you have bought the big lie about the Covid plague. Don't you know that your hero, Trump, nearly died from it? The doctors at Walter Reed used heroic measures to save his life. Are you willfully ignorant or just blinded by right-wing lies?

  122. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
    an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, The Wiz, Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur,
    The Taking of Pelham 123, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate,
    Dr Do Little, Death Note live action series on NetFlix, Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America]

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy,
    Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, The Rocky Horror Picture Show:
    Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire,
    I Am Legend, Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island,
    Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
    on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.
